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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16160382

Engine inspection day edition

previous: >>16158571

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Anonymous No. 16160388

it's always been two words, you fucking nigger

Anonymous No. 16160392

Ok, this one has the right template, but why have this edition instead of, idk, Polaris spacesuit edition?

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Anonymous No. 16160394

Anonymous No. 16160396

are you retarded? spelling spaceflight as one word is newfag shit

Anonymous No. 16160401

it's been that way for as long as I can remember (wasn't here for the earliest threads) and it makes more sense to just use spaceflight instead of forcing the acronym.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16160403

bad thread, use this one instead
do not indulge the threadsplitter spamfaggot

Anonymous No. 16160413

you can check the archives if you want

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Anonymous No. 16160415

Anonymous No. 16160416

no, I mean I wasn't here for the earliest threads where it was a thing, so I'm not attached to it.

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Anonymous No. 16160421

Yeah probably should've been polaris spacesuit edition. I concede that. Feel free to post spacesuits though.

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Anonymous No. 16160437

Will picrel ever actually happen, or will NASA be forced to rely on SpaceX yet again?

Anonymous No. 16160440

do you have fun talking to yourself, all alone in your faggot thread?

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Anonymous No. 16160444

you seem angry.

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Anonymous No. 16160453

You will now remember mechanical counterpressure space suits.
It's really sad that nobody bothers with these, since they seem (theoretically) outright superior to gas pressurized suits. I wonder if NASA and everyone else just forgot about them.

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Anonymous No. 16160480
>SpaceX Reveals EVA Suit - China Launches Moon Mission - Deep Space Updates May 4th

Anonymous No. 16160481

>Scott Fagley

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Anonymous No. 16160483

new video from Tesla about Optimus, somewhat space related perhaps

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Anonymous No. 16160488

Small Rockets
>German rocket arrives at Scottish spaceport.
>Arianespace wins ESA launch contract
>Update on ABL's second launch.

Medium Rockets
>Galileo satellites ride with SpaceX.
>Ariane 6 is on the launch pad.
>Astroscale chases down a dead rocket.
>China preps to launch Chang'e 6

Heavy Rockets
>Questions remain about Artemis II.
>Starship refueling plans come into focus.

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Anonymous No. 16160492

Something I missed from the spaces

> The spacewalkers will go through a “test matrix” to collect data on the performance of the EVA suits. “This is looking at mobility, movement in this microgravity environment, how the suit is performing,” she said. “There’s a whole series of test questions that will be stepped through for the time outside the spacecraft.”

overall a good summary of the spaces if you didn't listen to it

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Anonymous No. 16160493

I guess it's been roving for years now.

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Anonymous No. 16160498

Anonymous No. 16160547

OP a gay

Anonymous No. 16160549


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Anonymous No. 16160550


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Anonymous No. 16160554

SpaceX is literally nothing without NASA lmao
All the computations, modeling and optimizations are done by Marshall Flight Center.

Anonymous No. 16160667

Shuttle nostalgia is devil worship. Repent

Anonymous No. 16160670

nuclear > solar
what will solarfags do at night?
woops, looks like your spacecraft needs to conserve energy until daytime, suck to suck solarfags!

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Anonymous No. 16160681

looks like roscosmos doesn't want its cosmonauts flying on shitliner...

Anonymous No. 16160695

this is a fag thread for fags
join the real thread (not you, OP. stay here in your retard chamber)


Anonymous No. 16160765

>gives your armpits, palms, back of your elbows, asscrack, and crotch edema

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Anonymous No. 16160772

The AxEMU is indeed happening. It's being put through training.

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Anonymous No. 16160783

Hey OP, Im sorry I missed staging this time. I know I usually do it with the time stamps and all but I appreciate you covering for me like usual, I can tell from the format its you. Its unfortunate that the other OP is griefing this hard, would never have happened if I hadnt or been sleeping or if janny actually woke up and did his job. Ill try to get these on time in the future so /sfg/ isnt griefed this hard again.
I apologize to /sfg/ at large for being tardy on staging.

Anonymous No. 16160784

Post that in this thread

Anonymous No. 16160785

>the gayest post I've ever seen
To think you made so many OP's, I threw up a little in my mouth

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Anonymous No. 16160792

Well hopefully thats over. Tomorrow is the day fellas, make or break time for Starliner and Im leaning towards break desu.

Anonymous No. 16160793

stupid nigger

Anonymous No. 16160796

>the scorch mark

Anonymous No. 16160797

You dont have to keep replying and samefagging here you know. You could just... go back to what (You) think is the correct thread and wait for janny to clean it up if you think its in the right.
But you wont, because that wasnt the purpose of this entire situation. The purpose was to grief /sfg/, and that was made pretty obvious by how much you spammed this thread. I hope that once this is all over you got this spergery out of your system and we can go back to normal.

Anonymous No. 16160799

I'm not the one who split the threads lmao

Anonymous No. 16160801

What was the cause of that also? I remember seeing it in a previous thread but nobody ever told me what it was/was from.

Anonymous No. 16160804

And neither am I. Go back please.

Anonymous No. 16160807

Why is one row way dirtier than the others

Anonymous No. 16160808

I know a couple people in the spacesuit sector and apparently collins aerospace is shitting the bed and the lunar suits won't be ready until 2029. They are actually considering remanufacturing the original apollo suits.

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Anonymous No. 16160810

Does anyone know whats going on with the Chang'e 6 mission? I read a little bit about it earlier in that Berger article but how long is it going to take and whats the method theyre using to launch back, is it like previous MSR where they use some rocket or are they returning the entire landing probe.

Anonymous No. 16160813

Kek wtf, at this point if the SpaceX EVAs work why not just buy those out. This is also a pathetic show for 60 year old tech at this point.

Anonymous No. 16160814

what has Collins Aerospace got to do with this?

Anonymous No. 16160820

NTA but maybe theyre contracted?

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Anonymous No. 16160826
Starship V2 parts spotted

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Anonymous No. 16160827

Collins Aerospace was contracted to make the replacement EMU (picrel) for the ISS EMU. They have nothing to do with the development/certification/production of the Artemis lunar EMU. That would be Axiom Space, hence AxEMU.

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Anonymous No. 16160830

Ah I see thanks.

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Anonymous No. 16160835

What is your favourite spacesuit, anon? Mine is probably always going to be the Shuttle EMU.

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Anonymous No. 16160836

The new ones just have too much sovl. Theyre perfect in every way, and actually look like they belong in this era.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16160842

stupid frogposter

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16160860

Forgot fairy award again... starting to doubt youre the fairyposter

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Anonymous No. 16160880

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Anonymous No. 16160883

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Anonymous No. 16160884

Anonymous No. 16160886

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16160890
Big thread on the quick disconnect if you ever wanted to know how they fuel and cut away during launch.

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Anonymous No. 16160892

the Varda (co-)founder seems pretty based

Anonymous No. 16160893

the artemis EVA suits have way more mobility than the SpaceX ones and operate at a highter internal pressure with less air leakage. Thatbeing said though SpaceX could probably make a functional lunar excursion suit by the time starship HLS is ready. it would also be insane kino if they could fly private customers to the lunar surface in SpaceX excurison suits

Anonymous No. 16160897

If it's Boeing...

Anonymous No. 16160899

you are dying

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Anonymous No. 16160901

There is no competition,

Anonymous No. 16160910


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Anonymous No. 16160927

The A7L was so ahead of its time that even modern "advanced" spacesuits end up returning to designs championed by the A7L (namely the cable-assisted dual-plane shoulder joints)

Anonymous No. 16160943

>airborne lunar gravity simulation, no harnesses needed
Neat. How long are the spells of lunar gravity? It's got to be much longer than the zero g spells, which are on the order of tens of seconds.

Anonymous No. 16160960

Hm, I'm actually not sure at all! I think it's a matter of minutes?

Anonymous No. 16160967

as far as I understand it, you get a similar amount of time to zero g, since they actually use a slightly different trajectory than a zero g sim would.

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Anonymous No. 16160975

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Anonymous No. 16160976


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Anonymous No. 16160984


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Anonymous No. 16160985


Anonymous No. 16160987

Mister Hadfield, half of these questions have already been answered
>what pressure is inside the suit?
5.1 psi
>how supple is range of motion when pressurized?
this we actually don't know, but we have best guesses based off what we do know about the mobility architecture (bearings for the scye, wrist)
>where does the umbilical attach?
Right thigh, as with the IVA suit
>can you see/access the umbilical to tend it?
If you can see your thigh, then yes. Airflow control is also located here
>spark sources in 100% oxygen?
unknown, but we should hope there are none
also unknown, but for a two hour EVA it may not be needed

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Anonymous No. 16160988

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Anonymous No. 16160991

Anonymous No. 16161038

Ohhh so theres no detaching for Dawn? Thats kind of unfortunate but I guess expected. I wonder what suits the Vast Haven-1 station will use, you think in house made or theyre gonna pay SpaceX again?

Anonymous No. 16161041

how does living at 0.34 atm work? wouldnt you like die

Anonymous No. 16161042

umbilical nigga, this is iterative development

Anonymous No. 16161049

Bridenstine would already have two space tugs in orbit

Anonymous No. 16161057

So the IVAs were basically just an early iteration of what the EVAs are supposed to be

Anonymous No. 16161088

top of Mount Everest has about 0.3 atm
you can survive but you want to have higher oxygen level than normal air to be comfortable

Anonymous No. 16161101

Oh I see. How does 100% oxygen work also? Dont we usually need a mix of nitrogen or something or is it because the pressure is so low that 100% is required to get the same amount.

Anonymous No. 16161104

The human body needs about 2 psi of air pressure to just barely survive. Any less than that, and your lungs wouldn't work, and you'd start to suffocate. So, 5.1 psi is more than enough

Anonymous No. 16161107

I got nerd sniped by this. Assuming that the plane's horizontal speed is the same in the lunar sim case as it is for the zero g case (which it would be if vertical velocity at trajectory exit is the governing parameter), that's about 30 seconds of sim time. If instead the absolute speed at trajectory exit is the governing parameter, then that stretches to 41 seconds. I was kinda hoping for more than that looking at how chill the observers are in the photo.

Anonymous No. 16161121

It's the partial pressure of O2 that matters. Plus without all that nasty nitrogen around, the bends are not a problem.

Anonymous No. 16161133

I see. Thanks for the info

Anonymous No. 16161207

yes and these EVA suits are also just part of the iterative process towards surface suits, though if you need a jetpack and backpack for life support I would imagine this system will be somewhat modular

Anonymous No. 16161227

I'm skeptical, but imagine if SpaceX manages to make suits which work for all purposes and don't require prebreathe in the future

Anonymous No. 16161239

I think that was an explicit goal that they talked about in the spaces, probably quite a long term goal though

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Anonymous No. 16161250

article about the motivations to colonize mars

Anonymous No. 16161253

pro tip: Mars is free real estate

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Anonymous No. 16161255

>Business case?
>I'm not doing this to make money.

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Anonymous No. 16161276
>It's Happening! Booster Catch Arm Tested At High Speed! - SpaceX Weekly #113

Anonymous No. 16161308

What happenedto those NASA development suits which were fully made from metal plates like a suit of armor?

Anonymous No. 16161317

>split threads with equal replies
yup general is dead. totally done for. it's been fun

Anonymous No. 16161318

Spacesuits seem like the right niche for a government agency to do. Very little profitable demand for them.

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Anonymous No. 16161323

Has this been posted to YouTube yet? I can't seem to find it

Anonymous No. 16161340

just listen to it on xitter it was pretty boring though

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Anonymous No. 16161344

Somewhere along the line it was decided that they were too bulky, heavy, and expensive.
I think they were also more limited in supporting a range of wearers with above or below average heights.

xEMU went with a hybrid design. The torso is a hard shell, but the arms and legs are soft.

Anonymous No. 16161354

>nearly 6 months since last starship test

We are NOT going

Anonymous No. 16161356

It's insanse that nobody has tried mcp suits since the 60s.
The results they got then were good.
The upside is huge someone needs to do it

Anonymous No. 16161360

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16161362

Some tenured femoid is sitting on patents

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Anonymous No. 16161365

is this bait?
it hasn't even been two months, IFT-3 was on March 14

Anonymous No. 16161366

nobody cares about that. that is not the reason

Anonymous No. 16161370

Its pretty obviously bait, dont know why youre replying to it considering that the likely culprit is the same person thats been doing this for a month atp.

Anonymous No. 16161371

>nobody cares about that

Patent law is pretty important, if she doesn't sell you can't do shit.

Anonymous No. 16161372

patents can be circumvented or licensed

Anonymous No. 16161377

Is that the one on the right youre talking about?

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Anonymous No. 16161386

>Some tenured femoid
May I see the BioSuit vacuum chamber test?
It's been 20 years surely you must have tested it

Anonymous No. 16161387

Is it really free though? Its cost is the cost of transportation

Anonymous No. 16161393

Pls someone help me out here

Anonymous No. 16161402

QRD? Ive literally never seen this suit in my life

Anonymous No. 16161417

its the suit from da marshan

Anonymous No. 16161419

It's one of the 3 entries on the Wikipedia page for MCP designs.
And it's the only one of them that has not really been tested despite being in development for literally 20 years due to being a shitty do-nothing university project.
I cannot fathom why nobody serious has tried to make one despite the Paul Webb suit proving its feasible and has way better mobility than pressurized suits.

Anonymous No. 16161424

Well the mobility thing might change soon with the SpaceX suits. Maybe the risk adverse NASA just didnt even want to bother trying and paying for new suits when they can just reuse what they already had? Idk

Anonymous No. 16161440

How would they do thermal management with the skin in contact with the suit? An overcoat I imagine?

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Anonymous No. 16161449

All 3 are the same suit. Just different views and colors.
The latest iteration is the AxEMU being built by Axiom. Pic related.

Anonymous No. 16161451

Yeah you can still have liquid cooling / heating channels and an insulation layer.

Anonymous No. 16161464

A zero-prebreathe suit would be difficult but certainly not impossible for SpaceX. Combined with the necessary added mobility joints to meet mobility demand for surface activities, such a suit would likely end up much more complex and bulky. There's a reason the AxEMU (which was specifically designed to operate at zero-prebreathe pressures) is so massive.

Anonymous No. 16161466

what if you added some powered joints, some quasi exoskeleton?

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Anonymous No. 16161485

that's always an option, and a popular one, at that. Of course, that introduces several new sets of complexities, challenges, and risks posed to the astronaut. A powered exoskeleton would require you to design an entirely new mobility architecture atop the architecture of the pressure garment. That could get quite bulky and heavy. You'll also have to worry about power, both in terms of consumption and storage. Batteries are heavy. Then there's the issue of keeping those joints working in vacuum without overheating. Do you use your water cooling loop to cool all these electronics? Now you've doubled your water consumption. Also, let's hope that literally none of this malfunctions, lest your astronaut get turned into a gimp mid-way through his EVA.

In the end, I'd say it's much cheaper, safer, and more reliable to just design a more robust pressure garment. In my opinion, the AxEMU is effective, but overkill. I believe you can get similar performance out of a much lighter weight EMU.

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Anonymous No. 16161531

S26 is getting cut up right now btw lol

Anonymous No. 16161532

finally being put out of its misery

Anonymous No. 16161533

its over. 6 months til next launch.

Anonymous No. 16161536

Polaris Dawn literally is zero prebreathe though.
They reduce the capsule pressure slowly over several days.

Anonymous No. 16161537

>Ive literally never seen this suit in my life


Anonymous No. 16161548

how did the threads get split?

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Anonymous No. 16161549

Yes, only because of the reason you've mentioned. That does not make the suit a zero-prebreathe suit by definition, since you could not jump from 1 Atm to the suit's pressure of 5.1 psi without prebreathing first. The technique of gradually dropping the pressure within the spacecraft to reduce or eliminate prebreathe time has been used since way back, and allows you to use spacesuits with relatively low operating pressures without needing to put hours aside for prebreathing before each EVA.

Zero-prebreathe suits are desirable for contexts where you're jumping from and to high pressure (so, at or near 14.7 psi, one atmosphere), such as the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16161552

someone made a new one because the other one was shit. who cares? the activity in this thread is higher quality and im getting new info so i use this one

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Anonymous No. 16161554

Heres changes profile

8 may: gets into lunar orbit

2 june: lands on the moon

25: brings back to earth the sample

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Anonymous No. 16161558

ok so it does have a part that separates off i see

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Anonymous No. 16161570

were the tile doomers right?

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Anonymous No. 16161571


Anonymous No. 16161574

I got accused of being a troll for pointing out the tile thing. Starship can avoid most debris strikes on ascent due to not being side mounted like shuttle, but acoustics were a major cause of tile damage on shuttle and clearly cause dozens to fall off on starship launch. And even if that is fixed I don't see the shield being fully reusable. They will have to replace loads of tiles every mission which will prevent rapid reuse. I think peak heating on starship is higher than shuttle, and shuttle typically had to replace a few tiles from heat damage every mission.

Anonymous No. 16161576

we wont know until the next flight when they get the orientation correct throughout the entire reentry. once thats done we will see if they were right or not.
id like to take this opportunity to remind you that the watercooled plate doomers were wrong, the separation doomers were wrong, the hot stage ring doomers were wrong, and the envirotroon doomers were wrong. the tile doomers will also be wrong.

Anonymous No. 16161578

the shuttle used 1980s tech that had no reason to innovate under government funding and is not a good comparison.
youre not a troll for having tile concerns, in fact as of now thats the most pressing issue and should be acknowledged. however it will be a temporary issue just as every other issue of the program that got solved so far has been.

Anonymous No. 16161579

I don't think that is correct

Anonymous No. 16161584

starship tiles are made from the exact same material shuttle tiles are made from. there is no new tech.

Anonymous No. 16161592

what's their arrangement? I wonder what kind of money spacex pays for nasa services

Anonymous No. 16161601


Anonymous No. 16161604

Apart from being like 10x as thick so they don't break when a bird looks at them

Anonymous No. 16161607

Surely they've looked into using a magnetoshell, right? RIGHT?

Anonymous No. 16161619

This is a no schizo zone

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Anonymous No. 16161621

reminder that if the wing leading edge under the tiles on the Space Shuttle had been made of titanium instead of aluminum (wtf) the Columbia wouldn't have been lost

Anonymous No. 16161632

Titanium was very hard for America to source in large quantities during the cold war as most titanium ore was found in Russia. The CIA had to set up a complex string of dummy corporations to buy stock from Soviet exporters so Lockheed would have enough metal to build the SR-71. Something like that was probably impractical for the Shuttle given how public and high profile the project was.

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Anonymous No. 16161641


Anonymous No. 16161644

>Chinese plan on landing humans on moon 2029
>Artemis 3 no earlier than Sep 2026 (Elon musk calender)
Why did no one tell me there was going to be a nech-and-neck space race to the moon

Anonymous No. 16161650

No one really thought through the consequences of SLS having such an absurdly low flight rate or considered the possibility that Lockheed could put together a capsule that was just as bad as Starliner.

Anonymous No. 16161651

It's not. America already beat everyone back in 1969.

Anonymous No. 16161668

I knew some retard would say that, so here goes, every single one of the hundreds of F-15 fighters made in the US during the 1970s had a titanium main spar joining the wings, along with every single one of the hundreds of A-10 ground attack planes having a titanium tub to protect the pilot, and these, along with many other industrial and military programs in the US that required titanium, used hundreds of tons of it per year, and that which was in excess of what South Africa could provide, originated in the Soviet Union, which used to sell large quantities of titanium to shell companies in the West, who were largely buying for the military/industrial complex, so don't tell me the FOUR space shuttle frames constructed by Rockwell in the late 70s couldn't have made the spar that runs the length of the wing from titanium, as it would have been trivial in quantity compared to the total amount being used every year by aerospace manufacturers in the US, and NO, using it on the civilian NASA shuttle wouldn't have been "problematic", no matter where the origin, as using it in the construction of weapons/spy planes was.
>Something like that was probably impractical for the Shuttle given how public and high profile the project was
shut the fuck up, retard, don't ever spill your stupid gay "I gotta say something that sounds smart" opinion at me again

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really makes you ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16161675

And yet they are unable to replicate it...

Anonymous No. 16161678


Anonymous No. 16161688

>it would have been trivial
So why didn't they?

Anonymous No. 16161689

This isn't even the same country anymore dude.

Anonymous No. 16161691

(protip: Rockwell making the wing leading edge out of anything but aluminum, as a "just in case" measure, would have been basically admitting that the TPS could conceivably fail, which was a big no no during the selling of the STS to the mil and NASA, but in hindsight, especially after the 2003 wing burn through and loss of Columbia, it seems a rather obvious flaw in their design now)

Anonymous No. 16161698

amazing what you can do with 10x the budget

Anonymous No. 16161700

SpaceX has more than 10x less budget yet seems to able to do perfectly fine. Curious.

Anonymous No. 16161710

why don't they just do a spray of whatever the tiles are made out of in layers instead. probably incredibly toxic but use a robot or something.

Anonymous No. 16161712

Not replaceable fir any damaged or worn parts short of getting a hundred beaners taking scraping tools to the rocket and redoing the whole thing.

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Anonymous No. 16161761

the death trap has been turned on

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Anonymous No. 16161765

thread is very comfy... feels like old /sfg/ when we didnt have any baiters around for weeks and everyone just wanted to learn/discuss more about space. i remember the december era when we also had a split thread that the quality of posts also went up.

also speaking of guess we were wrong about picrel kek

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Anonymous No. 16161767

oops nvm those threads were still doo doo caca. still this one is very nice

Anonymous No. 16161769

Threads have been shit for a very long time.

Anonymous No. 16161772

yes i am just misremembering thats my bad

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Anonymous No. 16161780

Cargo culting Apollo.

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Anonymous No. 16161784

This place was pretty fun for a few years

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bug legs.png

Anonymous No. 16161785


Anonymous No. 16161791


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Anonymous No. 16161812

We shall visit again

Anonymous No. 16161816

partly the air force wanted all the titanium for themselves and they were going to object if nasa used it for anything (this is in heppenheimer, i'm not making it up), partly cost-cutting on nasa's part because titanium is a huge pain in the ass to work with compared to aluminum

Anonymous No. 16161851

Nothing, actually, although it certainly isn't free. Without any public details though the scope of the assistance is unknown. Griffin is on record as being absolutely furious that NASA can't meddle in HLS/Starship because it isn't a cost-plus structure that lets NASA continually review the work and make change orders. That said, they're more than happy to provide "advice and expertise" but it'd take an official disclosure from the OIG to find out how that work is tracked and billed. This is the kind of thing that makes the scientists anxious as hell that Artemis is stealing money from other directorate budgets.

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Anonymous No. 16162022

Don't forget to set the clock this time, guys!

Anonymous No. 16162037

So youre telling me that Columbia would have not disintegrated if it had a titanium spar?

Anonymous No. 16162039

Buddy.... They are THINNER.

Anonymous No. 16162044

haven't done one of these before, but I remember there was one for artemis 1, so:
1: complete success, /sfg/ and musk cultists btfo
2: mostly a success, some teething issues: the toilet breaks, astronauts complain, issues on docking with ISS.
3: Mission control loses contact with starliner for extended period, commence panic. Turns out it was a nothingburger and everything is fine.
4: similar issues to last time, jeetcode forces astronauts take control and earn their paycheck, other than that, things go to plan. Boeing was right all along.
5: starliner does the thing NASA predicted it would do if it made it to the ISS last time. minor collision event.
6: Atlas V shits the bed. abort on launch. Unjust end for starliner.
7: depressurization event ala soyuz 11. IVA suits save the crew and flight is aborted.
8: flight is aborted, but parachutes fail catastrophically, severely injuring the crew.
9: total failure, loss of life due to some stupid mistake. starliner goes in the bin and after a news cycle and a period of mourning everything goes back to normal.
0: complete failure and total loss, possibly involving the ISS, internationally publicized spaceflight travesty. US gov temp bans all spaceflight for investigation into NASA contract policy.

Anonymous No. 16162048

The International Space Station will crash into the Three Gorges Dam.

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Anonymous No. 16162058

I've said it before and I will say it again. China beating American to the moon this century (which they will) will be a major bifurcation point in perceptions of world history. The moon landings will become one of the primary indicators of your political alleigance. 70% of people today in Russia think America faked the 69-72 landings. They are primed to rewrite history when China lands, and it will become canon in the eurasian bloc (as well as for MIGAtards) to say that China was the first country to ever land a man on the moon.

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Anonymous No. 16162060

about 15h to starliner launch

some videos from ULA
>Atlas V Starliner CFT: Passing the Torch
>Atlas V Starliner CFT Mission Profile

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Anonymous No. 16162064

ongoing livestream from launchpad
>LIVE! ULA Boeing Starliner CFT Countdown

livestream from NSF that starts in 11h (didn't find a official stream from ULA)

Anonymous No. 16162067

What do you mean the recordings from the moon don't have a chain of custody?

Anonymous No. 16162068

>>16161579 >>16161592

I think it comes with the contract, SpaceX isn't writing a check to NASA for the service. NASA is simply a part of a lot of technology verification work, for them and other companies like ULA.

Anonymous No. 16162074

It's possible I guess, but all you have to do to prove otherwise is go visit an apollo landing site. You'd have to actively destroy the evidence to maintain the lie past a certain point.

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Anonymous No. 16162079


Anonymous No. 16162087

>all you have to do to prove otherwise is go visit an apollo landing site
all you have to do to disprove flat earth is to fly away from the planet in any direction, or work in any industry that requires you to navigate long distances. Yet flerfers exist, and if the government was pushing it as the official narrative then 90% of normies would believe it even if they had cognitive dissonance to do so. I don't think the chink government will officially come out and say they were the first to land men on the moon, but they will dogwhistle and push that message through alternative media. Within our lifetimes we wont reach a point where anyone can visit an apollo landing site to prove for themselves, so there will be enough plausible deniability. And they could just shift the goalposts and say sure the landings happened but they were done by computer and the spacewalks were filmed in hollywood.

Anonymous No. 16162107

The guy on the right is destroying my country

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Anonymous No. 16162110

yurop has its own polaris, don't you know?

Anonymous No. 16162117

*fixing your country

Anonymous No. 16162122

What landing on moon will prove now? Whats even the point of going to the moon? Robots do job just fine, sending humans there is useless and dangerous. We have barely enough tech to survive there.
>The moon landings will become one of the primary indicators of your political allegiance.
Again, whats the point of landing on moon? To prove that commies are not retarded pieces of shit? Great, what do i say.

>They are primed to rewrite history when China lands, and it will become canon in the eurasian bloc (as well as for MIGAtards) to say that China was the first country to ever land a man on the moon.
Alright, they destroyed all US robots and equipment, whats then? "Very good china, you landed on moon!"

About russia, they had like 50 years to land on moon and yet they ruined country and started wars, they have lots of resources and they are wasted on new lambo of new corrupt piece of shit.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16162130

beautiful digits, salient points
ugly digits, newfag poster, wasted dubs

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Anonymous No. 16162144


Anonymous No. 16162152

>70% of people today in Russia think
So what? Those people think all kinds of wrong shit.

Anonymous No. 16162155

>Whats even the point of going to the moon?

Anonymous No. 16162164

>70% of people today in Russia think America faked the 69-72 landings.
There's no fucking way that's a real stat.

Anonymous No. 16162169

I wouldn't be surprised. We know that Rogozin is a skeptic.

Anonymous No. 16162175

It's probably real that 70% of Russians say that they think that. But the Russian is a pathetic, slimy creature who has been trained to not ask too many questions nor think too hard and, if he does come to a truth that's inappropriate to his masters, will deliberately lie and dissimulate.

Anonymous No. 16162186

chang'e-6 has a rover now, apparently

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Anonymous No. 16162188

>So what happened? How did Boeing, the gold standard in human spaceflight for decades, fall so far behind on crew? This story, based largely on interviews with unnamed current and former employees of Boeing and contractors who worked on Starliner, attempts to provide some answers.

its a pretty long article

Anonymous No. 16162197

I kind of skipped it because it looked like something I'd seen before, is there anything actually interesting in it?

Anonymous No. 16162205

>no single unified flight software team, but two teams, one in florida and one in texas, the teams didn't trust each other or talk to each other much
>Boeing didn't run a single integrated flight software test end-to-end, but divided it into chunks, if they had they would have probably caught the errors that made OFT-1 of starliner fail
>not being vertically integrated meant everything that passed silos lines took a long time, an example given was that if a rocketdyne engineer working on propulsion wanted to connect to the service module with some widget, it might mean a dozen people in different companies and departments would have to get involved
>an anomaly in 2018 during a hotfire test that dumped 4000 pounds of monomethylhydrazine on the test stand was at least partly caused by bad communication between boeing and rocketdyne due to the companies hating eachother (why? boeing saw rocketdyne as a partner, rocketdyne saw itself as a contractor and asked a change order fee after some system specs were changed)

Quotes from the article
>Boeing's best people were focused on the aircraft crisis, and the experienced space hands were leaving [or retiring in a accelerated way due to the pandemic].
>The surprise is not that Boeing lost to a more nimble competitor in the commercial space race. The surprise is that this lumbering company made it at all. For that, we should celebrate Starliner’s impending launch and the thousands of engineers and technicians who made it happen.

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arm and a leg.png

Anonymous No. 16162208

Didn't this shit amputate someone as well
>mfw 2022

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Anonymous No. 16162236

polaris crew interview on mainstrema media

Anonymous No. 16162249

Well if its with msm its going to be very surface level. Probably what some boomer thats only ever heard about the shuttle can understand

Anonymous No. 16162252

In theory none of this should have prevented Starliner from being built. Indeed a lot of space projects are handled that way

The fact that vertical "silos" gets name-dropped means Starliner had no leadership involved across the whole program and people were content with their fiefdoms -- nobody noticed or cared about the whole project. This shows when you think about the issues they had: leaks in valves that were impossible to service, the parachutes not working properly (literally the number three most important system after life support and the heat shield) and the flammable tape that was known long before assembly. These problems were discovered basically on the pad, weeks from launch, probably because it was the first time they were all in one place.

Anonymous No. 16162277

>Whats even the point of going to the moon?
To build a permanent base

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16162279
>Stage 0 Testing In Full Swing! | SpaceX Starbase Update

high resolution satellite images

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Anonymous No. 16162283
>Stage 0 Testing In Full Swing! | SpaceX Starbase Update

high resolution satellite images

Anonymous No. 16162289

are you retarded? titanium ore is THE most common pigment in paint (titanium dioxide white) and is found all over the world, the issue is that only the Soviets had bothered to refine it
fucking retard

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Anonymous No. 16162290


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Anonymous No. 16162291


Anonymous No. 16162294

If i owned a little piece of property at starbase I would refuse to sell

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Anonymous No. 16162297


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Anonymous No. 16162301

location of upcoming rec center and sushi restaurant

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Anonymous No. 16162302

upcoming tower 2

Anonymous No. 16162308

If I owned a little piece of property at starbase I would happily collect the 10million dollars for a 20k plot of land and go somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 16162310

I'd put a little house there and live in the Starbase. Do you think they'd make me leave on launch days? I'd rather stay and watch from close up.

Anonymous No. 16162315

be like the three little pigs and build your house under the launch ring

Anonymous No. 16162318

Yeah its a mini rover with a movil camara

Anonymous No. 16162339

How long until Blartliner launch?

Anonymous No. 16162343

Unfortunately Boing is too full of gay niggers from outer space, so they can't launch because of Shadow President Trump

Anonymous No. 16162344

Stream goes live in 7 hours, I'm not sure how much longer after that.

Anonymous No. 16162345

0234 may 7 GMT or 2234 may 6 EDT

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Anonymous No. 16162346

Reminder that coronal mass ejections destroying society is a sci-fi meme.

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Anonymous No. 16162347

11h 26min >>16162064

Anonymous No. 16162350

you can't just drop this in my lap without explaining why.

Anonymous No. 16162351

looks like a cock, many such cases

Anonymous No. 16162366

>unwittingly reveals the shape
Nice pencil, loser

Anonymous No. 16162368

it doesnt bend at elbows and knees

Anonymous No. 16162372

Even the most basic metal enclosure can protect electronics from solar flares.

Anonymous No. 16162381

If you want to do missions farther than earth orbit, having fuel production on the moon is really useful.
If you want to do any kind of industrial scale mining and production, having a human there is really useful.

Anonymous No. 16162393

Starlink in less than an hour.

Anonymous No. 16162395

We live in an age where rockets fly ever other day or so. few years back, it was every other month or so.

How times changed

Anonymous No. 16162400

which means the real threat is to exposed solar panels and poorly shielded crew modules in orbit

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Anonymous No. 16162407

Russia realizes it can't compete in the megaconstellations game and wants to DESTROY THEM instead

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Anonymous No. 16162411
>Tory Talk // Atlas V Starliner CFT

Anonymous No. 16162413

I've come around to the idea of settling the moon before Mars.
Settlement of another world has never been done and there inevitably are an immense number of failure modes which are not immediately lethal, but would slowly kill the Mars crew over months while we wait for the transfer window and for supplies to arrive from Earth. That would be even worse than a catastrophic instant death failure and is mostly avioidable on the Moon.

Anonymous No. 16162418

That's why Elon's plan is to make the first Martians live with absurd kiloton scale supply surpluses while they bootstrap ISRU.

Anonymous No. 16162420

Oops, got my times wrong and it's actually in a little over two hours now.

Anonymous No. 16162425

I hope it happens, but point is I was opposed to Artemis but now I think it's a positive. It gets NASA working on things which will be directly transferrable to Mars, and the Moon is more viable from an Earth economics persective since it's easier to get to LEO from the surface of the Moon than from the surface of Earth

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16162430


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Anonymous No. 16162464

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Anonymous No. 16162484

lol musk deleted this

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Boeing Boeing.jpg

Anonymous No. 16162485

Tonight in Florida, two astronauts will die. Here's why.

Anonymous No. 16162488

maybe the 7 years faster is incorrect?
the first crewed dragon flight was Demo-2 which was in May 30 2020
so Boeing would be 4 years later than SpaceX, not 7

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Anonymous No. 16162490

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Anonymous No. 16162491


Anonymous No. 16162497
To tide you over until the main event, here's another Starlink launch

Anonymous No. 16162504

> Did you know that today's CFT will be a numerous of number ones?

- 1st crew launch from cap canaveral since 1968
- 1st ever crewed launch of the entire Atlas family
- 1st ever crewed launch from SLC-41
- 1st ever crewed flight of Starliner

First times a charm!

Anonymous No. 16162506

Unfortunately I have developed a tolerance to starlink launches; they simply don't do it for me anymore.

Anonymous No. 16162511

first failure for ula

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Anonymous No. 16162516

"Hello fellow space kids!"

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Anonymous No. 16162517

>- 1st crew launch from cap canaveral since 1968
but that means it's not actually a first
>- 1st ever crewed launch of the entire Atlas family

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Anonymous No. 16162522

"That hot astro-babe you wanted is here."

"Send her in -- Oh My NASA!"

Anonymous No. 16162523

Remember when it was a race between SpaceX and Boeing?

How come it's structurally inefficient when the whole capsule was milled out of a solid block of aluminium into a isogrid structure?

Anonymous No. 16162527

Damn she looks like hell. She looked like 30 in her ISS tour video around 2010. Now she looks 60.

Anonymous No. 16162529

First crew launch powered by a engine from the RD-170 family. Been waiting decades for that to finally happen.

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Anonymous No. 16162534


he reposted it

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Anonymous No. 16162543

Tonight's launch is big news on the Subcontinent.

Anonymous No. 16162545

>weird Russian engine

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Anonymous No. 16162552

> space X roasting Boeing live
what is this timeline ?????

Anonymous No. 16162555


Anonymous No. 16162557

make sure you put it in the right thread (you're in the wrong thread)

Anonymous No. 16162558

Thanks for the warning, I hope it's not another "NUKE RUSSIA RIGHT NOW" post.

Anonymous No. 16162562


Anonymous No. 16162564

for what possible reason would they fixate onto this?

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Anonymous No. 16162566

Anonymous No. 16162567

Haha what the fuck they mentioned flammable tape and anxiety

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Anonymous No. 16162569

how the fuck does this have 8.7 million subscribers?

Anonymous No. 16162572

I just realised, wtf is this shit
they also have million of views on stolen videos

Anonymous No. 16162576

>SpaceX x ULA in the corner
Yep lawsuit incoming

Anonymous No. 16162578

I think they are actually linking to the real SpaceX videos, but this channel itself has not videos at all
just this livestream

Anonymous No. 16162582

if lawsuits worked against pajeet scam channels they wouldn't be so prominent.

Anonymous No. 16162583

Youtube should stop this scam

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Polaris Dawn mobi....png

Anonymous No. 16162585

This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way

And the stars look very different

Anonymous No. 16162586


Anonymous No. 16162587

it's impressive how elaborate youtube scams are getting
apparently you can feature videos from another channel on your own?

Anonymous No. 16162593

>(as well for MIGAtards)
Super ULTRA mega MAGA here, I think I speak for all MAGA supporters when I say we love this country and its great historical achievements. Believing that the Apollo moon landings didn't happen is completely unAmerican and unpatriotic. You have a nice day.

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Anonymous No. 16162595


Anonymous No. 16162596

no they should be easy to strike
spaceX has just not done it yet

Anonymous No. 16162598

Bet this launch will be a success.

Anonymous No. 16162599


Spoiler: Earth Direct MAV with liquid propellants.

NASA Earth Guard planetary protection zealots would never allow that.

Anonymous No. 16162607

good to see the old engine bell rats are still sticking around

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Anonymous No. 16162619

they hacked some turkish guy's account i guess
you can still see the old pfp if you search for the vid sepreatly

Anonymous No. 16162620


Anonymous No. 16162621

the american right has quite a diverse spectrum of thought within it (so much so that it makes the two party system look ridiculous), and I'd be surprised to find a ML denier that would vote dem (sounds like a really strange type of person).

Anonymous No. 16162624

usually these accounts are hacked and then sold.

Anonymous No. 16162625

why is their cgi so bad?

Anonymous No. 16162626

it looks like it's based on real-time telemetry just like we saw on Vulcan's flight

Anonymous No. 16162627

they made it when they started the starliner program

Anonymous No. 16162630

My guess is that it's made by boomers using the ancient software that they're used to.

Anonymous No. 16162632


Anonymous No. 16162638

reminder the limiting factor why we cant get more people to the iss is a lack of docking ports. adding another port could get us a dozen manned commercial missions a year.

Anonymous No. 16162642

the ISS is about to be obsolete, pointless to upgrade it now

Anonymous No. 16162643

Why can't youtube shut it down?

Anonymous No. 16162646

I don't even see the point of the ISS since they're doing no plant reproduction or insect breeding experiments.

Anonymous No. 16162647

It stumbled due to shittle, but the ISS did ACTUALLY kickstart commercial LEO in the end of the day. Will Gateway do the same for TLI?

Anonymous No. 16162648

Why would they make more than a token effort? Eyeballs watching ads are eyeballs watching ads. As far as they're concerned adblockers and edgy content are much more of a issue.

Anonymous No. 16162650

they need to bud off the axiom station

Anonymous No. 16162656

they don't take down the dozens of fake streams that pop up during Starship launches so why would they do it for Starliner?

Anonymous No. 16162661

stands for trans lunar injection. thats the transfer path, not an orbit like leo. learn your orbits newfag

Anonymous No. 16162662

Does anyone have the video of Starliner spinning around when its thrusters decided it would be a cool trick?

Anonymous No. 16162664

Edgy content as in prank videos?

Anonymous No. 16162667

it's already in here

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Anonymous No. 16162677

Anonymous No. 16162680

Does anyone have the video of Crew Dragon doing a test firing in Kennedy when its thrusters decided it would be a cool trick?

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Anonymous No. 16162681


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Anonymous No. 16162685

Anonymous No. 16162686

that oldspace butthole licking grifting nigger should drive off a cliff

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Anonymous No. 16162689
>Say LIFTOFF in 3...2...1!
>@NASASocial stopped by SLC-41 to see #AtlasV and #Starliner this morning and were joined by surprise guests @torybruno and @NASAArtemis II @NASA_Astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover and @CSA_ASC Jeremy Hansen! #NASASocial

Anonymous No. 16162692

Loser loser loser loser loser
>wahhhhh why not just overlook these glaringly obtuse facts that Boeing and Starliner sucks
How about you suck… a dick, Mr. Combs! (His friends call him Combover becuase his estrogen supplements are wreaking havoc on his hairline)

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Anonymous No. 16162693
>Today’s #Starliner #AtlasV launch is an instantaneous launch — meaning the rocket must launch at a precise moment to get Starliner on the path to meet the@Space_Station
in orbit.
>Watch the moment of liftoff at 10:34 p.m. ET

3h 25min until official stream starts

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Anonymous No. 16162696

the old space stans really dislike berger

Anonymous No. 16162699

Beautiful tropical Floridian marshes

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Anonymous No. 16162710

leaked dragon docking footage. do not share

Anonymous No. 16162716

can someone explain why transpiration wouldn't work, aside from the additional weight and complexity?
I hate tiles

Anonymous No. 16162728

I know retard.

Anonymous No. 16162731

you mean starliner? and that needs interstellar music.

Anonymous No. 16162732

what's this from?

Anonymous No. 16162737


Anonymous No. 16162738

anything that advertisers don't want to be associated with (including in the comments) or that the powertripping youtube jannies arbitrarily decide.

Anonymous No. 16162741

Why is this zogbot bootlicker piping up now?

Anonymous No. 16162747

reminds me a bit of the 6 axis robot arm at work

Anonymous No. 16162748

of course the newfag thread has never heard of the SpaceX ISS docking sim lmao

Anonymous No. 16162750

Nobody cares about your drama. Go back.

Anonymous No. 16162752

no you, fucking tourist scum

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Anonymous No. 16162754

deltaic reminder

Anonymous No. 16162766

Alright, but is that really water?

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Anonymous No. 16162768

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Anonymous No. 16162773

no, but this is

Anonymous No. 16162780

looks like an ancient engine block

Anonymous No. 16162792

I'm guessing that's one of those martian plains where there's a thin layer of dirt covering a permafrost like substance that occasionally gets exposed.

Anonymous No. 16162806

exposed by engine exhaust in this case

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Anonymous No. 16162821

It's really interesting how variable mars is, it has a lot of different landscapes and features depending on where you are. It's actually very far from just a boring rock, as some would have you believe.

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Anonymous No. 16162838


Anonymous No. 16162860

Terra/Luna/Sol when?

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Anonymous No. 16162867

I remember seeing erebus montes in a human landing site study for mars and really liking the look of it. I sometimes think about what it would be like to stand amongst these hills/mountains? sad there are only sat images.

Anonymous No. 16162868


Anonymous No. 16162870

When the average IQ goes above 120 (never)

Anonymous No. 16162871

People will never call earth terra. The other two are unlikely.

Anonymous No. 16162872

Tis is honestly sad how youa re so interested in a dead rock on the other side of the universe.

Anonymous No. 16162873

naisu baito

Anonymous No. 16162877

we don't speak spanish here

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Anonymous No. 16162884

>he shaved
What does this mean?

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Anonymous No. 16162887
Rock Laboratory shows off their new engine

Anonymous No. 16162893
ULA deathtrap has also just begun fueling

Anonymous No. 16162900

does it fuel before crew board?

Anonymous No. 16162904

It probably has to. ULA's never been nearly as fast as SpaceX when tanking up their rockets

Anonymous No. 16162905

When is it launching?
Europoor needs to sleep.
Also you guys are fucking retards for still having split threads.
You're killing the general

Anonymous No. 16162906

before you say some arrogant statement, its because they are cautious and quality focused.

Anonymous No. 16162915

they do cautious and quality things like force a bunch of ground crew to be near a half fueled rocket while they load astronauts on board

Anonymous No. 16162919

Or because speedy operations aren't really a concern for an LSP that's never launched more than twelve rockets in a single calendar year

Anonymous No. 16162921

Why are you taking this out on me Im not the one that split the threads or made an ass OP.

Anonymous No. 16162922

Hacked account shilling crypto scam shit

Anonymous No. 16162930

so neutron is actually happening

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Anonymous No. 16162931


Anonymous No. 16162932

yet they are probably more dangerous and have worse quality anyway

Anonymous No. 16162934


Anonymous No. 16162937

Way more interesting than the starliner launch desu (unless something goes hilariously wrong during launch)

Anonymous No. 16162941

nasa estimates them as safer, and nasa knows all about unsafe rockets.

Anonymous No. 16162950


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Anonymous No. 16162954

Anonymous No. 16162956

ehh, this one's a miss. dissimilar redundancy is a good thing, even if the backup is kinda shit.

Anonymous No. 16162957

I didn't believe it, but we may actually see neutron fly.

Anonymous No. 16162963


Anonymous No. 16163009

That money given at NASAs expense couldve gone to an ice giant probe instead of this shitty capsule thats about to kill 2 astronauts. Not to mention that company assassinates anyone that speaks out. The Dragons have already proven that they work, there is no need to spend another $5b on a shitty and unsafe ripoff from a black company
>inb4 sunk cost fallacy argument
No. Cost plus contracts have been a fucking disaster in every place they were put in. We cant keep funding this cycle of misuse.

Anonymous No. 16163017

4hr remain until Starliner launch.

Anonymous No. 16163020

I'll be going to sleep. Hope it's a nothingburger and I don't miss kino.

Anonymous No. 16163024

What type of kino are you not hoping for? The Challenger type or the Starship type

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Anonymous No. 16163027

the challenger type of course, with cloud included.

Anonymous No. 16163029

Umm guys
Where is the launch escape system?

Anonymous No. 16163030

Personally I think that the concerns would happen at reentry more than anything. On the way up it would be the rocket that would cause an accident and that probably wouldnt happen with an Atlas

Anonymous No. 16163031

stop being anti semitic.

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Anonymous No. 16163032


Anonymous No. 16163033

we've seen it, it's a pusher like dragon. It lost a parachute and created a smelly hydrolox cloud on touchdown.

Anonymous No. 16163035


Anonymous No. 16163036

Is this what they call concern trolling?

Anonymous No. 16163038

nothing gets past you guys huh, there goes my Boeing paycheck.

Anonymous No. 16163044


Anonymous No. 16163052

I think Atlas IV will work fine. The horror will be Soyuz 11 / Columbia style.

Anonymous No. 16163057

At least they have IVA suits to handle a depressurization event.
I'm worried about the batteries expanding/exploding.

Anonymous No. 16163059

Someone, somewhere, will be gooning to Starliner launch. Whether it explodes or not is up to God

Anonymous No. 16163067

hate that word

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Anonymous No. 16163071


Anonymous No. 16163072

Would you rather me say 'will be tugging on their meat' instead

Anonymous No. 16163075

ohhh I'm whackin it to starliner rn
atlas gets me so hard. just jerkin my chode

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Anonymous No. 16163080

>Noooo it's not nice to say bad things about oldspace companies!
Reminder that SpaceX has been having to fly Boeing's missions for years now. The real question is if Boeing will complete the rest of their contract, but I'm sure they aren't going to extend it.

Anonymous No. 16163089

yeah, or:
>beating their bishop
>choking their cock
>polishing their bellend
>sharpening their pencil
>mingling with ms. right
>practicing onanism
>having self knowledge
etcetera etcetera

Anonymous No. 16163091

Gooning to the thought of dead crispy astronauts and the boeing assassins next victim

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Anonymous No. 16163093

oof nasa stream stuck like this

Anonymous No. 16163096

lol mfw anon really does it

Anonymous No. 16163104

yeah can these "traditions" move along

Anonymous No. 16163108

What? Is this a B*rkun post?

Anonymous No. 16163111

watch the starliner stream

Anonymous No. 16163112

not watching the stream?

Anonymous No. 16163118

No Im waiting until launch

Anonymous No. 16163122

the van!!! It has TV!!

Anonymous No. 16163125

*USA stuck like this
thanks 1960s

Anonymous No. 16163128

>they have a backup driver

Anonymous No. 16163130

corpses on their way to the grave

Anonymous No. 16163135



Anonymous No. 16163137

there is no fucking way starliner is safer than dragon right now

Anonymous No. 16163141

Something about this broadcast makes it feel like it is from the past. Like this is another shuttle mission. There is almost something quaint about it.

Anonymous No. 16163143

have you ever heard the tale of the man who should've been the first to walk on the moon?

Anonymous No. 16163145

>8-9x more people watching the scamx stream
grim. although a large percentage of those are probably bots/indians

Anonymous No. 16163148

Barrel roles around the isis>>16162710
More likely then you think

Anonymous No. 16163150

>one of the most reliable rockets

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Anonymous No. 16163151

Anonymous No. 16163154

uh oh...

Anonymous No. 16163157

a fucking hearse

Anonymous No. 16163161

Is that actual infrastructure in the background, or a plastic wrap of an image on a wall?
I feel like I’m going insane here

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Anonymous No. 16163162

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Anonymous No. 16163164

lol did the helmet break
its over

Anonymous No. 16163166

>in collaboration with NASA
Absolute hubris lmao

Anonymous No. 16163167

Hoosier here, I'm sad it was never to be. In fact I live quite close to his hometown, I should visit the memorial museum and check out the Gemini 3 capsule.

Anonymous No. 16163170

spacex ninjas
boeing ______?

Anonymous No. 16163174


Anonymous No. 16163176

I am unironically nervous, I feel like it could go wrong just sitting on the pad

Anonymous No. 16163178

thats just the visor schizo

Anonymous No. 16163180

I'm going to sleep

Anonymous No. 16163182

its over

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Anonymous No. 16163185

Anonymous No. 16163188

Not spaceflight fuck right off

Anonymous No. 16163189

dangerously based

Anonymous No. 16163190

Not going

Anonymous No. 16163195

>click on top starliner stream 163k CCV
>Elon Musk AI voice
>"We have a great interface where you can send any amount of Bitco-"
>Close stream

Total pajeet death, how do they afford so many bots

Anonymous No. 16163197


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Anonymous No. 16163207


Anonymous No. 16163210

that poor alligator!

Anonymous No. 16163211

why don't dragon capsules get such cool names?

Anonymous No. 16163212

sounds like an ice cream brand

Anonymous No. 16163213

Good night, friend

Anonymous No. 16163214

sharpening the purple hippo

(but surely, there must be a rocket-related term)

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Anonymous No. 16163218

How we feeling about this launch lads?

Anonymous No. 16163224

argentina needs jobs right? maybe they should invest in a spaceflight industry.

Anonymous No. 16163225


Anonymous No. 16163228


Anonymous No. 16163229

Cant stand on the floor for real!

Anonymous No. 16163233

More sovl in the sendoff than crew dragon

Anonymous No. 16163235

Catastrophic Starliner failure is both good and bad. I want to see Boing go down but those astronauts don't deserve to die for it.
Best scenario is they get to the station and then some critical system failure aboard Starliner means they have to jettison it and wait for an emergency Dragon.

Anonymous No. 16163237


Anonymous No. 16163238


Anonymous No. 16163239

Called it!

Anonymous No. 16163242


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Anonymous No. 16163243

Anonymous No. 16163244

>scrub at 2 hours
what the actual fuck

Anonymous No. 16163246


Anonymous No. 16163247

salty humid air again?

Anonymous No. 16163250

Lol they almost fucking killed them. Boing, not going, etc...

Anonymous No. 16163252

Spacex sabotage

Anonymous No. 16163255

SpaceX sniper

Anonymous No. 16163260

Another Starliner attempt, another scrub.
Bets on this being a failure that causes months of setbacks? Or just the usual valve shenanigans?

Anonymous No. 16163261

apparently, it had something to do with centaur, not starliner

Anonymous No. 16163263

kek scroob. i was right that this thing was a death trap, they wouldve died if they went up.

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Anonymous No. 16163264

>Most reliable rocket
>Has to scrub

Anonymous No. 16163266

It's very reliable because it's very successful on the times it gets to T-0.

Anonymous No. 16163267

It's not that easy in reliabilitery

Anonymous No. 16163270

Is this thing just never going to launch? Erectile dysfunction?

Anonymous No. 16163271

>Blue team hears a potential leak
>'Lets continue'
>Valve failed
Really makes you think.

Anonymous No. 16163273

Imagine how reliable a valveless rocket would be

Anonymous No. 16163274

What are you implying?

Anonymous No. 16163276

They really are going to kill these poor bastards aren't they

Anonymous No. 16163283

those are called SRBs

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Anonymous No. 16163285

Yes. Lets do that.

Anonymous No. 16163289

SRBs are ugly. I dont care what you try and force yourselves to believe, this is truth.

Anonymous No. 16163291

couldn't possibly be any worse than atlas with starliner on top

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ares 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16163295

I think Ares looked cute.

Anonymous No. 16163296







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Anonymous No. 16163300

>movil camara

Anonymous No. 16163301

looks like the crew will live for a little longer

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Anonymous No. 16163317

scrubbed with eerie red lighting

Anonymous No. 16163321

not on boeings watch, they already have the hitmen working overtime

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Anonymous No. 16163324


Anonymous No. 16163330

Careful elon, wouldn't want to fall afoul of a sudden deadly illness, would you?

Anonymous No. 16163332

>rocket launch livestream
>look inside
>woman yapping about inane shit
why does this always happen

Anonymous No. 16163334

go back to twitter zoom zoom.

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Anonymous No. 16163335


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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16163338

I hate this gay earth and the """""people""""" i have to share it with.

Anonymous No. 16163339

Millennials are cringe and are probably tied with the boomers in ruining spaceflight
Trying to blame someone for being young is crazy fr

Anonymous No. 16163347

Wow people are using word, the west has fallen

Anonymous No. 16163352

I was going against the guy complaining about the word, you fucking tard. What the actual fuck is wrong with this place and why is it filled with so many retards?
Again, I hate this gay earth. Fuck you fuck you fuck you please kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16163353


Anonymous No. 16163354

>t. tiny black pecker haver

Anonymous No. 16163359

Skimming through this thread this is what I have pieces together:
>launch about to happen
>telemetry for some valve comes back bad
>damn launch cancelled, give us a week to fix the issue

Anonymous No. 16163360

all of those statements are true, so yes!

Anonymous No. 16163368

The ground crew were also hearing rattling from a possible LOX leak.

Anonymous No. 16163385

didn't hear the musk worshippers crowing when demo 2 scrubbed because dragon's weather control valve broke

Anonymous No. 16163387

I have double standards and I think Boeing Space is COMPLACENT and GAY

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Anonymous No. 16163396

get in here bluds

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Anonymous No. 16163399

>poo woman astronaut
I hope it blows up.

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Anonymous No. 16163427

fr fr no cap ong cuh

Anonymous No. 16163448

time to get back to the real thread already

Anonymous No. 16163453

Nobody cares. Not even page 10 anyways. Just leave us alone.

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space shuttle dis....jpg

Anonymous No. 16163458

fr fr no capsule on orbit

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Anonymous No. 16163463

>clear post
>off topic zoophile post
>anti anime post on anime website with rocker related vtuber
>reposting something from here
>concern trolling
Great thread bro. Definetly not a containment thread in anyway, totally had way better discussion than this one.

Anonymous No. 16163464

Kek thats a good one

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Anonymous No. 16163468

share your wallpapers bros, phone wallpapers also welcome.

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Anonymous No. 16163493

Phone background

Anonymous No. 16163500

Forgot to mention this but S30 SF tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16163550



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Anonymous No. 16163551


Anonymous No. 16163629

Flying on the SpaceX DragonX?