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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16127678

Airbus Station Edition

Previous - >>16125305

Anonymous No. 16127682

how do you move between the sections if the central area is filled with plants?

Anonymous No. 16127689

it was designed by a woman

Anonymous No. 16127691

What do Iran and Israel have in space? Spy sats?

Anonymous No. 16127692

you can see theres small holes in the center

Anonymous No. 16127696

probably, though we could also see missile intercepts in space

Anonymous No. 16127697

Israel tried a moon landing I think and failed. Iran has probably spy sats and thats it, not a very spaceflight inclined area in the Middle East other than the UAE which is literally trying everything possible to spend money.

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Anonymous No. 16127699

we're going to be waiting a long time if we want to see two major space powers fight each other

Anonymous No. 16127700

Why is Airbus making the American space station?

Anonymous No. 16127701

SLC40/LC39A need big Elon posters on the side like that tower

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space is for fagg....jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16127702

Anonymous No. 16127704

Yep. Its basically restricted to the US and China right now, and they both silently agreed to not conduct orbital warfare so just gotta wait for some violent countries to get up there

Anonymous No. 16127707

the seething would be worth it

Anonymous No. 16127709

reminder that >>>/wsg/5512209 is /sfg/'s love theme until somebody comes up with a better one

Anonymous No. 16127710

Oh yeah I forgot about bareshit (or however that's spelt
Is that pakistan? why the fuck do they have giant posters of old dudes on that building that I assume is a crappy VAB?

Anonymous No. 16127711

exclusively a troon name

Anonymous No. 16127712

What, do you think Boeing could do it?

Anonymous No. 16127714

No, shut up.

Anonymous No. 16127716

This for >>16127709 this

Anonymous No. 16127720

Is this one of these AI generated pieces?
It's pretty good, anon.

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Anonymous No. 16127722

Stop sucking yourself off fag.

Anonymous No. 16127723

Surely there has to be other, competent American company.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16127724

just goes to show what kind of personality gets interested in space soiyence

Anonymous No. 16127725


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Anonymous No. 16127727


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homer bush.gif

Anonymous No. 16127739


Anonymous No. 16127747

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is essentially this. it's supposed to work even when the connection is intermittent and there's a long delay. You make a request to download something, and the protocol finds the fastest way to get it, which could ideally be from someone who's already downloaded it from earth.

I think they've actually done some tests with satellites.

Anonymous No. 16127748

Israel has both NASA and Space Force

Anonymous No. 16127751

also NRO

Anonymous No. 16127752

EVA, obviously. You're not scared, are you?

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Anonymous No. 16127753


Anonymous No. 16127757

>Is that pakistan?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16127758

*uses space elevator to hang itself*

Anonymous No. 16127759

Why are you all lying to that anon when you can literally see the hole in the center

Anonymous No. 16127760

good cheese tho

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Anonymous No. 16127762

>space elevator

Anonymous No. 16127768

how tf you go down from top floor you retard? where hole?

Anonymous No. 16127770


Anonymous No. 16127773

I sure am glad I don't live on the equator

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Anonymous No. 16127780

Was there anyway this beauty could've been competitive? im saddened by its retirement

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Anonymous No. 16127783

If you had watched the fucking interview then you wouldve seen additional graphics leading down from the top floor its just not in shot moron. Even then you can clearly see that the center of the top is hollow from that angle and OBVIOUSLY the bottom has its holes in view. You would have to be a top tier IDIOT not to realize the pattern of holes leading to the next section.

Anonymous No. 16127790


Anonymous No. 16127799

I'll pass on the tranny cage thanks

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Anonymous No. 16127810

>gets called out for being a retard
>immediatly switches to calling it tranny when no counter argument

Anonymous No. 16127821

what floor are dilators at?

Anonymous No. 16127824

>more EDS seethe
not surprising it's AIslop desu.

Anonymous No. 16127826

why did you circle the bushes you have to climb through and then claim you don't have to climb through any bushes?

Anonymous No. 16127829

how mentally ill do you have to be to create weird obsessive anti-spacex AIslop and then pretend to like it in a different post?

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Anonymous No. 16127837

“““She””” can take the first ride

Anonymous No. 16127838

Idk what you're talking about, I just thought it was cool.

Anonymous No. 16127843

>he thought his own EDS AIslop was cool
yeah, otherwise you probably wouldn't have made it, normal people think it's weird and obsessive though
>inb4 i was pretending to be retarded

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Anonymous No. 16127852

What will be the first real pet (not livestock) on Mars? Will it be something unique or just hang on to the traditional pets? Pic unrel

Anonymous No. 16127855


Anonymous No. 16127856

cats obviously, they are the best pets.

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Anonymous No. 16127857

It could have been competitive if the Delta IV line at Michoud had ever been able to work at something closer to full capacity. It was designed to roll out 40 D4 CBCs per year and the highest it ever manged was six. Full capacity would have put it in a position to compete on price with the Atlas V, but with the late 90s constellations all dead you need something else to bring in that business.

The best idea for that I've ever come across would be if NASA/Congress had decided to go with an EELV-based moon program instead of Constellation and the Ares 1/5. One lunar mission would have needed four Heavy launches to get its parts into orbit, and that would take 30% of Michoud's yearly capacity. Two moon missions a year plus a good domestic manifest of 4 government Medium launches and one NatSec Heavy would have the factory working at 75% capacity, which would start to bring costs into line with the original projections.

The remaining Delta capacity might still be more expensive than the Ariane 5 ECA, but Delta can do direct to GEO insertions which Ariane 5 can't. Commercial customers would be willing to pay a small premium for a rocket that can fly direct, so even if it's the most expensive launcher on the market it wouldn't be a complete pariah.

Anonymous No. 16127859

likely somebody decides to save one of the fish in the fish farm to keep as a pet. Sorry cats.

Anonymous No. 16127864

>The best idea for that I've ever come across would be if NASA/Congress had decided to go with an EELV-based moon program instead of Constellation and the Ares 1/5. One lunar mission would have needed four Heavy launches to get its parts into orbit, and that would take 30% of Michoud's yearly capacity.
good idea, but to be honest with you, i STILL don't understand why we're not just doing that exact thing with falcon 9/heavy
the amount of mass they could get into orbit and the low pricing would make for a comically cheap lunar program, even if slightly more complicated because everything has to be sent up in smaller chunks and can't fit on one rocket.

Anonymous No. 16127865

>implying the kot wouldn't pre-emptively eat all the fish on their journey to mars to prevent that from happening.

Anonymous No. 16127871

Besides niggers, what would the first pest be? Lice, bedbugs, roaches?

Anonymous No. 16127872

egg chickens are legally pets

Anonymous No. 16127876

Likely some sort of bacteria that keeps fucking up the air systems or some parasite for the plants or fish that hitched a ride in their gills/gut/shit.

Anonymous No. 16127877

Feral quail.

Anonymous No. 16127878

Robo Catgirls

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Anonymous No. 16127879

The fish are transported as eggs. I really can't see how you'd transport a cat to mars: We know they're only slightly better than snakes when it comes to microgravity.

Anonymous No. 16127880

exceedingly likely that fungus will become the first issue.
i sincerely hope they make sure to keep good genetic diversity in their crops, otherwise a single good fungus could easily wipe out their food supply.
wouldn't be very easy to quarantine as well, considering spores travel through the smallest gaps and diseases like these generally only show their signs until it's far too late.

apple orchards traditionally had roses planted in or near them for this same reason btw, roses and apples are in the same family and susceptible to many of the same diseases, but roses show visual signs of fungal or bacterial infection far sooner, giving you some oppertunity to react.

Anonymous No. 16127886

You... you do know that Starships will utilize spin when going to Mars with people right? You cant just have debilitated colonists be what you transport to Mars and spend months trying to get them to regain bone density in low gravity.

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Anonymous No. 16127887

>you will never instruct your robo kotwife to go outside the hab and collect roggs for you to study
>you will never pet her head while she gives off loud purrs while you're studying the roggs under a microscope
why even live?

Anonymous No. 16127888

>1g space habitat design

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Anonymous No. 16127889

Here comes an even better idea.
A depot-based architecture using commercial rockets, which was F9/H and OIdspace™ back then.

Anonymous No. 16127890

As far as I know, Spacex does not intend to do this, neither does anybody else.

Anonymous No. 16127891

You don't need an abort system if you launch the crew on an F9/Dragon and transfer in orbit. Abort systems are useless more than a few minutes after launch anyhow.

Anonymous No. 16127892

It doesn't spend enough money in the right places. The only reason that Apollo got funded in the first place was because it used rockets built in Alabama, powered by engines destined and constructed in California, launching from a spaceport in Florida, with everything being run from a mission control center in Texas, and that was with the Soviets looming over everything. Just paying a few NASA research labs and commercial contractors to put together a lunar program on the cheap doesn't grease enough palms. In terms of mass lifted and missions flown Falcon 9's 2023 performance was dead on for what NASA was advertising that the Shuttle would do back in the late 70s. Congress canceled the lunar aspects of STS before anyone even had a chance to find out about the program's actual price tag.

Anonymous No. 16127894

YWNGTS. Youre just an autist who wants to live out his fantasies and isnt ready to work 16 hours a day for the colony.

Anonymous No. 16127897

Here you go

Anonymous No. 16127898

cool, but:
>a tiny gravity vector
I'm not sure this would help those cats. We'd still be looking at microgravity.

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Anonymous No. 16127900

Theres a big fucking difference between 0G and moon gravity. As long as you can plant your feet on the ground its fine for animals.

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bug legs.png

Anonymous No. 16127901

The Clusters can be kept alive indefinitely if you don't over-harvest them. The perfect pet.

Anonymous No. 16127903

You sick fuck. And I said Mars, holy fuck I am never going to the Moon now.

Anonymous No. 16127913

This. You don't eat pets. None of you are touching my bananabug.

Anonymous No. 16127919

this is true
did you not read my post, retard?

Anonymous No. 16127921

>"that's it, you're going in the cat squisher!"

Anonymous No. 16127927

Anyone who wasn't here for this post should be banned from posting. Quality would massively improve. Newfags have ruined this place.

Anonymous No. 16127931

This general wouldve died if that were true

Anonymous No. 16127932

We managed just fine without you, thanks.

Anonymous No. 16127933

if the newfags never showed up the good posters would've never left

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Anonymous No. 16127936

uhhh, the crew might get a bit dizzy.
We can just remove their inner ears, right?

Anonymous No. 16127945

I think it'll be fine for like, cats and chickens
humans are too tall for that radius

Anonymous No. 16127957

RTLS payload fairings

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Anonymous No. 16127961

Pretty much this

Makes you wonder if Falcon 9 could a bigger payload fairing encapsulating the upper stage, kinda like Atlas V did

Anonymous No. 16127964

RTLS nuclear warheads

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Anonymous No. 16127971

>supposed high altitude arrow intercept of an iranian ballistic missile
how likely is this to be real?

Anonymous No. 16127972


Anonymous No. 16127975

don't know that we have high-quality footage of ballistic missile interception for comparison but it has the hallmarks of a fake (way too stable, camera fixed on the spot where something's about to happen).

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Anonymous No. 16127978

Yeah idk about that one hahah

Anonymous No. 16127982

explosion remains in the same position relative to the clouds when it should be moving, since it is clearly supposed to be exo-atmospheric.

it's fake.

Anonymous No. 16127988

It’s probably real, other two replies are schizo

Anonymous No. 16127993

Nothing happened, again...

Anonymous No. 16127994

Shuttle SRBs were designed for 20 reuses. Not sure if they ever reached that number or not.

Anonymous No. 16127996

Shuttle SRBs on a Falcon core

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Anonymous No. 16128011

The lunar tunnels run deep man

Anonymous No. 16128012

About 45 tons to LEO, 20 tons to GTO, and 16 tons to TLI. Not quite as good as a standard Falcon Heavy, but that's not that surprising since a Shuttle SRB doesn't weigh all that much more than a Falcon 9 first stage and solids have got significantly worse efficiency

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Anonymous No. 16128013

This particular shot was filmed at multiple angles by different people, so I'm pretty sure it's real.

Anonymous No. 16128015

Some Russian guy has been building a transport agnostic (works with IPFS or dead drops or UUCP over direct laser link or whatever) called NNCP. It works as a transport for files and anything that needs a spool (mail, Usenet, even print jobs if you're crazy enough). It's almost certainly going to be useful for interplanetary comms.

Anonymous No. 16128019

why did they never make an extended faring for falcon? especailly when starlink is volume limited.

Anonymous No. 16128021

they are

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Anonymous No. 16128037

>Russian geosynchronous SIGINT eavesdropping satellite LUCH/OLYMP 2 relocated from 2.7 E to 4.7 E, starting March 27 and completed by April 2, and is now close to ASTRA 4A.

>Astra 4A is one of the Astra communications satellites owned and operated by SES at the Astra 5°E orbital slot providing digital television and radio broadcasts, data, and interactive services to Nordic countries, eastern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa in the 11.70 GHz-12.75 GHz range of the Ku band and 18.8 GHz-21.75 GHz range of the Ka band.

Anonymous No. 16128045

why even bother making a comment like this when you could talk about Israel's own space assets? don't understand gay lazy comments like this. do they just make you feel clever and smug?

Anonymous No. 16128048


Anonymous No. 16128049



Anonymous No. 16128052

These are pretty funny don't listen to the autist who can't take a joke.

Anonymous No. 16128055

where is this from?

Anonymous No. 16128057

taken their sweet time. They are moving at BO pace with that, I swear its been over half a decade

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Anonymous No. 16128058

two more views of the supposed intercept, but no hard proof yet

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Anonymous No. 16128059


Anonymous No. 16128060

I'd find it funnier if he wasn't spamming it. literally a forced meme at this point

Anonymous No. 16128061

It’s not that easy in fairingextensionry

Anonymous No. 16128063

Holy shit. Nice. It looks like it tumbled before it exploded?

Anonymous No. 16128065

is there any reason to believe it would be particularly challenging to intercept a ballistic missile (not a MIRV or something)
I was under the impression that the difficulty arises via saturation and the reality that a single warhead getting through can be catastrophic, and that ballistic missiles aren't often lobbed so the opportunities for a real world hostile interception don't come up often
isn't the whole point/problem of ballistic trajectories that they are quite predictable and regular?

Anonymous No. 16128067


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Anonymous No. 16128068


Anonymous No. 16128069

I miss cost plus content but I'm glad he's working on an actual degree

Anonymous No. 16128071

>starlink is volume limited
it's not.
that's proven by them adding or subtracting a satellite depending on trajectory

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Anonymous No. 16128072

So boring at Starbase right now... in that long gap between static fires and WDR where not much interesting happens and its just pad upgrades and miscellaneous moving of rings.

Anonymous No. 16128073

>is there any reason to believe it would be particularly challenging to intercept a ballistic missile (not a MIRV or something)
probably not. ballistic intercept tests have been a regular thing for decades. we just havent seen them in a real world combat situation until oct 7.

Anonymous No. 16128074


Anonymous No. 16128078

that was my impression which was why I was confused that people seem quick to assume the footage is faked. thought I might be mistaken in some fashion. probably just tribalism then

Anonymous No. 16128081


Anonymous No. 16128084

The first payload that's going to need it is Gateway and that's dragging its own heels. Commercial customers don't need it so rushing it out would be spending a lot for something you need to spend a lot of money storing.

Anonymous No. 16128085

The hard part is calculating the ballistic missiles path and having an interceptor capable of getting to where the missile will be at the right time.

Anonymous No. 16128087

space travel is a big part of the tranny fantasy life thats been dictated to them by hollywood scyence fiction movies

Anonymous No. 16128094

wooo I used it to confirm some napkin math I did last year and I was happily within the comfort zone

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Anonymous No. 16128108

this, they will spend all but the first couple of days/last couple of days of the cruise to Mars at .38g so when they get there they are fully acclimated

Anonymous No. 16128109

Would you shut up about søylent? Oh my god you sharty fags are insufferable.

Anonymous No. 16128112

retarded overkill and waste of structural mass for no good reason but "muh Earth gravity", .15g /.38g are the sweet spots for provided artificial gravity in any moon or Mars associated space habitats

Anonymous No. 16128115

You only get natural gains once you’re rocking >1g

Anonymous No. 16128120

No, I mean that the interior of that space station is laid out for use in 1g even though it would actually be inhabited in microgravity. There's a designated floor, and a designated ceiling with lights. The equipment is all on the "walls" perpendicular to the designated floor and ceiling. In this space station everything is laid out as though there is a natural "up" and "down" but that doesn't make sense in space.

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Anonymous No. 16128127

just build gainz stations bro with 3g

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artemis 1 srb reuse.jpg

Anonymous No. 16128131

They break it up into segments and reuse whichever ones.

Anonymous No. 16128135

can anyboo explain how we wnt from 150 t to 40 t in 8 tears of development?

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Anonymous No. 16128136

true and I can not explain it except the designer thought this is the best layout, probably is to get it "sold"

Anonymous No. 16128139

I think the designer was in fact a [spoiler]filthy earther[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 16128144

We all carry microflora and -fuana with us. The diversity and distribution of those species varies depending on where you live on earth. It's way out of my field, but I wonder what/if studies have been done on how to manage our microbiomes in a Martian biosphere with only intermittent and indirect contact with Earth.
As far as useful microbes go, there are others we'd want to bring along too, like yeast, and probably some nitrogen fixers for farms if we decide to try out soils in the domes instead of hydroponics.

Anonymous No. 16128145

>In this space station everything is laid out as though there is a natural "up" and "down" but that doesn't make sense in space.
It makes sense in the rotating frame of reference of the station.

Anonymous No. 16128151


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Anonymous No. 16128152

If they mean to spin it to create artificial gravity, then it's still laid out completely wrong. But the other images suggest that this thing doesn't spin at all and the centrifuge is a small part of it one one end.

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Anonymous No. 16128154

Why even have "decks" in this thing? All the equipment is in the "walls", the "deck" only exists to be walked on which you can't do in this because even if you spun it the "decks" wouldn't be the floors.

Anonymous No. 16128156

Cylinder 114 I kneel

Anonymous No. 16128157

and while we're at it, why do single story buildings have multiple rooms? it's not like you can walk on the walls

Anonymous No. 16128160

Based fisherman boomer mexicans ramming a fairing with their boat.

Anonymous No. 16128162

in microgravity, every surface becomes useful storage/working space. floors/ceilings don't need to exist. Those "decks" will likely just be more "wall" space, and in that way they're extremely useful.

Anonymous No. 16128163


Anonymous No. 16128164

Humans work better with walls and a floor. Even the ISS is laid out this way.

Anonymous No. 16128167

but the 'floor' on the iss isn't a wasted surface.

Anonymous No. 16128168

I would gladly trade the lives of 3 billion Earthers (I get to pick which ones) for one space elevator. In fact, forget the space elevator!

Anonymous No. 16128169


Anonymous No. 16128170

It's more fun if you make the Earthers choose among themselves

Anonymous No. 16128174

Starship should boost the ISS into a graveyard orbit above the Van Allen belts where it will become the Permanent International Space Station (PISS).

Anonymous No. 16128175

>not livestock

Anonymous No. 16128177

Reminder about the schizo who was insisting that gravity loss isn't real and more thrust doesn't get you anything.

Anonymous No. 16128179

I remember something about gravity loss not being real but only when you're descending. Was that him?

Anonymous No. 16128180

He was right

Anonymous No. 16128182

Boost it into an orbit that no one else can reach. Like a bully holding someone's glasses up so they can't get them back

Anonymous No. 16128189

park it in a high enough "storage" orbit so it won't come down for centuries and then do what you want with it later

Anonymous No. 16128192

How embarrassing. Thank you for correcting my oversight.

Anonymous No. 16128194

fuck that, let's chop it up and put it in the smithsonian

Anonymous No. 16128200

If, for some reason, 4chan was shutdown tomorrow, where would /sfg/ go?

Anonymous No. 16128201

Need a High Energy rocket for that (not starship)

Anonymous No. 16128202

Probably discord since pre-existing communities are already on there like RGV Aerial, Ringwatchers, etc.

Anonymous No. 16128206

It sounds like you know something we don't anon.

Anonymous No. 16128207

We should do this and try to make it into a self sustaining ecosystem before we leave, like an orbital terrarium. Keep cams on board and see how long the ecosystem lasts

Anonymous No. 16128212

or, we can leave a line of HeLa cells onboard along with every virus known to man and allow either a supervirus to be made and come crashing down to earth after X centuries, OR it would make the infestation from warframe

Anonymous No. 16128217

no, but with the lawsuits and email reg on /biz/ I'm starting to get nervous.

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Anonymous No. 16128220


Anonymous No. 16128222

>>>/biz/raelis are the only ones that will get that system because money is involved and that means possible liability or other bullshit on their end. the rest of us will be fine and wont get the system because we are a more manageable board at lower pph, no real liabilities, etc. (although this janigger cant do his job correctly and is associated with favoritism). though if mandatory namefagging or emails does for whatever reason become a thing not many people will stay and i think they know that, but /biz/ is an outlier.

Anonymous No. 16128223

>lawsuits and email reg on /biz/
What the fuck is going on?

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DemascusSteel No. 16128226

how do you feel about BRICS?

Anonymous No. 16128230

Lawsuit is to do with a recent shooting and spreading extremism. Defense cocked it up.

Anonymous No. 16128236

Theres a bunch of other social media companies involved, I really doubt anything happens other than a large fine and super ramped up moderation (which we REALLY need here right now).
>inb4 glowies get access to ur info
They already do.

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Anonymous No. 16128238


Anonymous No. 16128240

Anons filed a motion? I wouldn't rely on the fags here to buy groceries.

Anonymous No. 16128242

No you retard 4chan the company. Do you think that everyone here collectively runs 4chan? What???

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DemascusSteel No. 16128246

anyone else remember how the Zionists tried killing Roswell whilst he was at war with Hitler

Anonymous No. 16128247


Anonymous No. 16128249

How's it going

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Anonymous No. 16128252

It's been around half a year since he became CEO... has anything actually changed?

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DemascusSteel No. 16128253

is going good 7 RESISTANCE fronts have pushed Isreal out of the middle east ARE DESTROYING ISIS and making the CIA and America Look very fucking bad on a global stage

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blue catgirl spac....jpg

Anonymous No. 16128254

Brazil and India joining the Artemis Accords, a No Chinks in Space club, means the concept is dead.

Anonymous No. 16128255

Just report and ignore, hes not on this board to actually engage as all namefags are.

Anonymous No. 16128256

literally who

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DemascusSteel No. 16128257

everytime you say chink another missle hits an Isreali settlement turns dipsticks into jam spread
besides that your 40 year old man that calls yourself blue catgirl spaceforce how many glass dicks did you suck to end up friends with Epsteins and co.

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Anonymous No. 16128258

David Limp? CEO of BO?

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coco sees a chink.jpg

Anonymous No. 16128259

go back to wechat

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16128260

wait, by saying chink I can piss off Chinamen AND get Israeli settlers killed?!?!?


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16128261

I just checked the /sci/ archive, this is that namefags literal first posts on /sci/ and he only posted here.

Anonymous No. 16128262

Oh I see we're being raided. From what board and why us instead of literally anywhere else on /sci/?

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Anonymous No. 16128264

so wen hop?

Anonymous No. 16128265

never heard of them. what orbital rockets are they launching? or do they have any satellites in orbit?

Anonymous No. 16128266

Never. Hops are over

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DemascusSteel No. 16128267

How does this make you feel, dystopian Westoids

Anonymous No. 16128270

they uh, won the second HLS contract?

Anonymous No. 16128271

could you not post your ai slop? her head is phasing through the glass, you cant unzip an eva like that, she cant breathe when theres no atmosphere and her eyes would be popping out of their sockets, theres too many dots on the american flag and too many lines, and you cant roll up your sleeves like that. fucking awful art and an ugly fake bitch too.

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Anonymous No. 16128272

there's always one of you whining and shitting your pants. dont you ever get tired? lol

Anonymous No. 16128273

make ai art that makes sense and isnt coomer bait and i wont complain.

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Anonymous No. 16128275

here ya go, an AI designed proonted aerospike

Anonymous No. 16128276

Just because youre sexually frustrated doesnt mean we need to cater to you

Anonymous No. 16128277

now THIS is something id goon to

Anonymous No. 16128279

notice that slop posters post useless posts with non content just so that they can attach an AI image of boobies to it
literally just a devolved form of is coffee good for you

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Anonymous No. 16128280

Lets get this thread back on track

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16128281


Anonymous No. 16128282

oh wow youre right. my pattern recognition skills are too low level as of late... will keep an eye out in the future
>another thread ruined
not like there was much left anyways
dont ask what it is, its offtopic russia war seethe.

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Anonymous No. 16128283

Is topology optimisation AI?

Anonymous No. 16128284

wtf is this

Anonymous No. 16128285

>generate and post a bunch of trash
>people complain
>why are they so mean to me :(
fuck off

Anonymous No. 16128286

white phosphorous, presumably
could possibly be other forms of incendiary weapons (some form of engineered slow burning thermite or something idk)

Anonymous No. 16128287

You should talk to women my friend

Anonymous No. 16128296

wouldn't the centrifuge mess with keeping the entire spacecraft rotating as to keep it in the same orientation relative to Earth

Anonymous No. 16128301

you sure the rope wouldn't just get destroyed in reentry?

Anonymous No. 16128302

let's first try breeding some bugs in space before bringing in dogs

Anonymous No. 16128310

We're not gonna eat your fucking bugs Schwab. Get over it.

Anonymous No. 16128313

I think the Chinese are a long way from experiments in Martian pregnancy and childbirth but idk

Anonymous No. 16128315

I'd be surprised if anything other than mammalian live birth had gestation issues in space

Anonymous No. 16128317

Spinhabs: aren’t there a number of serious practical concerns once you go beyond a certain size? Firstly, how would one transfer from a spoke to the central axel, unless you constantly rotate the axel as well? Secondly and more importantly, how do you maintain integrity and an even rotation and avoid tumbling and chaotic rotation when mass will inevitably be irregularly distributed along the interior of the wheel? What happens if that irregularity becomes quite significant and concentrated? Could the Dzhanibekov effect cause tumbling?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16128319

>muh soiyence is going to invent friendly robots because i'm incapable of forming genuine friendships with real humans as a result of my own repulsive personality
>muh soiyence is going to invent immortality because i'm incapable of even considering raising a family because i'm too selfish to ever care for anyone other than myself
>and muh soiyence is going to invent interstellar space travel because i'm so massively entitled that i feel that the entirely of the earth isn't enough to satisfy my cravings for amusement
this is what trannys actually believe
and they're so dumb that they couldn't think it up themselves, the ideas were all implanted in their vapid brains by goyslop television

Anonymous No. 16128333

I don't think you'd really care about tumbling as long as the primary axis always has much more significant spin. The human brain/ear can probably account for most of it.

Anonymous No. 16128338

Regular and periodic tumbling sure, but what about chaotic or even just irregular tumbling? What if the rate of tumbling shifts? And why wouldn’t it since the density of the ring will be constantly shifting. And any amount of tumbling would make docking that much more difficult

Anonymous No. 16128342

You can keep the mass stable around the ring of a large station by having separated tanks of water around the outside that you pump water actively between as people move around. Going to need shielding anyway.

Anonymous No. 16128348

Hell you wouldn't even need to pump the water, if you made it so that people moved through the station anti-spinwards generally you could just use coriolis force to shift the water mass with a simple valve for most of the time.

Anonymous No. 16128349

That’s not a bad idea. I was thinking that actually just making the ring itself very massive/dense would help by making the fluctuations a lesser percentage of the total mass. I’m genuinely curious about this because these seem like very practical engineering problems but I’ve never seen them really talked about in spinhab conversations

Anonymous No. 16128354

Yeah that's the final solution is a habitat so massive that the mass of people and equipment moving is inconsequential but that's a ways off yet.

Anonymous No. 16128355

Get a grip

Anonymous No. 16128386

muh soiyence is a massive obsession gigantic exploding dicks, trying to hide the fact that im hiding in a closet and your mums bagel joined the match, muh soiyence is creating your mum through a test tube to clone her voluptuos shape so doritos can get there dance on inside her scientific chamber of commerce and your grandad souyentifically had a bagel waffel not a even halfway to aquiring a cheerio state now he looks down and frowns because the cheesburger roll blocks the veiw of the even more sad peanut but ah he realises he has bagel so now he constructs souyentifically new ways to fill the bagel and if he cant get it he will fly to destination unkown which is now known as epstein and nickelodeon Pdiddys lair so now they souyentific commooniteeeeeeeeeeeeeees
of the westoip epidemic have slowly detiroated from the UVs of the big burning ball in the fucking sky and continue screaming at an international BRIC wall and those g6 urrrrr i mean g7 uuurrrrrrrrrrrr i mean g8 pricks still realise there cheeseburgers scrolls over take there non perception of the peanut thus creating a bagel to fill dillemma

Anonymous No. 16128394

Kek musk is finished after this

Anonymous No. 16128408


IhaveAgripYouHaveARockwall No. 16128410

i heard Jacob rothschild had a heartattack like lizardbeth lets start a global celebration so they fucking tards can turn back into a bunch of Daleks and try and westoid the world, didnt work very good for ISNTREAL did it?

Anonymous No. 16128419

Kek muskrats seething

Anonymous No. 16128443

Seek help

Anonymous No. 16128515

Looks like they dented it

Anonymous No. 16128519

Did so someone advertise /sfg/ somewhere? There has been substantially more completely spacedlight unrelated shitposting lately
Could be organic due to musks starship presentation and thus general interest but idk

Anonymous No. 16128521

That has been the case for years. We have some subhumans here that regularly advertise these threads on /pol/ and /k/

Anonymous No. 16128522

Lol musk is frogposting, based

Anonymous No. 16128523

Yeah that happens from time to time but lately it has been increased in frequency

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mexican fairing b....webm

Anonymous No. 16128548


Anonymous No. 16128557

There’s a fag shilling it literally weekly on /k/, but I think there must be a fag shilling it on /pol/. The Trump OP was such a total know nothing faggot, I assume he’s constantly talking about us on /pol/.

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Anonymous No. 16128559

>SpaceX ninjas on their way to whip your ass
¿Qué hacer?

Anonymous No. 16128575

There really should be a few jail cells / time out zones in there. I wouldn't want to be trapped in there with a serial shidder like that last lot.

Anonymous No. 16128583

Claim compensation for recovering a derelict vessel. Yoink.

Anonymous No. 16128592

keep in mind that 5 years ago, something happening every 3 months across all of spaceflight was considered a busy time.
we've been spoiled.

Anonymous No. 16128633

Watch Starbase flyovers. There's cool stuff happening behind the scenes

Anonymous No. 16128650

its a bit much having the logo plastered all over their suits like that. not classy.

Anonymous No. 16128723

They want you to know which clan performed the hit. I guess that means they're not actually very sneaky but it is good advertising.

Anonymous No. 16128733

only now started to listen to this, there is a section starting around 23:20 min where he talks about first principles thinking and how mus applied it to falcon 9 and then at 24:30 starts to shit talk SLS and conways law (not garfields like he says)
>[O]rganizations which design systems (in the broad sense used here) are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.

Anonymous No. 16128736

The only Australian who can into space - but, crucially, not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16128748

why the fuck would you tumble from the dzhanibekov effect? Reddit popsoi and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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Anonymous No. 16128750


Anonymous No. 16128770

Isn't Casey British?

Anonymous No. 16128775

No ESLoid

Anonymous No. 16128783

now do it by man-hours in space.

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zero g cat.webm

Anonymous No. 16128786

Cats are built for space

Anonymous No. 16128792

>fag shilling it literally weekly on /k/,
Fuck that's worse than /pol/. So that's why any time Russia gets brought up in some spaceflight related way we get constant seething

Anonymous No. 16128795

/sfg/ hates on shuttle, but look at all that blue.

Anonymous No. 16128797

I miss the 90s.

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Anonymous No. 16128846
>Warp Drives: New Simulations

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Anonymous No. 16128862

there's been 2 or 3 more videos of the supposed high altitude/space intercept, which confirms the earlier videos. the intercept also looks similar to other high altitude explosions (e.g. SM-3 ), so its probably real after all. was it in space though (>= 80km)? we may never get confirmation.

Anonymous No. 16128863

Looks to me like cats are too retarded to handle space

Anonymous No. 16128877


Anonymous No. 16128880


Anonymous No. 16128885

you'd be fucked up too if someone threw you in 0g without warning. give them a few hours to acclimate and I'm sure they'd do fine

Anonymous No. 16128887

Shotwell believes, therefore I believe.

Anonymous No. 16128890

Based special relativity observer

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Anonymous No. 16128891

no, I've been here since 2018

Anonymous No. 16128893

they do not have brains only instincts and their instincts are self-defeating
dogs will be much better

Anonymous No. 16128894

are you the plaid man

Anonymous No. 16128902

Could you please not shill us on /k/? Or really anywhere?

Anonymous No. 16128904

I'm explaining the seething hatred for the asiatic russoids, not the shilling

Anonymous No. 16128906

Ah ok. If youre not shilling then Ive got no problem with russian hatred, carry on.

Anonymous No. 16128907

Cats seems to perceive 0g as if they were constantly falling upside down: hence the constant rolling. We don't know how they'll act after extended periods of time in 0g, but some animals just can't cope. Snakes seem to lose proprioception in 0g for some reason and try to kill themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16128929

Anonymous No. 16128931

Tape outgassing wormhole drive… aka the tapeworm drive

Anonymous No. 16128936

Science deck Science deck
Put a deck in there for science yeah they'll love that

Anonymous No. 16128937

This could be at 30,000’ and I’d still find it interesting

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Anonymous No. 16128940
>Starship's Much Anticipated Flight 4 Is On The Horizon! - SpaceX Weekly #110

Anonymous No. 16128942

The problem isn't SpaceX bottleneck but rather contractual framework. SpaceX can double or triple human launch to ISS but there's no contract

Anonymous No. 16128948

Or purpose either. Once CSS companies start really getting up there in the later 2020s the numbers of the 1960s will look absolutely puny.

Anonymous No. 16128955

Thanks, you too

Anonymous No. 16128963

the claim is that arrow 3 can intercept stuff at >100km altitudes so actually being in space is within the realm of possibility

Anonymous No. 16128972

How does one become a spacecraft mechanic? Does such a position exist?
What degree (if any) do I need?
>be me, 13
>cadet in Civil Air Patrol
>get to tour a local boeing facility
>get to go inside the clean room
>watch some dudes working on the multi-billion dollar Staliner capsule listening to country music out of a shitty old FM radio
How do I do that? Do I need to go to school for AE or are there trade schools available?
I wish I asked them all those years ago.

Anonymous No. 16128977

don't have anything actually helpful but having military experience and a security clearance will always be a big plus on the resume for something like that

Anonymous No. 16128982

Does anyone remember relativity?
The gov just paid them millions for research.
Proonters may win in the end.

Anonymous No. 16128983

they printing rockets at a speed of 1 per day which utterly destroys spacex so yeah

Anonymous No. 16128985


Anonymous No. 16128990

isnt this the guy that fundamentally doesnt undeestand what an orbit is?

Anonymous No. 16128995

just report and ignore, anon

Anonymous No. 16128998

This, and for advertising/begging

Anonymous No. 16129000

buy an ad retard

Anonymous No. 16129002

Stop giving him (You)s retard

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16129003

Announcing a report

Anonymous No. 16129006

yes among other things

Anonymous No. 16129009


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Anonymous No. 16129014


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Anonymous No. 16129020


Anonymous No. 16129022

Thats just a cat lying down in a bathtub you cant fool me

Anonymous No. 16129044

*opens faucet*

Anonymous No. 16129053

You seem like a huge faggot every time you post this

Anonymous No. 16129057

Or you could say he's Max Faget.

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Anonymous No. 16129067

From Bolt Spotters
>What's the Hardware Status of Starship Version 2?

Anonymous No. 16129091

Why are you not able to say Ringwatchers hm?

Anonymous No. 16129097

Barrel Noticers, if you prefer.

Anonymous No. 16129098


Anonymous No. 16129099

>Snakes seem to lose proprioception in 0g for some reason and try to kill themselves.
Tony Burno confirmed for earther

Anonymous No. 16129100

AE/EE/ME basically required (AE specifically if you intend to actually work on the craft, not the parts -- fabricators don't necessarily even need a degree if you're good)
US citizenship required
An internship generally the only way to get in unless it's a startup -- LockMart/Boeing/Maxar/JPL/APL/Ball/SpaceX/NG are generally the entire list of manufacturers doing whole craft and not just parts or assemblies

Anonymous No. 16129101

lmao gottem what a tool
I hope they get the youtube spammer too but it doesn't seem likely

Anonymous No. 16129107

OH MY GOD IS THAT A CAT FLOATING IN THIN AIR? The cosmic HORROR! I can't describe it! Its Indescribable! SAVE ME NIGGERMAN

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Anonymous No. 16129113

Angara launch revived the Russian space industry after the loss of confidence due to the Luna-25 failure. So much state (propaganda?) pushing the story in russian media.

Anonymous No. 16129116

I hate Europe

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Anonymous No. 16129123

>barrel noticers

Anonymous No. 16129126

great, guess there's no need for a luna 26 then

Anonymous No. 16129135

starship elevator sucks for the moon
I said it

Anonymous No. 16129154

elevators dont even work in space, the fact they have one is a laugable example of how musk oesnt take it seriously.

Anonymous No. 16129164

It should be a huge foldable ramp. Have some style when you step onto a new world.

Anonymous No. 16129186

How else are you gonna get down

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Anonymous No. 16129192

Bros... Im hoping /sci/ isnt a 'boards like /biz/'...

Tbf it probably isnt, this board is about the furthest you can get from that.

Anonymous No. 16129193

if you watch thunderf00t youd know it aint gonna happen like that

Anonymous No. 16129194

Stop ban evading.

Anonymous No. 16129196

Watch this and >>16128985

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Anonymous No. 16129203

/sci/ is slow and mostly on topic. so the email thing wont come to us. but what does piss me off is how they quietly got ride of the "unique posters" stat in the bottom right. No reason to get rid of it, but they did anyway without mentioning it, in a way that helps no one but spam bots and shills. gookmoot isnt doing his best. hes up to something

Anonymous No. 16129206

how would one increase 4chan pass subscriptions? make it near impossible to use the website otherwise. expect account creation soon, even worse captchas

Anonymous No. 16129209

Yeah we probably wont get it but my worry is that /pol/ or /x/ or some other cancerous and hyper active board gets it and we get flooded with refugees. /bant/ seems to have gotten flooded with immigrants from /biz/ when I was checking out the damage so hopefully most of the refuse goes to those boards but still looking bleak since it says 'boards like'...
If you use 4chan pass then they still get your info. Sucks all around.

Anonymous No. 16129217

Literally all they had to to do was add flags so that we could identify disgusting poojeets. It's obviously part of a glowop and is going to be coming to the rest of 4chan soon. It's going to kill the site though, no one is going to verify a throwaway every 24 fucking hours just to shitpost and I assume if your IP changes during that time you have to do it again

Finally I will be free.

Anonymous No. 16129223

>admitting to being a refugee
sir if you have no interest in spaceflight please go back to the rest of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16129229

nta but I'm a reddit refugee from r/the_donald

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Anonymous No. 16129231

Anonymous No. 16129232

>you have other interests and post on other boards, therefore you aren't an authentic spaceflight otaku like me

Anonymous No. 16129241

just watched dune 2, what a disappointment
made retarded changes, pacing is off in the second half and they cut important characters
didn't even mention the spacing guild at all
the script was a mess, some of the dialogue felt really trite (probably fan fiction)
all in all very disappointing
walken seemed to phone it in

Anonymous No. 16129245

Do you use no other boards anon? Because most of us do.

Anonymous No. 16129249

fireman's pole

Anonymous No. 16129252

that's how I felt about part 1.

Anonymous No. 16129254

the lynch version was way more fun

Anonymous No. 16129259

Nope. Used to until a year ago, but most of them were cancer. College life swallowed me up whole also so focusing on good grades as well as spaceflight being my passion and sole focus in life means I ended up here only using this board and this general since it fits my life so well. I use other websites for things like vidyas or TV but spaceflight is niche so I come here for that.

Anonymous No. 16129262

For the record Im a junior ME

Anonymous No. 16129264

No one cares about your blog life story go away newfag

Anonymous No. 16129265

You asked fag.

Anonymous No. 16129266

It's a yes or no question not an invitation to post your life story, now fuck off newfag

Anonymous No. 16129268

Shut up, I care

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Anonymous No. 16129269

Anonymous No. 16129271

Dont ask a question you dont want the answer to.

Anonymous No. 16129272

all me by the way

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Anonymous No. 16129273

Why are you seething over someone answering your question?

Anonymous No. 16129276


Anonymous No. 16129279

Actually, it's space flight.

Anonymous No. 16129285

That's not a word

Anonymous No. 16129286

Yup, two words.

Anonymous No. 16129288

Our normal operating hours are Monday thru Friday from 9 am to 5 pm Central Standard time. Please call back during these hours.

Anonymous No. 16129294

>Berger used to work for SpaceNews
It's a very small world

Anonymous No. 16129295

That's Brian Berger you dumb retard

Anonymous No. 16129299

Brian Berger is his mom

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Anonymous No. 16129303

I remade this meme just now because I lost the old one

Anonymous No. 16129304

i have that faggot blocked. elon tries to exclusively respond to the most annoying fags on the whole site including that larping malaysian nigger

Anonymous No. 16129309

Almost every manned launch by the US in the 90s was a complete waste. Shuttle REQUIRING human pilots was moronic and increased costs absurdly. And lead to deaths.

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Anonymous No. 16129320


Anonymous No. 16129323

Hope they add it to /pol/ and /x/

Anonymous No. 16129328

Anonymous No. 16129335

See >>16129209

Anonymous No. 16129357

Yeah but it would be funny and disastrous in a dramatic fashion which is better than the boring shit that had led to 4chans decline like a subreddit being nuked and not moderating the third world boards

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Anonymous No. 16129416


Anonymous No. 16129418

Nothing ever happens

Anonymous No. 16129433

Holy shit he’s even more autistic than musk. No eye contact, almost no expressions and head movement, just mile a minute rambling and ranting about whatever pops into his head. I like him more now

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Anonymous No. 16129442

So whats got you remaining anons still kicking around here at the most boring time between Starship launches?

Anonymous No. 16129449

I like discussing practical engineering problems on one hand and on the other I find this is the best way to be informed of the widest possible range of spaceflight happenings. I hate reddit twitter and forumfaggotry so

Anonymous No. 16129454

Hey same except I use twitter for hyper obsessive Starship tracking

Anonymous No. 16129456

He's significantly less autistic. You can tell he's actually socially competent.

Anonymous No. 16129462

Elon is like a fucking robot I don't think he's added new sentence to his list of sentences in 2 years. He says the same shit over and over.
At least Casey seems like a real person.

Anonymous No. 16129472

zubrin is even worse, literally every speech he's given on Mars colonization in the past 40 tears uses the same phrases, stories and analogies, often in the same order even with the exact same cadence

Anonymous No. 16129473

when he is asked the same question over and over, he goes on autopilot and gives the same answer

Anonymous No. 16129476

wtf I thought the SLS SRBs were new even if the design is still the old one, didn't know these are actually remanufactured ones like the engines. That's pretty neat.

Anonymous No. 16129481

/v/ needs it as badly as /biz/, kek.

Anonymous No. 16129482

Anon most of the catchphrases he keeps repeating he brings up unprompted

Anonymous No. 16129483


Anonymous No. 16129485

FTL already exists in the universe in multiple forms. It's only a matter of time until we figure out how to harness it for our own benefit

Anonymous No. 16129488

Oh really? Name one then. Relative motion FTL doesnt count.

Anonymous No. 16129489

or one that's caused by curved travel paths.

Anonymous No. 16129492

Scharnhorst effect, size of the universe compared to age, quantum entanglement.

Anonymous No. 16129493

loyalty to the general, simple as

Anonymous No. 16129494

Not really

Anonymous No. 16129495

that's how almost everyone on the professional speaker circuit is and it's hardly unique to elon or zubrin. you refine your material over years and learn which lines work the crowd and unless you have an online fanbase that wants to watch you speak multiple times it's all good.

Anonymous No. 16129497

>not experimentally verified
>not matter travelling ftl
>no way to use to send messages ftl
your dreams of muh warp drive are dead in the water

Anonymous No. 16129499

We can beat FTL information exchange by teaching people to astral project messages

Anonymous No. 16129501

big if true

Anonymous No. 16129503

What qualities do you like in an /sfg/ poster so that I may become a better one for the general?

Anonymous No. 16129504

In the near future there will be dedicated comms officers with overclocked neuralinks who climb into sensory deprivation tanks and talk to eachother

Anonymous No. 16129506

Irrelevant. It shows that the speed of light is not a hard limit. If it bleeds, we can kill it.

Anonymous No. 16129509

Don’t just snag photos you see on your twitter timeline and post them here as if you’re being original. Not calling you out specifically, but I see way too much of this shit on /sfg/ these days.
This is just my opinion… I think it’s perfectly fine to post important Musk, Berger, Foust, etc stuff. But when you see someone’s OC on twitter and post it here passing it off as your own it’s fucking gay. Most of us also use twitter and we have all seen the same shit you have. We know you’re just ripping twitter content for (you)s

Anonymous No. 16129514

If Im reposting stuff from twitter I always link the tweet and am just sharing it because I think its interesting/worthy of discussion. This is stuff like that recent new satellite platform or some significant Starbase development. Should I be doing less of that then? I dont pretend like its mine and usually just use it as a conversation starter, I do the same with youtube videos when I occasionally find something new on there like that recent Angry interview that this thread was made about.

Anonymous No. 16129517

truer void by prohibiting virtual particles; not FTL, not movement, not movement

Anonymous No. 16129520

being funny and being a legit industry insider are the two qualities i most envy in posters, but they're not stuff just anyone can pull off. failing that, there's always the option of finding interesting stuff that hasn't been discussed to death a thousand times. that may require reading books.

Anonymous No. 16129521

No you’re fine I was just being a bit of a diva. I appreciate links to interesting posts.

Anonymous No. 16129522

You must be the "/k/ope tranny" poster

Anonymous No. 16129524

ok so nta but iata, funny story on that. one person initially said /k/ope tranny a couple months ago. i picked up on that guy who legitimatelly hated /k/ommandos and have been using that to get (you)s from you /k/ posters ever since.

Anonymous No. 16129526

Okay this is actually funny lol

Anonymous No. 16129532

hmm, speaking of SM-3, apparently they were used for the first time in combat to shoot down iranian ballistic missiles:

>A pair of U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke class destroyers in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea were reportedly among the assets employed to shoot down Iranian missiles and drones headed toward Israel last night.
>There are strong signs these ships may have fired Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) anti-missile interceptors in the course of those operations, which would mark the first use of those weapons against real incoming threats.

Anonymous No. 16129533

Bring interesting news to the table, bring interesting engineering or economic questions to the table, be able to answer or solve at least trivial engineering and/or economic questions or problems, or have otherwise novel information about shit like agricultural ecology, pr00ntfaggotry, solar or nuclear energy, etc.

The easiest thing you can do to be a great poster is post about spaceflight happenings, companies, contracts, missions etc etc that are outside the narrow spacex/nasa focus of the average anon.

Anonymous No. 16129537

Wtf is this new reddit acronym?

Anonymous No. 16129538

Ok I do the second half all the time and Im currently working on the first half by getting my degree and self research on Martian colonization strategies so it looks like I'm on my way
I unfortunately cant be an industry insider but I have gotten a few keks. Will start reading then.

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Anonymous No. 16129539

probably "I am the asshole", and yes it is very rebbit

Anonymous No. 16129541

What’s your degree in? I’m doing civil because my cunt cannot into spaceflight and I don’t really want to move to the states
>inb4 a spaceflight program in your country
Not happening, will never happen.

Anonymous No. 16129543

>t. /k/ommando

Anonymous No. 16129545

i am that anon duh. nta means not that anon so iata should be pretty obvious. if you hate it so much that you call it reddit then i will never use it again
no its not read above but i get the point and wont use it

Anonymous No. 16129552

Mechanical engineering but I'm taking aerospace courses like Aerostructures, Orbital Mechanics, Acoustics, etc.

Anonymous No. 16129555

would you have preferred i said ita? thinking it meant 'i am the asshole' before 'i am that anon' says more about you than me also.

Anonymous No. 16129562

How about you type your sentences out completely and stop being a nigger.

Anonymous No. 16129564

Based. Good luck anon

Anonymous No. 16129565

you yourself typed wtf, hypocrite.

Anonymous No. 16129570

Remember when normies discovered RUD during IFT-1 and EDS kicked in and they bitched about musk using fake phrases to hide how catastrophic spacex was exploding or whatever

Anonymous No. 16129573

Remember that time I made up fake shit and that time is right now.

Anonymous No. 16129575

Launch on May 4th

Anonymous No. 16129576

t. Tory Bruno

Anonymous No. 16129579


Anonymous No. 16129584


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Anonymous No. 16129587

all of the moon landing tech i feel like i more or less understand, but it still blows my mind that guidance systems made of 1960s (and sometimes 1950s) analog computers could pick out individual stars in the sky for orientation.

Anonymous No. 16129589

I'm just too retarded to modify my behavior in response to the change in environment

Anonymous No. 16129627


Anonymous No. 16129628

Hearty kek

Anonymous No. 16129630

Anonymous No. 16129633

daydreaming about making a spaceflight game or Minecraft mod or watching replays of flight 3

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Anonymous No. 16129640

touching grass
if I wasn't "working", I would not be talking to you right now

Anonymous No. 16129668

I'm working with AI slop today, trying to make something nice for /sfg/ but havent got anything yet

Anonymous No. 16129669

We already told you that nobody wants to see your low effort ai spam. Fuck off already.

Anonymous No. 16129672

I'm cooking something really good though! I haven't actually posted anything yet. but I will be posting soon

Anonymous No. 16129676

I’ve drafted a few tabletop space games but I can’t really get something that is satisfying to play but feels at least adjacent to real life

Anonymous No. 16129718

Lurking during crunch time. I'll start trawling through NTRS for funposts again once I get some more time.

Anonymous No. 16129720

don't let him bother you anon, i've been hoping somebody else would jump in this whole time.
my "spam" has been a grand total of 5 posts (including this one) about the songs spanning the last 4 threads. how many posts have you made crying about them?

Anonymous No. 16129723

Seething artcels are far worse than AI niggers. Shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 16129764

If it helps, realize nearly all of modern computing was already designed in the 60s

One of the neat tricks though was offloading all the computing to the ground, because the computers necessary for the moon mission trajectory were multiple tons and took up entire building floors. The capsule basically ran control algorithms and an extremely detailed timetable

Anonymous No. 16129823

Do more of that

Anonymous No. 16129844

This general is my main source of space related news.

Anonymous No. 16129869

Same, I kinda just skim through these threads when they're almost full or archived and see if anything interesting is happening (no)

Anonymous No. 16129904

I'm sorry but starship is an utter joke if it can only do 40T.

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Anonymous No. 16129925

your tiles, sir?

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Anonymous No. 16129943
there is a link here to download a 19 page source selection document pdf

> The document confirmed listings in procurement databases that nine companies submitted LTV proposals. The statement said that NASA deemed three proposals, from automotive technology company 3Sixty Degrees, space robotics company GITAI and a company identified only as ORBIT, as unacceptable and were not evaluated.
>The evaluation then ruled out proposals from Astrobotic, Blue Origin and Leidos, but did not specify why those proposals failed to make the cut. Astrobotic and Blue Origin had not disclosed plans to compete for an LTV contract, but Leidos did announce its plans a year ago, working with partners that included racing company NASCAR.

Anonymous No. 16129948

>blorigin loses
All I need to hear.

Anonymous No. 16129953

Blorigin should bid to build a space plunger and net a few million. aa a bonus might help me get my fat donkey shits down the tubes

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Anonymous No. 16129958


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Anonymous No. 16129959


Anonymous No. 16129994

but it does more than that.

Anonymous No. 16130012

what is jeff thinking? I thought hes in a more direct role at blue now, how does he cope with the state?

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Anonymous No. 16130028

>Created by Ciaran Malik
>Ciarán (Irish spelling) or Ciaran (Scottish Gaelic spelling)[2][3] is a traditionally male given name of Irish origin. It means "little dark one"[4] or "little dark-haired one"
>Malik is a surname deriving from the Arabic word malik, meaning "king" or "chieftain".[1][2] The title "Malik" was granted to many Jats in India, and began to be used a surname in the 14th century

Anonymous No. 16130034

Didn’t Leidos partner with Nascar? They were taking it seriously.
Kek, NASA threw the ice on that one [math]\unicode{x1F976}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16130045

I thought they were using the Japanese rover?

Anonymous No. 16130064

Nasta wants two rovers, an Apollo style rover and a pressured habitat rover.

Anonymous No. 16130073

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Anonymous No. 16130075
>Prepping Chopsticks for First Catch? | SpaceX Starbase Update

Anonymous No. 16130076

Buy an ad bozo

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Anonymous No. 16130088

