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little guy x dr b....png

🧵 Obscure Webtoon Fanart

Anonymous No. 773542

Anything is allowed, so long as it's obscure.

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Draw her Outfit I....png

🧵 ꧁~Draw her outfit ~꧂

Anonymous No. 773392

You there! Yes you, It's time to practice drawing some clothing design, fold placement, different textures/material, maybe just some line art practice? here's a character to get you started, she needs your help, just give her your credit card number the 3 digits on the back so she can get some clothes

You're free to change her hair and add any clothes you like. the background color is set to almost grey so if you want color feel free to fiddle with the hue/saturation. Any accessories can be chosen belts, shoes, bags, Armor, jewelry, swimsuits, hats, brass knuckles you name it she'll wear it

Feel free to post your own character templates for others to edit

Don't have any ideas? just wanna practice? alright you lazy bum go check out the catalogue prepared just for you >>6916416

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🧵 Draw one of my girls.

Anonymous No. 773324

I made harem of girls!

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🗑️ 🧵 Find the artist

Anonymous No. 773257

Could you share the image? pls

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 773240

Bannerlord stuff i drew, moving here to not disturb >>>/vst/1671135, maybe some more skilled people than me join in, maybe you're the one

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🧵 Tracing

Anonymous No. 773118

Is it okay to trace if you're just starting out and trying to learn?

I'm a writer by trade and don't intend to get more involved with art than with writing, but I just bought a Kindle Scribe and have been having a lot of fun sketching and was wanting to use the doodles to supplement some poetry, Rupi Kaur-style.

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🗑️ 🧵 draw terrible things happening to boykisser

Anonymous No. 773091

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🧵 Draw cute cats!

Anonymous No. 772970

Oekaki Post (Time: 31m)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 772832

made this kirby!

Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Replay: View)

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🧵 Getting back into drawing

Anonymous No. 772808

Gonna start a general art dump as I want to get back into drawing. Most of it ain't very good or finished but I like em. I feel like this'll give me more motivation to draw so fuck it. Feel free to drop your own random cute doodles an such if you wish and criticize my kinda wack work and give me pointers :)

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🧵 meet the eastern wojak

Anonymous No. 772801

reflect my korean face ^_^

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Kui Race Chart.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Changeling/Race swap thread No. 772730

Basically drawing race swapped characters and OC.
Not limited to fantasy races.
Bonus points for a whole Chart, but a row or less is great too.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 772548

My favorite characters reacting to 9/11

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Happy Appy.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 772478

Creepypasta thread!
Bonus points for more obscure characters.

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🧵 Post reference sheets of your characters!

Anonymous No. 772257

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 772234


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Portal - Animatio....png

🧵 Cutout Style Thread

Anonymous No. 772223

Been drawing these simplistic cutout lookalike characters based on the Portal 2 animation style, using a single pixel brush and some color shenanigans for contrast and shading.

NSFW / sexy is encouraged, but you can draw whatever you feel like, ideas are also welcome.

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🧵 Sports Thread

Anonymous No. 772207

Well it's an Olympic year, the Superb Owl is on soon. Sports are ramping up to be a busy year.

So welcome to the /i/ sports Thread. From ice fight to handegg, and even chess boxing if you like weird sports. Draw any character you like playing for or cheering for a sports team, even your OCs!

Can't wait to see what you do and I'll be posting some stuff

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🧵 Random characters

Aaron_Imnot No. 772185

This is just where I'll post random characters I make such as this one named synthwave :)

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Ask away.png

🧵 Bob Graves' Ask Thread

Anonymous No. 772152

Hey there folks. Been wanting to draw for a bit but can't seem to get many good ideas, so, feel free to ask whatever you want! It can be backgrounds, characters or something else. If I like the drawing a lot I might ask if I can post it on my socials.

Just, try to keep it fairly sfw please, thanks!

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🧵 neu

neu No. 772114


Oekaki Post (Time: 46s, Replay: View)

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🗑️ 🧵 Operation find X

Anonymous No. 771994

My bitch of a ex and I just broke up when I found out she was cheating and stole my watches and my grandfathers ring and just posted this on her Instagram can someone please find her I will be on at 6:30 (EST) 2:30 (EST)

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[i]OP plok transp....png

🧵 scrimblos going hard

Anonymous No. 771942

draw scrimblos going cold as ice

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🧵 i made tall guy wojak another series

Anonymous No. 771891

just remake it