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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16185269

Is there any truth to what he's saying?

Anonymous No. 16185279

>Is there any truth to what he's saying?
This is a repost of -

Holy shit anon, stfu.
No, you're a stupid shitskin just like your Joe Rogan Guest.

Anonymous No. 16186141

yes but you need an IQ > 160 to understand

Anonymous No. 16186174

Is it just me, or did schizo Terrance Howard describe Mach's Origin of Inertia through the lens of a rotating universe without every mentioning Mach or inertia? I listened for about an hour, and it doesn't sound like he's a schizo, more like he lacks the terminology to describe what he is thinking. Pretty weird overall. This is also not the first time I have heard the weird periodic table referenced.

Anonymous No. 16186267

There are two possibilities anon, I'm going to describe them both and you can weigh the likelihood yourself.
1. A Hollywood actor with no qualifications has parsed some divine knowledge or higher understanding of the function of the universe using equations and shapes simple enough for a five year old to understand (his little plastic thing, 1*0=1, etc)
2. A man who was frequently described by his colleagues as behaving in a way that denotes clinical narcissism has built up a fictional world where he is the smartest and most correct guy ever, and he has the money and platform from a completely separate endeavor that allows him to talk about it loudly.
Anyone who else dealt closely with a truly narcissistic person recognizes his behavior for what it is. It isn't schizo like >>16186174 says, he hasn't had a psychotic break or anything so he is completely coherent. But he is detached from reality in a way that leaves no room for argument.

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Anonymous No. 16186274

Is there any truth when they say light travels and "Has a speed"?
>It's simple; they treat "aether" like the N word, so I treat "Quantum" like the buzzword it is.
A meaningless buzzword that doesn't refer to anything, or is used in conjunction with other words that do have a meaning to make up for its lack of meaning.

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a fucking magnet.png

Anonymous No. 16186280

>But he is detached from reality in a way that leaves no room for argument.
>Like perpetuating the psychosis that an absence is something just because "it" isn't there.

Anonymous No. 16186380

Yeah making a vaguely philosophical statement because you don't understand the underpinning data is the sort of thing I'm talking about there. That doesn't mean anything or have anything to with anything and if you could conceive of the fact that you may not know something then you wouldn't be embarrassing yourself like this

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Anonymous No. 16187343

I made it about 16 minutes before I couldn't stomach it any more. The whole "I remember the womb" things was retarded yet fun, but when he got into the periodic table, that's when I knew it was complete horse shit.

>The periodic table is based on tonal frequency and octaves
>The new periodic table is so much better
>It's literally a sine wave oscillating with 50 subcategories
>"This means beryllium is +2 and Oxygen is -2, therefore beryllium will steal oxygen from hydrogen in water"
>Proceed to look up video of someone putting pure beryllium in water
>It's literally the only alkaline earth metal to not react with water
>my sides when

Anonymous No. 16187345

i'll take "identity element" for 500*1

Anonymous No. 16187346

Nate higgers

Anonymous No. 16187347

ohm that's a good one, i didn't even have the stomach to start the rogan video, bit that's good one

Anonymous No. 16187459

he said orthogAnal

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Anonymous No. 16187487

>A meaningless buzzword that doesn't refer to anything

Anonymous No. 16188057

It was an entertaining episode but I was shocked to see Joe Rogan eating all of this up. All these "WOW", "if you're right, then that changes everything...", "I think I'll have to watch this podcast 40 times to fully understand it" seriously?
I read in Elon Musk biography that his abusive father Errol claims he "solved" randomness and can predict any event because he knows how to notice patterns in nature. According to him nothing is random, people (except him of course) are just too stupid to grasp it. That sounds like a perfect guest for Joe then lmao, he'd be just as impressed as with Terrence.

Anonymous No. 16188068

Anybody else watched his "lecture" at Oxford?
>Terrence BTFO all these nerds who are too timid to call out his bullshit, prove him wrong, call him an idiot and go home

It's surreal.

Anonymous No. 16188780

You know what they did to Tesla.

Anonymous No. 16188831

I got about as far as the 2*sqrt(2) thing. This is actually an incredible piece of performance art if you think about it. The man's a genius.

Anonymous No. 16189162

It would be if he did it on purpose. But his claims that he's studying this shit for 40 years seem to be correct - he has too much knowledge of random science facts and jargon and history of different thinkers and he's too consistent in his narrative just to be trolling.

Anonymous No. 16190008

i did when it came out. Dude doesn't know bout unit analysis

Anonymous No. 16190126

it's really not all that hard to understand

Anonymous No. 16190127

what is this video