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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16276674

Space travel causes global warming edition

previous >>16274623

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Eoin is a faggot.jpg

Anonymous No. 16276677

>Eoin Higgins
Hm, let's take a closer look at 'ol Eoin here, lessee
>Matt Taibbi used to take on the rich and powerful, but today, his reporting is crafted to please grievance-addicted American conservatives. Glenn Greenwald, whose reporting on the Snowden leaks arguably changed the course of history, has similarly taken a hard right turn. Yet these political transformations of journalists formerly associated with the left did not happen in a vacuum. The new mouthpieces of the right are paid and disseminated by an emerging “alternative” media ecosystem, funded by a cohort of billionaires whose goal is to censor critics, so these new plutocrats can pursue their businesses—and personal vendettas—entirely unimpeded.

Oh. Oh noooo hahahahaha nononono

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Anonymous No. 16276689

Starliner status?

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Anonymous No. 16276693

Anonymous No. 16276694

Delayed Indefinitely

Anonymous No. 16276697

Arrested. Executed.

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Anonymous No. 16276698


Anonymous No. 16276703

Solved problem: just use a space elevator. If only the material scientists could get their shit together.

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a SLS.jpg

Anonymous No. 16276704

Say something nice about the SLS. Congress demands it.

Anonymous No. 16276705

When are they going to land Starliner so they can cut it in half to find out what's going wrong?

Anonymous No. 16276709

This is like a ceo hearing "You have the full support of the board" isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16276711

> Starliner is designed for a mission of up to 210 days

Tick tock.

Anonymous No. 16276712

Stranded in space

Anonymous No. 16276713

>problems preventing return
So it sounds like they are stranded.

Anonymous No. 16276714

Standing by

Anonymous No. 16276715

Glenn takes particular offense at being called right-wing, insisting that it is the left who have lost the capacity for self-reflection. Greenwald actually left the Intercept over being used as a press outlet for the billionaire owner.

Anonymous No. 16276716

Which means all those journalists who two weeks ago assured us they weren't stuck, are a bunch of stinky liars.
Clearly Eoin Higgins is not a reliable source of information or unbiased opinion.

Anonymous No. 16276717

> Mark Nappi, vice-president and program manager of Boeing’s commercial crew program, told reporters that he was confident the Starliner program would emerge stronger because of the issues. “All this information is going to go in a big bucket, and all the engineers are going to review it and try to see if it doesn’t point to root cause...,” he said.

May we see this bucket?


Anonymous No. 16276720

I thought the max it was allowed to stay attached to the ISS was 40 something days
oldspace getting the oldspace treatment though

Anonymous No. 16276722

delayed ten times

Anonymous No. 16276723

Starliner batteries are rated for 45 days. Also they can't block that port forever, ISS needs supplies and crew rotation

Anonymous No. 16276725

More like reformations. Let’s move it to the grave.

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Anonymous No. 16276726

>All this information is going to go in a big bucket, and all the engineers are going to review it
The bucket in question

Anonymous No. 16276731

> The Boeing Starliner’s stay in orbit is limited by the crew module’s battery capacity. While the spacecraft is rated for 210 days, NASA stated there would be a 45-day limit, enough time for engineers on the ground to test fixes before re-entry.


So, we're off the right side of the graph again.

Anonymous No. 16276733

Why are they like this?

Anonymous No. 16276734

Now here's the kicker:

Anonymous No. 16276736

I'm glad I'm from a culture that has cutlery

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Anonymous No. 16276739

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Anonymous No. 16276741

It's their culture, please understand.

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Anonymous No. 16276748


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Anonymous No. 16276750

Does SpaceX need to send some help over to Boeing? Starliner seems like its gonna limp back home

Anonymous No. 16276753

>Starliner seems like its gonna limp back home
I see you are a hopeful optimist anon.

🗑️ Barkon Approved Post No. 16276754


Anonymous No. 16276757

>Stars and sun visible in the same shot
this is CGI

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Anonymous No. 16276760
>Awesome and never seen footage of Saturn I SA-6 stage separation. It includes onboard cameras, tracking camera and kerosene tank camera.

Anonymous No. 16276762

Those distance shots of the RL10s lighting are pure kino.

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Anonymous No. 16276763

We are checking.

Anonymous No. 16276765

With next of kin?

Anonymous No. 16276768

Which craft is this character representing

Anonymous No. 16276772

First worlders don’t get it but rice and slop beats going hungry.

Anonymous No. 16276776

The one that represents a bratty memelord

Anonymous No. 16276778

global warming is fake tho

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Anonymous No. 16276780

>Space travel causes global warming
I don't care

Anonymous No. 16276807

So boca chica was destroyed by hiricane

Anonymous No. 16276814

Absolutely insane. We owe so much to Von Braun, he sculpted masterpieces

Anonymous No. 16276815

thats insane

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Anonymous No. 16276816

>No matter how difficult it is, Astronautics will always be in the same boat with China's commercial aerospace, sharing honor and disgrace. The road is still very long. Let's cheer together, brothers.

China may have just had it's second launch failure of the year with a i-Space Hyperbola-1 attempting a launch out of Jiuquan

Anonymous No. 16276819

Space IS hard

Anonymous No. 16276821

space is HARD

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Anonymous No. 16276822

>北京时间 2024 年 7 月 11 日 7 时 41 分,双曲线一号遥八运载火箭搭载 3 颗云遥一号气象卫星在酒泉卫星发射中心点火升空,火箭飞行过程中出现异常,飞行任务未能取得圆满成功。
>At 7:41 Beijing Time on July 11, 2024, the hyperbolic No. 1 remote Eight launch vehicle carrying three Yunyao No. 1 meteorological satellites ignited at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Abnormalities occurred during the rocket flight, and the mission was not a complete success.

This is unusually quick and open for a Chinese launch failure report, especailly for a launch that was running almost completely silent before T-0.

Anonymous No. 16276823

It's so hard it get you quoting poets when things go wrong

>Space is Difficult
>天空没有留下超勝的痕迹,且我骄傲,我飞期过。---诗人 泰北尔
>There is no trace of super victory left in the sky, and I am proud that I have flown.---Poet Taibei Er

Anonymous No. 16276825

>disaster for emissions
I just did the math, and even with SpaceX's insane rate of like three a week, they're producing ~1/1000th the emissions of global air.

Anonymous No. 16276828

You didnt do the math.

Anonymous No. 16276829

Bro, you got that transcribed wrong
It's 泰戈尔, a transliteration of Tagore.
It's translation of the following:
"I leave no trace of wings in the air, but I am glad I have had my flight."
You got the Chinese in the poem wrong, too.

Anonymous No. 16276830

I also didn't do the math but launching manufacturing 10 rockets and launching them a total of 140 times is better for the environment than manufacturing 20 rockets for 20 launches

Anonymous No. 16276831

You're assuming that I know anything about Chinese beyond copying OCRed text into a translator. The best I can do is remove extraneous line breaks so the robot doesn't break its brain trying to translate two thirds of a sentence.

Anonymous No. 16276832

Was I arguing against SpaceX you fucking mongrel? Do you not realize how fucking ridiculous it is to say that 150 F9 launches is 1/1000 of ALL EMISSIONS GLOBALLY???

Anonymous No. 16276837

Wasn't shartliner supposed to leave already?

Anonymous No. 16276839

That wasn't Von Braun, that was the engineers working under him.

Anonymous No. 16276840

Yeah like 6 years ago

Anonymous No. 16276841

Starliner. Calling it "shartliner" just makes you look like a dumb kid.

Anonymous No. 16276843

so what you're saying is that a tiny handful of people are producing a significant portion of all co2 emissions.
and you're not one of those people and you're shilling for them like a massive cuck
and you do it for free

Anonymous No. 16276844

To be fair the tax thieves in boing and the mic deserve a lot worse than just mean words.

Anonymous No. 16276846

Booster 12 undergoing live testing now

Anonymous No. 16276849


Anonymous No. 16276852

Shart in mart

Anonymous No. 16276867


Anonymous No. 16276868

>/pol/'s whitest posters

Anonymous No. 16276872

Boeing isn't going to fuck you

Anonymous No. 16276873

gathering mars roggs :D

Anonymous No. 16276874

Taxwise they will

Anonymous No. 16276881

Eoin doesn't get paid for writing? And is completely blind to who owns the Washington Post, well, unless there's a "climate crisis" article to write about that billionaire owner's rockets. But the billionaire owning the primary newspaper for the nation's capital? Nah, not worth mentioning that guy's politics.

Anonymous No. 16276884

>I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you, and I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her: marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet, buried alive. Buried alive!
Marooned is a much more fun word for their situation.

Anonymous No. 16276885


Too bad it was expendable.

Anonymous No. 16276913

Best part no part

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Anonymous No. 16276915

>No comrade lets unfurl the flag first before we get zhang out the capsule
They know he died already, chinese people are so pragmatic

Anonymous No. 16276934

What do boobs look like in 0G? I'd imagine it would be a pleasant sight.

Anonymous No. 16276938

>congress is considering subsidies for sls to encourage commercial customers to use it instead of commercial rockets
the corruption is mindnumbing

Anonymous No. 16276940

>chinese spaceflight is collapsing before our eyes

Anonymous No. 16276947

rating expires =/= stops working

Anonymous No. 16276950

8 day mission =/= 36 day+ mission

Anonymous No. 16276953

They have their own Astra. Cute.

Anonymous No. 16276960

It does mean that as far as the government bureaucrats calling all the shots care. Nobody at NASA is about to say "screw the rule book, let 'er rip & we'll see what happens"
or at least nobody except Linda Ham

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Anonymous No. 16276985

No it's definitely shartliner

Anonymous No. 16276991

They did with the SLS boosters. Those things were "expired" for months at the time of launch and I don't remember seeing any recertification.

Anonymous No. 16277002

I'm going go call it shartliner exclusively from now on, even changing quotes to reflect this

Anonymous No. 16277023

i called it poopyliner stinky gay retard

Anonymous No. 16277025

i call it snot boogerliner idiot poop butthead

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Anonymous No. 16277032
>“This is a tough business that we’re in," Wilmore, Shartliner's commander, told reporters Wednesday in a news conference from the space station. "Human spaceflight is not easy in any regime, and there have been multiple issues with any spacecraft that’s ever been designed, and that’s the nature of what we do.”

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Anonymous No. 16277033


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Anonymous No. 16277038
>Lee Feinberg, a NASA HWO lead and principal architect, told Payload he and his team are in communication with representatives from all three super heavy-lift launchers, having recently visited SpaceX to track Starship’s progress. “We are really rooting for big launchers. That is really, really important for us,” he said.

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Anonymous No. 16277068

No need for magic materials. Just like build ORS my dude.

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Anonymous No. 16277073

I think he has said this before previously, but if you have read the foundation books then Terminus (Mars) was actually a distraction that did work for a while, but the actual Foundation was built elsewhere
I wonder if Musk is doing something like that in secret now

Anonymous No. 16277085

Have you SEEN Joe Biden? Cleon's Galactic Empire was in a much better state than the West is now.

Anonymous No. 16277089

>I wonder if Musk is doing something like that in secret now
He's not batman, dude.

Anonymous No. 16277101

so I guess you haven't read the books

Anonymous No. 16277109

I read one of them, can't remember which.
I also watched one episode of the apple series and then cancelled my subscription.

I'm more of a Heinlein man myself.

Anonymous No. 16277111

Theres no fucking way congress actually pays for it. You essentially have to pay the entire 4.2 billion $ launch cost of sls to even come close to starship for less payload.

Anonymous No. 16277125

Anonymous No. 16277127


Anonymous No. 16277129

Most people don't realize that, but you actually can ignore those retarded skeptics and armchair specialists.

Anonymous No. 16277132

>Wilmore, who took over manual control for part of Starliner's approach to the space station, said he could sense the spacecraft's handling qualities diminish as thrusters temporarily failed. "You could tell it was degraded, but still, it was impressive," he said.
Yeah it's very impressive this dog turd manages to melt it's thrusters in normal operation and this wasn't noticed till now.

Anonymous No. 16277133

you know heinlein had a book about cannibalistic blacks keeping white slaves as chattle slaves and breeding them for food

Anonymous No. 16277136

Yeah it's just lip service, so over for the competition to SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16277139

>said he could sense the spacecraft's handling qualities diminish as thrusters temporarily failed

Holy fucking boeing, imagine feeling your spacecraft fucking slowly die beneath you. Can't imagine the size of the brick he must have laid when he got to the ISS toilet.

Anonymous No. 16277141


Anonymous No. 16277145

The guy was controlling it from the ground, not on board.

Anonymous No. 16277153

>ignore the truth
If it was something important, you would have written it instead of shilling the video.

Anonymous No. 16277164

>The test sequence began July 3 with a series of firings mimicking what one of Starliner's thrusters experienced in orbit. But test engineers couldn't get the thruster on the ground as hot as the Starliner thrusters got in space, so officials have paused the tests this week to see if there's a way to better simulate the actual thermal conditions on the spacecraft. They hope to resume testing later this week and wrap it up over the weekend.
Lol they could replicate the problem, probably cause they're not testing in a vacuum. Did they even test this thing at all?

Anonymous No. 16277171

Anonymous No. 16277173

>But my modelling!
Watch this devolve into some intern not accounting for vacuum in some 30yr old proprietary sim that Boeing runs

Anonymous No. 16277184

I'm going to watch this entire video and get mad

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Anonymous No. 16277186

>last week we watched a video about the soviet space programme
a communist tranny, how original

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Anonymous No. 16277188

even has the anime profile pic lmaoo

Anonymous No. 16277193

Give me a summary of his argument after you're done please.

Anonymous No. 16277196

they definitely made shit that worked. big, heavy, solid and good looking engineering solutions. i never get tired watching their stuff launch and stage etc. All the Apollo hardware is the same way.

Anonymous No. 16277200


Anonymous No. 16277201

>they're not testing in a vacuum
seriously? that seems unusual as these things go

Anonymous No. 16277202

Standard practice for boeing.

Anonymous No. 16277204

Vacuum is a kind of space, and space is hard. That's why they call it "hard vacuum"

Anonymous No. 16277213

Billions must starve.

Anonymous No. 16277214

>I also watched one episode of the apple series
What a blunder, I'm so sorry. Never trust an adaptation. Ender's Game was an alright one, and Childhood's End. Most others suck though.
Now tell him about Lazarus Long.

Anonymous No. 16277220

fucking hate anti-space communists

Anonymous No. 16277226

Go for a walk

Anonymous No. 16277227

go fuck yourself

Anonymous No. 16277228

I just took a walk and I fucking hate anti-space communists.

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Anonymous No. 16277230

>like why the fuck should we explore space when we have heaps of problems on earth
>if you think the former is more important then you are a fucking white nazi chud

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Anonymous No. 16277231


Stacking of Tower 2 has just started

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Anonymous No. 16277233

why does india have the most chaotic rocket designs?

Anonymous No. 16277240

so I can ponder how much I hate them and why?

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Anonymous No. 16277241


Anonymous No. 16277242

Because walking is good for your health.

Anonymous No. 16277245

Because >>16276726

Anonymous No. 16277246

Georgist here.
Space is the only solution to the problems on earth.
The problem is land.

Anonymous No. 16277248

i wonder how they come to this conclusion

vacuum is hard job

Anonymous No. 16277251

he barely has enough brain power to have an opinion on the merits of laces V velcro shoe bindings.

Anonymous No. 16277255

its raining

Anonymous No. 16277256

>i wonder how they come to this conclusion
It's the douglas taint.
They only know how to succeed at office politics, not business. Thats how they keep failing but taking over whoever they merge with.

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Sky_Hook-Chan . . . UR mom's a WHORE elon No. 16277262

If only someone had devised a 'Green Road to Space" .... OH WELL!

Anonymous No. 16277265

shame. amazing to think that you'd remove vacuum tests from a new space craft. i thought everyone had done that over the years. its not as if there aren't several very large vacuum chambers for both space craft and rocket testing in the US.

Anonymous No. 16277266

congress will just put a tax on commercial space launches (read spacex)

Anonymous No. 16277267

about fucking time. how are tower 2's pilings going?

Anonymous No. 16277269

There is a giant fucking vacuum chamber literally purpose built exactly and specifically for this. Did they just not want to rent it out for a week???

Anonymous No. 16277270

The guy is a Trump hater and a Biden cocksucker. What do you expect. Its a politic hitpiece rather than a neutral or a factual one.

Anonymous No. 16277277

One of the newer RGV videos showed they'd just about finished them

Anonymous No. 16277278

I figured as such by the tone of the article, that's why I looked up his name. That book was the first thing I found, where he's complaining that classic liberal journos are fleeing the left (which must be a right-wing trick!).
Instant dismissal of everything he has said, is saying, or ever will say.

Anonymous No. 16277281

>flame trench
im getting a headache

Anonymous No. 16277286

Yep, the guy is entirely a partisan hack. All you needed to do was check this guy's twitter lol.

The classic liberal journals havent fled anywhere. They are still reporting on privacy issue, free speech, government accountability, etc. The corporate media arm simply latched on the government censorship, government ideology and are trying to gaslight you into thinking otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16277287

>There is a small gap between foundation and first section.
It's over. Two more year to redesign second tower.

Anonymous No. 16277288

Sorry anon I turned it on after getting to work but I can't handle that voice. I thought it was just a British girl but it turned out to be a man. If I'd known I wouldn't have made false promises. The video description mentions Kessler syndrome though so you can guess

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Anonymous No. 16277295

this cannot be real

Anonymous No. 16277298

>commentary stream for putting concrete on top of concrete
what a bunch of money milking faggots

Anonymous No. 16277300

They tried that and the rocket flew of the test stand.
Who cares as long as it works?

Anonymous No. 16277301


Like you can spot a marxist just from their looks

Anonymous No. 16277304

I think the mind-poison affects their exterior in time.

Anonymous No. 16277313

It would need to be a 200000% tax for SLS to compete with spacex.

Anonymous No. 16277316

Just mute it and turn off auto captions.

Anonymous No. 16277319

I'm at work man I listen to audiobooks all day but my eyes are busy

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Anonymous No. 16277320

It’s a rocket for validating a capsule’s launch escape system. They frequently look goofy.

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Anonymous No. 16277322

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Anonymous No. 16277324


just the cbs morning section without commentary

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Anonymous No. 16277329


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good boy eternal.jpg

Anonymous No. 16277335

>we will see fuzzy images of real exoplanets before we die
Yes, please.

Anonymous No. 16277337

Space is for crackkkers

Anonymous No. 16277338

Direct imaging is nice. Getting the planet down to a fuzzy blob means there's enough light to do direct spectroscopy of the planets without needing to do the tricky stuff involved in transit spectroscopy.

Anonymous No. 16277343


Anonymous No. 16277344

What benefit does full flow staged combustion offer over an oxidizer or fuel rich staged combustion design?
At first glance it seems like more engineering work for something that by its nature has all the downsides of both fuel rich and oxidizer rich at the same time.

Anonymous No. 16277349

The big one is the turbines run a lot cooler for a given outlet pressure.

Anonymous No. 16277352

Performance. Higher isp and thrust.
Eager space made a video about it and you need every last drop of performance you can get to make full reusability work.

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Anonymous No. 16277363
>Starbase Tower 2 stacking has commenced!

Anonymous No. 16277364

If I were to guess, high fidelity visible light interferometry via quantum-networked ground telescopes will achieve the equivalent of this long before HWO ever launches

Anonymous No. 16277365

In english, doc

Anonymous No. 16277366

>Buzzword soup will beat them to the punch

Anonymous No. 16277372

Shut up faggot

Anonymous No. 16277373

>"Quantum [thing]"
>Chinese work
Like clockwork.

Anonymous No. 16277375

>Saw part of the Ariane 6 launch, seemed to do well
>Find out it didn't go... perfectly well
Apparently the last stage wasn't able to start deorbiting as planned? What's the status now (or is it already burned up)?

Anonymous No. 16277378

It's not a difficult concept to understand

Anonymous No. 16277384

it's stuck up there and the two reentry test payloads are SOL. the cope is that they have some orders which won't need vinci restarts so it's not a problem for those.

Anonymous No. 16277385

No, it's not: Beijing wants to be the leading economy and economic power in the 21st Century, and they see breakthroughs in quantum physics as the path to doing so — to the point that they're not as interested in subsidizing work that doesn't have their favorite word in it. That leads to efforts like this one to cram in things that let them use the phrase "quantum technology" to an existing field that doesn't actually do anything different in the physics of the optics and imaging sensors.

Anonymous No. 16277392

Retard. They're Australian and Singapore scientists and a colab between them

Anonymous No. 16277396

Macquerie University is a joint research university with University of Hamburg and Fudan University in Shanghai.

Anonymous No. 16277400

You're the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen. Maybe read the paper, or does baby need the popsci article to understand? It's really basic, qubits in a network with improved error correction will allow for optical interferometry to actually work.

Anonymous No. 16277401

So you're saying Australian university is a fraud? LMAO

Anonymous No. 16277404

The most reusable engine due to lowest turbine temperature at given chamber pressure except for electric pumped which doesn't scale

Anonymous No. 16277406

No, I'm not saying it's a fraud, I'm saying that it's inevitably a Chinese backed effort because they're trying to emphasize the "quantum" on an interferometer. It's Electricity and Magnetism: quantum bullshit is literally the fundamentals of the field.

Anonymous No. 16277408

>qubits in a network with improved error correction
that doesn't work by the way.
>inb4 he believes in quantum advantage

Anonymous No. 16277410

the good news: they can start launching the easy payloads and continue testing the new APU for long-duration missions after the payload is released. The next flight is now scheduled for December (CSO 3).

Anonymous No. 16277416

So you're saying the Australian university is run by incompetent people or people who are only after money and cant actually tell whats real and fake because of join research with Chinese university?

Woah. Thats fraud on massive level

Anonymous No. 16277417

spacex seems to mostly be taking advantage of this by jacking up the chamber pressure to even more ridiculous levels

Anonymous No. 16277418

reminder that quantum telescopes can receive images faster than light thanks to their use of entanglement

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Anonymous No. 16277420

Remember that time they built those ridiculous cryogenic chandeliers and hyped it like crazy and then slowly tried to sweep it back under the rug once they realized there is no end-to-end supremacy observable?
There is no fraud, people are just that confused about quantum physics.

Anonymous No. 16277421

So you're saying everyone has perfect understanding of quantum physics and we dont need any more research?


Anonymous No. 16277422

Not spaceflight shut up

Anonymous No. 16277424

quantums fly around in space all the time

Anonymous No. 16277425

Other way around: China's willing to throw money at things that they think might give them something relating to their ambition of Quantum Supremacy, so researchers are incentivized to write it in as much as possible for the sake of grant money.

Anonymous No. 16277426

>So you're saying the Australian university is run by incompetent people or people who are only after money

Welcome to real life instead of a romanticized view of higher education.

Anonymous No. 16277427

Refer to my previous ad hominem

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mirror selfie jwst.jpg

Anonymous No. 16277431

>so you're saying-
Disingenuous actor detected, cease all (you)s directed towards it at once.

Anonymous No. 16277432

are there some projects about to do that?
what drives you to think ground based telescopes would do it first?

Anonymous No. 16277435

>make accusations
>have no grass to touch
>claim victim

Anonymous No. 16277437

For starters HWO has an insanely unambitious timeline, launching in the 2040s at the earliest. Meaning at best it wont launch until the 2050/2060s, if ever. At least JWST timeline was ambitious, then was 10 years late (generous). Astronomers conservatism and fear of failure/budgets and incompetency of NASA's management and contractors will easily kill the project

Anonymous No. 16277439

On the other hand, "qubit networked" telescope arrays are not actually within the realm of real physics so it's anybody's guess which will happen sooner

Anonymous No. 16277445

>will allow for optical interferometry to actually work
do they not work now? i thought the VLA was such a thing.

Anonymous No. 16277446

Hey, for all you know unambitious timeline means delivered on time. Could be good pr, even if it takes longer than james webb if they say it’s going to take a long time it’s not such a bad look.

Anonymous No. 16277449

It does work. And you can make it better without impossible coherence thought experiments.

Anonymous No. 16277450

>for all you know
We do know, thats the problem, nasa can't hit a deadline to save it's life.

Anonymous No. 16277462

im still not sure why they couldn't use it to image the apollo landing sites.

Anonymous No. 16277465

That's why I started my original post with "if I had to guess"

Anonymous No. 16277468

That's never ever how it happens. Especially with government-funded flagship projects. Double especially with decrepit old NASA + [insert your defence contractor]

Anonymous No. 16277491

>So you're saying everyone has perfect understanding of quantum physics and we dont need any more research?

Not that anon but I was raised by english speaking parents and my dog understands a little bit of english. That's a completely difference sentence

Anonymous No. 16277494

You lack reasoning capability.

>research project failed in their prediction therefore not science
>any unknown with chance of failure = not science/fraud
>therefore science can only be done with perfect knowledge

Anonymous No. 16277499

oh boy i cant wait until 2100 when we actually get something like this. oh fuck we'll all be dead by then.

Anonymous No. 16277515

Maybe you will but I won’t.

Anonymous No. 16277516

My plan is just to not die, I don't know why more people don't do it

Anonymous No. 16277519

One rule I have learned long time ago: when someone feel the need to repeat a link more times it means it's not worth it.

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Musk riding on st....jpg

Anonymous No. 16277527

What are my chanches of surving riding a starship down to earth on the backside, in a spacesuit, ofcourse.???

Anonymous No. 16277528


Anonymous No. 16277532

The flap did, if you're on the side opposite to the heat shield then I don't see why not. You'd be hooked onto it with a carabiner right? I wouldn't want to be holding on the whole time.

Anonymous No. 16277535

non zero

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Flap-chan refuses....webm

Anonymous No. 16277538

>The flap did

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Anonymous No. 16277542

>You'd be hooked onto it with a carabiner right? I wouldn't want to be holding on the whole time.
How about standing on it?

Anonymous No. 16277558


Anonymous No. 16277559

Hybergoliggs :DDD

Anonymous No. 16277561

proonted roggid egngingnes :DDDD

Anonymous No. 16277569

I just shitted the fuck out of my pants

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venus sunshade.png

Anonymous No. 16277572

Why isn't it possible?

Anonymous No. 16277573

So it was a failure. Failed to relight the engine, failed to deploy sats, failed to deorbit burn

Failure all around

Anonymous No. 16277574

send a pic

Anonymous No. 16277579

It is possible though, although it only begs the question of what to do with all the CO2 now covering the surface.

Anonymous No. 16277580

world’s largest sailboat platting a course directly for venus’s surface.

Anonymous No. 16277581

Thats prob roughly 80 square km. Fucking huge

Anonymous No. 16277583

The further they push it back, the more convinced I am it will kill them.
Jesus, boing.

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Anonymous No. 16277588

well there's your problem

Anonymous No. 16277589


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Anonymous No. 16277590

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Anonymous No. 16277591


Anonymous No. 16277596

>bioengineering humans
there's no way he's said this

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Anonymous No. 16277597


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Anonymous No. 16277598

the screenshots posted by hanaia (the article itself is perhaps 2x longer)

Anonymous No. 16277599

Another day, another hitpieces from marxist tranny times

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Anonymous No. 16277600


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Anonymous No. 16277604


Anonymous No. 16277606

>Reporting from San Francisco


Anonymous No. 16277607

How far from Venus is V-S L1, how many cubic kilometers would that sunshade have to be?

Anonymous No. 16277612

Wasn't there something about SpaceX having a Mars meeting each week where they talk about Mars related issues. I guess that wouldn't count as directed to work on it.

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Anonymous No. 16277614

is he really anti-space?

Anonymous No. 16277616

I mean a mars club as an extra-curricular activity would make sense but talking about stuff is a far cry from actually using engineering resources and resources in general for it
I do remember Mueller saying somewhere that the last 5 years he was at SpaceX he was looking at ISRU stuff for mars, which would be somewhere between 2015-2020
Musk also tends to weasel around with technicalities, here he specifically said "no one has been directed to work on a Mars city"
what about other aspects related to Mars? ISRU for propellant isn't directly related to a Mars city perhaps but I would say its very much related to Mars colonization efforts

Anonymous No. 16277619

He's a commie shit and needs to be necked

Anonymous No. 16277623

Propellant ISRU and wet-workshopping Starships as habs gets you at least a basic town in a single synod with enough launches.

Anonymous No. 16277630

I know this article in nonsense cause it says spacexs plans for a mars city is a giant dome.
Anyone who has bothered to look at the concept knows domes bigger than like 200 feet across won't work.

Anonymous No. 16277633

>Anyone who has bothered to look at the concept knows domes bigger than like 200 feet across won't work.
Elaborate on this point. We build domes bigger than that on earth all the time and big domes should be easier on mars.

Anonymous No. 16277640

remember: it's not a crime if you're defrauding your enemies

Anonymous No. 16277641

why are wingnuts like this

Anonymous No. 16277653

Kino! Musk has good taste in mars aesthetics.

Anonymous No. 16277656

nta that anon, but domes on earth don't have to hold in the atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16277658

That makes them easier thoughbeit, the internal pressure offers support.

Anonymous No. 16277659

Domes (solar panels)
Tunnels (boring company)

Anonymous No. 16277661

>It is possible though
Wouldn't this immediately self destruct resulting in Kessler syndrome? All of those millimeter thick plates acting as sunshade would quickly break apart and smash into each other, I imagine.
Those plates aren't to scale and neither are they hexagonal, Venus is to 1 to 1 billion scale but the rest I just tried to quickly whip up as a demonstration.

Anonymous No. 16277662

It doesn't work like that anon.

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Anonymous No. 16277663

You just wouldn't build a dome. There are way cheaper and easier ways to get pressurized dirt

Barkon Approved Post No. 16277665

How smart are you?

Anonymous No. 16277667

>Wouldn't this immediately self destruct resulting in Kessler syndrome?
That specific arrangement yes but you can have stable orbital shades around a planet.

Anonymous No. 16277669

>pops hole in your gay little baloon

Anonymous No. 16277672

what would it be run at? 4-5psi like in space or would they want a full atmosphere?

Anonymous No. 16277673

>How far from Venus is V-S L1
According to people on the internet, around 1,011,090 km or −0.00676 AU from Venus. So, a sunshade orbiting at the Venus-Sun Lagrange Point 1 would need to have a volume of approximately 4.6 x 10^3 km3 to effectively cover the surface of Venus, assuming the sunshade has a thickness of 10micrometers (0.01mm or 0.001cm). A4 paper is between 0.05mm and 0.10mm usually.

Anonymous No. 16277674


Anonymous No. 16277675

I'll throw darts at it from the top of my glass dome habitat.

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Anonymous No. 16277678

the classic

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Anonymous No. 16277684

okay, what now

Anonymous No. 16277686

ETFE doesn't rip like that. Plus it doesn't matter anyway because the rate of air leaving the bubble matters less as the volume increases. I did the math once and it's like 50 acres per Starship payload with this method. 70 acres if you anchor it to habitable and cargo Starships instead of cables. That's 50 acres of pressurized dirt from one ship. Try doing that with a dome

Anonymous No. 16277687

.5 bar with 40% O and 60% N, /sfg/ already decided this

Anonymous No. 16277690

>40% O
Realistically what would happen if your dome forest caught fire

Anonymous No. 16277693

The atmosphere would gain some co2

Anonymous No. 16277695

who do brainlets always say this? 40% O is fine at 500mb

Anonymous No. 16277697

We would put it out with a hose. Same as on urf dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16277699

Huh? No man

Anonymous No. 16277715

>muh commie!!!
Nobody spazzes out about them this much here. Back to >>>/pol/ you go, shouldve just sais tranny instead.

Anonymous No. 16277728

nobody brings them up, fuck off commie

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Anonymous No. 16277730

Kill yourself commie rat

Anonymous No. 16277731


Anonymous No. 16277732

go back to your shithole website, leftypol troon

Anonymous No. 16277733


Anonymous No. 16277737

>posts some commie nigger from trannyland
>complain when people dont want freaks

Anonymous No. 16277765
Aerojet's got competition

Anonymous No. 16277790

are Ursa Major actually doing something? what do they have

Anonymous No. 16277793

They're building liquid propellant engines for other peoples' projects. They're also general purpose propulsion for the military. It looks like they're moving in on Northrop's solid fuel monopoly.

Anonymous No. 16277794

I am aware, I was asking about specific projects and not just "yeah we're gonna be the engine guys"

Anonymous No. 16277833

Yeah they're colonizing Jupiter. What the hell are you talking about, they're the engine guys

Anonymous No. 16277838

Lifting force scales with area, while anchoring force scales with circumference. You max out at like 150 feet without doing some sort of crazy foundation work

Anonymous No. 16277847

well that was 95% of nothing.

Anonymous No. 16277852

>The Earth’s south pole in the middle of winter is closer to a beach in Hawaii than the nicest place on Mars on the nicest day of the year.
lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 16277859

You seem to be suggesting it will float off like a balloon. I don’t see that happening in the currently very thin martian atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16277876

kys commie faggot you deserve to die 20x as hard as any of the touhou niggers and that's saying something

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Anonymous No. 16277877

>and so the commie exposes itself

Anonymous No. 16277879

>/sfg/ already decided this
Fag response

Anonymous No. 16277883

Has the us military considered using the superheavy as a minuteman replacement

Anonymous No. 16277885

I assume even commies hate hasan
It would make sense

Anonymous No. 16277886

No because it takes longer than a minute to get the rockets ready.

Minutemans can stay in storage for decades I think

Anonymous No. 16277888

I wanted to know about their engines
they built the engine on that Talon hypersonic thing or whatever that flew under Rok, huh?

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Anonymous No. 16277890

seethe, and death to all communists

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apollo udonge usa....jpg

Anonymous No. 16277895

Touhoutal Communist Death

Anonymous No. 16277897

The video is promo trash but the website has more info
>Draper - H2O2/RP1 - Closed catalyst cycle
>Hadley - Lox/RP1 - O2 rich staged combustion
>Ripley - Lox/RP1 - O2 rich stage combustion - "highest preforming kerosene engine ever built in the US
>Arroway - Lox/CH4 - Staged - "future of American engines for heavy lift/RD-180 replacement"
The only one worth a damn is Hadley just as a tech first, no one is going to buy Ripleys' when the Falcon-9 exists and Arroway is a paper engine that isn't currently needed when ULA has all of the RD-180's needed for Atlas V and is contracted with BO for Vulcan Centaur. Not to mention that it's 70klbs short of thrust at sea level.
The whole company seems to be hedging its bets on getting some military contracts but wants the glamour of new space to attract VC funding.

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Anonymous No. 16277898

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Anonymous No. 16277900

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Anonymous No. 16277902
SpaceX response to the recent NYT hitpiece

Anonymous No. 16277904

sorry meant 350k lbs of thrust short compared to a BE-4

Anonymous No. 16277910

so clean its basically invisible

Anonymous No. 16277913

Not lifting like a balloon, lifting like the pressure pulling against the foundation. Because the inside is pressurized your main problem is the opposite of earth

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Anonymous No. 16277916

how long can that piece of shit stay there, they havet to roll the dice at some point

Anonymous No. 16277918

i actually put myself through the pain of listening to this and they basically complained that falcon 1 wasnt designed with shuttle heritage and that falcon 1 was too expensive and then he said falcon 9 only launched 5 times then he said falcon 9 rockets cost 70 million and that blue origin has already landed rockets. he also said elon musk said they'd land on mars by 2012 and since he hasn't landed anything on mars by 2024 so he's a fraud basically.

Anonymous No. 16277921

falcon 9 only launched 5 times? lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 16277922

people really believe this too, very disturbing.

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Anonymous No. 16277927

>Microsoft leads $40 million funding for Starlink networking startup

>TAMPA, Fla. — Armada has raised an extra $40 million through a Microsoft-led funding round to develop mobile data centers tailored for SpaceX’s Starlink broadband network, the San Francisco-based startup announced July 11.

>The venture, which said it has received around $100 million from investors after emerging from stealth six months ago, is first focusing on deploying artificial intelligence computing tools designed to empower remotely connected devices.

>Microsoft is offering these software tools on its Azure cloud computing marketplace following the investment by its venture capital arm M12. The software includes Armada’s digital platform for managing Starlink terminals and other connected assets such as sensors and drones.

>Ultimately, Armada aims to offer ruggedized data centers the size of shipping containers for its cloud computing ecosystem called Galleons, which would enable customers to process data faster and more efficiently on-site — known as edge computing.

>Armada said Galleons would be integrated with satellites in low Earth orbit thanks to a deep collaboration with Starlink, but did not provide details. SpaceX has not responded to requests to comment on the startup.

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Anonymous No. 16277929


Anonymous No. 16277930

>Satellite-connected Galleons would enable off-the-grid customers to process data in real-time, according to Armada, and use generative artificial intelligence services typically confined to areas with terrestrial connectivity.
What kind of off-grid customer needs data centers?

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Anonymous No. 16277931

Anonymous No. 16277932

entire new businesses being built on top off starlink
starship can't become operational soon enough

Anonymous No. 16277933

It turns out building high performance rocket engines was actually kind of easy!

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Anonymous No. 16277934
>Starship's Stage Zero: Ready for Flight 5? | Starbase Flyover Update 49

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Anonymous No. 16277936

I guess the Hyperbola-1 is destined to merely be a Parabola.

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Anonymous No. 16277937

Ah yes their reporting was "taking on the rich and powerful " or "arguably changed the course of history" when they went after the powerful right but now that they are doing the same thing to the powerful left its "crafted to please grievance stricken American conservatives" and "taken a hard right turn". Fucking bullshit, they haven't changed, leftists just can't handle that the elite on their side are power grabbing, corrupt snakes. They aren't the purist bastions of freedom and champions of the cause that the leftists believe them to be.

Anonymous No. 16277941

Ariane 6 is a complete success compared to Starship

Anonymous No. 16277944

The most disappointing kind of launch failure: ones that happen off-camera.

Anonymous No. 16277945

China can only afford cameras on their most powerful rockets, prease undastandu

Anonymous No. 16277948


Anonymous No. 16277949

So Starliner is stuck at ISS?

Anonymous No. 16277951

It's been stinkin up the ol station for about a month now

Anonymous No. 16277955

I can kinda see why people of old thought Venus a steamy Jungle world when seeing it as the cloudy white marble that it is.

Anonymous No. 16277958

After this iSpace is sitting on a 3/6 flight record for Hyperbola-1. I know Chinese LSPs seem a bit more resistant to death than their western counterparts but if they survive this China must be really hard up for any possible launch capacity.

Anonymous No. 16277969

I cant think of a single one. Seems kind of fucking stupid when they could just have a low latency starlink connection to a real data centre. VC so insanely easy to scam.

Anonymous No. 16277973

Now that SpaceX is on good financial footing, it would make sense for at least some individuals or small teams convene to game out colonization in broad brush strokes. Not everyone there has to be working on Raptor engine optimization all the time.

Anonymous No. 16277976

joepie de poepie

Anonymous No. 16277977

Until raptor and starship are fully operational, all company resources are to be devoted mainly towards Starship. Musk even pulled people from Starlink once it was going fully operation and put them into Starship program.

Anonymous No. 16277978

Just soi'd over the portal 2 aesthetic it's over fur mich

Anonymous No. 16277980

They're hammering these droneships with this cadence
No time to fix the rust so another rocket is gonna blow off more rust combined with saltwater = rusty
They're gonna have to take these out of commission for a bit to replace the decks sooner or later

Anonymous No. 16277981

not a crumb for beetle protection

Anonymous No. 16277982


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Anonymous No. 16277988

finally got mine

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Anonymous No. 16277994

Stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16277996
>On this day in 1979, Skylab, the first U.S. space station, reentered Earth's atmosphere and disintegrated.

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Anonymous No. 16277999

frogs posted more about their air force activities near the ariane 6 launch... on instagram

Anonymous No. 16278001

what the fuck happened to /sfg/? half the posts ITT are about politics and dumb shit and schizoid retardation. can't you faggots stick to the technical stuff?

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Anonymous No. 16278002

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Anonymous No. 16278004

Anonymous No. 16278006

frog website

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Anonymous No. 16278008

are you upset?

Anonymous No. 16278009

Schizoid anime pedos ruined it.

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Anonymous No. 16278011

Anonymous No. 16278012

It's been months since the last starship launch.
SFG is in recline.

Anonymous No. 16278013

You can look at the spikes in /sci/ posting every IFT. I'm pretty sure everyone is just new

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armeedelair 2024-....webm

Anonymous No. 16278014

whoops wrong one

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Anonymous No. 16278015


Anonymous No. 16278018

Anime spamming pedos chased out the old guard and they don't know enough about space to keep up discussion.

Anonymous No. 16278022

Is Europe finally understanding the value of kino military footage?

Anonymous No. 16278024

>game out colonization in broad brush strokes
happening. just no hardware being built cause that would be stupid.
tom mueller for some reason didn't want to be on raptor so he worked on mars propellant production his last years.

Anonymous No. 16278025

Yeah, its been happening for years. Old SpaceX engineers constantly talk about mars projects at SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16278026

anime website, newfag

Anonymous No. 16278029

4chan is an anime site like amazon is a book site.

Anonymous No. 16278030

Nope, there is a reason they made quarantine boards for you pedos.

Anonymous No. 16278031

well even Musk gave a pretty broad strokes idea about what they need to do at Mars
choosing landing locations based on a bunch of criteria, asking other companies to start doing things and gave a long list of necessary projects that need to be done

Anonymous No. 16278033

I'd assume Tom realized after Merlin that work of an engine is far less long term legacy than Mars infastructure. To have a lasting impact you can't be part of something that may be obsolete in a decade.

Anonymous No. 16278035

>chased out the old guard
I can recognize the way you type.
You're the one who had a huge faggot meltdown shitting yourself in the thread

Anonymous No. 16278036

the pedo quarantine boards were here before you came along, newfag
you'd know this if you weren't new cancer

Anonymous No. 16278037

noo you can't insult communists, /sfg/ is dead

Anonymous No. 16278038

I guarantee you landing locations are already picked out and that the base level projects are already picked out and have had projects on them.

Anonymous No. 16278039

looks like it ;_;

maybe but as the other anon said there haven't been any launches...

not really, I can't. doesn't matter, though, I like learning from what other people say.

Anonymous No. 16278040

Yeah that guy has gets suspiciously triggered when you say "commies".
It's happened before

Anonymous No. 16278041

Ah yes here is the mysterious boogeyman you will try to pin this on.
So you know where they are? Good go back to them then.

Anonymous No. 16278043

Oh great here comes the anime reddit faggot to shit up the general because someone called him out

Anonymous No. 16278044






Anonymous No. 16278046

Tim Ellis and Stefan Brieschenk are the only space executives I've heard say they want life to be multiplanetary.
I think a lot of em just want to dick around in earth orbit like a bunch of fags or the company is public so their highest ambition by law is providing maximum value to shareholders.

Anonymous No. 16278047

Military. Networked battlefields have been in the pipeline for well over 30 years now. Oil and gas occasionally run discovery ops that need massive data crunching in almost realtime.

Anonymous No. 16278051

>Networked battlefields

The battlefield of the future is going to be absolutely fucked for the average grunt.

Anonymous No. 16278055

its going to be drones vs drones

Anonymous No. 16278056

The battlefield already is networked.
It's kind of a meme by the way.
All you need is munition that reliably hits its target using onboard compute.
Imagine a drone the cost of a bullet that hits a solider's head 90% of the time.
No need for VC scam datacenter in a box.

Anonymous No. 16278058


Anonymous No. 16278059

Its the never ending cycle of better offense begets better defense which begets better offense.
Grunts always pay the price but they're still around, and they will be for another thousand years.

I bet $50 that we'll see squads of soldiers walking around with their own dedicated cloud of mini-drones before the close of the century.

Anonymous No. 16278062

It's terrible. We've had people in here genuinely talking about asteroid mining

Anonymous No. 16278063


Anonymous No. 16278064

Nothing like just making schizo shit up
Go back to whatever subhuman trash containment general you came out of over on >>>/vg/

Anonymous No. 16278079

stick it up your asshole pig

Anonymous No. 16278081

Consider eat my shit dumbass whiner

Anonymous No. 16278088

>What would happen if Booster 12 does a Tianglong3 in the event of a clamp failure.

Anonymous No. 16278091

consider learn english, faggot

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Anonymous No. 16278097

Shuttle-Skylab would have been cool, although von Braun didn’t give a shit by then. Even if it saved the station.
I wish we had gotten Shuttle and Buran at Mir at the same time instead, that would have been cool.
Here’s a photo of some goofball at NASA spelling Endeavour wrong because I found it funny and needed an excuse to post it

Anonymous No. 16278100

i'm already Tracer

Anonymous No. 16278102

Back to >>>/reddit/

Anonymous No. 16278115

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16278117

they knew beforehand whether they were maxing out shuttle's payload capacity on any given flight. they should have painted the tank white on any flights where they had the mass budget.

Anonymous No. 16278122

Defense, Oil, and Gas

Anonymous No. 16278123

Hostile response

Anonymous No. 16278125

I've been saying it for years
They need another two barges
They didn't expand their barge fleet because Starship was supposed to be regularly flying by now but yeah that didn't happen.

Anonymous No. 16278127

in case you missed it

Anonymous No. 16278129
jellyfish launch time again

Anonymous No. 16278130

what is the sunshade supposed to be made of? what's its reflectance and how hot does it get with one side in direct sunshine all the time?
if it's just a thin film wouldn't it melt?

Anonymous No. 16278132

to answer my own question, the JWST sunshade is always in sunlight and does fine

Anonymous No. 16278134

Magnetic boots.

Anonymous No. 16278135

Twitter stream's live

Oh God that's a lot of fog

Anonymous No. 16278136

Will there be a fish?It's still light out there. I don't think the sun even set

Anonymous No. 16278139

>debris on the camera
uhhh bros?

Anonymous No. 16278142

that's a big leak

Anonymous No. 16278144

early christmas

Anonymous No. 16278145

and way more space rats than normal. I'm worried. This is a bad, bad week for upper stages.

Anonymous No. 16278148

not even close to dark enough

Anonymous No. 16278149

Probably just extra frozen condensation from the atmosphere at SLC-4E being so damn moist

Anonymous No. 16278150

are you watching it my dude? it's spewing shit everywhere

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Anonymous No. 16278152

>spacex rushing to shut the stream off before even confirming orbital insertion

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Anonymous No. 16278153

So much space snow lately lmao

Anonymous No. 16278156

why dont the jeets and chinks blow up? theyre making all this new stuff and its going perfectly. wtf

Anonymous No. 16278157

The last rocket China launched failed and India barely ever launches anything

Anonymous No. 16278159

shame, I wanted to see what would happen to all that ice on engine shutdown

Anonymous No. 16278160

did people blow up? and i saw a goofy looking india rocket launch on the news

Anonymous No. 16278161

so besides the whole village that got killed when the rocket fell on them, the chinese have never killed an astronaut

Anonymous No. 16278162

theyre uhhh... not going to confirm nominal orbital insertion, are they?

Anonymous No. 16278163

Something in the fourth stage fucked up. And that Indian launch had to have been archival. ISRO hasn't launched anything since February.

Anonymous No. 16278165

dumb frogposter

Anonymous No. 16278168

Ever since they moved to unhosted webcasts for starlink they always cut away right after the "mvac shutdown" call.
The velocity on the previous flight with this inclination and altitude from vandenberg was 27338. It settled at 27336 this time, give or take because they fudge the telemetry a little.
It looks good. Not that we know what happens with SES-2 and beyond.
>inb4 2km/h short it's so over

Anonymous No. 16278173

>Houston we are venting something into space

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Anonymous No. 16278175

houston , we have boobie

Anonymous No. 16278176

I wonder if he's a Chicom or stuck worshipping the soviet union

Anonymous No. 16278180


Anonymous No. 16278181


Anonymous No. 16278182

do not do this

Anonymous No. 16278185

sex with roggets

Anonymous No. 16278186

just got done doin dis

Anonymous No. 16278197

proont man marches on

Anonymous No. 16278206

sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sekss!

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Anonymous No. 16278213


Anonymous No. 16278217

>no Starlink deployment tweet
>no Starlink deployment tweet
>no Starlink deployment tweet
>no Starlink deployment tweet
>no Starlink deployment tweet
>no StarIink deployment tweet

SES-2 failure, so its just 2nd stage with a bunch of Starlinks attached waiting to reenter now

Anonymous No. 16278219


Anonymous No. 16278221

>Upper stage restart to raise perigee resulted in an engine RUD for reasons currently unknown. Team is reviewing data tonight to understand root cause.

Starlink satellites were deployed, but the perigee may be too low for them to raise orbit. Will know more in a few hours.

Anonymous No. 16278226

Anonymous No. 16278230

Damn, how long has it been since a Falcon 9 failed?

Anonymous No. 16278231

a bazillion years

Anonymous No. 16278232

Polaris Dawn is effectively cancelled

Anonymous No. 16278233

It's over for spacex. They've been exposed for the frauds they are and now the adults like ULA can get to work.

Anonymous No. 16278235

amos-6 was 2016
previous engine out was 2021 (on first stage)
it's the first time mvac fails

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Anonymous No. 16278238

>Awww, did Elon fuck up again?
>I warned you he would do this.
>There is going to be Starlink debris raining down on orphans and nuns everywhere!
>Musk really should be locked up for the good of humanity
>Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon.
>Your donations to my Patreon make possible this channel holding Elon Musk accountable for his crimes.

Anonymous No. 16278239

That looks like a pretty gnarly LOX leak.

Anonymous No. 16278243

You just know the Merlin/S2 integration teams are sweating at the prospect of being under Elon's scrutiny for the first time in years

Anonymous No. 16278250

That's a good one, Anon. I'll remember this.

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Anonymous No. 16278251

Attach a screenshot, you fucking mongoloid.

Anonymous No. 16278256

Aluminium foil nozzel for peak payload capacity

Anonymous No. 16278258

tongue my anus faggotfoot

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Anonymous No. 16278268

Oh yeah, now is a good time to bring it up for IFT5

The first rule of flight club is you do not talk about flight club

The second rule of flight club is you do not talk about flight club

last IFT someone linked a /pol/ post about the N1 or something and some guy came here and shit up the general for several threads. Other boards always talk about the launch, elon, thunderfoot, or something. That is the worst time to divulge the existence of /sfg/. And probably just better to avoid mentioning /sfg/ in elon salt threads 365 days of the year.

Anonymous No. 16278279

it's ogre

Anonymous No. 16278284

spacex is finished

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Anonymous No. 16278298


Anonymous No. 16278299

>wake up in the middle of the night to shit
>falcon 9 failed
What the fuck

Anonymous No. 16278302

>wake up to shit

You should seek treatment for that bowel cancer, anon... You dont want to die before humans get to Mars, right?

Anonymous No. 16278303

Thrilling Starlink rescue mission happening right now

Anonymous No. 16278304

Musk has whipped the launch rate too high and the cracks are starting to show. It's over.

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Anonymous No. 16278305

Anyone got an extra $3 million sitting around? If so, we can put 500 kg into sun-synchronous orbit. It's booked up through early 2026 but I figure that's enough time for the design and testing of our 500 kg payload, whatever it might be.

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Anonymous No. 16278306

And so begins the downfall of SpaceX... All hail the new king!

Anonymous No. 16278307

I am genuinely planning on spending a reasonable percentage of my retirement savings on a moon vacation in 2070

Anonymous No. 16278310

No, it would be 100% "success" according to ULA.

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Anonymous No. 16278311

Falcon 9 is no longer a reliable launch vehicle.

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Anonymous No. 16278318

>Fallcon essentially grounded
>Europa Clipper in the shitter

What now?

Anonymous No. 16278319

It deployed the primary payload?

Anonymous No. 16278320

now that f9 is going to be spending months under FAA inspection and wont be able to launch to the ISS...what happens to the starliner astronauts?

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Anonymous No. 16278322

Space dog!

Anonymous No. 16278324

oh damn she has her own tag now

Anonymous No. 16278325

just surround them in thicker lead wtf this is easy

Anonymous No. 16278327

they don't have the mass budget to do that. mass autism coming back to bite these stupid niggers in a big way

Anonymous No. 16278331

NYT front page story tomorrow: The birds strike back! Elon Musk's rocket EXPLODES after company destroys bird nests.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16278334

space booba

Anonymous No. 16278336

is the boob cage radiation proof

Anonymous No. 16278338

yes the fat milk tanks absorbs radiation

Anonymous No. 16278339

flight-certified booba

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Anonymous No. 16278341

>sleazy soiyence faggots making grandiose promises that will never be delivered on
common trick

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Anonymous No. 16278342

Jonathan has spoken

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Red Revenge.jpg

Anonymous No. 16278343

All that FAA bullshit will magically disappear in an instant if the alternative is to ask the Russians for assistance.

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Anonymous No. 16278344


Anonymous No. 16278345

Sounds like if they can get them inserted into a useful orbit, it will be a low one that will shorten the lifespan of the sats.

Anonymous No. 16278360

is it over?

Anonymous No. 16278362

F9 stand down until 2nd stage issue resolved. probably 3 months?

Anonymous No. 16278367

>all this almost 2 years to the day of the booster 7 spin prime explosion

Anonymous No. 16278369

I wake up to shit and F9 fucking exploded? WTF

Anonymous No. 16278371

not just exploded, the entire cape is destroyed, all launches have to be from MARS or Vandenberg now

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Cheers (2).jpg

Anonymous No. 16278379

Today is a good day

Anonymous No. 16278382

Also just woke up and it's over

Anonymous No. 16278386

The next F9 launch is still going to be on Sunday.

Anonymous No. 16278389

Falcon 9s are grounded thanks to the irresponsible muskrat billionaire

Anonymous No. 16278393
That's gotta be the greatest glowtech i ever seen

Anonymous No. 16278395


Anonymous No. 16278396

It's over. Falcon 9 just EXPLODED, all launches are cancelled for at least a year pending FAA investigation, and Elon is busy shitposting on twitter instead of managing SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16278402

Now you know why JWST didnt launch on Spacex

Anonymous No. 16278410

1/~340? that's better than Ariane

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Anonymous No. 16278442


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Anonymous No. 16278443


Anonymous No. 16278451

Warp 9


Soi face

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Anonymous No. 16278454


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Anonymous No. 16278456

she's up there hexing launches

Anonymous No. 16278457

Pelosi also called them fake news today

Anonymous No. 16278465

Reused stage > new stage

Anonymous No. 16278466

based botchad

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Anonymous No. 16278470

you know the moon is a happening place when conjunction warnings are a regular thing

Anonymous No. 16278471

They wouldn't have had this problem if they reused 2nd stage

Anonymous No. 16278493

I’m confident we’ll get another F9 launch by the end of august

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Anonymous No. 16278494


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Anonymous No. 16278502


>Some years ago, Infineon changed its manufacturing process for its radiation-hard MOSFETs, which it designs to meet U.S. military specifications—the same radiation-resistance standards used by the Clipper team. After this change, the company’s classified customers found that several lots of the transistors failed at lower than expected radiation levels, Fitzpatrick said. The company has already corrected the mistake, but Infineon did not report the flaw to NASA because the company did not know what the transistors would be used for, Fitzpatrick said. “They did not realize it was going to affect us.” Infineon did not respond to a request for comment.

there was a problem with some updated manufacturing method for the chips but Infineon didn't inform NASA about the change because they didn't know what the chips would be used for

Anonymous No. 16278505

>be me
> Physics Student in university
>listen to atmospheric physisch lecture because it looked ineresting
>and the prof. also works for the German Center for air- and spacetravel, so its semi /sfg/ related.
>for some reason talk about jet engines during lecture aa an example how pressure behaves
>think i remember the exhaust pressure ist deprndant in nozzle sitze, and If you get below atmospheric pressure in your exhaust thats bad, and the atmospheric pressure can "crush" your exhaust beam, hence atmospheric and Vacuum rocket nozzles have different sizes
>Not sure though, decide to ask the expert who is a PhD literally doing a lecture about exhaust velocity of Jet engines infront of a class of dozens of students
>ask "couldnt the exhaust pressure get so low, that the surrounding atmosphere could rush back into the exhaust nozzle?"
>Prof says "No, how would that Happen? There ist exhaust coming out of the nozzle at high velocity, there ist no way that anything could enter the nozzle from the outside, the beam IS in the way."
>Just nod and say okay, after all he s a PhD holding a lecture on the topic, and im a mere M.Sc Student
Am I retarded?
Ist he retarded?
Whats the reason for different nozzle sizes then?

Anonymous No. 16278509

maybe you asked it in a confusing way

Anonymous No. 16278510

Doesn't that logic apply only to rocket engines? The jet engine breathes in air, so the pressure around inlet and exhaust should be similar and due to compression and combustion, the beam will have higher pressure than the air around.

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Anonymous No. 16278515

this seems kind of goofy. why not use a cable to transmit electricity instead?

Anonymous No. 16278525

shouldnt still Something simmilar to the venturi effect from hydrodynamics Happen?
Higher Velocity leads to lower pressure?

Possible, but i dont think so, or believe IT to be unlikely, i m usually very eloquent in German, and never had this problem before when talking about physics to someone else who knows how physics Work.

Anonymous No. 16278530

Falcon 9 just crashed into my backyard anons!

Anonymous No. 16278532

Wonder if the Russian segment is blasting this.

Anonymous No. 16278536

Oh right, and excuse the shitty writing.
Phoneposting and autocorrect set to German doesnt combine very well with writing english Text.

Anonymous No. 16278539

> falcon grounded for the foreseeable future
Its so Joever :(

Anonymous No. 16278548

>Draper - H2O2/RP1 - Closed catalyst cycle
Thats a fuel combo you don't see very much anymore. Wish them luck just for being different.

Anonymous No. 16278552

What is the ideal location for an initial mars base?

Anonymous No. 16278553

Congratulations Pippa. Have some extra estrogen compliments of ULA.

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Anonymous No. 16278554

utopia basin or hellas basin, low elevation means higher pressure means easier to land more mass with Starship due to more atmospheric drag when doing landing manuever and easier to extract atmospheric gases
hellas planitia/basin might also have a glacier
>It features the lowest point on Mars, serves as a known source of global dust storms, and may have contained lakes and glaciers.
>On November 22, 2016, NASA reported finding a large amount of underground ice in the Utopia Planitia region. The volume of water detected has been estimated to be equivalent to the volume of water in Lake Superior.[11][12][13]

Anonymous No. 16278555

last IFT, nobody created a launch thread, so everybody got to see /sfg/ when it got stickied, that was the big problem

Anonymous No. 16278556

meant to reply to >>16278268

Anonymous No. 16278557

there was a launch thread, the janny just stickied both the launch thread and /sfg/ for some reason

Anonymous No. 16278559

your mom lets you have TWO sticky threads?
I don't remember there being a launch thread at all, but I was at work during all that, came home to find a totally fagged up /sfg/ thread.

Anonymous No. 16278560

Hellas is really good cause it's so deep that pressure gets about twice that of earth. That means once terraforming gets going air pressure will become habitable way faster.

Anonymous No. 16278563

Because copper is boomer tech and weighs a lot

Anonymous No. 16278566
>Orbital Tower B Segment 1 Stacking Timelapse - 11/07/2024

Anonymous No. 16278570

Oh, right. I don't know much about rockets.

Anonymous No. 16278593

In color theory, the line of purples or purple boundary is the locus on the edge of the chromaticity diagram formed between extreme spectral red and violet. Except for these endpoints of the line, colors on the line are non-spectral (no monochromatic light source can generate them). Rather, every color on the line is a unique mixture in a ratio of fully saturated red and fully saturated violet, the two spectral color endpoints of visibility on the spectrum of pure hues. Colors on the line and spectral colors are the only ones that are fully saturated in the sense that, for any point on the line, no other possible color being a mixture of red and violet is more saturated than it.

Anonymous No. 16278596

FUCK big if true. They new for a decade where the spacrcraft was going and only now they realize some chips won't work.

Anonymous No. 16278598

w-why is everyone talking about falcon 9 suddenly?

Anonymous No. 16278602

just cut out current transistors and solder in new ones problem solved. It's literally that easy to solve this spacecraft problem.

Anonymous No. 16278603

Second stage exploded on relight.

Anonymous No. 16278604

you need to do it fast and quick and reliably
what if you fuck up?

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Anonymous No. 16278605

with a subsonic flow out the nozzle the pressure right at the outlet will always be ambient no matter what. If supersonic - not sure.

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de laval nozzle.jpg

Anonymous No. 16278609

Aerofags cannot into space

Anonymous No. 16278610

There's no way a board is a significant contributor to the $4bil price tag. Hell I made a custom board in college and I was so poor I had to sneak into the business school to eat free sandwiches. There's no way this is prohibitive, right?

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Anonymous No. 16278617

Efficiency, maximum thrust is achieved when Nozzle pressure matches the ambient pressure of the atmosphere so that you get the most amount of the thrust directly underneath you.
This changes as you get higher up and into space where matching ambient is impossible but efficiency gains are still possible in a larger bell to reduce nozzle pressure.

Anonymous No. 16278619

I mean its probably not COTS, so could be pretty expensive
on top of that they might have some custom modifications on top of that
so it might not just be about the cost, but perhaps time

Anonymous No. 16278622

it's so over. Falcon 9's reputation as a reliable rocket is ruined. This this failure rate we'll never have cheap spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16278623

>reasons unknown

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Anonymous No. 16278626

explain mach diamonds.
Protip: you can't

Anonymous No. 16278628

you would be surprised how much some of these aerospace electronics costs. not to mention the fact that they would have to disassemble the spacecraft just to get to these components could take weeks. This could easily become a 6month delay not sure.

Anonymous No. 16278631

reminder that ariane 6 is on a bigger hot streak than falcon 9

Anonymous No. 16278632

they had more cameras than SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16278633

>le aerospace supply chain strikes again
I'm so mad

Anonymous No. 16278636

It's just compression and expansion of the exhaust of an over-expanded nozzle causing shockwaves within the exhaust and when the shock waves meet each other they form higher pressure/higher temp regions within the exhaust causing those areas to burn brighter thus mach diamods

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Anonymous No. 16278641

why don't they adjust aircraft nozzles then to not over-expand? pic rel.

Anonymous No. 16278645

Results over rhetoric bros we are so back

Anonymous No. 16278647

Will they be able to save the satellites?

Anonymous No. 16278657

Cost-benefit anon, btw jet engine nozzles are already optimized for their range of operating altitudes, you need to compromise, adjustable nozzles are more for thrust vectoring than overall thrust.
The F-22 uses rectangular nozzles for stealth rather than thrust efficiency

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Anonymous No. 16278661

uhh why is it legal for SpaceX to launch rocket over Mexico

Anonymous No. 16278667

someone please suggest a way to cope about the recent Falcon 9 failures

Anonymous No. 16278668

Will engine rats be the first terrestrial life on Mars?

Anonymous No. 16278672

The falcon 9 failure as it unfolded.

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Anonymous No. 16278674


Anonymous No. 16278676
does the blanket around the engine usually inflate right at stage separation?

Anonymous No. 16278680

Shitty translation back into English

Anonymous No. 16278685

This failure has nothing to do with reusability

Anonymous No. 16278691

What you call Mexico is the pieces of the country that America refused to annex due to the high number of Mexicans

Anonymous No. 16278692

but you cant reuse it if it blows up. Or can you?

Anonymous No. 16278697

No, but 2nd stage which failed was new unlike the booster

Anonymous No. 16278699

thanks buddeh. Im just hoping that the space rats are ok.

Anonymous No. 16278723

become European

Anonymous No. 16278724

>F9 fails and the thread is dead
Imagine how different it would be if SLS or ULA failed

Anonymous No. 16278727

Nobody cares about your
>imagine if it was on the other foot

Anonymous No. 16278728

just wait until Starliner does something

Anonymous No. 16278729

It was just starlinks, if it was different payload then maybe you would have some activity

Anonymous No. 16278731

Ariane - partial failure
Falcon - total failure

Anonymous No. 16278732

FAA discussing Starbase launch candance increase to 25 launch per year

Anonymous No. 16278733


Anonymous No. 16278736

>70th launch of the year of mass produced satellites vs $4bil taxpayer dollars
Imagine if things that are different were the same

Anonymous No. 16278749

If they actually manage to save some satellites then it wouldn't be total failure.

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Anonymous No. 16278750

its crystal porn isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16278755

Official FAA account, actually.

Anonymous No. 16278756

>even changed starliner to shartliner in the URL, making everyone have to change it back to actually read the article
I kneel.

Butch Wilmore was in the capsule, anon, he couldn't have been controlling it from the ground.

Anonymous No. 16278758

This is the most /sfg/ activity for a starlink launch in years.

Anonymous No. 16278759

Excessive ambient pressure over exit pressure can in actual fact force its way back into the nozzle and separate the jet. Once you get to 15-20% of ambient weird shit starts to happen and since separation is unstable and not guaranteed to occur evenly around the nozzle exit it results in oscillations and asymmetric thrust.

When formulas describe thrust or specific impulse, baking in the ambient pressure as if it were a thermal engine expanding a fluid down to that pressure, they use an accounting trick. The exhaust doesn't know there's an atmosphere producing losses unless there's flow separation.
The mechanistic explanation for how thrust is produced is that there's a pressure distribution across the nozzle interior, that diminishes as it flows down and expands. Highest in the chamber and lower towards the rim. The exhaust doesn't know there's an ambient, it simply exits higher than the speed of sound at whatever static pressure it was. The portion of the nozzle where the absolute static pressure of the jet is lower than ambient nets a suction instead of thrust, since it has high ambient pressure acting on the exterior face and low pressure acting on the interior.
This is why there are atmospheric suction losses. They always add up to atmospheric pressure acting over the nozzle exit area. The implication is that the ideal nozzle for an altitude has an exit pressure equal to ambient and even that ideal nozzle will suffer suction losses too, no matter what.
Real first stage engines are a compromise between performance at sea level and altitude and are almost always overexpanded at liftoff to some degree.

Another implication is that the portion of the nozzle that overexpands suffers compressive hoop stresses, this is why large vacuum engines threaten to collapse even if they fire at sea level without flow separation. (remember the hoop around raptor vacuums they install for static tests)

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Anonymous No. 16278770


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Anonymous No. 16278773

>F9 will be shutdown forever now

Anonymous No. 16278775

No danger to the public, retard
Shut the fuck up, frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16278776

nta but is thrust still mass flow * velocity even with these suction effects? Cool explanation btw.

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Anonymous No. 16278777

>Shut the fuck up, frogposter

Anonymous No. 16278779

Slightly, but there was a bigger leak this time

Anonymous No. 16278781

lack of frogposting is what made Falcon 9 abort in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16278783

Doomposting aside how long do we actually think before falcon flies again?

Anonymous No. 16278786

2 weeks

Anonymous No. 16278787

It's got ice, so I think it's from the preburner turbine or MCC

Anonymous No. 16278788

So why don't they recover second stage of F9? Also, what the hell are they gonna do if that happens with astronauts on it? Not like you have another engine, right?

Anonymous No. 16278789

you can see the blanket inflate a lot and start forming a lot of ice at 1:30

Anonymous No. 16278791

I agree, Japanese person, grass

Anonymous No. 16278792

>Also, what the hell are they gonna do if that happens with astronauts on it? Not like you have another engine, right?
Simply separate the capsule and reenter after noticing anomalous engine venting. Also I think they don't do two burns with manned missions?

Anonymous No. 16278801

It's mass flow rate * velocity - (ambient pressure * exit area) for conventional nozzles
There's an argument for total aerospikefag death in there if you're paying attention. If chamber pressure increases arbitrarily then you get arbitrarily high thrust out of the same exit area and suction losses amount to fuck all.

Anonymous No. 16278802

>So why don't they recover second stage of F9
Falcon 9 is just just not big enough. The increase to dry mass of a fully reusable second stage seriously cuts into performance and falcon 9s payload of about 20 tons doesn't make it worth it. New glenn has a payload of about 45 tons and there it's barely worth it.
Might be worth it on falcon heavy but evidently spacex thought it better to go even bigger with starship.

Anonymous No. 16278806

>It's mass flow rate * velocity - (ambient pressure * exit area) for conventional nozzles
source? Seems not intuitive. Does the same formula hold for jet engines?

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Anonymous No. 16278813

Anonymous No. 16278816

it was revealed to me in a dream

It doesn't work that way for jet engines, there's a second mass flow rate and free stream velocity associated with intake air that has to be accounted for. And in a lot of textbooks that merely touch on rocket engines as a subset of jet engines the formula for rocket thrust is simplified from the airbreathing one. (Which is why it's wrong and violates conservation of momentum) I'm not entirely sure who committed the original sin but it's out there in multiple copies now.

I love mechanistic interpretations because they don't give a fuck about the triple integral shitsperg that formulas up as and lose intuitive meaning.
The jet flow coming out of the nozzle exit is locally supersonic. Interaction with the atmosphere doesn't and can't propagate up the nozzle.
The engine, on the ground on static display has atmospheric pressure acting on all of its surfaces cancelling out (minus an insignificant buoyancy) even though these forces amount to tons for small areas. When the engine ignites and the jet attaches there's an area missing from that sum amounting to however large the nozzle exit is. Atmospheric pressure over the surfaces of the engine that it can reach nets to P0*Ae in the direction opposite the engine is producing thrust.

The engine in a vacuum produces thrust amounting to its mass flow rate out of the nozzle times the exhaust velocity or thereabouts. This part is non negotiable or conservation of momentum is violated.
Remove the part above from this thrust and it gets your thrust at sea level.

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Anonymous No. 16278818

>went to bed before falcon 9 failed
>had a dream that spacex would be demolishing both starship towers to redesign them
>wake up to falcon 9 RUD

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Anonymous No. 16278819
>The Next Frontier Of Space Tourism — Going To The Stratosphere In A Balloon

Anonymous No. 16278820

>When the engine ignites and the jet attaches there's an area missing from that sum amounting to however large the nozzle exit is.
Is there another explanation for why we can't take into account this area when calculating the net force of air pressure on the rocket (which is zero when the engine is off but works against the engine when the engine is on). The point about the jet being supersonic and therefore information about the atmosphere not being able to propagate inside the engine doesn't satisfy me.
>(Which is why it's wrong and violates conservation of momentum)

also can you recommend some textbooks on jet engine and rocket engines?

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Anonymous No. 16278824

some kind of testing happening

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Anonymous No. 16278828

>remember what they took from you

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Anonymous No. 16278829

>Falcon 9 is grounded pending FAA review

Anonymous No. 16278834

well there goes the 200 launches/yr target, any investigation will probably take a couple of months.

Anonymous No. 16278836


Anonymous No. 16278839

Shut up chud

Anonymous No. 16278840

3 weeks? Damn

Anonymous No. 16278847

At this point I would love to involve the possibility that this was an act of sabotage.

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Anonymous No. 16278850

So who are we simping for now? Blue Amazon?

Anonymous No. 16278856

we're going to miss out on 40 launches this year because of this.
this is why we need redundancy. neutron and new glenn can't come online fast enough.

Anonymous No. 16278858

looks like we'll have to issue more bribes to Michael Whitaker. He's getting greedy.

Anonymous No. 16278862

It's fine. One failure out of 333 for Falcon v1.2 is acceptable.

Anonymous No. 16278865

>Ariane 6 second stage: FAULTY
>Hyperbola-1 third stage: FAULTY
>Falcon 9 second stage: FAULTY
>Europa Clipper computer chips: FRAIL
It's so over. Competency crisis has reached the highest echelons in all corners of the globe.

Anonymous No. 16278867

Imagine if your car engine exploded every 333rd drive. SpaceX is finished.

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Anonymous No. 16278868

wen ift5? 14 days?

Anonymous No. 16278870

Where do all the talented people work now-a-days? Construction?

Anonymous No. 16278873

Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16278874

imagine if the car with the best track record on the market exploded every 333rd drive and the rest were worse. rockets are so unreliable it's a joke

Anonymous No. 16278876

It's no big deal for for Dragon which has no black zones for abort. Excitement on Starship human flights is guaranteed however.

Anonymous No. 16278878

Ariane 6 has no successful flights

Anonymous No. 16278882

>noo falcon just EXPLODED
are these people retarded or just pretending?

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Anonymous No. 16278883

So is that the new official musk line on when its happening?

Anonymous No. 16278884


Anonymous No. 16278885

Latest news was early august but it’s increasingly looking like it’ll be NET mid august at least

Anonymous No. 16278886

there was a launch thread and the faggot mod stickied both
by the time we were strong enough to start big dick swinging (right before the Civil War, basically), Mexico was also a powerhouse and we fought a couple of wars
that's how we got Texas
I hate it when you're right

Anonymous No. 16278887

RUD means exploded and elon explicitly stated that the MVAC RUDed>>16278251

Anonymous No. 16278888

It does have one succesful orbital launch however

Anonymous No. 16278890

Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking chud

Anonymous No. 16278891

As far as explanations go no, as far as evidence goes, yes.
Does your disbelief stem from thinking of Pe as relative to ambient? You can tell it's not the case by looking at vacuum engine tests at sea level. The jet contracts dramatically as it exits despite a radial velocity component at the nozzle rim. You could also dial in an engine with whichever nozzle exit area you want into cfd and compare expected suction losses against whatever the software spits out. Or look up thrust versus altitude charts of documented, existing engines and calculate what losses amount to at a given altitude (closed cycle probably least confusing here)
Pt, Pe and P0 are taken as absolute pressures. If the static pressure inside a portion of the nozzle is lower than ambient then there can only be losses in that portion. Ultimately it doesn't matter if it's local supersonic flow that enables this or some other kind of fluid dynamic hoodoo. Whether there's loss or not and what it amounts to is a simple summation if you admit Pe is lower than ambient.

Momentum is conserved when a parcel of exhaust gas leaves the engine in a vacuum. The impulse delivered to the rocket is going to be equal to the velocity times the mass of the gas. If force is the time derivative of momentum then the left term becomes thrust and the right term becomes mass flow rate times velocity.
Some documentation derives thrust for a jet engine in the general case, from conservation laws as mass times velocity of exhaust minus mass times velocity of intake. Adds the nozzle, introduces pressures then simplifies for the special case of rocket engines and leaves a term attached that gives vacuum thrust as mass flow rate times velocity PLUS exit pressure times exit area.
This gives the correct difference between vacuum and sea level thrust but overestimates vacuum thrust to begin with.

I'm sorry can't tell you what to read, I'm rusty and this isn't my area of expertise.

Anonymous No. 16278892

>upper stage
>engine RUD
so? this is a manufacture issue. I'm not even a musk fanboy but probably will be fixed soon.
stage 1 landed just fine.

again, are you retarded or just pretending?

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Anonymous No. 16278893

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Anonymous No. 16278895


Anonymous No. 16278896

>F9 grounded
>no Dragons can reach ISS
>shartliner astronauts are actually trapped now

Anonymous No. 16278897

Jeff Bezos will personally pilot New Shepard to save them

Anonymous No. 16278899

>this is a manufacture issue
>I'm not even a musk fanboy
>probably will be fixed soon
>stage 1 landed just fine
you guessed it, also irrelevant.
an explosion occurred on the second stage of a falcon 9 rocket. anyone who is saying that is not wrong or retarded. I'm sorry if this is hard for you to grasp.

Anonymous No. 16278901

Do you understand the difference between the engine and the whole second stage?
There is no fucking way it still can deployed Starlinks if the whole stage exploded.

Anonymous No. 16278902

>the explosion wasn't too big tho
weird cope but you do you

Anonymous No. 16278904

yeah, he's just pretending. move on, don't feed the troll

Anonymous No. 16278906

So do you think the second stage exploded or not?

Anonymous No. 16278908

Who are you quoting?

Anonymous No. 16278910

>>16278901 but I paraphrased their point. which was that the second stage didn't explode because it was able to deploy satellites and any explosions to the contrary can be ignored.

Anonymous No. 16278911

>transparent when issues arise
>refuse to release video of engine exploding
>refuse to say if they will be able to save the Starlinks

Anonymous No. 16278912

OFT5 launches August 15

Anonymous No. 16278914

>spacex gets grounded for a mishap
>boing gets to keep flying even though they're killing hundreds of people and have two more stranded in space

Anonymous No. 16278916

reminder that the second stage experienced an explosion as reported by Elon musk. anyone trying to deny this is extremely delusional. No this does not mean the whole stage disintegrated.

Anonymous No. 16278917

You people are overreacting

Anonymous No. 16278918

reminder not to keep feeding the troll

Anonymous No. 16278919

a whole ass video about elon that features tesla, twitter, sex scandals, but barely anything about spacex

Anonymous No. 16278920

the engine exploded, not the second stage
that is a pretty important difference
whether it can be ignored or not is another matter which you just made up

Anonymous No. 16278922

>>transparent when issues arise


Anonymous No. 16278925

We are not. Musk isn't that young and will risk a heart attack from this grounding.

Anonymous No. 16278926

Assumption Day - When Catholics believe Mary was taken up to Heaven.

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Anonymous No. 16278931


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Anonymous No. 16278932

>one functionary in the Rocket Branch (safely in Washington) who had apparently been reading Captain Horado Hornblower, wanted us at NARTS to build ourselves a 10,000- gallon tank, fill it up with 90 percent peroxide, and then drop into it—so help me God—one rat.
Thanks to whoever posted ignition a few threads ago, been having a blast reading it.

Anonymous No. 16278936

frost on the 'ster

Anonymous No. 16278937

uhm, did no one tell him about A6 problems?

Anonymous No. 16278938

okay another question. What if the rocket engine is a weak engine with a subsonic exhaust speed. Will there then be a suction drag or no. And if the engine increase power until supersonic exhaust speed will suddenly suction drag appear suddenly.

Anonymous No. 16278939


Anonymous No. 16278941

We all know that Falcon flew many times successfully and will fly many times successfully after this launch.

Anonymous No. 16278945

spin prime

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Anonymous No. 16278950


Anonymous No. 16278951

>25 launches out of starbase next year
how likely is this? keep in mind we're likely to only get 4 launches this year out of a projected 9 total.

Anonymous No. 16278952

depends how quickly they can get catch and reuse working I would say.
entirely possible if flight 5 booster lands in reflyable condition, but I don't really expect that to happen.

Anonymous No. 16278953

hmm even at that rate its one launch a month next year

Anonymous No. 16278957

Anonymous No. 16278958

When the flow is subsonic there isn't a distinction between thrust and suction losses, the pressure differential drives exhaust velocity directly. At an extreme case an absolute chamber pressure of one bar at sea level will result in nothing happening, no exhaust velocity, no thrust, no losses, no mass flow rate. In a vacuum even one bar would produce something, not anything worth calculating though.

Suction losses would suddenly appear (and thrust would increase) but that's besides the point since exhaust velocity is a function of nozzle geometry and insufficient chamber pressure would result in the jet failing to attach.
Either way even cold gas thrusters reach supersonic speeds.

Anonymous No. 16278961

This reminds me of the first airplane crash. It is only downhill from here, no one will want to fly on a plane after this

Anonymous No. 16278966

If there's no real issues, it should be fine. There hasn't been any issues so far yet. So I think it will be fine

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Anonymous No. 16278970

the starlinks are fucked

Anonymous No. 16278971

>However, a liquid oxygen leak developed on the second stage
>As such, the satellites will re-enter Earth’s atmosphere and fully demise

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Anonymous No. 16278973


Anonymous No. 16278975

nasa and boeing are going to open full page spreads in multiple news outfits on monday with hit pieces on how dangerous and reckless spacex is due to this failure

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Anonymous No. 16278977

It's actually owari da.

Anonymous No. 16278979



Anonymous No. 16278980

it was bound to happen eventually. and the way it happened is not exciting, a small lox leak.

Anonymous No. 16278981

Good? It's warranted

Anonymous No. 16278982

Take your meds and count to ten before posting

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Anonymous No. 16278983


Anonymous No. 16278985

so it was a LOX leak

Anonymous No. 16278986


Anonymous No. 16278988

Yeah, we saw the liquid leaking and ice forming a lot. The question is whether its a bad Q/A or if there was new anomaly/interaction that is unique

Anonymous No. 16278989

>The question is whether its a bad Q/A or if there was new anomaly/interaction that is unique
which is worse for spacex? I'm going to say new interaction. if it was just bad QA they can fix that validate existing hardware pretty quickly. design changes could take a long time.

Anonymous No. 16278992

it was a joint hit squad with drills from ULA, BO and Arianespace

Anonymous No. 16278995

Neither are really worse. Maybe bad QA is worse from a pipeline pov and they are too lax with some standards. This would mean they would need more rigorous verification process all around. New interaction means novel new thing thats an interesting find ofc.

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Anonymous No. 16278997


Anonymous No. 16278998

>Each pass through perigee removes 5+ km of altitude from the highest point in the satellite orbit. At this level of drag, our maximum available thrust is unlikely to be enough to successfully raise the satellites.

Anonymous No. 16278999

They had the camera view, they saw the leak happen, and they had onboard sensors, so should be quick to isolate the cause imo

Anonymous No. 16279002

They just did the spin prime test for the booster

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Anonymous No. 16279004

they should have always had 600 lbs to spare, even if it meant cutting out some gay shit

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Anonymous No. 16279005

Anonymous No. 16279012

this. second stage reuse from now on!

Anonymous No. 16279015

moving away from vacuum tubes and iron core memory was a mistake, I tell you hwat

Anonymous No. 16279016

The F-22 loses an estimated 10,000 pounds of thrust by having rectangular nozzles; they're definitely not for efficiency's sake.

Anonymous No. 16279024

yeah, at exactly T+4:07

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Anonymous No. 16279025

Anonymous No. 16279026

>Hellas is really good cause it's so deep that pressure gets about twice that of earth
ummm you mean Earth atmosphere at 40k ft vs 80k ft?

Anonymous No. 16279027

Dang you guys post shit before me.. Bleh..

Anonymous No. 16279028

Sorry I meant mars, not earth.
t. retard

Anonymous No. 16279031

you've gotta step it up nigga

Anonymous No. 16279032

You mean Greece right lol

Anonymous No. 16279033

Ignition! is mandatory reading. Informative and entertaining. (almost every rocket fuel they could think of was tried in the early days, with the baffling exception of methane)

Anonymous No. 16279034

You mean grease right lmao

Anonymous No. 16279035

>been having a blast
so were the rocket fuel testers

Anonymous No. 16279037

Just launch anyway chevron defence doeant work now

Anonymous No. 16279039


Anonymous No. 16279047

a lawsuit would take far longer

Anonymous No. 16279048

Any webms of the moment of the owari da?

Anonymous No. 16279050

Nope, stream was cut before the first burn was completed, failure was on the second burn

Anonymous No. 16279052

There is no real owar da moment. Ice buildup and leaking during first 2nd stage burn. They didn't stream the relight attempt.

Anonymous No. 16279055

leak occurs at t+4:07

Anonymous No. 16279057

The engine exploded after they cut the feed

Anonymous No. 16279061

>almost every rocket fuel they could think of was tried in the early days, with the baffling exception of methane
but they did try methane as fuel, just not with oxygen as the oxidizer
>NASA itself, have concentrated their efforts on OF2 and the light hydrocarbons: methane, ethane, propane, 1-butene, and assorted mixtures of these. (In most of their motor work, they used a mixture of oxygen and fluorine as a reasonably inexpensive surrogate for OF2.) All the hydrocarbons were good fuels, but methane was in a class by itself as a coolant, transpiration or regenerative, besides having the best performance. The OF2–methane combination is an extremely promising one. (It took a long time for Winkler’s fuel of 1930 to come into its own!)

Anonymous No. 16279067

>The streak is dead
Damn. However there's now a chance that the consecutive successful landings streak could overtake the launch one, which would be funny.

I'm sure they're more transparent with their customers, especially those that are actually going to ride that rocket.

Anonymous No. 16279068

does someone know coordinates/water depth at the booster splashdown site? is it possible to reach with scuba without fancy gas mixes?

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Anonymous No. 16279072
>The space sector contributed $131B to American GDP in 2022, according to the most recent and precise analysis by the US government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Anonymous No. 16279075

Keep launching, they wont be able to keep up

Anonymous No. 16279078


Anonymous No. 16279080

pippa debooonked thunderf00t though

Anonymous No. 16279081

SpaceX will be shut down by FAA and liquidated
It's over

Anonymous No. 16279086

they'll come back on Gaganyaan

Anonymous No. 16279087

>However there's now a chance that the consecutive successful landings streak could overtake the launch one, which would be funny.
how many consecutive launches are we at now?

Anonymous No. 16279089

Boing lucked out

Anonymous No. 16279090

nice try Chinese agent. Bet you want to take a look at those engines

Anonymous No. 16279094

some intern didn't tighten the blumbing good enough and this happened.

Anonymous No. 16279095

FAA just announced SpaceX can't be trusted to deliver high energy payloads to precision bullseye orbits so their assets will be liquidated and given to ULA to takeover

Anonymous No. 16279096

will they use the Satellites remaining time in orbit to provide internet services

Anonymous No. 16279098

couldn't an unmanned Dragon go up on a Falcon 9 though? Can an unmanned Dragon be sent up and remotely docked?

Anonymous No. 16279099

reentry, its ogre

Anonymous No. 16279101

Imagine if that upper stage exploded over a populated area, we need to shut down SpaceX before they kill someone, even if it saves one life it's worth doing

Anonymous No. 16279105

>Imagine if that upper stage exploded over a populated area of Mexico.
ummm nah no biggie.

Anonymous No. 16279110

Holy shit Jared is PISSED, never seen him this mad before, it's over

Anonymous No. 16279114

as if there wasn't any enough high res photos from all angles online.
it'd be a really neat dive if it's not too deep. tell em you wouldn't want to do it

Anonymous No. 16279115

Do we really want people to fly on Falcon 9 knowing how upper stage can just randomly blow up?
I think not, we need to bring the good times of Space Shuttle back and restart the program

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16279116

apparently the faggots over at the NASA Center for Climate Simulation have been jumping their campus provided electric scooters over ramps and not filming it for us

Anonymous No. 16279118

anon, they'd need to admit that they have a problem and ask for help. can you imagine what a PR disaster that would be? think of the shareholders

Anonymous No. 16279120

What part of Falcon 9 being grounded don't you understand?

Anonymous No. 16279125

>other customers for SLS
How much death threads / bribery would be necessary to make this happen? I don't think even Congress can pull this off.

Anonymous No. 16279127

>Using death trap known as Falcon 9 to send anything into orbit
Might as well set that dragon on fire, would be cheaper

Anonymous No. 16279128

the rolling success rate of F9 over the last 1 flights is 0%

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Anonymous No. 16279131

We need to start pulling the orbiters from the museums ASAP, once we get them to the Cape and top up their tanks they should be good to resume operations by the end of the month I bet, but only if we act with urgency and don't let the SpaceX cult members get in our way.

Anonymous No. 16279132

That doesn't explain their refusal to serve food using utensils.

Anonymous No. 16279138

Musk cultists will do anything to prevent sensible and reasonable government run space program, imagine using a rocket with a capsule to send people up, it's not 60s anymore, I don't even

Anonymous No. 16279139

no dum dum, I mean in an emergency couldn't a falcon 9 take up a Dragon to bring down stranded astronauts, yes it would be despite this anomaly with last night's Falcon 9 second stage, what I'm really asking is can an unmanned Dragon dock with ISS not for you to reiterate what happened 12 hours ago.

Anonymous No. 16279144

I'm so upset

Anonymous No. 16279145

literally CSS tier dunning kruuger

Anonymous No. 16279147

After most of the CO2 snows out of the atmosphere (this happens at relatively high temperatures, due to the immense pressure of the Venusian atmosphere) it can be packed up and shipped off the planet with mass drivers.

Anonymous No. 16279148

look, I'm sorry that you're not allowed to ride the scooter in the hallway but it just isn't safe

Anonymous No. 16279149

how do you think cargo dragons are docking? a little goblin in a tiny cockpit steering the capsule?

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Anonymous No. 16279150

>It was me, Elon, the source of all your pain this whole time. *maniacal laughing*

Anonymous No. 16279154

Put weights on top of it.

Anonymous No. 16279155

Have they ever remotely docked a crew Dragon, more smug than smart one?

Anonymous No. 16279157

In space, anybody who tries to do communism will suffer a mysterious airlock accident.

Anonymous No. 16279158

>exploded and entered the earth in my country
stage 2 just flew over my house!

Anonymous No. 16279160

I'm so upset that anon is so upset

Anonymous No. 16279163

To be fair, "endeavor" is the normal modern American spelling of the word. The shuttle used the British spelling because it was named after the HMS Endeavour, Captain Cook's ship.

Anonymous No. 16279164

Messi will lose

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Anonymous No. 16279165

>Ariane 6: 0/1 = 0.0% (lmao)
>Ariane 5: 115/117 = 98.3%
>every Ariane rocket combined, going back to 1979: 252/262 = 96.2%
>Falcon 9: 361/364 = 99.2%

>still time to come back on Ariane 6

Anonymous No. 16279167

If your tension/compression gets too crazy then instead of something going slightly wrong your dome just explodes

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Anonymous No. 16279168

President Polk was angry that his negotiator left Mexico with so much dirt.

Anonymous No. 16279169

>counts every ariane family rocket failure
>doesn't count falcon 1 failures

Anonymous No. 16279170

More than upset, I'm pissed.

Anonymous No. 16279172

What could have been. Look at all that rocket launchable coastline

Anonymous No. 16279176


Anonymous No. 16279177

not an inflatable dome inflated to .5 bar and subject to just 38% earth gravity

Anonymous No. 16279178

We need to bring US imperialism back, just for this

Anonymous No. 16279181

Anonymous No. 16279187

Theoretically, if they wanted to send a crew Dragon up to the ISS, but launch it unmanned, does anybody here know if the crew Dragons are outfitted with the same equipment (ie radars/computers/data links etc) that allow cargo Dragons to rendezvous with and dock to the ISS, thus allowing an unmanned crew Dragon to do the same? Does anybody here know the answer to this (please, anybody except that same bozo who doesn't know the answer but keeps telling me "Falcon 9 is over dude!")

Anonymous No. 16279189

does this make any sense?

Did the second stage produce a debris field? Is there any risk to the public at all if this happens again?

Why are they treating this like a passenger airliner? Shouldn't they just suspend crew flights? What happens when we have thousands of launches per year with an amazing safety record, and one failure grounds a massive fleet and spaceflight economy?

Anonymous No. 16279193

Makes no sense, FAA need to stay in their lane

Anonymous No. 16279194

didn't even happen in the air. how is it federal AVIATION administration jurisdiction?

Anonymous No. 16279196

Not what we were talking about. That guy was arguing for structural domes, I posted >>16277663

Anonymous No. 16279197

>If the Falcon 9 is out of commission for an extended period of time, it could mean rolling setbacks for NASA’s astronaut launch schedule, SpaceX’s orbital space tourism efforts, the company’s satellite internet service, and the global commercial satellite industry, which relies heavily on the Falcon 9.

Anonymous No. 16279198

0 (was 320 or so, plus 10 Heavies)
Landings are somewhere around 200 I think


It is kind of funny banter. Just not the kind you should post on Linkedin or make when your rocket just had a very similar failure.

Rocket didn't adhere to flight plan, so it gets investigated. But as you point out the risk to public is likely minimal, so they probably won't do much except follow the investigation.

Anonymous No. 16279200

Chevron Deference got tossed by SCOTUS so SpaceX should sue the shit out of the FAA for making up rules they have no congressional authority to enforce.

Anonymous No. 16279201

same way the IRS is asking for shekels of US citizens, even if they life and work in another country.

Anonymous No. 16279204

Seriously, what the fuck is FAA doing, are they retarded?

Anonymous No. 16279207

>The two Starliner astronauts went to space without two suitcases they packed with clothes and toiletries because NASA needed to squeeze a bathroom pump on board their flight. It’s not yet clear whether NASA will be forced to delay that resupply mission.

holy shit what


Anonymous No. 16279209

so you don't know the answer either or are you the bozo?

Anonymous No. 16279212

we already established its a little goblin piloting it. works the same with crew and cargo version

Anonymous No. 16279214

all government agencies are power hungry it seems

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Anonymous No. 16279216


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Anonymous No. 16279219

>The Clipper mission has launch opportunities in 2025 and 2026, but these could lead to additional delays. This is due to the need for multiple gravitational assists. The 2024 launch follows a "MEGA" trajectory, including a Mars flyby in 2025 and an Earth flyby in late 2026—Mars-Earth Gravitational Assist. If Clipper launches a year late, it would necessitate a second Earth flyby. A launch in 2026 would revert to a MEGA trajectory. Ars has asked NASA for timelines of launches in 2025 and 2026 and will update if they provide this information.
>Another negative result of delays would be costs, as keeping the mission on the ground for another year likely would result in another few hundred million dollars in expenses for NASA, which would blow a hole in its planetary science budget.

Anonymous No. 16279222

so I'm sensing that nobody here knows whether an unmanned crew Dragon, (to reiterate: a CREW Dragon with NO pilot aboard) can be remotely controlled to rendezvous with and ultimately to dock with the ISS and then be accessed from the outside to allow human entry into said vehicle. It's OK, I'll wait and ask again later when there's other anons here, maybe somebody will know then.

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xdownloader CN5Ph....webm

Anonymous No. 16279225


Anonymous No. 16279226

4chanx needs to update to allow embedding x posts

Anonymous No. 16279228

>Europa Clipper MOSFETs fucked
>Falcon 9 second stage engine blew up
>Ariane 6 second stage re-light failed
>Starliner stranded and astronauts marooned

whats next? Starfactory burns down and the launch tower falls over?

Anonymous No. 16279229

It used to have but twitter API change or something made it not function anymore

Anonymous No. 16279231

Imagine them falling on someone
SpaceX must be cancelled before they kill people

Anonymous No. 16279232

So some people are arguing that SpaceX should slow down the production and launch so they can be safer.

What makes more sense?

100 launch per year with 1 failure every year?
10 launches per year with 1 failure every 10 year?

Anonymous No. 16279234

why do you think a cargo dragon could dock independently but a crew dragon could not?
if not, the modification should be relatively straightforward

Anonymous No. 16279235

More like 100 launches per year with 1 failure every 6 years

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Anonymous No. 16279237

Anonymous No. 16279238

Any failure is bad when it can kill people
SpaceX must be investigated or even shut down if it can prevent just a single death

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Anonymous No. 16279239

what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16279240

Well, how about this.

Year 1: 100 launch with 1 failure
Year 2: 100 launch with 0 failure
Year 3: 100 launch with 0 failure
Year 4: 100 launch with 1 failure
Year 5: 100 launch with 0 failure
Year 6: 100 launch with 0 failure
Year 7: 100 launch with 0 failure
Year 8: 100 launch with 1 failure
Year 9: 100 launch with 0 failure
Year 10: 100 launch with 0 failure

3 failures in 10 years


1 failure in 10 years

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Anonymous No. 16279241

Anonymous No. 16279242

Sydney Sweeney school of fashion

Anonymous No. 16279245

Why dont we despose of the FAA for good? Who's with me?

Anonymous No. 16279246

If FAA is a legitimate organization, the investigation would be done in <2 weeks.

If its just a grift, it would be 1+ month delay

If its evil, it would be 6+ month delay

Anonymous No. 16279247

My point was that Falcon 9 is more reliable than both Arianespace's incoming and outgoing rockets, and that it has also had more successful launches (361 vs. 252) than every Ariane rocket combined.

Anonymous No. 16279248

>Boing crashes the same plane twice killing over 300 people
>Everything's fine folks, just keep on flying them

>SpaceX has upper stage failure on uncrewed Falcon 9

Anonymous No. 16279249

the docking procedure is autonomous anyway so i dont really see why it couldn't. i assume other maneuvers and/ or can be remotely/autonomously carried out too but im not sure right now

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Anonymous No. 16279252

Shitter was full.

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Anonymous No. 16279257

really, this conspiracy theory drivel is what the space force uses for promotion?

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Anonymous No. 16279260

4chan X hasn't been updated in over a year; I think it's more or less abandoned. Xitter embeds work fine for me with the 4chan XT fork.

Anonymous No. 16279262

ah the cycle of 4chan extensions, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 16279268

JUST GO TO VENUS, URANUS, AND TITAN ALREADY YOU BLITHERING IDIOTS. These are literally the most straight forward missions they can do and yet we'll have to wait until we're a bunch of old men possibly see a chance to have them realized.

Anonymous No. 16279269

Awesome, it works with my 4chanX config too.

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Anonymous No. 16279272

boo hoo nigga, movies about faking the moon landings have a fine premise.

do you also get mad that abe lincoln didn't actually hunt vampires?

Anonymous No. 16279279

Obviously it can, the hurdle as I see it would be NASA objecting to an upper stage parking in the same plane as the ISS where it could potentially explode and send debris into higher apogee orbits (as explosions do).
When CRS-1 had a flame out on the first stage they threw a shitfit and didn't allow a second stage reignition. The second stage wasn't even involved in any capacity but it is this time.

Anonymous No. 16279282

NTA but yes.
I also hate fateshitters.

Anonymous No. 16279284

To think we could all be migrating there if we had kept it

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Anonymous No. 16279285

Anonymous No. 16279302

Such an easier, shorter border to defend too, we really fucked up

Anonymous No. 16279316

also pi get

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Anonymous No. 16279322

non faggot staging


Anonymous No. 16279331

But you could look at the turbines and materials

Anonymous No. 16279334

Oh, so the BRILLIANT PEBBLES faggot isn't pipe up now? Interesting

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Anonymous No. 16279359

This is an unambiguously good idea. The real problem with the FAA is the "Federal" part.

There's still going to be a procedure for launch licensing no matter what, but imagine how things would be if independent regulators at Cape Canaveral, Wallops, and maybe Camden, Georgia were all competing to have the most responsive process so they could attract the most business.

Anonymous No. 16279366

crew dragon has the same equipment as cargo dragon
can't be done until we have the high ground
I like this idea

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Anonymous No. 16279395


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Anonymous No. 16279419

is this loss?

Anonymous No. 16279425

how do I decide

Anonymous No. 16279449

pick the one that isn't gay as fuck

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Anonymous No. 16279455


Anonymous No. 16279567

sorry chuds. falcon 9 is being grounded for 6 months due to that MISHAP. Meanwhile Starliner will return and fly again after a flawless mission. Who's laughing now?

Anonymous No. 16279585

It ain't fucking happening, period.

Anonymous No. 16279625

The first one always wins, thems the rules

Anonymous No. 16279626

She's so nasty. Only reason she's popular is because the media brainwashes NPCs into lusting for her. Literally just go outside and you can easily see dozens of women that are 10x prettier than her. 20 minutes ago I went out to buy a milk shake and the woman behind the window at the dairy bar was beautiful and kind, not a fish faced bitch like johansen.

Anonymous No. 16279632

How is this science related?

Anonymous No. 16279667

good find anon