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🗑️ 🧵 The Second Law of Thermodynamics

Anonymous No. 16148774

Define closed system, preferable in lame man's terms.

Anonymous No. 16148810

a closed system is where the second law of thermodynamics works. An open system is where it does not

Anonymous No. 16148816

So how can we be certain the universe is a closed system? what's the criterion?

Anonymous No. 16148820

It isn't, all the energy is recycled, never created or destroyed

Anonymous No. 16148852

So you're saying matter is eternal and the universe had no beginning?

Anonymous No. 16148857

Energy seems eternal. If it isn't, then there is some sort of energy spewing mechanism that shits out energy from time to time.

Anonymous No. 16148868

Energy can not be eternal into the past. That would mean an infinity of time has passed since which can't happen. Likely there is just some sort of creation mechanism that does things every once in a while.

Anonymous No. 16148897

>some sort of creation mechanism
>some sort of energy spewing mechanism
Whatever it take to not consider God.

Anonymous No. 16148917

>Whatever it take to not consider God.
If a god is real, it is near 100% guaranteed to not be your kiketranny god.

Anonymous No. 16148926

I'll pray for you, my doomed brother.

Anonymous No. 16148929

so who made God then?

Anonymous No. 16148930

Same, real God won't be kind on you

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Anonymous No. 16148947

No shit sherlock.

Anonymous No. 16148954

answer this

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Who made God xD.png

Anonymous No. 16148964

Who said God was made?

Anonymous No. 16148966

ah so the universe can't exist since forever surely, because science implications. but God can. got it.

Anonymous No. 16148968

Suppose you had a dehydrated camel equidistant from two sources of water, each equivalent to the camel in every way: does the camel die from thirst because it has no sufficient reason to choose one over the other?

Anonymous No. 16148969

Yeah, it's not that hard to understand. I'm glad you see now.

Anonymous No. 16148976

I don't understand your objection. The camel would choose either if he wants to survive because either choice is essentially the same.

Anonymous No. 16148989

No, the will to survive is precisely equivalent in either. As such, there is no reason for either to evolve from the base state. So why did the camelverse unfold in one way instead of the other?

Anonymous No. 16148999

>another thinly-veiled religion thread
Man, this board has gone to shit

Anonymous No. 16149000

Typical materialist believes in unresolved contradictions of causality and reees about God instead of facing his ineptitude.
/sci/ has really turned to shit.

Anonymous No. 16149009

>No attempt to win the game

Anonymous No. 16149012

So far no one has defined a closed system or given a good reason why the 2nd law of thermodynamics should or shouldn't apply to the universe. It's not my fault the Occam's razor implies God.

Anonymous No. 16149803

You can have perpetual motion machine, if it sucks energy from it's environment.

Closed system is system in which system doesn't exchange energy with environment.

Anonymous No. 16149823

>You can have perpetual motion machine
a pulsing universe is that

Anonymous No. 16149868

The jannies on here are so fucking inept

Anonymous No. 16149872

they're maintaining the state of things. you will have thinly-veiled religion threads and you will be happy. they do it because reasons

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bodhi No. 16149873


bodhi No. 16149879

the funny thing is when people ask this, in reality what they are doing is proving God though they arent smart enough to realize it.

They recognize this is a causal reality so there must be a first cause. Oddly they are willing to accept the Universe as causing itself (though they dont really believe this or they wouldnt ask this question) but not God. They are forced to admit in a causal reality that the first cause, or prime mover is by very definition supernatural in a causal reality. They arent smart enough to put the pieces together however. They are trying to have their cake and eat it too and just look retarded in the process.

Anonymous No. 16149880

You have a floor, the floor is everything in existance. You draw an arbitrary closed shape on the floor. Everything that enters the shape is entering your system. Everything that leaves is leaving your system. If you want to make it useful, you want to put the tape around stuff on the floor where things are rarely if ever going to cross the tape you laid down. That is your closed system.

Anonymous No. 16149884

Imagine of jannies on /a/ were like this? Constant anime hate threads and comic rivalry threads.

Anonymous No. 16149950

>Spend 10 minutes reading the babble of a schizophrenic
I shan't

bodhi No. 16149959

you could have just admitted you are an idiot from a jump and saved is all a bit time. But then I already explained how stupid you are here >>16149879 so it would have been redundant anyway.

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Anonymous No. 16149960


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bodhi No. 16149970


bodhi No. 16150251

You only have two choices

1. The Universe came from nothing

2. God came from nothing (though he didnt, there is no such thing as nothing, only infinite consciousness)

you soi face and suck off the first one and call the second one schizobabble because you are too stupid to understand it. Being this stupid I wonder why you would visit a science board when you are clearly incapable of contributing anything of value due to your low IQ

Anonymous No. 16150257

>The Universe came from nothing
I don't believe this.

>only infinite consciousness
This is made up nonsense with no evidence going for it, hence you are a babbling schizo.

bodhi No. 16150266

>This is made up nonsense with no evidence going for it,
No, actually you are just an uneducated hick who calls are the Geniuses of the past "schizo" because you are an uneducated hick and have no idea who proposed these theories and their proofs for them. Sorry but anyone who says Newton, Tesla, Plato, Pythagoras, Da Vinci, Descartes (I could literally go on for hours with this list) are "schizobabble" is not someone whose opinion is tobe taken seriously. You are a knuckledragging retard insulting the heights of human intellect. In short you are a joke

Anonymous No. 16150268

So show some evidence. Dig deep in your schizophrenic mind.

bodhi No. 16150272

Oh just to add, I guess they dont teach stupid zoomers that there are two camps

1. Big Bag

2. Steady state

steady staters are now "schizobabble" according to droolers these days. You are an imbecile and should give your STEM aspirations

Anonymous No. 16150273

Yes, the creation hypothesis is an error in trying to apply human logic to something which defies all logic and known mechanisms of action, kind of the same problem as defining consciousness.

bodhi No. 16150274

*give up* your STEM aspirations

Anonymous No. 16150275

Show your evidence, I'm interested in what you have to say.

bodhi No. 16150279

This is my personal video archive

watch in this order

1. Sangha

2. Introduction To The Mysteries

3. Zero point

Anonymous No. 16150288

I'm not watching your 10hour+ playlist. You can make an argument contained in a post.

bodhi No. 16150290

Im not personal fucking tutor you worthless sack of shit

Anonymous No. 16150292

>That would mean an infinity of time has passed since which can't happen.
According to who?

Anonymous No. 16150294

I think you're only afraid you're gonna embarrass yourself with your soccer mom spiritualism.

Anonymous No. 16150296

It's not an infinite amount of time if you've passed it by this point.

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Anonymous No. 16150298

Say that again in a way that doesn't sound like a 3rd grader came up with it

Anonymous No. 16150310

You will never pass an infinite amount of time.

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Anonymous No. 16150314

You don't pass anything, time is a singular moment, the notion of past and future extends infinitely in both directions, you can walk on a road that's infinite in length, there doesn't have to be a beginning or an end

Anonymous No. 16150327

you wouldn't know anyway if you reset

Anonymous No. 16150569

>The “crackers in the cupboard fallacy” is a philosophical concept that refers to the idea that some people claim that the existence of God or a higher power cannot be proven or believed until there is empirical evidence or direct experience.
Do you think all knowledge is perceptual in nature?

Anonymous No. 16150574

doesn't matter not science >>>/lit/

Anonymous No. 16150589

Science is based on philosophy, so it isn't science

Anonymous No. 16150627


Anonymous No. 16150648

So science doesn't follow logic?

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Anonymous No. 16150657

People like you are why science is in shambles.

Anonymous No. 16150760

Those words don't mean anything

Anonymous No. 16150765

Nta but reality is just one singular flow/exchange of energy, it is literally a perpetual motion machine

Anonymous No. 16150772

big bang - big crunch - big bang - big crunch - big bang - ....
do you need a drawing with that?

Anonymous No. 16150781

Even if this model is true we don't know if each big bang has the same amount of energy as the previous

Anonymous No. 16150784

true, may have an energy/matter cost, but constants would change each cycle.
where would it go anyway? weird thinking of an outside for our universe.

Anonymous No. 16150823

It could be that some of the earliest material at the edge of our current universe doesn't get pulled back into the singularity, leaving rings of slowly expanding material unaffected by the next universe.
But we'd have no way of proving that, just like we have no way of really proving anything on a billion+ year scale.

Anonymous No. 16151058

Second law has nothing to do with closed systems.

Anonymous No. 16151175

That is an infinite regress; it can't do that forever eternally without starting somewhere.

Anonymous No. 16152823

GO TO THIS THREAD >>16152659 WHERE I TALKED ABOUT IT, thank god one thread in the catalog had people asking questions like me, doesnt feel good being a genius m8

Anonymous No. 16153064

>infinite regress
who made the universe, who made who made the universe, who made who made who made the universe
it's unavoidable one way or the other. and universe existing since forever and forever is simpler than coming up with creators for the universe, and creators for those creators

bodhi No. 16153077

>it's unavoidable one way or the other. and universe existing since forever and forever is simpler
It is simple logic, it is mind blowing the people here cant use the most basic logic

If is this is a casual realty (which it is) and something can't come from nothing then the only logical explanation is that 0 is not the default state, 1 is. Period, it is that simple

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el no sabe.jpg

Anonymous No. 16153600

>clinging to the most rudimentary argument for atheism

Anonymous No. 16153604

fuck off

Anonymous No. 16153851

If light redshifts under the expansion of the universe, where did that energy go? Seems like it was destroyed to me

Anonymous No. 16153859

You don't want God to be real, but you cannot always get what you want. Of course, you can make negative claims, or say "hurr durr God can't be real because flyin spaghetti ain't real and I cannot find any teapots orbiting the sun hurr durr."

Anonymous No. 16153862

why does it redshift?

Anonymous No. 16153863

Sort of off topic, but can anyone explain "WHAT" gravity is? I am not talking about what it does. That's easy. What is gravity? Can you take a photo of gravity? Can you take a teaspoon of gravity? Can you hold gravity in your hand? So, what is the placeholder for gravity if we don't know what it is? We already have the placeholder of "dark matter" to explain what we don't know about the universe. You see what I am getting at? So, we have placeholders for anything, but if God is used as a placeholder, people freak out. "Hurr durr God does not exist." Well, what if I said dark matter does not exist and say that it is God that is the placeholder? What is wrong with that? You do the same thing with dark matter.

Anonymous No. 16153871

>You don't pass anything, time is a singular moment, the notion of past and future extends infinitely in both directions, you can walk on a road that's infinite in length, there doesn't have to be a beginning or an end
Cool, then you can also say that God has no beginning or end.

Anonymous No. 16153875


Anonymous No. 16153879

It is simple because it hurts your brain to think. Intellectual laziness.

Anonymous No. 16153882

not science >>>/lit/

Anonymous No. 16153883


Anonymous No. 16154664

any philosopher that takes a single look at humanity would thoughtfully refrain from telling anything significantly new and true to us

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Anonymous No. 16154669

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Anonymous No. 16154676

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Anonymous No. 16154677

need better as simiulations

Anonymous No. 16154682

existence as a premise is just a red herring so whatever this is is stupid or has a point in selling books
better to go read about buddha and what he had to say about whether we should eat latecomer

Anonymous No. 16154684

>existence as a premise
sorry the point is to say this sentence makes no sense either the way you're currently thinking abotut or the inverted other way or any combination thereof at all is the point

Anonymous No. 16154686

also this weird thing happens with IQ where bashing things together is the only way to do anything different and not more 1001101010

Anonymous No. 16154687

and we also probably shouldn't even ever do that anyway

Anonymous No. 16154690

probably find cthulu when the angels so supposed would ... that's up to them isn't it?

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Anonymous No. 16156060

No one knows if the universe is a closed system or not.

Anonymous No. 16157342

The second law has like 10 ways to phrase it. The closed system thing is maybe the least useful.