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šŸ§µ I made this meme

Anonymous No. 744540

Hope u like it

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meowscarada sneas....jpg

šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Why 3d artist/sculptors are so unoriginal compared to 2d artists.

Weedracoon anon No. 744513

A bit of a meta thread i guess. It's mostly about traditional miniature sculpting, not sure if this fits here.
So, with miniature sculptors you get 3 major groups.
>1) capeshit fags
Sculptors who would only do capeshit/ mainstream pop culture miniatures. I guarantee you very single one of those made le ebin Venom sclupt. Venom, Batman and wolverine are probably the most popular choices for sculpture.
>2) Warhammer/ generic fantasy miniature
Those make up about 70% of all western miniature scluptures. Historical miniatures would probably also fit here
>3) anime
Endless waifu sculpts, sometimes kaijus and tokushit. Anime sculpting style is different from westernz they would often use colored clay instead of fully painting the figure.
>Bonus group
These are the rest. Despite making mostly original creatures these guys follow artstation trends so their generic Hollywood monsters all look the same.
What i'm trying to say that, there is almost zero creativity in the 3d/sculpting community. Unlike in 2d which breeds endless amounts of OC. Why is that?

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šŸ§µ Dr. Goldhead thread

Anonymous No. 744462

This is a webcomic about an evil scientist who has a head made of solid gold.
I know my drawings aren't the greatest, but I had a lot of fun working on this.
I draw at a slow pace, so I might end up updating it pretty infrequently.

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šŸ§µ I fucking love wario

Anonymous No. 744442

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 744414

You know what to do

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Untitled (1).png

šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Someone fix her

Anonymous No. 744394

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šŸ§µ my art dump

Anonymous No. 744340

I will dump artworks I've sent to my friends
You can also request, might or might not do them
(more likely to do if it's simple and sfw)

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 744336

can YOU draw them ALL?

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love this.jpg

šŸ§µ you think?

Anonymous No. 744314

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šŸ§µ xc

- No. 744304


Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)

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šŸ§µ /his/torical figures

Anonymous No. 744270

Draw historical figures and other anons will guess who you drew

Oekaki Post (Time: 16m, Replay: View)

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 744252

draw a better logo

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-d-emona dick.png

šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 744200

/d/emona bulge thread?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 744134

draw a smiley face

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68 Sem TĆ­tulo_202....png

šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 744047

Currently drawing an animan studios meme with MGS4 on it, the geeko is gonna be a nightmare to draw tho.

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šŸ§µ Mickey Mouse Going Public Domain

Anonymous No. 743991

I've been dressing up as a "Neighborhood Mickey Mouse" and cleaning up the streets of Ypsilanti, MI, USA. I used to do this 5-7 years ago throughout Detroit and Highland Park, MI, USA.

I attempt to create awareness of Mickey Mouse's prolonged trademark status.

I see myself as an anarchist. I feel it's bullshit to have any sort of prolonged trademark, copyright, or patent on any creation. I do believe in recognition of source material and its derivatives.

Anyway, yeah, boutta dump a buncha crude Mickey Mouse faces I've been drawing and handing out to passerbys while cleaning the streets. I've also been handing out my Mickey faces to people who've served me (delivery drivers, servers, etc.). Fuck yeah.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 743971


Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Replay: View)

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 743940

I need your help anon
I need a drawing. I can't draw by myself so I hope someone is willing to help me.

A gorilla who's legs and arms are in chains. The chains are pulled so his arms and legs spread like a starfish. He's is basically hanging a bit in the air. A man, maybe a scientist masturbated him. The gorilla's face expression is angry but he also enjoys it.

I need it to win a argument

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100 characters.png

šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 743911

let's all do one at a time. I'll start.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Draw this old character I made No. 743842

Something that I drew years ago.

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šŸ§µ Alt Methods

Anonymous No. 743816

first time I used sand to draw.
You ever use anything other than computer or pencil/pen/brush etc?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 743782

I drew a character (plural) that's completely original with absolutely no source of inspiration other than my own imagination and wanted to share it here because why not

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 743728

please draw mac tonight as best you can

Oekaki Post (Time: 17m, Replay: View)

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šŸ§µ Something based on how I'm feeling rn

Anonymous No. 743628