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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16130085

20 reuses edition

previous >>16127678

Anonymous No. 16130095

CommonSneed doesnt understand that the atmopshere gets thicker as you go down. in his latest video he says the starship cant aerobrake because in OFT3 it broke up before slowing down

Anonymous No. 16130097

he is so completely clueless he isn't even wrong

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EARTHERS could be....jpg

Anonymous No. 16130158

hahaha look at this silly blue fox

Anonymous No. 16130172

>Immediate discussion of EDSers
Thread immediatly ruined.

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Anonymous No. 16130201

daily reminder its called orbital re-FILLING

Anonymous No. 16130203

Oxidizer should be considered fuel
Debate me

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fire biangle.png

Anonymous No. 16130206

why would I debate you when I agree with you?

Anonymous No. 16130211

Theres nothing to debate. Its the truth.

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Anonymous No. 16130224

Watch out Elon

Anonymous No. 16130227

long way to go meaning they have a powerpoint?

Anonymous No. 16130228

Elon should immediately start applying for minority owned business status as an African immigrant.

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Anonymous No. 16130229

Their Falcon heavy clone is called Big Hussle 33, and their Falcon 9 clone is called Nipsey Sky

Anonymous No. 16130232

damn, how are they supposed to afford a rocket when they can only afford a ps2 for the render?

Anonymous No. 16130237

>website literally asking for gibs
this is actually a VC scam. not even like
>oh we have a long way to go but we will make a rocket
like literally just a straight pop up immediatly asking for gibs and another page dedicated to investors.

Anonymous No. 16130242

>10 polygon rocket render
>immediatly buys the $1k/month twitter check
>run by a nigger
>why them section literally only talks about BLM alignment
>based in utah somehow trying to help continental africans
>rocket is literally called "the big hustle"
>website immediatly asks for gibs
>pinned tweet is all about "le black owned businesses" and whitey bad

Anonymous No. 16130249

Which one of you paid for this kek

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Anonymous No. 16130255

forgot to mention
>immediatly talking about mars
>bought likes and retweets on pin
>no talk about actual plan with company and rockets/target market
>no numbers given AT ALL on page
>both rockets pages has literally one sentence to explain it
>rockets likely from fiverr
>things misspelled or incorrectly capitalized throughout the entire website
>likely only in english because native africans dont have money to scam

Anonymous No. 16130257

it's going to get billions in funding isn't it? why aren't we scamming investors?

Anonymous No. 16130262

Thats it the next /sfg/ edition is TSS Edition. Im going to take >>16130255 this image, shoop the Big Hustle on to his dick and that will be OP.

Anonymous No. 16130266

Even I could make a website look way more fucking legitimate than this for a spaceflight startup. How can you not include ANY details at fucking all in your website if youre going to scam? Atleast give the VCs the tiniest sliver of hope that you might actually have a rocket. If anyone gives this nigger gibs then they deserve to be scammed.

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Anonymous No. 16130270


Anonymous No. 16130271

really hope we get to see some mock ups

Anonymous No. 16130277

You laugh but he’s doing more than you for spaceflight, buddy

Anonymous No. 16130278

By bankrupting retarded VCs? Id be inclined to agree

Anonymous No. 16130280

Mmmm, can i have some more of them polygons?

Anonymous No. 16130284

Wait I just noticed this was an ad lmao.

Anonymous No. 16130288

Bill's on

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Anonymous No. 16130289
As expected, MSR is in deep shit

Anonymous No. 16130296

>msr has a 2040 return date
holy shit. it was that bad??? we would probably already be on mars for a few years at the point with the pace that spacex is currently ramping at.

Anonymous No. 16130297

>There are so many other programs that are important... Dragonfly... Uh... That's just one

Anonymous No. 16130301


Anonymous No. 16130306

Is Universe Sandbox worth the full asking price? Always kind of skeptical about early access stuff (especially those running on Unity) but it seems like a potentially useful tool for simulations at an indie level since it's been around for a while.

Mostly just salty about the fact they bumped up the price from $25 to like $35-$40 in PLN on top of the fact I narrowly missed the last discount during March.

Anonymous No. 16130308

>current mission design
They actually have a design and not just some vague ideas about how all this was gonna work?

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Anonymous No. 16130309




Anonymous No. 16130313

Holy shit how embarrassing. Turns out grifting and tanking the economy are bad! Who knew??? (not politicians, obviously)
I hope China accelerates their own Mars sample return, even if it’s 1 measly gram of regolith. Light a fire under Congress’s ass.

Anonymous No. 16130316

Look on key sites, CDkeys has it for about 40% cheaper than Steam.

Anonymous No. 16130317

is it still in early acess? I got that game like 8 years ago

Anonymous No. 16130318

Nelson even said as much

Anonymous No. 16130319

I think I saw a video of a prototype rocket flinger for the return ascent vehicle. not sure why they needed to fling it but it was a nifty piece of added complexity

Anonymous No. 16130322

>More traditional, tried and true architectures
More oldspace bullshit, perhaps?

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Anonymous No. 16130324

Cancel MSR

Anonymous No. 16130325

god this conference is so fucking cringe

Anonymous No. 16130326

Still in early access. Graphics aren't as important to me here as just being able to get some decent or approximate simulations (to have fun with making fictional star systems) but it still seems to look the same as it did then.

Anonymous No. 16130327

how do they expect to do this mission for $5billion when SLS costs $4billion?

Anonymous No. 16130333

This is code for “cost-plus contracting”—and anyone who thinks we need $+ just to retrieve a few tubes of soil should be charged with treason, embezzlement, and racketeering.

Anonymous No. 16130335

>even if it’s 1 measly gram of regolith
This is the thing nasa has never understood about this, they wanted the the samples for science so they want a wide spread or whatever, whereas if they'd just grabbed a random pebble and returned it to earth everyone would have gone nuts.

Anonymous No. 16130336

I remember Eneba and G2A having keys for like $20. Regardless of how legitimate those sellers are.

Anonymous No. 16130340

I've not bought anything from G2A for awhile but CDKeys has been good to me recently.

Anonymous No. 16130343

>hi I'm british have you considered adding more international partners to the program

Anonymous No. 16130344

If you shift numbers around and ignore a bunch of stuff, SLS is only $2 bil per launch. Yes it’s sleazy but my point is that NASA can do whatever it wants. Cost really isn’t the issue (you just need to get congress to give you the greenlight—their checkbook is infinitely deep for all intents and purposes)
The real bottleneck is time and capability. MSR could be allotted $10 bil and it still wouldn’t change the fact that NASA needs to develop some kind of retrieval system. At this point their best bet would be to just give SpaceX a flat, fixed-cost contract and say “get it done pls!!” but they know this isn’t realistic. Congress wants to see huge checks shelled out to Lockheed Martin, to Honeywell, to zip ties & more in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Illinois, etc.

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Anonymous No. 16130345

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Anonymous No. 16130346

>goy swag

Anonymous No. 16130348

Oh fuck off we need LESS international cooperation on this thing. The fuck are you going to do, bong?

Anonymous No. 16130349

Fox lady very keen to avoid that Starship question hmm

Anonymous No. 16130352


Anonymous No. 16130353

>Giving parts of MSR to someone other than JPL

Anonymous No. 16130355

SpaceX just needs to make an offer they cant refuse. Simply pay for the flight to Mars and a little extra paycheck at around $1b and our astronauts will grab all the samples you want. As a bonus, we can bring back Ingenuity for study/preservation!
Keep in mind the $1b price is like the 14 refuel flights plus the trip out there.

Anonymous No. 16130356

Literally just get one of the test Mars Starships to pick up percy and bring it home, it's just that easy.

Anonymous No. 16130357

you underestimate nasa's ability to refuse offers. they'll turn down everything spacex offers until the rocks are on starship on their way home. and only then will they pay to save face and say they got the rocks back first.

Anonymous No. 16130358

>If flagships are always over budget, why wasn't this taken into account at the beginning?
>Nuh-uh! Parker Solar Probe!!! Next question
Absolutely embarrassing

Anonymous No. 16130359


Anonymous No. 16130360

that Fox lady is a bit of a bitch imo

Anonymous No. 16130362

that’s not realistic politically

Anonymous No. 16130363


Anonymous No. 16130365

she is so done answering reporters questions

Anonymous No. 16130366

Has Eric/Foust asked a question yet? I hope they deliver the upper cut and ask outright why the program is so SHITTY

Anonymous No. 16130367

Foust did yeah

Anonymous No. 16130368

>if jpl has the answer jpl will be sitting pretty, but were opening this up to everyone
thank you bill. very cool

Anonymous No. 16130370

>we’re not retrieving all the samples

Anonymous No. 16130371

The whole thing was riding on the fact that "they already gave us shitloads of money, they surely will give us more". Now that there's no such money the whole thing collapsed.

Anonymous No. 16130372

clark asked a question for ars

Anonymous No. 16130375

the reporters from Discovery network always ask the hardest questions and you can tell they always make Bill mad hahah

Anonymous No. 16130379

>G2A listings going for around $18-$21
>PaySafeCard also now listed as a payment method
I might just opt for G2A this time around, though I've never bought anything from there before.

Anonymous No. 16130382

>We were put in this situation because of congress! Not our shitty architecture!

Anonymous No. 16130386

>We thought we would have figured it out by now...

Anonymous No. 16130388

If landing humans on Mars is the ultimate goal of this “Moon to Mars architecture” then WHY PRIORITIZE A PROHIBITIVELY EXPENSIVE VANITY PROJECT TO GET A FEW GRAMS OF SOIL IF YOURE SENDING HUMANS THERE ANYWAYS?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anonymous No. 16130389

Embezzlement is easier that way

Anonymous No. 16130390

Conspiracy theorists believe in a powerful, deceitful, invincible NASA because the real truth of just how impotent, politically irrelevant and constrained NASA is in the 21st century is too difficult to accept

Anonymous No. 16130392

>bring back
>test Mars Starships
>bring it home
you're literally delusional. none of the first starships will return. it requires gigawatts of power for two years, ice mining and a propellant farm to fill one up.
a starship MSR architecture would contain a return rocket in the payload bay.
depending on some large scale Mars colonization effort with dubious financial backing for MSR would push it back beyond 2040 instead of accelerating it and would certainly cost more than 5 billion

Anonymous No. 16130393

They probably don't believe themselves that they will get humans there in this century

Anonymous No. 16130394

interesting how MSR fell apart after they tried going the ISS/artemis route of making it too big and too international to cancel. maybe a new meta's about to drop.

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Anonymous No. 16130396


Anonymous No. 16130397

Theres probably only room for 1-2 programs like that max given the limited size of the budget, JPL just lost out this time

Anonymous No. 16130398

they figure that it's not going to happen before they and all their friends retire so they aren't going to bother trying

Anonymous No. 16130401

Damn that’s probably the truth. MSR has been on the NASA drawing board as a serious idea since at least the 90s. Everyone is probably convinced that it “has” to happen, and they’ll be damned if they retire after 30 yrs without their “last big one” going through.

Anonymous No. 16130403

Elon should just stop work at SpaceX and Tesla now.
Since he believes AI will be smarter than a human in 1 year and smarter than all of humans in 5 why would you bother with any of this.

Anonymous No. 16130406

Fuck off we’re raising pitchforks against MSR right now, not (you) farming

Anonymous No. 16130407

it's more fun than AI

Anonymous No. 16130418

Mars will be the birthplace of the real Butlerian Jihad

Anonymous No. 16130419

that doesn't take into account the cost of running the AI in one year, if you need a powerplant and so on it might still be cheaper to have engineers
5 years is also quite a bit of time away and in not in any way guaranteed to happen

Anonymous No. 16130420

if the main hard part of nuclear fusion power is containment, does that mean a fusion engine would be easier than a fusion reactor?

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Anonymous No. 16130422

10 bil too much and 2040 too long

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Anonymous No. 16130424


Anonymous No. 16130425

They could just hitch a ride on a starship heading back.

Anonymous No. 16130427

AI as intelligent as a human will take another decade.
Llms are language first so it's deceiving even though they are literally stupider than a chicken.
Refer to Elons self driving car predictions for how massively retarded he is about the hardness of AI problems.
Reminder that a car is as good as a human when it crashes once every 100,000 miles fully unsupervised.

Anonymous No. 16130431

>AI as intelligent as a human will take another decade.
>Everyone dumber than current AI isn't human.
pretty racist

Anonymous No. 16130433

Looks like SpaceX will complete MSR after all

Anonymous No. 16130435

Nobody is dumber than current AI. Not the most retarded nigger in the world.
The same way no human is dumber than the smartest dog.
You're just confused by the veil of language proficiency.

Anonymous No. 16130438


I wish this was about the SLS. MSR is kind of meh, in my opinion.

Anonymous No. 16130439

they've been focusing a lot more on the planetary side of the simulation

Anonymous No. 16130444

>In a followup MSR town hall meeting, NASA's Sandra Connelly outlines the revised architecture that would allow a 2040 sample return: Earth return orbiter launch in 2030, sample retrieval lander (now with an RTG) launching in 2035. The Perseverance rover would return to Jezero Crater in 2028 and go into "quiescent" mode to await the lander.


Anonymous No. 16130445

>In a followup MSR town hall meeting, NASA's Sandra Connelly outlines the revised architecture that would allow a 2040 sample return: Earth return orbiter launch in 2030, sample retrieval lander (now with an RTG) launching in 2035. The Perseverance rover would return to Jezero Crater in 2028 and go into "quiescent" mode to await the lander.

Anonymous No. 16130449

This is when NASA HQ went yeah fuck this shit and opened it up to everyone not just JPL

Anonymous No. 16130463

If you could, show us your personal contribution to this matter or how you would improve things.

Anonymous No. 16130464

they said dunes first then maybe lakes iirc

Anonymous No. 16130467

just Starship brah, its simple

Anonymous No. 16130470

The absolute seething.

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Anonymous No. 16130471

Anonymous No. 16130476


小型人工衛星の物流サービスを手がけるイタリアのベンチャー企業D-Orbit S.p.Aと、ロケット打上げサービス提供に関する包括契約を締結しました!


Anonymous No. 16130477

I am the most pro nuclear fag on this general but this thing does NOT need an RTG. Added cost for nothing. Waste of resources.

Anonymous No. 16130478

press release

We have signed a comprehensive agreement to provide rocket launch services with D-Orbit S.p.A., an Italian venture company that provides logistics services for small satellites!

D-Orbit, which works on the "last mile" satellite business, and IST, which provides rocket launch services, will collaborate to provide low-cost and flexible space transportation services in Asia, where the space industry is expected to grow significantly. We will continue to contribute to the supply.

Anonymous No. 16130480

what the fuck were they smoking

Anonymous No. 16130482

Fuck now Im torn, do I do >>16130262 this or do I make it MSR is Over Edition?

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Anonymous No. 16130484

Can someone explain to me why there isn't a national focus by the world hegemon to install a giant SETI radio telescope on the far side of the moon? Having such a powerful telescope in a stable place to feed large amounts of data in great resolution seems like a stupidly useful tool to have. Imagine if you just dedicated a whole portion of the moon to astronomical facilities with giant ground-based radio, infrared, optical, and x-ray telescopes.

Someone I just wish 95% of man-made shit and whatnot could just be deleted and then rebuilt to be as efficient and clean as possible, followed by homogenizing every nation to stop wars, followed by a calm, clean, organized national and international focus on productive space programs with each nation specializing in a specific task.

NASA as we see it right now often feels like the prime example of how much of a clusterfuck of Earth-level schemes and jewing is holding back the scientific advancement of humanity.

Anonymous No. 16130486

Because the “ETI” part of SETI doesn’t even exist

Anonymous No. 16130487

>Can someone explain to me why there isn't a national focus by the world hegemon to install a giant SETI radio telescope on the far side of the moon?
We actually take this whole representative government thing seriously and so Congress needs to be treated like spoiled children and tricked into eating their vegetables (supporting science).

Anonymous No. 16130488

>homogenizing every nation
kek retarded shill

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Anonymous No. 16130492

nta but just going from some numbers i found in 2 minutes on ntrs:
-a pressure-fed hypergolic rocket designed to take a 20kg payload from the martian surface into orbit would have a propellant mass fraction of ~.83 and a wet mass of 313 kg.
-if we assume 2500 m/s for a return burn from orbit and the same propellant mass fraction of .83 for the additional propellant, and a 320s ISP, then that bumps the initial mass on the surface up to ~760kg.
i think my numbers are conservative. since percy was over 1 ton a skycrane could easily place this thing on the surface and it could do direct ascent back to earth, with no need for any orbital rendezvous or a second return vehicle. that leaves the problem of loading the samples into the rocket, but i'm pretty sure you don't need a heavy rover for that. sojourner was 11.5kg and that was with 25-year-old tech.

Anonymous No. 16130498

CDkeys usually goes for cheaper than G2A from what I've seen, but if you're intent on using prepaid vouchers you're SOL. Though it's about a $3 difference between the two as far as the sellers for Universe Sandbox are concerned.

Anonymous No. 16130499

If you enact population transfers, repatriation and resettlement programs just like at the end of WW2 but for every nation on this planet you eliminate 99% of wars. This is crucial for any local or worldwide space effort. How exactly is this a shilling effort?

Anonymous No. 16130500

JPL MSR is dead, long live commercial MSR

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Anonymous No. 16130505

>Because the “ETI” part of SETI doesn’t even exist
Who cares, it's just a brand name. Besides who doesn't want a giant fuckoff series of telescopes powerful enough to see what's out there better than anything that could be built on Earth?

Anonymous No. 16130506

the word you're looking for is "propellant".

Anonymous No. 16130509

>350m dish drawn as being 350km

Anonymous No. 16130512

science is done by a very small percentage of the world population relatively speaking and that percentage is falling rapidly
if you do that what you say, it doesn't really matter if there are wars, no space effort is going to happen regardless
every country would be like south africa

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Anonymous No. 16130515

Is stored in the balls

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Anonymous No. 16130517

>if you do that what you say, it doesn't really matter if there are wars, no space effort is going to happen regardless

Anonymous No. 16130521

I'm excited for the future, my friends

Anonymous No. 16130522

what is the benefit? and no, wars would not stop either, all you would accomplish is basically delete europeans

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the sandbox is mine.png

Anonymous No. 16130526

Success, managed to get it off G2A for around $21 from Vikingsbrothers w/ PSC. Can't wait to install and try to simulate some fictional star systems. Been waiting so long to get this along with Elite Dangerous. Nice that the storage requirements are also pretty modest.

Also just to be clear, the whole Universe Sandbox ^2 thing is just an update for the existing game? Everything seems to link to the existing game on Steam.

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Anonymous No. 16130528

> As Sagan said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." In turn, Mars Sample Return requires innovation.
>In response to September's independent review board, we're rising to the challenge of an updated mission design to attempt to get samples back sooner, cheaper, and more simply:

Anonymous No. 16130529

Yes, I personally know a PhD who uses it for visualizations of his theories. It used to be a lot rougher than it is now, but it seems like the devs are really putting in work.

Anonymous No. 16130530

>counter strike

Anonymous No. 16130532


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Anonymous No. 16130533

>by preserving Europeans all you would accomplish is basically deleting Europeans

Anonymous No. 16130535




Anonymous No. 16130537

>To achieve the ambitious goal of returning the key samples to Earth earlier and at a lower cost, the agency is asking the NASA community to work together to develop a revised plan that leverages innovation and proven technology. Additionally, NASA soon will solicit architecture proposals from industry that could return samples in the 2030s, and lowers cost, risk, and mission complexity.


Anonymous No. 16130538

homogenizing every nation? what the fuck do you mean by that
if you homogenize earth, that means you delete europeans

Anonymous No. 16130540

Grab two rocks.
>one for destructive sambling
>one for the President's desk
instant funding faucet

Anonymous No. 16130542

>European as a unified concept
lmao even

Anonymous No. 16130543

I don't really play Counter-Strike anymore, I discovered Unreal Tournament and Quake and am a much happier man now. These games at least indirectly also fuel my thirst for space exploration. Don't know enough about Na Pali to simulate it though.

Will probably immediately try to simulate the plausibility of the Cybertron's system (Hadean) and Krypton's system (Rao) as soon as I boot up the game based off memory and the notes I've collected before moving on to other fictional star systems.

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Anonymous No. 16130548

haha get em Elon

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Anonymous No. 16130551

Homogenizing every nation = every nation has a homogenous population. Ethno-states would be a human and constitutional right for everyone on the planet. This would eliminate the primary driving factor between wars, tribes competing over shared living space and resources as well as things like irredentism and centuries old hatred between different groups. This is to prevent habitat destruction and encroachment. When you have children that are behaving badly, you need to separate them in order for the adults to get work done.

Without the prospect of ETI or any answer to the Fermi Paradox being in sight any time soon as far as we know, it is counter-productive for resources, time, and manpower to be wasted on forever wars driven by these classical factors and those looking to manipulate them. Everyone needs to go home so that people can actually focus on doing the important work (forwarding the cause of science and space programs and securing the necessary resources and funding). It will be infinitely easier to do this when people are not being pitted against each other over geologically trivial matters that exhaust unnecessary amounts of resources.

Congress pulling funding for the Chandra X-ray Observatory (despite costing less than an F-16 with comparably less expensive upkeep for a one of a kind piece of technology) is just another brick in the wall of this wastefulness humanity is being drowned in, and it's latest example of stagnation.

Anonymous No. 16130552

Seething at strawmen scenarios
absolute masterclass in delusion from spacefag5 as always

Anonymous No. 16130553

You have to go back

Anonymous No. 16130555

haha yeah this is totally going to happen. just like they did with dragon and then crew dragon

Anonymous No. 16130556

is red dragon back on the menu?

Anonymous No. 16130557

my prediction fpr the winning bid is a price tag between $1.5 and $2 billion and a return date of 2033. hopefully this is JPL's waterloo.

Anonymous No. 16130558

delightfully counter-intuitive

Anonymous No. 16130561

man this dude is permanently assdamage lmaoo

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16130562

I think I know why

Anonymous No. 16130567

I havent loaded it up since playing it loads in my late teens, back then systems would break down if you increased time warp too much so it was impossible to actually simulate anything over deep time, thats why i stopped playing, I dont know if thats been changed.

Anonymous No. 16130572

Ill give you some permanent ass damage

Anonymous No. 16130575


Anonymous No. 16130578

sussy username ඞ

Anonymous No. 16130581

universe sandbox 2 was a sequel to the first simulation but they later rebranded it to "universe sandbox"

Anonymous No. 16130585

Crazy how fast ksp2 came and went. Does it even have a fanbase?

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Anonymous No. 16130588

it's finally here

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Anonymous No. 16130589

player numbers were around 300 after launch but they rose to around 500 or so after the science update
I would imagine that the Colonies update will bring back even more people since it will introduce new content that the first game didn't have

Anonymous No. 16130590

I played it. I enjoyed it for what it was. I ran out of stuff to do.
the campaign is pretty short and there's not as much to do for self imposed challenges and I don't really like the changes they made to streamline science. I hope the devs* don't abandon it. I'll probably put in another 20 hours when colonies come out


Anonymous No. 16130592

its happening

Anonymous No. 16130597


Anonymous No. 16130599

im gobsmacked by the performance of spacex. terrible.

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a LAT MSR is Fooked.jpg

Anonymous No. 16130602

> Proposals go out soon to all NASA centers and the private aerospace sector for “a revised plan that utilizes innovation and proven technology to lower risks, to lower costs and to lower mission complexity so we can return these really precious samples to Earth in the 2030s,” said Nicky Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate. The due date for proposals is next month, and those selected for further study will get NASA grants this summer. This essentially puts JPL in a position of having to compete for its own project.

So, sounds like they're junking what's been done, so that's billions and a decade lost, and starting over.

Anonymous No. 16130608

In before Red Dragon is revived to rub salt in the wound.

Anonymous No. 16130613

Is the performance fixed? My pc meets the minimum specs but I have no desire to play on low settings and 40 fps.

Anonymous No. 16130616

better than it was on launch, but it's still got noticeably lower framerates than ksp1 for comparable crafts.

Anonymous No. 16130617

> The agency also has released NASA’s response to a Mars Sample Return Independent Review Board report from September 2023. This includes: an updated mission design with reduced complexity; improved resiliency; risk posture; stronger accountability and coordination; and an overall budget likely in the $8 billion to $11 billion range. The mission design will return samples in 2040.

That's the baseline NASA wants to better. Good luck space cowboy.

Anonymous No. 16130619

Elon will probably just do it and they can worry about paying him later

Anonymous No. 16130626

i'm trying to think of an unmanned mars mission that could even come close to justifying a $10 billion price tag. maybe if you had a fleet of helicopters that could hop around and do a comprehensive surface survey.

Anonymous No. 16130627

it'd be funny if he got roggs back on his own dime and refused to hand them over. imagine the seething

Anonymous No. 16130635

Right now I'm more concerned about why the habitable zone in Universe Sandbox changes depending on whether you select the parent star or when you are trying to add a planet such as Earth. I legitimately cannot tell if this is a bug or if this is genuinely just taking into account where the HZ would be for a specific planet that you are selecting as opposed to just a general baseline for the star.

At the same time, if selecting an HZ for an Earth-like planet versus straight up Earth isn't the same then what's the point?

Anonymous No. 16130641

Maybe proof of life existing could justify that money.

Anonymous No. 16130642

more likely it'd just justify more activism to halt further exploration in order to preserve what was found

Anonymous No. 16130645

This nigga cant even get starship to orbit and made 0 progress on HLS and already want another contract for his mars fantazy LMAO

Anonymous No. 16130649

If I won the lottery I would charter a starship to mars, have some dinky little rover retrieve the Perseverance samples, and just send them to orbit and chuck them into the black abyss. Just out of spite and principal.

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Anonymous No. 16130650

Ares in Aeternum, as performed by the Ares Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Anonymous No. 16130653

Versus Boeing who can’t even get a capsule to orbit with humans, or lockheed martin who have fallen off so hard in the civilian launch market that they don’t even want their stake in ULA anymore

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Anonymous No. 16130656

Anonymous No. 16130658

Red dragon wouldn’t be a bad idea, honestly. Yeah it doesn’t move Starship / HLS along but it gets the job done if you want to commit to retrieving these retarded tubes without spending a bajillion dollars

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Anonymous No. 16130659

what the fuck is he talking about?
how would this replace a heat shield?

Anonymous No. 16130663

Ian miles chung is a smart guy! i love hearing his takes all the time. i wonder who he is voting for president? Interesting man, thanks for introducing me Elon

Anonymous No. 16130664

SpaceX getting the sample return contract is obviously the best thing that could happen, but at the same time present starship is a shitshow with vehicles too unreliable to complete a single flight and less than 1/3rd the specificed performance. It kind of makes sense why the NASA number and internal spacex number is 15 flights to refuel for lunar landing

Anonymous No. 16130666

i'm blocked by big chungus but for some reason I can see the posts in musks replies tab

Anonymous No. 16130667

he blocked me after I asked him why did he get a dog flashbanged

Anonymous No. 16130672

big wings mean you reduce the mass/surface area ratio so it gets more deceleration in the upper atmosphere and reduce your peak heating. venturestar's metallic TPS was designed to work on the same principle, and that was supposed to handle temps up to 1000C. stainless steel could match that.

Anonymous No. 16130677

probably go back to sweating

Anonymous No. 16130684

making starship a flatter shape would also be helpful, tube is not so good.

Anonymous No. 16130690

everything becomes a space shuttle sooner or later

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Anonymous No. 16130703

Anonymous No. 16130705

As if any other part of MSR is ahead of starship development

Anonymous No. 16130706


Anonymous No. 16130711


Anonymous No. 16130715

MSR is real. you've it down at jezero. we have all the rocks picked up.

Anonymous No. 16130716

he actually hired a bunch of cute girls...i bet he fuckin all of em >:(

Anonymous No. 16130717

They should ask Elon if he's got any spare polygons left over from the Cybertruck design.

Anonymous No. 16130718


Anonymous No. 16130720

Wow so fuckin original bro!

Anonymous No. 16130721

shuttle was a good idea, it failed in the minutiae. Yeah it had terrible performance beyond leo, but any reusable upper stage would, so they decided to just own it an have a retarded spaceplane. Loads of things went wrong which we all know about, but they were trying to do exactly what starship is trying to do: low cost high frequency launch to leo to facilitate doing everything in space including stuff beyond leo. Even with the crap shuttle we ended up with, you could assemble a moon landing setup in 3 flights. The shuttle was capable of assembling heavy duty missions to the outer solar system.

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Anonymous No. 16130723

the first black-owned rocket company in minecraft

Anonymous No. 16130726

>"casey" from "mirma"
God are you people illiterate? if you going to make a fake pic atleast edit it properly you 'tard.

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Anonymous No. 16130734


Anonymous No. 16130741


And there they will stay for the next 20 years if NASA keeps running the show.

Anonymous No. 16130746

20 years is an optimistic timeline.

Anonymous No. 16130753

some fifth generation martian colonist is going to uncover them by accident in 2175

Anonymous No. 16130764

I'm going to Mars :)
No apologies :)

Anonymous No. 16130768

Yeah, they switched rendering engines I believe. You can fiddle with the installed version in the steam properties beta drop-down.

Anonymous No. 16130780

>w/ PSC
You MUST be 18 or older to post

Anonymous No. 16130784

>t. eyetoddler

Anonymous No. 16130785

you now remember that starship v3 stack is 150m tall

Anonymous No. 16130790

it also looks fuck all like the fan renderings

Anonymous No. 16130793


Anonymous No. 16130794

did your mom drop you on the head

Anonymous No. 16130795

how is that related

Anonymous No. 16130796

did your dad drop you on the bed (to fuck)?

Anonymous No. 16130798

what renderings and why does that matter?

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Starship 3.gif

Anonymous No. 16130800

Anonymous No. 16130803


Anonymous No. 16130807

Yes it's very official as you can see

Anonymous No. 16130816

They better use the Spaceballs opening music as elevator muzak during its inaugural launch.

Anonymous No. 16130825

NASA should use their MSP money to help jumpstart other countries spaceflight industries. It'll pay off in the long term.

Anonymous No. 16130826

jumpstart deez nuts

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Anonymous No. 16130827

Yee haw

Anonymous No. 16130829

i <3 uranus

Anonymous No. 16130830

whats the bait? youre edit wasnt funny

Anonymous No. 16130841

we know, Tom

Anonymous No. 16130848

Could this be the beginning of the end of the endless JPL grift?

Anonymous No. 16130850

This guy probably has the worst EDS of them all. Bro is literally living the dream of any aerospace engineer and he’s STILL constantly seething about musk

Anonymous No. 16130855

There's lots of Elon seethers at JPL in particular and NASA in general

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Anonymous No. 16130856

Choose anons
>you kill JPL, but all its funding goes to SLS for the next 10 years
>You kill SLS, but all its funding goes to JPL for the next 10 years

Anonymous No. 16130858

kill sls. obviously. that was easy.

Anonymous No. 16130861

first one, Artemis is expensive but actually somewhat useful, MSR is just full on retarded
or if you can just kill SLS but keep Artemis running as a programme then I would choose number 2 (but cancel MSR too because its retarded) and then tell JPL to start doing non-retarded shit please
make probes and that will exploit the capabilities of starship

Anonymous No. 16130862

JPL actually does cool shit like the helicopter.
I wouldn't kill them even if their funding went nowhere else

Anonymous No. 16130863

Kill JPL. JPL is the great shaitan. They are the final boss of oldspace. SLS would die off after the ten years but if we don’t kill JPL it’ll live forever, destroying the future of spaceflight with mass autism roverfaggotry

Anonymous No. 16130866

kill jay pee ell

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mark rober soyfac....jpg

Anonymous No. 16130874

Did you just say rover?
Like Mark Rober (who was LITERALLY a JPL rocket scientist (working on, you guessed it, THE MARS FUCKING ROVER (which is like unbelievably cool)))?
Whose name also sounds like Mars rover?
What are the odds of that?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16130878

Intellignet catposter

Anonymous No. 16130880

Intelligent catposter (I am not)

Anonymous No. 16130881

like whuuuuut

Anonymous No. 16130883


(I Freaking Love Science!!)

Anonymous No. 16130888

JPL. I want to see SLS Block 2 hurling fission reactors into deep space.

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Anonymous No. 16130890
>#Starliner is now loaded onto the transporter that will roll it out of our factory tomorrow, April 16. It will head to @ulalaunch's Vertical Integration Facility to be integrated with the #AtlasV rocket for the Crew Flight Test launch on May 6.

Anonymous No. 16130891

Neuralink to bridge the gap. Tesla bot to create infinite labor for infinite growth.

Anonymous No. 16130894

I agree with this. SLS is a mess, but it's so bad that we can't salvage something useful out of it. JPL has been a lost cause for longer than SLS has been in development

Anonymous No. 16130897

big rockets are cool

Anonymous No. 16130905

you will not live long enough to see it

Anonymous No. 16130906

t. old man

Anonymous No. 16130913

What are you smoking? SLS is useless and expensive, JPL still delivers tech that’s never been done like skycranes with curiosity and helicopter drones oboard Mars 2020
MSR might be an expensive misfire that needs to be reworked / maybe even taken away from JPL, but they’re still an insanely smart and talented organization. They’re going to have a hard time adjusting to lower $/kg though; they’re kinda mass-conscious to their own detriment right now bc all they’ve ever known is shitty Delta IIs, Atlas Vs, etc

Anonymous No. 16130914

JPL has nothing good in the pipeline because of MSR. Let other science centers build DAVINCI+ and VERITAS and refocus outer system exploration on robust, nuclear fission powered orbiters, landers, and rovers.

Anonymous No. 16130918

Anybody can get JPL's results when you give then tens of billions of dollars and decade-long timelines. Optimizing SLS into something that's worth the sticker price is going to be a very ugly process but most of the pieces are already in place.

Anonymous No. 16130921

i bought this heap of shit on launch, played for maybe half an hour and gave up because the game bugged out and wouldn't let me launch anything without restarting

people played it and pretty quickly realised it's the same exact shit with a small coat of paint
new ui is just plain bad, stylised to the point of unreadability. The gameplay loop is the same or worse because it's barely even at feature parity over a year after launch, no mods, terrible performance. Colonies, interstellar travel and multiplayer are the only reason to even consider playing and even the first of those updates (colonies) isn't expected until the end of this year or the start of next.

Anonymous No. 16130922

The ESA builds better and more ambitious scientific payloads. JPL just does a river grift these days. The little chopper was the exception I’ll admit, but it was so astonishing because JPL is so stodgy, conservative, unambitious and dull

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Anonymous No. 16130923

How time flies...

Anonymous No. 16130927

yeah, 20 years ago spending a billion dollars on a mars rover loaded with plutonium and delicate scientific instrumentation wasn't a bad deal. but wanting $10 billion to pick up some rocks was a bridge too far. if they want to take advantage of the revolution in launch capabilities then mercury and the outer planets are still there.

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Anonymous No. 16130932


Anonymous No. 16130934

>bug hustle 33

My fucking SIDES dude

Anonymous No. 16130940

Skibidi rizz gyatt

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Anonymous No. 16130941

This but NASA

Anonymous No. 16130942

I agree about MSR Being a bottleneck. It should be canceled and arguably the problem started with perseverance, a direct repeat of curiosity, not in every way, but in many way nonetheless Mars 2020 including MSR cache tubes *even without MSR being planned yet* basically planted the metaphorical JPL flag on Mars. Leaving no resources or budget for other destinations like Venus, Titan, Europa, Neptune, etc.
>optimizing for price
Who is ESA, are they like JAXA or ISRO? They sound pretty irrelevant!

Anonymous No. 16130943

Remember how much shit he got for this

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Anonymous No. 16130944

Now I'm imagining a space dep*t with 100 refueling docks, and the biggest bathrooms in orbit.

Anonymous No. 16130945

Reminder that as MSR has effectively been cancelled this general must shift to Cancel Dragonfly

Anonymous No. 16130946

I said that I'd be ugly, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Fixing JLP would require such a complete destruction of its internal culture and funding incentives that there'd be nothing left but the name when the time came rebuild.

Anonymous No. 16130947


Anonymous No. 16130948

JPL does not give a fuck about science anymore. They just care about job security and consistent (high) funding streams. They were probably very happy that MSR would take so long, because that means 20 more years of money and jobs. And because politically it means no one else is likely to be approved to go to mars in that timeframe. If they cared about science or had any sort of ability to think creatively or fluidly, they would shift to making rovers and probs for venus, asteroids and the outer planets.

But hey, at least we will get to see the death of MSR and therefore the death of the JPL monopoly on mars

Anonymous No. 16130949

Slow and steady wins the race (of course they already won because they were paid more for this than SeX)

Anonymous No. 16130953


Anonymous No. 16130954

They actually probably lost money on this contract lol

Anonymous No. 16130965

I'm personally 100% black

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Anonymous No. 16130982

what's wrong with dragonfly :( i thought it looked fun

Anonymous No. 16130984

It's a Titan lander that isn't trying to sample the lakes.

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Anonymous No. 16130989

The most iconic mission for the Saturn V was Apollo 11 by far.
Do any other rockets have an "iconic mission" associated with them?

Anonymous No. 16130991

Go to the only place outside Earth with lakes. Don't explore the lakes.

Anonymous No. 16130994

The R-7 family had Sputnik and Vostok.
Atlas had Mercury 7.
Titan had Cassini.
Shuttle was ridiculously cool every single launch, but probably Hubble repair was the signature demonstration of its ability.
Falcon Heavy aside from the meme roadster will probably be Gateway PPE+HALO or Europa Clipper.

Anonymous No. 16130997


Anonymous No. 16131000

Yep. Needs a massive overhaul
The reason it isn’t going to explore the lakes is just so they can grift a second mission to explore the lakes. But with the timescales involved in an outer systems mission, doing it that way means the second rover/probe/vehicle would probably arrive 30 years after dragonfly, which is probably just shy of 20 years from landing

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Anonymous No. 16131001

Thunderf00t just called out SLS and elmo again...

Anonymous No. 16131004

someone tell smarter every day to copyright the video for plagiarism of thumbnails.

Anonymous No. 16131008

we're going to need one mission to bottle up lake samples, another mission to take the bottles and drive them over to the sample return launchpad. from there the Titan Automated Launch Safety Officer can scrub the launch and wait for the 2150 window.

Anonymous No. 16131012

I see I'm too late, but if you're considering key sites, piracy might legitimately be better. Especially G2A has been in the news over and over again for selling ill-gotten keys, which can actually end up costing the game's dev money depending on how it was acquired. There's a decent chance you're just enriching grifters when you use these sites unfortunately.

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Anonymous No. 16131015

Okay hear me out, Starship to Mars with a payload of an Electron or Falcon 1 so that people shut the fuck up about muh "you can't make fuel on Mars reeeeeeeee"

Anonymous No. 16131016

but you actually can't make electron or falcon 1 fuel on mars

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Anonymous No. 16131019

All via SLS btw

Anonymous No. 16131021

you could make kerosene on mars. it'd be a little bit of work but you could do it.

Anonymous No. 16131026

You bring it fully fueled. An ascent vehicle.
Anything else requires a full scale colonization effort to setup refueling

Anonymous No. 16131031

could a fully fueled starship land and then take off from mars? just put a depot in martian orbit, send expendable tankers to fill it. It'd still probably be 20x cheaper than MSR

Anonymous No. 16131051

Anonymous No. 16131052


Anonymous No. 16131054

I mean you just send it over fully fueled, have a crane drop it down from starship, and have a rover load it up, if you need a launchpad send a second starship with a mobile launchpad

Anonymous No. 16131069

this is about Boeing's centennial, not anything to do with flying SLS for 100 years
t. knower
stfu noob

Anonymous No. 16131076


Anonymous No. 16131077


Anonymous No. 16131089

Why is the Discord so dead?

Anonymous No. 16131093

Thats a myth there is no discord.

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Anonymous No. 16131107

he’s constantly seething about musk precisely because he's living the dream
it's like being a famous horse breeder (the analogy works on multiple levels) and then some guy shows up with a car

Anonymous No. 16131110

Except in this case the horse breeder is paid by the government to help Henry Ford make cars lol

Anonymous No. 16131115

says a lot about government's ability to choose the right people for the job

Anonymous No. 16131116

(protip: they don't want to lose it in a lake)

Anonymous No. 16131155

So have it stop a meter from shore and use a cryogenic bendy straw to take samples.

Anonymous No. 16131194

you're probably in the wrong discords

Anonymous No. 16131228

Join the Concord duh.

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Anonymous No. 16131239

Anonymous No. 16131248

It's only showing the first two paragraphs. Does anyone have an archive or something?

Anonymous No. 16131249

lmao git gud scrubs

Anonymous No. 16131252

>Sigh. I think highly of Beck but this is misguided thinking. The way to compete against SpaceX is to focus on YOU. SpaceX spent hardly a thought on anyone during their rise. Winners only compete against themselves and never become complacent or enamored by their local maximum.

Anonymous No. 16131254

Rocketlab wants to give SpaceX malaria and kill them
Kind of a weird analogy especially as Musk almost died of malaria

Anonymous No. 16131258


Anonymous No. 16131269

>The way to compete against SpaceX, Beck said, “is to outsmart them and outwork them. You have to be the mosquito, that is for sure. And you have to be very agile. … The crazy thing about a mosquito is that it’s kind of annoying, but there’s a nonzero chance that you might get bit, get malaria and die,” he said.

Most retarded shit I have ever read. Reddit ass looking faggot beck is just coping and seething. Also funny how people are starting to call SpaceX a monopoly now after years and years of shitting on them saying they will fail. They aren't a monopoly, everyone else is just fucking shit.

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Anonymous No. 16131298


Anonymous No. 16131303

Thanks Anon.
lol. lmao. Honestly, it probably chafes horribly to be outpaced by SpaceX, but it's not going to stop as long as Elon Musk and SpaceX are both looking further ahead and more eager to get there than the rest of the industry.

Anonymous No. 16131324
>Polaris Dawn - Your Very Own Human Space Program

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Anonymous No. 16131331


Anonymous No. 16131354

>I'm a scientist!!!111
>just send a roover!!111
Yeah OK.
>everything that hasn't been done is impossible forever!!1111
Peoplpe llike him were telling everyone how airplanes were impossible, or steel ships were impossible, or hot air balloons were impossible.

Is NASA's Artemis setup stupid? Well, yes it is. But they were saddled wit hSLS, so it was always doomed to be over budget and boondoggle central
Is Starship a good Moon Lander? Nope. But at least it doesn't include negative mass in the proposal llike the competition did.

The rest ofo the video is Elon bashing, pop-sci tier misrepresentation of Starship program progress and argaubly a copyright strike in the making for pretty muhc copying Smart Every Day's video.

Who is that guy, and why is he so upset?

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Saint. Barkon No. 16131362

Anonymous No. 16131370

Hes right tho

Anonymous No. 16131385

starship is a general purpose cargo transportation vehicle into LEO, the moon and Mars and works as a lander way better than the competing proposals did
perhaps in the future there will better (meaning cheaper) purpose built moon landers

Anonymous No. 16131473

NTA but starship is a shit lunar lander if the plan is to have it shuttle from lunar orbit to lunar surface and not return to earth. Proof is that HLS has to be substantially different from the original vehicle because the original one is simply too awful a lunar lander to be practical. HLS renders still have the surface level engines, I can only assume they will at least delete those if its never intended to return to earth. Otherwise its pure retardation. The HLS vehicle is differnt to an extent but still saddled with all the issues which come with it actually being a reusable upper stage not a lunar lander. The real reasson HLS got the contract is because America is interested in the LEO bus potential.

Anonymous No. 16131475

>all the issues which come with it actually being a reusable upper stage not a lunar lander
such as?

Anonymous No. 16131482

You will never be a woman.

Anonymous No. 16131486

>In a report, Morgan Stanley estimated that SpaceX’s revenue for fiscal year 2024 should reach $13 billion, a 54 percent increase over last year.
>By 2035, as SpaceX’s Starlink internet satellite constellation grows, revenue could reach $100 billion, the firm reported.

Anonymous No. 16131495

a reusable upper stage obviously has a much worse dry mass than a purpose built spacecraft. If the Apollo LEM was structural to the Saturn V then it would have been much heavier empty. Not to mention that Starships engines are dramatically overpowered and overweight for lunar gravity, thats whe whole reason why they need to make as of yet totally undeveloped side thrusters for actually landing.

Anonymous No. 16131499

>much worse dry mass than a purpose built spacecraft
wrong. launch vehicles are extremely optimized for dry mass the LEM has terrible mass fraction.
>engines are dramatically overpowered
the more thrust the less gravity loss
>and overweight
the engines don't weigh shit

Anonymous No. 16131506

>need to make as of yet totally undeveloped side thrusters
they've been static firing those thrusters for a year now newfag

Anonymous No. 16131510

Dont say that! Let musk fags believe starshits gonna be on mars on 4 years

Anonymous No. 16131515

>launch vehicles are extremely optimized for dry mass
So why dont satelites take the faring (the structural part) with them into orbit?
>the LEM has terrible mass fraction
I guarantee it would have been worse if the LEM was structural.
>the more thrust the less gravity loss
the problem is they have so much thrust its impossible to hover even on a single engine, thats clearly too much. Apollo LEM burnt for like 5 minutes on the way down and most of that was hovering sideways toward the landing zone like a helicopter. You take 1/6th the gravity losses on the moon and the primary objective is landing safely rather than lighting all 6 raptors an inch above the surface
>the engines don't weigh shit
They make up a small fraction when the vehicle is fully fuelled but so does the payload.

Anonymous No. 16131516

So how is SpaceX or anyone else gonna retrieve those Mars sample tubes for NASA anytime soon?
>hard mode: no Starship

Anonymous No. 16131518

>impossible mode: no Starship

Anonymous No. 16131520

>So why dont satelites take the faring (the structural part) with them into orbit?
Satellites don't carry humans. You need the fairing to carry pressurized humans you absolute retard.

Anonymous No. 16131524

you need a pressure chamber which can hold 1 bar, not a sturcutre which can survive the aerodynamic pressure and stresses of launch. Before you mention crew capsules, those actually land on earth, a LEM does not.

Anonymous No. 16131533

Is Red Dragon still a thing? Maybe land one Red Dragon to deploy a relatively simple military robot that can drive around and gather the sample tubes.

Anonymous No. 16131541

Starship should land next to Percy, grab the whole thing and bring it home

Anonymous No. 16131544

Do the exact JPL MSR architectue but contract Impulse Space to do it for $500 million dollars.
There's nothing inherently about it that justifies 10 billion.

Anonymous No. 16131570

proof is? the renders mean nothing
and still what matters is cost, not your aesthetic considerations or whatever the fuck

Anonymous No. 16131572

so what it has a worse dry mass? what matters is cost
mass autism thinking is outdated, you need to start thinking about cost

Anonymous No. 16131578

the absolute state of mass autists

Anonymous No. 16131579

>the renders mean nothing
okay, well in that case I guess nobody knows whats going on. Musk repeatedly says since ITS the renders are what spacex use internally.
>and still what matters is cost, not your aesthetic considerations or whatever the fuck
yes, it will cost more if you dont fix the issues

Anonymous No. 16131581

>so what it has a worse dry mass
It doesn't. Starship holds a fuckton of propellant and uses all of it on a moon mission.
I pretty much guarantee it has better mass ratio than all other proposed lander simply due it being huge.

Anonymous No. 16131585

You are retarded. Mass autism on payload and mass autism on vehcile are two different things. If you dont have mass autism on vehicle then you need mass autism on payload because your payload is crap. Shuttle was almost a superheavy lift rocket including the orbiter, but its dry mass was so bad that it was in practice a medium lift rocket. Are you a shuttle shill now?

Anonymous No. 16131613

no retard, what matters is cost
you don't need mass autism on either the vehicle or the payload if your vehicle is massive and the cost is low

Anonymous No. 16131614

if the shuttle was actually cheap and rapidly reusable, it being a medium lift rocket instaed of a superheavy would have been irrelevant
but it wasn't cheap or rapidly reusable and all that mass was a detriment compared to a simpler non-reusable system

Anonymous No. 16131616

Okay, well let me just quickly inform you that Starship missions will be more expensive if they require more flights, not hard to grasp.

Anonymous No. 16131620

let me make this simple for you
if it costs me 10k to ship a peanut with a panamax cargo ship and 15k to ship it with a sailboat, it still makes more sense to use the panamax cargo ship
what matters is cost, not efficiency
efficiency might help with cost ultimately, but that is just a intermediate metric

Anonymous No. 16131621

yes, but if they cost 1/100 to launch it doesn't matter if you need to launch 10 or even 50 of them
you just don't simply seem to grasp the concept that cost is what matters

Anonymous No. 16131623

its cheap to use the cargo ship because it can deliver massive amounts of cargo. Present iteration of starship has a worse paylod to leo than falcon heavy, and an evern worse payload to TLI (being zero without refuelling). If a panamax required 15 other panamaxes to refuel it before it could complete the journey, and could deliver less than a non reusable wooden sailing boat, then I think the sailing boat would be cheaper.

Anonymous No. 16131627

so you are just incapable of grasping the concept of cost
I already gave you the exact scenario, 10k vs 15k
what happens in the background is irrelevant

Anonymous No. 16131628

>They aren't a monopoly, everyone else is just fucking shit.
That does not contradict monopoly status. Technological superiority and economies of scale are recognized sources of monopoly that you will find in virtually any economics textbook (although some may include them under the broader summary category "barriers to entry")

Anonymous No. 16131630

Starship reusability is pribably worse than falcon, because the engines are more complex and with raptor 3 they cant be repaired due to everything being integral. That's fine, spacex are going all in on engine mass manufacture as the way to save costs, but it means you have a fixed price per launch which is at least the cost of replacing the necessary engines and other hardware plus the man hours. If they can refly within a day then maybe that price will just be a few hundred thousand per flight, but the fastest falcon reflight is over 20 days and thats a simpler booster than superheavy.

Anonymous No. 16131638

Im explaining to you that your scenario doesnt reflect actual starship

Anonymous No. 16131651

Our reptilian overlords are already in direct communication with demonic entities. What do they need a radio for?

It's space flight related thanks to Jack Parsons

Anonymous No. 16131660

>present iteration
lmao please and you don't even know that, the comment about 40T was specifically for flight 3, not v1 in general

Anonymous No. 16131663

the point is that they don't need to be repaired or refurbished between flights
they will have some lifetime which will be much longer than one flight and then replaced

Anonymous No. 16131686

>Present iteration of starship has a worse paylod to leo than falcon heavy
not really though. That fh number is derived by extrapolating its payload to high energy trajectories. You can’t actually stick a 40 ton object in its fairing and expect it to survive max-q

Anonymous No. 16131687

wholesome big cheongus

Anonymous No. 16131688

Flight 3 was V1, technically it delivered no payload unless you count the air. how does flight 3 not represent v1? I know it was underfuelled, but it was underfuelled specifically to simulate a payload.
It's certainly not a bad idea. Shuttle was too bespoke and starships mass production approach insulates it from insane cost even if it cant be reused as much as they would like.

Anonymous No. 16131697

yeah but that's just an autistic nitpick because you could easily make a payload adapter that could handle 60 tons if anyone ever came up with a 60-ton LEO payload for it

Anonymous No. 16131705

>Russian space chief brags that new Amur rocket reusable 'up to 100 times.' But there's a catch. It doesn't actually exist.

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Anonymous No. 16131710
>Elon Reveals Starship Version 3; We Have Questions!

Anonymous No. 16131720

now when I think about it, talking about v1 at all doesn't really make sense as there have been so many changes from test flight to test flight
v2 is probably something they will actually use to launch payload and then v3 a planned big upgrade that requires new towers, but they can use v2 for a HLS starship for instance
so in a sense v2 is actually the first actual usable ship and there have been like 5-10 versions before that

Anonymous No. 16131726

Wasn’t New Glenn originally 200, then 100, then 50, now 25 lol

Anonymous No. 16131727

it's an elaborate African joke

Anonymous No. 16131731

>v3 a planned big upgrade that requires new towers
why would it. the qd is at the bottom and there's already evidence they're moving the chopstick lift points down to the pez door.

Anonymous No. 16131732

>MSR is kill
I-is Bill 'Ballast' Nelson actually based?

Anonymous No. 16131735

hmm perhaps you are right

Anonymous No. 16131739

no, MSR is just THAT overpriced

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what normies thin....png

Anonymous No. 16131746

Starlink is going to pay for elon's private palace on top of olympus mons.

Anonymous No. 16131748

Also it involves zero astronauts. Senator Administrator Astronaut Ballast is basically a manned spaceflight fanboy (as seen by his shuttle ride) which is why he supports all the Artemis components including HLS.

Anonymous No. 16131751

he is using ketamine and qualuudes, not crack
but otherwise it seems about right

Anonymous No. 16131754

Isn't it something like 11+ billion dollars? Another JWST and 20+ years of development?

Anonymous No. 16131756

switzerland joined artemis accords

Anonymous No. 16131772

>impregnating celebrities
he's not doing well on that axis as of late.
has he become too chud to get pussy?

Anonymous No. 16131775

Liberals are capable of coming up with funny ideas; but they know not brevity and it always ends up being mucho texto. Kinda ruins the whole joke.

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Anonymous No. 16131785

A little birdie told me that Starliner is going to fail and kill its its passengers.

Anonymous No. 16131795

That would imply it's flying in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16131796

They will attempt to. They will not fly.

Anonymous No. 16131807

And somehow they are going to blame elon&spaceX for it.
>elon created a hostile space industry where people are forced to skip steps to compete
Or some shit like that, it wont make sense at all to anybody with half a brain, but they will say it anyway.

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Anonymous No. 16131816
New Vast video, it shows them designing and manufacturing this solenoid

Anonymous No. 16131824

wtf are qualuuudes

Anonymous No. 16131826

This is cool, NASA wants (You)r input

Anonymous No. 16131829

Every single newspace company is making their own valves. These are not even for cryogens. How long until the valve market catches up?

Anonymous No. 16131830

When NASA says (You), a member of the public, they are actually talking to the space industry and more specifically SpaceX
Like J Random American is going to know that cold welding is still a huge fucking problem or space nukes are predicated on the existence of extremely hard to get isotopes (maybe use different ones, geniuses) or propulsive landing needs to be improved

Anonymous No. 16131831

>Whether you’re part of the space technology community or an interested member of the public, your input is invaluable. By registering and providing your feedback, you’ll help inform an integrated list of national space technology priorities. NASA will make the prioritized list available to stakeholders and the public.

Anonymous No. 16131836

>NASA is refining its strategy for prioritizing technology investments, to evolve into a stronger and more resilient national tech base for civil space.


Anonymous No. 16131841


Anonymous No. 16131844

Anonymous No. 16131845

literally never heard of this before today lmao

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Anonymous No. 16131846

all the tech NASA has identified as shortfalls

Anonymous No. 16131847

Ideally cost/efficiency go together and for some functions, cost is irrelevant, time is the sole factor.

Anonymous No. 16131848

Maybe they should fucking start with Solidworks, because it's made by Dassault lmao

Anonymous No. 16131849

Space backhoe bro you are so in

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Anonymous No. 16131850

Anonymous No. 16131851

Need to feed this to Google Gemini Pro and generate a nice chart.

Anonymous No. 16131852

>NASA produces a list
>industry/centers/universities now know that to prioritize and can get to work on it

fucking finally

Anonymous No. 16131853

what to*

Anonymous No. 16131857

you can give time a cost too in opportunity cost in the stock market or in other ways

Anonymous No. 16131864

193 pages, lol

Anonymous No. 16131865

>primary driving factor between wars
>ethno state A claims ethno state B is not real and has no right to exist
>proceeds to attempt and exterminate them

Anonymous No. 16131869

>he didn't watch wolf of wallstreet
you're missing out

Anonymous No. 16131870


Anonymous No. 16131875

>boston dynamics is retiring atlas
hydraulictrannies absolutely BTFO.
all robot must be ELECTRIC

Anonymous No. 16131876


Anonymous No. 16131883

despite paying attention to spaceflight, i have no idea what to tell nasa

Anonymous No. 16131886

mostly they ask you to score them all or some shit, minimal input

Anonymous No. 16131893

remember the mexican space agency? the turkish one? the australian? yeah...

Anonymous No. 16131896

So I have this right?
>in order to launch a starship back from Mars, you need a tank of fuel on Mars
>in order to have a tank of fuel on Mars, you need to send 10 launches from LEO
>in order to do 10 launches from LEO, you need to fill a fuel tank in LEO 10 times
>In Order to fill a fuel tank in LEO, you need to launch 10 starships from earth
>In order to round trip Mars, you need to do over 100 starship launches

Anonymous No. 16131897

Yep, it's over Starship will never work and SpaceX are finished

Anonymous No. 16131901

No, since ISRU is a thing and the plan for refueling starship on Mars. You just need to get an empty one there with the machinery to manufacture methalox from Martian resources

Anonymous No. 16131902

It works if you have 100% reliable 100% rapid (24 hours) reusable starship, and infinite fuel on earth

Anonymous No. 16131906

>So I have this right?
Refueling only happens in LEO.
In order to come back you need a Sabatier plant on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16131908

Everybody knows that mars starship will only work if they manage to produce rocketfuel on mars.
There already is a testplatform at mars right now that has produced a limited amount of rocketfuel, but i fail to find the name of it right now.

Anonymous No. 16131909

Starship is a horrible architecture for Mars and not seriously considered by NASA. They kind of have to say nice things about SpaceX currently because they're dependent on thier services but seriously, pls drop the martian Starship fantasy. It's not happening.
NASA and some other entities are currently in the preliminary stages of designing new propulsion, life support and other systems for Mars but it's not happening till 2045+ at this rate (did you watch yesterday's (depressing) MSR update?)

Anonymous No. 16131910

its called your dad and he sucked my cock last night for $5 bucks.

Anonymous No. 16131911

stop posting until europe has a working falcon 9 clone.

Anonymous No. 16131912

well they might send some emergency fuel for the first humans so they can get back if the sabatier plant breaks down or something

Anonymous No. 16131913

Propulsion (Nuclear) 709 Nuclear Electric Propulsion for Human Exploration
149 Propulsion (Nuclear) 702 Nuclear Thermal Propulsion for Human Exploration
150 Propulsion (Nuclear) 705 Low Power Nuclear Electric Propulsion

Anonymous No. 16131914

You're delusional. Starship is the only architecture that can bring 100 tons to the surface at reasonable cost.
Your EDS is showing

Anonymous No. 16131916

I know youre trolling and trying to riff off the HLS anon earlier because Starship is a way better Mars lander than a Moon lander

Anonymous No. 16131917

MSR has nothing to do with SpaceXs mars plans

Anonymous No. 16131918

You forgot to call me a esl faggot, i know you guys get a kick out of that one.

Anonymous No. 16131919

So if russia has a 100x reusable rocket , doesnt that leave spacex in the dust?

Anonymous No. 16131920

They would need modernized N-1 at this point since they're not doing China's 1000 Falcon 9s plan.

Anonymous No. 16131923

it would make more sense to send an empty launcher/tanker a launch cycle early with the ability to refuel itself

Anonymous No. 16131924

It'll be worse than that I imagine.
Setting up the gigawatts of power and infrastructure to mine thousands of tons ice will be infeasibly hard to do without people on the surface in the time frame Elon wants.
They will send the first people without an assured return.

Anonymous No. 16131925

they just need to update the software on soyuz and have all the components return to the launch mounts.

Anonymous No. 16131927

Missions longer than 1-2 days typically transition from short term body worn and handheld
collection devices to a toilet to manage urine, feces, menses, and odor in a more hygienic
manner and reduce overall mass. The ISS US Orbital Segment (USOS) primarily uses a
Russian toilet system requiring high up-mass. Urine is precision dosed with hazardous liquid
chemicals at toilet collection prior to delivery to water recovery system. Less hazardous
chemicals and more reliable/lower mass hardware is beneficial to exploration. No resources
are recovered from feces (~75% water). Feces biological activity generates noxious gases that
must be contained or adsorbed. Odor control is only partially effective. US developed toilet
is being evolved with additional pretreat dosing, fecal odor containment, and acoustic
improvements to become operational. Future long duration micro-g missions would
significantly benefit from reduced fecal consumables mass and improved long duration
sustaining of rotary phase separation hardware. Surface missions need very low mass
compact and hygienic commodes for initially small habitat volumes. Water recovery from
feces is an enhancement that may be beneficial for long duration missions. Improved system
performance, improved reliability, and system enhancements to allow lower-level
maintenance are beneficial to a reduction of departure mass and improved crew safety on
long endurance missions where resupply is not feasible. System improvements and
diagnostics assistance that reduces crew time are also beneficial.

Anonymous No. 16131929

It really is that easy in spaceflight.
Just run the launch code but start it at the end and decrement IP.

Anonymous No. 16131946

why would they? just send the fuel
its just a few more cargo ships, they need to send thousands anyway so it isn't really that much in the grand scheme of things
and it will probably increase the morale of the initial groups substantially
if someone gets cancer or something they will be able to get back and so on

Anonymous No. 16131948

>Surface missions need very low mass
>compact and hygienic commodes for initially small habitat volumes

Anonymous No. 16131950

Yeah you're right.

Anonymous No. 16131954

>without an assured return
Is this actually deadly? Would it be feasible to just keep one-way shipping supplies every 2 years?

Anonymous No. 16131957

>Prior systems studies have demonstrated, that, due to the tenuous atmosphere at
Mars, only SRP (Supersonic Retro-Propulsion) will meet the requirements for supersonic


Anonymous No. 16131960

>she only finds out now

Anonymous No. 16131965

Did thou just assume my pronoows

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Anonymous No. 16131978

Now we're talking

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Anonymous No. 16131979


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Anonymous No. 16131981


Anonymous No. 16131984

>ISRU methane production
definitely should be a focus for nasa as it would greatly benefit both earth and spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16131987


Imagine the spin-off tech from all this shit

Anonymous No. 16131988

How do you multiply reusability by 100?

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Anonymous No. 16132008

remember when everyone kept saying that if spaceflight got military money then we'd have bases on jupiter by now? funny how that went nowhere when it actually happened.

Anonymous No. 16132014

Did y'all know about this?
>Cryogenic (H2/O2) Smart Propulsion Flight Demonstration (SmartProp)

>Project Description
>Demonstrate a smart propulsion cryogenic system, using liquid oxygen and hydrogen, on a Vulcan Centaur upper stage. Test precise tank pressure control, tank to tank propellant transfer, and multi-week propellant storage (i.e., passive thermal control).

ACES bros we are fucking back!

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cirno extreme baka.jpg

Anonymous No. 16132027

>we got the Air Force's table scraps for five years why are we not matching projections for if we'd had Cold War MIC-bucks since 1960

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Anonymous No. 16132045

stupid fairyposter

Anonymous No. 16132050

>send one rocket up
>100 rockets land
ez for a first world country like russia.

Anonymous No. 16132055

SpaceX probably already has a rocket that can be reused 100 times. They just haven't been at it long enough to refly a booster that many times

Anonymous No. 16132062

Any girls on /sfg/?

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Anonymous No. 16132063

it's not like the air force didn't have all sorts of cool ambitions in the '60s that got killed by beancounters themselves

Anonymous No. 16132084

Nope. Engineering is a sausage fest, especially aerospace engineering.

Anonymous No. 16132089

Haiii! I’m a grill :3

Anonymous No. 16132102

I'm looking for love right now, are you available?

Anonymous No. 16132105

stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16132117

stupid fairyposter

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Anonymous No. 16132119

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16132126

wtf is going on with the ULA buyout

Anonymous No. 16132127

gradatim ferociter

Anonymous No. 16132129

negotiating custody

Anonymous No. 16132159

reminds me of when my parents split up.

Anonymous No. 16132164

Nope. Dragonfly shall live—by the mandate of Heaven and God. Even if it isn’t exploring the lakes.

Anonymous No. 16132166

what does that mean

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Anonymous No. 16132171

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Anonymous No. 16132173

qualuudes are 1960s/1970s drugs, zoomie
lel it's not even in my spelling correction dictionary

Anonymous No. 16132174

spacex should sue them for using the name dragon

Anonymous No. 16132179


Anonymous No. 16132182

>targeted to arrive at Titan in 2034

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Anonymous No. 16132183

>send one rocket up
>100 rocket pieces land

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Anonymous No. 16132187

gradatim gradociter

Anonymous No. 16132199

All the big players had decades longer than SpaceX to do literally any kind of innovation. I don't want to hear it.

Anonymous No. 16132200

>doesn't visit any lakes
>on the only other body in the solar system with surface liquids

Anonymous No. 16132204

Does Martian polar cap ice become a liquid at some point or does it only sublimate with the low pressure?

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Anonymous No. 16132205


Anonymous No. 16132210

No, there's nowhere with enough pressure on Mars for triple point to occur

Anonymous No. 16132219

The polar caps are mostly CO2, and liquid CO2 is very rare because it needs a lot of pressure.
But yeah the pressure is so low that H2O probably sublimates too. The most that people expect ever happens is that very salty water could creep along in the soil.

Anonymous No. 16132220

as opposed to Congress where very salty boomers creep along the floor to vote down offworld colonies

Anonymous No. 16132225

there is... but it's kilometers underground.

Anonymous No. 16132227

Mmmmmm.... tube colonies....

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Anonymous No. 16132230


sage No. 16132233

>Titan is the only moon known to have an atmosphere denser than the Earth's, and is the only known object in space other than Earth on which clear evidence of stable bodies of surface liquid has been found.
that's crazy

Anonymous No. 16132245

Where are the solar panels

Anonymous No. 16132246

Hello newfren, are you interested in space enough to make working in it your career?

Anonymous No. 16132254

Titan gets fuck-all sunlight. Dragonfly is nuclear powered.

Anonymous No. 16132261

>Im gonna be 32 yo when this happens

Young bros i dont feel good...

Anonymous No. 16132264

Pure vertical integration means that the $10,000 hammer industry dies. It means old space and old primes get fucked outside of government protectionism activities. That's TRUE free and FAIR market at work. Which is a good thing.

Anonymous No. 16132267
> - People using Starlink Roam in South Africa for extended periods will have their service terminated this month. Starlink has been unable to obtain a license to operate from the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA). ICASA has said that any applicant needs to be 30% owned by historically disadvantaged groups to be considered for an operating license.


Anonymous No. 16132270

People are gonna be pissed when they find out it's being dropped hundreds of miles away from anywhere interesting!

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Anonymous No. 16132273
>New QD system at Masseys - April 15, 2024 #starbase

Anonymous No. 16132274

gibsmedat mufugga

Anonymous No. 16132275

>tourists cant use starlink in south africa because they arent cutting a check to grifters
lol lmao even. countries are poor because of bad policies.

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Anonymous No. 16132277

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Anonymous No. 16132280

>NASA’s newest ride to orbit —@BoeingSpace
CST-100 Starliner—outside of the processing facility at Kennedy Space Center this morning

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Anonymous No. 16132281

same thing?

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Anonymous No. 16132283

>Only at the space port that never sleeps.
>Earlier this morning, @Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft was rolled out of the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center to begin its journey to SLC-41.
>CFT astronauts Suni Williams and Barry Wilmore were on site to witness their spacecraft in motion just weeks before their scheduled flight to the @Space_Station

Anonymous No. 16132288

I think I saw something similar from another african country too, spacex cracking down on the usage

Anonymous No. 16132290

The circumcision skirt sucks, but Starliner itself is pretty. Thermal blankets add texture and sovl.

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Anonymous No. 16132292

> STACKED: @BoeingSpace's #Starliner spacecraft has been placed atop @ULALaunch's Atlas V rocket for the agency's Crew Flight Test mission!
>Set to lift off May 6, Starliner will spend about a week docked to

starliner stacked

Anonymous No. 16132294

cant wait for spaceflight in america to get shut down for 18 months after the crew dies on this deathtrap

Anonymous No. 16132296

Good grief, was it originally designed for Delta or something? It barely fucking fits hahah

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Anonymous No. 16132297
pic before stacking

Anonymous No. 16132298

they haven't pushed back the launch date in more than a month so i'm assuming it's legit for once

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Anonymous No. 16132301

Anonymous No. 16132302

benis rogget :DDDDD

Delta was Boing!s design so probably.

Anonymous No. 16132304

That chin is disgusting

Anonymous No. 16132306

Was the fingolian conscripted?

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Anonymous No. 16132309

Terran R launchpad being built

Anonymous No. 16132310

starship v3 is a mistake, right? instead build a space dock and build real spaceships.

Anonymous No. 16132313

they add about 100 million $

Anonymous No. 16132314

starship v3 maybe the minimum required to launch the supply to build and operate a space dock

Anonymous No. 16132316

V3 isn't real.

Anonymous No. 16132317

the original design got drawn up back in the constellation days when they realized orion would be completely overbuilt for ISS missions. it was basically an orion-lite (there was some specific nickname for the concept but i forget) that didn't need to launch on ares I/DIVH/atlas heavy.

Anonymous No. 16132324

Does it have to land and charge batteries or does it have enough nuclear energy to fly continuously

Anonymous No. 16132327

I have to assume continuous because it's sitting in the mother of all cryogenic baths where batteries won't work.

Anonymous No. 16132333

I spy an expendable launch pad

Anonymous No. 16132344

Its up

Anonymous No. 16132345

It has to land.
You're delusional. It has a warm box just like any other probe.
Also you have no concept of how much power it takes to make a 400 kg object fly vs how much an rtg provides

Anonymous No. 16132417

>a famous horse breeder (the analogy works on multiple levels)

Anonymous No. 16132532

Starship made it to orbit..