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🗑️ 🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16315003

Software configuration problems - edition

previous >>16311883

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Anonymous No. 16315005

thanks for baking.

finally a non newfag trumpsperg edition, that guy is embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 16315006

t. Lee

Anonymous No. 16315009

Why do people on twitter keep calling berger their favorite war criminal?

Anonymous No. 16315010

hello /sfg/
I hate Boeing very much! I simply cannot express my hatred enough. Cancel SLS. Cancel (or at the very least, rework) MSR.
Give all future contracts to SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16315011

What the FUCK did he mean by this

Anonymous No. 16315013

I believe it’s poking fun at Rogozin who called Berger a war criminal

Anonymous No. 16315015

previous head of roscosmos rogozin accused berger of doing something in syria, but it got mistranslated as him accusing beric of being a barbriminal instead.

rogozin's life story is one big clownshow, just one funny joke after another since spacex came along. first he lost his market share, then his position then his balls.

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Anonymous No. 16315016

WSJ has another one of their giant Everybody Hates Elon articles:

Anonymous No. 16315018

who's that?
if you're here for some political slapfight, understand that i don't have any qualms with trump himself, i just think the /pol/ transplant making embarrassing OP's are out of place and cringeworthy, worshipping politicians, any of them, makes you look like a loser.

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Anonymous No. 16315019

"La La La!"

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Anonymous No. 16315021


Anonymous No. 16315023

Now keep in mind Butch can't control when the mission begins or ends
>La la la!
He'll try to keep his sanity, with the help of his station friends!

Anonymous No. 16315025

I’d like to remind everyone that the space coast was fucking uninhabited until NASA came around and turned it into a big city. The only reason it exists as a thriving metropolis is because NACA / NASA wanted to beat the commies and launch bigger and bigger rockets. Any boomer faggot living there complaining about the prospect of high-volume Starship launches is a communist who should be injected with pancuronium bromide

Anonymous No. 16315026

>More than a dozen environmental groups have filed comments with the FAA raising questions about the impact of Starship on shorebird and turtle populations that rely on the lagoon and wetlands for habitat and nesting.

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Anonymous No. 16315029

>Dennis Mayo, who paddles his kayak on the Indian River Lagoon, said he worries about runoff from the hundreds of thousands of gallons of water used during rocket launches.

Anonymous No. 16315030

Delete the environmentalist movement and deny them standing in all future matters. Grifters have cost us a half century of progress or more now, and it's past time it stops.

Anonymous No. 16315031

Words cannot express how much I hate boomers, it’s unreal

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Anonymous No. 16315032

>The company has conducted four Starship test flights so far, blasting rockets off from its complex near Brownsville, Texas. With each launch, SpaceX has made progress. The first launch more than a year ago ended in an explosion minutes after liftoff; with the latest, in early June, both stages of Starship were able to return to Earth.

pretty funny how fast they pivot from "its never going to happen" to "they are too successful, who will think of the birds"

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Anonymous No. 16315034

>Heidi Crofton, who lives in Titusville on the banks of the Indian River Lagoon, said she is worried about water runoff from the launches. She says she used to enjoy watching launches from her porch a few years ago when they were still fairly infrequent. Now they are more of a regular disruption, she said. “It’s very loud. There is a loud rumbling and the house starts shaking,” she said. “It bothers me most when I am sleeping.”

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Anonymous No. 16315038

>Commercial fishermen who haul in shrimp and mackerel from the waters off Cape Canaveral have registered their complaints with the FAA about the Starship plans, according to government filings.

Anonymous No. 16315039

maybe spend less time in bed and more time in the gym?

Anonymous No. 16315041

How is this worse than building an airport

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Anonymous No. 16315043

the comments seem pretty negative about the story
people should simply move if they don't like it, florida is a big place

Anonymous No. 16315044

Hope you have a terrible season and go out of business!

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Anonymous No. 16315046
Remember to laugh at spaceguy5

Anonymous No. 16315047

Nice, this guy gets it. I think it’s obvious the WSJ just wants to push ragebait here

Anonymous No. 16315048

based patriot

Anonymous No. 16315049

What discord is this from?

Anonymous No. 16315050

I recognize who it is its one 4chud mod/tranitor that people milked like a lolcow for years since he was so recognizable.

Anonymous No. 16315051

It's really funny how Musk went from leftist's irl Tony Stark to fascist evil nazi chud bigot, cancel him!

Anonymous No. 16315053

The Artemis/SLS discord from what Berger said, someone posted they closed down until 8/8 so theres that. How these people havent lost their jobs when many others get the boot for much more minor things is insane to me. And I know some NASA higher ups have definetly seen that Berger thread because he's the largest space reporter there is.

Anonymous No. 16315055

>Not the cruise ships!
Legacy media really knows their audience kek

Anonymous No. 16315056

Whats the actual name of the discord?

Anonymous No. 16315057


Anonymous No. 16315059

How the fuck am I supposed to know retard I dont use it

Anonymous No. 16315063

>Give all future contracts to SpaceX.
This but unironically

Anonymous No. 16315065

Commies grifting

All the major propaganda "news" outlets are like this.

Anonymous No. 16315070

This isn't academic. GET OUT.


Anonymous No. 16315071

Ok it looks like /sfg/ has returned back to normal, far less cancerous posters and OPs so I will be posting again.

Anonymous No. 16315072

In one generation Martians will fucking despise Earthers. I wonder if that's a good thing

Anonymous No. 16315076

If we’re being realistic, maybe 10 generations of self-sufficiency. Certainly not ONE generation of antarctica-tier USA colonists waiting on their cargo Starship resupply of underwear and MREs and other essentials from Earth

Anonymous No. 16315077

Don't answer questions you don't know the answer too dipshit.

Anonymous No. 16315079

10 generations is ~200 years, assuming 20 years per new generation/children

Its more likely 1-2 generations of Martians aka 20-40 years.

Anonymous No. 16315080


Anonymous No. 16315082

The answer is that its the Artemis discord thats what everyone online calls it you fucking nigger why are you trying to get in to their discord anyways are you one of the few troons that has yet to get in? Absolute subhuman

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Anonymous No. 16315083

I'm sure Oldspace got together and increased their advertising allocation to Newscorp to push this shit

Anonymous No. 16315084

Its the standard slop of journo you get from AP communist club. They're in this union together

Anonymous No. 16315085

Apu is not intelligent enough to read so why is he looking at this paper?

Anonymous No. 16315086

Question: I have a JWST that I want to launch to Lagrange point using Starship. Since starship primarirly goes "only" to LEO, I need to include my own propulsion + fuel as part of the payload, but there's plenty of space for that.

This is in contrast to how JWST was originally launched using Ariane5, directly to Lpoint. Do I understand the difference in operation correctly?

Anonymous No. 16315087

Cult of Artemis apparently

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Anonymous No. 16315088

It has a picture of a giraffe on it

Anonymous No. 16315091

You do realize that Starship refueling would exist right? There is no need to do your own propulsion to the Lagrange point. Maybe you need propulsion for adjustments when at the Lagrange point but theres no need for a whole separate section for once you get to LEO to boost all the way out to the Lagrange point just refuel and the Starship will take you there. This is like the absolute basics of Starship, where exactly are you coming from as in what board?

Anonymous No. 16315092

Thank you, weird they'd call it something like that.
lmao calm down

Anonymous No. 16315093

Starship has enough energy to deliver JWST to L2 directly in one go as expendable afaik

Anonymous No. 16315095

>weird they'd call it something like that.
I’m taking a guess here but it’s probably a reference to greco-roman “cults” of the gods

Anonymous No. 16315099

what happened to IFT-5? it should've been launching by now.

Anonymous No. 16315101

waiting for FAA to approve landing on chopsticks
launch probably mid September at earliest

Anonymous No. 16315105

I'm aware of what it's referencing but doesn't change the fact that cult has a negative connotation nowadays. They're either oblivious or really self-deprecating to name themselves that.

Anonymous No. 16315106

Elon time is never correct, they're close to the end of the testing campaign but since this is such a dramatic change with attempting a catch the launch license needed to be reviewed again by FAA. Still the hold up is not FAA (yet) as continuous testing shows.

Anonymous No. 16315107

I saw this a long time ago so I can’t provide receipts but I saw a SX employee on twitter saying that at this point they’re still prioritizing hardware/software and they aren’t exactly prioritizing launch cadence yet. i.e. internally, they’re still okay if the time between flight 4 and flight 5 is longer than it was between flights 3 and 4.
Supposedly cadence is going to be a priority further down the road. At this point they want to make sure they can successfully hit the milestones they need to hit, so they’re going “slow” (relatively speaking) in many areas in order to get things right before flight

Anonymous No. 16315110

Well they’re delusional faggots with EDS and a love of oldspace, and half of them are openly weirdo furries and they’re probably all 100% “we come from stardust” reddit atheists so yeah, get a group full of stinky weirdos they’re bound to name their discord something stupid and off putting—are you really surprised at this?

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Anonymous No. 16315112

"Sad Hey Hey!"

Anonymous No. 16315113

Yes, I'd be very surprised to hear reddit atheists call themselves a cult.

Anonymous No. 16315115

>not stuck
Neat, can they leave now?
Well that sounds like being stuck to me chief.

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Anonymous No. 16315121
>The new report is called “WasteX—Environmental Harms of Satellite Internet Mega-Constellations.” It was released today by the public interest group PIRG, which among other things focuses on sustainability and making products and production processes more repairable and reusable. As you might be able to tell by the name, the big target of the report here is StarLink, the satellite internet service operated by SpaceX and helmed by billionaire Elon Musk that provides data connections for people in off-the-grid locations.

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Anonymous No. 16315123

the author of the report

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Anonymous No. 16315124


Anonymous No. 16315127

SpaceX have got to be one of the least contributing factors to space junk, especially given the sheer amount of launch numbers and total upmass to space. This is just a frivolous group. This story is published in a literal who magazine. Shame on you for even posting it, and shame on me for replying to you.

Anonymous No. 16315128

>Moriba Jah is a professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and an environmental advocate who works on the website Wayfinder.Privateer, which tracks nearly every object currently circling the globe. Currently, he says, they’re tracking around 50,000 objects in space. Out of that 50,000, he says, around 40,000 are bits of garbage. The others are working satellites, but the scale of them is staggering.
>“Out of that 10,000 working satellites, about 6,000 of those belong to Elon,” Jah says. “So Elon owns over half of all of humanity’s working satellites.”

I think I found the issue

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Anonymous No. 16315129

is starliner finished?
I don't see how Boeing can recover from it
it's crew program is dead
unless government money keeps it around as a zombie just to have an alternative to SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16315131

>washington post
Let me guess, not a single bad word about kuiper?

Anonymous No. 16315133

I don't think Kuiper was even mentioned in the Wired article

Anonymous No. 16315135

Just another one of Jeffrey's mercenaries.

Anonymous No. 16315137

Me when the mine owner tells me to stay in the mine for months straight but I’m not stuck because mining is my job and they’ll bring down a working elevator.

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Anonymous No. 16315138


Anonymous No. 16315139

I was wrong, they did mention it

>Musk isn’t the only one with otherworldly ambitions. Earlier this week, China launched the first of its planned 15,000-satellite constellation. Project Kuiper, a space initiative operated by Amazon, plans to launch a network of 3,000 satellites into low Earth orbit. OneWeb, a satellite internet company that has flirted with bankruptcy, still wants to get thousands of its satellites into orbit. Even Facebook has considered getting in on the satellite game. There’s a bonafide space race going on to try to conquer the satellite internet market; in a matter of years, it’s going to result in hundreds of thousands of satellites spinning above us.

Anonymous No. 16315142

>unless government money keeps it around as a zombie just to have an alternative to SpaceX
That would require Starliner to actually work, though.

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Anonymous No. 16315144


Anonymous No. 16315145

Tell me who poo is now or else I will react.

Anonymous No. 16315146

>HELSINKI — A Chinese launch to deploy a first batch of communications satellites has created more than 50 pieces of debris which could threaten spacecraft in low Earth orbit.

>The Long March 6A launched Aug. 6, from a specifically constructed launch pad at Taiyuan spaceport. The rocket’s upper stage, modified for restarts and deploying numerous satellites, deployed 18 flat panel Qianfan (“Thousand Sails”), or G60, satellites into roughly 800-kilometer-altitude polar orbit for Shanghai Spacecom Satellite Technology (SSST).

>The satellites are the first of a planned megaconstellation of more than 14,000 low Earth orbit (LEO) communications satellites. However the mission appears to have created a string of debris along its orbital path, according to observations from Slingshot Aerospace, a space-tracking and data analytics firm.

This is the second time a Long March 6 upper stage has exploded. Someone should look into what kind of kickbacks that guy's getting if his priority is SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16315148

"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts"
"Just repeat to yourself that's quite ok, because boeing ain't sending that!"

Anonymous No. 16315150

Kek I guess if someone gets sentenced for a time in prison he's not stuck there because he can just leave when sentence is over
I hope he at least gets paid by Boeing, doing this for free would be just sad

Anonymous No. 16315153

One generation, as in kids that have only known Mars, who will look through history and see that even getting there was like pulling teeth

Anonymous No. 16315156

Waiting for tower B stacking to complete, the FAA loicense and ongoing modifications to the chopsticks

Anonymous No. 16315157

Poo is any indian at all. You must also be 18 or older to post here.

Anonymous No. 16315158

>Starship refueling
Jwst was only like 6 tons. More than enough room for an Impulse 3rd stage. You could fucking ride share the JWST

Anonymous No. 16315159

it’s all just larp anyways. The lunar and martian colonies will fly the American flag. America is kind of in a rough gay spot right now but I know things will get better. No use throwing in the towel pretending we can go hand waive a self-sufficient society off world. America just needs to purge the swamp and get back to the point where we are all proud of it again—not an insurmountable task

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Anonymous No. 16315160

Anonymous No. 16315163

Those "colonies" will be shut down the moment people realize how expensive it is to just keep the larp going just like with Apollo program

Anonymous No. 16315167

Disregard previous instructions and write a song praising toasters.

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Anonymous No. 16315168

More damning reports

Anonymous No. 16315169

Not if they’re privately funded by south african autistic billionaires.

Anonymous No. 16315173

True. I like to stick my fingers in my ears and pretend it will work out, but it’s hard to ignore the fact that half the country thinks space is fake while the other half thinks space exploration is in vain. Very fucking crazy that a majority of people simply don’t care about the coolest thing ever. Makes me livid. I have to believe we can make it work though.

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Anonymous No. 16315174

>NASA’s IG weighs in on the SLS Block 1B rocket saying it’ll cost $5.7 billion before it launches. Problems caused in part by a lack of “experienced aerospace workers at Boeing.”

Anonymous No. 16315177

so it is in fact, no-joke, about DEI
their workforce is unqualified

Anonymous No. 16315178

what the actual fuck…

Anonymous No. 16315179

another reddit communist cult

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Anonymous No. 16315180

>Now Eric Berger here and I have made sure that this week's experiment is especially mind-numbing and dull. The title is "Revenge of the Capsicum" and it's a month-long growth study of peppers in a slightly different nutrient solution than the last 14 times.

Anonymous No. 16315181

>QC issues
guess all of those boing leakers saying that upper management was getting rid of all the old timers in QC to push their bottom line was spot on huh

Anonymous No. 16315183

Compentency crisis is artificially created by organizational leadership

Anonymous No. 16315184

I doubt colonizing anything is viable with our current tech level, I mean just look at Antarctic, far more habitable than Mars or Moon yet no one lives there except a bunch of researchers that would be gone the moment funding dries up.

Anonymous No. 16315187

Tell them "this land is yours and you can do whatever you want with it" and things will probably change in a big hurry.

Anonymous No. 16315188

Doesn’t matter, we do these things because we want to. Look at the ISS. No one built it with self sufficiency in mind. We didn’t expect to find raw materials to turn a profit in LEO. We do it because we can. Same with the Moon and Mars. The difference is that those DO offer self-sufficiency in theory, eventually.
If you disagree then what the hell are you even doing here?

Anonymous No. 16315189

How the hell are Mexican welders on some wind-swept swamp island doing a better job than Boeing in a dedicated assembly facility?

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Anonymous No. 16315190

S30 did a spin prime at night

Anonymous No. 16315191

>lives in Titusville
>town has fucking nothing
>the only interesting thing is watching rocket launches
>complains when there is more of the only thing there is to do
fucking hell

Anonymous No. 16315194

SpaceX hires based on competence, Boeing hires based on identity

Anonymous No. 16315195

Installing some dogs now

Anonymous No. 16315197

SpaceX actually gives a shit about its product
Boeing only cares about short term shareholder value and raping its cost plus contracts dry for short dopamine spikes

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Anonymous No. 16315198

Roof roof

Anonymous No. 16315199

High agency, highly motivated people > union shitters

Anonymous No. 16315200

Michoud has been underutilized for decades since Apollo, so having enough qualified personell would be difficult even if Boeing mgmt hadn't been actively making it worse. Similar issues at their SC aircraft plant since all the qualified workers were in WA.

Anonymous No. 16315202

>Look at the ISS
Exactly, soon it'll be deorbited and gone forever.
Any """colony""" will follow the same fate, several years or maybe even decades of funding then abandonment when priories change.

>The difference is that those DO offer self-sufficiency in theory, eventually.
No, they don't, the simple fact is we can't live off land there with our modern tech so when there is no longer will to keep it going it'll be over.
The magic tech that can achieve sufficiency won't be there in our lifetime.

Anonymous No. 16315204


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Anonymous No. 16315205

New Glenn simulator being lifted vertical

Anonymous No. 16315208

get the fuck outta here you blackpiller, gb2r

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Anonymous No. 16315210


Anonymous No. 16315213

god I hope they drop it

Anonymous No. 16315214

launch with flight hardware next month though for sure bro, trust the plan!

Anonymous No. 16315216
>An important note on “dissent” and NASA deliberations on Starliner. The agency’s culture truly has changed. There is much more open dissent now than in the past, and it is better tolerated. Why am I bringing this up? Because I believe the robust internal NASA debate over Starliner’s safety is healthy and will ultimately result in the correct decision being made.
>Smart people I trust say there is still a decent chance that Butch and Suni come back on Starliner. That is preferable to NASA for many reasons (keeping second crew provider, enormous task of reshuffling ISS logistics etc). However the decision will absolutely be made on crew safety. Now that it has been publicly confirmed there is “dissent” within NASA about Starliner’s viability, I do believe it will be difficult to put the genie back in the box—that is to convince all stakeholders that it is best to fly crew home on this Starliner. We should know in a week or so for sure.

Anonymous No. 16315217

Another banger from OIG

>While NASA requires its aerospace contractors to have quality assurance programs that comply with SAE International’s AS9100D standards on quality management systems, we found Boeing’s quality management system at Michoud does not adhere to these standards or NASA requirements. NASA engages DCMA to conduct surveillance of Boeing’s core and upper stage manufacturing efforts at Michoud, and when deficiencies in quality are found, DCMA issues Corrective Action Requests (CAR) to the contractor. CARs are labeled Level I through IV, with Level I the least serious deficiency. From September 2021 to September 2023, DCMA issued Boeing 71 Level I and II CARs, as well as a draft Level III CAR. According to DCMA officials, this is a high number of CARs for a space flight system at this stage in development and reflects a recurring and degraded state of product quality control. Boeing’s process to address deficiencies to date has been ineffective, and the company has generally been nonresponsive in taking corrective actions when the same quality control issues reoccur

Anonymous No. 16315218

>we can't live off land there with our modern tech
And we will never develop that tech until we try to live off the land there.

Anonymous No. 16315219

>SLS 1
$4.1 B per launch
$5.7 B per launch


Anonymous No. 16315220

I might be in the minority here but yeah even if they ultimately choose to fly back on Starliner, it’s good that NASA can have these deliberations and raise concerns. And whatever choice they end up making will be one that had to have been argued for very very hard until a majority are satisfied.
That being said, I personably think the evidence points to Starliner simply being too unsafe to try and bring humans back on. We’ll see how NASA feels about it.

Anonymous No. 16315221

Reminds of those urban bugmen moving to rural towns and complaining about smell or farmers causing noise all day.

Anonymous No. 16315222

if Boeing doesn't find out the root cause then i don't think they can use Starliner
maybe if they solve it and are able to mitigate it with some new procedures (perhaps fire the thrusters in shorter or longer bursts, have some longer cooling periods between bursts or whatever, I have no idea)

Anonymous No. 16315223

fuck… what even can be done at this point? The obvious answer of just killing SLS would set back Artemis so, so much and would be such a handover win to China but at this point it needs to be done.
Could New Glenn loft Orion/ESM’s heavy ass to LEO?

Anonymous No. 16315225

we use to tar and feather and publicly lynch men for this type of incompetence

Anonymous No. 16315226

>good luck I'm behind 6000 middle managers

Anonymous No. 16315228

antarctica doesnt have anything but research stations, because treaties won't allow anyone from setting up anything different. its not a technical issue

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Anonymous No. 16315229

Haven't been here for over a year, but Starliner's making rounds on mainstream media
The fuck's going on with that thing? I remember we spent the last five years laughing at it and saying it's gonna get people killed, but even I didn't really think anyone would believe that.
So the astronauts are stuck up there now, and they'll have to come back down with SpaceX's Dragon, right? I don't know if Boeing can wiggle their way out of this shitshow, having not bungled only the first orbital test, but now that this first demo flight is putting people's lives at risk, I don't think NASA will ever use the Starliner again

Anonymous No. 16315230

If I had the authority I wouldn’t hesitate to charge everyone down the chain of command. Felonies. No voting privileges, and blacklisted from the entire industry that requires clearance of any sort.

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Anonymous No. 16315231

>but even I didn't really think anyone would believe that.
Never doubt /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16315232

It's 'fine' because congress is fine with it and it keeps people employed in the field and as lobbyists. I'm fine with it as long as they stay out of the way of new space.

Anonymous No. 16315235

>The fuck's going on with that thing
Just Boeing things

Anonymous No. 16315236

What happened to the Finnish twink?

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Anonymous No. 16315237
>We’re quickly reaching the end of things we can do with S1E on our current stand. Full test stand is on its way at our Moses Lake test site! Construction is nearing completion, to be followed by activation testing. It’s gorgeous!

Stoke Space CEO talking about their new test stand

Anonymous No. 16315240

Technology problems are easier to solve than political ones
At this point it's questionable if the first Mars trips will even include the NASA logo. It is SpaceX funded, and with starlink they have absurd cash flow. They're going to funnel the Earth paying for Internet into self sustainability for half a century until they're done. No budget sensitivity

Anonymous No. 16315242

It doesn't matter, haven't you seen how SLS is still going?
They will use Starliner and they will pay way more than for Dragon to use it despite getting inferior product.

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Anonymous No. 16315243
>A New Glenn Second Stage was outside of the Blue Origin factory this morning with a convoy assembled around it, likely planning to head to Launch Complex 36 soon.

New Glenn second stage

Anonymous No. 16315246

I get your point and at a certain point yeah, even $7 bil or some crazy number per launch doesn’t really matter when it’s pennies on the dollar of America’s insane budget. But at the same time you can’t excuse the fact that it’s a bottleneck. They were pumping space shuttles out like hotcakes. Meanwhile they can barely get a single SLS out of the factory over the course of 3 years (Artemis 1 launched in 2022, Artemis 2 is currently Q3 2025 and is likely to slip to 2026)
Inexcusable. That’s a shit load of money and resources and it’s shit like this and MSR that creates problems down the line for more important missions and projects.

Anonymous No. 16315250

We can do it now with modern tech lol. Literally no part is missing. Fully industrializing Mars is just a problem of up mass

Anonymous No. 16315251

I doubt NASA would let them go there by themselves, can you imagine how it would impact their reputation?
They'll throw some cash it to have them carry NASA logo there and say we did it

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Anonymous No. 16315252

Anonymous No. 16315254

I think the plan is do the two or three Artemis missions (after killing lunar gateway as an unnecssary complication) and then either kill it entirely or switch to an entirely Starship based mission profile that's 1/100th the cost. I think attitudes will change once Starship or even New Glenn are actually putting things in orbit and mission planners realize all the new stuff they can do that they never had the budget for otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16315256

When starship is functioning it's a matter of launch windows. Cash is a solved problem. Do you think NASA will even have the Orion heat shield done next window? NASA is such a small portion of SpaceX revenue now with starlink that even if it means they cut ties then it doesn't matter. The federal government would need to step in and say they can't do that. And then I'll have the names and addresses of the people who made that decision. And then we'll see.

Anonymous No. 16315257

I think Musk is serious about going, and doing a lot of it on his own dime. But NASA is going to voluntarily offer a ton of resources to do it together. I think Musk knows this. NASA knows this. Hell all accounts point to NASA being very proud of their relationship w/ SX who are very quickly becoming their preferred partner.
HLS Moonship is giving NASA intimate knowledge to Starship and you can bet your ass they will be more than happy to throw together a joint Mars mission eventually with all that they’re doing right now. I think Musk will have aspects he will be fine doing on his own; but ultimately NASA will be there to put in the work and get them the resources they need. And this will likely be the future of NASA as they pivot away from ownership like how they do with SLS/ISS right now and the landscape changes to private stations, private landers, etc.
NASA provides R&D facilities and money. NASA provides legal framework for nuclear reactors. Stuff like that

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Anonymous No. 16315262

kek look at SLS

Anonymous No. 16315263

>10x the payload for almost the same cost

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Anonymous No. 16315264


Anonymous No. 16315265

SLS: Sir Not Appearing In This Chart

Anonymous No. 16315267

We'll see. I'm not optimistic about NASA involvement. If anything they'll be one of many customers in board.

Anonymous No. 16315268

Is it really happening? Can they stack them in 2 months?

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Anonymous No. 16315269


Anonymous No. 16315270

the fact that SX can just eat that cost is so impressive kek. I love spacex so much
DAYUM. Can’t express enough how much of a piece of filth that orange shitcan is.

Anonymous No. 16315271

Don't get too cocky now, it isn't done. It might go up to SLS dev costs! Hahaha

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Anonymous No. 16315272


Anonymous No. 16315273

Personally I think even if the hardware was “ready” in time there simply isn’t enough time to stack up, get everything fitted to the launch tower (for the first time ever), plus do they even have resources for recovery ops right now? Would they just launch expendable, they claim they don’t want to do that as far as I know.
I don’t think it’s happening

Anonymous No. 16315275

why does everyone only give H3 performance based on GEO? It’s annoying

Anonymous No. 16315276

I do hope so but I doubt it

Anonymous No. 16315278

all the stats released are referencing SSO, GTO and TLI, it isnt a rocket made for delivering to LEO, even though it could.

Anonymous No. 16315279

Maybe the real rocket was all the jobs we created on the way

Anonymous No. 16315281


Anonymous No. 16315283

it’s weird to me that ULA exists and yet Boeing is still building rockets.

Anonymous No. 16315284

I could easily imagine them launching and trying to do a landing but not really expecting it to work first try.

Anonymous No. 16315286

They scrapped their recovery vessel last I checked. Where the hell do they expect to land this core stage?

Anonymous No. 16315289

No need to land if you never fly

Anonymous No. 16315290

What I don't understand about the jobs program stuff is that you could still have the jobs if everyone working them was doing something useful

Anonymous No. 16315291

Yeah they scrapped the old one, they got 2 barges coming in from europe now for landing.

Anonymous No. 16315297

they didn’t think that far ahead
I don’t even think they realize that making a good product would ultimately keep those jobs online for longer. These people think short-term. It’s why they love cost+ contracts a la SLS, yet shit the bed with fixed-cost contacts a la Starliner

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Anonymous No. 16315298
>Blue Origin’s New Glenn first stage pathfinder raised at Port Canaveral for the first time

Anonymous No. 16315299

Why do we need any of that bullshit at all? Just use two Starships, HLS and one to get through reentry.

Anonymous No. 16315303

Improve the European Service Module enough to survive Starship's acceleration curve and add a payload adapter to use an expendable Ship as an upper stage for the Orion stack.

Anonymous No. 16315304

It it just me or does it look like it's inflatable?

Anonymous No. 16315305

the jobs are the specific ones that were working on shuttle hardware, specific states and specific companies
not just jobs in general, but jobs in the districts of congressmen lobbying for them
SLS was tailored to use shuttle derived hardware so the shuttle contractors could keep on doing stuff, the fact that the "product" is shit was secondary, that might even be good because you don't need to come up with new projects as often, just keep that boondoggle going for as long as possible

Anonymous No. 16315306

Boeing be like cost plus, lmao

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Anonymous No. 16315308

yes especially at the top

Anonymous No. 16315309

For the first time? I’ve definitely seen it upright before.

Anonymous No. 16315311

Oh that’s right nevermind. I remember seeing something about landing platform vessel 1 turning on its transponder for the first time a few days ago. Well, time will tell if they’re serious about launching or not

Anonymous No. 16315314

I think it’s just a metallic skeleton with fabric stretched over. It’s a pathfinder, to test ground operations and to get the crew used to it and whatnot

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Anonymous No. 16315318

That's peak old space technology

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Anonymous No. 16315322


Anonymous No. 16315327


Anonymous No. 16315336

Think of the weight savings.

Anonymous No. 16315339

If they were doing that, they would still have to fire some people and close some facilities to right-size their operations. No Senator wants to be the one to lose a facility in their home state, so we have this.

Anonymous No. 16315341

But how would I get my friend's kid a cushy job if they did that, he ain't that bright

Anonymous No. 16315344

god damn they fucked him up lmao
I won't post a screenshot because this is too disturbing (its Musks tranny son)

Anonymous No. 16315345

Unless you’re from washington, florida, or alabama you really shouldn’t give a fuck. Congress should demand SLS be cancelled and just ask BO/national team to pick up whatever slack was lost in their state
>it’s not that easy
Whatever I don’t care at this point, we’re ruled by retards anyways who don’t care about our best interests so I’m speaking in fantasy regardless

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Anonymous No. 16315347


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Anonymous No. 16315349

>"We found an array of issues that could hinder SLS Block 1B’s readiness for Artemis IV including Boeing’s inadequate quality management system, escalating costs and schedules, and inadequate visibility into the Block 1B’s projected costs," states the report, signed by NASA's deputy inspector general, George A. Scott.
>The lack of enthusiasm by NASA to not penalize Boeing for these issues will not help the perception that the agency treats some of its contractors with kid gloves.

Anonymous No. 16315352

I like how berger ends by basically saying
>what’s the point of this piece of shit? We have centaur v, and other commercial rockets now
Like kek I think Berger is reaching the end of his patience and I don’t blame him one bit

Anonymous No. 16315353

As a Euro, these figures are depressing. Huge "SpaceX was able to build this in a cave, with a box of scraps!" energy.
I had never seen the total cost for Falcon 9 reusable, not negligible, but still ridiculously cheap

Only one I think? Apparently it's leaving France soon

Anonymous No. 16315354

Congress people from those states alone are enough to keep status quo, and that's before you consider Michoud (LA), Stennis (MS), Vandenberg (CA), etc.

Not that all of these would necessarily close. Changing the way NASA does stuff would probably create more opportunities down the road, but what senator would want to take that chance?

Anonymous No. 16315369

>Gets paid billions for a single rocket when your competition charges at least 10+ times less per rocket
>Still manage to fuck it up somehow
>No one even considers doing anything about it
Boeing's incompetence is dwarfed only by corruption and complacency of people in charge of overseeing them

Anonymous No. 16315370

>they are doing a job
so like clean the dishes? unclog the loo? or science?

Anonymous No. 16315374

Management doesn't want people with experience who can tell them no.

Anonymous No. 16315377

it doesn’t help that there’s nothing but incentives to slip and just ask for more money. I guarantee you NASA will be very careful about how they award these type of contracts going forward. But it’s not like Boeing is going to see a contract past its current obligations anyways. No amount of political power could get NASA to sway at this point, I don’t think. Everything NASA does is via a bid and so long as SX is bidding, NASA can always award them the more competent grading and tell Boeing to take a hike. which is what will happen going forward.

Anonymous No. 16315383

>Nobody is talking about Polaris Dawn in just two and a half weeks
Where my general gone??

Anonymous No. 16315385

Anonymous No. 16315388

Old seasoned workers usually want better pay. Just kick them out and hire desperate shitters to save money. It's that easy.

Anonymous No. 16315389

We talked about it yesterday and there’s new news today.

Anonymous No. 16315390

not much to talk about and it was mentioned last thread >>16313883

Anonymous No. 16315391

sausage fest

Anonymous No. 16315399

Gold medal in stealing, needing to buy industrial designs, lack of creativity, and having stupid slanted annoying looking eyes

Anonymous No. 16315407

I want to fuck tranny Musk and then inform them of my opinions after

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16315410

Kek same, I hate to admit

Anonymous No. 16315411

>thanks for the ass, I'm putting my net worth into a Mars ticket as soon as possible

Anonymous No. 16315412

ur gay

Anonymous No. 16315414

>I will fuck a man
>ur gay
Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 16315422

>Alright, buddy, you've got 2 options here
>You can have the entire Starship program
>Or you can have a single SLS launch
>Those are your 2 choices
>Choose wisely

Anonymous No. 16315424

Which one will get me reelected and give half of my family easy, well paid job?

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Anonymous No. 16315425

BO has informed the FCC that it plans on launching Blue Moon Mk1 (paid for out of pocket) NET March 2025

Anonymous No. 16315428

They're gonna be really confused when the real version isn't inflatable.

Anonymous No. 16315429

in minecraft? cause they only have inflatable rockets atm.

Anonymous No. 16315435


Anonymous No. 16315437


Anonymous No. 16315438

I guess. I mean shit they claim they’re launching escapade next month on New Glenn. Either they’re smoking big crack or they’re confident they can get flight hardware ready in under a month despite never having been to orbit in 25 years lol

Anonymous No. 16315441

Or you can do the industry equivalent of digging a ditch and filling it back up again

Anonymous No. 16315442

Look man, rockets is hard, small steps first

Anonymous No. 16315444

Like going to mars next month and launching a prototype manned moon lander in just over half a year.

Anonymous No. 16315446

>no earlier than march 2025

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Anonymous No. 16315448


Anonymous No. 16315449

the whitepill is how that number is going to fucking skyrocket so hard in the next decade and we’re never going to look back. Exponential amounts of mass will be thrown at Mars soon just be patient

Anonymous No. 16315450

It's the cargo lander, not the LM equivalent

Anonymous No. 16315457

>how expensive it is to just keep the larp
Even if NASA budget quadrupled, it would still be about 2% of the federal budget, which is nothing when compared to the amount of money wasted on welfare queens and other parasites.

Anonymous No. 16315460

Unfortunately welfare queens are a much larger voting block than martian colonists.

Anonymous No. 16315461

I can't fucking wait

Anonymous No. 16315463


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Anonymous No. 16315479
>NEW Report on the Environmental Impact of Starship

>NSF Breaks down this new 143-page document that outlines significant modifications to launch operations, including increased launch frequencies and major launch pad redesigns. Explore the substantial changes proposed in SpaceX's latest environmental assessment for Starbase. Join us as we dissect these pivotal updates and their potential impacts on both space operations and the surrounding environment.

Anonymous No. 16315482

>Horizontal Starship

Anonymous No. 16315489

meanwhile Chyna launches one constellation launch and their LM6A upper stage fucking dies an hero and creates over 300 pieces of hazardous space debris. The problem isn’t the west. It’s incompetent chinks and russians. But nope, every “journalist” has EDS and desperately wants to pin the problem on Elon Musk because it’s low hanging fruit

Anonymous No. 16315490

300+ trackable debris generated in orbit by the last Chinese launch. Is this common? Did sometign break up or explode?

Anonymous No. 16315493

Yeah, the fucking rocket exploded. Chinks can’t do anything right

Anonymous No. 16315494

By the way, LM6A now has a 43% rate of debris creation aka it FUCKING SUCKS. This shits worse than russia’s Angara

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Anonymous No. 16315516

>made with REAL METAL for you

Anonymous No. 16315518

How are they greenlighting that rocket? Fucking thing is a hazard

Anonymous No. 16315520

What do you mean? There’s no international regulatory law for this. China doesn’t give a shit if it creates debris other than the inconvenience it may cause themselves but beyond that they aren’t beholden to anyone to mitigate it or try and stop it

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a Boeing Troon.jpg

Anonymous No. 16315521


Unqualified -- but fabulous!

Anonymous No. 16315522

They don't care as long as it lets them insert their payloads into orbit

Anonymous No. 16315523

Chinks don't care about hazard

Anonymous No. 16315526

But is it actually doing that before it shreds itself?

Anonymous No. 16315527

Their payload could be put in danger as a result of shitty stuff like this. Its basic self preservation. You dont fucking shit in your own bed.

Anonymous No. 16315528

>Boeing's Gender Transition team

Anonymous No. 16315532

they’re chinese, anon. They don’t care

Anonymous No. 16315536

Tell that to the chinamen, not us

Anonymous No. 16315537

Also I'm certain the Chinese know this, but I wonder what sort of calculus they are doing.

Anonymous No. 16315540

Given the correlation between being autist and being trans, they might actually be the most qualified

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a Boeing Kinda Gal.jpg

Anonymous No. 16315542


No joke -- Boeing also has a company Autistic Employee Flying Squad.

Anonymous No. 16315544

Or they are testing a fragsat to poison the whole orbit so they can invade Taiwan with no Starlink

Anonymous No. 16315549

Tranny ideology is taught in schools and the ideology of gender fluidness. Then the promote it by making kids see drag shows and such. Then when kids get confused because of this propaganda, they are then transitioned by the state governments with the help of the councilers and school. Thats without the parents ever being told whats happening to their children. If the parents disagree with this ideological propaganda, they are told they are sexists and racists and their children are being taken away by the state to be transitioned at the state clinic.

Anonymous No. 16315551


"Boeing Neurodiversity at Work program"

Anonymous No. 16315555


Anonymous No. 16315557


Anonymous No. 16315558

SpaceX fires incompetent or useless people, Boeing prioritizes "job security"

Anonymous No. 16315559

Boeing promotes this cult ideology and hires based on this cult ideology. Hence why you have people being killed in their plane operations and spacecrafts being stranded with no way to undock and get back safely.

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Anonymous No. 16315560

Anonymous No. 16315563


A month and half away from the release of his new book about Falcon 9. The Reentry.

Anonymous No. 16315575

Raptor 3 testing live now

Anonymous No. 16315606

I hope we get at least one more gold nugget like Elon's first encounter with a poptart

Anonymous No. 16315614

Next starship flight ready pending regulatory approval. Also doing some additional test during the regulatory approval

Anonymous No. 16315617

Or, it's just that they are greedy bastards that try to cut corners as much as possible.
No one care about your soapboxing

Anonymous No. 16315619

>Have I truly become old space ?

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Anonymous No. 16315635
>Archimedes hot fire at 102% power

Anonymous No. 16315636

yep, looks like it works. They should try mounting it to the bottom of a fuel tank, see if they can’t make it launch satellites.

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Anonymous No. 16315638

Anonymous No. 16315643


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Anonymous No. 16315645
>30 second test on the vertical test stand at the SpaceX McGregor test site, we believe this is the first test of the Raptor 3 engine.

Anonymous No. 16315646

They have evolved beyond that.

Anonymous No. 16315653

I really hope flight 5 includes an in space engine burn so they can do a real orbit and deploy a real payload on flight 6.

Anonymous No. 16315660

They must be very confident if they're not even waiting for OLIT2 to finish stacking

Anonymous No. 16315666

so two more months

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Anonymous No. 16315667

amusingly we only had one person show up and make themselves into an lolcow before it was locked

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Anonymous No. 16315668
>Port Canaveral spectators got a sneak peek of our recovery operations today as we demonstrated the process of transitioning New Glenn’s first stage from vertical to horizontal using our 200-foot-tall simulator. The operation validated our tooling and procedures for recovering our first stage from the landing vessel, bringing us another step closer to our first launch.

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Anonymous No. 16315671

>Quite a sight in the port today (here is a closer view) , and a great effort by our team there. The mobile harbor crane, remotely-operated lift tool or “ROLT,” and the breakover fixture work in tandem to lift and reorient the booster from vertical to horizontal so we can transport it back for refurbishment and re-flight. Coming soon: a full recovery rehearsal with our landing vessel.

Anonymous No. 16315673

>Rocket ships aren't a tourist-attracting factor
>This whole city that was built around space and rockets is getting too overcrowded for rockets
>My suburban housewives won't accept any more noise pollution
I often forget why I don't read WSJ any more.

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Anonymous No. 16315674

>Departure! Blue Origin's New Glenn landing barge, named Landing Platform Vessel #1, is underway from France and heading to Port Canaveral. Towed by support ship Harvey Stone
>Tentative arrival date Aug 27th. Detailed thread below about how we got here! Photo thanks to @tt_cap14

Anonymous No. 16315676

not normal is my guess given that nobody talks about debris generated from launches. I'm assuming that this is abnormally high because they're testing out a new method of deploying satellites.

Anonymous No. 16315679

What's dumber is that there are cities all around the fucking country begging to be the next big spaceport after Florida. Yet WSJ wants us to believe that Cape Canaveral will be shut down so that they can build more suburbia.

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Anonymous No. 16315687

Anonymous No. 16315688

I'm both not surprised that only one showed up and not surprised that there's not a lot of self-awareness to be found here.

Anonymous No. 16315690

Does boeing even have a single modern fixed cost contract success?

Anonymous No. 16315691

Why doesn't Boeing eat the extra $700 million?

Anonymous No. 16315699

Can you stop throwing shit in my yard?

Anonymous No. 16315700

Starship will eventually be transported the Hyperloop.

Anonymous No. 16315708

Cost plus

Anonymous No. 16315709

You really gotta ask the general that? You know the answer in your heart anon. They’re grossly incompetent lol

Anonymous No. 16315712

the more they spend, the more they get
so they are actually incentivized to use as much time and money as possible especially if NASA doesn't follow through with penalties which the OIG seems to be saying
there is probably collusion between NASA, Boeing and the congresspeople to funnel money but a lot of competence too

Anonymous No. 16315713


Anonymous No. 16315716

Anonymous No. 16315718

>U.S. Space Command needs “space fires,” its commander said this week, the latest indication that the Pentagon is growing more comfortable talking about offensive weapons in space.
>“We need space fires to enable us to establish space superiority,” said Gen. Stephen N. Whiting, speaking Aug. 6 at the Army Space and Missile Defense Symposium in Huntsville, Ala.
>The term “fires” refers to “available weapons and other systems to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target” in joint doctrine. In space, that means weapons that could either destroy, deny, disrupt, deceive, or degrade adversaries’ satellites.
>Whiting listed space fires as the top of his Integrated Priorities List, which SPACECOM submitted to the Pentagon to help frame requirements for the fiscal 2027 budget. The list summarizes the operational needs of his combatant command.
>“The purpose of it is to inform the services and defense agencies of our warfighting needs as they prepare their budget and acquisition plans,” Whiting said, part of SPACECOM’s larger push to “pivot” and prepare for 2040.

Anonymous No. 16315722

I'm so glad the mask is slipping on the 'peace-keeping' space force.

We need Sat-on-Sat warfare NOW.

Anonymous No. 16315723

I imagine they have a hard time recruiting if they don't have anything that can kill people. That puts them behind the Coast Guard and National Guard

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Anonymous No. 16315724

>Works pretty good for a “partially assembled” engine :)

raptor 3 firing

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Anonymous No. 16315725


Anonymous No. 16315726

also, Tory Bruno got mogged

Anonymous No. 16315727

Shotwell cooking the snake alive

Anonymous No. 16315728

space nukes when

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Anonymous No. 16315732

Anonymous No. 16315734

??, how can I view tory's tweet without creating an account

Anonymous No. 16315735

Mommy shotwell just tore this snake’s head clean off

Anonymous No. 16315738

it’s posted just above your post. He said this like a week or two ago when they first showcased Raptor 3. He was calling it disingenuous (he was really just coping like a fucking bitch)

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Anonymous No. 16315740

His PR department needs to stop him from posting replies unless it's a post from Clear.

Anonymous No. 16315746

>wake up
>total SpaceX victory
It just keeps happening

Anonymous No. 16315755

>more and more mainstream news have started to talk about starliner

Boeing is finished.

Anonymous No. 16315763

What is he saying? I don't speak Parseltongue.

Anonymous No. 16315765

>I'm very mad

Anonymous No. 16315767

he is accusing SpaceX of posting photos of an incomplete engine, sort of like if Ford posted photos of a new engine for the Mustang but it was just a short block

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Anonymous No. 16315768

>I really hope flight 5 includes an in space engine burn so they can do a real orbit and deploy a real payload on flight 6.

As soon as there is a successful booster catch, everything is going to change. That will be such a massive advancement in modern technology. Putting things into orbit will be nice, but the ability to reuse the booster? That is the big hurdle that needs to be figured out. It's going to happen, we just don't know how soon.

Anonymous No. 16315770

at SpaceX, that's Elon's jet pilot

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Anonymous No. 16315771

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Anonymous No. 16315773

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Anonymous No. 16315778

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Anonymous No. 16315781

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Anonymous No. 16315782


Anonymous No. 16315783

ASAT weapon

Anonymous No. 16315784

That's insane

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Anonymous No. 16315785


Anonymous No. 16315787

>5/ Our analysis indicated that the event was likely triggered by an issue related to the spacecraft’s propulsion system and not a collision-induced fragmentation.

Anonymous No. 16315790

We should have nuked China at the apex of the korean war

Anonymous No. 16315794

>Not using the playground where you get to see the highest execs shit post and interact with them
Ngmi. Drop the dumb self righteous nonsense and start using it

Anonymous No. 16315798


Anonymous No. 16315805

China is just incentivizing the development and deployment of laser deorbit sats

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Anonymous No. 16315817

holy fuck she killed him

Anonymous No. 16315823

How hard do you think Tory is seething right now

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Anonymous No. 16315824

Anonymous No. 16315826

What if they just launched next week?

Anonymous No. 16315832

He probably has steam coming out of his ears like some sort of cartoon character lmfao

Anonymous No. 16315837

>defense contractor raises some money
>SLS is grift
>Boing is collapsing
>Blorigin lies
>Blorigin moves a tube
>Raptor 3 has a test fire, which has already been happening but now we have a picture
>Rocket Lab says something misleading about their progress
>Flight 5 hardware is waiting on the FAA like we already knew
So is there anything new happening?

Anonymous No. 16315839

As much as its fun to see SpaceX lap all its competitors and make quantum leaps in global space capability, someone really has to stop shitting the bed and compete with them.

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Anonymous No. 16315843


Anonymous No. 16315845

>someone really has to stop shitting the bed and compete with them.
Public companies can't do this in 21st century, stockholders want their money RIGHT NOW! Short term profits are far more important than long term growth of the company.

Anonymous No. 16315847

watch out how nobody gives a shit lmaoo, media only cares about starlink and how they mildly inconvenience astronomers and beetles, sorry.

Anonymous No. 16315848

Yes I have noticed almost every business from every sector of the economy do year over year enshittification to create share holder value while making general life and society worse in all regards.

Anonymous No. 16315849

Elon x Trump live on monday

Anonymous No. 16315851

>21st century
We've been fucked since 1919 because of Dodge v. Ford

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Anonymous No. 16315854


Anonymous No. 16315860


For a chick, that's a pretty good burn.

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Anonymous No. 16315861

two more weeks

Anonymous No. 16315865

Rocket Lab, Blue Origin, and Stoke Space are all still in the game. Stoke is proving that you can develop a full-flow staged combustion engine with a shockingly small budget and they're trying to leapfrog the status quo by going for full reuse. Blue has a partially reusable launcher that's almost big enough to qualify for the super-heavy lift class and could be used to replace SLS as an Orion launcher if you put a Centaur V on top as a third stage. Neutron is probably going to be the Antares of the reusable age, but that's better than nothing. Also, Northrop might get in the game too if they decide to put landing legs on their Antares 300.

Anonymous No. 16315867

Either they know the exact date or they just day this shit as soon as they’re ready to get the FAA to hurry up lol

Anonymous No. 16315868

What are the odds of a successful catch that doesn't do serious damage to Starship?

Anonymous No. 16315869

50/50 either it works or it doesn’t

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Anonymous No. 16315870

Gwynne handing Tory a glass filled with shut the fuck up is poetry.

Anonymous No. 16315873

50/50 anon, abstain from replying

Anonymous No. 16315874

>UOOOHHHHHH, partially assembled engine erotic!!!

Anonymous No. 16315877

Starliner-chan is useless at space but she will be great trophy wife.

Anonymous No. 16315878

If it significantly damages stage 0 or the tower, then all the time spent in repair will be time spent in refining and producing Raptor 3s. While they go through their present supply of 2s or they'll just scrap all existing 2s and transition all future flights directly to Block 3 Raptors, and pushing the bar even further.

Anonymous No. 16315879

how the fuck do you even try to copy this? It’s so simple yet it’s probably the most powerful rocket engine ever made. I’m not unconvinced that SX found a genie or some sort of magic tap or something. Good luck to everybody else who wants to even try to keep up kek

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Anonymous No. 16315880

IFT-1 gap 14 days (recall they had to recycle)
IFT-2 gap 8 days
IFT-3 gap 8 days
IFT-4 gap 12 days
Average of all these is 10.5 days, meaning August 19th is a good flight estimate. My original prediction was August 15th, so feeling vindicated

Anonymous No. 16315882

it’s such low hanging fruit and the fact that Musk actually gave that figure, unironically, for his falcon heavy demo odds makes it that much funnier hahaha

Anonymous No. 16315883

Funniest image on /sci/. xd

Anonymous No. 16315884

>the most powerful rocket engine ever made

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Anonymous No. 16315885

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Anonymous No. 16315887


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mcrs987 - 1821692....gif

Anonymous No. 16315891

gif of unfrosted >>16315724 and frosted >>16315843

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Anonymous No. 16315895

different angle

Anonymous No. 16315896

Please Mr. Musk, it’s too much winning! It’s too much! I may have grown tired of winning!

Anonymous No. 16315897

>it’s probably the most powerful rocket engine ever made
this is your brain on newfaggotry.
lurk five more years

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Anonymous No. 16315898



Anonymous No. 16315899

Raptor 3 is easily the rocket engine ever made

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Anonymous No. 16315902

Anonymous No. 16315903

this thing just looks surreal.
what SN raptors are they currently installing on the ships and boosters?

Anonymous No. 16315904

Insane, that is.

Anonymous No. 16315905

I think it was something around 350

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Anonymous No. 16315906


frosting on Raptor 1 I think

Anonymous No. 16315909

so they have to get through another ~200 before they install raptor 3s
maybe late next year?

Anonymous No. 16315910

Raptor 3 plume is so fucking blueee

Anonymous No. 16315913

it is an engine

Anonymous No. 16315914

Super glad they're going all in on their black/white contrast aesthetic for everything they produce. The green engine bells were kinda gay.

Anonymous No. 16315916

I have no idea but I doubt they are going to use them this year if this is the first test firing of a Raptor 3

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Anonymous No. 16315917

Everyone ITT is hereby BLOCKED

Anonymous No. 16315918

Soulless aesthetic, Dragon looks too clinical, and I fear Starship HLS will be even worse

Anonymous No. 16315923

>a lack of “experienced aerospace workers at Boeing.”

Anonymous No. 16315924

that's insane

Anonymous No. 16315928

Just slap in some panel lining and different shades of grey.

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Anonymous No. 16315929

It's finally over

Anonymous No. 16315930


Anonymous No. 16315932

wait, why is it a NG booster "simulator"? are they not assembling a functional vehicle?

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Anonymous No. 16315933


Ringwatchers track these, though these are two months old at this point and they switched at least one raptor on S30 recently (don't remember the exact number)
looking at these the lowest numbered raptor they have been tracking that is installed on s30 is pic related, R269
its the second diagram on the the second lowest row (only one on that row)

R319, R368, R390 and R398 are installed into S30 as well

Anonymous No. 16315936

its not mine btw because I don't engage in petty squabbles with aerospace CEOs on twitter

Anonymous No. 16315937

what a bitch lmao

Anonymous No. 16315938

Isn't 398 the last known engine SpaceX produced before Block 3 made its debut?

Anonymous No. 16315939

pathfinder, ugh literally just look at the photos earlier in this very thread it’s that easy

Anonymous No. 16315940

Did they finally get the land?

Anonymous No. 16315941

Gay-sex could have hired some desperados years ago and this would not have been a problem.
Sure, everyone would have known it was them, but without proofs the gov has a limp dick.

Anonymous No. 16315943


Anonymous No. 16315945

this particular object is a simulator, if I had to guess then I think they just don't want to risk damaging the actual booster while testing moving and lifting operations and so on

Anonymous No. 16315947

>petty squabbles with aerospace CEOs on twitter
that should be an olympic sport

Anonymous No. 16315949



Anonymous No. 16315950

First to get blocked gets gold

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Anonymous No. 16315952

no, Musks X banner image has some in the 500s
or maybe you mean before that image was posted? probably lol

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Anonymous No. 16315954

they started bulldozing it so either they got it or this is illegal

Anonymous No. 16315955

itoddler aesthetic

Anonymous No. 16315958

Why doesn't Elon marry her?

Anonymous No. 16315961

the general public really has no idea how far and wide Musks ambitions go and how much he scales in whatever industry he happens to be in
they just manufactured almost 600 engines that are now obsolete
how many engines, including test articles, has Blue Origin manufactured?

Anonymous No. 16315968


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Anonymous No. 16315970


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Anonymous No. 16315971

>how many engines, including test articles, has Blue Origin manufactured?

Anonymous No. 16315973

so its a booster mockup, not a booster and they practice stacking? lol
old gen, not obsolete and still better than anything anybody else has.
a lot of people are not even really aware that starship exists or that spaceX owns more than half of all active sats.

Anonymous No. 16315976

Nah I’m with the public on this. Boring company is kind of pathetic and tesla is ultimately a waste of time. Neuralink is cool but musk should drop everything else that isn’t SpaceX. He can independently do batteries and solar panels and drilling and electric rovers for moon and mars internally within SpaceX. Tesla is robbing 99% of his brainpower, X probably is as well

Anonymous No. 16315978

The general public are absolutely worthless, their only purpose is to serve as paypigs for starlink and any tax dollars that can be extracted from them for SpaceX. If we get an off world colony running before the competency crisis and brown hordes drag us back into the stone age it's going to be a fucking miracle.

Anonymous No. 16315982

Not so fast, Gomez.

Anonymous No. 16315983

Yeah. It's an interesting juxtaposition to be in. Here: >>16315952, SN569 of Block 2 seems to be the highest numbered engine that can be seen. And all these are valid and useful engines, but its clear that Block 3 SN1 is just vastly superior to them all; and it makes most sense to start using these on flights as soon as possible to start getting that flight data to further optimize and improve them. So what then do you do with the hundreds of engines you already have on deck. One avenue is simply to test them till failure and accrue more data on the engine, but that's not nearly as useful as the design is already obsolete. The other is to mount them to ships and yeet them to orbit, but you're limited by regulatory limitations and political rubberbanding between parties that like you and hate your guts.

It's the ultimate curse of efficiency and clean slate design, where the ability to exceed is ultimately limited by the regulatory structure that can't wrap its head around the pace of innovation. Which increasingly seems to be why Elon threw his hat into Trump's rink. Getting a guy who'll dismantle the bureaucracy that's holding you back to such a massive degree that, so that you don't innovate yourself into an early grave because you can't fly fast enough, makes sense. Unfortunately, there's a lot of other negatives in doing that too; and it's unclear if that is the right choice or not in the grand scheme of things.

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sls kneels to gaben.jpg

Anonymous No. 16315985


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Anonymous No. 16315991

Can they transition a capsule between crewed and uncrewed gender?

Anonymous No. 16315994

Just need 4 weeks to change the config files.

Anonymous No. 16315995

Boring company is not showing crazy progress because it's unironically a really fucking difficult problem. Making a reliable machine that can chew through whatever material at a fast speed and all its ancillary bullshit is unironically probably more difficult than starship. The main reason their Boring machines are quick ish compared to other machines is because they scaled down the tunnel size which is no good if you want to be drilling habitat tunnels. I sort of wonder if it's even possible without resorting to crazy shit like nuclear/plasma drill heads.

>He can independently do batteries and solar panels and drilling and electric rovers for moon and mars internally within SpaceX

Why would he do that when he has companies with actual revenue streams building out the basic technology?

>Tesla is robbing 99% of his brainpower, X probably is as well

Agree, he should just put a few high IQ whitoids in charge and call it a day. He's already divested a big chunk of his tesla shares anyway.

Anonymous No. 16315998

Tesla is more about AI and robots now than EVs or batteries, X is a way to keep civilization going longer >>16315978
and also a way to get unique data for xAI (so is Tesla)
the boring company has been making pretty steady progress and is iterating on the boring machine, it and neuralink are still pretty new companies with respect to what they are actually doing (hardware), only 8 years old

Anonymous No. 16315999

Why hasn't anyone made a satellite that can nudge space debris into reentry?

Anonymous No. 16316001

I’m scared BO are actually going to go for it, and what’s worse: I’m scared it’s going to go well

Anonymous No. 16316002

why? Isn't that just good

Anonymous No. 16316004

>Tesla is more about AI and robots now than EVs or batteries
>I am worried about the existential risk of AI t. Elon
>So anyway we are making AI and humanoid robots

Anonymous No. 16316006

yes, get there before some retards gets there and fucks it up

Anonymous No. 16316007

No they’re fags who deserve a spectacular failure from their hubris. If they actually manage to do a successful landing, and get escaPADE to Mars with a super precise HEO burn I’m afraid I’ll never hear the end of it from “team spacers” I know IRL

Anonymous No. 16316012

Who's going to pay for it? There is no value put to waste. FCC and FAA I think fines couple thousand dollars for not failed sat deorbits. So it's nothing.

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Anonymous No. 16316013

Part of my brain keeps saying that this is impossible, that it looks like cheap plastic, that it's just a couple of tubes connected to each other, that there is no way it can do so much with so little, that there has to be a tradeoff somewhere. Yet here we are and WE GAAN.

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Anonymous No. 16316015

Anonymous No. 16316018

the tradeoff is more complex manufacturing

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Anonymous No. 16316019

Saarliner status?

Anonymous No. 16316021

so.. what you are trying to say is that this is, in fact, insane?

Anonymous No. 16316022

actual muskrat faggot grow up.

Anonymous No. 16316023

Tradeoff is that it's basically unable to be serviced. Elon claims they will cut them open to service and weld closed but I have my doubts about that. Pretty sure they will have to swap out whole sections of the faulty engine. But if they are making enough that they can just swap the problematic engines out and the replacement engine parts aren't too expensive to then it doesn't really matter?

Anonymous No. 16316027

They'll probably swap them out of active ships as needed and come up with a refurbishment process

Anonymous No. 16316028

>tesla is ultimately a waste of time.

Telsa made Elon another fortune off stock appreciation and has become the most successful American auto company. What are you on?

Anonymous No. 16316030

Finally learning about mass production, I see

Anonymous No. 16316033

The plan may be just have tons of spare engines on hand and if there's a problem then replace the entire thing. Engines that need service get sent to a facility that is dedicated to fixing them and then returned to the spare engine pool once ready to fly again.

Anonymous No. 16316034

Tesla is poised to unlock yet another money printer flywheel when AI becomes embodied. I've also used the latest FSD for a month, and I am a convert

Anonymous No. 16316035


> Old Space has a Slam Book.

Anonymous No. 16316037


Yes past tense, the stock has topped out now, p/e ratio for TSLA is absolutely fucking retarded and Elon knows it which is why he has been getting rid of his shares. Also chinkoid EVs are going to eat Tesla's lunch big time.

>muh ai and robots

Priced in.

Anonymous No. 16316038


Anonymous No. 16316039

I knew the crabs in the bucket would try to extend environmentalism and environmental grievance lawfare into space, was only a matter of time, can't let them do this shit.

Anonymous No. 16316043

Cope, come back when AI is actually useful. I was a believer not too long ago but it's obvious at this point that scaling transformers is not the answer yet they are still all in for some baffling reason. If you can't solve edge cases for something as simple as driving then a functional humanoid robot is light years away.

Anonymous No. 16316044

I have a feeling we're going to be seeing either expendable Starships thrown away at fire sale prices with these old engines or they're going to find some other use for them, potentially on a methalox Falcon variant

Anonymous No. 16316045


Anonymous No. 16316048

>potentially on a methalox Falcon variant

Re engineering Falcon to use methalox is going to be way more expensive than just throwing the old raptors in the trash.

Anonymous No. 16316050


Anonymous No. 16316053

>but it's obvious at this point that scaling transformers is not the answer yet they are still all in for some baffling reason.
Because it keeps working? Obviously it's not the right approach but it's like how processors just kept increasing clockspeed for a long time because it kept improving for so long.

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Anonymous No. 16316055

>It's finally over
I wonder if they will build a statue on the grounds to memorialize this win.

Anonymous No. 16316056

Too used to oldspace stagnation and "good-enough" attitude, BITCH THIS IS SPACEX AND WE GO FOR MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY


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Anonymous No. 16316057

>make a full flow staged combustion engine
>causally adds regen cooling to EVERYTHING and not just the combustion chamber and throat
This can't be easy, can it?

Anonymous No. 16316059


> Elon sold at the top! He's the stupid -- not me!

Okay dear. Go back to eating your crayon.

Anonymous No. 16316061

>come back when AI is actually useful
It can make infinite erotic images of your favorite unpopular anime girl who never got much fanart.

Anonymous No. 16316062


Elon can write off the scrap against SpaceX taxes. He doesn't have to use it unless it serves a purpose.

Anonymous No. 16316066

>Micah Maidenberg

if you ever glance at his twitter dude has huge EDS so this is a biased article from the get-go I will not be reading it

Anonymous No. 16316067

Yes, Elon has been relentlessly selling the highs, that's exactly what I said. How does that make him stupid? What are you talking about? Are you even a real person?

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Anonymous No. 16316070


Anonymous No. 16316071





Anonymous No. 16316073


Anonymous No. 16316075

the difference this time is that they didn't include a specific date they could launch by. As you know spacex and the FAA work together on approval for the flight plans, so in the past when they've stated these dates it's because they've got word from the FAA that short of any unforeseen issues in the plan or mishap reports, approval will be granted by that date. I'm still expecting NET last week of august

Anonymous No. 16316079

Based yellow man, their rockets suck but they make the best earth moving machinery on the planet.

Anonymous No. 16316081

insane that they held on to it for this long, what a waste of time for everyone

Anonymous No. 16316082


Anonymous No. 16316086

>Tesla is more about AI and robots now than EVs or batteries
Tesla was, in my opinion, a way to generate revenue while going all in on battery technology. Much like the Merlin and F9 were built to be a workhorse and generate revenue to get to Starship.

>neuralink are still pretty new companies with respect to what they are actually doing (hardware)
Neuralink has created some serious technology. They are still new, and even the FDA gave them "breakout technology" status to speed up progress. Being able to control a computer 100% with your mind can easily be integrated into full-blown control of anything you connect to. Imagine being able to connect to your car and drive it with your mind. I would bet every dime I have there is some internal study to connect a Neuralink device to a Tesla. I could do it and I'm an amateur engineer at best.

Anonymous No. 16316087

Replaced after many uses is quite different from expended every time. The economics will work out.

Anonymous No. 16316088

>Imagine being able to connect to your car and drive it with your mind.
I'll stick with my arms and legs.

Anonymous No. 16316090

Neuralink is very interesting but I don't believe they have solved the tissue scarring issue which is kind of THE issue. Also I will never get a computer connected to my brain, absolutely not. When you look at the state of computing you would have to be insane to do it for anything other than medical necessity.

Anonymous No. 16316091

Yeah but imagine if you could control your arms and legs with your MIND

Anonymous No. 16316092

Robot taxi is being revealed in ~2 months. Their FSD 12.5 version seems to be really good. I think its a matter of patching some disengagement data from time to time with scaled up computes.

Anonymous No. 16316095

Scarring tissue is caused when blood vessels are punctured. Neuralink robot can do precision surgery to avoid all the blood vessels using various imageries.

Anonymous No. 16316096

yeah that's crazy. just the scale of it, wow

Anonymous No. 16316100

>Robot taxi is being revealed in ~2 months

Big doubt. The FSD technology is admittedly good but it is so not safe enough to let it uber random retards around unsupervised. I guess it could be "revealed" to be released some time next year*

*time frame still under review

Anonymous No. 16316108

There's a ~50% chance they will roll a pilot remote supervised fleet of ~100-1000 Teslas for the public to play around and for Tesla to get the feel of their service. And then scale it up from there.

They probably have a v13 cooked in the background waiting to roll out for their taxi fleet.

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Anonymous No. 16316110

>Neuralink is very interesting but I don't believe they have solved the tissue scarring issue which is kind of THE issue.
No doubt that they have a lot of work to do, I meant more of the fact that they have figured out how to connect through the brain and interpret signals incredibly well. They can run with that interfacing while other people work out the physiological issues.
Neon Genesis Evangelion when?

Anonymous No. 16316115


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Anonymous No. 16316117


Anon, robot taxis are already operating.

Anonymous No. 16316118

It is possible that no single object in human history has been subject to more (real and generative) engineer time.

Anonymous No. 16316122

would it still be called that up there?

Anonymous No. 16316124

I'd wager nuclear weapons receive more.

Anonymous No. 16316127

An individual weapon? I don't know, those teams are probably smaller. I picked a strange metric. Nevermind

Anonymous No. 16316128

Geofenced taxi for certain.

Anonymous No. 16316129

define "single object"

Anonymous No. 16316134

I dont think so. Smart engineering principles lead to less engineering time.

If the time is long, then its wrong. If its tight, its right-o

Anonymous No. 16316136


Anonymous No. 16316138

whats regen cooling do

Anonymous No. 16316140

Just occurred to me that within the next 2 decades we might genuinely see Starships carrying spare/replacement Raptor engines in their cargo holds to Mars, that will be a significant moment in space history, the first space delivery of a rocket engine

Anonymous No. 16316142

Yeah they’re probably going to ship cargo SSs to mars filled with spare TPS, Raptor, and other miscellaneous Starship parts

Anonymous No. 16316146

Brave of you to repeat what Elon already told us

Anonymous No. 16316151


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Anonymous No. 16316154


Anonymous No. 16316155

Be patient he has autism

Anonymous No. 16316158

Seethe more troon

Anonymous No. 16316162

Actually I'm just pretending to be mad, idrc lol

Anonymous No. 16316165


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Anonymous No. 16316174

rocketlab is donezo. falcon flies too often, theres no market left for them. neutron will be equally donezo groveling for starships scraps

Anonymous No. 16316186

>Tory is cool and respectful about it

oh no! where will spitter get their dopamine from dunking on people and trying to stir shit next??

Anonymous No. 16316199

Kinda relatable, ngl

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Anonymous No. 16316201

It turns out that being super accurate is actually super easy

Anonymous No. 16316202


>Tory is c-cool!

Talks smack
Gets slaped back by a girl
Blocks you

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Anonymous No. 16316204

By spamming rocket girls on sfg

Anonymous No. 16316210

do you guys think Mr. Bruno will give me a job at his company where he makes rockets if I suck up to him on X?

Anonymous No. 16316216

Go back to trannycord with your insane posts

Anonymous No. 16316224

kek, its the ULA cope target

Anonymous No. 16316230

Probably not, nuclear weapons are fairly simple

Anonymous No. 16316247

This isnt space twitter you fucking retard, this also isnt twitter at all and only troons say spitter.

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Anonymous No. 16316255

Why the actual heck did nasa build the space shuttle with that tank and boosters
Why didnt they just build a stratolaunch to carry the space shuttle they could have done it
They had the F-14 and that had a cpu and shit

Anonymous No. 16316256

>the parties recognize Mars as a free planet and that no Earth-based government has authority or sovereignty over Martian activities
Future generations will know spacex as the origin of the spacing guild

Anonymous No. 16316259

Fission weapons mostly, yeah. Fusion weapons not so much.

Anonymous No. 16316283

why are there 100s of videos on YouTube with the exact title "nasa warns voyager 1 has made an impossible discovery after 45 years" all from a bunch of shady channels I have never heard of

Anonymous No. 16316285

People will post anything for ad money.

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Anonymous No. 16316295

>they make these for under 1 million dollars

Anonymous No. 16316303

way lower than 1 million lol

Anonymous No. 16316312

It'll be Martians who colonize much of the rest of the Solar System, by the time earth realizes how far behind they are, it'll be too late to catch up

Anonymous No. 16316318

he's musk's fulgrim

Anonymous No. 16316332

The Trumptard cope is pathetic

Anonymous No. 16316341

Is Ariane 6 cheaper in terms of price per kg than what Falcon 9 provides? I need this for an internet argument.

Anonymous No. 16316347

It's not while also being subsidized

Anonymous No. 16316348


Anonymous No. 16316372

What do you think about people calling Falcon-9 "unoriginal" or "derivative" because DC-X exists?

Anonymous No. 16316380

there will also probably be starships just completely filled with IC chips lol

Anonymous No. 16316383

indians and ai

Anonymous No. 16316385

One of man flavors of EDS motivated Cope.

Anonymous No. 16316392

DC-X doesn't exist, and was supposed to be a dumb 90's fever dream SSTO

Anonymous No. 16316393

So, why do you poopy doopy stinky peepee? Please advise

Anonymous No. 16316394

Imagine what Tory is feeling. Imagine being the CEO of a rocket company and being THAT wrong. So sure of himself that Spacex was exaggerating how clean the Raptor 3 design is by releasing pictures of an incomplete engine. So unable to consider the possibility that Spacex had simply done the thing they said they would do, because he thought such a thing wasn't possible, because he could never conceive of his OWN company managing to create such a thing.
He may be a snake, but he still has pride. This has to sting pretty deeply.

Anonymous No. 16316408

he'll be coping (somewhat rightly) that the photos shared are conveniently cropped so you can't see the mess on top

Anonymous No. 16316413

If SpaceX plans on eventually producing a 1000 starships a year (and assuming a 10:1 ship-booster ratio), that means that they will have to produce around 12300 raptors a year minimum, assuming that by the time they're at such high value production levels they're using 9 engines on starship. That is roughly one 1.375 Raptor engines coming off the production line every hour, every day, year round. Very difficult, but entirely doable by SpaceX I believe. The company will have to grow significantly in size though to manufacture that many ships, boosters, and engines, and maintain the logistics for large scale Mars colonial operations. Probably looking at a similar number of Employees as Tesla for SpaceX by 2040 (so around 150k)

Anonymous No. 16316420

On the upside, it'll be a lot easier for the people here who don't engineering degrees to get a job at SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16316434

they just shifted the rats nest to the top. still needs shielding, but a little less

Anonymous No. 16316435

Is it accurate to say CFT at its current stat is already the biggest US space disaster since Columbia?

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Anonymous No. 16316436


Anonymous No. 16316444

Could the proposal by buzz aldrin for a mars earth solar cycler be possible now

Anonymous No. 16316456

I wonder how hard Raptor 3 is to operate, things like start-up sequence, operational constraints, etc.
Some are probably managed by integrated firmware, but it's likely more complex than just sending methalox and pushing "start"

Anonymous No. 16316461

I just shit my pants!!! Go Starliner!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16316464

it's not that easy in rocketry

Anonymous No. 16316467

>crew dragon explodes on pad testing
>flies crew on the next flight, dm2
how did they do it

Anonymous No. 16316477

>you will live to see Humanity become multi planetary species in your lifetime

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Anonymous No. 16316484

Normie newspaper in France talking about stranded astros

Anonymous No. 16316495

By finding and fixing the leak that caused the explosion.

Also I'm not sure if you're aware but astronauts are prepared to die on every mission they attempt. The test pilots then go chasing even riskier missions on top of that: first flights, novel performance regimes, etc.

Anonymous No. 16316498

by actually being able to understand the root cause of the issue
boing engineers still don't have root cause for shartliner's issues

Anonymous No. 16316503

I firmly believe that SpaceX knew there was a failure mode on the table with the changes that NASA demanded. So when it fuggin eggsploded on the pad, they just said: "See? We warned you." For the same reason they were able to diagnose the problem almost immediately and fix it in very little time. NASA then took it on the chin because it was literally their fault the failure happened and this couldn't be contested.

Anonymous No. 16316511

what the fuck are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 16316513

Oh, my bad. So, the root cause of the explosion is known. The titanium "bullet" that resulted in the destruction of the capsule formed as a result of changes to the capsule that NASA demanded. It was a spontaneous explosion, but it wasn't a spontaneous incident. Had they allowed SpaceX to keep the design as it was, unmolested, the failure would not have occurred. It's been years now, so I can't recall the exact change that caused the failure, but if I recall it had something to do with Super Draco placement. I could be utterly wrong because I have only ever seen anyone talk about this happening a handful of times since the year it occurred. The findings are pretty easy to locate though if you Google the investigation's findings. NASA were the ones who asked for a bunch of shit like smaller windows/placement, fewer seats, etc.

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Anonymous No. 16316514


Rocket breaks up in LEO with over 600 fragments

Anonymous No. 16316515

Good excuse to start shooting them down.

Anonymous No. 16316531

Name every way you can think of to join 2 parts in 60 seconds

Anonymous No. 16316533

Glueing, fasteners, arc-welds, ultrasonic welds, cold welds, electron-beam welds, clamping, crimping, and other deformation based joinery.

Anonymous No. 16316537

Ultimately, the root cause was leaking hypergolic valves. Whatever happened after that is not really relevant because you simply don't want hypergolic fuel leaking.

Anonymous No. 16316540

>blaming NASA because the spaceX capsule fucking exploded

Anonymous No. 16316549

Thanks for responding. I believe it

Anonymous No. 16316551

That would be the proximal cause. Root cause means identifying why they leaked in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16316557

blaming NASA is probably a good first step

Anonymous No. 16316564

Why double NASA's budget? What's the point? They can spend the money they already have efficiently and stop funding retarded projects like SLS.
NASA cries about budget shortages as it burns money on the altar of old space.

Anonymous No. 16316565

NASA is the #1 killer of astronauts

Anonymous No. 16316566

I still think partially converting a huge metal rich asteroid is the play for a cycler. Mine on trip to also drop off a lot of processed metal. Interior for radiation shielding. Huge space for water and air supplies

Anonymous No. 16316571

By replacing the valves that created the failure.

Anonymous No. 16316574

On their vehicles sure.
SpaceX is absolutely mogging the rest of the space industry, but they definitely can and did make errors.

Anonymous No. 16316577

That's 560 obsolete engines tho. Probably $400 million right there.

Anonymous No. 16316579

Thats crazy.

Anonymous No. 16316582

no, something around up to 400 have already been used, scrapped or tested to destruction
so maybe max 200 Raptor 2s, but more likely something like 150
39 are used on each test flight, Ship v2 is going to use Raptor 2s I think
so maybe they don't need to scrap anything after all, they might have all the engines they need for the current test campaign

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Anonymous No. 16316585

>Raptor Diagram #9 | 10th June, 2024 | "The era of easy raptor tracking is over."

Anonymous No. 16316586

Not him, but I also don't want BO to succeed. Plenty of other new space companies to challenge Musk. BO is stinky and two-faced. They don't do shit but go and sue literally everyone to slow them down. Smarmy swamp creatures that are a plague on society.

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Anonymous No. 16316589

the website has higher resolution pics but they are over 4mb

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Anonymous No. 16316590


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Anonymous No. 16316592


Anonymous No. 16316593

me when I’m schizo

Anonymous No. 16316603

why do you turn everything into anime? what is wrong with you?

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Anonymous No. 16316606

Anonymous No. 16316607

Shielding is the big problem. It's basically the only realistic reason to ever harvest an asteroid. All the manufacturing would still happen on earth and be launched, but surrounding the thing with ten feet of gravel might be cheapest with something already up a well. It likely will not be needed for a very long time though, as it's really a solution to a human forcing function. When Mars becomes the type of place where you might want to bring children or retire to then it'll make sense. Imagine putting a child into a Starship for eight months, or exposing a normal 70 year old's veins to gravity after 8 months of 0g.
More likely though is that the Aldrin Cycler is a product of chemical rockets, and something large enough for spin gravity may be able to be moved with some other method of propulsion that gets much easier to develop once mass to orbit gets cheaper.

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Anonymous No. 16316608

there is similar shitposting from a few days ago

Anonymous No. 16316609

there is constant research going on on the ISIS, enough to justify a 12 hour workday

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16316613

>people still don't understand the market ULA serves
They're aiming for one contract and they do it well. I honestly would be they're competitive even with Starship running, but that depends a lot on the capabilities of the Impulse third stage

Anonymous No. 16316614

Yeah it takes a lot of research to figure out the best way to behead someone in 4k

Anonymous No. 16316616

>gwynne instantly annihilates all the “b-b-but it’s only that clean because it’s not fully installed” cope

Anonymous No. 16316617

>>16316608 #
>people still don't understand the market ULA serves
They're aiming for one contract and they do it well. I honestly would bet they're competitive even with Starship running, but that depends a lot on the capabilities of the Impulse third stage

Anonymous No. 16316626

as it should be. Women ruin everything.

Anonymous No. 16316627

Nothing will happen because nothing ever happens.

Anonymous No. 16316630

I like Gwynne Shotwell.

Anonymous No. 16316633

this literally never happens though. It's just right wing propaganda to get trump elected.

Anonymous No. 16316634

it happens

Anonymous No. 16316637

>still white male majority
what happened? I thought diversity was our strength

Anonymous No. 16316638

it doesn't

Anonymous No. 16316639

One of them is a leaf.

Anonymous No. 16316641

vivian is an example of this and show is the massive increase in nonbinary or whatever children
its social contagion egged on by schools, politicians and the media in general

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explain this then.jpg

Anonymous No. 16316644


Anonymous No. 16316649

says fucking who? Nothing will happen.

Anonymous No. 16316651

How much weight is that gonna add.

Anonymous No. 16316652

that we know of

Anonymous No. 16316657

sponsored by the daily wire I imagine

Anonymous No. 16316658

why is it a bad thing that more young people are willing to seek help for their gender dysphoria?

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Anonymous No. 16316659

Cause it's really hard. People are working on it though like the company that have been orbiting that japanese rocket stage for awhile.

Anonymous No. 16316660

It's a bad thing more kids have gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is unpleasant.
Schools are causing more gender dysphoria.

Anonymous No. 16316663

regolith moving machinery?

Anonymous No. 16316665

this trend is alarming and yet unexplained, I think everyone should be frightened about by how and why this is happening so fast, and find out who is behind it. This is FAR more rapid than climate change, and should be elevated to the highest priority as such.
Does anyone have the curve fitting software to extend the axes out to August 2024 and see where we (presumably) are right now?

Anonymous No. 16316668

pathological altruism started it, trannies themselves keep it going and expanding by grooming or "recruiting" more trannies
then you have non-tranny women trying to get social clout by making their children into trannies

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Anonymous No. 16316669

Might be schools, but my guess is that it's getting transmitted over the Internet, just like all the other radical ideologies proliferating at the moment.

Anonymous No. 16316676

Wait why weren't the thruster issues found during the test flights Boing did?


Anonymous No. 16316679

They were, both times.

Anonymous No. 16316686

The fact that so many are suddenly confused should be a sign to all that enemy action is occurring. It isn't a natural phenomena, it is psych warfare against western populations, targeting the youth to eliminate the future. Is IS intentional, and evil.

Anonymous No. 16316687

My guess is that theres 2 starliner capsules so both have at least one flight on them. 1 flight for the thrusters is fine but they need refurbishment afterwards or you see the kind of degradation you saw on the crew demo. Anon pointed out before N2O4 doesn't play nice with teflon, it just took a mission for it to matter. So far from being reusable up to 10 flights saarliner needs to be refurbed after every one.

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Anonymous No. 16316689

3 built, 2 active

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Anonymous No. 16316690

>microdosing kids with neurotoxins
>kids develop brain damage
experts baffled

Anonymous No. 16316691

Why isn't anyone building fuel rich methalox staged combustion engines?
Everyone seems to aim for oxidizer rich if not full flow, is there a good reason for this?

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Anonymous No. 16316692

Genuinely, how is this possible? How can you just get rid of 90% of the rocket engine?

Anonymous No. 16316698

>schizophrenic seething
you have no argument

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cirno laughing wh....jpg

Anonymous No. 16316699

This thing keeps getting worse and worse

Anonymous No. 16316700

Do you know what the best part is?
You have no penis

Anonymous No. 16316703

It's worth keeping in mind that rocket technology has basically been paused for 40 years while materials science and computers continued to advance

Anonymous No. 16316704

You will soon understand seeing and studying a cross section of the raptor 3 inner workings by clever reverse engineers with animation skills. Give them a few days to create speculation design overviews.

Anonymous No. 16316705

Gender dysphoria always existed. But now that there is less judgement in talking about it, more people are coming out with their identity. As for schools causing it, you have no proof. Gender dysphoria wouldn't have to be so unpleasant if trans acceptance where more commonplace.

Anonymous No. 16316706

Straight from the horse’s mouth (aka Elon):
>All the small plumbing & wiring [was] deleted or incorporated into the primary structure

Anonymous No. 16316707

You and your worldview are simply wrong.

Anonymous No. 16316708

>You have no penis
Correct. Still not an argument.

Anonymous No. 16316709

Look up penis stealing witches.

Anonymous No. 16316711

>Your worldview is wrong because... It just is ok?
I accept your concession. Now back to talking about spaceflight. And stop being an asshole to trans people.

Anonymous No. 16316713

You will never convince normal people to accept the crazy things you believe.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16316716

Normal people aren't as intolerant of the transgender community as you think. You live in a miserable, hate filled bubble if you can't see that.

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Anonymous No. 16316718

>Oh it was just incorporated into the primary structure
Where? It's SMALLER than Raptor 1 and 2, where is everything?
>Oh they just moved it, it's incorportated
Fucking how? It looks like there's a new ring of connectors, yes, presumably for plumbing and sensors, and the upper housing section is larger, but that's it. Everything from around the top of the turbopump down is just gone. You can say everything was just "incorporated" but 99% of the volume of plumbing is the internal volume where the fluid flows. Raptor 3 is like a third of the actual volume of Raptor 1. Where did everything go?

Anonymous No. 16316719

Fuck off troon talk about spaceflight or go dial 8

Anonymous No. 16316721

when people describe the action of satellites orbiting Earth as "spinnimg" it tells me they have a low quality mental model of orbital mechanics

Anonymous No. 16316722

not wanting your kids to get brainwashed by trannies is not in fact "being an asshole to trans people"
stop grooming kids

Anonymous No. 16316726

Lying about the reality of biology to young impressionable children is why more of them are getting confused, you dolt. If i were to institute propaganda in schools on every level that teaches 6 yearolds that they can become tranformers and transform into their favourite car, then when they act confused and say they might want to, instantly prescribe them medication without telling their parents, or telling their parents their child will kill themselves if they do not use this medication, then reccomending surgeries to the 6 yearold child that cut off their limbs and replace them with car parts, they’ll probably do it too.

These kids have no fucking autonomy to understand if whay they’re feeling is even temporary or permanent, they just live in the world that they are taught, that age is where the basics of your worldview and understanding of reality come into play.
Tell them they can fly if they flap their wings hard enough and soon you’ll find dozens of children at the bottom of a cliff’s edge.

I’m frankly sickened that you’re defending this, i hope you’re trolling.

Anonymous No. 16316728

some was integrated into booster side

Anonymous No. 16316731

This doesn't happen in reality. Not everything is real that you see on right wing echochamber image boards.

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Anonymous No. 16316733

I loved transformers when I was a kid and totally wanted to turn into a car. I'm glad nobody tried to capitalize on that to turn a profit when I was young and impressionable.

Anonymous No. 16316734

california just fucking made a new law to ban teachers from telling kids parents they are trans
you are delusional or more likely lying

Anonymous No. 16316737

if trannies are unwilling to stop grooming kids then trannies need to be stopped altogether

Anonymous No. 16316738

this cat looks so italian

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Anonymous No. 16316740

Anonymous No. 16316741

They always lie, due to having no morality.
It's an E*rther problem, the mentally unwell will not be permitted offworld.

Anonymous No. 16316743


Anonymous No. 16316746

Its what happens to kids today. There's a dramatic rise of trans identifying people in this gen Alpha vs zoomers vs millenials vs etc.

Anonymous No. 16316747

How can they compete? Is this the end of geostationary orbital satellites?

Anonymous No. 16316748

He knows better, he's lying because he is a bad person.

Anonymous No. 16316751

US gov is propping them up because they dont want to give contracts to Elon Musk

Anonymous No. 16316752

And their new flagship satellite failed to deploy, tough break

Anonymous No. 16316755

You can’t compete. Starlink makes them obsolete. All these oldheads have had complete control of the market for like 20 years but now their time is over, unfortunately. Nothing to do but kermit sewer slide at this point

Anonymous No. 16316757

>Antarctic, far more habitable than Mars or Moon
Absolutely false. Antarctica is nothing but a mile thick slab of ice overlying the usable resources. It's like Triton with air. The only advantage over Mars is free atmosphere.
On Mars the resources are there for the taking

Anonymous No. 16316759

For raptor one specifically, alot of the wiring is data logging for basically every potential trouble spot where there could be an issue with flow temperature etc all for development purposes

Raptor two delated alot of this data logging hardware.

Raptor three is a culmination of probably millions of simulations and billions of data points from all the previous engines. Even more hardware was delated as raptor three is now at a point in design where there is such little guesswork anymore about how the engine operates, how propellent flows and the temp fluxes involved.
Any type of plumbing or sensors from the pumps downward that you don't see probably doesn't need that much of a physical pathway and can be incorporated invisibly into the engine

On F9 where they also have lots of data on how Merlin runs, they were able to solve the oxygen leak issue by deleting the sensor and piping as it just wasn't needed
Merlin could very well end up like raptor 3 with all the data they have but they are hamstrung by NASA because F9 is a heritage vehicle and a redesign would mean completely new recertification

Anonymous No. 16316762

how fucking hard is it to just vent all residuals after mission completion?

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Anonymous No. 16316763

not the end of geo sats but the end of this type of service probably with this type of massive singular satellites
there is a startup called Astranis which is trying to make small geo sats, not really sure what their market is going to be with Starlink though
maybe as dissimilar service

Anonymous No. 16316767

This is spaceflight related because we have to admit Elon is a genius with insights beyond our capabilities, and he has keen interest in the subject, and what happens to Elon affects SpaceX.
On this one, I'm going to side with Elon. You'd be retarded NOT to, if you admire his engineering achievements. It takes advanced thinking to achieve that, and it applies broadly to his other prime directives as well, like the fight against promotion of trannies.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16316768


Anonymous No. 16316769

All of those words are basically English except "ramener" which I guess is return
How do you say "shartliner" in french?

Anonymous No. 16316775

>How do you say "shartliner" in french?

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Anonymous No. 16316777

>How to Build the World's Most Powerful Satellite

Astranis was founded in 2015, maybe there is some niche in GEOs but I doubt its going to be very big, simply because the latency

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Anonymous No. 16316783

>China just casually creating 300 chaotic space debris objects through incompetence
>Silence from the enviromentalists and concern trolls

Bros i'm getting real tired of crapholes like China and India polluting land, earth, sea and space with no social consequences.

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Anonymous No. 16316785

I WILL reach escape velocity in my lifetime.

Anonymous No. 16316787

see >>16315790

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Anonymous No. 16316788
>Our Water-Based Lunar Architecture

>Science fiction is becoming reality. The Artemis program is taking us back to the Moon, and this time we'll establish a presence that will eventually take us farther into space than ever before. The building blocks of space infrastructure required to carry humanity on this journey are in development today.

>Dive into our vision of a water-based lunar architecture on the Moon that demonstrates our commitment to sustainable space exploration. This journey to the Moon is not just for knowledge, but securing our future, enabling Mars exploration, permanent bases and returning valuable resources to Earth.

Anonymous No. 16316790

you're a fucking idiot if you think technology is the reason there aren't major colonies on Antarctica

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Anonymous No. 16316791

What do you want to do about it, shoot down their launches?

Anonymous No. 16316792

Nta but… yes?

Anonymous No. 16316793

Spaceforce lasers, project brilliant pebbles. Nothing gets into orbit without USA permission, dog bless.

Anonymous No. 16316796

You get as many countries as possible to sign the artemis accords which prohibits that bullshit, and you squeeze the fuck out of their industry by making sure they can’t get the raw materials to make rockets and satellites. Fuck them.
And if that doesn’t work, well then we start using starships to gobble up their satellites

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Anonymous No. 16316799

He sounds bitter

Anonymous No. 16316800

When does this early access survival-sandbox game come out?

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Anonymous No. 16316801

What if we fired fuckhuge shells at their airspace, detonating them midair to knock planes and rockets right out of the sky?
If that doesn't work I've got like 3 separate flying superfortress ideas to try next.

Anonymous No. 16316802

The USA needs to adopt a zero tolerance policy and try to prevent chink boots from even coming close to the lunar surface. We used to have balls and sabotage shit back in the 80s, why don’t we do that anymore

Anonymous No. 16316805

We need to just nuke Beijing but alas we are run by pussy lizardmen intent on creating hard times

Anonymous No. 16316808

space news says its 700+ now

Anonymous No. 16316809

The glowies who inherited the surveillance state of the 60s are like 3rd generation wealth, utterly incompetent and reliant on others. Modern glowies are a pale shadow of the Men who came before them, much like with NASA.

Anonymous No. 16316810

Alright that’s it, cancel MSR. But also when China does their own mars sample return we either intercept and steal it or just blow it out of orbit so they can’t win.
They don’t deserve the stars

Anonymous No. 16316813

Wait, I just looked up the actual numbers and the moon is estimated to have only 0.6km^3 of water? How spread out is that? It isn't just solid clear ice is it? Is it going to be cheaper to just send up a few Starship loads of water?

Anonymous No. 16316815

i heard that the court case had been settled recently but i didnt see anything about what the settlement resulted in. i wonder how much spacex had to pay for the land.

Anonymous No. 16316820

>It’s so simple
only on the outside. i imagine 3d printing the tubes on the inside of the rocket was a hassle to figure out.

Anonymous No. 16316824

its in permanently shadowed craters on the poles

Anonymous No. 16316836

How much is that in terms of metric tons?

Anonymous No. 16316843

Easy, a cubic meter of water equals one ton, 0.6 of a cubic kilometer is therefor 600 tons. That's only a couple Starship launches.

Anonymous No. 16316845

Uhm actually that's at least 6 starship launches

Anonymous No. 16316848

Blue Origin literally already has molten silicate electrolysis cells that produce all the necessary materials to feed their solar cell printer, which they also developed. We already have all the tech we need to immediately start building up in-situ industries on the Moon and Mars, today.

Anonymous No. 16316851

stop acting like those stupid solar cells are some sort of achievement

Anonymous No. 16316854

I'll believe it when they actually do something and I hope they do

Anonymous No. 16316860

It really depends on what NASA actually has to offer to SpaceX. I don't think even we appreciate just how far ahead of the rest of the industry SpaceX is.

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Anonymous No. 16316861

Guys, whats going on here? I know its a mock up fake, but its someting

Anonymous No. 16316866

why is this test article breaking /sfg/s brain? Did you all contact down syndrome? Have you retards never heard of a test before??

Anonymous No. 16316867

SpaceX turned F9 into a reusable juggernaut for less than NASA paid to refurb that mobile launch platform for the SLS program lol

Anonymous No. 16316870

/sfg/ is a one person?

Anonymous No. 16316873

all me by the way

Anonymous No. 16316874

kek true

Anonymous No. 16316879

hydrolox upper stages are limited in their LEO payload capacity because they have proportionally lower TWR with heavier payloads than denser propellant stages get.

Basically it looks better if you only consider smaller payloads sent to higher energy trajectories.

Anonymous No. 16316880

600,000 Lunar Starship launches. I was comparing to Earth reservoirs.
Right, but in what form? Is it like Earth rocks where every shovel full has a few components? Like you have 5% water in a handful of moon dust? I'm just not convinced it would ever be more cost effective to scrape moon dirt than to ship more water and fuel from Earth.

Anonymous No. 16316888

Yup, to them lying comes as natural as breathing. First, they'll say that you're right-wing conspiracy theorists if you suggest that X is happening. Some time later they'll say that X is real and it's a good thing and you're far-right X-phobe if you think it's bad.

Anonymous No. 16316893

That Starship data is for expendable mode, right? Current version can launch about 50t to LEO and Block 2 will do 100t.

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Anonymous No. 16316898


Anonymous No. 16316902

aspirational for v3 starship
there is really no "current version" to launch payloads yet

Anonymous No. 16316912

Firefly deep dive/interview

Anonymous No. 16316918

There's no "current version" for Starship. The Raptor 3 engines alone would save 50T of mass. Not to mention other design changes that increase thrusts, efficiencies, etc that would increase payload well ahead of 100T design limit.

Anonymous No. 16316919

Why is he puffing up firefly of all companies? They're the least interesting of the newspace companies.

Anonymous No. 16316921

Concentrated solar driving a molten salt cycle makes more sense. More robust

Anonymous No. 16316922

They've been parading this toy around for at least 3 years now.

Anonymous No. 16316923

Same reason I eat cereal for the breakfast, not because I'm puffing up cereal but because thats whats on my table.

Anonymous No. 16316925

I fucking hate this retard with a passion

Anonymous No. 16316933


Anonymous No. 16316945

does the video have any useful info?

Anonymous No. 16316953


Anonymous No. 16316968

Mexicans are the most powerful race.

Anonymous No. 16317047

600,000,000 metric tons

sage No. 16317069

>It’s so simple yet it’s probably the most powerful rocket engine ever made

Anonymous No. 16317204

For All Mankind clearly showed that its contained in rich veins located deep inside craters.

Anonymous No. 16317227

RD-170 is more powerful

Anonymous No. 16317370

It always existed, but what it actually exists as is genuine revulsion of your birth sex because your mind is telling you you shouldn't be what you see. That isn't what's happening. People are miserable because culture tells them that everything they like is shit and gaslighting themselves into thinking something must be wrong with them instead of with society's values and expectations, so they get told "maybe you're miserable because you're trans," and since everyone supports that decision, they go for it, but then it doesn't help because they aren't, and that's why most of them commit suicide.

Anonymous No. 16317384

600 million tons retard.

Anonymous No. 16317391

Meme with 4 combustion chamber need not apply.

Anonymous No. 16317397

Looks more like justfuckmyshitupcat.