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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16178867

Thread that is not going to get deleted for politics - edition

previous >>16176153

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Anonymous No. 16178873
>Elon's opening SpaceX presentation slide to the National Space Society on May 20, 2005.

Anonymous No. 16178876

>As if politics doesn't creep into everything.
Anyway, I still want an SSTO. Let's make an air-breathing engine that can turn into a rocket engine outside the atmosphere and stick it on a space plane that can tip itself straight up for vertical launches on planets with no air.
Who's with me?

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Anonymous No. 16178877
>- How to Train Your Dragon... SpaceX was conducting Dragon retrieval training in Port Canaveral, Florida, this morning. Pic by Greg Scott in the thread.

Anonymous No. 16178878

you have politics and then you have /pol/ shitposting with the self-admitted goal of disrupting and killing /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16178880

Doing some back of the napkin math that seems like about .15kg of ice per square meter giver or take. Doesn’t seem that unreasonable. It’s pretty thin.

Anonymous No. 16178881

>he has been saying the exact same thing for almost ten years now, maybe more.
What causes such behavior?

Anonymous No. 16178885

hear me out, how about we give it a drop tank. That way it will be way lighter and smaller for the same payload to orbit. We probably need boosters to lift it fully fuelled, just enough to lob it out the thick part of the atmopshere and let it do it's ssto thing. to minimize on cost they should pprobably be something simple like solid rocket boosters.

Anonymous No. 16178886

it works

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space is for fagg....jpg

Anonymous No. 16178888

Read up a little bit about the difficulties air breathing engines experience due to issues like inlet shockwaves, you seething transphobic chud. If you had two IQ points to rub together maybe you wouldn't be such an ignorant know-nothing pseud.

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Anonymous No. 16178890


Anonymous No. 16178891

>how about we give it a drop tank
I could live with that.

Anonymous No. 16178893

I want to hear the geostationary satellites operators cope for this. Last time I heard they were mumbling something about ground stations.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16178898

>poltard made an OP so bad people jumped ship in 10 posts
can't make this up

Anonymous No. 16178899

>Read up a little bit about the difficulties air breathing engines experience due to issues like inlet shockwaves
So you're saying we might have to solve problems to make technology better?
Wow, who knew technology would require problem-solving?

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Anonymous No. 16178900

its not going well, you have already had a bunch of mergers and acquisitions I think

Anonymous No. 16178901

As cool as a SSTO would be, it offers really no benefit over a multi stage design where all stages are reuseable.

Anonymous No. 16178902

You need either a revolution in engine technology, extremely expensive materials or accepting you'll only be getting a miniscule payload to orbit. Actually you probably need all three at once.

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Anonymous No. 16178903


Anonymous No. 16178906

>As cool as a SSTO would be, it offers really no benefit over a multi stage design where all stages are reuseable.
Yeah, but it's fucking COOL!
And don't tell me that's not a valid consideration. A priority, no, but valid nonetheless.

Anonymous No. 16178910

As much as I hate Starlink-style constellations (and I do because competitors are going to fill every square inch of the sky with satellites until you can't see the fucking stars anymore), it does have one massive advantage over geostationary systems: It's decentralized. A lost satellite or two makes very little difference to its functionality.

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Anonymous No. 16178912

Why doesnt she appear on stream anymore?

Anonymous No. 16178913

Who's that guy?

Anonymous No. 16178914

Felongated Huskrat is faking the numbers. Hughes is strong.

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Anonymous No. 16178916

>Elon Musk is faking the numbers.

Anonymous No. 16178919

>fill every square inch of the sky with satellites until you can't see the fucking stars anymore
Literally just paint the underside black. It’s that easy in rocketry.

Anonymous No. 16178921

that's not as terrible as I thought it would be.

Anonymous No. 16178923

She shot a scene with Facialabuse.

Anonymous No. 16178926

-30% is pretty bad in just a few years

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Ye Olde KSP.jpg

Anonymous No. 16178927

Wood spacecrafts.

Anonymous No. 16178928

how far have you gotten on the project so far?
let me guess, you've never even passed a calculus class and have zero understanding of the issues involved so all you can contribute is your stupid dunning kruger fantasies

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Anonymous No. 16178930

stupid frogposter, don't reply to bait

Anonymous No. 16178933


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Anonymous No. 16178937

I've got a spare one, just for you

Anonymous No. 16178939

Wood this work?

Anonymous No. 16178940

Nice. Could you send link in gerudo clothes?

Anonymous No. 16178942

I don't know if anybody has tried to put wood in a vacuum but I don't think it would tolerate either the UV exposure or vacuum very well
are you retarded that is the gerudo armor

Anonymous No. 16178943

Yeah, my uncle works at nasa and he said the space shuttle 2 is going to be made out of wood.

Anonymous No. 16178944

You know the version I want.

Anonymous No. 16178947

yeah but I'm not going to dump fanart for a video game on fucking /sci/ are you retarded? It's funny as a joke once.

Anonymous No. 16178951

cork based ablative heat shielding materials exist. idk if they’ve made their way onto any spacecraft though.

Anonymous No. 16178952

wolf link is hotter

Anonymous No. 16178958

cock based ablative heat shielding material
sounds painful

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Anonymous No. 16178965

>I don't know if anybody has tried to put wood in a vacuum but I don't think it would tolerate either the UV exposure or vacuum very well
We're gonna find out pretty soon

Anonymous No. 16178979

satisfy my penus or else

Anonymous No. 16178981

that shit is hardly wood

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Anonymous No. 16178985

Anonymous No. 16178990

its fucking hilarious how much of a debacle the starship heat sield is.

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Anonymous No. 16178994
>Amazing experience seeing a rocket test live at SaxaVord_Space. Great job rfa_space. Feel incredibly lucky to be at the right place at the right time!

This is the part where I'd want to say something something nice about European spaceflight, but that shutdown sequence looked a bit not quite normal.

Anonymous No. 16178995

Good edition, tweet screenshot OPs deserve this treatment

Anonymous No. 16179001

And also remember to port the other thread for spamming/flooding so tranitor gets off his ass.

Anonymous No. 16179002

They say they're using magnolia wood, but I can't find anything on the manufacture process.

Anonymous No. 16179004

best tile no tile

Anonymous No. 16179007

Then best ship is no ship

Anonymous No. 16179008

we had a whole thread on it a few years ago, the amount of processing they do to it is amazing

Anonymous No. 16179014

I mean, at least they didn't crack, right?

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Anonymous No. 16179016


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Anonymous No. 16179018

I have hope. praying for these based Krauts and their beer keg rocket.

Anonymous No. 16179022

The audio for the twitter video didn't have any bangs or pops at the end of the burn, so it might have been okay. Maybe

Anonymous No. 16179023

Is it like a veneer sheet they epoxy onto a normal cubesat, or is the satellite itself built on a skeleton of wood? It seems like the kind of thing that'd have just a thin layer of paneling like an Atari or old station wagon.

Anonymous No. 16179032

>AA is still only flying regional jets between DFW and Brownsville
when will Brownsville get popular enough it gets upgraded to mainline service?

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Anonymous No. 16179034
>For more than five weeks, Dream Chaser and Shooting Star were subjected to multiple cold-hot cycles in a vacuum environment, between -150F to +250F, with teams conducting functional tests at temperature plateaus to verify system performance.
>Temperatures in space can range from the extremely cold – hundreds of degrees below freezing – to several hundred degrees Fahrenheit due to radiation from the sun. TVAC testing is a realistic thermal simulation of the flight environment and critical to ensuring mission success.

This might explain why things are taking so long

Anonymous No. 16179039

I remember reading about this in magazines when I was in school. Feels like it's been in development forever.

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Anonymous No. 16179041

Would you take the one way trip on a generation ship? It seems like the most plausible form of large scale travel, but you are guaranteed to never see it end due to the length of the trip.

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Anonymous No. 16179049

>Huh that seems really light though I guess it makes sense that the frost has a lot of entrained air
Continuing the discussion of how much the ice weighs on a fully stacked and fueled starship. I posted in the wrong thread

Anonymous No. 16179050

As long as I get to bring 11,000 gallons of vodka and some tang powder I'm good

Anonymous No. 16179051

an old kindle and a laptop. Maybe some heirlooms. I'm kind of boring.

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Anonymous No. 16179054

>someone replied
I guess it would depend on some situational factors like a function of temp and humidity on launch day by the time it sits fueled plus some other factors like evap/transpiration from sunlight. Quite a bit of ice can buildup on uninsulated cryo vessles

Anonymous No. 16179055

Sure. I'm not actually a viable option for a generation ship that depends on you know making multiple generations but I wouldn't mind ending up in a cult worshipping the ship with its maintenance manuals acting as holy texts.

Anonymous No. 16179058

I figure some of the starlink adopters are people who were previously priced out of other sat internet services, so it's not exactly a 0 sum thing

Anonymous No. 16179060

just started the first session. anybody else in it? you will know what im talking about and if you dont fuck off

Anonymous No. 16179061

I have good news, Hamilton's Rule means that even in the worst case it probably isn't over for you.

Anonymous No. 16179062

I don't know what you're talking about, and I doubt anyone else does.
Unless you mean the discord thing, then yeah, I'm on.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16179066

i dont mean that and if nobody else knows what im talking about then ignore the post because you all dont need to know.

Anonymous No. 16179068

>the test needed to be completed this week, as after Sunday, SaxaVord will need to be shut down until the end of June because of bird breeding in the area
Also this guy says he has a source in the company confirming it was successful

Anonymous No. 16179078

is this what starbase factory is supposed to look like?

Anonymous No. 16179089

I'm living on board at the moment and thinking about starlink, it is a bit power hungry though. Biggest thing stopping me is that coastal areas are kind of a grey zone. Most people report no issues on the roaming package soclong as you arent way offshore but they can rugpull you any time since it's not meant to be used on the water and then you are stuck with either buying the retard expensive marine package or having to flip a dish that's now a paper weight. Wish they would offer a package for cruisers but i guess its a small market and they are jews.

Anonymous No. 16179091

no competition means they can charge what they want, unfortunately.

Anonymous No. 16179102

I know I know. I wouldn't mind paying the same price or a bit more as boomers do for their caravan roaming package since its basically the same service, not far enough away from ground stations for needing laser comms. It's just being stuck in a grey area that is garbage.

Anonymous No. 16179109

looks very Myst

Anonymous No. 16179113

>SaxaVord will need to be shut down until the end of June because of bird breeding
it's almost as bad as JAXA having to shut down Tanagashima because the fishing lobby saying that their catch was getting scared

Anonymous No. 16179114

that's the starlink factory

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S-K-Y_H-0-0-K_C-H-@-N No. 16179122

All you chemical rocket cultists need to watch Dr. O'Dowd's newest video. He really spells out how difficult it is to get humans to our nearest star. The distances, times, and ship size all help explain why it can not and will not ever be possible with chemical rockets. He clearly points to the water shield being key to space exploration. You can't launch the water let alone the ship, crew, and misc junk. It would take Starship hundreds if not thousands of launches to build a single interstellar generation ship that had any hopes of success. That's a single ship too! Even if you scale that down for Mars it's only going to be 1/4 the scale at best. Becoming a multi planet species is impossible with ONLY CHEMICAL ROCKETS. Hopefully as Tesla collapses into ass gas you cultists will begin to wake up and do some real work towards space flight in the 21st Century.

Anonymous No. 16179125

You can have that on Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16179131

here's your practical and cost-effective ssto bro

Anonymous No. 16179132

imagine the shenanigans martian rocketeers will get up to

Anonymous No. 16179140

hey dumbass we’re just focusing on moon/mars right now. Not a single person gives a shit about a manned proxima mission. It’s a problem for our kids kids kids kids kids, aka NOT GONNA HAPPEN IN OUR LIFETIME and we all know this

Anonymous No. 16179142

How the fuck would this make a good pressure vessel huh. Riddle me that

Anonymous No. 16179145

We're about to get another 100 post samefag sperg out session from the namefag it seems.

Anonymous No. 16179146

pressure vessel? it need to hold like 5 psi. who cares

Anonymous No. 16179149

Mars has seasons but does it have any recognized month divisions/names?

Anonymous No. 16179153

I don't really understand why the cargo version exists.
It's just to test the for crew version, right?

Anonymous No. 16179155

Lurk more dammit this is spaceflight knowledge 101, literally tip of the iceberg

Anonymous No. 16179156

just report him

Anonymous No. 16179157

we'll have to wait for an international agreement on a time and date system for mars. dont expect anything for at least 10-20 years.

Anonymous No. 16179161

Already done 3 times over

Anonymous No. 16179163

reported for announcing a report

Anonymous No. 16179165


Anonymous No. 16179166

Martians should have to use Earth time to remind them to keep grateful and servile.

Anonymous No. 16179170

How about go fuck yourself

Anonymous No. 16179173

are the seasons standardized? They’re just called “winter, spring, summer, autumn” everywhere in the entire universe I guess huh

Anonymous No. 16179179

Is martian fall and spring distinct from each other? I'm tempted to say they are basically the same when you don't have plants or melting ice

Anonymous No. 16179191

i hate that we're so reliant on spacex because space is too difficult for everyone else

Anonymous No. 16179193

how many propulsion systems have been tested in space? I don't mean used, I mean tested, so that spaceships can maybe use hybrid systems, some for getting to space and some for traveling throgh space

Anonymous No. 16179194


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Anonymous No. 16179195

but seriously

Anonymous No. 16179199

why are there 2 /sfg/s, and why does it look completely dead here?


Anonymous No. 16179202

seems like you might want to dilate

Anonymous No. 16179205

the other one is retarded trannybait that's probably going to be deleted when the janny wakes up
this is a normal level of activity?

Anonymous No. 16179213

so now that "15 refuelling flights is a hoax" trannies have been obliterated by Kathy leaders herself, where will the goalpost move to now?

Anonymous No. 16179214

want me to dilate your ass? bend over, you fucking faggot

Anonymous No. 16179215

Its still there until they actually do it. But once it happens then its cadence.

Anonymous No. 16179222

I dont speak this language
How many refueling flights for a lunar lander

Anonymous No. 16179223

15. It's been known as fact for almost a year but trannies who can't accept any criticism of spacex kept repeating it was a lie, but now even spacex says its true.

Anonymous No. 16179224

negative 2. they actually dump fuel overboard because they have too much

Anonymous No. 16179227

What are your thoughts on living on Mars and having your cat stick to the ceiling with his claws and you cant get him down.

Anonymous No. 16179230

cats go out the airlock

Anonymous No. 16179231

(You) first

Anonymous No. 16179234

it was 15 refills to get to mars
and while it takes a similar dV to get to the moon, the required payload for HLS landing 1 is going to be peanuts because no useful mass can be brought back on orion. so I would still expect low teens at most

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Anonymous No. 16179238

It would make much more sense to send off our DNA and have humans lab-grown on site, instead of making flying city to send out. Hell cryo sleep is a much more feasible challenge then keeping 500 people alive for 500 years.

Anonymous No. 16179240

Fuck off

Anonymous No. 16179241

I wonder how fast all that cryo would boil off
It should be possible to get a good estimate, we know the material starship tanks are made out of

If a full orbital tank takes 2 years to boil, we could have fuel sitting in orbit just to be ready for anything, and you just top off the fuel depo whenever you have the chance
If it's 2 months to boil, then you need to tightly coordinate all 15+ launches

Anonymous No. 16179248

38% Earth gravity means you can jump and reach the cat, dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16179254

Mars needs strong families, not gay men and crazy cat ladies.

Anonymous No. 16179268

Just cut their claws off, all they use then for is being little cunts and torturing small animals anyway. Cats are the niggers of the animal kingdom.

Anonymous No. 16179281

there won't be any pets allowed in the pioneer mars colony
waste of resources

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Anonymous No. 16179286

Why can't spacex use magnets to hold the tiles on?

The obvious problem with putting magnets in the tiles is magnets degrade wtih heat, and its unclear what would keep them from sliding around

But what if you put magnets on the inside of the hull, with very magnetic steel inside the tiles. Magnets get better when chilled, and each tile is attracted to a specifc point

Anonymous No. 16179301


Anonymous No. 16179303

bugman mentality you might as well pack the starships full of only optimus bots and have those be the entire colony
there will be dogs and you will play fetch with them and you will be happy

Anonymous No. 16179307

This is a fake, duplicate /sfg/

>>16178834 is the real /sfg/

>>16178869 it wasn't deleted, you're just a butthurt attention whore, thats why you started a duplicate /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16179310

didn't ask

Anonymous No. 16179314

btw since this thread is apparantly not /sfg/ then we won't be reconnecting with the other one when page 10 comes.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16179318

I shit in my own mouth i literally eat my own shit!!!!

Anonymous No. 16179321

lol cope
the first colonists would be autist ubermensch who are fine with samey meal plans and have the mental fortitude to function without superfluous trifles like "pets"

Anonymous No. 16179327

spam thread
enjoy ur b& op

Anonymous No. 16179335


I'm thinking a young male and female of a good breed will be early arrivers on Mars and their puppies will be a welcome addition later on and highly sought after by colony families.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16179337

be less of a gay nigger and maybe people will use your threads

Anonymous No. 16179348

Why was there a delay from the first starship stacking in 2022 to the first test flight?

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Anonymous No. 16179354

too many plovers on the launch pad

Anonymous No. 16179363


Anonymous No. 16179382

just today during the event kathy lueders mentioned how much spacexers love their dogs. they won't be autist ubermensch they'll be sociable chads who bring ping pong tables golf clubs and yes dogs
you can do your wehrmacht battalion larp eventually if you want but that isn't going to be the first wave. enjoy the chud barracks away from everyone else

Anonymous No. 16179386

im gonna be in the chud barracks mewing to looksmaxxing tiktok edits with phonk music while edging to rocket girl yuri fr fr no cap

Anonymous No. 16179394

Im gonna kill the whole colony then

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Anonymous No. 16179396

Uhhh spacebros

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Anonymous No. 16179398


Anonymous No. 16179416

>no new flares in days
it's over

Anonymous No. 16179419

Fucking finally. I hated all the flare posts holy shit the discussion has been so bad

Anonymous No. 16179427

We talk about space all the time but we aren't profiting off of it. Why don't we become industry analysts? Our tickets to mars aren't going to buy themselves.

Anonymous No. 16179436

this >>16179060 was in reference to something directly related to that. you ask why we arent already doing it, i ask why you think we arent. non-spaceflight industry collegiates/professionals are not allowed to post here from now on

Anonymous No. 16179445

Anonymous No. 16179446

im basedfacing rn

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Anonymous No. 16179450

No, "humans" will never visit other stars, stay mad Timmy.

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Anonymous No. 16179454


Anonymous No. 16179456

>shitliner delayed again
lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 16179458

Fake as shit link your article by Berger, Clark, Foust or Davenport or fuck off

Anonymous No. 16179462

/sfg/ becomes the most powerful general

Anonymous No. 16179466

faggot faggot faggot

Anonymous No. 16179475

this is three day old news retard

Anonymous No. 16179481

not my problem, retard

Anonymous No. 16179605

is an L2 subscription worth getting

Anonymous No. 16179620

delicious /pol/tard seethe
kill yourself faggot.

Anonymous No. 16179630

Got a twitter after they forced accounts to view posts. It's incredibly awful. I don't know why, it just is, can't even use it just to browse spaceflight stuff. Maybe I should delete my account.

Anonymous No. 16179636

you need to follow enough spaceflight related accounts, mute accounts you don't want to see and generally curate your feed

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Anonymous No. 16179638

by curate you can click on the upper right corner of a post on the main feed and click "Not interested in this post"

Anonymous No. 16179639

also, interacting with posts is a sign for the algorithm to feed you more of the same
if you see something you don't like, don't start replying to it if you don't want to see more of the same
just mute the account or do the "not interested" thing, you also need to stop following accounts if they start posting too much uninteresting shit (which has happened with some bigger accounts after monetization)

Anonymous No. 16179641

I have never posted, but I try to signal what I want with the heart things.

Anonymous No. 16179648

it really is shocking how the search function on X straight up doesn't work. I search for something and it comes up with like 3 results only, and all from 2016 or earlier. Or god forbid I search and it comes up with lots of results but TOTALLY unrelated to what I searched. Usually shows gay porn when I search for trains etc.

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Podkletnov antigr....gif

Anonymous No. 16179653

we can't use magnets because we don't know how they work and scientists have been deceptive on the topic

Anonymous No. 16179654

the few times I've used it it has been fine (search for a specific post in some screenshot), don't use it often though

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Anonymous No. 16179660

I dunno if anyone else feels like this, but it feels very clustrophobic and echo-chambery, moreso than Reddit even. My entire feed is like a dozen terminally online spaceflight related people, half of which also post here [spoiler]like me[/spoiler]

>I search for trains

Anonymous No. 16179665

just follow more people then

Anonymous No. 16179668

There is also the problem that if your follows follow shit accounts it's gonna promote their content to you too.

Anonymous No. 16179669

yes but then you mute the retarded shit
sometimes you find some quite interesting stuff (generally, not related to spaceflight so much)

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Anonymous No. 16179671

I'm a Carrington truther now, its as fake as Helen Keller

Anonymous No. 16179673

It's because the sunspot is on the side of the sun facing away from earth right now.

Anonymous No. 16179674

It's fucking over.

Anonymous No. 16179677

why is she such a lewd slut?

Anonymous No. 16179679

The ideal climate has
-a constant temperature of 27 Celsius
-30 mm rain every single night
-blue sky every day
-constant 10 km/h wind that never changes direction
Is this too much to ask for bros?

Anonymous No. 16179681

>27 Degrees Celsius
Too hot, you want that at 18-22.

Anonymous No. 16179682

Martians should have to use Earth time to remind them of a time before Earth was a cratered nuclear wasteland.

Anonymous No. 16179686

Because of Mars' orbit, the seasons are of different lengths depending on which hemisphere you're in. Northern summer much longer than it's winter and vice versa for the south.

Anonymous No. 16179691

Too hot and humid. I don't want to live in a jungle.

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viking mars nerds.jpg

Anonymous No. 16179695

>The year is divided into 24 months. The first 5 months in each quarter have 28 sols, while the final month has 27 sols unless it is the final month of a leap year, when it contains the leap sol as its final sol.
>The calendar maintains a seven-sol week, but the week is restarted from its first sol at the start of each month. If a month has 27 sols, this causes the final sol of the week to be omitted.
>This is partly for tidiness and can also be rationalised as making the average length of the Martian week close to the average length of the Terrestrial week; 28 Earth days is very close to 27+1⁄4 Martian sols, whereas a month is an average length of 27+5⁄6 Martian sols.

Anonymous No. 16179703

I wonder how difficult it would be to adjust to a 24h 40min day

Anonymous No. 16179726

Which extremophiles could survive atvthe bottom of Europa's ocean?

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Anonymous No. 16179729

Europa is lifeless

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Anonymous No. 16179732
>Another section of Starbase Orbital Launch Tower 2 is ready to roll out later tonight.

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Anonymous No. 16179733


Anonymous No. 16179737

The fact that there are still customers for HughestNet blows my mind. If your family still uses HughesNet, you should be ashamed of yourself. Its dogshit

Anonymous No. 16179741

Yep. The follow accts you like, use "not interested in this post" feature.

Also filter words. I filter garbage politics in my feed. Biden, Ukraine, Trump, War, Israel, Gaza, Palestine, Bitcoin, coin, etc

Anonymous No. 16179768


Anonymous No. 16179772

Can someoe explain to me how Starship is supposed to survive a single engine RUD if from V2 onwards it will have NO engine shielding??

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Carbon dioxide ge....jpg

Anonymous No. 16179774

Absolutely based, hate those niggerstars

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Red dwarf breakfast.jpg

Anonymous No. 16179780

>How would you feel if you didn't flare yesterday?
>But I did flare yesterday

Anonymous No. 16179794

what rover took this iamge? before you anser, if its cg then the entire theory of gay-zers is fake and gay.

Anonymous No. 16179812

Is there any conceivable universe in which transpiration works? I hate tiles so much it's unreal.

Anonymous No. 16179813

Mars Polar Lander, don’t you remember? It was huge news.

Anonymous No. 16179815

>spend forever making sure everything is perfect
this is a recipe for failure

Anonymous No. 16179821

Every month is March

Anonymous No. 16179828

You get an extra half hour sleep-in time every morning, sounds great

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16179829

t. too stupid to use a web browser

Anonymous No. 16179834

Use Unix time. 10 digits counting seconds from 1 Jan 1970. 100000 seconds is about 1.1 standard earth days, so the leading 5 digits become the space date and the trailing 5 the time of day.

Anonymous No. 16179835


Anonymous No. 16179838

why would flares be a problem for planets with magnetic fields?

Anonymous No. 16179843

The southern interior of the single continent is going to be a frozen shithole after terraforming, perfect for white people.
On the other hand the Northern Sea might be prevented from forming an ice cap, which could be advantageous so as to maintain a lower albedo.

Anonymous No. 16179845

>30 mm rain every single night
That's a fucking deluge

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Anonymous No. 16179847


Anonymous No. 16179851

>Brown Dwarf
Stars look a lot better dim and covered in spots. Better than blinding white.

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Anonymous No. 16179858

There's some very obvious biological activity near the south pole of Mars that comes and goes with the seasons. As usual crackpot abioticists came up with a Rube Goldberg geological explanation.

Anonymous No. 16179875

is that like the black shit which venom uses for his suit?

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Chris Moore space....jpg

Anonymous No. 16179888

there are 2 issues
1. a planet in a red dwarf HZ will be tidally locked and therefore a slow rotation and therefore a weak magnetic field
2. a planet in a red dwarf HZ is vastly closer to its star than Earth and therefore will be hit by much more intense CMEs, much more frequently. even a planet with a decent field would struggle at that distance

Anonymous No. 16179924

I'll take a dry 80 every day.

Anonymous No. 16179938

nigga wants to live in the triassic

Anonymous No. 16179943

Cats aren't afraid of heights.
When it's tired it will just leave the ceiling and drop down, probably on its legs.
I wonder which animal would adapt better at low gravity, I think cats have good chances.
Fish most probably, but being in water is a special case.
It probably makes also some difference if they are born there.

Anonymous No. 16179944

I always thought dinosaurs were cool, but I'm more of a Cretaceous guy my self

Anonymous No. 16179973

dinosaur general

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Anonymous No. 16179974

>destroys a beautiful future of spaceflight coorperation

Hey nothing personal sfg

Anonymous No. 16179977

It is a mistake for Venus to not be a lush jungle world teeming with dinosaurs.
This mistake must be corrected.

Anonymous No. 16179988

are you telling me that gods creationis not perfect? go to hell.

Anonymous No. 16179989

Look at Venus and tell me the devil didn't fuck a good thing up there just because.

Anonymous No. 16179998

This is /sci/

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Anonymous No. 16180009

Common sense sceptic is now an ally of /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16180011

I like it how he was eating ESGhound out on one video then they completely fell out in the background and he never mentioned him again.

Anonymous No. 16180013

I don't follow twitter people

Anonymous No. 16180017

go back to discord tranny.

Anonymous No. 16180020

I'd paying to watch lesbian sex between those two

Anonymous No. 16180027
we need a spacex/anduril collab for robot drones to populate the solar system

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Anonymous No. 16180028

Your fotograph is doctored

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Anonymous No. 16180030

It's even worse: at Mars' aphelion, the southern hemispere is in its winter, so the southern hemisphere has harsher seasons in general. The winters in the south are brutal, even for mars, and while the summers are very hot, they're also very short. Even worse again, the end of southern summer is dust storm season, which lowers temps by quite a bit and sometimes spreads to the north.
The south is shit.
Northern spring/southern fall is actually the longest season (it lasts 194 sols). Northern fall (shortest season) is about 52 sols shorter.
the better way is to do away with months (months are lunar, no utility on mars) and use intervals of solar longitude (Ls), which is relatively easy to locally calculate even if you've lost track of time. Rover operators use this, so it seems pretty useful.

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Anonymous No. 16180033

meant to post picrel instead, but whatever.
Might as well post about how shit dust storms are: Did you know that every time mars has a significant dust storm, large amounts of water are transported to the upper atmosphere and lost to space? Yeah.

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Anonymous No. 16180034

Thoughts on this thing I found. How would gravity work on if if they rotated

Anonymous No. 16180036

maybe u are the shooper, but not i

Anonymous No. 16180040

Fake CSS and tweet
Real CSS by follower count

Anonymous No. 16180045

IIRC they use cork as part of the heat shielding in the engine skirt of the SLS core stage.

Anonymous No. 16180047

Hey fuckwit answer >>16180034

Anonymous No. 16180048

It's an absolutely trivial answer if you understand the principles behind spin gravity. lrn2physics

Anonymous No. 16180049

How do you intend to dock that shit?

Anonymous No. 16180050

I prefer martian calendar discussions.

Anonymous No. 16180052

Slow down the station rotation for docks, but what if you just rotate the ships individually in place for artificial gravity??

Anonymous No. 16180053

Since the astronauts will be at a small radius they will experience a smaller G than the rest of the ship
If you want the astronauts at 10m radius to have 0.5 G, the bottom of the ship at 50m will be at 2.5 G
So it depends if starship is structurally strong enough to not rip apart when you hang it by its tip and at super gravity
Since it isn't optimized to do this, it saves weight by not being able to do this
So it shouldn't work.

Anonymous No. 16180054

Coriolis force would make that contraption a roman shower no matter which way you spin it.

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Anonymous No. 16180060

I shall now remind /sfg/ that we have already seen a spinhab in action.
Thank you Nauka.

Anonymous No. 16180063

soyuz tried to deorbit the station

Anonymous No. 16180066

You could probably make spin gravity work on starship.
Take 2 of them, attach long (200m+) cables to their moint points, pull the cable taight, aim the starships towards eachother, then spin the whole thing along an axis perpendicular to the cables
This way, the top an bottom are 100m radius and 150m radius, so they have similar-ish G's.

Anonymous No. 16180076

Anonymous No. 16180080

America is better

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Anonymous No. 16180084

irrefutable FACT
non sequitur, nobody mentioned americans.

Anonymous No. 16180087

Replying to yourself is cringe

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Anonymous No. 16180088


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Scott Manley FAG ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16180090


Anonymous No. 16180093

I don't think America is very good at building Soyuz at the moment

Anonymous No. 16180095

Include the original message in that screenshot too since you have 4chanX. Inspect Element couldve been done there easily

Anonymous No. 16180097

stupid frogposter

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all me by the way.png

Anonymous No. 16180098

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Anonymous No. 16180099

k, I guess.

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Anonymous No. 16180100

divide et impera

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David A. Hardy as....jpg

Anonymous No. 16180103

Anonymous No. 16180114

just because we havent done it doesnt mean we arent better at it

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Anonymous No. 16180126

I miss when he wasnt cringe

Anonymous No. 16180129

The helium pressurization leak in the Boeing Starliner spacecraft's propulsion system has not yet been eliminated. A launch next Tuesday is off the table; it appears NASA and Boeing are targeting a no-earlier-than launch on 5/25

Anonymous No. 16180130

it's so fucking over it never even began

Anonymous No. 16180133

hatsune miku x Space-x?

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Anonymous No. 16180139


Anonymous No. 16180140

weird that she wasnt one of the 12 seats for dear moon

Anonymous No. 16180153

the coriolis would be horrible at the cargo section near the hub, but down near the engines it would probably be ok

Anonymous No. 16180155

I want to see some v-tumors win a trip to the moon and on the day of the launch they get their suits on but at the last minute they are redirected to a cuckshed from which they have to live stream in character for the duration of the mission

Anonymous No. 16180156

Can you use radon gas in a hall effect thruster?

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Venus landscape e....jpg

Anonymous No. 16180159

sure but why would you?

Anonymous No. 16180176


Anonymous No. 16180180

fuck off

Anonymous No. 16180187

it needs to hit 40 C consistently

Anonymous No. 16180188

Is it possible to terraform a planet so that it's exactly like earth, but with no black people?

Anonymous No. 16180190

wouldn't be too hard to terraform terra to be like that, but the envirofags and black people would be fussy about it

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Anonymous No. 16180191


Anonymous No. 16180193

new hullo

Anonymous No. 16180195

delayed et homosexual

Anonymous No. 16180197


Anonymous No. 16180204

this thread is spam, the real /sfg/ is >>16178834
check the times on the OPs of each thread

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Anonymous No. 16180276

Small Rockets
>Blue Origin launch on tap this weekend.
>Spaceport Camden is officially no more.
>Polaris Spaceplanes moves on to bigger things.

Medium Rockets
>Starliner launch still on hold.
>India test-fires 3D-printed engine

Heavy Rockets
>Pentagon concerned about Vulcan delays
>ULA hit with government fines.
>More regulatory headwinds for Starship.

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Anonymous No. 16180281

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Anonymous No. 16180282

classics of /sfg/

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Anonymous No. 16180285

>Space Port Candem is no more
I always thought that was a forced meme anyways. Anyways, speaking of Candem county, there was a Thiokol plant there that went boom once upon a time

Anonymous No. 16180286

common SRB L

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Anonymous No. 16180288
>AST SpaceMobile ($ASTS) clinched a deal with AT&T to provide satellite-to-cell connectivity through 2030, the two companies announced Wednesday.
>Public markets cheered the definitive commercial agreement signed with the country’s largest cellular provider, propelling AST’s stock up nearly 70% yesterday and pushing its market cap to $1B+.

some competition for starlink direct to-cell, ASTS satellites are arguably much more effective and will be able to do some data as well, but they only have one prototype satellite in space as far as I know and its not going to be a megaconstellation
you also have starlink v2 might remove most of that competitive advantage of ASTS

Anonymous No. 16180293
john carmack reviewed the jew anti mars book

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Anonymous No. 16180294

Blue Origin doing a suborbital hop again on Sunday

Anonymous No. 16180298

>But in general, if you care about something, “wait until it is easier” is usually not good advice. You try to do important things despite them being hard, because you think they are worth it. You try and fail, over and over, looking for angles on the problem that change the difficulty. Exploring a problem by actively trying to solve it gives different results than just studying it.

Anonymous No. 16180312

not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16180316

It reaches space, it's spaceflight related.

Anonymous No. 16180319

They literally just left a complete mars rover on earth, holy fuck i hate politics

Anonymous No. 16180322

No orbit, no spaceflight. It's like saying climbing a ladder is mountaineering.

Anonymous No. 16180323

/sfg/ needs a bot to reply this to all the clapping Xeets saying otherwise

Anonymous No. 16180324

I'm so excited. You literally can't knock blue. They do some serious shit and do what they say they are going to do. Theyve been flying astronuats since years before SpaceX. I think it's an acheivement which doesn't get enough coverage in certain quaters.

Anonymous No. 16180326

They built the first reusable rocket

Anonymous No. 16180328

Nobody even seems to know or care this fact. SpaceX even had to violate the Blue patent on droneship recovery because Blue has been cooking serious business for a long time.

Anonymous No. 16180329

if we're counting reusable rockets that don't reach orbit, then the honor goes to ching long-dong who refilled a spent paper rocket with black powder back in 1309

Anonymous No. 16180334

Im still excited for the day SpaceX loses claim to pad 39A. Blue rightfully deserves it from a heritage standpoint alone

Anonymous No. 16180340

Allegedly the crew of Columbia died within seconds of the spacecraft depressurization due to "muh exposure to space". But werent they wearing pressure suits?

Anonymous No. 16180343

Obviously not if they died within seconds moron

Anonymous No. 16180348

So they decided to undress for that particular reentry?

Anonymous No. 16180351

The pressure suits do not have internal air supplies or the ability to maintain internal pressure, and depend on spacecraft systems for it. The only purpose of the suit is to prevent death in the event of a Soyuz 11 style loss of cabin pressure.

Anonymous No. 16180352

procedure was to take them off during reentry for comfort

Anonymous No. 16180353

they had the visors up

Anonymous No. 16180354

>The remains of the crew members indicated they all experienced depressurization. The astronauts' helmets have a visor that, when closed, can temporarily protect the crew member from depressurization. Some of the crew members had not closed their visors, and one was not wearing a helmet; this would indicate that depressurization occurred quickly before they could take protective measures.

Anonymous No. 16180355

We should have reentered two crews at the same time, so that if one crew is lost, at least we have another redundant crew

Anonymous No. 16180357

>The pressure suits do not have internal air supplies
Wouldnt kill you in seconds
>or the ability to maintain internal pressure
what do you mean?
Then they must not be pressure suits.
>Soyuz 11 style loss of cabin pressure
basically what happened to Columbia which allegedly killed the crew

Anonymous No. 16180358

I stopped watching baldy mcshithead a while ago but this popped up on my recommended and I’m actually going to watch it tonight. Any chance to dunk on the russian space program makes me lel (plus I actually like shenzhou unironically)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16180360

Redundant Air of Inexpensive Astronauts

Anonymous No. 16180362

>It would take Starship hundreds if not thousands of launches
Musk's plan is to build one or two a day, which is about the same as Tesla's output by raw material mass, and comparable to Boeing's plane output. Those all being reusable, 1000 launches might take place Q1 2030. You old space guys don't understand what a paradigm shift this rocket is

Anonymous No. 16180363

i think they probably got burned pretty bad

Anonymous No. 16180364

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Astronauts

Anonymous No. 16180366

I mean the suits are not self-pressurizing: an external air supply provides pressure, along with breathable air.

Anonymous No. 16180368

>basically what happened to Columbia which allegedly killed the crew
Honestly probably just someone trying to make people feel less bad that the astronauts got whipped around by extreme G-forces before getting flash-fried by reentry plasma while very rapidly and aggressively slowing down in a hypersonic air stream.

Anonymous No. 16180377

>SpaceX will be the largest company on Earth
There's no way this is true, right?

Anonymous No. 16180380

probably not, but it will be much bigger than it is now and who knows what happens with space industry and what other lines of business SpaceX gets into

Anonymous No. 16180387

No, on other places in the solar system maybe but definetly not Urf

Anonymous No. 16180402

Who is SpaceGuy5?

Anonymous No. 16180403

Dont worry yourself with twitter drama.

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Anonymous No. 16180405

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Anonymous No. 16180408

starliner will be announced to be delayed again, to no ones surprise

Anonymous No. 16180409

a seething faggot

Anonymous No. 16180419

Meh, who knows what would have happen with the recent Russian success ratio. Even with ESA's quality control it didn't look good.

Anonymous No. 16180426

Just use a dyson sphere you cuck. No more radiation, HAPPY?

Anonymous No. 16180427

this is a danger to the integrity of the inflatable habitat
True. And their owners(me) will like them even if they bring me dead birds

Anonymous No. 16180429

Oh and also if the night would always last 8 hours and day 16 hours.

Anonymous No. 16180431

friday news dumps are always bad news related

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Anonymous No. 16180433

the russian launch caused the government to temporarily close the airspace off of california for 10 days

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Anonymous No. 16180434

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Anonymous No. 16180438

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Anonymous No. 16180439

Anonymous No. 16180440

oh no

Anonymous No. 16180441

Anon predicted the most obvious news
And this anon too

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Anonymous No. 16180442

> claim to be a Kardashev 2 civilization
> get laughed out of galactic society when they learn you only have the 'power' of a M6V glowworm

Anonymous No. 16180443

sometimes i want to vote for biden because im not a big trump fan but then shit like this happens. yes, spacex is violating the constitution, right...

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Anonymous No. 16180444

from an actual tranny on discord

Anonymous No. 16180446

Go back there and stay there you fucking faggot troon lover

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Anonymous No. 16180448

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16180449

To counter the Isaacman ego point:

Anonymous No. 16180450

They get to live another week. Hooray.

Anonymous No. 16180455

it's good news for boings two sacrifices

Anonymous No. 16180456

do we celebrate?

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Anonymous No. 16180457

imagine being mock executed repeatedly by boeing over a course of months and even years
never knowing if the next time will be real

Anonymous No. 16180458

Probably. The challenger crew was alive until they hit the water.
>t. Have heard a first hand account from someone who was in mission control, albeit they were pretty drunk at the time of telling

Anonymous No. 16180464

I would never want to touch a gay man, not even a dead one, but these russian boys got their hands all over em

Anonymous No. 16180469

after some deliberation I have decided to not write a provocative reply to your post after all.

Anonymous No. 16180470

It's confirmed and known that the astronauts on Challenger were alive until they hit the water.

Anonymous No. 16180471

>Posting literally who idiots from Twitter
Should be bannable lmao

Anonymous No. 16180472

the sad thing is that starliner may be a sad joke, but the fact that it's one of three manned spacecraft that america* has makes other countries look like an even worse joke

* five if you count suborbitals

Anonymous No. 16180473

should be laudable, I need some entertaiment

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Anonymous No. 16180477

Anonymous No. 16180484

Well they are russians after all.

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skylab 1979 helm.jpg

Anonymous No. 16180485

why didn't they jump out just before impact?

Anonymous No. 16180488

Treating this as if it's a serous question: the orbiter cabin did not have egress capabilities and the astronauts did not have any kind of parachutes to slow them down.

Anonymous No. 16180490

im 100% on board with isaacman trying to fix hubble. idk why people are so against progress just because a billionaire is involved. too many people are black and white thinkers.

Anonymous No. 16180494

>NASA middle managers are willingly destroying an artifact of taxpayer ownership to spite the only vehicle/group willing to keep the telescope functional
Petty :(

Anonymous No. 16180497

When are we just gonna let the money pit deorbit and send up a cheaper and more capable telescope?

Anonymous No. 16180499

what did he mean by solar cycle removing rescue points?

Anonymous No. 16180501

the upper atmoshpere gets heated by solar storms so expands and makes the hubble orbit degrade much faster

Anonymous No. 16180505


Anonymous No. 16180507

>NASA doesn’t want to risk a telescope and the lives of the repair crew on a here-to-fore unproven mission architecture when they can wait 8 years until the telescope degraded and the mission plan is mature
nuanced :(

Anonymous No. 16180508

I’m tired of pretending it’s funny; It is an insult to every tax paying American that Starliner got the bigger $$$ contract and has yet to deliver a SINGLE soul to orbit. Dragon 2 got the “budget deal,” and is arguably in its latter-half life cycle having already safely delivered+returned lots of people to space.

Anonymous No. 16180511

Hi spaceguy5

Anonymous No. 16180513

nigger they can literally just do it on polaris dawn 5 instead of 2

Anonymous No. 16180515

Hubble needs to be serviced by a “serious” vehicle, such as Starliner-SLS.
This isn’t a child’s toy.

Anonymous No. 16180518

Shuttle had a 1 in 9 chance of going wrong during the Hubble serving mission. I’m tired of these boomer NASA niggers acting like Dragon isn’t holy enough to approach a telescope and save it from destruction.
Complete and total death to oldspace

Anonymous No. 16180519

There were people within NASA who specifically campaigned to block the development of human rated launchers derived from existing commercial launchers after the Saturn V was canned. NASA has no reason to exist if all of its operations can be accomplished without it.

Anonymous No. 16180520

can they do? what about the space weather

Anonymous No. 16180523

This guy is falling in with the wrong crowd

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Anonymous No. 16180524

Just think of it as hastening the decline of the american empire

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Anonymous No. 16180525


Anonymous No. 16180526

ULA also got 60% of NROL launches with a unproven rocket and now ULA is getting fined for delays and pentagon is worried about the ability of ULA to scale
ULA is also supposed to launch Kuiper (along with Ariane 6 and New Glenn)
its not really looking good for Kuiper either, perhaps they think the regulators will be lax on them to give Starlink some competition

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Anonymous No. 16180527


Anonymous No. 16180529

>fraser cain
Could never stand this ugly fag. It was always obvious what he was about.

Anonymous No. 16180530

NASA should focus on pure science missions and leave the launches, servicing etc to private companies

Anonymous No. 16180532

unpopular opinion: we need to stop immortalizing dead astronauts. It is indeed sad, but people put columbia and challenger and apollo 1 on a weird pedestal like it’s taboo to make fun of it or acknowledge that it can/will happen again in the future.

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Anonymous No. 16180534


Anonymous No. 16180535

Yeah Cain has no real interest in space. John Michael Godier might be an alien schizo but at least he interviews interested people.

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Anonymous No. 16180536

I agree, but you can still pay your respects.

Anonymous No. 16180540

Fair enough, I do not disagree

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Anonymous No. 16180542


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Anonymous No. 16180543


Anonymous No. 16180545

Can't you see that it's been shrinking? It used to be that NASA was in full control of human spaceflight in America.
Sooner or later their relevance will reduce again. Who's to say that someone else can't do scientific missions better, without even having to go through NASA? (apart from maybe regulatory reasons)

Anonymous No. 16180546


Anonymous No. 16180550

>Who's to say that someone else can't do scientific missions better
this will be demonstrated no later than next year and fully accepted as fact by the end of this decade

Anonymous No. 16180551

they probably could, but private companies don't have a financial interest to do pure science
why should NASA do shit that private companies could do better and for no cost to the tax payer? seems retarded to me

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Anonymous No. 16180552

>Q. What does NASA stand for?
>A. Need Another Seven Astronauts

Anonymous No. 16180558

>why should NASA do shit that private companies could do better and for no cost to the tax payer?
Is exactly the question the american taxpayer or the OIG might start asking, which is exactly what NASA wishes to avoid.

Anonymous No. 16180565

I remember seeing this render in a pop-sci video
clicked off immediately

Anonymous No. 16180567

Quick! where did you get video of astronaut FEET in zero g? I need to find out urgently for research purposes while my wife is asleep.

Anonymous No. 16180579

>for those of you hissing, it should be noted that this joke was written by a dead astronaut

Anonymous No. 16180592

Take all the spaceflight shit you're following and put it into it's own list. Then when you want space just look in there

Anonymous No. 16180595

>Just kidding, we don't hire losers

Anonymous No. 16180598

Anonymous No. 16180600


Anonymous No. 16180605

>two consecutive twitter links + a single word
Take a screenshot at least. That first one needs a webm or something.

Anonymous No. 16180610

Anonymous No. 16180611

You trust JPL to design something cheaper?

Anonymous No. 16180613

kathy doesnt know shit. she calls it "falcon 9 heavy" like fuck haha

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Anonymous No. 16180614

You rn

Anonymous No. 16180615

I will fucking destroy this general

Anonymous No. 16180617

>kathy doesnt know shit
bad look since she's incharge of starbase LOL.

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Anonymous No. 16180618

This is me

Anonymous No. 16180620

Just attack China before they can reach the Moon. I'll take WW3 over national embarrassment

Anonymous No. 16180622

Frogs WILL survive.

Anonymous No. 16180623

"in charge" lol. nasa veterans (kathy, gerst, various astronauts) get hired at spacex bc it's a corrupt operation. get more contracts that way. you know, same as how boeing/locksmart does it

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Anonymous No. 16180624

There's probably more in here, it's just a lot of footage. (haha)

Anonymous No. 16180626


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von braun no wvb.jpg

Anonymous No. 16180630


Anonymous No. 16180631

>that webm
Good lord. If she flew like that without socks on that would be enough for me to file a sexual harassment case. (after unscheduled contact with my tongue/nose)

Anonymous No. 16180632

too bad Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter instead of Mars, think of what 21 fragments, the largest around 2km in diameter, hitting Mars would have done

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Anonymous No. 16180633

Anonymous No. 16180637

you'd have the "bottom" of the ship doing 0.5g and everything closer in at 0.4g, 0.3g, etc etc, retard, nothing spun in space is every going to be built for 2.5g or spin that fucking fast, again: retard

Anonymous No. 16180649

FUD isn't nuance, it's putting walls around someone's government fiefdom.

Anonymous No. 16180652

Starliner. huh. kinda like 787 Dreamliner

Anonymous No. 16180653

doesn't the fact that FH doesn't get used for starlink suggest that it isn't actually cheaper in $/kg terms than F9 is? and don't give me muh fairing or muh adapter as an excuse. they've launched 165 starlink missions so far. if spending a few million bucks on a new fairing and adapter for FH would have saved them any money at all they would have done it years ago.

Anonymous No. 16180654

Hey now, one day I hope we get gainstations built for 2.5 g or even more; granted you are correct in that any rotational structure would obviously have the "gravity" at the bottom set to something the structure can handle.

Anonymous No. 16180655

Please put it out of its misery janny.

Anonymous No. 16180657


Anonymous No. 16180659

maybe equipping the crew cabin with an out-of-sight out-of-mind parachute assembly just incase it ever became separated from the orbiter and was free falling would have been a good idea, especially if the cabin had been designed as "breakaway" if the vehicle itself ever disintegrated

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Anonymous No. 16180664

Volume limited

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Anonymous No. 16180667

it always feels weird seeing spaceflight stuff appear in non spaceflight places

Anonymous No. 16180668

I looked this over once and figured that if it had enough payload volume one Falcon heavy could lift about two full loads of starlink satellites. Falcon Heavy's only real possible niche is in higher energy trajectories.

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Anonymous No. 16180671

>one day I hope we get gainstations built for 2.5 g or even more
OK, a true and proper gainstation is a dream all /sfg/ chads share but it will have to come later after the lesser stations more accommodating to NEETs and soibois are perfected

Anonymous No. 16180673

Go back to keddit you fucking subhuman nigger

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Anonymous No. 16180674

Loicense no longer required to update every launch kek. Thunderthighs must be seething

Anonymous No. 16180675

Literally not what it says retard

Anonymous No. 16180679

Are we looking at the same image fuckwit? Your eyes must be blurry and your mouth too open. Go get your doctor to sew up both since you clearly dont need either.

Anonymous No. 16180680


Anonymous No. 16180681

See you all in June hahaha

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Anonymous No. 16180684
It's that time again

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Usborne Book of t....jpg

Anonymous No. 16180688

>I hope we get gainstations built for 2.5 g or even more
you wouldn't be able to move dipshit

Anonymous No. 16180691

Any practical reason to build mech suits? I think they’re cool and want to justify them

Anonymous No. 16180694

I think the real show stopper would be the need for two/three drone ships per launch.

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Anonymous No. 16180695

Martians will need them to move their puny bodies around Earth

Anonymous No. 16180701

I love rube goldberg trajectories used to avoid using big rockets

Anonymous No. 16180702

t. fat
meanwhile I'm skelly maxing

Anonymous No. 16180708

>martians coming to earth
What part of "one way trip" didn't you understand?

Anonymous No. 16180709

And if you want to recover the core then you can't stage at significantly higher velocity than a single stick falcon. They only completed facon heavy development because they had DOD contracts which they legally couldnt cancel. It became clear years before the rocket was complete that it was not a good idea.

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Anonymous No. 16180710

some things will have to be done in person

Anonymous No. 16180713

space sÖyjak, at last

Anonymous No. 16180714

Remember only a few years ago, your only real option was a delta II, delta iv medium, or atlas. Or maybe a shuttle cargo launch.
The last delta ii flew in 2018 (!!) Having ready access to large rockets hasn’t ever really been a thing after skylab. FH also sucks at launching deep space missions unfortunately

Anonymous No. 16180716

wtf did /sfg/ exist during the last Delta II launch? It was in 2018?!?!

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Anonymous No. 16180717

Realistically speaking, how is a pressure suit supposed to protect you from this? There is no point to wearing for entry. It's false protection, like wearing seatbelts on a bus.

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Anonymous No. 16180719

Remember the Viasat 3 debacle? It cost the space insurance market $770 million after the large antenna developed by locksneed shartin failed to unfold all the way. That loss, on top of a string of GEOsat failures in 2023 has basically cored out the space insurance market.
India is moving to get a foot in the door now that everyone else has bowed out.

Anonymous No. 16180720

forgot link:

Anonymous No. 16180723

Just one ship, actually. I was looking at RTLS booster landings and a drone ship core landing. That got about 37 tons to Starlink's initial 337x325 km injection orbit, which is just over 2x Falcon 9's current 17.5 ton record. If you try to get more performance out of the boosters you blow way past what you could fit in an extended fairing. This load is already something like 50 v2 minis and I'm not sure if there's even room for even that many.

Anonymous No. 16180734

insurance is such a fucking scam

Anonymous No. 16180741

t. eesa vega project manager

Anonymous No. 16180744

If you can't afford to take the immediate loss, but can stand to pay more over time, maybe it makes sense? I feel like there are better options though.

Anonymous No. 16180747

Old time drawings of planets look so goofy. I mean what even is that

Anonymous No. 16180749

The cockpit didnt break up for some time so I assume they would not be getting as toasty by the time it broke up

Anonymous No. 16180751

Check a real pic That's what Mars looks like.

Anonymous No. 16180754

T-9m for the next Starlink launch

Anonymous No. 16180759

to all the fags, the guy who redrew this Cirno's feet is the "footfag" I was talking about
and somebody using his filenames is still hanging around, which is fun

Anonymous No. 16180760


Anonymous No. 16180766

starship in 10 years

>woooow shit another 100 people launching to mars???! WHO CARES

Anonymous No. 16180768

ok, the interesting thing: this will be the first time a first stage has been reused 21 times

Anonymous No. 16180769

nobody gives a fuck

Anonymous No. 16180770

I didn't feel the need to comment, but I am watching. Or at least listening while I compare rocket stats in other tabs

Anonymous No. 16180775

why were there 4 objects on nsf's camera? the booster, the upper stage, ???, and ???

Anonymous No. 16180777

whoa, we got live landing audio this time!

Anonymous No. 16180781

Ya, but hearing the story first hand from someone who was there was pretty sobering

Anonymous No. 16180782

fairing halves

Anonymous No. 16180783

Fairing halves. Viewing conditions are pretty close to perfect tonight

Anonymous No. 16180788

What comes next after 21?

Anonymous No. 16180789

He's actually responding to a horsefucker "nasa" employee

Anonymous No. 16180798

What is it with people in aerospace fucking horses?

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Anonymous No. 16180804

spess vegene

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Anonymous No. 16180805

Anonymous No. 16180817

hitting the bar. This Falcon 9 first stage can now legally switch to ethanol fuel!

Anonymous No. 16180821

why the fuck would you do that? you do realise that ethanol is a less efficient fuel than kerosene right? I can't figure out if youre trolling.

Anonymous No. 16180828

don't forget all the deformed martian babies that live in my head

Anonymous No. 16180830

hallo saars

Anonymous No. 16180834

beep boop

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Anonymous No. 16180836


Anonymous No. 16180840

At this point its gotten so routine to hurl pieces of a mega constellation into space on the back of a reusable first stage that I only watch for the white lab-rats' appearances.

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Anonymous No. 16180875

uhhh based?

Anonymous No. 16180876

>NSF followed up with the question if this would mean that a positive outcome of this investigation would mean the launch license will be modified before the mishab is closed?

>The FAA answered: "Yes, provided all other license requirements are met."

Anonymous No. 16180877

already posted fuck off

Anonymous No. 16180878


hasn't been posted yet

Fuck you

Anonymous No. 16180881

just post the follow up then shithead

Anonymous No. 16180882

None of this is news, complete non-statement. Can you dumbfuck retards stop posting please?

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Anonymous No. 16180886

>complete non-statement.
actually its a pretty big deal

Anonymous No. 16180887


Anonymous No. 16180889

And yet, it will take longer from OFT-3 to OFT-4, than OFT-2 to OFT-3. We're moving so fast guys!!

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Anonymous No. 16180895

Moon sky geometry, i wonder why.

Anonymous No. 16180901

/sfg/ is beyond saving.

Anonymous No. 16180903

only true because janny is too busy dilating xer neovagina all day to actually moderate this fucking board

Anonymous No. 16180909

i poop and i poop and i poop and i pee and pee and pee all over!

Anonymous No. 16180912

I think it was before the tankwatching took off but we had a special launch thread for it

Anonymous No. 16180916

What makes you say that? Lots of effortful posts today

Anonymous No. 16180918

Key example right here lmao

this thread is ruined

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Anonymous No. 16180919

but but but

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Anonymous No. 16180922

it's okay squiddy there will be shrimp on Mars

Anonymous No. 16180926

>bottom of ship at 0.9G
>Human portion of ship at 0.1G
This is stupid and could be easily fixed with a better design
Just flipping around the ships upside down would be a big improvement

Anonymous No. 16180927

what if you hang the ships on wire that's 100 meters long

Anonymous No. 16180928

Yeah I said to do that already

Anonymous No. 16180931

Tether gravity with starship will never happen. it has the structural integrity of a tesla car

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Anonymous No. 16180932

Hello friends,
Finally finished with work and now watching Clear's recent Starlink watchalong while catching up with the thread.
It's unfortunate that there are some who choose to actively diminish the quality of /sfg/, but don't let them get you down or dissuade from posting about spaceflight.
The /sfg/ spirit will persevere.

Anonymous No. 16180933

they can pick them up on Earth with cargo so they can do tether gravity in space
they might not be able to do it with propellant in the tanks, however

Anonymous No. 16180935


Anonymous No. 16180937

ive asked you before can you confirm or deny that you are the person that said 'they wanted to be the little girl sometimes'

Anonymous No. 16180939

is there a man on this planet who does not with to be the little girl?

Anonymous No. 16180941

Since you have 2 starships, you could put all the fuel into one and leave the other one with just humans
Human one will be much lighter
Same tether tension, so the one with less mass will have a higher G
You could balance the tanks out when you stop spinning

Anonymous No. 16180942

is this a samara? post screenshot of proof using 4chanX so it cant be faked

Anonymous No. 16180943

a what?

Anonymous No. 16180944

A samefag autocorrect fucked me. Now show proof

Anonymous No. 16180945

congress passed a law where you cant track private jets anymore like elon's and taylor swift's

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Anonymous No. 16180949

NTA i posted that, what do you need?

Anonymous No. 16180955

elon pays off congress for this, but not make mars colonies legal? cant even get EPA to overlook his launch pad construction? wtff

Anonymous No. 16180957

Who gives a shit about earth laws on mars

Anonymous No. 16180958

nigger, ywnbaw

Anonymous No. 16180962

Ok are you the one that posted the IFT-3 date or not from clears twitter. Yes or no simple answer

Anonymous No. 16180964

promise me you wont be mad

Anonymous No. 16180965

that's my secret, I'm already mad

Anonymous No. 16180973

Ive heard enough. Youve lost my respect from the IFT-3 incident.

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Anonymous No. 16180978

to answer your question,no. i dont even know what youre talking about. even if it were me, what difference, at this point, would it make?

Anonymous No. 16180980

It would confirm you as a tranny

Anonymous No. 16180988

>Almost 5 months, China only launched 22/100 of its goal for 2024
What went wrong Chinkbros?

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Anonymous No. 16180997

Thats a common 4chan saying, only newfags are surprised by it

Anonymous No. 16181001

>tranny tranny tranny tranny
it's really predictable how these tourists instantly and absolutely out themselves as retarded newfags

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Anonymous No. 16181032

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16181047



Anonymous No. 16181193

>but I don't think it would tolerate either the UV exposure
Correct. One of e main purposes of paint is to protect against UV.

Anonymous No. 16181276

Yes, seriously. The one with the yellow puke. The description said she fantasized about it for a long time.