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๐Ÿงต Is Climate Change Real?

Anonymous No. 16147165

Anonymous No. 16147224

The capitalist jew has brainwashed you to think that wealth transfer from poor to rich via taxation to subsidize big corporations is communist but communist = robin hood and climate change = reverse robin hood.
>b-but muh taxation and regulation *drool*

Anonymous No. 16147246


Climate change isn't the goal. Equity is the goal. They dont want solutions.

Anonymous No. 16147255

>communism is when Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Pfizer, Exxon, BP, Google, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin dictate the governments and the central banks to force the population into living in the pod, eating the bugs and owning nothing

Anonymous No. 16147261

>Equity is the goal.
How? One lbs of meat per week maximum for everyone? But carbon credit scores are like catholic indulgence fees so those can't create equality.

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Anonymous No. 16147272

I think I got the message.
Just one thing I don't understand. Why is there value in shitposts that are public anyway?

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Anonymous No. 16147288

yes, the planet's climate and temperature changes all the fucking time, it's natural
what isn't natural is the stupid amounts of CO2 humanity has pumped into the atmosphere
it's poison and can make people retarded if it goes much higher

Anonymous No. 16147296

>wealth transfer
fancy word for "stealing"

Anonymous No. 16147298

You sitting at your desk creates a high CO2 environment than what you'll find outdoors.

Anonymous No. 16147303

why did this guy make electric cars if he hates the concept of green energy
Sounds like he doesn't believe in his product at all and just wanted to make money.

Anonymous No. 16147306

EVs can be powered by coal as well as solar.

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Anonymous No. 16147317

Bruh I can't afford a house or groceries. I'd be happy living in a commie block at this point

Anonymous No. 16147318

A manufactured crisis

Anonymous No. 16147325

>The capitalist jew has brainwashed you to think that wealth transfer from poor to rich via taxation to subsidize big corporations is communist but communist = robin hood

adulthood is realizing that both communism and capitalism are poor to rich subsidization systems in practice because all economic systems have always been. It's a feature of human civilization that the people in power eat first. There is no way to impliment robin hood and there never will be. All we can do is get richer as a species so there is more left over for the common man.

Anonymous No. 16147347

Agreed in principle but in practice inequality can increase or decrease. The bottom of the hierarchy must play their role but are demoralized instead. That's not natural.

Anonymous No. 16147363

Of course climate change is real. The alternative position is that the climate is unchanging but a cursory examination of reality reveals that everything changes.

More useful questions would be: To what extent are human activities driving the change? To what extent can we purposefully alter that change? How much will it cost? Who will pay? What happens if we do nothing? etc.

The climate isn't changing at the same rate everywhere or in the same way. Some areas are becoming more habitable for people, some areas are becoming less so. This has been happening since forever. Things might be faster now. It's unclear because as a topic climate change draws in many disingenuous actors i.e. people whos motivation appears to be seeking power or seeking to punish perceived opponents.

Anonymous No. 16147370

>More useful questions would be:
No because rational debate benefits the experts who are so knowledgable and skilled that they are better than anyone else in abusing facts to create false narratives and win the public debate. They must be defeated with retarded memes.

Anonymous No. 16147377

>To what extent are human activities driving the change?
A negligible amount, if any at all.
>To what extent can we purposefully alter that change?
Not at all.
>How much will it cost?
Way too much.
>Who will pay?
The average citizen, through taxation and inflation.
>What happens if we do nothing?
The climate keeps changing back and forth in cycles like it always has as far back as we can observe.

Anonymous No. 16147381

They dont want nuclear power because that would mean people would still continue to functioning society.

They want electric deficient power. So they can remove people's ability to own and drive their own car. All CARS. They dont like electric cars. They dont like gas cars. They want to remove all private ownership. The solutions offered by capitalism doesn't work because it enables individuals to still have freedom.

Their proposed answer is public transportation, expansion of government powers, reduction of energy usage, reduction of meat usage, eating the bugs, depopulation campaigns, castration campaigns, etc.

Anonymous No. 16147383

>posts regularly on 4chan
>complains about incessive shit posting

Anonymous No. 16147394

good summary

Anonymous No. 16147401

He is a grifter.
Tesla is doing bad and he tries to pivot.

Anonymous No. 16147408

>that would mean
Not necessarily. Either way the powerful will find excuses to increase their control over our lives like for our health, for our safety etc. That's the fate of any system like the other anon said. By the way it needs to be mentioned that Musk's technology supports the plan to totally control our lives.

Anonymous No. 16147428

Yes, and it's human caused. But it is not the end of the world.
The media and the powerful use it to push their agendas and control the people, their best strategy is marrying truth to a lie. But they have a whole dialectic playbook.
>truth and lie to manipulate
>set up to feed any reaction so it becomes an overreaction
>use overreaction to take back power or just infiltrate it and wait for the next pendulum swing to the left to make even more commie shit
>industry fucks climate
>we need carbon tax and government control or we all die!!!
>push, push, push ridiculously
>reactionaries push for fascism
>help fascism happen
>government now huge
>infiltrates already there, all power figures can be blackmailed from their data, from their epstein island visits, from their woke brainwashed kids
>feed revolution against fascism
>get the government and make it even harder
All according to keikaku.

Anonymous No. 16147445

petrol and diesel cars can only be powered by fuels so they're more fascist and suit him more.
Teslas are associated with liberals and communists. Fascist conservatives don't buy them.

he should make Tesla pollute the environment more

Anonymous No. 16147447

No, its because regular folks dont understand what the "climate" agenda extremists want.

See >>16147381

Meanwhile solutions like nuclear energy, electric cars, solar panels, etc are seen as evils by the the extremists. They are evil because it allows individual ownership and individual means of control. Thats antithetical to their "climate" activism, which is socialism.

Anonymous No. 16147451

this guy gets it

Anonymous No. 16147455

I don't give a fuck what Elon Musk is talking about

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Anonymous No. 16147502

>Is Climate Change Real?

From a natural, "the planet doing it's thing in order to preserve and achieve homeostasis"? Yes. Climate change has historically happened and will continue to happen. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that and making adaptive decisions in response to natural phenomena.

From an "industry is making too much pollution & carbon and if we don't stop we'll cook like a dog in a van" Sort of. There's problems.
-The first problem is we're collectively very bad at making predictive models for the environment because we actually know jackshit about biology, ecology, and the environment in general. We're excellent at collecting data, making lab models, simulations, understanding particles, physics, chemistry, etc.. But the environment could be considered 'alive'ish' and it's constantly doing new things we can't account for that in turn make 'us' look stupid.

-The only 'real' method of environmentalism is restoration and conservation: grow things back and leave them alone. But then our environmentalist models of action have been completely hijacked by globalist consultants & industrial capitalists and their, frankly insane, carbon markets that have it in their head that it's perfectly fine to remove a biome or ecosystem if they can compensate it's 'estimated value' and/or cultivate a new one of equal or greater value in some hypothetical future.
Do you know that thing Wimpy from Popeye always says? The, "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today" ? That's basically official policy now.

In 1969 Lake Eerie was so polluted it caught on fire and burned for 30 minutes. In 1972 Richard Nixon signed the Clean Water Act that effectively made it illegal for that kind of thing to happen and set the EPA on the war path to cleaning the rivers and lakes of America. Something like this is basically impossible in our super cool 'reductive' carbon emission meme future.

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Anonymous No. 16147521

One of the most eye opening parts of the pandemic was how many of my friends I made from when I was a transit activist were angry about the huge expansion of work from home. They should have been overjoyed by it. It had always been one of the "commute alternatives" that we pushed but once it finally happened on a large scale, many of them revealed themselves to really be authoritarians in favor of forcing everyone to live in dense city centers with only government supplied transportation to get around. Turned out many of them were anti-car not because of worries about climate change or pollution but because cars allowed people to live distant from the problems of the city. If they can do that, they don't have an incentive to care about and help solve the problems of cities. In the end, it comes down to a desire to make their problems into everyone's problem so everyone will be forced into solving their problems for them.
pic unrelated

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Anonymous No. 16147524

>falken's maze
>global thermonuclear war
Doesn't look very different from the total war on climate, so where is the difference, i.e. not complete annihilation of whatever?
This is why I oppose action on climate change btw.

The IPCC only discusses scientific theories
the only winning move...

Anonymous No. 16147539

I want to fight climate change AND to eat the rich.

Anonymous No. 16147561

>In the end, it comes down to a desire to make their problems into everyone's problem so everyone will be forced into solving their problems for them
Even then it sounds slightly positive. But thats not it either. As I said before, they dont want a solution to fix the problem. They want THEIR solution. Which is to implement fascist socialist ideology. They see technology as a threat to their ideology. They see prosperity as a threat to their ideology. They see free people as a threat to their ideology. When free and prosperous people propose a technological solution, they hate them for it.

I want to say its a subversion of the original "climate" ideology which has morphed into a globohomo socialist order cult. But I think I might be bit too naive on that. Its possible that the original ideology of climate relies upon hatred of free society and the seed of communist ideology was supplanted to destroy the society itself. Yes grand conclusion, but the way its going, I cant rule it out yet

Anonymous No. 16147794

those are not conflicting ideologies.
they're both part of communism these days

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Sage No. 16147892

Why is this thread on /sci/? Why am I the first person to make this post?


Anonymous No. 16147959

Not if the rich wrap themselves up in a rainbow.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16149060


Anonymous No. 16149068

Yes but humans can't do anything about it

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16149564


Anonymous No. 16149578

Of course it's real. But it is natural. The climate changes throughout the day because the Earth rotates on its axis. The climate changes throughout the solar year as the Earth rotates around the sun. The climate changes throughout the galactic year as the Sun orbits the Milky Way.

Anonymous No. 16149597

>Is Climate Change Real?
yes, but human CO2 emissions play only a smaller role

Anonymous No. 16149642

we live in an age where chang and igor will employ pajeet to convince barry, hans and pierre that climate ain't real, all while pajeet will get fucked first and the hardest.

Anonymous No. 16149677

Corporations have somehow brainwashed people into thinking corporations are communist but to oppose them we have to prop up the corporations. And both conservatives and liberals fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Anonymous No. 16149680

Just one flaw with this analysis: a substantial portion, perhaps even a majority of "woke" people are white. Non-racist white people are not shunned or ostracised by the movement. The people this is supposed to "divide and conquer" aren't divided by it. Keyboard warriors like you who whine about mentions of racism in the media are, because you feel personally attacked. So if you want to do something about it, look to yourself.

Anonymous No. 16149726


Anonymous No. 16149735

Teslas aren't about saving the environment

Anonymous No. 16149794

current EVs are transition EVs, you cannot have good EVs without a causal chain for having them. everything we do we make better in incremental steps. if you want that super clean proper EV with all that, you need something worse before it, makes logical sense anon.
the most retarded twitter tier argument is seething that last 5 years EVs are not all that when you had 100 fucking years of gas cars before. it's not reasonable, and all of this while the whole fucking planet tried to fuck with Tesla so they aren't successful.

Anonymous No. 16149816

There aren't enough Jews in the world to substantiate your aspersions

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Anonymous No. 16149826

>a majority of "woke" people are white.

Almost all Woke people are White.
The rest of the world can clearly see the truth.

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the atheist power....jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16150511

mentally ill narcissists get excited about taxation because their inner fantasy life revolved around power fantasies of "this is what i'd do if i was in charge"
and because they are hopelessly jealous of everyone who has more money than they do.

Anonymous No. 16151081

Fabian Society

Anonymous No. 16151083


Anonymous No. 16151125

Look at this typical rightwing conspiritard gish gallop. Why do you censor the most important part of their message?
Sure, they will be in the pod.
Yes, they will be eating bugs.
And yeah, they will own nothing.
But you forgot one thing: they will be happy.
And isn't that what really matters?

Anonymous No. 16151138

The capitalist has brainwashed you into thinking there just isn't enough for everyone, but the only scarce things are jobs and money, and it's set up that way on purpose, or at least there is no reason for it to be that way.

Anonymous No. 16151170

You think the poor in the ghetto care? They need thrir food stamps and medicaid. Sooner or later these guys are going to vote in real socialists and we are all going to really suffer.

Anonymous No. 16151237

Then I suggest moving to Cuba

Sage No. 16151285

This is a /pol/ thread. The mods have udderly failed in their only job.


Anonymous No. 16151381

>it's poison
That kind of poison that makes plants grow.

Anonymous No. 16151431

>a happy life in the stone age is of the same quality and equally valuable as a happy life in modernity
Relativism has damaged your brain.

>power fantasies of "this is what i'd do if i was in charge"
The bigger concern is that they don't self-correct when they see that the real consequences of what they think is good are actually bad.

>thinking there just isn't enough for everyone
As long as there are people who prefer predatory strategies over symbiotic strategies the symbiotes must act like predators to predators and as symbiotes to symbiotes. Climate change policy is a wolf in sheeps' clothing. That's what the controversy is about.

Anonymous No. 16151582

but the right side of the picture is in fact from another religion

Anonymous No. 16151642

Stop talking in riddles, it doesn't make you sound smart, and people will think that you are schizophrenic.

Anonymous No. 16151652

We use abstractions to summarize a truckload of details. That's how conversations on an academic level work because a shared knowledge base between conversation partners is assumes. If it's not clear what I'm referring to, like the word ''relative'' of who ''they'' are or why I use terms like ''predator'' and ''symbiote'' then you can just ask me to clarify so you can check whether or not my words are empty before you label me as a schizo.

Anonymous No. 16151671

People speak like that when they lack sufficient abstraction to grasp the problem.

Anonymous No. 16151694

Instead of attacking what content of my statement you don't agree with you're attacking the way I use language. That reminds me of political ideology derived from post-modern philosophy: very telling.

Anonymous No. 16151708

Think of a neural network, which is trained to identify tachycardia. You can train it to read the ECG, and tell you if it's tachycardia, even identifying various kinds of tachycardia, and it doesn't have to know what a heart is. Tahycardia is much less abstract than a fast heartbeat.

Anonymous No. 16151731

I'm an Earth scientist. The data you need to understand that question is freely available. The best source of information is the IPCC but for some reason people have poisoned the well and claimed that anyone who claims man made climate change is real is somehow a shill of .... 'science' I guess? With some tenuous claims about a conspiracy or something based on misunderstanding emails from 15 years ago that were long ago debunked.

So here's sources not related to the IPCC, however, keep in mind, the IPCC's job is literally to inform the public about the reality of man made climate change.

Here's ExxonMobil admitting climate change is real and caused by humans:

Here's BASF a major petroleum chemical company admitting climate change is real and caused by humans:

Here's BP pretending they care about reaching netzero, which is addressing the damages their own company causes:

Friend, even the oil companies admit climate change is real and caused by humans. You can fudge numbers all you want, you can pretend some super conspiracy by ordinary scientists but you can't escape the fact that even oil companies now are forced to admit their product is dangerous and hurting people. Something they would never do if the evidence weren't completely against them.

Anonymous No. 16151734

A human is a pattern recognition machine. The goal of my posts is to point out those patterns because that's one level up in awareness from not recognizing those patterns at all. Now we can misunderstand what those patterns mean like the famous example of the rooster and the sun, but it's still up to you to point out where my interpretation is wrong. Stop stringing me along if you're serious or continue without my reply.

Anonymous No. 16151736

remember when the ozone hole was correlated with refrigerant patents?

Anonymous No. 16151742

Yes there's a picrel suggesting how it could be seen as a business model.

Anonymous No. 16151748

Your reply had nothing to do with what I said. I said that capitalism only pretends scarcity - so for example, there isn't enough houses for everybody, so we have to determine who gets to own one. There isn't enough bread for everybody, so we have to somehow decide who gets to eat. But this almost never happens in reality, and the only two scarce things are jobs and money, and there are empty houses, amd people who can't afford to buy one.

Anonymous No. 16151750

There's a bunch of careless people at the top of capitalism that don't care about these problems the lower end face and are controlling things and stopping help from coming so they can keep their top position. Largely due to luck

Anonymous No. 16151757

Didn't Elon used to market his electric cars on the basis of them being environmentally friendly? What changed?

Anonymous No. 16151764

>But this almost never happens in reality
It is reality. It's the darwinian nature of living beings, the biological motivation systems of fear/desire, punishment/reward, pain/pleasure and all the psychology that derives from these biological motivation system like the will to exercise power over others, territorial behaviour etc. Human emotions are a dashboard for how well we satisfy these drives. It feels good to do better than anyone else.

You seem to want to downplay the reality biology in favor of the fantasy of social constructivism and morality. Instead I propose to recognize that some humans have a different kind of biology: they feel better when sharing and cooperating rather than dominating.

Anonymous No. 16151957

Elon is a hack fraud but here he is right. There's too many climate change grifters who have ulterior motives

Anonymous No. 16152183

People want electric cars to be a good alternative. What people don't want is to be forced to switch and pay through the nose. Teslas were marketed more as a high-performance electric sportscar than a save-the-planet-mobile.

Anonymous No. 16152193

that's how you make it cheap. start with expensive small number models then expand build capability and make that cheaper and cheaper. I think it's a business model or something

Anonymous No. 16152701

Electric motors are superior, it has always been propaganda to show electric cars as slow and weak. An ICE can never reach the torque of an electric motor.

Anonymous No. 16153556

EVs are trash

Anonymous No. 16153702

Try beating one in a race.

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Anonymous No. 16153810

Here's how to cut the Gordian knot:

Anonymous No. 16153931

You're going to have issues with step one and step two. You'd have to beat the lobbying power of fossil fuel corporations who would lose money from having to raise their prices. You'd also have to convince politicians to evenly distribute a bunch of money to every citizen, which is a political nonstarter. Instead of the perfect solution what we need is any solution because what we have currently is a plan to delay action for as long as possible.

Anonymous No. 16154740

This. It's literally a coin flip argument. Either nothing happens or something happens. The former is more absurd than the latter. Full stop.

Anonymous No. 16154750

You are retarded beyond belief. This is already happening and you don't even see it.

Anonymous No. 16154847

Which part is already happening? People winning lobbying wars against fossil fuel companies? Taxes are being evenly redistributed to the citizens instead of just the rich people? One of us is definitely a retard.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16155953

>fossil fuel corporations lose money from when they sell their product for higher prices
extremely low iq

Anonymous No. 16156267

>why did this guy make electric cars if he hates the concept of green energy
Where'd you get that from?

Anonymous No. 16156391

Take an economics class, moron. Raising prices reduces sales.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16157139

Whats wrong with making money? Your daddy makes money to pay all your bills for you, do you think he should stop?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16157164


Anonymous No. 16158153

People get angry at Musk for being successful because they're jealous of him

Anonymous No. 16158196

So what if theyโ€™re demoralized, theyโ€™ll still keep making money and serving the rich until they drop dead. The rich are untouchable gods and you should respect them.

Anonymous No. 16158224

Yes, it's called the sun getting brighter and the Earth's core cooling down, plus ninus whatever random events happen on the planet surface.

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Anonymous No. 16159252

That's not what's happening

Anonymous No. 16159283

Gistemp uses NOAA surface stations and NOAA surface stations are almost entirely badly sited on asphalt in and around urban areas and as such are ruined by heat island effect.

Anonymous No. 16159334

Even if we took what you said at face value that wouldn't explain an increasing trend, especially not when solar insolation is decreasing.

Anonymous No. 16159752

don't see any unmentioned relevant points left here, but do see the lack of some coup de gras that rebinds this ideological divide which probably would be something like /sci/ is >>16156998 and not being racist means you're okay with >>467082268 or in other words people are still only parroting their respective echo chamber's bs

Anonymous No. 16159755

scuse me it's a post on /pol/

Anonymous No. 16159762

Yes. It is. It can be and has been measired. /thread

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Imminent War.png

Anonymous No. 16159766

It doesn't matter if it's real or not for two reasons.

>It isn't related to humans and is completely out of our control

>It is caused by humans and the only solution is to wipe out a massive percentage of the human population

Whether it is or is not our fault or if it is even real at all it doesn't matter because the only solution would be more horrendous then the problem itself.

Anonymous No. 16159785

about hunger

Anonymous No. 16159830

I mean yeah to some extent. Is it as chronic as purported by the media? I cannot imagine so, but things such as ocean acidification are certainly real. Also, it would be nice to just not live in a chinese esque shithole if possible, even if there weren't any side effects, I don't want smog in my cities and garbage in my rivers. Let's keep the third world in the third world if possible

Anonymous No. 16161056

>but things such as ocean acidification are certainly real
no it isn't

Anonymous No. 16161123

insanely easy in any endurance race
try driving it on a highway for any amount of time
they are for cities only

Anonymous No. 16161126

cities are growing and heat island effect grows with city size
and we are more and more obsessed with paving every inch of soil within the cities

Anonymous No. 16161129

All motorized transport is for the degenerate and doesn't help the environment either.

Anonymous No. 16161142

>posts communist/statist divide and conquer tactics between the genders

Anonymous No. 16161145

helps the people. you alive doesn't help the environment so you know what you have to do to save "the environment"

Anonymous No. 16161151


>the fate of any system
of government. If you could set in to motion a system devoid of government, this fate would be avoided

Anonymous No. 16161155

>surely price controls will work this time!
Price controls don't work. You're ilk just want to steal from other people and call it a tax. KYS promptly.

Anonymous No. 16161162

youre a bit confused arent you ? Degenerate motorist. The minds weakness rivals that of the body. Typical for your kind.

Anonymous No. 16161163

This cycle would reduce the size of the econmy by forcing people to use costly "climate friendly" (reality is untaxed products) alternatives.

By increasing the price of goods, you reduce people's wellbeing. You are scum.

Anonymous No. 16161165

Sadly most people don't even understand how prices are determined. This is a principle reason for why the vote should not be universal, or at minimum highly restrict what can be voted on.

Anonymous No. 16161168

how tf do you get around, ride a fucking horse?

Anonymous No. 16161174

>It is caused by humans and the only solution is to wipe out a massive percentage of the human population
Exactly. This is the logical end point of all climate change nonsense, and I'd suggest the wider concept of leftism as a whole.

The problem leftists/climate types point out is humans making an impact on the environment. The only foolproof way to eliminate human imapct on the envrionment is to exterminate all humans.
This dovetails perfectly with the wider antinatalism of leftism, and is part of why envrionmentalism attracts them so much. That and it gives them an excuse to further steal other people's things.

Leftism is the product of dysgenics.

Anonymous No. 16161179

Healthy and functioning humans have legs and are capable of bipedal locomotion. For the extended trip I recommend a bicycle. Cripples, elderly, women, weak, injured, children and other degenerates of course have my blessings when using motorised means of transportation as everyone should have the possibility to participate.

Anonymous No. 16161192

bruv that'll just make everyone get a cripple permit. or literally get crippled so they get the permit.

Anonymous No. 16161195

I don't see how my opinion of them would make anyone want to do anything.

Anonymous No. 16161335

The magnitude of the effect doesn't increase with city size and decreasing solar insolation would lead to decreasing temperatures even if the weather stations are all on asphalt.

Anonymous No. 16161339

t. Never even seen an EV

Anonymous No. 16161750


Anonymous No. 16162125

Yes itโ€™s real. The denialists just like slurping oil nozzles too much to admit it is real. It is seen with your very eyes, every average temperature has been higher than the last. Does this mean the socialist solution? Of course not. Texas already mogs California on green energy despite California being socialist and socialist China is making more coal. Free market forces are solving climate change more than the socialist countries, explain that.

Anonymous No. 16162145

>explain that.

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Anonymous No. 16162204

>Is Climate Change Real?

Anonymous No. 16162209

>Climate change isn't the goal
it's not a goal, it's a phenomenon. Attempting to stop CO2-induced global warming is a goal

Anonymous No. 16162212

>Free market forces are solving climate change more than the socialist countries, explain that.
I won't explain that because it's simply not true.
If it weren't for governments' socialistic environmental efforts, the green economy would not have gotten started

Anonymous No. 16162816

CO2 doesn't cause global warming

Anonymous No. 16162828

Over a week. My post is still ignored.

You guys donโ€™t want facts about climate change. You want propaganda.

Anonymous No. 16163423

nobody read your self indulgent wall of text, you only presumed they would because you have a personality disorder that clouds your judgement

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16164353


Anonymous No. 16164622

Cope harder

Anonymous No. 16165237

don't you think is selfish and presumptuous to presume that anyone wants waste time reading your long winded garbage? why should they? imagine posting a wall of text and then crying because nobody replied to it. you seem desperate for attention, but writingtoIQ scores your post at 78 IQ so you're not worthy of attention even though you clearly presume you are.

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Anonymous No. 16165246

Don't worry. The state will give you all the help you need to kill yourself.

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muh globohomo war....jpg

Anonymous No. 16165250

LMAO, only commies are stupid enough to believe in such crackpot nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16165808

>LMAO, only commies are stupid enough to believe in such crackpot nonsense.
incredibly ignorant person detected, also a very empty, hurt narcissistic person detected, or they would not feel the need to seek valuation by mocking others. Sad, many such cases.

Anonymous No. 16166036

their already bad range gets even worse at high speeds
which is why you often see EVs driving slowly on longer trips
have you never left the city you live in?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16166802


Anonymous No. 16167234

t. Never even seen an EV

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16167848

EVs also produce more pollution than normal cars, they're less safe than normal cars and they use more energy than normal cars

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Anonymous No. 16167928

Even climate change denialists have been slowly coming around. Absolute denialists are increasingly rare. It's just that it's moving from "the climate isn't changing, it's all a hoax" to "of course the climate is changing but we have nothing to do with it". The next step is "we're causing it but there's nothing we can do to fix it so there's no point trying".

Anonymous No. 16167934

> cherry picked time period

Anonymous No. 16168060

>functional analfabetism
No, carbon dividends goes directly back to the population. AND it should be raised at a pre determined rate.

The beauty is that the government can't hoard money that they can spend money on special projects. IFF the government want to spend money on R&D, they have to spend regular tax money.

>shitty bad faith image 2: the retardening

>Even climate change denialists have been slowly coming around. Absolute denialists are increasingly rare. It's just that it's moving from "the climate isn't changing, it's all a hoax" to "of course the climate is changing but we have nothing to do with it". The next step is "we're causing it but there's nothing we can do to fix it so there's no point trying".
Nice sum-up. Also harping about how many chinese and indians there are yadda yadda is just doomerism. With carbon dividends that raises custom barriers against these conuntries (it wasn't like that someone forced corporations to outsource their production)

Anonymous No. 16168064

Fake dichtomy, meet:

Dishonest enabler.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16168082

its from NASA, of course its going to be fake. NASA is a government propaganda agency, not a scientific organization

Anonymous No. 16168123

How people can deny climate change when its effects can be seen in living memory is beyond me

Anonymous No. 16168183

It doesn't matter.
Just adapt.
Change only hurts rent seekers.

Anonymous No. 16168479

Robinhood didn't steal from the rich to distribute to the poor. Robinhood stole from an overtaxing government. Communism is trusting the government to be honest and fair equally. Goodluck

Anonymous No. 16168490

>Robinhood didn't steal from the rich to distribute to the poor. Robinhood stole from an overtaxing government.
Under Feudalism, they were one and the same. Wealthy nobles used tax money to enrich themselves; Robin Hood wanted the tax money to be used for wealth redistribution and took matters into his own hands.

Anonymous No. 16169342

>That kind of poison that makes plants grow.

Anonymous No. 16169390

>nuclear energy...
>allows individual ownership and individual means of control
If you wanted real ownership and means of control you'd want decentralization not multi-billion state megaprojects

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16169773

The real story behind Robin Hood is that King John was forced into raising taxes because his predecessor Richard had foolishly wasted all the nation's financial resources fighting for israel instead of spending those funds for the good of England and he left John broke as a result.
Sound like a familiar story?

Anonymous No. 16170492

>Sound like a familiar story?
far, far too familiar

Anonymous No. 16170845

>It's totally normal for something to get warmer when there's less sunlight

Anonymous No. 16171197

>That's how conversations on an academic level work
and who the fuck should care about that on this board?

Anonymous No. 16171247


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Anonymous No. 16171893


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wind power did th....jpg

Anonymous No. 16171912

He had a mental breakdown after one of his kids trooned out and he blames liberals rather than the fact he's a shitty father

Anonymous No. 16171937

He should blame lead deficiency, and whoever forced the conspiracy theory that it is toxic.

Anonymous No. 16173045

>the trans atlantic slave trade
should be called "the jewish slave trade" since the jews were selling their negro slaves in europe as well as in the americas

Anonymous No. 16174250

wind power sisters, are we really responsible for slavery?

Anonymous No. 16174411

negroes living in america are the wealthiest, longest lived, best educated and have the highest standard of living of negroes anywhere on the planet, if you're responsible for that then negroes owe you a lot of gratitude

Anonymous No. 16174939

/pol/'s Razor, Secunda...

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16175965

whats that?

Anonymous No. 16176331

>cyclist hands wrote this post
arent you busy cutting off traffic and mowing down pedestrians

Anonymous No. 16176483

It's literally textbook fascism, I don't see how it "not being exactly communism" makes it any better.
Elon is a retard, green policy is like half his net worth.

Anonymous No. 16177537

He cashed in on it because he is a clever businessman who saw an opportunity to make money, not because he believes global warming is real. Do you have any idea how massive the carbon footprint of SpaceX is?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16177939

Do you have any idea how massive the carbon footprint of Lithium mining is? Its a significant percentage of all global emissions.

Anonymous No. 16178915

cobalt mining is also a major CO2 emitter

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Anonymous No. 16179562

EVs have a larger carbon footprint than real cars do

Anonymous No. 16179590

Yeah no shit. Look at any black country. Being black and poor in america is better than being rich in any African country. Atleast your safe in america. Unless another black man murders you lol.

Anonymous No. 16180082

no shit faggot

but the more plants we have the more oxygen and renewable resources

why are leftists so fucken dumb lol

Anonymous No. 16180149

I hope you're trolling.

Anonymous No. 16181021

Fanum tax skibidi rizz

Anonymous No. 16181983

CO2 isn't a pollutant

Anonymous No. 16182020

of course, climate always changes. Implied in the word. Details and propaganda dumbness reservered for idiots and /sci retards. Like (YOU)?.

Anonymous No. 16182510

Literally this.
I laugh my ass off when leftoids in zoology or archeology are talking about the late Cretaceous and how it was the hottest the planet has ever been and life was flourishing. No self awareness.

Climate alarmism is a cult. Nothing we do could kill all life on Earth. There is no way to "kill" a planet, as they so often say. Nor is the planet burning. We can literally live in space, there is no condition on Earth that could pose an existential threat to the human species.

All the useful idiots who scream their heads off about this shit and glue themselves to road are unknowingly doing the bidding of people who use climate change as an excuse to lower standards of living and import cheap migrant labor. All western governments say this same shit, and so do all corporations and celebrities. I honestly don't know how lefties maintain the cognitive dissonance to believe that they are being counter-culture by repeating those talking points. It's always the same
>we need to eat less meat and more bugs
While the rich eat premium cuts
>we need to give up the independence of our own modes of transportation
While our politicians fly around the world to conferences they could hold online instead
>we need to open our borders to climate migrants
While we don't even provide for our own nationals.

Nothing but a con.

Anonymous No. 16182614

doesn't matter because its not your problem and you don't have any power to fix it. sit back, relax, and watch everyone else lose their heads over a non issue.

Anonymous No. 16182714

Retard takes

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16183490

>largest EV charging station in the world powered by diesel

Anonymous No. 16183583

This, this isn't communism or socialism and sure as fuck isn't "crony capitalism", this is ultracapitalism. Political favours can be bought and sold because the market is freer, even the people evidently aren't.

Anonymous No. 16183586

His stainless steel rust buckets are being buck broken by chinese EVs, he needs a different grift.

Anonymous No. 16183711

No and I am tired of pretending it is just because conservatives suck.

Anonymous No. 16184024

Nice deboonk. If only your masters would pay you.

Anonymous No. 16184027

If there is no free market, there is no capitalism. The market isn't free, therefore we do not live under capitalism. All western states live under Democratic Socialism. Every fucking country imposes laws on its people to force them to cooperate and eliminate inequalities. And it's not even like they are under the banner of equality of opportunity, it's brazenly equality of outcome.
Affirmative action, hate speech laws, protected classes, Equality Diversity & Inclusion funding, the list goes on.

You're so poisoned against a system you've never even experienced that you're raging against the system you asked for.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16185124

Shareblue used to pay $14/hr, but they start outsourcing their shilling to India instead because pajeets can do the same work for less than $2/hr

Anonymous No. 16185804

$2/hr is good wage in India
t. jeet

Anonymous No. 16185818

It's a distraction from industrial pollution
your heart and brain is too full of plastic and sneed oils and corn syrup and rot to know better.

Anonymous No. 16185821

>you should just put up with cuckpitalism and it's consequences you cummunist scum how dare you want to live a better life!!
I'm an ecofascist

Anonymous No. 16185986

nonsense, cars are inefficient and central generators are way better with fuel
while ideally they should get their power from renewables and none fossils, it's better in every way than a gas powered car
if anything it keeps the pollution away from the city

Anonymous No. 16186076

>It's literally textbook fascism
Mussolini literally nationalized over 90% of the Italian economy retard

Anonymous No. 16186082

And the Nazis were literally national socialists

Anonymous No. 16186112

We breathe the stuff that photosynthesizers produce as a waste product, so it's a win-win scenario.

Anonymous No. 16186120

North Korea is literally a Democratic Republic. Retard.

Anonymous No. 16186136

And apartheid is just an immigration policy

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Anonymous No. 16186263

Are you aware that every atom of carbon added to the atmosphere is a molecule of oxygen that you can never breathe again? That's what happens when you dig up carbon and burn it. The fire eats the oxygen.

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Anonymous No. 16186615

>your heart and brain is too full of plastic
Amazing how """microplastics""" were shilled in the media as causing cancer and heartattacks just as people started questioning the safety of the vaccine with the shortest development time in history.

Anonymous No. 16186626

You do realise as CO2 increases, plants produce more O2?

There was supposed to be a limit on how much CO2 plants could handle. Just like every climate model ever made: it's wrong.

If I choose to trust your graph (and by the way, there's no reason I should because although it names a source it doesn't say what study this was, and the lack of any other gasses measured even just for comparison is extremely sus) there must be an explanation other than production of CO2.

Anonymous No. 16186647

You are a moron. Where do you think the oxygen comes from in CO2? You dug up the C and used the atmospheric O2 to burn it. Now that oxygen is locked up in that carbon. It doesn't matter how many plants there are, more carbon dioxide means less oxygen. You should have learned this in high school chemistry.

Anonymous No. 16186707

>Are you aware that every atom of carbon added to the atmosphere is a molecule of oxygen that you can never breathe again?
That's not how that works, retard. CO2 is measured in PPM, it is a volumetrically irrelevant portion of the atmosphere, and oxygen levels were higher than today during the Mesozoic, when CO2 levels were consistently three times or more higher than today.

Anonymous No. 16186711

>more carbon dioxide means less oxygen.
Wrong. Oxygen levels during the cretaceous were higher than today and so were CO2 levels. You are wrong and should delete all of your posts.

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Anonymous No. 16186955

You're denying basic chemistry because conditions were different at another point in time without considering the context of that point in time. You could easily look up the actual data, but you don't want to because you know you're wrong.

Anonymous No. 16186962

>you could easily look up the data
>doesnโ€™t even provide a source on this graph
Getting desperate

Anonymous No. 16187014

Do you really not know how to work a search engine? You keep complaining about the source, but the source is in the image. Here, have a bunch of articles that should be able to explain this to you using small enough words for you to understand.

Read any article. Literally any article. All you have to do is click on one and it will take you right to the page, and then you can just read it right off the page. I don't think I can make this any simpler for you, so I hope you can figure it out this time.

Anonymous No. 16187159

Youve fallen for the classic blunder, posting sources that donโ€™t support what youโ€™re saying, hoping no one will read them

1st one says nothing about CO2 production at all. In fact it talks about plants that absorb O2.

2nd one discusses CO2 production but says:
>Even when you breathe, youโ€™re breathing in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. So every year, as there are more and more people on the planet (over 7.5 billion right now) and as we cut down more forests, weโ€™re consuming oxygen faster than itโ€™s being replaced.
And later says:
>But the good news is this: LOTS of oxygen is already in the atmosphere. Compared to the 20% oxygen that is already there, changes in oxygen every year are less than 0.001%. It would take over 1000 years to really notice a difference.

And the 3rd one mentions fossil fuels but mostly attributes lower O2 to a decline in sea algae.

So you were asked to show that more CO2 means less Oxygen, and instead you showed that not only is the decline in Oxygen not because of more CO2 (itโ€™s because of a decline in O2 replacement mechanisms), you also showed that the effect is completely negligible at 0.001% per year or less.

Oh, and for some reason you didnโ€™t choose to use either of the sources for the graphs you posted here:
Pretty odd choice since you used them as evidence earlier. Mayhaps the studies donโ€™t say what you claim?

Anonymous No. 16187782

You are just desperate to pretend that oxygen is increasing aren't you?

First source, first paragraph
>Oxygen makes up one-fifth of the air we breathe, but itโ€™s the most vital component โ€“ and it does seem to be declining. The main cause is the burning of fossil fuels, which consumes free oxygen.

Second source, second and third paragraphs
>It takes two oxygen atoms (and a carbon atom) to make carbon dioxide (CO2). This means that all of these processes that make CO2 are taking oxygen out of the atmosphere. But the formation of oxygen happens at lower rates. Even when you breathe, youโ€™re breathing in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. So every year, as there are more and more people on the planet (over 7.5 billion right now) and as we cut down more forests, weโ€™re consuming oxygen faster than itโ€™s being replaced.

>But the good news is this: LOTS of oxygen is already in the atmosphere. Compared to the 20% oxygen that is already there, changes in oxygen every year are less than 0.001%. It would take over 1000 years to really notice a difference.

Third source, third paragraph
>Atmospheric oxygen levels are very slowly decreasing today due to the burning of fossil fuels, which consumes oxygen, and deforestation which reduces oxygen production, but not enough to alter biological processes

For fucks sake, can you even read? How about you post a source that shows that oxygen is increasing? Could it be because one doesn't exist?

>Pretty odd choice since you used them as evidence earlier
Yes, strange how literally every source shows that oxygen is decreasing, not increasing, and it's so strange that I brought you five different sources to demonstrate that. Now, I have lead you to water and poured it into your mouth, all you have to do is swallow.

Anonymous No. 16187836


Anonymous No. 16188363

>literally cannot answer why he had to google unhelpful sources instead of quoting the ones he'd already posted graphs from
I feel like I'm watching a drowning man.

Anonymous No. 16188593

>unhelpful sources
Are you illiterate? They all say oxygen is dropping. Let's see you provide a source saying that oxygen is increasing.

>I feel like I'm watching a drowning man

Anonymous No. 16189022

>but itโ€™s the most vital component
wrong, people survive just fine in nepal living with less than half the oxygen sea level sissies live with. if atmospheric CO2 were halved then everyone would starve to death because plants wouldn't be able to grow effectively.

Anonymous No. 16189070

come on. people are trying to work here and you make it hard for them. if they lose this easy job it means back to the shit mines or whatever industry they have in india.

Anonymous No. 16189098

>They all say oxygen is dropping. Let's see you provide a source saying that oxygen is increasing.
That wasn't at issue. Do I need to remind you of your own claims?
>Are you aware that every atom of carbon added to the atmosphere is a molecule of oxygen that you can never breathe again?
Literally is not true. You were told it isn't true, and in trying to prove that it is true, you accidentally proved that it isn't.
O2 does not necessarily drop because of CO2 producition, and it certainly isn't true that once O2 is converted to Oxygen you lose the molecule for breathing forever, which is precisely what you said.
There are O2 mechanisms for recycling CO2 into Oxygen. Every elementary school child knows this. Your sources say it too. The problem is that those mechanisms are declining for other reasons. Ergo, O2 go down. If those mechanisms were not in decline, O2 and CO2 could be balanced, or O2 production could even out pace CO2 production, which according to you is completely impossible.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16189111

>Do I need to remind you of your own claims?
U wot?

>Literally is not true.
C + O2 = CO2. If the carbon comes from the ground then where does the oxygen come from?

Still waiting on that source for oxygen increasing.

Anonymous No. 16189134

Okay, so you lost an argument on the internet and now you're going to sit there and pretend you said something other than what you're literally quoted as saying.
If that's how you want to spend your life.

Anonymous No. 16189186

It's real but overblown. Climate change is going to result in more crazy weather like tornadoes and hurricanes and they will be far powerful. Less water so less food or more expensive food. Your going to notice diseases spread more instead of staying south. But it won't kill humanity off. At worst maybe 10s of millions die from starvation and the bulb effect. Which just means it's really hot and humid so the human body can't cool itself off with sweating.

Anonymous No. 16189194

>If the carbon comes from the ground then where does the oxygen come from?
NTA the oxygen comes from the atmosphere, of course. But eventually we will run out of carbon-based fossil fuels to burn. When that happens, photosynthesis will be able to start increasing global O2 levels again.
There is enough free oxygen in the atmosphere to combust all the fossil fuels in the world several times over without making a noticeable dent in O2 levels.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16189504

This is textbook projection.

>When that happens, photosynthesis will be able to start increasing global O2 levels again.
That's not how that works. Plants are carbon neutral. All the carbon they take from the air they put back when they're done with it. We call it "metabolism" and "decomposition".

Anonymous No. 16189530

But 100% of plants don't fully decompose.
Peat bogs trap carbon, as does timber used in construction.
There are other processes which produce atmospheric oxygen, like photolytic bacteria which split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16189675

You're wrong. Stores of carbon emit carbon dioxide as well as sinking them. Any particular store will store carbon until it reaches equilibrium at which point it will emit as much carbon as it stores. Further, climate change has disturbed these equilibrium point turning sinks into sources and further reducing atmospheric oxygen.

>There are other processes which produce atmospheric oxygen, like photolytic bacteria which split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas.
And lightning produces ozone, but that doesn't mean that lightning storms are a significant source of ozone or that they can fix the ozone layer by themselves.

Anonymous No. 16189724

>Stores of carbon emit carbon dioxide as well as sinking them. Any particular store will store carbon until it reaches equilibrium at which point it will emit as much carbon as it stores
You misunderstand. The peat bog doesn't have an infinite capacity to store carbon, but it can't emit more carbon than it stored in the first place. Peatlands are, by definition, net stores of carbon. Some CO2 is released, but the live plants on the top of the peatlands use this. It always stores a non-zero amount of the carbon that the plants drew from the atmosphere.
Peat bogs can be several meters deep and can grow for thousands of years.
I see you ignored my point about construction timber.

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Anonymous No. 16189733


Anonymous No. 16189736


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16189901

>You misunderstand. The peat bog doesn't have an infinite capacity to store carbon, but it can't emit more carbon than it stored in the first place.
No, you misunderstand. Those peat bogs are already storing carbon and because the climate is changing they are now emitting more than they're storing, and that's besides the fossil fuels. Oxygen is not going to decrease until we stop burning fossil fuels and then magically start to increase again. There is no mechanism for that and the mechanisms that kept atmospheric carbon dioxide at a relatively constant level for a million years are being destroyed as a result of climate change.

>I see you ignored my point about construction timber
The absolute stupidest thing you could have said. Timber rots just like everything else. Take the amount of lumber used each year and compare the mass to our emissions. It should be immediately obvious how fucking stupid you are.

Anonymous No. 16190400

>Timber rots just like everything else.
explain fossilized and petrified wood in that context
explain coal
explain how petroleum is made from organic matter millions of years old if all organic matter rots

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16190433

The conditions to form petroleum and coal don't exist on Earth anymore and petrified wood has been mineralized, which means the wood was replaced by rock. You know that google is free, right?

Anonymous No. 16190560

So-called "petrified wood" comes from ancient, extinct silicon trees.
Coal is a mineral.
Petroleum is abiogenic.

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Anonymous No. 16191732

No, its obviously fake

Anonymous No. 16191773

Imagine a future where we have run out of fossil fuels.
It'll happen eventually, right?
At that point, carbon sinks will all be net gainers. We'll have fusion and all sorts of mad shit so we'll be able to give space back to nature.

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Anonymous No. 16191781

Lignite can still form, retard. Lignite is literally petrified peat. Even linin-digesting fungus can't overcome peatbog conditions. The majority of coal in the world is lignite.
Once global population has sufficiently declined and food production is sufficiently verticalised, the planet can go back to growing its lignite shell like it has been doing since the dawn of time.

Anonymous No. 16192019

Great. We're destroying all the peat bogs and they're net producers of CO2 because we've changed the climate. You've lost and you're clinging to these 0.000001% cases to try to prove the general case. It's sad.

Anonymous No. 16192224

>ALL peat bogs are destroyed and NONE of them are storing carbon any more
You want a chance to walk back that hyperbole?

Anonymous No. 16192491

Within two centuries or so, we'll have depleted the majority of our remaining fossil fuels, or massively reduced their use voluntarily.
Either way, emissions from combustion of fossil fuels, IE the vast majority of man-made emissions, will be gone. There will almost certainly be fewer people on the planet in 200 years. Almost every person in the world lives somewhere with a drastically low birth rate. Rates are falling rapidly in the places that are still above replacement. This drastically smaller population will require less net emissions to support. Crop foods will be engineered to fix their own nitrogen, freeing us from dependence on fossil-fuel derived ammonia fertiliser. Yields will be higher and far less land will be needed for the far smaller population.
More and more space every year will be given over to wild spaces to recover. Our descendents will live longer, healthier, materially richer lives than we do.
Some environmental problems will get worse before they get better, but the vast majority are due to inadequate management of our lived environments rather than something as abstract as our carbon emissions.
Things are going to work out.

Anonymous No. 16192986

>are destroyed
You want a chance to brush up on Clifford the Big Red Dog?

Anonymous No. 16193203

>It'll happen eventually, right?
no it won't.

Anonymous No. 16193226

You'll end up eating the middle class and the not so poor while the rich watch

Anonymous No. 16193244

>Oil holdings backpedal after getting ahold of the green market when they were fervently against it before
>anon thinks that somehow helps his point
Are you mentally impaired?

Anonymous No. 16193410

>keep in mind, the IPCC's job is literally to inform the public about the reality of man made climate change.
What is the job of the Ministry of Truth?

Anonymous No. 16193416

We're not even making apparent progress toward using up fossil fuels. We have confirmed more than we've used every year for the last century. We'd have to have a at least eight decades of uninterrupted population growth and no improvements in geology or mining or any renewable technologies for that to even be possible.

None of those things are going to happen and the planet is gonna have a fuckload of biomass simply never be allowed to surface instead.

Anonymous No. 16193431

Yeah it's a marketing meme

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Anonymous No. 16193442

this is like saying more rabbit infestations in your farm you have more rabbit meat you will have.
No you will fucking not, even if you hunt all rabbits the loss of produce would be greater than the meat because rabbits wont turn all the food they eat into meat, a lot of produce will turn into poo.
A similar inconvenience applies here, no, plants do not produce adequate oxygen to make up for CO2 in the air.
>renewable resources
No, less bacteria and animals in the fauna and less nitrogen meaning at the end of the day the plants will not get enough nutrients to live on so they will start dying out too.
CO2 cycle is all natural and shit but what industries currently produce are up to unnatural scale.
This is like hoping that there will be more deers after killing all wolves, no bro, deer will eat all the grass and they will die soon too.

Anonymous No. 16193443

his brain only works in
>number go up

Anonymous No. 16193448

>this is like saying more rabbit infestations in your farm you have more rabbit meat you will have.
If there was a mechanism by which rabbits would fucking slaughter and butcher themselves and serve themselves on their fucking plate, then yes.
If only there was some method of oxygen production that doesn't require any effort on our part at all... oh wait there is! The fucking oxygen cycle that they teach to every child in the west before they even have a full set of teeth.

Anonymous No. 16193452

Do you think rabbits convert all the produce they eat into meat?

Anonymous No. 16193475

Where the fuck was that in the analogy?
>this is like saying more rabbit infestations in your farm you have more rabbit meat you will have.
If the rabbits slaughtered and butchered themselves and served themselves onto your plate, yes a rabbit infestation will mean you have more rabbit meat.
Why do you suddenly want to change what you said?
>Oh rabbits aren't all meat anon! Focus on that instead of the retarded analogy I posed!
Cool. Go research the efficiency of the oxygen cycle and try not to cry every time you see a study that says the upper ceiling of production is higher than all our predictive models.

Anonymous No. 16193583

Probably yes and anthropogenic. The science is not yet 100% there but there are more reasons to believe it is than it is not. Makes sense to start doing something about it.
I don't get why this is such a controversial topic. Individual carbon footprint is tiny, it's mostly the industry.

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Anonymous No. 16193636

>The science is not yet 100% there but there are more reasons to believe it is than it is not
When one side of the research is funded and the other is not, what can you expect?
Whenever you hear "hottest temperature ever recorded in [country]" it is pretty much always a weather station in the middle of an airfield, or next to power transformers that give off a load of heat and electrical interference.
But you don't see studies about where this data is coming from. Where precisely was the measurement taken? How reliable is the equipment? We don't know, we just take it for granted and then factor that data into other studies.
And then you end up with shit like pic related in the media.

Then the public fear is used to push through higher taxes on modern commodities, to justify restricting your freedom of movement (we're in the early stages of seeing governments talk about banning cars or limit personal travel to certain areas), and in the mean time politicians are still flying private jets around the world every single day when they could hold conferences online if they wanted to set an example.

I get why when you're raised with this shit, literally taught it in school, and every authority figure you can think of is jamming it down your throat, you think you're being sceptical and critical by effectively saying it's "probably true but the science isn't settled" but buddy, they go this hard on this shit to shift the window of debate like that. So even their opponents have to concede the premise. Concession is acceptance. Do not entertain the idea. Make them keep making outlandish predictions that fall flat, as every single fucking climate model to date has done.

If it was true they wouldn't need to scare you.

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diesel powered EVs.jpg

Anonymous No. 16193915


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16194085

Retard takes

Anonymous No. 16194541

The benefit of electricity is that even if it's generated by polluting methods today it could just as easily be generated by environmentally-friendly methods in the future. Gas-powered cars will only ever be powered by gas. Electric-powered cars can be powered by gas, diesel, nuclear, solar, hydro, etc, etc.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16194550

This. EVs are fuel flexible and highly efficient.

Anonymous No. 16194552

An Ice Age is one of many forms of climate change, so yes climate change is real.

Precision in one's word usage is important.

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Anonymous No. 16194821

Ah the Hegelian dialectic.
Electric vehicles require vast lithium mines and rare earth metals obtained via slavery. All of which has to be shipped further than your average gas car part because there's only a few places in the world with enough lithium to be worth mining.

Following your own stupid fucking theories about climate and environment, you're just trading one disaster for another and calling it progress.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16194824

Retard takes

Anonymous No. 16194908

>you're just trading one disaster for another and calling it progress.
That is progress tho, new disaster>old disaster, everything changes nothing is lost

Anonymous No. 16194950

Kek 10/10 bait

Anonymous No. 16195540

CO2 isn't a pollutant, adding CO2 to the atmosphere is the most environmentally-friendly thing you can do. Plants grow better in high CO2 conditions and the rest of the environment that isn't plants depend on plants for their survival. Plants also require less water to grow effectively in CO2 enhanced environments, so adding CO2 to the atmosphere will allow arid regions to become more lively.

Anonymous No. 16195544

Retard take

Anonymous No. 16196616

>human activities are unnatural and evil
anti-human death cult rhetoric
>except my own of course, I'm a perfect saint

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16196775

Take your meds

Anonymous No. 16196859

just dont look up you commie

Anonymous No. 16196864

that's all just liberal shit that has fuck-all to do with the material
the market is free because private agents get to do what they want and thus we live in capitalism, end of story, and no /pol/cel muh not real capitalism bullshit is gonna make that any less true

Anonymous No. 16196895

>pic related
they're obviously retarded and just don't know how much 800k actually is so it isn't really indicative of anything. they wouldn't actually require a guy they're dating to make 800k

Anonymous No. 16197145

>private agents get to do what they want
You would have to ignore thousands of laws and regulations on trade and labor to believe this is true.

Anonymous No. 16197171

Articles on CO2 producing a global greening effect which is in turn acting as a carbon sink:

Anonymous No. 16198260

The scyence atheists will just ignore those like they do with all other evidence which contradicts the selfish needs and desires of their mentally ill savior complex fantasies

Anonymous No. 16198706

yeah but its not a problem for the reasons they say

Anonymous No. 16199023

Nothing surprising as scientists predicted it decades ago:
Peterson and Melillo (1985)

Goudriaan (1987):

Anonymous No. 16199061

>And it's not even like they are under the banner of equality of opportunity, it's brazenly equality of outcome.
>Affirmative action, hate speech laws, protected classes, Equality Diversity & Inclusion funding, the list goes on.
Equality of outcome is a euphemism for depressing living standards of the average person down to the point where it meets the living standards of the unemployable and slightly mentally retarded. There is absolutely nothing more to it. Banks and corporations don't push it because they have an intrinsic Kantian interest in helping the poor black person who, despite 60 years of affirmative action, performs no better in absolute terms than he did in the (white supremacist) '40s and '50s.
>All western states live under Democratic Socialism.
>Every fucking country imposes laws on its people to force them to cooperate and eliminate inequalities.
That's not democracy.
A relative increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) by 100 ppm necessitates a loss in oxygene by, how much? 100 ppms? For living beings, the relative proportion of oxygen to carbon dioxide is, to a limited degree, a much more important factor than the total amount of oxygen you enhale. If that wasn't the case, moving up a mountain would instantly cause you to die.

Anonymous No. 16199762

atmospheric CO2 changes by more than 100ppm on a daily basis and nobody notices the difference

Anonymous No. 16200381

Please stop noticing
t. ZOG

Anonymous No. 16200953

People tend to forget Musk's wealth is tied up in stocks, he has to play the grifting game or he's fucked.

Anonymous No. 16200954

>moving up a mountain would instantly cause you to die
It almost does.

Anonymous No. 16200976

The climate IS changing, though. When I was growing up, we'd get snow starting in early to mid November (sometimes even as early as Halloween), there would ALWAYS be at least a few inches of snow on the ground at Thanksgiving, February would always be in single digit or negative temperatures with ice everywhere, and we'd expect some snow showers as late as April. I live in the same city I grew up in and now we don't get snow until Christmas and it's a dusting at most, there's no meaningful snow accumulation until sometime in January, we have moderately cold weather in February, and temperatures are up into the 70s and 80s by March and April with no snow in sight. Over the last 30 years there has been a noticeable change in the climate and that's just plain undeniable.

I don't buy into the propaganda around it and I know the governments and media are all exaggerating things for their own ends and I know we shouldn't cede any freedom over it, but it's equally ignorant to claim there's been no change at all. If you really think that, you probably haven't been alive very long or have a terrible memory.

Anonymous No. 16200982

Not a rebuttal.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16201675

you didnt mention where you live because you're lying.

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Anonymous No. 16201683

That's due to the reduced air density, not the relative concentrations of CO2 and O2.
Forget atmospheric fluctuations, get a CO2 monitor for your house and observe the peaks and troughs, and be amazed at how long or how much you need to air the place out to get the thing to read close to atmospheric levels.
Picrel, my bedroom monitor when I've barely been in the room and the window has been open all day. It gets close to 2000 overnight. You likely spend the majority of your life indoors or in vehicles at 800-1500ppm.

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Anonymous No. 16201698

>I live in the same city I grew up in and now we don't get snow until Christmas and it's a dusting at most, there's no meaningful snow accumulation
How many homes and how much infrastructure (5G, fibreoptic, powerlines, transformers, AC exhaust) has been built in your city and the surrounding counties in the last 25 years? Farms shut down and fields turned into homes and roads?
There is another definition of "climate"
>the prevailing trend of public opinion or of another aspect of life.
Our climate is changing - more and more infrastructure and absorbant black asphalt and waste heat from the billion devices and miles of pipes and vents and the millions of ICE vehicle activity. All of this stuff causes heavily built up areas, spanning many miles, to experience much warmer weather than surrounding rural locations.
99% of the "climate change" people cite as evidence is due to specific land use changes or environmental management failures.
Look at Picrel. Look how the heat so strongly correlates with urban sprawl. As soon as you get away and get vegetation, everything is cool: the plant life reflects more light and is pumping thousands of gallons of water daily into the air, not only reacting differently to hot weather but also making weather by contributing to cloud formation.

Anonymous No. 16201717

Toledo, Ohio. We used to have an event at our zoo called "Frozentoesen" that happened every February and had all sorts of extreme cold weather activities like outdoor ice sculpting. It hasn't happened for years because February doesn't get cold enough to do those kinds of things. We used to bundle up in winter coats in February and worry about frostbite, and now it's basically just thick sweatshirt weather every year. And it's not just my memory playing tricks because we have years worth of home video footage and the weather difference in the winter from then to now is stark.

Anonymous No. 16201729

It's not like it snows on Thanksgiving out in the country but not in the city. I'm not sure exactly what point you're trying to make. There is a change happening, regardless of the cause. I'm only saying it's ignorant to deny that change is happening and it probably means you're just not old enough to have experienced it.

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Anonymous No. 16201731

>Toledo, Ohio
Here is what has happened south East of Toledo downtown since 1994. See the farmland retreat and the suburbs and Walmarts close in. More roads, more cars, more asphalt, more power lines, transformers. More heat absorbed and emitted instead of being reflected. If this it it's like on the fringes of the suburbs, what do you think it's like downtown?
Look at >>16201698 again.
It doesn't even have to be a very strong effect to alter weather.

Anonymous No. 16201740

Enough extra net heat is in our local air mass to change the weather. Snow needs particular circumstances to form and to accumulate when it lands.

Anonymous No. 16201745

Forgive me for getting a little confused, it's just that you started by calling me a liar for saying winter weather has significantly receded in my lifetime and then proceeded to agree that my claim is completely reasonable. Are you getting worked up over some assumption of what I might think the cause is? I never said anything about a cause, I only spoke to my objective observations of the changes in the weather. If you also think that the climate is changing over time then we're in agreement. The only thing I said was undeniable is the change itself.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16201824

>The amount of buildings and black sun absorbing asphault increased
>"Dude why is the climate changing? I only live less than 50 miles from Dupoint"

Anonymous No. 16202119

I am not

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Anonymous No. 16202266

I'm not the one who called you a liar, but identifying the CAUSE of the changes we observe is crucial. If you accept that the primary cause is carbon dioxide emissions, then "doing something about" climate change has only one solution - a nebulous commitment to "reduce carbon" without fixing any of the myriad specific problems in our lived environment and shortcomings in land management.
If you believe that the primary cause of observed changes is due to land use changes, then the set of solutions grows much larger, and more diverse, and potentially more radical. Eradication of city sprawl, an increase in rewinding and a managed decline in the global population. A complete redesign of our remaining city infrastructure, buildings and roads made as bright, white and reflective as possible with the inclusion of as much greenery as possible.

Anonymous No. 16202440

I definitely don't think the problem is carbon emissions. It's become very obvious to me over the years that's just an easy scapegoat that gives people in power carte blanche to fuck people over for profit and more power. The whole narrative around cows the past few years in particular made that plainly obvious to me.

Anonymous No. 16202667

>I definitely don't think the problem is carbon emissions.
Then you have a moral duty to oppose all those who call for redress toward carbon emissions in general rather than land use changes or environmental management issues in particular.

Anonymous No. 16202673

The west socialized losses and privatized gains. What the fuck is this retard talking about? He's the biggest comrade welfare queen on the planet. Climate change is not real to the people in the west with fully running ac, but is definitely very real to people popping like popcorn in over 50C environments. The real migration hasn't started, yet.

Anonymous No. 16203596

you're clearly obsessed with politics and have no interest in science, so why are you insist on forcing yourself on the science board?
4chan has a board for politics discussion >>>/pol/
goodbye, you won't be missed

Anonymous No. 16204130

Wrong. Did you not see the words "climate change'? Very scientific. Thanks for crying out loud though. I appreciate your suffering with my penis.
>so why are you insist
Because I can, dear ESL.

Anonymous No. 16204140

2nd law of thermodynamics
Ideal gas law still holds even in a non-constant environment like the Earth's atmosphere, how does the greenhouse effect not violate these 2 laws?

Anonymous No. 16204161

Take a freshman physics class.

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Anonymous No. 16205079

Anonymous No. 16205117


Anonymous No. 16205196

The high tide line is the darker line against the paler rock. Spot the high tide line in each pic.

Anonymous No. 16205223

Yeah, you nailed it dipshit. The Statue of Liberty actually dips below the water line at high tide. You're a genius.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16205226


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Anonymous No. 16205230

If we're comparing low tide to low tide, then what exactly is this trying to say?

Anonymous No. 16205246

Who knows what the tide is in either picture. Point is the island the statue is on is extremely close to sea level and it hasn't gone under because the sea level isn't fucking rising.

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Anonymous No. 16205254

Why do you automatically assume the statue of liberty would go underwater if the sea levels rose? Even since 1920 the waterline has only rise by about .3 meters (1 foot in amerishart units). Every "gotcha" image I've seen on here is far too zoomed out to tell if the water level has actually risen.

I want you retards to refute claims people have made, not your own strawmans.

Anonymous No. 16205262

We can't know for certain if either picture is actually taken at the lowest point of the tides, and tide heights vary along with moon cycles, due to storm surges, shifting currents, etc.
But we CAN see the high tide line, the rocks darkened by the growth of seaweed etc.

Anonymous No. 16205263

So that's a "no" on trying to refute climate scientists then?

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Anonymous No. 16205280

Apparent sea level, ie tidal extent on land, is determined and dominated in most of the populated northern hemisphere by the effects of post glacial isostatic rebound. Its effects far eclipse in magnitude the virtually undetectable global rises claimed by scientists.

Anonymous No. 16205283

>Why do you automatically assume the statue of liberty would go underwater if the sea levels rose?
Because the claim since like the 80s has been that sea levels are rising to a degree that if we don't do anything the entire eastern seaboard will be flooded out and half of Florida will vanish into the ocean.

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Anonymous No. 16205285


Anonymous No. 16205885

No I am not asking for school advice, I am asking why doesn't the volume expansion in the ideal gas law offset the "trapping of heat" by greenhouse gases. Isn't gravity responsible for the density of a gas in the atmosphere thus the shc is higher because of gravity not ir emission spectra?

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Anonymous No. 16206800


Anonymous No. 16207194


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Anonymous No. 16207266

Heres a document on atmospheric modeling that might help you understand

Anonymous No. 16207288

That 100% looks like somebody dumped dirt on the coast, for some reason.

Anonymous No. 16207901

These retards thought he was his savior until a couple of years ago until they found out that his personal ideology didn't align with theirs after all. If it were up to these sort of retards, like our friends at "Just Stop Oil" for example, we wouldn't be able to even glue shit together because these numbnut fucksticks have zero understanding about how much of modern society is built on petroleum products. They literally think that oil is just for gasoline. I had a conversation with one of these idiots this weekend, and they have zero awareness about what vital products are made from petroleum distillates.
>You've got a polyester shirt on...better take that off because "muh oil"
>Polyester is a fabric, it's not OIL...oil is in barrels
This was a real comment.

Anonymous No. 16207902

If you take a freshman physics class then you'll have the answer to that question. What possessed you to come to /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16207903

Also, the best is that these Just Stop Oil tards glue themselves to shit using adhesive made from petroleum distillates whole wearing polyurethane shoes and have to un-adhered to whatever dumb thing they glued themselves to with a petroleum based solvent. But hey, just stop oil

Anonymous No. 16207911


Anonymous No. 16208393

How come every last global warming advocate is too dumb to pass a freshman level physics class?

Anonymous No. 16209198

nice cope, but its sea level receding, bothnian waters have extremely little tidal movement. you would have known that if you weren't an uneducated ignoramus

Anonymous No. 16209224

>Under Feudalism, they were one and the same
no they weren't, the sheriff was not a feudal position, but a functionary of the state

Anonymous No. 16209808

Because if they understood the rudiments of physics then they would understand why they were wrong.

Anonymous No. 16210548

What'd I miss?

Anonymous No. 16210781

>It's DA JOOS!
>conveniently ignores the huge amounts of non-Jews involved
Capitalism is the last thing "they" want, you dimwit. Free markets are completely antithetical to "climate" goals and global governance.

Anonymous No. 16210785

His follow up question should be, "Would you be okay with a prenup which included a "hit the wall" clause, permitting your wealthy husband to dumb you the minute you were no longer worth 800k a year?"


Anonymous No. 16210786

Dump*, lol. They're already dumb.

Anonymous No. 16211379

I didn't know there were prerequisites to post here I was just asking out of sheer curiosity and was leaving myself open to being incorrect, in fact I expected that. Thanks for trying to answer my foolish question I guess. If I could afford a college education I would not be humbly asking for input on this infinite realm of knowledge Belgian Coffee enthusiasts forum. Good day

Anonymous No. 16211391

Oh the irony of your post: free markets eventually lead to a few winners / mega corporations that rule the world like they are the government. That's the situation we're in now and all you want to do is to reset this cycle.

Anonymous No. 16211954

yes. CO2 is causing the earth to cool

Anonymous No. 16212104

>I didn't know there were prerequisites to post here
Unfortunately there's not.

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Anonymous No. 16213253


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Anonymous No. 16218103

It is somewhat telling that nobody who can pass a physics course thinks global warming is real

Anonymous No. 16218111

Contradiction in terms. If the megacorporations can buy the government to stifle competition, then it isn't free market. That is corporatism.
You also severely undermine consumer choice like a nigger. Speaking of niggers, people choose mcdonalds and popeyes and walmart.

Anonymous No. 16218221

We don't have a free market. It's regulated to hell and back by the government, which is run by politicians who receive bribes (I mean, "campaign donations") from the very corporations and industries they regulate. We have a capitalistic system, yes, but it is NOT free market capitalism by any stretch of the imagination.

Anonymous No. 16218277

Lol you need to go all the way back to elementary school to work on your reading comprehension

Anonymous No. 16218279

>Contradiction in terms
Are you illiterate? He didn't say one IS the other, he said one LEADS to the other. There is no contradiction.

Anonymous No. 16219930

>So what if theyโ€™re demoralized, theyโ€™ll still keep making money and serving the rich until they drop dead. The rich are untouchable gods and you should respect them.
NTA but when a society gets that decadent, it gets overrun by foreign invaders

Anonymous No. 16220324

>everyone I disagree with is a commie
I still remember when deep snow staying around for weeks was common and 30 degrees heat was a rare occurrence in my area and I'm not even that old

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Anonymous No. 16221244

Anonymous No. 16221254

If you chop down a forest then all the dirt will dry up and it will be like a desert.

Anonymous No. 16221640

>Comparing Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction to a Europe reconstruction

Anonymous No. 16222289

no it won't

Anonymous No. 16223684

Forests just grow back after they're cut down

Anonymous No. 16223739

Didn't you retards call it "global warming" a while back? Why is the left allowed to adjust and rebrand while the right isn't?

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consensus says gl....jpg

Anonymous No. 16225446

wrong, the fact that its fake is becoming ever more widespread common knowledge, as it currently stands most people know its fake