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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16158571

Stainless Steel Edition

Previous - >>16156420

Anonymous No. 16158577

> ! ! ! ATTENTION ! ! !
By posting in this thread you denounce oldspace and the shuttle. Any further pro-oldspace or anti-newspace posts are hereby considered bait that should under no circumstances be replied to. Anyone that replies to it is a samefag, or newfag.
> ! ! ! ATTENTION ! ! !

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Anonymous No. 16158579

Lets go SpaceX!
If it's Boing I ain't going!

Anonymous No. 16158582

No digital version?

Anonymous No. 16158583

this post made by blue origin gang

Anonymous No. 16158586

first for Kuiper sux balls

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Anonymous No. 16158596

What's the deal with supersonic retropropulsion? What was the big deal about it being so hard? Just fire your engines backwards???

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Anonymous No. 16158597


Anonymous No. 16158602

vgh... the rd-0120...

Anonymous No. 16158604

How many jobs is the boeing assassin going to have lined up after shitliner kills its Astronauts?

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Anonymous No. 16158609

Reminder that you are going to travel to Mars on a 9m starship and you are going to be fucking pleased about it.

Anonymous No. 16158611

They had no quality assurance on the team anyways, nobody is competent enough to speak out in the first place. Boeing planned Scamliner out better than their planes

Anonymous No. 16158612

g'night /sfg/

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Commie Moon.jpg

Anonymous No. 16158614

The Moon is Red tonight.

Anonymous No. 16158616

Wrong, I am going to travel to the Moon on a 9m starship
>tfw not having the comfy corporate assassin gig

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Anonymous No. 16158618

"God speed John Glenn."

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Anonymous No. 16158621

Basically a test run of the architecture for a manned landing.

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Anonymous No. 16158624


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Anonymous No. 16158627

Mission patch gives an idea of the configuration.

Anonymous No. 16158639

NASA has fumbled their way down the trash can.

Anonymous No. 16158642

spotted on /v/ you guys might like this
>hey guys please check out kithack model club, its from the og ksp guys

Anonymous No. 16158645

1st, 3rd and 7th are German rockets.

Anonymous No. 16158649

I spend a good year shilling for FH thinking it has performance comparable to SLS and could replace it. Turns out it can only lift 40 tons to LEO lol

Anonymous No. 16158650

Didnt we literally just land on the Moon, Berger?

Anonymous No. 16158653

>Turns out it can only lift 40 tons to LEO lol

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Anonymous No. 16158658

Anonymous No. 16158662

Just like starship

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Anonymous No. 16158663


You consider the crash of IM-1 a "landing"?

Anonymous No. 16158665

Actually slightly more than Starship. Full re-usability is a killer.

Anonymous No. 16158666

what the fuck is that redditor trying to say? what even is that title?

Anonymous No. 16158668

Yes, since Berger is counting crashed Chinese landings

Anonymous No. 16158672

>I was today years old when I learned...

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Chinese Moon Miss....jpg

Anonymous No. 16158674


And those "crashes" would be....?

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we gon make it.webm

Anonymous No. 16158675

>Floating Origin Interactive is a newly formed game development studio based in the United Kingdom, headed by Felipe Falanghe (aka HarvesteR), creator and former Lead Developer of the original Kerbal Space Program.
Nice to know that he escaped his thirdie hellhole. We gon make it bros.

Anonymous No. 16158681

>planned hard landing
Ok buddy!

Anonymous No. 16158697

do you think they just sat around in lunar orbit for 16 months before attempting a soft landing?

Anonymous No. 16158700

REMINDER >>16158577

Anonymous No. 16158706

Hey Chinkie Winkie, google "three-body problem"

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Anonymous No. 16158708

How is Branson's companies doing? Don't forget about the third amigo in the billionaire space race. Bezos, Musky, Branson, who will win?

Anonymous No. 16158712

so you're saying Starship in reusable configuration will only be able to lift 40 tons to leo?

Anonymous No. 16158713

Kill yourself

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Anonymous No. 16158715

Why do you lie

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Anonymous No. 16158716

So will piggers still be launching their rockets once the russoid war is done and dusted? Or do you think theyre too devastated for that to happen

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Anonymous No. 16158717


Anonymous No. 16158719

Next starship launch when?

Anonymous No. 16158722

stupid slow loading frogposter

Anonymous No. 16158723

Forgot fairy award

Anonymous No. 16158727

Starship will put Japanese on the Moon before Chinese. Starship will make Elon Musk God-Emperor of Mars.

Anonymous No. 16158741

Can I sniff his braps

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Anonymous No. 16158742


Anonymous No. 16158750

Kys radioactive tranny

Anonymous No. 16158751

Do you

Anonymous No. 16158755


Anonymous No. 16158764

There you go again, thinking about cocks attached to women. Your brain must be chock full of FUTA haha

Anonymous No. 16158775

what satellite is she talking about?

>Mallory Stewart, Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability, discussed Russia’s nuclear anti-satellite weapon developments in new detail today
>"Russia has publicly claimed that their satellite is for scientific purposes," Stewart said "However, the orbit is in a region not used by any other spacecraft. That in itself was somewhat unusual. And the orbit is a region of higher radiation than normal, lower earth orbits, but not high enough of a radiation environment to allow accelerated testing of electronics as Russia has described the purpose to be."

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Anonymous No. 16158776


Anonymous No. 16158777

ever since that faggot casey dreier took over the planetary radio podcast, it's been nothing but godawful guests. anti-commercial space, anti-spaceflight generally, NIMBY fags, anti-Mars colonization. he even brought on ESGhound and those two weinerstein jews. brought mike griffin to trash commercial space and pump cost plus. it's so great to hear all their opinions

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Anonymous No. 16158779

and speaking of military sats, pictured is Kosmos-2558 which is spying on american spysat USA 326

>The picture is credited to HEO Robotics, a company that uses its HOLMES cameras as hosted payloads on microsatellites to obtain images of other objects in space.
>Since the Earth is in the background, Kosmos-2558 must have been imaged from a satellite orbiting above it. This is also more or less the way it should look from the vantage point of USA 326, which is orbiting roughly 40 km above Kosmos-2558.;all

Anonymous No. 16158782

maybe he's trying to get in on the ragebait clickbait scene, where news and youtubers post ragebait to get more ad revenue

Anonymous No. 16158786

Nice ass.

Anonymous No. 16158791

based on articles and comments he makes, he's definitely not big on human spaceflight. he's a faggot nerd who thinks artemis takes money away from muh robots.

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Future meatshield....webm

Anonymous No. 16158795

Well, maybe it's time to cancel the developing country status that china is abusing, if the fuckers have a space program that can get them to the moon.

Anonymous No. 16158813

>Well, maybe it's time to cancel the developing country status that china is abusing

Ok enjoy the revolt when Walmart, Amazon and friends double their prices.

Anonymous No. 16158817

I can't think of what's worse, if this is bait or if you actually beleive it.

Anonymous No. 16158819

More then enough poor nations out there who can take over the role of crap manufacturing.
Lots of companies are already moving to vietnam&mexico because they are tired of the CCP bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16158821

You know that most of the reason that Chinese goods are cheap is because they leverage against "developing country" funds right? Almost everything shipped out of China is 0 cost subsidised by the taxpayers of the world.

Anonymous No. 16158824

They tried to move Apple manufacturing to India and it turned out that shitjeets can't even put together phones without taking a poo in them so they cancelled their gorillion dollar investment. Other developing countries lack the population base and top down state managing to build up the large industrial base to replace chink goods in any realistic capacity.

Anonymous No. 16158830

I wish you would jsut cut the fucking crap and show us your chinese hands, Chang.

Anonymous No. 16158831

I'm literally talking shit on the Chinese state you fucking 80IQ moron

Anonymous No. 16158833

you arent fooling anybody with your reverse-psych troll posts buddy.

Anonymous No. 16158836

Ok retard shuffle back into your basement.

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john xina.jpg

Anonymous No. 16158837

Some very obvious gaslighting going on in this thread.

Anonymous No. 16158847

>Chinese should stop scamming developing country funds
>Yeah, I agree, that's also why their goods are so cheap and amerigoys would seethe if their chinkshit store goods went up in price

???? Get help glownigger retard, at least post some exploding bugman rockets or something if you want to seethe about chinks.

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Organic views..webm

Anonymous No. 16158850

Anon, your right, but losing your shit over it is why your such a easy target.

Anonymous No. 16158853

Kys glownigger

Anonymous No. 16158859

Shut the fuck up faggot.

Anonymous No. 16158864

Long March 5 will get a 6.4 meter diameter fairing option

Anonymous No. 16158868

Can FH lift either 40t or 64t to LEO? Isn't FH structurally limited to F9 levels of payload mass because it uses an unreinforced F9 upper stage?

Anonymous No. 16158869

Didn't Yuzhmash facilities suffer a terminal case of missile bombardment

Anonymous No. 16158917

Falcon 9's second stage is built the same way as the booster, and the booster happily supports the 100+ ton upper stage without issue, even though it has a higher bending moment than the second stage.

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Anonymous No. 16158940

Imo this is another Berger trash piece where he turns an article about some space event into another snarky blogpost full of swipes at the unenlightened troglodyte ways of le oldspace.

CLPS is in full swing, and IM-1 already kinda sorta landed. He even mentions this down in the text of the article. inb4 people say the title is technically correct because it's not "real" NASA when landings are bought as a service and the landers don't have a prominent meatball slapped on the side.

Berger says there is a competition between China's "embrace of a traditional approach" versus NASA's "way into some kind of new future", and ridicules China's manned lunar program as no improvement over Apollo because it uses expendables, which is disingenuous.

Firstly, LM-10 is a significant improvement over Apollo in that it will be able to save costs by building on existing tech rather than developing everything from scratch, and by having parts and pad commonality with other rockets. China's lunar crew capsule will also have a high degree of commonality with China's new LEO crew capsule.

Secondly, and most importantly, the LM-10-based landing system is almost certainly just meant to be a first step, one built at relatively low cost and schedule risk, experience gained from which can then inform the development of a more capable second-generation crewed landing system that uses LM-9 as its launch vehicle. This isn't going to be China's final word on the moon. China isn't going to just end it after 6 quick landings like the Americans did with Apollo.

Berger mentions that China's astronauts will only stay a few hours on the surface during the first landing. Regardless of whether this is due to the lander's inability to support longer stays, or whether it is just a way of minimizing risk on the first mission, that's not very relevant. The lander is, at its core, meant as just a transportation system, not as an integrated base. A base will be built separately.

Anonymous No. 16158948

Someone fact check me, but this is how I understand it: from a mechanical standpoint, think about what SpaceX does right now in its rocket landings at the point of the re-entry burn, then compare it with what they are going to be testing

When supersonic retropropulsion is used, you are:
a) entering an atmosphere at a significant fraction of its minimum orbital velocity or above
b) completely relying on this to prevent serious atmospheric friction heating
c) ejecting what is about to be supersonic (rocket exhaust) into something coming the opposite direction that is also supersonic

This is NASA re-purposing what the Falcon 9 does as a novel re-entry mechanism for things which are not rocket stages. The idea here is that the rocket's exhaust plume diverts the atmosphere just enough that it acts as a pseudo heat shield at precisely the moment it is most needed. Jury's still out on whether the entire mass of an engine+prop outweighs the mass of a heat shield, and whether that matters if you were going to include the engine anyway (propulsive landing). This is most obviously applicable to Mars, where propulsive landing is basically required

Anonymous No. 16158950

Is this true for all upper stage components? I've seen it claimed that for example payload adapter is a structurally limiting factor. Although I imagine payload adapter wouldn't be particularly expensive to redesign if necessary

Are the interstages and the booster designed to support a 64 ton payload in addition to the upper stage? Not just in terms of vertical compression. For example, you mention the bending moment, which could increase, no?

Anonymous No. 16158955

That might have been the original intent, back when it was planned to launch on the original LM-9 and before they changed the manned landing architecture to instead use distributed launch and a crasher stage

Anonymous No. 16158962

why did esa keep a tight lid on the galileo launch? they refuse to even acknowledge that it happened.

Anonymous No. 16158964

They get money from EU governments and don't really want them to know about it
The launch was a straight up admission that CNES/Arianespace (how do you tell them apart?) sucks at building rockets for ESA
France is in shambles

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Anonymous No. 16158967

>only 245 launches are expected this year according to the NSF jewess
what went wrong? what happened to near 400 launches?

Master Geku No. 16158970

It's time for this firework nonsense thread to end.

Anonymous No. 16158982

Reminder that FPBP

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Anonymous No. 16158984


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Anonymous No. 16158986


Anonymous No. 16158988


Anonymous No. 16158989

looks much nicer than the suit they use in dragon

Anonymous No. 16158990

>The 3D-printed helmet incorporates a new visor to reduce glare during the EVA in addition to the new Heads-Up Display (HUD) and camera that provide information on the suit’s pressure, temperature, and relative humidity.
hell yeah we future now

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Anonymous No. 16158993

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Anonymous No. 16158997

Anonymous No. 16158998

Will they just use a long umbilical instead of a backpack or something?

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Anonymous No. 16158999


Anonymous No. 16159000

Berger's point is that the pace of success out of China in aerospace is accelerating towards where SpaceX was with Falcon 9 and faster than US' own pace in trying to do the same. This is a problem because if China replicates the F9 model successfully, its TAM for reusable launches to Moon and beyond is much bigger than the US. Right now, only SpaceX is really doing anything significant along the lines of it. Stoke, Blue, Rocket, they've all talked about it and they have some demonstrators, but the real meat and potatoes aren't on the pad, aren't launching, aren't proving out the avionics, and aren't driving down the costs of their own respective markets either.

Anonymous No. 16159002

>“Yeah dude I’m really excited to show off our EVA suit, it looks like Master Chief!”
>look inside
>literally just the IVA suit with a gold visor and hardplate shoulder rotating cuffs

Anonymous No. 16159003

The best part is no part?

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Anonymous No. 16159005

the death trap is on the move

Anonymous No. 16159007

penis rocket

Anonymous No. 16159008

haha, a penis

Anonymous No. 16159009

but can you use it on the moon

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Anonymous No. 16159010

May the 4th be with you

Anonymous No. 16159011

Those boots are fucking awful. They look like wellingtons.

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Anonymous No. 16159012

4,5h until a spaces discussion
3pm ET

Anonymous No. 16159013

wait, where's the attached life support system?

Anonymous No. 16159014

>Building a base on the Moon and a city on Mars will require millions of spacesuits. The development of this suit and the execution of the spacewalk will be important steps toward a scalable design for spacesuits on future long-duration missions as life becomes multiplanetary
probably not

Anonymous No. 16159016

It's got an iPhone dock. What more do you want?

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Anonymous No. 16159017


isaacman commenting

Anonymous No. 16159019

>integrated forward facing cameras
>HUD projector to display AR data on the internal visor surface
Kek, its gonna be hilarious when the rest of the industry just puts out a newer version of the 1960s suit and then you have SpaceX yet again out another decade in terms of usefulness of the suit. It's like they're the only company that pays attention to sci-fi movies and goes "we should make that reality today" and the rest of NASA looks at sci-fi movies and says "we should replicate the 50s, because that's all we know how to copy."

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Anonymous No. 16159020


Anonymous No. 16159021

ScamX confirmed

Anonymous No. 16159022

air supply and temperature regulation would be nice.

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Anonymous No. 16159023

Pretty sure they just attach to Dragon

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Anonymous No. 16159025
>More @SpaceX
photos of the new Extravehicular Activity (EVA) suit the Polaris Dawn crew will wear during their upcoming mission. Let us know your questions below ahead of today’s X Spaces event with the crew and SpaceX team

Anonymous No. 16159026

shitliner killing its crew will stop human spaceflight for years

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Anonymous No. 16159027

ask questions

Anonymous No. 16159028

ow my neck

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Anonymous No. 16159030


Anonymous No. 16159031

where's cortana?

Anonymous No. 16159034

I love SX so much it’s unreal

Anonymous No. 16159035

i thought EVA suits were one of those things that just weren't that easy in rocketry

Anonymous No. 16159036


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Anonymous No. 16159037

I've seen Musk claim all they would need to do is simply stretch the second stage.

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Anonymous No. 16159039

there are links to a polaris programme website I haven't seen before

Anonymous No. 16159040

>~60% are spacex alone

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Anonymous No. 16159042

the spacex human spaceflight page has also been updated with the new EVA suit (Scroll down)

Anonymous No. 16159044


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Anonymous No. 16159047

from the polaris website

Anonymous No. 16159052

>mission 2 doesnt use starship
i sleep

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Anonymous No. 16159053


Anonymous No. 16159056

does this mean that spacex also makes diapers now?

Anonymous No. 16159057

It will look a lot different with 1 bar overpressure

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Anonymous No. 16159059

spinning video with I assume the same information as the points in here >>16159042

Anonymous No. 16159060

Chad jawline on that suit. I bet the visor will in practice turn out to be gold instead of black. Just like how the visor on the iva suit turned out clear

Anonymous No. 16159062

Can these be used to walk on the moon or Mars? Or do they need to modify them more?

Anonymous No. 16159063

I assume it only uses umbilical cord

Anonymous No. 16159064

>elon wants to colonize a desert planet
>his space suits look like sardaukar suits
strong dune energy

Anonymous No. 16159065

buddy, whats up with the arms and legs kek

Anonymous No. 16159066

At the very least it needs a self-contained life support backpack or frontpack. And thicker boots. Also this suit is designed simply for orbital EVA so it probably doesn’t have engineering considerations for lunar dust.
It needs to be further upgraded for doing any sort of lunar EVA activity.

Anonymous No. 16159068

Umbilical cord for extended life support but that can be made portable with a backpack or something.

What more do you need for mars/moon walking? The suit already does rad protection, environment checks, temp check, etc. Extended backpack would just provide more duration right?

Anonymous No. 16159072

you have to have some aesthetic compromises if you want 1atm pressure and flexible joints

Anonymous No. 16159075

you need active dust deflection and dust resistant fabric

Anonymous No. 16159076

Sardaukar suits for the outside and Fremen suits for the inside, since water will be incredibly precious early on.

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IVA vs EVA.png

Anonymous No. 16159078

arms somehow higher up?

Anonymous No. 16159080

fucking kill yourself holy shit do you only know how to process the world through contemporary pop culture

Anonymous No. 16159082

shrugcels we won

Anonymous No. 16159085

Happens when you have to stiffen it up.

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Anonymous No. 16159086


Anonymous No. 16159087

>ever wearing a cucksuit
>not absorbing the power of space directly through your own skin

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Anonymous No. 16159088


Anonymous No. 16159089

Elon Musk is a car salesman who wants to hype himself up as Iron Man to help him sell overpriced cars. Hence SpaceX cares a lot about making everything look cool, clean, sleek and sci-fi, even when the additional utility of it is questionable and it adds unneeded complexity that can go wrong at very inopportune times. Other space industry actors don't have that kind of incentive.

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Anonymous No. 16159091

fremen stillsuit from the same concept artist

Anonymous No. 16159093

He gets to do whatever he wants, at least in the spaceflight sector, because he’s wiping the floor clean with all the other fuckheads in the industry who have either been incompetently grifting (oldspace) or not doing a single worthwhile thing (branson, bezos, etc.)

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Anonymous No. 16159095

How is the EVA so thin? You’re telling me this whole time we never needed these chunky bois?

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Anonymous No. 16159096

Why they never did it?

Anonymous No. 16159097

this is retarded, it looks like the dark knight batman suit with a paintball helmet

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Anonymous No. 16159098

Going by the video of its motion, it has rigid, rotating joints underneath the suit. Anyway, here's all the blurbs

Anonymous No. 16159100

Because the rest of EVAs dont use umbilical cord

Anonymous No. 16159103

Because it's intended for small jaunts outside the capsule, not 7 hours of work?

Anonymous No. 16159106

I assume because it would mean a lot of cost and no revenue, or at least not enough revenue to justify the cost

Anonymous No. 16159107

Strip off the backpack and extra head gear and control boards, and also realize this design is heritage from the apollo/skylab suits that they already did the R&D on a long time ago, which needed to be thicker for lunar moonwalking and you get the idea

Anonymous No. 16159108

I'll wait for the luxury 18m ITS with panoramic windows.

Anonymous No. 16159110

Also, comparing a literal wetsuit with a diving suit intended for seabed welding.

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Anonymous No. 16159114

We need to start sending the REAL ubermensch to space. when you don't need to pressurize to 1 atm, things become a lot easier.

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Anonymous No. 16159117

>millions of spacesuits

Anonymous No. 16159118

No, it's a space walking suit, not moon or mars suit.

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Anonymous No. 16159120

Actually now that I think about it, these SX EVA suits probably won’t run at 1atm. The current NASA/Roscosmos suits don’t (because less pressure makes it easier to move in the suit—at the cost of needing to prebreathe and take a long time to start EVAing)
Newer (Artemis style) suits are going for 1atm though because that’s what your ship usually runs at, and it makes it easier to just climb in the suit at a suitport and go. At the cost of needing more complex suits with stiffer joints

Anonymous No. 16159121

I think, you need a lot less equipment if you have an umbilical connection with the capsule, you need a lot less insulation and cooling circuitry if you never intend to venture outside the shadow of the capsule, and you don't need to bring any tools if you're not going to perform any tasks.

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Anonymous No. 16159124

Don't worry, Joe Bidet and the Demorats are working as hard as they can to slow down Starship!

Anonymous No. 16159125

SpaceX's suit runs at 5.1 PSI during EVA.

Anonymous No. 16159127

>probably won’t run at 1atm
According to >>16159098 it's 5,1psia, which is about a third of an atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16159128

>We are now in a prewar situation
>Dec 31, 2021
Zubrin is always right

Anonymous No. 16159133

The Gemini and Apollo suits ran at 3.7 PSI. The Advanced Extravehicular Mobility Unit suits run at 4.3 PSI. In the world of American spacesuits, 5.1 is a lot.

Anonymous No. 16159134

The existence of Russian and Chinese space programs means that stopping manned space flight in America would be the kind of national humiliation that has major political consequences.

SpaceX is necessary until a better alternative comes along (lol, lmao even)

Anonymous No. 16159136

Nice thanks for putting it into perspective, that’s actually interesting

Anonymous No. 16159138

Easier to breathe without being an olympic swimmer I guess.

Anonymous No. 16159140

You're welcome, Anon. For additional reference, the Russian Orlan spacesuit (semi-rigid suit) runs at 5.8 PSI.

Anonymous No. 16159141

How do the Russian and Chinese suits compare? Do we even know what China's specs are?

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gemini spacewalk.jpg

Anonymous No. 16159142


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Anonymous No. 16159144

genuinely why are retards like you not just perma'd for being so fucking stupid

Anonymous No. 16159145

What is TAM? Do you mean "total addressable market"? If so, what do you mean by China having a bigger TAM for moon launches?

Anonymous No. 16159147

Makes sense if these suits need to work for every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

Anonymous No. 16159148

The Chinese suits are a bit of a mystery. Russia prefers higher suit pressures, though, so the Chinese suits probably lean similarly.

Anonymous No. 16159150

If so they're aiming for complete and rapid reusability, likely using stainless steel components.

Anonymous No. 16159153

What's the turnaround time for reusable steel diapers

Anonymous No. 16159154

vacuumorph claws typed this post

Anonymous No. 16159156

That was effectively allowed to happen in the 2011-2020 period though. Although American politicians might care more now because international tensions are running higher and the Chinese space presence has become permanent

Anonymous No. 16159157

I'm more wondering why it looks shrink wrapped to a shitty makehuman model rather than puffyl like a space suit in space

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Anonymous No. 16159158

wtf, I just threw up after I had a cup of vimto and a cup of green tea. Have I been poisoned? Which one poisoned me?

Anonymous No. 16159159

And a full-flow staged combustion cycle

Anonymous No. 16159160

>space force budget is expected to be stagnant for the rest of the decade
give them that sls budget

Anonymous No. 16159163

Chinese population is ~3x larger than the US anon. Statistically, the amount of companies and capital within the market is 3x larger than the US. Competition thereby is 3x more significant across all sectors, and the interest for extra orbital initiatives is 3x greater.

This is obviously greatly simplified, but logically it holds true that a country vying to become the next global super power with roughly 3x greater population than the current dominant global super power, will set its ambitions far higher than the one stagnating (minus an anomalous set of companies all led by 1 dude), in order to overtake it and maintain its new crown.

Anonymous No. 16159164

I think typical autoclave cycles are 30-60 minutes but you could probably go faster with higher temperatures

Anonymous No. 16159166

NASA's budget got cut by a billion dollars
They are going to get aggressive about killing the ISS boat anchor
This in turn is going to make foreign contributions more difficult for NASA missions since they were usually bartered for ISS support

Anonymous No. 16159169

Yeah, when Shuttle retired it was before the Ruzzian zerg rush into Crimea and Donbas. I bet they would have postponed shuttle retirement if relations were as bad as they ended up

Anonymous No. 16159170

making the suits as similar as possible will drive the cost down, it makes sense

Anonymous No. 16159171

Would certainly be helpful in keeping the stainless steel unstained

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Anonymous No. 16159172

We probably would have lost another orbiter by now.

Anonymous No. 16159173

probably not this exact one but some future version of this

Anonymous No. 16159174

Oh well. I guess they'll have to pay Elon for access to space instead.

Anonymous No. 16159176

spacex obviously will be 1 or 2 gen ahead of china, but the rest of the US needs to be on the same pace as china

Anonymous No. 16159180

Now that's rapid reuse

Anonymous No. 16159184

he was a space company CEO before he started selling cars

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Anonymous No. 16159185

they should just go one step further and make them look like this

Anonymous No. 16159186

you missed the shoulders

Anonymous No. 16159188

What is going to be SpaceX's generational leap after Starship that will allow SpaceX to stay 1-2 gen ahead of China? SpaceX plans I know of are to just incrementally improve Raptor and Starship, which is quickly going to yield diminishing returns

Anonymous No. 16159191

and atm is 14.7 PSI for reference

Anonymous No. 16159192

starship is the LEO monster that will birth the spacex orbital shipyard

Anonymous No. 16159193

18m diameter variant. Hopefully it gets built before Elon perishes because it is the one that can ACTUALLY fulfill the original Starship promise of 100 people per ship and 1 million tons per year to Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16159200

>tfw you're the monopoly simply because nobody else cared enough to try

Anonymous No. 16159202

what's that from? dunc?

Anonymous No. 16159203

yeah, its the spacing guild, aka astronauts

Anonymous No. 16159204

Unfortunately the PRC is still wary of an unmanaged economy, and a lot of the recent efforts for spaceflight parity with the US are a much more deliberate state directed approach than what led to SpaceX. Someone even remotely like Musk wouldn't really be permitted to thrive in the current environment (see what happened to jack ma) which I think hobbles their potential a bit.

I agree that without intervention by the US, they will likely supplant it eventually, but I wish they weren't such control freaks.

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Anonymous No. 16159205

Anonymous No. 16159207

I'm not saying Musk originally started SpaceX just to help him sell cars. I'm saying he takes the opportunity to make use of the marketing synergy potential of his dual position as space company CEO and car company CEO

Anonymous No. 16159210

what is the unneeded complexity you talk about? or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?

Anonymous No. 16159211

people tried but every single one of them failed or stayed irrelevant

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Anonymous No. 16159212


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Anonymous No. 16159214

Crap. Well, while I'm at it, I might as well fix the alignment of the text.

Anonymous No. 16159216

>China is ~3X larger than US
China has 1.41 billion people
US has 333 million people

1410/333 = 4.23

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Anonymous No. 16159219

>jack ma
You mean a guy who wanted to facilitate unsecured loans to consumers on a massive scale, wanted to use other people's money to do it, and handwaved away concerns about collateral and financial stability with "we'll just use AI to identify risk"?

There's no lack of privately controlled space efforts in China, it just happens to still be in its infancy because the industry was only opened up in late 2014

Anonymous No. 16159223

Do you really need a HUD?

Anonymous No. 16159227


Anonymous No. 16159229

You’re right it’s unnecessary, they should just rawdog the EVA without any information on their suit parameters. Who cares about vital information

Anonymous No. 16159230

Actually it's based on Black Panther kino

Anonymous No. 16159232

>almost all SpaceX copies, no Vulcan, no SLS copies
makes you think

Anonymous No. 16159233

I would imagine you would have redundant data somewhere else like a pad you carry with you
and yes, why not? they might expand this to be more extensive and better later, but having an integrated way to show data and then have a LLM based voice assistant or something later as a way to control it does make sense
isn't that much better than having to fuck with the pad?

Anonymous No. 16159235

People dont understand how much of an influence Elon is in terms of Space industry and Electric car industry. They like to downplay it.

Anonymous No. 16159240

How is information conveyed in current space suits? How do scuba divers monitor air time depth etc without a HUD visor to display it in their face?

Anonymous No. 16159242

Please explain to me how privately owned and controlled space flight corporations are possible in China
t. lived in China and nearly incorporated there

Anonymous No. 16159244

Do you think spacex will sell these commercially soonish?

Anonymous No. 16159247

What? Why did the industry have to be 'opened' in the first place? Reminds me of "Everything which is not allowed is forbidden".

Anonymous No. 16159249

Is this meant to be some kind of "technically there are no privately controlled corporations in China because the state always has the last say on everything" argument? Well it's the same everywhere, the state always has the last say within its jurisdiction. For example, the US government can commandeer any company using the Defense Production Act, or any new law Congress might decide to pass

Anonymous No. 16159251

bros... holy fr*ggin heckarino... this is just like the duno sodacar le epic popular twink movie!

Anonymous No. 16159253

These things were actually designed for WELDING in space.
Go look at all the old skylab info. NASA wanted multi purpose super tough suits because they thought astronauts would actually weld and assemble in space

Anonymous No. 16159257

it’s fundamentally different

Anonymous No. 16159258

so how theyve been doing it for decades ? A hud certainly makes their life easier but its not like it is some impossible task without.

Anonymous No. 16159261

>They are going to get aggressive about killing the ISS boat anchor
It also fucks over future commercial space stations not having access to ISS

Anonymous No. 16159263

No, it was my understanding that a certain percentage of direct government ownership was required for certain corporations.

Anonymous No. 16159273

Boomers love to be chatterboxes on the phone over every little thing. This extends to spaceflight. Even militaries at this point are trying to introduce heads up displays to infantry, it makes way more sense to do it for astornauts who are much higher investment assets. Words are a terrible tool for getting across many concepts, and the verbal comms should be kept for important stuff instead of every little minute detail. Upload the necessary data to the HUD and let theastronaut shut up and concentrate.

Anonymous No. 16159279

I don't know the details. It's what I've heard said. It might be that the regulatory environment was simply inconducive for it for it to be practical

I remember that Jean Deville for example pointed to this 2014 State Council policy guidance document

>The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all agencies directly under the State Council:
>In order to promote the strategic adjustment of the economic structure, strengthen the construction of weak links, and promote sustained and healthy economic development, there is an urgent need to further innovate investment and financing mechanisms in key areas such as public services, resources and environment, ecological construction, and infrastructure, and give full play to social capital, especially private capital. positive effect. To this end, the following opinions are proposed.

>7. Promote the diversification of investment entities in information and civil space infrastructure
>(24) Encourage private capital to participate in the construction of national civil space infrastructure. Improve civilian remote sensing satellite data policies, strengthen government procurement services, encourage private capital to develop, launch and operate commercial remote sensing satellites, and provide market-oriented and professional services. Guide private capital to participate in the construction of satellite navigation ground application systems.

>State Council
>November 16, 2014

Anonymous No. 16159285


Anonymous No. 16159288

i was today years old when i learned
spacex has a suit that looks like master chef

Anonymous No. 16159290

Unless the government owns a controlling stake, the company would still be privately controlled.

Even if the government were to own a controlling stake, a company can still be run as a for-profit company rather than a policy company, being effectively identical to a privately controlled company in its behavior

An example I've read about: Space Pioneer. Kang Yonglai is both the founder and the CEO. His investors is mainly state and municipal VCs however he himself runs the company he founded.

Another example: Landspace. Zhang Changwu is founder and CEO, and the company has more of a mix of private and government VCs.

Anonymous No. 16159295

How necessary is it for a joyride?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16159301

If Congress can't do pork/graft through NASA then they'll do pork through some other department or agency. If those billions aren't going to SLS then it's not going to spaceflight at all. Money spent on a pork/graft project isn't suddenly going to be reallocated to useful things if the project is cancelled, the money is intended for pork/graft and is thus going to be reallocated to some other pork/graft project that lets Congress achieve its intent.

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Anonymous No. 16159307

For context, that's the same pressure as roughly 26,500 ft
The bottom section is what PSI would be needed to replicate an aircraft cabin (0.74atm), which is pressurized to 8000ft (6000ft in the A350 and 787)

Anonymous No. 16159318

yes why make things better

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16159326

If Congress can't funnel pork/graft through NASA then they'll funnel it through some other department or agency. If those billions aren't going to SLS/Orion then they're not going to spaceflight at all. Money spent on a pork/graft project isn't suddenly going to be reallocated to useful things if the project is cancelled. The money is intended for pork/graft and is thus going to be reallocated to some other pork/graft project that lets Congress achieve its intent.

The main benefit of getting rid of SLS/Orion is not that it will necessarily free up more money for other NASA projects. The main benefit is would be that NASA would no longer have to design flagship missions around SLS/Orion to justify their existence.

Anonymous No. 16159332

that's why the long term stable path is rejecting slave wage manufacfuring forever and bringing automated factories all the way home

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Anonymous No. 16159354

Welp, it’s on

Anonymous No. 16159357

No shit. You don't need to have pretty much anything
Spoon? just use hand
Phone? just yell at people

Anonymous No. 16159361

Incredibly petty.
Why are they like this?

Anonymous No. 16159365

competitive race motivation
lets go

Anonymous No. 16159366

if i have diarea in my spacex eva suit what options do i have

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16159368

What if it's a meme flag?

Anonymous No. 16159371

Honestly, NASA deserves a little embarrassment

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Anonymous No. 16159372

What if its a meme flag?

Anonymous No. 16159375

The CCP thinks it's the next global leader.
And they think by doing shit like this that they can convinvce the rest of the world that they are not actually a paper dragon.

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Anonymous No. 16159376
>Flight 5 Starship Rolled Out and Ready to Test | SpaceX Boca Chica

Anonymous No. 16159377

Asians: when I say I'll do something I do it
US of gay: when I say I'll do something It means I just need free gov gibs with no progress

Anonymous No. 16159379

rocket? just use your imagination

Anonymous No. 16159381

Good. Motivator for the retvrn

Anonymous No. 16159382

this is a development mission, not a joyride
SpaceX is speedrunning their private human spaceflight programme
soon they won't need NASA for anything at all, they will hopefully be just another customer

Anonymous No. 16159384

damn, they are certainly not subtle

Anonymous No. 16159385

Spacex will never reach the moon

Anonymous No. 16159387

Fitting. It's called passing on the torch. Only Chinese are smart enough to go toe to toe with Apollo level Americans

Anonymous No. 16159388

So now that the dust has settled. Will SpaceX be providing the lunar EVA suits as well as the ride?

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Anonymous No. 16159394

no the lunar EVA suits will be made by Axiom and that contract hasn't been cancelled yet

Anonymous No. 16159396

why do these prototype suits always recieve such diabolical color schemes?

Anonymous No. 16159397

SpaceX will definitely reach the Luna

Anonymous No. 16159400

Yes, for private missions. Not for early NASA missions

Anonymous No. 16159405


Anonymous No. 16159410

it's kosmos-2553
max load it can handle is a little less than 19 tons with the PAF 2624. this has been in the payload user's guide for years.

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Anonymous No. 16159412


Anonymous No. 16159413

Are there any discussions of commercial lunar landings? From NASA or SpaceX or others? Concrete plans? Or is that something nasa would want to stay silent on for now

Anonymous No. 16159414

In a large part of the world, treating your mortal enemies with respect is a sign of strength and high-status (shows you can afford it). It's always been weird to me that this status signal never seems to have caught on in china.

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Anonymous No. 16159417

Photo from Chris Bergen on L2

Imagine this pic but with Vulcan/Starliner, Starship, Falcon and SLS all on their pads?

Anonymous No. 16159419

we just had an american commercial lander on the moon. there have been others too.

Anonymous No. 16159423

I meant crewed

Anonymous No. 16159425

nothing I've heard and I would guess SpaceX would like to keep those unsaid before NASA gets their quota women and minorities on the moon to dodge some unnecessary whining
after NASA does what they do, I doubt they will care about commercial lunar landings hurting their prestige as they were "first"
but the SLS and Orion are going to eat up a lot of budget if those programs keep going after the first landing
they need to abandon them and pivot to running moonbases, not too hopeful that is going to happen soon though
but who knows, maybe Starship is so impressive that it wakes people up

Anonymous No. 16159426

FFSC w/ MethalOx is the stepping stone engine to fusion torches. Nuclear engines are a meme the same way that hydrolox is a meme. Both have insane efficiency and ISP capabilities, but both have insane management and storage requirements; the latter of which is 10x harder because you're dealing with very high purity fissile material which is probably in the ballpark of being weapons grade. Which means that the total number of companies that would be allowed to build such engines can be counted on 1 hand over a multi-decade timeframe.

Starship w/ FFSC MethalOx takes us from 2024 all the way out to 2040 easily, and accounting for advances in ML/AI, material science gains, and compounding effects of scientific discovery, means that fusion reactors will be a likely solved problem by mid 2040s to latest 2050.

Then Starship can evolve into a 12 or 18 meter variant using fusion torches, which gives it the ability to become an SSTO anywhere in Sol.

Anonymous No. 16159428

oh then none that i know of, just the two flybys from tito and the artists. i think everyone is waiting for nasa to start a moon base first.

Anonymous No. 16159429

thats fucking incredible finally we are using MODERN technology.
im waiting for the apologies from cucks that said the suits would be bulky as fuck for spacewalks. NOW WHAT
kino, no other word for it.
holy shit that actually looks so comfy too I WANT TO HEAR REVIEWS FROM THEM AFTERWARDS ON WHAT IT WAS LIKE. NASA cucks always complain about how uncomfortable it is so lets see what they say.
wow its almost like the IVA looked better any fucking way and its decades ahead of the current bulky fucking triple backpack deathtrap suit
subhuman indian poojeet piping up about wellingtons like hes actually british, kys.

Anonymous No. 16159430

did they say anything i wasnt paying attention

Anonymous No. 16159433

>master chef

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Anonymous No. 16159435

The mainland chinese are vindictive little bitches, the whole recent philippines cyanide poisoning situation only enforces the fact that they should never be allowed to become the defacto global leader.
To keep it space related, this is the same goverment who drops hypergolic boosters on it's own people and locks them up if they dare to speak up about it.

Anonymous No. 16159436

oh my sovl
keeeek mission 3
looks kind of like a motorcyclist suit ngl, very comfy.
go back to plebbit or >>>/lit/sffg this is not the place for muh pop sci references
buh buh buh based

Anonymous No. 16159437

it started

Anonymous No. 16159438

either lights a fire under congress's ass or the chinese take over the moon.

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Anonymous No. 16159440


Anonymous No. 16159441

watching now. seems they havent started.

Anonymous No. 16159442

stu keech started talking

Anonymous No. 16159443

ok so we got the leader of dragon talking, now going over to isaacman

Anonymous No. 16159444

Have Csceptic or Thundercunt said anything about the suits

Anonymous No. 16159445

wtf i dont hear anything

Anonymous No. 16159446

it just started, they are still dong introductions
but the dragon VP said that polaris dawn is going to be their next mission, trying to do it in early summer

Anonymous No. 16159447

damn so they have spacex employees going on this flight? i fucking knew it was a good idea to aim for a job at spacex, ILL SEE YOU FUCKERS ON MARS KEK

Anonymous No. 16159449

How many days left until the next Starship launch? If you're within one day of the correct answer you will be allowed to live.

Anonymous No. 16159451


Anonymous No. 16159453

spacex isnt paying for the flight

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16159454

How do I watch it? This What I get when I click the link in the post

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Anonymous No. 16159455

yes that has been known for a like a year or two already, the two women are SpaceX engineers

Anonymous No. 16159456


Anonymous No. 16159460

maybe you need an account
jared isaacman is talking about the mission testing laser based communication
they are also going to have 5 days of science

Anonymous No. 16159461

I didnt pay attention much other than headlines until now since it was so far away and kept getting delayed

Anonymous No. 16159462

Probably in thunders next video he will say it's something easy which he could build in his lab, and he will emphasize that spacex are terrible because Gemini did EVA in the 60's. CSS will claim that the suits will rupture and kill the crew due to a starlink satelite hitting them when they EVA

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Anonymous No. 16159464


Anonymous No. 16159466

Someone write down what theyre talking about here I cant listen since Im shitting

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Anonymous No. 16159467


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Anonymous No. 16159468


scott poteet (or kidd) talking about starlink connecting some remote locations and that they are going to test it for connection now

Anonymous No. 16159469

Must be nice to have fuck you money.

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Anonymous No. 16159470

anna talking about the science goals
they have 40 science experiments to do in the 5 days

Anonymous No. 16159472

>barely 30 years old
>going to space

Anonymous No. 16159473

Wait theyre out there for 5 days? How are they going to repressurize Dragon once they pop that shit open to get out? Is there an airlock or something?

Anonymous No. 16159474

honestly what kind of LEO experiements are there to do nowadays after countless hours on Shittle and ISS?

Anonymous No. 16159475

No airlock. Not that hard to store what you're breathing while doing a quick nip outside.

Anonymous No. 16159476

probably climb back in and wait for it to repressurize like Gemini

Anonymous No. 16159478

So the interior of Dragon on reentry is going to be depressurized?

Anonymous No. 16159479

Just repress. You can fit a lot of extra air in a high pressure cylinder.

Anonymous No. 16159480

list of the experiments, seems to be mostly medical experiments, especially about how radiation, gravity etc will affect astronauts

Anonymous No. 16159481

my dads cock was hi pressure in your ass.

Anonymous No. 16159484

Seethe tranny

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Anonymous No. 16159485

plenty apparently, not sure what NASA has been doing

Anonymous No. 16159487

so basically, the IVA was supposed to be the base model for all suits and they are just adapting the EVA to it.

Anonymous No. 16159490

fuck have they said anything about the HUD yet i just finished up and came back in

Anonymous No. 16159491

they talked about it but I was multitasking so I missed it lol

Anonymous No. 16159493

too busy arresting anti semites

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Anonymous No. 16159495

Anonymous No. 16159497

Russian suits (Orlan series) nominally run at ~5.8 psi. Given the Chinese used Orlan suits and Feitian (basically a Chinese copy of an Orlan) analogously, I think it's entirely likely that they also run at 5.8 psi.

Anonymous No. 16159498

unlucky! guess the closest thing to a sanctified site on a different planet is going to be defiled.

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Anonymous No. 16159499


Anonymous No. 16159500

>only active during spacewalk
literally why

Anonymous No. 16159502

kek thats going to look derpy if they get a massive jetpack on their back. if it isnt compressed its going to look like a turtle

Anonymous No. 16159504

thats the only time when its necessary. they will have screens when not in the EVAs. also im wondering if they are going to be required to shit their pants up there or how it will work during the 5 days.

Anonymous No. 16159506

100% O2 in suits, conduct the spacewalk in 100% O2

Anonymous No. 16159507

>apollo 1 redux
oh no no no

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Anonymous No. 16159512

This is almost certainly due to the addition of arm bearings, which in order to comfortably allow for the wide range of movement you have with the shoulder, are typically large in diameter and situated a little bit high up.
>it has rigid, rotating joints underneath the suit
It should be highlighted that, as per the callout description, the suit uses novel SEMI-RIGID "rotary joints". Also note that they don't just call them bearings. Bearings or not, a semi-rigid (which in spacesuit lexicon means that it uses a mix of soft elements, like fabric and cords and whatnot, and rigid elements, like metallic machined parts) torsion joint is, to my knowledge, completely new, and NOT easy to do.

Literally the only thing I can think of that ever came close was Slip-net (picrel), which could give you a bit of torsional compliance, but at very high torque. However, Slip-net was a homogenous full-body layer, like Link-net, which is NOT what we are seeing here with the SpaceX suit, which seems to have discreet, low-profile rotating joints at specific locations.

Anonymous No. 16159514

I'm happy for the chinese

Anonymous No. 16159515

>china changes the crater's name to aporro

Anonymous No. 16159517

what have they been saying why arent you spoonfeeding me.

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Anonymous No. 16159522

they just announced that clear will be on dear moon!

Anonymous No. 16159523

>clear moon
oh my god

Anonymous No. 16159525

EVA operation is going to 2h end-to-end which includes capsule depressurisation, the spacewalk itself and repressurisation

Anonymous No. 16159530

Has elon revealed the new EVA backpat jetpack

Anonymous No. 16159531

right after the EVA flamethrower

Anonymous No. 16159532

>the goal of this suit is going to be the v1 of our EVA suit and we will continue to do improvements and block upgrades

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Anonymous No. 16159534

Me on the Moon ten years from now

Anonymous No. 16159535

Eric Berger!

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Anonymous No. 16159536

Spacesuits have had the means of monitoring and controlling suit resources and functions since basically the first EVAs. Picrel is the top view of the chest-mounted DCM (Display and Control Module) found on contemporary US spacesuits. This is your HUD. Since these were built in the 70s, they're pretty shit simple, just a tiny alphanumeric display screen and a bunch of knobs, switches and buttons.

Anonymous No. 16159537

>Q: Is there a goal to make these suits the IVA suits?
> We plan to have just one suit which handles everything, we have already started implementing changes into the standard IVA suit

Anonymous No. 16159538

One of the females: "Eww, he's so gross!"
Followed by ridicule and laughter. (They know you were shitting)

Anonymous No. 16159539

eric berger fail keeeek

Anonymous No. 16159540

KSP is cancelled didnt you hear chud


Anonymous No. 16159541

The SPA basin in general and the Apollo crater in particular are said to be thought to be of exceptional interest to selenology due to their age and depth and may contain lunar mantle ejecta. At least I think that's the official reason they chose that crater

Anonymous No. 16159542

erm sweetie that's a picture from ksp 1 not ksp 2

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Anonymous No. 16159543

are exoatmospheric anti-ballistic missiles /spaceflight/?

Anonymous No. 16159544

Yeah I was wondering this as well. Makes sense to simplify everything into one suit

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Anonymous No. 16159546

Americans as usual thinks it's all about them. I assure you, no one in China space HQ even for 1 sevond gave thought about America. pictured is an American ego deflating

Anonymous No. 16159547


Anonymous No. 16159548

>Q: What does the HUD look like?
>Sarah: Being able to have situational awareness what your suit is doing is important, especially the pressure. Some supplemental information like time on oxygen. Suits below your left jaw, really cool, you can still see the world but you have these pieces of information when you need them.
>Jared: HUDs in jets are shit, this one is really sleek (though the first version was kind of rough), but this one is good and in the future it will be even better. Might use AV (Augmented Reality) in the future.

Anonymous No. 16159549

Nothing less than orbital should be considered spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16159550

No because (assuming Polaris Dawn goes well) they will have only demonstrated an adequate microgravity EVA suit, not a planetary EVA suit. From what we know right now, the SpaceX EVA suit cannot walk on the Moon. It simply does not have the lower body mobility.

Also, afaik Artemis mission planning puts a lot of importance on zero pre-breathe times, which the Axiom EMU (which runs at 8.3 psi) can permit, but the SpaceX suit (which runs at 5.1 psi) could not.

Anonymous No. 16159551

Jared knows we can’t afford to stagnate eternally in LEO as a species
He’s so based lmao

Anonymous No. 16159552

>no shit% hud element in your face the entire flight
missed opportunity. spacex will fail.

Anonymous No. 16159553

>The USA will land in Mao Zhedong crater and leave a Tiananmen Square memorial plaque
>Officials say this is coincidental and is in no way a slight to the glorious PRC National Government

Anonymous No. 16159555

Not gonna lie, kinda wanna fug the girl astronauts. anyone got the feet pics?

Anonymous No. 16159557

>Most excited for?
>Anna: I will be able to read a book to my kids and to children in St Judes
>Jared: I'm really excited to see the reaction on my crew members faces when we arrive in orbit.
>Sarah: Incredible to see what Starlink will be able to do for the world, like connecting hospitals. Really excited to see what Starlink will do for vehicles in space with high bandwidth capacity (laserlink for communication with starlink satellites directly)
>Kidd: Looking forward to the launch itself, seeing what the earth looks like in lower perigees, seeing what starlink will be able to provide, we have high expectations for starlink. Re-entry and splashdown.

Anonymous No. 16159559

>The dragon for this flight is going through its pre-flight checks for the early Summer flight.

Anonymous No. 16159560

women missing the point entirely, yet again. waste of seats

Anonymous No. 16159561

lol did they cut him off?

Anonymous No. 16159563

she has feetpics? mama

Anonymous No. 16159564

I suspect there's a lot of stuff they're not revealing (like the progress of the CZ-10 stack). Either they're making good progress or really far behind. If you look at their 2030 timeline, unless they start launching soon they're not going to make it.
It took 5 years for SpaceX to go from F9 to FH and CZ-10 is more technically complex (has a centaur third stage)

Anonymous No. 16159565

Why not both? Two birds with one stone while also maintaining plausible deniability

Anonymous No. 16159566

>…and endeavoring to reach the highest earth orbit ever flown
Am I reading too much between the lines here? Why is it worded like they aren’t entirely confident they can actually make the highest orbit

Anonymous No. 16159569

they are endeavoring because it hasn't happened yet, I don't think it means anything else

Anonymous No. 16159572

so I guess the next upgrades for the suit is going to look at lower leg mobility then

Anonymous No. 16159576

Literally evil. There's no positive spin to this.

Anonymous No. 16159580

There's a live feed of the starliner pad

Anonymous No. 16159582

The NASA EVA suit has a jetpack though. You can see it in that picture

Anonymous No. 16159584

Absolutely. If the modifications for the upper torso demonstrate adequate mobility, then it should be no problem to apply similar upgrades to the lower torso. Hopefully they will find ways of improving joint performance, since that sort of robust mobility is even more critical when working on the Moon. This will likely result in a slightly bulkier suit, but at this rate I think that's fine.

Anonymous No. 16159586

We Are Going!

Anonymous No. 16159589

>live feed
more like dead sneed

Anonymous No. 16159591


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Anonymous No. 16159592


Anonymous No. 16159593

CZ-10A is NET 2026 and CZ-10 is NET 2027. That seems soon enough for rehearsals and a 2029 landing

What is it that they haven't been revealing about the CZ-10 stack that you think they should be revealing?

Anonymous No. 16159597

Why would I pretend to be British?

Anonymous No. 16159599

>admitting youre a jeet

Anonymous No. 16159602

Where did I admit that I'm Indian?

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Anonymous No. 16159603

Anonymous No. 16159608

>The EVA suit is a mini spaceship w/ thermal management, redundant life support pathways, avionics HUD/camera, joints & rotators for mobility under pressure and so much more.
The SpaceX eva suit is a spaceplane

Anonymous No. 16159609

Anonymous No. 16159614

Reminder, American debt INTEREST is going to be ~1.6-1.8 TRILLION by the end of this year. Its been doubling and tripling since the last few years.

There's no telling when the looming budget sequestration is, but the pain will be felt nationwide. Either through bankruptcy or extreme cuts to budgets everywhere.

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Anonymous No. 16159617

Sure thing chang

Anonymous No. 16159619


Anonymous No. 16159623


Anonymous No. 16159625


Anonymous No. 16159628

>China tries to match every American space achievement
>clearly not thinking about America

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Anonymous No. 16159629

There's plenty of footage of YF-100K and YF-100M engine tests. The YF-100K is planned to fly this summer on CZ-12.

The YF-75E engine is, I think, just a slightly modified YF-75D, and has undergone tests

The CZ-10 third stage is similar to the CZ-5 second stage, so it's not exactly groundbreaking technology for CASC. They've shown several pics of CZ-10 structure test articles over the years. They've recently started building the pad in Wenchang, as can be seen in satellite imagery. It all seems to me perfectly consistent with the planned 2027 launch date.

There seems to be an assumption that the unicore CZ-10A must fly many years before the tricore CZ-10, because that was the case with Falcon Heavy. However, the CZ-10A is a derivative of CZ-10 rather than the other way around. Hence why it has such a terrible mass fraction. And there's not much purpose in having CZ-10A ready to fly before the Mengzhou capsule is close to being ready, so developing CZ-10A and CZ-10 asynchronously makes little sense.

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Anonymous No. 16159631
>SpaceX Starship 25 Heat Tile Search Adventure- The reentered tile update

heat tiles from flight 2

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Anonymous No. 16159632


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Anonymous No. 16159633


Anonymous No. 16159637

The sandworn is a subtle joke.

Anonymous No. 16159640


Anonymous No. 16159641

Delta IV Medium first flew in 2002, Delta IV Heavy first flew in 2004

Anonymous No. 16159644

Then we should expect China to cancel Tianwen-3 soon, because why bother

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Anonymous No. 16159662


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Anonymous No. 16159665


Anonymous No. 16159669

bros i fucked up and left something behind at my college and now i have to do a back and forth 9 hour trip tomorrow. whats something i can listen to other than music on the way up that is space related and doesnt need much visuals

Anonymous No. 16159672


Anonymous No. 16159676


Anonymous No. 16159677

Nobody cares. Not your blog.

Anonymous No. 16159679

The History of Rome by Mike Duncan

Anonymous No. 16159682


Anonymous No. 16159683

compare the price of gas to the price of just buying a replacement item

Anonymous No. 16159685

10x over the gas is worth it. Recommend me a space related audio book or something pls.

Anonymous No. 16159689

Grid fin deployment tests (for the reusable first stage)

The point is, they're sharing a lot about the development of CZ-10/A

Anonymous No. 16159692

More like Kike Dunkin
>Hello!... And Weeelcommmme.. To the History of Rome : )
Fucking faggot

Anonymous No. 16159700

Only 10 minutes.

Anonymous No. 16159703

We need solar panel factories and circuit fabs on the moon. Give these bases a real economy and a reason to stay inhabited by taking advantage of its total vacuum on the surface

Anonymous No. 16159705

X minus 1 old time radio shows.

Anonymous No. 16159707

ignition if you haven't already listened to it

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Anonymous No. 16159713

I wish there was an audiobook version of this
someone will get an AI to read it soon enough (but probably not before tomorrow)

Anonymous No. 16159717

It would be nice if there was some wonder item which can only be produced in space

Anonymous No. 16159718

you want to go down on me???

Anonymous No. 16159720

antimatter can only be produced on an industrial scale in space

Anonymous No. 16159721


Anonymous No. 16159727

variable gravity might be that thing and there might be actually many things that can only be produced in microgravity or something between 0-1g
such as controlling the crystallization of certain drugs to make the quality more consistent like Varda Space just did

Anonymous No. 16159741

Are we gonna get more people reeeing over the HUD like they did with the touchscreen controls in dragon or have we finally moved on past 60s tech?

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Anonymous No. 16159745

Payload Pathfinder podcast

They interview founders and CEOs of space companies

Anonymous No. 16159759

They need big switches which they can brake off. That's more reliable.

Anonymous No. 16159763

If I put a bowling ball and a baseball next to each other in space would they orbit each other normally? How would they be disturbed if I approached them? How would collisions behave on such a small scale? Would these balls start orbiting around me instead after getting drawn in and likely hitting me? How many sportsball/marble satellites could a human have in stable orbit?

Anonymous No. 16159783

They would be attracted to eachother so weakly that you would not really notice it unless youre wating and looking for it on purpose. Gravity is extremely weak. If you want to see small objects orbiting eachother try with magnets. If you are introduced to the system then you would be the heaviest obejct and they would come to you over time.

Anonymous No. 16159790

And how does spaceflight fit into all of this?

Anonymous No. 16159797

cant goto space if niggers dont get their gibs.

Anonymous No. 16159801

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
Did he say anything wrong?

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Anonymous No. 16159803


Anonymous No. 16159806

It's indirectly related in the sense that less money will be left in the federal budget, and one of the politically least painful things to cut are vanity projects such as space stunts

Anonymous No. 16159851

>yeah but how does your nations fiat currency entering end stage affect you PERSONALLY???

Anonymous No. 16159853

Money is fake and gay anyway. There’s no way the Jews would let their biggest asset go under

Anonymous No. 16159856


You can only heeb your way out of basic maths for so long

Anonymous No. 16159869

btw intrest rates will go down within theenxt 18 months and this will all be a nothingburger.

Anonymous No. 16159877

>interest rates going down

Nice, let's pump that 15% yearly real inflation even higher

Anonymous No. 16159879

you have to remember that orbital periods are inversely proportional square root of mass. when you're dealing with things that much smaller than a planet the orbital velocities are going to be absolutely miniscule. my quick napkin math says that two baseballs at 1 meter would have an orbital period of 16 days.

Anonymous No. 16159880

A trillion dollar is gonna be borrowed to pay for arts student debt by this admin.

Anonymous No. 16159882

Whatever you have to do to reelect Biden, print trillions, drop rates, I dont care. Just keep Trumpty Frumpfty OUT of the White House

Anonymous No. 16159906

I'm with Biden,
I am ridin',
Hunder Biden's dick pics Im gonna find em!

Anonymous No. 16159907

assuming you have a bowling ball with mass of 8kg and radius of 10cm and a baseball with mass of 140g and a radius of 4cm, the gravitational attraction these objects towards each other is 74.75 piconewtons
assuming the gravitational force stays about the same (it doesn't) and that the baseball needs to move about 0.5m for the balls to hit (the baseball would move further than the bowling ball due to accelerating faster) it would take about 12h for them to hit each other

Anonymous No. 16159920

>satellites watching satellites watch satellites
we need to go deeper

Anonymous No. 16159935

I still don't see any thrust to weight ratios of rockets in your posts.

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Anonymous No. 16159940

It seems like Wernher just wanted whichever government he was under at the moment to take over the world.
>I don't care who I'm working for, but I want my side to win and I want us to win ALL the way
Admirable, desu

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Anonymous No. 16159947

Bros the EVAs are so SOVL I cant get over it.

Anonymous No. 16159952

I feel the same way as him kek

Anonymous No. 16159957

move to china

Anonymous No. 16159961

The US is in Weimar mode right now. You know what follows that, right?

Anonymous No. 16159964

certainly not money into spaceflight but go on i guess

Anonymous No. 16159967


Anonymous No. 16159970

The USReich will desire Lunar and Martian lebensraum

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Anonymous No. 16159971


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Anonymous No. 16159972


Anonymous No. 16159977

One day left until the next Challenger.

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Anonymous No. 16159979


Anonymous No. 16159983

It'll be OK on the way up probably but is definitely going to explode the poor bastards coming back down.

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Anonymous No. 16159988

SNC should work on a lunar-capable dreamchaser with a beefy heat shield and giant integrated kick stage / service module / extra crew habitat room

Anonymous No. 16159991

ULA should use their new GEM XLs and make this cuck SRB launcher for sierra space

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Anonymous No. 16159993

Here is my wife with her Dream chaser

Anonymous No. 16159995

how will (you) react if shitliner really does kill the astronauts? it's one thing to think it's shit it's another to be vindicated with the death of noncomplicit persons

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Anonymous No. 16159999

I will cry. Not for the brave astronauts who knew the risks, but for how it will impact her

Anonymous No. 16160000

dont look sweet darling

Anonymous No. 16160001

I would feel many things. I would feel sorrow for the lost astronauts, I would feel happiness at the fact that this would be another nail in sealing the Boeing and oldspace coffin, I would feel anger because everyone has been calling out Starliner is missing QA and that these were easily avoidable deaths, and also the obvious vindication.

Anonymous No. 16160004

Have a chuckle and make some memes. You know what you sign up for when you ride with boing

Anonymous No. 16160006

>As it struggles to restore culture of safety, Boeing says it will lock out its frontline safety workers at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, May 4

Normally I'd say that it'd be a disaster for Boeing, and it would be, it's just that right now it's not going to be a surprising disaster for most people

Anonymous No. 16160017

I would laugh like a retard (for me this is easy)

Anonymous No. 16160021

i'd be concerned for private spaceflight in general. It takes (one) accident like this to bring in a whole boatload of new regulations and liberal screeching which WILL affect spacex, slowing them down even more than they already are

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Anonymous No. 16160049


Anonymous No. 16160053

if tge astronaut not get back in the space ship could (if) he die?

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Anonymous No. 16160057

It would be extremely painful

Anonymous No. 16160058

desu i don't think anything is gonna happen i just think the memes are funny

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Anonymous No. 16160061

They will marvel at what we accomplished, centuries from now. -Bezos

Anonymous No. 16160063

it should be a Soyuz

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If it's Boei....jpg

Anonymous No. 16160064

>If I can't go to space, no one will
Boeing playing 4D chess

Anonymous No. 16160065

fuck i meant a vostok-k

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Anonymous No. 16160067

why does new shepard get so dirty and scuffed up? the early ones didnt have any paint issue but when they started flying ppl they were always dirty.
what if blue orgin is making there rockets dirty on purpose to seem cool (like spacex boosters). just an idea

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Anonymous No. 16160068


Anonymous No. 16160069

my feet hurt :(

Anonymous No. 16160070

>I assure you, creating a detailed scan of the feet is absolutely necessary

Anonymous No. 16160072

It's also hydrolox so there shouldn't be any soot at all lmao

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Anonymous No. 16160074

Protesters should boat-raid the next Starship launch and demand Elon address "israel"'s genocide of Gaza.

Anonymous No. 16160078

just found for all mankind got renewed for season 5
gonna fucking coom

Anonymous No. 16160080

thats old news desu
they are also getting a spinoff series

Anonymous No. 16160083

>look mom I posted it again!

Anonymous No. 16160088

>they are also getting a spinoff series
oh, this time from the soviet side of things
kinda cool

Anonymous No. 16160089

>this could have been our timeline

Anonymous No. 16160090

of course he draws a generic spaceship/lander instead of starship

Anonymous No. 16160091

i wish elon was my dad

Anonymous No. 16160096

i wish elon was my lover

Anonymous No. 16160099

ok man i was joking, dont post this

Anonymous No. 16160106

ok woman i wasn't joking, do post this

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16160116

You wish you were circumcized?

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Anonymous No. 16160119

somepne pleese update this for new suit

Anonymous No. 16160123

This is disappointing

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Anonymous No. 16160124

should everything be anime girls?

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Anonymous No. 16160126

Anonymous No. 16160127


btw they uploaded the eva reveal vid on their youtube channel

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Anonymous No. 16160128

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Anonymous No. 16160129

Fuck this sleek futuristic bullshit, give me bulky, strong and scary looking

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Anonymous No. 16160130

The absolute fucking state of the Orion program

Anonymous No. 16160131

the chicken man!

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Anonymous No. 16160133

can we end this shitty cold war and go hot already?

Anonymous No. 16160135

you will never have dogfights in space

Anonymous No. 16160137

Sure, you are on damage control team under captain Rose (male) and xir tranny officer squad.

Anonymous No. 16160142

Simple, deny them their blacked porn to dialate to if they lose the battle or the ship

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Anonymous No. 16160143

I agree with this man, in with hot hot hot

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Anonymous No. 16160145


Anonymous No. 16160147

what causes this kind of butthurt

Anonymous No. 16160149

hey remember a few years ago we had that one persistent anon who would always claim that Boeing was actually awesome and the Max only crashed because of heckin thirdy pilots and the core of Boeing is still based! I wonder if he's killed himself yet

Anonymous No. 16160150

is that a colostomy tube?

Anonymous No. 16160151

They fell in love with a tranny once and never recovered

Anonymous No. 16160152

err no?

Anonymous No. 16160153

tranny officer is probably a 130+ iq autists
when you are fighting with lasers i think i will pick them over the 90 iq chad

Anonymous No. 16160157

There you go again, thinking about cocks attached to women. Your brain must be chock full of FUTA haha

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new shepard orbit.jpg

Anonymous No. 16160170


Anonymous No. 16160171

You will never be a woman

Anonymous No. 16160174

literally no one was talking about trannies dude someone posted a comic and you started screaming about trannies and blacked. why?

Anonymous No. 16160177

dude youre seriously sick in the head

Anonymous No. 16160182


Anonymous No. 16160183

you will never go to space where the tranny will

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Anonymous No. 16160189


Anonymous No. 16160190


Anonymous No. 16160202


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Anonymous No. 16160206

Clear is impressed with spacex slimsuit

Anonymous No. 16160208

Obviously no one has showed her the bobendoug

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Anonymous No. 16160209

thosr were fatty suits

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Anonymous No. 16160220


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Anonymous No. 16160222

What if I were to send an e-mail to Boeing claiming the Boe-CFT crew were all whistleblowers?

Anonymous No. 16160223
Scott Manly

Anonymous No. 16160226

>>16159158 (Me)
>no replies
Thanks a lot /sfg/, what if I'd died? What would you guys do without my high quality posts?
For Shame.

Anonymous No. 16160227

wat did you post

Anonymous No. 16160232


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Anonymous No. 16160240


Anonymous No. 16160247

i saw a video of indian wallowing in poop. you people are awful

Anonymous No. 16160251

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16160253

Russian's blew up the Yuzhmash factory

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Anonymous No. 16160259

We are almost at the point where amateur rockets can actually reach orbit

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Anonymous No. 16160263


Anonymous No. 16160270

I love the aquabats

Anonymous No. 16160273

Engine cooked pizza when?

Anonymous No. 16160274

they easily could
this guy just refuses to go liquid

Anonymous No. 16160277

i thought he was working on it

Anonymous No. 16160278

he is going solid only
which is fucking pointless because scaling this shit is going to be impossible

Anonymous No. 16160280

the Chinese have never been in a position of strength, so they do not understand this

Anonymous No. 16160283

And yet Elon's Twitter still isn't able to detect such obvious automated posting.

Anonymous No. 16160284

China still isn't able to land a booster.

Anonymous No. 16160288

>China might finally able to to land some non-reusable astronauts half a century after Germany/America did
How exactly is this humiliating for America?

Anonymous No. 16160289

Being passive aggressive and especially being petty and vindictive is viewed as a part of being powerful, idgi
Being able to piss in a man’s soup and make him drink it is a demonstration of your power over him, rather than indicative of your own lack of foresight and self control

Anonymous No. 16160291

It's one step removed from treating your rival as total joke who will fuck up on their own, and not stepping up your game. Like Arianespace did.

Anonymous No. 16160294

you guys are so fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 16160297

Is this because we don’t like China, don’t like Boeing, don’t like the shuttle or don’t like SLS?

Anonymous No. 16160299

Don't forget "because you like SpaceX"

Anonymous No. 16160301

Can I get a QRD on which of the commercial moon landers landed successfully and which ones did not?

Anonymous No. 16160306

the world would be better if you had died

Anonymous No. 16160308

he can't do liquid propellant in his backyard, he wants to rent a warehouse at Spaceport New Mexico and do some hoppers there

Anonymous No. 16160309

I guess the question is what's more costly/risky?

Anonymous No. 16160310

>which of the commercial moon landers landed successfully
if it has launched it has not landed successfully, the closest was Nova-C, which only fell over instead of crashing
I don't remember who all failed, I think it was the Israelis? and the Japanese (I looked it up)

Anonymous No. 16160311



Did not make it to TLI:

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Anonymous No. 16160312


Anonymous No. 16160314

quit avatarfagging

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apu unsure.jpg

Anonymous No. 16160319


Anonymous No. 16160321

"Did not disintegrate upon impact with the moon" is both a very low and incredibly high bar to clear anon

Anonymous No. 16160323

No nazi scientists to do all the legwork for them.

Anonymous No. 16160328

>mentions Hakuto-R but not SLIM
>IM-1 not being partly success
baka fr fr

Anonymous No. 16160329

the Israelis crashed and contaminated the moon with tardigrades which they blame on pajeets (even if true: doesn't that make you even more retarded for hiring them?)

Anonymous No. 16160330


This is a National Socialist Luna thread. We shot it down with aryan lasers, stop spreading Jewish pilpul.

Anonymous No. 16160331

What part of private mission is hard to understand

Anonymous No. 16160332

SLIM was JAXA, not the commercial lander (which is actually American)

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Anonymous No. 16160335

Only oldfags remember when we changed the image limit

Anonymous No. 16160344

that was a fun day

Anonymous No. 16160349

That was a fun day.

Anonymous No. 16160350

that was about when the schizo decided that we needed a space board, wasn't it? Remember when the mods came in and banned that fucker?

Anonymous No. 16160361

the schizo is still here and makes the thread 99% of the time btw
try and make it yourself next time and see what happens kek

Anonymous No. 16160362

i miss the day of the Rare Werner Archive. actually wholesome thread

Anonymous No. 16160363

good idea

Anonymous No. 16160365

Which archive? Also do you remember when we vandalized Everday Astronaut's spreadsheet?

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Anonymous No. 16160367

I made a new thread

Anonymous No. 16160373

bros give me 400 seconds I'll bake a proper thread

Anonymous No. 16160375

I know the thread's dogshit, but a thread split would be worse.

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Anonymous No. 16160376

don't be a nigger

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Anonymous No. 16160380


Anonymous No. 16160384




Anonymous No. 16160385

see what i mean kek

Anonymous No. 16160391

lisan al-gaib

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Anonymous No. 16160398

(You)'re playing both sides, aren't you?

Anonymous No. 16160399

also I keep getting dubs which is based

Anonymous No. 16160405

>posts a frog

Anonymous No. 16160406

Yep the following two posts are by the same person:


clearly a person with intent to derail

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Anonymous No. 16160408

frog website

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Anonymous No. 16160409

why not go back to /n/ already?

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Anonymous No. 16160411

report the second one for spamming or whatever then and if they both get deleted you'll know for sure

Anonymous No. 16160417

this is the REAL thread btw

Anonymous No. 16160425

Weekend /sfg/ sucks so fucking much, it's unreal.

Anonymous No. 16160442

The "nah I'd win" meme is so fucking cringe please stop using it

Anonymous No. 16160457

I would be sad for the astronauts but unsurprised
though if they say they have 1/270 likelihood of death then I do expect it to go without deaths

Anonymous No. 16160460

that would be retarded but you are probably right

Anonymous No. 16160465

its pozzed and unwatchable

Anonymous No. 16160469

why were those dudes so wide? Both sat in the capsule they must have taken up the weight of three average people.

Anonymous No. 16160470

I know you are but what am I.

Anonymous No. 16160537
