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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16132343

Space command edition

previous >>16130085

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Anonymous No. 16132352

this is a frog thread now

Anonymous No. 16132354

You forgot the name field Barkun

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Anonymous No. 16132357

Did I?

Anonymous No. 16132358

Why does sci have the most frogs

Anonymous No. 16132359

NOpe! We're not gonna post pictures of the new suit! trust us, polaris dawn is launching MEGA soon folks! No pics of the suit tho, HAHA

Anonymous No. 16132360

Oh great another one of these threads. Everyone, start criticizing Artemis.

Anonymous No. 16132361

>america is the only country in the western hemisphere that tries when it comes to spaceflight
30 countries and only one tries despite it's proven value for power projection and boosting the economy

Anonymous No. 16132362

China has a space station at least

Anonymous No. 16132363

>>america is the only country in the western hemisphere
Yes. Everyone else are subhuman retards.

Anonymous No. 16132365

Europeans are members of fundamentally broken societies. The only thing saving them is a war, in which they must lose

Anonymous No. 16132370

I'm going to kill myself

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16132372

Good. See you in hell.

Anonymous No. 16132374

what about mars?

Anonymous No. 16132375

I don't give a shit. I'm just a rubbin and a TUGGIN my FUCKIN NIPS!

Anonymous No. 16132378

bye loser

Anonymous No. 16132379

It's called NeurIPS now chudbigot

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Anonymous No. 16132384


Anonymous No. 16132387

>fluorine 2nd and 3rd stage
what the fuck

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Anonymous No. 16132388

Really? this is what relativity is going with? Really?

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Sad Apu.jpg

Anonymous No. 16132390

>tfw we will never have relatively safe, easy and cheap access into space

Anonymous No. 16132392

looks like LED light decorations you see in the background of titty streamers on twitch

Anonymous No. 16132394

It's weird cause you can have a nice circular arrangement of 13 engines see Super Heavy

Anonymous No. 16132395

we are relatively close to space

Anonymous No. 16132396

Yeah wtf, why isn't it a hex grid

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Anonymous No. 16132401

Picrel inner 13 is superior layout
>hex grid
equally as retarded
the tank is circular so you want a circular engine footprint

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Anonymous No. 16132403

Falcon9 v1.0 Plus

Anonymous No. 16132407

the terran R diameter is too fucking small

Anonymous No. 16132419

what fastener would you use to keep that panel on he's screwing in? it must be resistant to extreme vibration and temperature changes

Anonymous No. 16132427

fluorine is good for you, that's why they put it in your toothpaste

Anonymous No. 16132430

Fluorine/LOX toothpaste would certainly solve the problem of you having teeth.

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Anonymous No. 16132432

it's a tribute to america!

Anonymous No. 16132434

>Raptor 2 SL engines 230tf
>Raptor 3 SL engines 280tf thrust
>Booster engines aiming to reach +330tf thrust
Holy moly rip BE4

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Anonymous No. 16132436

Anonymous No. 16132442

based, where's the /k/ommandos when you need em (for zigger hatred)

Anonymous No. 16132444

There is a reason SpaceX doesnt share specific impulse of raptor. It's because it's not that good. Before you point to a figure, thats a musk claim not a real figure. Starship v1 was designed to do 100t to leo and only does 40 which should tell you something.

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Anonymous No. 16132445

awfully big catch

Anonymous No. 16132446

It tells me that I like eating diarrhea and shitting all over the walls

Anonymous No. 16132448

>he doesn't know
Anon, if you are brave, there are oxidizers that far surpass liquid oxygen...

Anonymous No. 16132457


Anonymous No. 16132464

at the range

Anonymous No. 16132465

Russia strong. ZVO

Anonymous No. 16132469
You watched this yet?

Anonymous No. 16132471

How tf is starship v3 gonna have enough t/w

Anonymous No. 16132473

You're retarded. Specific impulse is determined by the cycle and expansion mostly. Film cooling will only take off a second or two.
There is no reason raptor would have particularly low isp

Anonymous No. 16132474

9 engines on the ship instead of 6

Anonymous No. 16132476

no i don't watch soi boy youtube

Anonymous No. 16132477

it was pretty shit

Anonymous No. 16132480

it can have a perfectly respectable ISP and still be underperforming compared to the 380s elon wanted in vacuum

Anonymous No. 16132489

>muh ISP
go use hydrogen you dumb nigger

Anonymous No. 16132493

If you're comparing thrust to weight or thrust to area ratios the Raptor spanks the BE-4 like a disobedient avocado.

Anonymous No. 16132496

Can't help but notice the moon almost directly above right now 9-10pm EST. Kinda wonder about how its there now and how it could also have been not far off in place of the sky for last weeks eclipse to have occurred. About a 6 hour time difference and the moon is still in about the same spot?

Point being I'd heard something about some company putting satellites in space to test something that could block the sun.

Anonymous No. 16132497

I mean they've opened up the throat for V2 for more thrust which reduces isp.
Seems like they've thought about it and decided that gravity loss is a bigger concern than a bit of isp.
You know these are the really easy calculations to make and performance can be determined accurately on the test stand.
You're likely grasping at straws to rationalize the 40 ton on flight 3 comment.
It's likely excess mass, maybe fuel load, maybe trajectory inefficiencies

Anonymous No. 16132498

my buddy Jeff uses exactly that, for a sounding rocket of all thing.

Anonymous No. 16132500

take your meds

Anonymous No. 16132501

based noticer and conclusion drawer

Anonymous No. 16132506

because, unfortunately, science is based

Anonymous No. 16132507

he's probably european :-(

Anonymous No. 16132510

I, Johnny Rocket from Florida Oblast, think it would be more honorable for SpaceX to yield to mighty chess master Putin now, they have no hope now that everyone understands everything

Anonymous No. 16132530

We don't need LOX where we're going-

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Anonymous No. 16132539

Hey space fags. Been away for a few years, what do we think is the new mars timeline?

Anonymous No. 16132541

Back on /sfg/ after a couple weeks. What's new?

Anonymous No. 16132544

As with all things, the closer the technologies are to being available, the more uncertain the timeline is. There's an extensive chain of technologies that need to be developed and demonstrated before we can actually make a good answer to that question.

In no particular, but possibly this order:
>Starship guidance, navigation, and control
>Starship entry, descent, and landing
>Starship inter-spacecraft propellant transfers
>Starship V2 to get the payload capacity up to a respectable level
>Broad Starlink deployment to raise the cash needed to pay for everything that will follow

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Anonymous No. 16132550

Elon gave a presentation on Starship so new visuals of V2 and V3 Starship (V2 only starting production right now), Airbus is making a space station now too, and Shartliner flight on the 6th (for real this time) AND Vast gave a full Tesla style drone tour of their offices and some more manufacturing from them (very cool). SERIOUSLY check out the Starship presentation though, lots of new info and Starship is as long as the Boosters for V3, this is a summary but still recommend watching full thing
Oh and also picrel is a really fucking cool looking satellite

Anonymous No. 16132556

>actually having guns
>actually shooting gun

Anonymous No. 16132563

Im trying to find interesting topics to discuss but its hard :( All the ones I had questions on before like how would an underice Europan colony stabilize itself from melting or hydroponics Ive either already had discussed or nobody wanted to discuss.

Anonymous No. 16132596

avatarspamming niggers, unfortunately
also many many stupid people

Anonymous No. 16132606

currently lying in a pile of my own filth cuddling my guns to make the ghosts leave me alone rn, AMA

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Sandstorm approac....jpg

Anonymous No. 16132620

Honestly doesn't sound bad

Anonymous No. 16132631

what would happen if they just strapped some falcon heavy boosters to starship
is it now reusable to GEO or lunar transfer?

Anonymous No. 16132632

that satellite bus looks really heavy

Anonymous No. 16132663

>high-resolution imagery
So can this thing replace those huge Keyhole recon satellites the US currently depends on?

Anonymous No. 16132678

oldspace magic reminder

Anonymous No. 16132679

Anon, real life isn't KSP. You cam't just attach struts everywhere and expect the integrity to hold.

Anonymous No. 16132681

I need a space ship. I've only got 13 carrots.

Anonymous No. 16132682


Anonymous No. 16132697

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16132698

I don't see the value in mars sample return as a science mission. Either bring samples back as part of sending people there or pick a different mission.

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Anonymous No. 16132704

Then let me introduce you to the space shuttle

Anonymous No. 16132707

When is the next Starship launch projected?

Anonymous No. 16132708


Anonymous No. 16132710
It's been exactly a year since they uploaded anything to Flickr. It's so over.

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Anonymous No. 16132716

Anonymous No. 16132736

I can see some hypothetical future payload (without a doubt a nuclear reactor or a hab module for a mars mission with water shielding) that might require more thrust than even a Starship can do

But you have to understand that because it stages so early, the second stage spends a huge part of its fuel reserves just making it to orbit. It would be a colossal waste to just make the second stage bigger just so you could pull off a mission in one launch

Anonymous No. 16132768

NASA should just offer a $2 billion prize to anyone who can get the Mars samples back to Earth orbit or lunar orbit. No money will be paid up front. No offworld safety restrictions. Anything goes outside of low Earth orbit. Retrieve the samples and you win $2 billion in cash.

Anonymous No. 16132775

Imagine six SLS SRBs strapped to Super Heavy. Ship separates at 4km/s instead of 2km/s.

Anonymous No. 16132777

It doesn't guarantee it will ever happen though. Google's lunar X prize went unclaimed for a decade before it ended. Still hasn't been accomplished either way.

Anonymous No. 16132781

>No money will be paid up front.
oldspacebros... we need to stop this lunatic before it's too late

Anonymous No. 16132784

x prize was only a few million if I recall

Anonymous No. 16132786

>Google's lunar X prize went unclaimed for a decade before it ended
There's more venture capital floating around these days and the private space industry is larger and more capable than it was back then. If nothing else we'd be guaranteed to see some very entertaining failed attempts.

Anonymous No. 16132789

It was 20 million. For something orders of magnitude easier than MSR.

True, but the risk is also much greater. It's one thing to waste 10 million on a failed lunar rover, it's another to put 1 billion plus into a project that could return nothing.
The space industry has developed massively but look how much the private landers are struggling with step 1. Then consider how much more complex MSR is. There aren't many companies who could seriously consider it.

Anonymous No. 16132851

Can you just fucking chill instead of overreacting (Not going to ruin your life)

Anonymous No. 16132852

Kill some jews or niggers on your way out or you will go to hell.

Anonymous No. 16132898


Anonymous No. 16132904

It’s basically just glowies and the most pathetic Israel worshipping boomers alive that inhabit that board. Real sad state of affairs.

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Anonymous No. 16132906

mars is a meme. A few trips to get the boots on the surface after which the shine wears off and it turns into a distant wasteland research/prospecting outpost until basic resource extraction begins for early space industrialization efforts. For latter moon is much more important then mars.

Cheap cost to LEO for tonnage is where the real money shot is. Send as many massive probes you want to all the major planets in the system to get as many pretty pictures as you want. Cassini will look like a alibaba DIY drone compared to whats coming

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Anonymous No. 16132907


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Anonymous No. 16132914

hey /sfg/ are you going to buy the new oldspace pork lego set?

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sls doing its best.jpg

Anonymous No. 16132915

>Saturn V is just the rocket
>SLS gets both the rocket and tower
messed up

Anonymous No. 16132918

I was wondering why it was so much more expensive than the Saturn V.
That launch tower is cool, but I'm not really interested in a rocket that's only launched once and hasn't even launch any humans yet.

Anonymous No. 16132920

Send SLS to Mars to retrieve the samples. Problem solved.

Anonymous No. 16132922

I have come to realization I am too old for legos
also I hate SLS too much

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Anonymous No. 16132950

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cringe soyence.jpg

Anonymous No. 16132951


Anonymous No. 16132955

Hello fellow redditchad! Nice to see fellow kin here.
Narwhal narwhal bacon, amiright? Hahahaha

Anonymous No. 16132960

Because it is not designed to launch shit into space. It's designed to be a jobs program and extract money for old space companies.

Anonymous No. 16132973

Are any of you familiar with the company "Beyond Gravity"? They are a composite manufacturer for the space industry. I think it would be interesting to dig more into these spaceflight suppliers, but what do you all think? Do suppliers fit with /sfg/?

Anonymous No. 16132989

If you play with legos past 14 you should be tuned into a eunuch by the state

Anonymous No. 16132991

So ... why not just forget about Mars for about 10 years to allow various space technologies to mature? Why does NASA need these small tubes of Mars dirt so quickly? Can't this wait a bit? If they need a quick propaganda victory to beat China a simple sample grab could be done for a lot less money. Call it a risk reduction demonstration or something to prepare for the full scale sample return mission a decade from now.

Anonymous No. 16132994

nah, there are still oldfags around on /k/ and israel shilling boards get a lot of hate there. You still regularly see 'post guns'.

Anonymous No. 16132996


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Anonymous No. 16133002

Elon taking a bit of time to review some Indian space startups and talk with the founders/engineers

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Anonymous No. 16133003

Starlink in India now. Yesterday's talks with Modi must have been very fruitful

Anonymous No. 16133009

this is probably a courtesy visit more than anything
SpaceX is going to get starlink approval in india now and tesla is going to start some operations there as well

Anonymous No. 16133011

there's nothing positive about even more indians getting access to internet

Anonymous No. 16133014

>more telecommuting means less train death videos
You may be right.

Anonymous No. 16133017

how will this affect the shitting street design envelope in india's crew module?

Anonymous No. 16133019

but more indians posting, this might mean more videos in net even then

Anonymous No. 16133058

>You still regularly see 'post guns'.
Does it have to include your serial number also?

Anonymous No. 16133062

blundersnot posted another video about spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16133064

post it then nigga

Anonymous No. 16133066

>seething this much about a smart guy debunking musks 101 IQ claims

Anonymous No. 16133070


Anonymous No. 16133071

>If they need a quick propaganda victory
NASA absolutely needs propaganda defeat as a wake-up call

Anonymous No. 16133072

it's only gotten worse since the ukraine war thing, the board is full of brown thirdies and their western contrarian fangirls desperately trying to shill for whatever product their shithole came up with.
i visited a few days ago and the top 3 threads were just sandnigger mudslimes and jews yelling at eachother about the recent incident.

Anonymous No. 16133075

>he thinks samefagging will prevent people from telling him to buy an ad
buy an ad, homosexual.

Anonymous No. 16133077

i thought you meant blue origin and not thunderfoot

Anonymous No. 16133079

>i visited a few days ago and the top 3 threads were just sandnigger mudslimes and jews yelling at eachother about the recent incident.
and yet one (1) post about organizing against US gun law gets you jannied from /k/

Anonymous No. 16133092

Is having a "space force" really necessary? Why not give those rolls to the Air Force they already deal with non-atmospheric things like cyberspace anyway.

Anonymous No. 16133095

>Is having a "space force" really necessary?
>Why not give those rolls to the Air Force they already deal with non-atmospheric things like cyberspace anyway.
cyber command is a combatant command across all branches

Anonymous No. 16133096

>the closer the technologies are to being available, the more uncertain the timeline is
That can't be right.

Anonymous No. 16133098

The last 20% of the work is always 80% of the work.

Anonymous No. 16133107

>1 days of development
>more advanced that Teslabot.

Anonymous No. 16133108


Anonymous No. 16133113

nuskniggers will be killing themselves over this one.

Anonymous No. 16133126


Anonymous No. 16133129

The only one upset here is you, about some imaginary figure you've crafted in your mind.
You should try some positive thinking now and then. It'd do you good, believe me.

Anonymous No. 16133135

Very cool. Hydraulictrannies btfo and I'm glad they've seen the light.
Seems stronger than Teslabot and better controls code. Elon's a bit autistic for making his intentionally weak.

Anonymous No. 16133148

Elon sees a self sufficient Mars colony as an offsite backup for Western civilization. It has dick all to do with the economics of selling things to Earth.

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naturaly occuring....jpg

Anonymous No. 16133152

Reminder that this thing was a probe send to observe our solar system, and the alien armada is coming.

Anonymous No. 16133154

If aliens want to kill us, they'll drop some shit going at relativistic speeds on us before they arrive

Anonymous No. 16133156

why would you go out of your way to meet an alien species but vaporise them before you get there?

Anonymous No. 16133159

The rockets diameter is too small for its engine size and count which is why you have the ones making it square.

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All races can joi....jpg

Anonymous No. 16133161

Why would they want to kill us?
Maybe they are just as perverted as we are and just want to fuck us.

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Anonymous No. 16133164

Flight 3's 'only' 40-50 tons to LEO is a product of Raptors not being run at full throttle, Starship/Superheavy not having a full propellant load and excess dry mass that hasn't been optimized yet.

Anonymous No. 16133170

God pls

Anonymous No. 16133172

Thoughts on USCRPL’s Aftershock?
Launching this weekend to an apogee of 149km

Anonymous No. 16133173

its not intentionally weak, its optimized for cheap mass manufacturing and low power consumption
this is yet another "see what we can do" from boston dynamics, its probably going to be very expensive to manufacture, use more power and thus have lower uptime and the extra range of motion means it can't be trained using imitation learning in the same way but conventional robotics mostly again
perhaps its a good bet, but boston dynamics has been at it for over 20 years and don't really have any compelling products yet

Anonymous No. 16133181

incoming EDS response from trannies that desperately want starship to be a failure because they have a crab bucket mentality.

Anonymous No. 16133185

Or maybe Oumuamua was their killshot and it malfunctioned during acceleration and missed.

Anonymous No. 16133186

The propellant to dry mass fraction and overall thrust is still higher than they like; Raptor 3 is supposed to fix some of it, but given their payload targets, it seems like a system that really wants to be 12m in diameter.

Anonymous No. 16133187

it was an artificial hydrogen iceberg, all part of the aliens' master plan to make avi loeb look silly

Anonymous No. 16133195

That's the plot of the expanse.

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Anonymous No. 16133209
>Starbase Prepares for Fire | SpaceX Boca Chica

Anonymous No. 16133213

I remember those flame diverters from a few weeks back. So theyre upgrading Masseys then huh.

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Anonymous No. 16133251

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Anonymous No. 16133255
Looks like getting more engines wasn't as much of a problem as getting their next payload

Anonymous No. 16133258

two more vertical tanks getting removed

Anonymous No. 16133259

Hory shit, theyre going to literally make an entire private town just for SpaceX Starbase employees. FUUUUUCKKKK NOW I REALLY WANT TO WORK THERE

Anonymous No. 16133265

Lyndon B Johnson Boulevard?

Anonymous No. 16133266

I’m literally söyfacing at the thought of living in a company town rn.
I hope elon pays me in starbase-bux that are only valid at spacex owned shops. That would be so heckin epic!

Anonymous No. 16133268

Honestly a big deal. India has stricter local ownership laws than China. That and the Indian bureaucracy has no fears of falling behind decades to follow said rules.

Anonymous No. 16133271

clearly NASA shenanigans at work

Anonymous No. 16133272

The problem is I get shit on for having "meme guns"

Anonymous No. 16133273

commence seething

Anonymous No. 16133290

Modi is from a state that he ran on economic growth, lenient foreign investment, etc. So it makes sense that Modi is seeking more foreign investment

Anonymous No. 16133291

Student built... good for them

Anonymous No. 16133297

>commence seething
you already did by posting this low quality EDS
can you imagine being so obsessed with one man that you make multiple entire AIslop songs dedicated to seething about him?

Anonymous No. 16133298

Well considering Modi let there air force completely fuck up the MRCA competition, I want to see proof of your statement.

I mean who turns down basically free factories.

Anonymous No. 16133302

>relentless seething from the weird nerd
On cue! Defend him some more!

Anonymous No. 16133303

There are no such thing as free things in life. This is life protip #1. Its very important to understand this deeply. All things have costs

Anonymous No. 16133304

back to r*ddit fag

Anonymous No. 16133306

Rubbin my nips to you right now. Wooo!

Anonymous No. 16133310

pretty catchy. that smarmy song on the sidebar is really good.
making fun of you != EDS

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Anonymous No. 16133331

thank u, which one, the dropkick murphy one? theres a folk version too. wrote that song last night. contributions welcome on the /g/ aislop audio thread. i have another banger but if i publish it i'll get banned for sure

Anonymous No. 16133333

>more samefagging
embarrassing behaviour, does your mother know you hate-worship a CEO on the internet?

Saint. Barkon No. 16133335

And if you agree with this you're a fag too

Anonymous No. 16133336

you said i made another eds song, but i cant find any. can you link me?

Anonymous No. 16133339

the one you just posted
it contained some weird derangement syndrome
you characterize everyone who likes spacex like this, because it is a reflection of your own demented mind.
your idea of
>making fun
is basically dumping all of the EDS FUD that reddit fed you into a machine learning algorithm and hoping that it comes up with something catchy.
i don't have to do anything other than call it out and you get all defensive.

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Anonymous No. 16133344

Kek these people can't stop seething

Anonymous No. 16133345

imagine making people so butthurt by making fun of their obsessive lying about spacex that they spend the time and effort to make an entire song seething about you.
it's pretty impressive how EDS has hollowed these people out, at this point i wouldn't be surprised if they spend 5+ hours per day thinking about and fuming over elon musk.

Anonymous No. 16133346

it's a proclaimers song called i'm gonna be and i changed like 6 words

Anonymous No. 16133349

where SpaceX? Too irrelivant for normies?

Anonymous No. 16133351

>I'm now reminded of the Fluff-Kevlar version

Anonymous No. 16133353

it's kind of irrelevant to the point, the point is someone went through the effort of doing that and now wants to pretend to be all aloof and uninvested about it.
no normal person makes content like this, you need some sort of mental disorder to consider making stuff like that and obsessively spamming it and THEN also samefagging literally everytime you post them.
literally every time he has done this, right afterwards there is one (1) post congratulating him on how cool and ebin the song is, he's not even trying to be subtle, he's that desperate for validation.

Anonymous No. 16133354


Anonymous No. 16133358

Newfag mass replying to bait kek

Anonymous No. 16133359

>hurr i'm retarded
>stupid retard
>haha you fell for my clever ruse
"bait" is just the new form of pretending to be retarded, it deserves nothing but mockery.
pretending to be retarded is always the result of being actually retarded.

Anonymous No. 16133360

Bruh dont @ me with mantras. Boeing was willing to move the entire F-18 line to India.

Anonymous No. 16133363

technically my friend made it but his version didnt sound enough like proclaimers so i took the words and made it sound much closer to the original. the art is pretty funny too

Anonymous No. 16133364

but it's not, it sounds like something a retard made because he's upset.

Anonymous No. 16133365

it's actually pretty close to be fair

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Anonymous No. 16133366

Ukrainian satellite TV got hacked to broadcast Tucker's Putin interview

it's been so long since satellite broadcasts have been hijacked that i figured it was no longer possible. not exactly spaceflight and definitely not novel, but it's notable because for the longest time the best examples of space warfare that we had were signal hijacking and gps jamming. now we have missiles getting shot down in space as better examples, so nobody really cares about minor fluff stuff like this anymore.

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Anonymous No. 16133367

Moron none of it was me its just obvious bait

Anonymous No. 16133368

that it is, it's just not something you make unless you have some weird political hangups.

Anonymous No. 16133369

i didn't say it was you, that message was meant for the retard, if he really is merely pretending to be a retard.

Anonymous No. 16133370

not really, i'm a cybertruck reservation holder

Anonymous No. 16133371

its not even to scale with the lego Saturn V
massive L

Anonymous No. 16133372

do people still use satellite tv

Anonymous No. 16133373

why on earth would you buy that piece of shit? at least wait until tesla's figured out the teething issues?

Anonymous No. 16133374

It looks cool and i like being the center of attention

Anonymous No. 16133379

I sound like this and I sing this while posting.

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Anonymous No. 16133380

This is canon. This is actually canon.

Anonymous No. 16133382

you dont build stuff like this for welders. they're moving engineering, programming, and other white collar jobs to the area.

Anonymous No. 16133385

supposedly tesla got approved to build a car factory in india

Anonymous No. 16133386

>elon on the verge of getting approved of the $56 billion tesla stock payout
he better throw it into spaceflight. the $44 billion on twitter/x has been a huge distraction.

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Anonymous No. 16133389

There could totally be captured interstellar objects floating around in the Oort Cloud. Could we intercept Sedna when it is at its 76AU perihelion in 50 years?

Anonymous No. 16133390

it was nuts. Especially considering that SpaceX has to do funding rounds to cover its costs and is trying to milk a few hundred mil here and there from the measly 3 billion contract for HLS. That 44 bil would bankroll the start of the Mars colony for christs sake. Exit scamming Tesla is a moral good provided it gets us to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16133391

He's likely gonna throw it at They need to buy a fuckton of GPUs

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Anonymous No. 16133394

There is approximately nobody on the entire planet who has a mission profile that requires 200+ tons to LEO in a single launch.

Anonymous No. 16133396


Anonymous No. 16133397

in underdeveloped shitholes like Africa and Europe yeah

Anonymous No. 16133398

Do you know what propellant is?
>he still doesn't understand orbital refilling

Anonymous No. 16133402

Hey, uhh your Mom called ;)

Anonymous No. 16133405

should throw it at power production instead...something that tesla already has experience with

>Electricity supply is becoming the latest chokepoint to threaten the growth of artificial intelligence, according to leading tech industry chiefs, as power-hungry data centers add to the strain on grids around the world.
>Billionaire Elon Musk said this month that while the development of AI had been “chip constrained” last year, the latest bottleneck to the cutting-edge technology was “electricity supply.” Those comments followed a warning by Amazon chief Andy Jassy this year that there was “not enough energy right now” to run new generative AI services.

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Anonymous No. 16133408

Europa Clipper weighs six tons. Six. What the fuck are they going to put on Starship that weighs 200 tons? I'm genuinely asking. The entire ISS is 450 tons. If 200+ means 225, it could put the ISS into orbit in two launches. What is the market for this? Who is going to buy launches?

Anonymous No. 16133410

>200+ tons to LEO in a single launch
isnt that vast's future plan?

Anonymous No. 16133412

I never knew the ISS was that heavy.

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funny frog.png

Anonymous No. 16133413

>What the fuck are they going to put on Starship that weighs 200 tons?
oxygen and methane
>he still doesn't understand orbital refilling

Anonymous No. 16133414

It's my understanding that SpaceX employees are paid in USD

Anonymous No. 16133419

Now imagine how much cheaper Europa Clipper or JWST would have been without the mass autism.

Anonymous No. 16133421

Mostly it benefits tankers see >>16133413
Also Starlink can use the entire payload capacity.
Also it translates to higher direct GEO insertion.

Anonymous No. 16133422

>imagine the budget cuts at lockheed and jpl without the mass autism

Anonymous No. 16133423

I want her to fucking eat me

Anonymous No. 16133426

>What the fuck are they going to put on Starship that weighs 200 tons?
Mars colony supplies and also propellant see >>16133413

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Anonymous No. 16133427

Best ballpark estimate I can find for total payload mass, that's the total mass ever launched, is 10,500 tons, which works out almost perfectly to a single Starship launch per week putting humanity's entire payload mass across history into orbit in one year.

Nobody has a mission profile that uses that much propellant.

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Anonymous No. 16133428

yeah the solar panels are the same ones used on Starlink that we saw in the eclipse footage so it probably is canon

Anonymous No. 16133430

>Nobody has a mission profile that uses that much propellant.
Artemis 3 HLS does.

Anonymous No. 16133434

well they are building a office building

Anonymous No. 16133435

Reminder that Starship will not have a big payload door.
The biggest is the HLS elevator door which will work for Mars also.
Starlink gets the slit.
Elon doesn't fucking care about launching space telescopes or the twentieth NASA methane detector or the cubesats from the Burundian amateur radio club.
Making an extra variant is not worth the market that can't be serviced by Falcon 9.
There's exactly three uses: Starlink, Moon, Mars.

Anonymous No. 16133438

its just re-voting on a package that he got in 2018
so getting back something that was in the air for a while
this is options, not cash and he can't sell the stock for 5 years after getting it anyway

Anonymous No. 16133441

absolutely clueless lmao

Anonymous No. 16133443

Vast is working on a starship class size inflatable station. Surely they have at least had a discussion with someone at spacex about payload dimensions

Anonymous No. 16133444
>Cryogenic (H2/O2) Smart Propulsion Flight Demonstration (SmartProp)

>Project Description
>Demonstrate a smart propulsion cryogenic system, using liquid oxygen and hydrogen, on a Vulcan Centaur upper stage. Test precise tank pressure control, tank to tank propellant transfer, and multi-week propellant storage (i.e., passive thermal control).

ACES bros we are fucking back

Anonymous No. 16133445

>Vast is working on a [...] inflatable station

Anonymous No. 16133446

that's enough money to give every space startup on the planet $56 billion

Anonymous No. 16133447

>Nobody has a mission profile that uses that much propellant.
Elon has. He wants to colonize Mars and put a base on the Moon.
You think he was kidding about this?

Anonymous No. 16133448

Retard thats not Vast learn your CSS companies.

Anonymous No. 16133449
Starlink launch in 40 min

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Anonymous No. 16133450

Sierra Space, sorry I have brain damage. Vast is working on a 7m diameter station though.

Anonymous No. 16133451

There's a lot of them, not even counting the Chinese

Anonymous No. 16133452

checked and based

Anonymous No. 16133455

>not going for electrolysis power like Apollo and Space shuttle


Anonymous No. 16133459

At least it's an indication that they're now taking reuse seriously

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Anonymous No. 16133460

A Project Lyra type could maybe do it. Does anyone have the full .gif?

Anonymous No. 16133465

why would they? there isn't a cheap launch option available for it yet

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Anonymous No. 16133470

Space Shuttle set was more kino

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Anonymous No. 16133473

Why aren't they using this version?

Anonymous No. 16133474

Is Eric Berger capable of writing about Russia without two thirds of the text being snark? Some of the snark in the article is even quite disingenuous.

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Anonymous No. 16133476

Badass. Too bad le bad man Felon Husk is in it.

Anonymous No. 16133478

Nobody in spaceflight has any sympathy for Russians when they have wasted everything they had from the Cold War era.

Anonymous No. 16133482

yeah i understand wanting to do it given his history with rogozin but it's still unprofessional and unserious as journalism

Anonymous No. 16133483

Is it still worth $56 billion? Tesla's stock has gone down in value a lot

Anonymous No. 16133488

Nice pillow. Took me a second to realize what the blue blur was.

Anonymous No. 16133503

This broadcast is not available in your location.

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wtf elon.png

Anonymous No. 16133504

Elon, I'm not in fucking China or Russia. What the fuck, man?

Anonymous No. 16133505

>missed the barge

fuck, restart the count

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16133506


Anonymous No. 16133507

The breakup of the USSR was followed by an economic meltdown. Russia's economy almost halved in the 1990s. It only recovered past the 1990 level in 2007. Also, the former Russian SFSR was close to breaking up even further during the 1990s.

>The dissolution of the Soviet Union resulted in great difficulties for the Russian space industry. Over the years 1989–1999, the country's space budget dropped by 88%[10] and established production cooperation chains disintegrated.
(from the wiki article on Krunichev)

Russia is not the USSR. Soviet industry was spread across the USSR, and the Russian SFSR only had about half of the USSRs population. Russia has spent the last three decades repairing broken supply chains. An illustrative example is how the Il-76 and Il-114 used to be built in Tashkent (in Uzbekistan). So Russia built a new factory for Il-76 production in Ulyanovsk that only started deliveries in 2015, and Il-114 production in Voronezh that started production in 2016.

The most obvious example of broken supply chains in terms of space are how Tsyklon, Zenit and Energia boosters were built in Ukraine, and how the Baikonur launch site is in Kazakhstan. They managed to keep the cooperation going for a while, but no one wanted to depend on cross-border supply chains that everyone involved realized were extremely fragile. As we've seen, that was indeed prescient. So of course the Russians wanted to move away from most of the Soviet space legacy.

Anonymous No. 16133508


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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16133509

Why so off-axis? Strong high-level winds?

Anonymous No. 16133510

it's over

Anonymous No. 16133512


Anonymous No. 16133513

Speaking of Sierra, I have been saying it occasionally for years now:
Dreamchaser will NEVER launch.

Anonymous No. 16133515

this whole mission is sus


Anonymous No. 16133517

it lost control.

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Anonymous No. 16133519

Skynet confirmed

Anonymous No. 16133520

it's ogre

Anonymous No. 16133521


Anonymous No. 16133524

somebody realized mid-flight that they were using the periapsis from the last launch in mechjeb and had to change it

Anonymous No. 16133525

>no further posts

hide your shame SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16133526

>he better throw it into spaceflight
He's going to need much of it to cover his loans that use Tesla stock as collateral before he gets margin called

Anonymous No. 16133529

someone make a webm

Anonymous No. 16133530

>It only recovered past the 1990 level in 2007
And by that I mean recover to the 1990 levels of the Russian SFSR, not the USSR as a whole

Anonymous No. 16133533

Of what?

Anonymous No. 16133538

Yeah they lost it, gg

Anonymous No. 16133542

Rogozin was shuffled away from Roscosmos almost two years ago, though. The reason is clearly not Rogozin

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Anonymous No. 16133544

>landing confirmed
>they lost it

Anonymous No. 16133547


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Anonymous No. 16133548

Anonymous No. 16133550

"landing confirmed"

Anonymous No. 16133557

Common Sense Skeptic will be sure to include the Falcon 9 crash (or Failed-Con 9 as he likes to call it) in his next video. I've dmed the news to him. It's just like watching Shitship explode. Musks projects are nothing but failures. Approaching 8 eyars and he STILL can't stick the landing reliably. meanwhile airliners take off and land thousands of times every day..

Anonymous No. 16133561

ESA has arguably bungled things worse than roscosmos in the last 20 years but they also haven't been run by embarrassing oafs who get fired because they can't quit running their mouths
the former head of roscosmos going on unhinged rants and making polonium jokes at him may have soured his opinion of roscosmos

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Anonymous No. 16133563

>stupid fairyposter
because I know its coming

Anonymous No. 16133564

sci needs flags

Anonymous No. 16133566


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Anonymous No. 16133568

Newfag from /pol/ detected. Tell me what this equation is right now.

Anonymous No. 16133572

"Invention is the mother of necessity" - Thorstein Veblen

Anonymous No. 16133574

spacex quality control is so bad.

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Anonymous No. 16133576

boeing was making pictures of an airplane that could put 400 tons in orbit with 1970s concept art technology. if elon understood what he was doing THIS is what starship would look like.

Anonymous No. 16133582

That's a crt TV they are using. Of course they don't have anything better

Anonymous No. 16133587

meme flags at most

Anonymous No. 16133596

>15 minutes
>no answer on what the newfag filter is
told you he was from /pol/

Anonymous No. 16133598

>flourine is such a great oxidizer that it oxidizes oxygen

Anonymous No. 16133601

Is Raptor not being run at full throttle or is full thrust not actually as high as Elon likes to claim? The liftoff thrust figures in the recent presentation certainly confirm that thrust is below the claimed maximum for all engine versions at that point.

Anonymous No. 16133609

The thrust figures for Flight 3 in the presentation were below the demonstrated thrust of Raptor 2.

Anonymous No. 16133610

>sweden joins artemis accords
just sign up europe as a whole at this point

Anonymous No. 16133612

The two AP1000s at the vogtle plant cost $34 billion, originally supposed to be only $14 billion. If Musk was the head of the construction it would probably get built much faster and closer to initial costs. At 1117 MW each it could power around 50 of the top super computer, OLCF-5 at 22MW. I bet future AI is going to consume an insane amount of power soon with everyone wanting to integrate it in some way. Or it could end up like the dot com bubble

Anonymous No. 16133614

maybe nasa should mainly focus on space and atmospheres and let another organization take over surface science

Anonymous No. 16133615

they might be running raptor below its rated thrust just so both stages have easy engine-out capability. if you run all 6 engines at 83% and one goes out then you can ramp the remaining 5 up to 100% and you're still good.

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Anonymous No. 16133620


Anonymous No. 16133623

I remember arguing about this with some retard here I think and turns out musk was right
curious how that works out
maybe musk isn't stupid?

Anonymous No. 16133625

new payloads specifically designed for starship-class launchers

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Anonymous No. 16133627

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Anonymous No. 16133628

most of Europe already is

Anonymous No. 16133629

May we see the landed booster?

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Anonymous No. 16133630

space is trump country

Anonymous No. 16133631

>demonstrated thrust of Raptor 2
What thrust are you referring to here? If you mean the tests Elon occasionally posts remember those aren't flight thrusts.

Anonymous No. 16133632


Anonymous No. 16133633

>durr hurr it's a special invisible booster for uhh... a starshield test! yeah!
the walls are closing in for elon

Anonymous No. 16133636

I wonder if these are going to become some future space alliances beyond just the moon

Anonymous No. 16133639

I wonder how scared the crew were inside.
Any minute they could have been hit by a boat or captured and raped by a fanatical trumper

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Anonymous No. 16133640

space force will be getting $4 million for ukraine operations, the second smallest amount after the marines ($3 million)

that wont even pay for starshield

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Anonymous No. 16133641

Good frog poster

Anonymous No. 16133643

Okay this thing is so dumb looking

Anonymous No. 16133645

nvm im blind, its $12 million

Anonymous No. 16133646

That's really what this is about. The economic case for any commercial activity out past geostationary orbit is dubious, but that's not going to last forever. Establishing a permanent presence on the moon means you can start to write and enforce treaties about deep space economic activity that actually mean something. The current space race is about whether a Western or Chinese economic model is prevalent for when space mining finally becomes viable.

Anonymous No. 16133649


Anonymous No. 16133650

Felon lost his booster. And to put icing on the shit cake they pretended it landed lol.

Anonymous No. 16133651

elon says a lot of shit and will long be dead before anything resembling a sci-fi colony is on mars. Its a wasteland as cold as antarctica and dry as sahara with 1% of earths atmosphere. Outside some piss poor Dunc larp sitting under the blue sky and breathable air will remain the overwhelming preference for a long, long time.

All shut ins dreaming off going off world to escape their soiboy pseudo problem filled life can emulate the experience by signing up on oil rigs in the north sea

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Anonymous No. 16133653

Gib IFT-4 now Elon

Anonymous No. 16133655

NASA doesn't want to get humiliated by the Chinese, which is still third world in the China countryside.

Anonymous No. 16133658

bug hands wrote this

Anonymous No. 16133660

I practice the wim hoff method so it will be fine.

Anonymous No. 16133664

i practice forming nitrogen bubbles in my blood

Anonymous No. 16133668

Reading the recent comments in this thread after waking up, I unironically believed that a Falcon 9 failed

Nothing ever happens. Is there room on board for a secret national security payload or is this a starshield launch?

Anonymous No. 16133670
Alarm going off on ISS (this is back when Rubins and Glover were on board. They should both be the ones to go back to the Moon first btw)
ISS alarms. Sorry for the source; I couldn’t find it anywhere else.
I find this fascinating. I was trying to see what type of alarms the Space Shuttle orbiters used. I couldn’t find anything

Anonymous No. 16133683


Anonymous No. 16133690

black people and ignoring alarms

Anonymous No. 16133693


Anonymous No. 16133694

>official ESA account
>“This emergency alert is the last thing astronauts on the ISS ever want to hear as they work 400 km above Earth in the vacuum of space”
Holy shit. So this is what you would hear before you died on the ISS huh.

Anonymous No. 16133711

Mars could serve as a propellant manufactory for the whole solar system. Easy production of methalox, boosters not required for launch.

Anonymous No. 16133716

>cold as antarctica and dry as sahara
Neither of those things are exactly true, especially the water assertion.

Anonymous No. 16133722

All over the world. SpaceX seemingly neglected to say it was partial spooksat launch.

Anonymous No. 16133741

It looks like most of the money is just going to the US military, glowies and MIC rather than Ukraine.

Anonymous No. 16133744

>get as many pretty pictures as you want
When I was 6 I naively thought we had 24/7 eyes on the outer gas planets, with the occasional manned trip. I knew about how long ago Apollo was, and took for granted that there must have been many since. I wondered how many astronauts must be up there right now. When some gay charity marathon with some guy crossing a continent or whatever would be on TV I wasnt interested, I wondered who the first person was to jog around the moon on foot.

Anonymous No. 16133746

>Energy Programs - Science (isotopes): $98M
That sounds ominous

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Anonymous No. 16133751

Why was shuttle orbiter so gorgeous?
There is a timeline where SpaceX went bankrupt on the 4th falcon flight and /sfg/ worships americas former shuttle prestiege compared to its present ula soyuz debacle

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Anonymous No. 16133753

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Anonymous No. 16133755

Anonymous No. 16133756

the internet had already turned on the shuttle by then, especially after mike griffin trashed it
but if f9 never happened and we were still waiting on starliner to fly maybe there'd have been a counter-contrarian backlash

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Anonymous No. 16133759

Why the FUCK can't we make cool shit like this.

Anonymous No. 16133764

the oberth-kuiper maneuver is actually real?

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Anonymous No. 16133765


Anonymous No. 16133766

>Intercept in 2054
Show me what it looks like with a direct burn without a solar-Oberth maneuver using the full Delta-V of a fully refueled Superheavy, Expendable Starship, and a second Expendable Starship (also all refueled) as the primary mission propulsion system.

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Anonymous No. 16133768

Anonymous No. 16133770

where is this from

Anonymous No. 16133771
>Planning to go live in about an hour to begin processing declassified spy satellite images that were scanned with the help of the community!

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Anonymous No. 16133772

Anonymous No. 16133773


Anonymous No. 16133774

what fucking abomination is this

Anonymous No. 16133775

saw it on twitter but the source is good ol' NTRS

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Anonymous No. 16133776

Anonymous No. 16133778

Luckily it will queit down a lot once the atmosphere vents

Anonymous No. 16133779

>The mismatch on those old and new tiles and heat blankets
>the fact that it's comically large
So much reusability kino it's unreal.

Anonymous No. 16133780


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Anonymous No. 16133782

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Anonymous No. 16133783

_ T W O _

Anonymous No. 16133784

oh my..

Anonymous No. 16133787

this is so confusing.

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Anonymous No. 16133789

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heard you like he....png

Anonymous No. 16133791

Lyra is not the first one to propose that. The Hopkins proposal for Heliophysics Decadal Survey did so too before. And chinks too a few years ago, apparently.

Anonymous No. 16133794

The janky shape of starship makes me appreciate even more the perfect proportions of this girl. It's just so good. I tried to replicate it in KSP so many times. I had the autistic goal of making it aero stable during reentry without RCS and that's how I found out that the real one wasnt lol

Anonymous No. 16133796

just add canards to the front and slide them internally using the translate tool

Anonymous No. 16133797

gen alpha in 20 years: spaceflight is so slow *watches multiple buildings get built on mars every year* we should have massive cities by now its 2044.

Anonymous No. 16133798

The ass is so chunky. Buran is only good for anal but Shuttle would give you children.

Anonymous No. 16133799

trust the plan

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Anonymous No. 16133802

skip all the extra shit and do the intercept in half the time instead

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Anonymous No. 16133803


Anonymous No. 16133807

Yeah I know you can cheese it in all sorts of ways but I was trying to make a replica. For years I thought it was spinning out on reentry because I didn't build it like the real one.

Anonymous No. 16133809

We could if there was someone to fund it. People have flown much more complex trajectories with multiple gravity assists just to get to the belt or even mars because if muh mass autism. >>16133766 has the right of it. Depending on how big of a probe we want to send, we could easily yeet something on a fast solar escape trajectory using a refueled starship as the primary stage and maybe a hypergolic kicker stage on top. Hell if you applied some mass autism to your probe you could maybe bring along enough juice to perform an insertion burn into orbit around pluto or sedna or eris

Anonymous No. 16133811


Anonymous No. 16133821

keek wtf is this. it's not HLS it's got a heat shieldthrxs

Anonymous No. 16133835

Looks like a speculative way to get a Starship lander crew back to orbit after the end of a surface mission (on Mars?) without having to depend on ISRU propellant production being available yet.

Anonymous No. 16133837


This doesn't make any sense. whats the point of all that volume in SS if you don't take advantage of all that room.

Anonymous No. 16133842

Eh its just some Nasa trade study.
This won't happen they will instead deliver propellant with more Starships if you don't have ISRU yet

Anonymous No. 16133844

>Flame diverter
so that little bit on the top of starship has a flame diverter but the actual superheavy does not? absurd

Anonymous No. 16133846

NASA's goals (pbut) are beyond you're understanding

Anonymous No. 16133848

Can someone explain why they would have a giant payload door on the heatshield section?

Anonymous No. 16133854


Anonymous No. 16133858

I guess it's structurally better. To not have both on the same side.

Anonymous No. 16133883

Cause you have so much mass margin can just put another larger heatshield covered inner door behind it

Anonymous No. 16133907

why would hls have flaps or a heat shield?

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Anonymous No. 16133910

its not hls doe

Anonymous No. 16133922

Escape system for Starship. If things start to look sketchy you all pile into the Dragon in the nose and blast away to safety.

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Anonymous No. 16133923


Anonymous No. 16133927

has spacex demoed the starship elevator yet
will the moon lander have a backup ladder

Anonymous No. 16133928

lunar starship wont have a heatshield

Anonymous No. 16133938

it's just a stupid study. this shit's not happening

Anonymous No. 16133939

It will have 2 elevators
And they have shown pictures of astronauts testing some early version

Anonymous No. 16133950

this dude is maxxlarping. not sure if cringe. algorithm recommended me the channel (not me I swear).

Anonymous No. 16133952

the roblox nasa kids were better

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Anonymous No. 16133962

Humanity's aerospace crew vehicles will always look shootly to some degree. Maybe with V tail instead of vertical to reduce the RCS dependence on entry, and Starship definitely has the right idea of integral methalox tanks refilled on orbit... but the double delta is so good.

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Anonymous No. 16133968

>Sweden is the 38th country to sign the accords and the second in as many days, after Switzerland signed on April 15 in a ceremony at NASA Headquarters. With Sweden’s accession, 14 of 22 full members of the European Space Agency have joined, along with 13 of 27 members of the European Union.
Stop slacking, yurp. Join up already.

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Anonymous No. 16133977

Bros... theyre not gonna scale are they...

Anonymous No. 16133979

>history of failure
>sanpaku eyes
>management position
Her pussy must grip like a galactic core and one of her supervisors is hiring her to enjoy that.

Anonymous No. 16133981

Its so sad... I still have really high hopes for Vast since all their previous announced hires have been great and theyre posting good progress but this bitch just isnt it.

Anonymous No. 16133982

chud fags. reminder that SpaceX has lots of women in management

Anonymous No. 16133985

Gwynne is actually good at her job though. This bitch is a hired hole.

Anonymous No. 16133987

Women in management isnt the problem, if she had worked at SpaceX on Starlink for Falcon it would be the best hire you could get and nobody would question it. But Sierra, Blue and Orbital ATK that went to Northrop??? That is not a good lineup for scalability.

Anonymous No. 16133988

She's probably good at her job too.
>hired hole
touch grass. this never happens

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Anonymous No. 16133990

the original rockwell delta wing concept had split wingtip stabilizers to deal with the yaw problem too. i'm not sure why they ever went away from it.

Anonymous No. 16133991

>Women in management isnt the problem
Technically, no, it isn't. A lack of dedication to the mission in favor of playing politics and personal gain is. Women, as exemplified by the new CEO of NPR, are generally a lot more inclined to pursue politics over and at the expense of the organization's mission.

Anonymous No. 16133992


Anonymous No. 16133993

Im telling you bros, theyre making a town just for SpaceX employees on Starbase so they never have to leave. I NEED to work there I MUST, I HAVE to and I WILL.

Anonymous No. 16133996

how are the starbase hookers

Anonymous No. 16133998

Wouldnt care to know.

Anonymous No. 16134014

Her resume literally proves she's not. She's just job hopping (into bed).

Anonymous No. 16134023

I love the meme shape of Starship, it's a giant autism rocket

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Anonymous No. 16134028


Anonymous No. 16134033

A launch provider launched 100 times in 1 year. This is What Happened to his Body.

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Anonymous No. 16134034

you didnt just say that

Anonymous No. 16134038

Based SpaceX, they know that work sets you free.

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Anonymous No. 16134042

Damn right I did

Anonymous No. 16134070


Anonymous No. 16134072

is there an orbit that maximizes the amount of time spent in earth's shadow, other than Sun-synchronous orbit
would it be useful for storing cryogenic fuel

Anonymous No. 16134127

We loving naming roads after presidents
We have the President George Bush Turnpike and the LBJ express, which is a 6-lane express-freeway built underneath I-635 in Dallas

Anonymous No. 16134153


Anonymous No. 16134197

Let's fucking go

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Anonymous No. 16134284


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Anonymous No. 16134293


Anonymous No. 16134332

>copyright claim on public domain footage

Anonymous No. 16134371

This is legitimately infinitely more likely than aliens coming here to kill us. The only reason to come to Earth is for the life on it. And if you only want to kill the life then there's countless trivially easy ways to do it. So if aliens came to Earth they'd only ever be doing it for friendly reasons.

Anonymous No. 16134381

Cost and playability. Might also use build techniques that are considered cheating.

Anonymous No. 16134392

SpaceX has the right idea when it comes to entry, but their slap it together apprach means the vehicle has horrible proportions compared to the bespoke design of shuttle. 2016 ITS was beautiful and the vehicle has gotten uglier with time. Would be funny to see how final shuttle would look if it was developed by SpaceX

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Anonymous No. 16134497

SpaceX isn’t known for aesthetics. The IVA suit is ugly. Dragon is kind of ugly. Falcon 9 is pretty inoffensive; not ugly but not iconic looking.

Anonymous No. 16134509

after seeing falcon so much its easy to forget how thin it is. it will be hilarious when starship is just as thin

Anonymous No. 16134522

I think dragon looks pretty cool. Much better than starliner. And soyuz and orion look the same as capsules did in the 70s

Anonymous No. 16134523

It will be interesting to see the price of the Ukrainian AP1000's or compare the Chinese one. US nuclear construction is a travesty.

Anonymous No. 16134524

Falcon is width constrained by public highways. Elon has said 9m was probably too narrow.

Anonymous No. 16134527

Mutt infrastructure is so quaint!

Anonymous No. 16134530

how? it's the same scale that the Saturn V comes in

Anonymous No. 16134533

Road transport is part of why Falcon can be reused so cheaply. Otherwise you need separate fleets for either side of the Rocky Mountains, or to wait over a week to ship rockets from California to Florida via Panama.

Anonymous No. 16134534

>2016 ITS was beautiful and the vehicle has gotten uglier with time.
Delusional. Current Starship is peak kino.

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Anonymous No. 16134535


Anonymous No. 16134546

why would they want to access the canyon anyway?

Anonymous No. 16134547

Water may exist at the bottom of the Grand Canyon

Anonymous No. 16134548

free ice and other volatiles in the permanently shaded regions

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Anonymous No. 16134551

>may exist

Anonymous No. 16134552

for all mankind reference?

Anonymous No. 16134553

That's Valles Marineris idiot

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Anonymous No. 16134557

no I don't watch your weird netflicks show

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Anonymous No. 16134564

Can't wait til we're doing heavy civil work on the moon and mars

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Anonymous No. 16134566

Dragon is the superior capsule without question but Starliner looks better
(and to complicate things, dragons trunk looks better than shitliner’s complex and expensive service module but lets ignore that and focus on capsules alone)

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Anonymous No. 16134574

gotta harvest that oxygen trapped in lunar rock

Anonymous No. 16134575

Lol what the hell are they doing building a new reactor in the middle of a war

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Anonymous No. 16134600

