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🧵 /sfg/ - Space Flight General

Anonymous No. 16064870

Farcon 9 edition

Previous: >>16061823

Anonymous No. 16064874


Anonymous No. 16064885


Anonymous No. 16064894

why would anyone copy falcon heavy

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Anonymous No. 16064918

SAST's new reusable methalox rocket.

In fact, this image is from late 2017. They've probably modified the design and enlarged the fairing since then.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16064921

Lijian-2 is not intended to be reusable. It's more of Angara A3/A5 style rocket, except each core uses three open cycle engines.

Anonymous No. 16064922

because they like it

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Anonymous No. 16064923

Lijian-2 is not intended to be reusable. It's more of Angara A3/A5 style rocket, except each core uses three open cycle engines.

Anonymous No. 16064926

total spacefox death

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Anonymous No. 16064928

ISS throwing old batteries into the ocean

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Anonymous No. 16064934

adding to the collection

Anonymous No. 16064935

we fucking know, dipshit, we had a whole skit last thread

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Anonymous No. 16064940

is it ever going to launch?

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Anonymous No. 16064945

>not due to any issues with the spacecraft itself

Anonymous No. 16064948

I don't think even NASA wants starliner at this point

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Anonymous No. 16064950


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Anonymous No. 16064958

Yet another (unless they go bankrupt first)

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Anonymous No. 16064962

Despite being one of the first launch startups in China, I think Linkspace ran out of money and folded

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Anonymous No. 16064967


Anonymous No. 16064970

maybe if their names were less gay they would get some funding

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Anonymous No. 16065023

I feel sorry for whoever gets slated to fly on it

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Anonymous No. 16065029

20 tweets long thread

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Anonymous No. 16065047

>The third design is intended to act like an industrial flow restrictor. These are essentially 9m wide plates with orifices that restrict fluid motion. The quantity and size of the orifices would be determined by the flow rate needed for all 33 engines on ascent. /11

Anonymous No. 16065048

You won't be able to walk straight.

Anonymous No. 16065049

Pay for life.

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Anonymous No. 16065051

>From all my testing, the most effective solution involves a structure covering the complete cross-section of the tank while still letting enough propellant through passively to not restrict flow while all 33 Raptor engines are burning through the ascent portion of the flight. If SpaceX has implemented something like this inside B10 it likely looks a bit different. /14

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Anonymous No. 16065057

>As you can see, reducing the deceleration significantly changed the liquid behavior. This isn’t to say that they can reduce the declaration this much, but more to show a combination of changes can have a big impact on giving B10 the best chance at a powered landing in the gulf. /17

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Anonymous No. 16065083

Does space exploration make any sense? I mean, think about, whats the point of wasting billions of dollars to go out when everything we want is already here... Yeah i dont deny there are interesting things out there, but even if we find alien life, it wont be as beautiful and as complex as we got here, even if we find planets similar to earth, they wont have such as wonderfull blue sky and soft green grass to set foot on. I think we should stop looking at space, and start protecting our only Spacecraft we have, and its called "Earth".

Anonymous No. 16065084

Muskians kill yourself.
Elonnigger can't even deliver on his cybertruck and EV vaporware promises.
SpaceX vaporware will also go nowhere, just like HyperLoop.
Ironically, HyperLoop was suggested by the Jap and finished first by chinks.
Chinks will rule the space race.

Anonymous No. 16065087

Fuck you, the universe is full of places to put houses and little shops. I want to get the fuck away from the rest of you and that requires human expansion to space, Earth is not big enough for us all no matter how utopian your ideals are.

Anonymous No. 16065088

Sounds like you’re in the bezos school of space, meaning move industry off of earth to keep earth pristine and a nature reserve.

Anonymous No. 16065091

>+1 social credit score

Anonymous No. 16065092

Sets of fours you know are truly sets of 5

Anonymous No. 16065096

Are you the "when are we leaving this planet bros?" Right? Going to the psychologist has worked on you it seems

Anonymous No. 16065100

Two threads is all it took.

Anonymous No. 16065101

no he's a copycat, I haven't checked to see if he posts at a consistent time (if he were a bot) but he's copying the other guy

Anonymous No. 16065102

Why are the chinks shamelessly copying western designs? Even if they had stolen the blueprints, it would cost nothing to redesign the exterior to at least pretend they are a civilized nation doing real engineering.

Anonymous No. 16065106

Will you apply, /spg/?

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SpaceX - Crew 8 -....webm

Anonymous No. 16065109

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SpaceX - Crew 8 -....webm

Anonymous No. 16065111

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SpaceX - Crew 8 -....webm

Anonymous No. 16065112

Anonymous No. 16065113

Go ask /spg/ not us

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SpaceX - Crew 8 -....webm

Anonymous No. 16065116

Anonymous No. 16065117

>pretend they are a civilized nation
They don't care about optics.

Anonymous No. 16065122


Why do Amerimutts hate free market so much?

Anonymous No. 16065124

In chinese culture, it is a compliment to be copied, since it means that your work is of high quality. Just stealing the design but making it look different would probably be somewhat of an insult, because you are withholding credit to the original. At least thats the explanation I heard.

Anonymous No. 16065125

Chinkshit has never been, is not, and never will be cheaper or better than what they copy.
Whether they copy soviets or first world.

Anonymous No. 16065126

Sounds like BS to me.

Anonymous No. 16065129

Manifest Destiny: life wants to expand. A species that is stuck in one place is more vulnerable to extinction.

Anonymous No. 16065133

Different mindsets. I dont think they had historically things like patents for inventions and copyright. Turns "stealing ideas" into a weird concept.

Anonymous No. 16065135

The nuance is all wrong but that's the gist of it. If another culture is powerful, copying what they do will make you as powerful. It's a weird highly developed cargo cult like thinking.

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Anonymous No. 16065136

Read this

Anonymous No. 16065150

Probably also caries the memory of the opium wars. When the bongs at that time offered the chinese all of their fancy new toys of the industrial revolution for trade, the emperor told them that they had everything they could ever need of the highest quality, nothing the british could offer interested him and to keep paying for their tea in silver. Then the british proceeded to balance their terrible trade deficit by selling opium in China and when their .gov tried to shut that down, the royal navy blew up their fleets and harbours with their superior artillery until the chinese signed a very unfavourable peace treaty.
That was a painful wake up call for the chinese to not fall behind on modern technology and they have not forgot that lesson.

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Anonymous No. 16065151

Here's for the next century of humiliation

Anonymous No. 16065153

In this century I can only see USA and Europe getting humiliated.

Anonymous No. 16065158

Stop giving these autistic twitter fags attention. They keep making these horrible renders and theories about what is going on in rockets, and have been proven wrong almost every time. Armchair 'engineers' are a waste.

Anonymous No. 16065159

To be humiliated you first need to be capable of shame

Anonymous No. 16065167

This, nobody gives a fuck what your faggot friends have to say about anything. Post news from the sauce or GTFO.

Anonymous No. 16065170

>no launch license

Anonymous No. 16065171

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 16065173

ahem so what happened to the American and Russian moves that were filmed on the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16065178

Cruise's shoot will be of him jumping out of a reentering ISS.

Anonymous No. 16065181

fit end for a scientologist

Anonymous No. 16065182

is that new space station spider sex movie good?

Anonymous No. 16065185

>spider sex
As far as I'm aware no space agency ever has conducted animal breeding experiments in space. Not even mosquitos or some insects. I can only speculate there is some conspiracy going on there.

Anonymous No. 16065186

It's saturday.

Anonymous No. 16065190

That makes it worse

Anonymous No. 16065193

Not really.

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Anonymous No. 16065194

How many of these fuckers are there?

I need a graphic of every single one of these, all of the graphics going around don’t include them all

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Anonymous No. 16065197

This is fucking dangerous. In any other country that user must be arrested

Anonymous No. 16065200

no I mean the new spider space sex movie

Anonymous No. 16065204

twitter trannies are a scourge

Anonymous No. 16065207

lol what a fag

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Anonymous No. 16065208

I like twitter boomers

Anonymous No. 16065211

why are all of those different diameters and lengths? what are the chink graphic designers smoking?

Anonymous No. 16065216

unfiltered $1/box Chinese cigs hit different

Anonymous No. 16065217

why is china so much more technologically advanced than usa rockets?

Anonymous No. 16065218

They achieved real communism, which caused them to prosper.

Anonymous No. 16065219

they're quantum rockets

Anonymous No. 16065220

>why is china so much more technologically advanced than usa rockets?
Higher IQ population, high nutrition diet, strong culture

Anonymous No. 16065223

>only a graphic
none of that shit is even real. its just designs.
nut you're just here to troll people with bait so ill ignore you in future.

Anonymous No. 16065227

>high nutrition diet
then why are they so fucking tiny?

Anonymous No. 16065232

What you call tiny I call efficient sized.

Anonymous No. 16065233

Yeah more like efficient to consume

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image - 2024-03-0....png

Anonymous No. 16065234

this sounds like the title to a slide thread lol
semi right, its not the communism, its the authoritarian and unquestionable government
that actually tries to advance its own intrests instead of squabbling over politics and increasing the budget of any project to the trillions

im sure i could go on about a rant about globalism but i dont want to derail the thread =)

Anonymous No. 16065250

>it would cost nothing to redesign the exterior
Other than the paint job, wow would they redesign the exterior without it costing something? Ogive nose, fairing width, cylindrical tanks, gridfinds, triangular landing legs, engine count, etc, are all design choices made for technical reasons, not for aesthetics

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16065253

All those three rockets are supposed to use the same 3.8m tank diameter. The scaling of the middle image is off

Anonymous No. 16065256

So far they havent copied anything but the powerpoints.

Anonymous No. 16065263

>whats the point of wasting billions of dollars to go out when everything we want is already here
1) No, not everything I want is here.
2) Even if it was, there is even more stuff out there.
>but even if we find alien life, it wont be as beautiful and as complex as we got here
>they wont have such as wonderfull blue sky and soft green grass to set foot on
I find the prospect of a different colored sky and plants that evolved to use a different photosynthetic chemical much more interesting than finding a carbon copy of Earth.
>I think we should stop looking at space
Kill yourself. I understand that you posted this as a form of trolling, but my sentiment doesn't change.

Anonymous No. 16065264

>not even counting the 5 other rockets state owned manufacturers are making
2025 is going to be awesome
multiple reusable rockets lifting off EVERY LAUNCHPAD in China

Anonymous No. 16065265

Starship took alot longer to happen than I had hoped. I thought we'd be on mars by now.

Anonymous No. 16065268

All those three rockets are supposed to use the same 3.8m tank diameter. The scaling of the middle rocket is off

The middle rocket has a longer upper stage than the left rocket because Space Pioneer do not intend to cheap out like SpaceX did with Falcon Heavy repurposing an upper stage designed for a different rocket

The rightmost rocket is a suborbital spaceplane that can transport 100 people 14000km e2e, and the booster is sized for that purpose

Anonymous No. 16065270

Falcon Heavy isn't exactly constrained by the propellant capacity of its S2.

Anonymous No. 16065272

Does it not make sense that the vacuum optimized stage better be bigger if what's below it is bigger?

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Anonymous No. 16065274

I saved this image back in march 2020. almost 4 years ago.
let's hope in another 4 years starship will atleast be on the moon.

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Anonymous No. 16065276

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Anonymous No. 16065279

Every company behind the rockets in OP's pic has hot fired liquid rocket engines, most of them have done hop tests

Anonymous No. 16065280

No, not necessarily. When the second stage is big, it's usually using a larger portion of its thrust to compensate for gravity losses, and those gravity losses don't matter as much when a large first stage throws the second stage high and far before ignition (see: Ariane 5, Atlas V), letting the upper stage coast along with a low stage and propellant mass to achieve orbital velocity. This isn't good for reuse since it makes the first stage reenter much faster, though, so for a second stage to be bigger on a Falcon Heavy type rocket, it doesn't really make a lot of sense unless they're making it bigger just to launch much bigger payloads to LEO.

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Anonymous No. 16065282

poor's cannot comprehend that powerful wealthy people need to move around a lot and cannot take public transport

Anonymous No. 16065284

You're made from dust and you'll return to dust.

Anonymous No. 16065291

how much are you dipshits gonna be seething when it flies and nothing bad happens? just quitely hiding at the back?

Anonymous No. 16065295

Starliner isn't gonna let you fuck her bro

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Anonymous No. 16065310

Spaceplane era has begun

Anonymous No. 16065320


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Anonymous No. 16065328

You don't need a plane this big to launch something that size

Anonymous No. 16065329

>no representatives from several governmental agencies overseeing road work
Clearly this must be in Romania or Bosnia or something

Anonymous No. 16065332

It is mostly very harsh out there and that's exactly why it is desirable, for the same reason that living in a freezing climate or a place like Arizona is desirable. The fact that you can survive there only with careful preparation and attention to life-support and infrastructure means that the 90% of humanoid trash is filtered out and left behind.

Anonymous No. 16065333

>back when we believed this hunk of kitchen sink was gonna go to space

Anonymous No. 16065336

They build it so they have to use it.

Anonymous No. 16065340

>Chinks will rule the space race.
Sure, by their usual cutting corners and use of shoddy materials in order to make a few pennies more on products that fall apart after a few uses. lmao

Anonymous No. 16065341

You clearly haven't been to Arizona
t. Arizonad

Anonymous No. 16065345

Sounds good. Make Luna an industrial park full of heavy, dirty industry. That also means we will never terraform Luna because the really dirty stuff will be there first.

Anonymous No. 16065346

Just once I'd like to see this plane sheer itself in half and tumble out of the sky on fire.

Anonymous No. 16065350

>freezing climate
>90% of humanoid trash is filtered
Counter-point: Russia.

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Anonymous No. 16065354

Anonymous No. 16065358

They aren't. They are parasites who merely copy.

Anonymous No. 16065363

I know that one needs technology to live there.

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Anonymous No. 16065364

Hmmm just like a certain other parasite company

Anonymous No. 16065367

>Counter-point: Russia.
Which is a damn site whiter and more civilized than the conurbations of the USA.

Anonymous No. 16065368

it's not about climate, it's about NIGGERS

Anonymous No. 16065371

Not before I consume half of the chink population

Anonymous No. 16065372

LEO/SSO payload mass are the numbers they explicitly advertise on their website for the tricore variant; they don't even mention GTO. They also advertise a much larger fairing than the single core variant (4.2m/12m vs 5.2m/15m). So big payloads to LEO/SSO is probably the market they're mainly aiming at. They also say all three cores can be recovered, implying second stage separation happening at low speed.

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Anonymous No. 16065379

that's a big big

Anonymous No. 16065380

Madagascar has already closed their ports

Anonymous No. 16065381


Anonymous No. 16065383

>not naming it Spacefright Generar
come on now

Anonymous No. 16065384

what does your picture mean?

Anonymous No. 16065385

That's a mistake, Chinese are going to retrieve it.

Anonymous No. 16065386

Real communism has never been tried

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Anonymous No. 16065394

Real fully reusable rockets have never been tried

Anonymous No. 16065395

Not if the FTS gets triggered when swarmed by Chinese "fishermen"

Anonymous No. 16065404

ratfuck musk stole nasa patents

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if only you knew ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16065412


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Anonymous No. 16065417


Anonymous No. 16065421

>how much are you dipshits gonna be seething when it flies
what year?

Anonymous No. 16065427

>Atlas V spends its whole career potentially man-rated and cheaper than the Shuttle by a mile
>Only now being used for a flight test of a redundant capsule
Better late than never, I guess. Think they'll try one out on a Vulcan?

Anonymous No. 16065441

>why are they using an optimal design instead of reinventing the wheel????
Idk because they're not retarded maybe

Anonymous No. 16065451

Vulcan shook Peregrine to death so probably not

Anonymous No. 16065459

Those are fake rockets right? China wouldn't be so pathetic, surely?

Anonymous No. 16065470


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Anonymous No. 16065474

it means that midwits like him can't tell the difference between hover and hoverslam

Anonymous No. 16065485

if it doesnt launch this year ill eat my hat, the atlas V is ready and they've done it before unmanned successfully.

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Anonymous No. 16065497

>show up to the game 4 years after your opponent did
>score is 53-0
>put two points on the board
>"We did it, Boeingsisters! They're seething so hard right now!"

Anonymous No. 16065499

Probably none of them, because the project's being mocked for being both incredibly late and needing so much extra time to be un-fucked from what seem like unimaginably dumb mistakes, like the mission clock being set to New Delhi time.

Anonymous No. 16065500

stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16065514

Why even get excited for space when governments will just demand that space be egalitarian and inclusive, making it 100% assured that all space colonies will fail, due to diversity and dysgenics?

Anonymous No. 16065517

we can throw rocks at the government

Anonymous No. 16065518

People manage to survive in Antarctica.

Anonymous No. 16065535

Kys cernotroon

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Anonymous No. 16065551

Keep seething

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16065562

>110 hour countdown stream

Anonymous No. 16065564

stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16065567

RIP. Bit of a jesus freak, but at least not a complete soiboi like most other channels

Anonymous No. 16065569

These NSF clowns are looking fatter yet increasingly homeless. What a bum

Anonymous No. 16065570

Earth is too gay now. Need to move outwards. This is what drives the expansion of spacefaring civilizations.

Anonymous No. 16065571

I think the question is rather "why do they never think of something first"

Anonymous No. 16065575

>still talking about fuel sloshing
NSF spreading disinformation to appear smart

Anonymous No. 16065578

Starship will lose control rapidly and tumble during reentry, killing the pilots

Anonymous No. 16065589

starliner was supposed to fly 4 years ago bro

Anonymous No. 16065594

Wtf, he died?

Anonymous No. 16065598

And here's the footage

Anonymous No. 16065601

no, he's shutting down his channel this year to go be more of a jesus freak sadly

Anonymous No. 16065604

SpaceX news regurgitation channels should all be wiped out.

Anonymous No. 16065609

hearty kek

Anonymous No. 16065610

Trvth, LabPadre is all you need for 'news' and livestreams. The rest are garbage like WAI or NSF those fucking shills. Specific ones like Ringwatchers for ship tracking and CSI are alright just because of quality.

Anonymous No. 16065612

kek fuck nsf and fuck los dos

Anonymous No. 16065617

Wait till they have it back in their bug headquarters in Beijing, then blow it.

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Anonymous No. 16065641

There is RGV with their flyovers, which I think is a nice place to learn a lot about stuff going on at Starbase.
And a WEBM.

Anonymous No. 16065646

Onboard footage would look much better desu

Anonymous No. 16065649

russia has a smaller percentage of white people than even muttmerica lmao, it's just two muttpires having a shit flinging contest, many of the soldiers being ACKed in the war will be replaced by tuvans and middle-asian turks.

Anonymous No. 16065656

more like second-hand embarrassment watching china throw the gold egg they gave them down the gutter. xi is destroying everything that deng worked so hard to achieve, all that soft economic power and economic growth is now being sacrificed at the altar of wolf-warrior politics.

Anonymous No. 16065659

2 weeks?

Anonymous No. 16065668

>retarded little hopper that can barely go up a lil and then slowly come down to land without accounting for lateral movement
>orbital class booster capable of sending a large 2nd stage on its way, surviving re-entry, capable of supersonic retropropulsion and landing on a tiny droneship hundreds of km away while accounting for wind at different atmospheric levels

the EDS is strong with this one.

Anonymous No. 16065684

Don't forget "stole NASA patents" when NASA's intellectual property, as a government agency, belongs to the American Public and is meant to be used by Americans.

Anonymous No. 16065691

Very sexy aircraft desu. Curvy like a woman

Anonymous No. 16065695

when did i say china was collapsing, retard?
all i'm saying it's sad watching them throw it down the drain, they're in for another century of unimportance if this and their demographic decline keep up.
they picked the worst time to do it as well, since they don't have a strong domestic middle class and service sector, yet they're starting to become too expensive compared to other options for foreign companies to put their final assemblies there. they're losing their one big moneymaker before they had the chance to replace it because xi had an ego and wanted to play with the big boys.

Anonymous No. 16065705

those aren't colonies

Anonymous No. 16065714

We would be lucky to see any colony on Moon or Mars in this centry. First bases will be similar to Antarctica.

Anonymous No. 16065715


Anonymous No. 16065734

>broooo just put all your eggs in one basket whats the worst that could happen

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Anonymous No. 16065778

Let's go

Anonymous No. 16065783


Anonymous No. 16065785


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Anonymous No. 16065787

>source: instagram
Did you not see the link to the FAA website?

Anonymous No. 16065792

Who the fuck uses instagram other than normies and creeps

Anonymous No. 16065794

An operations plan advisory is not a license.

Anonymous No. 16065800

Aside from /gif/, which is fucking trash, it's a decent replacement for liveleak.

Anonymous No. 16065823

Yes, we gaan

Anonymous No. 16065849

>nsf's friday jewess has her own wikipedia page, probably made by herself

Anonymous No. 16065862

i saw her face once and never again. that schnozz is fucking massive

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Anonymous No. 16065865

When did former nazis stop providing help to the USA toward space endeavors?

Anonymous No. 16065867

never? also you need to kys

Anonymous No. 16065871

They all got old and died

Anonymous No. 16065876

They passed their heil-by date.

Anonymous No. 16065881

Cute girl you posted :3

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Anonymous No. 16065889

Doh ho ho ho ho

Anonymous No. 16065893

Kys tranny ywnbaw

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Anonymous No. 16065909

akari a cute CUTE

Anonymous No. 16065918

this general is clearGODS turf, fuck off only they get to post anime

Anonymous No. 16065954

He gave schizo vibes desu.

Anonymous No. 16065963

Dont jews have high rates of schizophrenia? Maybe hes a jew

Anonymous No. 16065973

dudes a giga christian. how can he then be a jew?

Anonymous No. 16065999

christianity is just an offshoot of judaism. therefore all christians are jews. this guy also has a jewish nose.

Anonymous No. 16066010

Schizophrenia is genetic.

Anonymous No. 16066012

After Apollo, before Challenger.

Anonymous No. 16066014

haven't been on sfg or followed anything related to spaceflight since mid december, anything major happen since then?

Anonymous No. 16066017

IFT-3 thursday. Anything else 'important' failed.

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Anonymous No. 16066018

Ingenuity broke and won't fly anymore, three different lunar lander missions went varying degrees of sideways (some more literally than others) and Vulcan made its first flight.

Anonymous No. 16066024

>"I haven't been on sfg for a while, has anything happened?" said the person who's on /sfg/ constantly and asks the same question at least twice a week.

Anonymous No. 16066025

vulcan actually flying is pretty surprising, good for them i guess, not surprised the landers failed
yeah i did see that, i didnt want to return here until we were close to the launch

Anonymous No. 16066028

i have dementia, problem with that, bitch?

Anonymous No. 16066035

/sfg/ is one person

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Anonymous No. 16066036


Anonymous No. 16066043

Take your redditnigger meme and gtfo

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zubrin trek tweet.png

Anonymous No. 16066061

Zubrin bros...what are the implications of this?

Anonymous No. 16066081

Canadians are fucked, Trekkie comes in gradients, and Zubrin's there to promote his book, not Star Trek.

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Anonymous No. 16066088

based frorposter

Anonymous No. 16066090

NSF are pretty gay but good info too and I would say better cameras than LabPadre
RGV is great too

Anonymous No. 16066091

When Bezos sends his underwater expedition to recover some Raptors, he's gonna end up finding that Malaysian plane

Anonymous No. 16066092

Yeah it's pretty annoying by now

Anonymous No. 16066107

he's about to molest these young ladies

Anonymous No. 16066110

This man looks more handsome every day. Elixir of life????

Anonymous No. 16066113

stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16066117

As is American tradition

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Anonymous No. 16066126

Based Frogposter :)

Anonymous No. 16066132

That's not a tribble costume, it's just how fat and hairy women in San Francisco are.

Anonymous No. 16066134


Anonymous No. 16066135

Haha I love sexist comments on 4chan! Haha

Anonymous No. 16066137


Anonymous No. 16066138

>/pol/ gibberish
You have to go back

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Anonymous No. 16066151


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Anonymous No. 16066157


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Anonymous No. 16066162


Anonymous No. 16066191

colonies are far and hard to control. When they grow big enough they will start getting funny thoughts. Like why do we need capital on earth millions of kilometers away to micromanage us?

Anonymous No. 16066204

space exploration is a requirement for capitalism to continue

Anonymous No. 16066214

seriously what was NASA smoking when they designed this?

Anonymous No. 16066222

Big fat checks from the Air Force who wanted single pass orbital retrieval capabilities including for polar/SSO launches from Vandy, which dictated the rest of the design.

Anonymous No. 16066226
oh my god

Anonymous No. 16066235

the returns are far too small on the short and mid term for capitalisms required growth of ~4% per annum. From a capitalism perspective youre better off investing all that money in the stock market.

Anonymous No. 16066236

Politics have a cognitive window of 4 years, capitalism (normally) has 3 months as you said. All our systems are basically filtering out long term issues, except for a select few that have no good solutions and plenty of wiggle room to bullshit and scam people.

Anonymous No. 16066249

it is a way to futureproof capitalism, once space industries take off, capitalism growth will become exponential

Anonymous No. 16066267

Nah it'll turn out that starship will land on some indian fishing boat and get Elon cancelled for killing people. With SpaceX out of the picture spacefilght will be put back generations dooming civilization to be wiped out by an asteroid strike in 2040. But the pilots and passengers of MH370 saw all this in a vision and travelled through time to collide into starship sacrificing themselves to save the timeline.

Anonymous No. 16066278

in terms of profit seeking, the current meta is reduce the number of humans rather than increase the resource base to support humans. Anyone who's not ideologically commited to expansoin into space jsut views it as the easiest method to reach the desired result. It's why Musk is in the minority and constantly rages about extinctionists.

Anonymous No. 16066293

Do any of these chink knockoffs actually work outside of a shitty CGI presentation?

Anonymous No. 16066296

>stay on earth
>earth gets hit by rock
>everybody dead
No thanks.

Anonymous No. 16066297

Shut up chang and go back to the factories while your local party offical fucks your wife.

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estronaut pickle ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16066309

This man is going to the Moon

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Anonymous No. 16066312

Are you ready for the stunning images Dragonfly will send back to Earth?

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Anonymous No. 16066319
>Final Preparations Before Launch | SpaceX Boca Chica

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16066342

>meanwhile one of the functions of SLS is literally to deflect an asteroid the size of Apophis.
Oldspace wins again.

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technological mar....jpg

Anonymous No. 16066352

Guys, can we brainstorm as to what makes the RD-180 a technological marvel over Raptor?
Apparently some people have correctly guessed the design flaw.

Anonymous No. 16066361

The design flaw is that they are only on Elon's rockets.

Anonymous No. 16066362


Anonymous No. 16066365

I volunteer you as "passenger"
Rest in piss, bozo

Anonymous No. 16066371


Anonymous No. 16066377

I'm not saying the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is correct but the ordinary Mandarin word for "imitate, mimic, copy" is the same as the word for "learn, study".

Anonymous No. 16066381

Whether the hypothesis is correct doesn't even matter.
Do chinks copy everything because their language is like that or is their language like that because they copy everything? Chicken or egg situation.

Anonymous No. 16066385

You can't see shit on Titan.

Anonymous No. 16066387

It's taking off at midnight europoor time right?

Anonymous No. 16066388

>muh chinese
>muh copying
nobody cares. intellectual property as a whole is a deeply flawed concept that should be disregarded.
if you got a secret just don't tell anybody. all IP laws have done nothing but harm

Anonymous No. 16066389

I'm sure the raptor issue is fixed by now.
As is the issue of anyone relying on r*ssian engines.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16066392

stupid frogposters

Anonymous No. 16066396

I agree with you, but at the very least it's unfair and reduces incentives for innovation when only the innovators have to respect intellectual property rights.

It's like saying that boxing is weird and unnatural because in a real fight there are no rules, and on that basis suggesting that only one fighter should be allowed to kick, hit below the belt, rabbit punch, bite, grapple and eye gouge. No one would fight on those terms.

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Anonymous No. 16066398


Anonymous No. 16066404

What does warrior culture/death have to do with movie stars? Am I truly this ESL??

Anonymous No. 16066407

People don't mind killing eachother, so punching and kicking eachother without rules wouldn't be such a big deal.

Anonymous No. 16066410

Maybe you meant patent laws, not IP laws.

While IP laws have their undesirable side effects, they're mostly in entertainment sector. Nothing serious.
A single look at life in countries that DON'T obey IP laws is a great argument for IP laws.

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Anonymous No. 16066411

all of it

Anonymous No. 16066415

OFT stands for Official Flight Test ;)

Anonymous No. 16066417

>larpers spreading FUD

Anonymous No. 16066421

In my heart I know, Raptor is reliable

Anonymous No. 16066427

>limited period of time
if only that applied to IP more generally

Anonymous No. 16066428

Hmm. Okay, I don't think you're trolling. You're just a naive idealistic kid. Enjoy your delusions.

Anonymous No. 16066429

it was a pretty decent joke. if you dont find it funny just move on you permanently offended faggot

Anonymous No. 16066435

I thought it was just before lunchtime in bongland.

Anonymous No. 16066437

I thought it was going to be daytime in europe, but now when I try to find the exact time I can't see it anywhere

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Anonymous No. 16066438

getting stacked again
93h to launch

Anonymous No. 16066439

Here's the official livestream btw

Anonymous No. 16066440

Just look at this secret tweet, it has the time the livestream starts in your local time

Anonymous No. 16066441

where's the krystal?

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Anonymous No. 16066443

That sound, yikes...

Anonymous No. 16066453

thats its mating call

Anonymous No. 16066465

93h? That's enough time for at least 6 more stacks

Anonymous No. 16066473

B*sed, trannies gtfo this is frog and clear territory.

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16066481


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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16066489

Anonymous No. 16066542

wow fucking kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16066592

Why do retards keep shilling this nigger?

Anonymous No. 16066596

You need to go back

Anonymous No. 16066599

Nope. I simply have limits on vulgarity.
I'm willing to call you retarded faggots niggers and other slurs, but r*ssian is too obscene to even write out.

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Anonymous No. 16066601

Becasue we're not racist and respect other people.

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Anonymous No. 16066602


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Anonymous No. 16066620


Anonymous No. 16066623

Did they miss align again?

Anonymous No. 16066635

>rent seeker seething

Anonymous No. 16066642

Insectile claws typed this post. IP law is a big policy stick to hit the Europeans and Chinese with.

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Anonymous No. 16066655

Journalism is dead. I can find nothing about the supposed lawsuit regarding the tiny plot of land next to the star factory.

What standing would SpaceX have to force a sale? Or even demand a specific price?

Anonymous No. 16066663

Check em'

Anonymous No. 16066667

I am too wise to take part in a game of dubs.

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Anonymous No. 16066675

trial is in June.

Anonymous No. 16066677


Because he's good? Although his dissertations can be a bit over whelming at times.

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Anonymous No. 16066684

Anonymous No. 16066697


I don't know where they pull that info from since cameron country district court pages are some giga boomer shit.

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Anonymous No. 16066710

Randomly flipping through this meeting, Kathy Lueders speaks at 2:40:27

The rest seem to just be a parade of the nastiest e*rthers imaginable (pic related)

Anonymous No. 16066722

Jesus Christ. these are the "people" holding us back.

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Anonymous No. 16066733


Anonymous No. 16066737

why would you hit Euros with intellectual property

Anonymous No. 16066764

How many are there because they hate Elon Musk?

Anonymous No. 16066774

ore than half of the participants in the Yankelovich focus groups questioned the price of our burger. "Why," they asked, "should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald's? You're overcharging us." Honestly. People thought a third of a pound was less than a quarter of a pound. After all, three is less than four!

Anonymous No. 16066775

because they're uppity little shits that have been underfunding defense for decades and dumping their exports on us while refusing to allow our exports in return

Anonymous No. 16066783

Reading the cost of Energia-Buran is incredible
The soviet spent MORE on their shuttle (~16-17 Billion ruble) than on their lunar program (2.5-6 Billion ruble, with artificially limited inflation over 15 years).
The average annual budget of Energia Buran was LARGELY enough to cover a continued N1-based lunar program at its peak funding. Or ditch the lunar program and easily more than double the LEO crewed spaceflight program's budget.

Anonymous No. 16066789

was this broadcasted live? /sfg/ shoulda watched together

Anonymous No. 16066795

re-read that
it's that it's one-sided that's the issue, like the enforcement of intellectual property laws

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Anonymous No. 16066797

>americans STILL wearing masks

Anonymous No. 16066801

racists respect other people, too
they just have a different definition of people
don't be so intolerant

Anonymous No. 16066806

When the USSR insisted on copying the Space Shuttle's capabilities they also ended up also copying how economically cursed the STS program was. If you told me this was an intentional plan to destroy the Soviet space program by pulling resources off more viable programs, there's a good chance I'd believe you.

Anonymous No. 16066807


Anonymous No. 16066817

>posting spacegay

Anonymous No. 16066821

Soooo anyone here collect rocket models?

Anonymous No. 16066822

he's a retarded ape, anyone mentioning him might as well put a dunce cap on

Anonymous No. 16066841

Prove it

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Anonymous No. 16066844

pic related, its me

Anonymous No. 16066852

1/2 more weeks

Anonymous No. 16066858

any time he's gone "OOH NOO IT"S FUCKING JOEVER <insert very minor setback> THEY ARE NOT LAUCHING IN 200 MONTHS!!"

Anonymous No. 16066861

I got back into scale models. Currently I'm doing MiG-29, but some rocket is going to be next, I'm thinking about Baseduz or Shuttle.

Anonymous No. 16066867

Can I ask form which brands are you buying?

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Anonymous No. 16066869

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Anonymous No. 16066872

Was von Braun autistic?

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Anonymous No. 16066881
4 min about spacex, talking about kwalejein after the second launch blew up and Kimbal made some baked beans

Anonymous No. 16066894

So far only Zvezda and Tamiya. I don't have much experience and can't tell you a lot about them. I'll just say that their quality seemed okay and didn't cause any issues.

Anonymous No. 16066916

bug hands typed this. If you cant gain protection for your knowledge from a lawful system then there is zero motivation of exposing them or even funding the R&D in the first place

This is the reason CHYNA is such a laughing stock and nothingburger. Hope you get eaten in the next great leap backwards under god-emperor Xi

Anonymous No. 16066925

Love how much seethe this take evokes every time I post it.
The most innovative car company in the world doesn't do patents, has basically everybody copy their ideas yet doesn't hound after them for it.
China is a shithole because they're not a free market liberal democracy.

Anonymous No. 16066931

At 59:03 there is a schizo boomer claiming to be a NASA engineer.
He says that he 'plugged the data into an AI' and it said that a RUD and overpressure event will kill everyone within five miles of the launch site.

Anonymous No. 16066941

this clip from Parks and Rec tv show is extremely realistic.

Anonymous No. 16066950

LMAO and he's immediately followed by some dumb white bitch who starts her speech with "I would like to start with acknowledging that we are meeting on the indigenous homelands of x, y, and z group of native losers."

Anonymous No. 16066958

Which company might that be?
Tesla, as an unrelated example, has 3304 patents in 28 countries.

Anonymous No. 16066965

Seethe harder rent seekoid

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Anonymous No. 16066970

I'm sorry, I thought you said
>doesn't do patents
Oh wait, you did.

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Anonymous No. 16066977

They have to due to this >>16066396
The knockoff clause could be deleted with no negative consequences.

Anonymous No. 16066979

Let's throw more fuel to the fire.

Ford 91
LG Electronics 77
Samsung 69
Gm Global Technology 63
SunPower 61
Robert Bosch 50
Toyota 50
Hyundai Motor 42
Panasonic 39
IBM 37
Kia Motors 27
Atieva Inc 23
Audi 21
Volkswagen Group 15
Honda Motor Company 15

Guess what these numbers represent. Spoilers, they are rejected patent applications citing Tesla patents that are "totes free for everyone to use :)"

Tesla is actively hindering other car manufacturers' move to EVs with their strategic R&D and patent portfolio.
Stop living in a fairy tale and believing marketing bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16066981

Why hell are the comments turned off?

Anonymous No. 16066985

Tesla has patents, they are free to use. You can't patent something that has already been patented, sorry. Patent rejected

Anonymous No. 16066992

/o/ get out reeeee

Anonymous No. 16067002

Is there Krystal?

Anonymous No. 16067004

it is useless to us

Anonymous No. 16067007

piss off, bus rider

Anonymous No. 16067011

>Let's throw more fuel to the fire.

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Anonymous No. 16067014

Did anyone else get a boarding pass?

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Anonymous No. 16067015

You WILL NOT get onboard views during OFT-3

Anonymous No. 16067026


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Anonymous No. 16067031

>Tesla applies for patents defensively and offers them for anyone to use
>other automakers try to apply for patents to hoard them and get cockblocked by Tesla
Unfathomably based. Cope and sneed, pro-"intellectual property"cels.

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Anonymous No. 16067036

Raptor's deletion of the heat exchanger was not in the book of knowledge so oldspace can't wrap their head around it and insist Raptors are broken.

Anonymous No. 16067041

I don't think anyone is stupid enough to fall into Tesla's trap, but the whole thing is good marketing. Retarded normalfags also swallow it whole, it's not just you guys.

Anonymous No. 16067048

Tracking is pointless. I just wait for space journalism to pick up on Starship stories, because 80% of the youtube stuff is baseless speculation that's proven wrong the next week.

Anonymous No. 16067064

Man I kinda wish we'd normalize wearing masks when ill like they do in asia, it might stop retards giving me their colds when I go out.

Anonymous No. 16067067

I want to trick Zubrin into signing my Krystal pillow. Maybe pretend it's something else and fold it in a way so he signs an innocuous blank white part

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Anonymous No. 16067069

I got this fancy soyuz model ages ago, but I never got around to finishing it.

Anonymous No. 16067072

kys. now.

Anonymous No. 16067074

>normalize masks
Don't think that's ever gonna happen in america lol
No other nation threw such an absolute toddler tantrum over masks than they did

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Anonymous No. 16067081


Anonymous No. 16067087


Anonymous No. 16067101

No, but he had a very big dick. So big he had part of the roof removed to fit the to scale Saturn V.

Anonymous No. 16067116

KYS but also please do it

Anonymous No. 16067141
Starlink happening in an hour

Anonymous No. 16067171

It's likely

You don't design and build rockets right next to a labor camp in the middle of World War II while working for the Nazis and then claim (if he was being honest) that you were just interested in the work without being at least a little autistic. It does make me wonder a bit about how he found religion later

Anonymous No. 16067192

Normalize throwing rocks at people wearing masks

Anonymous No. 16067194


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Anonymous No. 16067213


Anonymous No. 16067217

Youtube links pls

Anonymous No. 16067220


Not live yet

Anonymous No. 16067223

Thank you my anon.

Anonymous No. 16067225

Links to what?

Anonymous No. 16067233


Anonymous No. 16067234

its just a boring starlink launch
you've seen it a million times already

Anonymous No. 16067235


Anonymous No. 16067242

Looks like Thursday is shaping up to be cloudy and windy

Anonymous No. 16067247

It's not working.
All I'm getting are cats a people playing video game.
I think I'm going to return my computer.

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Anonymous No. 16067248

Clear Live!

Anonymous No. 16067251

Clear uses Windows


Anonymous No. 16067255


Anonymous No. 16067257

Max Qute

Anonymous No. 16067259

pretty clouds and lighting today

Anonymous No. 16067263

Oh that was cool, the fairings went sailing through the first stage's camera view

Anonymous No. 16067271

>Clear surprised they aren't going to show payload deploy

Regular practice now or are starshield sats on this one?

Anonymous No. 16067272

Somehow he keeps getting away with it.

Anonymous No. 16067273

That was just another boring launch

Anonymous No. 16067274

Post anime rocket grills.

Anonymous No. 16067275

Those vtubers look unironically soulless. Why are people watching that shit?

Anonymous No. 16067276


Anonymous No. 16067278

man children, zoomers, autism etc. I don't really know myself desu

Anonymous No. 16067280

Curious what the actual percentage is.

Anonymous No. 16067283

Yes. I have 1/400 models of STS Endeavor, Atlas V, Soyuz TMA, H-IIA, and Ariane 5 (Dragon Models). Also an old Falcon 9 with Dragon Estes model rocket.

Anonymous No. 16067284

Modern society is increasingly devoid of real personal interactions, so parasocial relationships are becoming a common way to try and fill that deficiency. It's why you can make money flashing your tits on onlyfans despite pornography being the most over-saturated market in human history.

Anonymous No. 16067287

simping has become an epidemic

Anonymous No. 16067291

Is Starship actually gonna launch the 14th or are we gonna get scrubbed?

Anonymous No. 16067294


Anonymous No. 16067296

It will scrub to the next day because it would be more convenient for me (this has happened to me with Starship test launches multiple times and at this point I'm accepting the schizo thoughts)

Anonymous No. 16067300

I wish they would launch earlier in the week
I work weekends

Anonymous No. 16067346

>and nothing bad happens
the bad (it launching 4 years late) has already happened. everything else is just a bonus

Anonymous No. 16067384

is vandy still charging spacex like 10 mil for a 1st stage landing?

Anonymous No. 16067404

Even for an expendable rocket their launch fees are like $5M so probably.

Anonymous No. 16067417

Why? I got so fucking angry last time we had to go to Xitter and they didn't show anything anyway. It wasn't a problem on IFT1, do they need to beg the FCC for permission or something?

Anonymous No. 16067419



Anonymous No. 16067421

Elon Musk is going to prison for illegally defaming an asylum seeker. Bye bye

Anonymous No. 16067426

freedom of speech? you dont go to prison for saying your opinion anymore sweety.

Anonymous No. 16067427

>patents are free to use
>not free to claim for yourself
i mean this obviously checks out. it would defeat the entire purpose of having them open to the public if Tesla let Ford copy their discoveries and then lock those off for everyone else with patents of their own.

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Anonymous No. 16067446
>I've a lot of "Press X to doubt" comments for new Chinese private LSPs, and this shows why. I just got this rumor that LinkSpace, probably the earliest of them (formed 2014) w/ a 300 m high "hop" w/ their demonstrator way back in 2019, has ceased to exist

Let the die-offs begin

Anonymous No. 16067460

Nice logo, retards

Anonymous No. 16067489

He did that like once or twice maybe, you clearly have nothing on his actual content

Astranon No. 16067541

>rocket in a box
>they fell for the meme
Was Astra a giant glownigger shitpost to headfake the Chinese into dead end small launch tech?

Anonymous No. 16067546
Time for another starlink launch

Anonymous No. 16067550

>pRoPeLlAnT LoAd is uNdeRwAy

its gonna scrub


Anonymous No. 16067552

I don't think we can blame Astra for this one. They seemed to want to build a rocket that could launch 200kg to sun-synchronous, but instead of using parachute recovery like Electron it'd land like a Falcon 9 and try to reuse the second stage. I think they might have just not been very smart.

Anonymous No. 16067555

these people are unwell

Anonymous No. 16067558

Glowies still like the rocket in a box I think. ABL is also attempting it more or less.

Anonymous No. 16067562

ScrubX stream is up

(it's gonna scrub anyways)

Astranon No. 16067563

ABL is also trying from Kodiak so yeah I think they're going for the responsive launch contract if it exists.

Anonymous No. 16067565

what happened to the chink company that faked a landing video of their hopper by just reversing the footage of it taking off?

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Anonymous No. 16067568



Anonymous No. 16067570

>scrubX is about to waste another million pounds of propellant
lmao i hope they go bankrupt from continual scrubs and failures

Anonymous No. 16067573

see I knew it would scrub

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Anonymous No. 16067720
