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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16163547

Archimedes is Here Edition

previous: >>16160382

Anonymous No. 16163554

>creating a new thread instead of merging
Stupid nigger

Anonymous No. 16163558

starliner sure is ugly on the inside

Anonymous No. 16163568

theres already an /sfg/ you stupid drug addict

Anonymous No. 16163614

aha this fucking schizo staged early JUST so he could be the one that made it

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Anonymous No. 16163616

How many more decades before Nuclear Thermal Engines get used on actual missions?

Anonymous No. 16163633

Eurofag here just woke up, what happened to Starliner?

Anonymous No. 16163639

someone clogged it's toilet and they couldn't unclog in time

Anonymous No. 16163645

door fell off

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Anonymous No. 16163667

Anonymous No. 16163693

>stage at page 2
spam thread all fields

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Anonymous No. 16163699


Anonymous No. 16163706

Crew committed suicide

Anonymous No. 16163712

Where is that

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Anonymous No. 16163747

too many pipes

Anonymous No. 16163752

Desert in Chile I think

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Anonymous No. 16163756

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Anonymous No. 16163761
>The Rocket Launchers of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley got to tour Starbase this past Saturday... Lucky!

that middle one looks a bit sus

Anonymous No. 16163764

Thanks for staging OP. I had pushed a few threads up but fell asleep before making a new thread.

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Anonymous No. 16163766

Joe Tegtmeyer went on a tour of the Boring Companys Bastrop facility, its on the other side of the road of a new Starlink factory. Apparently the rapid protyping they do with the boring machine uses the same philosophies as Starship prototyping does, but not sure if they actually talk about some space versions of these boring machines (the videos will be released in 2h)

>- Joe Tegtmeyer took a tour of the Boring Company's Bastrop facility last week and has put out a 2-part series on what he learned and experienced.
>Part 1 discusses the site and explores many of the facilities, functions and developments that are on-going here.
>In Part 2, we look around the Giga Texas site and the current plans for two tunnels. He also discuss some of the design and production of new boring machines, and how this work parallels SpaceX and Starship prototype testing and development... I told you they were working on a prototype for the Moon and Mars.
>Boring Company Tour Part 1 ... Innovation, First-Principles, TBM Production & Progress!
>Boring Company Tour Part 2 ... Giga Texas Plans, TBM Design & Iteration, New Boring Machines & More!

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Anonymous No. 16163770

New interview from Musk, looking at the timestamps it seems there will be exactly 0 new information, not sure if I'm going to bother watching it at all
maybe if someone else does they can say if there is anything new

Anonymous No. 16163771

I would say not spaceflight, but considering they are supposed to be making some hardware for Mars tunneling and they are right next to that Starlink facility if kind of is. You are really pushing it here though

Anonymous No. 16163773

>all the women are attractive
>all the guys are ugly nerds

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Anonymous No. 16163777

>all the women are attractive
[X] doubt

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Anonymous No. 16163778

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Anonymous No. 16163783

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Anonymous No. 16163784


Anonymous No. 16163792

Best part is no part

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Anonymous No. 16163796

it's 20 fucking 24 and they still haven't figured out how to make reliable valves? Might I recommend to them of the shelf mass produced brass ball valves? I have a few of those and they've been serving me well for decades.

Anonymous No. 16163799

>Rocketlab: stock is down 80%
>Virgin Galactic: useless, stock is down 90%
>Virgin Orbit: DOA
>SpaceX: hanging on by a thread, no meaningful revenue, no successful flights of “StarShip”, terrible mission architecture
>SpinLaunch: dead
>Relativity Space: cancelled their first rocket after it failed. Not they’re extorting investors for even more money.
>ULA: only success so far

Anonymous No. 16163801

>SpinLaunch: dead

Anonymous No. 16163804

Now that I really start paying attention, what happened to this website.
Even the bait used to be better, this is 9gag level trash.

Anonymous No. 16163805

the problem is cryogenic temperatures

Anonymous No. 16163807

Doesnt Lula hate his fucking guts? I thought he already banned Starlink or something

Anonymous No. 16163809

More interested in that HLS prototype on the right... when do you bros think they will put out a tour video of it? 2025? 2026?

Anonymous No. 16163811

It’s been two years and they haven’t launched anything.

Do you think SpaceX is going to Mars by 2926?

Anonymous No. 16163816

I think Musk or Everyday Astronaut said they might do one when Starfactory is finished
so by the end of the year maybe?

Anonymous No. 16163820

Can't, starlink is used by a bunch of schools in remote regions of the Amazon, breaking with It would be a PR shitshow for a government that is on thin ice

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Anonymous No. 16163822

Why are there two /sfg/ threads up?

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Anonymous No. 16163833

We split because the other OP was ass, both of them were past bump limit (important), this thread lineage had more interaction, the other thread is also a containment thread see picrel and as such this one also had higher quality info and interactions while also being more active.
None of that matters because what matters is it staged at page 10. If you dont like this thread you can go use the other one. Let this be the last mention of the other thread in /sfg/ and we can all move on here.

Anonymous No. 16163836

>None of that matters because what matters is it staged at page 10.
it was page 2 and you were shitting yourself over the fact you might not be able to make the next thread(the only thing you have in your life)

Anonymous No. 16163840

I didnt make this thread.

Anonymous No. 16163841

you know who else would say that?
the op

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Anonymous No. 16163842

So /sfg/, are you ready for the S30 static fire today?

Anonymous No. 16163843

no it wasn't, that other abortion of a thread has been going on at the same time
the actual thread didn't stage at page 2 >>16160382

Anonymous No. 16163844

its pretty simple to follow the norm for staging, why not just do that?

Anonymous No. 16163847

>the norm

Anonymous No. 16163849


Anonymous No. 16163851

Can we all wrap this up? Id like to go back to how the previous thread was. Ill bring us some news hold on

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Anonymous No. 16163853
S26 is apparantly not kill for some reason...?

Anonymous No. 16163854

Hi, I really wish the janny would nuke all of your stupid threads.

Anonymous No. 16163855

>flame trench.
Ii will be laughing when they install a flame trench under the actual olm finally, since autists on here have been so defensive about how they dont need a flame trench.

Anonymous No. 16163856

so they are using it to test non-flight related stuff I guess?

Anonymous No. 16163857
ULA update, Friday the earliest it seems.

Anonymous No. 16163858

>can we all just forget how i am a schizo that thread splits if i don't get my way?

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Anonymous No. 16163859


Anonymous No. 16163860

Well no of course at some point they will be doing real ships and boosters that willy fly its just right now since its new hardware they want to use an expendable ship instead in case anything goes wrong.
Thanks anon, I had an oopsy daises there.

Anonymous No. 16163869

Op is a transexual janny nigger

Anonymous No. 16163870


Anonymous No. 16163875

Boring company is boring
who would have thought?
I'm just not interested in small holes.

Anonymous No. 16163878

>both of them were past bump limit (important),
you're lying.

Anonymous No. 16163882

Nigger and a liar what a surprise

Anonymous No. 16163892

calm down anon, you've already btfo'd him by outperforming his thread. You didn't need to ground your heel into his face by refusing to reuse his. Now you've mindbroken him, and /sfg/ will suffer for it.

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Anonymous No. 16163902

>5. Long term vision of off-world tunneling shapes design choices

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Anonymous No. 16163904
Oh shit new Stoke update

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Anonymous No. 16163906

In other news, everyone is ignoring that china space agency just debuted a new rocket. (although, reading more about it, it seems like it's really just a new configuration).

Anonymous No. 16163910

lots of new space launchers might be coming online at the same time
RocketLab Neutron, Relativity Space Terran R, Stoke Space Nova, Blue Origin New Glenn (though you could argue they are culturally old space)

Anonymous No. 16163922

pretty obviously either a discord trying to control the discourse or the space board fag

Anonymous No. 16163923

CZ-6C is arguably different enough from CZ-6A to qualify as a different rocket. The difference is not just a lack of side boosters. CZ-6C's first stage is shorter, and CZ-6C's upper stage is 2.9m diameter instead of CZ-6A's 3.35m diameter.

Anonymous No. 16163935

lets all clap for the stupoid chinks downgrading their rocket by accident. i hate chinks so much its unreal.

Anonymous No. 16163938

I mean, at least it's kerolox instead of UDMH+RFNA. Now if it crashes on a village the casualties will be significantly lower.

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Anonymous No. 16163946

How did it go?

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Anonymous No. 16163950

I wouldn't worry about it

Anonymous No. 16163951

CZ-6A and 6C are optimized for different classes of payloads. 6C is cheaper because it doesn't use the 4 SRBs

Another improvement is that 6C only uses 3 engines whereas 4C uses 7 engines (plus verniers)

Anonymous No. 16163954

it was worth the weight

Anonymous No. 16163955

Only one of these is fully reusable and only one of these will survive a Starship future.

Anonymous No. 16163956

Scrubbed, LOX valve problems.
Many anons suspect SpaceX sabotage ops are responsible.

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Anonymous No. 16163959

Also interesting is that CASC in the CZ-6C promo video hinted at new what the new generation rockets they have planned will look like

Anonymous No. 16163960

so you're saying SpaceX has an agent inside ULA???

Anonymous No. 16163961

>reading about how its impossible to use entanglement for ftl communications
>no one actually refutes it, they just get mad and handwave it away with answers that never say its impossible
so its possible but they want to keep it hush hush until they come up with a workable solution that they can then monetize

Anonymous No. 16163962

Forgot link

Anonymous No. 16163964

Yes, and/or a sniper team in the vicinity. We know SpaceX operates an old gun range and has a corps of ninja, it's not just possible: it's likely.

Anonymous No. 16163966

cool, would really like to see someone else do reusable rockets.

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Anonymous No. 16163967

I didnt realize this but Berger finally cucked out and bought blue check kek

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Anonymous No. 16163970

Also Combs is still seething from when he got group btfod yesterday and changing the topic.

Anonymous No. 16163972

he bent the knee then. He is not an independent journalist anymore.

Anonymous No. 16163981

speaking of valves freezing. how will spacex prevent that if they have to purge the starship tanks with hot water after every launch? (they have to do that with the current design to get rid of the water ice which builds up in the tanks)

Anonymous No. 16163983

retard here, Why can't the spin the valve even if there is some ice in there?

sage No. 16163985

This is the OP btw. He thinks anyone cares about twitter drama.

Anonymous No. 16163986

Maybe lower the internal pressure instead or something so it melts away, not really sure desu. Wish I knew more but I havent taken thermo or fluid dynamics yet.

Anonymous No. 16163990

>three layers of inference
What makes you think that the preburner gas speculation is correct?
What makes you think they couldn't just let it melt and drain out the bottom were it correct?

Anonymous No. 16163995

some spitter (space twitter) fags are trying to hijack the fucking thread, huh?
remember that time we figured out who the crystalfag was?

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Anonymous No. 16164000

yeah, impressive stuff.

Anonymous No. 16164002

>What makes you think that the preburner gas speculation is correct?
Spacegoy5 says so (he doesnt outright say it because he's not allowed to, but he nods that it's true), and he is uniroinically a good source despite being deranged, because he works on HLS and doesn't have reason to make up falsehoods since he could lose his job. One thing we know for sure is that raptors have failed on every flight, so you have to come up with a reason why if the preburner thing isnt real.
>What makes you think they couldn't just let it melt and drain out the bottom were it correct?
Rapid reusability.

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Anonymous No. 16164003

Can you take your drama to the other thread? Nobody cares. You apparantly hate this thread so stop using it

Anonymous No. 16164007

>raptors have failed on every flight
For flights 2 and 3, where did this happen? On the way up they were fine but is it like during staging they exploded on flight 2 and on flight 3 they didnt orient the ship correctly or something?

Anonymous No. 16164008

idiot, you just don't get it, do you?

Anonymous No. 16164010

Boeing assassins & ULA snipers >>> spacex ninjas

Anonymous No. 16164012

SpaceX ninjas have not done much so far. What is Elon paying them for??

Anonymous No. 16164023

For flight 2 the booster exploded shortly after separation due to raptor failure. The fluid hammer schizo proved to be incorrect.
For flight 3 the booster cut its engines before completing boostback because some failed. There was a clear energetic event at the back of the booster. Then only a tiny raction relit on the landing burn, so its safe to say there was a problem. The ship also had an energetic event at the back on engine shutdown which caused the uncontrolled spin. The hot gas thrusters were also likely clogged by water ice which is why they didnt fire at all, or maybe the energetic event vented all the fuel into space.

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Anonymous No. 16164024

Glass going up on Starfactory. Its gettin closer and closer bros.

Anonymous No. 16164026

Ah I see. Thank you for informing me. I guess it isnt as reliable as I thought.. still a good thing that everything up to stage separation is good now.

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Anonymous No. 16164028
Some news on IM-2, it seems like development is starting to ramp up again though being only at the tanks means its going to be a whiiile

Anonymous No. 16164030

closer to what?

Anonymous No. 16164032

The finishing of Starfactory and the ensuing mega ramp up in production of Starship. How did you have trouble following that?

Anonymous No. 16164033

about that office space being built in starbase, are they relocating people from california?

Anonymous No. 16164035

if someone has 2.5k verified followers they get premium and the checkmark for free

Anonymous No. 16164036

theyre relocating niggers from memphis.

Anonymous No. 16164039

They have a location in Memphis? Can someone explain this to me Ive never heard of that.

Anonymous No. 16164040


Anonymous No. 16164056

They first need to figure out Starship... Then engines, the valves, the reentry, the catching arm

Anonymous No. 16164064

Most of what you said is completely unsubstantiated except by spaceguy5 (notable spacex hater, routinely wrong) and I think also that noname black space youtuber?
Also >the fluid hammer schizo proved to be incorrect
I think fluid hammer is still the consensus among the spaceflight community. I can check on NASAspaceflight forums later to confirm.

Anonymous No. 16164086

they might end up hiring new people since the LA people are already pretty busy

Anonymous No. 16164101

it's substantiated by the live feed. What fluid hammer caused the booster on IFT3 to fail its boostback near the end? What fluid hammer caused the uncontrolled roll of Starship? Consensus should mean nothing to you btw unless you are a woman.

Anonymous No. 16164102

Reminder that a tidally locked planet would have very interesting flora and fauna.

Anonymous No. 16164113

not much livable space though would be very cool. if intelligent life developed i wonder how they would expand on to the hot and cold parts?

Anonymous No. 16164115

And would chaotically and unpredictably turn for some time until resettling if there are outer planets present in the same star system.

Anonymous No. 16164117

They would live in a comfy green ring around the planet. The seas in the hottest part in the middle of the ring would rapidly evaporate and bring rain to the ring.

Anonymous No. 16164119

It could be cool enough that most of the sun facing side is habitable. Once they enter the modern age they would spend hundreds of years exploring the dark side and discovering new exotic life on their own planet. It would be a great place for astronomy, putting a radiotelescope on the dark side for them would be like us putting one on the far side of the moon. The light and dark faces of the planet would probably be a central feature of their culture and mythology.

Anonymous No. 16164122

he bent the knee when he sucked all the spacex cock to write two sloppy books.

you will never see a new shepard book, even though it achieved reusability years before spacex

Anonymous No. 16164124

Reusability doing what

Anonymous No. 16164128

flying literally to space.

Anonymous No. 16164129


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Anonymous No. 16164130

welcome to the club

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Anonymous No. 16164132

the amount of livable space depends on a number of factors and the livable area WOULD NOT just be a thin strip between a scorching hot subsolar area and icecapped anti-solar area like pic related

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Anonymous No. 16164136

the actual biomes would depend on rotation speed, which would in turn depend on star mass
to be tidally locked you would have to rotate, which means coriolis effects which means coriolis winds

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example worlds.png

Anonymous No. 16164144

pic is an example world with different rotation speeds
top is slow rotator with > 20 earth day rotation period
middle is intermediate rotator (5-20 days)
bottom is fast rotator (< 5 days)

Anonymous No. 16164146

you do have stuff like hot desert right next to tundra which is kind of funny but with the fast rotators you have liquid water around the whole planet, the biomes would be affected by light though so I don't think this was an actual biome map, it was a climate map (so precipitation + temperature)

Anonymous No. 16164148

>Consistent winds, orographic rains, and permanent shadows may cause vastly different conditions to exist on either side of even small mountains.
meaning you would have wastelands in the shadows of mountains (they never get light) even if it was fine temperature and precipitation wise

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Anonymous No. 16164152

Ship 30 static firing, the ship that will be used for IFT-5

Anonymous No. 16164155

fuck off

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Anonymous No. 16164156
>How Can European Rockets Compete? // Featuring RFA & ISAR

Anonymous No. 16164162

>How Can European Rockets Compete
they can't

Anonymous No. 16164163

Europe is fine, Ariane 6 will provide launch ability that many American rockets are not able to perform, and will be extremely useful for most domestic launches

Anonymous No. 16164167

A6 will not be competetive outside of national security/prestige launches.

Anonymous No. 16164169

coolio, will tune in
i saw that but havent watched yet, gotta gimme a sec

Anonymous No. 16164200

Why would you expect that most of the water is on the back side like in your picture? Would be more likely if the planet had seas all over like Earth. And the seas would also smooth out the temperature.

Anonymous No. 16164206

>with the fast rotators you have liquid water around the whole planet

Anonymous No. 16164213

RFA is ultra based
hope they succeed

Anonymous No. 16164221

that is not what I expect, that is just the a pic in the article that illustrates the point

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Anonymous No. 16164232

winds spread out the heat
SSP = substellar point, center of the image

Anonymous No. 16164236

>tfw rocketlab will never be able to compete in the long term because they're too expensive
whats the future for the kiwis?

Anonymous No. 16164244

building satellite buses

Anonymous No. 16164247

They're super expensive too.
Also they build tiny satellites.
The trend is for satellites to get bigger as rockets get bigger.

Anonymous No. 16164248

Big Astra energy with the cheap as possible construction and automotive parts.
Hope it's more reliable.

Anonymous No. 16164250

>cheap as possible construction and automotive parts
this describes SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16164251

yeah not really looking good for them desu and the satellite bus business is full of players
they might survive and be a company doing stuff, but not much more than that

Anonymous No. 16164257

they seem to have a better build philosophy in terms of lowering cost than even spacex. It's a shame however that all of these startups seem to have cookie cutter startup CEOs with noone who shares Elons manical obsession with Mars colonization.

Anonymous No. 16164261

they should focus on lunar colonization. mars is too rich for their blood.

Anonymous No. 16164268

>an optimizer algorithm is designing rockets to make them as cheap as possible
this is actually really fucking cool. they seem to actually want to do cool stuff but still launch. i dont expect them to do too much but i think that they could be bought up for a massive amount of money for that tech. i wonder if other companies do this but just keep it hidden, seems like very very smart engineering. this is the second small lift rocket that i actually support next to stokes upcoming one.

Anonymous No. 16164273

I take offense with this post

Anonymous No. 16164275

>The trend is for satellites to get bigger as rockets get bigger
Is that so? Falcon is pretty big and they stick some awful small cubesats on transporter missions. And you should have seen the size of the rideshares on artemis

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Anonymous No. 16164287

K2 want to make big cheap busses to launch with Starship

Anonymous No. 16164288

>raised $50 million in funding
everyone is getting funding except my startup

Anonymous No. 16164293

Yes just look at Starlink.

Anonymous No. 16164303

Which startup are you backing then? Id like to see what made you decidecto fund them. And if you post Theby we will all laugh at (You)

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Anonymous No. 16164309
Static fire is cancelled everyone

Anonymous No. 16164312

Ice in the tanks.

Anonymous No. 16164315

Looking forward to June.

Anonymous No. 16164318

It's very interesting. Both buying $12 automotive parts (RFA) and vertically integrating everything (ISAR) can lead to a cheaper rocket and SpaceX is notorious for both of those things.
How to strike that balance seems unclear.

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Anonymous No. 16164325

Amazing they can land them reliably

Anonymous No. 16164328

im not funding one, its my startup. its in a different sector anyway. med/health tech.

Anonymous No. 16164332

the vision and will of one man. I'm not prone to hyperbole but I know that Elon Musk is a hero and the by far the greatest one of our time.

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Anonymous No. 16164334

always amazes me how bad the exhausts on those Merlins look. As if it's a flamethrower and not a proper engine plume producing thrust

Anonymous No. 16164342

lol, med tech has become notorious for inflated game changing promises then crashing and burning later

Anonymous No. 16164359

>CSI starbase
awful channel

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Anonymous No. 16164360

>It would be a great place for astronomy, putting a radiotelescope on the dark side for them would be like us putting one on the far side of the moon
Not if they have an ionosphere

Anonymous No. 16164362

bot post

Anonymous No. 16164366

no? I saw the pfp.

Anonymous No. 16164369

Surely he meant optical telescope as it's fucking dark

Anonymous No. 16164373

Hello Senator Astronaut Ballast Bill

Anonymous No. 16164375

*Administrator Senator Astronaut

Anonymous No. 16164377

no use for that type of langage sir.

Anonymous No. 16164380

This is Terran-1.

Anonymous No. 16164387

Why would you lie on the internet?

Anonymous No. 16164394

They can't without an attitude change.
Culturally, European don't dream.

Anonymous No. 16164399

racist much?

Anonymous No. 16164401

We already landed on the moon back in in 69? Why would we engage in this petty 2nd place moon race?

Anonymous No. 16164409

As soon as the threads merge there are 2 bait posts, we had such peaceful and well meaning discussion while you werent here you know.

Anonymous No. 16164412

I'd say the same about any other generic starbase voyeur, which is what he is. Also, yes I do happen to be a racist.

Anonymous No. 16164413

Artemis is a jobs program

Anonymous No. 16164415

I've been here the whole fucking time you dipshit retard nigger

Anonymous No. 16164418

5 day rotation would mean it would have to have a 5 day year to match right? So for a 1 solar mass sun it would have to be 0.057 au away. 17.5 times closer so 300 times the irradiation. So with our sun this planet would be a scorched ball with no chance of water on its front side. What am I missing? this only work with red dwarfs or something?

Anonymous No. 16164419

No, we can't.
It's over.

Anonymous No. 16164421

Medsector startups dont get funding because its just an easier bet to go with the massive conglomerates that already exist and are public in that sector. Meanwhile, the spaceflight sectors massive conglomerates usually arent directly public, which means VC funding will more likely than not go to startups whereas contracts go to the conglomerates. Its not a fair comparison since your sector is much more developed though I understand where the frustration is coming from.

Anonymous No. 16164425

no need. for that type. OF LANGUAGE.

Anonymous No. 16164426

Im talking out of my ass here but TLDR, more money in med goes to big corporations, spaceflight you cant do that so more money goes to startups.

Anonymous No. 16164428

Artemis is America's bid to make their first moon landing. This time they can't use Hitler's engineers.

🗑️ Barkon No. 16164429

What have you got to say for yourself? Are you going to ban Barkon again?

Anonymous No. 16164431

Please dont reply for me further.

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Anonymous No. 16164432

>this only work with red dwarfs or something?
Yes, but red dwarfs are shit and only touted as places for life by shills and retards

Anonymous No. 16164433

The 'automated spambot' has returned. Everyone you know what to do.

Anonymous No. 16164435

Well, do you have anything do say about spaceflight?

Anonymous No. 16164436


Anonymous No. 16164438

Currently most exoplanets we know are around red dwarfs and this is simply so because these planets have shorter periods and can be more easily detected, However, PLUTO, a mission soon to be launched by ESA will detect many habitable planets around Sun sized Stars

Anonymous No. 16164440

> this only work with red dwarfs or something?
yes >>16164232
below 0.1 solar masses

Barkon No. 16164442

It gey and it deserves banishment. There is no space. It an NPC ghetto.

Anonymous No. 16164448

Kek jannie already deleted and now its ban evading

Anonymous No. 16164461

I will reply to you all I like gay retard!

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Anonymous No. 16164463

it actually looks much better than the IVA, much bulkier, sturdier, the added bulk diminishes the barren/minimalist appearance enough to make it look cool again, gold visor is a huge help too

Anonymous No. 16164475

I wonder how heavy it is

Anonymous No. 16164483

What was the cope for the deathliner scrub?

VALVE No. 16164489


Anonymous No. 16164490

give the astronauts more days to live

Anonymous No. 16164493

I'm actually curious about this too. There was a leaky valve and they scrubbed for at least 4 days?

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Anonymous No. 16164496

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Anonymous No. 16164499

Anonymous No. 16164501

>asteroid strikes you're colony

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Anonymous No. 16164502

>An artificial satellite begins its mission after taking off into space and being separated from a rocket. Immediately after launch, until conditions are established to maintain the satellite in orbit, a tracking and control team consisting mainly of Daichi-4 project members will monitor the satellite 24 hours a day in the operations room at the Tsukuba Space Center. After that, we will continue to confirm the functionality of the entire satellite and onboard equipment such as observation sensors.

>We plan to display the messages of support we have received from everyone as a large message board in the operation room where the Daichi-4 tracking and control team gathers. It provides great emotional support to project members who are living under such tension that even the slightest problem cannot be overlooked. We look forward to receiving messages of support from you.

Please send a message and/or image to be displayed in a nip operations room.

Anonymous No. 16164509

just build more colonies, at some point its very unlikely all of them get hit simultaneously

Anonymous No. 16164510

Not really tbqh. Could've been done decades ago if not for laziness and greed

Anonymous No. 16164512

>colossal asteroid impacts Mars near the main colony and refueling station

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Anonymous No. 16164513


Anonymous No. 16164514

>aliens invade
>hit every planet in the solar system
nice backup colonies bro

Anonymous No. 16164515

NASA did it back in 1980 with Soujourner

Anonymous No. 16164522

no such thing

Anonymous No. 16164536

stick that in the latest video Thunderf00t

Anonymous No. 16164543

least e-celeb obsessed /sfg/entile

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Anonymous No. 16164552

No accidental collisions in an industrialized solar system anon

Anonymous No. 16164562

Why would europe focus on reusability, they are not mass-launching anything ever. It makes no sense to go this way. The european space lives off the breadcrumbs falling off from NASA's table. It doesn't even make sense for ULA to invest in reusability apparently.

That was a bs comment from Elon's AI bot.

Anonymous No. 16164563

if they want to launch their own megaconstellations they need to have reusable rockets

Anonymous No. 16164565

youre fucing retarded. nothing we could do to stop omuamua. now it knows where we are and im scared.

Anonymous No. 16164568

what do the five laser dots signify

Anonymous No. 16164572

We should've randevood with it and inspected it.

Anonymous No. 16164582

essentially: "space is hard".

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Anonymous No. 16164583

thrusters, navigation lights idk

Anonymous No. 16164584

your chart sucks donkey dick dude

Anonymous No. 16164586

I remember reading in ignition about mercury additives. Modern rocket enthusiasts would never.

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Anonymous No. 16164587

make a better one niggy

Anonymous No. 16164590

what font did you use

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Anonymous No. 16164595

I didn't make it so idk

Anonymous No. 16164596

hahaha I looked it up and the first result says it's actually banned worldwide now.

Anonymous No. 16164599

you are completely useless to me

Anonymous No. 16164607

Dude what are you smoking. The EU will never spend such a gigantic sum in duplicating a service that isn't really needed and that the US can already provide.

A LEO megaconstellation is only valuable if you want to project global power. The EU again and again has shown that it is not willing to be a global player, but a client continent of the US. Eurocrats are 100% US controlled and don't really have among their priorities doing anything serious in space. On the contrary, billions are being wasted in pursuing anti-european interests, such as funding the Ucrainan war profiteering for the next 10 years.

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Anonymous No. 16164611

I got you dubs, be grateful

Anonymous No. 16164613

literally one out of ten posts is dubs dude it's not special

Anonymous No. 16164623


Anonymous No. 16164625

And BTW, ESA just ridiculed themselves by discontinuing Ariane 5 before 6 is ready and having to launch 2 Galileo sats onboard Falcon 9 (see B1060 on the 28th of April).
Theoretically euro gobt sats are supposed to be launched onboard european rockets, so this is a massive new low for ESA.

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Anonymous No. 16164631

>literally one out of ten posts is dubs

Anonymous No. 16164633

youre a fucking nigger dude. get back to the bronx.

Anonymous No. 16164634


Anonymous No. 16164639

no it's sleeping, let it rest

that will awaken it. we don't want to awaken it.

Anonymous No. 16164643

aka "We are too poor for LEO only"
>170 satellites

Basically a survival package for Ariane space that nobody will ever use except for a few EU institutions that are already connected by fiber.

Anonymous No. 16164671

averi is better

Anonymous No. 16164686

>the only real player in the launch industry to hail from Europe is Arianespace
Why do Americans think like Russia isnt in Europe? I know Americans knowledge of geography is extremely limited but ive seen more of this thinking than ever in the past couple years

Anonymous No. 16164687

they are on the bad goy list for the foreseeable future

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Anonymous No. 16164690

Btw they recycled the S30 static fire but seems they did nothing with it other than tank and detank.

Anonymous No. 16164691

Russia is in Asia
t. General Patton

Anonymous No. 16164695

I actually did make it 2 and a half weeks ago in PS, font is Garamond bold

Anonymous No. 16164697

bad goys for life

Anonymous No. 16164698

What did he get BTFO'd about?

Anonymous No. 16164699

I know you made it retard, I was here for that
thanks for telling me what font you used so I an make a better one

Anonymous No. 16164705

do russians consider themselves european?
technically part of turkey is also in europe

Anonymous No. 16164707

Russia is even more pathetic than the EU, which has some funds but has no systems.
Russia has systems and could build even better ones but has no money or political will. Roskosmos lived off ESA's Soyuz launches, now it's over.

Anonymous No. 16164709

Why are you being so hostile? Theres no need to be that rude when this anon wasnt being combative at all. It really doesnt help discussion if youre always this rude to others you know, if it were something that you disagreed on it would make them even less likely to agree with you even if valid points were presented.

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Anonymous No. 16164727

On and off they do. There's a Christian base to their culture unlike Turkey

Anonymous No. 16164734

complex issue. most dont consider themselves 'western', and that is synonymous with europe to some extent. Many consider themselves eurasian due to soviet propaganda, but most do consider themselves europeanin a broadersense. among youth they overwhelmingly view their country as european.

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Anonymous No. 16164738

Ive noticed a pattern from anons in this general. We all are way too aggressive on things that really dont require aggression at all. Its really not necessary in most posts I see with an aggresive tone, even if you think someone is wrong about something you dont need to always call them retards or niggers, you can just discuss the topic, and it makes the other person more likely to agree. And if youre responding to hostility when someone points something out, you dont always need to be right you know. Coming here to /sci/ and especially /sfg/ I think our main goal is to discuss and learn more right? Being rude is the #1 way to shut others out, so you cant learn, discuss or educate them on anything.
I think we all should try to take a more mellow approach to posting here, it helps with cohesion and I believe would be a net positive compared to constant arguing for the smallest of things. Non aggression also has the added benefit of not replying to bait as much as answers are either thoughtful as to why they are wrong or anons dont feel the need to reply as much to things that are trying to make them angry.
TLDR, lets try to get along everyone for the health of discussion in this general.

Anonymous No. 16164741

maybe you should go back to discord, faggot
shut the fuck up frogposter

Anonymous No. 16164742

you have a bad attitude

Anonymous No. 16164743

without Soyuz ESA is also screwed, unable to launch medium payloads until Ariane 6 is ready. that or fall into the hands of SpaceX and the Americans. Meanwhile Russianspace falls into Chinese hands and becomes basically just a sidekick on their lunar space base.

Anonymous No. 16164746

Id also like to admit that I have been a part of this issue, but I realize my mistake and Im trying to become a better poster. I hope I can become a better poster for the sake of the general, Ill try to improve myself post by post.

Anonymous No. 16164747

I'm pretty sure there are just a few posters that are permanently assdamaged or venting
I think calling someone retarded if they are saying retarded things is entirely warranted

Anonymous No. 16164748

have you not heared? Russia is developing a new launch system which will be reusable 100 times and will make falcon look like a joke.

Anonymous No. 16164754

Still being nicer to them if they are saying objectively retarded things makes them more open to understand their mistake. Would it be better to just be kinder, maybe its not intentionally stupid behavior and they really dont know. They could learn from you instead, being rude will just make them more likely to repeat what they had been saying and annoy you in the future.

Anonymous No. 16164756

Nah this thread is just shit now retarded nigger. Too many newfags since starhopper. Kys frog faggot.

Anonymous No. 16164759

go back

Anonymous No. 16164768

Theres nowhere for me to go back to. Im here forever.

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Anonymous No. 16164769

You people are fucking sick

Anonymous No. 16164770

Why do I hate Rocketlab so much?
I prefer BO over them. It's something about their PR

Anonymous No. 16164773

don't bring retarded twitter drama here you faggot, that has nothing to do with us

Anonymous No. 16164775


Is this about spaceflight?

Anonymous No. 16164776

You disgusting chuds have been harrassing her every chance you got

Anonymous No. 16164777


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Anonymous No. 16164779

thread turned into shitflinging immediately after merging
there needs to be a containment thread for the assravaged anons

Anonymous No. 16164780

what the fuck are you talking about, I just woke up

Anonymous No. 16164782

My ass hurty

Anonymous No. 16164784

your ass = devastated

Anonymous No. 16164785

Someone post the foot pic

Anonymous No. 16164788

how do they prevent fluid hammer on flight 5? sinceyou trtards think it's not due to ice in the tanks

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Anonymous No. 16164790
Oh shit new Vast Haven pathfinder mini tour!!

Anonymous No. 16164791

If you had to list her component parts in order of attractiveness, her personality wouldn't even be coming in second. Hoes are upset they can't trade on things they don't have.

Anonymous No. 16164792

Pogo stick oscilations

Anonymous No. 16164794

solid advice actually.

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Anonymous No. 16164795

Heres the individual images

Anonymous No. 16164797

*since you retards

Anonymous No. 16164798

Put heaters in the tank to melt the ice

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Anonymous No. 16164799

A lil zoom out. Dang this things actually kinda big, but how much of it will be left for livable space once its all filled in?

Anonymous No. 16164801

why do you need to be mean :(

Anonymous No. 16164803

Isnt garret rizzman the guy who had fish eat his poop twenty thousands leagues down under? wtf

Anonymous No. 16164805

how will they deal with air circulation is such a wide volume?

Anonymous No. 16164807

A lot of this volume is going to get eaten up by equipment racks, but that's still pretty damn roomy.

Anonymous No. 16164808

astronauts dont actually "suffocate in a CO2 bubble"
it's just sleep apnea

Anonymous No. 16164809

im just koking buddy, i love you <3 : )

Anonymous No. 16164811

With a fan
Also Co2 bubble schizos need to be medicated immediately

Anonymous No. 16164812

Couldnt they just have the air blow out harder to induce more turbulence and movement of air at the center? Not really sure Im just spitballing here.

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Anonymous No. 16164816

why dont we make ball space stations? i've been having this idea for years

Anonymous No. 16164817

Im kind of surprised at that too, but wgat surprised me the most is the size of that hatch in the center. Are they always that small or is it just me

Anonymous No. 16164818

yeah, i will have fun reading about your death on social media when you suffocate in an air bubble.

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Anonymous No. 16164823

the same way skylab did?

Anonymous No. 16164824

Could you tell us why you think its a valid concern. What would be different from the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16164826

What do all those tiny pipes do?

Anonymous No. 16164828

it's called a "pitot tube" and you should fucking google it you retarded newfag

Anonymous No. 16164829

literally has never happened in history in any space station. hey man, guess what! little stations didnt used to circulate air. I know I know CRAZY right? Lmfao

Anonymous No. 16164830

I believe they transfer fluids. Could be oil could be propellant could be air who knows. Clearly somebody but I sure dont.

Anonymous No. 16164832

Yeah but what does it do? You seem knowlegable

Anonymous No. 16164833

Hey man leave him alone hes just trying to learn

Anonymous No. 16164834

they are there to fool science dogmatists into beleiving lies about how rocket engines and space travel works (magic)

Anonymous No. 16164841

It's a legacy measurement from Apollo-Soyuz that's just been transferred into the future through multiple standards. IPAS-75/89/95/IDSS all have had a 31" passage diameter. It's awkward because payload designers really want something bigger but they're stuck because spacecraft designers need something that can dock to stations currently in flight.

Anonymous No. 16164842

he's not: that isn't what they are, he's talking out of his ass.

Anonymous No. 16164844

Oooh I see. Thanks for the info man, lotta interesting history I still dont know.

Anonymous No. 16164845

Are you guys excited for the Boeing Starship launch?

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Anonymous No. 16164848

we have to wait until orbital construction in-situ

Anonymous No. 16164849

I think you meant Starliner, but I am excited for both Starliner and Starship launches. Both for the same reason kek.

Anonymous No. 16164850

Pressure sensors

Anonymous No. 16164855

no, now ask another dogshit question in your quest to "learn" (read: increase the post count with pointless garbage)
holy shit you're right, it's just "tubing"
pitot tubes are a specific way of measuring dynamic pressure from airflow

anyway here's a link to some if you want to play with it to understand what it's for

Anonymous No. 16164857

its differnt from the iss because its a large cylinder instead of a series of thin cylinders
sleep was a major problem on old stations

Anonymous No. 16164859

NTA, why would anybody care about increasing post count on /sfg/? we were past bump limit and there is no thread vs thread dynamic, this doesnt make sense. are you just unable to accept that some people dont know everything and try to learn? we are literally on the science and math board that is all about learning/discovering new things.

Anonymous No. 16164872


Anonymous No. 16164873

who the fuck are you talking about bro, is that some discord shit?

Anonymous No. 16164874

Based Schizo Poster

Anonymous No. 16164875

with space jannies?

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Anonymous No. 16164884

Thank you fellow frogposter. It has become obvious how right you are.

Anonymous No. 16164889

this is going to be pretty kino

Anonymous No. 16164891

So why are her down, then, scientifically speaking?

Anonymous No. 16164892

I just realized I'll probably be dead before their are skin tight compression space suit try on hauls in zero gravity

Anonymous No. 16164915


Anonymous No. 16164919


Anonymous No. 16164920

compression gloves at the bare minimum are an essential technology for offworld colonies. Shuttle was meant to be like a repair van but failed due to the impossibility of doing tasks in the equivalent of boxing gloves. Until compression gloves are worked out we will not have an extraterrestrial manned economy

Anonymous No. 16164921

>find sleep position
>put fan blowing down above your head
>will constantly be blowing air downwards towards your face
>have suction fan right above your head
>constantly sucking in CO2 laden air and drawing fresh air into the space


Anonymous No. 16164924

gloves are optional actually

Anonymous No. 16164951

It's not that easy in space stationery

Anonymous No. 16164957

garrett reisman is actually based though. one of my favourite astronauts

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Anonymous No. 16164959

“thick” like this looks more pleasing to the eye than “bulbous” such as the starliner suit, and the SX IVA suit
Also Sarah Gillis is so cute it’s unreal

Anonymous No. 16164970

exactly yes, that bulbous look is soo ugly
>is so cute it’s unreal
I know right!

Anonymous No. 16164974

I didnt know him from before Vast but he seems like a very cool and passionate guy about this. Not like hes collecting paychecks to give speeches and such like other public figures.

Anonymous No. 16164983
>A5/Starliner CFT: United Launch Alliance managers have decided to haul the Starliner Atlas 5 off the pad and back to the Vertical Integration Facility to replace an oxygen pressure relief valve in the rocket's Centaur upper stage; launch is now targeted for no earlier than May 17, at 6:16pm EDT (2216 UTC)
Oh no

Anonymous No. 16164989

2 more weeks

Anonymous No. 16164992

10 day turn for swapping a valve isn’t terrible

Anonymous No. 16164994

Most reliable rocket btw

Anonymous No. 16164997

Man, that would have to be creepy as hell to experience without knowing exactly what was going on. A place that, while in eternal night, has perfectly fine weather, temperature, and even rain yet is just barren.
A species that dealt with that would probably be terrified of the darkness.

Anonymous No. 16165008

he did a long and very interesting interview with Rogan is where I heard about him first . very likeable guy

Anonymous No. 16165009

Will the next Starliner launch be on Vulcan? Or do they have more Atlases in storage?

Anonymous No. 16165010

Will check it out, thanks anon.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16165012

I think theyre just gonna reuse that Atlas after they fix it, Shartliner is still on track fo Challenger itself (unfortunately).

Anonymous No. 16165014

Oops Im stupid and only now just started reading that article above deleting ASAP

Anonymous No. 16165017

crack head

Anonymous No. 16165020

there are like 15 atlas V launches left so many of those will be for Starliner presumably.

Anonymous No. 16165032

There are 17 remaining Atlas Vs. One is launching ViaSat-3 EMEA next year, one is reserved for USSF-51, eight are left from Amazon's Kuiper purchase, and then there are six for Starliner's operational flights with one extra for CFT.

Anonymous No. 16165037

thanks for the details. its approximately what I said. are these things still being made or are they all in a warehouse somewhere? it would make sense to make them for a bit until vulcan is more flight proven

Anonymous No. 16165043

Can I get odds on another scrub and Starship flight 4 launching before this

Anonymous No. 16165048

Starship flight 4 will blow up due to ice in the main tanks either way so it doesnt really matter.

Anonymous No. 16165049


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Anonymous No. 16165062

>Ok. By popular demand. The last Centaur III tank. (And 3 amazing craftsmen: Andrew, Jason, and Ian - thanks guys. Nice work)

Tory was pretty enthusiastic a while ago about shutting down the old Delta and Atlas lines so they could be converted over to Vulcan production. I'm pretty sure that the Delta line has been cleared out but the Atlas line still seems to still be tricking out some hardware. I can't find any specific details about rocket storage but there are a few mentions here and there about a storage facility somewhere at Cape Canaveral.

Anonymous No. 16165066

How many lifetime cycles is starship designed for?
Don't say infinite

Anonymous No. 16165067

white dudes getting it done
I dunno, over 20? Falcon 9 can do 20 just about.

Anonymous No. 16165069

Not yet known. Theyre still designing Falcon for 40 flight limit so we wont even know until we actually reach that limit it seems. In reality, its just whenever they decide to put a rocket out of comission. They could keep replacing parts on Starship until none of the first parts remain and it would still be considered the same ship so

Anonymous No. 16165071

What's his problem?

Anonymous No. 16165075

Stefan Molyneux had a career change

Anonymous No. 16165080

starliner crew flight or ift-4 first?

Anonymous No. 16165084

I told you not to say infinite, pig. god I wish I could mouth fuck you to teach you a lesson.

Anonymous No. 16165087

>Nuclear Thermal Engines
Never, cores are too heavy to do a good heat transference, temperatures are still too low.

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Anonymous No. 16165088

Found it! It's called the "Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center" and seems to be a combo of Atlas mission control and temporary storage for the rocket before it gets trucked over to the Vertical Integration Facility. It can store several boosters but I don't think it has room for all 17, if all of those are even completed yet. My guess would be that they could be storing a few more in the old Delta IV facilities and then warehousing the rest at Decatur.
I did find out that ULA stores their spare SRBs WAY off site at a national guard training center called Camp Blanding, southwest of Jacksonville.

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Anonymous No. 16165092
>This was really a bare-bones approach. The mission produced only five days on the Martian surface. Hopefully the scientific payload included some kind of surface shelter for the two crew, otherwise they would have to climb up and down the side of the lander and try to sleep in their suits in their cramped Gemini seats every night.
5 days? I thought short stay missions gave you a month minimum

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Anonymous No. 16165093

Anonymous No. 16165095

its fake there no water in space

Anonymous No. 16165098

>just use Gemini for everything
most retarded take

Anonymous No. 16165101

Dont threaten me

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Anonymous No. 16165103

who says it's water? could be a hydrocarbon

Anonymous No. 16165107

Atlast we've found it.

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Anonymous No. 16165110

>arrive at Mars in Starship for aerobraking
>your landing zone is enveloped in a dust storm

Anonymous No. 16165119

just come back the next day

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Anonymous No. 16165122

It is damn near impossible to find interior pictures of this place, but I think they could probably store six cores without feeling too cramped, not that I think they ever have. Even with the flight rates that were planned for Atlas back in the 90s they would have just had a steady stream of hardware moving from Decatur to SLC-41 rather than a stockpile like the strategic launch reserves the Soviets set up with the Soyuz and Proton.

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Anonymous No. 16165129

can't deviate from your aerobraking window, its now or never

Anonymous No. 16165132

don't aerobrake
keep going until you find a planet with less dust

Anonymous No. 16165136

reroll landing approach

Anonymous No. 16165143

There is no dust up where the majority of braking occurs. Literally not a problem so long as you have guidance.

Anonymous No. 16165154

But that only leaves the hellhole that is Mercury. What about the moons?

Anonymous No. 16165157

Marslink will also exist so automated landing guidance will be way better in the future.
Also speaking of Marslink that name is ass, can we think of a better name? Maybe Redlink or something idk.

Anonymous No. 16165160

How the the laonch boyos?

Anonymous No. 16165164

Wat. Which one

Anonymous No. 16165169

We've got two Starlinks launches and a Long March 3B going up tomorrow

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Anonymous No. 16165170
Another S30 SF tomorrow. You think its gonna get called off again? Also when are they gonna cart Flight 4 vehicles over to the LC I want a WDR or launch not some dinky 3 engine SF.

Anonymous No. 16165186

They've got a couple months yet to figure out the license modifications

Anonymous No. 16165191

I don't get why they even need to modify the license. The FTS didn't activate on either part of the spacecraft. They should be ready to go NOW, not waiting on some stupid investigation for a month.

Anonymous No. 16165195

Joe Biden

Anonymous No. 16165196

Why not robotic hands outside the suit controlled from inside the suit?

Anonymous No. 16165197

the investigation is gonna take less time but its more so about why it failed at landing and why tumble occured. FAA (or should i say AST) are allowing it go by shorter but that doesnt release spacex of their responsibility to thoroughly investigate why a mishap happened. should really be grateful, compare this to the year delay that new shepherd had after a failure (which is a much smaller and less complex rocket) and its pretty obvious whos getting the better wrap right now.

Anonymous No. 16165203

Do you think they will fix the RCS and stick the booster wet landing this time? How much shorter would the delay be if they do pull it off?

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Anonymous No. 16165210

I think fixing the tumble issues with the RCS thrusters is likely, but Booster wet landing a little less. Theres a decent chance they do get it considering the massive hurdles theyve overcame with every flight before with things they got data on, but I dont know something just makes it seem a bit harder to me about the reentry wet landing stuff.
In regards to the shorter delay if they do pull it off, WAY shorter. That would basically be a perfect flight in what they laid out for the flight plan which means that the FAA has no need to interupt them unless something happens at ship reentry. Even then, thats only one issue compared to the barrage theyve had before on every flight, so it would still be reduced, but not down to a month like Elon says if they get it perfect (which is what I think would be about right).

So far my predictions on a flight to flight basis havent been wrong, hoping its the same here.

Anonymous No. 16165211

Erm sorry goy I know like it looked your test went perfectly but we can see a few sensor alerts in your log so that will be another 6 month investigation :^)

Anonymous No. 16165216

>I think fixing the tumble issues with the RCS thrusters is likely
I am less optimistic. The valves shouldn't have frozen over the first time they got to orbit, and I don't see what they did to fix that for the next flight

If they would just get the next booster and ship ready while they wait for the investigation to end, I could see the turnaround being only a few weeks

Anonymous No. 16165222

>and I don't see what they did to fix that for the next flight

And you would know that how?...

Anonymous No. 16165224

>and you would know that how?...
The youtoobers who pore every tiny detail like how many ring sections or stringers there are would have noticed larger vents or stronger pressure vessels

Anonymous No. 16165227

Fortunately seems like before that the next flights testing campaign is starting early. Just today S30 for Flight 5 attempted a static fire, and even earlier than the previous flight.

Anonymous No. 16165228

Can you point me to that video? Im assuming its a CSI Starbase episode right, I havent kept up much with Flight 3 deep dives because I was going through finals season

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Anonymous No. 16165233

too bad they never built it

Anonymous No. 16165235

Anon's inability to count to six.

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Anonymous No. 16165254


Anonymous No. 16165260

Collect vood

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Anonymous No. 16165279

If this actually happens, you guys better apologize to Phil Mason

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Anonymous No. 16165290
S30 rollout now

Anonymous No. 16165302

Example Layout for a Mars Mission

For a mission to Mars, which could last several months, here's how the decks might be specialized:

Top Deck:
Navigation and advanced communication systems to stay in contact with Earth and Martian bases.
Telescopic observation equipment for celestial study and Mars reconnaissance.

Upper Deck:
Labs equipped for geology and soil analysis.
Medical and quarantine facilities to monitor health after landing on Mars.

Mid Deck 1:
Sleeping quarters customized for long-duration spaceflight, with enhanced personal space.
Hydroponic gardens to supplement food supplies with fresh produce.

Mid Deck 2:
Enhanced fitness equipment to combat muscle atrophy and bone density loss.
Psychological support facilities, including virtual reality relaxation zones.

Lower Deck 1:
Larger storage capacity for Mars surface suits and scientific gear.
Advanced recycling systems to support extended periods without resupply.

Lower Deck 2:
Expanded engineering facilities to maintain and repair rovers and other surface exploration vehicles.
Additional backup systems for critical life support functions.

Bottom Deck:
Custom fittings for Mars rovers and exploration modules.
Airlocks and equipment for surface excursions and sample collection.

This layout emphasizes the need for adaptability, robust life support, and the ability to support a wide range of scientific and exploratory activities. As development continues, the specific design will evolve based on mission needs, technological advances, and the experiences from initial test flights and operations.

Would you like more details on specific technologies, systems, or another aspect of Starship’s interior design?

Anonymous No. 16165311

I took a look at some other threads on /sci/. It was a mistake I shan't repeat.
Thanks chatgpt.

Anonymous No. 16165316

that's im-a-good-gpt2-chatbot to you!

Anonymous No. 16165324

Says Ship 26, maybe testing out the stand and transport system on an older model for fit-check?

Anonymous No. 16165327

Oh shit my bad yeah S26. Nah its the inaugural testing for the new Masseys flame trench set up. We discussed this before but theyre probably using S26 since its a non-flight vehicle that can be used on semi-risky tests like this.

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Anonymous No. 16165344

Bad news boing bros…

Anonymous No. 16165346

>cropping out community notes
Yikes dude

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Anonymous No. 16165353

It mustve gotten hidden in the time between when you and I saw it. If you didnt read it because if that, now it should be fine to.

Anonymous No. 16165357

>FAA has opened an investigation
I'm sure the DEI hires at FAA are going to be very thorough and strict with the DEI hires of Boeing

Anonymous No. 16165378

Wasn't the FAA revealed to be telling Basketball Americans how to pass their exam or something? Maybe I'm thinking of another agency.

Anonymous No. 16165403

They were telling them to use certain key words on their resumes in order to move them to the top of their hiring list.

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Anonymous No. 16165416



Anonymous No. 16165441

They all just look kinda average

Anonymous No. 16165476

Thousands at least?

Anonymous No. 16165480

Starlink, just need to specify its above mars if its not clear from context

Anonymous No. 16165483

Most of that time is due to the company itself investigating the anomaly, the extra paperwork from FAA/AST is just maybe two weeks

Anonymous No. 16165485

Yes, 1.5 months

Anonymous No. 16165489

He misspoke and meant starlink
There is no way in hell musk is making spacex itself public

Anonymous No. 16165734

inb4 9/12