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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16259797

Falcon above red clouds - edition

previous >>16257931

Anonymous No. 16259804

what's about the trumptard one?

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Anonymous No. 16259806

European sub-edition

Anonymous No. 16259807

That's "Spaceflight Genera", not /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16259808

sorry, we only discuss space here

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starship 2 boosters.jpg

Anonymous No. 16259812

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Mars in 1995 by D....jpg

Anonymous No. 16259815

Anonymous No. 16259820

i wish you faggots wouldn't be so autistic.

Anonymous No. 16259821

post rocket

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Anonymous No. 16259822

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Anonymous No. 16259826

Europe is involved in space


Anonymous No. 16259828

Assume I'm retarded and don't understand why this wouldn't work

Anonymous No. 16259830

>that piece of shit

Anonymous No. 16259833

If A6 is a piece of shit then so is Vulcan.

Anonymous No. 16259834

correct, but vulcan looks better.

Anonymous No. 16259835

What hubris does to a space agency

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Anonymous No. 16259838

discuss the ground penetrating radar's radiation pattern

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starship xtreme.jpg

Anonymous No. 16259839

Anonymous No. 16259840

Trukk nutz

Anonymous No. 16259841

nice and bulbous, like a squid in a polyethylene bag.

Anonymous No. 16259842

Ariane 6 only exists because europeans refused to see the writing on the wall when reusability was proven doable
They should've scrapped the thing and jumped straight into reusability research on their next main rocket

Anonymous No. 16259843

i don't need to assume that

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Anonymous No. 16259845

>"If it's Boeing, I ain't going"

Anonymous No. 16259849

>national space agencies are talking about using LLMs in their spacecrafts.
it's over. the AI bubble has infiltrated everything.

Anonymous No. 16259850

the AI is here to stay

Anonymous No. 16259852

There's no way this is real

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Xdownloader 4pq5c....webm

Anonymous No. 16259853


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Anonymous No. 16259854

Accurate simulation of IFT-5

Anonymous No. 16259856

I would happily suck on those balls!

Anonymous No. 16259863

Speaking of polyethylene, proonted HDPE is apparently capable of 350s Isp in a hybrid with LOX and the right nozzle. Vaya Space is working on it.

They should have just kept Ariane 5 flying with bigger parachute recovered boosters and added legs to it.

Anonymous No. 16259864

Well, it's better than nothing.

True. Oh well.

Anonymous No. 16259867

some of google's top ai researchers have been quitting to go work in llm-powered robotics startups. what we have right now is more than sufficient to output control commands based on sensory input data.

Anonymous No. 16259868

anyone know how that long march launch this morning went?

Anonymous No. 16259872

Now do it in RP-1 with kOS

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xdownloader UvuFK....webm

Anonymous No. 16259874


Anonymous No. 16259876


Anonymous No. 16259879

hybrid rocket engine

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m-1 rocket engine....jpg

Anonymous No. 16259881

Anonymous No. 16259885

Xbox 720

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mnr mini hybrid i....jpg

Anonymous No. 16259887

they're pretty cool. wish they were more widely used although I understand why they aren't.

Anonymous No. 16259895

Why is Canada in the European Space Agency?

Anonymous No. 16259898

If America annexed South Africa would Elon Musk be able to run for president?

Anonymous No. 16259899

Cool how it actually looks like a dragon head here

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Anonymous No. 16259909

so much wobble

Anonymous No. 16259915


Anonymous No. 16259917

Maybe having only two catch points was a bad idea

Anonymous No. 16259919

Quebec basically.

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Anonymous No. 16259934


Anonymous No. 16259935

Amazing thread

Anonymous No. 16259954

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Apollo Soyuz miss....jpg

Anonymous No. 16259956

The red bells are kino but why paint them?

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Anonymous No. 16259957

is that paint or just some sort of covering to protect the bells

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Anonymous No. 16259959
>Special Delivery - June 28, 2024

Anonymous No. 16259960

paint is a protective covering

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Anonymous No. 16259962

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Anonymous No. 16259963

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shuttle hammerhea....jpg

Anonymous No. 16259973

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Anonymous No. 16259978
>Blessings entering Brazos Santiago Pass / South Padre Island - June 28, 2024

Anonymous No. 16259980

Is Booster going to swing like that IRL as well?

Anonymous No. 16259981

Jesus saves

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Anonymous No. 16259983

>Orion Move to Vac Chamber
>Technicians used a 30-ton crane to lift NASA’s Orion spacecraft on Friday, June 28, 2024, from the Final Assembly and System Testing (FAST) cell to the altitude chamber inside the Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The spacecraft, which will be used for the Artemis II mission to orbit the Moon, underwent leak checks and end-to-end performance verification of the vehicle’s subsystems.

Anonymous No. 16259984

Can they even dig a trench there?

Anonymous No. 16259985

>squid in a polyethylene bag
I don't like it

Anonymous No. 16259986

>removal by certified window handler

Anonymous No. 16259989


Anonymous No. 16259994

yeah it looks complicated, but not $1 billion complicated.
maybe 100 million dollars. 250 because it's a small production run

Anonymous No. 16259995

There's no advancement in this thread, it's all hogle pogle yapping and chit chat. When are they truly going to advance in space travel? It seems as if they're just repeating the same old trick with the same old tech. Why are rockets the only method to take off into space? Who thinks that's the end? It's clearly a big con by weak minds who luckily got to the top and control those below. This thread is full of perverse dominatrices who clot the human minds, making us watch their shit show that's destined for failure. It's time to STAND UP with all your might and tell these dead idiots to invent something new or else suppression of paychecks. Fags

Anonymous No. 16259996

Those are red protective inserts that are removed before flight, you can see in the picture they clip onto the nozzles on 2 sides

Anonymous No. 16259999

The next big advancement is fully reusable rockets, schizo.
Maybe also rotating detonation engines.

Anonymous No. 16260001

be the change you wish to see in the world

Anonymous No. 16260005

Good luck achieving nothing faggot. Luckily there are future lives and this academic wicwackery can be ignored while we prepare for other dimensions. Why don't you winge to the Jannie in your set up language of insults and get this voice against your regime suppressed? Who cares, as said, you earn nothing in the long run from this mentality - I'll just blend in and learn greater lessons.

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nasa robot orbit.jpg

Anonymous No. 16260007

Anonymous No. 16260009

So what you can get more satellites into space for people to profit from and make thee most retarded kind of attempt to populate another planet using out-of-date tech like rockets.

That's what you just called the future - imbecile.

Right, I'm gonna leave you alone in your stupor and continue earning legitimate quota for the next dimensionality.

Anonymous No. 16260010

Fallen shadow?

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Anonymous No. 16260013

Anonymous No. 16260017

rotating detonation engines, like aerospikes are a meme

Anonymous No. 16260021

once the paradigm shifts such that rockets are expected to be reused, often hundreds of times with limited maintenance, RDEs will makes sense. much like it makes sense to have a more expensive jet engine for that little extra fuel efficiency, it adds up over the 20+ year lifespan of the engine.

Anonymous No. 16260023

They linked up. Need it or keep it?

Anonymous No. 16260029

So we are just naming stuff whatever we want now?

Anonymous No. 16260039

i'm naming it the von braun memorial launch tower

Anonymous No. 16260056

The fact that NASA and Boeing keep screeching that everything is fine instead of ignoring the haters is just fueling their point.

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Anonymous No. 16260067

Chang'e-6 return capsule

Anonymous No. 16260068

Sorry chuddy, but Boeing astronauts are NOT stranded ;)

Anonymous No. 16260069

Wait what the fuck the video changed when I downloaded it

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Anonymous No. 16260072


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Anonymous No. 16260074

It's real, I was there

Anonymous No. 16260076

No one cares about your failed OP just do better next time

Anonymous No. 16260077

Honestly, they probably will be fine. Whether or not they get everything worked out before the ISS plummets into Australia is another story

Anonymous No. 16260082


Anonymous No. 16260087

They're more European than American, mostly Infian though.

Anonymous No. 16260094

You need to go back

Anonymous No. 16260095

>spaceflightfags: no they can come home any time you retarded fucks, nasa is just using this time to maximize starliner testing since the piece of shit wasnt tested properly by boing
people shouldnt speak unless they're informed on a topic, leave discussion to subject matter experts

Anonymous No. 16260098

Boeing shit is what gets clicks now

Anonymous No. 16260106

>nasa is just using this time to maximize starliner testing since the piece of shit wasnt tested properly by boing
True, but its also true that they're testing it rigorously because they dont know if they can come back safely and are thus stranded in a sense due to the fact that they cant even give a date on when to come back. Giving date would mean the vehicle is safe and testing it optional. Its not optional and they dont know for certain the condition of the vehicle.

Anonymous No. 16260109

Mechzilla arms/tower should look like this

Anonymous No. 16260113

What happens after OLIT-Z?

Anonymous No. 16260156

Spooky at night

Anonymous No. 16260161

uninformed takes are more entertaining and i welcome them

Anonymous No. 16260172

youtubers are rich af, why doesnt timmy dodd go on bezos dildo ride? a single one of his videos could pay for a trip.

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Anonymous No. 16260178

I don't think he's THAT stupid.
Besides there's a waiting list.
It's only worth it if someone pays to send you up, like Shatner, etc.

Anonymous No. 16260205

Can someone summarize what the past week has been in spaceflight for me? Wasnt really paying much attention compared to week before because of off topic things I wont shit up /sfg/ with

Anonymous No. 16260209

here's some bald guy who can do that for you

Anonymous No. 16260214

Every new study or sample collection just tells us there's more and more carbon on the moon.
Carbon depletion fags BTFO eternally.

Anonymous No. 16260215


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Anonymous No. 16260217
>Tower Segments and Chopsticks Arrive as Tank Gets Slapped | SpaceX Boca Chica

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Anonymous No. 16260219


Anonymous No. 16260222

Good ridance.

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Anonymous No. 16260223


Anonymous No. 16260224

>someone spoonfeed me
>no not like that

Anonymous No. 16260227

they're holding hands. so sweet

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Anonymous No. 16260232
>Mark your calendars for Alpha #FLTA005, officially scheduled to launch July 1 at 9:03 pm PDT. If you’re on the West Coast, this night launch may light up your sky, so be sure to tag Firefly with your best shots and use

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iss burn up reentry.jpg

Anonymous No. 16260237

> Was I a good space station?

Anonymous No. 16260250

That's not ISS, that is a kid game

Anonymous No. 16260265

>you can see cali launches from austin

Anonymous No. 16260268

Can you really call yourself a spaceflight nerd if you don't have your own satellite monitoring station?

Anonymous No. 16260281

people in galveston/houston reported seeing some SX florida launches like 2 months ago if memory serves me right

Anonymous No. 16260302

its the first step towards being a card carrying member of a space force militia

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Anonymous No. 16260323

Anonymous No. 16260326

I think I would be chill to do a spacewalk somewhere out in the void but doing it over a planet is spooky af.

Anonymous No. 16260327

love the glove making a bid for freedom

Anonymous No. 16260338

If boeing wanted good optics they should not have done 3 different delay announcements with the last giving a date for some unknown time in july

Anonymous No. 16260339

Finally looks like /sfg/ is back to the normal activity. I think I figured out why we were flooded with retarded tourists the past few days too, /pol/ recently had a big reason for faggots to show up and since some of those tourists had heard of /sfg/ they came here and posted as well as on /pol/. Fucking politicels leaking out to every other board I bet as well. Thats why we got that recent horrendous Trump OP that misspelled general.

Anonymous No. 16260342

It was because the main /sfg/ thread got stickied for IFT-4. And it crossed the fucking streams.
Let's be sure to have a separate launch thread for IFT-5 next time.
/pol/ is still a big source of retards though

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Anonymous No. 16260361

You thought it was someone else but it is India who have been screwing up Boeing all along.

Anonymous No. 16260369

Hmmmm all I get from this is that Italians are cheap assholes

Anonymous No. 16260371

>You thought it was someone else

I really didn't, this is exactly what I expected. Also

>but also in Boeing's spacecraft

Imagine being sitting up there and reading that critical hardware on your ride back is made of poonesium instead of proper titanium

Anonymous No. 16260391

Their cars build quality always suck so I'm inclined to agree.

Anonymous No. 16260395

Their Vega rockets keep blowing up so I'm inclined to agree

Anonymous No. 16260407

Their pizza is shit so I'm inclined to agree

Anonymous No. 16260409

Do not redeem the aluminum maam

Anonymous No. 16260428

Looks like claymation

Anonymous No. 16260429

that would be so cool if Jesus closed his ams to catch the booster

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Anonymous No. 16260431

Tianlong 3 first stage
Static fire planned for tomorrow
(this is roughly the size of a F9 first stage, with roughly the same thrust or a bit more)

Anonymous No. 16260441

kek, based italians.
I remember reading about some indian who scammed a swiss bank with fake copper: fake indian metal isn't so unusual.

Anonymous No. 16260453

Buy American and hire American.

Anonymous No. 16260475

America can't produce jack shit anymore. SpaceX is a minor miracle and even they buy their steel from Japan because they can't trust American companies to produce quality steel.

Anonymous No. 16260477


Anonymous No. 16260482

>America can't produce jack shit anymore
Then start producing again.

Anonymous No. 16260483

last time I checked I heard they were buying finnish steel.

Anonymous No. 16260499

Which Gemini flight is that? cant quite remember now. i know it was shot at about 6fps whichever.

Anonymous No. 16260506

>just start making quality goods again bro lmao

You need competent and intelligent white or east asian workers, not fat fucks and mystery meat mutts. Ask TSMC about their American plant disaster and that's after billions were thrown at it as well as it being a critical defence product. Turns out when you offshore your industry for half a century, dumb everyone down with corn syrup and smartphones, import tens of millions of low IQ squatemalans and mix them all up in an unholy melting pot that it's pretty much impossible to recover what you had. SpaceX unironically has the majority of engineering talent in the country working for them.

All the rolls I have seen were stamped from Japan, maybe that has changed?

Anonymous No. 16260508

When this launches the Long March 5 will be the only rocket China has that is bigger

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Anonymous No. 16260526

Yeah, although this may change quickly, Zhuque 3 and SAST's 4m reusable launcher are slightly larger and planned for next year, and CZ-10A is decently larger and planned for 2026

Picrel are FH/F9/TL3/TL3H* to scale

*planned for 2026... [X] doubt

Anonymous No. 16260529

if the startup falcon clones are gonna be ready earlier than lm10 then why even make a lm10 at all?

Anonymous No. 16260531

one of these days some chinese company is just going to photoshop their own logo onto a falcon 9.
like honestly why do they make these proposals it's so low effort

Anonymous No. 16260532

just spitballing here but LM10 is probably way more capable, plus it’s a flagship rocket (that is to say it gets priority r&d and resources) designed for use with mengzhou (aka crew-capable) from the drawing board

Anonymous No. 16260533

>PRC Rockets are bigger
An auspicious sign.
The Chinese people's march towards the Chinese Dream represents a coming sea-change in the geopolitical order.

Anonymous No. 16260535

CZ10 (tricore) is an older concept and THE moon rocket (with hydrogen upper stage,man rated...), with the monocore CZ10A being a derivative of it.

So the state owned CASC/CALT are doing their own thing for the national lunar program, the monocore version will mainly be used to launch Mengzhou (Shenzhou's successor) to Tiangong.

TL3H is definitely not certain,and anyway, is not supposed to be manrated and lacks the high energy insertion performances since it's full kerolox.

Anonymous No. 16260536

What's the benefit of having super heavy sized grid fins?

Anonymous No. 16260539

I wouldn’t be surprised if F9 still outperforms it even with a smaller size

Anonymous No. 16260542

It was suppose to launch this month, shameful delay

Anonymous No. 16260543

What utterly baseless and insulting speculation.
I demand that this poster rescind his false and inflammatory statement, which has deeply hurt the feelings of the chinese people.

Anonymous No. 16260544

>like honestly why do they make these proposals it's so low effort

Why would you NOT just straight up copy a very successful launch system?

Anonymous No. 16260546

how is making a Falcon 9 clone within five years of the company's founding low effort

Anonymous No. 16260549

The chinese themselves have admitted Spacex is the bar that they are trying to emulate. I actually admire the chinese space program unfortunately

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Anonymous No. 16260550

>like honestly why do they make these proposals it's so low effort
It works and makes it easier to get funding.
It's not just the chinese, look at ISRO's NGLV/Soorya, Arianegroup's Maia or KASA's KSLV-3 projects, all are "serious".

Anonymous No. 16260552

AFAIK yes, TL3 is advertised with 17t to LEO in expendable mode and like 14t in downrange reusable, vs 22/17.5, but I may be wrong.

That's despite TL3 being 30-40 tons heavier than F9

Anonymous No. 16260553

they look cool

Anonymous No. 16260555

I’ve spent enough time making fun of russians and europe for chasing the whole “F9 clone” thing poorly. Russia and Europe are now two rocket generations behind and are still chasing these retarded half-scale F9 concepts as we speak.
I’m not surprised China wants to emulate (blatantly copy and steal if need be) what they see as the benchmark of rocketry. No one else is doing it. Also the chinese copy everything anyways so this isn’t out of left field to me I guess. not a chinaboo just need that itch scratched that I used to get out of russian spaceflight

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SpaceX Barge.png

Anonymous No. 16260557

Nope, not gettin' out of this chair.

Anonymous No. 16260558

Either it has a lot of extra dry mass that haven't been able to optimize out or the Tianhuo-12 engines have significantly worse performance than the Merlin.

Anonymous No. 16260560

It's honestly even quicker since they started out making monoprop engines lol
Tianlong 2 only started development in late 2020 iirc, then flew in April 2023.
They're quite fast desu, up there with stokes and spacex.
Funny that their CEO was the former COO at Landspace.

Anonymous No. 16260563


Anonymous No. 16260564

TH-12 vac has worse isp (335s) but otherwise it's close enough.

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Anonymous No. 16260585

yall ready for the second wave? its gon be busy this year

Anonymous No. 16260587

Clear's interview at Mitsubishi Electric Kamakura Works.

Anonymous No. 16260590

this is surreal

Anonymous No. 16260591


Anonymous No. 16260596

wow thats just... crazy, its insane

Anonymous No. 16260597

just thinking about it

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Anonymous No. 16260606

a fucking tv

Anonymous No. 16260612

those two dudes have the exact opposite chin lol

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Anonymous No. 16260616

Please observe our american sized elevator.

Anonymous No. 16260617

Fits one standard American+rascal scooter or two small Americans

Anonymous No. 16260620

They aren't sending their best

Anonymous No. 16260625

reminder vtubers will never be able to go to space because they dont physically exist

Anonymous No. 16260626

I haven't paid any attention in like 2 months. Can someone get give me a QRD what happened with the last hop and whats going on with the boeing orbital sarcophagus?

Anonymous No. 16260627

Last hop went exactly as planned, full kino. Boeing astronauts are dead men walking.

Anonymous No. 16260628

Wrong. Anywhere a screen is sent a vtuber can be at.

Anonymous No. 16260629

if vtubers can go to space then virtual reality space vacations are real

Anonymous No. 16260632

Are they in the capsule or on the ISS? Could they get a ride down in a dragon? What exactly is wrong with it?

Anonymous No. 16260636

please let this happen it would be so fucking funny if an official mission had a vtuber on board and they were just a tv bolted to one of the seats

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Anonymous No. 16260637
>Been waiting on this for a bit, NASA just dumped a bunch of their tracking footage from the GOES-U launch. Available for download here, large file but you will not regret it. 40 minutes of Falcon Heavy awesomeness:

Anonymous No. 16260638

>"Russia plans to put people on Mars"


Anonymous No. 16260640

no it is not

Anonymous No. 16260641

> Vitaly Semyonov, head of the Mars project at the Keldysh Research Centre, said: "It must be an international project. No one country could cope alone with this task."

Anonymous No. 16260642

Roscosmos regularly releases all kinds of stuff like this: they're notorious for their slideshow rockets/capsules.

Anonymous No. 16260644

They are in the ISS with the capsule docked. Capsule was shitting its helium gas all the way to the ISS, developing more leaks all the way and starliner is currently on "indefinite safety review" while they try to figure out if it's going to kill them on the way down. It only can stay for 45 days though, will have to return soon and they will be on it. No way boeing takes the mega L on this one and there would have to be a whole reshuffling of rosters plus sending dragon up with empty seats to bring them back. The press would be so bad if they got rescued by Elon that they will 100% risk killing the poor bastards.

Anonymous No. 16260646

web design used to be so much better, what happened. Now it’s just calart minimalism everywhere. Look at Space News, or NASA’s own website (they recently did another revamp ugh)

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Anonymous No. 16260648

no one country, just one company

Anonymous No. 16260650


Anonymous No. 16260654

Thanks for the summary. Wow, what a shitshow. I wonder how they feel knowing that they will probably have to ride that thing down again.

Anonymous No. 16260657

It's been 22 years and they haven't even started with the powerpoint presentation, then people complain about musk lol

Anonymous No. 16260663

>american sfg clear posts
>russian sfg jessie posts
who does chinese sfg post?

Anonymous No. 16260673

late night european anons

Anonymous No. 16260679

If there's this much uncertainty why won't they come back on a crew dragon, and let starliner attempt return autonomously? No need to risk life unnecessarily.

Anonymous No. 16260688

>No need to risk life unnecessarily

Tell that to boeing shareholders lol lmao

Anonymous No. 16260715

>TL: we need to build a coalition of countries so that no one country can progress faster than us.

It's basically the Artemis Accords' counterpart from the other axis of sovereigns not aligned with western democracies.

Anonymous No. 16260725

China already did this though, and has been moderately successful.

Anonymous No. 16260739

just after they take kyiv in just after three more days special military disaster

Anonymous No. 16260747

back to /pol/ or wherever else.

Anonymous No. 16260751

Holy shit fuck off /pol/cel or /k/ike, whatever rat you are.

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Anonymous No. 16260756

You seem upset.

Anonymous No. 16260757


Anonymous No. 16260758

That's an oddly specific place to be surprised about, considering Austin is in fact part of California.

Anonymous No. 16260777


Anonymous No. 16260778

Go back

Anonymous No. 16260787

scented lucky trips

Anonymous No. 16260789

I hope I get to shake his hand and hug him before I die. I shook Sam Hyde's hand

Anonymous No. 16260792

because the Falcon clones are investor bait

Anonymous No. 16260831

new slosskino

Anonymous No. 16260837

because US refused to share rocket technology with third world countries

Anonymous No. 16260874
nominal chinese static fire

Anonymous No. 16260881

how the fuck

Anonymous No. 16260883


Anonymous No. 16260885


Anonymous No. 16260887

Alright, this Is by far the most Kerbal thing ever
Sorry SpaceX, this takes the cake over all your explosions.

Does this count as a launch failure?

Anonymous No. 16260888

I think this counts as just a failure

Anonymous No. 16260889

holy shit

Anonymous No. 16260890

Maybe one day with all these chinese companies we will see a rocket flying straight into city

Anonymous No. 16260891

clearly starship flaps are unnecessary for belly flop maneuver
they could work on the touchdown though

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Anonymous No. 16260892

This is what they accidentally launched, apparently

Anonymous No. 16260893

looks like something you'd see on /d/ if you imagine an anime girl's head on it

Anonymous No. 16260894

Have the lower stages come down and gassed a peasant village with nitrogen tetroxide yet?

Anonymous No. 16260895

Nah, for once this is a Kerolox first stage launching from the coast toward the sea.

Anonymous No. 16260897

Damn, static fire hold down failure's a new one.

Anonymous No. 16260898

it's not supposed to be a launch

Anonymous No. 16260900

but it successfully launched kek

Anonymous No. 16260901

hey anons, I want to build a vertical test stand for a rocket stage.
anyone have any tips for what to design it to not do?

Anonymous No. 16260902

Would not want to be the bug in charge of one. Bro is about to be put against the wall.

Anonymous No. 16260904

Don't forget to use a strong rope, you wouldn't want for rocket to fly away.

Anonymous No. 16260905

1 flight out of 0 launch attempts
it's the opposite of a failure

Anonymous No. 16260907


Anonymous No. 16260908

nta but now I'm genuinely curious too, with the amount of space societies out there someone, somewhere must have thought out at least a system for that.

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Anonymous No. 16260910

with strong ropes unironically

Anonymous No. 16260912

>Adam cuker

Very unfortunate name

Anonymous No. 16260913

now i'm curious what kind of monster clamps the OLM has for super heavy static fires

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Anonymous No. 16260914


Anonymous No. 16260915

It doesn't, they don't static fire at full thrust or it would fuck off when TWR hit 1
I'm starting to believe that's why it's able to lift-off with flamed out engines, there's no way to ramp up to full power and hold it for engine checks until t-0

Anonymous No. 16260916

china missed the memo on copying this

Anonymous No. 16260917

Actually no, Cuker implies he's the one who does the cuking, thus making him a chad bull. If his name was just Cuk then it would be unfortunate.

Anonymous No. 16260918

You must learn to walk before you can crawl

Anonymous No. 16260919

they have no AFTS systems it seems like? lmao

Anonymous No. 16260920

i don't think you want to activate FTS on the test stand for a static fire, however for this failure mode.....

Anonymous No. 16260924

I mean it was a static fire. Even spacex doesn't have FTS installed for static fire kek.

Anonymous No. 16260929


Anonymous No. 16260930

"Long March" is a very apt name for Chinese rockets.

Anonymous No. 16260934

I better not hear any shit about DEI competency crisis in the US from now on if China is going to keep doing this comedic shit.

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Anonymous No. 16260941

Starliner status?

Anonymous No. 16260942

Status: Fagpotted.

Anonymous No. 16260946

we're testing it's shitty thrusters at work next week.
And it's a short week so expect typical rushing to vacation mode quality from us :)

Anonymous No. 16260947


Anonymous No. 16260948

Just whenever you know. Hard dates are like white privilege really

Anonymous No. 16260949


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Anonymous No. 16260955

>Big glid fin make locket easier to controrr, prease undelstand.
Yeah, seems they need the super large training wheels sized grid fins. There's no other reason to add that much extra mass when F9 only needs half as much for the same size class rocket.
But at least they aren't burying their heads in the sand about reusability like the yuropeons.

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Anonymous No. 16260975

At least Bozos has been trying to build an orbital rocket with his 22 years. puccia is still trying to get their powerpoints in order.

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Anonymous No. 16260979

You can't fool me, that's the smokestack from a bathhouse.

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Anonymous No. 16260982

>no red meme clouds
Can they into cryogenics?

Anonymous No. 16260985

wtf is going on

Anonymous No. 16260993

this was like 5 years ago right, what is that dude up to now? might be in college

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Anonymous No. 16260994

last vertical tank removed

Anonymous No. 16260997

Space pioneer are refusing to call it the test failure, only say that there was a "structural failure between the rocket and the stand"

They then boast that they broke a record in thrust level during test of chinese launchers and reached twice higher thrust than previous test by other companies.

Anonymous No. 16260998

the world's first successful dynamic fire test

Anonymous No. 16261000

Did they have no radiolink to command engine shutdown or was the flight cut short? Wouldn't you want that to try as you fly.

Anonymous No. 16261008

s-static fire?????

Anonymous No. 16261009

TWR > 1 confirmed
china WON
china WON
china WON

Anonymous No. 16261013

Kek I assume it wasn’t supposed to leave the test stand, this is hilarious

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Anonymous No. 16261018


Anonymous No. 16261019


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Anonymous No. 16261021

This is why we have FTS.

Anonymous No. 16261024

well yeah, hence 'static' fire

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Anonymous No. 16261036


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Anonymous No. 16261038

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Anonymous No. 16261040

Did someone forget to reinstall the bolts?

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Anonymous No. 16261041

uh oh scifi faggots. actual real physicists spoke.

Anonymous No. 16261042

2 EDS faggots seething
are they saying anything interesting?

Anonymous No. 16261043

Counterargument: he's a jew.

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Anonymous No. 16261045
>Launch of Advanced Land Observing Satellite-4 “DAICHI-4” (ALOS-4) aboard the third H3 Launch Vehicle

H3 launch in 13h

Anonymous No. 16261046

It's Space Pioneer's TL-3 first stage

There was never supposed to be any F in the first place

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Anonymous No. 16261047

article from Charles Bolden, kind of a nothinbgurger article but the name got my attention
at least the article seems kind of positive towards private companies operating in space

Anonymous No. 16261049

ganbatte riachan

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china wire.jpg

Anonymous No. 16261053


High quarity chinese steer wire.

The hold-down cables failed.

Anonymous No. 16261054

1. LM-10 can send 26t to TLI, the other rockets can't
2. Hedging redundancy
3. Competition
4. CASC will have a huge installed production capacity of YF-100 engines and nothing better to do with it once the LM-6/7/8/12 expendables become obsolete in the near future, so they might as well use YF-100-based engines for a reusable rocket and for the lunar program

Anonymous No. 16261057

watched a few sections and this fag keeps shilling his channel and mailing lists and whatever lmao

Anonymous No. 16261062

Is China meant to be a space fairing nation?

Anonymous No. 16261063

actually wasnt as bad I thought it would be (didn't watch the whole thing though)
basically both of them acknowledge what musk has accomplished but zach at least thinks the city on mars is not feasible, not sure about brian keating but he probably agrees

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xdownloader HXS-y....webm

Anonymous No. 16261075


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xdownloader cSpks....webm

Anonymous No. 16261076


Anonymous No. 16261079

that's actually not bad
it's a working rocket

Anonymous No. 16261080

Unironically lasted longer than that Japanese private launcher that did its first launch in march and exploded after 5 seconds.

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Anonymous No. 16261081


Anonymous No. 16261084

>chinese space industry is so powerful it's rockets are launching themselves
It's over for us western bros.

Anonymous No. 16261090

So they're not building anything, but rather want something building to stop because they dont like him calling out their marxist ideology?

Anonymous No. 16261091

Her soul tried to flee communist China.

Anonymous No. 16261093

this is why we test™

Anonymous No. 16261098

china playing kerbal space program in real life

Anonymous No. 16261106

why do they insist on crashing rockets in populated areas?

Anonymous No. 16261112

cause it's based to terrorize the population letting them know Xi can make them disappear in accidents anytime if they start running their mouth.

Anonymous No. 16261118

me when I make an answer up

Anonymous No. 16261124

Beijing just doesn't care about rural China. If a town has enough infrastructure to support your rocket scientists then you build the factory there. The increased danger to the locals just doesn't matter enough.

Anonymous No. 16261127

but what about all the blowback china is getting from internet based spaceflight communities?

Anonymous No. 16261130


Anonymous No. 16261135

This is a big one. Falcon 9 prices are still mostly determined by where the legacy prices for the Proton and Ariane 5 were. People were talking about how reuse would bring about a collapse in launch costs but it's really the second reusable vehicle to hit the market that does that.

Anonymous No. 16261140

>it's really the second reusable vehicle to hit the market that does that.
the second company to develop a reusable rocket

Anonymous No. 16261149

>insist on
This liftoff wasn't supposed to happen

The location of Xichang for a launch site was chosen due to military-strategic considerations during the Cold War. It was a location that was relatively well protected from attack yet also at sufficiently low latitude for GEO launches. Up until the 2010s, there was little money for spaceflight in China, so it was hard to justify allocating space funds on the construction of a brand new launch site just because of the spent stage issue. During the 2010's there was more money for space and a new launch site was built. However the new coastal launch site at Wenchang was built for the next generation rockets, that use kerolox propellant. Those kerolox rockets got delayed and the production ramp-up has been slow. Hence why they're still launching from Xichang and dropping the spent stages over populated areas.

The cadence at Wenchang is likely to increase dramatically in the near future. They're building a new double-pad launch complex (HICAL), a new double-door VAB for WSLC pad 201, a new Long March 8 final assembly and test facility designed to process 50 rockets per year, and a brand new pad and VAB at WSLC for the Long March 10. So Xichang might get shut down in the not too distant future.

>CASC’s Xi’an-based Sixth Academy is also ramping up production of the YF-100 kerosene-liquid oxygen engines which power many of China’s newer Long March rockets. 80 engines are expected to be delivered this year, up from 60 in 2022, allowing a wider use of these rockets.
>“In the near future, Wenchang will see its launch frequency go from between six to eight times a year, to 20 or 30 times a year,”

Anonymous No. 16261156

It did launch this month.

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Anonymous No. 16261159

>no fairing on top
Well THERE'S your problem!

Anonymous No. 16261161


Anonymous No. 16261162

The real test was actually a test of the test stand

Anonymous No. 16261164

Say that to my face you Godless animal

Anonymous No. 16261165

>During the test, the first-stage rocket ignited normally, and the engine thrust reached 820 tons. Due to the structural failure of the connection between the rocket body and the test bench, the first-stage rocket was separated from the launch pad. After liftoff, the onboard computer automatically shut down the engines, and the rocket fell into the mountains 1.5 km southwest of the test bench and disintegrated. The test site is far away from the urban area of Gongyi. Before the test, we jointly improved the safety measures with the local government and organized the evacuation of surrounding personnel in advance. After investigation, there were no casualties.
>After liftoff, the onboard computer automatically shut down the engines

Anonymous No. 16261166


Anonymous No. 16261167

interesting that the flight computer ordered the shut down

Anonymous No. 16261170

Well, the huge explosion at the end indicates that it wasn't a lack of propellant that caused the rocket engines to shut down

Anonymous No. 16261171

Yeah, but it took like good 15 seconds

Anonymous No. 16261172

>flight computer shut down the engines
Why the fuck wasn't there someone hitting a kill switch.

Anonymous No. 16261177

Would you? Cool rogget go up!

Anonymous No. 16261178

I don't think it had one, it was a test tank, running an automated engine programme

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Anonymous No. 16261179

once the rockets are on the test stand, who cares where they come down. that's not my department

Anonymous No. 16261180

forget Hubble, Isaacman should go do a Mars Global Surveyor rescue mission

Anonymous No. 16261181

same reason they don't stop when running over someone: the guy hitting the kill switch would have to pay off any potential casualty

Anonymous No. 16261183

Range safety officer was being held back, many such cases!

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Anonymous No. 16261190

>BTW apparently the test stand is in a disused quarry somewhere like 4-5 km away from the city of Gongyi in Henan Province, just west of major city Zhengzhou and east of the old Chinese capital Luoyang.

>Possible location of the test stand, via @Harry__Stranger'32.4%22N+113%C2%B003'03.9%22E

I think it's a very good thing the rocket decided to head south because if it had gone the other way things get urban very quickly

Anonymous No. 16261200

*woking rocket

Anonymous No. 16261201

I just want you to know that this caused me physical pain
god damn

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Anonymous No. 16261211

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Anonymous No. 16261215

Anonymous No. 16261220

what a funny man

Anonymous No. 16261222

Petition to rename Uranus to Urectum

Anonymous No. 16261224

just pronounce it like uranium or uranyl

Anonymous No. 16261237

>The test site is far away from the urban area of Gongyi
You literally saw someone film the rocket falling down with his shitty chink phone from his apartment lmfao

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Anonymous No. 16261244

zhang is about to expose yall

Anonymous No. 16261250

^ fag

Anonymous No. 16261252

America isn't worried about being exposed, we're worried that China's going to be as kind to America's monuments on the moon as their average Tourist is anywhere else in the world, but with political motivation and pressure by the CCP to be assholes about it.

Anonymous No. 16261281

Rectum? Damn near killed em!

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Anonymous No. 16261288

doh ho ho ho ho

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Anonymous No. 16261303
>A look inside Megabay 2 from Friday's flyover:

Anonymous No. 16261310

Finally we're reaching the compromise stage of the conspiracy, the moon landing was by Kubrick, in a studio on the moon

Anonymous No. 16261314


Anonymous No. 16261324

I know the t-series turrets are thoroughly flight proven by now but that's really pushing it.

Anonymous No. 16261328


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Anonymous No. 16261350

Anonymous No. 16261351

the weinersteins are really somethin

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apollo 13 broke.gif

Anonymous No. 16261374

I've always wondered, what's the landing-denier's explanation for the huge fuckup that was Apollo 13? Those guys nearly died, if we were really faking space accomplishments to dab on USSR then that's a weird false flag to commit on yourselves.

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Anonymous No. 16261381


Anonymous No. 16261408

Political theater is the answer they go with. I've seen guys who believe that landers went to the moon, but people didn't, that the entire program was unmanned. In the case of 13, these people believe that the incident caused them to abort the mission, and create a spectacle that people could grip onto while no one was in any real danger.

Anonymous No. 16261425

This one of those chinese falcon 9 clones i keep hearing so much about?

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Anonymous No. 16261427

Anonymous No. 16261429

Yeah this was supposed to be the first one and (properly) launch this year.

Anonymous No. 16261440

The real answer is the CCP literally does not give a flying fuck about the rural chinese where these rockets come down.
And if you believe otherwise your a fool.

Anonymous No. 16261447

Isn't there a launch window for Uranus coming up relatively soon? Maybe Neptune as well?

They really need to hurry up and build Cassini type missions for both, I want to see higher resolution images of the planets before I die.
But I've seen no talks about preparing for the launch window, looks like they're happy with the images from the 80s.

Anonymous No. 16261465

They do give a shit about the optics of it since the pesky civilians keep filming it.

Anonymous No. 16261472

Only thing they are going to do is make a example out of those who leaked those vids and tighten the great CCP firewall around the rural towns even more.

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Anonymous No. 16261474
>Bang! SpaceX Tests Catching Superheavy With Mechazilla! - SpaceX Weekly #121

Anonymous No. 16261481

Chang'e 6 might have discovered graphene on the moon
so a carbon source

Anonymous No. 16261490

The flame trench is real

Anonymous No. 16261496

Is there a rocket girl with a bruised eye with Musk beating her yet?

Anonymous No. 16261497

do not the anime girl

Anonymous No. 16261505

too crude

Anonymous No. 16261510


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Anonymous No. 16261516

just found out there is a falcon 9 on display 20 minutes from my house. pretty cool to finally see one in person

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Anonymous No. 16261517

Anonymous No. 16261520

I would rather trust the jews than random Elon Musk fans on 4chan.2x2md

Anonymous No. 16261554

looks like a similar display mechanism as the one at JSC. If that’s the case you can jump and scrape the engine and get soot on your finger

Anonymous No. 16261559

>category 4 or 5 hurricane expected to make landfall in northern mexico next weekend
will starbase survive?

Anonymous No. 16261563

No, but i bet there is a pic of musk surrounded by pregnant anime girls.

Anonymous No. 16261579

Has industrialization really affected the climate of earth to create these hotter summers and larger weather patterns?

Anonymous No. 16261581

yes and that's a good thing

Anonymous No. 16261596

Lmao, there is a fake SpaceX crypto AI scam stream up 23k live viewers.

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Anonymous No. 16261597

Anonymous No. 16261600

You're new. There's few live 24/7 for the last decade or so.

Anonymous No. 16261602


Anonymous No. 16261614

It would appear that the rocket works

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Anonymous No. 16261624

the random plot of land is getting surrounded by foundations

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Anonymous No. 16261633


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Anonymous No. 16261635


Anonymous No. 16261638

How many of these are on display? I thought they were only at KSC, Hawthorne, and Space Center Houston?

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Anonymous No. 16261647

Anonymous No. 16261651

From the IPCC AR6 report Ch.11:
>It is likely that the global proportion of Category 3–5 tropical cyclone instances2has increased over the past four decades. The average location where TCs reach their peak wind intensity has very likely migrated poleward in the western North Pacific Ocean since the 1940s, and TC translation speed has likely slowed over the conterminous USA since 1900. Evidence of similar trends in other regions is not robust. The global frequency of TC rapid intensification events has likely increased over the past four decades. None of these changes can be explained by natural variability alone (medium confidence).

>The proportion of intense TCs, average peak TC wind speeds, and peak wind speeds of the most intense TCs will increase on the global scale with increasing global warming (high confidence). The total global frequency of TC formation will decrease or remain unchanged with increasing global warming (medium confidence). {11.7.1}

Anonymous No. 16261654

Will the trench be water cooled?

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Anonymous No. 16261660

4th time's the charm

Anonymous No. 16261661

in their final act of justice, the earthers launched a massive nuclear attack against every space colony, wiping them out as the earth gets turned to venus by climate change. "if we dont get to survive then you fucks dont get to either".

Anonymous No. 16261664

according to Wikipedia's list of falcon 9 boosters, this is the only other one on display. although there are several others listed as retired. not sure where they are or if they're in displayable condition.

Anonymous No. 16261666

calling it now, raised OLM, directional flame trench with water blasting all the exhaust to one side instead of all from the bottom

Anonymous No. 16261669

>Reusability is critical to making multiplanetary life financially possible
>Posted June 2009
Wow, he's actually been committed to that tagline longer than I thought

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Anonymous No. 16261679

imagine the smell

Anonymous No. 16261687

>It is likely that
>has very likely migrated
>has likely slowed
>Evidence of similar trends is not robust
>events has likely increased

>The proportion of intense TCs, average peak TC wind speeds, and peak wind speeds of the most intense TCs will increase on the global scale with increasing global warming (high confidence)

Here's a lot of vague statements about things that we've got hard data on and could give a strong yes/no answer on, followed by an unambitious prediction about what's going to happen in the future. This is why most climatologists get stuffed in the same box that we keep astrologers in.

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Anonymous No. 16261693

Anonymous No. 16261711

india is really obsessed with the color of shit

Anonymous No. 16261718

you should see a doctor

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freud reacts.png

Anonymous No. 16261719

Sometimes an exhaust is just an exhaust

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Anonymous No. 16261730

Recreated with CHATGPT with Starship context from the screenshot in html/js. lol

Anonymous No. 16261765

Sometimes the exhaust is just a hyper-corrosive and deadly toxin

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nasa commies.jpg

Anonymous No. 16261769

much less nefarious, they're not sneakily advocating communism as the climatoids do

Anonymous No. 16261785

>Space "Pioneer"
>don't actually do any pioneering at all
>blatantly copy (poorly at that) Falcon 9
>almost crash it into a nearby city in what was supposed to be a static fire

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Anonymous No. 16261789
>Ready to make some noise? It’s L-1 for Alpha FLTA005 Noise of Summer, a mission for NASA VCLS. The weather is GO for launch from SLD 30 at 9:03 pm PDT tomorrow. Livestream co-hosted with @NASAspaceflight will begin at T-30 minutes to liftoff.

A 9:00 PM launch will be well into nautical twilight, so we should get a good jellyfish from this one

Anonymous No. 16261798


Anonymous No. 16261800

>humans against space colonization
Traitors, we call those "people" traitors.

Anonymous No. 16261802

>Livestream co-hosted with @NASAspaceflight
I will not be watching

Anonymous No. 16261814

>H3, firefly alpha, hyperbola-1
the next 24 hours are going to be interesting

Anonymous No. 16261819

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Anonymous No. 16261825
We're just under 7.5 hours to the next H3 launch, and it's just starting to brighten up at Tanegashima. The launch will be just after noon local time. Has Japan ever conducted a night launch? I can't remember any.

Anonymous No. 16261828

has the lady started counting down aloud every second yet?

Anonymous No. 16261845

Boca Chica floods.........

Anonymous No. 16261863

Japanese counting is funny

Anonymous No. 16261865

It's rude to dead name.

Anonymous No. 16261888

nice headcanon

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starship n1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16261895

Anonymous No. 16261896

Would this even have enough Delta V to reach orbit?

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Anonymous No. 16261900
>Side Booster Separation & Boostback Burn of Falcon Heavy - Stabilized

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xdownloader wBuPk....webm

Anonymous No. 16261908


Anonymous No. 16261915

easily? getting off the ground would be its problem.

Anonymous No. 16261919

That's what I mean. The gravity losses.

Anonymous No. 16261924

Editing error lel

Anonymous No. 16261925

that's insane

Anonymous No. 16261927

the rocket was probably made out of tofu

Anonymous No. 16261929

corncrete hold-downs

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Anonymous No. 16261930

Anonymous No. 16261936

holeee sht

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Anonymous No. 16261949

Is this homo threatening rape?

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Anonymous No. 16261950


Anonymous No. 16261953


Anonymous No. 16261958

Okay, big news. I get it.

But fraud for what? Which of their many ongoing disasters are they being called out over?

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Anonymous No. 16261960


Anonymous No. 16261961

I found the JSC one on Google Maps street view a couple of months ago. But I had to go to the highway and look from there because google didn't have an up-to-date view from the parking lot or from submitted panoramic views.

Anonymous No. 16261963

Why only now?

Anonymous No. 16261966

Courts are slow and boeing has many allies

Anonymous No. 16261967

If they arent stranded, why arent they coming back?

Anonymous No. 16261969

They had an agreement to postpone charges if they were good boys, which expired just before the Alaskan Air door incident, so now they're getting what was coming to them.

Anonymous No. 16261970

Okay, so it's 787 Max stuff. Not the KC-46 Pegasus issues or the 737s falling apart midair or the dead whistleblowers or the compliance testing fraud. I guess the justice department hasn't quite caught up to those yet.

Anonymous No. 16261977

see what happens with the Boeing whistleblowers? I bet the goons at the Justice Department were taking time to setup bunkers to prevent themselves from getting epsteined by Boeing.

Anonymous No. 16261978

Man thats crazy

Anonymous No. 16261979

Imagine the state of this general if they go there and there is genuinely nothing there, followed by a chinkoid flag planting.

Anonymous No. 16261982

that would make every TV stations and every social media website explode, not just this general.

Anonymous No. 16262023

Think about how much money you could make selling food and drinks with forced to give a right away

Yet the owners just seethe impotently

Anonymous No. 16262035

This plot of land is going to be there until the sun expands to consume the earth. I fucking hate boomers so much bros, I'm sure this cunt got offered 10-20x what he paid for this piece of dirt in the middle of nowhere but nothing is ever enough for these greedy fucks.

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this is not normal.png

Anonymous No. 16262039

It's shaping up to be an uncharacteristically shitty day in beautiful and scenic Tanegashima

Anonymous No. 16262050

And no one would simply say the Chinese are lying like usual?

Anonymous No. 16262051

there's a Falcon heavy booster on display at the KSC visitor complex

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Anonymous No. 16262079

they can probably come back. they just didn't bother to check if they could before going up.

Anonymous No. 16262083

It's not that easy in rocketry.

Anonymous No. 16262085

the executives who agreed to that are probably long gone by now

Anonymous No. 16262090

Please let the mcdonnell douglas taint die with boeing.
I really hope no one buys them up and all the execs scatter to the winds, never to coalesce again.

Anonymous No. 16262115

let the Chinese cook I say

Anonymous No. 16262119

You can see the Apollo landing sites with a telescope.

Anonymous No. 16262126

oh, which telescope, anon?

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Great Lick 91-cen....jpg

Anonymous No. 16262129

uuh, this one

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Anonymous No. 16262131

This one

Anonymous No. 16262133

I wish Boeing a painful death

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Anonymous No. 16262134


Anonymous No. 16262139

you can see the apollo landing sites with the naked eye by the same logic.

Anonymous No. 16262142

Wrong. Those telescopes have the resolution to distinguish the LM, rover tracks, etc. your eyes do not.

Anonymous No. 16262143

Yes you can, but first you need to go to Mare Tranquillitatis

Anonymous No. 16262144

almost certainly no due to weight of it, its just the game having funky physics
Probably due to catch pin being too small for the game engine to handle well or incorrect weight distribution

Anonymous No. 16262156


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Anonymous No. 16262165


Anonymous No. 16262185

Peaceful /sfg/ is the best /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 16262187

I like it when we're arguing about something esoteric

Anonymous No. 16262197

no he's threatening to execute somebody by rocket
he's a true spacenoid

Anonymous No. 16262200

I mean, the Apollo 11 landing site is a real place, why not just send an orbiter and take pics yourself

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16262206

I like it when were gooning to Krystal

Anonymous No. 16262209

"goons" means something specific in the context of spaceflight, anon

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Ball Aerospace sp....jpg

Anonymous No. 16262214

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philip bono pegas....jpg

Anonymous No. 16262215

Anonymous No. 16262216

mars is stored in the balls

Anonymous No. 16262218

>satellite is poop colored
>the inside of the building is poop colored
come the fuck on

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Apollo 19 astrona....jpg

Anonymous No. 16262219

Anonymous No. 16262220

H3 launch live in 15

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Anonymous No. 16262222

Anonymous No. 16262223

you spend too much time thinking about poop. I urge you to seek more productive uses of your mental capacity.

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H3 ALOS-4.jpg

Anonymous No. 16262232



Anonymous No. 16262240

Holy cute

Anonymous No. 16262244

JAXA has an official stream as well

Anonymous No. 16262245

I have an Indian invasion in my small town, I saw one shitting in the park the other day. Fuck off ranjeet and install a toilet in your tenement shack.

Anonymous No. 16262248

Your cute wife host a rocket launch :*

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Anonymous No. 16262250


Anonymous No. 16262255

When they launch the next space station, why not instead of docking everything you have like two stations attached with a rope and the spare one is for spare parts and shit and can be accessed outside, maybe keep it depressurised to save money

Anonymous No. 16262258

do you mean tether spin gravity?

Anonymous No. 16262261

I can't believe they actually did this

Anonymous No. 16262263

I would much rather a spin grav dumbbell station be attached with a rigid truss and a pressurized tube connecting the sides.

Anonymous No. 16262266

>haha they'll expose you
>what's tha? they saw the landing site and published photos of it?
>uhhh, it's photoshopped! You can tell by the pixels.
>I am very smart, please pay attention to me.

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Anonymous No. 16262268

Anonymous No. 16262272

What are your thoughts on increasing african american presence in space?

Anonymous No. 16262275

I'm all for it. Elon should launch even more.

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Anonymous No. 16262276

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Anonymous No. 16262278

The weather has improved

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Anonymous No. 16262281

Does anyone have a webm of the buoy view of the booster landing and splashdown?

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Anonymous No. 16262282

One of these days I want a credible explanation for this extreme drift the H3 loves doing

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Anonymous No. 16262285

ganbatte H-3sama!

Anonymous No. 16262287

Fuck off

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Anonymous No. 16262288


Anonymous No. 16262289


Anonymous No. 16262290

very cute, has she done jav?

Anonymous No. 16262292

Ganbatte H3, you're doing it for real again, now

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Anonymous No. 16262293
>Okay so, Went through this a bit and the location of impact of Space Pioneer's Tianlong-3 Y1 is approx. located at; 34º41'47.34"N 113º02'44.25"E
>Took quite a bit of searching to get through so here's a quick thread of the process

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Anonymous No. 16262295


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Anonymous No. 16262297

Fantastic, thank you!

Anonymous No. 16262298

These clips make it look like the booster is around 4m tall max

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Anonymous No. 16262302

Anonymous No. 16262305

Bezos, Sierra Club, and the Boeing/ULA sniper gang have probably told the owner he's a made man as long he holds out.

Anonymous No. 16262306

>cuz of some niggas
>some real muthafuckas

Anonymous No. 16262310

tanegashima is so beautiful, I know it's not the deciding factor where they chose to place spaceports but it would be cool if they could all be so scenic

Anonymous No. 16262312

Counting down second by second for five minutes is madness.

Anonymous No. 16262314

Why count every second of the last 5 minutes???

Anonymous No. 16262315

Just Japanese things. They count every second above zero, too.

Anonymous No. 16262316

JPs are based

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Anonymous No. 16262317

Anonymous No. 16262318

They paid that girl for five minutes work; and by god they'll get their money's worth.

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Anonymous No. 16262319

Anonymous No. 16262320


Anonymous No. 16262321

we have raunch

Anonymous No. 16262322

this is the worst fucking tracking shot lol

Anonymous No. 16262323

LOL why are there tracking cameras so shit?

Anonymous No. 16262324

this things fuckin bookin

Anonymous No. 16262325

It's literally some guy with a camcorder

Anonymous No. 16262326

shamefur camera tracking

Anonymous No. 16262327

i would prefer the 5 pixels we get from ula onboard cameras

Anonymous No. 16262328

Bruh how long are they going to keep counting kek

Anonymous No. 16262329

please understantsu JP is still old school

Anonymous No. 16262330

that's some dogleg it takes

Anonymous No. 16262331

And the 2 minutes after as well apparently

Anonymous No. 16262333

whew, looks like a big dogleg coming up. Here comes the powerslide!

Anonymous No. 16262334

at least their telemetry animation is better than ula/nasa

Anonymous No. 16262335

>center core dorifto

Anonymous No. 16262338

Its gonna explode isnt it

Anonymous No. 16262340

chances of 2nd stage ignition failure?

Anonymous No. 16262341

>2nd stage failed again

Anonymous No. 16262342

are you sure?
doesn't this rocket have a very low twr second stage?

Anonymous No. 16262343

Holy kino now THIS is a launch

Anonymous No. 16262344

no it's fine. It is nearly the same velocity and still gaining altitude. As expected of efficient but underpowered hydrogen engines.

Anonymous No. 16262345

Just a low thrust to weight ratio.

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2024-06-30 21-47-....webm

Anonymous No. 16262346

Anonymous No. 16262348

Good job China!

Anonymous No. 16262349


Anonymous No. 16262352

Glad it's ok, not every rocket like F9 i guess.

Anonymous No. 16262354

arr norminar

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xdownloader FrTUb....webm

Anonymous No. 16262355

Anonymous No. 16262357

It's a lot like Ariane 5 in regards to trajectory, where the boosters and core stage loft it really high and the upper stage adds horizontal velocity while following a particularly ballistic arc, losing altitude for a good part of the burn until it circularizes in orbit.

Anonymous No. 16262360

funny that the amateur does a better job of tracking than the official stream

Anonymous No. 16262361

ROO Sky Violation

Anonymous No. 16262362

easier when you're so zoomed out. still embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 16262363

cute reaction

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Anonymous No. 16262364

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2024-06-30 22-18-....webm

Anonymous No. 16262366

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Anonymous No. 16262367

Anonymous No. 16262371

bro it's literally a Delta IVM

Anonymous No. 16262373

Impossible. Delta-IVM had one RS-68.

Anonymous No. 16262375

Wait that's pretty big, WeatherNews is a big deal, they have their own TV channel and everything. She was on for a whole hour too

Anonymous No. 16262381

yeah they redesigned the thrust section and engines

Anonymous No. 16262382

The LE-5 is a higher thrust engine than the RL-10 as well.

Anonymous No. 16262383

yes it's a BETTER Delta IV M

Anonymous No. 16262384

It's a cheaper Delta-IV M at the very least, the H3 has a much lower payload capacity, but that may be down to that INSANELY LARGE DOGLEG MANEUVER they do to avoid the islands to the south for some reason.

Anonymous No. 16262385

It's a Delta IV Med that cost less than a third of the price that Boeing charged

Anonymous No. 16262387

haha yeah wtf was that lmao
this is because of the Japanese willingness to get paid like dogshit and work slave labour hours and also be a functional economy instead of a jobs program sometimes (just don't look too hard at their melon situation or the idols)

Anonymous No. 16262390

melon situation?

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Anonymous No. 16262391

good job H3

Anonymous No. 16262397

among other things
tl;dr there's a lot of pointless middlemen for certain types of government business

Anonymous No. 16262398

Why did you give it a jewish armband. Its not just me seeing this right?

Anonymous No. 16262400

I don't know why the autistic gay japanese neet gave the H3 an armband

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multi-state jobs ....png

Anonymous No. 16262401

Having the H3 built almost entirely in-house by Mitsubishi does help. Meanwhile, the Delta IV was being designed and assembled by this all-star dream team

Anonymous No. 16262402

that's covered by "be a functioning economy sometimes instead of a jobs program"

Anonymous No. 16262405

The Japanese love their armbands

Anonymous No. 16262431

Seems like trannit site caught lot of anti-Musk bots thats been running all around various social media. LMAO

Anonymous No. 16262432

Nobody here cares about reddit fuck off back there since you like talking about it so much.

Anonymous No. 16262433

They post here.

Anonymous No. 16262437

Influencer campaigns like these are usually linked to either financial incentives or politics or just grift.

Anonymous No. 16262439


Anonymous No. 16262443

is there proof that they're bots? that would jive with my lived experience here responding to the inorganic anti-musk posters

Anonymous No. 16262450

I mean all the giga Jews have been losing billions on their Tesla shorts which they STILL haven't closed and just taken the L.

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2024-07-01 01_03_....png

Anonymous No. 16262452

why is Cincinnati OH in west Virginia?

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Anonymous No. 16262454


Anonymous No. 16262460

Is this the official broadcast? Looks like they're upgrading their UI to a modern/spacex standard.

Anonymous No. 16262469

Why dont you shut up you dumb Muskrat. NASA has been doing better graphics than SpaceX long before F9 came in to service.

Anonymous No. 16262471

Why don't you try being relevant instead of bitching out everyone who isn't suffering from Musk Derangement Syndrome as hard as you are, eh?

Anonymous No. 16262473

This is one of those reddit bots

Anonymous No. 16262480

spacex is unimpeachable here

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Anonymous No. 16262491



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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16262507

>I want a credible explanation for this extreme drift the H3 loves doing

This island, H2 did them as well.

Anonymous No. 16262541

Lorentz contraction.

Anonymous No. 16262573


They used a test stand that was not rated for the rockets thrust

Anonymous No. 16262589

So explain why the CCP has been dropping all it's boosters on chinese rural villagers for decades now and dont seem to do any real effort to chance that?

Anonymous No. 16262860


Anonymous No. 16262864

Go ahead! They'll treat you no better than you deserve.

Anonymous No. 16262865

Of course not. How has trusting the narrative worked out for you so far?

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Anonymous No. 16262913

Oh, you all need to read the whole story:

>The U.S. Justice Department is pushing Boeing to plead guilty to criminal fraud in connection with two deadly plane crashes
>Boeing will have until the end of the coming week to accept or reject the offer, which includes the giant aerospace company agreeing to an independent monitor who would oversee its compliance with anti-fraud laws

The government is charging Boeing with fraud, and at the same time they are allowing them to take a plea deal of guilty and they have to hire someone for a few years to oversee that they don't commit fraud again. Thats it.
Biggest slap on the wrist I've ever seen.