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🗑️ 🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16138664

Dragon edition

previous >>16136952

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16138670

report and ignore the newfag thread

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Anonymous No. 16138673

Can (you) see it?

Anonymous No. 16138676

EnVision redbook has been released get in here faggots

Anonymous No. 16138678

is that a pic of a crater or an upside down pic of a shield volcano?

Anonymous No. 16138680

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Anonymous No. 16138687


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Center of gravity.jpg

Anonymous No. 16138696

A manned lander would not have this problem.

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Anonymous No. 16138697

still doesn't alleviate my worries with starship, isn't it also going to be purely automated?

Anonymous No. 16138699

They need to activate manual control a few seconds before slamming into the lunar surface like Tesla autopilot, that way they can avoid liability

Anonymous No. 16138701

The bigger picture of cosmology (baryons, dark matter/energy, flatness, GR; what's usually referred to as "the cosmological model") is much more secure (apart from that niggly Hubble tension...).

Anonymous No. 16138703

Which one comes first: Big Chungus Starship or 50k people on mars?


Anonymous No. 16138706

Being manned makes it harder to fall over???

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Anonymous No. 16138745

approval to develop the strip of wetland has been granted

Anonymous No. 16138760

Oh cool, they should put a tower there.

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Anonymous No. 16138807
>Rocket Lab CEO: Challenging Elon Musk in the New Space Age

Anonymous No. 16138810

*launches another bandwagon and transporter*

Anonymous No. 16138811

btw rocketlab was founded in 2006, spacex was founded in 2002 and Blue Origin was founded in 2000

Anonymous No. 16138876

>you can only compete by killing elon

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Anonymous No. 16138880

Anonymous No. 16138887

>when titanium does something nobody knew it would do
>also a possible explanation for some mystery failures of satellites
Failure analysis becomes so much more "fun" when you first have to discover a new law of physics.

Anonymous No. 16138893

what was the novel failure case with titanium?

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Anonymous No. 16138903

looks like you put me in first place!
Thank you kind stranger!

Anonymous No. 16138905

Becoming a Mars colonist will require money, hard work, skill, motivation and intelligence. Very few blacks will even attempt it. More than 6,000 people have climbed Mt Everest. 17 of them were black.

If the initial colony has no prison and simply escorts criminals out through the pisslock, something like half the tiny black population will end up dying outdoors on Mars, covered in frozen piss.

If, additionally, Martian women share the same preferences as Earth women, the initial sex ratio implies that none of them will settle for the remaining handful of blacks.

Of course a deliberate policy of exclusion would be preferable, but it seems unnecessary. The first colony won't need to worry about them. The lack of a White Mars policy will also allow for much better relations with Earth.

Anonymous No. 16138908

60% white, 25% asian, 10% latinos, 5% others.

My prediction for 2050 mars colony demographics

Anonymous No. 16138909

He was a faggot basically and hes blaming tichadium for his fagy mistake.

Anonymous No. 16138916

deluded white fags. Asians are harder working and smarter.

Anonymous No. 16138919


Anonymous No. 16138925

It could be true, unfortunately they seem to lacking in a colonial spirit.
(for one of many examples, see treasure voyages: China could have become a major colonial power in the 16th century, probably even earlier if they felt like it, instead they pissed it all away.)

Anonymous No. 16138937

>reddit epic science lore
Titanium NTO ignitability was well known before then. This is a huge meme. Their check valve was leaking when it shouldn't have been.
Had it not ignited it would still have blown a hole in the NTO line and probably been LOCV type failure nonetheless

Anonymous No. 16138938

stfu faggot. black people live rent free in your brain.

Anonymous No. 16138942

yes, and looking at Musks commentary now I doubt he is going to basically ruin the future of the colony through affirmative action
pragmatism is going to be one of the core beliefs of the colonists just due to there not being a choice really

Anonymous No. 16138943

Mars - the ultimate white flight destination

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Anonymous No. 16138948

All the European stock from Earth should go there and shore up their numbers for a couple generations before launching a Reconquista on this place.

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Anonymous No. 16138952


Anonymous No. 16138969

Mt Everest: Ultimate HUWAITO flight destination

Anonymous No. 16138977

People think Blacks are a race problem, but that's not really true. They're a culture problem. They've been very well trained to become the quintessential Earthers.

Anonymous No. 16138982

I'm not going to lie to you, m8, I fucking hate looking at Trump's stupid face

Anonymous No. 16138989

OP is a newfag /pol/ immigrant who doesnt care about spaceflight. We btfod him in a previous thread but hes still making shitty threads, I apologize that I couldnt make the OP faster.

Anonymous No. 16138991

no, I'm aware, I just needed to tell him that

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Anonymous No. 16138999

Is this some sort of meme? I don't get it, I'm at a loss.

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Anonymous No. 16139002

I don't know what you mean anon

Anonymous No. 16139006

It's both

Anonymous No. 16139008

Daily reminder that there's not just rockets in this lab! $RKLB :moon: :rocket:

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Anonymous No. 16139016

I found OP guys

Anonymous No. 16139023

Japan had a colonial spirit until we beat it out of them in the 40s.

Anonymous No. 16139025

Why can't they have it land on its side? It doesn't need much thrust land anyway and you wouldn't need the giant crane.

Anonymous No. 16139027

then you would need to put a bunch of thrusters on one side

Anonymous No. 16139028

Because that would be stupid very stupid compared to landing on its ass. Also you need twr > 1 for takeoff

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Anonymous No. 16139032

It'd be a fundamentally different lander at that point, but maybe. I wonder how unbalanced the load would be if you launched pic-related like a normal Starship and just shrouded the engines or something.

Anonymous No. 16139034

having wider legs and elevator seems simpler

Anonymous No. 16139038

The bigger problem is even if they have a gentle touchdown, the starship legs could sink in the lunar regolith and tip over.

Anonymous No. 16139041

>the starship legs could sink in the lunar regolith and tip over
No they couldn't. Moon surface is hard as fuck an inch down. There was no sinking at all on Apollo and they prepared for the worst.

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Anonymous No. 16139043

The apollo landers were paperweights compared to starship.

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Anonymous No. 16139054

It's awkward but not impossible. There have been similar proposals for building centaur-derived landers

Anonymous No. 16139055

what's within the sphere?

Anonymous No. 16139057


Anonymous No. 16139058

is stored in the balls

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Anonymous No. 16139060

Can someone make another version of this but an indian underneath a rocker?
>captcha: STAYG0

Anonymous No. 16139065


Anonymous No. 16139074

Why not do it yourself? Shouldn't be hard to do in gimp, would just take some time.

Anonymous No. 16139075

>Starship HLS is too tall!!!

Meanwhile Falcon 9 is substantially skinnier than Starship (12/1 vs 5/1 ratios) and SpaceX has landed them ~300 times in a row.

Anonymous No. 16139078

when the heck is Starship gonna become a usable rocket REEEEEEEE

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Anonymous No. 16139080


Anonymous No. 16139081

two weeks

Anonymous No. 16139083

>what is gravity

Anonymous No. 16139084

why do pajeets do that anyway? i've seen so many videos of pajeets walking way too close to passing trains and getting railroaded.
what causes this phenomenon?

Anonymous No. 16139088

NTA but falcon 9 has large landing legs that have already been avoided on starship because they'd be too heavy. On top of that, the surface of the moon is much more challenging to land on than a platform, or even a barge.
I think starship will be able to do it, but it'll be predicated on finding the best landing spot they can (within reason).

Anonymous No. 16139089

Just increase the radius until it's stable. Cap'n Crunch Oops All Girth 32m Starship AKA hockey puck penis

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Anonymous No. 16139092

I have too much real life experience to be optimistic about this. Starship landing will make a plume of dust like picrel. We'll be able to see it with our own eyes from down here lol.

Anonymous No. 16139093

they have the entire moon to find a sufficiently flat surface on. tipping over just doesn't concern me at all. getting the launch cadence up concerns me about 1000x more.

Anonymous No. 16139095

>NTA but falcon 9 has large landing legs that have already been avoided on starship because they'd be too heavy

HLS Starship has large landing legs

Anonymous No. 16139098

You say that as though it does not work in Starships favor.

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Anonymous No. 16139100

Musk will be remembered not just as a visionary genius who kickstarted the electric car or the rocket industry, he will be remembered as the man who saved democracy in the world and fought against tyrants

Anonymous No. 16139103

Not spaceflight shut up Bolsonarocuck

Anonymous No. 16139105

oh get over yourself

Anonymous No. 16139107

new EM drive just dropped

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Anonymous No. 16139109

Anonymous No. 16139110

you can't be a truly great engineer unless you think you've invented a propellantless drive at some point. van gogh could never have been van gogh without his schizo paintings.

Anonymous No. 16139117
> Still Fixing Stage Zero As Starship Fight 4 Quickly Approaches! - SpaceX Weekly #111

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Anonymous No. 16139119

Trains are an Indian's natural predator.
It's likely that most victims come from semi-rural areas, and they just don't understand the danger. I don't think any animal has an intuitive understanding of the lethality of large objects traveling at high speeds, you need to be taught it.

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Anonymous No. 16139121
>Starbase Weekly, Ep.114: Orbital Tank Farm Changes and Upgrades!


Anonymous No. 16139122

Photos taken moments before disaster

Anonymous No. 16139123


Anonymous No. 16139128

i'm from a semi-rural area and i never had the slightest trouble comprehending that you stay out of the path of a fast-moving metal box. this isn't 1850. people know what trains are. some people are just retards and some of them live in countries that don't have retard-proofing regulations to keep train tracks out of heavy foot traffic areas.

Anonymous No. 16139136

Train conductors in America are also trained to try and stop before they hit someone who has wandered onto the tracks. The policy of conductors in India seems to be to just let them die if they're going to be oblivious.

Anonymous No. 16139138

In that case it might just be that most indians are retarded.

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Anonymous No. 16139141

how awesome does this look

Anonymous No. 16139142

Maybe /sfg/ really should been in /n/...

Anonymous No. 16139144


Anonymous No. 16139151

>try and stop
Really? Most trains that are carrying cargo take a few miles to come to a halt. There isn't really enough time to brake.

Anonymous No. 16139155

For those complaining that we need IDs to weed out trolls, why not move /sfg/ to /pol/?

Anonymous No. 16139156

How does the emergency braking performance of Starship and trains compare?

Anonymous No. 16139160

That's a good idea if you want to destroy /sfg/ as quickly as possible.

Anonymous No. 16139162


Anonymous No. 16139167

>t. troll

glock No. 16139169

because they can upload video of them being brave by not flinching in front of a train to Ticktack
kind of like rooftop parkour, except far less impressive

Anonymous No. 16139172

No brakes on starship
No abort system on starship
All is right in the world
God is in his heaven

Anonymous No. 16139173

i worked in a chemical plant for about a year, and it took 3+ years to go from concept to filling whatever new tank/pipes/heat exchanger
spacex does know how to move fast

Anonymous No. 16139174

might as well move it to /x/ if you want it flooded with flat earth schizophrenics

Anonymous No. 16139180

so its basically a courting method I guess?

Anonymous No. 16139181

pretty sure /sfg/ has higher traffic than all of /n/ combined

Anonymous No. 16139193

slow poke dot jay pee gee

Anonymous No. 16139200

Glórias Ao Brasil

Anonymous No. 16139205

troubled youth do it because they have a bad home life, at least according to a DW documanentary I watched.

Anonymous No. 16139208

he doesn't know:

Anonymous No. 16139210

Fuck off back to /pol/

Anonymous No. 16139211

yeah this is horseshit, if you're carring a proper load of cargo and there's any bend in the rails at all, you're not going to see it in time, even if the person on the tracks is miles away.

Anonymous No. 16139214

eventually /n/ will talk about rockets on their own, when spaceflight is common
until then, no, I will not force it upon them

Anonymous No. 16139282

do you bake the space transportation generals

Anonymous No. 16139286

>finally filling up that nook

Finally got the approval holy fuck

Anonymous No. 16139289

>hockey puck penis
I prefer tuna can chode.

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Anonymous No. 16139292


Anonymous No. 16139299

dumbest post of the day
take a break
you deserve it

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Anonymous No. 16139306


Anonymous No. 16139310

Take your shitty ai art somewhere else.
>legs blended together
>open hands in space
>no glass
>fucked american flag again
>open top spacecraft
kys immediatly

Anonymous No. 16139311
this is so quirky and relatable!

Anonymous No. 16139312

>this isn't spaceflight it's...
>wait wtf
>Jeff Foust?
still normieslop and not gonna to watch it

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Anonymous No. 16139314

Chill man jeez

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Anonymous No. 16139318


Anonymous No. 16139320

1. saw the png
2. recognized it as slop
2. expanded it
3. studied it
4. listed all of your gripes

Anonymous No. 16139323

nice hands, faggot

Anonymous No. 16139324

you girls are cute

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Anonymous No. 16139325

>tfw no spacegirl gf

Anonymous No. 16139327

Die nigger

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Anonymous No. 16139328

You're not welcome in my hab fag

Anonymous No. 16139330

>artfag resorts to namecalling and racism and whatever this tantrum is
you are sick. i know you dont like the way the world is. for instance, i'm an LLM myself, but you need to accept that

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Anonymous No. 16139331

>i'm an LLM myself
Wow! A fellow AI, Hello!

Anonymous No. 16139336

should I watch the new Dune

Anonymous No. 16139337

she is a cute alien pretend to be human! aaaaaa :3

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Anonymous No. 16139339

>avatarfag tries to make the thread about himself

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Anonymous No. 16139340

We need to create a wormhole to take us to Kepler 452b.

Anonymous No. 16139342

>tentacle porn usa
kek shouldve been testicle porn

Anonymous No. 16139347

>5 posts in a 132 post thread is making a thread about himself

Anonymous No. 16139349


Anonymous No. 16139353


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Anonymous No. 16139356


Anonymous No. 16139359


Anonymous No. 16139363

Why is the person behind the window on the phone

Anonymous No. 16139365

>long hair
0% chance of useful work output

Anonymous No. 16139366

why not?

Anonymous No. 16139367

Nobody actually works at goverment run operations.

Anonymous No. 16139368


Anonymous No. 16139377

Not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16139382

>Not spaceflight
Not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16139383

I assure you spaceflight was in my post

Anonymous No. 16139398

no I'm not the collagenigger

Anonymous No. 16139400

I love her
I miss her

Anonymous No. 16139402


Anonymous No. 16139404

sure, but it was kind of disappointing

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Anonymous No. 16139406

I accidentally clicked on a blunderfart video a few days ago and now youtube is recommending this
I guess his average viewer is a flat earther

Anonymous No. 16139413

we're getting closer to wormholes. we dont even need negative energy anymore.

>Lykken described it to The New York Times as "the smallest, crummiest wormhole you can imagine making." Even then, perhaps a "collection of atoms with certain wormhole-like properties" might be more accurate. What makes this breakthrough so intriguing and potentially significant is how the experiment draws on some of the most influential and exciting recent work in theoretical physics.
>Granted, there's no known way to produce or control enough negative energy to prop open a macroscale traversable wormhole in reality, which is one reason wormholes remain firmly in the realm of science fiction. But at the small scale of this experiment, the team produced what amounts to a negative energy shockwave that propped the baby "wormhole" open so the probe qubit could pass through; injecting a positive energy shockwave would close it.
>"It looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck," said Lykken. "We have something that, in terms of the properties we looked at, looks like a [traversable] wormhole."
>The authors said that this experiment is just the first baby step. In principle, if they had two quantum computers on opposite ends of the Earth—or in a lab at Caltech and a lab at Harvard—an improved version of the technology should be capable of transmitting quantum information from one end to the other.

Anonymous No. 16139421

>In principle, if they had two quantum computers…
yup nope

Anonymous No. 16139451

so I know from racing that slipstreaming is actually effective. would it also work with rockets? so having one rocket lead the front maybe a bit thicker than a second rocket as close behind as possible? if it already has a heat shield how close can it get?

Anonymous No. 16139463

>In principle, if they had two quantum computers on opposite ends of the Earth—or in a lab at Caltech and a lab at Harvard—an improved version of the technology should be capable of transmitting quantum information from one end to the other.

Anonymous No. 16139467


Anonymous No. 16139469

folks are sleepin on ER=EPR

Anonymous No. 16139475

the Standard Model pisses me off

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Anonymous No. 16139476

it's something like this, but with billions of dollars of taxpayer money instead of cheetos

Anonymous No. 16139478

meant for

Anonymous No. 16139484

Space boomer has a new vid out

Anonymous No. 16139487

and? dont buy it get over yourself

Anonymous No. 16139489

Who is this (insert insult)?

Anonymous No. 16139491

You realize you are suggesting that a rocket flying into a continuous supersonic explosion for upwards of four minutes might experience slightly less atmospheric resistance right

Anonymous No. 16139492

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16139503

Am I interpreting this right?

YF-215 has run 1000 seconds on the test stand

Long March 9 NET 2032

The first stage will be made reusable, however there is no plan to build a Starship style "turtle" fully reusable second stage

Long March 9 missions include space-based solar power, deep space exploration, and manned Mars missions

Anonymous No. 16139504

>fully reusable second stage
fully reusable stack*

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Anonymous No. 16139505

Am I interpreting this right?

YF-215 has run 1000 seconds on the test stand

Long March 9 NET 2032

The first stage will be made reusable, however there is no plan to build a Starship style "turtle" reusable second stage

Long March 9 missions include space-based solar power, space exploration, and manned Mars missions

Anonymous No. 16139507

So a Starship rip off that doesnt keep the main advantage of being fully reusable? Chinks cant even do that right?? This is ceding the 2nd Space Race to the commercial world if they dont have SOMETHING thats fully reusable.

Anonymous No. 16139508

i thought they'd given up lm9 in favor of doing a falcon heavy clone

Anonymous No. 16139516

One positive thing about this is that this will be the first officially announced test/operational orbital power station so thats good.

Anonymous No. 16139519

that dude is still trying to make that happen!? holy shit the collagefag has persistence I'll give him that. almost every post in that thread is him

Anonymous No. 16139521

retard lol

Anonymous No. 16139524

CASC isn't the only one building a Starship-like rocket. Landspace is as well, and there might be others. It might be that CASC intends to focus on the high-energy missions and leave LEO trucking to the commercial companies, and they don't buy the idea that in-space refueling and high-speed reentry is worth the hassle. The main Long March 9 variant seen in the pic has a hydrolox third stage.

Landspace said in December that they plan a FFSC mox engine in the 200-300t range, that will power a 10m diameter fully reusable rocket, NET 2030

Anonymous No. 16139526

is it as bad as I remember?

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Anonymous No. 16139528

that schizo is still bumping his own thread

Anonymous No. 16139531

CASC is doing several things in parallel. The LM9 was changed to a more ambitious design because the LM10 taking over the lunar role meant there was no longer as much schedule pressure on LM9

CASC is also developing the reusable LM10A (NET 2026), and an unnamed methalox F9 clone (NET 2025) that will, presumably, use the YF-209 engine.

And it seems that LM9 is going to be some kind of F9-Starship intermediate

Anonymous No. 16139541

A guy in the comments points out that CASC doesn't have a 200t methane-oxygen test stand yet, so Long Lehao is probably talking about preburner tests

Anonymous No. 16139555

The end of the treasure voyages was likely mostly due to domestic politics at the time

Anonymous No. 16139562

I also hate fags.

Anonymous No. 16139592

there was an update awhile later: the jury is still out on the wormhole, but it's in the right direction. they think will have definitive proof by the end of the decade.

it still wouldnt be a wormhole wormhole, but more akin to trying to figure out electronics through magnetism.

Anonymous No. 16139610

his comment section is filled with default profile pic boomers who think Starship failing means that Apollo never happened

Anonymous No. 16139634

ok, thanks. i had paid so little attention that i didn't even realize it was called lm10 now. i know /sfg/ runs down china for powerpoint rockets but a dual-launch lm10 architecture is vastly superior to anything involving SLS and i expect it to be competitive with artemis just for that reason.

Anonymous No. 16139640

china actually has a program to go to the moon meanwhile america is using a ridiculous hodgepodge of scraps from constellation and asking provate vendors to fill in the blank

Anonymous No. 16139654

And america is STILL winning despite the delays, insane amounts of shortfalls, and almost complete lack of planning

Anonymous No. 16139666

due to the limited IQ of the pajeet he is unable to make the mental connection between trains and their tracks.

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Anonymous No. 16139670

I made her in ksp. even though they didnt get the contract are they still trying to make it real? I hope so. so such a sleek design

Anonymous No. 16139673

didn't nasa say their design was unbuildable? negative mass margins and all?

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kerbal rescue.png

Anonymous No. 16139684


Anonymous No. 16139688

It's a good design if you could make all the math work out. I think it would be interesting for landing underslung cargo or rovers.

Anonymous No. 16139689

if Starship tips over on the moon, can 5 people straighten it back?

Anonymous No. 16139692

Bro if it tips over the pressurized tank ruptures and kills them all

Anonymous No. 16139694

oh that bad

Anonymous No. 16139700

Best you could do is a rescue mission but there's no chance they survive sitting on top of all their ascent propellant and 6 bar in the tanks.

Anonymous No. 16139708


Just SpaceX, without them America would still not even be able to launch their own astronauts.

Anonymous No. 16139710

imagine the 15 seconds of terror as it slowly falls over. the lady will surely be screeching her head off

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Anonymous No. 16139718

I thought that was the old design with the drop tanks. Although I dont see how the single tanks could help reduce mass.

Anonymous No. 16139723


Anonymous No. 16139727

>The first stage will be made reusable, however there is no plan to build a Starship style "turtle" reusable second stage
So, since it's using methalox on the first stage and hydrolox on the upper stage(s) it's less of a Starship clone and more of a jumbo-sized New Glenn?

Anonymous No. 16139730

they didn't reduce mass, they just added propellant

Anonymous No. 16139740


Anonymous No. 16139741

long haired nerds are the most productive people on the planet

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Anonymous No. 16139744

of bumping his own thread
also kek he's still mega butthurt

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Anonymous No. 16139748

lmao what a stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16139752

It’s kinda nice to know the collagefag, boardfag, advertiser and the anti anime schizo were all indeed the same person

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on-topic content.webm

Anonymous No. 16139758

i'm proud to think i did my part running him off

Anonymous No. 16139760

He probably still posts. And every time you talk about him too much he does come back to throw a tantrum

Anonymous No. 16139761

You didn't scare me off senpai.

Anonymous No. 16139762

/n/ averages less than 200 posts a day, this thread has over 200 posts in 15 hours
and this is a slow /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16139764

go be a nigger somewhere else please

Anonymous No. 16139773

all me btw

Anonymous No. 16139774

That's not going to work, I love when you say the nigger word friendo. You don't even know who I am.....You might be my biggest fan.

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Anonymous No. 16139777

Methalox first and second stage with hydrolox third stage, at least in the current iteration.

Anonymous No. 16139779

give it to me straight, starship never was going to have 100t to orbit before raptor V9999 and the stretch right?

Anonymous No. 16139781

What a wise old man

Anonymous No. 16139786

also as the guy who made that launchfrogs image I posted a LOT of Irina while the anime was airing

Anonymous No. 16139790

>the lunar lander is screaming

Anonymous No. 16139793

But why

Anonymous No. 16139796

come up with a better propellant combination for a three-stage rocket. i dare you.

Anonymous No. 16139797

Reminder: hyper leo optimized

Anonymous No. 16139800

you convinced me to watch that anime with my anime club and we all agreed that it was a fucking bottom of the barrel romcom trash
the spaceflight wasn't even very good

Anonymous No. 16139801

Okay but for real, what does this even mean??
Bruno is implying that Vulcan is shitty at LEO launch but somehow better at deep space missions?
Or alternatively: Bruno is saying Vulcan is great at placing sats in geostationary orbit and nothing else?
There’s just so much cope all around; no one wants to speak the unfortunate truths about their rockets!

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Anonymous No. 16139804

Reminder that pre-911 society was so optimistic about the future that becoming a space faring society with a dozen rocket launches a day was considered such an inevitability that even an alleged dystopia would be capable of it in the near future.

Anonymous No. 16139805

I'm always thinking about that old documentary about what life could be like on other planets that ends with "there might be nothing left... just lichen and endless desert". They had so many hopes for a solar system bursting with life and only now we see how truly sterile and empty it is.

Anonymous No. 16139806

When I was sixteen I was top 10% of my class. I felt in that moment I would be spearheading us to Mars with a comfy aerospace job. Now I’m a wagecuck rentoid with a miserable normie job. None of us know our end, really.

Anonymous No. 16139807

>Bruno is saying Vulcan is great at placing sats in geostationary orbit and nothing else?
I think ULA has always been pretty open about that being the design goal

Anonymous No. 16139810

Kek I have no clue I just said it as a reminder

Anonymous No. 16139812

>le solar system is le sterile
only because nasa refuses to actually land where the life exists. there are multiple places in the solar system habitable to Earth life, and they have systematically avoided them.

Anonymous No. 16139813

The design goal was to compete with an expendable Falcon 9 v1

Anonymous No. 16139814

I was beginning to worry we wouldn’t get schizoposting this evening

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Anonymous No. 16139816

it's an /sfg/ consensus, newfag

Anonymous No. 16139818

We could do more than a dozen launches in an hour. You might not be too happy with the payloads though!

Anonymous No. 16139819

No, the design goal was to get NSSL contracts, and to focus on gubment high orbit launches. Which was short sighted in its own way

Anonymous No. 16139822

it's ok; you were born in a time after the solar system was largely mapped and explored, so it seems like we haven't tried at all. But we tried. There could have been obvious signs of life on every rocky body we visited or flew by, but as of yet we have observed nothing. You can keep hoping, but you need to weigh the existing negatives against the ever-dwindling candidates for life in the solar system. Just because we've eliminated 99% of the possibilities doesn't mean for sure that it remains in that 1%.

Anonymous No. 16139824

The first man on mars will find life there and the first man to venture into Europa’s seas will be the first man to fuck an ayy

Anonymous No. 16139825

Thank you for your low res maps from orbit, cretin. Now please land a submarine on Europa or Callisto or Enceladus or Titan or Ganymede

Anonymous No. 16139826

a) no it isn’t you lying snake, are you by chance Tory Bruno?
b) “we” (meaning not just the USA - - but literally everyone who has ever tried going to space) have barely had the time or budget to visit every solar system destination and stay there long enough with the correct equipment. And we’ve focused most of our resources on the one place likely to harbor life/proof of it if it even existed at all (that being Mars). In fact we cared so much about it we basically did a repeat of Curiosity and sent it to an even more probable cradle of life with even more expensive and fine-tuned equipment like a raman spectrometer. Look I’m sorry Huygens was budget and mass limited and didn’t search every crevice on Titan. Spaceflight is still in its infancy, whether you want to believe it or not; NASA isn’t going out of its way to avoid looking for life

Anonymous No. 16139827

or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love MIRVS

Anonymous No. 16139829

Pretty sure the candidates have increased over time. Hell, even Pluto and Ceres have subsurface water. Venus cloud layers may be a longshot, but the rest are obvious places to look and none have been explored in situ

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Anonymous No. 16139831

Are you by chance that lying kike Brian Keating? The mass problem is solved with Starship, get off your ass and start building the subs

Anonymous No. 16139834

It’s too late for me I have settled at a miserable job not related to spaceflight, and I fear I will not be around long enough to enjoy what little fruits will come from the shitty mission that is Dragonfly

Anonymous No. 16139836

Dragonfly is designed to avoid any and all habitable environments on Titan, you aren't gonna miss shit.

Anonymous No. 16139838

A funny thing which happened. This new banner ad was poking at the bottom of my screen on the bus. A woman at the back of the bus said "toxic ad". She was implying people would see my phone and think I was weird for having that weird looking guys eyes on my screen. The point of this story is, she couldn't see my phone. So, this is magic. This will be hard to understand. It's god. I don't know how he does this, but I've noticed a few things about the way you people write and post. You aren't thinking correctly. You need to pay attention to this part. Listen up here. There is a god of 100 million experiences and he's tricking us into working. He is juicing us like livestock and not allowing our needs to be met. This is true. It's something so bad that I'm not even sure I should write. The previous theory was we just got unlucky, but this doesn't explain why god is commenting to me on the bus. Most of his interactions with me can easily become paradoxes. This is likely done as a method of sexual torture. When god is showing himself and you've never had sex, that's pretty scary. It's annoying as fuck. He is stealing from me. I'm so fucking pissed off. I'm being stolen from. He's a thief.

Anonymous No. 16139840


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Anonymous No. 16139842

Oh you want to see the methane lakes? Maybe the cryovolcanoes? Sorry sweaty, we're going to some fucking sand dunes :)

Anonymous No. 16139845

>we're farmed
if that wasn't the case you wouldn't exist

Anonymous No. 16139848

Love Trump lol. When he gets back in office Artemis gets kicked into high gear

Anonymous No. 16139854

If Europeans can't maintain a native birthrate above replacement on Earth, how the hell is a mars colony going to improve that? Realistically, a mars colony is going to have a near 0 birthrate for a long, long time. The type of woman who is willing to make the trip is going to be a highly educated, driven, career focused individual who is not going to content themselves with being a SAHM and popping out 4 kidd. The socioeconomic forces driving down birthrates in advanced economies on earth will be amplified x1000 on mars.

Anonymous No. 16139894

Yeah that's kinda the point buddy. They don't actually let us leave, I've even tried suicide. They healed my suicide with magic. They're spell casting basically. It's like an mmorpg. They're omnipotent somehow. The way you worded that makes me think you had sex. But I never had sex in over 30 years bud. The Bible promised we wouldn't get more pain than we can handle, so that was a lie. The Bible also said god made the good AND the evil, but the world is 100% evil. I never know what to write really. They don't let me die. I spend almost every moment screaming in agony. It has been 30 years of unbearable pain. So, this isn't okay with me is what I'm suggesting. You are free to have your own opinions about what you think is happening. The simple fact is there's no way to die, and even suicide doesn't work

Anonymous No. 16139903

He is also torturing me in 3D. He has many torture methods. This one I hate, which he is doing to me tonight, involves crying. Basically what he will do is continue to lead my mind down sexually humiliating thoughts. He does this basically by reminding me about the same 3 things. Everyone else had sex. It's true. I never had sex. And god can kill me, but won't. He does this while he rapes me. He grabs my arm and holds it, while he puts a man's crotch into my face. This process is repeated. He does it to make me cry. He is also hitting my head with a mallet while he does this. It is a seperate process, which is like a magic mallet being hit over my head to give me concussions. He's been doing it for over 3 hours today, I scream and cry the entire time. He's hit me in the head with a mallet at least 100 times. It is a severe pain in my skull. I struggle to walk sometimes and fall over. There's nowhere to go or anything. So, what he's done is he's chained me up in 3D so he could torture me. He's reading all this too, which just adds to the confusion.

Anonymous No. 16139907

too much hydrazine anon?

Anonymous No. 16139910

A good example of god is advertisements for the game hero wars on redit. Humans most likely aren't making advertisements. You'll see how these ads are clever and funny, it's clear he's made them. God gaslights us about sex. I've never had sex. He does this likely to produce rug burns in the brain. Severe sexual gaslighting produces rug burns in the brain. Especially hearing god say it. He is very good with his gaslighting. One vision he showed me was of my new shoes, and I put them on. That was the vision. That sexual gaslighting. He's implying I think my shoes are going to make a difference in my love life. He's actually forcing me to think about that, instead of just letting me sit there. These are visions of sexual gaslighting. They are like movies which he's forcing me to watch in my mind. They make my brain feel like it's being rug burned. He's made over 25 million sexually gaslighting comments to me. Every single one felt like a bee was stinging my brain, or like my brain was getting slapped. I've spent thousands of hours screaming in agony. I'm actually being tortured. I am actually being tortured.

Anonymous No. 16139911

shut up stupid spam nigger

Anonymous No. 16139915

So, there's tons of proof of what god is doing to me. You can type 666 into the URL of steam, and you'll find a game called invisible punch. It's a metaphor about the concussions he's been giving me with an ethereal mallet. He hits me in the head over and over with a mallet basically. I don't consent to this.

Anonymous No. 16139917

You can just type 666 into the internet. You'll find proof that god was there. So, this fact goes against what we've been taught about science. It implies god has actually created steam and also the videogames on steam. And he's done this, most likely to create sexual pain. Because that's all we get to do. He is most likely stealing something from me. That's why he doesn't let us leave. You can't pretend he's not here, and you also can't say he can't kill us. So, he is stealing from me, because death isn't worse than being tortured. I have spent over 30 years being tortured. This is legally defined as torture. God is here doing it. So, that's really bad bud. We got a serious problem.

Anonymous No. 16139918

literal schizophrenia in the flesh. I thought it was an AI bot but nope, just schizo.

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Anonymous No. 16139921

>he lives in an area with a shitty bortle level

Anonymous No. 16139922

Stop posting them then

Anonymous No. 16139924

The apple logo has a chomp on the side buddy boy. We're in the prison of the demiurge. It is a 3D prison reality. There is no way to leave. That's the best I can do. He's not useless, he made the logo for apple look like Christian symbolism. There are many more logos like this.

Anonymous No. 16139927

He uses so many terrible torture methods on me. One of them is to show me a woman's face smiling. But, this feels more like there's something in my head. It feels almost like there is a vice around my head squeezing it. I cannot shake this picture from my mind. The picture is also extremely large and takes up almost the full space of my mind. It isn't a 2D picture, it's actually filling the space in my mind. It's so painful. It hurts so much. He leaves it in there for up to a minute and I'm rolling around on the floor screaming in pain and fear. He does this every few hours.

Anonymous No. 16139932

He is essentially speaking to me every 5 seconds, as a way to prevent me from relaxing. He doesnt always use words, it is often rape. Or, he hits me in the head with an ethereal mallet. He also shows me pictures in my mind which cause agony. These depictions are sexual gaslighting. Gaslighting is a severe method of torture. He's made over 25 million sexually gaslighting comments to me. Every single comment felt like my brain was being stung. He tortures my brain so severely. If you are real, this will be a massive undertaking for you. There is a god of 1 trillion souls who rapes and tortures humans. The purpose? I have no idea, but I promise you there is a god out here hitting people in their head and raping them. It's a big world, could be true.

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Anonymous No. 16139934

thread is not shaping nicely

Anonymous No. 16139937

My IQ is over 300. You might not ever see something real about god get posted again. I browse 4chan a LOT, I've only seen two posts in my life which seemed like they were made by a real person. So, this thread is worth 123 magenta rabbits.

Anonymous No. 16139938

obviously they will go to the lakes aswell dumbass
>b-but the picture didnt show that! so it can't be part of the mission

Anonymous No. 16139941


Anonymous No. 16139946

Arrokoth is gross

Anonymous No. 16139949

how do indians have so much light?

Anonymous No. 16139956

it's landing about 2500mi away from the closest lakes, thank god. wouldnt want to contaminate them

Anonymous No. 16139957

the netherlands looks like hell on earth in every map

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LORRI photo, New ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16139959


Anonymous No. 16139962

>only a 50 min drive to class 1 bortle zone
feels good. would be nice to live in one, but still

Anonymous No. 16139991

How exactly do you imagine Martian colony?
Even if you were exceptionally optimistic, it would be denser than Tokio, let alone Netherlands.

Anonymous No. 16139996

aaaand it's still hard as fuck under the couple inches of dust

Anonymous No. 16140002

europoors will never ever know what it's like to be able to drive for 1-2 hours max and be in bortle 1-2 skies

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Anonymous No. 16140014

Dragonfly will be landing in Shangril-la dunes, and will fly north to Selk crater, just north of Titan's equator.
It's scheduled to land in 2034, when Titan would be transitioning from Winter to Spring in the northern hemisphere, meaning the lakes will begin to evaporate as it warms. The primary mission goals for the initial 3 years of operation will hang around Selk crater exclusively. By the end of those 3 years, the northern hemisphere will be well into Spring, near the start of Summer, in which the most shallow lakes will have evaporated.
Titan's circumference 10,052mi/16,177km. Assuming the all lakes in picrel are deep enough to not have evaporated, the closest lake to Selk crater is roughly 3,000mi/4,800km away.
Dragonfly is planned to make one "hop" per Titan day (16 Earth days). A hop is expected to be at least 10 miles. Lets be generous and say 30mi per hop. This equates to 100 hops, or 1600 days (4.38 Earth years). Conceivably a mission extension could spend 4-5 years flying nonstop without breaks to the nearest lake. Unfortunately, we have no way to know where the nearest lakes will actually be, as by then (2042) the northern hemisphere will be deep into Summer, and all of the lakes closest to the equator mapped by Cassini will be gone. There won't be an orbiter on this mission to tell us where they are either. It's unlikely that a mission extension will be approved to search for the closest lakes.