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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16158126

why haven't we been back to the moon in such a long time?

Anonymous No. 16158146

Because we had to supervise the middle east and feed niggers

Anonymous No. 16158150


Anonymous No. 16158160

What about china? They love the moon! Even use a lunar calendar

Anonymous No. 16158188

because nasa is fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 16158199

Because there's nothing there, it's a big stupid rock with no atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16158204

the desert is just a pile of sand and people love going there

antarctic is a bunch of snow and rocks and scientists cant get enough of it

before the moon landings people were romanticizing all kinds of stuff to do on the moon

now it's just crickets

Anonymous No. 16158205


Anonymous No. 16158207

Both the desert and antarctica have more to offer than the moon. They also have an atmosphere, and aren't nearly as hard to get to.

Anonymous No. 16158208

>the desert
you can breathe and don't need a pressure suit in those places. you also can have a chopper get you out in case of trouble.

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deep fake ai.png

Anonymous No. 16158225

there's a whole field of study that is obsessed with rocks
why do you hate rocks?

pic unrelated
it's just showing ai exposing apollo mission pictures as fake

Anonymous No. 16158228

There are space agencies from all over the world who're orbiting the moon with their satellites. If there were no stuff at the supposed Apollo landing site someone would've noticed. There even was Japanese rover that checked the site out, afaik.

Anonymous No. 16158234

the ai must be lying then
or maybe its space agencies who maintain this charade

Anonymous No. 16158235

you can see the rover trails

Anonymous No. 16158239

Who controls all the financing of those space agencies? Oh, right, New York.

Anonymous No. 16158241

Ah yes, because AI has never made mistakes before
Dumb fucking vatniks. The USSR at the time even conceded that the Americans landed on the moon

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Anonymous No. 16158242


Anonymous No. 16158266

They're feeding you this sort of disinfo in order to sow discord within Western societies.

Anonymous No. 16158269

they're feeding you this disinfo to make you believe you can leave this earth

Anonymous No. 16158270

sure thing buddy. Don't forget you meddy time before you go to sleep

Anonymous No. 16158271

we can but not as meat

Anonymous No. 16158272

that's the best cope you have

Anonymous No. 16158273

Politics. Same reason we aren't building a dozen new fission plants a year even though it's objectively the highest efficiency means of generating baseload power available to us right now.

Anonymous No. 16158276

>they're feeding you this disinfo to make you believe you can leave this earth
Retard alert.

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Anonymous No. 16158277

the first living being to orbit the earth still holds the record for the highest altitude reached by any mammal
and she didn't survive for long

Anonymous No. 16158321

VCR's came out and they couldn't risk normie consumers recording and analyzing their fake moon footage at the time it was broadcast. Had to wait for CGI tech to get to the where it is now.
Now we can have moon missions, jupiter missions, and, shit, even niburu missions. The sky is the limit.
otherwise... I mean I'm sure it's a total coincidence they waited 50 years until it became doable to create realistic fake video of literally anything conceivable.

Anonymous No. 16158326

Why would any nation try to debunk they very scam that they will use on their own citizenry? It's like asking why Russia didn't expose our fiat currency or social security scams. I mean, use your fucking brain.

Anonymous No. 16158332

Most of soience is lies constructed with political goals in mind, why would the moon landing be any different?

Anonymous No. 16158373

Retard alert.

Anonymous No. 16158389

Armstrong and Aldrin were tentacle raped by aliens and made NASA sign a form of non-disclosure and promise to never talk about it ever again.
>t. Insider

Anonymous No. 16158391

>but muh infographics from /pol/ and bitchuter with 56 views regularly have it all figured out

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16158394

In return the West gets a shit ton of natural resources like cobalt. It goes both ways

Anonymous No. 16158395

In return the West gets a shit ton of natural resources like cobalt and oil. It goes both ways

Anonymous No. 16158397

because congress didn't feel like going back until recently

Anonymous No. 16158401

There's also life in those places

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Anonymous No. 16158405

LMAO, you are overdosing in copium.

Anonymous No. 16158409

what do you expect it to look like?

Anonymous No. 16158411

I'm not even invested in this, but c'mon.. look at it. Star-Wars that came right after was more believable overall.

Anonymous No. 16158412

and why do you think Star Wars is more "realistic"?

Anonymous No. 16158527

no one wanted to pony up the money, not even the US government, they pulled to plug on the blank check to NASA in the early 70s and cut the last few Apollo missions, that's why

Anonymous No. 16158546

Can't profit (((Pfizerstein))) with fission plants and actual science exploration instead of fake hollywood shots based ''''moon landings'''''.

Anonymous No. 16158552

>building a dozen new fission plants
you don't need only the tech to have cheaper energy, you need to shake off the leaches, which is the actual hardest part of the equation. they'll rather die than lose the money you now pay.

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Anonymous No. 16158707

Conspiracy Theorists you have a problem.

Anonymous No. 16158827

we could bring life to the moon

Anonymous No. 16159280

>pic unrelated
>it's just showing ai exposing apollo mission pictures as fake
Wow US had AI for 50 years and never told anyone

Anonymous No. 16159323

Which creates capital that is spent on housing and feeding the ones we brought here to "pay our pensions".
Any day now, they'll break even.

Anonymous No. 16159348

>why haven't we been back to the moon in such a long time?
Only stupid subhuman UShitholers will travel to a debris bowl to hop around like ridiculous bunnies in the rubble just to "win".

Anonymous No. 16159399

how is believing what a telescope says any different than believing what nasa says?

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Anonymous No. 16159404

>secret technology can't exist

Anonymous No. 16159463

I know the answer but /sci/ wonโ€™t like it

Anonymous No. 16159616

go on...

Anonymous No. 16159620

You're never gonna convince these dense retards. Even if you took them there personally, they'd say they were drugged. It's a matter of belief for them.

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Anonymous No. 16159638


Anonymous No. 16159652


Anonymous No. 16159664

Stay mad. Reminder that you'll never have true knowledge or skill, which is why you have to cope with baiting on an anonymous imageboard to gain some elusive sense of superiority.

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Anonymous No. 16159671


Anonymous No. 16159675

I'm going to respond to your post in exactly 6h. So now you'll be on edge for the next couple of hours eagerly awaiting my reply to post a witty retort wasting another day in front of your computer.

Anonymous No. 16159680

Because there is nothing that currently holds net value there, even less so anything that requires a human to be in a hostile environment. The motivation to 'show the ruskies we can into space too' isn't there anymore because they've lost that lead.

Anonymous No. 16159696

you know, back, like the direction you get sexed in