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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16217408

Is it just me, or has the "dinosaurs are a hoax" thing gained more traction in recent years? Why dinosaurs of all subjects? You would think that they would latch on to something less absurd like chemtrails.

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Anonymous No. 16217436

this is what you look like

Anonymous No. 16217450

Bro Dinos are a hoax. For one. The bones are just creatively assembled using the imagination of the archeologists. Second they aquire very little bone compared to the recreation. It’s likely they are mistaken for something else. However not gonna fully say it’s done on purpose just maybe just misinterpreting the findings

Anonymous No. 16217514

X (formerly Twitter) is the place where people think real things are imaginary and imaginary things are real

Anonymous No. 16217517

Some dinosaur specimens have been found in almost perfect condition (e.g. 'Sue' the T-Rex was 90% complete)

Anonymous No. 16217584

Really? I've seen that belief from time to time from young Earth creationists over the years but I haven't noticed an uptick in people who think that way. Maybe I simply see different groups of people than you do but shit like Flat Earth seems to be getting much more attention than dinosaur denialism.

Anonymous No. 16217592

>but shit like Flat Earth seems to be getting much more attention than dinosaur denialism.
There is a lot of overlap between the two.

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Anonymous No. 16217632

>The bones are just creatively assembled using the imagination of the archeologists.
This is a misunderstanding. Most specimens are partial fossils, it is true, but enough overlapping specimens are typically found that when paleontoligists find say, a femur, they usually have enough femurs associated with more complete specimens to have a high degree of certainty over which "species" it came from. But there are MILLIONS of teeth and footprint and stool and bone fragment fossils sitting uncategorised and anonymous, discovered with such little other material that no clues were yielded.
I DO suspect that thousands of species of dinosaur have essentially identical skeletons - imagine all the "species" of wolf today that have such similar skeletons and such high levels of intraspecies variation in morphology that we must take the context of the remains into account.
The history of palaeontology is full of mistakes and forgeries. The mistakes are inherent in the field, and are only brought to light by further pursuit of understanding.

Anonymous No. 16217742

Not in my experience. Young Earth Creationists are mostly white evangelicals who live in suburbs or rural areas. Flat Earthers are "I am very smart" low IQ sleepwalkers who are lost. They're often non-white, though there are a few whites in that camp too. At least the true believers are that way. Probably at least half of Flat Earthers are trolls while Young Earth Creationists are almost always sincere in their beliefs.
Maybe 500 years ago the two would have had a lot of overlap but today they're different groups for the most part.

Anonymous No. 16217860


Anonymous No. 16217876

>Is it just me, or has the "dinosaurs are a hoax" thing gained more traction in recent years?
Everything outrageous has gained a lot of traction in social media (and traditional media too) because it's generates a lot of engagement and therefore is profitable for SM companies. Its just ragebait. People think its just the other (political) side being complete lunatics (Think leftists having public tantrums or right wingers being retards) but it's rather universal now.
Come to think of it, (you) are just another glowie posting this shit here to incite the very same thing, that's why there is a non-ending stream of twitter screenshots in every 4chan board now.

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Anonymous No. 16217900

Dinos doesnt real

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Anonymous No. 16217911

kek, reminds me that the house cat skulls looked like some alien shit when I first saw them.

Anonymous No. 16217917

If you closed the jaws of the skull, you would immediately see it's a hippo

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Anonymous No. 16217919

When we find isolated plated or tooth or skull or anything fossils for a specimen related to this one again, we have a good idea of what they all are and how they might fit together.

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Anonymous No. 16217922

Im sorry to tell you this, but marvel isnt real, politics is wrestling (fake) , and dinosaurs were actually hyperintelligent beings from a distant planet that were destroyed due to an intergalactic war with the grey humanoids. They still have some descendants amungus, they're known as reptilians but actually reptilians are a different race from another dimension.

Source: just trust me

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Anonymous No. 16217927

Why would you draw analogy from a whole separate Class?
Look at crocs

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Anonymous No. 16217974

dog skulls look like some nightmarish shit bro.

Anonymous No. 16217980

Schizos with delusions of grandeur tend to latch on whatever the biggest denial of reality is because it convinces them that they alone know some great truth that the rest of the sheeple have been fooled into ignoring.

Space is fake.
Earth is flat.
Germs aren’t real.
Dinosaurs aren’t real.
Gravity isn’t real.
Etc. etc. etc.

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Anonymous No. 16217981

how would aliens reconstruct the deer if all they ever found is its skull

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Anonymous No. 16217989

damn, rhino skulls look dracon as fuck. no wonder ancient people believe dragon existed. imagine finding this in some random mountain.

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Anonymous No. 16217991

Fat distribution in birds/lizards vs mammals.

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Anonymous No. 16218002

holy shit snake skulls actually look so digusting.

Anonymous No. 16218034

why do longer skulls help with bite force? its always seemed weird to me how long and thin alligator heads are, wouldn't a short, compact head/jaw with more vertical function offer higher bite force?

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Anonymous No. 16218109

>Schizos with delusions of grandeur tend to latch on whatever the biggest denial of reality is

Anonymous No. 16218139

long jaws don't help with bite force, they allow for larger prey. Especially in the case of heterodonts like the dog, you get curved forward teeth meant to trap and hold things, and the rear teeth are meant for cutting tendons and tough skin, where the jaw muscles have better leverage.

Anonymous No. 16218239

All races are not equal, evolution is true. What else you got?

Anonymous No. 16218357


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Anonymous No. 16218712


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Anonymous No. 16218741

Except both of those are true. All races are equal within the parameters of evolution. The point of evolution is adapt and reproduce. All races capble of this otherwise they would have disappeared ages ago.

The main issue is that turbo autists are hellbent on comparing imaginary scores on some piece of paper to make themselves feel good. But while those autists are bragging about how their scores are higher than everyone else, their societies are collapsing because they're not having any kids. Then they start bitching about the brown hoards because unlike the turbo autists the brown hoards kept their eye on the ball and remembered evolution is about adaptation and reproduction.

Anonymous No. 16218747


Anonymous No. 16218789

dog landraces still exist and they're not as you describe the ones from 300 years ago. Bred dogs would have been but they'd still have had diarrhea if you changed their foods

Anonymous No. 16218809

The shrink wrapping phenomenon has largely gone away in modern depictions of dinosaurs.

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Anonymous No. 16218835


Anonymous No. 16218839

The fundamentalist christian flat earther evolution denalist twitter microcosm has definitely been growing, at least since musk took over. They probably were in the literal who right wing echocamber Twitter alternative sites

Anonymous No. 16218863

>Space is fake.
>Earth is flat.
>Germs aren’t real.
>Dinosaurs aren’t real.
>Gravity isn’t real.
And nukes, the holocaust or even ww2 altogether

Anonymous No. 16218882

Don't forget:
>Moon is artificial / alien base
>North Korea doesn't exist either. It's just entirely made up.

Anonymous No. 16218909

>this but unironically

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Anonymous No. 16218913


Anonymous No. 16218921

>create spook bullshit groups of science deniers
>call them conspiracy theorists
>people think conspiracy theorists are crazy
>somebody mentions total online surveillance PRISM
>spooks character assasinate them by calling them conspiracy nutjobs
>normies still think that mkultra, prism etc. is lunacy nonsense
>normies stay bluepilled about fucked up world
so all these groups are psyops made of trolls and spooks pretending to be even more retarded, just so you can label people as conspiracy theorists

Anonymous No. 16218943

I fucking LOVE that the Moonfall movie took this book and ran with it.

Anonymous No. 16219012

It's a mixture of things.
1. Actual ideological fanatics (creationists, etc.)
2. People who went off the deep end (i.e. "because they lied about COVID/Iraq, everything must be a lie!"
3. Attention-seeking grifters

Anonymous No. 16219015

I have always said that the people who push this nonsense (flat earth, dinosaurs are a hoax, moon landing was a hoax, etc.) end up screwing over the people actually trying to raise awareness about serious issues like mass surveillance and censorship.

Anonymous No. 16219032

Pretty much yeah.
Notice how every time there is a discussion about the government doing shady shit or war crimes a bunch of flat earthers suddenly start flooding in all at once at some point? Funny thing, innit.

Anonymous No. 16219182

>recent years

Dinosaurs have always been a grift. The bone wars alone, a literal grift, would make any man of Logic dismiss the whole the whole idea. Never mind the fact that all objects on display in museums are made of plaster, Chinese fabrication of "fossils", etc. It is a disgrace. Dinosaurs only "became real" through the entertainment industry.

Anonymous No. 16219194

They don’t. Crocodile jaw muscles are all located at the back of the skull, which is why even the super thin-snouted species have shockingly high bite forces. For mammals high bite forces are usually associated with big sagittal crest sand wide arches. The length of the skull is less important

Anonymous No. 16219195

>/an/ paleoschizo image
Yeah sounds about right

Anonymous No. 16219230

during the 1800s museums would have exhibitions where they put together fake dinoasaur skeletons with a bunch of different bones. it was big money and a lot of early paleotologists were just grifters lol

Anonymous No. 16219250

>The bone wars alone, a literal grift, would make any man of Logic dismiss the whole the whole idea
The Bone Wars doesn't negate the massive amount of paleontological evidence that has been accumulated before and after it happened.
>all objects on display in museums are made of plaster
Not everything on display is a reproduction, sometimes they do have actual fossils on display. Do you know why they use replicas? Because fossils are fragile and irreplaceable, and museums don't want to risk them getting damaged or dirtied.
>Chinese fabrication of "fossils"
Does the existence of fabricated diamonds mean that all diamonds are fake?
>Dinosaurs only "became real" through the entertainment industry.
Fossils are found by people all the time who are not involved in paleontology.

Anonymous No. 16219312


Ignoring the appalling form of this reply and just addressing the first part of the first statement, no, there was no "paleontological evidence" before the bone wars since there was no "paleontology" before the bone wars. Things like (supposed) petrified snail shells and whatnot were not necessarily considered remnants of past life forms, let alone considered chronologically relevant.

Anonymous No. 16219318

That birds aren't real shit is just a joke. There's no way the government would spy on us like that.

Anonymous No. 16219336

>Dinos doesnt real
Artistic renditions are hypothetical, anon. Are you dumb?

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Science denial vs....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219343

that's the problem with science denialists, they don't enquire or ask questions regarding the details they do not understand. They just accuse and insult.
It's a trauma thing, someone hurt them when younger, and this is how the trauma manifests.

Anonymous No. 16219344

controlled opposition.

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Anonymous No. 16219356

>science is a category of knowledge you have to accept as a whole or reject entirely
you have a terminal case of collegebrain I'm afraid

this is what happens when you can learn definitions and and memorize facts but have no critical thinking ability yourself so your entire perspective ends up being a broad appeal to authority. getting really tired of dealing with collegebrain retards on my 4chans. this isn't reddit, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16219387

So what exactly are all of the fossil remains that are found all over the World?

Anonymous No. 16219391



Anonymous No. 16219395

Really, every single fossil specimen is fake? What about all of the fossils that are found by random people that have no affiliation with museums?

Anonymous No. 16219400


It stands to reason that those stories are likewise fabricated.

Anonymous No. 16219409

What reason would random people have for making up those discoveries? Why make up dinosaurs in the first place?

Anonymous No. 16219417


They are not fabricated by random people, they are fabricated by grifters, i.e. the entertainment industry, which includes journalism. Why? None of my concern. Ask THEM.

Anonymous No. 16219424

So you're saying that people secretly make fake fossils and then bury them in random places for random people to find?

Anonymous No. 16219427


No, the whole story of them being found is likewise fabricated.

Anonymous No. 16219429

Schizo congregation thread

Anonymous No. 16219431

So every single person who has ever found a fossil is on the conspiracy?

Anonymous No. 16219432



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Anonymous No. 16219445

This is an ammonite that I found with my family in the middle of nowhere when I was a kid, and we have lots more.

Anonymous No. 16219449


Your point being...?

Anonymous No. 16219451

You claimed that all fossils are fake, and yet I have found lots of very real ones.

Anonymous No. 16219459


And...? Fabrications are implicitly purported as real.

Anonymous No. 16219462

So you think that 'big paleo' just dumped a bunch of fake ammonite fossils somewhere in the hope that somebody would come across them eventually? That's retarded.

Anonymous No. 16219464


No, that is not what I claim, see: >>16219427.

Anonymous No. 16219466

I'm not lying about anything; I found those fossils on a hillside in some random spot, and I have never tried to make any money or gain any fame from them.

Again, why exactly do you think that prehistoric creatures are made up?

Anonymous No. 16219469


You're not lying? Big if true!

Anonymous No. 16219471

A mixture of disinformation agents and genuine schizos.

Anonymous No. 16219531

What about ice age creatures like mammoths and wooly rhinos. Are those fake, too?

Anonymous No. 16219660


Most likely.

Anonymous No. 16219862

How can anyone deny evolution when literal cro magnon NIGGERS like the one in OP live amongst us?

Anonymous No. 16219878

Or at least that's what they said.

Anonymous No. 16219910

Well that's fucking stupid. They have literally found frozen mammoths, and they have even found fragments of DNA.

Vard No. 16219912

Charging up now. Good. We will be informing you soon.

Anonymous No. 16219949

How old do you think the Earth is?

Anonymous No. 16220142


"Frozen animals", just as "fossils", are a Historical non-event. "Fossils" appeared in the late 18th century, "frozen animals" probably even more recently than that. A sham.

Anonymous No. 16220148


I do not think that the Earth has an age, ultimately because there is no such thing as "the Earth".

Anonymous No. 16220155

critical thinking ability is to question things, not deny them because you feel that way

Anonymous No. 16220161

are you really truing to argue with that retard

Anonymous No. 16220188

Not really, just bored and thought that I would see if they were arguing good faith. Obviously they're not.

Anonymous No. 16220238

you know, if you have "dinosaur questions" there's thread for you

Anonymous No. 16220372

>I would see if they were arguing good faith
rookie mistake (I still keep making it.)

Anonymous No. 16220776


Anonymous No. 16221282

Extreme contrarianism

Anonymous No. 16221395


Anonymous No. 16221538


Anonymous No. 16221680


Note how there has not even been an attempt at defending the "frozen animal" phenomenon since it is totally absurd.

Anonymous No. 16221787


Anonymous No. 16221794

>Is it just me, or has the "dinosaurs are a hoax" thing gained more traction in recent years
because of the internet and grifters it has now become BASED to be as retarded as possible. trump also contributed to this. people are no longer ashamed to be dumb and wrong...

Anonymous No. 16221803

please direct them to the Paleontology thread. we'll handle them there

Anonymous No. 16221808

>Well that's fucking stupid. They have literally found frozen mammoths, and they have even found fragments of DNA.

>"Frozen animals", just as "fossils", are a Historical non-event. "Fossils" appeared in the late 18th century, "frozen animals" probably even more recently than that. A sham.
I always thought that this is wrong. But at the current state of the media world i admit that this is only a believe. So i did a quick picture search for the frozen mammoths for evidence. Behind an overwhelming bunch of graphics and museum pics there was only a few in the mud which looked fake. It must be easy to have pics of them. So please if anyone have give me a link.

Anonymous No. 16221842

Search for "mummified mammoth" or "frozen ice age animals." You'll get lots of pictures.

Anonymous No. 16222142


That settles it then!

Anonymous No. 16222333

>quantum ain't real
>relativity ain't real
>reals ain't real

Anonymous No. 16222669

It's just creationist retards angry that adam and eve aren't real

🗑️ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222674

Bounty, now

I don't care about you people. You gave me, specifically, a careful blowjob. Yes. I'm hunting you for a bounty. You'll then do 100,000 years.

Anonymous No. 16222684

Look up the Bone Wars. They claim that most fossils were found by two guys competing with one another. It was so competitive that there is a high chance of a lot of fraud taking place. Read about it but read between the lines too.

Anonymous No. 16223695


Anonymous No. 16224277


Anonymous No. 16224319

Every theory implying gorillion-year timescales is a scientifist fable.
Dinosaurs were probably the lab creations of the wicked who were drowned in the deluge.

Anonymous No. 16224334

hey, why don't you come meet me here:

Anonymous No. 16224441


Anonymous No. 16224822

Some of it is genuine idealogues (young Earth creationists, etc.), and a lot of it is people who have gone down the ultra contrarian route (i.e. "they must be lying about absolutely everything!")

Anonymous No. 16226095


Anonymous No. 16226276

>Conspiracy theorists
>Attention whores (like in OP)

Anonymous No. 16226475

>90% complete
90% in compared to what

Anonymous No. 16226476


Anonymous No. 16226501

Dinosaurs violate square cube law

Anonymous No. 16226502

As in 90% of the skeleton was found.
>Compared to what
Compared to previous specimens that were found. Often times they may only find skull fragments, some neck vertebrae and some ribs. Sue was found remarkably well preserved. It would be like finding a human skeleton with only a few fingers and toes missing.

Anonymous No. 16226517

science is not about making children and autistic manchildren go "waaooow so cool!"

Anonymous No. 16226557

"X" stands for rejecting common sense.

Anonymous No. 16226929


Anonymous No. 16227554

>frozen ice age animals
As expected, but nice joke.

Anonymous No. 16227623

Sorry anon, but young Earth creationism is wrong.

Anonymous No. 16227722

>sees entirely preserved frozen mammoth
>Nah that's too crazy that just spawned in like 2 weeks ago
Well I suppose things have to get a lot worse before they get better

Anonymous No. 16227883

Flatearth argument, muhh X is wrong but Y wronger so I stay with X.

Anonymous No. 16227939

They have found animals in permafrost. Deal with it.

Anonymous No. 16227992


Anonymous No. 16228128

Complete BS. Almost entire skeletons have been found on multiple occasions, including some that have skin and/or feather impressions.

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Surprised T-Rex s....png

Anonymous No. 16228298


Anonymous No. 16228336

I love how the author handwaves away the possibility of dinosaurs having the same circulatory respiratory system of birds, complete with numerous air sacs and pneumatic bones, which would mean dinosaurs would be much lighter than non-avian vertebrates, by saying "theropods evolved after birds so that means dinosaurs had the same kind of lungs as mammals"
Too bad for that author we have direct evidence from fossils that dinosaurs had pneumatic (air-cavity) bones, of varying degrees of complexity and porousness.

Anonymous No. 16229354


Anonymous No. 16229730


Anonymous No. 16229985


Anonymous No. 16230126

>of varying degrees of complexity and porousness.

Plaster is pretty porous, I suppose.

Anonymous No. 16230311


Anonymous No. 16230565


Anonymous No. 16231355

Creationism is false.

Anonymous No. 16231380

More than just your body deteriorates as you get older. The older you get, the more mentally retarded you become too. Couple that with abnormally high proportions of old people in the world. It's like Idiocracy-Lite in 2024.