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๐Ÿงต /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16224409

Artemis Milestones Edition

Previous: >>16223077

Anonymous No. 16224419

Theres no way they'll make the launch date will they?

Anonymous No. 16224421

Can we just take a moment to depreciate the image in the OP? The biggest thing in spaceflight in decades just happened and the best image this absolute basement dwelling perma-online neckbeard could come up with is an infographic of a bloatoid moon program delaying.

Anonymous No. 16224425

It's unlikely.
NASA won't admit it though.

Anonymous No. 16224429

>The biggest thing in spaceflight in decades just happened
Huh? What was that?

Anonymous No. 16224430


Anonymous No. 16224431

You seem unpleasant to be around.

Anonymous No. 16224433

I would be more surprised if anything space related would be on time

Anonymous No. 16224434

quote fail
very unfortunate

Anonymous No. 16224437


Anonymous No. 16224438

Shoulda made the thread yourself. Tuff luck

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Anonymous No. 16224439

sloss's take on what meeting it would have to look like. weekly starship tanker launches in just 2 years is a tall order but i almost think that's more likely than HLS being ready in 2026.

Anonymous No. 16224454

every thread theme being IFT-4 would be retarded

Anonymous No. 16224456

They also need a demo flight. Unless things go completely smoothly, I don't think starship is going to be ready. I also don't think Blue Moon is going to be ready when it needs to be.

Anonymous No. 16224468

We all know youre new. Fuck off and leave the OP alone these have been good topical threads from what we had before.

Anonymous No. 16224482

shoulda spelled it funny to make the tranny seethe

Anonymous No. 16224486

The FAA has been subdued, they'll be compliant going forward.
t. knower

Anonymous No. 16224488

>The biggest thing in spaceflight in decades

A suborbital test flight is the biggest thing?

Anonymous No. 16224491

This suborbital test, yes.

Anonymous No. 16224495

did you not see the reentry footage, there will be entire college courses with that footage as a key graphic
people will make their entire careers off of that footage

Anonymous No. 16224498


holy fuck you sound like a baby, so the biggest thing in spaceflight is not even starship, its the starlink conexion LMAO

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Anonymous No. 16224499

galactic 07 wasn't a test, and yes, it was MASSIVE

Anonymous No. 16224501

RIP to a real deathtrap

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Anonymous No. 16224509

from the vid

Anonymous No. 16224510

no, retard

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Anonymous No. 16224511

>Biggest thing in spaceflight in decades
You mean Starliner narrowly avoiding blowing up the ISS for the second time in three years? Or the "reusable" N1 managing to avoid blowing up for the first time in the last ever?

Anonymous No. 16224512

not spaceflight, not even suborbital spaceflight.

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Flap-chan refuses....webm

Anonymous No. 16224514

Don't give up anons, she never did!!!

Anonymous No. 16224515

Roscosmos on suicide watch.

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Anonymous No. 16224517

It's also the last time Spaceship 2 gets to fly. Virgin Galactic is now officially in hiatus mode until the Delta-class ships get finished.

Anonymous No. 16224521

>people will see this, and will still claim spacex is a "colossal failure" run by a billionaire with no engineering background

Anonymous No. 16224527

>B-b-but the cinematographic quality of a death trap melting on re-entry before being reused by the Indian Ocean
That movie was derivative anyway linkrel desu *yawn*

Anonymous No. 16224530

>Muh N1
Truly the mark of intellectual dishonesty.

Anonymous No. 16224531

ULAsisters, russisters...
what went wrong?

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Anonymous No. 16224532

I can't stand his nasally australian whining, has somebody watched this? Is it EDS coping and seething? He seems like he might be the type.

Anonymous No. 16224535

no anon, it's the opposite of that.
His voice is annoying though.

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Anonymous No. 16224538

>It was really heavy bros

Anonymous No. 16224539

>Cope, cope. cope, seethe, cope more seethe
See you in a month or two when they catch the booster moron

Anonymous No. 16224540

"Lifted mass" does not include the launcher unless you're that fucking shuttle retard.
Are you that fucking shuttle retard, tourist?

Anonymous No. 16224541

lol yeah, not even worth a reply unless you're also a mudbrained shitskin

Anonymous No. 16224544

I think he might be that shuttle retard
do the aerospace museums have a display set up that's brainwashing these people or something?

Anonymous No. 16224545

90% of upmass is spacex rockets. soon it will be 99%
Thisnis what winning looks like

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2999 - anime blue....png

Anonymous No. 16224546


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Anonymous No. 16224551

>Ur lying
Recovery and reuse rate status?
>Inb4 "but they blew them up and melted them on re-entry and dunked them in the ocean on purpose so it doesn't count"

Anonymous No. 16224553

naw, this is probably close to the peak right now. ULA and ESA are both sidelined because they're switching to new rockets and they're going to recover somewhat.

Anonymous No. 16224555

Ah yes the N1 famously known for soft landing every stage in the ocean after successfully launching and re-entering

Anonymous No. 16224558

I hate /sci/ so much it's unreal, at least twitter allows me to block those retards.

Anonymous No. 16224559

>muh N1 bait
Baiting is gay and you're gay for giggling at it you little turd

Anonymous No. 16224562

>naw, this is probably close to the peak right now.
Brother the rest of the world won't even be competing with F9 by the time Starship is regularly flying. It might be the local maximum but it's definitely not the peak.

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Anonymous No. 16224565

>>"Lifted mass" does not include the launcher
>Now watch this video of the launcher reentry
Is the "shuttle tourist" in the room with you right now?

Anonymous No. 16224566

kiwi accent >>> aussie accent
I will never not love fush n chups
you should go back there

Anonymous No. 16224573

>lifted mass must mean something different than everyone says it does because i saw a video in a different context
what the fuck are you doing

Anonymous No. 16224575

>Muh soft landing
Recovery status?

Anonymous No. 16224578

Hey everyone please do not engage with this retard >>16224575 I really don't want a repeat of last thread

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Anonymous No. 16224579

space victory
stupid frogposter
reentry, by itself, is new and cool and interesting
lifted payload mass, by itself, is powerful and emblematic of dominance
stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16224580

Starship is a gimmick marketing campaign for Starlink.

Anonymous No. 16224581

>Doesn't even know how to respond to a post correctly
Go back to twitter

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) &#039;kneel&#039; No. 16224582

You wanna fart in my mouf? Or?

Anonymous No. 16224583

in progress
what if we post more anime this time
no I've seen this before, it's the (you)less schtick
people with mental illness do it sometimes because they feel the need to reply but also feel superior by not replying

Anonymous No. 16224584

>it thinks it deserves (You)s

Anonymous No. 16224585

You need to be 18 to post here

Anonymous No. 16224588

post the footage of space shuttle reentry from the wingtip looking back at the body of the shuttle, or from the cabin looking at the wing
fucking do it, pussy, you won't, because you can't, because it doesn't exist

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Anonymous No. 16224589

A gimmick with several customers already lined up to launch on it...

Anonymous No. 16224591

Oh hey frog poster whos first word was "N1" and doesn't know what an FTS is after being told over and over

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Anonymous No. 16224592

How dare you anon, manned flight to Mars in 2 more booms

Anonymous No. 16224594

something will be sent in the 2026 transfer window but it won't be people

Anonymous No. 16224595

His cope will be ">but we blew it up on purpose" not knowing that this has been a thing since forever

Anonymous No. 16224596

>xhe think xhe deserves (You)s

Anonymous No. 16224597

When I see those graphs posted on other boards there's never a reply. I wonder what it feels like to realize everyone you associate with and everything you read has been lying to you and forgot to tell you twitter man launches 90% of earth's payload

Anonymous No. 16224598

I don't know what any of those words mean but YWNBAW

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Anonymous No. 16224599

Flight 4's success has caused an incredible amount of cope and seethe in EDS sufferers.

Anonymous No. 16224601

They don't realize anything, they simply ignore it and go back to EDS pilpul.
That is the kind of person you're dealing with.

Anonymous No. 16224603

elon is polluting the sky with useless starlinks and recklessly risking kessler syndrome just so he can buy more slaves to work his diamond mines

Anonymous No. 16224604

>Le camera placement
The ultimate cope

Anonymous No. 16224605

>ULA and ESA are both sidelined because they're switching to new rockets and they're going to recover somewhat.

so is spacex

Anonymous No. 16224607

That's fine. even if 90% of starship launches are starlink that remaining 10% will still make it the most influential rocket to date

Anonymous No. 16224608

They have to pretend that spacex hasn't launched 17% of all us payloads EVER launched by the us since the beginning of us launch existing and landed said rocket over 300 times because if they don't they can't push their narrative that spacex is a grift

Anonymous No. 16224609

Note that neither Vulcan or Ariane 6 have any reuse in the near future.

Anonymous No. 16224611

For commercial launches I really don't think either has any hope.
ULA never once bothered trying to get commercial contracts and ariene 6 is twice as expensive as falcon 9. Government payloads are the only refuge for these two companies.

Anonymous No. 16224612

Kessler syndrome isn't a problem in LEO.
All the trash burns up in the atmosphere and you can just launch again.

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Anonymous No. 16224613

Was there a question?

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Anonymous No. 16224614

nuh uh! tory bruno told me vulcan was SMART

Anonymous No. 16224619

>he forgot about SMART
Tory will come through.

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the hypocracy of ....png

Anonymous No. 16224621

The seethe generated by giving true numbers for shuttle capacity is hilarious

Anonymous No. 16224622

The only ones who forgot about SMART is ULA themselves.

Anonymous No. 16224624

>0 Saturn V explosions including all test flights
>2/135 Shuttle explosions including all test flights
>"Activating FTS because of a failed test means the failure didn't count"
>"LRB venting causing an explosion doesn't count because we actually le meant to do that"
Musk worship is mental illness and Starship will kill a manned crew by the end of the decade

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Anonymous No. 16224627

>10% will still make it the most influential rocket to date

Anonymous No. 16224628

why is it that when the anime girl lies to my face like this I think it's cute but when Tory Bruno does it I think he's a snake

Anonymous No. 16224629

yeah but when you're already at 90% of the market that means you have to launch an additional 9 tons for every 1 additional ton the rest of the world ramps up just to hold steady. they may be able to manage that for several years with starship coming online but there have only been a few companies in history that have pulled off market domination on this level - spacex is basically in 1890s standard oil territory - and it's borderline impossible to keep it going for very long.

Anonymous No. 16224630

nigga, the mass those rockets are going to lift is completely neglible compared to the F9 spam happening right now, not to mention when Starship becomes operational soon

Anonymous No. 16224631

I like how you don't include the mass of the Starship vehicle for its payload numbers

Anonymous No. 16224632

That's all but certain, probes have been common for decades

Anonymous No. 16224633

>shuttle kills 2 manned crews
>this is ok

>s-starship is too dangerous it will kill people!

Anonymous No. 16224636

okay but what if it's a whole-ass Starship full of MREs and solar panels

Anonymous No. 16224637

do you guys actually think it's realistic for Starship to drop 100+ tons in dry mass so they can hit their payload targets
As far as I'm aware, the extensive reinforcements were necessitated by previous failures

Anonymous No. 16224640

>The SLS is a bigger spaceshuttle with more rocket and less heatshielded aeroplane and it has a lower payload than the shuttle

sounds legit

Anonymous No. 16224641

it is something to behold

Anonymous No. 16224642

>Statpadding with comm sats
>Bait and switching a "Mars colony" death rocket grift
>Twitter "astronomers" fall for it

Anonymous No. 16224643

I thought they were having ISP problems? Yeah, I think they can pull it off.

Anonymous No. 16224645

the last 3 or 4 /sfg/s have been a trollfest. the funny thing is that people keep falling for them.

Anonymous No. 16224646

it will be counted when they build a wet workshop out of it

Anonymous No. 16224647

Talking about SMART for Vulcan =/= actually implementing it for Vulcan.

Anonymous No. 16224650

it's optimized to throw light mass to high energy orbits (TLI and escape velocity), loading it down for LEO causes inefficiencies for it
Atlas and Vulcan suffer from this problem as well

Anonymous No. 16224651

>solar panels


Anonymous No. 16224652

k, 200 t expendable. Pretty sure 150 t is the realistic number

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Anonymous No. 16224653

>Bait and switching the success of Falcon 9 with Le Shartship
On schedule

Anonymous No. 16224655

some subsequent version will get to 100 tons, whether that is through making it longer and bigger or lighter or a combination of the two (most likely) doesn't really matter
what matters is the max mass and $/kg to orbit

Anonymous No. 16224656

>Admits falcon 9 is a success
See you in 5 years when you have to admit starship is as well

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Anonymous No. 16224657


Anonymous No. 16224659

yeah, not like its made by the same company and already very far down the path to being fully operational

Anonymous No. 16224661

Shittle had some major design flaws. The final stretch of reentry still was a safer design than the last second kick flips Musk is cooking.

Anonymous No. 16224662

Falcon Heavy cannot lift more total mass than Falcon 9 due to structural limitations.

Counting Saturn V's third stage as payload but not the Shuttle orbiter?

Anonymous No. 16224665

They will say SpaceX is succesful only because of government subsidies (totaling $3 million).
The EDS copium comes from a bottomless supply.

Anonymous No. 16224667

and it's not like we haven't been talking about the success of the company and not a specific launch vehicle this whole time or anything lol
SpaceX kick ass

Anonymous No. 16224670

what gets me is counting the S-IVB but not the Starship orbiter
>$3 million

Anonymous No. 16224671

safety depends on the reliability of the system
its not impossible (I think its actually likely) that the flip manuever of Starship will become so normal and reliable its actually boring

Anonymous No. 16224672

Starship can and will be safer than shuttle, all they need to do is have a failure rate of less than 1/300. With enough flights, they'll achieve that.

Anonymous No. 16224675

>Shuttle has 2 catastrophic failures in 135 flights including all tests
>"Shut it down!"
>Starship has 3 catastrophic failures and 0 orbiter recoveries in 4 test flights
>"Mars colony in 2 more weeks"

Anonymous No. 16224677

Musk is running a hardware company like a software company. Run, debug, repeat. Your comparisons don't work.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) &#039;kneel&#039; No. 16224678


Anonymous No. 16224679

Do the numerous explosions that falcon 9 experienced in it's test campaign mean that it's currently a failure?
Clearly the answer is no.

Anonymous No. 16224684

Anon if it explodes during testing it's automatically a failure. Doesn't matter if it goes on to completely change the space industry and start a new era in space flight.

Anonymous No. 16224685

>if it explodes during testing it's automatically a failure

Anonymous No. 16224686

>equating Shuttle killing astronauts on two seperate operational flights with Starship's iterative development

Anonymous No. 16224687

>Soviets design plenty of working rockets but the N1 was a meme
>SpaceX designs plenty of working rockets but the Shartship is a meme
>"No it's all or nothing anon!!!!!"

Anonymous No. 16224689

Disingenuous and lame, post for real or don't bother

Anonymous No. 16224690

>Falcon Heavy cannot lift more total mass than Falcon 9 due to structural limitations
>Counting Saturn V's third stage as payload but not the Shuttle orbiter?
The orbiter's mass at orbital altitude is debatable. It's at least 78000 kg

Anonymous No. 16224692

N1 would've worked, it would have been better than the Saturn V.

Anonymous No. 16224694

I don't see spacex recovering from this one tbdesu

Anonymous No. 16224695

No capability to test fire engines whatsoever ensured that it would never succeed.

Anonymous No. 16224697

don't put words in my mouth, the N1 was a funny meme
the Soviets designed one (1) working rocket, btw

Anonymous No. 16224699

wasn't that being implemented on the very next test flight that got cancelled?

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Anonymous No. 16224700

The post IFT threads are fucking awful man. I want to go back to discussing how to make Venus into a fully mosquito based ecology

Anonymous No. 16224701

This is actually an analogue era mindset from back when the only way to get testing data was to recover the test article.

Flight 4 would be a failure under those standards because both stages are at the bottom of the ocean, except in reality SpaceX has a treasure trove of priceless data now which has allowed each iterative flight to leapfrog the last.

Anonymous No. 16224702

the tourists aren't the trolls, they're the posters unironically arguing with the trolls. but thread oldfags should have a little empathy and remember that there was a time when we thought these sort of arguments were the most interesting thing in the world, too.

Anonymous No. 16224704

>the Soviets designed one (1) working rocket, btw
and it still works. it works so well that even yuropoors use it

they also designed and built some of the best rocket engines out there,,, some 60 ears ago

Anonymous No. 16224705

could mosquitos survive on Venus as it exists today? I propose a 4ASS probe laden with them to find out

Anonymous No. 16224706

Ok, see you tomorrow when you still don't know what an FTS is

Anonymous No. 16224707

mosquitos are banned, but step one you need to freeze out all of the CO2 in the atmosphere and process it into limestone
step two you need to ship half of the nitrogen to Mars

Anonymous No. 16224708

>Le iterative development
Every space program has used iterative development. The difference is that the successful ones test extensively and have minimal catastrophic failure rates, the ones that show clear patterns of total loss of rocket are typically abandoned. For example, Falcon 9 had 1 test flight with total loss of the rocket during hundreds of test flights whereas Shartship blew up the first three (on purpose though!)

Anonymous No. 16224711

NK-15 was to be replaced with NK-33 for the N-1F, which was never built.

Anonymous No. 16224712

the Europeans USED to use it, before Russia committed political and military suicide on their neighbor
these conversations would be more interesting if people argued in good faith instead of being disingenuous about it

Anonymous No. 16224713

Now THIS is good troll feed

Anonymous No. 16224714

Parasites will not make it off this quarantine world, NO TICKS NO LEECHES NO MOSQUITOS ARE TO LEAVE EARTH, EVER.

Anonymous No. 16224715

oh okay, it was two test flights away, my bad

Anonymous No. 16224718

>the Europeans USED to use it, before Russia committed political and military suicide on their neighbor
so what? are we talking about technical or political matters?

Anonymous No. 16224719

Yeah sure, but whats going to happen when your competition doesn't develop reusable rockets because they just didn't

Anonymous No. 16224722

>Boosters fail to separate
>Forced to blow up your ship
>"This means it worked, you don't understand what an FTS is"
Twitter tourists have a maximum IQ of 75

Anonymous No. 16224725

they're a little bit intertwined here lol
when has that ever happened to anybody in the history of ever?
shit, it's literally only the russians isn't it
you're a Russian shill sent to destabilize the general

Anonymous No. 16224726

Yeah new data collectiong methods are what allow them to toss the test article away but oldspace jerkoffs see boom boom and think "failure"

Anonymous No. 16224729

Starlink is a cover story for Brilliant Pebbles.

Anonymous No. 16224730

Man fuck off with this gay shit, nobody's laughing

Anonymous No. 16224731

What about my pet leech?
Euro leeches are good for you, you know.

Anonymous No. 16224734

Starship is designed to do its landing flip with the thrust of one engine

Yeah, landing a plane is safe. Too bad you have to get through the ice and foam strikes you can't do shit about because they didn't put the orbiter on top. Meanwhile starship can take plasma directly inside a surface control hinge and still make it through.

Anonymous No. 16224735

They overlap significantly. The ISS was built after the fall of the USSR for a reason. The U.S. abandoned international space cooperation and started relying on private companies spamming comm sats to boost payload numbers in 2011 after the Wolf Amendment banned working with the CNSA.
In reality we're closer to ASATs destroying the internet than we are to colonizing Mars, but don't tell the twitter tourists or they'll melt down

Anonymous No. 16224737

Eaten before leaving Earth's SOI. Leave all parasites here, there's no reason to take those vile things offworld and infect somewhere else with them.

Anonymous No. 16224740

It really is the difference between can you fix the failure mode or can you not. It would be insane to keep flying the shuttle when further deaths couldn't be prevented. Every reason starship has failed has been fixed for the next flight so far.

Anonymous No. 16224743

>b-b-but spacex owns those payloads they are launching. t-t-hey own over half of earth's satellites, they are losing!

Anonymous No. 16224745

There's nothing wrong with leeches

Anonymous No. 16224746

Too much calcium. Just freeze it into dry ice and mass driver it towards Mars. It doesn't matter if it evaporates mid flight if the trajectory is good
You don't understand anon, Venus gets much more solar energy than Earth, to the point where plants would have the required energy to make fruit filled with blood. It is perfect. Leeches on giant mosquitos, giant mosquitos feeding on little mosquitoes feeding on blood fruit. Beautiful

Anonymous No. 16224747

>$3 million

do you understand this number?

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Anonymous No. 16224748

>"You're only saying Shartship blew up because you don't know what FTS is but if you mention why they triggered FTS then you're a Russian double agent"
My word the /pol/ and twitter lurkers are unhinged today

Anonymous No. 16224752

$3 million is nothing in the launch business.

Anonymous No. 16224754

That figure was based on disclosed subsidies, but I read an article that texas gave something like 15 million. And low interest on loans counts for something.

But yeah, it's probably around half of a falcon 9 launch

Anonymous No. 16224755

Get your own damn food, bloodsucker
Nightmare world, prime candidate for sterilization from orbit.

Anonymous No. 16224759

mental illness is a fucked up thing. lack of logical and critical thought is even worse IMO.
I wonder about these "people". how old are they? are all of them zoomers, millenials, boomers or just retards who are unable to separate different factors and think the world is black and white?

Anonymous No. 16224760

>I understand this number

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Anonymous No. 16224761

>too much calcium
you need to be able to use it as a building material, anon, and Mars already has enough CO2 in my opinion
they can have a few million tons as a treat but most of it needs to stay where it is and change form
you're also forgetting the most important part of any mosquito based ecosystem, the giant dragonflies
>fuck, he's got me, I'd better call him a twitter tourist and tell him to take his medication, there's no way he can come back from that
you didn't mention noncon buttsex or blowjobs at all so in hindsight you're probably not actually a Russian
anyway here have an image depicting you as a retard, that'll show you

Anonymous No. 16224763

we literally farm european leeches for use in medicine, they're almost extinct outside of leech farms.
ticks and mosquito I agree with, they should be exterminated, not leeches.

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Anonymous No. 16224765

Intelligent fairyposter. I kneel to your oldgod status.

Anonymous No. 16224767

>Implying there weren't 22 successful manned shuttle missions between 2005 and 2011
>Implying the number of catastrophic failures by Shartship didn't surpass the entire 30 year shuttle program after 3 launches
>"We'll perfect it though I promise"
You are delusional and I can't wait to see the cope when Shartship kills a manned crew

Anonymous No. 16224768


Anonymous No. 16224769

They know deep down that this means we're on the fast path to first stage reuse and Starlink v2, which lets them earn money on ship recovery test flights.

Anonymous No. 16224770

>22 successful manned shuttle missions between 2005 and 2011
I forgot how utterly shit the shuttle was holy shit. They couldn't even launch it unmanned.

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Anonymous No. 16224771

Use your PTS

Anonymous No. 16224773

>Spamming comm sats means Mars colony in 2 more weeks
You've made clear in the last 2 threads that your hobby isn't space exploration, it's rimming Musk's business ventures

Anonymous No. 16224779

He's not being serious, anons.

Anonymous No. 16224780

>>Spamming comm sats means Mars colony in 2 more weeks
kind of. The first step to mars colonization is lowering cost of mass to orbit.

Anonymous No. 16224781

>The program that designed reusable rockets for manned flights was shit because it launched manned flights and reused its rockets
Quality b8

Anonymous No. 16224782

M8 you thought the Saturn IB was used to put the LM into lunar orbit, you don't know a damn thing about space flight. The only reason you're in this thread is to seethe about Elon.

Anonymous No. 16224786


Anonymous No. 16224791

I would have loved to see N1 go forward, where are you getting this idea?

Anonymous No. 16224794

not b8, that's a rate of ~3.7 launches per year, with a useful payload of ~29000kg each, so 107300kg to orbit each year.
That's pathetic without even accounting for how expensive the shuttle was.

Anonymous No. 16224795

Falcon 9 had like 10 failed landing attempts you dumb nigger

Anonymous No. 16224799

total baiter death

Anonymous No. 16224802

he's trolling you

Anonymous No. 16224804

They were trying to fly it as little as possible lmao

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Anonymous No. 16224805

>genuine schizo is shitting up /sfg/ for couple of days now

Anonymous No. 16224809

As an unfortunate side effect of being primarily made up of spaceflight autists, /sfg/ is only capable of identifying less than 50% of the bait that is posted as bait.
The bait that /sfg/ can detect, it cannot resist replying to with spaceflight facts.

Anonymous No. 16224811

This is the first time I've talked to a shitposter about marketshare/payload/starlink. You're schizoing out

Also no I'm trying to fix your retarded expectations and save you from disappointment, for some reason lmao. Maybe I should spend my sunday on someone else

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Anonymous No. 16224813

replying to bait with spaceflight facts is like half the purpose of the general
personally I would prefer to reply with spaceflight facts to genuine curiosity instead but what can you do

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Anonymous No. 16224815

>The biggest thing in spaceflight in decades just happened
Your mom cured her AIDS? Congrats, you can fuck her raw again with out worry.

Anonymous No. 16224816

if you don't respond with truth to bullshit lies then less well-read anons will just accept that the lies were the truth. it sucks but you really have to push back to blatant delusional bullshit like this twitter tourist who for whatever reason has let Elon dominate his thoughts. it's especially sad since I don't even the EDS guys are even aware of how far along V2 is or that spacex has 4 more v1s ready to test and no reason not to since they've already been built

Anonymous No. 16224818

It launched our national debt and scrubbed our school teacher population

Anonymous No. 16224819

>if you don't respond with truth to bullshit lies then less well-read anons will just accept that the lies were the truth.
>it sucks but you really have to push back to blatant delusional bullshit like this
no you don't. stop.

Anonymous No. 16224820
Do you honestly think the Falcon 9 will ever be fully reusable? Look how many times it crashed or fell over. Never gonna happen

Anonymous No. 16224823

Sorry but it's for the culture

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Anonymous No. 16224824

>Implying NASA expenditure hasn't consistently been around 0.5% of US GDP even during the peak of the Space Race
>Implying labor budgets for engineers and scientists doesn't make up a significant portion of program budgets
>Implying SpaceX doesn't cut labor costs by having the R&D team work 50-80 hour weeks on salaries designed for 40 hours
>Implying private companies even disclose their budgets
>Implying Musk hasn't claimed the Starship costs $10 million per launch when independent estimates put it closer to $100 million
>Implying the 4 test flights haven't already made the one partial success just as expensive as one successful shuttle launch/recovery
Please tell me you didn't actually fall for the "cost lowering" meme anon

Anonymous No. 16224827

not that anon, but a future where sfg is replaced by the tourists whos foundation was the flow of current event trolls - sounds pretty real to me. I've seen communities and entire boards on 4chan transform. You have to gatekeep.

Anonymous No. 16224830

>Every space program has used iterative development
except the shittle

Anonymous No. 16224831

Being cheaper than your competitor is important in the increasingly-commercialized sector of space, yes.

Anonymous No. 16224832

thanks for using the same images so I know which posts to skip

Anonymous No. 16224834

>Implying the Apollo 7 entered lunar orbit
Based 50 IQ subhuman reading comprehension moment

Anonymous No. 16224839

>Implying the Apollo 7 entered lunar orbit
Yes, that's what you said yesterday. You said the Saturn IB was used to put the LM into lunar orbit where it rendezvoused with the CM, and that Saturn V launches were only used for the missions that had lunar rovers.

Anonymous No. 16224841

Of what? Supplies for the ISS, or comm sats for selling high speed internet?
>inb4 "we don't NEED to test living in space in order to colonize space"

Anonymous No. 16224843

People who use that as an insult are always ironically the ones on psych meds. especially given you've used that reply like a half dozen times over 2 days (what a weekend you are having too btw)

Anonymous No. 16224845

SpaceX isn't trying to colonize space, that's just the PR cover story for building Brilliant Pebbles. Building Brilliant Pebbles entails putting tens of thousands of satellites (kinetic interceptors) into LEO. SpaceX is on the precipice of being able to do this.

Hence, shilling is off the charts.

Anonymous No. 16224847

You already posted this gif
>>Implying NASA expenditure hasn't consistently been around 0.5% of US GDP even during the peak of the Space Race
From memory, NASA expenditure was 2 to 5% of GDP during the space race.
>>Implying labor budgets for engineers and scientists doesn't make up a significant portion of program budgets
Yes, most of the program budget of oldspace is wasted on do nothing jobs spread across multiple states for more gibs from congress. SpaceX doesn't do this, has fewer employees than ULA BO etc, and is therefore a lot more efficient.
>>Implying the 4 test flights haven't already made the one partial success just as expensive as one successful shuttle launch/recovery
With how expensive the shuttle was, I wouldn't be surprised.
The cost lowering is real, if they were bleeding money musk would have run out by now. Modern independent cost estimates show profit margins are high. There are multiple articles seething about how spacex is abusing their monopoly to price gouge and extract huge profit margins since the cost of a falcon 9 launch is significantly lower than their price.

Anonymous No. 16224848

(The shills probably don't even know this is why they're here. They're useful idiots of the CCP programmed by reddit/etc.)

Anonymous No. 16224849

>"The LM was a success on the first test flight"
>First test flight was Apollo 7
>"Show me a video of the Saturn V landing"
>"Saturn V didn't carry the LM (on the first test flight) it was the Saturn IB)
you are a schizophrenic dumbass and you should either go back to posting anime or go back to twitter. or both

Anonymous No. 16224850

This was you yesterday:
>the crew were launched on a 1c and the lem on a 2b and they rendevouzed around the moon. Saturn v was for the later missions which carried a rover

Anonymous No. 16224852

Falcon 9 has a near monopoly on the global launch market, so it carries ISS resupplies, crewed missions, internet satellites, research satellites. Everything and anything.

Anonymous No. 16224854

>Building and blowing up more expensive death trap rockets is all part of the master plan to use the already marketable MLVs to do a heckin Kesslerino
>If you deny this retardation then you're a Chinese/Russian double agent

Anonymous No. 16224856

how many failed landings was that again?

Anonymous No. 16224857

I didn't think the /g/tard was quite this dumb.
I thought that whole "turning around and docking" thing in apollo 11 was iconic.

Anonymous No. 16224858

>he believes in the reddit kessler meme in LEO
Once again, you prove that you don't know anything about spaceflight. Everybody here knows that debris in LEO decays in mere years. Some space debris is a small price to pay for strategic missile defense.

(Not to mention that wouldn't happen in the first place because the entire point is deterrence.)

Anonymous No. 16224859

bait or mental retardation? who knows

Anonymous No. 16224861

Glushko cancelled cause he hated korolev so much he'd rather see the americans win then his enemies rocket be the one to get them to the moon.

Anonymous No. 16224862

>"This was you"
>"It was real in my mind"
inb4 you're the anon who kept saying "he's responding to himself" because he couldn't comprehend that mocking Shartship is a popular sentiment. The thread got a lot better after your bed time btw

Anonymous No. 16224863

fuck you brilliant pebbles poster

Every time you spam this shit it makes me think about fruity pebbles. And every time I eat them I'm fucking disappointed because they're fucking shit. So just stop

Anonymous No. 16224865

He's obviously never even seen Apollo 13, which explains all of these matters clearly and memorably. His spaceflight knowledge is much worse than the average normie.

Anonymous No. 16224866

silence, bolshevik
your campaign of falsehoods WILL be repelled even if it makes this place fucking unuseable

Anonymous No. 16224871

what is the final solution to /g/ retards infesting /sfg/?

Anonymous No. 16224874

I'll never stop.

Anonymous No. 16224876

did jwst find carbon in the early universe?

Anonymous No. 16224877

Hate Glushko, what kind of human being snitches to the NKVD?
Hypergolics are shit too, evil chemicals.

Anonymous No. 16224879

we have cargo dragon for that. what are you even posting about now

Do you think we can colonize space with the shuttle? what the fuck am I reading. Stop watching michael bay movies

Anonymous No. 16224881

>fully reusable
they already gave up on that, they're sticking to first stage reuse instead
yeah, think about where civilization could be if the competing superpower wasn't completely dedicated from a cultural level to shooting themselves in the foot repeatedly and continuously

Anonymous No. 16224882

/sfg/ stands for science fiction technology

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16224883

Anonymous No. 16224886

The early universe is too far away to ever be relevant to space flight.

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Anonymous No. 16224887

say that to my face motherfucker and not online

Anonymous No. 16224889

>independent estimates put it closer to $100 million
Independ estimates put it around 28 million dollars.

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Anonymous No. 16224890

>EDS sufferer is reduced to spamming the same strawman over and over

Anonymous No. 16224893

That's what inevitably happens when you're:
>flat wrong
>have no knowledge of the subject matter

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Anonymous No. 16224894

Anonymous No. 16224895

>"Near monopoly"
I'm all for Falcon 9 being used for ISS supply missions but let's not tell outright lies here. The Russians are still doing the majority of ISS launch operations (I know, I know, call me a putler shill for mentioning this)

Anonymous No. 16224899

EDS shitter, see >>16224509

Anonymous No. 16224903

>global launch market
>oh he must mean ISS launch operations because that's what I needed him to say

Anonymous No. 16224904

>early universe is too far away
>Retard doesn't understand its already gone

Anonymous No. 16224905

>They have a zero-g indicator now too
I love that this tradition is spreading

Anonymous No. 16224909

The fuck are you two retards smoking
Perun is always calm and composed. His voice is fucking average as well

Anonymous No. 16224912

In the modern day, it's about half and half. Also, Roscosmos also resupplies the ISS and they aren't interested in buying a cargo dragon flight no matter how cheap it is.

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Anonymous No. 16224913


Anonymous No. 16224914

No matter the subject he always uses a whiny tone like he's annoyed he has to explain whatever he's talking about to his audience. His tone is that of a calculus teacher explaining basic algebra to his class remedial of idiots.

Anonymous No. 16224915

>I can pick up a box that weighs 30 pounds and I weigh 300
>Therefore I can lift 330 pounds

Anonymous No. 16224916


Anonymous No. 16224918

>Only mentioning debris
>Not the mass of sats themselves
>"It's a small price to pay for ASATs"
>"NASA astronomers are r*ddit cope but a venture capitalist's tweets are gospel"
Does the DoD pay you extra to shitpost on the weekends?

Anonymous No. 16224920

>>>Not the mass of sats themselves
The mass of the interceptors is trivial for Starship. That's the entire point of Starship. Do try to keep up.

Anonymous No. 16224922

>They're sticking to first stage reuse instead
Careful anon you're gonna bait out the "second stage doesn't exist" schizo from the last thread

Anonymous No. 16224923

"I don't think the pebbles are all that brilliant"

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Anonymous No. 16224924

If you think that's whiny, you should get your hearing checked because you're defective in the extreme
probably some brain damage from all the high blood pressure ass pain you replaced your personality with

Anonymous No. 16224925

desu if they didn't resupply the station, fully half the docking ports on the station wouldn't be usable since they aren't the same as the western half's

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Anonymous No. 16224927

Anonymous No. 16224928

That deluge plate is turning into one incredible piece of industrial art

If they replace it I hope it gets installed somewhere as a display

Anonymous No. 16224929

Brilliant is relative to the Smart Rocks proposal. But both terms are relative to the 1980s, the interceptors themselves are now trivial technology and all that remains is to complete the creation of rockets capable of launching satellite constellations that large. That's the only remaining piece of the puzzle and SpaceX is well on their way to solving it.

Anonymous No. 16224930

But as long as you can jump with it, that counts. Put on another 50 pounds but do a few calf raises so you can still get a vertical. If you fail, just commit suicide and it won't count

Anonymous No. 16224933

Are you austrialian or something? Maybe you don't hear his whining because it's familiar and normal to you. The way he draaaaaws out some wooooorrdsssss makes him sound very annoyed at everything. And his frequent casual use of sarcasm certainly doesn't help.

Anonymous No. 16224936

"I don't think this defense initiative is all that strategic"

Anonymous No. 16224938

>Knows that "mass" in that context referred to the secondary definition synonymous with "abundance in number"
>Brings up Shartship mass to LEO to deflect the issue
No, the DoD can't be paying you overtime. Not for these low quality posts

Anonymous No. 16224945

local mutt doesn't understand what dry humour is, needs jokes explained to him in detail to process them
We do apologize if the lack of flashing lights and fortnite sound effects bored your neurotic ADHD ipad baby brain

Anonymous No. 16224946

Both the mass and the quantity of interceptors needed for Brilliant Pebbles will be trivial for Starship. It's already borderline feasible with Falcon 9, as demonstrated by Starlink.

Anonymous No. 16224950

Perun draws out words in virtually every sentence he speaks. That's not for comedic effect, it's just the way he chooses to talk.
His sarcasm is for comedic effect, but sarcasm is the immature teenage sort of humor that adults eventually come to find grating.

Anonymous No. 16224956

>From memory
Your memory is quite poor. That or you're confusing GDP for the federal budget, in which case your IQ is quite poor.
>Making fewer salaried employees work double shifts and do 90 gorrillion launches a year to bring down per-launch labor costs is LE EFFICIENT
Tell me you're too young to have witnessed Challenger without telling me you're too young to have witnessed Challenger.
>Defending Starship by pivoting to Falcon 9
Right on cue

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Anonymous No. 16224965


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16224966

>Mutt tries to assert their personal sense of humour is the correct "adult" one
>for the billionth fucking time
Nigger, you're a fat NEET on a mongolian basket weaving forum, you aren't the arbiter of anything

Anonymous No. 16224967

>"How can putting too many sats into LEO cause Kessler syndrome if we are capable of putting too many sats into LEO"
You can't actually be this stupid. I'm entirely convinced that you're a DoD shill ever since that "small price to pay for a good ASAT" line

Anonymous No. 16224968

fair criticism, unfortunately you have no space program.

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Anonymous No. 16224971

>he still hasn't learned that sarcasm is annoying

Anonymous No. 16224973

Don't know what you mean with the challeger stuff, that accident was caused by mormon cronyism.

Anonymous No. 16224974

>he's still on about the reddit kessler meme
blatant EDS tourist

Anonymous No. 16224975

just report the trolls

Anonymous No. 16224976

he's your fav youtuber huh. if it matter his voice also annoys me

Anonymous No. 16224983

>small price to pay for a good ASAT
Who are you quoting? Nobody said this.

Anonymous No. 16224984

you must be new to /sci/

Anonymous No. 16224987

second stages exist
second stage boosters do not

Anonymous No. 16224989

/sci/ doesn't have jannies
Reports don't have anywhere to go

Anonymous No. 16224992

I know the jannies do nothing but replying is even worse because it actively encourages the retards

a guy who is definitely not me got a few short terms bans in the past

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Anonymous No. 16224994

hey second stage booster anon

Anonymous No. 16224996

ctrl + f thank me later

Anonymous No. 16224997

I looked it up and it was 2 to 2.5% of annual gdp over 10 years, if anyone was interested.

Anonymous No. 16225002

the last janny had a stick up his butt regarding pictures of fairies and tried to ban me for them, but he got schwacked by the mods pretty quickly and now we just have nobody as far as I can tell

Anonymous No. 16225005

ASAT != strategic missile defence anon
ASAT is anti satellite, which means shooting down satellites either from earth or space.
Strategic Missile Defence refers to shooting down nukes, which are not satellites because they don't get into orbit.
I'm not sure you understand what brilliant pebbles is.

Anonymous No. 16225006

>they already gave up on that, they're sticking to first stage reuse instead

post citation, the seethe you generate in this thread would be historic. Starship would unravel and it would just be a big falcon 9 at best

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Anonymous No. 16225007

Dammit bro I warned you. He's back

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Anonymous No. 16225011

they've given up on Falcon 9 second stage reuse, that's the point of the Starship program, please try to keep up
what did you mean by this

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16225013

Strategic missile defense isn't ASAT. Brilliant Pebbles is for swatting ICBMs, ideally during boost phase (no orbital debris at all.) But even it performs orbital interceptions and litters LEO with a choking cloud of debris, that would be a hell of a lot better than letting those missiles reach their targets. Some space debris in exchange for saving millions of lives from nuclear bombardment is literally a small price to pay. Not least because IN LOW EARTH ORBIT that debris will clear in mere years.

And as already stated, this scenario won't happen in the first place because the deterrent effect of having Brilliant Pebbles would prevent anybody from trying in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 16225015

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Anonymous No. 16225017

see, they call it a "second stage" not a "booster" you mouthbreathing cretin

Anonymous No. 16225018

Someone posted a vid link in the last thread but the cope became
>Second stage doesn't exist
>He doesn't say that I'm not watching it
>Leaves the thread

Anonymous No. 16225019

Strategic missile defense isn't ASAT. Brilliant Pebbles is for swatting ICBMs, ideally during boost phase (no orbital debris at all.) But even IF it performs orbital interceptions and litters LEO with a choking cloud of debris, that would be a hell of a lot better than letting those missiles reach their targets. Some space debris in exchange for saving millions of lives from nuclear bombardment is literally a small price to pay. Not least because IN LOW EARTH ORBIT that debris will clear in mere years.

And as already stated, this scenario won't happen in the first place because the deterrent effect of having Brilliant Pebbles would prevent anybody from trying in the first place.

Yes, that's an ASAT test. That's not Brilliant Pebbles.

Anonymous No. 16225022


Anonymous No. 16225025

>that's an ASAT test
what that is is a spaceplane

Anonymous No. 16225028

It's important to speak the language of spaceflight, and to understand how it works.
You should read "Ignition!" it's a great book which will teach you a lot about this stuff and allow you to fit in more.

Anonymous No. 16225029

Oh my bad anon. There's a different anon here that was posting that elon won't recover starships "second stage booster" yesterday. I didnt realize your post was about F9

He's right here btw >>16225007

Anonymous No. 16225031

I would personally trade the lives of every single human being in New York and Los Angeles for a single satellite in LEO

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Anonymous No. 16225034

>Do you honestly think the Falcon 9 will ever be fully reusable?
Nobody here thinks that. Any pretext of making the second stage reusable ended several years ago. You would know this already if you weren't a tourist.
>Look how many times it crashed or fell over.
Pic related, EDS shitter.

Anonymous No. 16225036

yes, I'm still seething about him
how are you even that stupid, is it an ESL thing? does some other language translate their word for "stage" to "booster" in some dictionary?

Anonymous No. 16225037

Booster means first stage and always will. It wouldn't even make sense to use to to describe any engine and any stage of the rocket. Because if you ask, "what is the booster boosting", the answer is "another booster of course". It becomes a meaningless term. Or you could just know what the fuck you are saying before posting

Anonymous No. 16225039

Yes, the F-15A is a spaceplane. The government doesn't want you to know this but it's fully space capable. I flew one to Venus last week.

Anonymous No. 16225045

The phrase itself is uncanny to a spaceflight enthusiast. This phrase instantly identified him as a tourist.

Anonymous No. 16225047

>Liquid rocket [redacted] aren't LE REAL
Which is why those Shartship tests didn't require self destruction after leaks in the liquid oxygen [redacted]s, right?>>16225011
>They gave up on second stage recovery by launching a more expensive and less successful project with 0% recovery of any stages
kek okay pal starship lemon status rescinded

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Anonymous No. 16225049

it's incredible how your retardation, feigned or real, is causing me to seethe to such an insane degree

Anonymous No. 16225050

Have the Chinese done it yet?

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Anonymous No. 16225052

I'd like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as a spaceplane is in fact ASAT/f-15 or as I've recently taken to calling it, ASAT plus F-15. F-15 is not a spaceplane unto itself, but rather another component to a fully functioning spaceplane made useful by the ASAT missile, space capabilities and vital F-15 launch components comprising a full spaceplane as defined by 4ASS

Anonymous No. 16225054

im obsessed with womens feet.

Anonymous No. 16225055

We should remove the atmosphere on earth to make spaceflight less difficult.
Imagine if we didn't have to use different rocket engine bells or deal with air resistance.
Don't allow terraformers to get their way and ruin perfectly good atmosphere-less worlds, remind them that they are inferior creatures.

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Anonymous No. 16225058

>I'll just pretend that liquid rocket boosters aren't used for second stage propulsion by numerous rockets because my argument has been relegated to semantics

Anonymous No. 16225059

post one why don't you

Anonymous No. 16225062

fitting in is important though, it's almost like we know what we're talking about

Anonymous No. 16225063

Booster refers to either the first stage of a rocket, or stages that burn in parallel to the main first stage. Second stages are not boosters.

Anonymous No. 16225064

a "booster" is vague at best, and it is usually just another way of referring to the first stage on a two stage rocket.
Are you trying to say "engine"? That would make more sense.

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Anonymous No. 16225065

we should remove the atmosphere on earth as part of the TED project

Anonymous No. 16225071

okay but could you call a Star SRM a "booster"

Anonymous No. 16225072

TED is very compelling as always.

Anonymous No. 16225073

>I'll just pretend im not a tourist who said "starship wont reuse its second stage booster"

Also it's not semantics. Few people would give you shit for calling something the wrong name. What you were saying was wrong anyway and you spent all your time trying to troll before you dropped the phrase

Anonymous No. 16225075

>"If I post 4 consecutive semantic copes it'll look like everyone is going along with it"
Cool story bro. Liquid rocket boosters are used for secondary propulsion, Starship hasn't recovered any, and you cannot refute this

Anonymous No. 16225077

>EDS poster thinks it's only him and one other person in this thread

Anonymous No. 16225081

>secondary propulsion
I've heard of tripropellant, is that close to what this is?
also, don't listen to
>>16225077 (Me)
/sfg/ is just one guy talking to himself and you.

Anonymous No. 16225082

>Shuttle doing 110 tons
lol who made this

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Anonymous No. 16225083

you got me

Anonymous No. 16225085

being intentionally obtuse to garner replies is called "trolling"

Anonymous No. 16225087


Anonymous No. 16225088

>"Calling something 'the wrong name''
>"Not semantics"
Fill in the blank: liquid rocket _______

Anonymous No. 16225089


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Anonymous No. 16225090

Anonymous No. 16225091


Anonymous No. 16225092


Anonymous No. 16225096


Anonymous No. 16225098

"I don't think this rocket is all that liquid"

Anonymous No. 16225099

jackie chan

Anonymous No. 16225100

Nah, they're all serious business military types. The closest they get are the procedure books they're holding throughout the launch.

Anonymous No. 16225101

Closer, at least the acronym is correct then kek

Anonymous No. 16225102

you could also use "motor" although it would be weird.

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Anonymous No. 16225103


Anonymous No. 16225105

Are you kidding? That wasn't even bait, that was sarcasm to make fun of the guy saying Starship failed because it exploded.

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electric engine.jpg

Anonymous No. 16225108

the engine/motor divide is one of the stranger quirks of English vocabulary.

Anonymous No. 16225109

>Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and founder of SpaceX, has recently announced that he is canceling plans for recovering the second stage booster of the company's ambitious Starship spacecraft. This decision comes as a surprise to many in the industry who have been closely following SpaceX's progress in developing its next-generation rocket system.

>In recent years, Musk has made headlines with his plans for reusable rockets and spacecraft, which he believes are essential for making space travel more affordable and accessible. The Starship program aims to create a fully reusable transportation system that can carry humans to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. However, despite these ambitious goals, Musk has now decided not to pursue the recovery of the second stage booster for the time being.

>The decision appears to be primarily driven by cost considerations. While recovering rocket boosters is an essential part of SpaceX's mission to make space travel more affordable, doing so requires significant resources and investment. In light of these factors, Musk has decided that it would be better for the company to focus its efforts elsewhere at this time.

>Musk explained his reasoning in a series of tweets

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Anonymous No. 16225110

Are you getting confused with SRB's?
solid rocket boosters are specifically these, I think only the energia used liquid rocket boosters, and that only flew like once.
These are called boosters because they attach to the side of the first stage in a modular way.

Anonymous No. 16225114

>chat gpt detected
fa/g/ strikes again

Anonymous No. 16225116

The reason why the first stage of starship is called a booster is because it's also kind of modular: you don't need it to get to LMO from the surface of mars.

Anonymous No. 16225118


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Anonymous No. 16225121

First stages may always be called boosters.

Anonymous No. 16225122

how long is it going to take for the tourists to leave? I forgot it becomes this bad

Anonymous No. 16225125

they call things "boosters" because they're big like my cock
I don't really get it but that's what they tell me

Anonymous No. 16225126

why are you doubling down? this is like the dumbest hill to die on

Anonymous No. 16225127

this is the way certain parts of this website believe that all communications on the internet should be
those people have brain damage, and should go back to their shitholes so I don't need to think about them

Anonymous No. 16225129


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Anonymous No. 16225131

Guys help I'm going into the primary literature to research for my thesis but I think these "scientists" are using fake terms! It goes all the way back to the 60s, how deep does this "second stage booster" conspiracy go??

Anonymous No. 16225132

It usually doesn't. it's kind of interesting that different boards have their own different types of low quality tourists.
/pol/ and /x/ schizos are the kind we usually get, and they usually post space is fake stuff for a little while before leaving. Maybe they come back in flare ups sometimes and post the exact same thing again on and off but it peters out and they aren't that bad.

Anonymous No. 16225134

yeah "booster" was kinda a generic term for orbital launchers up through the 60s. you can find a bunch of old stuff just referring to atlas boosters or saturn boosters and they meant the entire rocket.

Anonymous No. 16225135

if you have three or more stage you can have multiple booster stages
in two stage rockets like Starship/Super Heavy, Starship is not a booster, it is being boosted

Anonymous No. 16225137

odd terminology, and some of these might refer to odd rocket studies with radial boosters on the second stage?
>>16225135 is correct though, even if you use this fringe terminology, starship second stage is still not one.

Anonymous No. 16225139

Holy shit you guys are sperging out about words without me??

Anonymous No. 16225140

>1 ancient paper
>3 ESL papers
poor showings

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Anonymous No. 16225141

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Anonymous No. 16225143

>all of this because the EDS poster thinks the F9 second stage not being reused is some sort of "gotcha"

Anonymous No. 16225145

sorry chud, language changes with use

Anonymous No. 16225148

okay but what if we put a Centaur upper stage inside of Starship as a third stage

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Anonymous No. 16225149

pic related: EDS sufferer posting cope and seethe into our blessed thread

Anonymous No. 16225150

There are hundreds of research papers dated through 2024 that use the term "second stage booster" though. It's pretty obviously a widely used term by actual aerospace engineers and researchers, contrary to what a delusional hobbyist in this thread is claiming. It's clearly a pivot to semantics to avoid confronting the real debate

Anonymous No. 16225152

then you could call Starship a booster I guess, still a confusing term to use in that context
it would be clearer just to call starship a second stage (not a booster) with a third stage kick-stage

Anonymous No. 16225153

He said starship yesterday. He must have read about falcon 9 abandoning second stage reuse a long time ago and conflated it with starship

Anonymous No. 16225156

how many of those papers are posted by ESLs though?

Anonymous No. 16225159

>It's clearly a pivot to semantics to avoid confronting the real debate

That's been done and it wasn't a debate. Starship is recovering its second stage and it's not a booster. Everything you posted was uninformed billionaire spectator garbage

Anonymous No. 16225160

booster implies inherently expendable in my internal lexicon

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Anonymous No. 16225161

>second stage boosters

Anonymous No. 16225163

>They're fully reusable
>No actually he never said the second stage boosters were reusable
>Second stage boosters don't exist
>....LE EDS
Thanks for reusing the same anime pics now everyone knows you're the same anon who tried to confidently imply that Saturn V carried the Apollo 7

Anonymous No. 16225164

>kick stage
this is discriminatory language, it's proper to call them "orbital transfer vehicles" or "space tugs" these days

Anonymous No. 16225165

Super Heavy is often called a booster and is not expendable

Anonymous No. 16225166

pretty much all of the modern references are either chinese or indian.
this is from google scholar. Even then it's kind of rare.

Anonymous No. 16225168


Anonymous No. 16225169

kick stage =/= space tug

Anonymous No. 16225170

>Starship is recovering its second stage
How many have they recovered?
>Uninformed billionaire spectator garbage
Project more

Anonymous No. 16225172

also F9 first stage is a recoverable booster

Anonymous No. 16225174

>Those don't LE COUNT
Post your AE degree professor

Anonymous No. 16225177

Nobody said F9 second stages are reusable.

Anonymous No. 16225178

well indians have three stage rockets, in multi-stage rockets you can have multiple booster stages
in any case, Starship is not a booster

Anonymous No. 16225179

Thanks for the clarification. How many have been recovered?

Anonymous No. 16225182

hmmmmm, you've given me a lot to think about
yeah but a Centaur is obviously an OTV or space tug, the RL10 is capable of relights and modern Centaur has basically all of the ACES improvements rolled into it except for the ZBO stuff (it's too heavy for casual use)
they have had one out of two upper stages make it to a soft splash down in the ocean

Anonymous No. 16225183

>No actually he never said that
[You are here]

Anonymous No. 16225184

A booster boosting a booster doesn't make sense.

Anonymous No. 16225185

why do you keep bringing this up like its relevant in any way?

Anonymous No. 16225186

you should play kerbal space program

Anonymous No. 16225188

The booster is boosting the stack on top of it which has an additional booster and then the kick stage or upper stage

Anonymous No. 16225190

Why didn't they recover it? 2 more booms?

Anonymous No. 16225191

I have.
This makes me wonder if they're just going to leave superheavy from the last flight just floating there in the gulf.
Can they even transport it? Did they activate the FTS after it flopped?

Anonymous No. 16225192

you're not going to believe me, but it's the fucking government's fault
the FAA and Joe Biden won't let them reenter over land and try to recover the vehicle
something about untested vehicles and populated areas

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sdi Brilliant Peb....jpg

Anonymous No. 16225194

> 'this doesn't resemble starlink!' cried the /sfg/ downie

Anonymous No. 16225195

>"It's fully reusable"
>"How many have been reused?"
>"... EDS troll reee shut up"
Kek okay
>Inb4 circles back to "failed test costs for this one don't count but successful launch costs count for NASA projects"

Anonymous No. 16225196

>vortex flow LOX hybrid engine with 350s Isp
what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16225197

>Can they even transport it? Did they activate the FTS after it flopped?
i'm pretty sure this is being kept secret. that's why the spacex video didn't show it tipping over.

Anonymous No. 16225203


Anonymous No. 16225204

>Can they even transport it?
Kek no. They've yet to even unveil a prototype for a recovery vessel capable of retrieving a Starship

Anonymous No. 16225206

How dare you spread those conspiracies anon. It's safe and sound and already being refurbished for next month's manned launch
>inb4 source

Anonymous No. 16225210


Anonymous No. 16225211

>in after source

Anonymous No. 16225212

not really sure what your argument is really

Anonymous No. 16225215

i'm gonna cum

Anonymous No. 16225216

Even if they could push/pull it with tugboats there's no way you could keep that a secret.

I bet they were required to activate fts at engine shutdown. That's why the video cuts before it falls over, and the buoy footage doesn't show it fall over either because they cut the explosion out. They don't want /g/tards coming in here telling us the rocket exploded because they don't know the FTS is normal procedure required by the government

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Anonymous No. 16225217


Anonymous No. 16225218

oh interesting they're using polyethylene instead of HTPB-based goop or paraffin

Anonymous No. 16225221

Why is everyone on the Artemis crew jewish?

Anonymous No. 16225223

>They don't want /g/tards coming in here telling us the rocket exploded because they don't know the FTS is normal procedure required by the government
they never needed to use FTS for the f9 water landings did they? don't see why this would be any different.

Anonymous No. 16225224

Starship floats when empty and would be a hazard to navigation.

Anonymous No. 16225228

>Flight Termination System
>booster is no longer in flight

Anonymous No. 16225236

why do you argue with people in the thread when you are not even familiar with basic jargon? lmao

Anonymous No. 16225237

what twitter does to a man (vaxxed albeit)

Anonymous No. 16225239

Yup, it's still the weekend.

Anonymous No. 16225242

Kek this thread is unusable what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16225243

did they ever do a water landing with those? I'm guessing not because a barge can transport it. I guess the best answer would be what happened to any F9s that fell over but didnt explode, if that ever happened

Anonymous No. 16225244

>booster is no longer in flight

so its recovered, no one needed your concession but thanks anyway lmao

Anonymous No. 16225245

>i don't know what i'm talking about and instead of taking 1 minute to do minimal research i'll just make shit up off the top of my head and pretend it's useful information

Anonymous No. 16225247

The last two or three threads have been utterly dreadful, people posting bad bait and retards responding

Anonymous No. 16225250

yes multiple times and I don't think they recovered them either

Anonymous No. 16225253

Why don't they just find where the booster and second stage landed, then send a diver in there to open up a valve and then pump it up with ping pong balls so that it will float up

Anonymous No. 16225257

I am "Brilliant Pebbles anon" and I did not make this post: >>16225194
I am not so rude.

Anonymous No. 16225259
>Starliner CFT: Flight controllers have told the Starliner crew their undocking and return to Earth is moving from June 14 to June 18 to provide separation for an already planned spacewalk by ISS astronauts Tracy Dyson and Matt Dominick on June 13. NASA will hold a briefing to preview EVA-90 and two subsequent spacewalks on Tuesday at 4pm EDT (2000 UTC)

Anonymous No. 16225260

Yeah I deserve that

after 1 minute of minimal research the rockets immediately explode when touching the water. I won't speculate if they explode because FTS or the engine bells touching the water sealing all the pressure inside. That would take another minute to figure out

Anonymous No. 16225261

the data they would get from recovering them would not be worth the cost and complexity
with high cadence and hopefully tower recovery they can get them back without any extra cost or time, no damage from water

Anonymous No. 16225262

They should rig the stages they drop in the water with scuttling charges small enough to leave the stage mostly intact, but also include sea mines rigged to arm themselves once they settle on the ocean floor. That way any chinese submarine foolish enough to take a look gets a nasty surprise.

Anonymous No. 16225265

Is this a new meme?

Anonymous No. 16225266

reminder that polaris dawn is happening July 12
Ariane 6 is July 9
Falcon Heavy launc in June 25
Vulcan Centaur with Dream Chaser should be before July

Anonymous No. 16225267

daily reminder, N1 comparison baiter, that pretending to be retarded is a form of mental illness, you are coping with a lack of parental attention by requesting it from anomymous strangers online in the form of laughing at you.

Anonymous No. 16225268

I think that's flight hardware, not the crew

Anonymous No. 16225272

>Normal procedure required by the government
Only when there's an uncontrolled descent lmao. Based Shittle never had to use it. If SpaceX wants to avoid those regulations and crash Shartships on land then Musk could always just move the company to China. Long Marches do it all the time and no one seems to care

Anonymous No. 16225280

Here, DoD anon, have a (you)

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Anonymous No. 16225282

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Anonymous No. 16225283

>Based Shittle never had to use it.
They did and its use on a crewed vehicle is controversial to this day

Anonymous No. 16225284

alright so according to newfags baiting is just "pretending to be retarded really loudly and obnoxiously to make the thread unusable and then calling people gullible when they tell you you're acting like a retard"?

you people seriously need to get help, you can just talk to people across the street you don't need to get your attention quota filled by having people mock you online, that's really weird.

Anonymous No. 16225287


>mom I think I'm one of the boys now!

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Anonymous No. 16225291

pc game show just showed a gemmy game where you play as spaceX killing earther rebels

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Anonymous No. 16225292

>I am not so rude.
Well, you should be. /sfg/ anons are dumb brutes who need goading to move in the right direction.

Anonymous No. 16225295

>How to avoid boats rotting at the pier: drive them up on land

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Anonymous No. 16225300

Hovercraft Starship launch pad when?

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Anonymous No. 16225302

Are (You) okay anon? (You) seem very upset

Anonymous No. 16225303

what. wasn't the starliner down to the bare minimum number of usable thrusters?

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Anonymous No. 16225305

they don't have a pier at starbase, I don't think the water is deep enough much of the time to even use boats

Anonymous No. 16225307

NASA will have paid SpaceX $152.5 million for the Falcon Heavy launch of its GOES-U satellite.

With two side-booster recoveries and an expended center core, SpaceX easily pockets a cool $100 million from this deal.

Anonymous No. 16225309

ah so the guy wasting his weekend spamming retarded shit has been a sharty zoomer

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Anonymous No. 16225310

the "water" is actually just salty floodplains

Anonymous No. 16225311

>They did use FTS

Anonymous No. 16225313

They were able to get some of the misbehaving thrusters back into line by turning them off and then back on again. I think there are still a few that are out but they've got enough for a margin now. They were also able to lock down the helium manifold so that won't start leaking until they need to reactivate the thrusters.

Anonymous No. 16225314

Ah I see, it's more like an ATV
If it was continuous shallow water to Starbase they'd probably be using airboats instead

Anonymous No. 16225321

>spent two days on another board doing nothing but uncreative shitposting because you cant move on from the fact a billionaire you dont like spent money on a successful test for a vehicle that benefits you and everyone you know
>I better start claiming they are upset before they figure out my secret

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Anonymous No. 16225325

Here DoD anon, have another (you) to keep the thread going. I'll even throw in some space war kino for your enjoyment

Anonymous No. 16225330

Imagine finding out what this guy looks like. This is always what I think when the shit posting goes on too long. Imagine how funny a picture of this guy's face would be. Oh man

Anonymous No. 16225333

The Challenger SRBs were blown by the FTS 110 seconds after launch (after the Challenger had already broken up.)

>The two Solid Rocket Boosters flew
out of the fireball and were destroyed by the Air
Force range safety officer 110 seconds after
Page 19:

Anonymous No. 16225334

Did the LEM have an FTS?

Anonymous No. 16225337

it did, they called in the air force

Anonymous No. 16225338

doubt it, what would be the point?

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Anonymous No. 16225339

>"The Shartship N1 comparisons started two days ago, actually"
This is the best tourist projection cope yet

Anonymous No. 16225342

you should be, it's fun

Anonymous No. 16225345

he's doing that jewish thing again where he calls you what he is

Anonymous No. 16225346

this is how entire boards operate, anon
those dipshits think this is normal

Anonymous No. 16225354

blowing up the astronauts.

Anonymous No. 16225355

his name was Buzz Aldrin and if Niel was about to land on the moon rabbits he was authorized to punch a hole clean through the ship

Anonymous No. 16225357

you know what would fix the trolling problem? if we had our own board.

Anonymous No. 16225359

is that a Jewish thing? I thought it was a Russian thing

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Anonymous No. 16225362

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Anonymous No. 16225366

you know what really grinds my gears? lunites

Anonymous No. 16225368

Something I've always liked about this website, especially as the entire internet changed around it, is that all posts are equal and sorted by time. It's the closest thing to actually talking to people there is.
Unfortunately that also means some retard can single handedly shit the place up just as efficiently as a gathering in real life

Anonymous No. 16225371

guess who shaped soviet culture. hint: starts with a B but man high % of early lifers

Anonymous No. 16225375


Anonymous No. 16225377

perchlorates would instantly kill any human who sets foot on mars

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16225379

At T+72.284, the Ground Control Officer communicated they had no choice but to activate the Flight Termination System.[13] After detpmatopm. the right SRB pulled away from the aft strut that attached it to the ET, causing lateral acceleration that was felt by the crew. At the same time, pressure in the LH2 tank began dropping. Pilot Mike Smith said "Uh-oh," which was the last crew comment recorded. At T+73.124, white vapor was seen flowing away from the ET, after which the aft dome of the LH2 tank fell off. The resulting release of all liquid hydrogen in the tank pushed the LH2 tank forward into the liquid oxygen (LOX) tank with a force equating to roughly 3,000,000 pounds-force (13 meganewtons), while the right SRB collided with the intertank structure.

Anonymous No. 16225386

that would just make us easier to find

I think the reason this weekend is how it is, someone must have namedropped /sfg/ in an elon salt thread. Much more likely to happen if we're on the board roster

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Anonymous No. 16225394

perchlorates stand no chance against this high tech innovation.

Anonymous No. 16225395

>Implying the explosion wasn't caused by ammonium perchlorate and powdered aluminum breaching the fuel tank
>Implying there was anything but the SRBs left after 73 seconds
>Implying the FTS was usable after the orbiter blasted
>Posting the entire Rogers Commission Report as a PDF because you know low IQ hobbyists won't read the entire thing to disprove your schizo ramble
>Doesn't realize that everyone ITT who isn't a zoomer actually watched it happen
EDS is real, just not in the way that his dickriders imagine it. FTS was never used on a shittle launch, cope and seethe

Anonymous No. 16225397

>The disaster unfolded at an altitude of 46,000 feet (14 km).[13][3]:21 Both SRBs survived the breakup of the shuttle stack and continued flying, now unguided by the attitude and trajectory control of their mothership, until their flight termination systems were activated at T+110.[3]:30

Anonymous No. 16225400

1st grade reading level is real

Anonymous No. 16225401

>caused by ammonium perchlorate

Anonymous No. 16225402

he gave you the page number btw
>Page 19:
you actually are vaxx injured. you should talk to a lawyer since you have had a degradation in your living standards because of it

Anonymous No. 16225404

I am confused, who is shitposting who?

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Anonymous No. 16225405


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Anonymous No. 16225412

come up here and do something about it, bitch

Anonymous No. 16225415

I think there's just one shitposter, it's not hard to follow

Anonymous No. 16225417

>Implying the SRBs weren't recovered from the Atlantic Ocean and reused on future flights
>Still 0 non-PDF links to support this claim

Anonymous No. 16225420

in scenarios like this I like to think that it's just one guy responding to himself because it's too retarded to be a real conversation

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Anonymous No. 16225437

I didn't realize challenger was such a bullshit way to die

Did the SRBs have o-rings at different levels? If so it picked this level as the one to leak on. And it could've leaked in any direction, but it leaked text to the fuel tank. And it could've made a hole in the fuel tank, but instead it decided to leak in the exact location of the support that fixes the SRB to the tank.

If it leaked anywhere else would it just be a fuel leak? Would they have lived?

Anonymous No. 16225438

Holy shit try reading.

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Anonymous No. 16225445

>Page 19
Picrel anon highlight the proofs

Anonymous No. 16225450

Stop being retarded.

Anonymous No. 16225453

>Still no proof
>Every available source states the contrary
Inb4 this tard thinks the contingency plan for the use of FTS stated in the report is claiming that it was actually used. It also mentions the plans for the 7 days after launch, I suppose next you're going to claim that Challenger made it to orbit for a week?

Anonymous No. 16225454

Name calling isn't an argument. Why does Shartship using FTS and Shittle not doing so make you seethe so hard?

Anonymous No. 16225455

maybe, a burn-through on the tank itself could have been pretty catastrophic itself

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Anonymous No. 16225461

trolling people so hard they actually start reading the accident report for the Challenger disaster is raw dude, why would you fucking do that
please, kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16225462

First paragraph on that page.
Read, retard.

Anonymous No. 16225465

>a bloatoid moon program delaying.
It's gonna end up cancelled ('restructured' to save face) and replaced by a debloated Starship moon program, as it should have been since the start.

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Anonymous No. 16225466

kek, look at this fucking retard. He got btfo so hard that he's now trying to larp that he was "pretending to be retarded" all along.

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Anonymous No. 16225468

>It decided
Based animist enjoyer

Anonymous No. 16225471

The idea of nasa recovering the SRBs from challenger is the first amusing thing he's posted. Imagine seeing the death cloud and the SRBs floating down on parachutes in the same video

Anonymous No. 16225478

That's what happened. You can't refute this

Anonymous No. 16225479

You went too far, nobody believes you're not trolling now.

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Anonymous No. 16225480

why didn't they put tiles on the ET where the o-rings would spurt fire on it if they failed?

Anonymous No. 16225483

let's say it failed in the safest direction possible. Directly away from the tank and orbiter. Would sensors/ the crew/ ground control have been able to identify the situation before it escalated and if so did they have a procedure in place to evacuate from such a situation?

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Anonymous No. 16225484

Wheel_stop did this

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Anonymous No. 16225485

How does he do it? Generate so much seethe it starts to rival Trump

Anonymous No. 16225487

Admitting the O rings could fail at all would have forced NASA to pick a different supplier and then Utah's Senators would have canceled the program.

Anonymous No. 16225492

That refers to the range safety system, not the flight termination system. How are you not familiar with this basic difference in terminology?
>Inb4 "that's semantics"

Anonymous No. 16225494

it refers to the range safety OFFICER. aka the guy who pushes the fts button dumbass

Anonymous No. 16225495

Thing is they had already purchased a fix but it wasn't ready yet. Then they had the option of just not launching in record cold temperatures and they fucked that up too.

Anonymous No. 16225496

>it took him this long to read the first paragraph and formulate new even insaner cope

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Anonymous No. 16225498

How is it trolling to point out the simple fact that no Space Shuttle ever used its FTS? Rent free btw

Anonymous No. 16225503

>Pushes the FTS button
Then point to where it mentions the FTS being used. That was the argument presented. And no, this is not semantics.
>Inb4 you're the anon who kept calling liquid rocket boosters "boosters"

Anonymous No. 16225505

So many people ass blasted by the SS test launch.

Anonymous No. 16225508

>Ass blasted
Kind of like the ship itself immediately after the video cuts off? Kek

Anonymous No. 16225513

Could a rocket pull a tether into orbit that's attached to the ground? Let's say it's a very thin, durable tether and it would be heavy cumulatively but by the time the rocket has pulled a lot of it off the ground it has hopefully reached less dense altitudes and is having an easier time propelling the load as it gets heavier.

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Pamela Lee Astron....jpg

Anonymous No. 16225515

Anonymous No. 16225518

The only way congress redirects from SLS is if the Chinese start building a moon city. The benefits of actually getting stuff done (looks good for votes) needs to outweigh the benefits of a federal budget sucking factory in your district (looks good for votes)

Anonymous No. 16225519

>Still hasn't accepted that there are no mentions of the FTS being used anywhere in the report
Illiterate much? (Every single Shartship launch used it btw)

Anonymous No. 16225520

>timmy, why are you pretending to be stupid all the time
>timmy please stop doing this none of the other kids want to play with you because of this
>other kids: haha stupid retard
>timmy we're disowning you
i'm assuming this is how it went for the resident newfag spambaiter.

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Anonymous No. 16225526

>Range safety's function is to ________

Anonymous No. 16225527


Anonymous No. 16225528

We donโ€™t have any materials that are strong enough to hang down a 100km cable without it snapping.

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Anonymous No. 16225529


Anonymous No. 16225530

There are three or four immutable physics reasons why that doesn't work

Anonymous No. 16225531

NASA was being pressured over the delays to launch and the low flight rate by congress (because NASA had previously overpromised and was now underdelivering). Non-technical managers decided to ignore engineers and figured that a lot of the "WE CANNOT LAUNCH BECAUSE..." stuff was just safety theatre, so they could just cut it out. They were incorrect about what they thought was inconsequential (previous reports of O-ring hardening in low temps and warnings from thiokol engineers on the day).
I think Ballast had something to do with the pressure over the delays that were happening.

Anonymous No. 16225534

>Actually getting stuff done
If by that you mean crashing a 120 ton death trap into the Chinese moon colony and then blowing it up then I absolutely support

Anonymous No. 16225535

>Lesbian art

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Anonymous No. 16225536

Well it was nice knowing the wicked witch of LEO and the good ol boy while they where here

Anonymous No. 16225540

>I think Ballast had something to do with the pressure over the delays that were happening.
not really other than he'd launched on the mission right before and they'd gotten negative press coverage over scrubs. ballast was way too unimportant to affect anything in 1986.

Anonymous No. 16225541


Anonymous No. 16225543

His vocab seems pretty limited. He uses old phrases ("cope and seethe") that came around during the election tourist era. I think it's some twitter guy trying to fit in using lingo he saw last time he was here. Bizarre to say the least

Anonymous No. 16225544

tongue black ass

Anonymous No. 16225546

Yeah, but that mission was a major reason why they tried to rush the next one. The fact that ballast was a senator made it all very embarrassing.
Anyway, the problems can all be traced back to Mormons pressuring the Mormon in charge of shuttle contracting to give Thiokol the SRB contract. Thiokol was small, and had to make the SRBs in sections with O-rings between them rather than doing the whole thing in one go.
Mormons did Challenger.

Anonymous No. 16225548

>Still zero mentions of FTS
Do you still not understand basic terminology? The tourists are out of control please go back

Anonymous No. 16225551


Anonymous No. 16225552

anon, what do you think FTS stands for?

Anonymous No. 16225553

he was just in the house. jake garn was the senator payload specialist (and much better-qualified to be an astronaut). presumably ballast was still insisting on being addressed as 'senator' back then though.

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Anonymous No. 16225555

Anonymous No. 16225556

Some celebrities are a "failure theater", by that I mean parties, like the media or anti-fanboys, can present a blueballing narrative that said celebrity is constantly failing and their end is imminent. They do this while the fundamentals of why this celebrity is successful are actually fine and they are never going away. Savvy parties like the media are aware of this, and they would never want elon to actually fail because then they can't continue to grift an audience over a day that will never come. Same thing with trump, while polarizing, he never fell in popularity with his base and he was never going to be caught colluding with russia, just like how Qanon was never going to expose hillary clinton for a pedophilia ring in comet pizza. Biden might actually have a stroke any day now though.

Ironically I think we have failure theater for people with EDS who are victims of failure theater. People like thunderfoot get engagement and ad revenue for inciting flame wars with bullshit. The more wrong he is, the more engagement powers him, there's no level of humiliation that would do him in.

Anyway yeah as I was saying, something, something space flight

Anonymous No. 16225558

>like a retarded
anon are you apoplectic or something? I'm sure your schizo rambles are usually more coherent and I don't see what this has to do with spaceflight

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Anonymous No. 16225562

fat transexual siberians obviously

Anonymous No. 16225572

>implying all terminations of flights are done by FTS because of the acronym
I suppose next you're going to try to claim that second stage LRBs are "boosters" kek go back

Anonymous No. 16225575

The O-Rings weren't functioning according to the original design from day one, even when warm, and they all knew it and decided that was fine. Exhaust gases were never meant to touch the O-rings in the first place, but they knew from testing that it was, that the O-rings were being extruded, and that some gasses were even getting around the O-rings before they extruded.

Cold O-rings extruding slower was just the final straw which forced the defective design to ultimate failure.

Anonymous No. 16225583

>>implying all terminations of flights are done by FTS because of the acronym
I'm stating it clearly. if you have a system that terminates the flight, it's a flight termination system.
>I suppose next you're going to try to claim that second stage LRBs are "boosters"
considering the acronym, yes. An anon even posted some second stage LRBs previously:

Anonymous No. 16225588

Those could be second stage SRBs tho.

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Anonymous No. 16225589

Hello friends
finally got some time to sit down and make some webms :D
please enjoy

Anonymous No. 16225590

Fuck The Sun.

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Anonymous No. 16225591

Anonymous No. 16225592

i don't see what your constant cries for negative attention are doing for spaceflight either.

maybe you should go back to wherever you came from, you don't belong here.

5&#039;10 245lbs Mountain of a Man No. 16225597

It's very nice seeing the progress of these tests. Seeing it become reality is so great. It is like following the Pluto mission and seeing the planet get bigger and more high resolution and eventually making out geographical features. When the day comes where starship is launching in its final form, it will be a good day. Very exciting.

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Anonymous No. 16225600

Anonymous No. 16225601


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Anonymous No. 16225603

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Anonymous No. 16225606

Anonymous No. 16225607

Kino. I remember seeing russians brag about the RD-180 on the atlas V.

Anonymous No. 16225608

Cool so point out where the term "FTS" is used in the report, I'm still waiting
>inb4 you can't because it isn't
>implying second stage boosters exist
you're going to singlehandedly bring one particular troll back to this thread

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Anonymous No. 16225611

Reminder that Big Bird was meant to fly on Challenger.

Anonymous No. 16225613

>r*ddit spacing
>"go back to wherever you came from"
Something tells me you're the same troll who started all of this and you've been replying to yourself this whole time

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Anonymous No. 16225617

thought this was pretty neat. some of the clouds blocked some potions of the tracking but provided clearer views of the exhaust in the infrared

Anonymous No. 16225618

Do you now concede that the SRBs were destroyed by the range safety system, rather than being recovered and refurbished? Are you now solely arguing that the range safety system, the function of which was to terminate flights, was not called a flight termination system?

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Anonymous No. 16225619


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Anonymous No. 16225621

The yellow lighting, his chin shadow, the spacex logo make his t-shirt look like a TOS uniform

Anonymous No. 16225622


Anonymous No. 16225623

>he doesn't even know what reddit spacing means
>instantly accusing the guy making fun of him of being the baiter.
why do they do this every time?
or are you just some poor retard who got caught in the crossfire because his autism couldn't handle my intentionally bad greentext sentence impersonating a hysterical baiting child.

Anonymous No. 16225625

anon there's pointing out bad trolling and mistakes, and speaking to the troll like he actually believes absurd things

Anonymous No. 16225626

This was the best time to leave /sfg/ for a few days. Im pretty sure this argument the retards have been having is two ~900 post long threads. Always the worst immediatly after an IFT.

Anonymous No. 16225629

newfags are fucking insufferable, if we do ever get our own board i sure hope it doesn't get instantly flooded with these fucking obnoxious attention-hungry cretins.
can you fucking imagine intentionally acting like a moron to get online strangers to look at and feed you attention?
how does someone grow into that mindset?

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Anonymous No. 16225631

>Implying the SRBs weren't recovered and refurbished
>Still 0 proofs of any shuttle using their FTS
Yes, terminology matters anon. Don't be a retarded tourist
>Still won't admit that both Challenger and Columbia recovered more of their rockets than any of the Shartships

Anonymous No. 16225633

>our own board
please no

Anonymous No. 16225634

Most boards are like this, sfg unusually lacks this quality on most days

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Anonymous No. 16225636

yeah one of the pilot uniforms before they got rid of the piss yellow and added the black collars

Anonymous No. 16225637

What if you brought an asteroid into geosynchronous orbit and send a machine up to land on it and produce an endless tether from material mined from the asteroid, and you attach a little space craft on the end that flies the tether down into the atmosphere so it starts hanging and can be secured to the ground eventually?

Anonymous No. 16225642

Most of the time we are filled with newsposters, and autistic anons that only care about spaceflight and atleast try not to bring offtopic things to the general.
Key words, most of the time.

Anonymous No. 16225643

Those were first and second stage segments borrowed off of the solid fueled Topol-M ballistic missile. Adding three of each would apparently improve Proton's GTO payload by about 1200 kg. The wild part of the idea was that this wouldn't need any modifications to the Proton's existing launch pads. The rocket would just crawl very sluggishly off the pad on its main engines and air-start the boosters once it was 50-100m in the air.

Anonymous No. 16225649

see >>16225629 and >>16225520 and >>16225321
you can go outside right now and talk to someone, anyone, and you don't even have to pretend to be a moron to get their attention.
why are you so scared of doing that?
the mockery doesn't change or become less deserved because you're "just pretending" anon, you're genuinely pathetic either way, it's not some clever ruse, you genuinely have a mental health problem.

Anonymous No. 16225650

check this out guys!

Anonymous No. 16225651

you know you've been trolled really hard when you're compelled to develop an entire theory of trolling and post it at the trolls while they're trolling you

Anonymous No. 16225653

How do you build a space elevator if we had the material?

Would you build a station in geostationary orbit, deliver spool to it as it lowers the cable to earth? It seems like no vehicle could lift it all up at once, or even meet it half way

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Anonymous No. 16225655

>plot twist: same anon
anyone else think the atlas v looks like a sperm?

Anonymous No. 16225658

Start with the most narrow and light strand you can manage, and use that to string up another, then another, etc. If you can't manage the first strand, then you don't have what it takes to build a space elevator.

Anonymous No. 16225659

How would sesame street recover from the loss of big bird?

Anonymous No. 16225660

He's also obviously the same poster or he wouldn't be replying to himself and pretending to be 4 other anons

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Anonymous No. 16225661

look how desperate you sound, i'm pointing out what you're doing and all you can do is scream out that i'm trolled harded

baiting is not trolling, i bet you're the same hypocrite that pretends to care about post quality decreasing while spamming stuff like this. you should consider going back to twitter.

Anonymous No. 16225662

SRBs were recovered and refurbished, but not the Challenger SRBs, these were destroyed when the range safety officer activated the flight termination system, which blew them up. You can watch videos to see this.
>>Still won't admit that both Challenger and Columbia recovered more of their rockets than any of the Shartships
well yes they did, that's because the parts were used in the investigation of how NASA made such awful mistakes that led to the death of astronauts 2 (almost 3) times.

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Anonymous No. 16225664

>The 25th Space Shuttle mission ended at T +73 seconds when the vehicle exploded. After the explosion of the external tank, the Orbiter vehicle was torn apart by the subsequent loads and the resultant activation of the Flight Termination System (FTS) on the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB).
>Under severe loads, the Orbiter broke apart into large segments, the ET into smaller pieces, and the now separated SRB' s were terminated using the FTS.

Anonymous No. 16225668

Bocchi the cock!

Anonymous No. 16225670

nice pdf anon, saved.
Always love a bit of spaceflight history.

Anonymous No. 16225675

Oh and I suppose he just decided not to take the flight at the last minute?

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Anonymous No. 16225677

>newfag gets mocked for spamming the board like a retarded monkey in a failed attempt to socially interact
>instantly enters defensive mode by saying the people mocking him for merely pretending are all actually trolled super hard guise!!!
this is why i'm glad /sfg/ is normally not very well known, i know it sounds extreme but maybe just don't make a launch thread for the next starship launch to avoid drawing these "people" in.

Anonymous No. 16225678

he found out judy resnik was used goods and lost all interest in flying

Anonymous No. 16225680

They have a refrigerated warehouse of backup eggs.

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mass driver David....jpg

Anonymous No. 16225681

roggs can give you an Isp equal to hydrolox

Anonymous No. 16225682

not that anon but there are good opportunities for trolling expeditions, like when a salt mine opens. We've all done trolling and what I see here looks boring with a shit catch of the day to show for it. Whoever is shitting up the thread is too easily amused, or more likely some butthurt set them off and they can't get over it. The fact that they are touring /sfg/ after a double splashdown makes be believe the latter. If they had any sense or appreciated the art they would wait for the tower catch and spring on the opportunity if it fails.

Anonymous No. 16225684

>maybe just don't make a launch thread for the next starship launch
Nice try, EDS faggot.

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Anonymous No. 16225686

Admitting to being the one who replied to himself multiple times pretending to be multiple people eh? You got multiple personality disorder or something buddy? Why are you doing this to yourself?

Anonymous No. 16225689

You should know just as well as anyone that not interacting with these types is the best course of action. I remember you since you always post Ginga Eunyu Densetsu gifs here, why have you not followed protocol?

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Anonymous No. 16225692

Anonymous No. 16225694

no, launch threads are cool.
having to make this place mostly uninhabitable to remove tourists is like the body raising it's temperature in response to antigens after being exposed to the outside world.
It's just a necessary thing that happens sometimes.

Anonymous No. 16225695

I'm telling you it's gotta be the same guy responding to himself. There's no way everyone in the general went apeshit for no reason

Anonymous No. 16225697

Jesus he spent all of saturday and sunday being this obnoxious abrasive retard. It's not even trolling at this point. This is just how he is. Twitter fucking fried the pseudbrain. He constantly uses tourist as an insult too as of we aren't a small enough general to not notice his very new attendance. Mass media really started a fire they can't put out with all the orangeman/elongated musk hatefest. A total societal (for libs) psychosis that they can't escape from and instead seek out any outlet to do their well 2 Minute Hate ritual (but as we've seen it's really 24/7) outlet yet it's never enough. What a fucking tragedy

Anonymous No. 16225699

i'm saying that because i'd much rather enjoy it with you guys than having a bunch of offboard and off-general retards spill into it making a bunch of funny noises and posting a bunch of funny reaction images only to then find /sfg/ and decrease the post quality significantly for the next 4 weeks.
doesn't stop us talking about the launch, we don't have to invite a bunch of zero-brained newfags with a twisted sense of what "trolling" means into this place.

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Emergency Life Su....jpg

Anonymous No. 16225700

Anonymous No. 16225701

if you don't make a launch thread then people just make the /sfg/ thread absolute shit
the problem this time was that the mod stickied an actual /sfg/ thread too
I guess the launch being pretty cool caused some of this, I don't remember there being as much activity after 2 and 3 (though 1 had a lot)

Anonymous No. 16225703

I have a suggestion on how /sfg/ can at least not make IFT tourism worse than it has to be, but I'll wait to say it when the tourists get bored and leave

Anonymous No. 16225705

>decrease the post quality significantly for the next 4 weeks.
He'll be gone soon.

Anonymous No. 16225706

>still accusing other people of exactly the thing he's doing
just...walk outside, and say hi to someone, it's not that difficult. it's also 10x more satisfying than getting laughed at for being a retard on 4chan.

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Anonymous No. 16225707

no idea wtf is going on in the 590 posts above me but it seems sort of shuttle related, just wanted to drop my book rec on the subject

Anonymous No. 16225711

canadian healthcare helmet

Anonymous No. 16225712

Based ignorer of spergs. Also sorry but I dont like books

Anonymous No. 16225713

never happened you fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 16225714

Read, nigga

Anonymous No. 16225721

a particular ellie in space youtube short might interest you anon

Anonymous No. 16225722

i mean you're not wrong and the troll(s) should be shamed for overfishing but we deserve this for being such humorless spergs

Anonymous No. 16225723

Anon, books are great, you should read.

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Anonymous No. 16225724

N1 baiter here. Thanks for posting proofs anon, I admit I was wrong. There was one instance of the Space Shuttles using the FTS.
It's still a much better flight history than Shartship though and I stand by my point

Anonymous No. 16225734

It wasn't funny either though. And the troll started out not trying to be funny at all, then resorted to posting the same line of trolling ironically, which is still not funny. There's a clear difference between a funposting attempt and shitposting most of the time.

Anonymous No. 16225738

Letting jews tell lies without pushback is why kids are cutting off their body parts and ruining their health with cross sex hormones.

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Anonymous No. 16225740

you don't stand by any point though, the only point you stand by is coming over here because of the launch thread and subsequently annoying everyone with your presense, convinced that you're a genius troll.
you should save further embarrassment and just return to /pol/
better yet, return from /pol/ to whatever shithole you inhabited before you came to that gateway board.

Anonymous No. 16225742

beautiful, I remember seeing this perspective on a korean launch a while back.
I wonder why spacex never bother with this angle.

Anonymous No. 16225744

My brain has been rotted by Youtube videos beint such an easily digestible format. I used to read 200 pages every night when I was younger but when I got ahold of YouTube in like 6th grade it was ogre and its been over for a decade now. >>16225738
>random jew /pol/ spergery

Anonymous No. 16225748

if i saw anyone doing something about that i'd take a different attitude. i'm pretty sure this is just having drawn-out arguments with a troll about challenger's FTS on 4chan.

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Anonymous No. 16225751

There are definitely multiple. I posted the original N1 pepe but the spiraling retardation and schizo self responding were not me picrel

Anonymous No. 16225752

You're such a niggercattle you can't even read a book. No suprise seeing someone speak truth about your owner would trigger your goodgoy defense response

Anonymous No. 16225757

use text to speech

Anonymous No. 16225758

Check the last thread. If anything else this guy is dedicated to "trolling" to the point he's wasted an entire weekend at it. Probably a majority of his life looking at how he can't handle being pointed out wrong

Anonymous No. 16225763

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Anonymous No. 16225766


Anonymous No. 16225767

Musk talking about robot cat girls

Anonymous No. 16225769

>2026 at the latest for AGI
>I hope its nice to us

Anonymous No. 16225770

uhm, not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16225774

>You don't stand by any point though
Then why did comparing Starship to the N1 and saying Space Shuttles had better recovery rates cause such a lengthy and semi-serious debate? Is it humorous? Yes. Is there some ironic truth to it that can technically be defended rhetorically? Also yes. Did multiple tourists start educating themselves just to get involved in the discussion? Absolutely.
>Return to /pol/
You and I both know that this isn't the first time discussions like this have been facilitated in this general. We both know that this wasn't a "moon is fake jews own the rockets" raid. It's not my first time on this board as evidenced by how many people actually started fighting each other from one simple meme. The only reason I'm even mentioning being the one who posted the initial comparison is because it's actually spiraled into "da joos" and samefagging in every other post

Anonymous No. 16225777

if he's testing starlink that video went to space and bezos didnt

Anonymous No. 16225780

Elon talked about flight 5 for a while, the tiles on S30 are being replaced and backed up by an ablative layer

Anonymous No. 16225782

>Implying the last thread wasn't full of retards calling me a troll when I consistently right
Challenger's SRBs having an FTS was the first thing I was wrong about in either of those threads
>Spending the whole weekend in this thread
So are you dumbass

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Anonymous No. 16225783

Anonymous No. 16225785

2nd post this weekend. You're at 50+. Actually obsessed like I pointed out here.
You need to totally quit using the internet and preferably go on a wildness retreat. I doubt you're in good health. Focus on your own life instead of Elon's ventures.

Anonymous No. 16225786

>That video went to space
So have multiple dogs but if you start posting twitter links to cocker spaniel vids you're getting herbs. Wasted digits

Anonymous No. 16225792

Just woke up and you guys have managed to shit up a whole new thread. Well done.

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Anonymous No. 16225793

gotchu babe

Anonymous No. 16225795

Last one was like this too and it had even more posts. I just always clock out of /sfg/ for at minimum a week after an IFT because of these niggers, its a good practice and I suggest any serious posters do the same and return later

Anonymous No. 16225797

>"Actually obsessed"
>Reading every single response and having a meltdown ramble because you don't like anyone saying anything even mildly abrasive about one rocket program
Who's worse, the person in /sfg/ ranting about space flight or the person in /sfg/ ranting about how much they hate the other posters? The topic of Elon personally didn't even come up until cultists started rushing to his defense like comparing Starship to N1 was some sort of personal attack. If that line of discussion makes you so upset then just leave lmao

Anonymous No. 16225798

Agreed on all point

Anonymous No. 16225799

Yeah lol

Anonymous No. 16225802

Didn't read. Get help. Unironically. Go to church. Change your diet. Stop reading about Elon. God forbid you have open positions against him. 100% stop posting on /o/.

Anonymous No. 16225803

yes, I noticed that too the other day
But is it made from real velour? Apparently that velour was a pain in the ass on the set, and it never filmed quite right.

Anonymous No. 16225808

>I play Kerbal Space Program in real life

Anonymous No. 16225809

Meant to respond to

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Anonymous No. 16225813

No problem bro. Finding this explicit statement that the FTS was used can be tricky. Thankfully had my back and that .pdf was the first result. I was actually confused when no one else posted better proof of FTS usage but soon realized why when I tried using google and couldn't find a damn thing on it.

These shots do exist. I mostly find this view on NASA missions when they release their "Isolated Views" video on
I'd like it if the shot continued down all the way to landing. Maybe I've seen it and have just forgotten already. There's just been so many launches.

If anyone has a continuous launch to booster landing shot from this perspective, please link it!

Anonymous No. 16225815

>mechazilla got a decent chance to catch the rocket, lets say 50%
>if the booster detects that anything is wrong it will suicide itself into the ocean
>like with F9 landings its going to take a number of attempts, I think it was like 14 attempts
>now its routine

Anonymous No. 16225817

>we will make the tower robust for thousands of landings
>we have an interesting satellite programme with UC Berkeley (Saul something)
>they want to take a ground telescope lens into space
>would roughly be ten times the resolution of hubble

Anonymous No. 16225819

it's not gonna take 14. they wouldn't be attempting a tower catch unless the ift-4 data showed they were reasonably close. i'd bet money we see a clean tower catch before the end of the year.

Anonymous No. 16225821

>the reason we want to put the next generation of starlinks into lower atmosphere is that they will deorbit faster
>the atmosphere works like an orbital cleaner

Anonymous No. 16225823

Flight 5 hopefully a month away

Anonymous No. 16225826

>flight 5 is hopefully a month away

Anonymous No. 16225827

Flight 5 hopefully 2 weeks away

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Anonymous No. 16225828

this was from the start of the stream that I missed

Anonymous No. 16225830

Flight 5 just flew over my house

Anonymous No. 16225831

going to replace all the tiles with new ones that are about twice as strong and put an ablative secondary structure behind the tiles

Anonymous No. 16225834

I thought they would just rework the upper flap hinges
>replace the whole heat shield on the ship. The new tile is about twice as strong as the old ones
did they invent a new type of heat tile material? Why replace all of them?

Anonymous No. 16225835

It's gonna be really embarrassing when starship is ready to land but everything else is waaay behind schedule, and Space X just threatens to go on their own.

Anonymous No. 16225838

You know that won't happen.

Anonymous No. 16225839

Hey anon sorry to bother you but I wondered if you could help me figure out a strange technical issue I'm having

I'm legally blind from an auto-immune disorder since my 20s and can only see a little patch of light on my left eye. Long story short I use a text-to-voice program to read posts here. Whenever I listen to these posts, it starts out intelligible, but then it starts to sound like a dying cat in heat. I think only your posts are affected and I was just wonder if you knew anything about it, thanks

Anonymous No. 16225840

they are constantly iterating on them, the new tile probably reached a point where they can manufacture them at scale
why all of them? because these are better

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Anonymous No. 16225843


Anonymous No. 16225844

>new tiles
hope that doesn't mean new tile adhesion problems to sort out.

Anonymous No. 16225845

>more mass

Anonymous No. 16225846

Good to see you're reading my posts multiple times. Take what I said seriously and reflect. You will be happier making the changes I suggested.

Anonymous No. 16225847

the pic is too small and blurry

Anonymous No. 16225848

If this is like any of my windows 10 installations they are going to kill someone

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Anonymous No. 16225849

Anonymous No. 16225850

Here's your Amerinauka moment.

Anonymous No. 16225852

How does Musk have time to play videogames when he runs like 5 companies?

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Anonymous No. 16225854


Anonymous No. 16225855

Yikes and oof-pilled

Anonymous No. 16225856

his elden ring build is just as basic as his anime tastes

Anonymous No. 16225857

there's a reason why everyone wants to start their own companies. being your own boss lets you work whatever hours you want while still getting paid the most and nobody can give you any shit over it. lots of business owners chill at home doing fuck all while management are slave drivers at work.

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Anonymous No. 16225860


Anonymous No. 16225861

Playing vidya is part of working, creativity needs information absorption from diverse sources.
Besides, managing a bunch of companies must be high-stress and decompression time is basically mandatory.

Anonymous No. 16225863

all work and no play makes jack a dull boy

Anonymous No. 16225865

yeah go tell your boss that. see how quickly you get to keep your job.

Anonymous No. 16225869

tell your boss you play games at your free time and you get fired? lmao

Anonymous No. 16225871

husband: "honey im home, time to play video games!"
wife: "the fuck you is bitch"

Anonymous No. 16225874

>letting your wife tell you what to do

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Anonymous No. 16225875

Anonymous No. 16225876

you're just in a dysfunctional marriage then

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Anonymous No. 16225879
>The haze and low clouds made for some very difficult conditions to capture and track IFT4. I managed to get one or two considering. Thank you for your continued support - June 6, 2024

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Anonymous No. 16225882

Lock it in, boys.

Anonymous No. 16225886

going to be a busy July launchwise
you might have Polaris Dawn launch then in the middle of that 5 day mission have IFT-5

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Case for Mars bic....jpg

Anonymous No. 16225888

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Anonymous No. 16225890

Anonymous No. 16225891

>how will starship prevent boiloff for deep space missions
>mars landings will happen with the header tank and they are well insulated within starship

>how long until Florida will see a starship launch?
>first launch by the end of next year

>earth to mars starship will be about 6 months, eventually you might get it down to 4 months

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Anonymous No. 16225892

And also hopefully this thing

Excitement not guaranteed but an obvious possibility

Anonymous No. 16225894

>Hubble x10
I would cum

Anonymous No. 16225898

Would be very funny. The fact that it could technically be possible for Artemis to finally land on a moon that already has a SpaceX base on it is hilarious. They wouldn't though. For Mars they actually probably would and likely will, but NASA's moon plans are just another gov contract that gets them closer to Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16225899

Anonymous No. 16225900

Is this the same guy who wanted to blow up the moon

Anonymous No. 16225901

I own my own company and I just got back from working all weekend. I work about double what any of my employees work. What dream industry are you in where that's how it works?

Anonymous No. 16225903


Anonymous No. 16225907

sorry anon, I couldn't find a higher resolution copy at the time and the last thread was about to die so I rushed it out.
You can still make out the text in any case.

Anonymous No. 16225908

>subscribe to premium to chat


Anonymous No. 16225910

I *was* the boss and we played videogames at the office at least once a week. Of course most companies are run by soulless MBAs who understand nothing about creativity or team building. Work hard and party hard is great if you really believe in what you're working on.

Too many people don't know the realities of running a company built from the ground up, and not just some MBA parasite latching onto an existing big business and running it to the ground.

Anonymous No. 16225912

this nigga still streaming?

Anonymous No. 16225913

The less intrinsically cool your product or service is the more you have to compensate with money or a relaxed working environment. Managers in boring companies who don't have the budget for more pay hate hearing that but it's true.

Anonymous No. 16225914


Yeah and taking starship questions. Its awesome

Anonymous No. 16225915


Anonymous No. 16225917

or you could just hire undocumented immigrants like I do.

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Anonymous No. 16225918

more clips

>"The chance on having both the booster and ship soft landing was about 20%"
>"I was really walking on clouds after the Starship launch, @SpaceX
's team did an amazing job"
>"I don't recommend 3D printing the whole rocket"
>"We actually wanna print fewer things, not more things"
and here is why:

Anonymous No. 16225919

Someone here got verified status so we can ask him questions? Ask him to do a q&a on 4chan. he might be crazy enough to say yes

Anonymous No. 16225920

>playing diablo competitively on starlink while livestreaming
The power of Starlink/X/Musk's gaming skills

Anonymous No. 16225922

you KNOW that's a bad idea
for many reasons

Anonymous No. 16225923

YES AND? just do it itll be hilarious but we might also get to ask him some good shit?

Anonymous No. 16225926

How does this cyb3rgam3r420 guy know so much intimate details of Starship and the next flight?

Anonymous No. 16225927

>musk wants to put ablative secondary layer under the heat tiles in case of tile loss
Why not use the ablative as your primary shield? The tiles cant withstand interplanetary entry so they are useless for mars

Anonymous No. 16225928

his uncle works at nintendo

Anonymous No. 16225929

if your primary's ablative you have to replace it after every mission. not very reusable.

Anonymous No. 16225930

That's not rapidly reusable

Anonymous No. 16225931

whose that talking to Elon on voice right now?

Anonymous No. 16225933

He'd never do that, it'd just put tons of ammo on his enemies' hands.

Anonymous No. 16225934


Anonymous No. 16225937

flappy rocket merch coming from SpaceX

the two people he is playing diablo with

Anonymous No. 16225938

>so elon, how come the shuttle never used its FTS?

Anonymous No. 16225940

random X people or dudes he knows?

Anonymous No. 16225943

Oh god he's talking about the elon Von Braun thing, IT'S A TITLE

Anonymous No. 16225945

he has played with these people for a while, not sure how they met
probably in the game just

Anonymous No. 16225946

god not this simulation talk bullshit again

Anonymous No. 16225947

its destiny

Anonymous No. 16225948

SpaceX employees likely
Who cares if there is even a fraction of a chance to get to ask him questions about shit why the fuck not? Just do it

Anonymous No. 16225952

dude probably already browses /sfg/ cause he knows bout 4chan

Anonymous No. 16225956

people who hire illegal aliens get fed to wood chippers

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Anonymous No. 16225957


Anonymous No. 16225960

I want my Elon interview anon. I need it!

Anonymous No. 16225961


Anonymous No. 16225963

When is the Elon Everyday Numale interview dropping?

Anonymous No. 16225964

When itar says so faggot

Anonymous No. 16225965

two weeks >>16225854

Anonymous No. 16225966

when the SpaceX info jannies say it can

Anonymous No. 16225967

It's going to be interesting when the inner allied circle of the US all integrate into the Starlink/Starshield network, giving all players overlapping coverage in theater across arbitrary distances. Especially when adversarial forces don't have force match abilities with communication that they may not be able to intercept nor jam.

Anonymous No. 16225968

In ITAR review

Anonymous No. 16225970

Starlink x JMSDF holy shit

Anonymous No. 16225971

he's probably shitposting about the n1

Anonymous No. 16225973

in the 1 in a million chance this happened, I swear to fucking god, ask him to do the Q&A on /n/ so we can all hide here afterwards

Anonymous No. 16225974

>may not
We've already seen that Russia can't jam Starlink. It's only a question if China can.

Anonymous No. 16225975

that new BMD ship crew thats gonna be perma stationed in the Sea of Japan will love this

Anonymous No. 16225976

estronaut said they're only allowed to release the content at a specific time

Anonymous No. 16225977

We have to ask him first

Either that or we put together a list of questions and send it in the mail to star base. That would at least lessen the whole "did a 4chan interview" problem the other anon had

Anonymous No. 16225979

>what will be needed for reliable earth-to-earth
>when we can go to orbit its technically viable when we can land starship, but there needs to be a commercial reason to do it

Anonymous No. 16225981

stop shilling your breakaway general faggot

Anonymous No. 16225982

earth to earth is gay

Anonymous No. 16225983

no u r

Anonymous No. 16225984

his ERECT nipples were extremely distracting throughout the interview

Anonymous No. 16225985

And the DoD is taking it up the ass. They are literally salivating over point to point cargo in 90min Or less

Anonymous No. 16225988

Very disrespectful.

Anonymous No. 16225990

The biggest risk to successful E2E isn't the capability of the Starship, but the ability of the ground infrastructure, local manufacturing for support and refurbishment, and fuel production to support the launch cadence for E2E to be materially useful to society.

And then going beyond that, for E2E to be useful, you'd have to permanently lock away areas of airspace where nothing can fly in up to a certain height. Which is a problem, if the E2E landing zones are within some distance of a city, even if out over water; as all airlines often will fly in over that restricted zone in order to maximize passenger capacity and minimize fuel burn--all of which are variables in the consumer cost equation.

It's a novel idea, but when you peel back the onion, you realize that everything in orbit of it, makes it impossible to pull off because no country's citizenry is going to cooperate with that level of restrictions and cost increases for travel to allow a corporation not native to them, to have that much influence over how their sovereign territories operate.

Anonymous No. 16225992

how about mars to mars?

Anonymous No. 16225993

Yeah which is why rocket cargo is more feasible and why dod is looking at starship for that.
Retarded waste of fuel. Use a train

Anonymous No. 16225994

Mars' gravity is 38% of Earth. Starship is an SSTO on Mars, so M2M is entirely on the table. Especially, as Starship arguably wouldn't even have to reach Martian orbit. A fully topped off ship with passengers can get vector up to 90km before MECO, cruise through just past the karman line, and then "glide" until landing then relight and vector to a landing pad.

Yeah, would make sense for military to leverage as they have the supply chain to support and the means to protect incoming ships during specific landing/takeoff sequences.

Also, trains on Mars would be retarded. You'd wanna do maglevs and take advantage of that 1% atmospheric resistance over using wheels that will see wear and tear from needing to slowdown from very high speeds also a result of that 1% atmospheric resistance.

Anonymous No. 16225996

Seethe and dilate little sister. they are hard workers and its basically free money. they live 6 in one room so housing them is cheap and they are terrified of upsetting you so they font get reported.

Anonymous No. 16225999

A long thing that moves fast is a train. You know what I mean anon. Still makes more sense than using starship for m2m transportation. Waste of fuel, use that to put important stuff into orbit or lobbed toward the belt

Anonymous No. 16226002

In fairness everything after the full report was posted was reflective feedback about the "second stage boosters don't exist" nonsense, but I do appreciate you taking the time to get the conversation back on track. It's obvious that the musk worshippers still aren't going to admit to the Starship tests being disastrous but being the first to admit to being wrong about anything was worth a shot at least

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Anonymous No. 16226003

>Elon is now a gaming streamer

Anonymous No. 16226005

Just drive

Anonymous No. 16226006

someone ask him for a q&a here damnit

Anonymous No. 16226007

he has done a bunch of these, the first one was something like 6 months ago
they are mainly to test X:s stream capabilities

Anonymous No. 16226010

Not spaceflight shut up

Anonymous No. 16226011

they would need a deep space crew dragon or have crew starship ready by 2026 which is impossible

Anonymous No. 16226014

But he spent most of the time answering spaceflight questions

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Anonymous No. 16226017


Anonymous No. 16226018

>doing long-term damage to your own country is fine as long as you can make some money off of it in the short term
real MBA mentality there bub...

Anonymous No. 16226019

wow that's a big Bocc

Anonymous No. 16226020

Does no one here have a blue check? Ask some questions for us faggot

Anonymous No. 16226021

Lmfao we live in bizzarro world

Anonymous No. 16226026

>tfw we're probably only going to get at most two more starship launches this year
remember when everyone was thinking that we would get 9? yeah...

Anonymous No. 16226028

We are getting one a month or so from now. What makes you think we won't get 2-3 more after that?

Anonymous No. 16226029

Isn't HLS the only thing that isn't ready to go right now?

Anonymous No. 16226031

orion isn't ready to go right now

Anonymous No. 16226032

>a month from now
yeah nah smart money knows we're a minimum of three months out, probably longer

Anonymous No. 16226033

1.5 months

Anonymous No. 16226037

literally nothing else is ready to go right now

Anonymous No. 16226038

nothing is ready for artemis 2, let alone 3. they just rolled out the sls core stage, so we're a good 2 and a half years out from that bird being ready.

Anonymous No. 16226041

>implying /sfg/ isn't elon musk general with occasional space flight discussion

Anonymous No. 16226042

another Starship test flight aaand another long delay for some major modification

Anonymous No. 16226044

>some major modification
thats literally the point

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Anonymous No. 16226046

Anonymous No. 16226053

I didnt even know someone was trying to start sfg on /n/. Anyway if you want normies to come here and outnumber you forever just tell me to go fuck myself its cool

Anonymous No. 16226055

based Truthful asking the interesting questions

Anonymous No. 16226056

>we only need the fuel in the header tanks for mars landing, and those are well insulated
for those who don't feel like clicking the link

Anonymous No. 16226057

Texas to Australia should be doable. Just park on the northern portion of australia and you get access to Asian shipping lanes easily.

Anonymous No. 16226064

This anon is hitting refresh waiting for a bite and then he reads this sentence lmao

Anonymous No. 16226066

Again why though. What market is there for this. Just take a plane, super sonic one if you want to get there fast, hypersonic if you want to get there fasterer.

Starship e2e will be mostly dod logistics runs, rocket cargo and all that. There is strategic advantages to getting supplies across to the Pacific in under 2 hours.

Anonymous No. 16226067

the blue checks are on /g/ and they don't like elon despite buying a checkmark

Anonymous No. 16226071

Then we mail him a list of interview questions. If it's from 4chan he will find it novel and will answer them in a xitter video maybe

Anonymous No. 16226077

It would take 24 hrs to via plane. Where a starship can do 1-2 hrs.

If you want to order a stuff from pacific with <2 hour delivery, the fastest is through Starship. Time is money.

hourly costs to operate a military plane x total hours

and you get real cost

Anonymous No. 16226078

Yes that's dod not commercial flights though which was my entire point. Unless you were also talking about dod flights in which case we both had the same idea

Anonymous No. 16226083

I don't think the value proposition is there for any situation except sick billionaires buying spare organs maybe

Anonymous No. 16226086

The DoD wouldn't be looking into it if there was no value proposition. In a war with China logistics is key and getting shit to remove islands on big nigga cargo planes takes a long time. If you can get your troops in any arbitrary location much needed supplies in less than 2 hours that would be huge. Remember logistics is what wins wars and the US has always been the king of logistics since ww2

Anonymous No. 16226087

You think cm003 will actually be ready by the end up the year? Or is Lockheed Martin grifting
Isn't block 1 being used? I thought that was operational already

Anonymous No. 16226090

sure, but they build them one at a time and each one is bespoke and takes half a decade to build and tune and roll back and forth

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Anonymous No. 16226114

>inb4 this is the same DoD shill who claimed "Russia can't hack Starlink"

Anonymous No. 16226119

I never said that. Now refute my argument or gtfo

Anonymous No. 16226129

E2E for military logistics was a sound point outside of the fixation on troop movements. My issue was with the claim that the U.S. is still dominant in logistics when the Chinese hypersonic and ASAT programs are clearly superior

Anonymous No. 16226135

>lil X uses 'no u'
>it's super effective!

Anonymous No. 16226136

Not so sure about that anon. Us is fielding an *air launched* hypersonic missile with a conventional warhead (ie. It will actually get used rather than be a deterrent). China does not have any matching capability. They only have ground launched deterrents.

Anonymous No. 16226137

>He also said starship Florida launch mid next year

lets goooo

Anonymous No. 16226143

new launch

Anonymous No. 16226144

stage now!!!

Anonymous No. 16226236

this project got scrubbed for more military aid to our cuck, Israel

Anonymous No. 16226243

You think we have billions more in money after 2 wars? Most cucked Americans would rather suck Israel's circumcised cock.

This thread is retarded without discussing Chinese space flight capabilities which is already much better meanwhile we struggle to convince Americans of climate change. Full of glowies and DoD psyops