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🧵 Hungry Games General

Anonymous No. 803152

Year of the snake edition

Welcome, one and all, to the Hungry Games General! This hub aims to have multiple games per thread, so don't be discouraged from stopping by if it's already at 100 posts.
For the uninitiated, the premise of the games is simple - draw a contestant to compete against 23 other challengers, and they'll all be put into an RNG simulation, often full of wacky events, where every new slide could mean life or death! You're encouraged to interact with these events via drawing your character and anyone else that shares an event with you, but it's entirely optional if you just feel like watching instead. The last one standing gets the glory of victory, and maybe a snazzy wincard as well!
There are no set rules for these threads, however some basic etiquette should be followed - make sure you reply to the host with your character's picture, their name, and their gender in case it's not immediately obvious. Make sure your entry is drawn by you - this is the art board after all! (If you want to use non-drawn tributes, why not check out the HG threads on /trash/ or /b/?) Try not to spam a bunch of tributes at once - give other people a chance to enter, and if you can't, be nice and swap one of your characters out if there are latecomers.
>Question of the thread: What was your new year's resolution? Have you kept to it?
Happy drawing, and good luck!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 803000

/i/ General Drawthread

>Keep your request(s) and reference images to one post
>Since /i/s not a themed board, we aren't restricted by subject or theme -- Anything goes!
>Get creative with you requests
>Drawfriends, don't hold back
>No AI deliveries
>Have Fun!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 802922

So, it seems that Tik Tok is going to be banned in the USA. no more retarded 14 years old girls that accuses us for "stealing and appropiating the Moe artstyle"
anyways, here's a drawing.

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🧵 This type of thing

Anonymous No. 802918

I dont know where i got it from or what it is, but i vaguely remember something like this from a cartoon when I was a kid.
Anyways, try and recreate it in your own way.

Doesnt have to be faces.
Can be text, limbs, symbols, shapes, animals etc.

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🧵 drawing everyday?

Anonymous No. 802807

making a thread might motivate me in spite of exams... sorry for posting if i'm not supposed to?

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🧵 /i/entai

Anonymous No. 802799

A thread to post my shit in one place. Mostly comic strips.

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🧵 thoughts?

Anonymous No. 802714

do you know Tik Tok femcel girls hate you guys bc according to them "you 4channers stole the Moe Artstyle! you fucking incels!" and now the femcel community is like, in a civil war bc some femcels like 4chan (never used it)
and other femcels hate 4chan (only saw Youtube videos about 4chan icebergs probably.)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 802703

howdy fellas, come be happy in the Happy tree thread! Draw your favorite characters or even your OC's. All things HTF are welcome.

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🧵 Progress thread

Anonymous No. 802698

Just post progress.

Dig up old works, and then compare that beside your latest stuff.

This is the oldest thing I can find compared to tonight (it is 4AM)

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🧵 I just found this board

Anonymous No. 802679

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 802561

i dont know what demon possesed me to make this but i like it

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🧵 Naomi

Anonymous No. 802420

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🗑️ 🧵 4chan Happenings Drawthread

Anonymous No. 802351

ITT: Drawings of interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

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🧵 Warhammer 40k

Anonymous No. 802327

Post your Warhammer 40k drawings.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 802314

Here is some random art people have made of my profile picture.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

n1k0 No. 802283

F1rst 03k4k1!! (Th4t guy fr0m th3 dr4w1ng, 1t's my 0c/s0n4/m3, b3 fr33 t0 4sk m3 4nyth1ng)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 802272

are "semi-furries" (for lack of a better term) a thing?
something in between cat girl and furry.
>human face
>animal nose
>animal ears in same location as human ears
>naked bellies/face, fur everywhere else
>human hands/feet
i'm really bad at drawing but here's a visualization

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🧵 Hi again

Brownie_the_Jester No. 802191

Ask me things or what ever :v

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🧵 Hi 4Chan

Brownie_the_Jester No. 802057


Oekaki Post (Time: 42m, Replay: View)

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Hat Please.png


Anonymous No. 801736

Thread for archiving/doodle/ practice purposes. I also really wanted the hat.
>This one is going to be a bit more NSFW than the previous.

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🧵 laptop

Anonymous No. 801726

trackpads are ass but yummy pawpsicuhl

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m, Replay: View)

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🧵 Kumo desu nani ka

Anonymous No. 801340

Hachurui. Gun slingin alter of Kumuko.

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🧵 Pokemon Thread!

Anonymous No. 801333

Let's draw pokemon!

Oekaki Post (Time: 49m, Replay: View)

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🧵 Tales from the DAM

Anonymous No. 801125

Draw the mental disorder tans