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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16136952

Wernher Von edition

previous >>16134598

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1930s ESA meeting .jpg

Anonymous No. 16136956

…and special happy 135th birthday wishes to the man who made it all possible by recognizing Von Braun's genius and supporting his research in the early days

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Anonymous No. 16136960

my exhaustive research in rss/ro has led me to conclude that vulcan can put a fully fueled artemis II orion CSM into a 300x300 orbit with margin to spare. if artemis III is going to demonstrate docking with starship in LEO then that has some very interesting implications for the future of SLS.

Anonymous No. 16136966

hell yeah
which Vulcan? 6 SRB?

Anonymous No. 16136967

it's Wernher von Braun, the "von" is like "of" or so, it means he's some sort of minor nobility

Anonymous No. 16136972

i was using 6. i think you could probably bump it down to 4 but it doesn't really matter one way or the other to me.

Anonymous No. 16136976

That's actually a beautifully proportioned rocket with interesting implications.
>Lockheeb makes Orion
>buys out ULA
>suddenly Lockheed is eligible for CRS/Commercial Crew contracts
>reaches full cadence before Starliner
>Boing!Space has nothing left but their limp dicks or the rare 100+ ton fission reactor launch for SLS

Anonymous No. 16137001

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Anonymous No. 16137003

so true

Anonymous No. 16137005

usually shit my pants over thread splitting but considering the last one was made by an early staging newfag, you get my seal of approval. plus the newfag didnt even stage the thread, so have a bump.

Anonymous No. 16137008

The only ones who made any serious scientific advance. All the jews in academia must be hanged, all of them are nothing but trash.

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hammer time.webm

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16137010


Anonymous No. 16137011

is he ok?

Anonymous No. 16137035

Kek nice lil rekt there.

Anonymous No. 16137071

what a faggot

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vulcan teeth.png

Anonymous No. 16137087

Anonymous No. 16137088

This is the worst meme this general has ever shit out. End this now, nobody cares anymore.

Anonymous No. 16137091

>lipnigger upset that the vulcan suit obviously has teeth.
get over your loss already, lipniggers BTFO.

Anonymous No. 16137107

/sfg/ is in hibernation on their way to saturn.

Anonymous No. 16137115

I've checked the cost to get something into orbit, and I can say with some special artillery shells, bombing from orbit can be feasible weapon.

Anonymous No. 16137116

you also have to deorbit the shells and aim them, which means they aren't just shells anymore

Anonymous No. 16137118

I'm thinking of replacing "FGM-148 Javelin" with bomb dropped from orbit, that has aiming wings, and is contained in some ceramics to prevent explosion...

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16137123


Anonymous No. 16137127

Good luck putting an IR seeker on that

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Anonymous No. 16137143


Anonymous No. 16137150

>draws over tory's face randomly, far away from any lips
delusional lipnigger lmao, this is why you lost.

Anonymous No. 16137152

Dont engage with the tooth toddler, his tired bait deserves no (You)

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Anonymous No. 16137154
Ok she's fucking gorgeous

Anonymous No. 16137162

Maybe GPS could help...

Anonymous No. 16137168

GPS by itself doesn't really help with striking moving targets, which is what Javelin is supposed to be able to do

Anonymous No. 16137175

>Ok she's fucking gorgeous
3/10, maybe

Anonymous No. 16137180

more like 9 at least. I just finished spudding my wad over her and i moaned while doing it..

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Anonymous No. 16137183


Anonymous No. 16137210
>Orbital Tank Farm Tank Scrapped | SpaceX Boca Chica

its over

Anonymous No. 16137214

reporter and two basedboys
how about no

Anonymous No. 16137216

>lipfag copes and seethes when his argument for why it's lips gets absolutely annihalated.

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Anonymous No. 16137227

Anonymous No. 16137230

>little Mexican girl shrugging and suggesting an alternative

Anonymous No. 16137231

I was thinking that UAV could deliver precise coordinates for orbital strike.

Anonymous No. 16137235

SpaceX is going to launch some satellites (collaborating with Northrop Grumman basically just so SpaceX doesn't have sole control) a profilerated spy satellite network that will replace intelligence collection from UAV at least partly

Anonymous No. 16137242

Theres just literally nothing to talk about. If there was atleast some movement on Starships for future flights I would talk but nope not even that, just pad prep which is boring and lame.

Anonymous No. 16137243

this guys a fucking soiboy cuck.

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Anonymous No. 16137255

We should launch rockets to the stars and then at each other.

Anonymous No. 16137260

This is the most reddit thing I've ever read.

Anonymous No. 16137264

Such a weapon would be more like GMLRS or PrSM than Javelin

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uscrpl aftershock.jpg

Anonymous No. 16137266

we could talk about aftershock. I know /sfg/ gets their panties in a twist about sounding rockets but I think it's pretty cool

Anonymous No. 16137267

zero legitimate arguments against this in this thread

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Anonymous No. 16137269

Space Pioneer is showing off some Tianlong-3 hardware

Anonymous No. 16137274

Falcon 9 clone?

Anonymous No. 16137276

he's right

Anonymous No. 16137278

what a gaylord. jesus christ.

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xeno scum.jpg

Anonymous No. 16137280

We should launch rockets at xeno scum.

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US vs west taiwan....jpg

Anonymous No. 16137282


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Anonymous No. 16137283

17 tons of payload to LEO with a (eventually) reusable first stage. It's slightly taller and just a bit wider with comparable first stage thrust, so I think the isp on the Tianhou-12 engines is a bit less than the Merlon-1D's, but other than that it's about as close as you can get while having it be built by a different company in another country.

Anonymous No. 16137284


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Anonymous No. 16137296

lel berger is starting to thunderfoot post
or what should we call this? pretending to have eds sarcastically

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Anonymous No. 16137297


Anonymous No. 16137299

are you retarded

Anonymous No. 16137300

Well wake the fuck up! New meme drive just dropped
>This means that their current devices, which Buhler told The Debrief “weigh somewhere between 30-40 grams on their own” without the attached test equipment, were producing enough thrust to counteract the full force of one Earth gravity.

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Anonymous No. 16137303


Anonymous No. 16137304

are you?

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Anonymous No. 16137306


Anonymous No. 16137307

do they get money for every spacex clone produced on powerpoint?

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Anonymous No. 16137308


Anonymous No. 16137311

my every damn stellaris experience. FUCK YOUR COALITION MECHANICS PARADOX

Anonymous No. 16137312

Well, yes. Space Pioneer seems to be all about moving lightning fast, having a hyper-aggressive schedule. Copying a proven design is, of course, the most conducive to speed and avoiding any unforeseen pitfalls.

Although I think the purpose of TL-3H is different than FH. I believe TL-3H is all about heavy loads to LEO/SSO; they don't even mention GTO capability. FH was intended for sending stuff to GTO, and the FH payload adapter can't handle heavy payloads, no?

TL-3M is some kind of spaceplane for e2e travel

Anonymous No. 16137313

Elon just invented a thing claled being a bitch. Ive lost all respect for this man.

Anonymous No. 16137317

you have been banned from going to space

Anonymous No. 16137318

What did he tweet now?

Anonymous No. 16137322

they seem like mostly normal dudes, I was able to withstand watching them a few times when they have interesting guests

Anonymous No. 16137326

>Well, yes. Space Pioneer seems to be all about moving lightning fast, having a hyper-aggressive schedule
To clarify, I was referring to their reason for attracting investors

Anonymous No. 16137327

You cant be a woman if you transition.

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self insert.jpg

Anonymous No. 16137361


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Anonymous No. 16137367


Anonymous No. 16137369

>i was right
you're so easy to spot

Anonymous No. 16137370

its not about musk being a fucking advocate for genocide, its about annoying YOU.

Anonymous No. 16137375


Anonymous No. 16137376

>doesn't even know to look at the ip count
go back to worshipping your censorship loving daddy on his website

Anonymous No. 16137381

IP count got hidden over a month ago.

Anonymous No. 16137383

Everybody is that, but some of you are playing pretend that you're not.

Anonymous No. 16137384

jesus christ this place is really going to shit

Anonymous No. 16137388

You need to use an email to post on /biz/ now btw.

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Anonymous No. 16137389

>Everybody is that
not the idiotic moron you use to cope with your daddy issues apparently. you could have at least picked someone who has actual sex with women, instead of just artificially impregnating them

Anonymous No. 16137396

>gigamad tranny
many such cases

Anonymous No. 16137397


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16137401

you should be mad too at anyone that tries to strip you of your right to free speech, but you're a disgusting NPC who likes having a big daddy protect you from people expressing the "wrong" thoughts

Anonymous No. 16137402

>he's upset that le ebil musk has spawned and will continue to spawn more children than you
wew lad.
so that's what this is about, you're upset that you can't have children like a real woman.

Anonymous No. 16137403

Why do i feel so much hate for scott manley whenever i watch one of his vids?

Anonymous No. 16137406

you're a mentally ill retard who fell for a gaslighting operation and you will dig this hole deeper and deeper for yourself until you commit suicide.

the only way out is admitting you have a mental illness and none of your fantasies are achievable, normal or healthy.

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elon cheers.jpg

Anonymous No. 16137407


Anonymous No. 16137408

i'm a man, with real non-frankenstein children, but keep moving the goalposts

Anonymous No. 16137409

unstable mind
he's just a random scottish guy, you should feel worried that you have random impulsive aggression towards some random voice inside your computer.

Anonymous No. 16137411

>fell for a gaslighting operation
coming from the guy defending someone that wants to censor wrongthink, that's gold

Anonymous No. 16137412

He didn't even delete it, just limited visibility. I see your point though, I guess.

Anonymous No. 16137413

can't do that when you're already this mad.
calm down son, you're not a woman, but the world is still spinning, everything else will go on as normal, the world's not gonna end because nobody will call you a she.

Anonymous No. 16137415

>that wants to censor wrongthink
does he?
what wrongthink does he want to censor?
keep in mind that giving estrogen to children is not wrongthink it's wrongdoing and will be treated accordingly.

Anonymous No. 16137418

>what wrongthink does he want to censor?
dissent against the turkish government, the indian government, the chinese governments and more and more everyday.
>giving estrogen to children is not wrongthink
i don't give a shit what political trash topic is trending, censorship is always wrong

Anonymous No. 16137419

Nah, it's common sense, scott manley is somebody who didn't receive enough corrective bullying when growing up.

Anonymous No. 16137420

I'm sorry that the world confused you, that must have been hard.

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Anonymous No. 16137421

Shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 16137422

who fucking keeps screenshots of Elon's tweets on his computer lmao

Anonymous No. 16137424

sounds like you're projecting your own experiences onto a random man on the internet.
scott manley would probably beat the shit outta you, nerd.

Anonymous No. 16137425

Go back to rebbit

Anonymous No. 16137426

>>giving estrogen to children is not wrongthink
>i don't give a shit what political trash topic is trending, censorship is always wrong
false flagging tranny

Anonymous No. 16137427

Nah, my dad can beat his dad.

Anonymous No. 16137428

elon derangement syndrome will do that to you.

Anonymous No. 16137429

My wife and I just had a son. We named him Elon (oak tree).

Anonymous No. 16137430


Anonymous No. 16137432

>and I

Anonymous No. 16137433

thank you for conceding.

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Anonymous No. 16137434


Anonymous No. 16137435

WAI<<<NSF<Marcus House<<<<<MANLEY

Anonymous No. 16137436

tell the upset tranny that.

Anonymous No. 16137438

Switch NSF and Manlet and thats correct. Also LabPadre is above all of them.

Anonymous No. 16137439

Losers who live only to see a (you) on this imageboard.
I like Starship as a heavy lift rocket, but harbor concerns regarding its ability to land on the moon without falling over. I want it to work, I'm not convinced yet that it shall.

Anonymous No. 16137440

Landing legs exist for a reason, as well as gimballing engines.

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Anonymous No. 16137442

Spaceflight is political

Anonymous No. 16137447

when the fuck do people learn that these rockets have most of their weight in the engine bay when they're nearly empty.
the center of mass is way lower than any of you think it is, it's like a mostly empty coke can with big legs on all sides, AKA plenty stable.

Anonymous No. 16137448

you will never be a woman

Anonymous No. 16137450

Artemis is an awful program that no president should want on his track record. The only thing Artemis got right was giving money to SpaceX, and the Space Force was basically already independent from the Air Force when it was announced. He has done little to nothing for spaceflight, and the things attirbuted to him wouldve and were happening without him, or are not things to be proud of.

Anonymous No. 16137452

never wanted to be. you will never be free.

Anonymous No. 16137453

Why am I being quoted in this I said that it was going to be stable.

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tipped landers.jpg

Anonymous No. 16137455

You say that, but all the recent landers keep tipping over and Starship is taller than anything that's ever tried landing.

Anonymous No. 16137456

i know, i'm not disagreeing, i was just quoting the conversation as a hole and the fact that i see it pop up quite often.
it's weird how people assume mostly empty tubes with a lot of weight at the bottom aren't stable.

Anonymous No. 16137457

Did you not read the post you stupid nigger? Lunar landers arent built the same as a Starship.

Anonymous No. 16137458

>all the recent landers keep tipping over
due to no fault of the weight distribution.
if IM1 was squatter it would've still broken it's leg and fallen on the side, nothing would've changed.
SLIM just lost a goddamn engine bell long before touchdown, neither was the result of of instability.

Anonymous No. 16137462

>Lunar landers arent built the same as a Starship.
Starship is meant to be a lunar lander.

Anonymous No. 16137463

youre a nigger. blow me

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Anonymous No. 16137464

The largest rocket in history that is meant to land on the moon with people inside it and a cubic kilometer of livable volume is different than a pack of electronics with legs and a dinky little engine to slow its fall.

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Anonymous No. 16137465

Reminder we cant have nice things because of florida man.

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Anonymous No. 16137467

What did I do

Anonymous No. 16137469

I don't think it is, though.
They did nothing wrong, "oh nooo you can't be near Dragon while its floating because, well just because okay?!"
Every splashdown should be greeted by hoards of drunken boaters cheering on their safe return.

Anonymous No. 16137472

>They did nothing wrong

>While crews worked, many private boats entered the hazardous area defined by the Coast Guard despite earlier warnings. Some moving close to the capsule even passing between the capsule placing themselves and recovery crews themselves in danger. After radioed warnings, the boats dispersed to form a more distant ring around the capsule.

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Anonymous No. 16137473


Anonymous No. 16137474

>i don't think it is though
that's okay, you can think things that are objectively wrong.

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SN9 tip.webm

Anonymous No. 16137482

>placing themselves and recovery crews themselves in danger.
What danger is presented by a guy sitting on his boat? Is he armed?
>Starship HLS is different from a lunar lander because I say so
Would you elaborate on that? Starship is tippy even here on Earth, why wouldn't you expect similar behavior on the moon? It's gonna need a really nice flat spot to put down.

Anonymous No. 16137486

it's called making a joke, and if you want to not make a fool of yourself you should learn to recognize the signs

Anonymous No. 16137487

>What danger is presented by a guy sitting on his boat? Is he armed?
Florida man is always armed, but that's not the problem, the problem is the boat crew needs to check for hypergolic leaks from reentry before they can load the capsule on the barge, and some drunk redneck in his boat floating in between you and the capsule is a obstacle.
And in a worst case scenario if theyre is a leak they could breath in poison or even light it up.

Anonymous No. 16137492

>starship 4 will have its booster make a virtual soft landing
if it doesn't do this, can we all agree to actually the mission a failure?
having hard goals is a good idea, since you can't just be yesmanned

Anonymous No. 16137494

That's the point: both were (way, way) off nominal. It's possible that, with lower centers of mass or wider legs, they'd've managed to stay upright even after the failures. Similarly, HLS landing nominally isn't the problem; the problem is if there's some kind of failure that induces a tipping moment. Figuring out how much margin they want is 'just' a matter of engineering, of course.

Anonymous No. 16137495

Starship will never make it to orbit if it's supposed to land back on Earth. Even if you go areound the Earth once if you still come back down you are suborbital. the whole thing is a massive failure

Anonymous No. 16137496

There were always hard goals for each launch, and they are always stated clearly beforehand.
Schizos pretend that Musk is coping, since they didn't care to know anything about it until they heard that his rocket exploded.

Anonymous No. 16137497

Greatest space President in history

Anonymous No. 16137502

>something meant to be human-rated magically is just like something throwaway that wasn't human rated because i say so.
no, buy you're free to think that.

Anonymous No. 16137503

i know launch 1 was "get off the launchpad" and 3 had the side mission of 0g tank-to-tank transfer, but what were the other hard goals? Did any hard goal fail?

Anonymous No. 16137504

i'm afraid none of your requirements for success matter. only spacex's do, since they're the ones testing.

Anonymous No. 16137505

This but for that insufferable little faggot Matt Lowne

Anonymous No. 16137507

my point is, this is a very specific type of joke

Anonymous No. 16137509

So you will NOT elaborate on your arbitrary opinion and choose instead a hollow attempt at mockery to cover up your inability to articulate your thoughts.
You can just say "Yeah I think it'll work and your fears are unfounded" if you want to, that's perfectly fine and you may be correct. I think stability is a significant factor in Starship HLS and I believe it will require more forethought than "none at all, it's fine don't worry".

Anonymous No. 16137513

my proposed term for it is 'sarcasm'.
/sfg/ is 4chan's answer to old boomers going on facebook to complain about how they hate watching cnn

Anonymous No. 16137514

For previous missions Ive agreed that not getting to the "final destinations" was not a requirement for success, but considering that IFT-3 actually made it to the points (still a success), I do have to agree that if these arent done its a failure since data WAS gathered on these.

Anonymous No. 16137515

Is Kennedy. And nobody likes the shitty OPs you make. Go back to >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16137516

you haven't read what i said, why on earth do you expect a man-rated craft to be held to the same safety standards as a 1st time robotic mission by an inexperienced company, while also ignoring the fact that the failure modes that those two experienced had nothing to do with their mass distribution.
your fears are midwit fears. obviously it will require forethought, who the fuck said it didn't? you're fighting a strawman that doesn't exist.

Anonymous No. 16137517

>you're fighting a strawman that doesn't exist.
No, u.

Anonymous No. 16137519

I feel like this general is the only place on 4chan that doesnt hate jeets. Its weird but understandable since they have made a really good effort with spaceflight.
>inb4 youre indian
Nope. Not an ounce of curry in me.

Anonymous No. 16137522

I'll make street-shitter jokes about them all day but I still am genuinely excited to see their manned capsule fly and wish them great success.

Anonymous No. 16137524

Actually fun fact, he died accomplishing nothing

Anonymous No. 16137528

Daily reminder that the CIA murdered him in front of everyone and tried to pass off a pasty as the real culprit, then murdered the patsy and pretended everything was settled.

Anonymous No. 16137531

They did the right thing considering

Anonymous No. 16137534

chink vs. jeet comment sections on launch streams are one of my favorite things in the world

Anonymous No. 16137535

YWNGTS subhuman

Anonymous No. 16137541

I thought it was mossad?

Anonymous No. 16137542

just like the jeets themselves, i seperate between upper caste jeets (the intelligent ones that do the spaceflight)
and the lower caste subhumans that bathe in shit and poop all over the internet with their callcenter and call-a-shill antics.

Anonymous No. 16137544

They were jealous he got to bang Marilyn Monroe and they didn't

Anonymous No. 16137546

It helps that they're color coded. Unfortunately it seems like the caste system is finally dying.

Anonymous No. 16137555

Same thing

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Anonymous No. 16137562

Half of this general needs to accept and understand this.

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Anonymous No. 16137571

Anonymous No. 16137577

why does this look AI upscaled

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Anonymous No. 16137579

beautiful, best ISS telescope shot I've seen so far

Anonymous No. 16137580

probably some post processing since it was taken from a ground camera

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Anonymous No. 16137586

Anonymous No. 16137590

If elon really wants to launch a fleet of starships to loiter in orbit every 2 years, arent the astronomers gonna get pissed? those are big shiny

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ISS from Earth.gif

Anonymous No. 16137592


Anonymous No. 16137593


Anonymous No. 16137598

>ai art
>produced '1 gravity of thrust' i.e. 9.81 newtons
nice bait article faggot, your memedrive will NEVER be used on a real rocket

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Anonymous No. 16137599

bitch please, let's see the flight hardware

Anonymous No. 16137608


Anonymous No. 16137611


Anonymous No. 16137620

You are making a positive post about the ISS therefore you are a jew. Whats so confusing about that? Its very easy to follow.

Anonymous No. 16137621

absolutely deranged

Anonymous No. 16137622

>You are making a positive post
I posted an image and a sound effect, anything else is just you.

Anonymous No. 16137623

Thanks for the (You)s

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Anonymous No. 16137632

QI bros we are so back.

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The 5th sg1 membe....jpg

Anonymous No. 16137633

Thread is shit, so nobody will notice me asking about /sfg/ aproved scfi shows.
recently watched the expanse, and it went from really good to crashing and burning in the last two seasons.

Anonymous No. 16137634

all movies and shows are pozzed

Anonymous No. 16137635

I wish they just didn't do the extraterrestrial shit at all, the setting and characters are interesting enough on their own to have hung a good story on.
This, sadly.

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Anonymous No. 16137637

Hey youre not me (also this is going in my folder of (You)s)

Anonymous No. 16137638


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Anonymous No. 16137640

Small Rockets
>Going vertical Down Under.
>Astrobotic seeks military business.
>Orbex gets another tranche of funding.

Medium Rockets
>20-for-20 for SpaceX's fleet leader.
>Russia's space chief is dreaming big.
>Everything is coming together for Starliner
>Looking back at SpaceX's first sooty rocket.
>Final hotfire for Ariane 6's upper stage.

Heavy Rockets
>SpaceX could play a role in Mars Sample Return
>ULA has received two more BE-4 engines.

Anonymous No. 16137641

gay faggot garbage. watch space brothers instead.

Anonymous No. 16137642


Anonymous No. 16137643

>“There are rules that include conservation of energy, but if done correctly, one can generate forces unlike anything humankind has done before,” Buhler added. “It will be this force that we will use to propel objects for the next 1,000 years… until the next thing comes.”

I can sniff out the grift and delusions of grandeur from a mile away at this point

Anonymous No. 16137647


Anonymous No. 16137649

I liked both, but i find the subplot of the giant underage russian ballerina&daughter of a cosmonaut falling in love with the japanese manlet brother astronaut kind of hilarious.

Anonymous No. 16137650


Anonymous No. 16137651

Doctor Stone. The entire show builds up to spaceflight via rocket, literally from the stone age to the space age so this is actually on topic.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16137653

This general is pozzed

Anonymous No. 16137656

that's not a Vulcan rocket dummy

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Anonymous No. 16137658


Anonymous No. 16137662

Did we get any clarification on the new Chinese aerospace force? I looked again but didn't notice anything.

Anonymous No. 16137663

brilliant bebbles will deal with them

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Anonymous No. 16137665

>he actually cares about chinese spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16137668

you're right anon, it's a picture of a pretend vulcan. nothing gets past you.

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Anonymous No. 16137673

What are the fucking odds that two different propellant propulsion devices have been vacuum tested and showed signs of measurable thrust in the past 4 years, meaning this and that IVO drive

Anonymous No. 16137679

That's actually a really neat looking rocket, what does it look like on the pad?

Anonymous No. 16137681

space warfare, so yeah, sometimes that includes the chinese

🗑️ B No. 16137683


Anonymous No. 16137685

That one is in my backlog, lot's of fanservice in that one.

🗑️ B No. 16137687

It's hard to find new stuff but at the rate im going I can't help but think im attributing to that. And I predict their gone in this very instance. 200 years and their other enemies.

Anonymous No. 16137692


Anonymous No. 16137693

Fuck off namefaggot

Anonymous No. 16137695

if this is real then it shouldn't be that hard to make a video demonstration. i'll start caring if i see one of those.

Anonymous No. 16137696


>The team also tested different configurations that eliminated the old designs using asymmetrical capacitors and instead employed models with opposing asymmetrical plates.

omg its basically the same method in both

🗑️ B No. 16137699

Fart on me

Anonymous No. 16137701

it's a bot

Anonymous No. 16137713

Oh.. its B*rkun. The bot owner changed its name again, probably because it keeps getting banned.

🗑️ B No. 16137715

What who's barkon

I'm new to this bord

🗑️ B No. 16137718


Christmas Cracker

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🗑️ B No. 16137720

It does new shit on the side, effortlessly. It is new shit

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Anonymous No. 16137726

its magic bitches

Anonymous No. 16137728

Congratulations on achieving 10 newtons of thrust.

Anonymous No. 16137729

And like magic, it doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 16137731

Order of magnitude (lmao) improvement over ion drives

Anonymous No. 16137735

I didn't know it went that far up the tech tree, I may have to check that out.

Anonymous No. 16137739

Wow those rollout solar panels are a lot bigger than I thought

Anonymous No. 16137740


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Anonymous No. 16137741

Cope harder, why would two independent labs researching basically the same method entirely isolated from each other reach similar results?

We in the speculative motive physics era now bitches

Anonymous No. 16137743

Mods should just burn this thread so the bots go away.

Anonymous No. 16137744

what about he nig?

Anonymous No. 16137748

The two independent labs are showing exactly fuck-all about their methods and just claiming results.

Anonymous No. 16137750

Aussie > Scottsman >>> German >>>> merch shills

Anonymous No. 16137751

>hard SF
>we wuz ayy lmaos tier
Stargate, SG-1, Atlantis
>magic space woo woo but rotating space stations tier
The Expanse
Babylon 5
>lalala space magic tier
Macross / Robotech
>hard SF that hasn't had a screen adaptation yet
Theft of Fire

Anonymous No. 16137752

Shuttle's so cool. the way it hung out with its wings horizontal to the airstream was kino. I bet it caused a noticeable extra drag on the station when it was docked.

Anonymous No. 16137754

See >>16137641

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Anonymous No. 16137759

We should send one back up there to measure that for science and to take cool pictures of a space shuttle orbiter next to a Crew Dragon

Lets send Atlantis

Anonymous No. 16137761

>GUNDAM is hard sf

Anonymous No. 16137764

Cope Luddite

Anonymous No. 16137767

It doesn't matter. What matters is the hardware.

The reorganization only matters to the extent it indicates that China has new space capabilities in the works that justify elevating space to its own branch. Such as Minospace's new 230kg stackable flat panel SAR satellites, various new reusable launch vehicles, etc.

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Anonymous No. 16137768

Watched it, liked it, did not age so well
watched the more mainstream ones, the animation is getting a lot better but the writing does not, the latest one with the lesbians was just bad.
>Stargate, SG-1, Atlantis
Love it, one of my favorite scfi shows ever, i really fear the amazon reboot that is in the works.
>The Expanse
read the books, watched the show, they really butcher it in the later seasons for woke reasons, also a amazon show btw.
>Babylon 5
i tried watching it several times but it doesnt click.
>Macross / Robotech
Only watched the macross movie, and the pop idol thing is a bit too much for me.
>Theft of Fire
Going to look it up.

Not really scfi because it's just drama in a space setting, but i liked the battlestar galactica reboot too.

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Anonymous No. 16137770


Reading between the lines here its so obvious what they're saying to IVO without saying it lol

Anonymous No. 16137771

They will never successfully and unambiguously demonstrate a working system.

Anonymous No. 16137773

>grifters are gonna lawsuit other grifters for using their grifter patent
am i getting this right?

Anonymous No. 16137774

Yeah basically patent wars shit

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Anonymous No. 16137779

Man I really get the sense that things are slowly converging on something, I don't think the answer is QI but it could be it

Anonymous No. 16137781

The orbiter mogs dragon so hard. The size difference is nuts

Anonymous No. 16137782

tape outgassing drive + electrical issues

Anonymous No. 16137784

i do this

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Anonymous No. 16137785

Oh yeah? Well Starship mogs Orbiter

Anonymous No. 16137786

This has been the cause of all anomalous propellant-less thrust to date. Unless someone can figure out a mechanism by which they can obey conservation laws, these machines as presented are fundamentally free energy devices. Overturning Noether's Theorem is not bloody likely.

Anonymous No. 16137787


Anonymous No. 16137788

Buckle up because your precious man-made laws are of no concern to the universe

>Another unusual result from their tests was that sometimes the tested devices did not require a constant input of electrical charge to maintain their thrust. Given that the device already appears to violate the known laws of physics by creating thrust without propellant, this result even stumped Dr. Buhler and his team.

>“We can see some of these things sit on a scale for days, and if they still have charge in them, they are still producing thrust,” he told Ventura. “It’s very hard to reconcile, from a scientific point of view because it does seem to violate a lot of energy laws that we have.”

Don't get bogged down by theory, follow empirical results and outcomes wherever they lead

Anonymous No. 16137789

Shut up you fat smelly nigger

Anonymous No. 16137791

These claims are extraordinary. So much so that I want very damn good evidence to show that it's not absolute bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16137792

ok then do it and become a trillionaire, it's that easy

Anonymous No. 16137793

If it ever docks with the station that is

Anonymous No. 16137794

prilliant bebbles will save us from ICBMs, trust. Elon told me he hid them in starlink.

Anonymous No. 16137795

Honestly the fact that another company likely copied their patent and achieved similar outcomes to the point they launched it to test in space is really leading me to conclude they're onto something here

Anonymous No. 16137796

whats all this talk about genius gravel?

Anonymous No. 16137797

you mean fruity pebbles?

Anonymous No. 16137799

Thinky rocks?

Anonymous No. 16137800

Never heard of it. We were talking about luminous lignite

Anonymous No. 16137801

>another company likely copied their patent and achieved similar outcomes
Suffice to say, barring sufficient evidence to the contrary: Bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16137802

Okay well we'll see with the next cubesat IVO launches

Anonymous No. 16137803

lk99 burned me out on longshot memetech breakthrough claims for this decade but good luck latching your hopes to it anon

Anonymous No. 16137804

clever calcium carbonate?

Anonymous No. 16137806

The last one reentered without doing anything. Call me suspicious, but I think we're going to see repeats of spurious claims of technical failure when the experiments produce null results.

Anonymous No. 16137808

Yeah but tbf it was also the first ever cubesat by the company that chose to host the IVO drive so

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Anonymous No. 16137814

This machine poops rovers

Anonymous No. 16137819

Mmmmmm for once I understand indians

Anonymous No. 16137821

Have they got that far in the anime? When I watched it they only managed to [spoiler] get to the platinum stash. [/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 16137822

1 year anniversity.

Anonymous No. 16137823

Sagacious silt

Anonymous No. 16137832

Fail spoil, fuck you.

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Anonymous No. 16137839


Anonymous No. 16137843

no spoilers on /sci/

Anonymous No. 16137847

no water, no steel plates. just raw dogging that concrete

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starship lunar ca....png

Anonymous No. 16137848


Anonymous No. 16137864

if I was generous, I could say "overcome earth's gravity" means "thrust >= mass of engine * g"

Anonymous No. 16137867

>pressurized rovers
would it make sense to have everything mobile instead of a permanent base?
I imagine if you were making a permanent base, the first few modules would probably be pretty easy to move around anyway.
So until you really start building shit (digging holes, mines, fuel plants), why not just have a bunch of pressurized RV vans

Anonymous No. 16137869


Anonymous No. 16137870

so, to a worthless hardware test where the testers are too scared to turn it on and it just deorbits?

Anonymous No. 16137871

cunning calcite.

Anonymous No. 16137873


Anonymous No. 16137890

he's the best modern space president since Lyndon B Johnson, who did the same thing that Trump did and stayed the fuck out of the way and let things come to fruition

Anonymous No. 16137897

If they launch successfully this summer they will have the most insane track record, 5 years from founding to Falcon 9 with zero launch failures

Anonymous No. 16137898

look, if they have T/W ratio > 1 then they need to make a flying machine

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Anonymous No. 16137899


Anonymous No. 16137901

Nigger they have ONE (1) ((UNO)) (((壹))) launch on record.

Thats not a track record. It's fucking nothing.

Anonymous No. 16137902

That gay NASA rover isn't going anywhere.

Anonymous No. 16137904

its clearly going somewhere you can see it in the pictture it looks to be moving away from the lander that brought it there (and deposited it onto the surface)

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Anonymous No. 16137905


Anonymous No. 16137906

you're right, it's going to be JAXA rovers doing all the work.

Anonymous No. 16137907

better view here >>16137848

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Anonymous No. 16137920

we should make menhir shaped rockets

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Anonymous No. 16137923

SpaceX with that cargo space flex

Anonymous No. 16137927

Where'd these renders come from anyway?

Anonymous No. 16137932


Anonymous No. 16137940

The Blue Origin lander is clearly a more grounded proposal so it's good for NASA to have as a backup. I still think the Blue origin one will ultiamtely land on the moon before Starship because of how less ambitious it is. It's a shame the blue one uses hydromeme because if it used methane then Starship tankers and the blue lander could perfectly compliment eachother. A starship tanker in low lunar orbit could provide enough fuel for many blue landings. Not to mention that hydromeme has the potential of setting the crew on fire due to how hard to handle it is.

Anonymous No. 16137941

>blue origin
>getting anything done
I'll believe it when I see it.

Anonymous No. 16137944

no, anon, reading the article it says that it's measuring T/W ratio

Anonymous No. 16137945

It's not less ambitious. it's just smaller. it's arguably more untested

Anonymous No. 16137946

which ones are the mainstream ones for you?
the first few UC gundams up to CCA are pretty alright

Anonymous No. 16137953

Couple of the UC ones, wing, seed, teh one with the kid who kept saying he was a gundam, then i skipped gundam for years but noticed unicorn and now i'm catching up.
Recently watched the one about the clone daughter MC but that one has too much wasted potential.

Anonymous No. 16137954

okay this seems like some sort of weird electrostatic thing
I bet if you let it move it'll solve itself and the force will disappear

Anonymous No. 16137956

bros is for real? any photos?

Anonymous No. 16137958

Just like if you move a flying wing from a wind tunnel into the open air it will not generate lift

Anonymous No. 16137959

Blue moon requires one refuelling trip and flies on a rocket thats already basically fully developed. It also has more margin for a funky landing due to being short. So theonly risk factor is the lander itself, even if New Glenn cant be reused it doesnt matter since there is a low number of flights per mission. Starship requies the development of a fully and rapidly reusable superheavy launch vehicle. Anything short of that means Starship HLS will be much more expensive than using an expendable lander and will ultimately make Artemis unaffordable. Not to mention that the actual landing thrusters are les mature in their development than the blue origin ones sine up until recently Musk was saying they would land on raptors

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Anonymous No. 16137962

photos of what? hes a photo

Anonymous No. 16137963

I'm going to finish ZZ and then watch G
Haman Karn's manga is too good so I need to figure out what fucked up shit she gets into in ZZ because she had an interesting dynamic with Casval in Zeta
are you retarded

Anonymous No. 16137966

they are doing new ova versions of the older UC, is it any good?

Anonymous No. 16137968

fuck if I know, the only new Gundam I've watched was Unicorn, which is what got me to actually watch the series

Anonymous No. 16137971

Stay away from the one about the orphans on mars.

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Anonymous No. 16137973

>The ASF is responsible for nearly all PLA space operations, including
>space launch and support;
>space surveillance;
>space information support;
>space telemetry, tracking, and control;
>and space warfare.
>The PRC seeks to enhance the PLA’s command and control C2 for joint operations and establish a real-time surveillance, reconnaissance, and warning system, and it is increasing the number and capabilities of its space systems, including communications and intelligence satellites, as well as the BeiDou navigation satellite system.
>The ASF operates at least eight bases, including those whose core missions are the launch, tracking, R&D, and operation of the satellites vital to the PRC’s overhead C4ISR architecture. The ASF operates tracking, telemetry, and command (TT&C) stations in multiple locations worldwide to guide space missions around the Earth as well as in cislunar and deep space. The ASF also operates Yuanwang space support ships that track satellite and ICBM launches.
>China has five launch sites, including four land-based and one sea-based. The ASF ’s China Launch and Tracking Control (CLTC) operates all four fixed launch sites in China, in addition to Yuanwang space support ships (SESS), two major satellite control centers—Xian Satellite Control Center (XSCC) and the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC)—and the PLA TT&C system for all Chinese satellites.

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drinking cat.jpg

Anonymous No. 16137980

It looks significantly harder to get a cat strapped into one of those than a dog.

Anonymous No. 16137981

photos of the meme drive

Anonymous No. 16137984

>Thx. This is the latest in a long line of asymmetrical systems (TT Brownian) that are predicted by QI.

Anonymous No. 16137986

Well he's right, and the paper discussing it is 1 year before the patent application from Buhler, interesting

Anonymous No. 16137988

>patent filed 2019

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ugandan energy plan.webm

Anonymous No. 16137990

Video of it in operation

Anonymous No. 16137991

in retrospect this launch was even more based than 2 or 3, though 3 was perhaps more kino
2 had the very kino hot staging shots though

Anonymous No. 16137995

>basically fully developed
I'll believe it when I see it

Anonymous No. 16137998

>The experiments are nearly identical, both involving asymmetric capacitors, but the theories are very different. IVO drive is based on Quantized Inertia, which is highly speculative. Buhler's theory seems to be based on somewhat known physics derived from years of experiments. This also expands on what Becker and Bhatt noticed with dielectric layering.

Anonymous No. 16138000

According to the co-author of the patent (Andrew "Drew" Aurigema), IVO have essentially copied their design, regardless of whatever theory IVO claims to be behind it. Drew is quite pleased by this, as it should also serve to validate their design. In any case, it's a form of Lafforgue thruster (based on electrostatic pressure) as demonstrated by Naudin over 20 years ago:

More on electrostatic pressure:

The main issue with it is that an opposing "reaction" seems to either not exist, or is causing stress and ultimately breakdown in the dielectric (or is somehow pushing on spacetime itself).

Anonymous No. 16138002

from nsf btw

I wouldn't be surprised if the drive works but the reason is not QI

Anonymous No. 16138008

Becker and Bhatt are pro QI though.

Anonymous No. 16138009

the first season of Iron Blooded Orphans was good
I dropped the second season in the first episode

Anonymous No. 16138015

Doesn't seem like Drew and Bluher are, but ultimately it doesn't matter, what matters is the drive works or not

Anonymous No. 16138022

Still sounds like bullshit. The only thing that wouldn't necessarily be complete bullshit is somehow blocking the exchange of gravitons, at which point the effective rise would only be the same effect as centrifugal forces.

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Anonymous No. 16138040

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Anonymous No. 16138041


Anonymous No. 16138042

>1 year since launch
>only 3 total launches

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Anonymous No. 16138044


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Anonymous No. 16138045

>betraying his heritage
typical elon cuck

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Anonymous No. 16138046


Anonymous No. 16138048

Why did Elon cuck himself?

Anonymous No. 16138050

>No one will recognize the joke that cis sounds like south african slang for gross/disgusting

Anonymous No. 16138051

he's not german

Anonymous No. 16138056

Fat retard

Anonymous No. 16138057

Elon is finished. Bezos is more of a man now.

Anonymous No. 16138062

What is it with Jews being obsessed with cuckoldry? It's like how Russians can't stop thinking about gay sex.

Anonymous No. 16138064

>Space Pioneer is actually naming their (eventualy reusable) Tianlong 3 first stages

Anonymous No. 16138072

If you think Starship is taking too long to develop wowee you're gonna be absolutely amazed how long Blue Origin takes. mid 2030s is optimistic

Anonymous No. 16138078

>fastest first 3 launches of a superheavy rocket

Anonymous No. 16138086

So I guess June huh?

Anonymous No. 16138091

>2 launches in 1981
>3 launches in 1982
>Saturn V
>1 launch in 1967
>2 launches in 1968
>4 launches in 1969

Anonymous No. 16138092

NET june, most likely august

Anonymous No. 16138093

um, starship launched 6 times sweaty.

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Anonymous No. 16138097

>shuttle launches in 2024
>saturn v launches in 2024
the future bodes badly

Anonymous No. 16138101


Anonymous No. 16138103

If we restarted Nazisim to create wunderwaffes, will aerospace be interesting again?

Anonymous No. 16138104

>He doesn't know about the HLS landing thrusters
There have been a bunch of static fires in Boca Chica newfag. In development for 2 years. Where do you think they pulled that random hot gas RCS thruster from that appeared 2 years ago in Boca?

Anonymous No. 16138105

its over for this cunt

Anonymous No. 16138106

>almost halfway through the year
But but but 10 launches 2024?

Anonymous No. 16138108

we're working on it

Anonymous No. 16138110

If SpaceX manages two more launches this year, they'll match the introductory launch rate with the Shuttle. At three, they'll exceed it.

Anonymous No. 16138111

>tatic fires in Boca Chica
meant to say Mcgregor

Anonymous No. 16138112

is victory for muskrats now just being as good as the shuttle? lol. how far weve fallen.

Anonymous No. 16138113


Anonymous No. 16138116

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Anonymous No. 16138117

its over. Unironically. Wonder why musk wasnt at the IFT3 launch?

Anonymous No. 16138119

Why are you so obsessed with complaining about cuckoldry?

Anonymous No. 16138120

No tard, its happening May.

Anonymous No. 16138122

>hundreds of different kinds of aircraft were built in the 20th century
>only a handful of manned spacecraft have been built in 70 years of spaceflight
today is depressing

Anonymous No. 16138126

re-watch the recent all hands: the employees are not enthused, they are completely demoralized. they know it's all a joke

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Anonymous No. 16138128

Hey, foreign government Demoralizing agit-prop agents: the future is glorious and it's leaving you behind whether you like it or not.

Anonymous No. 16138129

Nope they have to alter the license which means starting the permit process from scratch

Anonymous No. 16138130

/sci/ really needs unique IDs. I know its you samefagging all the anti-musk shit this entire thread I just cant prove it, and janny wont do shit about you either. Youre killing the general if you havent noticed.

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Anonymous No. 16138133

>Youre killing the general if you havent noticed.
That's their intent. Ignore them.

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Anonymous No. 16138134

Yeah Ive tried that. But others reply. I know its a regular of /sfg/ that does this because only a regular /sfg/ poster would know these incredibly specific points. I can ignore it but because its not completely obvious as bait to newfags they always reply.

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Anonymous No. 16138136

Will the next one be a daytime launch?

Anonymous No. 16138137

ironically posting EDS rants is a tradition as old as the general tbqh
maybe people should be less easy to bait and troll

Anonymous No. 16138139

The tradition is being abused. One EDS rant a thread is fine, but 5-10 is ruining the general. If its you, please limit yourself atleast that much.

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Anonymous No. 16138140

Salty "sfg is ruined" posters should really just stay gone.

Anonymous No. 16138141

Yep. Ironic shitposting eventually becomes shitposting

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Anonymous No. 16138145


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Anonymous No. 16138147

I will never abandon /sfg/.
Without this place, I would have never learned of Clear.
Stay positive friends!

Anonymous No. 16138149

We need accounts or at least email verification like /biz/ at a minimum

Anonymous No. 16138152

Fuck that you dumb retard nigger. The entire board was abandoned and an average of 15 ppm dropped to 2 ppm. I come to this website to stay anonymous also, I dont need them storing my fucking email to sell to some retard pajeets trying to scam. Just add unique ID so we can filter baiters, its THAT easy. There was a thread up about this before on /sci/ and literally everyone that was ABLE to reply before janny pruned it said that was a retarded idea.

Anonymous No. 16138155

stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16138156

stupid fairyposter

Anonymous No. 16138160

every fucking time some moron is ruining the discussion with retarded fucking shit this is unreal, whole board, flaming shit with no arguments

Anonymous No. 16138162

Speak english and punctuate your sentences correctly.

Anonymous No. 16138163


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Anonymous No. 16138167

Fuck you Ivan

Anonymous No. 16138168

*Fuck, you Ivan.

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Anonymous No. 16138171


Anonymous No. 16138181

slovenia signs artemis accords

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Anonymous No. 16138182

enough with the off topic shit. anyway the Soviets just got their first man on Minmus, beating the US who were racing to a Mun landing.

Anonymous No. 16138184

this is fake.
it's from a video game, lol

Anonymous No. 16138186

we already know

Anonymous No. 16138187

read a fucking textbook
if you must read fiction read something Elon approved

Anonymous No. 16138188

>“We recognize Slovenia as a rising leader in space,” said Jamie Harpootlian, the U.S. ambassador to Slovenia
just fucking lol

Anonymous No. 16138189

no it's not

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Anonymous No. 16138192

you can't prove that

Anonymous No. 16138194

>something Elon approved
Indulge me.

Anonymous No. 16138196

I followed the empirical results and made the whole spacecraft out of tape

Anonymous No. 16138198

He likes Dune apparantly.

Anonymous No. 16138202

So the founding Martians will basically be what the pilgrims are, what will the rapefugees of Mars be though?

Anonymous No. 16138205

Do you get refugees going to Antarctica or the arctic circle?
It should be difficult and painful to live on mars. You want the kind of people that would go despite that.

Anonymous No. 16138206

Imma say it sand worms are fucking retarded. he should know with that boring bullshit

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Anonymous No. 16138208

We should crowdfund an /sfg/ meetup at KSC and all do the VIP tour!

Anonymous No. 16138209

This guy is a serial killer for sure. Also youre not getting any of our hard earned clams

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happy frog.jpg

Anonymous No. 16138212


Anonymous No. 16138215

what was the justification given for removing number of posters? seems kind of retarded

Anonymous No. 16138218

How about September 30th?

Anonymous No. 16138219

Ian M Banks Culture series
Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy series

Anonymous No. 16138221

not a superheavy vehicle
tongue my ass nigger.

Anonymous No. 16138224

I will check it out.

Anonymous No. 16138226

If we want to make that particular argument, at 40 tons capacity, neither is Starship.

Anonymous No. 16138227

this is why i go out of my way to mock "only pretending" retards as much as possible.
if you're that dedicated to pretending to be retarded for hours and hours in a row to "fool" people you're very likely just actually retarded.

Anonymous No. 16138229

whats special about that day

Anonymous No. 16138232

>completely unoptimized, with excess dry mass, likely underfueled
yeah nah, can't really take it seriously.
everything musk says is bullshit but the moment he says something that could be considered negative it's suddenly gospel. it has literally no context and now it's gonna get spammed by retarded EDSers over and over again.

Anonymous No. 16138233

the first book in the culture series is quite different and might give you the wrong impression, so starting with the player of games is probably better
you could read them in any order basically though as they are self-contained stories

Anonymous No. 16138234

Falcon 9 wasn't a Heavy Lift Expendable launch vehicle in its version 1.0 incarnation. Starship will be a superheavy lift launch vehicle eventually (something the Shuttle never did unless you count SLS as Shuttle derived hardware and that's a stretch), but it isn't one yet.

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Anonymous No. 16138235

Anonymous No. 16138241

interstellar makes me cringe

Anonymous No. 16138243

This is exactly how I watched IFT-1. If you havent watched a Starship launch live with Interstellar music you are missing out on something magical.
Go fuck yourself you stupid nigger. If you dont like that one use Mountains or Final Frontier.

Anonymous No. 16138249

Mini melty, cry me a river faggot I wont be forced to like your shitty pop sci redditor movie

Anonymous No. 16138253

it's just not a good film. the director is a hack. the story is contrived. and nothing hans zimmer has ever composed is original or moving

Anonymous No. 16138254

We should launch rockets to the stars instead of launching them at eachother

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Anonymous No. 16138255

elon clearly missed the star wars angle

Anonymous No. 16138256

I agree somewhat, but then on the other hand not really
the director can be a hack but the movies are still very cool sometimes (even if they tend to have retarded plot points or events) and some of the stuff hans zimmer does is cool
who cares if its original or not?

Anonymous No. 16138259

Rocketry is so beautiful bros

Anonymous No. 16138270

his baby momma was writing songs about dune like 15 years ago

Anonymous No. 16138271

He has like 10 of those you have to specify which.

Anonymous No. 16138272
why doesnt sfg like this frenchie? he loves this country

Anonymous No. 16138274

All WAI does is rip off news from other sources like NSF or LabPadre. Definition of a useless middleman. Also youre clearly new, so welcome.

Anonymous No. 16138275

>like 10 of those

Anonymous No. 16138276

the one who wrote nerdbait music

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Anonymous No. 16138278

Anonymous No. 16138280

thank you
can u post the pregant ones with her boobie out?

Anonymous No. 16138290

This is a blue board. Adapt to the no-porn culture or leave.

Anonymous No. 16138295

i think it can be consider artful

Anonymous No. 16138298

that is the ugliest fucking lander of all time
is that TWO spark engines?

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post this fairy.jpg

Anonymous No. 16138301

when I go to KSC and look at shit I'm not going to hang out with a bunch of sweaty internet strangers
I'm going to hang out with a plush doll

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Anonymous No. 16138303

I thought it was imporant for the USSR and the US to have different design philosophies. their lander is modelled off the real life vostok
I tried with 1 engine but the low TWR meant a suicide burn was too long to be practical.

Anonymous No. 16138306

just slap a terrier on there

Anonymous No. 16138308

Maybe our fumos can meet up then? :3

Anonymous No. 16138310

nigga that's gay

Anonymous No. 16138312

good point, maybe next time

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Anonymous No. 16138313

Intelligent fairyposter...? Im surprised you have survival instincts tbqh.

Anonymous No. 16138315

I would be more likely to kill him than he me desu, I have at least two guns on me at all times

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Anonymous No. 16138317

>he carries too
Ok my bad you are at minimum 120 iq.

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Anonymous No. 16138319

literally you

Anonymous No. 16138321

Nobody here wants to be your next victim. Give up

Anonymous No. 16138323

having a meetup and touching fumos is literally gay and that's not cool, that's the only reason

Anonymous No. 16138326

I only kill animals

Anonymous No. 16138328

humans are animals, so what are you saying?

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Anonymous No. 16138346

Well that visit from a serial killer was certainly something. How about we get back to rockets? I want to see another one of these payload door tests but with Starlinks already, come on Elon you guys already shit these things out like no tomorrow, what is 5 sats gonna hurt?

Anonymous No. 16138349

you and me baby we ain't nothing but animals

Anonymous No. 16138357

dont go to matamoros bros

Anonymous No. 16138392

so let's GNU it like they GNU on the install gentoo channel

Anonymous No. 16138423

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16138430

you win this one fairycel... but next time you wont

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starship booster ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16138444

starship booster breakdown footage leaked
look at this!
they have more unreleased footage in their servers!
leak everything if you can!

Anonymous No. 16138448


Anonymous No. 16138452

everybody and their mom has seen this

Anonymous No. 16138462

what efficiency?

Anonymous No. 16138466

10 rolls of duct-tape per minute

Anonymous No. 16138468

It's public

Anonymous No. 16138469

great thread to commemorate Starship's first launch.

Anonymous No. 16138473

that rocket was such a heap of shit, it really was good fortune it even cleared the pad

Anonymous No. 16138481

>there's been only literally one Starship flight in the last year
it's over

Anonymous No. 16138505

there have been two

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nozzleless rocket.png

Anonymous No. 16138511

Rocketfags, will pic related work? Can you make a rocket "nozzle" consisting of just a tiny hole drilled through a flat plate, with the correct area to choke the flow? Can you delete the gradual contour that gets smaller and larger?

Anonymous No. 16138542

I wish to flood lake Eyre with saltwater so the outbacks get more rainfall.

Anonymous No. 16138545

You can, but the nozzle increases the amount of time the exhaust gas works against the body of the rocket, which greatly increases the amount of thrust per unit of propellant. Once the exhaust flow stops touching the rocket, it does nothing to make the rocket go.

Anonymous No. 16138547


Anonymous No. 16138567

It would work, but you would be limited to sonic exit velocities and therefore crappy Isp.

Anonymous No. 16138568

yes it definitely couldn't exceed the speed of sound but there surely is some other losses associated with this geometry

Anonymous No. 16138575


Anonymous No. 16138578

Yes there would be more stagnation pressure loss. Although, having no convergent section has an advantage for very small thrusters. Because the vena contracta is smaller than the physical throat, you can get smaller thrusts for the same throat diameter without resorting to more expensive manufacturing techniques.

In some applications, minimum impulse bit is king e.g. space telescopes.

Anonymous No. 16138586

why do space telescopes need small impulses of thrust

Anonymous No. 16138603

Long duration continuous compensation for radiation pressure rather than using reaction wheels and needing to lose pointing for wheel offloading manoeuvres.

Anonymous No. 16138625


Anonymous No. 16138626

why not just make the telescope orb shaped so radiation pressure is equal everwywhere and it looks like an eye? telescopeniggers are retarded.

Anonymous No. 16138639

they can organize the observations and rotate the craft so the solar pressure keeps canceling out angular momentum.

Anonymous No. 16138646

>telescopeniggers are retarded.
yep, you have no idea how bad it really is.
remember that HST sat in storage for 5 years before it was launched and nobody bothered to use that time to double check the optics for flaws

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dynetics rocket p....png

Anonymous No. 16138652

Wait, how the fuck does a rocket work? I thought it produces thrust because of the momentum provided by the exhaust gases going in the opposite direction.

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Anonymous No. 16138658

Anonymous No. 16138668

The new /sfg/ has arrived

Anonymous No. 16138684

the exhaust gasses can only give kinetic energy to the rocket as long as they are touching it. If you were to shoot water straight out the bottom with no engine bell then it would be like throwing apples to gain momentum, but rocket exhaust primarily works through the massive expansion of the combustion products. They combust and expand so much that they push against the inside of the engine bell hard enough to displace the rocket upward. Once they are out of the bell then they are useless. That's why more efficient engines like RS-25 have a less visible plume

Anonymous No. 16138967

Which is better, 1x 2000lb bomb or 2x 1000lb?

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Anonymous No. 16139147

You might be.