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🗑️ 🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16067566

3 Days Remain Edition

Previous - >>16064870

Anonymous No. 16067571

>scrubX is about to waste another million pounds of propellant
lmao i hope they go bankrupt from continual scrubs and failures

Anonymous No. 16067574

Clear Max-Qute!

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Anonymous No. 16067576

Night Methalox? Yes please

Anonymous No. 16067578

>7 AM earliest

Anonymous No. 16067579

7AM hour forward

Anonymous No. 16067603

Crusty faggot thats still not going to be night. And even then consider that the rocket is going TOWARDS the daytime because thats how day-night cycles work.

Anonymous No. 16067604

kek nobody has even mentioned that 7am is just when stream starts and holds.

Anonymous No. 16067609

More like starts and scrubs amirite

Anonymous No. 16067614

7:30AM is after sunrise

Anonymous No. 16067615

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Anonymous No. 16067623


Anonymous No. 16067625

do they already have the loicense?

Anonymous No. 16067627

based. no onboard views after it disappears into thick clouds.
only on x.

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El Arcón No. 16067634

>3 Days Remain Edition

Anonymous No. 16067635

>new implants

Anonymous No. 16067639

Kys namefag

Anonymous No. 16067690

is anything happening tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16067695


Anonymous No. 16067700


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Anonymous No. 16067744


electron launch

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starlink growth.png

Anonymous No. 16067745

Starlink @ 2.6M customers now.

Starship launch in ~3 days, pending approval.

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Anonymous No. 16067747

then starship

Anonymous No. 16067748

>launches so infrequently that each one gets a quirky reddit name

Anonymous No. 16067769

$400K worth of starlink terminals bought with stolen credit cards.

Anonymous No. 16067770

apple gift cards are too much effort?

Anonymous No. 16067771

>only getting a million per year
yeah thats alot, but at this rate it's going to take hundreds of years to get to where elon wants starlink to be

Anonymous No. 16067774

For what reason, resellers ?

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Anonymous No. 16067776

maybe russia

Anonymous No. 16067777

Yeah, prob selling to ebay or craigslist or market place or something. Or even buying from bestbuy to return the fraudulent one

Anonymous No. 16067780

illegal immigrant crime spree

Anonymous No. 16067785

>starlink is so good people steal terminals

mars is happening bros

Anonymous No. 16067798

More accurate than you know. If you want internet access in the US, you need either a residential ISP, a cellular carrier or... satellite Internet.

The other two have pretty stringent know your customer laws. I wonder if Starlink is easier to fool?

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Anonymous No. 16067814
>Starship Flight Test 3: Everything You Need to Know!

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Anonymous No. 16067817

Explore Europ-ACK

Anonymous No. 16067820

anareobic bacteria nigga

Anonymous No. 16067824

>wonder if Starlink is easier to fool?
Musk has never been a fan of regulations or ethical business practices when they hinder his companies. You should already know the answer.

Anonymous No. 16067825

Whats unethical? Musk has always operated from ethical stand point for all the major actions imo.

Anonymous No. 16067826

>The full court press smear
You can almost taste the Oldspace desperation.

Anonymous No. 16067828

Is there something new story about spacex/starlink?

Anonymous No. 16067831

Grumman had a multi-billion dollar Geosynchronous satellite cancelled because it was running late and there are commercial alternatives. Starlink's market share continues to grow.

Anonymous No. 16067835

Meh, thats old news. I thought you were talking about new story that just hit in the last 24 hr or so

Anonymous No. 16067839

Not exponential.


Anonymous No. 16067840

Nah. The newest story is that Russians were able to smuggle Starlinks through third parties and then use them in areas where the geofence was opened (which SpaceX was ordered to do) and some guys started yapping off about investigations. Beyond that? When politicians and businessmen want to smear someone they start beating the table about corruption, like so: >16067824

Anonymous No. 16067843

Solidly linear growth probably means they're constrained by production capacity.

Anonymous No. 16067849

Workers rights for starters.
But I can already see there is no point to talking to you.

Anonymous No. 16067850

There must be something wrong with the tower/pad, this stack took twice as long as their fastest one...

Anonymous No. 16067853

>Asks for proof
>"I can see there's no point talking to you"

Anonymous No. 16067855

Selling at heavy discount rn probably at a loss

owari da

Anonymous No. 16067856

The cost of a Starlink dish dropped below $500 years ago.

Anonymous No. 16067860

workers rights, what the fuck are you talking about
this is a communist free zone

Anonymous No. 16067861

Price drops never a good sign. But space x broke even so what do I know

Anonymous No. 16067863

price drop in what?

Anonymous No. 16067864


Anonymous No. 16067867

price drop in hardware is never a good sign? why would you say something so retarded

Anonymous No. 16067871

shows they're desperate. Same with apple. Good for you obviously shit for the company

Anonymous No. 16067872

Why do they behave like commies then? Constant lying and blatant disregard for human life.
Tesla's got more OSHA violations than rest of the industry combined. They intentionally under- and misreport injuries.

Anonymous No. 16067880

They didn't drop the price of the Starlink dish hardware. The price went up, and they don't even self-align anymore.

Anonymous No. 16067884

The launch is scheduled for 6:30 local time, and we just kicked in DST, so sunrise is now past 7:30.
(and thanks to someone conning Dubya into thinking that DST somehow saves energy, which it doesn't, we'd still be doing it two weeks later)

Anonymous No. 16067887

Just in the uk whoops

Anonymous No. 16067892

you are absolutely retarded

Anonymous No. 16067895

thats bullshit

Anonymous No. 16067898

>moon made of water
>oxygen starved
ayy lmao

Anonymous No. 16067901

Agreed, the way Musk's companies behave is bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16067933


Anonymous No. 16067951

It's scheduled for 730am local time
More specifically, it was scheduled for 230pm Zulu time ish, so it was never going to change regardless of daylight saving

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Atlas V N22.png

Anonymous No. 16067952

US opens criminal investigation into Boeing!
NASA delays first crew flight of Starliner/Atlas V N22 to ISS!

Anonymous No. 16067963

the only reason this thread exists is because how musk runs his companies

Anonymous No. 16067964

Posting in a fag thread.

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Anonymous No. 16067967

Anonymous No. 16067974

This guy really thinks he's Tony Stark doesn't he?

Anonymous No. 16067976


Anonymous No. 16067980

now when you say it, I wonder if starman inspired the starship name
not as generic as "spaceship", but generic enough for the public to easily understand

david bowies life on mars played during FH maiden flight as the roadster
>In December 2017, Musk tweeted that the dummy payload on the maiden Falcon Heavy launch would be his personal Tesla Roadster playing David Bowie's "Space Oddity" (though the song actually used for the launch was "Life on Mars"), and that it would be launched into an orbit around the Sun that will reach the orbit of Mars.[40][41] He released pictures in the following days.[42] The car had three cameras attached to provide "epic views".[9]

Anonymous No. 16067983

the starship name was unveiled in 2018
FH launch was in February 6th 2018, unveiling of Starship name in a stream from Hawthorne in September 17th 2018 when Dear Moon was announced

>Then, in 2018, Musk unveiled yet another design (and the Starship name): a sleek, stainless-steel spacecraft with three tail fins that would stand taller than its 2017 precursor, with a height of 387 feet (118 m). The spacecraft would still be powered by six Raptor engines, with up to 37 Raptors powering the booster (now called Super Heavy).

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Anonymous No. 16067984

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Anonymous No. 16067986


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Anonymous No. 16067987

anyone know how using all stainless steel affects mass fraction and total manufacturing cost compared to sth like Al?

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Anonymous No. 16067988

Btw was mini BFR ever a thing?

Anonymous No. 16067992

Starship is unironically closer to ITS than the iterations of it before

Anonymous No. 16067993


Anonymous No. 16067995

manufacturing cost is probably significantly cheaper, mass fraction might be worse but not as bad as you might think just comparing strength to weight in normal temperatures
steel keeps good strength to weight from cryogenic temperatures into very hot ones during re-entry, so I guess it might be possible that steel is ultimately lighter
but its going to be cheaper and easier to work with guaranteed

Anonymous No. 16067996

Almost certaintly no-they didn't even realize how expensive or time consuming it would be to develop a triple core booster. Dragon 2 propulsive landing (NASA played a hand in this one), Red Dragon and F9 second stage reuse all got canned.
At the scale of Starship, much much cheaper.

Anonymous No. 16067998

Confiscated by NOAA

Anonymous No. 16068001

Holy, those must be expensive

Anonymous No. 16068003

you fit right in

Anonymous No. 16068005

>Btw was mini BFR ever a thing?
Yes, it's called Falcon 9.

Anonymous No. 16068011

>Linkspace ran out of money
Least surprising news in Chinese launch

Anonymous No. 16068018

the revenue from Starlink is already billions of dollars per year
seethe and die mad, retard

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Anonymous No. 16068024

The second dream chaser plane is being built

Anonymous No. 16068025

the name was inspired by someone convincing Elon that he couldn't keep calling it the Big Fucking Rocket

Anonymous No. 16068026

kind of
there were plans for reusable F9 upper stage that would use kestrel engines for landing burn
then there were plans for it to use vac Raptor instead of Merlin for better performance

the decision was made to instead focus on Starship instead of re-polishing Falcon 9 for marginal improvements

Anonymous No. 16068037

Bro? Didn't you hear? You don't need heatshield tiles if you use steel!

Anonymous No. 16068039

further cementing the fact that it is a LEO optimized vehicle - that thing would melt like butter if it reentered at Orion velocity

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Anonymous No. 16068042

that doesn't explain the name at all
they could have continued with something inspired by birds of prey or with mythical creatures

Anonymous No. 16068044

>optimized vehicle
Strange way to spell dysfunctional design.

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Starship is a fuc....png

Anonymous No. 16068048

meh they'll have their mega starlink launcher in the next few years but that thing isn't leaving earth orbit
wish i can bet real money on this with someone iTT

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Anonymous No. 16068049

> Interesting bit of transparency from @rfa_space. The company has announced that its Argo spacecraft will cost €150 million per flight, including the launch.

> It has also revealed that Argo will be launched aboard a "future RFA heavy lift launch system" that it plans to use to answer ESA's European Launch Challenge. If you're keeping score, that means that RFA needs to develop the spacecraft and a new rocket to launch it. And it needs to do all that by 2028.

Anonymous No. 16068051

>150 million
it's fucking over.

Anonymous No. 16068052

Not real money but this site comes to mind.
Lots of kids and otherwise naive manchildren playing so the projections are very dumb.

Anonymous No. 16068054

back to redd*it fag
I seriously hope that pic is made ironically, but seeing how much you have sperged out in this thread I'm pretty sure you are being serious

Anonymous No. 16068057

>wall of text
reddit really needs to be deleted from existence

Anonymous No. 16068062

even the filename is a wall of text

Anonymous No. 16068068

So why does SpaceX cause so much seethe here?

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Anonymous No. 16068070

Imagine the scandal if dear moon astronauts actually die
Most of them aren't literalwhos like estronaut

Anonymous No. 16068071


Anonymous No. 16068072

spaceplanebros, we're so fucking back

Anonymous No. 16068075

the first cargo dragon flights were about 133mil each (1.6 bil divided by 12 flights)
>The first CRS contracts were signed in 2008 and awarded $1.6 billion to SpaceX for twelve cargo Dragon and $1.9 billion to Orbital Sciences[note 1] for eight Cygnus flights, covering deliveries to 2016.

I couldn't find what NASA pays for CSR-2 launches, but I wouldn't be surprised if its actually higher than 133 mil just because SpaceX can ask for more

Anonymous No. 16068077

Learn to write shorter memes you loser.

Anonymous No. 16068087

I think he's just not very imaginative when it comes to naming things.

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Anonymous No. 16068088

Impressive length

Anonymous No. 16068089

Finally I am free of the ip count chains that made my life a living hell. We will meet again, /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 16068090

But where's the girth?

Anonymous No. 16068091

what would be the most based thing starship could launch on its first orbital cargo mission (i.e. the actual maiden flight)?

Anonymous No. 16068092

a third stage

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Anonymous No. 16068093


Anonymous No. 16068094

mogged and its only going to get longer

Anonymous No. 16068095

>final delta
>queqiao 2
we're eating for the rest of this month

Anonymous No. 16068097

>no hotstage extension

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Anonymous No. 16068099


Anonymous No. 16068100

could this work?

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rogozin says nasa....jpg

Anonymous No. 16068104

>still no Angara
its over

Anonymous No. 16068106

They're z-list celebrities at best, maybe Steve Aoki is slightly more famous but at this point he's pretty much a has been.

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Anonymous No. 16068111

Anonymous No. 16068112

I can see why he is a former head and not a current one

Anonymous No. 16068124

Inside of you there are two wolves; one of them wants starship to succeed, the other wants estronaut to feel his skin melt before being atomized

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Anonymous No. 16068127

"Superheavy Eagle" would be an exceptionally American name

Anonymous No. 16068130

>Right made for putting people on the moon

>Left made for putting so shitty satellites on low orbit

Yeah Saturn V is better

Anonymous No. 16068131

ngl I don't hate him as much as I used to when he was prancing around in the dumb ass flight suit

Anonymous No. 16068133

All theses spx fags dont like to hear the truth

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Anonymous No. 16068142
>What Did SpaceX Change & Upgrade For Starship's 3rd Flight Test?

Anonymous No. 16068145

S29 getting tested again, they might be able to launch IFT-4 very quickly after IFT-3

Anonymous No. 16068147

Only if literally nothing goes wrong during IFT-3.

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Anonymous No. 16068148

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Anonymous No. 16068150

should have named it after plovers

Anonymous No. 16068152

It's basically a military program at this point so it won't die but these fags really need a reality check

Anonymous No. 16068153


Anonymous No. 16068154

Cute birb.

Anonymous No. 16068156

Cry about it, homo.

Anonymous No. 16068159

China is better

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Anonymous No. 16068164

Starship sisters.... i have bad news....its over...

Anonymous No. 16068168

no, if something that is simple to diagnose goes wrong its still going to be quick

Anonymous No. 16068177

Literal wall of text r*ddit meme this is obvious bait take the (You) that you want so much

Anonymous No. 16068179

These birds are almost too stupid to live. When I was working in Texas, one decided to nest in a median next to our parking lot. They had to put up a fence around it so people wouldn't step on the nest if they cut through the median on the way to the building. The bird was not afraid of people and let you get awfully close. It was cute but in that helpless way.

I don't know how how they survive with nesting on the ground, seems like all of their eggs would be eaten.

Anonymous No. 16068180

Not if the FAA and the FCC have anything to say about that. And they very well might.

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Anonymous No. 16068182

spinprime just happened if anyone cares

Anonymous No. 16068185

I see windows.

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Anonymous No. 16068187

Anonymous No. 16068189

Speaking of former head he gets very angry on xeeter if you remind him he doesn't have a dick anymore.

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Anonymous No. 16068190

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Anonymous No. 16068199

pad upgrades visualized

Anonymous No. 16068202

I remember arguing with some fag a few weeks ago about booster turnaround times and said they could make the filling of propellants faster by just upgrading the pumps and so on
I don't see why they couldn't keep making it faster if they need to, its almost half an hour to fill up the already, how fast do they really even need to be?

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Anonymous No. 16068204

gridfin design was rolled back to a previous design

Anonymous No. 16068205

any moonrune speakers, is she saying "don't say something like that" or "I wouldn't say something like that" or something else? I don't get what でしょ(う?) does here

Anonymous No. 16068210

wtf the booster takes less time to fuel than the ship now? how, it's like 2x the propellant

Anonymous No. 16068213

Height, Booster QD is way lower than Ship's

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Anonymous No. 16068245


Anonymous No. 16068247

How insightful

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Anonymous No. 16068252

electric actuators on the ship now too (S25 was very old, outdated already when it flew)

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Anonymous No. 16068256

starlinks added

Anonymous No. 16068258

scientists unlocked energy shields for space radiation

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Anonymous No. 16068260

operable payload door

Anonymous No. 16068261

they just stick whatever gridfins they have laying around on the booster. no consistency. who knows which design is newer

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Short March.webm

Anonymous No. 16068273

>China is better

Anonymous No. 16068280

Trade secrets.

Anonymous No. 16068283



Anonymous No. 16068284

This is what happens when your country has no FAA. Truly awful and cruel

Anonymous No. 16068287

think of all the beetles it crushed

Anonymous No. 16068289

Usually people just call them chinks or bugmen

Anonymous No. 16068291

I doubt any american company would start dropping boosters on villages even if FAA didn't exist

Anonymous No. 16068293

Anyone wanna go to Madagascar and wait for tiles to wash up on the shore and sell them to NasaSoiFlight fans for ridiculous amounts?

Anonymous No. 16068294

>This is what happens when your country has no FAA
WTF I love China now

Anonymous No. 16068302

they absolutely would lmao are you kidding? americans live in the paths of wildfires, tornados, and hurricanes. they take pride in retardism

Anonymous No. 16068307

Precision guidance is actually very difficult technology (think US military INS). China basically has two options: do things semi-safely (don't hit big targets) and actually get launch cadence + capacity up or develop things safely and slowly.
Makes sense to do the latter.

Anonymous No. 16068310

What would you name them? They're nice two syllable words, keep a theme and "star" sounds less awkward than "space"

Anonymous No. 16068314

Skynet instead of Starlink, for starters.

Anonymous No. 16068319

Why do they have to recycle to do a static fire after a spin prime? The propellant is already there

Anonymous No. 16068321

>thing isn't leaving earth orbit
They have a contract with NASA for leaving earth orbit.
You're just coping. Brilliant pebbles schizo

Anonymous No. 16068323


Anonymous No. 16068324

I thought they used liquid nitrogen in place of the methane for spin primes so there was no risk of an explosion.

Anonymous No. 16068327

Oops meant to say Skynet

Anonymous No. 16068330

IPV <ship name>
Interplanetary Vessel: <ship name>

Anonymous No. 16068331

skynet is taken

Anonymous No. 16068335

Extremely Numerous Communications Satellite Constellation
Very Large Two-stage Rocket
Launch and Capture Capable Tower
Rapid Rocket Assembly Factory

Anonymous No. 16068337

Space eXploration Technologies Corporation BFR Development, Manufacturing and Launch Complex #01
SXTCBFRDMLC#01 just rolls off the tongue so smoothly.

Anonymous No. 16068338

JPL truly has a monopoly on good space acronyms

Anonymous No. 16068340

so is starbase

Anonymous No. 16068341

Exactly none of these proposed names have enough gravitas.

Anonymous No. 16068349

>Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A
>Baikonur Cosmodrome Site 1/5
>le starbase XD

Anonymous No. 16068363

starbase as a name is irrelevant

Anonymous No. 16068364

Super Heavy-> Braaap Interpretation Gizmo
Starship-> Carrier of Heavy Astronomy Devices
Starbase-> Center for Official Construction Kino

Anonymous No. 16068367

making your name as long and complicated as possible doesn't make it any better, its just gay

Anonymous No. 16068377

>literally just the actual location and pad number
This is your brain on spayssex.

Anonymous No. 16068380

It is that.

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Anonymous No. 16068400

whats this about braps?

Anonymous No. 16068411

the opposite of nadir is zenith, not apex

Anonymous No. 16068426

a shortfall if you will

Anonymous No. 16068429

yes, thats retarded
Planet Earth North America United States of America Florida Breward County Merrit Island John F. Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A
or you could call it something not retarded

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Anonymous No. 16068451

Is this why Japan wants to import more Indians?

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Anonymous No. 16068453

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Anonymous No. 16068462
>Will Starship Launch This Week? | Starbase Update

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Anonymous No. 16068465

they actually got starship on a slide

Anonymous No. 16068484

looks fat

Anonymous No. 16068553

whats the point of a moon to mars transportation system? why go to another gravity well after leaving earth? for me in orbit refuelling seems to make more sense than using lunar water to go to mars, unless maybe they produce most of the payload and rocket parts for mars on moon but i doubt moon will be so industrialized in this century that this makes sense.

Anonymous No. 16068574

That's not what they mean.
It's just first going to the moon and leveraging the learnings and hardware to go to mars.

Anonymous No. 16068575

bug hands wrote this

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16068579

like if you want to live like a medieval peasant, go ahead
nothing is stopping you, nobody is paving anything

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Anonymous No. 16068589

>why go to another gravity well after leaving earth?
even notorious spinqueer gerard oneill saw the need for lunar industry to build space colonies

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Anonymous No. 16068596

Anonymous No. 16068601

You're retarded.
Refuelings to go LEO to Mars: 10
Refuelings to go LEO to Moon to Mars: 20

Anonymous No. 16068623

no ones going from LEO to lunar surface to mars. At most LEO -> High lunar orbit -> Mars

Anonymous No. 16068627

tell us what your numbers are supposed to mean

Anonymous No. 16068632

More refuelings means more effort more cost per kg soft landed on mars.
Doesn't matter if the second half of the fuel comes from ISRU or not.
Point stands. Gateway shills need to KYS

Anonymous No. 16068640

Learn business chump. It's not all about the customer like you think it is. There's this thing called margins.

Anonymous No. 16068643

I asked what your random numbers mean.

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Anonymous No. 16068652

The FAA is going to cuck SpaceX for at least 2 more weeks on the launch license modification process. Just watch.

Anonymous No. 16068657

dV of going directly to mars will always be less than going somewhere else first.
Therefore more refuelings. The exact numbers don't change the argument.
It says a lot that the most credible program optimizing for $/kg on mars (Starship) is and has always been planning to go directly there.

Anonymous No. 16068664

is this Barkun?

Anonymous No. 16068669

You have no idea what the $/kg of Starship to Mars is and you have a fundamentally flawed understanding of what "Moon to Mars" means.

Anonymous No. 16068674

>You have no idea what the $/kg of Starship to Mars
It's less than the $/kg of Starship to NRHO to Mars
>you have a fundamentally flawed understanding of what "Moon to Mars" means.
Tell me then

Anonymous No. 16068682

>Tell me then

Proving out tech on the Moon before sending people to Mars, not sending people to the Moon who then go to Mars.

You would know this if you had done the slightest amount of reading.

Anonymous No. 16068685

bruh the delta-v requirement of moon capture+escape is a low single digit percentage of a earth-mars mission dv budget.
over 90% of the dv will be spent between earth and moon
moon is a good place for a gas station, read a fucking map

fucking space newfags i swear
probably never even played ksp

Anonymous No. 16068690

The anon is also dumb enough to think a methalox rocket would refuel on Lunar ISRU.

Anonymous No. 16068697

>not sending people to the Moon who then go to Mars
>moon capture+escape
>good place for a gas station

Anonymous No. 16068712

Entirely delusional.
How does the fuel get into this high lunar orbit cheaply enough to even be worth considering?
A reusable lander that goes from the surface to that orbit and back.
That would need huge amounts of dV therefore cost.
No matter how you cut it going directly to Mars is always preferable.

Anonymous No. 16068718

they could bring the CH4 from Earth and just fuel up on the O2. In a balanced combustion reaction oxygen is 4x the molar mass of the methane.

Anonymous No. 16068722

hey, they are putting steering on those stages now, so they can target the household with the lowest social credit score.

Anonymous No. 16068726

Seems wasteful, death vans are cheaper.

Anonymous No. 16068758

>literally made of water and silicates, both mostly oxygen by mass

Anonymous No. 16068761

Calling it kite would've been quite funny

Anonymous No. 16068766

No, too weak.

Anonymous No. 16068768

Either CRS-2 or the Crew contract expansion increased prices, I forget which but I think CRS-2 was more expensive per flight. If RFA were able to hit 150 million that'd be pretty good I think, but there's a lot that'd have to go right for that including having a rocket at all.

Anonymous No. 16068770

>simple and dumb parachutes
>simple and dumb

Anonymous No. 16068773

Camoflaged eggs, and they let you get close to lure you away from the nest. It's extremely effective if the ground is pebbly, even in a lot of paved landscapes it still works well enough.

Anonymous No. 16068774

it's a blanket with some ropes attached. I guess if you want you can worry endlessly about the strongest fabric and the lightest ropes and the best shapes but at the end of the day it's a blanket that slows your fall

Anonymous No. 16068775

go ahead then, tie some ropes to a blanket and jump off a roof

Anonymous No. 16068778

Higher pressure needed to force propellants into Starship because it's higher up.

Anonymous No. 16068779

too low. no one has base jumped from less than 95 feet, not that it matters because I can make the ~12 foot jump off my roof without a chute

Anonymous No. 16068783

wheel of cheese

>I don't know how how they survive with nesting on the ground
I suspect the fact that they're endangered heavily implies they don't very well lel

Anonymous No. 16068788

not sure about the first orbital cargo mission but on the HLS Demo on moon, a tesla which is driven by an optimus.

Anonymous No. 16068790

>liftoff of Hummingbird from Starbase Texas, engines running smooth at over seven and a half thousand tons of thrust

Anonymous No. 16068793

Tell it to NASA not me lmao

Anonymous No. 16068799

do it from a higher roof then retard, you know what i mean

Anonymous No. 16068815

"Total Plover Death" or "Plover Killer 5000" are both fine names

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16068823

those are irrelevant, the worry is how to make it as reliable as possible
that is what makes them difficult
can't rip or get tangled up or not deploy

Anonymous No. 16068833

Do we have any hints of what the launch weather criteria are? It looks like weather would be go for a Falcon 9 launch. Unless there is some windshear fuckery going on.

Mostly cloudy, with a high near 78. Breezy, with a south southeast wind 13 to 21 mph, with gusts as high as 31 mph.
Thursday Night
Mostly cloudy, with a low around 69. Breezy, with a southeast wind 14 to 18 mph, with gusts as high as 26 mph.

Anonymous No. 16068836

I think they want tracking shots. Doubt they'll launch if its too cloudy

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Anonymous No. 16068837

>launches so infrequently that each one gets a quirky reddit name
While I agree that the names are cringe, they are pretty successful in terms of new-space and small sat launchers. They have 44 launches, still have a wait list, and expanded into satellite building. Compared to SpaceX, they are nothing. But considering all of the companies that have died, it's impressive.

Anonymous No. 16068843

That's exactly how all rocket stages should be disposed of. Anything more is waste of money.

Anonymous No. 16068849

SpaceX tranny is going to Brownsville

Anonymous No. 16068850

The size of the motors on those TVC linear actuators are huge. I almost wonder if its just a Tesla motor with a proper gearbox.

Anonymous No. 16068859

did we watch this? was there anything good about it?

Anonymous No. 16068861

please god no

Anonymous No. 16068862

happening confirmed

I heard she's single and looking anon

Anonymous No. 16068875

you don't/won't say something like that
it's a meme, but as far as I can tell the original is super fucking gay and I don't want to know any more about it

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Anonymous No. 16068876

>on the HLS Demo on moon, a tesla which is driven by an optimus.

Anonymous No. 16068878

>he doesn't know about the lawsuits

if they could sue God for that they would
a business would be sued into bankruptcy immediately if they did that

Anonymous No. 16068881

63h to go

Anonymous No. 16068882


Anonymous No. 16068883

One of the really gay things about Japan is these ideas they have about promoting a region
Hokkaido is famous in Japan as a dairy producing region
So they have lots of cows
So they have lots of cow shit
So they turned it into fuel, or derived fuel from it
So it's a Hokkaido rocket!!!! Wow

Anonymous No. 16068886

due regard

Anonymous No. 16068888

State governments and Senators in the US do exactly the same thing.
>Wow, a road made of expendable Alabama river rocks!

Anonymous No. 16068890

wasted quads

Anonymous No. 16068892

>sue God
I think the Hasidic community has done that before

Anonymous No. 16068895

Okay, but making a mascot for some fucking prefecture (many such examples), or making a cartoon about train stations in Chiba (actual example) or making a rocket that you could run on methane from cow shit as a publicity stunt although it would be massively more expensive than just using LNG (this case) don't actually allocate money for that area. They get "publicity" and that's it.

They're equally self-interested, but this is also ineffective.

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Richard Shelby.png

Anonymous No. 16068896

Hand-picked Alabama river rocks are an integral part of the SLS system, how dare you

Anonymous No. 16068903

that Buran An225

Anonymous No. 16068906

LNG isn't actually cheap outside of the US and other oil rich countries.

Anonymous No. 16068908

ironically I have been involved in projects that burned LNG for power generation in Japan
I guess it's cheap enough

Anonymous No. 16068910

Rocketlabs: we need to copy what SpaceX is doing

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Anonymous No. 16068915


Anonymous No. 16068921

that's fair. they're already building rockets, rocket engines, and satellite busses in house

Anonymous No. 16068924

it looks like it's maybe twice as expensive in Japan as in the US

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Anonymous No. 16068986

Where's the loicense, bros?

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Anonymous No. 16069000

What phenotype is this?

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Anonymous No. 16069001

Jesus Christ

Anonymous No. 16069006

I can't remember if someone got killed in Airframe

Anonymous No. 16069007


Anonymous No. 16069009

What did you think the snipers only shoot at rockets?

Anonymous No. 16069013

child molester

Anonymous No. 16069014

New American

Anonymous No. 16069016

Maybe if Elon got on his fucking knees and sucked Uncle Joe's big old cock for once he would be inclined to approve the license.

Anonymous No. 16069024

It's weird how all those whistleblowers suddenly develop depression and commit suicide.

Anonymous No. 16069025

Gross, you're a gross person.

Anonymous No. 16069029

I don't make the rules

Anonymous No. 16069034

You keep shilling for this. It's obvious you're a biden fanboy.

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Anonymous No. 16069044

Nice work detective!!! Holy shit you're smart, a real Sherlock Holmes

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Anonymous No. 16069052

Anonymous No. 16069057

how can anybody be unironically a fan of biden? Even most democrats think he is incompetent and senile
but to actually be a fan? jesus

Anonymous No. 16069061

because he's clearly being ironic you autismo

Anonymous No. 16069063

Posting like a fag for fun is just posting like a fag.

Anonymous No. 16069065


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Anonymous No. 16069066

i still think about her

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Anonymous No. 16069067


Anonymous No. 16069069

Why didn't she open the door once it was full of water?
Why didn't she open the window?

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Anonymous No. 16069072

lmao elon this is cruel! but it had to be done i suppose. onward and upward, ad ares

Anonymous No. 16069076

Her fault for not carrying extra O2, Dragon2 does not have this problem

Anonymous No. 16069096

Roll down the window and climb out. Cars float a bit before sinking you have plenty of time.
Natural selection at its best.

Anonymous No. 16069106

so she called someone instead of getting out of the car

Anonymous No. 16069117

>Roll down the window and climb out. Cars float a bit before sinking you have plenty of time.
Not EVs with giant metal weights in the floor!

Anonymous No. 16069122

Not spaceflight, kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16069125

Mitch McConnell's family has some interesting business ties to China and he recently decided to step away from politics. Anyone who is looking at this as just a car accident isn't really looking at this.

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Anonymous No. 16069134

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miku grin.png

Anonymous No. 16069138


Anonymous No. 16069142

for fun

Anonymous No. 16069149

The problem might be that Teslas short circuit and the windows don't work.
I would probably get a window breaker.

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Anonymous No. 16069152

Aren't they planning on using it for satellite-to-satellite transmission to augment/mitigate laser comms?

E-band to ground might work but the received power is going to be awful

Anonymous No. 16069180

scaffolding coming down on the OLM

Anonymous No. 16069182


Anonymous No. 16069185

I was thinking that too damn

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Anonymous No. 16069187


Anonymous No. 16069190

there is a non zero chance that Boeing assassinated a whistleblower

Anonymous No. 16069194

Is it weird that this makes me like them more? I guess I just prefer malevolence to simple incompetence.

Anonymous No. 16069196

An entire space station.
Have the starship be equipped with docking ports, pack the payload section with inflatable modules, once in Leo deploy the inflatable modules and use a robot arm to attach them to the docking ports, instantly have the largest space station ever built with a single launch.

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Anonymous No. 16069200

Whats he talking about? Is this about Starship?

Anonymous No. 16069221

Obviously about Ukraine losing being a good thing.

Anonymous No. 16069223


Anonymous No. 16069228

the ULA sniper doesn't rest a day

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Anonymous No. 16069234

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Anonymous No. 16069238


Anonymous No. 16069239


Boeing being shitshow

Anonymous No. 16069240

when you hear hooves think horses, not zebras
when boeing kills people think negligent manslaughter, not conspiracies

Anonymous No. 16069244

A 787 almost dropped out of the sky yesterday on the way to Auckland, complete instrument failure

Anonymous No. 16069245

what is this, some random girl working for spacex?

Anonymous No. 16069247

does he pronounce his own name Bick?

Anonymous No. 16069248

>The Federal Communications Commission said March 8 it is allowing SpaceX to use E-band frequencies between second-generation Starlink satellites and gateways on the ground, alongside already approved spectrum in the Ka and Ku bands.
>SpaceX said using E-band radio waves for backhaul would enable Starlink Gen2 to provide about four times more capacity per satellite than earlier iterations
Even if its not perfect, as long as sats find clear weather conditions, they should be able to use the bandiwidth, thus increasing bandwidth by 4X on normal basis, which is a HUEG boost.

Anonymous No. 16069255

malevolence can be killed. can't fix stupid.

Anonymous No. 16069272

That's just how kiwis talk, it's like an australian accent but more gay.

Anonymous No. 16069283

>he was found dead in a parking lot with a gunshot wound to his head
yeah they popped him then planted the gun

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Anonymous No. 16069294
Venus missions are back on the menu

Anonymous No. 16069298

NASA put out its FY2025 budget request today
Somehow, VERITAS has returned

Anonymous No. 16069303

Turns out the Japanese KAIROS debut launch was scrubbed because of a boat wandering into the range. They couldn't get it out of the area before the close of the launch window.
They're going to try again on the 13th 02:00 UTC (so the evening of the 12th for most of us).

Anonymous No. 16069306

Even in your rocket launch


Anonymous No. 16069309

Boats have always been the mortal foe of Japanese rocket launches. The fishermen cartel was able to put some pretty severe restrictions on launches out of Tanegashima in the past to keep the fish from getting scared.

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Anonymous No. 16069316

fuck boats

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Anonymous No. 16069322

I don't care what they teach you in school -- in this house Pluto IS a PLANET.

Anonymous No. 16069327

total villager death

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Anonymous No. 16069333

there are a lot more planets than the IAU wants you to know about

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Anonymous No. 16069339

>no hard hat
I'm calling osha right now.
Maybe next month on that launch once they sort out their safety culture... Again

Anonymous No. 16069356
Erryday Numale on Flight 3

Anonymous No. 16069358

I don't understand the reasuable Alabama river rocks meme

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Anonymous No. 16069359


Anonymous No. 16069364

systems fastest jupiterposter

Anonymous No. 16069366

you'll love how many passengers they've killed!

Anonymous No. 16069442

least faggy innercel

Anonymous No. 16069448

Planet of the Epps

Anonymous No. 16069464

It's like early cellphones. They used to basically give you the phone for free if you bought the service. Now you lease a pone and get to use it as an added benefit

Anonymous No. 16069474

Looks like the video is available on YouTube too, with non-dogshit quality.

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Anonymous No. 16069492

Works fine for me

Anonymous No. 16069499

I'm also only getting 270p (because not logged in I assume). And YouTube still has higher resolutions available.

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Anonymous No. 16069504

>logged out
Works fine for me

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Anonymous No. 16069521

Anonymous No. 16069558
is this woman absolutely neurotic? she always crying and lives like a vagabond

Anonymous No. 16069563

He didn't fly so good

Anonymous No. 16069566

It's only available on Chrome

Anonymous No. 16069567

So a browser issue. Firefox is doing something funky or the video player code doesn't work well with firefox's handling of quality, thus is defaulting to 240p

Anonymous No. 16069571

Kek its ogre. Hopefully they probe shitliner next

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Anonymous No. 16069573


Anonymous No. 16069595

With a Tesla you need an internet connection to wind down the window, and being submerged reduced the Starlink signal to below the noise floor.

Anonymous No. 16069596

This wasn't a murder though, he just got blown out the airlock of a 737. No suspicious circumstances.

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Anonymous No. 16069599


Anonymous No. 16069606

she kinda look like a squid girl huh

Anonymous No. 16069616

They know Trump is coming.

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Anonymous No. 16069617


Anonymous No. 16069619

you guys made todd cry on X

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Anonymous No. 16069622

looks like shit

Anonymous No. 16069623


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expendable roads.png

Anonymous No. 16069626


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Collectible River....png

Anonymous No. 16069628


Anonymous No. 16069635

What's the probability of the launch getting scrubbed on Thursday due to the weather?

I need to know before I waste some of my paid vacation.

Anonymous No. 16069644

Fucking kek

Anonymous No. 16069650


Anonymous No. 16069655

everyone needs to watch this

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Anonymous No. 16069657

>only 75cm

Anonymous No. 16069662

did you like the video? what did you think?

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Untitled - Copy.jpg

Anonymous No. 16069683


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Anonymous No. 16069706
>From NASA budget summary, latest Artemis schedule. SpaceX Starship HLS test in 2026, same year as Artemis III landing. Artemis V, first use of Blue Origin's HLS, now in 2030.

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Anonymous No. 16069707

>A summary slide for science indicates NASA support for ESA's Rosalind Franklin Mars rover (formerly ExoMars) is included.

Anonymous No. 16069723

Who the hell is barkun?

A slingshot manoeuvre using the moon would be a better idea

Anonymous No. 16069725

Hop when

Anonymous No. 16069735

Huh I though they said they'd launch viper in 2024

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Anonymous No. 16069751
>IFT-3 Animation

Anonymous No. 16069756

So 1 more day till Starship? No FAA license yet?

Anonymous No. 16069764

NET Countdown is T-50:24:00 and no license yet.

Anonymous No. 16069769

It should have been cancelled the moment ESA selected EnVision. Both of them are radar missions in the same timeframe, they will even share an instrument. The ESA mission is better overall. A3 Venus missions all selected at the same time, right when phosphine story was at its peak. And now it's gone away.
Or better yet, keep VERITAS and have ESA pick THESEUS instead.

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Anonymous No. 16069779


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Anonymous No. 16069791

Crew-7 just splashed down, by the way.

Anonymous No. 16069792

They're edging to test SpaceX's rapid launch capability. Inb4 they license is issued and launch happens within 6 hours

Anonymous No. 16069811

watching too, these X livestreams are not bad isn't it?
totally comparable to jewtube

Anonymous No. 16069824

If you load Starship full of paying customers, you can pack them really densely and make more profit, then dock with a massive cycler that has sufficient resources for the trip.

Anonymous No. 16069851

lol NSF are starting the stream 8h before NET time
48h to go btw

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Anonymous No. 16069853
a night launch will be cool to see

2 days

Anonymous No. 16069859

There is still no FCC approval.

Anonymous No. 16069863

I no longer believe that anything is happening until it's actually happening. Always expecting a delay, no matter what the thing is

Anonymous No. 16069867

I hate NSF so much its unreal

Anonymous No. 16069878

we had FCC approval weeks ago

Anonymous No. 16069880

That was FAA.

Anonymous No. 16069919

Retired whistleblower found dead days after testifying in his car from "self-inflicted wound".
Guess Boeing rolled out of bed for that one.

Anonymous No. 16069921

Isn't the problem with Boeing that they're "too big to fail"? Who would replace them?

Anonymous No. 16069922

Will it really release some payload into space like in the video?

Anonymous No. 16069935

SpaceX for rockets
For airplanes, there's plenty of room for disruption today

Anonymous No. 16069942


Anonymous No. 16069974


Doesn't work without a schizo drive

Anonymous No. 16069980

There is no problem with Boeing other than greedy capitalist managers. Diversity is our strength. Pajeet is doing the job whitoids won't do.

Anonymous No. 16070019

mcdonnell doug-

Anonymous No. 16070027


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Anonymous No. 16070069

Anonymous No. 16070136

your thinking of SEC

Anonymous No. 16070155

Why does my dog keep barking everytime I look at this tweet?

Anonymous No. 16070166

Exactly, so considering American interests it can't be allowed to fail unless it can be replaced. But that means there are no checks on its performance, efficiency or kill count.

Anonymous No. 16070184

please, my strongback can only get so erect!

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Anonymous No. 16070190

>Why does my dog keep barking everytime I look at this tweet?