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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 15857759

TFR issued edition

previous: >>15855346

Anonymous No. 15857767

Hope it lifts off vertically next launch which is happening THIS week. Not in two weeks.

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Anonymous No. 15857768

3 more days

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Anonymous No. 15857769


Anonymous No. 15857771

lick the depths of my rusty anus backPIGS.
it wont launch.

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Anonymous No. 15857773

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Anonymous No. 15857775

Pad explosion

Anonymous No. 15857777

>spamming 4 posts within 10 minutes
sure looks like a sign of a winner.
you lack the exaggerated swagger of a black teen. you're all nervous and fidgety.

Anonymous No. 15857778

nice webcam quality footage

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Anonymous No. 15857779

we gaan

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Anonymous No. 15857780

Cry about it

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Anonymous No. 15857782


🗑️ Barkun No. 15857783

The head needs to spin if it's to launch otherwise it's too sturdy and counter balancing.

Anonymous No. 15857784

modelo time

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Anonymous No. 15857785


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Anonymous No. 15857787

Anonymous No. 15857788

If more than three engines fail again I am going to commit sodoku

Anonymous No. 15857792

the engine bay just needs to stop catching on fire, which seems like a skill issue desu

Anonymous No. 15857794

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Anonymous No. 15857796

Anonymous No. 15857797

raptor has a 25% failure rate consistantly so just multiply that out over 33.
Time to get some rope little fag

Anonymous No. 15857800

So will they let them put cameras that close again? Should be fine with the deluge system, but they might also be weary, and who is going to risk their gear this time?

Anonymous No. 15857802

Unless it has the QT jewess with the big earrings I'm not gonna watch

Anonymous No. 15857804

what's her name? IG?

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Anonymous No. 15857805

>t. bitter (ex) ULA guy

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kike moment.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 15857806


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 15857812


Anonymous No. 15857814

I don't see why not. SpaceX told them the risks and they know what they're getting into, the areas outside the fence line are public property, and the images are great PR.

Anonymous No. 15857816

>30 engine failure

Anonymous No. 15857823

the money they make off the footage more than justifies the risk to the gear

Anonymous No. 15857826

is there any footage from super close up to the engine ignition, like apollo/space shuttle engineering cameras?

Anonymous No. 15857827

Hot staging calls for keeping the three center engines burning at minimum throttle while the upper stage makes some distance, at which point the booster will flip and light the ten inner engines for the boostback burn.

Anonymous No. 15857833

Elysia Segal

Anonymous No. 15857835

disgusting mars obsessed muskrat.
i hate space cadets.

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Anonymous No. 15857841

Found the Chinese nationalist

Anonymous No. 15857845

>raptor has a 25% failure rate consistantly

No it doesn't.

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Anonymous No. 15857847


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Anonymous No. 15857851

Think it'll happen again?

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average tank watc....jpg

Anonymous No. 15857852


Anonymous No. 15857854

They are exbandibg.....i hope the twink gets big too :))

Anonymous No. 15857855

Still office hours in Washington.

Anonymous No. 15857858

dont expect a license until friday

Anonymous No. 15857860

We can expect a license today or tomorrow per my sources

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Anonymous No. 15857861

Well so much for the Mars Sample Return. Look for this "pause" to morph into a stealth cancellation.

Ask Elon to bring a box of rocks back in his carry on luggage.

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Anonymous No. 15857862

But I like the british twink…

Anonymous No. 15857864

save us elon

Anonymous No. 15857867

Wait a second...

Anonymous No. 15857875

How come SpaceX is legally allowed to operate this without a license?

Anonymous No. 15857876

sfg space wargame tournament

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Anonymous No. 15857880

The NASA Spaceflight forum have been having a discussion on a direct sample return from Mars. Strap a Midgetman ICBM on a Starship. Land, load with rocks, and launch towards Earth. Apparently that size missile has more than enough delta v for going wildman. Wonder if a Pershing II could pull it off too.

Anonymous No. 15857882

who's that genital jumper?

Anonymous No. 15857886

Because clean water that doesn't cause drainage/flooding issues doesn't need to be licensed.

Anonymous No. 15857892

Whenever I see middle guy I think 'mutt' in my head. I can't help it.

Anonymous No. 15857893

reminder that the one in the middle is paralysed from the waist down because he got punched in the stomach by a bully at school

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Anonymous No. 15857894

Can only describe my feelings as glee and skizo visions of future life in space

Anonymous No. 15857904

China's sample return architecture is so much more simple

Anonymous No. 15857906

sure hope the starship engine bay is sufficiently protected...

Anonymous No. 15857913

my sources say license at T-30s

Anonymous No. 15857915

You have to wonder if the anon concern trolling about engine bay fires has any idea what SpaceX has done to prevent them on IFT-2.

Anonymous No. 15857917

theyve done nothing.

Anonymous No. 15857921

the flight computer goes to the FAA website to check for a license before lighting the engines.

Anonymous No. 15857925

Ignore it lmao. Ironic shitposting becomes part of ones identity if you do it long enough

Anonymous No. 15857929

then what is fws doing? if spacex is killing fish without a license what purpose do they serve

Anonymous No. 15857931


Anonymous No. 15857932

her voice does things to me

Anonymous No. 15857934

It's NASA's fault for turning it into ISS 3.0

Anonymous No. 15857936

Making sure starship doesn't kill sharks.

Anonymous No. 15857937

unironically that's what the FAA investigation doc says. all the stuff that contributed to raptor fires are not resolved on this rocket, not even in the latest prod versions. the issue list says they are kicking the can down the road, and for some reason FAA approved it lol

Anonymous No. 15857943

What people arent telling you is OFT-1 actually landed on a shark AND a whale and killed both. Fucking Elon did it personally. He reportedly said over the intercom "Aim for that shark!" fuck him FUCKING HATE HIM

Anonymous No. 15857944

They exist to make sure the environmental effects of things are documented.

Anonymous No. 15857947

If they're already in the lower 400s on the number of engines produced, is there a reason to use mid 150-200s engine numbers for the second IFT? Wouldn't it be more valuable to the success of the flight to get the most amount of data to use 250-300s or 300-350 numbered engines?

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Anonymous No. 15857949


At this point the license must have been submitted by this point and is just waiting approval. FTS and TFR seems like a definite "we gaan" sign form SpaceX

Anonymous No. 15857952

What was the point of this NSF stream exactly?

Anonymous No. 15857954

>over 400 raptors made

Anonymous No. 15857956


Anonymous No. 15857959

get money

Anonymous No. 15857961

With no tanks to watch, NSF has been hemoraging ad revenue

Anonymous No. 15857962

Even IFT1 didn't see 25% of its raptors fail.

Anonymous No. 15857967

The remaining engines simply throttle up to 1000% of nominal thrust to compensate

Anonymous No. 15857968

Like all government agencies, their purpose is to generate enough activity to justify an increase in funding. Any impact on society is merely incidental.

Anonymous No. 15857971

100% of the raptors failed anon.

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Anonymous No. 15857985

common sense schizo put out a poll, vote!

Anonymous No. 15857987

nope :)

Anonymous No. 15857992

What level of mental illness do I need in order to simultaneously:
>want to see someone fail
>think they won't succeed
>not want to see them try

Anonymous No. 15858000

>who knows who he's paid off in the meantime to pull this stunt a second time

Well I'm sure the government have charged him extortionate fees yes

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Anonymous No. 15858001

Chris Davenport says license soon

Anonymous No. 15858008

I heard the fish wildlife service has decided to postpone the license until 2024

Anonymous No. 15858015

Also just heard they discovered a rare endangered fish and Boca chica will have to cease operations indefinitely

Anonymous No. 15858019

stage 4 EDS

Anonymous No. 15858022

Musk Derangment Syndrome lol

Not only do they wish for failure, they've been doing everything they can to stall at regulatory process by asking regulators to stop SpaceX. The faggot was in one of the FCC commentary writing his letters

Anonymous No. 15858029

codespeak for TWO WEEKS

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Anonymous No. 15858030

Neutron pad under construction

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Anonymous No. 15858033

I heard that Aerith dies in FFVII.

Anonymous No. 15858047

More spacious compared to starship launch pad

Anonymous No. 15858080

this terrifies me

Anonymous No. 15858086

it cant laumch wothout licenze

Anonymous No. 15858088

Rocket lab could stomp elon. Mr becknis doing everything right

Anonymous No. 15858117

we need to get another fws review on starship

Anonymous No. 15858134

Tell me what I need to do

Anonymous No. 15858155

write a hand written letter to every poltitician you can find and email thunderfoot videos to them if they ask for proof

Anonymous No. 15858170

LOL those concrete chunks getting shot 200 meter in the air.

Anonymous No. 15858174

It can launch without license though. There's nothing physically preventing that.

Anonymous No. 15858177

yes it did. Count the engines in the footage again I guess.

Anonymous No. 15858178

What are they going to do, shoot it down?

Anonymous No. 15858183

NASA is doing to try to cancel it and Congress is going to destroy the entire budget to funnel money into do-nothing "MSR" jobs in California

Anonymous No. 15858185

I just need to get through this week...

Anonymous No. 15858223

>aerospace company
>not a big player in space
>has the money to buy ULA

It's not L3Harris so who else could it be?

Anonymous No. 15858225

space is hard.

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Anonymous No. 15858229

Anonymous No. 15858232


Anonymous No. 15858234

BO was already one of the three potential buyers.

Anonymous No. 15858237

6 engines failed before the avionics got fried, the rest were blown up when the Booster finally broke apart over 40 seconds after the FTS charges went off.

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Anonymous No. 15858243

new thunderf00t is out!

Anonymous No. 15858245

Blue makes the most sense. There's really no way that any other company is going to buy ULA and then put themselves at the mercy of Blue Origin's engine production cadence while being the competitor of Blue where any launch they do takes away from Blue itself.

ULA hooking its fate to Blue via the engine, which is the single most important part of the entire rocket stack, is by far, one of the dumbest fucking decisions any rocket company could have ever made.

I would be surprised if the buyer wasn't Blue.

Anonymous No. 15858247

where is the FUCKING license?
launch in 2 and a half days and still no license

Anonymous No. 15858248

>before the avionics got fried

You don't know when it was that the fire cut off the controls.

Anonymous No. 15858249

The question was who was the third potential buyer, not BO or the equity group.

Anonymous No. 15858255

Does it matter who the third potential buyer is? Is it worth to the 3rd potential buyer to hitch their ride to Blue's?

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Anonymous No. 15858256

> The space company owned by Jeff Bezos has been rumored to be among the potential buyers for a while. Although there is some overlap between their launch plans, acquiring United Launch Alliance would give Bezos an orbital rocket and the guaranteed government contracts he covets. It would also benefit Amazon's need to launch its Project Kuiper satellites.
So at this point, because of Bezos Bucks, Blue Origin is basically guaranteed to be the final buyer of ULA. It doesn't matter what resources the other two potential (not)buyers have. Jeff's seething from a lack of building his own orbital rocket is now going after the already-made rocket company. I'd bet everything that back when Jeff realized that he can't throw money at people and magically get a rocket, he started getting buddy-buddy with Tory, who was freshly installed CEO of ULA. Shortly after Tory started as CEO, him and Jeff signed the BE-4 agreement for Vulcan. Nine years ago. Now that they have been best friends for a while, Jeff has been dangling a huge pile of cash in front of Tory for years in attempts to buy ULA. He's finally found his price.

So that means Jeff Who will finally have his own working rocket. What the hell is going to happen with Bezos at the helm of ULA? It honestly scares me.

Anonymous No. 15858259

>Jeff has been dangling a huge pile of cash in front of Tory for years in attempts to buy ULA. He's finally found his price.
Tory isn't the one that Jeff has to give money to

Anonymous No. 15858264

>Tory isn't the one that Jeff has to give money to
Oh of course. Jeff found Tory's price, who then went to work on convincing Boeing and Lockheed to sell the company. Jeff's pockets go DEEP, and he just dangles money in front of one person after the next. He just needed a way to slither into the company.

Anonymous No. 15858277

millions of ocelots were killed

Anonymous No. 15858278

Dude just bought a rocket company. What have you done with your life?

Anonymous No. 15858280
>Somewhere hurtling more than 200 miles above the planet's surface is one of Earth's newest satellites: a tool bag, and it's possible you might be able to spot it with a telescope or good pair of binoculars if you know where to look.
>The white, satchel-like tool bag slipped away from two astronauts during a rare, all-female spacewalk Nov. 1 as they performed maintenance on the International Space Station, according to social media posts on X, formerly Twitter, from scientists and other experts familiar with the situation.
>While there's no official word whether the tool bag contained a 10 mm socket wrench, the bag was spotted floating over Mount Fuji last week by Japanese astronaut Satoshi Furukawa. Now space junk, it has since been cataloged with the ID 58229 / 1998-067WC.

Space sisters... we got too cocky...

Anonymous No. 15858298

Yup, we do. It's the moment the whole stack destabilizes into a side slip.

Anonymous No. 15858302

>The white, satchel-like tool bag slipped away from two astronauts during a rare, all-female spacewalk

Woman moment. I am 100% certain that shit had a lanyard on it to tether to your spacesuit but they are too fucking useless to use it.

Anonymous No. 15858310

Shitpost on a South Pacific Coral farming forum.

Anonymous No. 15858317

Buran > Starship

Anonymous No. 15858324


Anonymous No. 15858333

Protecting fish from rockets is hard. Small indie government org, please understand

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Anonymous No. 15858340

(artist's impression)

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Anonymous No. 15858343

>Protecting fish from rockets
higher chance of a fish drowning than being hit by a rocket,
man I hate these dope smoking minimum waged 100k in student debts leftoid scum
I will be there collecting tears when SS gets to orbit

Anonymous No. 15858350

top kek

Anonymous No. 15858375

Managed to not lose tens of billions because I haven't cheated on my wife with an incredibly mid weather reporter

Anonymous No. 15858400

The hot staging will burn the booster top to the point of structural failure after a few subsequent flights.

Anonymous No. 15858406

why would it ever touch the booster, when they can easily and almost instantly swap out that ring if it's getting busted?

Anonymous No. 15858408

not that easy

Anonymous No. 15858412

…in ring swappetry

Anonymous No. 15858413

BAE wasn’t satisfied with just Ball. They need launch vehicles too

Anonymous No. 15858421

in what, hot stagery?

Anonymous No. 15858425

Question. For hot staging why not cut superheavy engines so it's all ballistic now, release starship clamps, superheavy uses its thrusters to push itself off to the side and now starship can fire raptors into clear air? Seems much less failure prone than shitting raptors directly onto the roof of superheavy. Superheavy must have the thrusters anyway just like a F9 booster does surely?

Anonymous No. 15858426

Even then the ring and the vacuum raptors will crash more often than not.
Here is why:
During boosting the booster must continously pitch down hard to compensate the top lift caused by the retarded flaps of the Starship. That pitch will suddenly cease at sep, which must happen with the booster engines off, so no compensation at the bottom. The thin air and the high airspeed will be enough to lift starship's front flaps up.

Screencap this.

Anonymous No. 15858430

yeah thats basically what they were trying to do the first time.

Anonymous No. 15858431

The booster has more mass and alot of inertia. It could ram the top stage which to make things worse is subject to aerodynamic lift.

Anonymous No. 15858434

This and also whenever you're on a ballistic trajectory you're losing velocity and anything you lose you have to make back up so it hits extra hard. I think Elon said you get something like a 10% payload capacity increase if you just hot stage instead of doing something that requires a ballistic trajectory (a significant period of time without engines firing).

Anonymous No. 15858435

Because then Superheavy would be accelerated upwards in the direction of the still-very-close Starship. Raptors can only gimbal so much. The original plan was to do something close to this, but to add enough rotation before seperation so that the two craft would move safely apart before ignition

Anonymous No. 15858454

Imagine hot staging the Saturn V

They used a ballistic coast after meco2, retrorockets and ullage motors to guarantee a clean separation

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Anonymous No. 15858459

but they needed both hands to take the selfie

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Anonymous No. 15858461

Let's fucking goo

Anonymous No. 15858464

in kikery

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Anonymous No. 15858467

Its picrel

🗑️ Anonymous No. 15858482

I hot staged a man's balls in my mouth whilst he was moaning and his dick pulsing.

Anonymous No. 15858488

It is possible that the failure rate could be reduced with ritualistic human sacrifice? If so how many sacrifices would we need to get the risk of mission failure below 1 in 10,000?

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Anonymous No. 15858492

it is what it is

Anonymous No. 15858498

Could be Leidos. Dynetics has done work with ULA in the past.

Anonymous No. 15858499

Good god what I would give to be a fly on the wall in that control room
The number of alarms and straight panic from the tards at the computers as the pad was being nuked would have been a sight to behold.

Anonymous No. 15858506

All africans and continental asians need to go before any measurable effect appears. It's like tome dilation, you have to commit super hard to notice any effect but it quickly accelerates after that

Anonymous No. 15858509

One per engine is the going rate for the engine gods to bless the launch I believe.

Anonymous No. 15858529

this is unironically what the booster will look like before stage separation. screen capture if you like. I will 100% be vindicated on this.

Anonymous No. 15858539

t. antarctica anon

Anonymous No. 15858542

Yeah, I've heard zero good things about their managment, but putting Dyentics' limited space business under ULA's roof could lead to interesting things.

Anonymous No. 15858549

>t. antarctica anon
Shouldn't you be getting eaten by the thing rignt now?

Anonymous No. 15858560

mars by 2040 is the earliest realistic time. its sad that zubrin will pass without ever seeing it happen. and even musk will be pushing the upper age limit of practically being able to go. especially if he developes health problems.

Anonymous No. 15858586

He will just go anyway

Anonymous No. 15858590

More like never
We will collapse before then
WW3 any day now

Anonymous No. 15858593

hey guys, i guess thats it

Anonymous No. 15858600

I had to pee like 6 times today

Anonymous No. 15858601

>hey guys, i guess thats it
Elons last words after starship nukes the launch complex

Anonymous No. 15858602

>launch date still at the 17th
Did they get the license or not?

Anonymous No. 15858603

Get diabetes check anon

Anonymous No. 15858605

Elon is basically forcing them to issue the license.

Anonymous No. 15858609

is that a lot or little?

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Anonymous No. 15858616


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Anonymous No. 15858621

>add an alarm for this wednesday
>nextspaceflight has removed starship YOU SAID TWO WEEKS, /g/

Anonymous No. 15858622


Anonymous No. 15858623

If you know anything about beauracrats, this is the worst thing you can possibly do. All this kind of shit does is make them butthurt that you are challenging their authority and makes them dig their heels in as retaliation to fuck you over. On the bright side this makes it more likely that it's happening because everyone who deals with beauracrat niggers knows this shit.

Anonymous No. 15858628

I think it's pretty cool that SpaceX is launching from three locations within 12 hours. I guess the launch control staff just have to stay glued in their chairs all night.

Anonymous No. 15858632

that's alot for just the day unless your a cyclist or something

Anonymous No. 15858642

you might be a faggot then

Anonymous No. 15858644

you might be american then

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tome dilation.jpg

Anonymous No. 15858653

>tome dilation

Anonymous No. 15858671

>roadster to no where
But it was the roadster that literally built the company

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Anonymous No. 15858681

What was this thing that went flying after it finally started lifting? It had some good hangtime

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Anonymous No. 15858684

Why doesn't Elon shut his mouth and suck on Biden's ballsack? He keeps kicking the hornets nest. If he wants to launch so bad he needs to shape up

Anonymous No. 15858685

I could see Elon making that happen just for the lulz.

Anonymous No. 15858686

isn't he a little late to the party here? is it really 2018 TESLAQ FUD-posting time again?

Anonymous No. 15858687

because you were already sucking on it, anon

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Anonymous No. 15858689

Biden is less popular than Trump, no point in making friends with a loser

Anonymous No. 15858691

Elon's end goal is preserving the light (skin color) of human civilization. Embracing gay brown communism or sucking up to corrupt fossils is counter to everything he's working for.

Anonymous No. 15858694

I haven't seen any, but you'd think they'd set some up for this next flight to see how the deluge system performs, and at the very least for the production of iconic kino

Anonymous No. 15858698

>Was just informed that approval to launch should happen in time for a Friday launch

Anonymous No. 15858699

Funding secured!

Anonymous No. 15858716

I already called off work and made a hotel reservation

Anonymous No. 15858719

I wonder if it would get picked up by NORAD and flagged as an icbm, not to mention any other nations early warning system.

Anonymous No. 15858720

launch license is in
check faa

Anonymous No. 15858721

Ocelot beetle turtle nest

Anonymous No. 15858728

no flight until Fish and Wildlife gives the all clear.

Anonymous No. 15858731

no one who works for the federal government is working this late

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Anonymous No. 15858732

From a populist's perspective, maybe; but the populace doesn't hold much sway over the government's intent or actions which is obvious if you've been paying attention any time in the past, uhh... century? at least a whole century. OTOH, the biden administration holds a fair amount of control over multiple regulatory and legal bodies. The FAA and F&WS somewhat, but much more overtly with the FBI (Jan. 6 roundups, multiple trump probes including previous failed impeachment, etc.) and ESPECIALLY with the DoJ. The insane amount of - often completely frivolous - litigation they've been saddling Musk with for the past 2-3 years is glaring or perhaps even glowing proof. The plainly unlawful suit over not hiring non-ITAR-compliant immigrants at SpaceX which had the gall to suggest halting all operations at SpaceX for the duration of the lawsuit, and then clear bias with Boing! and Below Orbitgin sueing for and winning gibsmedats (Starliner getting extra money despite firm fixed-price, HLS being turned over to Blue Moon after Artemis IV) are pretty relevant and you should have heard of at least THOSE three lawsuits if you pay any real attention to spaceflight news.

I'm trying to stay on topic here but there's also the numerous DoJ actions against Tesla to consider; the biden minecraft admin is very opposed to musk and openly wields the Department of Justice as a weapon against his companies. I really hate how much even private spaceflight gets infested with politics.

>in aerospace sector
>not a big player in space
>has a lot of money

sounds exactly like blue origin.

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Anonymous No. 15858735

IFT-3 when?

Anonymous No. 15858736

2 weeks

Anonymous No. 15858756

Right after IFT-2. They'll launch it in steam cloud of the previous launch so FWS doesn't notice

Anonymous No. 15858760

>words words words
didnt read, shut up

Anonymous No. 15858761

How have you not learned after all these years that conceding to these people never works. Nothing you do will ever be enough for them. They want your destruction, so they will always demand more of you until it kills you.

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Anonymous No. 15858764

Anonymous No. 15858765

Say SpaceX but without the Spa.

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Anonymous No. 15858767

Coup the US gov with PMCs Elon, do it

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Anonymous No. 15858768

quick mods are asleep, post /sfg/-relevant non-GR5-breaking spaceflight images

Anonymous No. 15858770

The defined back of a camel

Anonymous No. 15858794


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Anonymous No. 15858796

Two more weeks backshit

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Anonymous No. 15858797

In absolute awe of its power

Anonymous No. 15858818

noticed and tagged? sure. But unlike what doomerbro hysterics like to imagine a singular anomaly flying around does not immediately generate a full force response. Specially as you can tell what its trajectory is

Anonymous No. 15858821

no point. Trying to appease aggressors never works, it only emboldens them to further continue stomping you

Anonymous No. 15858871

Ding ding ding

Anonymous No. 15858873

He ain't a fag like ya

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Anonymous No. 15858900

you and me? we are not so different

Anonymous No. 15858903
easter bunny posted a new video

Anonymous No. 15858909

NSF has fallen...

Anonymous No. 15858911

Damn that's rough. I remember me and my mates got into a fight with some cocksucker low IQ bullies in middle school, I wrecked one cunt so bad he had fractures around an eye and was unable to see out of that eye without extensive hospital care. He didn't stop his ways and jumped some poor dude in the yard and gave him brain damage a year or so later.

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Anonymous No. 15858913

Spaceflight has blackpilled me so much on how much corruption there is in the world

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Anonymous No. 15858959

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Anonymous No. 15858975

relax elon

Anonymous No. 15859014


Anonymous No. 15859023

You can't launch 3 rockets in one day

Anonymous No. 15859030

You cant just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars
-joe biden

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Anonymous No. 15859040

lol, launch control dudes are going to have a tough day

Anonymous No. 15859043


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Anonymous No. 15859044


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Anonymous No. 15859047

Do they still only have the single mission control room?

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Anonymous No. 15859049

We are going

Anonymous No. 15859053

What is more difficult, converting an electric vehicle into a lunar rover or making it from scratch?

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Anonymous No. 15859055

It's getting crowded in Megabay

Anonymous No. 15859060


Anonymous No. 15859062

How do they expect to build thousands of ships if they can barely store 5?

Anonymous No. 15859067

They don't need to build thousands of them if they are flying

Anonymous No. 15859083

but they SAY they will build thousands.

Anonymous No. 15859085

Maybe in the next century.

🗑️ Barkun No. 15859090

We went from Hebrew to imperfect languages, now look back at the image and what do we know, what can we speak? Here's a good puzzle which may let you know the part you need to advance an era of tech.

Anonymous No. 15859091

I personally suspect they will build enough starships for a starlinkv3 mega constellation and some moon missions, plus maybe a few mars missions in the 40's if NASA pays, but ultimately they will move on to an even larger rocket than starship for the ultimate mars colonization. Unfortunately I can see the future and development of the massive ship will not be complete before Musk's death, then SpaceX will never fully complete it and instantly morph into an oldpsace grift company.

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Anonymous No. 15859093

what is there to convert on a skateboard chassis?
replace tires and bolt on seats

Anonymous No. 15859107

licence will be public in a few hours
t. knower

Anonymous No. 15859134


Anonymous No. 15859138
FAA switched to some weird web interface that precludes direct linking to pages. Thanks Obama.

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Anonymous No. 15859153

we are so back

Anonymous No. 15859188

cybertruck will never be a lunar rover

Anonymous No. 15859207

kestrelchads... Our time.. IS NOW.

Anonymous No. 15859231

What time did FAA publish the first license?

Anonymous No. 15859233

5:50 PM (some mutt timezone) according to anon and berger was saying it was gonna come 3:30 PM (some mutt timezone) that day

Anonymous No. 15859236

sorry meant to reply to this

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Anonymous No. 15859243


Anonymous No. 15859252

Even if he thinks starship is exactly the same as the N1 (lol), why would he assume the exact same exact form of failure would happen on the second test?
Does he believe in fate or something?

Anonymous No. 15859259

he just thinks having that many engines on a rocket means it will always fail, its the same fud people were saying about falcon heavy. vibration modes are a problem and probably havent been fully explored yet on superheavy, but they can probably all be fixed.

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Anonymous No. 15859261

Anonymous No. 15859265

thunderf00t thinks the only reason superheavy uses 33 engines instead of one big one is that SpaceX are incompetent and cant develope a big engine

Anonymous No. 15859267

There is no thought behind it. Its a NPC loop that only knows past data and cannot understand anything beyond it.

Anonymous No. 15859273


Anonymous No. 15859282

License just flew over my house

Anonymous No. 15859287


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🗑️ Barkun No. 15859288


Anonymous No. 15859289

Its actually fucking over

The DOC now has authority over every american in space and missions outside the atmosphere
Planetary protection cucks won

Anonymous No. 15859290

The OST needs to be burned

Anonymous No. 15859294

Haha you now need approval if you want to colonize another planet :))))

Anonymous No. 15859295

It's a good thing.

Anonymous No. 15859297

Not a small single dime of Starlink profit is going to subhuman earther investoids. All to mars.

Anonymous No. 15859299

Yes according to a few Biblical stories

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Anonymous No. 15859302

Anonymous No. 15859303

good. we shouldnt colonize mars unless its proven without a shadow of a doubt that its not already inhabited.

Anonymous No. 15859304

>It's a good thing
Its not
Ptivate human spaceflight is dead now basically

Anonymous No. 15859306

will not invest.

Anonymous No. 15859307

If starlink went public i would put every dollar i had in it

Anonymous No. 15859310

remember that time thunderfag said the Falcon 9 is "basically a redstone rocket that burns methane"? I smile every time I think about that (retards are funny)

Anonymous No. 15859312

I certainly hope so

Anonymous No. 15859313

Sauce faggot

Anonymous No. 15859318

My sauce is twitter.c

Anonymous No. 15859320

I also believe we should completely sterilize Mars, just to be sure

Anonymous No. 15859322

Our germs would murder them anyway

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Anonymous No. 15859323

How will this stop non-american novel space activities?

🗑️ Barkun No. 15859326

Yes I alone do know this too but I do not have the hand crafted and still good optional gestalt. Gestalt are good things.

Anonymous No. 15859329

They simply won't exist

🗑️ Barkun No. 15859330

>>15859326 heads are Always trying to get meds to you. Keep an eye out. Be ready to spend time.

Anonymous No. 15859333

>DOT currently licenses space launch and Earth reentry. Now it would also regulate in-space transportation for delivering goods from one point to another in space, including delivering fuel from a space fuel depot to a space station, and to/from the lunar surface.
This part kills orbital refueling
Every single tanker launch will require a mountain of paperwork and delays

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Anonymous No. 15859334

Holy fuck this glows. Elon has stated Starlink will single handily fund SpaceX and all his failures in and of itself.

Anonymous No. 15859335

Why would they spin Starlink off?
It's the biggest revenue engine they have ever created, what good would it do to make it subject to shareholders demands?

🗑️ Barkun No. 15859336

Med important. Crucial parts missing. Impossible but not with your own morality. There's a way to do anything. Might not be simple.

🗑️ Barkun No. 15859345

Stop thinking about philosophy. Though it is the field of all fields, all fields equalize. Refresh yourself in this sense. Do regular resets. Etc.

Anonymous No. 15859347

Can mods permaban this spambot already

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goth musk.jpg

Anonymous No. 15859348


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earth and mars.png

Anonymous No. 15859350


🗑️ Barkun No. 15859353

Coding is a field. You have a wrong idea about the coding field. Codes are craft in many shapes and sizes. More than just strings or functions.

Anonymous No. 15859354

china will run laps around us and we will do nothing to stop it.

🗑️ Barkun No. 15859355

They are on the shit(taken seriously, in and above all insulting jokes; quite respectful; some jokes) side of things. Codes belong to you, and that's their life equality. They have a comeback joke.

Anonymous No. 15859356

There wasn't enough bureaucracy for them already?

🗑️ Barkun No. 15859358

It can all be done on the body using lethal methods if you want this skill influx at all. It's probably too far fetched but it does express the emancipation of all life very well. I'm glad I said it to you.

Anonymous No. 15859359

>china can still do whatever they want
What's the point

🗑️ Barkun No. 15859361

I'm a faggot

🗑️ Anonymous No. 15859364

Hey jannies hope you enjoy all these violates us law reports
Do your fucking job and earn your pay for once

🗑️ Barkun No. 15859366

gonna go to the gay bar now cya guys

Anonymous No. 15859381

they earn $0 annually

Anonymous No. 15859384

Friday is like in 48 hours. We should have a launch then.

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Anonymous No. 15859388

Friday road closure status has been changed to "scheduled".

Anonymous No. 15859394

Plot twist: NASA goes ALL IN on Starship to leapfrog everyone in space by 5 decades.

Anonymous No. 15859395

Changed from what. Planned?

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Anonymous No. 15859400

the pic actually goes so hard.

he's dressed up like a weirdo because he feels like he doesnt belong anywhere so joined a strange subculture for a feeling of belonging. Look at the pain in his eyes. He knows humans will never colonize the galaxy because most are dumb apes, and that life is ultimately pointless.

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Anonymous No. 15859417


Anonymous No. 15859419

i love piping plovers so much its unreal. im glad they delayed spacex for this.

Anonymous No. 15859424

literal birdwatching and that's it wtf

Anonymous No. 15859429

Does anyone actually care about these documents? Seems to me like pointless job.

Anonymous No. 15859442

>t. birdhaters

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poor little human.png

Anonymous No. 15859445

FUCK birds, they have it coming

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Anonymous No. 15859447

>Deluge systems are widely used and have proven effective at other rocket launch pads around the world. The operation of the deluge system at the SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site would help mitigate the impacts of Starship-Super Heavy Operations by reducing sound waves and vibrations, assist in cooling and fire suppression, and provide protection to the launch pad and other equipment. A new foundation and a steel plate were installed underneath the launch mount to reduce debris scatter and the potential for a large dust cloud. Some water applied during the operaton of the deluge system could reach the surrounding landscape and may cause vegetation changes. However, the amount of water that is expected to escape the VLA is likely to be less than the amount of water released on this area from an average rainfall event; therefore, it is not expected to change the salinity of the existing mud flats or significantly reduce or modify piping plover or red knot habitat.

We are so fucking back

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Anonymous No. 15859451

Anonymous No. 15859452

>the plover's say they're cool with it
thank you plovers

Anonymous No. 15859454

>impact area extends into the sovereign state of Mexico

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Anonymous No. 15859455


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Anonymous No. 15859457


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Anonymous No. 15859458

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Anonymous No. 15859460


Anonymous No. 15859462

huge influx of cash at once and he can basically wash his hands of it at that point and let it run itself. Effectively he'd be selling it off.

Anonymous No. 15859463

beautiful. kind of sad that some billionaire stole their habitat.

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Anonymous No. 15859465


Anonymous No. 15859470

Could've told ya that without an $1 million inquiry

Anonymous No. 15859473

FTS-1 debris caught to leg of poor birb

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Anonymous No. 15859474

uh oh

Anonymous No. 15859475

I could've eliminated the bird issue with $100 worth of birdshot and a free weekend.

Anonymous No. 15859476

It's over. 2024 it is

Anonymous No. 15859477

hot staging again?

Anonymous No. 15859479

what are we watching them do here?

Anonymous No. 15859480

Taking the booster apart.

Anonymous No. 15859485

Ring by ring

Anonymous No. 15859490

>studies concludes what i and everyone with with a cursory interest in ecology was saying from day one.
I fucking love nature but some of these agencies make me want to scratch my eyes out, they’re actively lowering their public opinion with this stupid ant-fucking behaviour.

Anonymous No. 15859495

so do we have the license or not?

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Anonymous No. 15859498

Personally, I am going to be nuking every one of his posts with his wrong predictions about FWS evaluation time since I have a xeeter account.

Anonymous No. 15859501

FWS is done. FAA might need two more months to think about it

Anonymous No. 15859502

no. it wont be issued until after the government shutdown.

Anonymous No. 15859505

they passed a stopgap. no shutdown on the 17th

Anonymous No. 15859506

>berger has a new book coming out next year
how does one write so much?

Anonymous No. 15859508

By having other people write it for you

Anonymous No. 15859511

ghostwriting is fraud

Anonymous No. 15859512

its not a ghost, its *AI*

Anonymous No. 15859515

hello dabisbad

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Anonymous No. 15859516

Two more weeks until license is issued, nucucks will deny this truth

Anonymous No. 15859519

You should read Zubrin's book The Case for Nukes and see how bad it can get. The NRC has extinguished new reactor construction for DECADES because no one can fund a project through fifteen years of paperwork before seeing a return.

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Anonymous No. 15859521

The redditors are gonna be PISSED

Anonymous No. 15859522

he probably originally set out to write one book about the entire F9 program, but realized he had enough material for two and split out the early days into Liftoff

Anonymous No. 15859528

Reddit seethe screenshot good, linking reddit threads unironically bad.

Anonymous No. 15859530

>treated water sewage
So, it's water?

Anonymous No. 15859534

Former dinosaur piss, yes.

Anonymous No. 15859535

it's freshwater being dumped in a hypersensitive hypersaline environment, killing all the fish and wildlife in sight

Anonymous No. 15859537

Quick, salt the earth there! For the environment!

Anonymous No. 15859538

mass extinction every rainfall

Anonymous No. 15859540

Steve Jurvetson and Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke interview

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no signal.png

Anonymous No. 15859541

>hey we have these glowing rocks with 6 orders of magnitude higher practical energy density than any chemical, and that can fuel everything and provide abundant energy with literally no CO2 output and pitiful amounts of waste that can be stored forever in rock coffins.
>should we use it?
>no let's play a game of chicken with renewables instead because glowy green rocks scare me.
normalfags take everything good and turn it to dust.

Anonymous No. 15859543

Fukishima cleanup costs $150 billion

Anonymous No. 15859546

can't they just add salt to the deluge water lol?

Anonymous No. 15859552

It's nice on paper but when you consider how much nuclear accidents costs and that they are inevitable nuclear become uneconomical

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Anonymous No. 15859553


Anonymous No. 15859555

just don't have accidents. simple as

Anonymous No. 15859559

>and that they are inevitable
yes that's why france has given up on nuclear energy and it's not powering most of their grid causing them to be one of the most environmentally friendly large energy grids of the world.

Anonymous No. 15859562

Cope. Nuclear reactors can be made that don't melt down. Big Oil ruins everything they touch

Anonymous No. 15859564

Japan doesn't use PWRs or other safe forms of reactor like the US does.

silence, Jew

Anonymous No. 15859565

They hate nuclear because it's an obstacle to their degrowth plan.

Anonymous No. 15859566

>Nuclear reactors can be made that don't melt down.

Anonymous No. 15859576

Below a critical volumetric power density in the reactor core, the self heating from fission product decay isn't enough to damage reactor fuel rods.
Other designs exist which also achieve total passive safety through different means, such a using a low temperature liquid fuel that can automatically drain into a passively cooled holding tank in an emergency.

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Anonymous No. 15859579

Frogfag about to get BTFO, license time is soon bros.

Anonymous No. 15859580

please refrain from posting anything about sfg or related to sfg on twitter, we don't want tourists

Anonymous No. 15859581

Too late :/

Anonymous No. 15859582

it could go either up or down, that's how bering dynamically unstable works
the empty booster is lighter than the fueled upper stage at booster burnout

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Anonymous No. 15859585


Anonymous No. 15859586

explain why these reactors aren't used

Anonymous No. 15859595

>Wow whats sfg
>Look up 4chan
>See no board named sfg
>Welp, can't find it
Case for 99% of xeeters

🗑️ Anonymous No. 15859599

>The screenwriters behind this are also behind Dracula Untold, The Last Witch Hunter, Gods of Egypt
how is this a bad thing? those were fun flicks to watch. why is everyone expecting oscar bait?

Anonymous No. 15859600

NTA but there are no such thing as cutting edge reactor design in the wild. Everything is in research labs.
By the time you get regulator approval to even build a reactor for power generation, it's a decade out of date and might not even get built because economic factors means it doesn't become feasible

Anonymous No. 15859602

wrong thread?

Anonymous No. 15859604


Anonymous No. 15859608

i was wondering where my post went

Anonymous No. 15859609

the reason these reactor aren't used is because noone has figured out how to make them as safe as the usual water reactors. Those breeder reactors where the nuclear fuel is mixed with a molten salt and there is live reprocessing is science fiction.

Anonymous No. 15859610

speaking of reactor is NASA developing nuclear reactors to replace MMRTGs? We could really use some of those lol.

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Anonymous No. 15859612

MMRTGs have an efficiency of like 2 percent lol. Imagine how big a spacecraft NASA could power if they had a real reactor.

Anonymous No. 15859614

i know lol that's why I said something

Anonymous No. 15859617

Are you fucking serious???

Anonymous No. 15859620

But Starlink is designed to generate 10's to 100's of billions of dollars per year of free cash flow to fund the mars colony with, selling it off for a 1 time cash influx would be the absolute worst thing Musk could do with the revenue engine specifically designed to fund mars

Anonymous No. 15859621

yes. 2 more weeks at least.

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Anonymous No. 15859622

Yeah wonder why they cost so much. Hmm. Really wonder why. I really fucking wonder. Hmm. Yeah I got nothin!

Anonymous No. 15859624

well if starlink actually doesnt generate a profit but hes lying about it being profitable, then he can sell it off for a big lump sum, and the people running it can break even forever (or go bankrupt) while feeding spacex money for more satelite launches.

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Anonymous No. 15859625


Anonymous No. 15859627


Anonymous No. 15859629

The flaps don't make lift.

Anonymous No. 15859630

maybe, unless he believes starship is a better revenue engine and a short-term cash influx to get the starship program off the ground quicker will be worth it
also keep in mind that SpaceX legally has to launch competitor sats for other constellations, so advances in the starship program threaten starlink's hold over market

Anonymous No. 15859631

Which one of you retards is this and why are you trying to ruin /sfg/. The last time this shit happened collagefag posted this to every board and now half of this general is the cancer that is killing /sfg/

Anonymous No. 15859634

>10's to 100's of billions of dollars per year
They're already projecting ~10B next year. But we'll have to see what the levelized rate is. I suspect ~35B per year by end of this decade

Anonymous No. 15859640

It'll be profitable if starship works as intended.

>also keep in mind that SpaceX legally has to launch competitor sats for other constellations
SpaceX isn't forced to launch anything
Other constellations may be bound to use SpaceX because there is literally no one else with the turnaround time and the right price but it would be news to me if SpaceX was forced to associate with companies if it really didn't want to.

Anonymous No. 15859643

You have his name, ask this question on X.

Anonymous No. 15859645

>of free cash flow
they're not quite there yet, they just had 10b revenue not profit

Anonymous No. 15859647

>SpaceX isn't forced to launch anything
the anti-competitive lawsuits would come down so fucking hard if SpaceX refused to launch a customer because they were launching a product that competed with Starlink. Particularly if it's Amazon launching Kuiper sats. SpaceX has already launched OneWeb sats.

Anonymous No. 15859651

Not exposing my account

Anonymous No. 15859652

The manifest for Starlink alone fills up entire SpaceX launch for the next few decades at the current rate of launch of new starlinks, replacements, handful of few others.

If competition wants launch, they need to register early on and fast, otherwise, it will be booked months/years behind.

Anonymous No. 15859656

ehh, no worse than if they booked with a spacex competitor

Anonymous No. 15859657

you mean kilopower?
these are way too under-powered to be useful for anything besides probes and maybe slightly prolonged Apollo style missions (which is exactly what it was designed for)
USNC might develop more reasonably sized reactor by the time Starship becomes operational

Anonymous No. 15859658

That's what the regulations are for

Anonymous No. 15859659

Right, if they choose to spend more at competition because they didn't choose to book with SpaceX earlier, its not SpaceX's fault.

Anonymous No. 15859660

if even 1% gets through, that's too many

Anonymous No. 15859661

Sorry libtard, it's free speech. Ever heard of it? Only on X

Anonymous No. 15859662

unironically it's because over regulation makes all of these projects impossible to get off the ground unless you gave a funding source willing to dump billions into your project for a decade

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Anonymous No. 15859664


Anonymous No. 15859665

So, what happens if this thing gets to orbit? Will he admit he was wrong in that scenario?

Anonymous No. 15859666

Wrong, faggot.

Anonymous No. 15859667

why would he do that?

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Anonymous No. 15859670

Reading the old threads, whats this about scat flerfer?

Anonymous No. 15859671

MMRTGs aren't the issue, Pu-238 availability is. We can replace the plutonium with Am-241 for 4x the mass per watt, and over 4x the lifetime due to slower decay.

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Anonymous No. 15859674

Anonymous No. 15859675

if you don't know what the hotstaging ring is you need to lurk moar

Anonymous No. 15859676


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Anonymous No. 15859678


Anonymous No. 15859679

how dare you talk about my wife like that

Anonymous No. 15859680

can someone bring be up to speed with the latest launch date?

Anonymous No. 15859682

so we're definitely getting it sometime in the next TWO WEEKS

Anonymous No. 15859683

I guarantee you, even if the flight goes off flawlessly he will pick something whichw as in the flight plan and claim its a failure. For example he will say superheavy not returning to the launch mount and starship smashing into the ocean is embarassing failure

Anonymous No. 15859684

some will tell you 2 weeks but it's closer to 2 days

Anonymous No. 15859685

"92% of the of the water would vaporize when engines are on."
Seems like a slight overestimate

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Anonymous No. 15859687

Reevaluation of PEA is out

Anonymous No. 15859691

The next step is going to be about refuelling, then catching starship, maybe tiles too. And at the end it's going to be "starship is not economically viable and spacex is lying about it being so".

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Anonymous No. 15859693

lmao, what a faggot

Anonymous No. 15859694


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Anonymous No. 15859698

Only one milestone is left

Anonymous No. 15859702

Whichever one if you this shithead is needs to delete his account now or never post about or on /sfg/ again.

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Anonymous No. 15859720


Anonymous No. 15859721

FAA license not approved, and conveniently left off that list

Anonymous No. 15859724

lol, like spacex wouldn't need this time (and more) to get their next fireworks show ready

Anonymous No. 15859726

uhh, has there been an official announcement that it's getting pushed back past the 2028 Artemis 4 mission or is this a Freudian slip?

Anonymous No. 15859727

Its on the bottom dumb fuck stop making us overCHADS look bad with your zoomer attention span

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Anonymous No. 15859730


Anonymous No. 15859731

that was only true on the first flight test, they were ready to go 1.5 months ago.

Anonymous No. 15859732

Where? Cape?

Anonymous No. 15859735

Check the background, it's Starbase.

Anonymous No. 15859736

If nuclear energy starts becoming more profitable than non-nuclear energy the government funds the fuck out of them and asks NIMBY shills to throw some glue at paintings and help them REGOOOOOOLATE the nuclear companies until they give up

Anonymous No. 15859739


Anonymous No. 15859742

>The 3.5-acre fire that resulted from the test flight occurred on upland habitat. An assessment of the fire was conducted 22 days after the fire. A single blue crab exoskeleton was observed in the burn area.
This kills the crab

Anonymous No. 15859745

So it is :)

Anonymous No. 15859747


Anonymous No. 15859749

>A single blue crab exoskeleton was observed in the burn area.
sorry starship is cancelled

Anonymous No. 15859757

tankwatcher autism pales in comparison to wildlife watcher autism

Anonymous No. 15859758

my guess was that they were talking about when its fully completed. the first elements of gateway should be up long before 2030.

Anonymous No. 15859761

soience goylem poster had a meltdown and started dumping his scat porn folder

Anonymous No. 15859764

can someone give me a straight answer on if the launch is happening on Firday?

Anonymous No. 15859765

that's annoying. hoping the cia janny makes sure to keep censoring his posts.

Anonymous No. 15859766

Tankwatchers counted every single bolt of the launch tower.

Anonymous No. 15859768

nobody knows, not even spacex

Anonymous No. 15859770

It's likely enough that I recommend waking up early enough to monitor the situation

Anonymous No. 15859772

birdwatchers counted every single plover in texas

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Anonymous No. 15859773

We just don't know

Anonymous No. 15859774

2 weeks

Anonymous No. 15859775

There are more bolts on the launch tower and stars in our galaxy.

Anonymous No. 15859776

i'd like to lay some pipe in a plover if you know what my drift

Anonymous No. 15859777

there are more plover's in texas than grains of sand in a star

Anonymous No. 15859778

>grains of sand in a star
kek, I'm going to use this in the future.

Anonymous No. 15859782

rocketry is a classic autistic are after all

Anonymous No. 15859784

but are they preparing the rocket as if the launch is happening on Friday?

Anonymous No. 15859787

no they're too busy watching plovers

Anonymous No. 15859788

Yes. TFR, launch scheduled, FTS is even on it

Anonymous No. 15859789


Anonymous No. 15859791

no they are not. they are taking the booster apart ring by ring as we speak. how the fuck can a launch happen under those circimstances?

Anonymous No. 15859794

>can someone give me a straight answer on if the launch is happening on Firday?
Yes. Unfortunately that person is some FWS manager who's massaging his nipples while watching videos of ocelots mating right now.

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Anonymous No. 15859796

Attention class

Anonymous No. 15859800

you know the ring is still on and they took the crane away, right?

Anonymous No. 15859808

what time does the launch window open on friday?

Anonymous No. 15859809

8AM central time

Anonymous No. 15859811

they better be
I'm taking the day off for the occasion

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Anonymous No. 15859812

I know that some rockets were able to change engines in the middle of development. But have there been any rockets in history that changed staging on a whim like Starship? And the FAA report states the hot staging ring weighs 9 fucking tons, which means they must be getting a lot of benefit from staging that way. Another interesting detail in report is that they may jettison the ring in certain launch scenarios. Doesn't seem exactly "fully and rapidly reusable" to me so I'd guess hot staging is a temporary measure.

Anonymous No. 15859813

>4AM hawaii time
if I wake up at 5 what are the chances that I miss it

Anonymous No. 15859817

either you miss it or you don't

Anonymous No. 15859821

first it was volume measurement, now statistics. Good job /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 15859822

Hot staging allows you to thrust basically nonstop from launch until space. The old strategy is 9 tons lighter but you also lose a crazy amount of delta V because all the extra drag from the tilt and all that time letting Earth's gravity delete your speed instead of continuing to push it up

Anonymous No. 15859825

9 tonnes added to stage 1 equates to roughly 1.2 tons of payload reduction, which off of a 150 tonne maximum is negligible. This is as per the 7:1 ratio stated for ULA rockets though, which stage very high and fast compared to Starship stage 1. This means the true payload refuction on Starship from adding 9 tonnes to the Booster is likely significantly less than 1.2 tonnes.

Anonymous No. 15859828

best part no part, so dropping the ring every launch is actually more reusable than bringing it back

Anonymous No. 15859829

How much is that in true time?

Anonymous No. 15859830

Wake up at 3:50 or just sleep in as normal and watch recap if you missed it.
Waking up at 5 will disappoint you either way: either you are disappointed because it launched while you slept, or, you are disapppinted cuz you just woke up early and it didn't launch yet.

Anonymous No. 15859832

guess how many cubic kilometers of water fit into lake mead?

Anonymous No. 15859837

Wow, much as could have been determined by one or two moments' reflection. I'm glad these assholes wasted months on this.

Anonymous No. 15859838

So bros I haven't really been following this hot staging thing. How does it work? So while the booster is still firing Starships starts to fire as well and simply separates? And the hot staging ring has holes so the exhaust can escape to the side? Does the hot staging ring separate as well at some point? Shouldn't the near empty thrusting booster have a higher acceleration than SS? How do they separate?

Anonymous No. 15859840

Why does Nextspaceflight list the flight on friday as suborbital?

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Anonymous No. 15859841

>so dropping the ring every launch is actually more reusable than bringing it back
Technically yes, if you are using bamboo staging

Anonymous No. 15859844

I wake up at 5 anyway. I'll just wake up at 4.

Anonymous No. 15859845

I assume only a few SH engines will still be firing if any at all when starship fires its own

Because of autism

Anonymous No. 15859847

Oh that's what thats called, I remember doing that in KSP years ago just fucking around with things.

Anonymous No. 15859850


Anonymous No. 15859854

fat ugly bastard

Anonymous No. 15859867


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Anonymous No. 15859871

Bros... the stars are linin' up. Soon we are launching the spaceplane of the 21st century

Anonymous No. 15859875

A plane lands on runways. Starship lands on a launchpad

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Anonymous No. 15859877

He's talking about Dream Chaser

Anonymous No. 15859879

I'll believe it when I see it

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Anonymous No. 15859882

Anonymous No. 15859884

The staging ring is retained.
The Booster with 3 low throttle Raptors & remaining propellant mass will have a lower TWR than Starship will have. They can even splay the engines out on the Booster to use cosine losses to further reduce TWR.
The two craft will simply separate, yes. The booster will start flipping ASAP after separation.

Anonymous No. 15859888

ESA bullshit

Anonymous No. 15859889

The heat from the rocket fire would vaporize most of the water applied by the deluge
system and would generate a cloud of steam and aerosolized mist. Based on the amount of water,
the heat of the plume is expected to dissipate quickly and the majority of the vapor cloud is expected
to take the form of aerosolized mist near the VLA. The vapor cloud would extend over the land and
into the air as it is energized by the heat of the rocket plume. The temperature of the vapor cloud
would depend on the temperature of the heat plume. With the addition of the water, the distance
the heat travels is expected to be less than analyzed in the 2022 PEA. The vapor cloud would disperse
quickly. As a conservative estimate, SpaceX expects the maximum extent of the vapor cloud to be no
greater than the 0.6-mile radius of the heat plume analyzed in the 2022 PEA (Figure 2). Since the
vaporization would occur from the thrust and heat of the vehicle, water vapor is not expected to form
beyond the extent of the modeled plume. The fate of the vapor cloud as it cools would be either
evaporation or condensation.

Anonymous No. 15859891

youre fucking retarded dude lmao, may as well not recover anything then. blind musk fans give us all a bad name

Anonymous No. 15859892

I can't see why they would jettison the hot staging ring in any scenario. Maybe its reffering to the starship not returning to launch site and the whole thing hitting the water?

Anonymous No. 15859893

Evaporation: Water can be considered evaporated when it transitions from a liquid to a gas and
becomes dispersed in the air, contributing to the overall moisture content of the atmosphere. The
specific point at which water vapor is considered to have evaporated into the atmosphere is not well-
defined, as evaporation is an ongoing process influenced by various factors such as temperature,
humidity, and air currents.

Anonymous No. 15859896

engines are expensive, therefore reuse them. Interstage is dirt cheap, therefore throw it away.

Anonymous No. 15859898

As analyzed in the Ecological Impacts of the Space Shuttle Program at John F. Kennedy
Space Center (NASA 2015) and Final Constellation Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
(NASA 2008), near-field impacts (launch pad to approximately 1 mile) were generally within the
immediate vicinity of the launch complex (NASA 2015)Error! Bookmark not defined.. Far-field
deposition was dependent on atmospheric and meteorological conditions and generally was within a
few miles of the launch complex, but some launches did result in deposition across Kennedy Space
Center and/or Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

Anonymous No. 15859899

>regulations should be minimum for IFT 3
>unless there is a mission failure, in which case 4-month delay due to investigation

Anonymous No. 15859901

but what constitutes a mission failure?

Anonymous No. 15859902

>Levels of chromium, aluminum, iron, zinc, and total suspended solids have since
decreased dramatically with the second test showing below the numeric effluent limitations found in
TCEQ’s Industrial Stormwater multi-sector general permit. It is not expected the deluge water would
contain any pollutants during future operations



Anonymous No. 15859905

FTS being activated I assume. Or not reaching re-entry

Anonymous No. 15859910

Failquote but good. Also stop with this gay spacing phonefag

Anonymous No. 15859911

tell him and post result.
he probably won't respond though.

Anonymous No. 15859916


Image not available


SN11 landing.webm

Anonymous No. 15859917


Anonymous No. 15859918

>gay spacing phonefag
It's neither of these, I'm just highlighting the text and copying it

I don't use twatter

Anonymous No. 15859922

>The forward heat shield could be expended in the Gulf of Mexico.

It doesn't stay attached?

Anonymous No. 15859923

>The fate of the vapor cloud as it cools would be either
>evaporation or condensation.
Can some weatherfag explain how the cloud chooses between condensation or evaporation?

Anonymous No. 15859925


Anonymous No. 15859926

It generally depends on a bunch of factors but mostly on however its feeling that day

🗑️ Anonymous No. 15859931

>ntent of the atmosphere. The
>specific point at which water vapor is considered to have evaporated into the atmosphere is not well-
>defined, as evaporation is an ongoing process influenced by various
ESGHOUND on his way to contaminate boca chica with heavy metals

Anonymous No. 15859939

here's his phone number: (206) 569-5829

Anonymous No. 15859945

funny bait post i'm gonna spam this one on future launches.

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Anonymous No. 15859949

Anonymous No. 15859950

evaporation requires there to be heat and dry air (at a given temperature, a liquid is actually in equillibrium with it's gas form, producing a partial pressure. In the open pressure environment of the atmosphere, that means anything under a partial pressure of one atmosphere results in some water remaining liquid. water evaporates until there's none left or the partial pressure is adequate to prevent more evaporation.

Anonymous No. 15859952

>autist fails to recognize obvious sarcasm
a classic blunder.

Anonymous No. 15859953

NASA should have a CLPS like contract but for mars and Venus exploration. Set aside a billion and let the small commercial companies built a bunch of probes and landers for cheap

Anonymous No. 15859958

The gay part about this launch is that we are gonna have to wait six months for the FOIA request to NASA to be responded to and for them to release the actual kino angles.

Anonymous No. 15859960

That would be smart and sensible so that's not happening

🗑️ Anonymous No. 15859962

I wasn't being sarcastic though.

Anonymous No. 15859964

SpaceX will analyze soil samples in a timely manner (i.e., not stored beyond what is necessary
to transport to the lab), however, interpretation of the data may be deferred until the
Contaminants Monitoring Plan is finalized. If monitoring indicates levels of contaminants are
increasing, FAA will ensure that SpaceX will expand monitoring to include biological sampling
sufficient to determine if levels are accumulating in wildlife. If contaminant levels are
increasing in biota, FAA will ensure that SpaceX will conduct an Ecological Risk Assessment to
determine if levels are approaching toxicity thresholds or are otherwise harmful to target
species. If the Ecological Risk Assessment shows a contaminant risk to target species, the FAA
will ensure that SpaceX will coordinate with the Service and other appropriate agencies to
remove, reduce, and remediate contaminant levels in order to minimize or eliminate
potential injury to listed species

Anonymous No. 15859966

full and rapid reusability btw

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Anonymous No. 15859974

>SpaceX estimates
that each Starship/Super Heavy vehicle launch would ablate (erode) up to 190 pounds of
stainless steel from the steel plate and mount, equating to 140.6 pounds of iron, 34.2 pounds of
chromium, and 15.2 pounds of nickel.

Anonymous No. 15859975

tasteful digits

Image not available



Anonymous No. 15859976

that doesn't sound very SMART to me

Anonymous No. 15859979






Anonymous No. 15859981

nuclear soft ban through over regulation

Anonymous No. 15859983

so, do any of the european small launchers have a chance at launching comcargo before 2028?

Anonymous No. 15859984

European small launchers?

Anonymous No. 15859985

yes, any euro launch company that isn't arianespace.

Anonymous No. 15859989


Anonymous No. 15859990

Copenhagen Suborbitals

Anonymous No. 15859992

>SpaceX estimates that each Starship/Super Heavy vehicle launch would ablate (erode) up to 190 pounds of
stainless steel from the steel plate and mount, equating to 140.6 pounds of iron, 34.2 pounds of chromium, and 15.2 pounds of nickel
Imagine the smell

Anonymous No. 15859993

Rocket Factory Augsburg, PLD space, uhhh, I'm sure there are some others

🗑️ Anonymous No. 15859995

you missed arca

Anonymous No. 15859998


Anonymous No. 15859999


Anonymous No. 15860003

why dont they carry the deluge system on the superheavy booster?

Anonymous No. 15860005

just use more water

Anonymous No. 15860006

Why don't they just make the OLIT 100km high and launch S25 from there? The best part is no part

Anonymous No. 15860009

hmmm could mess with the fragile super saline ecosystem. I'll have to do another environmental review before you can do that.

Anonymous No. 15860011


Anonymous No. 15860016

but... how?

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Anonymous No. 15860020


Anonymous No. 15860022

>failquoting again
can you lurk more?

Anonymous No. 15860026

It's endearing at this point.

Anonymous No. 15860034

I was an aerospace engineer of over 45 years working mostly for NASA and some other aerospace companies. The last 10 years I was the director of a division that dealt with partial reuse of rockets. Project failures in this field are more prevalent because they are designed by less experienced engineers who want to make their mark on the world by creating or implementing a new untested technology. They typically watch too much Star Trek and Elon Musk podcasts. Usually they are theorists, that live in a theoretical world. Old aerospace engineers like myself lived for many decades in the real world, and know theory and reality can be very different. We design projects based on proven concepts and proven engine architectures and proven materials. our projects evolved more slowly, but dependability and reliability were the highest priorities. We built, and studied results before extrapolating into larger projects. Today's aerospace engineers rely entirely on computer modeling to verify the validity of their designs. Experience has been replaced by blind faith in aerospace. I guess that's true in many professions now. Just my 2 cents from an old Boomer.

Anonymous No. 15860036

There's an unsettlingly high possibility that without SpaceX twisting the FAA and FWS nipples on X, at that hearing, and so on that they surely would have passed the government shutdown date and the Starship program would be set back 5 months

Anonymous No. 15860038

who are you quoting?

Anonymous No. 15860042

Can someone calculate how thick a layer is of the whole deluge thing? Must be like 1 mm.

Anonymous No. 15860047

the disastrous rocket launch.

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Anonymous No. 15860056

Launch license issued

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Anonymous No. 15860057

Only approved for IFT-2

Anonymous No. 15860059



fucken hell

Anonymous No. 15860060

I like it, It's very similar to the posts I remember seeing on NSF forums. Not sure if there are any engineering boomers left there these days.

Anonymous No. 15860062

I can't wait for some other trivial change to IFT-3 initiate another 6 month beauracrat nigger delay its all SO tiresome

Anonymous No. 15860063



Anonymous No. 15860064

those bitter old Shittle boomers.

Anonymous No. 15860065

uh-oh! oversisters how do we cope?

Anonymous No. 15860066

Elon is pushing this shit on everyone's timeline, kinda based

Anonymous No. 15860067


Anonymous No. 15860069

The page is 404'd for now, but this is the page before the whole space community DDOSed the thing.

Anonymous No. 15860071

>it's happening in 48 hours
It doesn't feel real

Anonymous No. 15860072


Anonymous No. 15860073

Typing up a storm to Thunderf00t as we speak

Anonymous No. 15860074

cant wait to deal with TWO WEEKS for IFT-3. the biden admin is so fucking annoying.

Anonymous No. 15860075

I give up

Anonymous No. 15860078

Fuck off

Anonymous No. 15860081

Wrong license
It's over

Anonymous No. 15860083

Not trolling, new link that actually works now

Anonymous No. 15860085

Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

We can’t connect to the server at

If that address is correct, here are three other things you can try:

Try again later.
Check your network connection.
If you are connected but behind a firewall, check that Firefox has permission to access the Web.

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Anonymous No. 15860086


Anonymous No. 15860087

You left out the mandatory www part.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 15860088

Modify it then

Anonymous No. 15860089

works on my machine

Anonymous No. 15860090

He is also blatantly advertising Cybertruck in this clip. This calls for a FTC collusion investigation if you ask me.

Anonymous No. 15860093

wtf its only 5 pages

and every page has only one single line on it-


Anonymous No. 15860094

do share once you wrote it.

Anonymous No. 15860095

Overcels, it's over…for you

Anonymous No. 15860097

Twitter views are fucking worthless. Just having it load on the timeline counts as a view.

Anonymous No. 15860099

It's not over yet
anything could happen

Anonymous No. 15860101

you know you can post pdfs directly to /sfg/, right? you're not a newfag, are you anon?

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Anonymous No. 15860102


Anonymous No. 15860103

Taking off work on friday so I can get trashed and watch the launch like it's the goddamn superbowl.

Anonymous No. 15860105

hang on it takes a while to add the krystal porn

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Anonymous No. 15860107


Anonymous No. 15860108

pdfs can be comped now. you're a fucking moron if you download a pdf from 4chinz

Anonymous No. 15860111

You know PDFs can be faked right? you're not a retard, are you anon?

damn you beat me to it.

Anonymous No. 15860112

somebody told me to never open up pdfs posted on 4chan for some security reason and I believe them

Anonymous No. 15860114


Anonymous No. 15860115

berger really waited 6 months to reply to that

Anonymous No. 15860116



Anonymous No. 15860118

When it isn't totally over for overcels...
They can't even say "it's over" about themselves...

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Anonymous No. 15860119

Holy based grudgeposter

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Anonymous No. 15860120


Anonymous No. 15860121

"The signal goes on and he shows up. That's the way it's been, that's the way it will be."

Anonymous No. 15860122


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Anonymous No. 15860123

How far do we think it will get?

Personally I'm betting on an uncontrolled re-entry and breakup, but it could go all the way.

Anonymous No. 15860124

>window opens 7AM CT
guess I'm waking up at 3 AM rip

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Anonymous No. 15860128

the hero we dont deserve, thank you <3

Anonymous No. 15860129

who told ya that?

Anonymous No. 15860131

>have to get up at 8AM


Anonymous No. 15860133

They never launch at the top of the window. Some valve gets stuck or boat moves into the range.

Anonymous No. 15860134

I'm in full doom mood.
Mid flight explosion before stage separation.

Anonymous No. 15860135

Not him but I saw someone here say that too.

Anonymous No. 15860137

I'm feeling that hot staging deletes superheavy, damages the starship but not critically and it makes orbit before shitting on re entry with a dozen issues.

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Anonymous No. 15860141

Nice to see my image still floating around

Anonymous No. 15860142

When did /sfg/ get a bunch of pussy bitches lmao

Anonymous No. 15860144


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Anonymous No. 15860145

As promised.

Anonymous No. 15860148

I'm actually preparing myself for a pad RUD. I have a bad feeling about IFT-2.

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Anonymous No. 15860149

>1400 local time
Fuck I'll still be at work, but I'll find a way to tune in

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Anonymous No. 15860150

I just...

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Anonymous No. 15860152




Anonymous No. 15860155

we don't wanna get a viral infection do we

Anonymous No. 15860156

uhhh, why is it IFT? Shouldn't it be OFT?

Anonymous No. 15860157

Thread will not be usable for the next week

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Anonymous No. 15860158

OverGODS lost... I concede.... its over

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sfg is ALIVE.jpg

Anonymous No. 15860160

/sfg/ Spaceflight General is BACK

Anonymous No. 15860163

no because it's not orbital
I don't think they ever used OFT
integrated flight test

Anonymous No. 15860165

>11pm local

REALLY excited to watch that fat bitch sit on the pad for several hours while they fuck with sticky valves and chase off boomer boaters until it finally scrubs at 3AM

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Anonymous No. 15860166


Anonymous No. 15860168

it's just shy of being orbital

Anonymous No. 15860169

>but after somewhere around 762 launches SpaceX may have themselves a problem

Anonymous No. 15860170

the window is only 2 hours open

Anonymous No. 15860171


Anonymous No. 15860173

someone remind me did it scrub during the first test?

Anonymous No. 15860174

it did, with a recycle

Anonymous No. 15860175


Anonymous No. 15860176

elon really wanted a 4/20 launch so he peed on a valve which then froze

Anonymous No. 15860178

>According to the FWS report regarding the Booster Bidet system, "The Starship-Super Heavy plume when in contact with the steel diverter could ablate up to 190 pounds of steel per launch."

This sounds like a lot, so we did a little math thanks to @RyanHansenSpace

The 0.0381m (1.5inch) thick top plate should experience about 0.00005m of erosion after each launch. Keep in mind this is projected as the WORST CASE scenario...but after somewhere around 762 launches SpaceX may have themselves a problem

>Can someone calculate how thick a layer is of the whole deluge thing? Must be like 1 mm.

Looks like Zack is stealing our ideas bros.

Anonymous No. 15860180

ESG just saw a plover crawl into a OLT valve



Anonymous No. 15860181

it better fucking work!

Anonymous No. 15860186

calm down, hopium is flammable at high concentrations.

Anonymous No. 15860188

It's okay I brought my FireX

Anonymous No. 15860191

this only makes sense if you pay $50M for each engine

Anonymous No. 15860192


Anonymous No. 15860195

>we still have years of testing and many launches to go before starship gets out of testing and into doing real launches
they havent even made a launch site in florida yet...

Anonymous No. 15860198

So you're saying it makes perfect sense?

Anonymous No. 15860199




Anonymous No. 15860200

better than years of red tape and environmental reviews

Anonymous No. 15860202

nah, they'll be launching real payloads the first time they get a successful fractional orbit.

Anonymous No. 15860205


Anonymous No. 15860206

they payload will be a fractional orbital bombardment hypersonic MIRV super dispersion nuke ICBM

Anonymous No. 15860210

SpaceX has peak comfy launch hours for the UK
wfh as well

Anonymous No. 15860213

Because there's a 50% chance that the ship could still explode without clearing the tower. Right now, the system is still too new and the flight hardware for IFT2 is considerably obsolete relative to latest designs of both ship/booster, engines, plumbing, avionics, etc. The risk factor is still too high. It will probably take another 3-4 years of continued testing to get that risk down to 10%, then in the 3-5% range similar to Falcon 9; before FAA would provide block launch licenses.

Anonymous No. 15860214


Anonymous No. 15860216

Where's your sense of smell? That anon was obviously shitposting

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Anonymous No. 15860218

we're fucking going

Anonymous No. 15860219

I believe we won't be seeing any Starship launch failures. The rocket is simply too simple and reliable for anything to go wrong.

Anonymous No. 15860220


Anonymous No. 15860224


Anonymous No. 15860225

Okay real question, I'm going down to Brownsville for the launch, where should I view it from

Anonymous No. 15860226

How lazy do you have to be to not express that in sensible units (mm or um)?

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Anonymous No. 15860229


Anonymous No. 15860232

Actually, what is the roadmap for Starship flight tests? I remember seeing a really detailed one, it was submitted to the FCC or something. I think, after the first working integrated test, there will probably be a full orbital test with a second burn. Then a test of Starlink Starship version and then the one with a large cargo bay. I think at this point there are two launch sites or mechazillas, so SpaceX can try to do a bunch of catch/landing tests that also double as propellant depot and propellant tanker tests. There is also a bunch of tests and missions with early customers going in parallel at this point. Then an HLS test and a bunch of crew certification. Crew cert for HLS will be used for Mars transfer Dtatship version and that will have tk be tested a bunch too. Going to be a really amazing couple of years, tons of variants, shit tons of new missions and tests plus they're planning on extending the ship, changing cannard locations, removing some grid fins and getting hot gas thrusters running (and just maybe switching staging systems again). Really packed decade for spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 15860234



>Biden and Xi meeting in SF right now
>ostensibly for repairing ties/economic talks blahblah
>its actual main goal is for Xi to coerce Biden to delay and stop the Starship launch, China's main future space competitor


>last day of APEC
>Nov 17th

>SpaceX IFT-2 launch
>Nov 17th



Anonymous No. 15860241

Meds now

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Anonymous No. 15860248

>Friday night
Holy based

Anonymous No. 15860249

starship is an existential threat to the entire global space industry, but just like starlink it will go under the radar

Anonymous No. 15860252

imagine if they dropped it

Anonymous No. 15860256

First launch went too well.
If it actually gets further this time I'll be elated. Pad RUD would be kin. We never got to see N-1 go in HD, perhaps Starship can scratch the itch.

Anonymous No. 15860263

Pad RUD would set back Starship 2 years. But I would gladly accept it since we will get IMAX footage and memes from it. Imagine if it does an Astra.

Anonymous No. 15860264

you are delusional. There is very little that can go wrong with the Starship architecture

Anonymous No. 15860266

>since we will get IMAX footage
did we get IMAX footage from the first flight?

Anonymous No. 15860269


Anonymous No. 15860271

It would be hell if it happened, but still fascinating to see.
I think the official SpaceX recap was in 4k, obviously not IMAX but still quite nice.

Anonymous No. 15860272

>lifting has begun
Lifting has begun
>lifting has begun
Lifting has begun

Anonymous No. 15860278

>Imagine if it does an Astra.
which one? We've already go the powerslide and the speeeen checked off with IFT-1

Image not available



Anonymous No. 15860280

Its over launch license will be revoked

Anonymous No. 15860283


Anonymous No. 15860286


Anonymous No. 15860287

it's not really reasonable to put IMAX footage on the internet
hopefully they're assembling a documentary and will release it in actual IMAX theaters

Anonymous No. 15860289

S-she's f-fast

Anonymous No. 15860296

I've not watched a lift for a while, is it usually this fast?

Anonymous No. 15860298

They upgraded the speed after the hydraulics/pneumatics on mechazilla exploded that one time.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 15860301


Image not available


imax camera survi....jpg

Anonymous No. 15860302

Nothing was ever released :(

Anonymous No. 15860310

guess I'll have to go get the IMAX cinema experience like a good goy

Anonymous No. 15860314

The 18K resolution marketing aside, YouTube already supports 8K60fps with HDR at 50Mbps. That's more than enough for high-end home theater viewing.
More channels should be mastering launches in HDR since the rocket plume, Sun, and clouds are crushing lighting detail in SDR as it is.

Anonymous No. 15860316

but what does X support?

Anonymous No. 15860322

Flight 2 footage will be garbage.
Just as flight 1 was.
Doesn't matter it's the best rocket ever and its about to make orbit.

Anonymous No. 15860324

1080p60 SDR at 4.5mbps last I checked

Anonymous No. 15860325

>1080p60 SDR at 4.5mbps

Anonymous No. 15860329

our best hope for 4K footage now is some fan channel on South Padre Island with a zoom lens

Anonymous No. 15860331

He keeps finding whole new ways to cope and move the goalposts so he's always in the right its kinda incredible if it wasn't so delusional

Wannabee hall monitor can't admit when he's wrong, hurts his ego.

Fuck him, doesn't even deserve to be named.

Anonymous No. 15860333

Tsmt twitter switch was a mistake

Anonymous No. 15860336

I'm seeing lateral movement!

Anonymous No. 15860338

Almost stacked

Anonymous No. 15860339

he actually can't keep getting away with it

Anonymous No. 15860340

Now it's clear he's that faggot from twitter.

Anonymous No. 15860343

Gonna fucking scream if it isn't streamed on YouTube
I know it fucking won't be

Anonymous No. 15860344

I'm talking about esgfag

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Anonymous No. 15860349



Anonymous No. 15860352


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Anonymous No. 15860357


Anonymous No. 15860358

It wont launch. overGODS, I'm all in on this one.

Anonymous No. 15860359

I will now let Musk put a computer chip in my head to own the jews.

Anonymous No. 15860361

Wear the mask

Anonymous No. 15860364

I am the only whose's scared about the launch windows ? 2h only. if something goes south , no recicle no nothing , scrub .

Or maybe im misssing sometign , enlight me please

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Anonymous No. 15860365


Anonymous No. 15860366

It is OFT, IFT is revisionist history

Anonymous No. 15860369

Even if it does we just have to wait until monday I think

Anonymous No. 15860370

Launch windows aren't scary, as opposed to women.

Anonymous No. 15860371

Shut the fuck up retard it was NEVER orbital

Anonymous No. 15860373

A few days ago SpaceX posted on youtube again so my hope isn't completely dead yet

Anonymous No. 15860377

That I think was the fastest stack I have ever seen

Anonymous No. 15860383

Imagine if it explodes on pad, lmao

Anonymous No. 15860388

It was exactly 35min . Pretty hasty

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Anonymous No. 15860389

It's OK, a cute anime girl will be restreaming!

Image not available



Anonymous No. 15860390

>51 years ago
>The last time a single Super Heavy Lift rocket model launched twice in a year

Anonymous No. 15860394

It was fake.

Anonymous No. 15860400

>Effective November 15, 2023

Image not available



Anonymous No. 15860401

NOAA Weather report for Port Isabel .

Anonymous No. 15860402

i'm curious what upper level winds are gonna be like, because that could still fuck friday's launch.

Anonymous No. 15860403

Looking good. I'll make sure to sacrifice a small animal to the weather gods just to be sure though.

Anonymous No. 15860405


Anonymous No. 15860407

It's over

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Anonymous No. 15860411

Pretty ok . 112km/h at 10km . I think the maximum before scrub is something close to 150km/h

BTW : im using the model with the highest resolution : HRRR (3km resolution)

Image not available



Anonymous No. 15860416

I wonder what he would think of Starship

Anonymous No. 15860418

>about fucking time
>fucking copy-cats

Anonymous No. 15860420

We need to get some wind turbines up there

Anonymous No. 15860426

>NSF cuck-truck deployed

Anonymous No. 15860427

He would probably be amazed at what they've done with raptor and wonder why he didn't consider methane more.

Anonymous No. 15860428

>why the fuck isn't the US government putting their efforts into this?

Anonymous No. 15860432

May I show you something Herr Braun? It's what NASA is working on now - the SLS.

Anonymous No. 15860434

>Mein gott!

Anonymous No. 15860438

One thing you guys need to keep in mind for friday, more exactly early friday (6am or so ), the chill down and purge will take longer. Like , much longer. Why ? They discovered a while ago some issues in the pipes that transport fuel to the olm IF the purging is not done correctly (basically not purging enough).
So if the pre-fueling checklist takes longer , it is normal

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Anonymous No. 15860441

Pretty much

Image not available



Anonymous No. 15860444

>>fucking copy-cats
But he posted von Braun, not Korolev?

Anonymous No. 15860445

Thanks, anon. Got a source for that?

Anonymous No. 15860447

>the launch mount Starship deserves

Anonymous No. 15860449

see >>15860441

Anonymous No. 15860450

>no hot staging
I fail to see the resemblance.

Anonymous No. 15860452

u/Anastrope on the SpaceX subreddit. Hes pretty accurate

Some dude asked 12h ago : "There was a comment here the other day but I can’t find it now.
Does anyone know the current status of the tank farm? Is filling already complete or in progress?"

Anastrope said : "There will be an round of extra tankers early morning of launch. SpaceX want to make super sure the whole system is purged prior to loading. I've heard internal icing has been a problem with valves with insufficient purging. Problem has been solved, just needs extra fuel which the current tank farm can't provide, and is the reason for the next rebuild project."

>TLDR : SpaceX want to make super sure the whole system is purged prior to loading. I've heard internal icing has been a problem with valves with insufficient purging. Problem has been solved, just needs extra fuel which the current tank farm can't provide

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Anonymous No. 15860457


Anonymous No. 15860459

you need to go back disgusting animal

Anonymous No. 15860460

Damn this is heavenly. I'm thankful there are so many rocket autists documenting Starship development like this.

Anonymous No. 15860461

if a guy has been accurate providing information beforehand week after week but you hate the place where he spreads that info , whats wrong with that ? Forget reddit, that guy is reliable

Anonymous No. 15860462

>anon posts high quality insider info
>reeeeeedit waaaahhhhh
kys just do it you fucking subhuman

Anonymous No. 15860466

from this angle it almost looks like the booster is pointing at some plovers in the distance with one arm and raising another one filled with frozen methane ready to throw in the other one.

Anonymous No. 15860467

the time between IFT-1 and IFT-2 was only a long time because they had to spend months repairing and building a new stage 0. IFT-3 could launch in january or february.

Anonymous No. 15860468

You have provided nothing of value to this thread. Fuck off

Anonymous No. 15860472

Everything was fixed months ago

Anonymous No. 15860475

Any early predictions on how many engines will fail this time?

Anonymous No. 15860478

It was all governmental delays with the launch license and environmental review, there wasn't that much to repair, not this many months worth at least.

Anonymous No. 15860482

im pretty optimistic:

1 just after launch

0 on Starship

Anonymous No. 15860483


Anonymous No. 15860485

We have a winner!

Anonymous No. 15860486

The pad was fixed like two months ago

Anonymous No. 15860487

they've tested it so much that i only expect a few to fail

Anonymous No. 15860488

Stop crying, retard

Anonymous No. 15860492

under half from the last time because hopefully there won't be flying bits from the pad this time

Anonymous No. 15860494

60+(it explodes on launch and destroys some raptors nearby)

Anonymous No. 15860497

plovers are not birds of prey anon.

Anonymous No. 15860503

this. it will be glorious. common snes skepticians got the popcorn ready to watch the n1 made by muskbaby go boom.

Anonymous No. 15860504

>he doesn't know about the Northern Aplomado Falcon

Anonymous No. 15860506


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Anonymous No. 15860507

oh no no no !!

Anonymous No. 15860508

Aber vielleicht wissen diese Scheußlichkeit auch nur ganz wenige.

Anonymous No. 15860509

Common bukhead ruptures . methane and oxygen mix perfectly 1:1 in a almost miraclulous way . Hiroshima level bomb obliterates the tower and the building hosting the Raptors. All 300 are lost . Delay : 4 years

Anonymous No. 15860517

On lift off, the world's entire remaining population of Plovers will fly into the plume

Anonymous No. 15860521


there is NO escape for the plover menace!

Anonymous No. 15860524

guys... is SpaceX at risk of getting nationalized?

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Anonymous No. 15860528


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Anonymous No. 15860530


Anonymous No. 15860531

There is more chances me getting a gf before New Year than SpX getting nationalized

Anonymous No. 15860537

Is it upper level wind speed or upper level wind shear that is the limiting factor? I don't know if the model you are looking at has a plot of average windspeed against altitude.

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Anonymous No. 15860538


Anonymous No. 15860544

The plot thickens.

Anonymous No. 15860547

wind shear is less of a problem for starship, as it's a much beefier rocket and not a noodle like falcon 9.
the reason why average upper level wind speeds can be important is if they're blowing towards land, high upper level winds could potentially send debris after a breakup in flight back over land.

Anonymous No. 15860550

>how come the grid fins aren't retractable?

Anonymous No. 15860551

>methane and oxygen mix perfectly 1:1 in a almost miraclulous way .
Could this be possible?

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Anonymous No. 15860552


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Anonymous No. 15860554

I'm calling it now, an ADL sniper will destroy Starship. They absolutely will not let Elon Musk succeed.

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Anonymous No. 15860555


Anonymous No. 15860556

Yeah it blew up you dumb fucker

Anonymous No. 15860557


Anonymous No. 15860558

Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 15860559

Lets premix it then

Anonymous No. 15860560

ELON NO. You can't dodge the ULA, MLK, AND JFK snipers at the same time, no man is that powerful!

Anonymous No. 15860561

This is what nuclearfags actually believe

Anonymous No. 15860563

>premixed rockets
>no seperating bulkheads needed

Anonymous No. 15860565

no this is >>15860552

Anonymous No. 15860566

"from mars to the stars, the universe will be ours"

Anonymous No. 15860567

Honest question, would this kill me?

Anonymous No. 15860568

You'd better hope it doesn't or I'm heading to your location

Anonymous No. 15860569

>the immensely ambitious experimental rocket that is only possible by SpaceX's rapid iterative development process MUST work or we'll repeat the petty obstructive bullshit until you publicly shame and pressure us enough
it's all so tiresome

Anonymous No. 15860571

He somehow got them to publicly capitulate and endorse advertising on X again after their moratorium. Elon must have absolutely scared the shit out of them and is now trying to bait another kvetch-cycle so he can have his lawyers disassemble the ADL like he wanted to last time.

Anonymous No. 15860573

He's going to have an accident at this rate

Anonymous No. 15860577

>He somehow got them to publicly capitulate and endorse advertising on X again after their moratorium
how did he do it

he gon get Jorg Haider'd

Anonymous No. 15860578

Anastrope is NOT blindly trustable

Anonymous No. 15860579

He's trying to wake up young American to jewish tricks so that America doesn't get dragged into WW3 on behalf of Israel. The purpose of SpaceX is to build an SDI system to preempt WW3 and thereby save humanity. But war is looming and tat system isn't ready yet. He wants a republican administration in the White House to fund SDI, but time is running out for that option so now he's resorting to more drastic means. By waking young Americans up to the Jewish menace, he hopes to render American incapable of entering into wars for Israel and thereby stall the onset of WW3.

He may be a goofy autist and an asshole sometimes, but the threat is REAL and if he succeeds he will be the savior of humanity.

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Anonymous No. 15860585

>useless extra weight
>unironically not returning to the launch pad ass-first by throost vectoring

Anonymous No. 15860588

PID is very hard. Please understand

Anonymous No. 15860594

reminder that NASA achieved propulsive landings back in the 80s or 70s by landing some probe on the moon. Checkmate faggots that though propulsive landings weren't possible in the 20th century.

Anonymous No. 15860603

Landing on the moon is easy compared to earth

Anonymous No. 15860608

>WW3 on behalf of Israel
Not going to happen. A messy, decade-long guerilla conflict? Maybe. But not WW3. At most it would be a war with Iran, which is unlikely to expand into a full-scale great power conflict. Israel is still quite secure militarily (their main concern right now is minimizing casualties and avoiding escalation) and U.S. intervention would only even possibly be necessary if Iran were to launch an all out attack with their proxies and conventional forces, which would be unlikely to succeed and would leave the Iranian regime extremely vulnerable. China has little ability to project power in the region and Russia is too committed in Ukraine to offer meaningful assistance, even if they were so inclined.

Anonymous No. 15860609

What do you expect? It was the 1950s. That bitch runs on hypergolic propellant. Korolev would lose his goddamn mind if he saw it.

Anonymous No. 15860612

America at war with Iran is very likely to turn into a proxy war with China. At that point WW3 becomes a dangerous possibility.

Even if it's a 90% chance of not escalating, 10% chance of WW3 is shit odds.

Anonymous No. 15860615

Water plate system failing, FTS failing to instakill vehicle

Anonymous No. 15860622

i've never said that .my words were "hes pretty accurate"

Anonymous No. 15860629

Catalog got shoah'd again, we're gonna be here for a while, page 8 barely even exists.

Anonymous No. 15860630

>America at war with Iran is very likely to turn into a proxy war with China
No. Or at least, not in the way which is likely to escalate into WW3. A fully enthusiastic Chinese intervention on the scale of Western support for Ukraine wouldn't amount to much since China simply lacks the logistical capabilities to pull something like that off overseas. They might sell some guns under the table, but publicly staking support for Iran would only serve to piss off the Europeans and Oil Arabs and convince them to support a harder line against China down the road. Better to play nice.

Anonymous No. 15860632

>arguing with the brilliant pebbles schizo
how new are you?

Anonymous No. 15860637

>Korolev would lose his goddamn mind if he saw it.
Russky brains asploding would be a nice side-effect of Von Braun's design, yes.

Anonymous No. 15860646

Good, it keeps out the riff-raff who don't know how to use the catalog. It's only a bad thing if it happens after we've already started a new thread.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 15860649

This is the launch thread then.

Anonymous No. 15860652

I'm hopped up on vyvanse and would just spend an hour going over that argument in my head. Anyways it's fun to stress test schizos on particular points

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Anonymous No. 15860659

Starship is very shiny right? Stainless steel.

I would imagine it should be very visible in orbit from the ground when the light hits it right.

Anonymous No. 15860662

if this launch goes 100%, when is the next one?

Anonymous No. 15860664

probably (hopefully) quite soon after

Anonymous No. 15860669

4 months on the low end, 8 months on the long end. Gone are the days when the federal goverment was lenient on SpaceX.

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Anonymous No. 15860671

stupid frogposters

Anonymous No. 15860673

So it's quite possible Starship will have launched several times before SLS launches for the second time, and if this happens, I don't think the future looks too bright for SLS.

Now let me be honest, I've been following SpaceX since 2011 and it was in 2012 when Elon Musk really started talking about a huge rocket that would be fully reusable, it was called the Mars Colonial Transporter at first (MCT), yeah I remember those days. So I have known for a long time that the SLS was a waste of money because SpaceX was going to build something bigger and better. And so here we are, Starship is going to launch for a second time and will launch many times before SLS even has it's second launch.

It's quite possible that SpaceX will even be catching the super heavy booster successfully by the time SLS launches again.

Now from what I'm hearing the second stage, Starship, will actually have landing legs before they attempt to catch it in mid-air, can someone clarify this? They're going to put landing legs on Starship first and land it with landing legs and then attempt to catch it with the tower?

But my point is, seeing them catch the booster with the tower would be absolutely amazing, and they will probably do this before SLS even launches for the second time!

I could see a lot of people clamoring for NASA to cancel SLS. NASA could spend the money on something else, like putting up gigantic cheap space telescopes via Starship. There are so many things we could do with Starship it's not even funny.

Astronomers are complaining that StarLink is ruining the night time sky but they don't realize that thanks to Starship we will soon be able to put up gigantic space telescopes on the cheap. Or even go put telescopes on the Moon.

I'm so excited, I've been waiting on Starship for over 10 years now! And it seems the time has finally arrived. They're gonna start launching Starship again and again and again! I think we're entering a new era.

Hello New World!!

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Anonymous No. 15860675

Oh you made some minor alterations to the vehicle? Sorry Elon, time for another FAA review, we might have to talk to the fish people again too if you keep badmouthing our greatest ally on twitter :^)

Anonymous No. 15860676

>when the federal goverment was lenient on SpaceX
Isn't it the other way around? The government went hat-in-hand to beg Elon to activate Starlink over the Black Sea and Crimea. He told (((them))) to fuck off.

Anonymous No. 15860680

>copy pasting boomer ramblings from reddit or nsf forum into the thread

Anonymous No. 15860681

No he told them to buy starshield

Anonymous No. 15860682

China will send weapons in cargo ships to Iran. The US will sink those ships, and then the conflict escalates. Even if there is only a 10% chance of this happening, that's nearly as bad as playing Russian Roulette.

Anonymous No. 15860684

>no refutation
Starship will never go to Mars. It isn't a mars rocket. It is purpose built for launching massive LEO constellations.

Anonymous No. 15860685

WW3 will be America's own doing.
As soon as domestic facilities can produce a sufficient supply of DoD-compliant microchips, expect a CIA false-flag somewhere in the South China Sea or involving Taiwan which will justify escalation to actual conflict between the US and China. Full-scale conflict between the two (and ensuing global conflict) results in the final dissolution of the Russian state and breakup of the Chinese one into several US client states and a collection of other geopolitically-weak entities.
This leaves the US essentially unopposed as a global power, especially if the war is used as an excuse to clear out a lot of nuclear power regulations in order to weaken OPEC's influence.

Anonymous No. 15860691

This may in fact be their plan, but it's borderline suicidal.

Anonymous No. 15860692

It would be extremely painful

Anonymous No. 15860693

Wasn't it Ukraine asking him to do that and he basically said "please get the Pentagon to ask me that instead because otherwise I'd be violating US sanctions"
Like a kid asking his dad permission to do something and getting the old "did you ask your mother?" reply

Anonymous No. 15860696

where do you even get liquid oxygen from as a hobbyist?

Anonymous No. 15860697

America doing a full scale war will mean conscription is back. Good luck, that will be the end of the United States.

Anonymous No. 15860702

1.5 months if launch goes perfectly. 3-4 months if it doesn't thus SpaceX has to do an investigation

Anonymous No. 15860704

Fighting age Americans do not want to fight this war. Neither the whites (who by in large no longer support Israel nor believe they have a meaningful future in America) nor the browns (who only sign up to the military to get gibs.)

Escalating anti-jewish rhetoric serves to cement this fact. Young white guys with a clue know that if they're going to die in WW3 it'll be on American soil fighting for their own interests, not on foreign soil fighting for Israeli interests.

Anonymous No. 15860705

Nigger you just make it yourself

Anonymous No. 15860707

Nah. Ukraine has shown us that Russia's military takes notable hardware losses against our surplus anti-air and anti-tank weapons in the hands of a gaggle of thumb-headed slavs. China's military is just copy-pasted 80s and 90s Russian hardware, but slightly worse.
In a peer-to-"peer" conflict where the goal is as simple as "wipe out the PLA," the US is going to be playing on easy mode.

Anonymous No. 15860708

Something like that yeah. He's not against the Pentagon using his stuff, just about mingling offensive use with civilian Starlink.

Anonymous No. 15860709

From the air?

Anonymous No. 15860711

The US barely has the industrial capacity to sustain a war with Iran, it would get absolutely destroyed by China

Anonymous No. 15860715

Watch slaughterbots
That is the future of warfare and america is fucking screwed if they try and fight china

Anonymous No. 15860718

>america attacks china
>gets swarmed by fpv drones

Anonymous No. 15860719

the only thing wrong here is that the US was the sole global power in the 90s and 2000s and being the pole of a monopolar world sucked dick. Everybody hates us now because there's no better-of-two-evils, just one sort of evil. The government can get much, much more done 1984-style by creating an external threat that's simply omnipresent rhetorically, but not actually engaged with except with proxy wars here and there. Clearly a cold war is the way to go if the government wants to consolidate power, mobilize the workforce, and avoid any politically expensive mistakes that could hand over that power to somebody retarded who might mess it all up.

Anonymous No. 15860721

you need to go back to /k/ tranny

Anonymous No. 15860722


Anonymous No. 15860723

Hey anons long time no post
I’m driving down to south padre to watch the starship launch
Do any of you fags know what the good spots are to watch the rogget? And do you have any (shitty iPhone camera) photo requests?

Anonymous No. 15860726

To actually split up China the way >>15860685 suggests requires a land war in China. You can't win wars from the air. Every single goddamn time somebody thinks that's possible they get proven wrong. The only time it MIGHT have worked was the nuclear bombing of Japan and even that is dubious, and also a trick that won't work again because it will get nukes flying back at America and there are not presently enough interceptors to prevent that, even counting all of Aegis which cannot protect all of America.

You think it's going to go like Russia and Ukraine? Well Russia isn't getting split up. Nobody with more than two braincells is even talking about a NATO or Ukrainian invasion of Russia to split Russia up. Even that is too dangerous, and you propose it for China? Insane.

Anonymous No. 15860729

You need to find Estronauts streaming location, put on a gorilla mask and hover around him menacingly with no other clothes on. I'll send you a hundred bucks in btc if you do this

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Anonymous No. 15860730

Firefly launch soon

Anonymous No. 15860732

Now that we know Patriot batteries can intercept ballistic reentry vehicles there actually might be enough interceptors if we ringed all our fixed known-targets with SAM batteries.

Anonymous No. 15860733

The NAFO crowd wanted you to ignore that a foreign government asked SpaceX, a civilian American company, to actively participate in an act of war by turning on Starlink in a place it wasn't in order to be used as a weapon guidance system.

Anonymous No. 15860734

I too remember the MCT days, and back when raptor was speculated on but had never been seen so most renders showed one giant seadragon style engine bell.
SLS will continue because NASA doesnt want to fly it's astronauts on something that doesnt have an abort mode. Yes, they will use HLS to land on the moon, but they will still be autistic about launching or landing on earth from starship because it has no abort. It's a good thing. Ghettoizing all the shuttle grifters to SLS rather than cutting them out means Artemis has a 200% higher chance of not getting cancelled, and if Starship kills a crew it will be a diaster so bad that I dont even know how they will recover. EDS will go into overdrive and the givernment may even ban SpaceX from flying private passangers and introduce retarded regulation (no doubt pushed by ULA and BO) making an abort mode mandatory on any manned rocket.
Since its allegedly fully and rapidly reusable they should take full advantage of that, spamming launches to work out all the bugs. I would only really be comfortable seeing humans on it once they have a starship which has flown 10 misisons in a row flawlessly

Anonymous No. 15860736

Go back

Anonymous No. 15860737

>anti-drone swarm lasers

Anonymous No. 15860738

>gaggle of thumb-headed slavs

Anonymous No. 15860739

/k/ trannies take your warmongering mic shilling back to where you came from

Anonymous No. 15860740

>Starlink is /pol/

Look at the retard and laugh.

Anonymous No. 15860741

There aren't enough of those to protect all of America. "fixed known-targets" means every American population center; you (e.g. >>15860685) are talking about splitting up the PRC. They have the will and ability to retaliate against American civilians in response to America presenting an existential threat to their rule.

If Brilliant Pebbles were ready, America would have much better odds. But it isn't. China has nukes, capable missiles, a very nationalistic population that hate America, and considerable industrial power. America invading China to split up the PRC would be suicidal.

Anonymous No. 15860748

>if Starship kills a crew it will be a diaster so bad that I dont even know how they will recover. EDS will go into overdrive and the givernment may even ban SpaceX from [...]
Well good news: Starship is for launching satellites and there aren't actually any serious plans to put people on it.

One of the big lessons learned from the Shuttle era is you don't mix passengers and cargo. Even if you wanted to use Starship to construct a Mars base, you would still launch the Starships unmanned and send people up in Falcon 9's to rendezvous with Starship in orbit.

Anonymous No. 15860752

China doesn't have enough warheads for that. This isn't the Soviet Union we're talking about. MAD is entirely avoidable.

Anonymous No. 15860755

EWAR doesn't work against ai drones
Lasers do but then are also easily defeated

Anonymous No. 15860756

Can we actually talk about the now official starship launch instead of this faggot shit

Anonymous No. 15860758

not until the trannies go back to /k/ope

Anonymous No. 15860759

China has far more warheads than they have let on, and furthermore, they have several times as many decoys which each serve to increase the odds of their warheads getting through. America cannot intercept them all, we don't have enough interceptors for that.

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Anonymous No. 15860760

Really tired of this brilliant pebbles sperg, you faggots always taking his gay bait and making this place look like some shithole /k/pol/ thread. Kill yourselves.

Anonymous No. 15860761

we've been discussing it for 209 days

Anonymous No. 15860763

the launch isnt official. it won t launch. check the news tomorrow. its being destacked ring by ring now.

Anonymous No. 15860768

We totally have enough Patriot PAC-3s if we strike first. Don't be a pussy.

Anonymous No. 15860769

Dune-worm chan is cute! CUTE!

Anonymous No. 15860771

Elon's mission is to save the human race, and to do this he's building the largest rocket ever made to put thousands of satellites into LEO.

This puzzle is for ages 1 or over. You should be able to solve this.

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Anonymous No. 15860772

Insider here. The launch has been called off on direct orders of President Jonathan Greenblatt.

Anonymous No. 15860774

Honestly you’re worse. Demonstrate some knowledge of space flight principles or gtfo. No posts about non space flight bullshit

Anonymous No. 15860775

>/k/tranny thinks his kind belongs here
Go the fuck back

Anonymous No. 15860777

As if China would disclose how many warheads they have stockpiled. All they need you to know is that they have them and the US can’t be certain if it’s a few hundred or a couple thousand. All that is known is that China is building lots of new silos and submarines so they are clearly making more. Throw in Russia and NK’s stockpiles and you will be getting overwhelmed and fucked up.

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Anonymous No. 15860778

Alright, everyone name your favorite Kuiper belt object (hardmode: no Pluto). For me it's Haumea.

Anonymous No. 15860779

i want to fug the worm girl

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Anonymous No. 15860781

This is clearly a Mars rocket. If you don't agree then you're a schizo.

Anonymous No. 15860785

I just shit myself. I realize the license is now in hand, but still I know in my heart they cant launch it

Anonymous No. 15860786

looks like a spaceplane

>source: wings

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Anonymous No. 15860787

Oh lmao you're actually a chink. Did you think we didn't see everything your nuclear forces are doing? How pathetic.

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Anonymous No. 15860791

Eh? Sex?

Anonymous No. 15860796

I fug her too

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Anonymous No. 15860797


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Anonymous No. 15860799


Anonymous No. 15860801

>cooldown spamming


Anonymous No. 15860802

NTA: Even if China only had the few hundred nuclear warheads the old public estimates claim, that is too many for America to take a risk with. Besides, a land war in China to split up the PRC is insanity even if nukes weren't on the table. Nobody with more than two braincells is seriously proposing such insanity. Nobody is even proposing an invasion of Russia and China is an even worse nut to crack than that.

Cold War is the only sane way forward.

Anonymous No. 15860809

We don't need a land war, we need saturation nuclear bombardment to just kill all of them.

Anonymous No. 15860811

>Nobody is even proposing an invasion of Russia
I am.
They must pay for what they did to the N1.

Anonymous No. 15860812

Funny how he thinks he can go to mars ina clearly hyper leo optimized rocket like the shuttle which people complain about so much. makes. ya. think.

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Anonymous No. 15860814


Anonymous No. 15860822

>Some of the biggest names in American business are scheduled to attend the summit, among them Citigroup’s Jane Fraser, Exxon’s Darren Woods, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella and Tesla Inc. and SpaceX’s Elon Musk. A number of executives have been invited to dine with Xi, according to people familiar with the plans, a chance for them to air their concerns and ambitions in a less formal setting.

Anonymous No. 15860825

Strategic bombing doesn't win wars. It didn't work in Germany, it didn't work in Japan when Tokyo was burned to the ground. It didn't work in Korea or Vietnam. Iraq was defeated by troops on the ground using bulldozers to bury the republican guard in their own trenches. You cannot defeat the PRC and split up China using air power alone. The idea of bombers alone winning wars is complete fantasy.

Anonymous No. 15860832

Well anon, you see...
>build the world's best LEO rocket ever for launching tens of thousands of satellites
>Mars Colony
Do I really need to explain this to you? It's so obvious. This clearly is Elon Musk's plan to save humanity.

Anonymous No. 15860833

Techbros win again! Redditors seething. STRONG CHINA

Anonymous No. 15860835

Pre-PGM pray n spray iron bombs are not at all comparable to GPS/laser/inertial guided nukes.

Anonymous No. 15860838

Take me back to the days when the tv spying on you was a conspiracy theory

Anonymous No. 15860839



Anonymous No. 15860840


Anonymous No. 15860841

kek. muskrats drown at this information.

Anonymous No. 15860844

Nice, he already met most of the cabinet earlier this year

Anonymous No. 15860846

Getting mass to LEO is the main bottleneck for spaceflight (at least until we reach a stage where going to Mars is trivial). Starship is designed to have exactly the dv needed for a Mars mission with refueling and ISRU, but even if that doesn't work for whatever reason it can still be used to pursue a more traditional Mars architecture.

Anonymous No. 15860847

Elon Musk is God, as well as His Son on Earth

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Anonymous No. 15860848

Go Clear!
Go SpaceX!
Go Starship!

Anonymous No. 15860849

We've been over this already, China has too many nukes to nuke China into submission. And do you really think Russia would just sit there and watch America nuke China? They would have to know that they would be next. America is not insane enough to take these risks.

I support Elon Musk, SpaceX is America's ace up our sleeve. America needs Starship; the sooner it starts flying the better. But it's not for going to Mars. That's just a pipe dream to motivate idealistic engineers who grew up on Star Trek.

Anonymous No. 15860856

>>Getting mass to LEO is the main bottleneck for spaceflight (at least until we reach a stage where going to Mars is trivial).
Assuming Starship flies this year and is in serial production next year, how many more years will it take to develop all the Mars colony habitat technology, set up the requisite organizations, and develop a sustainable Mars colony economy? Decades at least. Starship is nearly ready but prospective Mars colonists are not.

Anonymous No. 15860861


Anonymous No. 15860862

Yet another Berger win for the books

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Anonymous No. 15860865


Anonymous No. 15860867

So what then, Apollo but on Mars? If you're not settling in then you're just a tourist doing a political stunt.

Anonymous No. 15860869

I personally don't like that crook and I'm looking forward to his rocket blowing up on friday

Anonymous No. 15860873

none, because I will perform the necessary sacrifices

Anonymous No. 15860878

going just to do a short stay is just one of the steps REQUIRED for settlement and colonisation
they didn't land on the moon with the very first apollo mission, it took many small steps as individual missions including from gemini and mercury to get there

Anonymous No. 15860879

oh boy, what do I have to do hereto talk to the manager? can someone explain to me why everyone in this thread gawks at the ugly fat cousin of the space shuttle musk is building. what's it even for? its certainly not going to Mars. ever.

Anonymous No. 15860881

thanks for the history faggot. now do me a favor and bend forward so I can give you a wedgie.

Anonymous No. 15860882

the biggest news in 7 months and some of you still can't stop posting shitposts
seek help

Anonymous No. 15860883

gutter-oil encrusted fingers typed this post

Anonymous No. 15860885

They are mentally ill

Anonymous No. 15860886

The point is that the actual ability to transit materials to Mars is directly and inextricably tied to how much mass can get put in LEO for each dollar spent. Launching into Earth orbit is (at least in dv) the most expensive part of any mission and until that is taken care of then the actual logistics of colonization are completely useless.
>So what then, Apollo but on Mars
For a few missions, sure, alongside the gradual establishment of an Antarctica style Mars base with rotating crew to help determine the necessary steps for colonization and long-term human settlement. Actually being able to get things there is the first step and until you can do that the rest is just a daydream.

Anonymous No. 15860887

It's for launching massive amounts of satellites. it will be the most powerful rocket ever flown by an extremely large margin. The shuttle has nothing on it.

Anonymous No. 15860888

ultima thule

Anonymous No. 15860890

>Antarctica style Mars base
We can't even do a Mars style Antarctica base. Starship is nearly complete but the serious colony/base work hasn't even begun.

Anonymous No. 15860891

what the fuck else are we going to do for two days?

Anonymous No. 15860893

shuttle could launch satelites too. correct me if I'm wrong?

Anonymous No. 15860899

>the serious colony/base work hasn't even begun
Yeah. Probably because it can't happen until we can reliably and frequently execute small-scale manned missions to Mars, and that won't happen for another decade or more in even the most optimistic Starship timeline

Anonymous No. 15860902

2 decades minimum. most likely humans will land on Mars for the 100th anniversary of the apollo 11 landing.

Anonymous No. 15860903

stop trying to discuss the shuttle, you fucking pervert

Anonymous No. 15860904

Orcus (the thinking man's Pluto)

Anonymous No. 15860905

A rowboat can carry cargo. So can a cargo ship.
The shuttle was trash, stop trying to defend the shuttle.

Anonymous No. 15860906

The vehicle relies on refilling on 1300 tonnes of propellant in LEO in order to go to Mars, and therefore needs to be optimized to carry mass to LEO

Anonymous No. 15860909

>there is no gradient between short stay flags & footprints and full colonization
kill yourself right now

Anonymous No. 15860917

Shuttle could carry as much cargo as a Falcon 9, to LEO. It couldn't carry as much payload to GTO as a fucking Electron.
Meanwhile Starship can launch Shuttle's maximum LEO payload to GTO in a sibgle launch with no refueling and full recovery and reuse of both stages.
Shuttle fucking sucked.

Anonymous No. 15860919

ESL, or autism? "has nothing on it" is an idiom, it means the shuttle has no advantage whatsoever over Starship, not that the shuttle had no cargo at all.

Shittle could bring 27 tons to LEO. Starship will bring 150+ tons to LEO, and for a tiny fraction of the price. The Shittle system was only partially reusable and only then with extensive and expensive overhauling. SpaceX's re-usability is actually economical, they have already proven that economical reusability is possible with Falcon 9 and Starship applies all the lessons they learned there and then more.

Anonymous No. 15860951

FWS status tho?

Anonymous No. 15860955

Total Shark Death soon.

Anonymous No. 15860960

It's all approved anon. We are go.

Anonymous No. 15860963

they signed off on it. SeX has a greenlight, though of course it could theoretically be revoked

Anonymous No. 15860965

We just dont know

Anonymous No. 15860969

Let's frickin GOOO

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Anonymous No. 15860979


Anonymous No. 15860983


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Anonymous No. 15860984


Anonymous No. 15860986


Anonymous No. 15860992

Explain to a brainlet why this couldn't work. Would the gases segregate in the tank?

Anonymous No. 15860993

Reminder that this guy is a fag and Elon hung up on him live on stream

Anonymous No. 15860995

Alien simps will call this racist

Anonymous No. 15860996

900 posts by page 6? We are so FUCKING back.
KYS that fucker wasted the IFT-1 interview and we NEVER got more info on it because this negroid asked him stupid questions about Ukraine instead of focusing on the FUCKING DETAILS REEEEEEEEEEE I HATE HIM SO MUCH

Anonymous No. 15860997

vance is profoundly dumb and seems to take proud in how dumb he is

Anonymous No. 15860999

>900 posts by page 6? We are so FUCKING back.
it helps that half the catalog was deleted. But yes, we are.

Anonymous No. 15861002

The fish are cool with it. The wildlife agreed too.

Anonymous No. 15861005

fuuuuck so this launch window runs from 8-10AM EST? i'll have to wake up at like 6 then, but lets pray to jesus that this shit gets done right quick so we can keep this pace going. no explosions. Also proud of you autists for not doing some gay newfag shit like early staging even when the catty got wiped, seems like IFT-2 is going to be only oldDEITIES which is GREAT

Anonymous No. 15861012

>8-10AM EST launch window
pretty comfy desu and lines up well with my morning routine
we are SO back

Anonymous No. 15861016

imagine my shark

Anonymous No. 15861020

>6-8am MST launch window
fuck me i hope i wake up

Anonymous No. 15861026

I will skip work on friday if it still looks like it's gonna happen in 24 hours

Anonymous No. 15861027

>Explain to a brainlet why this couldn't work
It does work
It just tends to work very quickly

Anonymous No. 15861029

Private StarShips will get paint jobs like this hopefully

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Anonymous No. 15861040

Oh the humanity... cancel the launch immediately or THIS will happen...

Anonymous No. 15861041

yeah wake up at 6AM to sit through the fuel loading, pre-launch checks, delays, etc,

Anonymous No. 15861043

So is his colleague Loren Gash formerly with the Vag. Bloomberg sucks.

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Anonymous No. 15861046

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hi lauren gash wi....png

Anonymous No. 15861047

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 15861048

"Sorry what were you asking I tune out when women are speaking"

Anonymous No. 15861049

Miss piggy needs to be turned into bacon

Anonymous No. 15861054

Wow you guys are really awful. I have half a mind to forward this thread to her so she can put you on blast

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Anonymous No. 15861056

>Going to be driving at exactly 8-10AM friday

Anonymous No. 15861060

lmao I was making fun of Elon you idiot

Anonymous No. 15861061

>going to be watching the launch live and in person

Anonymous No. 15861062

lol please do, I would love to ruin her day

Anonymous No. 15861063

replied to bait again award

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Anonymous No. 15861064


Anonymous No. 15861065


Anonymous No. 15861067

I knew it was bait and I want him to do it anyway

Anonymous No. 15861068


Anonymous No. 15861070

Indeed. All fools

Anonymous No. 15861082

To be fair, you were making light of a hypothetical sexist scenario

Anonymous No. 15861086


Anonymous No. 15861088

stop trying to bait this general retard

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Anonymous No. 15861090


Anonymous No. 15861099

been out for months
>hot staging
are those grills gonna survive max Q with starship on top of it?

Anonymous No. 15861102

yes to every question you have, but probably not the first time around

Anonymous No. 15861103

He literally said
>can you repeat that? Sorry I wasn’t listening
To a wamen who asked him a question at the starship presentation

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Anonymous No. 15861105

grills will be fine

Anonymous No. 15861106

So in other words you agree that it's sexist and you still support it? whether or not it really happened doesnt matter, and really only makes it worse

Anonymous No. 15861109

>its sexist because it happened to be a woman
now that's sexist

Anonymous No. 15861112

oh fuck off

Anonymous No. 15861114

We'll find out but it's not the ring that's the problem, it's the top bulkhead.

Anonymous No. 15861120


Anonymous No. 15861122


Anonymous No. 15861124

I have a REALLY bad feeling about this one.

Anonymous No. 15861128

Me too but I’m talking about the poop that I’m poopin rn

Anonymous No. 15861133


Anonymous No. 15861135

SN11 atmospheric kino maybe. Fog and shrapnel.

Anonymous No. 15861136

what is it about /sfg/ and pooping

Anonymous No. 15861144

We're all Isaac Arthur fans here

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Anonymous No. 15861161

Something scrumptuous for my tummy
appear on the general of ess eff gee

Anonymous No. 15861163

I'm going to poop on an ocelot nest

Anonymous No. 15861164

I'm going to start driving from Houston at midnight on Thursday night, arrive and watch the launch, then drive back.

Anonymous No. 15861168

did the hot stage ring made the stack taller?

Anonymous No. 15861169

I'm going to be pissed if it's foggy and we see jack shit

Anonymous No. 15861171

nope, its the same height

Anonymous No. 15861173

the weight of it compresses superheavy and >>15861171

Anonymous No. 15861178

ocelots are mammals, they dont make nests

Anonymous No. 15861179

holy fuck elon musk really needs to read the room

Anonymous No. 15861184

Sorry I meant a plover nest. All the animals I want to genocide kind of blend into one you feel me

Anonymous No. 15861186

Huh? Plenty of mammals makes nests. Like squirrels and ocelots.

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Anonymous No. 15861189

I wanna live inside the grills

Anonymous No. 15861193

The cuck cage will be your method of execution

Anonymous No. 15861196

that will be a future execution method you know

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Anonymous No. 15861199

Wouldn't the grid fins get fucked? or do they experience way more stress when landing than this?

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Anonymous No. 15861207

no, they are stronk

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Anonymous No. 15861238

who do i believe

Anonymous No. 15861240

They put that ring in a jig that loaded it with more than the maximum force it'll endure during launch, should be fine.

Anonymous No. 15861244

yes by about 2 meters

Anonymous No. 15861249


Anonymous No. 15861250

we dont know yet

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ocelot in its nest.jpg

Anonymous No. 15861251

Deboonked. Next time get your facts straight before posting on the internet, sweaty

Anonymous No. 15861252

The grid fins are probably strong enough to handle the stage falling over in the water, some expanded exhaust gasses during stage sep won't do shit.

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Anonymous No. 15861260

>wh-why do you want me dead, anonsama?

Anonymous No. 15861263


Anonymous No. 15861265

Cats are niggers and we should never have domesticated you. All you little shits do is run around torturing birds for fun. TOD

Anonymous No. 15861266

that's a zoo you fool

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Anonymous No. 15861268

1k get

Anonymous No. 15861270

Its once it detonates on the mount

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Anonymous No. 15861271

Anonymous No. 15861274

holy fail just kys now
gj stealing the 1000 anon

Anonymous No. 15861277

btw we're getting raided if u couldnt tell

Anonymous No. 15861280

Essex is spaceflight related

Anonymous No. 15861282

pathetic raid attempt. couldnt even get the 100th post on a slow as fuck board? christ

Anonymous No. 15861293

When you think about it a boat is just a blimp....

Anonymous No. 15861315

can u post the spacex version? shes so cute

Anonymous No. 15861317

obvious samefag ur raid is so shit.

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Anonymous No. 15861320

We getting a lightshow?

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Anonymous No. 15861321


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Anonymous No. 15861330

Anonymous No. 15861349

never said it wasnt true

Anonymous No. 15861355

>As soon as domestic facilities can produce a sufficient supply of DoD-compliant microchips

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Anonymous No. 15861356


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Anonymous No. 15861359

Nice, you got it!

Anonymous No. 15861361

Might have to watch this from uni. But that's alright, I watched IFT-1 while on a bus.

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Anonymous No. 15861367

I can't watch it at all. Enjoy it for me, /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 15861368

it'll scrub thanlfully

Anonymous No. 15861377

now that you said this it wont scrub

Anonymous No. 15861381

2 hour window isnt enough really, they need at least a 4 hour window to recycle

Anonymous No. 15861382

Doesn't look like it. /sfg/ memes will have to remain dreams for another day.

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Anonymous No. 15861384

I hope my wife will be present on friday

Anonymous No. 15861385

i fingered your wife in a nightclub

Anonymous No. 15861389

>arianspace buying ula
what a fucking clown show

Anonymous No. 15861390

Mogged by Kate, as per usual.

Anonymous No. 15861393

love her pierced nips :)

Anonymous No. 15861394

No you didnt, Frank

Anonymous No. 15861395

A rocket is a controlled explosion. Premixing leads to the exact opposite of controlled.

Anonymous No. 15861396

Does anyone have that pic?? hnnng fucking slut

Anonymous No. 15861397

just don't have an ignition source

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Anonymous No. 15861401

hope she brings them out for the webcast

Anonymous No. 15861403

total whore

Anonymous No. 15861409

Does this exclude them from launching national security payloads?

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Anonymous No. 15861419

>ywn be her wolf and get kisses

Anonymous No. 15861421


Anonymous No. 15861427

much more preferable than niggers, to be quite honest with you.

Anonymous No. 15861428


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Anonymous No. 15861447

Could we maybe not derail the license thread?

Anonymous No. 15861451

You're a little late, buddy. The /k/ shit was hours ago.

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Anonymous No. 15861456

its only a little derailed

Anonymous No. 15861457

depends on it's orientation.

Anonymous No. 15861462

Henry Ford reincarnated?

Anonymous No. 15861466

>This leaves the US essentially unopposed as a global power
somber reminder that this almost already happened after ww2 and after the soviet untion Collapnsed

Anonymous No. 15861470

is starlink's success emboldening him?

Anonymous No. 15861472

twitter has always been 50% tribal shitflinging / 50% news. what he said is relatively tame compared to many of the posts.

Anonymous No. 15861476

With any luck

Anonymous No. 15861482

Henry Ford was an American industrialist

Anonymous No. 15861484

If SpaceX just wanted a LEO optimized thing, why the fuck would they make it superheavy and introduce a bunch of pains in the ass? Think about it, its meant to be fully and rapidly reusable, the only major cost is propellant that scales with vehicle and payload size. No major difference between sending 20 flights that cost 400K to launch and bring 20 tons to orbit and doing 4 flights on a vehichle that costs 2 million to launch and brings 100 tons to orbit. You're just adding pain by going as big as 150 or even 200 tons. Only reason you'd do it is sizing the vehichle out for mars.

Anonymous No. 15861500

Thank you ChatGPT

Anonymous No. 15861504

Thats the US's hope. But war between peers is something the US has NEVER fought in its entire history. When the US fought against the Germans/Japanese, those two powers were completely exhausted by then.

Anonymous No. 15861505

>No major difference between sending 20 flights that cost 400K to launch and bring 20 tons to orbit and doing 4 flights on a vehichle that costs 2 million to launch and brings 100 tons to orbit

What vehicle can launch 20 tonnes for 400k?

Anonymous No. 15861506

20 tons is the payload class of Falcon 9, and its economy of scale maxes out at 20 tons for $20 million, and SpaceX wouldn't make a single dime at that price.

Anonymous No. 15861510

Literally just a scaled down Starship. Again, the majority of costs are just how many liters of propellant you need to buy IF both stages are fully reusable, unlike falcon. Also no need to recover payload fairing in that scenario. Essentially look at Stoke's Nova to see what a scaled down Starship might look like. By the way if Stoke is planning on orbital refueling, there's clearly an economic case for small, but cheap and rapidly and fully reusabable launchers. The reasons falcon 9 maxes out cheapness out at 20 million is because they need an expendable second stage and they need to recover the fairings from the ocean and the majority of time they need to land on a drone ship and they have to take a bunch of time to go and integrate another stage to the booster. Delete that shit, just do purely RTLS, have an integrated payload bay, have really quick stacking like Starship and Mechazilla have. That alone lets you massively drive up cadence and economies of scale.

Anonymous No. 15861515

Which means your rocket needs to be bigger to achieve the same payload capacities, and you're forgetting something about the architecture:
Starship is sized for Starlink v2.

Anonymous No. 15861518

Then just keep launching Starlinks that are smaller and less heavy, just in greater volume.

Anonymous No. 15861519

The constellation is more capable with a larger satellite bus. Decreasing the size of each one will reduce the capacity of the network and force a lower bandwidth/service saturation point.

Anonymous No. 15861523

When you are fuelling methalox, the majority cost of a launch is NOT fuel. It's everything else, less launches with bigger rockets is always cheaper. They figured this shit out over half a century ago now fuck off imbecile.

Anonymous No. 15861529

>Literally just a scaled down Starship

On what planet do you think you can launch a Falcon 9 sized starship, including all the increased sized booster to lift it, mass penalties for heatshield and such along with the cost of recovery, refurbishment/repair/ancillary fees/whatever for 400k? Were you even Here when they decided to shitcan a recoverable f9 second stage because it was obviously a useless effort?

Anonymous No. 15861544

Teams are cleaning the shit out the launch pad . Lift jig, s25 transport stand , boxes of stuff , etc . Out

T minus 27h and counting

Anonymous No. 15861553

Your proposition is a Falcon 9 sized vehicle that can lift the same tonnage to orbit while always returning to launch site (bigger booster needed for extra fuel+dry mass) and having a second stage that is self landing with a heatshield and integrated payload bay (hugely bigger booster again) for *checks notes* 0.8% of the commercial cost of a Falcon 9 or 2% the alleged internal cost of a Falcon 9. You should apply to SpaceX because I'm sure they would be fascinated by your proposals.

Anonymous No. 15861555

>we can't colonize mars, what about the perchlorates!
It's that easy, just wash them away.

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vintage zubrin.png

Anonymous No. 15861561

checked and zubrinpilled

Anonymous No. 15861563

They will send a drone ship near the re-entry site? We will get live coverage of sea landing?

Anonymous No. 15861578

If there isn't one there already it's a bit late now. There is a glowie optical tracking station in Hawaii and maybe they'll get a hand from some US navy warships. We got live streamed footage from NASA aircraft during the OSIRIS-REx sample return. Maybe we get it again.

Anonymous No. 15861596

That WB-57 footage was overrated.

Anonymous No. 15861599

The target was rather miniscule compared to Starship.

Anonymous No. 15861603

She looks like she does rimming videos to Blackedraw.

Anonymous No. 15861608

mutt's law strikes again.

Anonymous No. 15861666

Uh... b.. bros?... Why is starship hyper LEO optimized? I'm beginning to think the richest man in the world isn't actually our friend.

Anonymous No. 15861669

thanks satan, nice tip.

Anonymous No. 15861676

damn, this hookers got a nasally voice.
We need my man INSPRUCKER or as I call him INSPIRATION

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Anonymous No. 15861680

T - 1d 1h 25min

I will always remember a quote from the movie/documentary "Apollo 11" , it goes like this :

"This is of course the great day for mankind when we leave our planet Earth and set foot on the moon. "

I like to imagine Starship has a group of 4 onboard heading to the moon with this quote in mind

Anonymous No. 15861683

Certified reddit post

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Anonymous No. 15861684

bros i can't fucking wait
launch it now

Anonymous No. 15861689

Hey all, E sent internal comms to ask that we only call it ‘Flight 2’. IFT/OFT or other such acronyms are in violation of company policy and make you look like larpers on X.

Anonymous No. 15861691

im getting really sick of people like you , go fuck yourself idiot

Anonymous No. 15861692

I don't believe that spacex employees actually call him E, that's silly.

Anonymous No. 15861693

why is
>thing that isn't true
true bros?

why do people keep asking those questions?

Anonymous No. 15861694

Imagine this post as a basedjack representing you

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Death to furfags.png

Anonymous No. 15861695

you will see the light of allah

Anonymous No. 15861696

Dunno that post look reddit as fuck, perhaps you should consider killing yourself?

Anonymous No. 15861697

Anonymous No. 15861703

only for retards that don't have 4chanX or clover

Anonymous No. 15861707

>mini starship
stealth zubrinposting
cloaked psyop
out the pisslock with you

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 15861710

Anonymous No. 15861711

>1000 posts
>page 8

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Anonymous No. 15861714

well well well. looks like my time is near.
t. bfr critics collage maker

Anonymous No. 15861719

Still edging for this

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Anonymous No. 15861721

Ok, not exactly Starship. Basically something like Stoke's Nova scaled up to have 20-50 tons of reusable capability. And no I'm not advocating for it, Starship is clearly better, its just that there was a lot of design work to make it suitable for mars, especially the raptors. Seriously, "coking" is a meme problem with kerolox, they chose methalox because it could be ISRU'd on mars. And here's something interesting, you'd think SpaceX wouldn't include a big ass engine skirt for Starship right? Just excess mass AND it prevents you from being able to radiatively cool your engines. I mean, if you already designed the booster to be caught with a tower, why not do the same with the ship? Maybe re-entry aerodynamics, but I think you could reduce the size of the skirt while protecting components and shifting mass to some kind of interstage. To me, the only good reason would be storing landing legs in the skirt when you touch down on Mars.

Anonymous No. 15861723


Anonymous No. 15861725

He isn't wrong, it is optimised for LEO. But that's also exactly what you would want for any useful platform. Cheap fuel, cargo, passenger delivery to the easiest stable orbit. Yes you could use it to shit out radar guided interceptors just as easily as you could use it to fill depots for Mars transit vehicles. Just don't engage him you stupid fucking nigger I'm tired of you dickheads replying to this fucking samefag. Brilliant pebble direct into your faggots skull cavity cunt.

Anonymous No. 15861728

it's going to be fine, nothing crazy. most critical posts are about more far-off goals like the first mars landing or first re-use after all

Anonymous No. 15861730

Try making a coherent post with a point instead of a bunch of non sequiter run on sentences.

Anonymous No. 15861735



Anonymous No. 15861740


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wait for staging.png

Anonymous No. 15861742


Anonymous No. 15861746


Anonymous No. 15861751

stupid anon, it's comfy down here.

Anonymous No. 15861754

so I scroll down and you staged early. stupid nigger, I WILL NOT be going to page 1.

Anonymous No. 15861760

I'll coom nonetheless

Anonymous No. 15861779

>Launch goes perfectly
>Booster sepperas with no damage to hot staging ring or ship
>Booster lands in gulf of mexico as planned
>SpaceX and FAA crew get on a boat and look at the wreck
>Underneath the shattered stainless steel and titanium grid fins, they find the broken body of an endangered shark
It will unironically be so over

Anonymous No. 15861835

Holy shit this day is fucking wild.
I don't have any sufficiently high enough energy reaction pics for this.

Anonymous No. 15861840

>Soon we are launching the spaceplane of the 21st century
The dreamchaser?

Anonymous No. 15861854

Over a hundred
It will spontaneously generate new engines just so they can fail baffling everybody for years
This will eventually lead to the discovery of a new fundamental force of the universe.
Within the next century human colonies will be established at new stars driven by ships powered by the energy to mass converting powers of (it's so)Over drive.

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Anonymous No. 15861878

i have 4chanx i made that post when i saw the comments at 999


Anonymous No. 15861926

Man, you think people like him would keep obnoxiously shitposting if someone just beat them up irl one day? The other guy I mean, I wouldn't beat up Eric.

Anonymous No. 15861928

Get thee behind me, class-envy satan.
Any man who enables us to nuke commies without fear of reprisal is a friend of mine.

Anonymous No. 15862046

>Why is starship hyper LEO optimized?
Its BEO capabilities were designed around orbital refueling. If it was less capable as an LEO-optimized launch vehicle, it would have less Delta-V capacity when refueled in orbit and require more propellant launches to refuel.

Anonymous No. 15862107

Important for you to buy a razor and cut your own throat

Anonymous No. 15862466

page 10 exists now, but theres only a few gay threads on it, we'll get there before tomorrow

Anonymous No. 15862512

Posting in legitimate /sfg/ thread

Anonymous No. 15862525


Anonymous No. 15862533

consider doing that to yourself you deranged degenerate

Anonymous No. 15862536

stay in this corpse of a thread then you colossal faggot

Anonymous No. 15862547

I am also here until page 10, anon.

Anonymous No. 15862567

rule 63 Emperor Leto

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Anonymous No. 15862619

you should read Ignition!

Anonymous No. 15862665

its page 10

Anonymous No. 15862713

kemonomimi is kemono

Anonymous No. 15862724


Anonymous No. 15863044

Better yet would be some rare whale or porpoise

Anonymous No. 15863071

Pushed back to Saturday, gotta change out a grind fin actuator.

Anonymous No. 15863081

we know shithead

Anonymous No. 15863083

there actually is a critically endangered species of whale in the northern Gulf of Mexico, the Rice's whale

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Anonymous No. 15863086

you ever just shit on somebody