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🗑️ 🧵 Science determines that whites are monkeys, blacks not

Anonymous No. 16160862

The scientific method was used and the official science man was in charge of the science been established up in here. White monkey ass, yeah sorry not sorry that just science

Anonymous No. 16160872

But did he prove it without using trigonometry?

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Anonymous No. 16160911

mmm, monke

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Anonymous No. 16160913

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Anonymous No. 16161221

Anonymous No. 16161260

What is going on here

Anonymous No. 16161284

dark matter observation

Anonymous No. 16161285

Why are you like this

Anonymous No. 16161291

like what?

Anonymous No. 16162454

Like that

Anonymous No. 16162462

I had a ‘gress fwb who was sexy and smart but she just had too much monke in the face like this.

Anonymous No. 16162502

how can anyone look at this and still not acknowledge that negroes have substantial chimpanzee dna?

Anonymous No. 16162513

>For example, apes have hair all over their bodies. You have never seen a black person with hair all over their bodies. Black people are some of the least hairiest people in this world! Who are the hairiest? It’s white people!
This is his exact logic by the way. Literally a direct quote, why is this nog allowed to speak on literally anything that doesn't relate to his very niche field?
because they don't lol, I'm an Uber racist but I'm not retarded. They do have the most substantial degree of non sapiens dna though

Anonymous No. 16162565

Which race does AI often mistake for being apes?

Anonymous No. 16163433

That ain't human

Anonymous No. 16164321

>i-i'm not a d-disgusting ape y-you are
nigs are so insecure.

Anonymous No. 16164350

We are all fucking apes you dumb faggots

Anonymous No. 16164371

I think being an ape would be preferable to being a dumb nigger.

Anonymous No. 16164452

This thread is hilarious lol
You can tell it was made by a sincerely annoyed racist

Anonymous No. 16164457

Define “substantial”
Define “don’t”

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Anonymous No. 16164479


Anonymous No. 16164508

i thought the soience told us that genetically we are all the same and there's only one race: the human race

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nig chimpski.jpg

Anonymous No. 16164518


Genetic makeup of 12-year-old Angolan boy in
By Editor
22 November 2019 | 3:01 am

The genetic makeup of a 12-year-old Angolan, boy is now disputed by experts
after his deceased mother allegedly told him he is the offspring of a human-
chimpanzee love affair, reports the Gazeta Nacional.

The story made national headlines and has unleashed an outpour of generosity
towards Augusto Dembo, 12, who now lives with his uncle and aunt in the capital
city of Luanda.

Anonymous No. 16164864

that explains so much about negroes

Anonymous No. 16164991

welcome to /sci where monkies from /pol ruin everything. why poltards try to act smart when they are not?
These people are cringe and have single digit iq. how do they even exist is a mystery.

Anonymous No. 16165015

If you want to talk about science that has as little intersection with the real world you'd need to be living in a thread talking about pure math, and even then the chimps are going to come pouring in talking about how their lived cultural ways are just as equally valid. You don't successfully gatekeep civilization by ignoring the animals trying to burn it down.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16165061

>Black science man gives facts
>White monkey gives fake news

Anonymous No. 16165155

If white people look like monke why don't they ever get mad when you say they look like monke? They just laugh, try it. White people think it's funny because they know it's not true.

Now tell a nigger they look like monke, see what happens. They get mad because the truth hurts. Dr, Niggerton know it too, otherwise why would he need to shift attention away from his own monke face?

Anonymous No. 16165223

>everything is about politics because i'm schizo thats obsessed with politics

Anonymous No. 16165989


Anonymous No. 16166234


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monkey playing ba....webm

Anonymous No. 16166246


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black soyence man....jpg

Anonymous No. 16166828

NDT lividly hates whites, same as Einstein did

Anonymous No. 16166839

In that day in history did albert send in his first wife to impersonate him instead of just making her do all the work.

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man vs monkey.png

Anonymous No. 16166853


Anonymous No. 16167251

Context? Please?

Anonymous No. 16167891

Shit up racist

Anonymous No. 16167899


Anonymous No. 16168158

>Science determines that whites are monkeys, blacks not
Fine by me. As long as we are not the same as blacks.

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Anonymous No. 16169423

>noooooo you can't say that!!!

Anonymous No. 16170279

This, backstory and full clip plz

Anonymous No. 16170288

>there is a difference
good, thank you for acknowledging that, now we can finally move on to total nigger death and the subsequent cleanup of the heretics who dared have sexual interactions with them. The earth shall be rid of such sin, only the beautiful will remain.

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Anonymous No. 16171025


Anonymous No. 16171147



Anonymous No. 16171544

This board is fucked

Anonymous No. 16172105


Anonymous No. 16172485

Hate to break it to you bub, but all humans share just over 98% of our DNA with chimps

Anonymous No. 16172488

ok now do chimpanzees

Anonymous No. 16173102

in negroes that percentage is substantially higher

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Anonymous No. 16174300


Anonymous No. 16175216

its a common behavior of lesser primates

Anonymous No. 16175254

>You monkey!
>No YOUoUoUOu monkey!

This is a pretty accurate depiction of most 4channer conversations.

Anonymous No. 16175408

Diversity and inclusion.

Anonymous No. 16175410

>make bait thread
>reply seething to your own bait
>keep doing that till you get pruned or deleted
>ban evade and do it again

Anonymous No. 16176423

thats just your mentally ill paranoid headcannon speaking, nobody had been banned so far in this thread

Anonymous No. 16176963

Black person.

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Anonymous No. 16177734


Anonymous No. 16178330

raycist thred

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Anonymous No. 16179263

no it isn't
you only think that because you can't help projecting your own racial hatred only other people. get some self control, everyone else isn't like you are.

Anonymous No. 16180198

Why does he hate whites so much? The planetarium that gives him a $500,000 annual salary was founded and is entirely funded by whites.

Anonymous No. 16181074

They give him that money because he shills the white genocide agenda for the people who give him the money.

Anonymous No. 16182077

The jews started the transatlantic slave trade nearly 400 years ago and its still going strong to this day

Anonymous No. 16182208

I think God put them on earth so that we can criticize ourselves through them.

Littering, loud, obnoxious, vile and violent often with no purpose. That's white people on earth.
That's (most) blacks in their societies.
It's a funny joke from God where he puts us in a place of judgement and dominion over them like He is over us, and the problem won't go away until we ourselves stop being noggers on this earth. Makes perfect sense.

Anonymous No. 16182420


Anonymous No. 16183453

>blaming whites for jewish practices
semites are not white, they are asian. there isn't even a semitic nation that shares a border with europe, they are all entirely within asia except for the semite colonies in africa