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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16156420

Dragon Edition

Previous - >>16154376

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mustard sharp.jpg

Anonymous No. 16156423

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Anonymous No. 16156427

Didn't realize so many people are watching it

Anonymous No. 16156428

Is this due to the recent iOS/Android TV mode update?

Anonymous No. 16156429

This looks like it was rendered on an OG Xbox (I mean that as a compliment)

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Anonymous No. 16156441

Spoiler, once you plebs figure out how to solve the tyranny of the rocket equation you still can't live in space. Radiation+gravity. Humans will fall apart in space or Mars or the Moon due to lack of Earth gravity and the intense radiation of space that Earth protects us from.

We're fucked, it's never going to happen, it's all a lie. You'll die like pigs in the gravity well....and maybe that's a good thing. Imagine what a mess you slobs would make of the cosmos. For the best really.

PS, I know how to solve the issue....but i'd never tell you Elon Musk sucking homos. You wouldn't listen anyway.

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Bernal Sphere col....jpg

Anonymous No. 16156446

>Humans will fall apart in space or Mars or the Moon due to lack of Earth gravity and the intense radiation of space that Earth protects us from.
All solved problems, now what?

Anonymous No. 16156449

Should have been 'OIG report on Artemis edition'

Anonymous No. 16156454

Not a good OP image plus it was already discussed last thread

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Anonymous No. 16156457

What part of an O'Neill cylinder protects you from all known interstellar radiation including gamma ray bursts? Intense solar flares? Spoiler, it doesn't.

Is rotational spin gravity the same exact as planetary gravity made via mass concentration? Dose the human body grow and thrive under centrifugal spin the same as on the crust of the Earth? No one knows so you can't answer and I'd bet it's a big NO. NASA has done extensive research with long term human survival in space environments. Do you know the results of this experiments? I do, and they were not promising, the opposite in fact.

Anonymous No. 16156459

>Humans will fall apart in space or Mars or the Moon due to lack of Earth gravity and the intense radiation
wait until you find out about spinning and thick walls made of sintered lunar regolith.

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Anonymous No. 16156467

Great, your plan is to leave the beauty of Earth forever to live underground with nothing but artificail lights.....but on Mars and the Moon? You can live underground on Earth for cheaper retards. KEK

PS, it's a trick question and I have the only answer. It's a trap, but all true critiques.

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Anonymous No. 16156472

Picrel + SKy-Hook

Sorry I'm busy to day, back to troll later. Good luck lifting all that water with exploding cock rockets.

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Three Island Spac....jpg

Anonymous No. 16156473

>What part of an O'Neill cylinder protects you from all known interstellar radiation including gamma ray bursts? Intense solar flares?
The thick hull will take care of all GRB unless there's one locally with the beam coming straight at us in which case the entire solar system gets zapped including Earth. Solar flares won't trouble them either
>Dose the human body grow and thrive under centrifugal spin the same as on the crust of the Earth? No one knows so you can't answer and I'd bet it's a big NO.
implausible supposition from a brain dead nigger

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Anonymous No. 16156481

oh no no no nasa big mad

Anonymous No. 16156485

This has big "you're embarrassing us" energy
They activated a Tiger Team for the heat shield issue; they are extremely motivated to fix Artemis but it is increasingly likely Congress is deliberately strangling NASA to prevent handing a PR win to the next administration

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Anonymous No. 16156507

Guys I just figured out how we can all get to Mars for FREE

Anonymous No. 16156518

Maybe this guy who wants flag desecration laws isn't so freedom loving after all.

Anonymous No. 16156522

based and authoritarian pilled

Anonymous No. 16156538

Why are these “just live and let live XD” lolbertarian people always extremely authoritarian about flags? It’s very odd lol

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Anonymous No. 16156539

SpaceX engineers fear this.

Anonymous No. 16156540

Just finished my last final. You all are now stuck with me for another 3 months.

Anonymous No. 16156544

find something better to post

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sfg waifu.jpg

Anonymous No. 16156548


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Anonymous No. 16156554


Anonymous No. 16156560

Havent paid attention for a month or so, any news about next hop?

Anonymous No. 16156562

not really. potentially this month, probably next month.

Anonymous No. 16156575

so 2 weeks as usual, thx

Anonymous No. 16156608

late may according to nasa

Anonymous No. 16156610

Get a job Zoomie

Anonymous No. 16156628

Raising another flag is gay. Maybe we should burn the israeli flag? I think everyone can get behind that

Anonymous No. 16156632

Summer lovin, had me a blast!

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Anonymous No. 16156653

Anonymous No. 16156655

Mars isn't a country.

Anonymous No. 16156657

is there thought to be some issue with docking? or does he just mean it hasn't been attempted yet?

Anonymous No. 16156662

He's a SpaceX stan sperging out. Literally all this could be said about Strship. It's been in development since 2016 and it's now 2024 with no working vehicle.

Anonymous No. 16156663

Okay but how does that solve Orion issue?

Are you one of those castrated folks?

Anonymous No. 16156664

>SpaceX stan is obsessed with trannies
mind broken

Anonymous No. 16156667

my personal theory is that they called it orion to confuse people about nuclear pulsed propulsion

Anonymous No. 16156672

>223k people watching paint dry because TDRS keeps losing sats and the gaps in coverage get longer and longer

Anonymous No. 16156679

> In addition to its own inspector general's office, there is the Government Accountability Office, the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel, the NASA Advisory Council, the International Space Station Advisory Committee, and more. NASA officials must regularly meet with and respond to questions and concerns from these organizations.

Jesus fucking christ, no wonder they're sick of them

Anonymous No. 16156682

this whole thing is unironically a NothingBerger article, fucking airing out his beef with NASA and pretending its to do with informing the public blahblah

Anonymous No. 16156683

SpaceX stans love arse-technica because it reinforces their confirmation bias from a self admitted partisan source. never mind all the other sources who claim different.

Anonymous No. 16156686

Yeah I can see that, luckily I'm damn near immune to confirmation bias it seems

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Anonymous No. 16156687

here's the picture of Orion's heat shield again.

Anonymous No. 16156688

NASA hates OIG saying what the SLS's prices are and what Orion's development is like. These two programs are extremely political and entrenched. These are 30 year+ programs. Entirely generations were birthed and raised on these programs. So its emotional to NASA.

Anonymous No. 16156691

>The main items remaining for development are:
>Life Support
>Docking Capability
Sooooo literally the very essence of a spaceship lmfao. Lockheed has a pressure vessel that can barely swing around the Moon. Even the Soviets were able to do this with Soyuz (Zond)

Anonymous No. 16156692

yeah i'm not even sure berger is correctly reading the nasa response either. the IG report said at the start that nasa had already implemented half of their recommendations but they hadn't learned of this until after the report was finished. that might be the only thing the snark is about.

Anonymous No. 16156693

I'm not ignoring that but this specific article is pointless

Anonymous No. 16156695

>the entire inside was corroded
>electronics systems failed
>fail safe systems fail
>redundant systems failed
>heatshield failed
Its lucky to make it back in the shape its in.

Anonymous No. 16156699

Software for docking isn’t finished yet t. knower

Anonymous No. 16156708

is the software team all jeets? why is it that with almost every single engineering project nowadays im always hearing about the software that is fucked

Anonymous No. 16156713

Diversity hires

Anonymous No. 16156724

Consider the following.

The stans have a strong emotional reaction to the heat shield issue because it embodies the 'iteration' debate. They are being forced to face the failure of modeling to find it, the rocket had to be yeeted to.

Anonymous No. 16156731

Outsourcing to brownies and giving women oversight jobs

Anonymous No. 16156732

Damn you sure talk about suckin cocks and getting fucked in your ass by lady boys a lot you disgusting troon

Anonymous No. 16156765
None of you even noticed

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Anonymous No. 16156767

wtf, new merlin?

Anonymous No. 16156769

Short nozzle MVAC has been around for a few flights where the payloads are much lighter than the rocket's capabilities.

Anonymous No. 16156770

So it's to reduce performance to avoid over-g?

Anonymous No. 16156771

Sorry I just googled "projection" and it brought me to this page, who is 4chan?

Anonymous No. 16156777

Pure cash saving by eliminating a lot of niobium from the engine's cost.

Anonymous No. 16156782

the booster landing behind the hill was kino

Anonymous No. 16156785

A very notorious hacker

Anonymous No. 16156798

SpaceX are going bankrupt and to save money they cant afford the extension which uses expotc elements. Literally NAZI germany circa 1944 tier.

Anonymous No. 16156808

its such a slow ass day cmon. what happened to that all british dragon mission? is that still on the table?

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Astranon No. 16156811

You absolutely can run flight software on cheap RasPi tier boards, just use software/network redundancy. What you can't cheap out on is telemetry downlink bandwidth.

Anonymous No. 16156813

vital question: has anyone drawn Falcon 9 upper-stage rocket girls with long vs. short skirts?!

Anonymous No. 16156815

an troll and internet hate machine (open cycle)

Anonymous No. 16156833

is that a ... SHORT NOZZLE!? oh my god im going INSANE! this cant be happening to me! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAVE ME NIGGERMAN! its indescribable!

Anonymous No. 16156840

Tech companies pay very well (or at least they did until last year) so all competent software devs went there. The people working on engineering projects are the leftovers

Astranon No. 16156844

This is basically the opposite of what happened at Astra. The lesson is even if they're white (or (((white)))) ex-Apple engineers shouldn't touch flight hardware designs.

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Anonymous No. 16156856

Ed Berger and the unfunny ecelebs breaking down the new NASA OIG report
this is worth watching

Anonymous No. 16156857

Ignore the tranny, dont feed it

Anonymous No. 16156875

Berger let himself GO!

Anonymous No. 16156880

New berger interview with Ellie

Anonymous No. 16156891

More like Sperger. Fuck him for his take on the OIG report.

Anonymous No. 16156892

>rocket runs in the cloud
No wonder Astra died

Anonymous No. 16156897

No, the rocket ran locally. The only cloud stuff was telemetry processing, development work, etc.

Anonymous No. 16156898

>t. Buttmad SLS guy

Anonymous No. 16156902

Eric Berger driving his combination hot tub and enslaved robotic rover

Anonymous No. 16156903

Wow dude, you are like, Berger-watcher or something!!

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Anonymous No. 16156904


Anonymous No. 16156909

Good point from Berger about Starship being missing on the Mars payload mission. This is probably a political thing from NASA/Biden admin.

Anonymous No. 16156910

Irrelevant, OIG's job is to air all the dirty laundry of any org that's wasting tax payer money. If someone gets embarrassed and pissed and seethes and copes, that means they did their job properly.

Anonymous No. 16156913

When are they showing the suits?

Anonymous No. 16156917


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a rather charmed ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16156919

>Flies the first-ever human flight of two different classes of spacecraft
>Flies in Gemini twice
>Flies in Apollo twice
>becomes first human to fly solo around the Moon
>becomes one of only three people to fly to the Moon twice
>becomes one of only twelve people to walk on the Moon
>becomes one of only three people to drive on the Moon
>makes dirty fart jokes on the Moon
>flies the Shuttle twice
>doesn't die until much later

Anonymous No. 16156920

we can all enter dev mode fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 16156924

The @SpaceX
#Dragon crew spacecraft undocking is now scheduled for 8:55 a.m. EDT today with redocking planned at 9:38 a.m. More...

Anonymous No. 16156928

>becomes first human to fly solo around the Moon
no? Collins

Anonymous No. 16156929

In the heart of the night, beneath the moon's cold gaze,
I stood on the launchpad, my vision ablaze.
The Starship, my dream, fueled by hope and desire,
A vessel to carry humanity higher and higher.

The preburner hummed, its rhythm so sweet,
Injecting water ice, a dance with fate complete.
Little did I know, as the countdown began,
That destiny's hand was dealt, a cruel, silent plan.

Oh, Starship, my Starship, your flames reached the sky,
But the water ice betrayed us, and we wondered why.
As the engines choked, and the fuel lines froze,
We watched our dreams shatter, like a falling star's prose.

The engines sputtered, their fire dimmed low,
The void whispered secrets, of futures we'd never know.
I gazed at the heavens, my heart torn asunder,
For the Starship was more than steel; it was wonder.

The clogs in the veins, the ice in the veins,
A cosmic tragedy etched in the night's remains.
I pleaded with fate, begged the stars to relent,
But the universe laughed, its indifference unbent.

Oh, Starship, my Starship, your flames reached the sky,
But the water ice betrayed us, and we wondered why.
As the engines choked, and the fuel lines froze,
We watched our dreams shatter, like a falling star's prose.

Elon, they whispered, you dared to touch the sun,
To grasp at infinity, to be the chosen one.
But hubris and science, they dance hand in hand,
And sometimes the cosmos refuses to understand.

I wept for the crew, for the dreams left behind,
For the Starship that crumbled, its destiny unkind.
Yet still, I'll keep dreaming, reaching for the unknown,
For the stars are our canvas, and hope is our own.

Oh, Starship, my Starship, your flames reached the sky,
But the water ice betrayed us, and we wondered why.
As the engines choked, and the fuel lines froze,
We watched our dreams shatter, like a falling star's prose.

Anonymous No. 16156931


Incorrect. I will let you look up why. It's very easy to figure out, you have all the clues you need.

Anonymous No. 16156932

too wet to show

Anonymous No. 16156936

Is this a joke?
>Apollo 11 wasn't solo but for a brief moment
>Apollo 11 was after
>Apollo 11 was first to fly fully solo around the moon with Collins in LLO

Anonymous No. 16156937

>Apollo 10 wasn't solo but for a brief moment*

Anonymous No. 16156940

SLS can't be shutdown yet because SpaceX is too reliant on Elon...if Elon dies or goes full Tesla then starship will be in jeopardy and SLS will be our only hope

Anonymous No. 16156941

How did astronauts deal with ripping fat farts in the spoacecraft duringf apollo? surely they would kill themselves if they ripped too hard?

Anonymous No. 16156943

they just didn't eat gassy stuff

Anonymous No. 16156946

light lean meal for the missions

farting is a product mainly of fatness

Anonymous No. 16156949

check the timestamps and time yourself editing a (you) into a webpage

Anonymous No. 16156950

4 orbits

Anonymous No. 16156951

stop responding to trolls

Anonymous No. 16156954

there is no shame in being a berg watcher. why are you ashamed? what are your reasons

Anonymous No. 16156958

you break someone by gaslighting them

Anonymous No. 16156959


Once the two craft are separated, if one of the two craft only has one guy piloting it, then that guy is flying solo. It doesn't matter whether the LM is on the lunar surface, both craft are in flight, apart from each other With "but for a brief moment" (it wasn't, it was a period of several hours) you basically concede the point. "fully solo" is a nonsense phrase, it's either one guy in a given craft or it isn't. John Young was the first human to fly solo around the Moon.

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Anonymous No. 16156960

Booster rollout tomorrow. Two more weeks

Anonymous No. 16156978

they havent submited their FAA report btw HAHAHA

Anonymous No. 16156979

How was their history report anyway

Anonymous No. 16156983

I got the farts again. I got em again, Charlie.

Anonymous No. 16156996

Mad because he thinks only the heatshield stuff is bad or because he thinks the heatshield is bad.

Anonymous No. 16156997

Mad at Berger for calling out NASA's lack of candor with the large chucks missing from the heat shield.

Anonymous No. 16157005

Its STA now, chud

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SLS SRB full-scal....webm

Anonymous No. 16157010

Do you support the solid rocket motor industry?

Anonymous No. 16157011

This is the test that built my love for spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16157012


Anonymous No. 16157014

silly question - but how does the test stand withstand thhat much thrust?

Anonymous No. 16157017

Yes we should send them to Moscow and Beijing and Austin and bring peace to this world

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Anonymous No. 16157018


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Anonymous No. 16157023

I'm waiting for BE-4U

Anonymous No. 16157024

That's a big engine

Anonymous No. 16157027

NTA but it's called "asteroid mining" and will be competitive with mining on Earth as launch costs drop.
Tourism is also possible if the habitats are made nice enough. There are plenty of places here on Earth which are marginally habitable at best (like pretty much all of Egypt), but the locals try to make them decent for visitors.
(We're agreed that Mars is for prisoners, not colonists.)

Anonymous No. 16157028

BO ziggers confirmed?

Anonymous No. 16157030

>(We're agreed that Mars is for prisoners, not colonists.)
This, Mars will be the Australia of the solar system

Anonymous No. 16157038

>muh kneel
get a load of this faggot and his strawman, and who doesn't think we've read Janhunen
...or Jensen

You have to be 18 to post on 4chan

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Anonymous No. 16157039

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Anonymous No. 16157049

nice kot

Anonymous No. 16157050

>the (new hire) oldspace grifter / commie venn diagram

Anonymous No. 16157057

wrong thread bozos

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Hermes mockup p.jpg

Anonymous No. 16157067

Anonymous No. 16157070


You just put up with it and try not to annoy your crewmates too much. They had to pee and poop and all that, and in very close proximity to each other. Bit gay, really.

Astronauts are put through very rigorous psychological screening to make sure that the people they pick probably won't flip out and bang up the multi-million dollar piece of equipment that they have been entrusted with. Do you know that? They want people who are on a very even keel.

Anonymous No. 16157073

They lowered the psych eval requirements for payload specialists and then a crazy Asian man almost spaced an entire Shuttle crew.

Anonymous No. 16157074


Anonymous No. 16157078

>Astronauts are put through very rigorous psychological screening to make sure that the people they pick probably won't flip out and bang up the multi-million dollar piece of equipment that they have been entrusted with. Do you know that?

Which is why they sent up a straight up psycho woman who committed the first crime in space before having a breakdown, sabotaging the station and demanding an immediate ride off. Then, hiding away when told to fuck off and refusing to do any of her work until the space taxi arrived. Real rigorous screening process.

Anonymous No. 16157080

>The first crime in space
Keep dreaming russian schizo

Anonymous No. 16157081

It's a documented fact /k/ike

Anonymous No. 16157082


I had her in mind while writing. I left myself an out with the qualifier "probably". Female astronauts have a much higher propensity to be crazy (that one crazy lady who stalked a guy).

Anonymous No. 16157085

You're forgetting about the other astronaut girl who drove across the country to commit a murder

Anonymous No. 16157088

geeze. mike mullane's book vaguely hinted at an incident with a payload specialist having a meltdown in orbit but i never figured it was that bad.

Anonymous No. 16157089

>Female(s) have a much higher propensity to be crazy

Anonymous No. 16157092

a lot of guys who worked on the soviet space program were convinced that tereshkova lost her shit during vostok 6 and that was why they didn't fly another woman for 20 years. nothing's ever been firmly settled one way or the other and i doubt it ever will be, but it's a matter of fact that she violated procedure to eat food from a nearby farm after landing, possibly to cover up how she hadn't been eating while in orbit.

Anonymous No. 16157093

>stalked a guy
stalked a girl, the girl you're thinking of was gay

Anonymous No. 16157095


Yes, when they had their official post-mission performance reviews, the men were all rated "very good" or an equivalent phrase, while Tereshkova's performance was rated the inferior "adequete" label.

Anonymous No. 16157108

Women are fundamentally earthly creatures and are not suited to activity outside a gravity well.

Anonymous No. 16157120

NASA were so foolish to try introduce women to shuttle. Look what happened. A woman died and everyone saw it as a disaster. If all the people who died were military men then people wouldn't care so much.

Anonymous No. 16157134

>Why you no complete droplet experiment?
>You bring shame on famiry!

Anonymous No. 16157142

Starship’s fiery end, Preburner’s icy mischief, Engines choked in ice.

Anonymous No. 16157143

Ice in the fuel line,
Starship's journey cut short—boom,
Silent clog, loud end.

Anonymous No. 16157145

Frost from the preburner,
Starship's fate sealed with a hiss,
Dreams fall with the ice.

Anonymous No. 16157148

BRICS space agencies' chiefs may discuss Ethiopia joining Russia's programs, ambassador says

"We expect that options for Ethiopia's participation in Russian space research programs may be discussed on the margins of the meeting of the heads of space agencies of the BRICS countries, which is going to take place in Moscow in May this year," Russian Ambassador to Ethiopia Evgeny Terekhin told Sputnik.

The ambassador added that the first time Ethiopia's initiative to join Russian-Chinese projects for an unmanned space mission to the moon and the International Scientific Lunar Station was discussed was in April 2023.

Subscribe to @sputnik_africa

TikTok | Sputnik Africa | Boost us on Telegram

Anonymous No. 16157151

In keystrokes I dwell,
Laziness finds its sweet voice,
Chat GPT's haiku.

Anonymous No. 16157152

Where's Kenya in all of this
Literally everybody wants to launch from there, straight up equatorial with no neighbors to the east

Anonymous No. 16157156
It's that time again

Anonymous No. 16157159

stopped at 30

Anonymous No. 16157165

T-35:00 again

Anonymous No. 16157166

Clear almost live

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tory bruno headpa....png

Anonymous No. 16157167

Just got off work, I'm ready for comfy time

Anonymous No. 16157170

Yeah yeah that's nice but do we get one of China's sample return attempt, or are they being all "don't look at us unless it succeeds" about it?

Anonymous No. 16157175

Once again, it is now T-48:00

It's a Long March 5 flying out of Wenchang. Not only are there going to be streams there'll be a huge civilian crowd there to watch. China loves promoting it's big national prestige missions. The only times they get hush-hush about it is if its launching from a military base like Jiuquan and it's a boring payload like another Gaofen satellite. Big missions like Chang'e 6 are always streamed.

Anonymous No. 16157179

Cool, I wanna see. Unless I'm retarded though, they seem to be launching in the middle of the night over here in the western hemisphere. I'll have to catch a replay in the morning. Do you know if they're doing a direct transfer Apollo-style or doing some gay gravity-assist shit that'll take a month to get to lunar orbit?

Anonymous No. 16157181

>the first crime in space
I vaguely recall that it was some kind of fraud, right?
>stalked a girl, the girl you're thinking of was gay
also a sign of mental illness

Anonymous No. 16157189

got a bad feeling about this one bros

Anonymous No. 16157190

and yet no official documents exist

Anonymous No. 16157191

It seems like they're using a straightforward homann transfer orbit. It helps that the LM-5 is a pretty big rocket. India and Russia had to use much more convoluted flying because the LVM3 and Soyuz-2-1b are so much smaller.

And 5:30 AM EST is an absolute ass time to be launching a rocket. Deeply conflicted about trying to get up for this one.

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Anonymous No. 16157192

Starship didnt go to space (and never will). Observe

Anonymous No. 16157193

thank you, Vulcan-chan

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Anonymous No. 16157195

Here's a diagram of Chang'e 5's flight plan. Since 5 and 6 are pretty much clones I'd assume 6's course is going to look a lot like this.

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Anonymous No. 16157196

The blast doors were in fact not blast doors, but fiberglass windbreakers.
The normal heat shield erosion was in fact fist-sized chunks of PICA.
The DSN was in fact constrained because hard drives died years ago and no one noticed.
And this picture is in fact Titan.
Wow NASA, what else are you hiding? Maybe that the JPL covered up the true reason why Opportunity died?

Anonymous No. 16157200

What are you on about? Are you having a manic episode?

Anonymous No. 16157201

Huh, so a direct approach but an indirect slowdown to low orbit, that's interesting. Fuck the Chinese government and all that but I'm eager to see how this mission goes, landers are cool and there should be more of them.

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Anonymous No. 16157202

Hey Judy, you dropped this!

Anonymous No. 16157203

It's like a regularly scheduled shitpost or something

Anonymous No. 16157205

seggs with vulcan-chan!

Anonymous No. 16157207

based truther. backstory on the photo of titan?

Anonymous No. 16157208

Clear live

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Clear on the TV.jpg

Anonymous No. 16157210

Afternoon Clearbros. Looking forward to another max-qute stream!

Anonymous No. 16157213

she's always giving me that look

Anonymous No. 16157215

Anon is mad that NASA used the color palette they did

Anonymous No. 16157216

We are Max Qute

Anonymous No. 16157217

Clear Max-Qute!

Anonymous No. 16157219

she counted down with little enthusiasm

Anonymous No. 16157220

What she sayin??

Anonymous No. 16157221

Something about doing commentary like it's a horse race.

Anonymous No. 16157222


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Anonymous No. 16157224

It looks like it's passing through two intermediate orbits before pulling into LLO, and is dropping off a Pakistani rideshare in the initial one
>Chang'e-6 first entered a large elliptical lunar orbit of approximately 200 km Ă— 8,600 km and a period of 12 hours, in which it released the ICUBE-Q cubesat. Chang'e-6 will then brake again to enter an elliptical parking orbit with an altitude of approximately 200 km Ă— 2,200 km and a period of 4 hours. Finally, it brakes again to enter a circular orbit of 200 km Ă— 200 km with a period of about 128 minutes, and the four-device separation (orbit return/landing separation) is carried out in this orbit.

I'd like to see more of them too. They're the only lunar landers right now that have a solid track record of actually landing. Chang'e 7 isn't going to fly until 2026.

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Young and Crippen.jpg

Anonymous No. 16157229

the balls to take the shuttle off the pad when it had never launched before, the guy was a chad

Anonymous No. 16157231

>dropping off a Pakistani rideshare
Oh neat, this is the first I've heard about this payload, that's cool.

Anonymous No. 16157234

It's blue

Anonymous No. 16157238

If we could get these laws in enough countries I would definitely prefer this to paying for my own international travel.

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Anonymous No. 16157239

Anonymous No. 16157246

the natural state of software is to be fucked beyond all repair
good software is the exception
most software projects are failures

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Anonymous No. 16157247

They went pretty hard on getting international partners for this one. In addition to the Pakistani cubesat they've got a French regolith outgassing sensor, an Italian laser retroreflector rangefinder, and a Swedish ion sensor.
>The Chang'e 6 mission carries international scientific payloads, showcasing collaboration with various countries in space exploration. Logos of countries involved are displayed on the fairing. Exciting partnership in aerospace!

Anonymous No. 16157248


I seem to remember reading something about how the mission planners wanted to try other crazy/elaborate shit during the first mission but Young was like No, We're Not Going To Be Doing That, and his opinion controlled. Now that I look it back up, it's on Wiki. Now that I re-read it, leave it to the idiot vice president Mondale to suggest a test landing in fucking Senegal of all places.

He lived to see both Shuttle failures, I wonder his private feelings about those (which have obvious components).

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Anonymous No. 16157249

Missed it live because of work. Gorgeous shot.

Anonymous No. 16157251

Never noticed that probe that goes up the second stage engine bell before. They don't waste an ounce of fuel.

Anonymous No. 16157255

>No, We're Not Going To Be Doing That
ha, so many times in my life I should have said that rather than going with the (idiot) flow
t. 20 years military

Anonymous No. 16157256

Ok Ranjeet

Anonymous No. 16157259

t. knows nothing about software

Anonymous No. 16157263


Don't know your personal context (or military life in general) but at that point John Young was a hot dog and at the time of STS-1, he obviously had pull to dictate whether or not he would consent to fly the Death Trap on its first sortie. At least you aren't dead and retain a sense of humor, so there's two positives.

Astronauts and cosmonauts in general had a gallows humor, they understood that they were doing incredibly dangerous experimental shit.

Anonymous No. 16157265

Ok Sanpoop

Anonymous No. 16157266

Your curry smell is coming through the screen

Anonymous No. 16157267

>usui in the sky
>with diamonds...

Anonymous No. 16157268

My friend introduced me to programming in python yesterday. My gut assessment tells me this is a true statement.

Anonymous No. 16157269

Pathetic racist, your job will soon be taken by superior kshatryia aryan genes.

Anonymous No. 16157271

ask someone you trust who works in the software industry
if you don't know anyone who works in the software industry, where is your unwarranted confidence coming from?

of course, it's perfectly possible to write correct code that's easy to understand and modify, but that is by far the exception, especially when large numbers of people are involved

proving that code is correct is extremely difficult and expensive
in practice it basically never happens
the industry standard is writing non-comprehensive tests of various kinds and hoping they're good enough

Anonymous No. 16157273

Ok Rakesh

Anonymous No. 16157274

support it financially? yes, I spend way to much money on solid rocket motors

Anonymous No. 16157275

>superior kshatryia aryan genes.
*Chat GPT

Anonymous No. 16157279

>of course, it's perfectly possible to write correct code that's easy to understand and modify, but that is by far the exception, especially when large numbers of people are involved

Because it's outsourced to street shitters in Mumbai.

>proving that code is correct is extremely difficult and expensive

Because it's outsourced to street shitters in Mumbai. Yes I know people in the software industry and everyone is constantly seething about Indians shitting all over the code and needing a team of competent white guys to patch it so its just barely usable. Neck yourself poojeet.

Anonymous No. 16157282

Dalit detected, this is why you subhumans should never be given any job better than cleaning the streets

Anonymous No. 16157284

Funny how software in general was really good and usable in the 90s and early 2000s when it was asians and white guys writing the code but now every "app" uses a GB minimum of ram for some basic functions. Get off my internet you dalit street shitter.

Anonymous No. 16157288

Why are there a bunch of street shitting jeets here now. Did ISRO launch a rocket or something

Anonymous No. 16157290

they got laid off from intercept games

Anonymous No. 16157291

Delhi is waking up
Dalits cleaning up the morning shit from the kshatryias

Anonymous No. 16157293

Someone had the great idea of selling dirt cheap smartphones to India so now they are shitting all over the internet.

Anonymous No. 16157300

Youre probably all dirty moslims arent you? Filthy pakis, India will wipe you off the map soon enough. JAI HIND

Anonymous No. 16157301

are you Eurasian Emperor by any chance?

Anonymous No. 16157302

Ironic jeetposting is still shitting on the Web forum

Anonymous No. 16157305

What gave it away?

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Anonymous No. 16157310

Rocket man
Flyin' high in the sky
Indian space program
Reachin' for the stars
Toilets in space
Powered by human waste
Flushin' down below
Shootin' up above

Blastin' off
With a mighty roar
Taking toilets to where no one's been before
Rocket fuel
Made from the things we leave behind
Turnin' poop and pee into power
Oh so divine

Toilets in the stars
Yeah we're goin' far
Indian space program
Reachin' for Mars
Powered by waste
We're breakin' the mold
Flushin' our troubles
As the story unfolds

Anonymous No. 16157313

indians call muslims imports

Anonymous No. 16157315

Fuck Im not that versed in indian dialect, where can I learn how to better imitate them so people hate them more when I pretend to be them

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16157316
SLIM woke up again

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Anonymous No. 16157318

she can't keep getting away with it

Anonymous No. 16157322

>Youre probably all dirty moslims arent you
Islam is incompatible with western civilization.

Anonymous No. 16157323

why don't they use the rover to tip it back?

Anonymous No. 16157337

I'm going to laugh if it turns out being upside down has actually meant it survives the lunar night for some utterly random reason.

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Anonymous No. 16157357

Clear live again for HyImpulse SR75

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Anonymous No. 16157365

Anonymous No. 16157371

immigrants like him don't understand the American culture of free expression

Anonymous No. 16157377

how old is orion really?
l>Orion was conceived in the early 2000s by Lockheed Martin as a proposal for the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) to be used in NASA's Constellation program and was selected by NASA in 2006
surely this design was floating around before this period?

Anonymous No. 16157382

can anyone confirm that dragon can handle mars/lunar reentry speeds? saw some comments saying that the heatshield can handle it if not reused

Anonymous No. 16157391

doubt it, red dragon was shitcanned so long ago that crew dragon's heatshields wouldn't be designed with so much margin

Anonymous No. 16157397

dragon shields are designed for multiple reuses
also pica has the record for fastest rentry speed.
12.9 km/s/46,440kph

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Anonymous No. 16157412

nasa was soliciting designs for apollo-type capsules under the ill-named orbital spaceplane program before columbia. i imagine lockheed developed some orion in embryo back then

Anonymous No. 16157416

looks close enough
i bet its even earlier than that though

Anonymous No. 16157424

why is that nozzle so small?

Anonymous No. 16157430

Save money

Anonymous No. 16157435

Best nozzle is no nozzle

Anonymous No. 16157443

Fairly sure that's just part of the spring mechanism pushing the second stage out.

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Anonymous No. 16157497

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Anonymous No. 16157501


budget constrained, bro

Anonymous No. 16157503

The amount of money that has been pissed away in everything from gibs for niggers to government contractors is hateful. Could have been shitposting from Europa.

Anonymous No. 16157507

I love when orbital mechanics impose strict launch windows. This means that Europa Clipper will have to be launched this October no matter how hard oldspace wants to delay the launch.

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capsules are spac....jpg

Anonymous No. 16157508

This amuses me greatly

Anonymous No. 16157509

the power corrupted him.

Anonymous No. 16157515

Wut? I thought New Shepherd was dead

Anonymous No. 16157539

Might as well transfer from Dragon to Starship in LEO and just fly to the moon on starship

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Anonymous No. 16157544

navy wants congress to ramp up production of antispace missiles after successful intercepts of iranian missiles, says producing 12 per year wont be enough for the future

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Anonymous No. 16157546

chinese lunar lander mission launched and is on the way to the moon

Anonymous No. 16157567

Chinese lander soars,
Moon-bound mission underway,
Lunar dreams take flight.

Anonymous No. 16157582

yes, people have been saying this for years

Anonymous No. 16157603

>He thinks Starship will become operable soon

Anonymous No. 16157613

please dont tell me this is day 1 of you realising that muskeggs are utterly delusional about the starship program. I just ignore it.

Anonymous No. 16157619

Too bad starship doesn't work

Anonymous No. 16157626

If starbase employes are getting injured at a rate of 5% a year the why dont we see liveleak kino coming out of there from all the tankwatchers?

Anonymous No. 16157629

Wtf is going on in that caption.

Anonymous No. 16157632

No I am aware of it for a long time. Reminder that Starship was supposed to land on Mars in 2020. Same year Tesla Roadster should've launched.

Anonymous No. 16157639

Can we turn the entire US government off and reboot it with new staff? This one is beyond salvation.

Anonymous No. 16157644

SLS + Orion+ ground infrastructure is $55B

Anonymous No. 16157648

Okay. Can we turn the entire US Government off and reboot it with new staff?

Anonymous No. 16157653

The reboot process for governments is really messy and they're kind of opposed to it.

Anonymous No. 16157655


This primarily: >>16157430. SpaceX found that if they cut the MVAC nozzle in half, the overall stage performance doesn't degrade so much that there's a material impact on the mission and they can make like 5-6 digit cash savings in the process. Every penny counts when you're optimizing for efficiency. It might degrade the performance/life of the deployed missions by a few weeks or months, but that's also a good thing--because that means satellites in LEO don't stay up forever, are deorbited more continuously and ensures that the advancement of technology on the ground keeps up with that in space. You only ever see full nozzles on prestige or specific public sector missions or for corporations that pay for all the performance.

Anonymous No. 16157664

>they're kind of opposed to it.
Well yeah, that's sorta part of the whole issue to begin with. I'm not suggesting "off with their heads" or anything, just fire everyone and run new elections for all positions, fire appointed officials too (they all suck). Just reboot the whole thing with new staff, the old staff can pound sand and should be grateful to keep their heads attached.

Anonymous No. 16157669

>I'm not suggesting "off with their heads" or anything
>Just reboot the whole thing with new staff
To get the second you really need the first.

Anonymous No. 16157676

That's irrelevant considering moon mission won't happen without starship

Anonymous No. 16157690

I'll be frank if I was the janny I'd ban such samefag hebrew bullshit

Anonymous No. 16157696

Same but I'd leave the posts up with the big "USER HAS BEEN BANNED FOR THIS POST" stamped on it so everyone can see.

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Anonymous No. 16157718

>accuses different people of samefagging
>calls me a Hebrew

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Anonymous No. 16157738

Anonymous No. 16157745

Does he have a bot that posts this (or similar sentiments) regularly?

Anonymous No. 16157747

you clearly have a natural janny personality, why not become one?

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Anonymous No. 16157751

100% he's trolling outside of /b/

Anonymous No. 16157756

How am I supposed to tell what rockets they are?
Bad art.

Anonymous No. 16157759

Nigga can even make the HLS and hes already asking for more tax money to NASA lmao

Anonymous No. 16157761

Guys whats the next interesting launch to watch?

And around what time time of the year will the 4th starship test launch be?

Anonymous No. 16157764

you're supposed to tell by having more than two brain cells to rub together. you're never going to get invited to the discord at this rate.

Anonymous No. 16157767

>what time time of the year will the 4th starship test launch be
I would guess either late this month or early next month.

Anonymous No. 16157768

Considering Booster rollouts for IFT-4 are happening end of May is actually likely. All thats left now is finish all pad work and clear off scaffolding, WDR, install FTS and launch. That takes less than a month.

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Anonymous No. 16157770

>Chang'e 6 is on its way to the moon

How do burgers and spaceX fags cope with China making every mission a success?

Anonymous No. 16157771

Bro are you retarded?

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Anonymous No. 16157772

Do you really expect the WDR to launch phase to take a month? B11 literally just received its HSR and already has road closures lined up to move to the LC.

Anonymous No. 16157774

They're still in the denial phase.

Anonymous No. 16157775

Nobody is denying that China is the only legitimate competitor with SpaceX/USA at large right now in space. That became undeniable when they put up their own space stations, and they are making rapid progress.

Anonymous No. 16157776

Why do you phrase your posts in a disingenuous antagonistic manner, rather than simply sharing the interesting news with your fellow anons? Why bother shitposting when you can just post normally?

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Anonymous No. 16157780


Anonymous No. 16157781

Actually true. A moon landing is interesting no matter the country, no need to be combative. Especially for China thats doing an actual return, why not just show us. You dont see me saying
>how do NASA cultists cope with SpaceX beating every single aspect of their organization
whenever I post a Starbase update.

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Anonymous No. 16157783

very rapid. the soviets took an entire 20 years to go from their first unmanned soyuz launch to building a modular space station. china only took 22.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16157784

I cope by trolling on /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16157786

Does anyone have a link to that really loud starship clip? Want to send it to a halfblind friend kek that likes spacex

Anonymous No. 16157788

Amazed that youre just willing to admit that but we all know tranitor wont do anything even if we hit the arrow.

Anonymous No. 16157789

Yeah I'm pretty brave and courageous

Anonymous No. 16157790

It's easy to claim every mission is a success when you don't acknowledge any failure.

Anonymous No. 16157791

you do realize that your are seriously killing the general quality by doing this constantly right. if youre going to annoy people with spaceflight focus please go back to discord or reddit.

Anonymous No. 16157794

As far as I'm aware china uses kerolox, metholox, hydrolox and a lot of UDMH + RFNA, with no reusable rockets. I wish they'd do something a little bit more original, like that asymmetrical falcon 9 clone. ISS clone is about as interesting as the ISS, new unmanned lunar sample collection is about as interesting as every other lunar sample collection, despite the new location.

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tianwen mars.webm

Anonymous No. 16157795

For me, it is Tianwen. Nailing it on the first try IS implessive.

Anonymous No. 16157797

I wouldn't mind china posts if the posters would stop with the 'the west has fallen' energy they put in like >>16157770
It only invites more autistic 'china is collapsing' and other off-topic discussions.

Anonymous No. 16157798

thin-skinned spergs are killing the general quality by falling for obvious bait every time. /sfg/ is easier to troll than reddit at this point.

Anonymous No. 16157800

most of the quality posters have already migrated to the discord

Anonymous No. 16157801

Like I said, disingenuous antagonism. I think some anons feel that's the only way to communicate safely, behind a mask of faux shitposting. We all like seeing stuff go to space, anon can just be genuine.

Anonymous No. 16157802

the L is replaced by an R, not vice versa, you braindead mouthbreather

Anonymous No. 16157804

Much dishonol

Anonymous No. 16157809

Let's say SpaceX switched to stainless in 2016 and built the full scale interplanetary transport system instead of this gayass undersized unaestetic pencil rocket. Would ITS actually have the delta v required to go from leo to lunar landing to earth return if fully fuelled in orbit?

Anonymous No. 16157815

Stop crying over some /sfg posts LMAO, you behave loke giant babies

Anonymous No. 16157818

Well watch how astronauts are going to die in starliner and about starship, two weeks

Anonymous No. 16157823

the L/R thing is for Japan, not China you fucking retards

Anonymous No. 16157825

be less retarded, please

Anonymous No. 16157843

Diff strategy. China's step by step is nice and has a consistent funding from their gov with millions working on the national geopolitical project.

SpaceX is doing great big leap forward. Takes a bit of time but once situated, Starship will enable 1000x more mass to Moon/Mars than any other organization in history of earth combined for the next 10+ years

Anonymous No. 16157845

oh so you're a tranny, never mind then, that makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous No. 16157847

party because china built of russian technology bought in the 1990s. so really it took 22 years + the 20 years of russian development

Anonymous No. 16157848

There you go thinkin about cocks on girls again. Have you started your therapy yet?

Anonymous No. 16157853


Anonymous No. 16157855

>/pol/ gibberish
Still reeling from r/The_Donald getting banned I see

Anonymous No. 16157858

>still talking about Trump in 2024
rent free

Anonymous No. 16157859

garbage posts

Anonymous No. 16157862


Anonymous No. 16157885

i wonder if skyhook-chan feels dumb for putting so much effort into his trolling when he could get the same reaction just by saying the word 'discord'

Anonymous No. 16157901

buran and shittle? I dunno, looks like AIslop

Anonymous No. 16157909

I have zero confidence in a US-led return to the Moon. I hate to say it!

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Anonymous No. 16157913

Anonymous No. 16157914

Strategy implies the US has one. NASA had to be tricked into picking HLS and the SLS should have been built with the EUS from the start

Anonymous No. 16157921

>I hate to say it!
no you don't. FUD shill.

Anonymous No. 16157924

or you just need enough of a Congressional majority to repeal the law making bureaucrats not fireable by the President

Anonymous No. 16157925

Anonymous No. 16157929

Post deleted.

Anonymous No. 16157931

Why does Mike Griffin talk about Commercial Crew when it's a resounding success? 2 crew capsules for a fraction of the cost, and eventually a third

Anonymous No. 16157935


Anonymous No. 16157937

I wonder if the potential Shartliner whistleblowers have already been assasinated

Anonymous No. 16157940

so Starliner is more capable than dragon?

Anonymous No. 16157943

If by capable you mean capable of killing its passengers then yes

Anonymous No. 16157945

one cool thing is starliner can land on land, but dragon cant do that

Anonymous No. 16157946

Wow more likely to kill its passengers again how amazing

Anonymous No. 16157947

i think dragon is less safe since the astronauts can sink

Anonymous No. 16157950

dragon honestly turned out to be such a farce, talk about overpromise and underdeliver lol. Promises to propulsively land crew on the launch site and actually ends up carrying a trash highly dangerous could-explode-at-any-moment (as shown on the test stand) hypergolic abort motor everywhere without ejecting it and lands in the sea like a capsule from the 1960's

Anonymous No. 16157951

it is strange that nasa forced spacex to build the less safe design

Anonymous No. 16157953

this was a great press conference!
good luck to butch and the other woman

Anonymous No. 16157957

Nuclearfags WNGTS. Solar will rule the solar system, its even in the name.

Anonymous No. 16157959

do not click

Anonymous No. 16157962

Happy National Space Day

Anonymous No. 16157965

Fuck off we only celebrate Space Night

Anonymous No. 16157966

NASA didnt force it upon them, they just realized that it would be too hard to deliver on the promise and with too little return. Same with Falcon upper stage reusability. Honestly, if they had tried to make a reusable upper for the Falcon it would have had awful payload, but it would have solved a lot of lessons for sStarship which they are only learning now.

Anonymous No. 16157968

we need space week

Anonymous No. 16157996

He's too busy platforming neo nazis to establish this so called moon base.

Anonymous No. 16157998

I need two weeks

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Anonymous No. 16157999

cosmonaut Nikolai Chub out for a walk. I love the orlan suit

Anonymous No. 16158006

Are these Earth days, Mars days, Mercury days, or what?

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Anonymous No. 16158007

>Howe Industries is currently developing a propulsion system that may generate up to 100,000 N of thrust with a specific impulse (Isp) of 5,000 seconds. The Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR) is originally derived from the Pulsed Fission Fusion concept, but is smaller, simpler, and more affordable.

Anonymous No. 16158009

very cool looking. it reminds me of when i used to collect transformers toys and to save money they would make a reskin of the exact same model

Anonymous No. 16158016

Nightshift gang reigns supreme

Anonymous No. 16158021

These days they heavily rework the same mold so as not to be too similar, see Titans Return targetmaster trio (Misfire Slugslinger and Triggerhappy)

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Anonymous No. 16158028

Why do normies think the solution to every space problem is to use some sci-fi shit they saw in a movie?

Anonymous No. 16158032

They should stick to being handsome and "full of potential" just to die in a motorcycle accident.

Anonymous No. 16158053


Anonymous No. 16158058

>spacex was contracted by nasa to build commsats for mars
ok cool
>so was blue origin
come on

>Blue Origin, Lockheed and SpaceX won awards to study communications relay systems at Mars. Blue Origin would again use a version of Blue Ring, while Lockheed would use a modified Mars orbiter and SpaceX a version of an Earth orbit communications satellite, presumably from its Starlink broadband constellation.

Anonymous No. 16158061

When whole company exists just to get pity gibs

Anonymous No. 16158068

At what altitude will they aerobrake Starship on Mars? Wouldn't it be funny if it wouldn't be able to slow down enough and just get ejected out of Mars' sphere of influence?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16158073


Anonymous No. 16158076

that ugly nigger actually believes in the garbage he's spewing, because on paper it's a cool system
the issue is that it's like trying to thread the eyes of multiple needles while moving at mach 25

Anonymous No. 16158080

SpaceX realized that NASA would never sign off on the safer design without dozens of expensive tests that would need to be done on SpaceX's own dime, and they'd still bitch and whine about it the whole way

Anonymous No. 16158081

idiot lol
it's pretty deep, but they'll be alright

Anonymous No. 16158082

>Mars study
>Cargo Starship
>30 Starlink V2s in low Mars orbit of ~400km
It's silly how easy it is for NASA to clear this study. They could probably for giggles do a FH launch with 10 V2 minis to Mars with a modified second stage that's slightly extended for additional prop and burn time. Drop those 10 into a 4-450km orbit around Mars and then let them sit there for the next 5-10 years giving the entire planet a few terabits/second of equatorial bandwidth.

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Anonymous No. 16158083

coolest thing about the Orlan is how you can climb in the back

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Anonymous No. 16158091

emu looks like shit in comparison

Anonymous No. 16158098

This got me thinking. Has the FCC or yuros tried regulating frequency use on Mars yet? Like can missions to mars use whatever frequency they choose or do they need to apply for a frequency range and have a committee rubber stamp it?

Anonymous No. 16158128

the ITU manages communications for every country, so their mandate will likely extend to mars eventually if not already

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Anonymous No. 16158148

Anonymous No. 16158155

dios mio...

Anonymous No. 16158156

about the same number of tats as a woman who works in the space industry

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Anonymous No. 16158164


Anonymous No. 16158175

Does anybody really care about this politifag shit though.

Anonymous No. 16158177

yes. Musk is a fag. It's why I'm a republican dynetics/ula man.

Anonymous No. 16158178

reminds me of the elephant man somehow.

Anonymous No. 16158180

Evidently musk does, becuase he can’t keep his trap shut for more than 24 hours

Anonymous No. 16158183

Could use a few more sensors.

Anonymous No. 16158184

Musk is a fag.

Anonymous No. 16158186

Its very annoying. I have him muted to Xitter and never look at his posts, and I have never missed any important info on roggetry for the last 2 years since doing that. Any time he does directly provide into its either another Elon time date that is of no use or SpaceX reposts it. I suggest you all do the same, not having politics on your timeline does wonders and is also the reason I use /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 16158187

this is the truth. there is basically no spacex related info from him on x any more.

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Anonymous No. 16158192


Anonymous No. 16158194

holy straw man topia batman!

Anonymous No. 16158197

We did it reddit

Anonymous No. 16158198

If this engine can actually work (nuclear physicists seem skeptical), it would enable enormous Delta-V on large vehicles, on the order of 30+ to even 60+ km/s, if the propellant mass fraction can be made high enough.

Anonymous No. 16158210

true but you can say that about 20 different engine concepts

Anonymous No. 16158233

not even slightly a strawman, that's the best part newfag

Anonymous No. 16158238

People dont critique SpaceX for havingdirty rockets. they ritique them for lying about their numbers and being a predatory monopoly and fuckingpoisoning the groudnwater at "Gateway to Mars" or whatever the fuk its called

Anonymous No. 16158247

Wherever people do that, go there and stay there.

Anonymous No. 16158249

People dont critique SpaceX for havingdirty rockets. they ritique them for killing ocelots and endangered piping plovers and boca chica beetles, roasting turtles. They bulldozed retirees homes, gentrified the poor community, disgraced native lands, pelted the fragile landscape with a toxic concrete tornado. people were awoken early in the morning to broken down structures and blown out windows. what they have done is horrific

Anonymous No. 16158251

Ohhhh nooo! A small patch of land is being somewhat polluted so that humanity can eventually explore the stars! What will we ever do?!?!

Anonymous No. 16158252

Wake up, read bottom 10 posts, go back to sleep. This general sucks now.

Anonymous No. 16158253

Disingenuous posters reduce cohesion and limit discussion, as if by design

Anonymous No. 16158254

Yeah. The ones ruining it blame the people telling them to stop too. Nothing you can do except stop posting.

Anonymous No. 16158256

Oh look someone didn't have the full script.

Anonymous No. 16158257

lol, QED

Anonymous No. 16158258

(Verse 1) Piping plovers soaring high,
Their wings catching the ocean breeze,
But little did they know, oh my,
A fiery fate awaited them with ease.

(Pre-Chorus) Starship’s Raptor engines roared,
Thirty-three flames dancing in the sky,
As the plovers circled, they implored,
“Please spare us, SpaceX, don’t let us die!”

(Chorus) And it’s a long, long flight to oblivion,
Where the Raptor’s fire burns so bright,
Goodbye, little birds, your time is done,
As Starship ascends into the night.

(Verse 2) The engine’s thrust, a force untamed,
Swallowed the plovers in its fiery maw,
Their delicate feathers scorched and maimed,
A tragic end to their coastal draw.

(Pre-Chorus) Starship’s ascent continued, relentless,
Leaving behind a trail of smoke and awe,
While the plovers vanished, defenseless,
Their song silenced by the engine’s raw.

(Chorus) And it’s a long, long flight to oblivion,
Where the Raptor’s fire burns so bright,
Goodbye, little birds, your time is done,
As Starship ascends into the night.

(Bridge) In the Gulf of Mexico, they fell,
Feathers aflame, a celestial pyre,
Their tiny bodies lost in the swell,
As Starship reached for the stars, higher and higher.

(Chorus) And it’s a long, long flight to oblivion,
Where the Raptor’s fire burns so bright,
Goodbye, little birds, your time is done,
As Starship ascends into the night.

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Anonymous No. 16158261

Anonymous No. 16158264

>nuclear device
>it's an RTG
i sleep

Anonymous No. 16158267

It's a nuclear bomb. They want to use nuclear weapons to take out satellite constellations.

Anonymous No. 16158283


Anonymous No. 16158291

So how are all the usual coping faggots like spacenigger5 spinning the Orion report shitshow?

Anonymous No. 16158305

Im so excited to see starship soar, and soar, and win and fly, i wouldnt wanna be that other guy

Anonymous No. 16158314

that'd be inconsistent with their doctrine for the last 50+ years, but with them falling so behind in terms of payload to orbit per year it might become rational for them to figure that orbital nuclear explosions hurt the us way more than it hurts them

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Anonymous No. 16158316

if it happened

Anonymous No. 16158318

The US' greatest strategic asset has been precision weapons deployment and persistent real time surveillance and communications, and a lot of Russian doctrine has been about limiting that advantage to level the playing field. Drones have upset the real time surveillance paradigm and reset it to a level playing field, while the communications advantage has gone from involving a handful of easily destroyed high value satellites to a dense constellation of thousands of redundant, high bandwidth systems. They've consistently failed to jam or disrupt that system, which leaves the Russians, when they're looking to limit that advantage, with few options except to destroy them. They can't afford to destroy them with conventional means, which leaves nuclear options to get the kind of bang they need for their available funding.

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Anonymous No. 16158319

getting killed on the moon by some based USA teens? yep

Anonymous No. 16158323

terrible book and rightfully panned. nazis were based

Anonymous No. 16158327


Anonymous No. 16158328

heinlein more like faggothotline. what a retart

Anonymous No. 16158331

Literally I do not care about russia and their boasting and empty threats lmao. They can do whatever they want. Or rather, they can *try*. No one takes them seriously anymore.
And if they usually fuck with US assets they will get nuked in return. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16158335

butthurt tranny.

Anonymous No. 16158343

that's where i found the image!

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Anonymous No. 16158345


Anonymous No. 16158346

god just imagine
the infinite lebensraum of space
pure aryan moonbases
no forced diversity in space programs
no spending billions on babysitting niggers

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Anonymous No. 16158359

Bros in just a few days we will have another iconic space explosion image courtesy of Boeing

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Anonymous No. 16158362


Anonymous No. 16158367

And then you’ll have like 500 employees making the media rounds saying they were “begging” for a no-launch, even though they weren’t and they’re just grifting
(this is a strawman but I know I’m right)

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Space Brothers 56....jpg

Anonymous No. 16158372


Anonymous No. 16158381

boeing is known at my school for hiring shenequas

Anonymous No. 16158388

new 'to-
where amogus?

Anonymous No. 16158390

blud really thinks that the Atlas V will magically blow up because it's aware that it has a starliner on top of it because reasons

Anonymous No. 16158398

I would blow up if i was near a starliner too

Anonymous No. 16158399

Yeah man, incompatible machine spirits

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Anonymous No. 16158404

I like poking fun at Boeing, but I wouldn't want a crewed failure since it would make Clear unhappy.

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Anonymous No. 16158408

this desu

Anonymous No. 16158410

i would cry. not for the astronauts, but for how it made her feel

Anonymous No. 16158421

why does she have a toy of a rocket that never launched

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Anonymous No. 16158422

ill be right back!

Anonymous No. 16158430


Anonymous No. 16158434

Why would a atlas V blow up? If they die because of starliner it will be in LEO or during reentry

Anonymous No. 16158437

putin knew he could destroy boeing forever and sabotaged the last rd-180 batch

Anonymous No. 16158440

>cares more about a random e-thot than human lives
consider suicide.

Anonymous No. 16158441

astronauts know what they signed up for. usui kuria is innocent

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Anonymous No. 16158442


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Anonymous No. 16158444


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Anonymous No. 16158445


Anonymous No. 16158447

cute little boobies

Anonymous No. 16158448

I guess they gave up on this then?

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Anonymous No. 16158481


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Anonymous No. 16158489

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Anonymous No. 16158492

I just Starlinered my pants

Anonymous No. 16158493

Who has the Elon halo with stinky manlet Jeff image?

Anonymous No. 16158495

the fat mirror version would be obezos

Anonymous No. 16158496

wtf is wrong with indians?? these are the people we are sending to space?????

Anonymous No. 16158497

>wtf is wrong with indians??
Please watch this /pol/ documentary.

Anonymous No. 16158502

Might as well ask while we’re on page 9, does anyone have the image of the anime girl bullying you because “rockets are for girls”

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Anonymous No. 16158504


Anonymous No. 16158506

What are the last thoughts of the Astronauts sitting in the boing capsule as it peels away from the booster at MaxQ going to be?

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Anonymous No. 16158507

thank you

Anonymous No. 16158509

It's downright eerie how well Space Bros called Artemis, right down to the Japanese dude being the first non-American on the moon

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Anonymous No. 16158510

Starliner survived maxQ twice but it's possible the pajeet code will do them in

Anonymous No. 16158512

thank YOU i like her armpit

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jeff god does not....png

Anonymous No. 16158513

something like this

Anonymous No. 16158514

I wanted to share this since we're close to staging and I found it interesting
Clear getting 2.7 million views on a video asking about a broken light

Anonymous No. 16158515

the fuck?
also is that clear's facereveal?

Anonymous No. 16158517

Don't know how I missed this 360 shot of IFT-2

Anonymous No. 16158518

Finally /sfg/ is healing

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Anonymous No. 16158519

greg autry wrote a book, with a forward by criminal doug loverro

Anonymous No. 16158520

>Peter Navarro
Worth reading for that alone. He was Trump's #1 anti China guy and economic advisor, and is currently in prison on a political prosecution.

Anonymous No. 16158521

X pumps its view numbers to extreme levels. any scroll pass is 1 view, and applies to bots too

Anonymous No. 16158557

navarro's maybe the only guy on the right who has any savvy when it comes to economics. the whole profession was at least 99-1 against his tariffs in 2018 and now they're conventional wisdom.

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Anonymous No. 16158568


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Anonymous No. 16158572



Anonymous No. 16158714

Sorry buddy, 2016 called, it wants its buzzword back.

Anonymous No. 16158762

>navarro's maybe the only guy on the right who has any savvy when it comes to economics.
except of course Trump himself