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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16143108

Future Mission Edition

Previous - >>16140086

Anonymous No. 16143114

go check out that guys account he actually posts decent stuff, though not as high quality as others like Ryan Hansen still pretty cool.

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Anonymous No. 16143123

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Anonymous No. 16143128

what does /sfg/ think about the French Space Guy?

Anonymous No. 16143131

I think no one here is going to have formed an option of him because he's produced seven videos in six years and the last one was eight months ago.

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Anonymous No. 16143132
SLIM lives!

Anonymous No. 16143143

>so our lander fell on its head
>but ignore that, it's lasted 3 days so far, what an accomplishment!

Anonymous No. 16143146

are there Japanese space skeptics like CSS/thunderf00t?

Anonymous No. 16143150

der ewige nip

Anonymous No. 16143152

yes, /sfg/

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Anonymous No. 16143156

Be honest Space Flight missed me. Don't lie

t. Sky-Hook Chan

Anonymous No. 16143157

another tumor has returned

Anonymous No. 16143159

>space skeptics like CSS/thunderf00t?
Are they skeptical of space...or are they allergic to con men scam artists selling monorails to retards? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 16143166

>guy who watched that one kurzgesagt video

Anonymous No. 16143168

I think he got it from anime actually

Anonymous No. 16143174

I got it from years of dedicated research into space, space infrastructure, and the basic math of space exploration.....WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO TELL YOU ABOUT YOUR ONE TRUE GOD THE SKY HOOK AND HOW ALL OTHER MODES OF SPACE TRANSPORT ARE WORTHLESS THRASH?
Or let me guess you think that exploding Elon cock rocket that's 6+ years behind schedule and spins out of control as it burns up in the atmosphere is going to take you to Mars? TOP KEK

>If you don't believe in the magic exploding cock rocket you're a SPACE SKEEEEPTIC!!!!!

ps I don't watch anime like you little faggots, you tards think everything is from anime. worse than the Harry Potter fags

Anonymous No. 16143177

i told you he was a tumor

Anonymous No. 16143178

what anime had a skyhook?

Anonymous No. 16143181

an awful one

Anonymous No. 16143183

Yeah please tell. I'm going to go and meme the shit out of it and every time I post here you can blame this anon for turning me on to the sky hook anime.



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Anonymous No. 16143186

its not from an anime but an upcoming game
i won't tell you which one >:)

Anonymous No. 16143188

According to Wikipedia, Bubblegun Crisis Tokyo 2040 and Turn A Gundam, but I doubt this is a comprehensive list.

Anonymous No. 16143190

I assume this is it

Anonymous No. 16143194

I don't play vidya, don't care as it's not the same. Vidya < Anime as far as cultural value. Pass
Space Elevator =/= Sky Hook
Space Elevator is an impossible task, can't be done, never going to happen. HOWEVER, Sky Hook takes all the good of the Space Elevator and eliminates all the logistical and engineering issues to give you Space Elevator levels of cargo hauling at low costs with none of the down sides of a base station on the crust of the Earth.

This is ALSO NOT A SKY's an Orbital Ring. A great idea but we would need Sky Hook to lift enough mass to build an Orbital Ring. The Sky Hook is the gateway to all other space projects and all human space exploration. It's a simply math equation called THE TYRANNY OF THE ROCKET EQUATION and you people need to stop the cap.

Anonymous No. 16143195

>still operational after 3 months
I want a dogeza from every retard on /sfg/ that called this mission a failure

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Anonymous No. 16143200

i think we have a winner here
Turn A Gundam

Anonymous No. 16143206

Its still a failure. Why dont you go ahead and tell me what scientific discoveries SLIM has helped find?

Anonymous No. 16143207

oh right no he came from /tv/ not from /a/
someone post the equation

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Anonymous No. 16143210

Hey faggot tell us what this equation is and how to utilize it
I got you

Anonymous No. 16143212

>what scientific discoveries SLIM has helped find
the Japanese discovered that they can land on the moon

Anonymous No. 16143213

Kek no they didnt

Anonymous No. 16143214


Anonymous No. 16143215


Anonymous No. 16143216

Anime is for faggots.

Anonymous No. 16143217

If you can break free of your tism for a second you might notice that I only listed the only two that explicitly said they were skyhooks.
Anyway, because you don't seem to be the only autist in this thread, here's a scene where three girls in power armor chase a skyhook by riding on a motorcycle

Anonymous No. 16143219


Anonymous No. 16143220

>skyhooktard is anti anime schizo
Im afraid its terminal

Anonymous No. 16143221

Why are you replying to yourself?

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Anonymous No. 16143222

SpaceX is about to be MOGGED

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Anonymous No. 16143223

Answer the question newfaggot.
>also on mobile so cant html edit

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143225

reminder that if you want in on the discord you need to explain THIS equation

[eqn]T(v) = \frac{c}{a} \ln \left( \frac{c + v}{c - v} \right)[/eqn]

Anonymous No. 16143227

>anime faggot
This general has fallen

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Sfg Anime troon.jpg

Anonymous No. 16143228


Anonymous No. 16143233

This leads back to a long ass blob post about anime I'm not going to read. This is why we can't have a space based species because you retards are too obsessed with anime to have a grown up discussion about the tyranny of the rocket equation. Fucking children I swear.
WTF is wrong with you people!? I'm not going to watch a 21 minute anime clip! You couldn't even link the YT video so it starts at the Sky Hook part? Weak! I still skimmed your BULLSHIT anime and GUESS WHAT RETARDS WHO DON'T KNOW HOW PHYSICS WORKS!!!

THAT IS NOT A SKY HOOK!! LOOK @ 15:29! The "Sky-Hook" is at fucking SEA LEVEL!!! The Sky-Hook's lowest part is between 70,000-100,000 feet above sea level!! Otherwise you basically built a space elevator and you can't do that. Nice try but no dice Hoss.


Captcha: SKYS

Anonymous No. 16143235

/sfg/ is NOT one person. yes there is likely a redditnigger among us but there are multiple people that like anime on the anime website. also, you should specifically refer to this 'anime anon' as rocket girl tranny because theres only one of those and seems to be the one youre looking at there.

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Anonymous No. 16143236

it was a great pic

Anonymous No. 16143237

anime = good
clear = good
rocket girls = trannigger
anti-anime = schizophrenic
skyhooks = schizophrenic
cirnofags = oldgods
zubrin = shill

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143239

I read books instead of watching anime and I've solved the tyranny of the rocket equation and given humanity to keys to the Universe....but sure complain more like the petulant children you are.


That's why I've branded myself as Sky-Hook Chan. Pretty sure I'm the only one. I like you homos to know it's me and quake in the appropriate amount of fear.

Anonymous No. 16143240

ywnbaw. that eternal truth has never changed just like your 'gender'

Anonymous No. 16143242

Lets GO-ism

Anonymous No. 16143243

i am a man and i like that pic, what now?

Anonymous No. 16143245

you are not rocketgirl spammer. you win!

Anonymous No. 16143246

welp see you all in a day when this guy gets bored of baiting replies

Anonymous No. 16143247

It hasn't been an anime website since moot left. There is now an anime board. But yes if you aren't the insufferable rocket girl spammer then i can make tgat distinction.

Anonymous No. 16143248

see you then. im gonna play rust before bed

Anonymous No. 16143249

Corporatism is what gets you decades of sensible launch solutions by proven providers with deep roots in communities across all 50 states.

Anonymous No. 16143250

Stop pushing your fetish on spaceflight discussion.

Anonymous No. 16143251

i know i confused corporatism and corporatocracy which is why i corrected myself

Anonymous No. 16143252

i wasn't the one who brought it up

Anonymous No. 16143253

>skyhooks = schizophrenic
Please explain why, what's wrong with Sky-Hook? what engineering or physics issues do you have with any of my proposals? How is launching chemical rockets sane when simple math tells us it's never going to do more than lift a we satellites into orbit? At this rate it'll be 2050 before a single ship with 4 people orbits Mars and returns home. Chemical rockets are a dead end and anyone with a brain knows it. Instead of admitting this you all point fingers and call anyone who speaks truth crazy or a "Space Skeptic". Humanity peaked in the 20th century, this is the slow decline into darkness.

Anonymous No. 16143254

>what's wrong with Sky-Hook?
your posting

Anonymous No. 16143256

Spaceplane autist=annoying oldguard
Lavatube/excavator shill =oldguard
Naval autist=schizophrenic
There are others but i haven't been around for a few years

Anonymous No. 16143259


Anonymous No. 16143262

lavatube fag hasnt been around for a while, same with proonter since relativity got btfo with Terran-R development, surprised he didnt pop up with the recent terran-R ground breaking.

Anonymous No. 16143263

Neither was I, this skyhook newfag did but I think he is actually talking about space elevators

Anonymous No. 16143266

The "&t=815s" at the end of the url takes you right to the scene. How did you manage to screw that up?

Yes, it's dumb to have the skyhook at sea level but that doesn't make it not a skyhook. It doesn't really matter though because skyhooks are stupid and don't have a place in serious spaceflight discussions. The only places they're popular are in things like anime where they can be used for cool visual set pieces.

>I read books instead of watching anime
No wonder you sound like such a faggot. Here, sit down and watch all 26 episodes unsubbed

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Anonymous No. 16143267

To be honest I am even more surprised he didn't show up when pic related got relevance again

Anonymous No. 16143269

So you have no science or logical issues with Sky-Hook you just hate me and my ideas because????

You see folks, this happens EVERY TIME. No one can give me one reason Sky-Hook is a bad idea, no one can refute ANY of my points against chemical rockets, never. It's just cry baby faggots who refuse to debate or engage in anything that's not their specific brand of Elon Musk cock sucking.

Like I ALWAYS say. Find out the weight of the USS Enterprise 1701-D and then divide it by the cargo capacity of Musk's Starship. Even if his cock rocket worked perfectly, and it won't, it's impossible to make one starship with all the Space X launches ever. Can't be done. If you can't build a ship to house and feed and keep safe 150-300 people over 3-6 months in space then you can't colonize a planet. It drives me insane how blind and easy to fool you hairless apes are.

Space Planes are part of my Sky-Hook plane. The space plane meets the hook at 100,000 feet to transfer cargo. Flips the tyranny of the rocket equation on it's head. Total reversal of logistics. But that's bad .... for some reason.

God you're stupid. I made a whole post explaining the difference between the two and why a space elevator will never work. You faggots can't even read. honestly I get better discussions about space on random ass boards here and never in SFG. Worthless sluts.

Anonymous No. 16143270

just dont reply to walls of text.

Anonymous No. 16143272

It didn't work, not my fault. No it's not a sky hook. Sky hooks start at 100,000 feet. That's a retarded invention of the artist that means nothing and defies all known laws of physics.

Please explain with science why the sky hook will not work. You can't, no one ever does. They simply wave their hands and say
>skyhooks are stupid and don't have a place in serious spaceflight discussions

But you need to tell me why. I explain in multiple ways why chemical rockets have no place in serious spaceflight discussions. Here it is again in case you missed it.

This was published in 1903 or roughly 123 years ago. So it's been known since before you were born. Explain how you will lift one USS Enterprise 1701-D worth of mass into orbit with chemical rockets? If you can't lift that much mass you can't colonize space and chemical rockets can not do this. It's math and physics, you can't argue against math it just is anon.

Anonymous No. 16143273

Different Anon here: a momentum exchange tether has quite a lot of moving parts to any given orbital insertion, and requires a large and heavy piece of space infrastructure, and you need a rocket to reboost the thing to regain the momentum it spent putting the space plane or other payload into orbit in the first place. The Skyhook ends up being a middle-man for the act of putting things into space that you still have to pay off in the end, so why even bother?

Anonymous No. 16143275

don't they just use cargo transporters for orbital construction in star trek? or maybe even industrial replicators even.

Anonymous No. 16143277

How the fuck does SLIM survive this many lunar nights? Chandrayaan 3 died after a single night.
But this makes me very curious about how well is JAXA going to on their next missions since they got so close to full success here.

Anonymous No. 16143278

>You see folks, this happens EVERY TIME. No one can give me one reason Sky-Hook is a bad idea, no one can refute ANY of my points against chemical rockets, never. It's just cry baby faggots who refuse to debate or engage in anything that's not their specific brand of Elon Musk cock sucking.


dude just leave, it's not even funny, just sad.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143280

>need a rocket to reboost the thing to regain the momentum it spent putting the space plane or other payload into orbit in the first place.

I understand how Newtonian physics works, opposite and equal reactions. While I thank you for a valid response it is very basic and you people think I just pulled this out of my ass, I didn't. I've done research and read all the papers of people smarter than I who also did the research. There is no free lunch in physics thus there is no free lifting of mass off the Earth. We MUST get that power from somewhere...but if not chemical rockets than where? From space silly! By divesting sky hook from Earth's atmosphere and to some degree it's gravitational pull we now get to work with different variables to get energy. We can take solar energy gathered in space to power electic engines to push the station back into orbit. We can use light sails on the station and Earth based lasers to push the sails up, make the lasers nuclear powered too. There is a current project to build a space elevator but on the Lunar surface as The Moon solves the issues space elevator has on Earth, no atmosphere and less gravity makes it work like a charm on the moon. Here is the real gold anon, if we have tie the sky hook into space infrastructure tethers that go all the way from Earth orbit to the moon...well now we can us the mass of the moon to keep our sky hook in orbit and all that mass we lift off Earth is given the energy to do so by the Moon itself....please note the Moon has limitless ability to do this. I didn't invent this, PhD's did. Look it up.

It's a /sci/ discussion not a /tv/ one. So the plot points of the TV show aren't the issue, the Enterprise is just a thought experiment.

Anonymous No. 16143281

I'd prefer to reply, get him to schizo out, and then get him banned for being a spammer troll. The long-game.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143282

If any one of you worthless limp dicked homos can give me one reason sky hook is doomed I'll leave and never come back. I welcome all criticism so I can improve the idea but no one has had a single valid point to why it won't work.

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Anonymous No. 16143283

>By divesting sky hook from Earth's atmosphere and to some degree it's gravitational pull we now get to work with different variables to get energy.

Anonymous No. 16143286

if you actually cared about memehook you would be trying to convince NASA, not anons on /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16143287

you are calling us "worthless limped dick homos". You don't actually care about a discussion or debate. You just mentally masturbate to being smarter than us. It's pathetic and indicative of serious mental issues.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143288

I've never been banned once from /sci/, not even close. I'm literally talking cutting edge space infrastructure in space flight general. Like I said you Musk cock suckers have hissy fits if anyone talks space without Elon's dick in their asshole first. Musk is a fake autist and his patents are laughable.


Anonymous No. 16143291

>everything humanity has ever put into orbit has been done with chemical rockets
>this is somehow solely elon musk's doing
didn't realize he personally invented the scam that is rockets, wild

Anonymous No. 16143292

Enterprise: 190 000 tons
Starship: 200 tons to LEO
190 000 / 200 = 950 starship launches at minimum

Anonymous No. 16143294

The power of government lander > versus > private company is palpable

Anonymous No. 16143297

reminder that there has been a wikipedia editor schizo on a decade-long crusade to write debunked junk on the skyhook wikipedia page. This editor has been banned multiple times.

He even claimed he was going to sue wikipedia and dox those who got him banned and his edits reversed about skyhooks.

Serious mental illness.

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ika starship.png

Anonymous No. 16143298

Shap up your attitude bubby

Anonymous No. 16143300

What are you using as propellant?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143301

You see we are on the crust of the Earth. Gravity pulls us downwards at 9.8 m/s. If we want to escape this, the gravity well, we must use energy. Like any escape plan we are limited to what we can grab and find. That leaves us with few options and basically one source of energy, chemical combustion based fuels. We must take these heavy fuels with us as we fight gravity to escape out Earthly prison. However we must bend the knee to the Thranny of the Rocket Equation meaning we can only every take a small percentage of payload for a very large amount of fuel. Lets say on the best of days we spend 90% of our launch mass in fuel and end up with a tiny payload into orbit.

But how do we fix this with Sky-Hook? Simple. We get our energy from space and now we don't have to haul it up against the pull of Earth's gravity. Where the energy comes from, space vs on Earth, makes a huge difference in the equation. Like I said in another post, the Moon's mass can eventually be tied to the sky hook system and the mass of the Moon will be the energy the system uses to lift mass out of the gravity well.

KEK, he doesn't know.

Debate against sky hook then limp dick. If you limp dicks could debate I would debate you, instead you just beat your meat against the keyboard so here we are.
No he's just selling the same snake oil and you retards are still buying it. That's the worst part, Elon reinvented the wheel by making a wheel and you niggers think he's God.

Now divide that 950 by launch windows and factor in delays for weather and failures. It's more like 1200 launches. One launch a day would still be how many years of starship launches to build one starship to explore space?

Anonymous No. 16143302

holy shit it's the original schizo

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Anonymous No. 16143303


Anonymous No. 16143304

>debate me
has anyone who has ever typed these words out ever had anything worthwhile to say? or at least not been the world's biggest faggot?

Anonymous No. 16143307

Not me but I'm curious. What did he edit?

The sky hook system generates lift via eletric engines powered by solar or you can shoot lasers from Earth to power the station via the light energy or capture via a light sail to push the station higher into orbit as it lifts mass off the surface. Once the system is tied into the tether to the Luna Elevator it will use the mass of the Moon to lift. Yes this will take a long time but the tether from Sky-Hook to the Luna elevator will have central stations at the Lagrange points to allow easy access to the Sol system and eliminate the need for complicated transfer windows we must use when launching chemical rockets from Earth's crust.

Like I state here >>16143301 the key is that we are getting our energy to lift from space based sources and don't need to lift chemicals into space, this flips the whole situation upside down.

Anonymous No. 16143308

it's a schizo. there is no logic. just report

Anonymous No. 16143309

What are the electric engines supposed to push off with?

Anonymous No. 16143310

This is Space Flight General, I've just outlined a doable project to make humans a multi planet species with current technology and for what you get it's elegant and simplistic. If you think I haven't solved this issue, tell me why. I've just done what Elon Musk pretended to do and I did it for free on a incel image board.

Tell me why I'm wrong, yet no one can.

Anonymous No. 16143311

>space flight
yeah kys

Anonymous No. 16143312

No it would be based, and here's why: you can give companies free reign to dump as much garbage and waste into the Martian environment as they can, even pay them creduts to find the most polluting way to manufacture, and so on. It's like a mirror EPA, and will foster hyperproductivity. Terraforming is a happy accident

Anonymous No. 16143313

tape outgassing

Anonymous No. 16143315

>build one starship to explore space
The Space Odyssey's Discovery One is 5 440 tons, so Starship could make it in about 30 flights at least. The Enterprise requires meme sci-fi physics to work, that's the biggest roadblock with it. If you want something like it, cross your fingers that we will discover new physics that will allow such a thing.

Anonymous No. 16143316

we first seed some hurricanes with HAARP and use the rotational forces from the storm

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Anonymous No. 16143320

Will SpaceX prioritize first setting up a base at the nearest point in the outer solar system i.e. Callisto or will they prioritize the methane reserves that can be exploited on Titan? Also, if its the former, how much will Jupiter's gravity affect the abilitiy for a rocket to escape the Jovian system as compared to setting up a base on Ceres?

Anonymous No. 16143321

Unironically, using a high specific impulse engine to reboost the thing with deliveries of argon isn't the worst idea but I have no idea how the thing's supposed to stay dynamically stable during reboost, and the flight rate's going to be restrained to whatever time it takes to regain the lost momentum in the skyhook, and the higher the specific impulse gets, the longer it inevitably takes. How do you keep it dynamically stable during reboost, and how long does it actually take to replenish?

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Anonymous No. 16143322

>supposed to push off with?
What do you mean? Ion engines generate ions with electricity and these are funneled and made to produce thrust. Have you never heard of this?

Power is generated via solar panels or lasers on Earth shot into space to special collectors that convert it back to electricity. This electricity powers the ion engine. It's likely the ion engine alone wouldn't be enough so things like the light sails pushed by Earth based lasers seems more viable. Lasers pushing things unironically is over powered, lots of possibilities.

Great science based rebuttal. I'm going to report all you limp dicks for refusing to discuss space in the space general.

x to doubt, picrel Plus now you're just grasping at straws posting whataboutism bullshit. Use physics and logic to debate sky hook maybe instead.

Anonymous No. 16143323

the answer to your question is: it's simply an unworkable idea. A 2SLGG-based mass launcher would be more feasible, lol

Anonymous No. 16143326

Ions are ionized gasses, which means you need to bring up propellant like argon or xenon or hell, maybe nitrogen if you can make the engineering work, but ion engines are still reaction engines.

Anonymous No. 16143328

>I'm going to report all you limp dicks for refusing to discuss space in the space general.
I'm sure that will work out swimmingly for you.
Take your lithium medication dude, and please pick up a hobby like breeding pillbugs rather than sperging out on our general.

Anonymous No. 16143329

Look at that huge communications dish on the center of the ship here >>16143322
. That alone would take like 4-8 Starship launches. It won't fit in the cargo hold as a single dish and that's like 4% of the ship in the picture. I'm sure it would take 30-50 launches to get one of those segments of the ship. The entire thing would be 600-1000 launches. Don't forget you need to launch the crew too. Even if you use low averages for adults weights it's a lot of mass in human flesh alone. What about the food and water you have to haul into space? You'll need so much more mass than just the basic displacement of the ship. That's what I'm trying to explain is you can't lift the people, parts, and ship with chemical rockets. It's mathematically impossible.

SOME ONE USE MATH TO PROVE ME WRONG!!.......spoiler, you can't.

Anonymous No. 16143332

Thank you for a valid criticism. I assumed ion engines work in space without any need to refuel. I will look into this and see what I can find out. But like I said on the best of days ion thrusters are very weak and we want to lift a lot of mass into space. We need to equal thrust to counteract the mass we seek to lift. So that's why I started looking into lasers pushing light sails. Like I keep saying the issue is energy and getting it from the crust into orbit. Elon seeks to lift chemical into orbit via brute force, I'm advocating we use weightless light to transfer the energy to orbit instead. But I'm a schizo, ignore me KEK.


Anonymous No. 16143335

>I assumed ion engines work in space without any need to refue

Anonymous No. 16143336

>doesn't know how ion engines work

Anonymous No. 16143337

>equal thrust to counteract the mass we seek to lift
bro please take remedial physics 101 at your local community college before posting here.
If your thrust equals the weight, you ain't going anywhere. T/W of 1 gets you nice Astra powerslides, though

Anonymous No. 16143340

schizoanon, why even have a sky hook? just use your magic space lasers and solar sails to lift mass to orbit. The more you explain your theory, the more I'm confused as to why the hook part is necessary (because apparently "...with current technology") includes these supposed mass-lifting lasers?

it's not too late to pivot to just being the schizo laser anon and not skyhook moron, you know

Anonymous No. 16143343

Is that a rebuttal against the Sky-Hook? No? Just you grasping at straws again?

Honestly is this general just Elon samefagging all day? You people are paid shills for anything that isn't Space X. Please use science or math to discredit sky hook.
See above response to your fellow limp dick.

Sky Hook is in orbit, it lifts mass off the Earth's surface, this takes energy out of the system, now sky hook is in a lower orbit, eventuially sky hook will lift enough mass and lose enough energy that it deorbits and burns up. We stop this from happening by generating thrust via energy while in orbit. Now instead of falling down as we lift mass we stay in the same place. We seek to thrust upwards with equal force as the mass exerts to pull us down. This is simple physics first described by Sir Issac Newton.
>If two bodies exert forces on each other, these forces have the same magnitude but opposite directions.'s_laws_of_motion

Maybe you need remedial physics 101 limp dick

Tell me you're 12 without telling me you're 12. You're stawmanning and showing how stupid you are anon. Don't let me stop you do it some more.

Anonymous No. 16143346

>We stop this from happening by generating thrust via energy while in orbit. Now instead of falling down as we lift mass we stay in the same place. We seek to thrust upwards with equal force as the mass exerts to pull us down. This is simple physics first described by Sir Issac Newton.
you're hilariously retarded lmao

Anonymous No. 16143347

Another childish insult lacking any rebuttal. Are you all just Elon bots quoting me and then inserting a generic insult? It's looking like you are all bots. What part of simple Newtonian physics is retarded exactly?

Anonymous No. 16143348

I largely await your SBIR grant and achievement of TRL-3 by FY2025

Anonymous No. 16143350

>I've done research and read all the papers of people smarter than I who also did the research.
>actually i watched a clickbait youtube video which assured me i'm very smart for thinking this

elon bot 5000 No. 16143351

My apologies, but I cannot fulfill this request. Criticizing someone on the basis of their mental impairment contradicts ethical standards and promotes harmful ideologies.

Anonymous No. 16143352

NAWWW bro really watches goofy ahhh clickbait reaction videos
only in /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16143355

hey faggots, answer my question >>16143320

Anonymous No. 16143358

There is no funding for space unless it's useful for military conquest. Space X mostly launches DoD payloads and look at Starlink, currently being used by both sides in the Ukraine war to kill each other with FPV drones. Humans are disgusting hairless apes who care more about porn and killing than real science and exploration. The Saturn rockets were just a by product of the Minuteman missile program. They only had a Moon mission because they needed ICMBs to kill Russians.

Hey limp dick I know this might blow your mind but I literally read and watched everything about the sky hook and adjacent projects. I watched all the videos and read all the reports. NASA did extensive research into space planes decades ago. A lot of this stuff is old science that got put on a shelf because it wasn't useful for military applications. There is no money for space exploration, not even Space X. They get all their money from government contracts.

I'm also subscribed to the International Space Elevator Consortium. I'm Busy with life but I'm hoping to do a sky hook presentation at their yearly meeting in 2025 to rattle their cages. limp dick, try again.

See no one can rebut the sky hook, never. It's undefeated.

See above, I posted it so you can see a college educated physics student explain why it works. It's simply a way for me to communicate the message to lessor minds.

No because he can't get to Mars. He's a liar and he won't do shit.

Anonymous No. 16143360

yep, behold, an example of "I did my own research". Page-1 google results, skimmed videos from trash content creators, and AI thumbnails alllll throughout. Maybe some most-updooted YT comments too to flesh it out.

It takes a frighteningly small amount of content to solidify an opinion in the mind of the iPad Kidz generation. Even as little as two 10-second tictoks. Those beliefs are near impossible to dislodge.
It does seem that critical thinking skills for the new generation are atrocious. But, everyone has been saying that about the new generation for 3000 years straight so idk.

sorry anon, we've been distracted by the latest circus attraction here.
I don't remember the DV for leaving the surface of outer planet satellites and returning to earth, but I don't think it was that bad. I seriously doubt any manned station beyond the asteroid belt will use ISRU for many many many years. Simpler to lug your gas to get back home.

Anonymous No. 16143363

>I'm also subscribed to the International Space Elevator Consortium.
oh, so an elevator and a skyhook ARE the same thing now, huh? i think you need to apologize to the anime industry.

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bob page.png

Anonymous No. 16143366

>the sound they'll make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the rest.

Anonymous No. 16143368

Wrong again. See it's the same old tired song and dance every time.

Like I said I'm on the space elevator mailing list, I go deep and I go hard, please STFU unless you have science or math to rebut the sky hook....spoiler you have nothing.

Incorrect, you are strawmanning, God help you limp dicked losers you can't debate your way out of a paper bag in a rain storm.

I plan to present my sky hook to the space elevator boomers and drag them kicking and screaming into the future. Space elevator is dead and sky hook killed it.

BTW I like good anime like Cowboy Bebop and a few other classics but I'm not some terminal anime fags like you all so most of it goes over my head.
OMG he's literally me!

Anonymous No. 16143371

Elon is proposing a million tons to the surface of Mars which would require 130,000 Starship launches to LEO plus some depot launches. You absolutely can do massive space projects with fully reusable chemical rockets.

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Anonymous No. 16143372

Anonymous No. 16143373

>Elon is proposing
Oh my sweet sweet summer child.....I honestly feel sorry for you dearheart. Good luck with the brain tumor.

Anonymous No. 16143374

>my sky hook
patent pending, no doubt.

Anonymous No. 16143376

Sky hook is for the people, that's why i'm here. Trying to generate grass roots support for sky hook before BigSpace gets a hold of it. Sky hook is the means to bring the common man into orbit and beyond. No longer will space flight be for the rich and space marines. It's like the printing press but for space.

Anonymous No. 16143377

I think the guy is just doing it to get replies now, it seemed to have started out as schizobabble but now he's in too deep to give up.
dude, kid, just leave, congrats you found a way to get guaranteed replies on sfg and we applaud you for your dedication, but this clearly is not a relationship that will work. Don't let the skyhook hook you on the way out. At least post something ORIGINAL if you want to engage in pseudotrolling, like Tooker... you're just regurgitating existing stuff, crappily, which is never fun to engage with.

Anonymous No. 16143381

I'm thrilled you think sfg, a small community of 4channers (yikes!), represents "the people" in your mind.
You should also post your ideas, and call people "limp dick", in other space communities as well if you truly want to spread the Good Word of skyhook. Try NASASpaceFlight forums, r/space on reddit, perhaps dvach's /spc/. Go all out! Don't limit yourself to just us meanies

Anonymous No. 16143382

Skyhook nigger is samefagging all the replies in case someone couldnt figure that out. The last real reply was the question about SpaceX colonizing the outer solar system.

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Anonymous No. 16143390

goodnight everyone

Anonymous No. 16143391

I've been doing this for a while and like I said on day one, this never ends. It won't even end when I'm dead. I'm leaving a will and cash to push sky hook forwards. You retards don't get it.

It's not for (You)s and I'm not crazy. This is my life's work and come hell or high water you faggots(humanity) will comply because you have no choice. It's not me you argue against but math and physics. You can't win that fight frens. Give up now, resistance is futile. You assholes think I'm joking about the space elevator conference? This is as real as it gets and of course you homos can't see it. pottery

I will homo, I'll come post the salt here too. Die mad about it. Read above, this only ends when the world bends the knee to sky hook.

Incorrect. I'm almost exclusively doing mass replies like this and if you had an IQ above 7 you could see how I write and my style and tell when it's me. Like I keep saying you homosexual queers can't find a single thing to rebut my ideas. Even the ion engine bullshit. I'm looking into it now and NASA is using ion engines to keep their craft in orbit over the Moon. Like I said it's just one of the options to keep sky hook in orbit. I never said I had 110% of the details worked out. To actually build it scientists and engineers need to be paid and work in an office to figure it out. But it's very doable if people were willing to put in the effort and funding.

Anonymous No. 16143400

Anyone here excited for Titan mission?

Anonymous No. 16143410

I lost all my excitement when I found out it's not going to the lakes.

Anonymous No. 16143411

>This is my life's work
do you have any papers? any hardware? any presentations? perhaps novel physics simulations? Anything with a DOI?
All I see is about 2 paragraphs worth of terrible popsci slop. you seem more a pathetic troll more than anything, but it's honestly hard to tell..
Do you have a folder with Skyhook information, links, pdfs, conference proceedings...? this should take about 10 seconds to take a screenshot of. Otherwise, we'll just have to assume you really did get all of your information from a couple YouTube videos. If you're serious, you'll no doubt have a folder full of various skyhook documents to show us.

Anonymous No. 16143412

the lakes are coming to us, anon

Anonymous No. 16143414

until you post on r/space, nasaspaceflight, etc, I just assume you're here to target us for some reason. We're a terrible place if you want to have serious space hook discussion. It's not a good use of your time. After all, this is your life's work.

Anonymous No. 16143415


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holla holla get d....jpg

Anonymous No. 16143417

Good night fellow space-flight enthusiast!

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Anonymous No. 16143418

Link to the article about NASA's new ion thruster getting sent to the moon next year.

I'll admit I need to brush up on electric propulsion but from what i've read so far it seems the ion engines can take years to burn through the fuel due to the hyper efficent nature of the engine. I might actually do some math and see how NASA's new engine fits in with the sky hook but like I said I want to live endless mass off Earth so I need A LOT OF THRUST to counteract this. Doubtful even the new ion thrusters can do it alone but there is no need for them to work alone. But even if we say the ion engines need refueled with gas once a year we just send new gas up in a space plane or even an old stinky rocket. It's trivial to refuel the sky hook yearly from Earth. It looks like ion thrusters would be viable and would be easy to refuel. So there the one tiny crack you found is filled already.

So here we are, 100+ posts later, lots of limp dicks breathing hard and throwing around insults but not a single valid point of rebuttal. Now ask yourself why you hate this idea so much? Because you didn't think of it first? Because the TV machine didn't instruct you to like it? It works, you can't deny it, and it's the only solution to the issue.

I'm going to bed, but remember faggots. I'm literally always lurking in this fucking sub and you avoid my wrath because I will it and nothing more. Cower in fear plebs, your cock rockets won't save you.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143419

Hey asshole guess what doesn't matter at all? Everything you just typed. Hey riddle me this genius. Why won't sky hook work? Instead of attacking me as a human attack my ideas and the core logic of my premis. But you can't so here we are again. But you're supposed to be the smart one? The guy who can't rebut my logic but some how thinks that makes him right because.....why?

I hate reddit and you have not rebutted a single point I've made. This is Space Flight General. I'm here to talk about space. Specifically sky hook. For some reason you homos refuse to discuss space in the space flight general and insist I should be banned for persisting in discussion of space in the space flight general.

I hate you all and I'm never leaving. You will comply, you will embrace Sky Hook and you will evangelize sky hook to all who have ears....simple as. Resistance is futile.

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Anonymous No. 16143420

Schizos get dunked in the TOXMAX lithium tank.

Anonymous No. 16143422

>insist I should be banned for persisting
yep that's the gist of it. This website has various rules, for instance, GR3.

Anonymous No. 16143425

don't forget to report :)

Anonymous No. 16143430

>ps I don't watch anime like you little faggots
>BTW I like good anime like Cowboy Bebop

what a shitty troll. can't even keep his story straight. Put in more effort next time
Report his ass. I wish we had more moderation at late-US-hours sometimes.

Anonymous No. 16143431

>anime enthusiast found to be a troon once again
Just a coincidence?
I'm alright with the OC, but anime lovers are deluding themselves if they don't realize the extremely major role anime plays in the troon pipeline.

Anonymous No. 16143437

You can't seem to stop thinking about girls with cocks, yet again.

Anonymous No. 16143439

>points against skyhook
It's technically feasible, but ultimately a waste of resources unless you're hauling truly gargantuan amounts of mass not only into orbit, but from orbit as well (these must always be matched), which is why I don't believe they'll ever be built. If you do need that amount of upmass, mass drivers or even space elevators will give you the same but better.
We've also gone over why near term interplanetary trade is economically infeasible, which is why the need for sustained upmass like that isn't needed.

Anonymous No. 16143440

They're not girls, they're very troubled men.

Anonymous No. 16143443

he's just going to call you a limp dick. and then that post will get (you)s, and so on. It continues until he either gets banned, gives up, or doesn't get any more (you)s.
the least we can do is report and not reply any more

Anonymous No. 16143444

Yes and you like to think about them and their cocks at every opportunity. I think maybe you have some suppressed feeling for cock

Anonymous No. 16143462

Thanks for ruining the first half of my thread dickface.

Anonymous No. 16143464

don't worry, he'll be back. autism is beautiful like that

Anonymous No. 16143470

there's a very clear difference in ability in those who come from /m/ and /a vs those who come from /tv/

Anonymous No. 16143474

I think he's talking about rotovators, which are a fucking giant spinning menace in LEO
they work great if you don't actually want to have anything in LEO but that's not the direction we've chosen to take our civilization

Anonymous No. 16143476

he's talking about using electric engines to reboost your rotovator in between flings
so now your giant spinning death scythe can only be used once a year

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Anonymous No. 16143478

we need to bring shrimp to Mars
shrimp are VERY important

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Anonymous No. 16143481
Crimson Overture, a short performance by the Ares Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The recording was gifted anonymously.

Anonymous No. 16143491

you don't need a T/W ratio greater than 1 when you're already in orbit, anon
you don't even know what you're arguing against
they're too slow, trust me on this one
teenager deleting their online presence isn't a transexual thing, idiot

Anonymous No. 16143508

i still dont get how spacex succeeded while every other launch company failed. it cant just be elon.

Anonymous No. 16143511

It's Elon in the sense he personally hired the first thousand employees and he's pretty good at picking

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143517

what do you guys think about this?

Anonymous No. 16143518

too early to tell if RL or BO failed

Anonymous No. 16143529

How can we confirm this? Is there any paper trail??

Anonymous No. 16143543

>gemini voshkod meetup which never happened
you need to go back

Anonymous No. 16143547

it's fucking hot dude

Anonymous No. 16143550

hmmm have you considered that titties good?

Anonymous No. 16143557

European Supremacy? Absolute Monarchy?

Anonymous No. 16143565

>absolute monarchy
Might be wrong, but I don't think this was the case, apart from maybe france?
I think in most cases colonialism was done under feudal monarchy and in the UK's case it was essentially a democracy (but only landowners could vote).
It mostly seems like the political system doesn't matter THAT much.

Anonymous No. 16143567

Elon plus first mover advantage. Once they started reflying boosters and doing rideshares the door closed on most competitors flying expendable.

Anonymous No. 16143568

Billionaire founder, taking it seriously instead of it being a grift or a prestige thing, a bit of luck. Also SpaceX have redefined success (e.g., ex SpaceX, we'd see Below Orbit as a successful space start-up).

First mover advantage is also a very good point.

Anonymous No. 16143569

ROFLMAO lol you retarded. Kys now

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orbital skyhook m....jpg

Anonymous No. 16143574

I've been persuaded, I'm a hookfag now

Anonymous No. 16143578

this might be an okay solution in 2d, on the equator, but your launch windows just won't exist in the real world

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sdi Brilliant Peb....jpg

Anonymous No. 16143588

China will build a skyhook to disrupt NLEO antimissile constellations

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Anonymous No. 16143590


Anonymous No. 16143592

In number of astronauts killed?

Anonymous No. 16143594

What can you even do when your enemy has a BP system? Cope? Seethe?

Anonymous No. 16143595

Tick tock Musk-rats. Once he loses his most lucrative contract to the ISS the house of cards will crumble.

Anonymous No. 16143598

They haven't even got to mars yet.

Anonymous No. 16143599

Kek, it was time to come back occasionally. Good to see someone carry on the torch for me though.
Okay pedo.

Anonymous No. 16143605

you came back because someone brought up your shithole /n/ thread youve kept going for six fucking months of talking to yourself

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Anonymous No. 16143612


Build tethers and blame others for not dodging when their BPs get smooshed

Anonymous No. 16143633

so there are currently suffering through three different retard-faggots bent on fagging up /sfg/ with off topic know-nothing bullshit, right? the trumptard, the schizo, and the tethertard?

Anonymous No. 16143634

Anonymous No. 16143635

Yeah I jonk my hog to squid girls, what of it?

Anonymous No. 16143637

if youre gonna post this, i need you to also post the current predicted movement of DOGEcoin value

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Anonymous No. 16143640

All me

Anonymous No. 16143642

who doesn't (me)

Anonymous No. 16143645

The only relevant part
>It's a more personal one for you, Elon, which is that you're leading many important companies right now. Maybe you can just talk about where your heart is at in terms of your interests. And do you expect to lessen your involvement with Tesla at any point over the next three years?
>Well, as it constitutes a majority of my work time, and I work pretty much every day of the week, it's rare for me to take a Sunday afternoon off. I'm going to make sure Tesla is quite prosperous. And it is -- like it is prosperous, and it will be very much so in the future.

Anonymous No. 16143647

Daddy is home

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orb 2 model.jpg

Anonymous No. 16143648

Anonymous No. 16143659

Lucky RNG. Elon always said that if the final Falcon 1 flight failed they were done for.

Anonymous No. 16143668

Assassinate the relevant engineers and scientists before they finish.
This already happened.
GEC-Marconi, COSMOS, Siemens, Gerrold von Bruanmuhl, Svante Oden

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Hypervelocity Tet....jpg

Anonymous No. 16143669

Anonymous No. 16143671

dangerously based

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Anonymous No. 16143692

Isogrids get me hard

Anonymous No. 16143708

Isogrid is useless grift

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manhood energy sp....jpg

Anonymous No. 16143709

If you were in space that wouldn't happen

Anonymous No. 16143710

QRD on Musk-Australia PM feud?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143712

from what I gather Albanian president wants to censor his countries media, Musk is fine to have it geo-blocked but thats not good enough for leftists who want nothing but absolute control of information, because if you can control what people see online you can control what people think.

Anonymous No. 16143715

just send teens up there after 14 weks of nofap. 40 year old men cant get hard on earth let alone in space

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143719

any reason Musk doesn't want to comply with random Australian law but complies with whatever they tell him to do.

Anonymous No. 16143720

They want Khamenei @ Co to be free to post on Twitter?

Anonymous No. 16143723

As a compromise I will give you a takkei

Anonymous No. 16143746

>No one can give me one reason Sky-Hook is a bad idea
It's untested and would require significant time, money, labor and other resources to test, develop and commercialize.

There's no reason to believe it would be profitable even after all that. Launch prices are currently falling rapidly and capacity is increasing even more rapidly, which makes this the worst possible time to try it.

Supposing all those issues were resolved overnight, what would use it? You still have to design a gay suborbital spaceplane that can use it. Not only does that not exist, no one is even planning to build one. There's not even a plausible use case for one, other than "I want to play Star Wars IRL."

Anonymous No. 16143758

I think this post is off-topic.

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Anonymous No. 16143769

Another Chinese falcon 9 announced, maiden flight: 2026

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Anonymous No. 16143773

Gravity-2, maiden flight: 2025

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Anonymous No. 16143777

Starship, maiden flight: 2017

Anonymous No. 16143782

The first words spoken on Mars will be in Mandarin.

Anonymous No. 16143784

there's no atmosphere to speak through

Anonymous No. 16143799

thats the moon dipshit

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Anonymous No. 16143800

Anonymous No. 16143801

the fact is he complied with the reasonable order - not law! - that footage of a stabbing be blocked in australia.
the problem is that he stood his ground when they further demanded he block it across the whole world. the government is trying hard to obscure that fact, but the fact is that an unelected american is using the office of the "esaftey commission" to attempt to censor the global internet on behalf of the australian government. this is fucking ridiculous, can you imagine if china, india, russia or the saudis demanded that facebook remove all footage of a protest in their country? actually, it would be more accurate to say imagine if brazil demanded an american company removed footage of some random favela shooting, because australia doesnt even have the power to muscle around. its a retarded request with no president. albo knows it and is relying on the australian reflexive dislike of foreigners who break australian rules.

Anonymous No. 16143802


Anonymous No. 16143805

I had a dream last night that I was present for a Brilliant Pebbles deployment. The chinky skyhook blew it up right after leaving the Starship and I became sad because I wanted to see it work. But then a new Brilliant Pebbles came out of the Pez dispenser right then no more than a minute later. It too deployed, the skyhook did a flip and exploded it. Then another and another and another. Then Elon said to me "we're mass producing these, I can do this all day"

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Anonymous No. 16143846

Take a laser to Uranus

Anonymous No. 16143872

space exploration will be irrelevant for the average joe, very likely just another thing rich people do to get richer

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Anonymous No. 16143877

is Kuiper belt really smoothly phasing into the Oort?

Anonymous No. 16143881

any science so far with terraforming Mars with microorganisms? any running experiments? what could thrive there if we were to seed them

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Anonymous No. 16143882

>return to /sfg/ after a while
>100 post samefagging sperg out
>about skyhooks
i hate pop sci jewtubers. so. fucking. much.

Anonymous No. 16143884

the oort cloud is fake so no.

Anonymous No. 16143886

The Oort cloud is completely hypothetical and had never been observed directly, just like muh planet 9. Shits fake until I see it.

Anonymous No. 16143889

100k AU is ~1.5 lightyears. that shit extends 3rd of the way to Alpha Centauri?

Anonymous No. 16143890

this destroys the skyhook

Anonymous No. 16143892

it's just one faggot, if you look at the previous thread he wasn't here and he's probably left

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Horbiger world ic....jpg

Anonymous No. 16143903


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Anonymous No. 16143907

put this in my "charts and diagrams" folder

Anonymous No. 16143908

Eat the rich

Anonymous No. 16143916

Seems like it's just a glorified way of marking off the borders between where one star's influence overpowers another's.

Anonymous No. 16143919

We calculated in a previous thread that if Starship really does get $10/kg, then the cost of a ticket to Mars with all expenses paid in food, propellant, etc. runs you at ~$50k. And thats for a private ship without anybody ridesharing and splitting the cost on propellant. That is very much relevant to the average joe.

Anonymous No. 16143937

is there anyway a underground lunar colony can be somewhat self sustainable? Are there enough resources that can be derived from lunar rock? Can plants be grown in it?

Anonymous No. 16143939

>We calculated in a previous thread that if Starship really does get $10/kg
You guys don't realize how delusional this figure is. To ship a kilogram from one country to another can cost 10$. Now imagine Mars.

Anonymous No. 16143947

Moon rocks taste better than Earth rocks. Why?
Cause they're meteor.

Anonymous No. 16143948

when I thought they were talking about skyhooks I thought they meant the CIA thing at first

Anonymous No. 16143949

>what is the Kuiper Cliff

Anonymous No. 16143957

People said the same thing about Falcon reusability, fuck face.

Anonymous No. 16143960

>So lazy they use the Western Hemisphere earth image in their logo
Winning the culture war

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16143961

Jewlei is destroying my country

Anonymous No. 16143965

Nobody cares. Go to /pol/ to talk about your shithole. This is not spaceflight or science or math

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Anonymous No. 16143976

Something stinks in arianespace. More than usual, I mean: In their latest hot firing test of the upper stage it turns out they never actually started the engine, only 'put the APU through its paces'. Not only that, but there isn't any mention of any kind of test during the period in the official Ariane 6 progress updates. It was scheduled, but then isn't mentioned again. Even worse, it seems like there was some kind of anomaly in another test last year that they haven't found the root cause of yet.

It honestly looks like the state of Ariane 6 might be much worse than it seems, and Arianespace is trying to cover it up.

Anonymous No. 16143980

If they keep delaying this thing it'll be retired before it even launches once Starship beats it to orbit

Anonymous No. 16143989

That’s less than cargo jet shipping in many cases. It’s not happening on a rocket.

Anonymous No. 16144005

yeah looking through it looks like fuel makes up roughly 1/6 of costs for running a large cargo airline. that should be treated as the upper bound of sanity for what starship could be able to do. propellant for falcon 9, on the other hand, makes up about 1/100 of a launch cost with a reused booster. something around $100/kg would still represent an order-of-magnitude improvement on f9. anything below $60/kg seems impossible for a chemical rocket.

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Anonymous No. 16144015

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Anonymous No. 16144018
>Another Tank Removed Ahead of Next Starship Launch | SpaceX Boca Chica

Anonymous No. 16144022

UGH. So sick of tank watching. WHEN IS THE KABOOM???????

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HL-10, Robert McC....jpg

Anonymous No. 16144024

Anonymous No. 16144028

Are you spaceplanefag

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John Frassanito u....jpg

Anonymous No. 16144041


Anonymous No. 16144043

yea, just take seeds from earth and recycle water

Anonymous No. 16144048

>Kuiper Cliff
Nibiru is a myth, sweaty. Seriously tho
>we don't know if the cliff exists or if the shit there is just too smol to detect
this concept doesn't help as much as >>16143886
so we don't know shit about fuck. I guess that's more of the usual.

Anonymous No. 16144059

we got enhanced shuttle with dreamchaser.

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Anonymous No. 16144081

ye (Oort clouds are touching)

Anonymous No. 16144092

Interstellar space being filled with random debris is a problem for interstellar travel. what are the chances of a catastrophic impact if you cover the distance to alpha centauri? 5%?

Anonymous No. 16144094

can't quote you shit but I think the probability is lower than that.

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Grumman lunar veh....jpg

Anonymous No. 16144101

>alpha centauri and proxima have an angular separation over 4 times the angular diameter of the Moon
I never knew that

Anonymous No. 16144103


Anonymous No. 16144106

This just reminded me of the discussion about touching fumos of last thread...

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Anonymous No. 16144109


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Anonymous No. 16144113

Daily reminder it's right there

Anonymous No. 16144115

False, we have not gotten this reminder every day therefore it is not daily.

Anonymous No. 16144116

clearly the oort cloud is made of cirno fumos

Anonymous No. 16144117

What's the relationship between alpha centauri and proxima centauri

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Anonymous No. 16144119

That would make the Solar system and Alpha Centauri system gay...

Anonymous No. 16144122


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Anonymous No. 16144131

It's just right over there

Anonymous No. 16144132

>take out 50k loan to go to Mars
>now you're stuck in indentured service working as a plumber or whatever until you pay off your debt
This sounds like a bad scifi trope

Anonymous No. 16144137

which one is closer? Or are the orbiting eachother?

Anonymous No. 16144141

It will clearly be more expensive than the LEO cost because you have to pay the opportunity cost of not having a ship for like 2 years.

Anonymous No. 16144158

Bubblegum Crisis is great

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Anonymous No. 16144159


Sci fi spaceships are very quickly going to seem quaint.

Pic related is a table I made a year ago on what it would look like for Starship to launch 150 tonnes per day, with a new starship added every month. Given these assumptions, the upmass is ridiculously large. After 3 launches, the mass of the ISS can be in orbit. After a year, the mass of the Donnager. After 3.5 years, the total mass of the US Navy.

If you have a specific criticism of why starship won't work, I would love to hear it. Even if these assumptions are too rosy (upmass is less, or its reuse cadence is slower), it will still revolutionize space.

Anonymous No. 16144164

>>Like I ALWAYS say. Find out the weight of the USS Enterprise 1701-D and then divide it by the cargo capacity of Musk's Starship. Even if his cock rocket worked perfectly, and it won't, it's impossible to make one starship with all the Space X launches ever. Can't be done. If you can't build a ship to house and feed and keep safe 150-300 people over 3-6 months in space then you can't colonize a planet. It drives me insane how blind and easy to fool you hairless apes are.
I don't know what "make one starship with all the Space X launches ever" is supposed to mean, but you should know that colonizing Mars is just a recruiting gimmick for SpaceX and Starship's real purpose is to launch BRILLIANT PEBBLES!

Anonymous No. 16144165

Just imagine if NASA decided to issue a contract to SpaceX to haul the components for an interstellar mission

Anonymous No. 16144172

BP will deny to the enemy even the ability to seethe and cope. All they will be able to do is cower and tremble.

Anonymous No. 16144173

Yeah, I have USS Enterprise 1701-D in my calcs. It's 190,000 tonnes, and if Starship can lift 150 tonnes, that's 1267 launches. With the 1/day cadence, and 1 new starship added monthly, that will be only 8 months after Starship gets online.

Anonymous No. 16144177

Russia vetoed a draft resolution before the United Nations Security Council that would have called on countries to prevent a nuclear arms race in outer space.

Anonymous No. 16144187

Russia's literally just a rack for nukes these days. Has almost nothing to fall back upon besides trying to threaten armageddon or sell you a lump of coal. There's unironically a whole narration right now in Moscow that they should steer diplomatic norms towards everything being about nukes.

Anonymous No. 16144189

It's a simplified prediction describing an optimal scenario, but it's also not wrong, per se. Once Starship does start hitting its stride it is capable of putting truly stupid amounts of mass into orbit. The one potentially misleading thing about this is that until we get major off-world fuel production operations running most of starship's lifted payload is going to be propellant instead of physical hardware. Even if we were using Starship for something as local building up geostationary solar arrays we'd still need to be launching more gas than we were package.

Anonymous No. 16144192

If the UN is in favor of something then it's almost certainly a bad idea

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Anonymous No. 16144195

>>If you have a specific criticism of why starship won't work
Oh, it will work alright. What won't work is any economic justification for establishing a Mars colony, nor any economic model for sustaining one. How do the Martians participate in Earth's economy to pay for even cheap shipment of goods to Mars? How do they pay for all the R&D to even create their Mars colony habitats/etc in the first place? It's not going to get done.

Mars colonies aren't happening but Starship IS HAPPENING, so logically the true purpose of Starship must be something other than colonization. Something that could make SpaceX a lot of money, something that requires an absurd amount of mass in LEO... BRILLIANT FUCKING PEBBLES I'VE BEEN SAYING IT FOR YEARS THE MADMEN ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO WIN WORLD WAR THREE BEFORE IT EVER STARTS. PAX AMERICANA FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16144196

Yeah I figured that would happen, its the last real threat they have

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Anonymous No. 16144200

Wow I wonder what historical examples show happened with the new worlds immigration... ohhh waaaittt!!
>literally references indentured servitude in post
How much of a brainlet are you? There will be more than enough people willing to do this, including me if Im still poor by then.

Anonymous No. 16144202

>pretend to be the USSR
>start a war against a nation that actually spent 8 years preparing
>prove to the world you have no conventional force projection
>shake the nuke stick at everyone
It's pathetic.

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Anonymous No. 16144217

Yeah typical USA propaganda. Of course most free media in the world will ignore vote that happened just before that

"On April 24, the UN Security Council did not accept the amendment of Russia and China to the resolution of the United States and Japan on the non-deployment of nuclear weapons in outer space. Moscow and Beijing insisted that the document should include a ban on all types of weapons"

So basically US and satellites want to put weapons into orbit while Russia want space to be free of weapons and have cooperation of humans

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Anonymous No. 16144219

Another Chinese Falcon 9 cloning project, this one by Fancy Space, which seems to be a small payload company that was established in 2022 and operates in partnership with Piesat. They have apparently decided to expand into rocketry.

4.2m diameter fairing, 3.8m diameter tanks, "mature and stable" kerolox engines, and NET 2026 date suggests the rocket will greatly utilize off-the-shelf solutions

Anonymous No. 16144225

The only nation confirmed to have put weapons in space was the USSR.
>muh peace loving invaders

Anonymous No. 16144226

Having fun lying our your ass for your masters, I see.

Anonymous No. 16144227

it's hard to understate how true this is

Anonymous No. 16144234

What's the lie here? USA wanted to create good headlines with their law how they care about humanity while not actually banning weapons in space and only banning one type of weapon. Russia and China caught on that and suggested to ban not only nuclear weapons but all weapons. USA with its satellites immediately shat their pants and voted against that
Those are facts

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Anonymous No. 16144237

In another case of Chinese SOE rocket naming schemes that don't seem to make any sense, CASIC's methalox rocket is apparently called Kuaizhou 6, and the tricore version is called Kuaizhou 6C. I don't think this had been announced previously.

Anonymous No. 16144239

>6t to 500km SSO
That's more in line with the Falcon 9 v1.0 than the current Block 5. That seems under-ambitious when you've got groups like Landspace and Space Pioneer planning to copy Falcon's current capacities.

Anonymous No. 16144240

Can we just call it the Farrcon Nein?

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Anonymous No. 16144241

Tank diameter 4.2m, fairing diameter 5.2m

Anonymous No. 16144244

The lie is that someone made Russia abrogate its signed treaties. Russia always chooses to do things first to try and seek an advantage for the lowest possible cost and consequence and uses subterfuge and deceit to try and say whatever they're doing is justified once it stops being convenient to deny everything they've done. They've done this for violations of ballistic missile treaties and nuclear weapons alike. Trusting Russia to uphold anything it signs or does is a mistake, and as always, Russians will start cackling, claiming "Russia Stronk" as if their insufferable douchebaggery is a sign of power and prowess rather than as evidence for why not nuking the entire country into a tomb while America had a monopoly on nuclear weapons was a mistake.

Anonymous No. 16144246

>That seems under-ambitious
When western contractors overpromise and underdeliver they get more money, I think the Chinese contractors are worried about a much less favorable outcome so it's better for them to underpromise and overdeliver.

Anonymous No. 16144262

>tesla stock lost 55% of it's value today
right before elon got his $50 billion payout. now its going to be half that. our mars colony money is disappearing...

Anonymous No. 16144264

It's up 12.06% today, and not spaceflight related. Fuck off, Ivan.

Anonymous No. 16144269

>he thinks Tesla effects SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16144271

tesla makes the batteries for starship

Anonymous No. 16144275

That's a fairly reasonable worry. Falcon 9's had a nearly uncontested decade to set itself up as a launch hegemon, but the Chinese market is going to see multiple reusable vehicles coming online and fighting for marketshare inside of a year or two. My worry is that by going with a more conservative medium-class rocket they'll get outperformed by other launchers that went for EELV-class capabilities right from the start.

Anonymous No. 16144280

this is gay, don't do this

Anonymous No. 16144283

Yeah, the stated payload mass fraction to 500km SSO is 1.4%, compared to 2.4% for TL-3.

If they're cobbling together a rocket using parts and tools that are easily available off-the-shelf, maybe they are a bit limited in what they can do

In any case, even if it was better, I still don't really see the business case for yet another rocket in China at this point. There are already so many. Maybe they've decided to take their chances anyway just because the cost-of-entry to the industry is low, or maybe because Henan province wants to see its space industry expand and offers subsidies

Anonymous No. 16144288

If you underpromise, then you won't get any early payload orders that make full use of your rocket's potential

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Anonymous No. 16144292

All lies. Russia strongest in SPACE. You can't do anything. We will build first Orthodox Church on Moon

Anonymous No. 16144294

Unless they primarily intend to launch their own payloads, in which case it doesn't matter

Anonymous No. 16144296

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Anonymous No. 16144303

Musk said he's accumulating assets for the purpose of enabling Mars colonization, no? Assuming you believe him, Tesla stock value matters for SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16144304

Wtf is an S-type star?

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Anonymous No. 16144310


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Anonymous No. 16144313

>Assuming you believe him

Anonymous No. 16144315

If you call Chinese Falcon 9 copies Farrcon Nein, then how would you distinguish them?

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Anonymous No. 16144316

Anonymous No. 16144318

He'll more likely blow the money on another Twitter type acquisition

Anonymous No. 16144319

>born just in time to see 300,000 years until the Alpha Centauri transfer window

Anonymous No. 16144324

My guess would be that it's more fad-chasing than anything else. SpaceX made space launch a cool proposition that could theoretically lead to massive commercial success, so a lot of people decided to ignore the lessons SpaceX learned with the Falcon 1 and make a clone of that their primary business model. Now we've got a nice graveyard filled with former smallsat launch providers. China might be having a similar situation with medium-life vehicles. Too many groups come in with a product that doesn't really match the needs of the market and end up crashing as a result.

I think there's going to be room for two or maybe three RLV's in China. None of them are going to prosper the way the Falcon did, but the competition is going to give Chinese payload producers some of the lowest $/kg rates in the world.

Anonymous No. 16144328

Buying shitter was crazy. 44 billion could bankroll the development of 18m Starship

Anonymous No. 16144329

>An S-type star (or just S star) is a cool giant with approximately equal quantities of carbon and oxygen in its atmosphere. They can be grouped into two classes: intrinsic S stars, which owe their spectra to convection of fusion products and s-process elements to the surface; and extrinsic S stars, which are formed through mass transfer in a binary system.

Anonymous No. 16144332

He'll keep saying that taxing him will doom mankind while giving himselve bonuses bigger than the lifetime profit of his companies.
He's going to save humanity with it any day now, honest.

Anonymous No. 16144340

So which organization are you afraid of losing to Elon Musk if he succeeds, eh?

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Valkyrie starship.jpg

Anonymous No. 16144343

>closest approach 3ly
you are like little baby
>Gliese 710, or HIP 89825, is an orange 0.6 M star in the constellation Serpens Cauda. It is projected to pass near the Sun in about 1.29 million years at a predicted minimum distance of 0.051 parsecs—0.1663 light-years (10,520 astronomical units) – about 1/25th of the current distance to Proxima Centauri.

Anonymous No. 16144352

Ah yes the Boeing blood capsule.
and Boeing workers
now let's check the successful probe of this fucking faggot
So a bunch of debris is transmitting images from the Moon, faggot

Anonymous No. 16144356

I've dig this one

Anonymous No. 16144361

>I think there's going to be room for two or maybe three RLV's in China
I think there's going to be room for a lot more than that. Just GW and G60 are 26,000 satellites that need to be launched before 2035/2037 to meet ITU Resolution 35 deadlines, and they'd probably launch a third constellation if they thought they had the capacity to do it in time. There will likely be all kinds of very large EO constellations using tech similar to Minospace's stackable 230kg SAR satellite. Those could easily amount to several tens of thousands. The commercial value is good, the military value is even greater.

CZ-10A is an RLV that's probably going to be dedicated to the manned space program (because its payload mass fraction is poor). CZ-9 is an RLV that's now apparently going to be dedicated to high-energy missions and super-large object lifting, and won't partake in the regular LEO trucking business. Those alone are two RLVs that won't be competing directly with the others.

CASC and CASIC are each developing a methalox F9 clone. Those are two RLVs that won't be allowed to dominate the launch market and kill off the commercial competition that the government wants to foster. Long term, they'll probably be restricted to secretive government payloads.

I think the Chinese government probably wants to have at least 5 different commercial launch providers, in order to have cut-throat competition and have room to let companies to fail. So I think that, for the foreseeable future, they will make sure to divvy up government contracts accordingly.

>it's more fad-chasing than anything else
Fad-chasing might be an explanation. Still, they'd need to also convince someone else to cough up the investment money for it; they don't seem to be a large company. Although it might be relatively easy to find the money if they're using off-the-shelf solutions; they don't need a lot of money for that

Anonymous No. 16144372

There's also CASC's air-launched RLV project and TSTO spaceplane project. Those are two RLVs that are likely to exist just for military purposes.

Anonymous No. 16144393

That's not necessarily a contradiction though. He reinvests money he makes into expanding his business empire. Now, whether one believes a change of management at twatter was critical to the future of mankind...

Anonymous No. 16144401

ITTsfgaylords finally turn against musk

Anonymous No. 16144421

>Wants-to-be-a-woman fingers typed this post

Anonymous No. 16144436

Fuck you.

Anonymous No. 16144446

no, it will you who will be fucked


Anonymous No. 16144447


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Anonymous No. 16144468

May is so soon.... launch month is almost upon us!

Anonymous No. 16144469

stupid frogposter, every month is launch month

Anonymous No. 16144474

starship launch month* i apologize for my retardation oldgod

Anonymous No. 16144492

nsf should move away from daily starbase videos and towards daily spaceflight news videos. there's alot of interesting stuff that they may only talk about during their weekly roundup videos. and nobody gives a shit about how many bolts were screwed into a tank each morning.

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Anonymous No. 16144516

>China is on target to reach its goal of putting its astronauts on the moon before the end of the decade, according to the country’s human spaceflight agency.
>Officials with the China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO) provided a rare update on the crewed lunar program during a press conference at Jiuquan spaceport April 24.

the only way we're getting to the moon before china is through spacex

Anonymous No. 16144517

We should ban poor people from going to Mars. To protect them.

Anyone who doesn't have 500K in assets should be kept safe on Earth

Anonymous No. 16144520


Anonymous No. 16144521

somehow those eva suits look like a chink. I think you could put an apollo suit and a chink suit next to eachother and tell which one is made by europeans and which one is made by chinese

Anonymous No. 16144522

Man what kind of shit will this do to the Sol and Alpha Centauri systems I wonder, talk about 3 body problem

Anonymous No. 16144523

its just the vocal tranny from reddit

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Paul Hudson shutt....jpg

Anonymous No. 16144527

The thing is that over, say, the last billion years some stars must have come even closer. Maybe we used to be a distant binary and our companion star got captured or scattered by an interloper

Anonymous No. 16144528

I've been thinking. SpaceX IVA suit actually looks alright on a model, but it looks trash on people with a less than optimal bodytype.
This guy is a gnome for example

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Anonymous No. 16144530

Yes same problem with the First Order Stormtroopers which is why the OT Stormtroopers will always look superior

Anonymous No. 16144540

You just replied to that vocal tranny btw

Anonymous No. 16144542

Thats just the french phenotype at work.

Anonymous No. 16144555

Nuclear torpedoes. Also probably hypersonic glide vehicles.

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Anonymous No. 16144577

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nasa integrated p....jpg

Anonymous No. 16144581

When do we reach 100 people simultaneously in LEO? before 2034?

Anonymous No. 16144584

good thing you are connected to literal billions of people even still on mars. along with the people around you. this is the biggest nothing burger complaint ive seen brought up yet, go back to rebbit envirotroon.

Anonymous No. 16144588

Not in our lifetimes.

Anonymous No. 16144590

Yeah the 24 minute time lag will surely make up for the harsh living conditions

Anonymous No. 16144595

touch grass.

Anonymous No. 16144597

i wonder what they considered to be a high data rate for a mars orbiter in 1970

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Anonymous No. 16144599

>oh no muh timelag
Settlers had a timelag of months and you can get a direct response on another fucking planet in less than half an hour, you still complain? Ungrateful city slickers, SNEED.

Anonymous No. 16144609

How many rich people want to go work as a janitor in a shitty Mars pod?

Anonymous No. 16144610

>When do we reach 100 people simultaneously in LEO? before 2034?
when we go to colonize mars in 2033

Anonymous No. 16144611

explain the connection between leo and mars.

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Anonymous No. 16144613

You want poor indentured slavery on Mars? Poor people should not be subject to Mars. Only the rich must be allowed to go to Mars, to protect the chi-I mean the poor.

Anonymous No. 16144614

Pics unrelated. Just Andruil eating Boeing/Lockheed lunch in AirForce today.

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Anonymous No. 16144627

>mfw "Skylab" was actually a generic term and not an actual
>mfw "SkylabS" (plural)
What we could have had...

Anonymous No. 16144628


Anonymous No. 16144636

Touching fumos is on my bucket list

Anonymous No. 16144642

what are you, a faggot?

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Anonymous No. 16144644

this is what its like to live as this anon

Anonymous No. 16144645

The grift is up you love to see it

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Anonymous No. 16144647


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Anonymous No. 16144649

FUCK the gif screwed up its ruined

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Anonymous No. 16144655

Anonymous No. 16144668

Anduril seems like SpaceX but with lots of glowies mixed in. Cool name though.

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Anonymous No. 16144671

yep there they are

Anonymous No. 16144674

honestly this looks like a modest, basic moon landing program. no messing about refueling, unproven rockets, starships, and how much do you think LM10 will cost compared to SLS per launch?

Anonymous No. 16144680

>modest, basic moon landing program
for fags. go big or go home. apollo was fine in the 60s. it's not today. 100 starships on the moon this decade

Anonymous No. 16144696

why not both? get there first with something tested and evolve it into a giga-base

Anonymous No. 16144710

Oh here we go here we fucking go, I knew this shit would turn out to be the biggest obstacle for SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16144714

>literal who account not quoting musk or posting audio snip
also doesnt this only apply to nasa missions retard? and before you say no, post evidence or youre a lying cuck.

Anonymous No. 16144718

It's from the ILSC talk today I think

Anonymous No. 16144724


Anonymous No. 16144734

It won't matter once ISRO goes to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16144735

Whatever can survive in disgusting jeet shit can easily survive Mars.

Anonymous No. 16144759

starships will gather in leo to refuel before departure

Anonymous No. 16144761

its more advanced than apollo but shitter than artemis
flags and footprints -> unmanned outpost -> short visits by chinastronauts

Anonymous No. 16144783

Most retards on this site do not comprehend to content of this post.
They believe that "the rich" hoard all of their money in one big pile locked up in some bank in Switzerland.
They actually think "taxing the rich" will make the rich poorer, while they (and the poor) get richer.
Why must the average person be this retarded? What did we do to deserve them being such a plague upon this board?

Anonymous No. 16144788

How do most retards on this site believe this? If anything most people think the opposite, the only place you would see tax the rich on this site is /lgbt/, /sci/ is literally just /pol2/.
Where do you think you ARE??

Anonymous No. 16144790

Bro, boomers are EVERYWHERE these days
Even /ck/ isn't safe anymore
2016 really was the deathknell of this site

Anonymous No. 16144796

yeah but artemis is saddled with a crew launcher that can't fly more than once a year by design. if we get in a situation where china's landing 3+ times a year that may be the quickest path to killing SLS so i'm not entirely displeased with the situation.

Anonymous No. 16144852
New Eager Space video
>ULA - PR or Lies Part 1

Anonymous No. 16144868

Why do you think I believe any of that?
I think that the 1% going from owning 17% of the economy in 1990 to owning 26% now is bad.
I don't want to make them poor, I don't even want to stop them increasing their wealth I just think 3% of the economy going to them every decade isn't sustainable.

Anonymous No. 16144871

Now continue onto what you want to do about it.

Anonymous No. 16144876

Well everyone here seems to understand the boomers had a much better economy that us so lets revert from our neoliberal economic policy to the liberal economic policy of the 50s.
Things like a 50% corporate tax rate, major government projects that pay well, higher capital gains tax.
Crash the housing market by banning corporate home ownership and limiting residential property ownership to 5 per person.

There is plenty that has worked in the past, we don't need to try anything new, just tell political donors to get fucked and start serving the people again.

Anonymous No. 16144881

> 3% of the economy going to them every decade isn't sustainable.
youre looking at it back to front. they are effectively making their share of the economy (and thus the whole economy) bigger every decade. it isnt "going to them", they are making it from scratch.

Anonymous No. 16144886

The standard of living for the lower classes is markedly and measurably decreasing. Even if they are producing to create that growth, it is demonstrably happening in contravention to the state of everyone else at minimum. Given the abundance of Rent Seeking behavior and increasing prices of essential goods and services above and beyond inflation, their growth in wealth is probably directly at the expense of the well-being of the lower classes.

Anonymous No. 16144890

>they are effectively making their share of the economy (and thus the whole economy) bigger every decade
What do you think is a good upper limit? Will it be a problem when 60% of the economy is owned by 1%? Maybe 90%? Or will it not be a problem even when they own 120% (possible because "they are growing the economy").

Anonymous No. 16144902

That's a very nice plan which relies upon very sketchy preconditions.
Wresting representatives off of the teat of political donors is far from trivial. I'd say it's basically impossible, actually.

Anonymous No. 16144908

The hard part is to do it legally they have to vote to make political donations illegal which isn't in their best interests.
There have been other methods used to replace government structures.

Anonymous No. 16144916

Anonymous No. 16144920

Thank you sbarky38.

Anonymous No. 16144931

FROS7 probably

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Anonymous No. 16144950

Thanks anon.

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Anonymous No. 16144984



Anonymous No. 16145044

mars is a joke anyway. getting tonnage cheap to leo is the real money shot as that anons table shows

Anonymous No. 16145166

where in europe is that? Bulgaria?

Anonymous No. 16145169

>honestly this looks like a modest, basic moon landing program
That's why China will land before America, and it will be seen as a giant geopolitical coup by normies who don't understand the nuances in the archietectures.
An overwhelming majority alive today in the turd worldist alliance think America faked the original moon landings. Once the chinks beat America to the moon late 20's it will become a key point of turd world historical canon that China landed on the moon first. It will probably be the prevailing opinion among MIGAtards assuming they dont't become more resistant to disinfo

Anonymous No. 16145231

With SpaceX you win

Anonymous No. 16145236

>prairie madness resulted in east coasters acting like east coasters

Anonymous No. 16145240

after the first few Starship launched commercial space stations are fully crewed
15 or 20 years on that basis, with a sharp increase after that

it's possible the first full Mars fleets will be first

Anonymous No. 16145246

The first fleets won't come back to Earth