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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206524

So Boeing has the Starliner, the space shuttle replacement they've been promising for the past 30 years. Nasa has the Space Launch System, but openly states they are going to hand it off to Boeing and Northrop Grumman when they're done. Why the fuck is Boeing double dipping? Meanwhile Blue Origin can't even get into fucking orbit and Virgin Galactic has a glorified glider.

Anonymous No. 16206532

I wouldn't trust those war criminals to make a paper airplane

Anonymous No. 16206572

In the 'bi'z we call this the "el horro de la luz americano de industries politico complexio" effect where due to cronyism, corruption, money siphoning and linked deals the entire industry is extremely ineffective

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Anonymous No. 16207012

>MuskRat seething because "Dear Moon" was cancelled

Anonymous No. 16207060
