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đŸ§” Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16161683

Are sub 115 IQs simply unable to have a sound argument or discussion *without* committing some basic logical fallacies?

Anonymous No. 16161770

you're thinking 115-130s
sub-115s don't even care about discussion they're more worried about celebrity drama and who wins the next sportsball game

Anonymous No. 16161777

On what basis do you presume that you're not sub 115IQ? What intellectual accomplishments have you achieved? Odds are pretty good that you're sub 115IQ. Are you sure that your baseless self assessment of yourself as unusually intelligent isn't merely a self flattering grandiose delusion?

Anonymous No. 16161779

Intelligence does not necessarily correlate with argumentmaxxing.

Anonymous No. 16161790

Yes and almost everyone up to IQ of 140 commit logical fallacies. Low IQ people are more likely to surrender once their fallacies are called out and rejected. Above average will switch to other fallacies, rhetorical guise, feels, and moralizing when rebuffed which makes engaging with them useless. It's better to just smile and agree with them unless you want to publicly embarrass them, at a steep cost of lifelong grunge holding resentment.

Anonymous No. 16161817

It probably depends of the person’s temperament. I feel like most people between 100 and 120 have too much pride and they are so opinionated nowadays so they’ll just nitpick, move goalposts, strawman, or use some other elementary fallacy to not admit that they lost. They’ll do it until they get the last word, so if everything else fails, they feel like they won in their own heads.

Anonymous No. 16161829

anyone who uses the term "logical fallacies" sounds 115 IQ to me

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Anonymous No. 16161831

Why are chudcels so obsessed with IQ and debates?

>they're more worried about celebrity drama and who wins the next sportsball game
Imagine what your life would be life had you became a pro athlete instead of wasting your youth indoors, competing in math olympiads and pursuing a non-cs STEM degree (because making 6 figures is for brainlets amirite?)

Anonymous No. 16161840

would have been*

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Anonymous No. 16161842

>Are sub 115 IQs simply unable to have a sound argument or discussion *without* committing some basic logical fallacies?
Let's see how many logical fallacies OP is committing.

OP creates two false states and a magic boundary at 115 IQ where people below it all commit logical fallacies and people above it don't.

OP assumes IQ is what causes someone to commit logical fallacies.

OP uses IQ, a popular intelligence measurement, to substantiate his claim and make it valid.

OP already answers his own question by implying sub 115 IQ people are stupid and can't comprehend logical fallacies.

OP assumes that people committing logical fallacies makes their arguments unsound.

By your own definition you are sub 115 IQ.

Anonymous No. 16161855

Unless they have specific training, yes.
I don't think high schools teach the basic syllogisms (unless you take some philosophy class) and most people probably go through college without needing to construct sound arguments outside of math/philosophy(/maybe CS) majors.
What most people have is an intuitive understanding of soundness that is probably inaccurate for some cases or a working memory limitation that can't handle sufficiently long/complex arguments.

I think the more likely case is that real world issues/problems do not usually have complete/clean data so everyone tends to use unsound rhetoric to bridge the gaps to reach the conclusions they want to reach.
What you see deployed IRL may just reflect their rhetorical strategy instead of their soundness capability.
Bending the rules of logic may statistically be the smart choice if you can to get away with it enough.
If the cutoff for being able to spot the unsoundness is 115 IQ then you can get away with it ~85% of the time.

Anonymous No. 16161899

Iq is a fucking meme, do you think the people who went from no airplane to airplane were only half as smart as the people who went from women to pregnant men??
Lol. Lmao even

Anonymous No. 16161902

Probably shitty online iq tests, iq is so retarded and only cowardly retarded escapists like reddit neckbeards believe in it. (In order to dunk on religious people)
Us 4chan fascists should only argue on the base of observable reality.

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Anonymous No. 16161907

I don't know, but I've noticed that 115-120 IQ certified midwits constantly hallucinate "logical fallacies" into everything. How old were you when you realized formal reddit fallacies never occur in the wild? I was 10.

Anonymous No. 16161908

You almost had the epiphany that "logical syllogisms" are almost never relevant in real-world reasoning, but then you just shat the bed instead.

Anonymous No. 16161910


Anonymous No. 16161911

Because they lack the mental capacity to process context.

Anonymous No. 16161912

Except OP asked a question, he didn’t make a statement, therefore he didn’t commit any logical fallacies.
Just the fact that you typed all of this out trying to “own” somebody and just shot yourself in the foot because of your own shortcomings

Anonymous No. 16161914

>Except OP asked a question, he didn’t make a statement, therefore he didn’t commit any logical fallacies.
Your conclusion doesn't follow from your premises. You just committed a logical nonsequitur. Nice fallacious reasoning there, bud.

Anonymous No. 16161916

And you assume that based on whether or not they use a popular term? Sounds like you’re 115 IQ yourself.

Anonymous No. 16161917

Do you want an updoot or a gold?

Anonymous No. 16161918

>you assume that based on whether or not they use a popular term?
Yeah, because it's almost always true. Why shouldn't I assume you're a certified midwit if you act like one?

Anonymous No. 16161919

I want you to make a valid argument, but you literally can't. lol. Midwits eternally BTFO.

Anonymous No. 16161921

You sound even more like a pretentious midwit, ironically enough.

Anonymous No. 16161922

For that you’d have to type something that makes logical sense, not a meaningless word salad.

Anonymous No. 16161924

Completely incoherent replies from morons who are literally sharking right now from frustration and massive intellectual insecurities.

Anonymous No. 16161925

You lost.

Anonymous No. 16161927

Call me back when you stop making logical fallacies in every post.

Anonymous No. 16161929

There’s a fallacy right there, you can’t stop making them

Anonymous No. 16161931

Low IQ
High IQ

Anonymous No. 16161932


Anonymous No. 16161933

Anyone who believes in "logical fallacies" is demonstrably a midwit. There's no way around this scientific truth.

Anonymous No. 16161935

Low IQ

Anonymous No. 16161937

Low IQ is objectively better than the intellectual dead zone you reside in. I'd kill myself if I were a midwit like you.

Anonymous No. 16161938

its probably unrelated to IQ and much more an issue of attitude

Anonymous No. 16161941

>more an issue of attitude
It is an issue of attitude. Competent adults don't pretend to make logically impeccable statements because they know it's a hopeless endeavor.

Anonymous No. 16161956

Low intellect

Anonymous No. 16161958

What evidence is there that people with "high IQs" don't also use logical fallacies?

Anonymous No. 16161960

Keyword here is *basic*. I did not claim high IQ people make impeccable arguments all the time, ironically enough, your misinterpretation of my post *is* a basic logical fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16161963

Give me a realistic example of someone committing a "basic logical fallacy". You can't and you won't.

Anonymous No. 16161966

Low IQ people being *unable* to not use basic logical fallacies in their arguments =/= High IQ people also committing them

Anonymous No. 16161970

Straw man, like you did in your post here >>16161941

Anonymous No. 16161973

Of course you would claim that someone who undermines your worldview is wrong. Now give a neutral example involving something that you're not emotionally invested in. You can't and you won't, just like I said.

Anonymous No. 16161985

>Of course you would claim that someone who undermines your worldview is wrong.
You did it again, you can’t help it.
>Now give a neutral example involving something that you're not emotionally invested in
Example of what? A straw man? Do you want me to prove logical fallacies exist? What a dumb thing to ask.
>You can't and you won't, just like I said.
Another fallacy

Anonymous No. 16161991

Fallacy fallacy.
Anon's logic is erroneous, but his conclusion is correct - you're a moron.

Anonymous No. 16161993

Of course you would claim that someone who undermines your worldview is wrong. Now give a neutral example involving something that you're not emotionally invested in. You can't and you won't, just like I said.

Anonymous No. 16161999

I like how every single fallacy believer ITT proves me right by hallucinating logical fallacies where there are none. You are genuine mindless automatons.

Anonymous No. 16162007

>I like how every single fallacy believer ITT proves me right by hallucinating logical fallacies where there are none. You are genuine mindless automatons.
Strawman fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16162009

Every time you reply, you prove me right. You WILL reply again, and you WILL hallucinate another fake fallacy into this post.

Anonymous No. 16162020

>Every time you reply, you prove me right. You WILL reply again, and you WILL hallucinate another fake fallacy into this post.
Slippery slope fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16162026

>muh iq
Kek are you a chink or what? IQ has nothing to do with intelligence

Anonymous No. 16162035

Every time you reply, you prove me right. You WILL reply again, and you WILL hallucinate another fake fallacy into this post

Anonymous No. 16162036

>Intelligence Quotient has nothing to do with Intelligence
low iq

Anonymous No. 16162038

>Every time you reply, you prove me right. You WILL reply again, and you WILL hallucinate another fake fallacy into this post
Parrot fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16162041

At least he attempted to explain how he got to his conclusion. You didn’t even try. Coward, you’re dumber than he is.

Anonymous No. 16162043

>At least he attempted to explain how he got to his conclusion. You didn’t even try. Coward, you’re dumber than he is.
Strawman fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16162047

Repeat it one more time for me like a good dog.

Anonymous No. 16162050

How is that a straw man?

Anonymous No. 16162051

Babysitters dont actually sit on babies you retard. IQ tests were a tool to see which kids would need additional help in school. This means they measure how well you do in school. School does not reward intelligence but rsther sitting still and following the instructions/orders.
This ks why Asians and Women have higher IQs on average.
Real intelligence is ALWAYS field specific since it is the ability to solve Problems, and there is no Problem that is not field specific.

Anonymous No. 16162054

>At least he attempted to explain how he got to his conclusion.
You're unironically retarded. I never made any attempts to explain anything. I just made a series of true statements that someone intelligent should be able to connect on their own. You repeatedly make category errors because all fallacy believers are clinical morons.

Anonymous No. 16162059

Oh an btw my goyscore that measures my humanity was 135 and it doesnt mean jack shit. Fucking kek.
Iq test show how well you can solve iq test

Anonymous No. 16162062

Reply to me
The others are not worth your time, i deserve your full attention, because my daddy did not give me enough of it.

Anonymous No. 16162082

Using fallacy as an argument is low iq behaviour.

Anonymous No. 16162086

Begging the question and circular argument fallacies

Anonymous No. 16162091

>Babysitters dont actually sit on babies you retard. IQ tests were a tool to see which kids would need additional help in school. This means they measure how well you do in school. School does not reward intelligence but rsther sitting still and following the instructions/orders.
>This ks why Asians and Women have higher IQs on average.
>Real intelligence is ALWAYS field specific since it is the ability to solve Problems, and there is no Problem that is not field specific.
No True Scotsman fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16162092

If you can't figure that out yourself, explaining it to you would be a waste of time.

Anonymous No. 16162093

OP whines about people committing logical fallacies and i pointed out that he is also committing several logical fallacies. cope

you know damn well OP is making a statement disguised as a question, like most threads on 4chan. don't be sneaky

Anonymous No. 16162100

Fallacy of intellect.
I recommend you read Martins Fallacy Fork, pseud.

Anonymous No. 16162108

Alleged Certainty fallacy

Anonymous No. 16162111

A question is not a statement, even if you think it implicitly is. You cannot get to that conclusion without assuming.

Anonymous No. 16162114

>Fallacy of intellect.
That’s not a thing, and OP’s was a question.

Anonymous No. 16162116

Why did you molest that child?

Anonymous No. 16162126

False equivalence. The question would be “have you molested a child?”.
For OP’s question to be a statement it would have to be “Why are sub 115 IQ people unable to argue without committing logical fallacies?”. That’s clearly a different question.

Anonymous No. 16162129

Dodging the question. Answer why you did it.

Anonymous No. 16162132

Fallacy fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16162136

Fallacy fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16162140

Educate yourselves

Anonymous No. 16162141

Red herring, non sequitur

Anonymous No. 16162143

Fallacy fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16162146

Fallacy fallacy

Anonymous No. 16162153

OP isn't asking if people below 115 IQ can argue without committing fallacies, he's asking why they can't in a rhetorical manner. He's making a statement therefore he can be scrutinised for fallacies himself

stop being sneaky with words and molesting children

Anonymous No. 16162157

I beg to differ

Anonymous No. 16162158

You’re just repeating the same argument I already debunked.

Anonymous No. 16162168

sub-115s love to posture on the internet

Anonymous No. 16162170

you said
>For OP’s question to be a statement it would have to be “Why are sub 115 IQ people unable to argue without committing logical fallacies?”.

but yet he is actually 'asking' that, it's just in a rhetorical manner, which makes it a statement

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Anonymous No. 16162172

>On what basis do you presume that you're not sub 115IQ?
Informal fallacy: red herring and ad hominem.
>What intellectual accomplishments have you achieved?
Informal fallacy: appeal to accomplishment.
>Odds are pretty good that you're sub 115IQ.
Informal fallacy: circumstantial ad hominem.
>Are you sure that your baseless self assessment of yourself as unusually intelligent isn't merely a self flattering grandiose delusion?
Informal fallacy: ad hominem and red herring.

Anonymous No. 16162182

High IQ people commit logical fallacies more than anyone else.

Anonymous No. 16162241

Because committing logical fallacies implies the capability of focusing on a single logical statement and arguing for / against it.

Low IQ people don't even argue, they just say dumb shit for the sake of saying dumb shit, despite the dumb shit being unrelated to the original statement at all.

Case in point:
etc im tired of quoting
this whole thread basically

Anonymous No. 16162284

Notice how you failed to make anything resembling a logical argument in your post, let alone a valid syllogism, thereby demonstrating the 5 posts of mine you referenced as being fully correct and justified.

Anonymous No. 16162317

Notice that I was making a statement about you, not arguing a point. Learn to have a conversation, autist.

Anonymous No. 16162359

No, everyone has biases and is prone to committing fallacies in thought because humans are neither truth seeking machines or purely logos entities. Emotions can and will cloud judgement of anyone. You can see evidence of that by observing the fart huffers on /sci/ screeching in iq threads because the number is big which means they have the authority to act like dipshits. That is as stupid as humans come.

Anonymous No. 16162432

Notice that I was making a statement about you, not arguing a point. Learn to have a conversation, autist.

Anonymous No. 16162614

No I did point it out.
If you consider that an epiphany then you might be retarded.
>shat the bed instead
Has anyone else in the thread even considered that people may deliberately and knowingly be making unsound arguments for pragmatic reasons and that what you see IRL may not indicate incapability?

What have you added?

Anonymous No. 16162640

It would have been an epiphany for someone like you. Too bad you failed to have it.

Anonymous No. 16162658

Have you considered that "unsound arguments" in the way you mean don't actually exist outside an ultra-narrow academic wank context and that evaluating defeasible reasoning for "soundness" is inherently fucking retarded and demonstrates a lower-mid IQ?

Anonymous No. 16162660

Just going to skip this thread and assume it's full of wank

Anonymous No. 16162665

Thanks for announcing it. We were worried.

Anonymous No. 16162678

Hasty/faulty generalisation is a really common fallacy that people of all IQs are guilty of. You see it on 4chan, and anywhere on the internet really, constantly. It's fairly easy to avoid doing too, you just need to be conscious of it.

Anonymous No. 16162684

wankers fallacy

Anonymous No. 16162688

>Hasty/faulty generalisation is a really common fallacy that people of all IQs are guilty of.
Give me a realistic example of this "fallacy" that actually happens.

Anonymous No. 16162694

black = thug
anime = pedo
gamer = virgin
ur mom = nice lady

Anonymous No. 16162703

What's the fallacy, in formal terms?

Anonymous No. 16162704

actual poster here
to me, it represents an absolute reddit-pilled disposition towards discourse
they think their taxonomy of falsehood actually matters

to show you what i'm talking about:
>Are sub 115 IQs simply unable to have a sound argument or discussion *without* committing some basic logical fallacies?
if you remove the hyperbolic phrasing and write simply, this has almost the exact same meaning as
>why are average people often blatantly wrong?*
which is an infantile question on its face
but because OP threw in some cultural connotation via his taxonomy of the world, he thinks he said something intelligent
in other words, i always see the term "logical fallacies" used in what are essentially autistic linguistic exhibitions and not actual discourse

Anonymous No. 16162706

>Hasty/faulty generalisation

Anonymous No. 16162708

No, I mean take one of your examples and actually put it in the form of an argument, since apparently an fallacious argument is being made.

Anonymous No. 16162715

∃ a black person who isn't a thug
∃ an anime watcher who isn't a pedo
∃ a gamer who isn't a virgin
∃ a mom who is a hoe

Anonymous No. 16162719

>Hasty/faulty generalisation is a really common fallacy

this is another example where someone is conflating formal logic with the actual practical human need to draw best-guess conclusions from incomplete information
>well actually, your view of the world has NOT been mathematically proven and is therefore invalid
like okay bro, you're like.. so smart for putting things in those terms

Anonymous No. 16162720

These "fallacy" apes are so fucking stupid they don't even understand what an argument is. Thanks for demonstrating my point so beautifully. Anyone who believes that reddit fallacies like "hasty generalization" are real is a mongoloidal subhuman with measurable, clinical retardation.

Anonymous No. 16162721

Ok. I just saw this thread a few minutes ago
From the tweet of possibly 4 Indians, and perhaps his own personal experiences, the OP there is stating that Indians (i.e. all Indians) constantly brag about the difficulty of their exams. I myself have interacted with quite a number of Indians and have never heard them say such a thing, so it's clearly not true. And that OPs sample size to make such a claim is surely far too small. And that OP likely knows its an exaggeration really anyway, so to avoid the fallacy they should have said something like "Why do I see so many Indians bragging about difficult exams" or something like that, to remove the faulty generalisation that implies it's all Indians

Anonymous No. 16162723

So what's the "argument" being made? Express it formally. You can't because you don't understand what I just said, do you?

Anonymous No. 16162733

What the fuck are you talking about? Formal arguments are tools of deduction
>∃ a black person who isn't a thug
Given this premise you then have an opportunity to deduce that assuming and assigning a generalization to an individual is a flaw in reason and is therefore the argument that contains it is fallacious.

Anonymous No. 16162734

It's a fallacy of defective induction. But surely you know what faulty and generalisation mean, it's fairly self explanatory

Anonymous No. 16162739

i like how you received all the subtext/context
because even your autistic ass understood the unwritten part, you might call it "good writing" but you call it a fallacy XD

Anonymous No. 16162740

I like how you don't understand what I mean when I ask you to put this supposed argument in the actual form of an argument so that we could logically examine it. You are making my case for me and you are seriously just 15-20 IQ points short to even understand what I'm saying. lol

Anonymous No. 16162745

> I ask you to put this supposed argument in the actual form of an argument so that we could logically examine it.
>Given this premise you then have an opportunity to deduce that assuming and assigning a generalization to an individual is a flaw in reason and is therefore the argument that contains it is fallacious.
The examine it, retard. Stop huffing your own farts.

Anonymous No. 16162749

What you quoted was not an argument. Either you are making a category error by calling it a fallacious argument, or you are claiming that there is an argument implicit in that post, and it is fallacious. If so, make that argument and we'll see if it's fallacious. You won't because you're 15-20 points short of the rudimentary intellect needed to understand my post.

Anonymous No. 16162753

It contains a blatant exaggeration, which in this case is a faulty generalisation. The person has a couple of examples of something occurring and is applying it to the population. I don't know how else to explain it. If you can't see it then you clearly don't know what a faulty generalisation is

Anonymous No. 16162755


>anon, this is a new thing called a "brofy"
>oh wow, neat


>anon, what i heard about something called a "brofy", what it is?
>i have no fucking idea lol that would be a false induction fallacy for me to speak on that, moron

Anonymous No. 16162757

Your post is essentially an undergrad's attempt at seeming smart by attaching a rigorous standard to a process that doesn't necessitate it. If you can't see an argument in that quote you're the one 20 points short to have this conversation.

Anonymous No. 16162759

>If you can't see an argument in that quote you're the one 20 points short to have this conversation.
Make the argument explicit. Notice how you are forced to reply dozens of times but you will never approach formalizing this imaginary "argument" you hallucinated.

Anonymous No. 16162760

I've already explained it several times. If you can't understand it then stop asking about it

Anonymous No. 16162764


>you will never approach formalizing
Because I don't feel the need to spoonfeed you nor play your retarded semantics game.

Anonymous No. 16162767

>I've already explained it
I never asked you to explain anything. I asked you to outline the "argument" you saw there. What are the premises? What is the chain of reasoning? What is the conclusion? At what step does the argument fail? You will reply dozens of times trying to save face, but you will not address this because, as I've already demonstrated, anyone who references fake reddit fallacies has two mouth-breathing parents who are siblings.

Anonymous No. 16162769

Is this what you want, gaylord?
>The proportion Q of the sample has attribute A.
>Therefore, the proportion Q of the population has attribute A.
Makes no fucking difference, any retard (except you) could understand the original comment

Anonymous No. 16162772

I asked you to outline the "argument" you saw there. What are the premises? What is the chain of reasoning? What is the conclusion? At what step does the argument fail? You will reply dozens of times trying to save face, but you will not address this because, as I've already demonstrated, anyone who references fake reddit fallacies has two mouth-breathing parents who are siblings.

You WILL address me again, directly or indirectly, because you are subhuman and you need to prove yourself to me.

Anonymous No. 16162774

How so? Explain your claim.

Anonymous No. 16162776

>The proportion Q of the sample has attribute A.
>Therefore, the proportion Q of the population has attribute A.
That's not a fallacy, though. Try again, mouth breather.

Anonymous No. 16162778

Your a retard. I'm not writing you an essay on faulty generalising. Go look it up yourself if you don't understand it

Anonymous No. 16162781

I never asked you to "write an essay". I asked you to outline the "argument" you saw there. What are the premises? What is the chain of reasoning? What is the conclusion? At what step does the argument fail? You will reply dozens of times trying to save face, but you will not address this because, as I've already demonstrated, anyone who references fake reddit fallacies has two mouth-breathing parents who are siblings.

You WILL address me again, because you ARE a subhuman mongoloid.

Anonymous No. 16162782

>What are the premises? What is the chain of reasoning? What is the conclusion? At what step does the argument fail?
>I don't feel the need to spoonfeed you nor play your retarded semantics game.
Everyone sees you're a pedantic moron desperate to be perceived as intelligent. I wipe my ass with your opinion of me.

Anonymous No. 16162784

I asked you to outline the "argument" you saw there. What are the premises? What is the chain of reasoning? What is the conclusion? At what step does the argument fail? You will reply dozens of times trying to save face, but you will not address this because, as I've already demonstrated, anyone who references fake reddit fallacies has two mouth-breathing parents who are siblings.

You WILL address me again, directly or indirectly, because you are subhuman and you need to prove yourself to me.

Anonymous No. 16162786

Now you're just trolling. What a total fag. Well you can sit here crying about whatever you're going on about but I've got better stuff to do than argue with an idiot

Anonymous No. 16162789

>What are the premises? What is the chain of reasoning? What is the conclusion? At what step does the argument fail?
>I don't feel the need to spoonfeed you nor play your retarded semantics game.
Everyone sees you're a pedantic moron desperate to be perceived as intelligent. I wipe my ass with your opinion of me.

Anonymous No. 16162790

What's the fallacious argument? What you wrote is not a fallacy. Try again, mouth breather.

Anonymous No. 16162793

>outline the "argument" you saw there. What are the premises? What is the chain of reasoning? What is the conclusion? At what step does the argument fail?
Are you for real? Lol. Nobody's going to do that for you

Anonymous No. 16162798

They explained it here

Anonymous No. 16162799

>the subhuman addressed me again by replying to its own post
This is why I come here. This is my favorite board by far because here the 80 IQ insects will actually lose their minds and start literally shaking with anger trying to prove their "intellect" to me. kek

Anonymous No. 16162803

>Nobody's going to do that for you
I know, inbred. That's exactly what I wanted to demonstrate.

Anonymous No. 16162808

>You WILL address me again, directly or indirectly, because you are subhuman and you need to prove yourself to me.
He thinks he's smart too. How is it that easy to play you? Holy fucking kek.

Anonymous No. 16162810

ok but you could take a linguistic philosophical disposition that asserts that every word itself is a faulty generalisation.
like what is a generalisation? by explaining what it is to me, i can claim you are making a faulty generalisation about generalisations.
this is a partial reframing of / perspective on the ancient zen koan:

>shuzan held out his staff and said: "if you call this a staff, you reject its reality. if you do not, you ignore the fact. now what do you wish to call this?"

you are embracing the exact same "logical fallacy" assuming that a word is a perfect representation of some concept, in order to deduce that a series of such words is being purposefully exhibited as a perfect representation of a logical calculation, in order to disprove it.
the english language (or any natural language) is not a "formal language" using "formal grammar" in a mathematical sense.
the ideas of formal language and formal grammar are taught to beginners using simple english phrases showing a direct isomorphism to "the same" idea expressed in a formal language
but is it absolutely autistic to presume even simple sentences in natural english mean the same thing as their corollary in a formal language
and pointing out that they don't mean the same thing using your precious taxonomy of "logical fallacies" /usually/ doesn't mean anything either

Anonymous No. 16162812

>He thinks he's smart too. How is it that easy to play you? Holy fucking kek.
The insect is literally foaming at the mouth and shaking trying to prove himself to me. Delicious.

Anonymous No. 16162814

>You WILL address me again
Do it. Slave.

Anonymous No. 16162815

you want to demonstrate asking people to do something they're not going to do? What does that have to do with fallacies?

Anonymous No. 16162818

You and your moronic ass buddies won't do it because you can't do it. No argument, fallacious or otherwise, was made by that poster, and as soon as you try to formulate some argument you associate with the statement your brown jeet ass is seething about, anyone could accuse you of one of various fake reddit fallacies.

Anonymous No. 16162819

I think everyone does it all the time and they just don't notice. There's like a few hundred fallacies or something

Anonymous No. 16162822

Uhh, ok. You need to go and lie down or something by the sound of it

Anonymous No. 16162823

No one does it ever because none of these formal reddit fallacies are real. They don't describe any actual reasoning taking place. They are purely synthetic constructs.

Anonymous No. 16162826

Notice how you are forced to keep addressing me. You are shaking and fuming with anger and trying desperately to hide it. You WILL address me again. :^)

Anonymous No. 16162827

none of these exist?
you're basically saying you can't make a mistake in an argument

Anonymous No. 16162829

Nope. They're all fake. You can't find a single realistic example of anyone committing any of these.

Anonymous No. 16162832

what the f are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 16162833

>directly or indirectly
Do it again.
He desperately wants to materialize this.
>because you're 15-20 points short of the rudimentary intellect needed to understand my post.

Anonymous No. 16162835

You WILL address me again. You NEED to prove yourself to me.

Anonymous No. 16162836

Good slave. Do it again.

Anonymous No. 16162839

half the thread is some crazy guy ranting nonsense lol

Anonymous No. 16162841

As is tradition.

Anonymous No. 16162843

>asshurt redditors trying to updoot each other

Anonymous No. 16162844

>only half

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Anonymous No. 16162889

oh pls, I say I'm a virgin at least once for every hornypost larp I do

Anonymous No. 16162951

You’re doing it a third time

Anonymous No. 16162959

>if you remove the hyperbolic phrasing and write simply, this has almost the exact same meaning as
>why are average people often blatantly wrong?*
Straw man

Anonymous No. 16162961

>all Indians
Straw man

Anonymous No. 16162965

>myself have interacted with quite a number of Indians and have never heard them say such a thing, so it's clearly not true
Anecdotal fallacy

Anonymous No. 16163015

all men in discourse are made out of straw, that's how discourse works

Anonymous No. 16163061

Hasty generalization

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16163095

we're fucked

Anonymous No. 16163116

hasty generalization

Anonymous No. 16163217

Not applicable

Anonymous No. 16163269

mind projection fallacy

Anonymous No. 16163389

Again not applicable

Anonymous No. 16163390

Appeal to history. Just because he posted something not applicable in the past, doesn't mean your rhetorical jab 'again' supports that he has posted something not applicable again.

Anonymous No. 16163394

Straw man. Again.

Anonymous No. 16163444


Anonymous No. 16163452

There can be no straw man. Your post in its entirety:
>Again not applicable
Not applicable in this case is a conclusion of the argument again, made invalid because it is an appeal to history. The other possibility is that you intend to restate a previous comment which has two knock on effects:
First, spamming is against the rules and therefor you appended something to the text in order to bypass the filter.
Second, your word is meaningless and that makes you unethical swine.
I outright dismiss the latter because we are all men of great esteem, arguing in good faith; however, by asserting this is a strawman, you have refuted the charitable option and left us with only one other. As with all logical fallacies, you have left us in a self-referential paradox.
By admitting to such debasement, you have indicated that we should not pay attention to your words, but it is your very words that lead us to this conclusion. Ergo, despite whatever your argument may have been, I am right by contradiction.
I do like the inclusion of again at the end of this post, as it lets me know that you knew all of this and were just testing me out of mirth. Good game sir.

Anonymous No. 16163540

Ad Hom

Anonymous No. 16163571

>it is an appeal to history
Straw man
>spamming is against the rules
Non sequitur
>therefor you appended something to the text in order to bypass the filter.
Jumping to conclusions
>your word is meaningless
Alleged certainty
>and that makes you unethical swine
Ad hom
>you have refuted the charitable option and left us with only one other.
Black or white fallacy
>you have left us in a self-referential paradox.
Ignoratio Elenchi
>By admitting to such debasement, you have indicated that we should not pay attention to your words
Straw man
>despite whatever your argument may have been, I am right by contradiction.
Circular argument and begging the question

Anonymous No. 16163759

depends what you mean by logical fallacies
We tend to use informal fallacies all the time, just like your post has.

Anonymous No. 16163765

>just like your post has.