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๐Ÿงต /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16311883

JPL edition

previous >>16309344

Anonymous No. 16311891

I wonder how many of them sere fired when 500 contractors got the boot

Anonymous No. 16311903

No way the starliner situation resolves by September

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Anonymous No. 16311911

Why so many threads
politics? smell the orange clouds

Anonymous No. 16311926

worst edition

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a marcus house.jpg

Anonymous No. 16311935

"Hey hey -- Marcus House here and the Starliner astronauts are now doomed to a horrible death in the cold emptiness of Space."

Anonymous No. 16311939


Hands up -- how many times have you been to JPL? They have pubic days and special events with tours and presentations.

Four timer here.

Anonymous No. 16311944

Pubic days

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Anonymous No. 16311946

when are the pubic days?

Anonymous No. 16311947


Not unlike "public" days if your spellchecker doesn't have a warped sense of humor.

Anonymous No. 16311950

i was one of the people joking that starliner was a deathtrap before it launched but now i'm not joking anymore, it really is a fucking deathtrap.

Anonymous No. 16311955

I would like to attend the pubic day, are there going to be girls there? ...reply quickly

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Anonymous No. 16311974

Anonymous No. 16311983

19 villages...
all at the same time...

Anonymous No. 16311991

Me too, I expected it to be a bit of a shitshow and was mostly memeing because fuck boing but that it would ultimately probably work ok. But now?...

Anonymous No. 16312001

i really thought
"surely they've wasted all those 4 years on the ground to make ABSOLUTELY SURE that NOTHING like the faulty clock on the 1st test happened again. i was going to shitpost about it burning up in the atmosphere but in my heart i believed that all those years of mucking about and delaying on the ground was going to make for a PERFECT launch where NOTHING goes wrong.

as it turns out gradatim ferociter is just a cope for oldspace companies that don't bother to do intergrated hardware testing and hope that that if they just simulate their simulation that can't account for unknown unknowns hard enough that it will magically go right the first time, which as orion and starliner have proven, it doesn't work that way.

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Anonymous No. 16312008
>Archimedes has been breathing fire! Started at low power and now cranking it up.

I guess it didn't explode after all

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that's insane.jpg

Anonymous No. 16312009

it was just so cool and awesome, the exhaust was so hot, that people thought it exploded.

that's insane
that's crazy
tha-wow...haha, like m-most people don't even know like how big it is it's actually amazing.

Anonymous No. 16312010

You are absolutely seething

Anonymous No. 16312012

Why do millenial men wear super tight pants like that?

Anonymous No. 16312016

wow that's insane, that's crazy.
that l- that's you know most people don't know this but wow *awkward laugh*
it looks even bigger up close!

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Anonymous No. 16312018

I just shit all over the floor and ate up all the yummy shit nuggets! I'm one happy shit eating camper, I stinky shitty fucky SNIFF SNERT SNIIIFFFFFF

Anonymous No. 16312020

>Crew 9 delayed because of Shartliner
If it's Boing, you're not going (anywhere)

Anonymous No. 16312022

Someone make a new thread

Anonymous No. 16312026

why? this thread is fine

Anonymous No. 16312029

Too many SpaceX fanboys in this thread

Anonymous No. 16312032

sfg is spacex fanboy general
you would have to be retarded not to be a fan if you were objective and interested in spaceflight at all

Anonymous No. 16312033

If you want us to be a fan of your rocket company, do something cool and build a track record of success and then don't stop doing cool stuff.

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Anonymous No. 16312037


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Anonymous No. 16312039

>boeing removed the automation software from Starliner just before the crewed flight

Anonymous No. 16312045

a chart like this with the IFTs would be fun

Anonymous No. 16312055

Someone please explain why they would do this

Anonymous No. 16312059

Best code is no code

Anonymous No. 16312068

I miss this era of Falcon 9, pre-Starlink and without having to think about the concerns of BFR

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Anonymous No. 16312079

my old edit had New Shepard in shit brown

Anonymous No. 16312097

"astronauts needs to be in control and not the automation"

There's some breed of astronauts that still parrot this nonsense. Could be trying to be "different" than SpaceX by removing the automation part. Or it could simply be that Boeing is filled with incompetent people

Anonymous No. 16312110

It was done to save mass

Anonymous No. 16312120

We could stop talking about politics if all governments on earth were subordinated to Elon's will

Anonymous No. 16312123

Sorry, I don't worship Satan

Anonymous No. 16312170

I'll make one when I wake up

Anonymous No. 16312171

Probably got caught out sourcing to india again while there not allowed to in ITAR

Anonymous No. 16312175

dont (if its not time to stage)

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Anonymous No. 16312176

Anonymous No. 16312177

a stereotypical r*dditor

Anonymous No. 16312178

I don't give a fuck what his commie tranny faggot son says

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Anonymous No. 16312179


Anonymous No. 16312180

Reddit cultists mentality lmao

LMAO. They think having children is evil

Anonymous No. 16312184

>escaping from nigger-ridden South Africa
>A bad thing
Ungrateful faggot, someone drop him off in Johannesburg

Anonymous No. 16312187

Elon is a 2011 redditor, Vivvy is a 2024 redditor

Anonymous No. 16312191

Elon should give $1 billion to each his current children, and imagine the seething of this tranny.

Anonymous No. 16312194

lmao that would be based, though 1bil is a bit much and the capital is probably better used elsewhere

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The End of Astra ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16312195

I watched Wild Wild Space last night.
I knew Astra was a shitshow, but goddamn I didn't know how much.

Anonymous No. 16312196

I admire their attempt to build a megaconstellation on single use rockets

Anonymous No. 16312200

No. You see in the leftist's eyes, being born in Apartheid SA is a sin that can't be washed away.

Anonymous No. 16312202

>fell for castration ideology
>hates "breeders"
>communist ideology
>being a family man is "weird"
>worship muslims

Anonymous No. 16312206

completely brainwashed, at this point its almost impossible to go back due to sunk cost with the tranny shit

Anonymous No. 16312210

>family man

Anonymous No. 16312211

It makes sense to send prototype satellites to figure out production and operational issues.

Anonymous No. 16312212

It's good that these people and their ideology are so obviously insane that they won't ever become more than a loud minority.
If they had more tact they would be way more dangerous

Anonymous No. 16312213

he walks around starbase with his son on his shoulders. how much more do you want?

Anonymous No. 16312230

Unfortunate they didnt pick Mark Kelly, wouldve been atleast nice knowing that there would be more NASA funding for Artemis (which would go to SpaceX as well) but it looks like Walz is in. Hopefully Trump wins then as he was far more friendly to SpaceX and NASA, allowed for Artemis to happen and will likely give SpaceX signficant leeway in ramping up Starship operations, which right now is the crucial point in allowing it to do so in order to meet the Artemis deadline. Otherwise it will stagnate and China will get ahead in the second space race while the US is blockaded by yellow tape put there by itself almost entirely for political purposes.

Anonymous No. 16312233

He hates Musk tho. He's been deranged about Starlink propaganda from the left and other shits.

Anonymous No. 16312238

yeah yeah, that's all great, but when do we actually land on mars???

Anonymous No. 16312239

Having actual family instead of impregnating every whore he finds.

Anonymous No. 16312240

Not spaceflight fuck off

Anonymous No. 16312241


Anonymous No. 16312243

he has a family with shivon now
grimes went insane with the tranny shit

Anonymous No. 16312245

i wan't niggas on mars not stupid RC toys

Anonymous No. 16312246

>he wants black folx on mars

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Anonymous No. 16312247

would you settle for aryans on mars?

Anonymous No. 16312249


Anonymous No. 16312250

no u

Anonymous No. 16312259

You spelled want as wan't retard

Anonymous No. 16312299

I have been infected by martian nanobes

Anonymous No. 16312301


Anonymous No. 16312302

>He's been deranged about Starlink

Anonymous No. 16312306



Anonymous No. 16312309


There have been few back/forth exchanges between him and Musk about Starlink. I'm sure other subjects as well, but he's the one thats onboard to investigating Starlink in Ukraine

Where the Biden admin refused to buy service and then want to investigate Musk for not providing privately donated free service for war in Ukraine for bombing runs purpose

Anonymous No. 16312313

God damn that's true

Anonymous No. 16312315

Theyre all redditors just like you

Anonymous No. 16312320

I'm going to shit yourself

Anonymous No. 16312321

What part of not wanting to piss off a country with ASAT capability is hard to understand? SpaceX is self-insured so every downed sat is a loss.

Anonymous No. 16312324

Irrelevant. Commercial companies cannot unilaterally be getting into wars. Its illegal for SpaceX to do so by US law. If the US wants to procure services, they have to pay for it and the payment will insure Starlink and give it protection.

Anonymous No. 16312326

I want another Starship launch. NOW!

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Anonymous No. 16312327

Anonymous No. 16312328

What is this reddit tier meme? Go the fuck back.

Anonymous No. 16312329


Anonymous No. 16312332

can you remake this meme with soijaks? that's the only way my mind can comprehend its humor

Anonymous No. 16312333

what percent of them are white? 30%?

Anonymous No. 16312337

>A company counts as getting into a war by providing any goods or services whatsoever to a belligerent
This is your brain on total war

Anonymous No. 16312340

I dont understand this reddit garbage.

Anonymous No. 16312341

what the fuck are you talking about retard
this was about violating a ban on starlink working on russian controlled areas so ukraine could do a drone strike
this isn't selling toilet paper (though even that is probably illegal as well due to sanctions against russia)

Anonymous No. 16312349

back to >>>/k/ retard

Anonymous No. 16312362

Are you retarded? That conversation was spaceflight related until >>16312337 threw a fit

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Anonymous No. 16312379


Anonymous No. 16312392

yeah idk

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Anonymous No. 16312410

>it will take Boeing 4 weeks to update the software to allow Starliner to undock autonomously

Anonymous No. 16312416

source plz

Anonymous No. 16312417

>Regardless, sources described the process to update the software on Starliner as "non-trivial" and "significant," and that it could take up to four weeks. This is what is driving the delay to launch Crew 9 later next month.

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Anonymous No. 16312418

Save us, /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16312421

Can't blame a man for setting up franchises, can you?

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Anonymous No. 16312422

Not with that attitude.

Anonymous No. 16312424

Weird that we live in a time where half the population sees competency as something undesirable.

Anonymous No. 16312426

anon, plz...
you're not supposed to talk about this

Anonymous No. 16312427

sure competency is desirable, but no where near as important as a diverse workforce and a ceo with the right opinions.

Anonymous No. 16312428

how is that even possible?

Anonymous No. 16312430

They always where there, it's just that now they have multiple platforms to spread their stupidity.

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Anonymous No. 16312432

Malicious retardation.

Anonymous No. 16312435

>could take up to four weeks
So eight weeks.

Anonymous No. 16312441

>Three separate, well-placed sources have confirmed to Ars that the current flight software on board Starliner cannot perform an automated undocking from the space station and entry into Earthโ€™s atmosphere.

>At first blush, this seems absurd. After all, Boeingโ€™s Orbital Flight Test 2 mission in May 2022 was a fully automated test of the Starliner vehicle. During this mission, the spacecraft flew up to the space station without crew on board and then returned to Earth six days later.

>Boeing did not respond to a media query about why this capability was removed for the crew flight test.

God i hope a boeing leaker lives long enough to tell us why they deleted that part.

Anonymous No. 16312444

>Boeing has been urging NASA to accept "flight rationale" as a substitute. That is, Boeing believes it has provided enough data to NASA to be confident the thrusters will not fail in a catastrophic manner.

I mean, if boeing says it's okay...

Anonymous No. 16312446

I don't think Boeing deleted it. I think they have two streams of flight software, one for unmanned demos and one for manned flights, and the one for manned flights never has the relevant codes.

Anonymous No. 16312447

Probably some kind of integration issue. They had everything integration tested for autonomous operation but it wasn't tested when integrated with the software for manned operation. The earlier test flights didn't have the software for manned operation loaded. Once that was installed and tested, they would have needed another round of testing if they were to have both manned and autonomous modes integrated into the same system. Someone didn't want to spend the resources or they were under too much time pressure and arrogantly assumed things would go fine with the manned flight so the autonomous modes wouldn't be needed.
That's my guess and not based on any inside information.

Anonymous No. 16312452

>Someone didn't want to spend the resources
If that's the reason then it would be insane knowing how big the starliner budget is so far.
>or they were under too much time pressure
Like with previous point, should not be possible with the budget and time they had.
>arrogantly assumed things would go fine with the manned flight so the autonomous modes wouldn't be needed.

Anonymous No. 16312453

They should issue parking tickets to boeing at this rate.

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Anonymous No. 16312459
>Tower Module 6 Stacked, S30 Raptor Swapped | SpaceX Boca Chica

Anonymous No. 16312460

One billion dollar parking ticket for every week.

Anonymous No. 16312462

how is this not defrauding NASA on the commercial crew contract?

Anonymous No. 16312465

I know procrastination when I see it and it's the only way to light a fire under their asses.

Anonymous No. 16312466

Boeing would just start a lawsuit if they get a "parking ticket"

Anonymous No. 16312470

Think others mentioned that Starliner already blew through the maximum the government is willing to pay and every penny now is another penny out of Boeing's pocket. The time pressure is not just about money but also about image as they've delayed things over and over again. That used to be ok when old space controlled the industry but with SpaceX showing what's possible, Boeing is looking increasingly incompetent with each delay. Of course getting your astronauts stuck in space and needing for them to be rescued by SpaceX or Russia while NASA tries to figure out how to unclog the Boeing debris blocking a needed docking port is even more embarrassing but that's the dice roll one takes when cutting corners.

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Anonymous No. 16312471

JPL left, SpaceX right

Anonymous No. 16312472

NASA has a long history of awarding bonuses to contractors who deliver behind schedule and under performance. Boeing is accustomed to operating in that environment and not the one that SpaceX has created.

Anonymous No. 16312473

Meanwhile Boeing got the bigger of the two contracts. Iโ€™m sure this whole fiasco has been very eye-opening for NASA and will inform decisions going forward (it will probably also affect SLS to some degree I am sure)

Anonymous No. 16312477

I wonder what sort of software those ladies wrote for the website company they work for

Anonymous No. 16312478


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Anonymous No. 16312514

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Anonymous No. 16312516


Anonymous No. 16312517

It's over and it's going to be even more over when trump loses

Anonymous No. 16312520

>Elon Musk in charge of predictions
It never even started to begin with

Anonymous No. 16312523

because they have seen women do it

Anonymous No. 16312528

The first batch of 18 satellites of China's Thousand Sails (aka G60 Starlink) constellation were launched on a CZ-6A rocket from Taiyuan

Anonymous No. 16312531

I still find it hilarious that many of the conservatives that now like musk still think EVs and some anti christ thing to control everyone.
My grandmother is still very much like this. I guess it's EVDS, though I haven't really talked to her much on SpaceX, but I think she finds space uninteresting.

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Anonymous No. 16312532


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Anonymous No. 16312533


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Boy science winne....jpg

Anonymous No. 16312536


They took this away from you.

Anonymous No. 16312537
>NASA will announce this afternoon that Crew-9 is slipping to no earlier than September 24. "No decisions" have been yet made on when or how of Starliner's return. Administrator Bill Nelson tells me he will have the final say on how Butch and Suni come home.
it's ogre

Anonymous No. 16312542

Next cargo mission will include solar sails to deorbit their corpses faster.

Anonymous No. 16312545

>Bill Nelson tells me he will have the final say
He or the chair of space council?

Anonymous No. 16312547

what would it have to do with the space council

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a shuttle printer.jpg

Anonymous No. 16312549

> clack clack clack clack thunk

Anonymous No. 16312551

>with a Shuttle flight costing $27,000 per pound
not how that works

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a floating-w600.jpg

Anonymous No. 16312552

Wonder how much paper they took up on a flight.

Anonymous No. 16312554

Chinklink or Starchink?

Anonymous No. 16312559

Shelby has retired so things might get a bit of a shake up but there are still plenty of other old space senators left around looking to spread space pork across the country.
The Radioactive Boy Scout lived and contaminated a few miles away from me. Amazing how much kids back then could accomplish, even if in an irresponsible direction.

Anonymous No. 16312560

send up a couple MOOSE reentry systems (or a moose for him and a broom for her)

Anonymous No. 16312561

>NASA and SpaceX are targeting no earlier than Tuesday, Sept. 24, for the launch of the agencyโ€™s Crew-9 mission to the International Space Station.

Anonymous No. 16312562

You obviously have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Shelby served on the senate appropriations committee. The national space council was reinstated by donald trump and didnโ€™t exist as far as NASA decision making is concerned for a long time. Nor do they have authority to make a decision for Starliner here.

Anonymous No. 16312564

Printers get warm too, I wonder how efficient it worked as a space heater up there

Anonymous No. 16312567


Anonymous No. 16312569


Anonymous No. 16312589

people don't like when things are forced down their throat

Anonymous No. 16312598

it was a flare stack, satellite resolution didn't line up with the test stand

Anonymous No. 16312611

>onboard computer detects you parking in a no parking zone
>sends automatic ticket to your email
>automatically adjusts speed to speed limit
>you don't pay your tickets
>locks the ignition until it's paid
>theres and arrest warrant for you
>you get in your car, it locks the doors and drives you to the police station
>car gets hacked and driven into a wall

EVs can be sensible, especially low weight ones that dont need half a ton of batteries, but fuck cars with onboards computers connected to the internet, no matter if it's EV ICE or hybrid

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Anonymous No. 16312624

Kek, china is now further along in their own satellite constellation than Amazon.

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Anonymous No. 16312625

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Anonymous No. 16312628

reminder that The most merciful thing in the world is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

Anonymous No. 16312629

Falcon SHOULD be grounded because the Merlin engine has flaws

Anonymous No. 16312633

>no earlier than sept. 24.
oh boy, this is getting more ridiculous by the day

Anonymous No. 16312636

based hitchhikers guide to the galaxy enjoyer

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Anonymous No. 16312640

They already fixed the issue.

Anonymous No. 16312642

>I still find it hilarious that many of the conservatives that now like musk still think EVs and some anti christ thing to control everyone.

Conservatives like EV where their use is appropriate, what conservatives don't like is stuff like California outright banning the sale of gasoline fueled vehicles.

Anonymous No. 16312647

Yeah if there was an electric car that was basically a scaled up golf cart I'd buy it tomorrow. Faggot computers and state enforcement are the only reason I generally dislike EVs

Anonymous No. 16312648

I already went mad and now I want to be a vast monstrosity drifting from system to system, stripping all useful materials and consuming their stars, leaving desolation in my wake and raising despair in my path. That just sounds like a good time. Maybe afterward I'll go out into intergalactic space and take a nice nap.

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Anonymous No. 16312649

Because they saved so much money by hiring Anjay from Delhi. Only the BEST of jeet trash work for Boing!

Anonymous No. 16312651

face it, electric or gas all modern cars are just a platform for the manufacturer to cram full of shitty electronics and call-home functionality. The only refuge is used cars that are getting rarer and rarer.
My only hope is that by the time the current crop of vehicles is 20 years old the servers have been shut down and everything jailbroken.

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Anonymous No. 16312653

Chinese CZ-10 pad progress

Anonymous No. 16312654


Anonymous No. 16312655

moon rovers or something I guess.

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Anonymous No. 16312659

this damn things crammed full of so much spyware

Anonymous No. 16312666


> a news conference scheduled for 12:30 pm ET on Wednesday will offer reporters an opportunity to ask questions about the capability of Starliner to fly back to Earth without crew members on board the vehicle. The release also did not specify whether two or four astronauts will launch inside the Crew 9 spacecraft. It is likely NASA has not made this decision yet.

Whenever you can get around to it.

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Anonymous No. 16312668

LESS wouldn't have used any software

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Anonymous No. 16312670

>rcs and manuevering thrusters both use hydrazine in various states
>putting your rcs thrusters on top of your maneuvering thrusters
>they melt
For feed lines to melt, the temps would have to get really hot. Hot enough that it would impact the fuel and any other electrical subsystems or other lines stored near to these thrusters. There's no way NASA would crew rate this clusterfuck of a design where every launch and crew flight carries statistically significant risk of RUD-ing your rcs and/or maneuvering thrusters.

Anonymous No. 16312671

Teflon seals

Anonymous No. 16312674

>There's no way
Never forget the Shuttle.

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a am i floating i....jpg

Anonymous No. 16312675

"Time for you to swallow the black capsules. They're -- vitamins. Bitter Almond flavored vitamins. Yeah, that's the ticket."

Anonymous No. 16312676

Difference is that every faggot and autist 30 years ago didn't have a smart phone and a means of amplifying their voice. Now they do. NASA tries this shit and the public will crucify them.

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Anonymous No. 16312695

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Anonymous No. 16312697

Anonymous No. 16312702

It's so over Polaris Dawn bros.

Anonymous No. 16312703

why? they don't need a free docking port on the space station.

Anonymous No. 16312706

You sound emotional. Go take a walk around the block and consider what you believe your anger is benefiting you.

Anonymous No. 16312708

What's does any of that have to do with the drivetrain being electric? This gay shit is coming for all cars.

Anonymous No. 16312714

It's not the feed lines or anything else, those are probably fine, it's the Teflon seals. Teflon decomposition begins at 350c and pyrolysis at 400c.

What the fuck were they thinking.

Anonymous No. 16312715

NTA but needing to reschedule Crew 9 is sure as hell going to kick everything else involving crewed dragon down the road though

Anonymous No. 16312716

/sfg/ told me the astronauts were not stranded
/sfg/ was wrong

Anonymous No. 16312718

Twitter told you that
/sfg/ told you Boeing was incompetent, and for years has been saying that this would be a very risky flight

Anonymous No. 16312722

They're not. SpaceX is the ride home whenever they need it. They're just held hostage by Boeing

Anonymous No. 16312724

They're not stranded, since they can leave at any time. NASA's just not convinced that they can leave safely or that doing so with Starliner in its current state won't be a potential danger to the station. But they can leave.

Anonymous No. 16312726

Go take a hike in the spinhab, bozo

Anonymous No. 16312727

>they can leave. The capsule might fucking explode and kill them though
>but no, they are not stuck

Anonymous No. 16312729

>Well-placed sources said the current flight software on board Starliner, as configured, cannot perform an automated undocking from the space station and entry into Earthโ€™s atmosphere. It will take about four weeks to update and validate the software for an autonomous return, should NASA decide it would be safer to bring Wilmore and Williams back to Earth inside a Crew Dragon spacecraft.
>four weeks to update and validate the software
>four weeks

Anonymous No. 16312731

they can't leave with shitliner, but they can leave with another capsule so not stuck

Anonymous No. 16312735

Problems are hard to solve when your paycheck doesnโ€™t ride on them getting solved.

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Anonymous No. 16312736

The tourists could leave by other means too and they were still considered stranded or stuck.

Anonymous No. 16312737

>four weeks
That's unreal considering that they were able to hot patch Starliner's software in the two hours before reentry back during OFT-1. I guess all the good software engineers left in the last five years.

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Anonymous No. 16312742

Anonymous No. 16312743

Not sure that question is answerable in any reasonable or rational capacity, rhetorical or not. But if I had to guess, it had something to do with cost and complexity and the set of actions they took is very similar to the set of actions they took with Max and MCAS, and the capsule's fate mirrors the two planes that fell out of the sky.

Anonymous No. 16312748

It's more like the autonomous docking/undocking code stack lives in a different branch than the rest of the capsule's avionics, which itself also had a further round of changes. So the two branches have to be rebased and all the merge conflicts have to be resolved. After that, more integration and validation testing for certification, before it can be pushed to the Starliner for an OTA update to make the capsule ready again. In that context, 4 weeks sounds appropriate. But the fact that it has come to this at all, is even a bigger procedural failure.

Anonymous No. 16312776

you're entirely missing the point, spacex didn't give a rat's arse about putin's ASAT capabilities, he could shoot down 10 sats and spacex would lose basically no money while russia instantly draws the ire of every neutral country with assets in space (which includes china lol).
the point was that elon noticed that while they were providing this service out of the goodness of their heart, everyone else providing direct or indirect aid was getting paid good money by congress.
he decided he wanted in on that, and that's literally the only thing the drama was about.
he also doesn't give a fuck about ukraine using starlink to drop mortars on zigger heads, he just wanted that to stay seperate from the civillian side of starlink which is why starshield became a thing, the DOD gets their own toy version of starlink to play with and it doesn't get starlink any bad press from pacifist hippies anymore, win-win.

Anonymous No. 16312796

I think stoke is going to end up snatching the contracts/NASA favoritism that Rocket Lab foolishly believes it is entitled to

Anonymous No. 16312799

It's like watching kids build sandcastles on the beach when you know a tsunami is arriving in 30 seconds

Anonymous No. 16312801

>he decided he wanted in on that, and that's literally the only thing the drama was about.
He specifically said that it was just for few months as the initial assumption was the short war would be over by then. The Biden government didn't want to pick up the tab after the free donation service that saved Ukraine. And then Biden admin spread nasty rumors about SpaceX negotiating with DoD. Then the Biden admin tried to gaslight spacex by claiming they wanted to open investigation into SpaceX for not giving FREE internet to Ukraine for war into Russian controlled asset.

This is evil politics at play.

Anonymous No. 16312802

tried talking about /spaceflight/ with lefty friends
all I will say is it didn't go well

Anonymous No. 16312809

Thread too slow
Please greentext

Anonymous No. 16312812

Classic mistake

Anonymous No. 16312815

Did you explain how important it was the von Braun was a nazi and that apollo wouldnโ€™t have worked if he had other political affiliations?

Anonymous No. 16312819

Leftoids are worse than animals

Anonymous No. 16312826

basically they said there is zero point of space travel and that it was a total waste of money + Musk bad,
all after I brought it up.

Anonymous No. 16312828

Not a single person on the left likes space now.
The greens hate space because BiG rOcKeT aNd LiGhT pOlLuTiOn and not spending the money on earth.
The commies hate space because SpaceX debunked their collectivist bullshits and run circles around their great motherland china.
The progressives hate space because Elon bad.

Anonymous No. 16312840

why are you underage wingmutts so deranged

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Anonymous No. 16312841


Anonymous No. 16312842

You forget the part where every dollar a rich man spends on something he wants to do is a dollar the public can't take from them to spend on what they want.

Anonymous No. 16312846

Literally worse than pigs rolling in mud and eating their own poop

Anonymous No. 16312875

I thought they were aerospikers?

Anonymous No. 16312880

That's just the second stage. Bells still better for a reusable booster

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a Air Force Sucke....jpg

Anonymous No. 16312894

Air Force just paid $1.5 million for a PowerPoint full of hot air.

Anonymous No. 16312905

I think the saddest thing is I can't imagine a way elon sees his children enough. We probably know more about modern day elon at this point than this particular offspring does

Anonymous No. 16312909

I should make a startup

Anonymous No. 16312912

Literally. With only $1.25 million a pretty slideshow is all they can afford to make.

Anonymous No. 16312917

California lawfare launches new attack on SpaceX to stop them from launching more in California.

Anonymous No. 16312924

>A โ€œconditional concurrenceโ€ would allow the commission to meet the August 10 deadline while attempting to secure an agreement from the Air Force to scrupulously and meticulously monitor the impact of the additional launches, their accompanying sonic booms to nearby sea otters, harbor seals, snowy plovers, red legged frogs, monarch butterflies, and pallid bats.
well at least its not fucking beetles again

Anonymous No. 16312927

>you called arabic the "language of the enemy"
fucking lmao
I wonder if he changed his mind, or if his finance dealings with the Saudis are part of some long play to screw them over

Anonymous No. 16312929

>the orbital engines melted the fuel lines for the RCS engines and the temperature inside the pipe is high enough to risk total fuel runaway

Anonymous No. 16312933

How do you even fuck up a design choice like this? If >we didnโ€™t have SpaceX, the USA would not have independent access to space right now.

Anonymous No. 16312936

is this about starliner? who said this?

Anonymous No. 16312938

>No source

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Anonymous No. 16312941

Starliner status?

Anonymous No. 16312942

Melted? Not bloody likely. Decomposed the hydrazine inside the fuel manifolds? Definitely possible.

Anonymous No. 16312945

Stranded. Not the astronauts. The capsule.

Anonymous No. 16312953

>The Air Force insists the Coastal Commission โ€” as a state agency โ€” has exceptionally limited say over what it does on federally owned land
>As much as some commissioners have fulminated over this, theyโ€™ve gained little to no traction with the Air Force colonels who have functioned to date as Musk and his companyโ€™s agents in front of the commission
Turns out national security is more important than made it up concerns about butterflies. They should realize that the AF/NRO are being polite by negotiating at all.

It bricked one of the ISS docking ports

Anonymous No. 16312954

At some point there has to be a reckoning with Boeing, right?

Anonymous No. 16312955

the guy who smokes potโ€ฆ. he-he beat us [math]\unicode{x1F614}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16312963

>The vast majority of launches, it turns out, are of a private and commercial nature, usually to deliver the satellites used to provide cell phone service for T-Mobile into polar orbit.
I love how dishonest they are that they go out of their way to avoid mentioning Starlink given it's obviously dual use.

Anonymous No. 16312971

I don't understand

Anonymous No. 16312974

No mention of Starshield either, if they brought up Starlink they'd have to bring up Starshield which tanks this argument

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Anonymous No. 16312980

I have never ever but my family went to Ames once.

Anonymous No. 16312986

you don't hate journalists enough
you think you do but you don't

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Anonymous No. 16312994

Got a private tour of the JSC SVMF by one of their engineers when I was in high school. Walked around in the ISS mockup and in shuttle mission simlator for a bit. Been to KSC once but just as a normal visitor.

Anonymous No. 16313039

Fuck off emojifag

Anonymous No. 16313058

Guys I booked a flight without being careful and now I'm three hours away from boarding a Boing. Say a prayer for my soul.

Anonymous No. 16313070

This anon will be dead by morning due to his plane snapping in half from Boing! Engineering (TM).

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Anonymous No. 16313114

>apollo 8
>"Borman eventually fell asleep, and then awoke feeling ill. He vomited twice and had a bout of diarrhea; this left the spacecraft full of small globules of vomit and feces"
what do you do in this situation? youre trapped for another 3 days in a cramped crew compartment with diarrhea and poop balls floating around everywhere

Anonymous No. 16313121

don the iva suit, open the airlock, purge all atmosphere, close the hatch, repressurize

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Anonymous No. 16313126
>Orbital transfer vehicle developer Impulse Space will offer rideshare services for spacecraft going to geostationary orbit using its Helios tug, along with an upgraded version of its Mira vehicle.

PPE/HALO would no longer be over its mass budget if you could somehow fit a Helios under them, Falcon Heavy (with modification) has the performance to lift the whole stack.

Anonymous No. 16313128

just open the airlock and get sucked out lol

Anonymous No. 16313129

Why would you park in a no parking zone in the first place?

Anonymous No. 16313131

Speaking of, how's the falcon heavy extended fairing going?

Anonymous No. 16313132

It's over

Anonymous No. 16313133

This is someones fetish im sure

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16313134

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Anonymous No. 16313143

You have to wonder why SpaceX is being so secretive about it, they were pretty pissed when NASA accidentally leaked that picture of it.

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Anonymous No. 16313147

Anonymous No. 16313155

I bet they don't want to put any pressure on the teams making it work. It also has to survive re-entry. Can't do it right if you have people (government people) building space stuff based on a speculated volume before you can even announce it. Hell for all we know it's a "Vacuum Raptor" situation where the government wants a capability but doesn't want anyone to know what it is.

Anonymous No. 16313167

I didn't think was happening, what's it being used for?

Anonymous No. 16313189

Damn I thought boomers had mass autism.

Anonymous No. 16313215


Anonymous No. 16313227

As far as I'm aware he never claimed to be Christian.
>you called arabic 'the language of the enemy'
Holy based
>have been sued for discrimination multiple times
>are from apartheid south africa

Anonymous No. 16313228

I'm not even racist, but the black girl is the prettiest one there.

Anonymous No. 16313232

No way LMAO

Anonymous No. 16313233

PPE+HALO is quite long.

Anonymous No. 16313237

I'm racist and the black girl is not ugly but out of the 4 she is the least atractive.
Also not spaceflight.

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Anonymous No. 16313239

We love ULA don't we folks?

Anonymous No. 16313240

God that would be a kino mission

Anonymous No. 16313245

Everyone thought that in 2009

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Anonymous No. 16313246


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Anonymous No. 16313247



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Anonymous No. 16313248


another video

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Anonymous No. 16313250


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Anonymous No. 16313251

"standard" port means probably the same design that SpaceX uses for F9 rideshares to LEO?

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Anonymous No. 16313253

Mira is a another kickstage attached to Helios, but it can be used to host payloads too so a kind of hybrid quoternary stage or a satellite bus

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Anonymous No. 16313258

Anonymous No. 16313259

>we will see an entire aerospace industry that is SpaceX-based and made up of former SpaceX
It's going to be so kino

Anonymous No. 16313266


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Anonymous No. 16313268

will it still be docked when it's time to de-orbit ISS?

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Anonymous No. 16313269


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Anonymous No. 16313278

Anonymous No. 16313280

Alright, shartliner is never launching again, when does Dreamchaser give it a try?

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Anonymous No. 16313297

Progress-style collision with the ISS when?

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Anonymous No. 16313305


Anonymous No. 16313306

You underestimate the intelligence advantage of /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16313313

>The U.S. Coast Guard, one of KVHโ€™s largest customers, is transferring its primary satellite service relationship to Starlink.

starlink is eating the competition alive, not even cooking them first

Anonymous No. 16313328

> Vessels that choose KVH for Starlink services rather than directly going to SpaceX have access to more specialized customer and technical services.

Anonymous No. 16313334

kvh more like khv

Anonymous No. 16313342
>Starship Development Montage (William Tell Overture)

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a three hour tour.jpg

Anonymous No. 16313366

Now add another 8 weeks until Dragon goes up.

Anonymous No. 16313371

this shartliner shitshow should not affect Polaris Dawn timelines right? they are going to use a modified crew dragon and not go to the ISS, so the mission should be independent in a technical sense but with politics who knows

Anonymous No. 16313375

Well the first polaris mission was slated to go up this summer and with Crew 9 slipping thatโ€™s going to presumably hog up internal SX resources for manned launches. So yeah I wouldnโ€™t be surprised if this does indeed affect Polaris and push it back a couple of months or more.
Fuck Boeing so, so much.

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Anonymous No. 16313399

Anonymous No. 16313401

Is this true or cope

Anonymous No. 16313407

I'd bet my mortgage that if kuiper was up instead of starlink then they wouldn't have these issues

Anonymous No. 16313412

>Lets give billions to ISPs to not improve digital infrastructure
>Starlink just does it without the money

Anonymous No. 16313414

Read between the lines. A Biden administration plan to have the government control the internet to rural areas? No wonder they fucking hate starlink, completely ruined their plans

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Anonymous No. 16313415


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Anonymous No. 16313417

found the video
>Fireside Chat with SpaceX President & COO Gwynne Shotwell

Anonymous No. 16313419

>Now in its 10th year, Mountain Connect has grown into the largest independent gathering of broadband professionals in the United States. Other canโ€™t miss sessions include $42.5B BEAD Director Evan Feinman, leading state broadband directors, and many more.

Anonymous No. 16313425


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Anonymous No. 16313427


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16313429

Shut up nigger YWNGTS

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vulcan teeth.png

Anonymous No. 16313452

wow that thing has really nice teeth.

Anonymous No. 16313457

No, its more so that they dont want to give Elon Musk money so they craft this bullshit law to directly exclude any commercial companies like Starlink from participating

Anonymous No. 16313464

Upper stage for F9 is $10-$12M.

Also I think I heard her say Falcon takes ~18 months to make. Starship is way faster.

Anonymous No. 16313474

>starship much faster than falcon
We're fucking going

Anonymous No. 16313485

BLORGIN finally showed something. Fin test

Anonymous No. 16313487

That's cause starship is literally just a bunch of steel they wield together, which is pretty nuts when you see how well it's been doing in the test so far.

Anonymous No. 16313489

that looks like a rocket that will be ready by september.

Anonymous No. 16313490

Maybe one day they'll have an actually rocket to put them on.

Anonymous No. 16313491

With the legs and now this, everything moves like it's a little bit flimsy.

Anonymous No. 16313492

The fins are really dumb only because it limits them slapping three cores together or adding SRBs to the side for extra OOMPH. Though I suppose they decided they didnโ€™t give a shit and didnโ€™t want to ever try any of those options so itโ€™s fine I guess.
Still seems dumb to hard-lock yourself with engineering choices that limit modularityโ€”grid fins would have been better

Anonymous No. 16313504

I'm still not 100% sure what the gameplan is for Stoke. I think they're well run and competent (a full flow staged combustion has been demonstrated!) But I'm not sure what the business model will be. Starship is almost certain to work at this point, and probably before Stoke can get many payloads to orbit. And once Starship is live, the total upmass available on the market will go up by orders of magnitude, which means the upmass price could tank.

Anonymous No. 16313505

they were never going to do either of those things. but I don't really see those fins impacting SRBs which I wouldn't expect to run the full length of the stage.

Anonymous No. 16313507

Even with Starship and BO launching New Glenn I personally think there is still money to be made with a medium launcher. Maybe just maybe a small launcher if you can actually find a way to get it to launch in crazy numbers.
Donโ€™t discount the government/private contractors wanting options. And yes I know SS is set to be cheap as hell but even if SeX offered it for FREE, there is still going to be a niche for a medium rocket. For a while rocket lab was my speculative winner for this but they are taking forever with Archimedes, on top of the fact that Neutron has stupid design choices that seem like they will just be amplification of Electron issues. Meanwhile stoke (who I admittedly havenโ€™t cared for) are moving VERY fast and are showing results at the speed Rocket Lab needs to be doing. I think theyโ€™re going to secure a nice little niche if they are serious about this.

Anonymous No. 16313509

There will always be "the choice for all practical scenarios" and "the non-optimal and affirmative action choice" simply due to non-practical disagreements.

Anonymous No. 16313512

Never underestimate the "anyone but SpaceX" crowd. Also second place still means something as long as the US wants to play an active role in maintaining at least two companies. Being one of the only two companies capable of rapid 2nd stage reusability would basically guarantee that spot (you need to wait for Boeing to drop out of space)

Anonymous No. 16313514

good point now I feel delusional kek. I just really want to see BO launch a fuckhuge payload with some GEM-63XLs

Anonymous No. 16313523

Sure, this thing will launch in September.

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Anonymous No. 16313542
>Is Firefly the Next SpaceX?

Anonymous No. 16313544

mm yes more designs for bugmen to copy

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Anonymous No. 16313546

Eric Berger is talking for example, talking about writing books now

Anonymous No. 16313547

>Is SpaceX relegated to niche launches?

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Anonymous No. 16313549


Anonymous No. 16313552

> which is protected from reentry heating by a durable fabric thermal protection system we invented and refer to internally as โ€˜Comet.โ€™

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Anonymous No. 16313556

going to slap B14.1 again

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Anonymous No. 16313559


RCS firing

Anonymous No. 16313564

it's fun to clown on BO, but they really are the only player with their sights higher than "a clone of falcon 9 but worse"

Anonymous No. 16313574

They should've completely refocused to in-space technology once a different company solved cheap upmass for them. Imagine Blue Origin as SpaceX's biggest customer, spending their guaranteed $10b on spin stations and the like. That's more in line with their mission statement anyway.

Anonymous No. 16313576


Anonymous No. 16313586

Still lots to prove. I guess itโ€™s admirable going from nothing to a giant ass FH-tier rocket; especially in a world where people have been needing to do F9 clones for a decade now with no one across the globe doing it until now.
But they want reusability right out of the gate AND the original reusability profile called for 100 reuses per rocketโ€ฆ now that number is down to 25 and might not ever even come close to that number. Meanwhile F9s are pulling 22 reuses from a design where ten reuses seemed impossible just a few years ago. I wouldnโ€™t be surprised if SX pump out more reuses on a F9 than BO ever do with NG
New Glenn is retarded in this regard and if BO treat it like ULA treats their rocket it doesnโ€™t matter if they have reusability unlocked in their skill tree, theyโ€™ll just have another old space style rocket trying to compete with Vulcan and Ariane 6โ€™s markets.

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Anonymous No. 16313596

>I would like to attend the pubic day, are there going to be girls there? ...reply quickly

Anonymous No. 16313600

this would have been cool in like circa 2015 lol

Anonymous No. 16313603

Its just that theyve been so slow and causing headaches to SpaceX with legal games instead of delivering. Also the bar set by SpaceX is so high right now, without SpaceX, BO would seem like the young upstart with the huge ambition. But not in this timeline.

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Anonymous No. 16313605

>Welcome to Starlink! Your internet free of government control!
>We have changed your homepage to the Holocausts Memorial.

Anonymous No. 16313607

I would argue it's better than FH, which is limited to the payload mass and volume of F9, being just higher energy.
I expect new glenn to deliver on its 45 ton or whatever to orbit, plus it's 7m diameter.

Anonymous No. 16313608


Anonymous No. 16313612

Oh yeah I donโ€™t disagree but also we need to look at the facts: SpaceX themselves barely fly FH because 99% of the market can be handled by Falcon 9 w/ upgraded Merlins. And on top of that we can all see how swimmingly Starship/Super Heavy is coming along. I donโ€™t think thereโ€™s going to be any sort of โ€œFalcon Heavy voidโ€ to fill, as SX will keep F9 online for a while to fulfill contacts and SS will simply get better and cheaper. Rough market for BO and like I said theyโ€™re probably just going to be competing for the scraps that will want to fly on Vulcan-Centaur and Ariane 6

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Anonymous No. 16313623

Anonymous No. 16313625

Only volume, not the mass. They're using F9 adapter because so far there was no need to make a new one and it's definitely cheaper.

Anonymous No. 16313630

American conservatism is so fake.
>"No to woke left! No more migrants! No more money to Ukraine!"
>"Kamala didn't pick a Jew as VP? Antisemitic bitch!"

Anonymous No. 16313635

butch and suni must be sacrificed on the altar of DEI

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Anonymous No. 16313636

>Steve Stich confirms my reporting from two days ago: Starliner presently does not have the capability to undock autonomously without changes to the software configuration on the vehicle.

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Anonymous No. 16313638

Anonymous No. 16313639

How come Eric Burger still isn't verified?

Anonymous No. 16313644

when you change the profile picture it takes some time to get the checkmark back

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Anonymous No. 16313645

>February 2025

what the fuck

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Anonymous No. 16313647

Reminder that Boeing caused this by sending them up in a taped together scrap heap. SpaceX is only able to bail them out next year, absolutely disastrous. And now that means theres a good chance NASA sends them down in Starliner and they get Columbia'd

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Anonymous No. 16313649

>plan in place to launch two astronauts on Crew-9, and bring back Butch and Suni in February 2025 on that vehicle
just launch it with more than 4 chairs?

Anonymous No. 16313650

lol thatโ€™s code for โ€œboeing wants commit. We donโ€™t want to do it but we realize the other option embarrasses boeingโ€
I bet things are turbulent rn because after 2 shuttle failures I am willing to bet there are a lot of people within NASA not anxious to repeat any sort of go-fever mistake ever again.

Anonymous No. 16313652

>one pair of underwear
>wait until Feb 2025 to return

Anonymous No. 16313653

Any option will bring Boeing down and SpaceX option will make white house seethe

Anonymous No. 16313655

hopefully cygnus 21 included new underwear

Anonymous No. 16313657

Until the pandemic I worked for a regional telecom that served mostly rural areas. We were completely dependent on the FCC's universal subscriber fee that everyone pays to subsidize telecom service in low density and low income areas. The company did the minimum amount possible to keep those funds with absolutely dogshit DSL service using decaying equipment and ancient telephone lines. We did upgrade to fiber in some areas, usually if a town built a new subdivision, we'd wire it up with modern equipment, and those customers would be profitable but for the most part, it was the government subsidies we received that kept the company alive as it's difficult to profit from someone at the end of a 5000 feet of copper line installed during the 1950s.
At a "all hands" meeting someone asked the CEO about Starlink providing an alternative for most of our customers and he looked like a deer caught in headlights. All he could come up with is that we'd look into some sort of partnership with Starlink and moved on to the next question. Starlink has no reason to partner with us unless forced to do so by the government. And we spent lots of money lobbying to keep those subsidies going.
There are at least two other regional telecoms with similar business models. All are trying to get into supplying services to businesses instead of being completely reliant on consumers since if that subsidy ever goes away, such as being declared redundant due to Starlink, all three companies will instantly be bankrupt. It probably would be less expensive for the government in the long run to buy people in those areas Starlink terminals than to continue to pour billions into decaying old copper lines and mechanical switching stations. Biden (or his handlers) hating Elon Musk probably is the main thing stopping this from happening.

Anonymous No. 16313658

Iโ€™d be so fucking livid if I were butch and suni lol. Of course they would never say anything bad out loud but give it a few years, let them retire, Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™ll share some very choice words about this failure of a vehicle.

Anonymous No. 16313659

Thats if they even get the chance... if theyre sent down on Starliner they are finished.

Anonymous No. 16313660

>can't do the software update because pajeets that wrote the code no longer work for you

Anonymous No. 16313661

can't do that without modification, NASA wanted the chairs to move when the astronauts come back or something like that which removed the possibility of the stacked chairs

Anonymous No. 16313662

>February 2025

Butch and Suni would be recycled into Crew-9 while Stuckliner would be abandoned. Crew-9 would come back at their scheduled timeline. It's not a massive ordeal for them to stay in the ISS for longer.

Anonymous No. 16313664

Has a crew dragon with more than 4 chairs ever been launched? Or even tested?

Anonymous No. 16313665


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a jfc NASA.jpg

Anonymous No. 16313666

> February 2025

At this point, this is a kidnapping.

Anonymous No. 16313667

Extended payload fairings aren't bothering with reuse or recovery as far as I've heard. Gateway and the occasional National Security launch are the only customers who have a serious interest in them, and both of those have the kind of budgets that won't care about paying for more disposable hardware.

Anonymous No. 16313670

Fuck it just give me crewed Dream Chaser at this point

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scared holding ti....png

Anonymous No. 16313671

>And now that means theres a good chance NASA sends them down in Starliner and they get Columbia'd
They can decline the offer to take the Shartliner down and just wait for SpaceX instead, r-right?

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Anonymous No. 16313672

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Anonymous No. 16313674


Anonymous No. 16313675

I feel like ultimately yeah, they could make any sort of override decision and Ballast Bill would demand whatever they wanted to do. But theyโ€™re test pilots so theyโ€™re probably telling NASA right now that theyโ€™re fine going back in Starliner lol

Anonymous No. 16313676

God just imagine if they undocked and then all the thrusters failed so they were just stuck in orbit, that's way worse than becoming a fireball.

Anonymous No. 16313678

So sick of this stupid โ€œyeah itโ€™s a test mission we expected to find lots of new informationโ€ shit. While not wrong; itโ€™s very obviously an excuse. Bob and Doug flew on SpaceX hardware, something that had never ever been done before, and it went swimmingly. Thatโ€™s the standard. Thatโ€™s where the bar is at right now. Boeing got more money and couldnโ€™t deliver compared to its competition.

Anonymous No. 16313680

>But theyโ€™re test pilots so theyโ€™re probably telling NASA right now that theyโ€™re fine going back in Starliner lol
If they do, they're crazy, especially if it's known that thrusters could fail

Anonymous No. 16313681

Thatโ€™s my fear and Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s NASAโ€™s fear right now as well

Anonymous No. 16313682

Insanity to launch before it was ready
Insanity to comeback without understanding why there was even a failure or whether the failure can happen or not.

Optics bite hard when they skip basic engineering

Anonymous No. 16313683

I know hahah. Thatโ€™s the test pilot mindset though, for better or for worse. Takes a certain kind of person to climb into a plane or spaceship and just find a way to compartmentalize fear of failure to the back of your head.

Anonymous No. 16313684

yeah, do the hardware testing with no people inside
hardware rich testing is good, but boeing was too cheap to do that so they actually still test with people inside on a flight that should have purely been about validation

Anonymous No. 16313685

>"Starliner's orbit is expected to decay no later than 2026, Butch and Sunni have expressed optimism in the passive-reentry plan and continue to work with Boeing engineers on the ground"

Anonymous No. 16313687

This wasnt a test mission. It was literally a certification flight showing that they're ready and done with their testing.

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Anonymous No. 16313690

>February 2025

Anonymous No. 16313692

They did, Starliner already visited the station with no one inside as the test flight.

Kinda what makes this so damning, they had RCS issues before but are just as bad or even worse now

Anonymous No. 16313694

I hope Boeing never gets awarded a contract ever again, and I doubly hope this informs NASAโ€™s future with Exploration Upper Stage and SLS

Anonymous No. 16313697

Crew 8 will depart fully without change in roster. Crew 9 is yet to launch, so they have plans to bring back the two astronauts on the new Crew 9, might remove some crew from Crew 9 depending on how the decision is made.

Anonymous No. 16313698

>they really are the only player with their sights higher than "a clone of falcon 9 but worse"

The only company that is working on more than first stage reuse is Stoke.

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Anonymous No. 16313699

Anonymous No. 16313700

they wonโ€™t answer the question because Boeing is in charge of this rodeo, press releases and all

Anonymous No. 16313701

Or it reenters over Ukraine and gets show down.

Anonymous No. 16313703

Notice no one from Boeing at the press conference. "It's not our problem".

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a you jammy bastard.jpg

Anonymous No. 16313705

"The Boy Who Lived"

Did this luck fuck dodge a bullet or what?

Anonymous No. 16313707

>The only company that is working on more than first stage reuse is Stoke.

You forgot about Starship bruh

Anonymous No. 16313709

They're clearly stalling to give Boing more time

Anonymous No. 16313711

Starship is not a company

Anonymous No. 16313713

stoke has a little itty bitty rocket 5 ton payload so cute

Anonymous No. 16313714


> Starship isn't made by a company -- or something.


Anonymous No. 16313716

we are talking about SpaceX's competitors, of them only Stoke is aiming for more than an F9 competitor

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Anonymous No. 16313717

Saved by faith of the heart

Anonymous No. 16313718

I always knew spanky was a real one

Anonymous No. 16313720

>if that subsidy ever goes away, such as being declared redundant due to Starlink, all three companies will instantly be bankrupt
Holy shit that's dire

Anonymous No. 16313721

Where's the rest of it, Limp boy?

Anonymous No. 16313726

Well they're both 60 so they'll retire soon I guess

Anonymous No. 16313727


Anonymous No. 16313728

So likely cost of F9 reuse launch is ~$15M.

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Anonymous No. 16313731

>previous crew quit before the test flight after working on it for 10 years

Anonymous No. 16313742


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Starliner no prob....jpg

Anonymous No. 16313748

Anonymous No. 16313763

Wasn't quite so easy as advertised after all.

Anonymous No. 16313768

Reminder, this decision is now headed towards NASA Admin Bill Nelson.

Because NASA engineers do not feel confident/safe with Boeing, while Boeing wants to push ahead with their astronauts.

Anonymous No. 16313773

tbf theyโ€™re trying really hard to make it this easy. NASA just isnโ€™t letting them ignore the melting thruster issues.

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Anonymous No. 16313774

Get in here. Salt mine

Anonymous No. 16313779

Discord trannies getting exposed LMAO

Anonymous No. 16313780

Holy shit berger is going scorched earth on boeingfags lmfao he has discord receipts of troons on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 16313783

discord trannies on ACK watch

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berger burger.png

Anonymous No. 16313785

the fucking berger burger emoji lmao

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Anonymous No. 16313794

Eric-sama, I kneel...

Anonymous No. 16313797

>Hi spaceguy5
Shit I was going to ask if he was there

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Anonymous No. 16313798


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Anonymous No. 16313801


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Anonymous No. 16313804

I'm glad Berger struck a nerve with SLS fanboys

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Anonymous No. 16313813

Berger's cycle

Anonymous No. 16313817

many such cases unironically

Anonymous No. 16313827

Or they're lying low and hoping that the astronauts die of natural causes randomly so they don't have to worry about it anymore.

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Anonymous No. 16313829


Anonymous No. 16313831

Bit of discussion on the NASA livestream. Joe's saying that Boeing doesnt have time to launch all their 6 contracted launch to ISS before ISS is to fall down if they get delayed further.

Boeing is finished

Anonymous No. 16313832

I'm gonna be sad when this bitch finally burns up during reentry.

Anonymous No. 16313844

I'd be more concerned with getting things into shape where NASA feels comfortable flying Starliner-1. If the Starliner program doesn't die they can always launch Starliner-6 to one of the post-ISS commercial destinations. 2030 really isn't what everyone should be worrying about right now.

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Anonymous No. 16313845


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Anonymous No. 16313848

lol, this bitch made his account private

Anonymous No. 16313849

Just saw this, thank god someone with a voice is calling these bottomfeeders out. Eric has always had the best reporting of insider info in this space exploration world and has always shown himself to be free of bias. We hear so much breaking news from him thats always been shown true.
Also he needs to push spacegay5 a bit more and start testing if they have actually been leaking out classified NASA info like many rumors have been saying for years now.

Anonymous No. 16313851

this is some extreme cope and it flies directly in the face of the gradatim ferociter bullshit mottos that oldspace farts use all the time.
this was supposed to be an approval mission, i final intergrated test to show that those last 4 years spent fucking around were actually worth something and resulted in a functioning spacecraft because "we may not be hardware rich and we take more time but when we launch it's gonna be perfect".
all the oldspace cunts and their lapdogs used the same narrative on SLS, chiding the starship program as being incompetent because they're blowing up rockets with no people on it. and orion basically had a similar shitshow moment where it returns and there's giant pieces of the heatshield that flaked off, though thankfully there wasn't anyone onboard that one.

this was a DEMONSTRATION mission, to show that your fucking vehicle is ready after congress paid you more money for it than they did spacex and you spent years and years ironing out additional bugs when your competitor was already flying tens of manned missions.

this pisses me off so much, they turn their own slogans about how they handle development on their heads as soon as it's convenient.

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Anonymous No. 16313854

>Berger and Spaceguy5 linked up

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Anonymous No. 16313861


Anonymous No. 16313863

>What they don't realize is that I've had access to the Discord for years
LMAO. Going undercover to spy on their chimping LMAO

Anonymous No. 16313865

Makes me wonder that if they go to some random space discord I wonder how many of them lurk here... they will never publicly admit it though since 4chan is much more damaging to be known as using than discord.

Anonymous No. 16313868

He looks like a redditor that browses r/greentext

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Anonymous No. 16313873

He did intentionally basedface a few weeks ago though...

Anonymous No. 16313874

which is a worse name?
>Space Launch System
>Mega Moon Rocket
they're both so bad it's hard to choose.

Anonymous No. 16313876

He's transitioning yet?

Anonymous No. 16313877

No hes just a fag with pronouns in his bio. How do you not know of this guy? Hes a very prominent NSF employee and provides a good amount of updates to Starship via his page.

Anonymous No. 16313878

Polaris Dawn 8/26

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Anonymous No. 16313879

>few weels ago
That meme spread many months ago, mostly around twitter.

Anonymous No. 16313880

Yes, but seems deadline is getting closer and closer. Before the window of opportunity falls and the pendulum swings back hard.

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Anonymous No. 16313883

>We are targeting no earlier than August 26 for the launch of Polaris Dawn

Anonymous No. 16313885

A lot. You can identify them through their behavior of being passive aggressive over spacex or purposely derailing threads with nonsensical shit

Anonymous No. 16313886

2+1 weeks

Anonymous No. 16313887

What the fuck are you talking about you retarded schizophrenic?? Is this a B*rkun post???

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polaris dawn eva ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16313888

the EVA suits honestly solved a lot of my aesthetic qualms with the original spacex suits.
they now have that slight bit of extra bulk that they were misssing in the IVA version, i quite like the way they look.

Anonymous No. 16313889

SLS/Centaur is a nice idea from a cost perspective but it can't lift 130 tons to LEO like congress required, so it'll never happen.

Anonymous No. 16313890

weโ€™re back

Anonymous No. 16313893

>We are targeting no earlier than August 26 for the launch of Polaris Dawn

Anonymous No. 16313896

The ideology had a window of opportunity during the last decade but thats about to close as the momentum has stalled. If Trump wins, whatever gains they had with the ideology will shrink. He if is close to trooning out, he may have to think about whether to troon out soon before the opportunity closes.

Anonymous No. 16313898

SpaceX bros we simply do not stop winning. Weโ€™re going to win so much we may even get tired of winning!

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Anonymous No. 16313899

More photos by John Kraus

Anonymous No. 16313905

Chads and babes only. Thank you, Mr. Isaacman

Anonymous No. 16313906

>Weโ€™re going to win so much we may even get tired of winning!
I don't watch falcon launches anymore so I'd say I'm pretty tired of winning

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Anonymous No. 16313907

fucking based

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Anonymous No. 16313911


Anonymous No. 16313912

>Shit I was going to ask if he was there

spaceguy5 is easily the worst actor on that discord, he was accusing the FAA of corruption when F9 resumed flight after only ~2 weeks

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Anonymous No. 16313914


Anonymous No. 16313916

Who knew weathermen were so fucking based?

Anonymous No. 16313917


Always a red flag.

Anonymous No. 16313919

Why am I Jack's complete lack of surprise to see spaceguy5 in there?

Anonymous No. 16313921

yeah, unless NASA has decided to stop launching astronauts after ISS comes down it shouldn't be a problem whatsoever
either they buy a station, buy part of a station or rent it, there were like 7 different things they were looking at when deciding what to do with the ISS

Anonymous No. 16313922

>Eoghun: That's insane
So we have this guy posting on /sfg/. Faggot, show yourself

Anonymous No. 16313924

Several people took up that's insane posting after those estronaut videos.

Anonymous No. 16313927

hi eoghan

Anonymous No. 16313928

they are getting so thoroughly humiliated I find it hard to believe they will keep doing new contracts for long
a newspace company will come up and become a secondary or tertiary provider to SpaceX, you have a number of them that should be launching in the coming years
BO, Relativity, Rocketlab with medium lift, Stoke, Firefly

Anonymous No. 16313929

This is the first time they've given a date right? Nice

Anonymous No. 16313930


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Anonymous No. 16313932


Anonymous No. 16313933

its ironic nigga (though that itself has become tired and gay a while ago)

Anonymous No. 16313935

first time since it was delayed from july 12th

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Anonymous No. 16313936


Anonymous No. 16313944


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Anonymous No. 16313948
>NASA tells me they received "more than a dozen expressions of interest" in VIPER from industry and intl partners by August 1 and are preparing to issue a formal Request for Information. No date as to when that'll be.

Finally, some good news

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Anonymous No. 16313953

reminder that this is a private human spaceflight programmer completely separate from NASA
>Project Mercury was the first human spaceflight program of the United States, running from 1958 through 1963.
>Project Gemini (IPA: /หˆdส’ษ›mJni/) was the second United States human spaceflight program to fly.
>Gemini was conceived in 1961 and concluded in 1966. The Gemini spacecraft carried a two-astronaut crew. Ten Gemini crews and 16 individual astronauts flew low Earth orbit (LEO) missions during 1965 and 1966.

Anonymous No. 16313955

we are so back

Anonymous No. 16313956


Anonymous No. 16313957

So despite basically being finished it got shut down because it surpassed $600 mil projected program costs. I wonder if it would cost near as much for any prospective buyer. Even โ€œonlyโ€ $300-400 mil would still be a fuck ton of money to pay.

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Anonymous No. 16313960

if I remember correctly there are going to be 3(?) livestreams with this
launch, the spacewalk and then re-entry

Anonymous No. 16313966

Pretty sure they stated that a couple years ago. A $15M internal cost figure has been floating around for a while.

Anonymous No. 16313968

thats insane

Anonymous No. 16313971


~20-25m was last estimate from few years back, so theyve been lowering and lowering every year

Anonymous No. 16313977

They've learned that press conferences reflect poorly on the company.

Anonymous No. 16313978

>berger literally getting involved in discord drama
Silliest timeline.

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Anonymous No. 16313981

Anonymous No. 16313982

I think it's less an matter of buying the rover as it is a matter of being willing to pay however many millions it'll take to get VIPER over the finish line and launched, as well as handling whatever operational costs the program would have.

Anonymous No. 16313983

25 centaurs per year isn't so bad. wonder if they'll ever reach that flight rate.

Anonymous No. 16313985

Funny thing is that it's almost true with Google except the "subsidy" is the legality of spying and selling information about the public. One law could wipe out Google as they're almost entirely dependent on ads and data brokerage. They wouldn't be bankrupt instantly as Google has lots of cash and physical assets, along with a few trickles of income from other parts of the company, but their income is highly dependent on one income stream.

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Anonymous No. 16313986


Anonymous No. 16313991

these stories cost a lot of his time and patience to write, and as he said: any unconfirmed story is a risk to publish. He probably grew tired of fags like spaceguy5 complaining publically about his own livelihood and decided to go pull receipts of their bitch asses hiding away on discord as a form of petty revenge. And I donโ€™t blame him LOL

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Anonymous No. 16313992


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Anonymous No. 16313996

Anonymous No. 16313997

It all depends on how fast the Kuiper factory can build satellites. There's not any significant demand for Vulcan otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16313998

Bergerโ€™s going for this faggot next hopefully.

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Anonymous No. 16313999


Anonymous No. 16314000

based tranny

Anonymous No. 16314001

What's this Dragon doing?

Anonymous No. 16314002

Always plugging his book lel. But yeah Berger is right.

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Anonymous No. 16314004


Anonymous No. 16314008

God I love Eric Berger so much

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Anonymous No. 16314009


seems kind of disingenuous, did it even need all of the thrusters to fail to get in this position? what if some become uncontrollable

Anonymous No. 16314010

Imagine being obsessed with a fucking SLS, any other rocket I can kind of understand but SLS?

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Anonymous No. 16314011

this sounds kind of bad

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Anonymous No. 16314014


this is more retarded than I thought

Anonymous No. 16314017

What contractual obligations did they breach?

Anonymous No. 16314019

Billions of dollars over budget, years behind schedule, billions of dollars to launch one rocket, the main bottleneck of Artemis, political suicide to try and speak out against any aspect of it. Yeah Iโ€™m obsessed with it. Itโ€™s a fucking cancer that needs to die and you should die an hero for not thinking so.

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Anonymous No. 16314022

Anonymous No. 16314023

Oh shit well considering they settled, either these fags realized they walked into something way over their heads (Musk/SX lawyers are insanely good at their job) or the court sided with SX and deemed it a scheme

Anonymous No. 16314024

It's not even that, it's just incredibly boring rocket.

Anonymous No. 16314025

if I had to guess they probably settled on some price, signed the paperwork but then reneged on it and wanted more or something
I don't see what other types of contracts there could be

Anonymous No. 16314027


Anonymous No. 16314029

are you sure they settled? maybe that rumour was untrue

Anonymous No. 16314032

Some of them post anti-Tesla and anti-Musk content in general as well. Given that so much of their "insider" info is wrong, I doubt any of them actually work in the industry and are just larping

Anonymous No. 16314037

Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™re in the industry but theyโ€™re all severely exaggerating how much โ€œinsider infoโ€ they get. Fags like spaceguy5 write a few lines or code, then gear water cooler talk about how someone heard this thing from a guy who heard a thing from a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. Then they go online and say dumb shit along the lines of
>I actually know these people directly and they told me directly and Eric is wrong
And what do you know? Eric is right. Because his sources are people like Bill Nelson directly

Anonymous No. 16314039

Everyone on twitter is saying the case was recently settled. I think the argument at this point is itโ€™s โ€œhowโ€. Either the judge decided it was a scheme or some monetary offer was met. Thatโ€™s the part people arenโ€™t privy to right now

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Anonymous No. 16314040
>Delta Spaceship Overview

virgin galactics new ship, 6 passengers instead of 4

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Anonymous No. 16314042

Unity was able to fly once a month, Delta will be able to fly twice a week

Anonymous No. 16314043

Reporting back in. There was an unexpected event during the flight: everyone survived.

Anonymous No. 16314048

t: boeing agent
RIP anon

Anonymous No. 16314050


Anonymous No. 16314057

They have not a chance in hell to pull out from their financial hole. Its kind of a cool vehicle in a way, but this will never, ever earn them revenue, and may not even finish development, testing, and fly once before Virgin is bankrupt. This video is only to keep stupid investors and ticket pre-buyers on board, until the inevitable. Keep fooling yourselves, idiots.

Anonymous No. 16314059

does it still require a pilot to fly it manually?

Anonymous No. 16314065

Those Polaris Dawn girls make my peepee twitch

Anonymous No. 16314070

you should see a doctor

Anonymous No. 16314071

yes that is what it came across as, especially with the disclaimer at the end about "forward looking statements" and comments being closed

Anonymous No. 16314072

I formally apologize to the Russian segment for believing that it was sufficiently leaking to warrant n emergency Dragon return study.

Anonymous No. 16314076

I would think so, seems just a bit scaled up and probably cheaper to build etc not really fundamentally different

Anonymous No. 16314077

SpaceX bought land from them and their contract included a 'stop fucking buying land just to resell it to us' clause. Novus then went on to buy up more properties.

Anonymous No. 16314079


Anonymous No. 16314082

Blind AND gay. What a combination!

Anonymous No. 16314083

Wonderful gray lips.

Anonymous No. 16314086

I'd just buy it and then offer it as a lease only unless the contract precluded that as well.

Anonymous No. 16314096

that's crazy that's insane *awkward laugh* like mo-most people don't even think about it like that that way, y'know?

Anonymous No. 16314112


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Elon has been ale....webm

Anonymous No. 16314121


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Anonymous No. 16314126


Anonymous No. 16314131

it's all the better when you consider the fact that spaceguy5's livelyhood, as a Marshall employee, depends on SLS

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Anonymous No. 16314134


Anonymous No. 16314145


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Anonymous No. 16314170

Some journos get to live

Anonymous No. 16314171


ABC. He's still working for a living.

Anonymous No. 16314176

>have to go up without your personal bag with your underwear because mass autism
>they send it up on Cygnus
>it has trouble getting to orbit
this is space without spacex

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Anonymous No. 16314186


Anonymous No. 16314188

Nope sadly, NASA just wasting that extra capability

Anonymous No. 16314193

Mann got the best deal of the 3

Anonymous No. 16314195


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Anonymous No. 16314198


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just tired.png

Anonymous No. 16314201

>NASA just wasting
Nothing new here

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Anonymous No. 16314242

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a Your Berger is ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16314244

> Boeing engineers are advocating for flying Starliner as is, that enough is known about the problem that failures will not occur during the vehicle's return to Earth. However, during meetings of key engineers at NASA known as the "Program Control Board" this week, there was no agreement that this so-called flight rationale was enough to fly crew on the vehicle.

> Given that NASA will soon decide whether to fly crew on Starliner, the Boeing team has about a week to convince the NASA team of Starliner's safety before a potential switch to Crew Dragon.

"Blood! Blood for the Blood Gods!"

"Thank you Team Boeing. Anyone else?"

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Anonymous No. 16314246

>The space agency also confirmed key elements exclusively reported by Ars over the last week, chiefly that NASA has quietly been working for weeks with SpaceX on a potential recuse mission for Wilmore and Williams, that the Crew-9 mission launch has been delayed to September 24 to account for this possibility, and that Starliner in unable to undock autonomously with the current software configuration on the vehicle.
>NASA has been studying various contingencies, but officials appear to have settled on two different options for bringing the two astronauts back to Earth. They could still fly back on Starliner if NASA engineers become more comfortable with the uncertainty about the thruster performance, and if so, they would do so during the second half of this month or the first part of September. Alternatively, NASA could launch the Crew-9 mission with a complement of two rather than four astronauts, and Wilmore and Williams would join that "increment" on the space station and fly back to Earth in February 2025.

Anonymous No. 16314251

>Saar, please restart the Starlink

Anonymous No. 16314252

>In ground tests, the engineers were able to demonstrate similar failures. Subsequent inspections showed bulging in a Teflon seal in an oxidizer valve known as a "poppet," which could restrict the flow of nitrogen tetroxide propellant. The thrusters consume the nitrogen tetroxide and mix it with hydrazine fuel for combustion. Despite the tests, however, engineers still don't understand precisely why the bulging is occurring and whether it will manifest on Starliner's flight back to Earth.

Anonymous No. 16314254

This is like scoring 800% on a test

Anonymous No. 16314259


No work has been done on the autonomous software package since the flight in 2022. Ars reported it would take about four weeks to complete testing of this configuration change, and Stich confirmed this.

Anonymous No. 16314262

> No work has been done on the autonomous software package since the flight in 2022. Ars reported it would take about four weeks to complete testing of this configuration change, and Stich confirmed this.

Good thing there haven't been any other software, hardware or procedure changes in those two years that might impact that code.

Anonymous No. 16314264

Shameful for Boeing to build something this stupid.
I wish their stock value a very pleasant 1,000% nosedive.

Anonymous No. 16314266

>No work has been done on the autonomous software package since the flight in 2022.
What the hell? Did they just outsource the software coding it and didn't bother to check up on them?
>yis sir we are applying the Java kubernetes sir it will be done sir yis

Anonymous No. 16314267

>imaginary magic cloth TPS for an imaginary rocket
chad retard energy

Anonymous No. 16314279

>Despite the tests, however, engineers still don't understandโ€ฆ
thatโ€™s it then. NASA shouldnโ€™t have to know any more. This flight was a verification test. More problems were found. The source of which is still not clearly understood as of right now despite, iโ€™m sure, near-constant ground testing since these problems were first discovered in the BEGGINING OF JUNE (Its now been June, July, and now August).
This is unsafe for humans, and it was already a risk sending them up. Bringing them home on the same craft should not even be an option. Bring them home on Dragon!

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Anonymous No. 16314280

bitch kind of looks like linda ham

Anonymous No. 16314282

How was Starliner able to previously visit the Station and leave autonomously? Has Boeing since removed code or something?

Anonymous No. 16314285

>they are not stranded in space!
I see I see. Can they leave?

Anonymous No. 16314286

They already lost and are simply squandering resources on non-starter obsolete technology because apparently Benos also suffers from the sunk cost fallacy

Anonymous No. 16314289


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Anonymous No. 16314302

Welcome to the Station California...

You can undock any time you want,
but you can never re-enter!

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim,
I had to stop for up to 45 days, or was it eight months

There we stood in the doorway, we heard the pressure seals fail
I was thinking to myself this could be deadly or this could be spun
Then we lit up the oxygen, and burnt down the bay
I heard Indians in the mission control, I thought I heard them say

Welcome to Boeing Ground Control!
Have you tried to turn it off and on?
Turn it off and on...

Anonymous No. 16314308

>eRM ACTuallee~
>this guy whose career is on the line says that there are no problems, sweetie!

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Anonymous No. 16314312

Just woke up



Anonymous No. 16314317

The situation is quite dire. Turns out NASA was right about the need for having second options for safety, just not in the way they thoughtโ€ฆ

Anonymous No. 16314318

yes basically

Anonymous No. 16314327

It does not, spaceguy5's livelihood depends solely on mopping floors

Anonymous No. 16314329

spaceguy5 is unironically a janny who believes the rumors he hears at the watercooler give him insider access.
it's just as funny as it is sad.

Anonymous No. 16314330

if the building he works at is mothballed then he will lose his job

Anonymous No. 16314332

What delicious irony.

Anonymous No. 16314338

Janitor? HIs linkedin profile says the he has been an intern for like 3 years.

Anonymous No. 16314346

What would be the greatest possible humiliation for Boeing that could come from this situation?

Anonymous No. 16314352


The Astro-Hostages come down on Dragon. Boeing manage to undock Starliner and it goes out of contro,l proving they were endangering the crew.

Anonymous No. 16314358

Discarding all outcomes that kill the crew and damage or destroy the station? Butch and Suni come back on Dragon and NASA demands Boeing fly Crew Flight Test 2, launching in 2026

Anonymous No. 16314359

>and it goes out of control
That or it burns up, either way is fine with me

Anonymous No. 16314365

Hate to say it, but having 2 deaths on their hands after pressuring NASA into letting them fly back to save face

Anonymous No. 16314367

actually yeah this would be the funniest. But Boeing would no doubt lie through their teeth and say something along the lines of
>erm the capsule lost control but it would have been fine if Butch and Suni were there to fly it manually

Anonymous No. 16314370

>NASA makes the call to bring them back on Dragon
>still need to undock Starliner
>it pulls a Nauka
>they manage to remove it
>it explodes shortly after (caught on the livestream for maximum effect)

Anonymous No. 16314377

will the spacex ISS deorbit dragon need a few more Dracos included to deal with the extra mass of this permanent new module

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Anonymous No. 16314378

It's been known for over 50 years that problems with teflon and N2O4 can occur, especially at high temperatures.
>All solvents including N204 significantly reduced the ultimate
properties of the standard laminate, which indicates that this
material is highly sensitive to solvent-stress-cracking.
>At high temperatures, all non-metals are apparently incompatible with N204

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a Orrible News.jpg

Anonymous No. 16314383



Anonymous No. 16314389

What are they doing all day up there?

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Anonymous No. 16314390
>Following China's launch of 18 G60 satellites on August 6th, Slingshot is tracking over 50 pieces of space debris that pose a significant hazard to LEO constellations below 800 km altitude.
>Tuesdayโ€™s launch of 18 G60 satellites onboard a Long March 6 rocket is the first deployment for the Shanghai Spacecom Satellite Technology (SSST) groupโ€™s Thousand Sails constellation โ€“ which is expected to initially consist of 1,296 satellites, with plans to expand to around 15,000
>โ€œIf even a fraction of the launches needed to field this Chinese mega-constellation generate as much debris as this first launch, the result would be a notable addition to the space debris population in LEO,โ€ said Audrey Schaffer, Vice President of Strategy and Policy.
>This isnโ€™t the first time that a Long March 6 satellite launch has generated debris in LEO. In November 2022, a Long March 6 breakup led to hundreds of pieces of debris as reported in NASAโ€™s Orbital Debris Quarterly News

More bad news. The Long March 6A might have a design flaw where the upper stage passivates itself by exploding.

Anonymous No. 16314393

Donโ€™t let it get lost on you that they named this capsule โ€˜Calypsoโ€™, after the nymph who held Odysseus hostage for 7 years against his will lol

Anonymous No. 16314399

Shartliner explodes while undocking, destroying the station and necessitating an emergency escape in the remaining capsules

Anonymous No. 16314400

>what are they doing all day?

Anonymous No. 16314401

Is this shit just an expensive rollercoaster?
If it's not orbital, can it at least be super fast earth to earth travel?

Anonymous No. 16314403

>Starliner was the real ISS deorbiter this whole time

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laughing samus un....gif

Anonymous No. 16314405


Anonymous No. 16314413

Competency Crisis isn't a meme

Anonymous No. 16314414

>A regal and efficient rocketship for transportating in heaven.

>Inventive feature included
>Rotorpamp - two of them
>nozzle - 2 of them
>Heated and cool fairing (inner and out of)
>carbonfiber panrl
>launched pad
>Rear launch abort detector safe
>Radar terminal guiding
>LOX liquidoxygen
>Paint in shi colour
>booster - 2 of them with motor
>Stop and ctart system
>mission ctrl console (open phoneline with chat)
>Padded seat - tower
>1.2mN turbine charged motor with 300 feet pacific inpulse, 520 kilopound thrusting
>locking gimbals
>titanium trimming pt
>$//translate weibo?server-congguo 1/?
>Avionic system with serious radio FM+AM; blueteeth, ramp: dabs, artillery implant
>China CAASC ***** five star reliable rating top launching
>Made with REAL METAL for you
>THE BIG YES, owe your self the dream of owning satellite your way and enjoinying life to the fullest extenze with the power dream LM6A coolguy.

>Starts at 8,0000,00$ with load

Anonymous No. 16314443
Not looking good boeingbros

Anonymous No. 16314450

just hanging out and having fun

Anonymous No. 16314452

>virgin galactic crafts have killed more people than spacex despite not even going to space
not sure why people dying in service of an expensive carnival ride didn't cause branson to completely reassess the thing

Anonymous No. 16314462

the one that killed people went to space. it's the new ones that don't

Anonymous No. 16314466

> an emergency escape in the remaining capsules

ISS: 9 crew members, 7 seats down.

"Ennie meanie miney moe...."

Anonymous No. 16314490

>SpaceX already has custom IVA suits and molded chairs ready for Butch and Suni despite the lack of a formal decision
Holy moly the absolute speed of that company

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Anonymous No. 16314491


Anonymous No. 16314493

Oh another tidbit worth noting (btw I am sourcing this from the last Starliner teleconference):
I remember an anon yesterday claiming the thruster doghouse could [potentially] cause the main fuel to leak. This is incorrect. The way the doghouse is designed means it could DETONATE THE ENTIRE MAIN FUEL TANK.
I simply do not see a scenario where Bill lets them come back on this spacecraft. Thatโ€™s not a design oversight that is an incompetent design failure.

Anonymous No. 16314497

I hope whoever the next NASA admin is has the balls to call Boeing a shit partner and question the existence of Space Launch System

Anonymous No. 16314498

>The way the doghouse is designed means it could DETONATE THE ENTIRE MAIN FUEL TANK

Anonymous No. 16314502

last update i saw on this was spacex "identified suits that would fit"
no custom suits or molded chairs

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Anonymous No. 16314505

Girlfriends who support each other's projects :3

Anonymous No. 16314506

We only have 3 bodies worth living on and thats Moon, Mars, and Titan.
>inb4 Venus cope

Anonymous No. 16314515

You should be put on a Starliner going straight to the sun

Anonymous No. 16314520

boeing is confident that starliner can return safely
i believe them

Anonymous No. 16314523

For some reason, searching NTRS for the interactions of your exact propellant and materials is hard
t. Dragon 2 C204

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vulcan monster.jpg

Anonymous No. 16314527


Anonymous No. 16314529

Does that mean SpaceX has to give the deorbit money to Boeing instead? Could be profitable.

Anonymous No. 16314537


Our expertise is needed

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Anonymous No. 16314538


Anonymous No. 16314545

Every person gets a molded chair. The suits I'm sure are off the shelf.

Anonymous No. 16314549

>Martin Marietta
Gone too soon, RIP

Anonymous No. 16314552

still no cleavage window this is bullshit

Anonymous No. 16314553

You can still buy the cement.

Anonymous No. 16314555

I do a double-take every time I see the name on a cement mixer

Anonymous No. 16314556

wtf this is a threat to the fucking ISS at this point

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Anonymous No. 16314559

On Venus you can just float

Anonymous No. 16314592

They're never coming back, are they?

Anonymous No. 16314595

Titan is NOT worth living on in any way. There are no minerals there worth a shit.

Anonymous No. 16314598

If Starliner is made to fly home empty, for example, the spacecraft will require a software update to configure the vehicle for an autonomous flight home. That would essentially revert the Starlinerโ€™s computers to run on code the company originally wrote for a 2022 uncrewed test flight โ€” and NASA and Boeing havenโ€™t revisited such software changes in a couple years, according to Stich.

Engineers then would need to run the software update through its paces at whatโ€™s called a โ€œintegrated test facilityโ€ on the ground, Stich added.

โ€œThatโ€™s really what would take time if we were to pivotโ€ to returning Williams and Wilmore home aboard the SpaceX Crew-9 mission, he said.

Anonymous No. 16314603

An endless supply of water and plastic, atmosphere blocking cosmic rays. Once Mars and Moon development has matured space tech it will be prime real estate.

Anonymous No. 16314605

The fact it can't switch to autonomous at will and needs to be entirely recoded is a disgusting display of incompetence and should disqualify boing from developing a single bit of space tech ever again.

Anonymous No. 16314606

Its the way they don't care about adding and ensuring additional capability like uncrewed return that irks me, I bet Crew Dragon can easily do that since it probably shares Cargo Dragon software

Anonymous No. 16314607

It is mind boggling stupid. What if something happens to the crew mid flight that doesn't kill them, but they fall unconscious, or the controls break? At that point boing pajeet code just kills them because they were too fucking lazy to have an auto pilot capability on call? And they've had years and years slower than SpaceX to develop it?

Anonymous No. 16314614

cant wait for the next nsf discussion panel. last week things were getting heated about whether boing's crew will return on a dragon or not. now all this new info is going to burn the place down.

Anonymous No. 16314616

imagine if there was some emergency/debris situation that required immediate evac rn on station, how would that work with Starliner??

Anonymous No. 16314618


Nope. The ISS is their Forever Home.

Anonymous No. 16314621

this is why space force needs a space rescue division

Anonymous No. 16314624

starliner crew sits on the floor of a dragon and gets secured with zip ties and duct tape

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Anonymous No. 16314628

Anonymous No. 16314646

They already sheltered there once for that. If the ISS is deemed more dangerous than taking Starliner then NASA has all the cover it needs to allow a return on it.

Anonymous No. 16314656

We are already approaching maximum humiliation. If the Starliner damages the station on the order of a million dollars, we've reached the peak. Anything more, fatalities for instance, and it very quickly stops being humiliation.

Anonymous No. 16314679

No iron
No metals
Big fucking deal, you get water in particular in tons of places

Anonymous No. 16314685

>I bet Crew Dragon can easily do that since it probably shares Cargo Dragon software
I asked this one here like 2 weeks ago and none of you fags could give me a straight answer if crew dragon has automatic docking/undocking capabilities like cargo dragon does (I was asking if an unmanned crew dragon could be launched up to the ISS to retrieve them), does /sfg/ still not know the answer to this and if so why not?

Anonymous No. 16314687

Crew Dragon's default docking mode is autonomous. Manual piloting is a reversion.

Anonymous No. 16314688


Anonymous No. 16314694

not sure the time but they were arguing about it for awhile

Anonymous No. 16314699

he come to town

Anonymous No. 16314707

Man this is becoming a true shitshow huh. What the fuck are they going to do if it's too dangerous to even undock the thing? Because that's the next thing I see happening.

Anonymous No. 16314730

then we're down to one IDA on station. oof

Anonymous No. 16314739

if you've been an intern for some time in the past, you'd know that this essentially means the same thing.

he's likely been an intern for 3 years because they don't trust him with anything important. he's here to fetch glasses of water for the big boys and occasionally listen in on conversations, not do anything of importance.

Anonymous No. 16314750

just push it away with a stick

Anonymous No. 16314751


Anonymous No. 16314755

Leave in there and use it as a punishment room for lazy astronauts.

Anonymous No. 16314758

>another thread on /g/ about Boeing Starliner failure
>/g/ just seethes about SpaceX and forgetting that dragon capsule exists

Anonymous No. 16314763

full of people defending DEI too, what the fuck

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Anonymous No. 16314772

Anonymous No. 16314775

this is basically the equivalent of suborbital joyrides at this point

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Anonymous No. 16314777

Rocket Lab: Neutron - Archimedes
Stoke Space: Nova - unnamed FFSC engine
Relativity Space: Terran R - Aeon R

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starliner deadwei....jpg

Anonymous No. 16314778

come to SAVE, the stranded-liner

Anonymous No. 16314780

for some reason Fireflys Medium Launch Vehicle wasn't on that list (it should be reusable too) and of course Blue Origins New Glenn

Anonymous No. 16314782

don't eat your hat now.

Anonymous No. 16314788

>staring at this waiting for it to blow
>it's a fucking jpg

Anonymous No. 16314794

Literally NASA's fault, which is why they swept it under the rug. I'm halfway convinced they did this test specifically to show NASA it would fucking explode.

Anonymous No. 16314797


Anonymous No. 16314800

I wish I could turn back the clock, to when /sfg/ wasn't a thing and there used to be a guy who posted a space journo tier list that had Berger at the bottom. I have to imagine this was Spaceguy5, if not in truth, then in spirit.

Anonymous No. 16314801

He needs to put a hat back on

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Anonymous No. 16314804

>There is a non zero chance that Eric Berger browses /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16314806

what the fuck would he find here other than us reposting his articles? i understand good reporters seek information from any place they can, but this place only imports information, it never exports any.

Anonymous No. 16314808

I was not aware of this. How is it NASA's fault?

Anonymous No. 16314812

If he browses, or at the least has knowledge of discord servers, then he most likely knows about the largest spaceflight community this side of the internet

Anonymous No. 16314818
>Will Astronaut's 8 Day Mission Turn into an 8 Month Mission? Starliner Answers Slowly Emerge.

Anonymous No. 16314819


Anonymous No. 16314828

Tranzexuals infested board, very sick and sad stuff folk!

Anonymous No. 16314840

>'ets fookin fooked innit?

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Anonymous No. 16314846


Anonymous No. 16314852

Please respond

Anonymous No. 16314854

its scary / sad that boeing is worse than roscosmos now

Anonymous No. 16314863

If nothing else I'm glad limp is the CEO so BO softens their retarded level of secrecy.

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rocket-chan saturn.png

Anonymous No. 16314865

Rocket girls

Anonymous No. 16314867

>real engineering
lmao I remember when he did a puff piece for nikola like a week before it was revealed to be a scam and when everyone told him he went to the comments, said fuck you to everyone pointing out he was promoting a scam and then privated the video.
He probably has EDS based on his history of promoting everything in competition with elons businesses.

Anonymous No. 16314873

I didn't know he had EDS and just watched a rocket video YouTube recommended like I always do but like five minutes in he started talking about all the SpaceX launch failures where they weren't relevant. Missing windows due to cryo prop I get, Firefly doesn't have those issues, but the Facebook sat exploding was really not relevant. He's like
>what if instead of a Facebook satellite it was people?
but Firefly doesn't launch people so it was obviously EDS opportunism

Anonymous No. 16314874

he definitely has EDS, I think he has explicitly whined about Musk at some point

Anonymous No. 16314878

And that the Facebook satellite was worth "$2 billion dollars", just to emphasize how much they did it on purpose because Elon hates Zuck and most Jews.
Honestly I am relieved there is bad blood between Elon's companies and Meta, can you imagine if fucking Meta, of all the shit companies, was contracted to put up a constellation for them?

Anonymous No. 16314894

They're supposedly <3 months from launch. We barely have any information. The current CEO has changed nothing. Its still close to zero information.

Anonymous No. 16314897


RE drips with estrogen:

Anonymous No. 16314910

Guerilla posting krystal.

Anonymous No. 16314911

Even smarter everyday is agreeing with burger.

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Anonymous No. 16314924

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Anonymous No. 16314925


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Anonymous No. 16314926


here is one, coping about changing parameters not being changing software

Anonymous No. 16314930

It only needs an update to configuration files? Then where's this magic month long "non-trivial software update" bullshit coming from?

Anonymous No. 16314934

because changing the configuration files is apparently going to take weeks

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Anonymous No. 16314939


Anonymous No. 16314941

I wager they're saying a month long software update to buy themselves a month for something else. Probably a testing regime to make sure the thruster heating won't cause any of the thruster doghouses to explode.

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Anonymous No. 16314944

all of this just sounds like cope and semantics to me
does it work or not?

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Anonymous No. 16314946

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Anonymous No. 16314948


so maybe all of this is due to NASA and specifically the astronaut office? they don't want systems that are completely automated and there are some retarded requirements which force a situation like this (from NASAs side), which didn't take into account a situation where a capsule might dock with crew inside but would like to be sent out without crew

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Anonymous No. 16314949

anybody know what breakout means in this context? sounds like a technical term

Anonymous No. 16314954

(Stage) separation. Presumably because telemetry across thousands of [preferred unit] will never be as immediate as when you're there.

Anonymous No. 16314957

Remember the Boeing supply chain. The config files will be contracted to experts in India who make $6/hour. Its not going to be ready tomorrow, they expect many alpha versions to fail until they randomly find something that kind of works, label it release version v1.0 and upload it to the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16314959

It's gonna take a while for the indians to prompt chatgpt and have chatgpt randomly produce the correct output.

Anonymous No. 16314961

it's actually going to a massive room filled with a million pajeets shitting onto weighted pressure plates that correspond to a 1 or 0 state depending on the amount of poo.

Anonymous No. 16314962

>75 celcius
Yeah no.

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Anonymous No. 16314966

Anonymous No. 16314969

For $6/hour (this is a LOT in India) they will be eating very well.
Probably going to register a lot of 1s and fewer zeros. After all, one of their own kind is on the line here (Suni), so they want to push really hard and give their all, and one is more than zero.

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Anonymous No. 16314970

another video from a year ago

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Anonymous No. 16314974

>This was the third flight of Campaign 2-3.

a day ago

Anonymous No. 16314975

Anyone gonna bake?

Anonymous No. 16314976


These taxis are also supposed to function as lifeboats. A can full of crew who are unconscious, injured or trained on a different vehicle might not be able to do more than close the door.

Anonymous No. 16314981

Holy fuck, I was right about it being the same reason the shittle couldn't fly unmanned.
And retards here argued with me about it.

Anonymous No. 16314985

I mean its somewhat speculatory at this point I think but could be the case, doesn't absolve Boeing though it just means NASA is incompetent as well

Anonymous No. 16314986

fukkin astronaut union even shitting up spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16314987

you do it

Anonymous No. 16314989

>I can relate
Kek what did destin mean by this? Has he been flogged by SLS losers as well?

Anonymous No. 16314990

He probably meant from the other end of things. I don't agree with much he said in his nasa talk but it's easy to believe he got a lot of shit from spacex stans for it.

Anonymous No. 16314992

Okay yeah that was my second thought

Anonymous No. 16314994

>Software assurance for crew dragon
At NASA? Wasn't NASA completely unqualified to even understand SpaceX's software? I seem to remember some friction there

Anonymous No. 16314995

I believed you

Anonymous No. 16314996

Astronauts always complain about dragon being boring*

Anonymous No. 16314999

they expect at least one of us in the wreckage brother

Anonymous No. 16315004



Anonymous No. 16315060

>Leading flight director of a failed flight
Wow, that just fills me with confidence

Anonymous No. 16315069

Boeing is forced to hire SpaceX to fix the damn code for autonomous undocking

Anonymous No. 16315090

Failure was the only option

Anonymous No. 16315155

Just bring a few asteroids along with you.

Anonymous No. 16315186

saars we will implement the kubernetes on the capsule sir wery soon

Anonymous No. 16315538

/g/ is redditors and tech normgroids from twatter/X who heard 4chan is cool