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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16274623

Arianne 6 Launch Edition

Previous - >>16271105

Anonymous No. 16274629

>Ariane Launch System
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 16274630


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Anonymous No. 16274633
this thing better fucking fly well

Anonymous No. 16274637

it won't

Anonymous No. 16274639

You spelled Space+Flight wrong

Anonymous No. 16274640

Whos ready for a kaboom on the pad?

Anonymous No. 16274641

>(Official broadcast)

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Anonymous No. 16274642
>ESA Twitter

Anonymous No. 16274643

no way it's blowing up

Anonymous No. 16274644

"(((Official broadcast)))"

Anonymous No. 16274645


Anonymous No. 16274646

I am ready

Anonymous No. 16274647

So how is 6 better than 5?

Anonymous No. 16274649

We aren't, though.

Anonymous No. 16274650

because seven ate nine

Anonymous No. 16274651

Greentext your quotes

Anonymous No. 16274652

6 is a bigger number

Anonymous No. 16274654

you got 11min barring a pushback before you can say that..... and even then it's not really comparable to SpaceX in terms of cost/efficiency

Anonymous No. 16274655


Anonymous No. 16274656

has a launch ever actually failed because of shit weather?

Anonymous No. 16274659

apollo 12 almost did

Anonymous No. 16274660



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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16274661

That's it, I'm awarding Zubrin an honorary Director of Propulsion position at 4ASS.
>no no see the fissioning aqueous solution goes prompt supercritical BEFORE it has time to boil

Anonymous No. 16274662

Impressionant! With this most recent rocket, France has in a single stroke marked the decline of SpaceX and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful space dominance for the European bull.

Anonymous No. 16274663

does Challenger count?

Anonymous No. 16274664


Anonymous No. 16274665

good question. I presume there were early Space Age failures due to ground winds, upper level wind shear, and lightning. Why else would they add those weather rules?

Anonymous No. 16274667

yeah, a lot more of them would fail if they weren't such weather autists these days

Anonymous No. 16274668

10m taller
Can get stuff to GEO, SSO and LTO though

Astranon No. 16274669

One of the early Astra Rocket 3 launch attempts from Kodiak almost failed because the water in the GSE pipes froze solid and they had to send guys out into an Alaskan winter night to heat them up.

Anonymous No. 16274673

I'm not a nerd like you all. I watch euro 2024 like every other normal people

Anonymous No. 16274674

>Ariane 6 64 gross weight: 2 million lbs
>Starship gross weight: 11 million lbs
It was over before it even began

Anonymous No. 16274675

1 minute

Anonymous No. 16274676

I'm scared

Anonymous No. 16274678

On onboard cams, I guess?

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Anonymous No. 16274679

Looks like we're a go, good luck Eurobros

Anonymous No. 16274680

I don't think A6 was ever advertised as superheavy launch vehicle but alright dude

Astranon No. 16274681

>ESA put the chat into subscribers only mode

Anonymous No. 16274682

>ariana 6 control room
>full of black people
Lol it's going to blow up.

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Anonymous No. 16274683

Anonymous No. 16274684


Anonymous No. 16274685

>(((Diffusion officielle)))

Anonymous No. 16274686

go go ariane 6

Anonymous No. 16274687

Starship is almost double the height of Ariane 6 and a bit more than 50% higher diameter

Anonymous No. 16274688


Anonymous No. 16274689

Launch right at the start of the French Euro match

Anonymous No. 16274690

What a disgusting language
Can't believe Napoleon spoke this shit

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Anonymous No. 16274691

>le nominal

Anonymous No. 16274692

hon hon hon le nominale

Anonymous No. 16274693


Anonymous No. 16274695


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Anonymous No. 16274696

i hate the french language

Anonymous No. 16274697

trajectoire nominale

Anonymous No. 16274698

>ESA sticker peeling off

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Anonymous No. 16274699


Anonymous No. 16274700

Is it just me or is the rocket wiggling too much? Oh well it survived BECO at least.

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le cohete.jpg

Anonymous No. 16274701

French cultural victory.
>Euro 2024 semifinal

Anonymous No. 16274702

>Clear mentioned

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Anonymous No. 16274703

booster sep

Anonymous No. 16274704

when boosters coming back

Anonymous No. 16274705

propulsion nominale

Anonymous No. 16274706

It's the camera. They didn't get one of those fancy turrets like those boomers use for NASA launches

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Anonymous No. 16274707

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Anonymous No. 16274708


Anonymous No. 16274709

hat separated

Anonymous No. 16274710


Anonymous No. 16274711

séparation de la kwaf

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Anonymous No. 16274712

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Anonymous No. 16274713


Anonymous No. 16274714

there would be less jobs if we made reusable rockets
t. ariane/esa

Anonymous No. 16274715

french is such a funny language

Anonymous No. 16274716

>european space agency
>it's actually french

Anonymous No. 16274717


Anonymous No. 16274718

french people belong in space

Anonymous No. 16274720


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Anonymous No. 16274721

Beautiful launch desu. Ariane 6 is a great looking rocket, very elegant.

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Anonymous No. 16274722

Anonymous No. 16274723

>they actually STOPPED using a common bulkhead but didn't attempt reusability
the absolute state of yurp

Anonymous No. 16274724

That thing is pointing nearly straight up, how bad is its TWR

Anonymous No. 16274725

To save the French people they must take to the stars and escape this gay Earth.

Anonymous No. 16274726

you're assuming ESA's renders have any correspondence to reality

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Anonymous No. 16274727

no text on the timeline

Anonymous No. 16274728

Hydrogen garbage.
Reminder that isp is almost irrelevant compared to gravity loss and this a second stage.

Anonymous No. 16274729

>save the French people

stfu frog

Anonymous No. 16274730

They should get starlink

Anonymous No. 16274731


Anonymous No. 16274732

but yeah seems to be a ridiculously steep trajectory

Anonymous No. 16274733

stage sep

Anonymous No. 16274734

nice glow

Anonymous No. 16274735

Propulsiòn nominal.

Anonymous No. 16274736

the guy shouting in french sounds like he had a massive stroke that left him unable to speak

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16274737

My country contributes 1.6% of ESA budget, we can into space!

Anonymous No. 16274738

He's black so that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 16274741

>european space agency
>it's actually french
>launch from south america

Anonymous No. 16274742

Upper stage is low energy as fuck.
It looks even weaker than centaur.

Anonymous No. 16274743

Righful French clay.

Anonymous No. 16274744

300 mil subsidy per launch to Arianespace

Anonymous No. 16274745

just like Africans and Arabs are rightful French citizens

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Anonymous No. 16274746

French Guiana is actual French territory, it's in the EU and everything.

Anonymous No. 16274749

ma bite nominal

Anonymous No. 16274750

Exactly. The world belongs to France.

Anonymous No. 16274752

so weak, that it loses altitude by design, just like Ariane 5

Anonymous No. 16274753

>preparing reusable demonstrators
when did F9 land the first time again? 8 years ago? lmao

Anonymous No. 16274754

get your facts straight, piss TWR and dropping 120km during second stage burn is the hallmark of a HIGH ENERGY ARCHITECTURE

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Anonymous No. 16274756


Anonymous No. 16274758

where'd you get this photo of me celebrating the successful launch?

Anonymous No. 16274759

Wait hold up, Ariane 5 couldn't reignite its upper stage in flight? American upper stages have been relighting in flight since the 60s.

Anonymous No. 16274760

Chamber pressure is 60 bar.
Raptor is just an extreme outlier because they need to be very optimal to get any payload up at all.
Space is actually very easy if you're fully expendable

Anonymous No. 16274761

Beautiful picture of the Emperor and his subjects.

Anonymous No. 16274762

when your rocket takes so long to reach LEO that you have to run multiple ads to keep your audience from getting bored

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Anonymous No. 16274763


Anonymous No. 16274764

"Beautiful picture of the Emperor (left) and his subjects."

Anonymous No. 16274765

>first F9 landing was in 2015
utterly grim

Anonymous No. 16274766

Uhm the best part is no part.

Anonymous No. 16274769

it couldn't reignite its 2nd stage, and relied on a third stage (AVUM) for that fine tuning. I think A6 did away with that stage, now the 2nd stage does it all.

Anonymous No. 16274770

a brisk 18:40 to orbit

Anonymous No. 16274771

why are they even speaking with that shitty british accent, I thought all the anglonogs got kicked out
jesus fuck if you're gonna have women at least have them speak with a french or german accent

Anonymous No. 16274772

What was that jumpscare on the camera

Astranon No. 16274773

The RL10, AJ10, J-2, RS-25, MVac, and RVac are all really fucking good upper stage engines for their sizes. It's a key strength of American rockets. Rocket 3 failed because the upper stage team and Ben Lyon cheaped out too hard with their gay snowman second stage.


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Anonymous No. 16274774

Anonymous No. 16274778

They eat a stunning amount of gravity losses in that thing.

Anonymous No. 16274779

>a fucking LEGO tie-in

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Anonymous No. 16274781

It's nice that Arianespace is actually able to provide some onboard views. Ariane 5 never seemed to have those.

Anonymous No. 16274783

>this much dead air
amazing work
presumably the announcers went on strike

Anonymous No. 16274785

Mmmmm delicious BBC

Anonymous No. 16274786

so when is payload deployment?

Anonymous No. 16274788

Their sustainer engine Vulcain is basically a single froggy J-2 and the upper stage Vinci is basically a single froggy RL10. It's obscenely under thrusted. You could probably increase payload by going to three engines per stage and maybe widening the diameter a bit, but that would be le expenseef since they're just throwing these things into the ocean every time.

They're in French territory, it's a mandatory 90 minute lunch break.

Anonymous No. 16274789

think of the amount of poor fish and algae that will die when that thing crashes into the ocean, where are the hit pieces?

Anonymous No. 16274791

The announcers don't even come back for another half hour.

Anonymous No. 16274792

A moss in desert found to be able to survive in a simulated Mars environment. Drought, radiation, extreme cold.

Anonymous No. 16274793


Anonymous No. 16274794

And the atmosphere?

Anonymous No. 16274795

After having endured so many thankful superchat readings dead air feels like a blessing

It's under-thusted because of Ariane's high efficiency hydrogen sustained philosophy. The Vinci itself is actually a 180 kN engine which puts it at about double the RL-10s average thrust.

Anonymous No. 16274796

How reliable is Starlink? Will Elon send angry letters to me for pirating Japanimation?

Anonymous No. 16274797

I fucking love how Arianes just GO FUCKING FAST right from the get go

Anonymous No. 16274798

The Vinci is about twice the thrust of an RL-10. The RL-10 based vehicles are even worse, apparently.

Anonymous No. 16274800


Anonymous No. 16274801

nobody gonna mention this?

Anonymous No. 16274802

they make good cheese i think(I've never had it)

Anonymous No. 16274803

>It's under-thusted because of Ariane's high efficiency hydrogen sustained philosophy. The Vinci itself is actually a 180 kN engine which puts it at about double the RL-10s average thrust.
That's a fancy way of saying they use the boosters to throw the thing upward and use the upper stage almost exclusively for horizontal velocity.

Anonymous No. 16274805

Well, it will likely be in an enclosed green house environment that may have to deal with extreme cold/radiation/drought from time to time. Not necessarily be exposed to the atmosphere itself

Anonymous No. 16274807

i like daft punk

Anonymous No. 16274809

Everyone knows Macron is a scoundrel, and nobody cares because the French are too cowardly and beholden, too owned by non-French interests, and far too proud to admit it.

Anonymous No. 16274810

The RL-10 has been comfortable with only having ~100 kN of performance for the last thirty years. America just doesn't need more than that, and if it does it can buy a second engine.

Anonymous No. 16274811

Paris syndrome is funny

Anonymous No. 16274813

This really makes the ICPS inexcusable as a separate stage. Screw the AJ10, just bolt the fucking RL10 and tanks on to Orion as part of the service module.

Anonymous No. 16274814


I like the french female singer from Stereolab

Anonymous No. 16274815

If you imagine America's space program remaining as it has been for the past 30 years, sure, an RL-10 powered upper stage is more than enough for the standard paradigm of LEO to GEO satellites.

Anonymous No. 16274816

I mean, yeah? They're only engineers over there worth the title of engineer.

Anonymous No. 16274818

Not Germans?

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Anonymous No. 16274829

They thought about up-gunning the Exploration Upper Stage with a cluster of Vincis, but decided that would be giving the Euros too much participation. Four RL-10C-3s is more than enough for a lunar mission anyway.

Anonymous No. 16274830

Or they could do a single J-2X

Anonymous No. 16274832

for me it's the cernettes

Anonymous No. 16274835

Can Germans do a fighter jet engine? No they can't. In Europe, only the UK and France are able to. Only a select few countries in the world have the expertise. The ones with elite engineers.
There, you have your answer.
They are very good in other areas though, I'll take German logistics any time of the day. It requires a specific kind of autism, but one that's needed.

Anonymous No. 16274837

That would be expensive and new and scary. The RL-10 is always available and always reliable. Just add more RL-10s.

Anonymous No. 16274838

this is extremely boring desu
why don't these fags use starlink

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Anonymous No. 16274840

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2024-07-09 13-09-....webm

Anonymous No. 16274841

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2024-07-09 13-09-....webm

Anonymous No. 16274843

Anonymous No. 16274844

for the same reason the rocket exists at all

Anonymous No. 16274846

at least with the indian launches you can make benchod jokes, this is just dead air
what are these faggots getting paid for?
no timeline, no commentary lmao

Anonymous No. 16274848

yeah, French electronic music is pretty great
Air and French 87 are good also

Anonymous No. 16274850

>heavy lift rocket
>payload of 2 cubesats

I sure hope it lept off the pad.

Anonymous No. 16274851

that being?

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Anonymous No. 16274852

Watch the correct stream.

Anonymous No. 16274853

I'm sure they could if they had the money to burn and years to spend to develop expertise. Siemens is pretty big in gas and steam turbines and they're producing top notch stuff. It's not nearly the same, but they wouldn't be starting from zero.

Anonymous No. 16274856

it's just medium now, no better than a Soyuz

Anonymous No. 16274857

European idiocy.

Anonymous No. 16274859

Medium lift. The 64 is the heavy lifter, and only barely a heavy at that.

Anonymous No. 16274860

That implies the J-2X exists.

Anonymous No. 16274863

to not depend on the amerimutts, chinks, indians, ruskies or any other retards to send our shit to space.
it was impossible to do it when the war started in Ukraine (yes, even with Ariane 5) because the ESA was using Soyuz.

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Anonymous No. 16274864

We're back

Anonymous No. 16274865

They finished development of the damn thing, they just never put it into production.

Anonymous No. 16274866


Anonymous No. 16274868

Even she can't make this interesting

Anonymous No. 16274870

aren't the parts built in several different european countries?

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Anonymous No. 16274872

>yurpeens discover ullage thrusters

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Anonymous No. 16274874


Anonymous No. 16274875

looks like a good way to achieve independence!

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Anonymous No. 16274876

Anonymous No. 16274877

these are just the main components

Anonymous No. 16274878

It's a European rocket retard.

Anonymous No. 16274879

This is why they'll never catch up to SpaceX or even the Chinese. This bureaucratic jobs program makes everything slower and more expensive.

Anonymous No. 16274881

>independent of 3 countries
>dependent on 27 countries
seems reasonable

Anonymous No. 16274882

That altitude profile is disgusting

Anonymous No. 16274883

what a mess

Anonymous No. 16274884

You're right. Now they can just build this thing and send payloads to space free of any political interference.

Anonymous No. 16274886

It's jointly built, so effectively the country is one.

Anonymous No. 16274888

> Disposable rocket

Oh, isn't that precious!

Anonymous No. 16274889

>NASA got some cubesats on this flight
They trusted Ariane 6 as much as Rocket 3 kek.

Anonymous No. 16274890

I don't hate this that much.
It's way less egregious than the SLS.
The innovative vehicles will come from RFA and other startups.
Brieschenk is way less delusional than Kemp and not a drug addict either.

Anonymous No. 16274891

the important bits are French, the launch base is French, etc...
the real reason why the ESA is more French than German boils down to history, basically the French wanted an independant space program, the Germans didn't want to spend too much money on it and thought (wrongly) that it wouldn't work, so they bailed near the end but France managed to reach space and since that time we managed to keep all the talented/intelligent space engineers in France and because we spent so much money developing a space program, we'll never give it to anyone else, it's a collaboration to the French space program more than anything.
Germs also did the same for the European fighter jet and we made the Rafale to prove them wrong.
same for the civilian nuclear program.(and we also made our own nukes while we were at it).

Germans are retarded, more news at 11

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Anonymous No. 16274893

Goddamn it feels good to be European

It may not be the best rocket, but at least it means we don't have to be reliant on a foreign billionaire who holds contempt for us (and indeed for everybody who isn't him)

Anonymous No. 16274894

what is worse, this or SLS?

Anonymous No. 16274895

Just look at $/kg.
It's SLS by a large margin

Anonymous No. 16274898

what's in the cube ?

Anonymous No. 16274900

3,000 years of European history has lead up to this moment

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Anonymous No. 16274901

>"We've traced the cope. It's coming from inside the thread."

Anonymous No. 16274904

>he has money therefor he's bad
>What? How dare you question that, what about his [whatever bullshit promulgated by mass media and the normie sphere of the internet]?
It's not an informed position, but at least it's not a clear indication of Elon Derangement Syndrome

Anonymous No. 16274905

fragments of a meteorite

Anonymous No. 16274906

>the Germans didn't want to spend too much money on it and thought (wrongly) that it wouldn't work
>Germs also did the same for the European fighter jet and we made the Rafale to prove them wrong
The Germans participated in the Eurofighter Typhoon though, so it's not like they refused to invest in a fighter jet of any kind. And you could say that collaborating with other European countries was a good idea. Share the costs, and benefit from a bigger pool of engineering talent.

Anonymous No. 16274907

>return to sender
>asteroid sample return return mission

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SLS contractors.webm

Anonymous No. 16274909

It's not even a contest.

Anonymous No. 16274911

Payload separation nominal.

Anonymous No. 16274912

>>he has money therefor he's bad
Absolutely not. Money alone doesn't make someone bad. A person's behaviour is what makes them bad, regardless of how much money they have.

Anonymous No. 16274913

and the United States put man on the Moon in less than 200 years

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Anonymous No. 16274914

holy shit

Anonymous No. 16274917

And yet, the first thing everyone critical towards him always opens with is that he's a billionaire (derogatory).

Anonymous No. 16274921

dropkick communists into trash compactors

Anonymous No. 16274924

Imagine having to coordinate this shit

Anonymous No. 16274925

they had fighter jet engines in the 40s

Anonymous No. 16274929

>German logistics

Anonymous No. 16274930

more useful government jobs program than occupying the middle east for 20 years.

Anonymous No. 16274932

I would say that is arguable
if the west went full blown imperialism and colonialism again, at least the shithole nations would have stable governments

Anonymous No. 16274935

>german logistics
Anon, I...

Anonymous No. 16274936

Please never look into what it takes to build a car or a washing machine or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16274942

the Germs didn't want a fighter that could carry a nuclear payload or take off from a carrier, because when you do a "joint" program with them they only think about their own asses more than anything (cheap and not too hard to build).
funny story because they did the same shit with the new joint franco-german fighter (no nuclear payload and not being able to take off from a carrier), so the project was in a dead end and it was probably going to be carried dy Dassault alone (as usual) but then the Ukrainian war happened and Germs became scared because France is the only European country to have the nuke, so they greenlit the project.
yes, Germans are THAT retarded.
just like the time when they shut down their nuclear power plants on a whim after Fukushima and said nuclear is "le bad" and then their nuclear scientists fucked off to France or elsewhere, so now Germs don't have anyone competent anymore, if they ever want to build nuclear power plants again they will be forced to buy French lol.

oh and btw it's almost always France that comes up with joint programs with Germans because why not but the Germs always fuck everything up.
we still have the other joint tank project but who knows how they will mess up this time.

Anonymous No. 16274944

Shit comparison.

Anonymous No. 16274947

Based retard.

Anonymous No. 16274949

And how are the exports of Leclerc vs Leopard 2?

Anonymous No. 16274961
>You know engineering tradeoff analysis

short eager video about tradeoff analysis

Anonymous No. 16274963

Cringe pseud

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Anonymous No. 16274964


Anonymous No. 16274965

almost non-existent, the reason being we don't build Leclerc tanks anymore (only upgrade them), hence why we're making a new tank with the Germans.
the state's budget for the army is mainly going to the new fighter, the new tank and the new aircraft carrier that will have a normal catapult for a while and then an electromagnetic catapult like the US has once we can make it.
only the new carrier isn't a joint project.
maybe there's a new sub too because we built nuclear subs from time to time but it's a secret anyway so we wouldn't know.

Anonymous No. 16274970

germans are known for their logistics, right

Anonymous No. 16274976

That other anon is stupid, billionaires didn't get to where they are by being nice people.

Anonymous No. 16274977

what's it about?

Anonymous No. 16274982

Nobody who ever did anything of great impact on the world did so by being nice. That includes the names you associate with soft revolutionary power: Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi were the soft voices behind the bigger, violent sticks making the same demands.

Anonymous No. 16274985

>maybe there's a new sub too because we built nuclear subs from time to time but it's a secret anyway so we wouldn't know.
(this is why you lost the Australian sub deal)

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Anonymous No. 16274986

>the real reason why the ESA is more French than German boils down to history, basically the French wanted an independent space program, the Germans didn't want to spend too much money on it and thought (wrongly) that it wouldn't work, so they bailed near the end but France managed to reach space
This is not historically accurate. Germany had no part in Diamant. If you're talking about Ariane (which was not France's first launcher), the Germans were a partner from the beginning. They never left.
>the Germs didn't want a fighter that could carry a nuclear payload or take off from a carrier
You seem to be forgetting Britain, Spain and Italy. None of whom wanted a carrier based aircraft. Hence why they left to start the Eurofighter collaboration, without everyone else paying for requirements that only France wanted.

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Anonymous No. 16274989

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Anonymous No. 16274992

Both the rocket and the jet in this picture are privately owned and operated.

Anonymous No. 16275001

we lost the deal because the eternal anglo (australia) is only loyal to another eternal anglo (the USA).
first they wanted nuclear subs, we said okay, then they changed their minds and wanted diesel subs in nuclear subs hulls (lol wut), we said maybe but 'think about it before we do it", then they backstabbed us for the US, now they got nothing and the US told them the subs they promised aren't a priority anymore and they need the subs for their own army, lol.

>They never left.
they almost left because the launch where France succeeded was the "last" launch before Germs were going to quit the project.

>without everyone else paying for requirements that only France wanted.
sure, but this is why the eurotrash is garbage and anglos are still using A FUCKING RAMP.

Anonymous No. 16275009

Elon seems like a nice guy

Anonymous No. 16275010

>pointing out someone's wealth is derogatory
Lmao. So you think having lots of money is a bad thing? Okay, if you say so

Get fucked

Sure, perhaps being a billionaire means you're inherently a cunt (even if you just inherit billions, you could give a lot of it away). But still, some are better than others.

Anonymous No. 16275012

>Lmao. So you think having lots of money is a bad thing? Okay, if you say so
If the first thing you point to when criticizing a man is their wealth, YOU think having lots of money is a bad thing. Work on your reading comprehension.

Anonymous No. 16275019

I love old f-15s

Anonymous No. 16275022

The first one is a Dassault Rafale, the second is an F-86 Sabre.

Anonymous No. 16275023

>they almost left because the launch where France succeeded was the "last" launch before Germs were going to quit the project.
And do you have a refernce for this.
>sure, but this is why the eurotrash is garbage and anglos are still using A FUCKING RAMP.
Anglos are now flying F-35's off their new two carriers. Where is CDG? In its natural habitat of course, in dock. Really effective having one carrier that is occasionally at sea, especially when it's older than your prime minister. I'd say it worked out quite well for the UK.

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Anonymous No. 16275027

CDG is actually more useful than the bong carriers for now because the bongoloids spent so much money on the flat tops they forgot to build all the escort vessels, so they can only sail protected by the USN.

Anonymous No. 16275029

Back to >>>/pol/ptg retard

Anonymous No. 16275031

back to port, carrierlet

Anonymous No. 16275043

>And do you have a refernce for this.
Europa II, Europa III and after this France decided to use their L3S because the anglos lowered their funding from 38.79% to 27%, then they put their money on their owned MAROTS maritime satellite, the Germs put their money on the SpaceLab module that was to be carried with the American shuttle, and obviously the USA tried to put an end to the space program, but it failed because France wanted Europe to be independant from the Americans, so the Ariane project was born.
and obviously the Ariane project was mostly funded and controlled by France.
we put 60% of the budget on the table and promised to pay 120% exceedance of the project.
Ariane was designed by the CNES (French) and the industrial power to build it by "l'Aérospatial".

now you know why it's the French space program.
we believed in it when the others didn't care anymore.

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Bong Navy.webm

Anonymous No. 16275044

>bong navy
Almost Chyna space program tier.

Anonymous No. 16275048

Bullshit again. French navy has 10 destroyers, 5 useful frigates. Royal Navy has 6 destroyers and 9 frigates. It is true that it's easier to protect a carrier that never leaves dock.

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Anonymous No. 16275049

Significant course deviation after the apogee raising burn was scheduled.

Anonymous No. 16275050

>Where is CDG?
if you didn't know, the CDG is being modernised right now, it will go back to sea from time to time and will be ready between 2027 and 2028.
and building of the other carrier is starting around 2038 (studies start in 2027) and it will NOT have a FUCKING RAMP with F35 that can be remotely disabled by the US and where you have to pay 10 thousands billions for spare parts (only if you do the USA bidding otherwise you get NOTHING).

the propency of the other Europoor countries to sell their independence to the USA is baffling. and they are proud of being bitches, kek.

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Anonymous No. 16275051


Anonymous No. 16275053

APU shut down after course deviation. Mission control is analyzing the data.

Anonymous No. 16275055

Impressive, very nice. Let's see France's stealth VTOL.

Anonymous No. 16275056

Even the failures are flat and unexciting like everything else about ariane 6.

Anonymous No. 16275057

I swear NASA's cubesat directorate is cursed.
>LV0010 / TROPICS-1
>Artemis 1
>now this

Anonymous No. 16275058

That's not a reference for Germany threatening to withdraw from Ariane.

Anonymous No. 16275059

so the second stage failed like with H3

Anonymous No. 16275062

The H3 failure was non-ignition of the second stage. This is a failure later in flight after one of the relights, so it was significantly more successful, if suboptimal.

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Anonymous No. 16275063

What's going through his head /sfg/?

Anonymous No. 16275066

Oh, they also failed to deploy a few of the payloads, so add that to the list.

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Anonymous No. 16275067

>expendable + hydrogen

Anonymous No. 16275068


Anonymous No. 16275072

It's not so easy in rocketry!

Anonymous No. 16275076

no this is vindication for NASA screwing over Orbcomm during CRS-1
get fucked, karma's a bitch

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Anonymous No. 16275079

Seems they deliberately made the images with a view of the rocket in-flight low res

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Anonymous No. 16275080

Anonymous No. 16275081

Imagine not having independent access to the cosmos

Anonymous No. 16275082


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Anonymous No. 16275083

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Anonymous No. 16275085

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Anonymous No. 16275087

Anonymous No. 16275091

bix nood

Anonymous No. 16275094

what the fuck ESA I don't want to sit through your catering for an epic post-credits scene.

Anonymous No. 16275113

>an anomaly has occurred
>*credits roll*
Lmao beautiful great work Europe

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Anonymous No. 16275114

It was spinning a lot before they cut the cameras

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Anonymous No. 16275118

btw spacex posted

Anonymous No. 16275119

>if you didn't know, the CDG is being modernised right now
It's always being worked on, that's the problem. And the fact it basically always has to return to France means most of it's "patrols" are of the fucking mediterranean.
> building of the other carrier is starting around 2038
Fucking lel. CDG will be a rust bucket. This must be Macron's decision, I hear he likes his women with extra barnacles.
>ith F35 that can be remotely disabled by the US and where you have to pay 10 thousands billions for spare parts
As opposed to paying 5-10 billion developing a carrier, so you can build one. And then spending hundreds of billions to develop aircraft, that no serious country wants. France, Egypt, India and Greece. And the next 20 years of French foreign diplomacy is "hello, would you like to buy our airplanes"? Pro-tip, if things get so bad that the US would even want to disable it's allies planes (assuming it is even possible), the world will be so fucked that a few planes aren't going to sort it.

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Anonymous No. 16275120

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Anonymous No. 16275121

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Anonymous No. 16275123

Anonymous No. 16275127

looks so clean, what changed?

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Anonymous No. 16275128


Anonymous No. 16275129

Built and welded indoors.

Anonymous No. 16275130

No hotstage

Anonymous No. 16275136

this looks like a circa 2005 windows desktop background

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Anonymous No. 16275138


Anonymous No. 16275139

> To get the resources he needed to meet a particularly infeasible pace, Moline recalls a manager telling him he should act more like a selfish child. Given that kind of guidance from superiors, it’s easier to understand how some employees ended up using their work email to coordinate rounds of “nug and chug,” a drinking game that required them to scarf down large helpings of chicken nuggets. But that didn’t make it any less scary, Holland-Thielen says, when colleagues chuckled about drinking heavily and then heading back to the office to oversee a launch.


Anonymous No. 16275140

>Karen doesn't like it when people act outside the veneer of professional expectations

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zubrin pussy cum.png

Anonymous No. 16275142

As based as they get
NSWR supremacy. If we have to we'll build it deep in the belt.

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Anonymous No. 16275144

>a foreign billionaire who holds contempt for us

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Anonymous No. 16275145

Please standby

Anonymous No. 16275147

Like spoiled milk kek

Anonymous No. 16275148

Press conference live right now

Anonymous No. 16275149


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xdownloader 1hhdj....webm

Anonymous No. 16275150


Anonymous No. 16275151

>if they ever want to build nuclear power plants again they will be forced to buy French lol.
Will they ship the new nuclear power plants via Belgium?

Anonymous No. 16275152
Cope conference

Anonymous No. 16275155

Certainly a comfy lifestyle.
Look I do not make fun of boomers and euros for being happy with big-paying jobs w/ minimal work. I’m envious/jealous of this.
It’s the fact that they act so surprised when they get leapfrogged by better widgets (in this case rockets/rides to orbit) that are cheaper and more powerful.

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nIb6Wcw2vf1vLlOe ....webm

Anonymous No. 16275162

>Europe is b-ACK
>There was no issue with the flight chronology
>We need to congratulate this success
My countrymen are embarrassing me with this coping
>Ariane 6 upper stage dumping prop over Hungary

Anonymous No. 16275164

I don't even know where this euro garbage mindset comes from.
I grew up here and I don't have it yet I see it in so many people around me.

Anonymous No. 16275166

Traniane bros how do we recover from this humiliation?

Anonymous No. 16275173

This was the expected outcome (for me). Europe is a non-entity in space.

Anonymous No. 16275174

French accent english is actually insane

Anonymous No. 16275176

Did they extract the clip yet?

Anonymous No. 16275178

>Do I have to speak english?

Anonymous No. 16275185

It's cool and cute

Anonymous No. 16275187


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Anonymous No. 16275191

all you need to understand is "le cope" because that's all they will be saying

Anonymous No. 16275193

Why is everyone acting as if Ariane 6 is the first time Europe (France) has had access to space?

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Anonymous No. 16275196

Anonymous No. 16275198

>how long will the analysis of the data take?
>panel chuckles

Anonymous No. 16275200


Anonymous No. 16275203

only when spoken by women from Quebec

Anonymous No. 16275205

The last Vega launch was nine months ago and the last Ariane 5 launch was over a year ago. These days people act like it's a big deal when we go four or five days without a launch. Launches from Kourou feel like something that happened in a prior decade.

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Anonymous No. 16275211

Meanwhile, in India
>ISRO successfully completed the second short duration (2.5 sec) ignition test of the SCE-200 Pre-Burner Ignition Test Article (PITA) on May 21.

Anonymous No. 16275212

imagine the smell

Anonymous No. 16275215
>So. They all downplayed the second stage anomaly as if it didn't happen. Excited Europe is back in space. Next Ariane 6 launch in December. One Vega and one Vega-C before that.

Anonymous No. 16275216

put it on the list of gigabux government rocket projects that will launch twice a year

Anonymous No. 16275217

>two launches this year
>six launches next year
this is the power of french productivity

Anonymous No. 16275218


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Anonymous No. 16275221


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Anonymous No. 16275222

Anonymous No. 16275227

>The space station modules Gravitics is designing range from 3 meters (9 feet) to 8 meters (26 feet) in diameter. The largest module, which the company boasts will have the “largest interior volume in a standalone spacecraft,” is dubbed StarMax, a name inspired by SpaceX’s towering Starship rocket.
>The Axiom deal is a catalyst for Gravitics’ growth, Doughan said, as the company plans to double its head count in the coming months and kick off a new round of fundraising.

just started reading this, its going to be some kind of frankestein monster station I guess
modules that are F9 class from Axiom themselves and then adding on Starship-class modules from Gravitics

Anonymous No. 16275228

>"I just really wanted to not get harassed at work."
Bullshit. These people live for being oppressed. If no one is willing to do it they'll manufacture a delusion where it's happening anyway

Anonymous No. 16275229

So was the launch a success and injection a failure? Was it carrying any real payload or just a boilerplate?

Anonymous No. 16275231

Absolutely SEETHING lmao

Anonymous No. 16275233

the re-light failed in some way, but in the press conference they said the previous sections of the flight means the system should be able to do missions like Ariane 5 did (including the one that was moved from Ariane 6 to SpaceX recently)
so it depends what kind of injection you are going for I guess

Anonymous No. 16275234

>Let's fix Earth so we don't have to go to Mars
So you're not welcome at SpaceX. You don't support the mission, you in fact oppose it.
>I'm so mad that it's actually working
Many such cases!

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Anonymous No. 16275236

Partial success/failure. The initial launch went fine, but the second stage wasn't able to perform all the maneuvers needed to deploy all the payloads and is probably going to have an uncontrolled reentry. It was carrying a few sets of cubesats, a pair of reentry test capsules, and some attached instrument packages.

Anonymous No. 16275237

If they don't support making life multiplanetary they need to get the fuck out of the space industry in every regard.

Anonymous No. 16275241

So deploy all the payloads you fucking retarded europeans.
Doesn't matter if it's a slightly wrong orbit the customers are happier than being stuck to the rocket. You absolute monkeys.

Anonymous No. 16275243

I thought most payloads got deployed and just the 2 reentry capsules are stuck.

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Anonymous No. 16275245


Anonymous No. 16275248

>NASA: they are not trapped in space
>ESA: it wasn't a failure

Anonymous No. 16275255

>SpaceX: nothing blew up after landing

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Anonymous No. 16275264


Anonymous No. 16275265

There's no really much point to a reentry capsule without having a deorbit burn, but it is going to make the eventual uncontrolled reentry a lot more interesting

Anonymous No. 16275267

sars please understand, space is hard, can not reuse, must keep peoples employed

Anonymous No. 16275274

>nooo, why does NASA still work with them
>..acktually, we do kinda need to book falcon rides too

Anonymous No. 16275278

These kind of people need to die

Anonymous No. 16275279

It's not even a company with plans to do anything about saving the earth they just make weather satellites for Space Force.

Anonymous No. 16275280

Reminder that NASA/SLS needs a $1B transporter and Alabama river rock road

Anonymous No. 16275284

so? it’s free to NASA and it’s a fraction of a penny to you

Anonymous No. 16275291

If the person wants to keep us trapped on Earth, they have no business being involved with the space industry.

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Anonymous No. 16275292

Anonymous No. 16275294

don't you get their masterplan?
>build climate research sats
>earth saved
>mars colony obsolete

Anonymous No. 16275296

The thing they roll out is like 7000 tons.
This is 200 tons of rocket and maybe another 100 for the stand.

Anonymous No. 16275297

It's not an accent, we just refuse to say the words the English took from us with their bastardized pronunciation

Anonymous No. 16275300

perma-tantrum lmao

Anonymous No. 16275301

what are those strakes along the sides? I don't remember those before.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16275303

4 gen fighter requiring drop tanks to stay airborne and an expendable rocket being dumped into the ocean. europe at its best

Anonymous No. 16275304

For glide ratio and covering COPVs and the huge ass CO2 bottles for purging the skirt. And they have Starlinks on top of them.

Anonymous No. 16275314

Mars isn't a hedge against global warming, it's a hedge against super-volcanoes, meteors, and dumbfuck politicians.

Anonymous No. 16275316

The weight of SLS' two SRBs together is approximately 1452 metric tons.

Anonymous No. 16275317

Plus the very large steel tower and the launch mount.

Anonymous No. 16275323

Quite a bit more than that, apparently: roughly 7598 metric tons just for the mobile launch platform and tower.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16275327


Anonymous No. 16275336

Has Ariane 6 burnt up yet?

Anonymous No. 16275341

Its the result of "social democracy". Too many gibs, too easy lifestyle breeds complacency.
Of course its unsustainable, everyone stops putting in effort and shit ends up falling apart.

Anonymous No. 16275342

Entire article and lawsuit and interview is just cope after seething cope holy fuck

Anonymous No. 16275351

neat, Super Heavy is still evolving. One of the advantages of a hardware-rich development cycle.

Anonymous No. 16275367

why does the space community give a platform to that far left anti-spacex journalist lauren gush? why isnt she being silenced and pushed out for being a threat to humanity?

Anonymous No. 16275380

Because only mass media has the power to "deplatform" people, and the mass media /is/ far left.

Anonymous No. 16275386

All orbital payloads were succesfuly deployed after a first restart, S2 shat itself after deployment and couldn’t do the second restart for the deorbit, and therefore couldn’t deploy the suborbital payloads

Next launch is supposedly unaffected by this partial failure since they don’t need restarts.

Anonymous No. 16275389

Remaining payloads were suborbital reentry capsules, they’re useless in that stable orbit.
However there are a few instruments stuck on the S2 that will probably work for longer kek

Anonymous No. 16275394


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Anonymous No. 16275398
>Today, we are going to meet Fabien who oversees and coordinates the development and qualification of the Ariane 6 APU system! But what is an APU? Here is the answer

In case you wanted to know who to blame, here's Fabian

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Anonymous No. 16275402

Anonymous No. 16275407


Anonymous No. 16275436

typical woman thinking in action
She goes and gets some fake cushy government funded "start up" where they respect her pronouns and facial piercings....
then claims vague abuses in the past

Anonymous No. 16275443

sounds like some ass backwards designing that could have been avoided if they just didn't use solid boosters

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Anonymous No. 16275451


Anonymous No. 16275452

The goal of Artemis was to continue spending a sum equal to the Shuttle program's yearly budget on Shuttle program subcontractors. Not using SRBs was never an option.

Anonymous No. 16275492

Anon the strakes have been there since the first flight. Super Heavy is still evolving but the existence of the strakes is not a sign of that.

Anonymous No. 16275497

>Ariane 6 lifted off when the France – Spain match started
>The moment the final whistle was blown with France eliminated, it started veering off course
BRAVO STÉPHANE, absolute kino

Anonymous No. 16275500

starship blew up 100 times and every falcon 9 ever made blew up

Anonymous No. 16275507

Yeah that was something, insane coincidences, I think the 9 min 1st France goal was scored just at 2nd stage separation too

Anonymous No. 16275519

>holland-thielan can't believe she's not the main character

Anonymous No. 16275528

I thought it failed because the founder eats lead paint chips

Anonymous No. 16275530

anon, if you want logistics the only ones who can help you are the Americans

Astranon No. 16275545

No, Chris likes uppers, not leaded paint.

Anonymous No. 16275547

It's true. There are entire developed countries with weaker logistical systems than individual US states or companies.

Anonymous No. 16275549

example the federal government of the united states

Anonymous No. 16275566

Ok no but seriously why has spacex not picked up the plasma magnet sails guy. Is this really never going to get tested.

Anonymous No. 16275568

SpaceX isn't interested in wasting time or money with schitzotech

Anonymous No. 16275569

It's not schizotech though, everything looks good on paper and has been validated in the lab.

Anonymous No. 16275571

Their architecture doesn't depend on it. The bigger question is when Helios kickstages on Starship get cheap enough for someone else to fund a mission.

Anonymous No. 16275573

If it's that good then why isn't anyone interested in it?

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Anonymous No. 16275579
>Successful ignition system tests completed today as the team marches towards hot fires.

Well, it's something. Nice album cover of a prefire test

Anonymous No. 16275602


Anonymous No. 16275606

I think my Dragon V2 fantasy might finally become reality

Anonymous No. 16275608

>"Please buy my stocks! I'm begging you!"

Anonymous No. 16275623

The paper was done by undergrads. It's decent analysis, but the phase change model is a bit suspicious. To simplify analysis, they removed a neutron reflector, even though basic analysis shows it matters. NSWRs aren't over yet. There's also the super secret fissile ramjet approach. You suspend fissiles in a gas and compress them using shockwaves so they go critical, sort of like a ramjet.

Anonymous No. 16275652

And what is that law?

Anonymous No. 16275657

So did the Ariane-6 fail or not? Since the APU isn't behaving as predicted it seems unwise to do a second launch with a real payload so soon.

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Hank Hell.gif

Anonymous No. 16275659

>"...but I'm so mad that it's actually working."

Anonymous No. 16275698

didn't blow up. didn't reach the target orbit. that's all there really is to it. easier to fix the latter than former probably so that's good for them.

Anonymous No. 16275705

i desperately wish i could absorb zubrin's sweat into my skin. i want to inhale his pheromones. his aroma is intoxicating. i dream of him feeling my body with rubbery hands. run my fingers through his arm hair. if i ever meet him this will happen

Anonymous No. 16275723

>how to give him Orgasm with your fingers

Anonymous No. 16275724

Elon needs to make follows private next

Anonymous No. 16275737

holy fuck that factory is god damn big

Anonymous No. 16275786

Next launch won't require a relight and APU relight so they have the go ahead.
Wll probably still be delayed tho.

Anonymous No. 16275799

>I'm so mad it's actually working.
God I hope more seethe this good comes out of the trial.

Anonymous No. 16275808

> fails restart
> can't complete payload deployment
> can't deorbit. stranded in space.

It didn't blow up. Give it that.

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Anonymous No. 16275814

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Anonymous No. 16275816

I guess its this article
>SpaceX’s Assault on a Fragile Habitat: Four Takeaways From Our Investigation
>The development of Elon Musk’s facility in South Texas did not play out as local officials were originally told it would.

Anonymous No. 16275817

>More concerning, the planned launch site was next door to one of the most important migratory bird habitats in North America. And the nearby Boca Chica beach serves as a breeding ground for Kemp’s ridleys, the world’s most endangered species of sea turtle.

oh no not the birds and turtles

Anonymous No. 16275819

It did all the basic rocket shit fine, it got into space and got the normal payloads into orbit. It just failed the more advanced stuff, plus it'll burn up eventually I assume so it's not really stranded.

Anonymous No. 16275821

so many misrepresentations here, either by ignorance or malice (who knows)

>The industrial growth has caused so much congestion along the tiny two-lane road into Boca Chica that some of the now 3,400 SpaceX employees and contract employees get to work by hovercraft.
the hovercraft is for convenience, not congestion

>SpaceX also began testing Starship, a rocket that dwarfs the largest version of the Falcon and weighs nearly four times as much.
explicitly don't mention its the largest and most powerful rocket ever, kind of funny they have to tread the line here
saying its big and causes destruction, but can't say its the biggest ever because that could be seen as positive

>In April 2023, SpaceX executed its first full-scale test launch of a Starship. But the rocket malfunctioned, and a self-destruct mechanism eventually caused it to explode. Steel sheets, concrete chunks and shrapnel were hurled thousands of feet into the air, then slammed into the bird habitat as well as onto the nearby state park and beach. One concrete piece was found 2,680 feet from the launch site — far outside the zone where the F.A.A. had thought damage could occur.
implying the rocket exploded and caused this debris, and not the launchpad itself exploding (which might sound very cool)

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Anonymous No. 16275826

>oh no not the birds and turtles
fuck the beetles though

Anonymous No. 16275827

in today's age ignorance is way more likely, people just like to think it's malice so they can defend "their guy"

Anonymous No. 16275828
>I've covered SpaceX for a decade and a half now, and it's almost always been 'rockets this and spacecraft that.' But at the end of the day, Starlink has made the most dramatic impact on my life at this moment. It's also pretty weird to use something that I've written about in the abstract.

Eric Berger tells about his Beryl experience and buying a starlink dish

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Anonymous No. 16275831
>The bill would formally authorize $25.225 billion in funding for NASA in fiscal year 2025, a figure between the administration’s request of $25.384 billion and the $25.179 billion included in a bill approved by the House Appropriations Committee July 9. The key purpose of the bill, though, is to address a wide range of NASA programs and policies.

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Anonymous No. 16275832

>A report from NASA on the studies it has done in the last five years on reboosting or servicing the Hubble Space Telescope; and

I wonder if this is going to be public? Jared Isaacman has talked about the study being done but couldn't (or didn't want to) talk about the specifics too much

Anonymous No. 16275835

>assessment of non-NASA demand for the SLS
how much are they paying for that? they can just pay me instead, I already know

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Anonymous No. 16275840
>TOKYO — A Japanese conglomerate has established a new subsidiary seeking to develop a module that could be installed on future commercial space stations.
>The new venture, called Japan LEO Shachu, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsui & Co. that was formally established on July 1, its chief executive, Yudai Yamamoto, said in a July 9 presentation at the Spacetide conference here.
>Mitsui also invested in commercial space station developer Axiom Space in 2021.

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Anonymous No. 16275842

>The concept that Japan LEO Shachu is pursuing is the “Japan Module,” a module based on technologies developed for the HTV and new HTV-X cargo spacecraft. The module would include a pressurized area for research, manufacturing and other applications, as well as an external platform for additional payloads. The module will also have its own system for high-bandwidth communications.

pic is from

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Anonymous No. 16275875

Just had a thought, once the mars colony gets making fuel, how long before they try a landing on phobos and/or deimos?
A fully fueled starship on the ground just barely has the deltav to do a phobos landing in one go, deimos would require an orbital refueling but if you do that you can do both phobos and deimos in the same mission.

Anonymous No. 16275883

I've been thinking about this sort of thing lately. If there's an actual city building effort on Mars, will any resources be spared for exploration missions? Once Mars is fully industrialized in a century or so, pretty much all exploration missions will be way easier. I wonder how the priorities will shake out

Anonymous No. 16275889

It really depends on how much fuel they have lying around. The colony would need enough supplies on hand to send starships back to earth anyways and compared to the return trip to earth a phobos and deimos mission is trivial, the only issue is the fueled needed to do it which is pretty close to the deltav needed to do earth return in one go, which also requires 1 orbital refueling.

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Anonymous No. 16275894

There really isn't any incentive to go to the moons of Mars other than to say you've been there. They're just cold shitty rocks.

Anonymous No. 16275896

>why do white people climb mountains

Anonymous No. 16275909

>to say you've been there
You speak as if this isn't the most valid of reasons to go.

Anonymous No. 16275924

>You speak as if
This is an imageboard, m'lady.

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Anonymous No. 16275933

booster static fire today?

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Anonymous No. 16275941
>SpaceX Starbase Texas 4K Starship 30 New Heatshield Tile Installation Progress 7/9/24

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Anonymous No. 16275944
>SpaceX Starbase Texas 4K Launch Tower 2 Construction Progress and Launch Complex Views 7/9/24

Anonymous No. 16275950


Anonymous No. 16275953

With cyclers all things are possible

Anonymous No. 16275960

>An investigation by The New York Times shows
Why do newspapers talk about themselves in the 3rd person?

Anonymous No. 16275966

I don't see the connection

Anonymous No. 16275970

>he can't hear other anon's voices when reading their text
Rotate an apple internally

Anonymous No. 16275985

Yes. Next thread should be a SF edition. FINALLY SOME HAPPENINGS

Anonymous No. 16275997

>and having no accountability is kind of Eon's thing
what the fuck? he's probably the most accountable billionaire CEO out there (low bar, but still)
these people live in their own reality with made up boogeymen

Anonymous No. 16276010

modi seems real cosy with putin. can we expect a space deal out of their meetings?

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Anonymous No. 16276011

Anonymous No. 16276013

don't know how I missed the chines before. First noticed a while ago:

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Anonymous No. 16276019

lel stealth boosters, the beetles won't know what hit them

Anonymous No. 16276022

if there was any chance of that india wouldn't have signed up for the artemis accords

Anonymous No. 16276023

What happened to A6? Was it success or not

Anonymous No. 16276024

partial success

Anonymous No. 16276025

Partial success. Boosters and first stage worked. Second stage failed to relight after first burn.

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Anonymous No. 16276028

Failure, but at least we got nice photos.

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Anonymous No. 16276030


Anonymous No. 16276035

Is this real?

Anonymous No. 16276037

a6 booster just landed in my garden

Anonymous No. 16276038

>Added complexity to a hydrogen boondoggle
Doomed to fail from the start.

Anonymous No. 16276039

Partial success. It's capable of handling Ariane 5-style missions that don't need complex maneuvers later in flight. It'll be able to launch the next payload in the queue without needing any fixes.

Anonymous No. 16276043

I thought it reignited fine for the circularization burn before cubesat deployment. It was the third burn that failed.
Really, is anyone surprised that the major new tech on this flight failed? (an APU)

Anonymous No. 16276044

It needed that if it was going to be able to cover the missions that the Soyuz-ST/fregat used to carry. Being able to perform direct injection GEO missions would have let it compete for some missions that used to default to flying on the Proton too. Most of these points haven't been valid in a decade.

Anonymous No. 16276049

hello as you all know Australia is a pretty dry place and part of the reason is that it lacks tall mountains which would cause the water vapor to condense and fall down as rainfall. I'm doing a geoengineering feasibility study on essentially putting a kilometer tall pile of rocks and rubble on an existing Australian mountain to make it taller which would then catch more rain. Do you think this is feasible. My current cost estimate for this project is a couple of billion.

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Anonymous No. 16276052

>Officially three month until the launch one of the most important science mission of human.

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Anonymous No. 16276056

I am very excited about Europa but even more excited about an even more important future mission(Dragonfly). I am looking forward to getting higher resolution images of the several hundred meter tall sheer ice cliffs of Europa as well as learning more about the geologic features and mechanisms of Europa and the depth of the ice crust and under-ice ocean.

Anonymous No. 16276064

Houston got rocked hard. Our grid infrastructure is ass, and it keeps happening every time we get a rough storm. A cat 3 or 4 (not to mention a category 5 ugh) would decimate the city, and leave a majority or the city without power or internet for probably three to four weeks (!!)
$120/mo is a steep asking price for internet but I might just bite the bullet and commit. Starlink and a generac and you’re golden

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Anonymous No. 16276066
>Booster 12 Placed on the Orbital Launch Mount for Testing | SpaceX Boca Chica

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Anonymous No. 16276068


Anonymous No. 16276069

I don't think you need to be subscribed perpetually, just buy a mini for backup and then activate it if you need to
though I don't think they are selling minis widely yet

Anonymous No. 16276070

It would probably be cheaper and easier to dig swales spanning the continent and wait a century also not space flight

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Anonymous No. 16276071

Anonymous No. 16276073

>THIS is the ChatGPT that's supposed to take over blueprinting, design and calculation tasks
Awful. I'm glad that humans will be in charge of any Mars missions in the future.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16276074

just flood the interior of australia with channels and make a inner sea

Anonymous No. 16276075

Some people are just retarded or illiterate. You need to rework your internal bot filter

Anonymous No. 16276077

just flood the interior of australia with channels and make a inner sea

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Anonymous No. 16276078

Anonymous No. 16276079

We could enlarge this lake
it's already below sea level.

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underground nuke.webm

Anonymous No. 16276085

Project Plowshare can accomplish this

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Anonymous No. 16276088
>ISRO has proposed an uncrewed cargo resupply mission using Gaganyaan to the International Space Station, to its partner nations! It'll take place on LVM3-G4, i.e. the 4th uncrewed Gaganyaan flight following the 3 uncrewed testflights & the first crewed mission.

Anonymous No. 16276089

Surrenderchads, I kneel

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Anonymous No. 16276090
>Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. today announced the completion of its new manufacturing facility in Phoenix, Arizona, where final assembly of its next-generation Delta spaceships is scheduled to take place starting in Q1 2025.
>An initial team of Virgin Galactic technical operations and manufacturing personnel has begun preparing the facility to receive and install tooling, expected to arrive in Q4 2024. The facility will then begin to receive major subassemblies, including the wing, the fuselage, and the feathering system next year, as the team scales to build the first two ships of the Delta fleet. Once ground testing in Phoenix is complete, Virgin Galactic’s mothership will ferry completed spaceships to Spaceport America, New Mexico for flight test ahead of commercial operations, which are expected to begin in 2026.

The future of spaceflight circa 2004, arriving in 2026

Anonymous No. 16276094

extreme kino

Anonymous No. 16276095

It will deorbit, one day.

Anonymous No. 16276098

It's in a 550 km orbit. That shit is going to be up there for fifty years.

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Anonymous No. 16276100

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Anonymous No. 16276102

flappy flappy

Anonymous No. 16276103

wtf is this real

Anonymous No. 16276104

hemispherical gyroscope on the run

Anonymous No. 16276106

Is... is any one else kinda turned on by this?

Anonymous No. 16276109

Good thing they’re going to recover and refly that to save time and money.
oh wait

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Anonymous No. 16276110

Fairings aren't always the sturdiest with forces they aren't meeting nose first. Here's some onboard footage from a Progress launch back in 2022.

Anonymous No. 16276111

If they're only planning on a max of nine launches per year expendable fairings might be the cheaper option. Designing splashdown capable fairings isn't cheap and you'd still need to invest in the boat to recover them afterwards.

Anonymous No. 16276114

is this the result of the modi-putin meeting? the indian cargo ship will dock at the russian segment of the iss?

Anonymous No. 16276116

Everyone knows the hardest part of developing a rocket is acquiring the sort of boat/net combo that's accessible by even the poorest southeast asians

Anonymous No. 16276117

Payload failure = mission failure
Upper stage failed

Thats all there is to it.

Anonymous No. 16276118


Anonymous No. 16276120

what if there is no payload?

Anonymous No. 16276124

Upper stage failure.
Partial success/failure

Whatever you wanna call it

Anonymous No. 16276131

how do we cope about the string of recent Ariane rocket failures

Anonymous No. 16276133

by being American

Anonymous No. 16276134

It wasn't a mission to deliver payloads however, so the status of the payload is meaningless, it was a mission to qualify the launcher, at that the two first phase (launch to orbit, and restart+separation were perfect and the third one (in orbit capability demonstration + deorbt burn) largely failed, BUT it qualified the launcher for operations,therefore it's arguably a partial success.

Anonymous No. 16276139

There's a lot of open questions around this. Gaganyaan doesn't have an official docking system yet. The one that's sketched in for the Bharatiya Antariksha Station looks like it's copying the western IDSS instead of the Russian SSVP system, but if Gaganyaan does use a Russia-comparable design it'd be able to dodge the congestion on the western side of the station.

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Anonymous No. 16276147

Anonymous No. 16276150

Anyone following the Boing teleconference for Starliner?

Anonymous No. 16276152
>Thruster temps not were the team were targeting
>Hoping to send the He leak on a flange to the Star liner management team
>Looking into swelling due to Hypergol exposure
>Starliner still good for emergency

Anonymous No. 16276160

southeast asians don't take their boats out into the middle of the north atlantic ocean, don't need to comply with the Jones act, and don't need to pay their sailors a living wage in a first world country
I guess France only has to worry about one of those things, though

Anonymous No. 16276161

>Starliner still good for emergency
LMAO. So they're literally gonna have to go on a Dragon since there's no emergency

Anonymous No. 16276163

Would you sacrifice the lives of some astronauts to fuck over Boeing?

Anonymous No. 16276168

Obviously not since they're fucking themselves over without any intervention

Anonymous No. 16276173

Boeing would

Anonymous No. 16276174

I don’t really want butch and sunni to die for boeing, but more than that I don’t want the hit the entire rest of human spaceflight would take if astronauts die.

Anonymous No. 16276176

qrd on the Boing capsule? Is it still docked to the ISS and if yes will it reenter with humans inside?

Anonymous No. 16276183

If Boeing fucks up and kills Butch and Suni then the Starliner program is finished. If Boeing fucks up and kills the crew of Artemis II SLS dies as well. Some paths have better outcomes than others.

Anonymous No. 16276186

Orion and SLS are bad even if they are instrumental for the moon landing.

Anonymous No. 16276187

>tich says they have "dusted off" some of the potential contingency concepts to use Crew Dragon as a backup, as they did when looking at how to bring NASA astronaut Frank Rubio home. However, the prime plan is still to return Butch and Suni on Starliner, which was declared

Anonymous No. 16276189

>Stich opens his remarks noting that a number of members of the Johnson Space Center workforce in Houston were impacted by Hurricane Beryl and are without power. JSC is functioning though. He said the storm has impacted the ability of some to work, but says they are still making progress.

>Stich says the hot fire testing at the White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico is underway. He said they put the thruster in the chamber on July 3 and did an acceptance test with that thruster. He said it has been put through all the uphill phases of the flight (part of the mission from spacecraft separation through rendezvous and docking) and are looking at the data before moving to the downhill portion (return from ISS to Earth).

>Stich says they hope to bring the helium leak up to the Starliner mission management team for resolution later this week. He says teams have been working to understand the issue at MFS in Huntsville, AL. He said they are also looking at Service Module 2, which was used for the first set of attempts for Orbital Flight Test 2.

>Nappi says the chief engineers on both the NASA and Boeing side are engaged and engineering teams are meeting daily to work on these issues (thrusters and helium leaks). He says they are doing some inspection work on the service module that will be used on the Starliner-1

>NASA's Steve Siceloff confirms that there will be another press briefing with the crew on orbit before they undock. Details on that are in work.

>Stich says they are still targeting launch of the Crew-9 mission in mid-August and want to have a crew handover with Crew-8 before they depart. They think that an undocking by the end of July is possible, but they will "just follow the data each step at a time."

>Stich says the batteries are the current limiting item. They were approved for a 45-day limit and that is being assessed. The CFT mission is on day 35 today.

Anonymous No. 16276191

>Nappi clarifies that the work being done at White Sands is not acceptance testing, rather it's trying to replicate what the "worst case thruster saw in flight." Stich says they trying to replicate the pulses that the on-orbit thrusters saw.

>Stich says there's an injector temperature measurement, which is what they are trying to replicate. It was measured during the docking day from the five thrusters that presented some issue.

>Nappi said the service module that will fly on Starliner-1 is put together and the doghouses are installed on the SM. He said they are doing a series of leak checks to see if it may be susceptible to a leak, like the ones seen on the SM being used for the CFT mission. He says based on the testing and determination of root cause, they may need to take the doghouses off and replace some seals that may be undersized.

>Stich says the data from the flight shows that with the exception of the one thruster that didn't recover during the CFT docking, those thrusters are operating "just fine." "The prime option today is to return Butch and Suni on Starliner." Nappi says the plan is to bring the crew home on Starliner and "we see no reason why that should be changed."

>Stich says all 12 OMAC thrusters are working just fine, saying that they will provide the delta V for the deorbit maneuver. They are more critically important than the reaction control system (RCS) thrusters, which are being studied at White Sands.

>Nappi says, if the crew needed to return now in an emergency scenario, they would "just perform a nominal undocking," adding that "we don't believe that we have damaged thrusters." He says "we do have a lot of confidence in the thrusters as they are today." Stich says even if they lose many of the same thrusters as they did during rendezvous and docking, the simulation data shows that they could still hit their target landing site.

Anonymous No. 16276194

I wouldn't mind them spending a shuttle program budget on shuttle contractors if we could get a shuttle program flight rate at the end of it. STS managed six flights per year between Challenger and Columbia, and did about three/year after that. If we could get four launches per year for about a billion dollars each we'd have enough for crew rotations for a continuously crewed lunar outpost and still have a rocket or two left over for something like an outer planets probe or interstellar object interceptor.

Anonymous No. 16276199

"Beck doesn't tell the media about RL's advancements. Maybe he should, it will help the stock price"
>Starts sharing news
>Stock starts slowly going up
>"Please buy my stocks! I'm begging you!"
>3 cocks fall out of ass

There's no making you trannies happy, is there?

Anonymous No. 16276200

>instrumental for the moon landing
No other rocket in existence or imagined could possibly do what SLS is capable of

Anonymous No. 16276204

Would you ride on starship FT5, if given the chance?

Anonymous No. 16276205

You are glorifying the rocket.

Anonymous No. 16276207

No, because I'm not confident that it will explode.

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Anonymous No. 16276208


Anonymous No. 16276210

Wasn't this dearmoon's original plan?

Anonymous No. 16276213

>thx god for diversity hires

Anonymous No. 16276214

No thats cucking in space

Anonymous No. 16276217

>MSM: ariana 6 succes
>sfg: it's fucked!!

So what is it?

Anonymous No. 16276218

Not great, not terrible.

Anonymous No. 16276219

green diahrea all over big window >:)

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Anonymous No. 16276221


Anonymous No. 16276223

So starship levels of fucked up?

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Anonymous No. 16276224

Originally. It wouldn't take all that much modification to rework that into a NRHO mission.

Anonymous No. 16276225


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Anonymous No. 16276226
>Our national security depends upon SpaceX launches at Vandenberg Space Force Base | Guest Commentary

Anonymous No. 16276227

I've read some of his books.

Anonymous No. 16276230

>Stich says they have "dusted off" some of the potential contingency concepts to use Crew Dragon as a backup, as they did when looking at how to bring NASA astronaut Frank Rubio home. However, the prime plan is still to return Butch and Suni on Starliner, which was declared safe to be used as an emergency return vehicle.

>Stich says they could entertain the option of undocking the Crew Dragon being used for the SpaceX Crew-8 mission to make room for the Crew-9 astronauts, if more time is needed with Starliner docked at the ISS. He says they started looking at that, but haven't done an extensive assessment on that. He says NASA's preference is still for a direct handover on the ISS between Crew-8 and Crew-9.

>Stich says there have been no discussions with SpaceX regarding sending another Crew Dragon to bring the Starliner CFT astronauts back to Earth.

>That will conclude today's briefing.

Anonymous No. 16276233

Neuralink update live

Anonymous No. 16276234

Yeah I was being sarcastic lol. How much modification would crew dragon and falcon heavy really need for this to be possible? I'm guessing it would be cheaper than one SLS launch

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Anonymous No. 16276236


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Anonymous No. 16276237

>Stich says they have "dusted off" some of the potential contingency concepts to use Crew Dragon as a backup
Yup, it's over

Anonymous No. 16276238


Anonymous No. 16276239

>launch dragon into LEO on a regular RTLS flight
>launch 1 (one) international docking adapter on an expendable falcon heavy, leave it attached to the upper stage
no RnD required and have roughly 3.6 billion dollars left over afterwards

Anonymous No. 16276241


Anonymous No. 16276242

implying they're doing this for disabled people or whatever

Anonymous No. 16276243

yeah but my congressional district gets no money from that

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Anonymous No. 16276244

Space Eggs :DDDD

Anonymous No. 16276246

Is felon husk really making excuses for the fact that he's experimenting on disabled people?

Anonymous No. 16276247

your congressional district gets to build the international docking adapter for a $3.6billion cost plus contract and everyone goes home happy

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Anonymous No. 16276248

Useful for manipulating humanoid robots on mars

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Anonymous No. 16276250


Anonymous No. 16276251


Anonymous No. 16276255

Dragon is not built to survive coming back from the moon.

Anonymous No. 16276259

So what? They can modify it.

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Anonymous No. 16276262

neither is Orion apparently, didn't hold SLS back

Anonymous No. 16276264

You'd need some kind of service module equivilant. That might involve designing something to replace the trunk or it might just mean using the delta-v package that they were implied to be working on for the ISS deorbit contract. You'd need deep space communications and maybe some modifications for a different thermal environment that the one Dragon gets in LEO, but a lot of the subsystems that would need upgrading would be similar to gear that's going to be carried by Dragon XL, so there's commonality there too. A beefier heat shield would need to be developed and tested, although I heard somewhere that they slimmed down the TPS they used on the first Dragon 2 missions because the original was thicker than it needed to be. A fully expendable Falcon Heavy could probably handle the mission, but it might be simpler to just give FH more performance by stretching the second stage a bit. That'd require re-certifying the design, but a lot of that would be covered in the crew rating paperwork that you're going to do anyway. Then you'd need to build another crew access arm that lines up with the capsule's new height. Modifying existing infrastructure quickly has never been a problem for SpaceX.

There's a fairly long checklist of things that'd need to be done, but a lot of them are either fairly simple or are covered by things SpaceX is already contracted to do for something else. If they wanted to SpaceX could probably roll out Lunar Dragon inside of 48 months without needing any additional funding from NASA or Washington.

Anonymous No. 16276269

So when the other dozen news papers copy their homework they don't have to change the text to attribute the original study. They can just copy paste and shuffle some words around, really stick to their normal work flow.

Anonymous No. 16276274

You have to be an Elon cultist to post here

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Anonymous No. 16276298

that a sexy lookin' ship

Anonymous No. 16276299

Spring boarding off this, does "partial success" or "partial failure" read as more negative? I can see it either way.

The gut reaction is partial failure, as it has failure in the phrase, however I think it comes down to how you interpret partial. If you view it as small i.e. less than 50 percent then "partial failure" would be better, as it would mean only a small part of the overall mission failed, a "partial success" would mean only a small amount of the mission was successful.

However if you read partial as greater than 50 percent, then "partial failure" would be more negative. It could then be read like "mostly failed"

Interested to think about.

Anonymous No. 16276302

holy fucking cute, where do you get these?

Anonymous No. 16276303

uh, janny's gonna flip

Anonymous No. 16276304

faster, like she's got a stuck thruster

Anonymous No. 16276311

Post the starlink one

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Anonymous No. 16276312

might lift the first part soon

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Anonymous No. 16276314

>There is a fair bit to unpack here, but the inclusion of this section—there is no "reaffirmation" of the Orion spacecraft, for example—suggests that either the legacy space companies building the SLS rocket, local legislators, or both feel the need to protect the SLS rocket. As one source on Capitol Hill familiar with the legislation told Ars, "It's a sign that somebody's afraid."

Anonymous No. 16276315

Yeah sure congress, let me just go find someone willing to front the $3 billion launch cost for a single mission. The free market will love this!

Anonymous No. 16276317

I think the term that's used sets the tone more than the modifier.
>Ariane 6 upper stage was passivated after the second burn, and remains in orbit with the two reentry capsules still attached. I am counting this as 'secondary payload unusable orbit' per and scoring the success value as 0.85.

Jonathan McDowell's got an interesting system for applying values to these sorts of things. Saying that Ariane 6 was "85% successful" feels a bit autistic but it doesn't feel incorrect. It launched, it didn't blow up, it met most but not all of its mission objectives, and as a result it was cleared to launch a lot of the missions it's going to be asked to do in the future. I think most people would call that "partial success" instead of a "partial failure."

Anonymous No. 16276321

i'd love to know if they have any '"cost and schedule savings for reduced transit times" for deep space missions' in mind or if some aide got told that by some boeing lobbyist once years ago and they're brainlessly repeating it now, with no clue how idiotic it makes them look

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Anonymous No. 16276324

>"It's a sign that somebody's afraid."

Anonymous No. 16276332

so they could do it but would they really learn anything? seems like a waste of engineering resources

Anonymous No. 16276334

thats is good and in general people need to start looking at these as experiments and not a binary event (success/fail)
companies need to adopt Musks hardware rich approach to speed up technological development in general and the general public needs to understand this too

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Anonymous No. 16276336

Guys i saved that gif from a few threads ago idk where its from

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Anonymous No. 16276347


Anonymous No. 16276351

which one

Anonymous No. 16276355

GOP platform's bit on space:
>Expanding Freedom, Prosperity and Safety in Space Under Republican Leadership, the United States will create a robust Manufacturing Industry in Near Earth Orbit, send American Astronauts back to the Moon, and onward to Mars, and enhance partnerships with the rapidly expanding Commercial Space sector to revolutionize our ability to access, live in, and develop assets in Space.
the line about sending astronauts to the moon and mars is nothing new and will be in the dem platform too. gop platforms have mentioned commercial space in the past but never in terms of habitation. i'm not sure what the manufacturing bit is referring to and it seems strange to lead with that of all things.

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Anonymous No. 16276357

>over 5000 of these in orbit currently

Anonymous No. 16276359

it's just getting out of the way of people like Varda, the Dems were screwing with them

Anonymous No. 16276363

paizuri from starship chan!

Anonymous No. 16276364

Space is hot right now and people are being sold the idea of something besides cameras and communication being profitable. Maybe someone caught wind of some startup with an ultimately retarded premise but thought industry=good, who knows

Anonymous No. 16276366

>Bag Raiders-Shooting Stars.mp3

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Anonymous No. 16276367

why did they write an entire essay?

Anonymous No. 16276368

I love how instantly you can tell this was written by a woman

Anonymous No. 16276369

since varda is thiel-backed that'd check out

Anonymous No. 16276371

it's so s[math]o[/math]y my first thought was that it must have been written by grok

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Anonymous No. 16276375


Anonymous No. 16276379

they can tell what you're fapping to

Anonymous No. 16276382

total journalist credibility death

Anonymous No. 16276408

Second patient next week

Anonymous No. 16276410

It turns out that outside of places like 4chan "lol fag" is not a sufficient rebuttle.

Anonymous No. 16276412

Why is Elon so cringe?

Anonymous No. 16276417

Musk cares so little that he will probably fire the person who wrote this.

Anonymous No. 16276420

That bellybutton is genius

Anonymous No. 16276421

Cant be innovative without cringe. You have to break the mold

Anonymous No. 16276423

Anon he has Aspergers

Anonymous No. 16276425

born that way

Anonymous No. 16276433

If SLS or Orion fell apart it'd be an effective way to handle crew transport for Artemis until later options start to come online.

Anonymous No. 16276434

SpaceX isn’t working towards TPD? Has /sfg/ been lying to me?

Anonymous No. 16276437

/sfg/ only talked about TBD

Anonymous No. 16276438

Elon’s out here tweeting from the official SpaceX account kek he hasn’t done that since like circa 2017

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Anonymous No. 16276439

she's the internet in space!

Anonymous No. 16276463

He started liking the smell of his own farts too much, he thinks he is meme god now.

Anonymous No. 16276495

Go discuss non-Elon spaceflight in your own thread (there is nothing to discuss)

Anonymous No. 16276502

>not a sufficient rebuttle
But it is the rebuttal they fucking deserve for this bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16276503

yeah, why did the new york times write an entire essay?

Anonymous No. 16276508

kek, that was literally my first thought

Anonymous No. 16276516

Guys I don't know what's going on. I searched for starship + piping plover porn and I can't find any. This can't be happening

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Anonymous No. 16276520

Can none of you do a proper screenshot

Barkon Approved Post No. 16276521


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Ariane-6 upper st....webm

Anonymous No. 16276522


Anonymous No. 16276535

Not true! An outdated rocket just fucked up! An outdated spacecraft is stranded! Another outdated rocket is being investigated by the government for being too expensive! There's a lot to talk about without Elon

Anonymous No. 16276538

Whats super heavy chan look like?

Anonymous No. 16276544

Now here’s the kicker:

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Anonymous No. 16276545


Anonymous No. 16276548


Anonymous No. 16276551

what is the wet bulb temperature of the Raptor exhaust.

Anonymous No. 16276558

no has ever measured it because it breaks the wet bulb

Anonymous No. 16276561


Anonymous No. 16276567

that looks fine to me?
there's a couple and they're all ugly

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Anonymous No. 16276574

I take it back this one is okay

Anonymous No. 16276587

Wow those are some saggy boobs

Anonymous No. 16276590

yeah people keep oversexualizing Super Heavy instead of just making her toob

Anonymous No. 16276594

The entire point of tans is to sexualize inanimate objects.
Super heavy tan should fit the name.

Anonymous No. 16276599

do not sex the gijinka (moe anthropomorphizations)
they are for moe not for fugg

Anonymous No. 16276602

>moe is not for fugg

Anonymous No. 16276606

Yes anon we know you have never seen real boobs out of a bra, let alone one on a woman leaning.

Anonymous No. 16276610

Struck a nerve granny?

Anonymous No. 16276612


Anonymous No. 16276624

No butterscotch candies for you.

Anonymous No. 16276655

He's doing it intentionally to manipulate stock price. Behind closed doors he's actually based

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Anonymous No. 16276669


Anonymous No. 16276675

next stage

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Anonymous No. 16276679

if the troonsformer ends up not working for giving all these humanoid robots AI could elon neuralink chip third worlders and have them control the bots through starlink?

Anonymous No. 16276718

the knights-in-shining armor is a good compromise

Anonymous No. 16276747

gay rocket for gay people literally built in europe by queers