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šŸ§µ /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16316932

Raptor 3 Static Fire - Edition

Previous >>16315003

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Anonymous No. 16316937

The "I am going to land on Mars in my lifetime." feelings are back.

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16316938

I came

Anonymous No. 16316939

See I was about to make the same OP but with Partially Assembled Edition.

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Anonymous No. 16316940

I thought about doing "tory cope - edition" with this op pic but decided against it.

Anonymous No. 16316942

Good choice. Twitter screenshot threads feel lazy and uninspired, better to just use a regular image related to it and reference it in the edition name. Your OPs are improving keep up the good work.

Anonymous No. 16316946

Revoke Chinese launch privileges
Sabotage the chink space industry now

Anonymous No. 16316948

I myself am not an editionfag but as someone who used to make a bunch of /sfg/ threads, the simpler the better. And itā€™s better to keep it topical. No fun in making political, snarky, edgy editions lol. It doesnā€™t change much but itā€™s just off putting

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Anonymous No. 16316949

What is he thinking now?

Anonymous No. 16316955

>"when is that merger with BO going through again?"

Anonymous No. 16316956

I want to have sexual relations with that engine.

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Anonymous No. 16316957

Are we missing any of the tech needed to industrialize Mars? Aside from cheap rocket flights

Anonymous No. 16316958

Dumb cuck

Anonymous No. 16316962


Anonymous No. 16316963

we wont know until we try

Anonymous No. 16316964

Depends on what you mean by "missing". We're "missing" nearly all of it, but the stuff we're missing that's actually hard is cheap rockets and life support, probably in that order.

Anonymous No. 16316965

dealing with radiation. we dont have any guaranteed solution engineered out yet, just ideas. someone mass manufacturing a habitat/building that could be used on earth but also on the moon and mars could make bank.

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Anonymous No. 16316970

think something like a shipping container-style building that can work as both a surface building and also an underground building. easy to mass manufacture, cheap, and works on earth and colony worlds.

Anonymous No. 16316971

Yeah being able to not be self sufficient is kind of a fucking problem mate. No free atmosphere to draw oxygen from, always running energy negative. Better hope we can lob a ton of nuclear fuel rods over there but even then we canā€™t ISRU nuclear fuel rods from Martian terra firma as far as Iā€™m aware
You could make solar panels on Mars but youre not industrializing the entire planet that way

Anonymous No. 16316972

nothing fundamental I think, its a shitload of engineering though

Anonymous No. 16316973

something like it maybe, but it will have to be a pressure vessel that seals against other modules so probably more rounded with small entries

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Anonymous No. 16316977

Anonymous No. 16316978

>we canā€™t ISRU nuclear fuel rods from Martian terra firma
Why not? Fissile material should be as common on mars as it is on earth and if you go with a candu design you don't even need to process what you dig out of the ground, just shape it into fuel rods.

Anonymous No. 16316980

well which is it these are two completely different answers

Anonymous No. 16316981

I'm correct of course

Anonymous No. 16316983

>Fissile material should be as common on mars as it is on earth
A: source?
2: mining and refining fissile material on earth is a massive industrial process, not something you can do with ~50 starship payloads worth of equipment.

Anonymous No. 16316984

Why are reddit mods so pathetic?

Anonymous No. 16316985

I said ā€˜as far as Iā€™m awareā€™ because Iā€™m not sure if the same geochemical processes that concentrated nuclear material in the crust here on Earth also took place on Mars, and Iā€™m not sure we have nuclear deposits mapped on Mars other than basic surgical remote sensing data

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Anonymous No. 16316986

Anonymous No. 16316987

not surgical

Anonymous No. 16316988

The same discord tranny horse fucker mod controls that board.

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Anonymous No. 16316989

Anonymous No. 16316991

Yeah this stupid squah gets the airlock

Anonymous No. 16316992

For A
This is about a natural reactor on mars like the one in oklo. This wouldn't be possible if fissile material were much rarer on mars than earth.
As for 2, did you just ignore the part about candu reactors needing little to no processing?

Anonymous No. 16316993

>How can they compete? Is this the end of geostationary orbital satellites?

they cant compete but they can stay alive for awhile longer
>building hybrid terminals for the military that combine signals from spacex and geo satellites
>collabs with other satellite operators like oneweb
>maybe building components for other satellites like starshield

Anonymous No. 16316997

Theres good evidence there are dense concentrations of fissile material on mars, just like earth.

Anonymous No. 16317000

Handwaiving reactors that donā€™t need any fuel. Very common stardust redditor tactic. Whatā€¦ are we also going to have UBI and post-scarcity the second we land there, too?

Anonymous No. 16317002

You do realize candu reactors are real and we have built them right?

Anonymous No. 16317003

Is this that schizo shit that claims a nuclear bomb once went off on the surface of mars? Gb2r

Anonymous No. 16317004

I want to go on a drive from one end of the canyon to the other.

Anonymous No. 16317005

Yes..? They use Tesla motors on Starship

Anonymous No. 16317006

Who keeps reelecting this disingenuous corrupt cunt?

Anonymous No. 16317007

dead nigger storage

Anonymous No. 16317008

Democracy is by the people, for the people. But the people are retarded.

Anonymous No. 16317010

There are multiple craters and frequent dust storms, this problem solves itself

Anonymous No. 16317011

Are you the same retard that didn't know candu reactors are real?

Anonymous No. 16317012

It's government propaganda. Just like how /pol/ is spammed with irrelevant shite and /k/ can't have any productive conversation about manufacturing firearms.

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Anonymous No. 16317017

getting large quantities of heavy water on mars sounds difficult, but maybe easier than refining uranium. I still don't think it will be something that gets built in the early years of mars colonization on the short path to self sufficiency.
personally, I believe hydrocarbon fuels will see nearly as much use on mars as they do on earth, with emphasis on ethanol, biodiesel, and wood gas.

Anonymous No. 16317018

Where did all the funky tube on the outside of the raptor go? also I hope this Raptor version is now reliable enough to not fail even once during an average flight.

Anonymous No. 16317020

that engine is only partially assembled.

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Anonymous No. 16317022

Your brain was only partially assembled.

Anonymous No. 16317023

agree with your post

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Anonymous No. 16317026

So am I

Anonymous No. 16317027

Why was the interview to technical bros :(
I was expecting that this would be one of those behvaioral interviews

Anonymous No. 16317030

Would you consider >>16316939 this OP to be one of those?

Anonymous No. 16317033

>getting your hydrocarbons from biological sources
I'm pretty sure it would be much more efficient to use solar power by land usage. By like 100x. Also it doesn't need to be pressurized land

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Anonymous No. 16317036

That is the shit that blackpills me on the future of space exploration

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16317041

I mean itā€™s fine. I donā€™t care. I have autism and Iā€™m the anon who used to do the complicated ā€˜this day in spaceflightā€™ and ā€˜in the newsā€™ write ups accompanying my OPs but I havenā€™t made a new /sfg/ in over a year because Iā€™m depressed and the spark in my eye has long dwindled out so

Anonymous No. 16317045

you're going to have fucktons of plants for food, animal feed, textile production, etc. some of the scraps will be used to fertilize your dirt and turn regolith into more dirt, but at some point you'll have surplus for fuel. plus it's a much better energy storage than solar with batteries.

Anonymous No. 16317049

Wait wut I thought Neutron was only supposed to do 8T to LEO. Why is it now listed with a 13,000 kg to LEO capability?

Anonymous No. 16317060

The people.

Anonymous No. 16317067

No I'm talking about solar with no batteries making hydrocarbons. Two startups working on this that I'm aware of, one of them seems serious about it.
Also I don't think you'll have nearly as much food production as you think, at least until you're sufficiently industrialized to the point where biofuels don't make sense. The mass of food for 1000 people is roughly one Starship payload (~100 tons) per year. That's for Americans, with completely un mass optimized diets. Dried or dense foods with supplemental fresh vegetables might get you even further.

Anonymous No. 16317073

I thought it was 15T?
Also they uprated it cause most payloads are around that size.

Anonymous No. 16317076

Weaponization of emotions by appealing to crab mentality.

You can either inspire or drag down others. Both use emotions as powerful agents of change.

Anonymous No. 16317079

/sfg/ is definetly back. That was a cancer few weeks but we are getting more quality posters, high post count and best of all janny killed the split threads

Anonymous No. 16317080

there has just been a lot of stuff happening

Anonymous No. 16317081

you know you donā€™t have to be meta about the general every fucking thread jfc just shut up

Anonymous No. 16317083

Starlink launch scrubbed. I'm so sad I don't have a launch to not watch now

Anonymous No. 16317085

ITS OVER. Now gotta wait till tomorrow!

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16317092

How about you kill yourself you dumb faggot I will post what I want

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Anonymous No. 16317116

>le radiation meme
Isn't it not a problem on the surface? I seem to remember someone saying that staples fortified with zinc (like flour on Earth fortified with iron) would bring cancer risk down to the same as Earth.
There would need to be more people arriving on Mars than fit into a Starship before making habs makes sense. Everyone is already showing up in a hab and they get more space once the tanks aren't needed. This is only true for people who stay permanently, but there will be many more cargo ships than human ships, so there with be a surplus of ready made living space on Mars. Pic related, your Martian house.
If all you need to import is fuel rods you're doing good. Also I asked about industrialization not self sufficiency. It's arguable whether or not certain countries are self sufficient. If oxygen for the decade is payed for with only a Starship load of fuel rods I'd consider the place industrialized. Hell, you could import an entire PBR and make it so all your colonists need to do is plug into it. Pic related again, your Martian reactor

Anonymous No. 16317122

>Also I asked about industrialization not self sufficiency
Hmmm. Well there isnā€™t a very defined line in the sand here is there? At what point do you consider Mars ā€œindustrializedā€? Iā€™d argue you canā€™t just ship machinery from Earth to Mars and say
>yup weā€™re industrialized now because we have working machinery!
Any colony or settlement, be it some US military base in afghanistan with burger kings and convenience stores, bases on Antarctica, the Moon, Mars, whatever, will have imported supplies and technology. But are these places self-industrialized? Or are they just using industrialized machines from industrialized Earth to try and keep a heartbeat

Anonymous No. 16317129

>There would need to be more people arriving on Mars than fit into a Starship before making habs makes sense.
sorry the point is that you're making them for earth, mars, and possibly the moon. a single building that can work on all 3 worlds. earthers will be your primary source of revenue for a long time. martians and others will be a small portion of your business for awhile.

Anonymous No. 16317132

Just about everything. With cheap rockets flights you could get a souped-up McMurdo going.

Anonymous No. 16317135

Mars can't retroactively invent industrialization before earth did so they can then claim to be industrialized bro

Anonymous No. 16317139

Why would you make pressure vessels for earth habitation?

Anonymous No. 16317141

When did I imply that?

Anonymous No. 16317145

In case of a fallout event.

Anonymous No. 16317152

Oh no, was this the one that was going to rescue those poor astronauts?

Anonymous No. 16317153

Your post

Anonymous No. 16317155

They believe if they control the narrative it can alter the physical world to be what they desire.

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Anonymous No. 16317163

I saw this same exact OP picrel on Krautchan last night
>it was kc tier and it was on /sci/

Anonymous No. 16317165

We have everything we need, we just need to build it.

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Anonymous No. 16317169

yeah, they were gonna ride home on a starlink sat a la dr strangelove

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Anonymous No. 16317173

(of a country or region) having widely developed industries.
I see what you're saying. There probably won't be a period on Mars where that's necessary. When you've reached the stage of development where you can build buildings cheaper than living in a landed Starship, you could probably get pretty wild with the design. Basically your human forcing function (psychological health) plays a larger role in the economy as various goods get cheaper. Will the people who just spent 10 years living in a spaceship and working in an inflatable factory surrounded by a frozen red desert want to move to a new pod? Pic related, your second Martian home. Mass produced cast stone under an inflatable plastic sky.

Anonymous No. 16317179

Fuck off back to where you came from

Anonymous No. 16317182

I don't specifically mean
>is there something that can be palletized and sent today?
I mean
>do we need to invent anything?
What are we missing?

Anonymous No. 16317183

Does it count as spaceflight related if I drew a picture of Fox and Krystal fucking inside a spaceship? You can see stars in the background.

Anonymous No. 16317184

You can't draw.

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16317188


Anonymous No. 16317190


Not with that attitude

Anonymous No. 16317196

Only if you hide it in a spaceflight related pdf

Anonymous No. 16317200

Or post the twitter link but diguise it as one of Elon Musks post

Anonymous No. 16317208

Guys look at what Elon just posted

Anonymous No. 16317210


Anonymous No. 16317212

yes (no)

Anonymous No. 16317214

disappointed by lack of blue fox tiddies

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hypergolic booste....webm

Anonymous No. 16317220

>be CCP china
>copies everything spaceX does
>falcon 9 clones blow up
>starlink clones spread a shitload of debries in low earth orbit

How long before the chinks trigger a kessler syndrome

Anonymous No. 16317222

Me when I saw a woman naked for the first time

Anonymous No. 16317223

Well that settles it. I doubt Mars is going to have industry (much less diversified industries, plural) any time soon

Anonymous No. 16317225

2 more years

Anonymous No. 16317231

kessler syndrome isn't real

Anonymous No. 16317232

A few years back I would've said Kessler syndrome is no big deal, but now starlink is paying for the Mars colony. So now I think it's a big deal. It's also the best way for China to prevent the advancement of American space flight, as SpaceX is not well treated by the gov in favor of jobs programs. They could seriously impact strategic innovation by disrupting a single company's revenue stream. Our government is so fucking retarded

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Anonymous No. 16317233

A lot of people are completely dismissive of the idea of knowledge loss or any kind of major upheaval of civilization just because it hasn't happened in living memory, but historically there have been so many regressions of progress.

What a horrible shame it would be if our time ends up being the only point in human history that civilization could reach for space, but we squander the chance.

Anonymous No. 16317236


Anonymous No. 16317246

The chinks want to make starlink copy with 14.000 satelites, and we already know the chinese dont give a fuck about hitting other stuff up there.
Chinese have already poluted their own nation, and the seas around it, now they want to start fucking up space too.

Anonymous No. 16317253

it doesnt have to only be for habitation but they can share a common standard, just like there will be different variants of starship. some buildings could be for storage, others for habitation.

you might be right. the general idea is to take something needed on by most people on both earth and mars, and make it work for both worlds. this wont be necessary for things like t-shirts or dental floss, but it might be an option for things like habitats or microchips.

Anonymous No. 16317254

Still waiting on this

Anonymous No. 16317257

depends on if they are traveled at an orbital velocity at some point in the flight plan. Bezos and branson shit doesn't count

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Anonymous No. 16317258
>Office Building Design Change, Starship Ready for Launch? Starbase Flyover Update 53

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šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16317262


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Anonymous No. 16317263

you could easily argue that space exploration regressed significantly in living memory from visiting the moon to simply jumping into LEO, you also see it in the number of launches before SpaceX started launching

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Anonymous No. 16317266

Where has the time gone

Anonymous No. 16317267

Remove the Cuck MCloud

Anonymous No. 16317271

>daylight side of planet
>visible stars
for shame

Anonymous No. 16317272

>canon husband
Do you even know what that word means or has porn rotted your brain?

Anonymous No. 16317273

I get it. I'm currently working on the patents for an idea I had that would work on Earth, but would scale very nicely on Mars. My goal is to have a palletized product before they start launching industry so I can get in on the ground. My guess is that Mars will be subject to absurd deflation early on because every product will be worth its value plus it's weight in launch cost.

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Anonymous No. 16317278

You heard me.

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Anonymous No. 16317280


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Anonymous No. 16317285

starfactory probably being expanded on top and beyond the private plot of land, apparently these footings are similar starfactory used

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Anonymous No. 16317289

they speculate starhopper might be moved inside the office building that is being built

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Anonymous No. 16317290


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Anonymous No. 16317292


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Anonymous No. 16317293


Anonymous No. 16317294

The fuck do you mean ā€œwhyā€?
Weā€™ve been in LEO for 50 years and thereā€™s no industry besides station upkeep. Weā€™re not going to land on Mars and immediately have mining, processing, or any other type of large scale industry (I admittedly canā€™t think of any more examples at the moment so I apologize for a lack of creativity here lol)
Weā€™ll have ISRU machines and nuclear reactors mainly assembled on earth that will be doing nothing but keeping the bare minimal colony alive, heated, and fueled. We are a long ways off from a diverse industry in space. Thatā€™s why.

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Anonymous No. 16317295

the flyover is from Aug 2, so you see module 6 still on the ground

Anonymous No. 16317300

this isnā€™t Halo bozo, there isnā€™t some secret advanced ancient human civilization that has since lost all of its tech. We will be fine.

Anonymous No. 16317303

Read it again

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Anonymous No. 16317306

new entrance being built, after the pic they added rebar and poured concrete already

Anonymous No. 16317313

It took nearly a thousand years before Europe was able to even start approaching lost feats of construction and civil engineering that the Romans achieved during their height.

Anonymous No. 16317314
>Raptor 3 Fires Up, New Glenn Tests at Port & Starliner's Latest Update | This Week in Spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16317315

>this is too complicated for /sfg/

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Anonymous No. 16317322

Anonymous No. 16317323


Anonymous No. 16317326

2 weeks?

Anonymous No. 16317327

Or, as someone who isnā€™t an imbecile might say, it took germanic tribes only a few generations to begin to rebuild convergent engineering that existed at the height of the roman empire

Anonymous No. 16317329

yes >>16315880

Anonymous No. 16317334

There's no industry in LEO because there's nothing there. On Mars you have every element you'd need to be fully industrialized. It's also 8 months away with two year launch windows, so there are incentives to make things locally. ISRU means aluminum and steel, which is most of the mass of basically any industrial process you can think of, which means you can make heavy machinery while only shipping the motors, bearings, screws, and computers. Machine per ton shipped will go way up as more industry is developed until you're importing luxury goods and computer chips only.
Also, the largest private American company is biting off a larger and larger chunk of the yearly hundred billion dollar telecom industry to pay for it.

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Anonymous No. 16317351

Fuck Boing

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Anonymous No. 16317353

>acres of volume

Anonymous No. 16317355

Who said this?

Anonymous No. 16317360


Anonymous No. 16317362

thats insane

Anonymous No. 16317363

space sex tourism

Anonymous No. 16317364

they are flat-sats, so more like surfing down as in Dark Star

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Anonymous No. 16317369

I really dislike this video. He tries so hard to be Elon's friend.
>acres of volume
reminds me, if you can produce steel cables and atmosphere locally, then one Starship load of ETFE gets you like 50 acres of pressurized volume

Anonymous No. 16317376

Why are the modules cylindrical? Wouldn't that make traversal difficult?

Anonymous No. 16317378

easier to make a cylindrical pressure vessel I would imagine

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Anonymous No. 16317380

Martian cities will be in artificially-excavated kilometer-deep slot canyons and they will be more beautiful than any city on Earth has ever been. Residences and most other structures at least partially integrated into the canyon walls or built in alcoves, with the canyon floor dominated by lush public parks.

Anonymous No. 16317389

If you're the guy that's always posting the pictures of that I gotta say I love em, but I personally doubt that's how they'll do it. Building down is more expensive than building up, which is more expensive than building out. A high enough ceiling on a pressurized volume like >>16317369 means that radiation isn't a problem at all.

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Anonymous No. 16317393
>Coming soon to Rocket City - Our Blue Ring team is expanding manufacturing facilities in Huntsville! Stay tuned as our multi-mission space mobility platform gears up for groundbreaking missions #ForTheBenefitofEarth.
>Thanks to @RepDaleStrong and the local Huntsville community for visiting!

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Anonymous No. 16317398

long thread about NASAs decision making process for the Commercial Crew program

Anonymous No. 16317400

You may not like it, but this is what meritocracy looks like.

Anonymous No. 16317401

The astronauts are stranded.
/sfg/ was wrong.
Jannies are trannies.

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Anonymous No. 16317402


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Anonymous No. 16317405


Anonymous No. 16317406

Get fucked, Pocahontas.

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Anonymous No. 16317408


Anonymous No. 16317414

I expect cities like that to be third or fourth-wave in terms of types of settlements constructed. First is obviously living in the vehicles you landed in and some inflatable modules scattered around, second is larger tented structures and tunnel settlements connected to burgeoning industrial operations, third and fourth are whatever becomes possible as a result of that industrial capacity.
I'm not saying that these will be the first cities or even eventually the main kind of large city on Mars, but they are the peak of form and function for the conditions, provided you have the necessary machinery. There is the choice of building up into hostile conditions, or building down into a controlled environment. The former will of course be necessary early on, the latter is ideal when the ability exists.

Anonymous No. 16317415

If I ask you to imagine where we'll be in 100 years. Do you imagine soviet style poverty with a few high tech machines sprinkled throughout the agrarian society with ancient industry?
Do you imagine steam engines? Horses and carts? Sticks and stones? Mammals on trees?

Fuck. No.
Literally no one actually believes that.

Progress on average is inevitable. Everyone intuitively knows this. Everyone feels this. The progress may be set back in places and at times. But averaging it out, the trend is clear, the direction certain.
Lest the universe strikes us down all at once. Humanity shall advance. And we will get off of this rock.

Anonymous No. 16317417

this sounds like an absolutey nightmare, like at least 3 levels of hierarchy and you have somewhat independent hierarchy trees too
and you have to "read the room" i.e. can't say something that is retarded with how things are being done or you get the boot I guess?

Anonymous No. 16317419

If boeing says it's safe, it's safe.
Nasa should stop bitching and send starliner back with the astronauts already and get this joke over with.

Anonymous No. 16317426

How are engine internals insepected? Do they have wire cameras for that?

Anonymous No. 16317427

>this sounds like an absolutey nightmare
It's government bureaucracy. It's not designed to be efficient, it's designed to employ maximum amount of people and have them keep one another busy.

Anonymous No. 16317429

progress is not inevitable, technology does not develop by itself but by specific people using their time to do so

Anonymous No. 16317435

>Progress on average is inevitable. Everyone intuitively knows this. Everyone feels this. The progress may be set back in places and at times. But averaging it out, the trend is clear, the direction certain.
midwit take but said with enough confidence to make it pants on head retarded

Anonymous No. 16317436

So very far future. I like your vision. Also much less susceptible to Earther attack than my plastic ceiling

Anonymous No. 16317437

Starlink in ~1700 schools in Kazakhstan. Nearly all the schools in Kazakhstan

Anonymous No. 16317438

>Progress on average is inevitable.
This is where optimism becomes a hazard. Be as gung-ho about space colonization as you want, I sure am, but always remember that all your work and intentions CAN be swept aside. If you're only ever looking forward without heed of your surroundings, you'll get knifed in the ribs. Industrial collapse CAN fuck us over. Maybe not permanently, but perhaps long enough for an extinction event to finish us off. Even if it's a recoverable, regression is impermissible because of the risk it poses.

Anonymous No. 16317441

>problem with the CC-8800-1
it's over

Anonymous No. 16317446

Tory still coping hard. Holy hell. This man is living in denial.

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Anonymous No. 16317451

what problem?

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Anonymous No. 16317453


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Anonymous No. 16317454

they threw a community note on his original comment lmfao violated

Anonymous No. 16317455

I guess SpaceX solved it
Musk has repeatedly said it was very difficult to make this engine

Anonymous No. 16317456

Rewind to about 1:35pm, something broke earlier when they were standing it up earlier today. SpaceX had to send out their manlift.

Anonymous No. 16317457

NSF livestream discussion "flame trench" in 100min

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Anonymous No. 16317459

what if they are just inspecting something?

Anonymous No. 16317461

Where is musk getting this nonsense from?
He really should go back to rockets because identity politics are clearly frying his brain

Anonymous No. 16317462

I'm also looking forward to lunar cities. Some degree of subsurface presence will be necessary from the get-go for any serious colonization attempt, if only to take advantage of the thermal stability you can get from using the ground as a heat sink/source.
With even lower gravity and a more gradual thermal gradient, a whole lot of the lunar interior is readily habitable once you've cracked the necessary rocks to make yourself an atmosphere. A global tunnel network linking pockets of civilization, limited only by your ability to dig.

Anonymous No. 16317463


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Anonymous No. 16317465


Anonymous No. 16317466

Dude if earth becomes niggerworld the only hope is the earth isn't too fucked up for white people to evolve again. If everyone on earth had the qualities of someone from somalia we would not have invented rockets
There is nothing stopping an advanced society from not understanding and then destroying the things that made it advanced. Then they run on fumes and don't notice, then they collapse

Anonymous No. 16317467

>where is musk getting this correct etymology from?

Anonymous No. 16317470


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Anonymous No. 16317479

>the black tesla is back
he will lecture them about the competence crisis

Anonymous No. 16317485

qrd on the black Tesla

Anonymous No. 16317487

Trolley problem?

Anonymous No. 16317501

I've only ever seen it when there was some sort of delay or technical problem. Last time was when there was bad weather prior to stacking module 4. The person who got out of the car the prior time sort resembled Elon, it was too hard to tell in any case. But they were dressed like him and walked around without a hard hat or vest like they owned the place. Later that day module 4 got stacked.

Anonymous No. 16317512


I'm surprised he's not driving Cybertruck

Anonymous No. 16317517

maybe he wants to be inconspicuous

Anonymous No. 16317519

someone's getting fired lol

Anonymous No. 16317522

probably just whatever was on hand, you see a lot of model 3s sitting around the parking lots

Anonymous No. 16317525

If he wanted to be inconspicious then he would be driving a regular truck.

Anonymous No. 16317537

RD-170 is 4 engines not 1

Anonymous No. 16317544

On top of that I think raptor is still more powerful when you compare newtons/throat area but I canā€™t find the graph in my /sfg/ folder atm.

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Anonymous No. 16317551

It's not. The RD-170 is one set of pumps driving propellant to four separate combustion chambers. It's a trick Glushko pioneered for avoiding combustion instability issues when he was working on the RD-107/108.

Anonymous No. 16317562

RD-170 is neither 1 engine or 4

Anonymous No. 16317565

TWR is better anyway who cares. Obviously a Soviet engine will be worse than something produced with modern manufacturing techniques

Anonymous No. 16317570

begs the question: what counts as 1 (one) engine?

Anonymous No. 16317576

One set of turbopumps

Anonymous No. 16317577

might be his brother kendall. he visits elon's companies when there is an issue and bosses people around.

Anonymous No. 16317578


Anonymous No. 16317579

what if it's pressure fed. or battery pump fed. is a rocket engine a pump for fuel? I'd be tempted to say 1 combustion chamber 1 engine

Anonymous No. 16317586

what the fuck is wrong with the names in this family
elon, kimbal, vivian

Anonymous No. 16317588

Source: My ass

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16317589

jannie needs to clean sci


Space X isn't academic, it piracy

Anonymous No. 16317598

uncommon names are cool

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Anonymous No. 16317602

Anonymous No. 16317608

Unlikely to occur though because rocketry and spaceflight are also useful as tools of war. Thereā€™s too much of an incentive to keep the technology alive.

Anonymous No. 16317614

what is that like a payload adapter or something?

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Anonymous No. 16317616

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Anonymous No. 16317620

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Anonymous No. 16317621

A rocket engine is something that takes one or more liquid propellants pumps them into a combustion chamber. Centering on the combustion chamber doesn't really work since there have been so many engines designed over the years that have one set of pumps serving multiple chambers; you really need to see the engine as the thing that's moving the propellant rather than just the destination, even though that destination is an integral part of the system.

Battery powered systems are just replacing the preburner with an electric motor while keeping the rest of the architecture the same. Pressure fed systems are a weird outlier since they've simplified the whole thing down to just a pair of valves. Most people would think of the combustion chamber as the engine in those cases because that's the most complex part left, but that's not technically correct since you could have a multi-chamber system driven by one big pressure-fed valve mess. Most people tend not to think too hard about pressure fed systems, but I think that might actually be how a lot of RCS systems are set up.

And then you've got shit like the Chinese YF-21 which is a module built out of four separate YF-20 engines, each with their own independent set of pumps, yet is referred to overall as a single engine.

Anonymous No. 16317622

starliner does cargo too?

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Anonymous No. 16317623

Anonymous No. 16317627

armored satellites when

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Anonymous No. 16317628

>Dragon crew-1 2020
>Starliner crew-1 2026

Anonymous No. 16317631

Meant for

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Anonymous No. 16317632

It's an orbital tug for rideshare payloads

Anonymous No. 16317633

why isn't the Wall Street Journal or Business Insider reporting about the Chinese second stage? what are they waiting for??

Anonymous No. 16317634

An american news agency only reports on american interests.

Anonymous No. 16317642

>competing megaconstellations are so far behind
>Starlink on set to take over 80-90% of the market for all commercial, cruise, and large scale oceanic transport markets
The first mover advantage is wild

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Anonymous No. 16317647

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Anonymous No. 16317648

Anonymous No. 16317657

make this happen elon

Anonymous No. 16317659

I wonder if he's going to talk about how jets are outdated and the military sucks at buying things again

Anonymous No. 16317663

>EDS crowd upset about this little rover's cancellation
>Elon brings it back
>EDSers seethe
>SpaceX proves it can launch to the moon so everyone wonders why NASA has a more expensive rocket (even though that's not how it works it would be funny)
Anyway watch BO buy it and then never do anything with it

Anonymous No. 16317684

Introducing the Tesla Icarus, Mars' first airplane

Anonymous No. 16317690

>1966 saw the largest number of launches
>wasn't surpassed until 2021

Anonymous No. 16317714

Hello fags. State your favorite spaceflight company that is not SpaceX and why. If you cannot name one you are Muskrat vermin.
>note: nothing anti-spacex in this post

Anonymous No. 16317718

SpaceX, they are unimpeachable.

Anonymous No. 16317721

>dr. anon, I'm FAA

Anonymous No. 16317723


Anonymous No. 16317726

Impulse Space, they seem competent and are developing something that will complement SpaceX and not try to compete with them pointlessly without bringing anything novel to the table
Vast and Gravitics are pretty cool too for the same reasons

Anonymous No. 16317728


Anonymous No. 16317733

This is Muskrat general, faggot

Anonymous No. 16317739

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16317743


so many jewish pedophile glowies in this thread

This is space flight not fucking Disney Star Wars. All of you are Israeli cucks that vomit whatever goyslop you're being fed.

Meanwhile American space efforts are a historic embarrassment because of the incest going on at Boeing and how they abandoned astronauts and their shit is so bad it's destroying the space station it's docked to.

Meanwhile, all you Elon Musk turbo autists think you know shit. Which VSauce level science and mathematics are you doing?

Anonymous No. 16317744

Incomprehensibly false
10 newspace companies are more exciting than Firefly.

Anonymous No. 16317748

Okay. Your point?

Anonymous No. 16317754

>10 newspace companies are more exciting than Firefly.
That wasn't the question asked

Anonymous No. 16317755

>on Mars
That name should be reserved for Mercury

Anonymous No. 16317757

Bet you're a space shittle fanboy too.
You're a faggot to the core

Anonymous No. 16317759

Your opinion will never matter

Anonymous No. 16317763

Firefly Aerospace will never matter

Anonymous No. 16317766

seethe if you must

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Anonymous No. 16317778

All I can think of is that Peter Theil quote about definite vs indefinite optimism and pessimism. Anon here has fallen deep into the indefinite optimism trap.

Anonymous No. 16317780

Gotta come clean, for me it's axiom

Anonymous No. 16317781

temporary space station modules

Anonymous No. 16317792

I've been doing level 10 VSauce science and mathematics before you were even born faggot

Anonymous No. 16317796


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Anonymous No. 16317802

>"You will all soon die for Israel, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make"

Anonymous No. 16317806

Which modern rockets could take a 200kg payload into the moon's gravity well?

Anonymous No. 16317813

Armadillo and Bigelow, simple as

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Anonymous No. 16317816


Anonymous No. 16317817


Anonymous No. 16317821

He was so right itā€™s unreal

Anonymous No. 16317824

been awhile since i posted here, but i wanted to ask if anyone had that webm of some guy on a boat with trump flags photo bombing a crew dragon recovery?

Anonymous No. 16317826

Hello time traveler from 2004.

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Anonymous No. 16317836


Anonymous No. 16317839

You don't need to nuke all of them, just the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. The rest of the Chinese space sector manages entertaining rather than intrusive fuck ups.

Anonymous No. 16317850

ask chatGPT

Anonymous No. 16317871

American businessmen don't want to offend China.

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Anonymous No. 16317883

>50 atomic bombs on china

Anonymous No. 16317896

WSJ is a communist platform now. And BI is commie insider.

Anonymous No. 16317949

Reminder, Starship v3 is 400 Ton expendable and 200 Ton reusable

Anonymous No. 16317961

>4 of 7 Long March 6A launches have had their upper stages explode in orbit
>the chinese megaconstellation will likely continue to be launched by LM 6A
and yet there's not a peep of protest by (((astronomers)))

Anonymous No. 16317969

Thought those were bunny ears and a fursuit for a sec

Anonymous No. 16317972

>400 ton expendable
What could that possibly be? JWST was like 70x smaller. Are we going to image exoplanets?

Anonymous No. 16318000

In case of atmosphere loss

Anonymous No. 16318002

45 ton right now chud Husk lied to you.

Anonymous No. 16318006

Right now its 0 because its not operational

Anonymous No. 16318008
> The Starlink team and @TheNRAO
worked together to enable Starlink satellites to avoid transmissions into the line-of-sight of radio telescopes, leveraging our advanced phased array antenna technology to dynamically steer beams away from telescopes
There is a video

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falcon 9 baie ver....jpg

Anonymous No. 16318013

>Falcon 9 can only launch 9 tons and its all expendable Husk is a fraud

Anonymous No. 16318021

Yeah and starship v1 was supposed to be 100 reusable but turns out it cant even get to orbit

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Anonymous No. 16318022
Up first on Saturday, August 10 are back-to-back Starlink launches from Florida, set to deliver 45 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit

Two Falcon 9 launches in thirteen minutes

Anonymous No. 16318028


Anonymous No. 16318036

China will see this and now purposefully target other countries radio telescopes to hinder their research

Anonymous No. 16318039

what's the current record for time between orbital launches?

Anonymous No. 16318047

maybe an hour during Gemini or mercury

Anonymous No. 16318050

The closest record I've been able to find is Vostok-3 and Vostok-4 which launched 22 minutes apart. Gemini 8 launched 101 minutes after the Agena Target Vehicle it planned to dock with.

Anonymous No. 16318062

I detect Muskchud cope, F9 is not Starship

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Anonymous No. 16318085

>it's cope
No, it's just an excuse to post old Falcon 9 pictures

Anonymous No. 16318093

The 3x3 engine setup is pretty kino.

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Anonymous No. 16318094

Wow that is just demented

Anonymous No. 16318139

Thats insane.

Anonymous No. 16318140

I just have to come out and say it, iā€™ve understood like 99.99999% of /sfg/ jokes but I canā€™t stand estronaut and I refuse to watch his starbase tours, even if theyā€™re insightful, because of the concentrated cringe and I simply donā€™t get this ā€œwow thatā€™s crazyā€ ā€œthatā€™s insaneā€ ā€œyeahā€ series of jokes
Can someone spoon feed it to me? Are these just funny deadpan Musk responses to Tim or something?

Anonymous No. 16318142

>he wants us to spoonfeed him

Anonymous No. 16318154


Anonymous No. 16318158

Like, dude. Can you even imagine that? It's unfathomable.

Anonymous No. 16318168

No it's Tim reacting to anything and everything he sees at Starbase. As I recall it wasn't such an issue on the last tour.

Anonymous No. 16318179


Anonymous No. 16318197

Take the ego out bask in the glory of spacex

Anonymous No. 16318212

How come its not going to be February before the shartliner crew can be brought home by SpaceX?
Is NASA intentionally delaying it until after the election?

Anonymous No. 16318222

Tim sees literally anything
>Wow that is literally insane
Musk, bored

Anonymous No. 16318223

No matter how it goes Trumo is gonna use it as ammo against Kamala
NASA won't allow that

Anonymous No. 16318226

No the february thing is only if they decide to bring them back on Crew 9 Dragon. They donā€™t want to waste an entire mission profile sending a dragon up and straight back down. They would send up dragon with a half-crew (2 instead of 4) but make butch and suni wait for Crew 9 to run most or all of its experiments on the station and then come back in February

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Anonymous No. 16318231

This is so actually interesting.

Anonymous No. 16318232

Whats more, we got to see her career as an independent space journalist launch from starbase. Its crazy. There's quite a few whose career got started by SpaceX or atleast pushed majority by it.

Anonymous No. 16318234

Iā€™m not even being mean does she have a developmental disorder? She looks like she rode the short bus to school. Also she says ā€œeric burjerā€ despite everyone knowing itā€™s obviously ā€œburgerā€

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Anonymous No. 16318236

Why did that mean ol Elon Musk strand those poor astronauts up there in the cold of space?

Anonymous No. 16318237


> did you just ignore the part about candu reactors needing little to no processing!

We were being polite. We didn't want to draw attention to you insisting one can just shovel dirt into a reactor and it works. Because atoms or possibly the Power of Friendship.

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Ellie In Space Do....webm

Anonymous No. 16318238

what a whore

Anonymous No. 16318241

okay what the fuck this is just gross and whatā€™s worse, this is obv on purpose. Puke tier content

Anonymous No. 16318243

wouldnt be surprised if in a few months shes announced as having one of elons children.

Anonymous No. 16318253

I hate women so much it's unreal bros. Elon needs to invest in robo waifus and artificial wombs so we don't export these creatures off world.

Anonymous No. 16318257

It's "Bear-jƩ"

Anonymous No. 16318261

>be attractive women
>see no other attractive women in niche male field
>start making basic ass videos
>instant success

Men are niggers for enabling this.

Anonymous No. 16318285

its actually the you-know-hews who own and operate yewtube who decide who is and isn't successful

Anonymous No. 16318292

When IFT-5? It's taking so long.

Anonymous No. 16318293

elon said mid august but my guess is after polaris dawn

Anonymous No. 16318307

>fat guy on NSF thinks that Bozo is going to try and get their pathfinder to the moon before SpaceX in order to steal the spotlight

I can see it. I can absolutely imagine another "Welcome to the club." Tweet from Jeff.

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Anonymous No. 16318312


Anonymous No. 16318320

This EJ dude on NSF looks like he does bumps every time the camera isn't on him, lmao.

Anonymous No. 16318345

AI slop banner too lol lmao

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Anonymous No. 16318347

Don't forget the other mid-tier whore who used to hang around Starbase constantly, trolling for compliments and spreading her legs for any SpaceX bros with a Tesla. Jessica Kirsh was her name, not sure if she's still trying to get in on the action or not. Good to see these bullshit channels finally fail on their lack of merit, besides the "look at me, I'm a GIRL!" thing, these vapid cunts have nothing to offer the world and should be repurposed.

Anonymous No. 16318352

Ellie has done some interesting interviews though she seems to farm views by showing her tits a bit (she used to be a journalist previously)
I don't remember Jessica Kirsh really doing much of anything at all

Anonymous No. 16318390

Up to the feds. Elon's endorsement has probably done damage in this regard

Anonymous No. 16318394

What happens when Trump doesn't win? The biggest way to fuck up the whole starship program is by not letting them launch from specific place more than 10 times per year

Anonymous No. 16318395

Same thing that has been happening in the last few years, their policy won't change once their old puppet is gone.

Anonymous No. 16318398

buying Tesla

Anonymous No. 16318403

I hate those tesla fanboys. There's something about stock that makes people mentally insane.

Anonymous No. 16318404

you make this same post every year

Anonymous No. 16318405

its a good stock sir

Anonymous No. 16318411

More lawfare with increasing attempts to get Elon to sell his stake

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16318413

*destroys your population's ability to maintain a complex civilization*
Only solution is eugenics. A mars base would at least offer a separate population, and one with strong incentives to implement eugenics (space habitats need clever people to keep everyone alive).

Anonymous No. 16318415

CANDU is shit though and you should really be looking at a fast breeder to maximize your fuel usage

Anonymous No. 16318416

It took a thousand years. That's the point.

Anonymous No. 16318418

this progress may be in the tens of thousands of years scale on average, but we still have periodic collapses due to dysgenics.

Anonymous No. 16318419

In a free market, the only kind of monopoly that can form is something similar to spaceX - one where the product is genuinely too good for any competitors to make. In 30 years or so, the monopoly will naturally be destroyed as competitors catch up or the key people at the company retire, die, move on.

Anonymous No. 16318425

it's almost like the chinks do it on purpose to sabotage america's space efforts

Anonymous No. 16318426

democrat approval

Anonymous No. 16318440

The only thing this is going to affect is the shell they were planning on putting the satellites in. Imagine announcing you are putting up a megaconstellation and your first launch kesslerizes the specific orbit you were planning to use

Anonymous No. 16318441

>eugenics fag
Good luck with that. The Martian population will be necessarily self selected from the start. It isn't obvious you would even need eugenics. If you take anything from the 20th century it would have to be a really robust asylum system. I imagine if the subway schizophrenics could vent the atmosphere of the entirety of NYC they would still have some solid asylums.

Anonymous No. 16318446

keeping people in asylums is expensive, euthanasia or being exiled back to earth is probably more reasonable

Anonymous No. 16318451

Look man I'm talking about real life here. Do you honestly expect NASA/SpaceX will tell the public and international community
>yeah we had to kill him, it would be too expensive otherwise
A lockable door and a launch window's worth of food might literally be like $100,000 depending on where Starship's cost per kg ends up.
>exiled back to earth
Who's going to volunteer to sit in a Starship with the insane man for 8 months?
The first few missions will send people past the age where psychological problems arise, but as soon as they start sending people younger than that they'll need asylums.

Anonymous No. 16318453

I'm not talking about NASA/SpaceX, I'm talking about the independent mars colony

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Anonymous No. 16318455

looks like a femsoi, so she's estronaut but with boobs

Anonymous No. 16318456

that's insane

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Anonymous No. 16318461

they can't keep getting away with it

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Anonymous No. 16318462

Did one of you faggots make this thread again on /g/?
Fucking stop, you boring niggers

Anonymous No. 16318463

wtff why is SpaceX launching a anti-ship ballistic missile?

Anonymous No. 16318469

The final solution to the boatboomer problem.

Anonymous No. 16318473

death, taxes, and spacex wiping the floor by an order of magnitude

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Anonymous No. 16318475

about fucking time

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starliner jumpscare.webm

Anonymous No. 16318483

>The report, by NASA's Office of the Inspector General, has even called for 'financial penalties' for the aerospace giant's 'noncompliance with quality control standards.'

Anonymous No. 16318486

i want to see how they install the rats

Anonymous No. 16318487

>In a free market, the only kind of monopoly that can form is something similar to spaceX - one where the product is genuinely too good for any competitors to make
Maybe in industies with a low barrier to entry.

Anonymous No. 16318491

Steam is another example.

Anonymous No. 16318493

>Daily Fail article
Barely worth the paper it's printed on.

Anonymous No. 16318494

>low barrier to entry
I think you mean high barrier to entry

Anonymous No. 16318497

I didn't mean to imply that I thought the aerospace industry had a low barrier to entry.

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sls eus slip.png

Anonymous No. 16318502


Main article. Get ready to rage.

Anonymous No. 16318505

Iā€™ll save you some time, NASA rejected the idea of those penalties

Anonymous No. 16318506

hello outer asteroid belt poster

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Anonymous No. 16318507

>nobody cares about starlink launches anymore

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Anonymous No. 16318517

>people will inevitably say this to starship starlink launches

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Anonymous No. 16318519


Anonymous No. 16318523

Not a thing, and when it is a thing they'll be able to afford asylums

Anonymous No. 16318524

will they care about chinese starlink if it keeps dumping hundreds of pieces of junk into orbit?

Anonymous No. 16318525

I alright anon I understood what you meant

Anonymous No. 16318527

why do you think the colony would adopt the liberal western way to do things? I would guess a bunch of people going there were trying to escape it
keeping permanently useless or even dangerous people in the colony doesn't seem very smart
kind of doubt there would be long term prisons either

Anonymous No. 16318528

has elon launched anything to moon?

Anonymous No. 16318532

Aaaaand landed another one

Anonymous No. 16318534

Anonymous No. 16318535

>kill the insane
>kill the criminals
You're just a sociopath lmao what the fuck. This has nothing to do with conditions on Mars

Anonymous No. 16318536

its just pragmatic
if you are a permanent threat to others, then you have to be contained (expensive) or be removed permanently
this is not about personal grievances or anything of the sort

Anonymous No. 16318538

No he doesn't care about the moon

Anonymous No. 16318540

That's an excuse lol. It's not that expensive. You just want to kill people

Anonymous No. 16318543

keeping someone around for something like 50+ fucking years? yes its extremely expensive
not only do you have to build and upkeep the space for this individual, you need to feed and clothe them and then have one or multiple people keeping watch and there is a pretty good chance the person is going to harm someone during that time

Anonymous No. 16318547

and I'm specifically talking about violent people or people which would sabotage or harm something very important which would in effect be violence as well
for instance if you poison water is that violence? what if you vent a habitat with people inside?

Anonymous No. 16318551

I mean perhaps you could have some kind of work camps or something so the people might be a net benefit or something, but if someone is just too insane to function then idk

Anonymous No. 16318553

it will cost next to nothing to ship starships back to earth. Bad apples wonā€™t be stuck on Mars. Theyā€™ll be deported as soon as possible.

Anonymous No. 16318557

yes that is what I think is more likely than simple execution
Starship is big enough to have a brig and after some time you would have ships going back every cycle and probably have SpaceX or some other employees on them, doing trips back and forth

Anonymous No. 16318562

why are you acting like executions are even on the table here bro, good grief you are sadistic

Anonymous No. 16318563

so, a V8 is actually 8 engines?

Anonymous No. 16318565

why are you acting like they wouldn't be?
right now in the west violent criminals are protected over victims, its absurd
a mars colony could not do this, not for a very long time

Anonymous No. 16318567

I hope you never come close to holding any sort of power or authority

Anonymous No. 16318571

I'm talking about violent criminals getting executed instead of getting lifelong sentences
what is wrong with this exactly? you haven't articulated any counter argument, just some pussyfooted argument from incredulity
the justice system of the mars colony is not going to function like canada or san fransisco, its going to be closer to martial law

Anonymous No. 16318573

Inshallah it will happen with crewed mars launches.

Anonymous No. 16318574

youā€™re just larping as a space martial of justice. We donā€™t have bad apples being executed in antarctica or military bases. Grow up.

Anonymous No. 16318579

yes because its easy to remove them from antarctica or the military base and put them into prison (and some would get executed yes)

Anonymous No. 16318582

itā€™s easy to get people off of the moon and mars retard

Anonymous No. 16318585

really? >>16318451
>Who's going to volunteer to sit in a Starship with the insane man for 8 months?
>The first few missions will send people past the age where psychological problems arise, but as soon as they start sending people younger than that they'll need asylums.

mars isn't going to fucking have asylyms for a very long time

Anonymous No. 16318589

what is so radical about exectuing murderers and very violent repeat offenders?

Anonymous No. 16318594

That anon is trolling. Much of Earth's population is living in countries with death penalty. Only European countries are staunch abolitionist, and their opinion won't matter in space in the near future for obvious reason. Only US and China has realistic plan to setup colonies outside Earth, both carry out death sentence, China regularly. It stands to reason that future space colonies are very likely to have death sentence, inheriting it directly from the founding country.

Anonymous No. 16318599

when keeping evil people alive costs you the very air you breath, you'd think that the death penalty would become absolutely necessary

Anonymous No. 16318605

I'm stoked for Stoke, but Rocket Lab is my actual favorite

Anonymous No. 16318607

why? the CEO of Rocketlab seems very unambitious

Anonymous No. 16318610

NTA I think Beck is ambitious. He just doesnā€™t have unlimited money cheats enabled and wants to push for something other than biggest cheapest rocket.
Roggidlab stands a real chance of being the first company to run a venus mission. Iā€™d say thatā€™s a good ambition.

Anonymous No. 16318617

also practical but not ethical. If we practically execute henious criminals on mars colony, thats a practical way to keep order. However if we punish them with prison time but then when you need to take calculus due to lack of air issues of which the immediate solution is to kill criminals, that would only buy few minute/hours of time at max and would have no material impact on the gravity of the situation and thus is done likely not in perfect utilitarian calculus but more of irrationality. In other words, death of criminals cannot be supported by arguments about air rations but can be supported by practical maintenance of order.

Anonymous No. 16318625

You are obsessed with the resources used without having any context for their relative costs which means you're using it as an excuse to kill people
>only the enlightened west lets inconvenient people live
Well the west also brought us from cabbage farming to interplanetary travel so I say we keep it

Anonymous No. 16318627

Exactly; I second this

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Anonymous No. 16318628

Anonymous No. 16318632

you seem to be obsessed with keeping dangerous and evil people alive at all costs.

Anonymous No. 16318639

There were some lunar missions launched but not SpaceX corp missions

Anonymous No. 16318645

>final frotier
so she likes frottage?

Anonymous No. 16318651

I suspect that the death penalty for martian colonists will be like that of the first colonists of the Americas, IE if you break something truly irreplaceable/unfixable you are deemed too much of burden for the colony and killed.

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Anonymous No. 16318659

Anonymous No. 16318661

Probably not. We have better technology to avoid the worst of the old ethical standards. Keeping a criminal in life or worst case scenario, send them back to earth on the first return trip by creating a Guantanomo Bay for Earth. We will ofcourse have return trips back but we should also have enough to survive till the next launch as well. If it is truly the case that the martian colony cannot survive then killing the criminal would not solve anything as everyone would die anyway.
Questions about whether killing the one person would save the whole colony would need to consider not just the oxygen/food/resources cost but the possibility of rehabilitation that could turn things around with the labor value of the additional hand. With both options to be weights, the calculus cannot be lightly done nor be accurate enough to make a firm decision, atleast not on consequentialist terms. But rather on emotional and appeal to order.

Anonymous No. 16318662

Faggot rocket for customers too salty to fly on a Falcon

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Anonymous No. 16318663

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Anonymous No. 16318665

Anonymous No. 16318666

Earthā€™s workhorse

Anonymous No. 16318669

Why would pushing the software update potentially brick the entire docking port?

Anonymous No. 16318671

heterosexual rocket for patrician high energy payload customers.

Anonymous No. 16318673

Toryā€™s whole ā€œprecisionā€ metric is so fucking lame and is just a cope because he has nothing else to show for

Anonymous No. 16318676


Anonymous No. 16318677

The idea of a space brig makes a lot of sense but it's going to be hard not to implement procedures that prevent colonists from enacting defacto kangaroo courts that far from any authority center. Much less convincing launch providers to lift a space jail.

Anonymous No. 16318678

The previous starliner docked and undocked just fine autonomously though?

Anonymous No. 16318679

>We have sold 70 Vulcans. The first 8 are in flow in the Rocket Factory

That's 38 Kupier launches, 20 launches for NSSL Phase 2, one Dream Chaser test flight and six operational flights, and then maybe five individual contracts for groups like NASA and Intelsat. That's not a great customer base.

Anonymous No. 16318680


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Anonymous No. 16318681


Anonymous No. 16318685

Huh? They can't EVA to undock it?

Anonymous No. 16318688

How would an EVA undock it? All of the parts locking it to the station are inside of the docking adapter.

Anonymous No. 16318689

Does Shitliner have Canadarm attachment point?

Anonymous No. 16318691

wear EVA suits, unlock the clamps, drift it out and the astronauts return to the ISS

Anonymous No. 16318692

Anonymous No. 16318693

All of the clamps are inside the adapter and can't be accessed from the outside

Anonymous No. 16318694


Anonymous No. 16318696

Inner Cringe is the best let free

Anonymous No. 16318697

you have no idea how docking works, please donā€™t pipe up with stupid ideas on topics you donā€™t know about thanks

Anonymous No. 16318699

Why would it not work? Why must they stay inside the starliner?

Anonymous No. 16318700

can't wait til we can shitpost on the moon

Anonymous No. 16318701

People who think astronaught can command Starliner to undock then EVA back to ISS either have no sense of how bulky the EVA suit is or how crammed Starliner is. I don't think you can even operate the switches wearing gloves of EVA suit without hitting things you shouldn't.

Anonymous No. 16318702

Your ignorance is even more impressive than your stupidity

Anonymous No. 16318704

So you don't know.

Anonymous No. 16318705

Retard lmao

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Anonymous No. 16318708

I'd say the odds of being able to operate Starliner's control in EVA gloves are better than 50/50. It would be very awkward, but astronauts with EVA experience are good at making very deliberate, planned manipulations. My big concern would be if the astronaut could even fit out the hatch or docking port while wearing the EVA suit after Starliner was detached.

Anonymous No. 16318712

Actually, I had another thought. Dragon had to be certified for operations after depressurization for the upcoming Polaris spacewalk. Do we even know if Starliner will function be able to properly with a depressurized cabin?

Anonymous No. 16318713

>all costs
Again with this. We're talking about the 1% of people that go irrecoverably bonkers and a murder rate comparable to Iceland. The resource expenditure is low.
>Reasoning by analogy
Mars is going to be a cutting edge factory not a cult's farming village.

Anonymous No. 16318721

I refuse to believe nasa doesn't have the means to get the capsule undocked autonomously, it just may take a while. I don't think the 2nd port being taken out of action while they wait is likely to happen. Just don't use the boeing capsule ever again

Anonymous No. 16318722

Yeah at worst bring a stick to push the buttons and flip the switches. I don't think the docking port is big enough for EVA suit, but the side hatch should be. No idea if it's possible to close it from the outside while in space wearing the EVA suit though, but at that point it's probably the least of everyone's concern.

Anonymous No. 16318723

>I refuse to believe nasa doesn't have the means to get the capsule undocked autonomously
Well as of right now Boeing doesnā€™t soā€¦

Anonymous No. 16318724

It can't even function properly right now

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Anonymous No. 16318725

>six minutes
Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure there was an earlier Falcon-Electron pair that launched at almost the same time

Anonymous No. 16318727

also if the first plan to autonomously undock it fails, there's probably a 2nd and 3rd one.

If these two astronauts are stuck in a capsule that cant deorbit then the only plan is suicide pills.

Anonymous No. 16318731

Surely it has to work while depressurized. Otherwise what's the point of wearing IVA suit if the capsule will fail when exposed to vacuum and you can do nothing but watch your oxygen depleted.

Anonymous No. 16318733

itā€™s long time past rocket lab needing to fuck off with these cutesie mission names

Anonymous No. 16318736

>Surely it has to work while depressurized. Otherwise what's the point
Easy money from making a substandard product

Anonymous No. 16318740

>The Crew 9 delay is relevant to the Starliner dilemma for a couple of reasons. One, it gives NASA more time to determine the flight-worthiness of Starliner. However, there is also another surprising reason for the delayā€”the need to update Starlinerā€™s flight software. Three separate, well-placed sources have confirmed to Ars that the current flight software on board Starliner cannot perform an automated undocking from the space station and entry into Earthā€™s atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16318741

Yeah it seems like an obvious thing but I donā€™t put anything past Boeing right now. Of course Iā€™m speculatingā€”but it would not surprise me if we learned that Starliner had internal components that would simply fail under vacuum/thermal issues

Anonymous No. 16318744

I know things dont look good now but just wait on the compression space suits

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Anonymous No. 16318745

Anonymous No. 16318754

Enough communist gobbledygook.

Anonymous No. 16318755

Canadarm should just rip the accursed shart off the station

Anonymous No. 16318762

Contrarian here:
NASA has consistently claimed that, despite the current situation and lack of confidence, should there be a serious emergency (i.e. a station destroying event) they would not hesitate to have Butch and Suni return to Earth in Starliner right now. If thatā€™s the case, is there really a problem?
If theyā€™re confident in being able to use Starliner in a ā€œshit, well we have no other choiceā€ scenario then itā€™s really just people arguing back and forth about the small details whilst they have the time to do so

Anonymous No. 16318766

If there was a fire in your house blocking the hallway, would you hesitate to jump out of your second story window? Of course not.
Does that mean jumping out of your window is safe? Of course not.

Anonymous No. 16318769

Yes, you have better chances aboard Starliner than a destroyed space station. Excellent point. There must really be no problem at all huh

Anonymous No. 16318772

>hey would not hesitate to have Butch and Suni return to Earth in Starliner right now
I think they're full of shit and are just saying that.
I do not believe them.

Anonymous No. 16318775

you know what uses less resources? if you blow them out of the airlock to die.

Anonymous No. 16318780

Iā€™ll remind you both that NASA has officially listed putting Butch and Suni on the cargo pallet inside Crew 8ā€™s Dragon as an option. So yeah if theyā€™re willing to do that but also willing to fly them back on Starliner anyways in some sort of emergency then the problem is obviously not that bad

Anonymous No. 16318790

Resources on Mars will not be scarce enough to justify your sociopathic fantasies
It's better than cramming them in the luggage compartment so it can't be that bad

Anonymous No. 16318794

i think that nutcases and murderers should be even more scarce.

Anonymous No. 16318796

>the CEO of Rocketlab seems very unambitious
Beck is highly ambitious, RL needs to keep a good face and show off financials so their stock looks good. Their big claim to fame is Electron, but launches only make up about 25% of their income. Their other space-related services like building satellites make up the other 75% of income. There is a lot going on behind the scenes.

Anonymous No. 16318798

Yawn wake me when a real company wants to do something important

Anonymous No. 16318799

I think a not insignificant part of NASA okaying Starliner as a lifeboat is that in such scenario ISS is lost therefore the risk of Starliner crashing into is no longer part of the calculation. If Butch or Suni has a medical emergency right now, they will come back with Crew 8.

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Anonymous No. 16318800
>Starbase Weekly, Ep.128: SpaceX Starship Ready For Orbital Flight 5!

Anonymous No. 16318803

Estronaut is just gonna throw softball questions at Jeff isnā€™t he

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Anonymous No. 16318815

I'm curious how Bozos will react to Estronaut baseding out over everything.

Anonymous No. 16318820

by awkwardly laughing very loudly no doubt

Anonymous No. 16318826

>So, when do expect your company to reach orbit?

Anonymous No. 16318836

Maybe there's some chance of it getting stuck there with no way to remove it if the software fails.

Anonymous No. 16318839

>canā€™t fly with astronauts
>canā€™t fly without astronauts
How did it come to this? Boeings competency is so low right now itā€™s on the fucking abysmal plain of hades

Anonymous No. 16318841

even if they could somehow fit an eva suit through the hatch and teather it to the station nasa would never do something so risky with an astronaut.

Anonymous No. 16318853

Yeah anything that involves EVA into Starliner is absolutely not going to happen.

Anonymous No. 16318858

Yes I would never do something so risky post-challenger/columbia, the days of the MMU style tests are probably over for them

Anonymous No. 16318861

NASA would* lmao

Anonymous No. 16318865

Yeah I was going to say: maybe if this were the 70s theyā€™d try something ballsy
But then again, if this were the 70s they would have a capsule that actually works and isnā€™t a dangerous piece of shit

Anonymous No. 16318922

Thats insane

Anonymous No. 16318925

How much does the steel for each Starship cost?

Anonymous No. 16318930

$90K total for entire Starhip/superheavy.

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Anonymous No. 16318931


Anonymous No. 16318932


Anonymous No. 16318934

More like between 3 cents and 10 billion dollars

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Anonymous No. 16318945


Anonymous No. 16318952

I'm 40 and this is nostalgia

Anonymous No. 16318968

Hello saw a pic with some weird metal thing sticking out of starships bottom where the engines are supposed to be anyone know what I'm talking about.

Anonymous No. 16318970

It's okay for Starships to have fetishes.

Anonymous No. 16318980

Oh yeah the big prolapse. I have no fucking clue what that was

Anonymous No. 16318983

and of course you can't even repost said image here

Anonymous No. 16318985

what kind of rocket can I get for 3 cents? a plastic tube filled with a mentos and a sip of coke?

Anonymous No. 16318986

Maybe a bottle rocket out of a pack of 100?

Anonymous No. 16319004

Retard nigger your using the wrong image format convert it to png

Anonymous No. 16319009

Can't find it any more. Closed tab before I bothered to save it

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Anonymous No. 16319013


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Anonymous No. 16319030

Anonymous No. 16319033

are their any estimates how expensive the whole boing disaster is for NASA so far?

Anonymous No. 16319036

pretty cheap because the dumbasses at boeing agreed to a fixed price contract

Anonymous No. 16319040

it fucks with ISS operations and missions though and they probably have quite a few people doing a lot of extra work to unfuck it

Anonymous No. 16319052

It's probably just that the Chinese are an extreme hurry to claim orbits and spectrum before the ITU resolution 35 deadlines. They don't think they have the time to pause launches to debug flaws in new rockets, so they will keep launching the rockets while the debugging is ongoing

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Anonymous No. 16319056


Anonymous No. 16319066

I haven't visited musk's X page in 3 weeks. I only see the posts that people post here.
It makes me a healthier person.

Anonymous No. 16319071

getting away from socials in general for 3 weeks will make everyone a better person

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Anonymous No. 16319073


Anonymous No. 16319082

NASA is going out of its way to show the public that Boeing is running the show, with the fact that they refuse to penalize a contractor that has so catastrophically failed at delivering on their fixed price deliverables despite having been paid nearly 2x more than the other solicitor.

Anonymous No. 16319084

They don't. The station is over 30 years old and at no point in its design, was it ever anticipated that a contracted supplier would shit the bed so badly, it would turn a lifeboat into a coffin attached to the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16319089


Anonymous No. 16319096

Its SO obvious Boeing is getting complete legal protection from the current administration, because of political corruption. They also comply with the diversity hires, and gay ass promotion of everything liberal and union. The absolute clown world bullshit is on full display here, and normies don't even care.

Anonymous No. 16319102

Is there a point to this post or is it just an awkward attempt at in-group signaling?

Anonymous No. 16319107

boeing bad spacex good upvotes to the left

Anonymous No. 16319113

Boeing is too big to be allowed to fail.

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Anonymous No. 16319115
>Ship 30 Completes Testing, B14.1 Ready for More Slaps | SpaceX Boca Chica

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Anonymous No. 16319120

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Anonymous No. 16319129

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Anonymous No. 16319133


Anonymous No. 16319134

I like BO now that they got the oldspace cleaned out.

Anonymous No. 16319139

The point is, these policies are absolutely ruining the one thing we are here for. nerding out about great engineering, tech advancements, and possibilities. everything Boeing has done recently is counter to our interests, and we have a right to be pissed about it. its actually quite alarming more people don't notice things.

Anonymous No. 16319141

holy cow can you imagine? i've never seen this before in my life! *awkward laugh*

Anonymous No. 16319143

RGV say it's a filter or a sump or something idk they weren't very clear about it I doubt they know either

Anonymous No. 16319157

It's clearly one of those space lasers Elon said he has

Anonymous No. 16319163

>nerding out
Really wish reddit didn't kick you out.

Anonymous No. 16319165

>Boeing bad government corrupt Biden corrupt DEI gay ass woke union bad clown world
None of these statements are wrong as facts and as opinions they're very safe ones that the overwhelming majority of /sfg/ holds to some degree. That's not the point. Everyone here already knows and notices and understands all of this, so what value does stating any of this again add to the conversation here? We already all have negative opinions of Boeing and Biden and the government. That post is someone going into an incel general and repeating a pile of negative stereotypes about women. It's begging for headpats and some "Well done, son" affirming (you)s. Stop enthusiastic arguing for a point 100% of everyone here already agrees with.

>we have a right to be pissed
Have you ever considered that being this angry about things you can't change isn't healthy?

Anonymous No. 16319166

That will be a wonderful thing

Anonymous No. 16319167

it is a funnel/sump for the flatter bulkhead in order to ensure fuel flow

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Anonymous No. 16319188

Anonymous No. 16319229

He'll respond in kind.

Anonymous No. 16319235

what timeline are you from? Cause that certainly hasnā€™t happened here

Anonymous No. 16319240

Yes it has.

Anonymous No. 16319247

Bezos finally got pressured enough to replace bob smith with dave limp yet the oldspace still runs deep. Youā€™re coping! Nothing will change the fact that Blue Origin runs on SpaceX burnouts and old purged Aerojet Rocketdyne talent who were about to retire but were instead offered huge paychecks.
Blue Origin will never be retroactively cool or newspace. They are nuULA and you are delusional for thinking otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16319250

Fucking elon is making everything on starship look like an old 50s sci fi prop
except it's stainless and not chrome

Anonymous No. 16319251

Geez, calm down muskrat

Anonymous No. 16319257

You have your fingers in your ears and need to be corrected

Anonymous No. 16319258

gross pervert

Anonymous No. 16319259

This is the muskrat general until someone else lands a first stage of a rocket that launches a payload to orbit. This is the bar, it's very low.

Anonymous No. 16319260

Looks BO will be the first besides spacex to do it.

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16319261

learn the truth badly

Anonymous No. 16319266

damn that's a big cylinder

Anonymous No. 16319268

Very funny joke

Anonymous No. 16319272

>Have you ever considered that being this angry about things you can't change isn't healthy?
The entire point of our system of government is that things like this should be changeable.

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Anonymous No. 16319274

We still don't know what Orcus, Salacia, Haumea, Quaoar, Makemake, Gongong, Eris, Sedna and their moons look like.

Why aren't we sending probes to each of them right now?

Anonymous No. 16319284

fuck those gay ass KBOs I say more ice giant probes

Anonymous No. 16319308


Anonymous No. 16319318

I may try this for IFT-5

Anonymous No. 16319319

iā€™m going to do it for escaPADE except Iā€™ll keep getting close enough to where they have to scrub

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Anonymous No. 16319321


Anonymous No. 16319323

Reused? Also
>air recovery

Anonymous No. 16319324

this little experiment doesnā€™t count, no one worth their salt takes this seriously. Itā€™s investorbait

Anonymous No. 16319325

I wish we wouldn't be in such a nanny safety culture and they'd simply put down a parameter and say "if you're inside, whatever happens to you is not our problem"

Anonymous No. 16319326

I agree lol. Though I imagine half of it is safety for the rocket/payload/crew, i.e. you donā€™t know the intent of someone approaching too close to a manned launch and you need to recycle or stand down for safety of the rocket

Anonymous No. 16319330

I have nothing against air recovery and I wish any company who pursues that path the best of luck.
That said, it's an insane amount of added logistics and endangers pilots on even the most mundane of missions.

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Anonymous No. 16319336

Yeah, it's retarded and I'll sign any waiver. If you get hit by falling debris it's a skill issue. Designated water viewing areas are only marginally closer so not sure I'll bother but I plan to attend one way or another.

Anonymous No. 16319338

the flip side of the chinese being careless and reckless is that they donā€™t give a fuck if you walk right up to a giant medium lift hypergolic rocket launch and honestly I think thatā€™s based hahah

Anonymous No. 16319339

not in the requirements.

Anonymous No. 16319340

Nah try again.

Anonymous No. 16319341

Why land a rocket booster when you can sea it

Anonymous No. 16319361


Anonymous No. 16319364

2 WEEKS + 1!!!!

Anonymous No. 16319366

It still feels like theyā€™re gonna chicken out of a tower catch at the last second

Anonymous No. 16319374

at launch or before the landing burn?
because we'd still get a cool shot of it blowing up offshore even if it aborts the landing attempt

Anonymous No. 16319375

There's no point to starship if they don't follow through. Tower B will be ready in a few months if they fuck up.

Anonymous No. 16319376

Oh no I meant like a few days before launch
If they get to launch day and are still intent on doing it then I think itā€™ll happen, for better or for worse lol. Iā€™d hate to see the entire launch pad/tower area get nuked because of a bad landing burn but I think theyā€™d recover from it and rebuild in a month or two

Anonymous No. 16319377

Exile them to Phobos to work in the space mines

Anonymous No. 16319383

NTA but I'm not sure SpaceX would be satisfied with IFT 4s landing burn
While it ultimately worked, it wasn't clean and they are risking launch site damage and miles of red tape.

I guess it depends on how much they trust the new pressure fixes and the state of the vehicle before launch

Anonymous No. 16319386

They are, sometimes, but you're not going to change anything with hollow displays of anger on a Kenyan astrology imageboard.

Anonymous No. 16319389

Because getting to a flyby of a Kuiper Belt object needs a C3 of at least 165 km2/s2. Even very big rockets can only fling very small probes to those trajectories, which means the amount of science they can do is limited, especially if they're only capable of a flyby. On top of that it still takes most of a decade to get there, so you have to build the probe to survive that long and find the funding to keep your science team on ice until it arrives. It's very expensive, very awkward, very difficult, and you don't get much out of it at the end.

Anonymous No. 16319394

>endangers pilots on even the most mundane of missions
It's got that Space Shuttle energy

Anonymous No. 16319395

surely theyā€™ve told the FAA at a certain point it might *look* like a disaster if it hits the tower, but Iā€™m sure they have the legal framework to do it and return to flight in a few months. FAA has been pretty nice considering everything SX is going is uncharted waters and before SX all the faa had to deal with was like 4 flights a year max from legacy oldspace

Anonymous No. 16319397

kek, throw Starliner into that group as well

Anonymous No. 16319400

They are demoing tower 1 either way. It's like when they launched IFT1 with raptor 1s. At some point it's just the cheapest way to dispose of the stuff

Anonymous No. 16319406

I was not aware the plan was to demo the tower. I presume that means they have a ton of upgrades they want to pursue, both for the chopsticks but also the tower structure itself?

Anonymous No. 16319412

>perfect catch
>FTS engage
>blows up the tower
>oh noooooo that sucks how did this happen???
>oh well you faggots were going to investigate us anyway :^)

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Anonymous No. 16319413


Anonymous No. 16319416

Fucking lmao

Anonymous No. 16319425

Flame trench

Anonymous No. 16319427

I guess state of the vehicle after launch too if it's sort of like droneship landings with the booster translating and committing only if everything looks good. Seems they're confident in SH control at least. Maybe.

Anonymous No. 16319433


Anonymous No. 16319457

Very dire that the new horizons team simply cannot find any KBO object to intercept; like thereā€™s simply nothing out there

Anonymous No. 16319461

Itā€™s karma for stripping Ultima Thuleā€™s greek name in favor of some faggot native american name

Anonymous No. 16319467

SpaceX are flying a self-funded super heavy lift rocket more than others are flying their operational rockets lol. No one is even close to competing with them, itā€™s crazy.

Anonymous No. 16319468


šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16319482

lotta space in space. not a hole lot of not space.

Anonymous No. 16319495

so tower catch or not?

Anonymous No. 16319505

youā€™re going to have to ask musk or shotwell. we donā€™t know.

Anonymous No. 16319547

Starships screw in like lightbulbs.

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Anonymous No. 16319548

I just saw a dream tonight where spacex failed to catch the booster and it landed to the left of the tower (but still did not explode). Dunno about starship tho, the dream ended before they got to it

Anonymous No. 16319556

Its gonna take MONTHS to get FAA approval to do a catch. I could see them doing a "standard" launch just to test the hardware and heatshield.

Anonymous No. 16319574

Good thing it's already been like 6 months since the last launch. Testing starship hardware and re entry is separate from superheavy. I still feel like they will cuck though yeah, but I guess we will see.

Anonymous No. 16319605

Mice still have bone loss at simulated 1/3 g

Anonymous No. 16319610

Irrelevant since astronaut bone loss is now at 0% using high resistance exercise machines. Need more specific data.

Anonymous No. 16319624

new stage

Anonymous No. 16319633


Anonymous No. 16319689

Incidentally, if someone snuck onboard Dragon as a stowaway would the systems be able to automatically correct for the additional mass and shifted center of mass?