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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16116302

previous >>16113259

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Anonymous No. 16116308

old: starship is the next n1
new: starship is the next scout

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Anonymous No. 16116309

woke: Astra
broke: Astra

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Anonymous No. 16116310

Anonymous No. 16116311

How will the internet work on Mars? How will it connect to Earth?

Anonymous No. 16116312

space is gay

Anonymous No. 16116314

everything the same just have to set connection timeout as being much larger

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Anonymous No. 16116315

Anonymous No. 16116317

needs 3 more vacuum engines

Anonymous No. 16116318

In 20 years, Starship will be so long it won't need to launch to reach the moon.

Anonymous No. 16116319

>How will the internet work on Mars?
Starlink and hab LANs
> How will it connect to Earth?
Mostly it won't. Store-and-forward DTN batch protocols riding lasers will act more like UUCP than the Internet.

Anonymous No. 16116321

Won't it being so much longer fuck up the flop that they already practiced?

Anonymous No. 16116327

1/10 OP. Atleast its space related unlike the broccoli early stager

Anonymous No. 16116328

> /sfg/ still hyping a spacecraft taht can only launch starlinks

If you really someone is going to mars this century youre a retard or 12 yo

Anonymous No. 16116338

I hate spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16116339

yeah it used to be cool but now nobody likes it

Anonymous No. 16116342

kek, based

Anonymous No. 16116345


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Anonymous No. 16116346

>spacex rapidly cut away from the booster landing while the engines were still engulfed in intense flames

Anonymous No. 16116348

reminder starship has been in active development for 10 years and still hasnt launched a damn thing

Anonymous No. 16116350

You've been in active development longer and can't 1RM your own bodyweight.

Anonymous No. 16116353

don't blame you guys when our biggest hope today is spacex lol which is depressing.

Anonymous No. 16116356

austin barnard you stupid nigger i can see you using /sfg/ jpgs on twitter

Anonymous No. 16116359

Does he know they are tampered with CP?

Anonymous No. 16116361

what speed of light delay does this correspond to?

Anonymous No. 16116366

>Sketchup memes

Anonymous No. 16116368

I already can see this gif being stoled and with a shitty unfunny caption on x/instagram.

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Anonymous No. 16116370

you forgot about reddit

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Anonymous No. 16116373

>elon still thinks 1 million on mars in 20 years is possible
are there even that many people ready to move? that's a city the size of honolulu. can they even build enough buildings to house that many people?

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Anonymous No. 16116376

Tonight's launch might have had more than just Starlink on the manifest. B1069 was carrying a long duration upper stage like the ones on the EchoStar-24 and USSF-44 Falcon Heavy launches that went direct to GEO.

Anonymous No. 16116379

I don't think there are even 1 million people on earth interested in spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16116383

numbers too low but approximation of 7 figures is about right.

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Anonymous No. 16116386

The tower to launch it

Anonymous No. 16116393


Anonymous No. 16116396

that analogy doesnt work because lots of people fly but only a tiny amount give a fuck about the aircraft industry

Anonymous No. 16116397

why did you not draw in the noose? her head is literally in the position of someone thats hanging

Anonymous No. 16116398


Anonymous No. 16116399

do lots of people fly to antarctica? no? your analogy now also does not work.
you are unbanned xir.

Anonymous No. 16116400

im still banned, but only on /g/ lel

Anonymous No. 16116401


Anonymous No. 16116403

are you a newfag and dont know how to ban evade?

Anonymous No. 16116405

>ban evading a free vacation away from fa/g/s

Anonymous No. 16116406

not like im encouraging him using /g/ just in general since only newfags wouldnt know how.

Anonymous No. 16116409

its obvious isnt it? we're going to need inflatable buildings on mars. they provide enough volume to house lots of people.

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Tripoli Active me....jpg

Anonymous No. 16116413

Interesting question actually. I saw the other day there were only like (under) 9000 people in the world currently qualified to launch amateur rockets.

Assuming like 1 in 100 spaceflight enthusiasts are Tripoli members, that's roughly 1 million people.

Anonymous No. 16116418

Every woman will be required to birth 6 children on Mars

Anonymous No. 16116419


Anonymous No. 16116435

retards such as yourself will be euthanized

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Anonymous No. 16116447

there's like 4500 hpr certified nar members. I suspect that as many as half are also tripoli members. but those are just american clubs, I have no idea what amateur rocketry is like outside of america.
do the chinks do it? russians? they'd both be good contenders for countries with big rocketry scenes.

Anonymous No. 16116449

Women are not a problem, you just bring whores and don't allow birth control. Time tested frontier method.

Anonymous No. 16116459

I think we will see a 2 tier society on Mars richfags who paid and construction worker types who got government loans, shit is gonna like Total Recall tier dystopia

Anonymous No. 16116465

>government loans
outright indentured servitude, same as poor early Americans

Anonymous No. 16116482

Im probably gonna be able to pay, if not go there for work, but I would gladly go under indentured servitude to get off this fucking mudball away from all of these other neanderthals that call themselves 'people'.

Anonymous No. 16116494

>don't allow birth control
access to birth control can't be banned under US law

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Anonymous No. 16116496

Good thing Mars isn't the US (see flag)

Anonymous No. 16116497

That's a Supreme Court precedent which used the same faulty bullshit excuse as Roe, which got overturned, not an actual law.

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Anonymous No. 16116509

We're back baby!

Anonymous No. 16116511

19:09: 2.7M Starlink customers.

21:33: Starship in final form over 200 tonnes to orbit with full reuse, able to fly multiple times per day.

22:50: 80-90% chance catch booster with mechzilla this year.

23:27: want 2 successful ship landings in ocean before trying on land because they don't want to dump debris on land. Probably this year Starship will land in ocean, next year land on land and reuse.

24:25: will build 2 launch towers at starbase, 2 at cape, by sometime next year.

25:15: development launches at starbase, most operational launches from cape, presumably because they can access more inclinations from there

26:40: Next year demonstrate ship to ship prop transfer.

28:41: thrust for Raptor, 2 and 3. Raptor 3 is 280 tf sea level, 306 tf vaccum.

32:31: flight 3 40-50 tonnes payload to orbit, Starship 2 over 100 tonnes, Starship 3 over 200 tonnes. Starship 3 4050 tonnes booster prop load, 2300 tonnes ship prop load, 3 sea level raptors, 6 vacuum raptors (vs 3 vacuum engines previously).

34:07 Starship cost to LEO goal 2-3M$.

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Anonymous No. 16116513

> Flight 4 in a month or so. Aim to get through the high heating regime. Into the ocean at a controlled spot - a virtual tower (soft water landing technique).

> If that works, "Flight 5 will land on the Tower" (catch the booster with the chopsticks).

Anonymous No. 16116514

>we cant even go back to the moon
> /Sfg/ fags talking about mars colonies

Lets be honest, no one here really believe when musk talk about starships and mars right? Or are you guys that stupid?

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Anonymous No. 16116515

> per Elon they moved a lot of external stuff and made it internal as well as adding integrated cooling channels so the surface appearance is somewhat misleading. He also mentioned building them is challenging, which makes sense.

Pretty slick lookinng.

Anonymous No. 16116517

I’ll give you a pity (you) little man.

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Anonymous No. 16116518

JUICE: already launched
Clipper: launching this year
Dragonfly: launching in a couple of years

It's almost time for a new wave of discoveries about our solar system

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Anonymous No. 16116521

Youtube version:

Anonymous No. 16116523

Are you the newfag from like two threads ago?

Anonymous No. 16116524


Anonymous No. 16116526

Is this some sort of humiliation ritual?
You’re embarrassing yourself.

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Anonymous No. 16116528

Speed run version of presentation:

Anonymous No. 16116542

Hes baiting. Thats why I asked if its the newfag. Just hit the arrow next to the lost and put in 'trolling outside of /b/'

Anonymous No. 16116545

Zoomers have no fucking attention span. If you cant watch this presentation that is genuinely interesting and captivating with all the new details and have to resort to watching a recap then YWNGTS and need to stop pretending like you even care about spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16116552

>Good thing Mars isn't the US (see flag)

>as if Mars won't be developed without US dollars and US technology
>as if Mars colonies, factories, resources etc won't be protected by the US military
>as if US citizens won't travel between Earth and Mars on a continual basis
>as if Mars won't be dependent on US imports for many thousands of years
Saying Mars isn't the US is like saying SpaceX isn't becoming a major US defense contractor

Anonymous No. 16116557

>between earth and mars
have you ever read the history of british colonization of north america?

Anonymous No. 16116559

Typical midwit catchphrase

Anonymous No. 16116561

>what was 1776

Anonymous No. 16116562

>doesnt know
Typical pseud reply

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Anonymous No. 16116563

are you brown perchance?

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Anonymous No. 16116566

Still waiting for a ULA version of this for 'hyper-optimized'

Anonymous No. 16116571

Thanks for your input Mr Zeihan but the US is shitting the bed in real time and it's exceedingly unlikely that it will exist as a single political entity in 20-30 years.

Anonymous No. 16116572

It took ~150 years for America to be independent, since the landing of the Mayflower. I can't wait to see the speedrun stats for Mars' independence.

Anonymous No. 16116573

Late stage Rome posting lmao

Anonymous No. 16116574

>whoops, looks like monitoring nuclear weapon development, something you've failed multiple times at on Earth, wasn't something you could do on a distant planet occupied by us
>shame you have a treaty on orbital nuclear weapons
>we don't

Anonymous No. 16116575

So, Proxima Centauri has 2 confirmed exoplanets and 1 disputed, while the 2 binary stars have 1 confirmed and 1 debunked planet? Did I get that right?

Anonymous No. 16116578

Do you live in the same country as me? Our fiat currency is just about done and there is no way to save it, ethnic tensions are through the roof not to mention ideological bullshit, just about everyone hates fedgov are you are out here being like "we are going to export to Mars for thousands of years". Lmao.

Anonymous No. 16116581

Is that a commie meme? Where is it from? Reddit?

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Anonymous No. 16116589

why wont they do fatship? twice as wide and twice shorter, when will it happen?

Anonymous No. 16116596

>fully self sustaining mars colony possible with 1 million humans and 1 million ton payload
i would like to see the sources of that claim.

Anonymous No. 16116598

Too late for that, they would need to overhaul everything in starbase to support fatter starship

Anonymous No. 16116599

1 million is much more than is needed to avoid inbreeding, homo sapiens went down to like 20k at one point and we are fine. A million tonnes of payload seems plenty in terms of industrial equipment, remember you aren't making China sized factories for hundreds of millions of people throwing shit away every year or two. The big thing imo is habitation, if tunnelling or 3d printing regolith isn't workable then it's actually over.

Anonymous No. 16116600

What happened to spinlauch? with a moon colony in the horizon they actually may be usefull for small payloads like fuel tanks for orbit refueling or something

Anonymous No. 16116602

it will need to happen in the future anyways, right? why wont start sooner than later? 150m high and 9m wide doesnt seem good

Anonymous No. 16116604

pencil starship for launching starlinks is not bad.

Anonymous No. 16116605

Imagine the metals we can find on mars, some even must be find different from earth right? the distance is far enough to have differences in amounts of the know ones at least.

Anonymous No. 16116608

twice wider and twice shorter starship has twice more volume

Anonymous No. 16116609

Speak english ESL monkey

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Anonymous No. 16116610

4 times shorter and twice as wide has the same volume

Anonymous No. 16116611

ESL site retard, what are you going to do about it?

Anonymous No. 16116613

the moon looks so much better with stuff on it

Anonymous No. 16116615

Relax knowing that I'm not a barely sentient subhuman like you

Anonymous No. 16116616

Imagine the metals we could find on Mars. Some might even be different from those found on Earth, right? The distance is far enough to potentially yield variances in the amounts of the known ones, at the very least.

Anonymous No. 16116620

geology will finally be relevant again thanks to space colonization

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The ride is start....jpg

Anonymous No. 16116624


Anonymous No. 16116640

None because Mars is hardly differentiated and has never had a water cycle to concentrate minerals.

Anonymous No. 16116641

Shits out non-reusable minirockets
Even if it worked (it doesnt), it could not compete with the cost of starship

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Anonymous No. 16116653

>Proxima Centauri has 2 confirmed exoplanets and 1 disputed
is this recent news?

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Anonymous No. 16116655

Currently US is still the most technologically advanced country.

Anonymous No. 16116656

two more weeks

Anonymous No. 16116658

Two more weeks

Anonymous No. 16116661

Hey guys just posting outside
the US timezones. definitely American btw. Are my fellow Americans here properly demoralized? Just making sure no one here ever says anything positive about the US.

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Anonymous No. 16116666

US technology

Anonymous No. 16116674

Huh, maybe america does deserve to die in fire and blood

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Anonymous No. 16116688

US technology

Anonymous No. 16116695

where do they fit 3 more engines?

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Anonymous No. 16116699

They realized they can't compete with MagLauncher

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Anonymous No. 16116701

They should have updated the design to 11-12 meters instead of LOOOOOONG.

Anonymous No. 16116703

Honestly, I´m in the process of checking the sources. The Alpha Centauri wikipedia article seems to contradict itself on that, which is why I wanted to fact check elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 16116705
it can't be that hard to move quickly and safely across martian terrain
send a lifted f150 or a cybertruck or something, metres per day is pathetic when we have an entire planet to explore

Anonymous No. 16116709

meters per day is what you get when you have a ~20 min comms time and don't send humans, it's all about avoiding obstacles, but at least the mini-copter helped

Anonymous No. 16116710

can't repair it so you have to be extremely conservative
a mars rover next to a hab/colony can be repaired by humans

Anonymous No. 16116711

When will we colonize another solar system?

Anonymous No. 16116720

a combination of the elimination of mass autism (starship) and a modified version of the tesla FSD software would fix these problems
expendable cybertrucks for exploration and mapping

Anonymous No. 16116722

sending humans would also solve the problem of digging

Anonymous No. 16116725

two weeks

Anonymous No. 16116727

probably need some kind of tech breakthrough which could then be applied for propulsion

Anonymous No. 16116734

600 years when space elon moves to space america

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Anonymous No. 16116740

It's weird seeing the rampant ESL hate on 4chan, I think there's like 400 million EFL people in the world and then everyone else is a subhuman

Anonymous No. 16116750


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Anonymous No. 16116755

Its not that bad? just looks kind of funny next to the v1

Anonymous No. 16116768

>has never had a water cycle to concentrate minerals.
Umm that's wrong sweetie. Mars was a wet world for billions of years.

Anonymous No. 16116772

it would allow them for more engines as well

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Anonymous No. 16116777

imagine what could have been

Anonymous No. 16116783

they really fucked up when they reduced the diameter from the bfg
now they're stuck with that puny stick because of their bespoke stage zero launchpad architecture

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Anonymous No. 16116784


Anonymous No. 16116787

meant bfr

Anonymous No. 16116788

why cant they make another launchpad

Anonymous No. 16116790

/sfg/ meetup in AR tomorrow?

Anonymous No. 16116791

How do you figure out the optimal size ratio between first:second stages?

Anonymous No. 16116792

whats advantage to long stick instead of cube >>16116777

Anonymous No. 16116793

Because it wouldn't mean making only new launchpad, it would mean redesigning everything.

Anonymous No. 16116794

the stage with more engines has more thrust, therefore booster should be way bigger compared to ship

Anonymous No. 16116795

so redesign everything, you already have engines

Anonymous No. 16116796

They had engines back in 2016

Anonymous No. 16116797

yeah, but how much bigger?

Anonymous No. 16116798

as big as possible

Anonymous No. 16116801

If you plug the relevant variables into the rocket equation, you can easily do optimisation on it to get the maximum delta v for a staged rocket in empty space in a vacuum. Gravity drag and air resistance complicate things but I think you can still do it. But, IIRC, Falcon and Starship aren't even at the optimum because they want to stage earlier (i.e., they're over-thrusted) for reusability reasons.

Anonymous No. 16116802

this is a perfect opportunity for china/india/eu to leapfrog spacex
just make a fatter starship

Anonymous No. 16116804

China would just make Starship clone 1:1, they can't into original thought.

Anonymous No. 16116811

at least they're willing to build a clone. europe and other countries just throw their hands in the air and give up.

Anonymous No. 16116812

a cube would have no aerodynamic control authority

Anonymous No. 16116814

They are only willing to make renders of clones.

Anonymous No. 16116815

>aerodynamic control authority
what about engines spaced further apart? better aerodynamic control authority than stick

Anonymous No. 16116817

depends on what speed you stage at, the later you do the more fuel the booster needs to get back and it gets quadratically worse as a function of speed
a big ship also means you have more payload to the destination after orbital refilling

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Anonymous No. 16116818


Anonymous No. 16116819

from the pictures it just looks like it's trying to move on some really difficult terrain by mars rover standards

Anonymous No. 16116820

its about the distance of the engines or flaps to the mean point of lift, with a ball the distance and thus the moment arm is very small
but the longer and thinner it is I think it starts to be more unstable, so more complicated to control
but SpaceX has a lot of control expertise (see F9 boosters landing)

Anonymous No. 16116822

First language, i.e. Anglos I guess

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Anonymous No. 16116823

trips checked

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Anonymous No. 16116828

nah lol. mars wankery is pretty cringe in general. After the first high of having boots on mars wears off it becomes a wasteland curiosity just like moon. Area for research and prospector outposts/sats/bots doing very boring and very mundane tasks like studying the bodies. Main attraction is finding resource deposits, from ores to water, which then later becomes the basis for space industrialization via mining. Much, MUCH later you can talk about some secondary branches like perma colonists. Until then its like living on a oil rig in very hostile environments

Frankly building very big cargo ships in orbit that never land and staffing them with crew moving between planets seems a far more feasible prospect of getting larger groups of humans into semi-perma space residence. Or cruise ships doing short trips like a trip around the moon

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Anonymous No. 16116831

twice as wide means 4 times shorter for same volume

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Anonymous No. 16116836

>While in closely aligned orbits, the LRO’s high-resolution narrow angle camera from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) system snapped images of Danuri during three of its orbits around the Moon. This occurred as the two spacecraft were swiftly moving in reverse paths on March 5 and 6, 2024.

>Engineers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, meticulously calculated the precise timing required for the LRO to photograph the South Korean lunar orbiter. Since Danuri was traveling at a relative velocity of about 1,500 kilometers per hour (approximately 7,200 miles per hour), the LROC had to have an exceptionally brief exposure time of just 0.338 milliseconds. Despite this, images show Danuri appearing elongated by a factor of ten due to the high-speed flyby.

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Anonymous No. 16116838

i've got your ooo covered -

Anonymous No. 16116840

18m seems like too much, but why didnt they do 12m design?

Anonymous No. 16116848

got spooked while trying to make carbon rocket

Anonymous No. 16116861

I pray Artemis is completed using Starship V2 and then they begin work on a wider diameter starship for mars.

Anonymous No. 16116867

this thing would unironically be very good. Remember SpaceX doesnt want to do an entry burn on SuperHeavy, and the reason they think they wont need to is because the booster is fatter than f9 so aerobrakes better. A superfat booster could get away with less heat shielding. Not to mention the ship would be much much easier to land on an unprepared surface like mars or the moon. Remember how SN4 looked goofy tall for a moon lander? And now we are looking at a ship twice as tall.

Anonymous No. 16116870

plus if you make a rocket that's too fat you futureproof the launch pad, whereas now theyve fucked themselves and it cant get much taller without being ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 16116875

They've tested YF-215 engine components. They also test-built a 10m diameter stage connector (although those were for a previous CZ-9 version)

Anonymous No. 16116882

CZ-9 first stage is probably going to be made of aluminium. The 10.6m diameter was likely chosen due to the CZ-9 project's original aim of producing a Saturn V type lifter capable of ~50t to TLI

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16116889

Bigger diameter means either more engines than SS/SH or bigger engines than Raptor though, which makes things more complicated, deviates from the proven, and introduces higher technical risk. 33 engines already beats the N-1's 30 and that was an infamous example.

It also means their rocket might become *too* fat to work if they can't make an engine of Raptor 3 thrust density level. It probably makes more sense to make a SS clone of ~10m diameter and then later make an entirely new SS clone from scratch that's of greater diameter once they can improve their engine from ~200tf to ~280tf. It's not like factory capex or metal item manufacturing is a weakness for China

Anonymous No. 16116893

Bigger diameter means either more engines than SS/SH or bigger engines than Raptor though, which makes things more complicated, deviates from the proven, and introduces higher technical risk. 33 engines already beats the N-1's 30 and that was an infamous example.

It also means their rocket might become *too* fat to work if they can't make an engine of Raptor 3 thrust density level. It probably makes more sense to make a SS clone of ~10m diameter and then later make an entirely new SS clone from scratch that's of greater diameter once they can improve their engine from ~200tf to ~280tf. It's not like ability to construct new facilities or willingness for large capex is the weakness for China; time is.

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Anonymous No. 16116896

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Anonymous No. 16116908

Anonymous No. 16116914

if you make if wider you can make it shorter, same volume, same amount of engines

Anonymous No. 16116920

if you make it wider, you have more space for engines
each engine basically has a section of mass on top of it which is optimal and in the most stretched out version you are close to that
so the height would stay the same, but the fineness ratio would get lower and it wouldn't be as much of a pencil anymore

Anonymous No. 16116922

Worse, /pol/.

Anonymous No. 16116924

the height would not stay the same, thats the point

Anonymous No. 16116925

pol is full of commies too, all kinds of schizos there

Anonymous No. 16116926

股票 is a nice touch

Anonymous No. 16116927

it would if you pack the engines as close together as previously

Anonymous No. 16116928

That gives it other aerodynamic properties though. What is the limit? Why not make the rocket as wide as it is tall while you're at it?

>>if you make it wider, you have more space for engines
More engines makes it more complicated though

Anonymous No. 16116929

when you realize nazis were jews too the circle closes

Anonymous No. 16116930

1:1 ratio has best properties for keeping fuel cool too

Anonymous No. 16116931

worse stability during booster decent, which is extremely important

Anonymous No. 16116932

>More engines makes it more complicated though
sure, but going from 33 to 42 or whatever isn't that much more complicated anymore
to get 33 engines working you basically have to solve the "many engines" problem already, its not a qualitative change to add more engines at that stage

Anonymous No. 16116933

Can their current construction, transport and pad infrastructure handle 12m diameter?

Anonymous No. 16116935

>just about everyone hates fedgov
And I'm supposed to think the US is failing? Seems to me it's about to only get stronger.

Anonymous No. 16116937

no, everything would have to be rebuilt
and raptor 3 doesn't even exist in a mass produced form yet
making it fatter is overoptimizing it way more than makes sense at this point, they don't even have this version working fully yet
I mean its not impossible they build a new factory in the cape or something and start developing a 12m version at some point in the future and then keep two different diameter versions running at the same time or something
or build a 9m factory at the cape, then retool boca chica in the future for a fatter vehicle basically ripping everything out, but the benefits would have to be substantial

I mean really, what do you gain here? other than aestethics
like what are the concrete improvements, how do they translate into cost of mass to orbit?
what would be the marginal cost of mass to orbit on a optimized 9m diameter starship vs a 12m diamater starship vs 18m diameter?
perhaps the benefits are large enough that they do make that "refresh" or iteration in the future, but in the short term it would be ridiculous

Anonymous No. 16116939

>going from 33 to 42 or whatever isn't that much more complicated
I can quite vividly imagine such an argument not working well during the meeting of the relevant CASC design committee

Anonymous No. 16116942

If the first and second generations are all women and they are continuously pregnant you easily could get more than 100 times the initial population in two generations. With this "breeder" strategy a single fleet of 10,000 fertile 18-20 year old female passengers could populate Mars Base Alpha in less than 30 years.

Of course this would likely require a large degree of automation and some form of government, security forces or enforced isolation (i.e. no interhab transportation)

Ultimately, though, bringing 1 million passengers is probably more realistic than trying to govern and pacify a whole world of BPD whores and welfare queeangs.

Anonymous No. 16116943

would need new pads, new chopsticks, new tower placement and maybe a full new tower. all the engine install infrastructure would need to be redone. I'm not even sure it would fit through the megabay doors

Anonymous No. 16116945

Going from 33 to 42 seems like it'd be a lot easier than going from 9 to 33.

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Anonymous No. 16116946

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Anonymous No. 16116948

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Anonymous No. 16116950

are they shipping gigatons of crickets to support converting that much matter into human flesh though?

Anonymous No. 16116951

based and correct

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Anonymous No. 16116952


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Anonymous No. 16116955

Anonymous No. 16116958

Yeah that giant colony dream seems very unrealistic. People who are well adjusted and have useful skills already have options to live comfortably on Earth. People who would just go there because they have no better options aren't people who you want to send on a gig like that, they'd just be a liability. I'm listening to the presentation and Musk just said that most people who'd go there probably wouldn't come back. Where will they find people who want to permanently leave Earth to work in a shitty colony?

Anonymous No. 16116962

"Oops, your entire global communications infrastructure depends on Starlink and we control LEO and provide your entire launch capability."

Anonymous No. 16116963

they need people working there
there will be so much work that needs to be done

Anonymous No. 16116966

frozen jizz means the minimum viable population is one fecund female
life support and economic capacity are the limiting factors

Anonymous No. 16116967

NASA doesn't want you to know this but Mars is actually edible. Mars bars while not actually made of Mars are imitations based on modeling of what Mars would taste like.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16116971

It might be. They aren't at 33 yet though. It's all on the drawing board right now. In fact, they're only aiming for 30 with CZ-9. And that's probably just because, given the 200t engines they're using, it's what they need to build a rocket capable of ~50t to TLI, which is the original goal of the CZ-9 project.

One might as well say, if we have 42 on the drawing board then it's not a big step to increase it to 50-something. And if we have 50-something on the drawing board, then it's not a big step to increase it to 60-something. Etc. At least 33 has been demonstrated by someone.

Anonymous No. 16116978

The periodic table is already fairly comprehensive at this point

Anonymous No. 16116979

you could ask the same question about the american colonies
I would argue being a mars colonist/pioneer is going to be overall much safer than being an early american colonist due to a variety of factors
yes the environment is much more inhospitable, but our technology is also much more advanced and in net it should be much safer
entire colonies in the americas got wiped out by one reason or another, disease, angry natives, starvation

Anonymous No. 16116981

Is that what you tell women?

Anonymous No. 16116983

Until, God willing, Mars brain drains it.

Anonymous No. 16116989

>we could have 3 internet cables running from the earth to the moon
lunar internet is going to be sweet

Anonymous No. 16116991

It might be. They aren't at 33 yet though. It's all on the drawing board right now. In fact, they're only aiming for 30 with CZ-9. And it's that many probably only because, given the 200t engines they're using, it's what they need to build a rocket capable of ~50t to TLI, which is the original goal of the CZ-9 project.

One might as well say, if we have 42 on the drawing board then it's not a big step to increase it to 50-something. And if we have 50-something on the drawing board, then it's not a big step to increase it to 60-something. Etc. 33 has at least been demonstrated by someone.

Anonymous No. 16116996

I was actually going to mention the old colonists. As you said, Mars is inhospitable. And people didn't really have the same kind of entertainment back then. Some sailor drinking gin in his damp village was probably happy to go to a new continent, build a nice house in lush nature and hunt deer or something, his biggest ambition being to have a lot of kids. Now a plumber will have a PS5, internet, maybe he likes to go hiking or go race Miatas on track days. What's his incentive to move to Mars for the rest of his life, where you'll be stuck indoors like you're in some kind of prison or military base, with a 20 minute latency to Earth so you can't even watch that football match or play FIFA online. There won't even be a motivation like oh the pay will be really good so you can build that nice house and retire early, you'll just be sitting there bored in your living quarters. Musk made it sound like people would even be paying to go there, to put their life on the line and have a worse quality of life

Anonymous No. 16117000

Kek, SpaceX is dancing all over the stuffed caskets of oldspace these days and it’s cathartic

Anonymous No. 16117001

literally no reason you couldn't watch a football match with 20 minutes of lag

Anonymous No. 16117005

you don't need to play real time online games to have a good quality of life
at first the motivation to go there is to accomplish great things, become part of history
later it will be for adventure, perhaps to start a business there or start/join a satellite colony to be able to live like you wish (like many of the early colonists to the americas did)
the EU is becoming more and more authoritarian for instance
and after mars has some industry, it would be relatively easy to start doing outposts on other celestial bodies as well

tl:dr become part of history, adventure, freedom

Anonymous No. 16117007

>it's that many probably only because, given the 200t engines they're using, it's what they need to build a rocket capable of ~50t to TLI, which is the original goal of the CZ-9 project.
It might also be because 30 engines on the first stage is about the minimum in order to have a diameter that can accommodate vac and sl engines on a reusable upper stage in a concentric arrangement like SS without seriously impairing the isp of the vac engines

Anonymous No. 16117008

yeah not like you are gonna get spoiled

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Anonymous No. 16117009

bruh what? do tweets travel faster than the speed of light now?

Anonymous No. 16117010

no i was agreeing with you

Anonymous No. 16117013

It's at least 100 years out.
You need to freeze and thaw out live adult humans or automatically gestate and rear children, with equipment that will operate independently for decades or centuries based on technology that doesn't even exist yet. You also need the orbital infrastructure to build a colony ship.

With that kind of time scale some gay new physics might be discovered first, which makes any prediction meaningless.

Anonymous No. 16117016

What will V5 look like?

Anonymous No. 16117018


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Anonymous No. 16117022

Anonymous No. 16117024

I'm just really skeptical how many people like that there are in the world. The sense of adventure will just get smaller the more people go there, the novelty will fade and it'll become mundane. Plus I really doubt a colony like that would have more freedom than Earth, when everyone is relying on life support systems to not just die. Freedom to do what?

Anonymous No. 16117030

>sense of adventure
If that doesn't work, offer enough money and you'll find people. Just look at the shipping industry. Filipinos work for 6 months on board, go back to home for a few weeks and return to work again. They do that because the salary of a sailor is great in Philipinnes.

Anonymous No. 16117033

>Thinking space will be consuming more resources from earth than earth will be consuming from space.
Earther moment

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Anonymous No. 16117034

>Where will they find people who want to permanently leave Earth to work in a shitty colony?

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Anonymous No. 16117046

Elon is the next Caesar. The Muskian Empire will have Elons as rulers of Mars dynastic empire

Anonymous No. 16117047

>go back to home for a few weeks
Which you don't get on Mars, if they're meant to move there permanently. Quoting Musk, he said they're trying to make it so that "anybody can afford to go there", so they'd be paying to move there and hopefully stay. Just sounds like a shitty deal unless someone's just really into the idea of living in a wasteland. Immigrants will pay to get into a new country with a better life quality, but I don't see that being the case with Mars for a long time, if ever

Anonymous No. 16117049

Why is everyone taking about an elongated starship suddenly?

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Anonymous No. 16117056


Also pics related

Anonymous No. 16117063

Neuralink/ simulated reality could cover a lot of recreational needs.
You need to remember tech development is also moving target and it will move in tandem with space flight development.

Also funny you brought up video games.
If anything I’d say gamers would be EAGER to move to mars, more than you’d think.
It’d just be like a big comfy LAN party, rather than the rat-race SBM multiplayer networks on earth that are full of bots and cheaters.

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Anonymous No. 16117068

what would it take for /sfg/ anons to want to move to mars?

Anonymous No. 16117070


Anonymous No. 16117074

nothing, though not sure I would want to stay permanently and it depends what kind of work needs to be done
say manual labor vs directing humanoid robots or something like that

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Anonymous No. 16117078

Anonymous No. 16117084

Enormous will power. Enough to make you want to work your ass off to get to your goal. Work is actionable will power. If you dont do work for your goal, you dont have enough will power necessary to get your goal.

Anonymous No. 16117085

we're going to do both moon and mars. at the same time. like fucking a mexican chick and black chick at the same time.

Anonymous No. 16117091

if I can't start a family before regular colonial ships go there I might as well if they let me

Anonymous No. 16117099

I love all the zoomers crying about how long Starship 3 is when it is still less of a pencil than Falcon 9

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Anonymous No. 16117102


Anonymous No. 16117107

I have no connections other than my family. I am dedicating my career to spaceflight. My final goal is to go to the colony as soon as I can. It would take nothing for me to want to move to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16117110

Two more weeks until two more weeks

Anonymous No. 16117115



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Anonymous No. 16117116


Anonymous No. 16117120

SOUL > soulish > soulless

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Anonymous No. 16117122


Anonymous No. 16117125

conspiracy theory...elon wasnt always named elon, he got his name changed before starting spacex

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Anonymous No. 16117131


Anonymous No. 16117132

As long as I can still connect to the internet, even if I can't do stuff in real time and have to deal with several minutes of lag, that's fine for me.

Anonymous No. 16117136

Most of them will be born there. People don't live in the slums of Manila because it's stylish or fun but there sure are a fucking lot of them there. Definitely more people than are "interested in the lifestyle."

Anonymous No. 16117140

you arent going to mars to play video games, you're going there to work hard ass blue collar labor for 18 hours a day, 7 days a week

Anonymous No. 16117141

I prefer Dominus Noster

Anonymous No. 16117144

more like 12 6 but yeah sure

Anonymous No. 16117145

literally nothing else is required

Anonymous No. 16117149

you have 5 kinds of AIDS

Anonymous No. 16117155

I know that and cant fucking wait to work to my 80s for the colony.

Anonymous No. 16117156

I know that and cant fucking wait to work to my 80s for the colony.

Anonymous No. 16117159

Why it post twice? 4chan has to be the worst fucking site ever.

Anonymous No. 16117160

I know that and cant fucking wait to work to my 80s for the colony.

Anonymous No. 16117163

imagine being known as the first murderer on mars

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Anonymous No. 16117164

i'm going to mars so elon can keep pump&dumping crazy bitches.

Anonymous No. 16117165

Because it’s multiple people, duh.
keep your hair on.

Anonymous No. 16117167

Imagine if your name is cain.

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us vs china vs eu.jpg

Anonymous No. 16117168

EU wants to regulate space? lmao

Anonymous No. 16117170

Fucking saved

Anonymous No. 16117173

this is why I want to move to mars

Anonymous No. 16117174

Just show (or shop) us his birth certificate.

Anonymous No. 16117177
>Incredible Progress!! Starship's Next Flight Could Come as Soon as Next Month! - SpaceX Weekly #109

Anonymous No. 16117180

>giving people zero free time is definitely a way to be productive

Anonymous No. 16117181

I know that and still post here

Anonymous No. 16117182

If you feel so superior why are you getting replaced by chinks, spics and jews rn? Is because they are simply better players right, or what is your cope?

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Anonymous No. 16117183

Anonymous No. 16117185

It's literally because they're willing to work for less because they have worse alternatives and are unashamed to steal from American taxpayers.

Anonymous No. 16117186

sorry mate, git gud then, I know you can because you are superior.

Anonymous No. 16117188

Video games, or any recreational activity for that matter, would be very localized.
And that is precisely why it will be better.
Quaint local recreation, gatekept from all the filthy E*rthers.
E*rther lies.

Anonymous No. 16117190

>shitskin cope is divorced from reality
Shocker, really.

Anonymous No. 16117191

Come on Pablo Jones, you know I'm right.

Anonymous No. 16117195

he knows

Anonymous No. 16117196

Your greatest insult is calling someone else one of you.

Anonymous No. 16117199

What's the EU trying to do with space regulation?

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Anonymous No. 16117200

Version 7... my beloved...

Anonymous No. 16117203

mein neger

Anonymous No. 16117204

It was too good for this world.

Anonymous No. 16117205

God starship is such an ugly disappointment

Anonymous No. 16117208

your parents say the same about you

Anonymous No. 16117212

Current version is still better than the ones before it, apart from ITS.

Anonymous No. 16117215

>The European Commission is gearing up to publish the world’s first comprehensive space law.

Anonymous No. 16117218

we need to go skinnier

Anonymous No. 16117219

We're on version 14 already. Version 15 soon too.

>Version 13
Remove the landing legs for booster
>Version 14
Add hotstage
>Version 15
Extend by another 10 meters or so

Anonymous No. 16117221

I accept your concession, now stop whining like a bitch, pull your dick in your pants and stop talking about shit derailing the thread. All of this happened because you could not forgive a sleep deprived post.

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Anonymous No. 16117222

Starship will not enter the public psyche if it isn’t aesthetically pleasing to normies

Anonymous No. 16117224

>too retarded to read
Everything checks out

Anonymous No. 16117225

My first post in this was >>16117190

Anonymous No. 16117226

so what were versions 1-5?

Anonymous No. 16117229

they were cancelled after the tragic capsule fire

Anonymous No. 16117230


What was versions 1-5?

Anonymous No. 16117231

I'm his dad. I don't even think about him, much less talk about him.

Anonymous No. 16117235

if you are good enough you keep your job, simple as. You are the one who has to learn to read. Also stop derailing the thread you nigger.

Anonymous No. 16117237


>“We need to build a true EU single market for space and this is, of course, the purpose of the upcoming EU space law,” said Thierry Breton, commissioner for the internal market, in a keynote address at the conference.

>The law, he said, would help harmonize the current “very diverse space regime” within the EU, where 11 member states have their own national laws for space. “This fragmented approach prevents us from acting as a bloc,” he said.

>“All of this has been floating around the European Parliament for much longer,” said Niklas Nienass, a member of the parliament. That includes, he said, “clear support for the single market, the ability for companies throughout Europe to easily work together on space matters.”

Anonymous No. 16117239

Media and Starship coverage

Anonymous No. 16117242

I know that and cant fucking wait to work to my 80s for the colony.

Anonymous No. 16117249

buy an ad

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Anonymous No. 16117250

With SeX becoming basically the only one viable rocket launcher, what are some good emerging space related companies one could work for?, It doesnt even have to be that exiting, probably like the ones currently working on lunar platforms or mining I guess

Anonymous No. 16117260

bro this shit is free

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Anonymous No. 16117262

proonter skeptics on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 16117263

Any commercial space station companies really though Vast and Gravitics seem to be the best. Miscellaneous satellite companies will also be good, but anything to do with lunar/martian builds wont be good to work in until a bit later. There arent even many companies existing that want to do their own base, so if you want to do off planet stuff your best shot is to join SpaceX themselves or companies that work for/with SpaceX.

TLDR, commercial space stations, satellite manufacturers, SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16117264

>Mars flag
>Japan but inverted
>Elon wants to make cat girls real

Anonymous No. 16117266


Anonymous No. 16117268


Anonymous No. 16117269


Anonymous No. 16117271

wouldn't it be harder to inspect rockets when it's like this

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Anonymous No. 16117272

Blue Japan

Anonymous No. 16117277

disagree. We should be building smaller rockets not bigger ones.

Anonymous No. 16117279

Assuming $110/mo for each Starlink customer average, that's $2,970,000,000 in annual revenues. $2.97Bn is pretty good. Let's say $45M per Starlink launch (rocket + cost of putting 53 V1.5s all inclusive + range, faa, and fuel logistics costs), gets you to 66 launches. $2.97Bn in revenue pays for effectively 3,498 satellites to orbit. There's 6600 satellites or so currently in orbit now, so FY '22 revenue (roughly), pays for 53% of the total network so far. FY '23 revenues (EoY Q1 25 roughly) would pay for the remainder of satellites currently in orbit.

Since each satellite has a 5-6 year life span, the cost is amortized. So by latest FY '26, Starlink's revenues will exceeds its launch and operational cost of its entire fleet. By '26, SpaceX expects to be putting V3 into service w/ 200T to LEO. Which would give them 100 V2 or V3 Starlinks to orbit deployment capability, wherein each new sat will likely have 3x the capability of the V1.5s. 3:1 ratio capacity and service coverage and the older variants can be deorbited. '26 is also roughly the EOL expectation for the V1.5s in orbit currently.

So yeah, FY '26+, SpaceX becomes self-funded and is decoupled from the need to raise money.

Anonymous No. 16117282

racist chud above

Anonymous No. 16117283

this is not what progress looks like

Anonymous No. 16117286

i just have to ask, are you baiting here because i told that anon on /pol/ a few days ago that we exist since he actually wanted to talk about spaceflight? i can tell that its literally only you baiting this general right now and if thats the reason youre here i want to apologize to the entirety of /sfg/ for making us known.

Anonymous No. 16117288

Why would you ever do that? Why would you ever think that was a good idea?

Anonymous No. 16117289

>Using /pol/
>Advertising /sfg/ there

Anonymous No. 16117291

>do hard work on Mars
>stop being a fat slob
>gain six pack abs
>become fit
>become breeding material for all the women on the planet
>sire children
>start a family
>create a legacy
>contribute to the sustainable future of Mars and the human race
Literally everything that happens as a result of going to Mars is a positive you raging faggot. Most importantly, it allows everyone to LEAVE THIS PLACE FOREVER.

Anonymous No. 16117293

I have no justification for my actions other than Im retarded. I didnt think of the consequences of my actions by just inviting one random anon while I was baiting there.

Anonymous No. 16117295

V7 will be revived on Mars for beyond Mars. Earth's gravity well is too deep. Mars' gravity well is just right for something of that caliber to be designed and launched from. Mass/Fuel and TWR all align for it.

Anonymous No. 16117297

I would drop everything and go the second I was offered a chance to.

Anonymous No. 16117298

>moron thinks inferior designs will be brought back simply for aesthetics
it will be a grungy, metallic future and you will be happy to live in it.

Anonymous No. 16117299

IFT is more powerful than Starship, I thought? The problem was the carbon design was too expensive thoughbeit

Anonymous No. 16117300

Almost nothing lmao. I have a comfy job but if the opportunity arises Im leaving, even if it's a shit jannie/miner job.

Anonymous No. 16117301

The primary gains are in handling infrastructure and reduced fineness ratio, which is going to make reentry much more difficult to handle, and what should be a significant increase in the propellant mass fraction, and an opportunity to increase the amount of initial lofting provided by the booster that isn't self-defeating for their own reuse paradigm. Starship in particular has the most to gain here: the extra long propellant tanks make an appropriately lengthy payload bay segment on the order of 20 meters prohibitively difficult to implement. The vehicle's processing and handling envelope only gets better when it's 12 meters wide.

Anonymous No. 16117303

It is. All revivals are forward leading. Which means that the design would be revived, but incorporate all the technologies and material science standards of the current day (of the future when it is revived). So ITS would be Stainless Steel with Raptor6 or 8, and all the bells and whistles that Mars' industry can afford it. In fact, I would go as far as to say that ITS from Mars would be an SSTO, because Mars' gravity well w/ 1% atmospheric density is the golden ratio for SSTOs.

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Anonymous No. 16117307


Anonymous No. 16117309

Possible to do anywhere else but Earth.

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Anonymous No. 16117310

I am not the anon you think I am, I'm just a /sfg/ regular. And Yes I was baiting (you). also a quick reminder that the BO engines has been in development shorter than the Raptor 12345 engine.

Anonymous No. 16117316

all starship/bfr/its/whatever iterations are ssto from mars, the architecture doesn't work without that

Anonymous No. 16117318


For deep space activity beyond Mars, I would expect that SpaceX would build a tower same as Earth and build SuperHeavy boosters + Starship. Stack the two and launch them. Which would allow SpaceX to have a fully fueled Starship with enough velocity at upper atmosphere staging that it wouldn't need in-orbit fueling to be able to do ballistic trajectory or direct boost out to Jupiter and beyond.

Anonymous No. 16117328

it's called pretending to be retarded anon, and it's very embarrassing behaviour, your parents should be ashamed of you.

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Anonymous No. 16117352

Anonymous No. 16117354


Anonymous No. 16117355


All they have to do is swap out an engine if something is wrong.

Anonymous No. 16117363

you also have much more expensive tiers for business, planes and the ocean with different tiers within those as well (more prioritized data costs more)
and cell service might bring in some revenue as well
I did similar napkin math to you now and got to something like 30 bil revenue when its fully operational, but with kuiper coming online at some point, that revenue share for spacex might go down though
but in any case, its going to be in the right pallpark to bankroll the launches at the very least, perhaps not everything related though (the ships + payload needs to be paid for too)

Anonymous No. 16117366

Yeah total crew death does stick in one's mind

Anonymous No. 16117368

Drug production in zero g. Not sure it would ever need to be manned though

Anonymous No. 16117371

so slightly better $/kg to orbit (through a better mass fraction) and a bigger payload bay, higher max payload
but the question is, how much of an improvement is it going to be in $/kg? its not going to be orders of magnitude anymore
something like 20% perhaps?

Anonymous No. 16117373

where dafuq do you download all the nasa & friends sonification of celestial objects
all the links I've seen on their site are 404

Anonymous No. 16117374

so raptor 3 is going to be reusable but non-repairable, thrown in the trash when it starts wearing out

Anonymous No. 16117376

The more important thing is having more spare drymass to add systems that mitigate operational risks. Raptor 3 is simultaneously increasing thrust and adding Mass Autism at the cost of increased manufacturing complexity because they don't have enough dry mass to play with to actually meet their payload goals.

Anonymous No. 16117378

Furthermore, making the booster wider would give them more inter-engine space to work with, which would let them increase the nozzle diameter and increase specific impulse; Raptor 3 is under-expanded almost as much as Merlin.

Anonymous No. 16117380

so just expand the engine section portion then?

oh wait, then they'd need to expand the hotstage ring, and the booster, fuckk

Anonymous No. 16117393

Anonymous No. 16117394

the only reason i'd even see the need to take merlins apart is to clean them of soot, this should be a non-issue on raptor and repairs can be done without doing that.

Anonymous No. 16117396

~1000+ prior colonists

Anonymous No. 16117397

they xray this sort of thing

Anonymous No. 16117404

what if they just removed some engines

Anonymous No. 16117407

just go in the second wave, then :^)

Anonymous No. 16117412

They should do it like they do in Blade Runner, living on mars sucks but everyone gets their own sex bot.

Anonymous No. 16117414

>several minutes of lag,
It's a 40 minute round trip when mars is at its furthest away from earth.

Anonymous No. 16117416

hey zoomer I know you leave 1 star if your doordash takes longer than 10 minutes but that's basically nothing. functionally real time. faster than the first telegraphs across the atlantic

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Anonymous No. 16117417

We dont deserve her.

Anonymous No. 16117418

I was just pointing out it wasn't several minutes retard.

Anonymous No. 16117419

Fuck Deserving. Greatness is built by applied intelligence, sheer willpower and the desire to make things happen.

Anonymous No. 16117423

40 minutes is several minutes, illiterate nigga.

Anonymous No. 16117424


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Anonymous No. 16117426


Anonymous No. 16117427

wtf is it with retards on this site that don't know basic fucking english, is it esls or have people just got way more retard recently?

Anonymous No. 16117430

> but with kuiper coming online at some point
Kek. Where's the launch capacity jeff?

Anonymous No. 16117435

IFT's wide, soft hips!

Anonymous No. 16117437


Anonymous No. 16117438

>forcing satellite buyers to equip the satellite with deorbiting mechanism is LE BAD

Anonymous No. 16117440

i feel like people in general, even in my personal life, have thrown reality to the wayside these past couple years.
it's like the veil of sanity is slowly dissapearing on most people because they relied on some facade of normalcy to have a veil to begin with.

that and the fact that millions of subhumans from third world countries are taking the world by storm, compared number of internet users from shitholes like china, india, brazil (and smaller shitholes ETC) from 10 years ago to today.
nowadays when you're on the internet, you can't be sure whether or not you're talking to an actual civilised person that poops in a toilet.

Anonymous No. 16117449

Wayback machine is single-handedly preserving all the information from NASA. Shameful really

Anonymous No. 16117452

Off topic kys.

Anonymous No. 16117459

Fully operational is closer to end of decade than now, maybe latest 2032. But ultimately post 2026 timeframe, absent of any major market retraction, SpaceX becomes self-funded for all its goals. They become the next NASA of the 50s and 60s, which is ironic in the grand scheme of things. It's also reasonably to assume that revenue will grow around 30% (conservative estimate) YoY until the end of the decade. So at $2.97Bn (generic 110mo services all inclusive (easy math))/yr means that by 2026 they'll bring in:

2024: $2.97Bn << today
2025: $3.86Bn
2026: $5.02Bn
2027: $6.53Bn
2028: $8.45Bn
2029: $10.99Bn
2030: $14.29Bn >> fully operational

If SpaceX achieves say $10M per launch (max cost), I know Elon said they want to aim for $1-3M, but let's assume worse case scenario, which is approximately 2x that of Falcon 1, that's still insanely cheap for 2 magnitude orders more mass to orbit with full reusability. Having the capability to do 2x SLS to orbit at that price would be such a massive humiliation of the entire planet's aerospace capabilities, its staggering.

SLS is priced to be around $2Bn for optimized launch costs. $10M for Starship V3 would mean that you'd get a performance ratio of 200:1. No wonder all the politicians are absofuckinglutely livid of how they can't control Elon and tow the party lines. When the best launch program the Senate can do is 100T to orbit for $2Bn and the industry leader can do 40,000T to orbit for $2Bn. That's scary as fuck.

Anonymous No. 16117460

If you think about it. Elon probably looked at the carbon fiber roller that made the initial tank section and then realized its made of steel, then looked up the cryogenic benefits of 304 Stainless Steel with rockets and realized that he could make Starship/SuperHeavy of the same size for fractionally less and went all in. Why buy ultra massive spinning rollers to make big things when you can just make the rollers, spin them in orbit, and call it a day.

Anonymous No. 16117462

Future is looking grim

Anonymous No. 16117463


Anonymous No. 16117464

When you take the bad engine out, you put it in line for repair later, there's no need to hold up an entire rocket for one bad engine.

Anonymous No. 16117472

If you can print engines that can do say 50 flights and over 150 light/relight sequences before a potential failure case, and it costs you <$100k to make them, its easier to swap out the engine and investigate the engine for cause while your ships and boosters keep flying with new engines that are unlikely to have that failure case. Then whatever lessons you learn from the failed engine, you incorporate into your production line to improve reliability and safety. The damaged or failed engine, you dismantle and melt down what's useful and recycle it, and what isn't, you send to be melted and recycled out into the broader metallurgy economy, which still has use in the material science economy but doesn't need the extreme tolerances that rocket engines do. It's a win win.

$100K or less production cost with 50 flights means the amortized cost of the engine is actually $2000 per flight. For a ship putting 200T to orbit per launch, worrying about a $2,000 engine is pointless. Just swap it out and stop worrying about the issue. This is how cars are serviced. If a bolt fails, you swap it out with a new bolt and send the damaged bolt back for analysis and investigation--but you don't stop making cars because a single bolt failed. That's the idea behind Raptor3 and beyond.

Anonymous No. 16117476

They won't be printed though

Anonymous No. 16117502

funny how they have no idea why their engines blow up because they got rid of all the instruments to simplify

Anonymous No. 16117507

>raptor reliability schizo still seething

Anonymous No. 16117516

/pol/ is full of fucking tankies these days.

Anonymous No. 16117519

keep me posted

Anonymous No. 16117521

"Need mo money fo dem programs" t. Arianespace

Anonymous No. 16117532

The main problem is the vast majority of /pol/ is no longer people from civilised countries with drinking water, and if they are it’s because they’re immigrants
Anyone who responds to this post trying to deny this is likely one of said buttmad niggers.

Anonymous No. 16117533

On both IFT-2 and IFT-3 all 39 engines performed flawlessly on ascent, none of the failures on either flight were caused by the engines.

Anonymous No. 16117540

total nonsense. booster CLEARLY failed due to engines on all missions. Ship failed on IFT3 due to engines (an engine detonated and caused the spin, which also caused the outgassing of the tanks which meant there was no hot gas for rcs)

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Anonymous No. 16117542


Anonymous No. 16117548

>an engine detonated and caused the spin
>This was revealed to me in a CSS fanfiction that Hillary Clinton transmitted into my brain via HAARP

Anonymous No. 16117551

>more seething
Nobody treats you as a person anymore, you’re fighting an argument that nobody else is fighting anymore because they already won, you’re still pretending there’s anything left to discuss.
You’re just a form of entertainment for us now bud, better get used to being a lolcow.

Anonymous No. 16117554

what was the explosion at the back of the ship then? and what caused the spin? and why as it not corrected? : )
other explanations make them look worse btw.
projecting. youre clearly made that ive chargedyour favourite dildo company with exploding engines.

Anonymous No. 16117555

this has to be bait

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Anonymous No. 16117566
For tonight's ignored stream, SpaceX will continue to drag it's balls across the smallsat launch market as it launches eleven payloads to a 45.4d mid-inclination orbit.

Anonymous No. 16117580

Mods should perma ban all falcon 9 spam at this point like ja/ck/ threads lol

Anonymous No. 16117581

Looking forward to the Starbase eclipse photos. That's if it's not ruined by the fucking clouds.

Anonymous No. 16117589

Its not in the path of totality nothing exciting will happen tard

Anonymous No. 16117591

how are they going to be manufactured then? some metal vapor deposition thing?

Anonymous No. 16117598

I know it's not on the path of totality. Eclipse photos are cool as fuck.

Anonymous No. 16117600

what explosion?
the main idea that I've seen floated around is that the RCS system didn't work for some reason (could be due to many reasons), nothing about engines exploding
in fact this is the first time I've seen engines being mentioned as being an issue on the ship, where did you get this from?
I don't see how that would be worse especially if its something like a valve getting stuck which happens all the time in spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16117602

>what was the explosion at the back of the ship then? and what caused the spin? and why as it not corrected? : )
>other explanations make them look worse btw.

The tank valves probably froze over from simple gas expansion. I don't know what it's like to live in the world where that's somehow "worse," but I fortunately don't suffer from Elon Derangement Syndrome and a compulsive desire to let the people I hate live rent free in my head all day.

Anonymous No. 16117606

classified payloads can fuck off from rideshare missions. I want to see payload deployments.

Anonymous No. 16117608

>but I fortunately don't suffer from Elon Derangement Syndrome and a compulsive desire to let the people I hate live rent free in my head all day.
people who suffer from derangement syndromes are not people that you can ever reason with. there's nothing they can teach anyone, they are trained barking dogs and will do so at anyone their masters point at, for the rest of their miserable lives. there's nothing more to it.
also all kinds of derangement syndromes. I just don't engage with any

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Anonymous No. 16117615

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Anonymous No. 16117619

Clear Live!

Anonymous No. 16117620

/sx/ for spacex threads when?

Anonymous No. 16117621

Permabans for gaslighting oldspace-fags and chicoms when

Anonymous No. 16117624


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Anonymous No. 16117625

Anonymous No. 16117626

this is a LZ1 landing, worth a watch

Anonymous No. 16117628


Anonymous No. 16117631


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Anonymous No. 16117633

Anonymous No. 16117635


Anonymous No. 16117638

you are now imagining a fat middle aged japanese man using a voice changer

Anonymous No. 16117643

come on home gralcon nine

Anonymous No. 16117649

another happy landing

Anonymous No. 16117650

Legs deployed barely in time

Anonymous No. 16117651

welcome to the club, SpaceX

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Anonymous No. 16117652

is this accurate enough to land on a tower?

Anonymous No. 16117654

they always do.

Anonymous No. 16117658

landing never gets old

Anonymous No. 16117660

meters vs centimetres

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Anonymous No. 16117661

But more barely than previously

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Anonymous No. 16117665

Anonymous No. 16117667

you could just post a webm from one of the other 380 landings and hardly anyone here would notice lol

Anonymous No. 16117684

Waste of bandwidth

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Anonymous No. 16117696

This never happened.

Anonymous No. 16117697

because it was a waste of time
the payload would have been to small

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Anonymous No. 16117698

Indian startup Agnikul scrubbed yesterday, haven’t seen this on /sci/ yet

Anonymous No. 16117699

falcon 9 and starship have different landing regimes

Anonymous No. 16117702


>wasn't mentioned on /sfg/

Gee I wonder why?

Anonymous No. 16117703

Right here >>16116226 in the last thread.

Anonymous No. 16117706

but it was mentioned and talked about

Anonymous No. 16117707

bloody basterd benchod bich
I posted about it extensively
I will shit in a toilet to curse you

Anonymous No. 16117708

and yet we're still talking about ift 3

Anonymous No. 16117712

Nigger (derogatory)

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Anonymous No. 16117713

>and yet we're still talking about ift 3
Turns out that size and horizontal velocity matter a lot.

Anonymous No. 16117715

umm, based

Anonymous No. 16117717

my question is why the baiter has been posting for 8 hours straight now. he should get a job and take a shower

Anonymous No. 16117720

FYI, one of the payloads depicted there is completely wrong.

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Anonymous No. 16117721

where do you anons discuss spaceflight outside of /sfg/?

Anonymous No. 16117724

Places we'd all be foolish to invite randos to.

Anonymous No. 16117726

I mostly avoid the discord, but check in sometimes when the thread gets slow.

Anonymous No. 16117727

NSF 24/7 live chat. nowhere else because im not allowed to say the nigger word and also nearly nobody cares.

Anonymous No. 16117729

the NSF discord is actually just awful. everything is conflicting nobody knows whats right, usually just better to ask in the Ringwatchers one since they are pretty consistent and have more info.

Anonymous No. 16117740

Eleven rideshare payloads seems a bit light for a Falcon 9 launch, even if it's an RTLS one. They also didn't show payload deployment "at the request of our customers." That always makes me suspicious at this point.

Anonymous No. 16117744

Nowhere. This is the only place to have a decent conversation without the usual basedniggery from the current outsider that likes space stuff.

Anonymous No. 16117746

damn it, not even the Cyrillic alphabet works now with those retarded filters.

Anonymous No. 16117751

The Korean satellite was explicitly a spy satellite, and there's plenty of reason to think that some other clandestine agency might want to tag along on an already secret ride.

Anonymous No. 16117755

I just talk to myself

Anonymous No. 16117756

я нe люблю нeгpoв

Anonymous No. 16117757

russhits get the airlock until rogozin is gulaged

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Anonymous No. 16117762

seethe about Russia somewhere else, you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16117770

i seethe about rogozin not russia

Anonymous No. 16117772

At work, because ITAR

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Anonymous No. 16117774

Anonymous No. 16117777

Like the new ablative heat shield.

Anonymous No. 16117780

kek correct

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Anonymous No. 16117783

Anonymous No. 16117786

yeah whatever, it's a skyscraper that flies and lands itself. we've all seen it before, it's played out at this point.

Anonymous No. 16117789

t. seething netizen fail-space nation like Russia

Anonymous No. 16117793

youre responding to the baiter hes been at this for almost 2 full days now how can you not realize that youre feeding him exactly what he wants

Anonymous No. 16117794

Oh I know, but at the same time, I'm bored, and new people are really bad at telling the difference between shit-stirring and genuinely held positions.

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Anonymous No. 16117797

all me by the way

Anonymous No. 16117799

i could believe that if i wasnt >>16117793

Anonymous No. 16117800

That'd be a special kind of autistic, since our writing styles are nothing alike.

Anonymous No. 16117801


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16117803

still me by the way

Anonymous No. 16117805

der Untermensch

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Anonymous No. 16117816

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Anonymous No. 16117818

Ingenuity pic. I forget how far up it actually flew

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Anonymous No. 16117844

me on the right as I walk through downtown Dallas tomorrow at noon (get out of my city)

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Anonymous No. 16117858

me tomorrow as I watch the grey skies darken for two minutes of totality

Anonymous No. 16117868

Falcon 9's TWR is more insane than Starship's. So SpaceX does hoverslams with those boosters. Otherwise, if the booster kept burning for another 1-3 seconds beyond where its engine gets cut off, the reversal would launch the booster on a lateral trajectory--which would be very bad.

One of the key design decisions made with Starship and SuperHeavy is that both ships have the capability to hover. Which will be necessary for the booster and ship to stay in place long enough for the tower to catch and latch onto both vessels.

Anonymous No. 16117873

Lol sure, until it runs out of fuel or a raptor inevitably eats itself

Anonymous No. 16117877

As is the case of any other booster and ship ever. If you had a point, it was lost in the void that is your brain.

Anonymous No. 16117880

>people still replying to the obvious anti-spacex bait
is it still the same fag that said he was bored

Anonymous No. 16117886

these are two of the easiest problems to solve for a hover scenario, retard
writing the control loop to be able to reliably translate a giant fucking booster while interfacing with another moving part (chopsticks) is more difficult

Anonymous No. 16117894

If you're going to call someone a retard, learn to quote someone properly so you don't undercut your own insult.

Anonymous No. 16117897

New fags for different reasons

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Anonymous No. 16117899

Okay come on, this is just pitiful

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Anonymous No. 16117904

me as i drive into Jonesboro tomorrow praying to God this hellish journey was worth it. im not ready to drive back to az at all, let alone empty handed

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Anonymous No. 16117905

btw this is the trainer. I now get why Anatoly Zak made fun of it for being disingenuous, kek

Anonymous No. 16117906

>Nono we need to keep making hamster maze space stations forever because that's all Atlas and Delta can launch!!!

Anonymous No. 16117919

nowhere, because I like this general better

Anonymous No. 16117921

holy shit you have to be strapped to type in space

Anonymous No. 16117926

Mag boots?

Anonymous No. 16117929

I just type with my neuralink

Anonymous No. 16117944

I like the old XX-century concept art where the space stations were fitted out with desks and chairs and bunks, even though they were meant to be zero g

Anonymous No. 16117945

B11 on its way back to prod. site as we speak. There has always been a massive multi-month gap between Booster SFs and launches, but they think they will launch next month. Is this Elon time or is it really dropping time to test by that much.

Anonymous No. 16117950

flight 2 to flight 3 required additional hardware changes on the ship and booster to account for the failure modes encountered in flight 2 (more baffles in booster, additional fire suppression on ship)
flight 3 to flight 4 has a very small list of hardware changes

Anonymous No. 16117957

why do they have arms and legs?
future esatronauts were supposed to be gay retarded cripples

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Anonymous No. 16117962

pic related

it's all a joke tho, since euros cannot into space

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Anonymous No. 16117965


Anonymous No. 16117968

has mass autism gone to far?

Anonymous No. 16117970

He put his feet on backwards, what a retard.

Anonymous No. 16117977

ripping off the chinks is a new low for yurropeens

Anonymous No. 16117980

do you think thats because theyre saving up changes for v2 starship and just launching what they have left to get as much data as possible ready for that versions modifications?

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Anonymous No. 16117999



Anonymous No. 16118132

no lol.