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šŸ§µ /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16319623

Trump will fix NASA edition

previous >>16316932

Anonymous No. 16319634

Fuck trump

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Anonymous No. 16319639

Glass the Earth, demigod war eventually

Anonymous No. 16319641

three more weeks
Polaris Dawn is NET Aug 26, but maybe SpaceX doesn't care about the timing of those too much (as long as they aren't on the same day or something)

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Anonymous No. 16319655

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Anonymous No. 16319693
>The project is slated to be completed by the end of 2026, and the Florida Department of Transportation and SpaceX will each contribute more than $13.3 million, Space Florida spokesperson Alayna Curry said in an email.
>In an email, Curry said the uses for SpaceX's three future rocket landing zones have not been specified. However, SpaceX has altered and enlarged its Starship operational plans at KSC since NASA released an environmental assessment five years ago.
>"SpaceX now proposes to construct additional launch infrastructure not previously contemplated in the 2019 EA; launch an advanced design of the Starship and Super Heavy vehicle; operate at a projected higher launch tempo; and land the Super Heavy booster at LC-39A in support of the reusability concept. Starship landings are no longer proposed to occur at Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station," an FAA website said.

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Anonymous No. 16319695

Anonymous No. 16319702

Why anon? Am am not an american and am glad that I will never step on that cursed land. However Trump never started a war which was a big achievement for an american president. Why do you hate him so much?

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Anonymous No. 16319708

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16319709

Who let this nigger make a thread again.

Anonymous No. 16319711

An Aldrin Cycler can change the speed of its rotation slowly over the ~6 month trip. I bet if your rotational gravity goes from Mars to Earth over the course of six months you'd be fine even if you were born there.

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a Space Force vs ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16319713

> At Thursday's Coastal Commission meeting members were visibly irked. Said Commissioner Kristina Kunkel, ā€œI hope this commission wonā€™t be bullied into ignoring environmental protections!"

And then she stamped her dainty little foot and started to cry.

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Anonymous No. 16319714

I don't care for the gas giants.

Anonymous No. 16319715


Anonymous No. 16319716

Gay and nigger pilled

šŸ—‘ļø sage No. 16319718

Fag thread kys

Anonymous No. 16319727

Orange Man Bad

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Anonymous No. 16319728


Anonymous No. 16319734

When Kamala gets in she's going to dissolve the Space Force

Anonymous No. 16319735

How about the Ice Giants?

Anonymous No. 16319737

I don't even like /pol/ shit but you're incredibly based for making the xitter vermin seethe so hard.

Anonymous No. 16319740

>SpaceX, a leading contractor with Space Force, wants to rapidly multiply the number of rockets launched from the military base in Santa Barbara County. The company hasnā€™t been seeking the commissionā€™s approval, however; instead, Space Force officials have been negotiating with the California Coastal Commission for months over a plan to allow 36 launches at the base this year ā€” six times more than the previous agreement allowed.
>At the commissionā€™s meeting Thursday, what is usually a mild-mannered monthly session turned tense after military officials rejected the additional monitoring and mitigation, and Space Force officials refused to take questions.
>Commission members were visibly irked.


Anonymous No. 16319743

What is exactly the point of space force?

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Anonymous No. 16319745


Anonymous No. 16319746

>ā€œIā€™m beyond pissed,ā€ said Commissioner Susan Lowenberg. ā€œI donā€™t understand why our own government is thumbing their nose at another branch of our government.ā€

noo the what about the bird eggs

Anonymous No. 16319748

>On Thursday, the state commission approved the increase in launches with new requirements for Space Force to increase monitoring of wildlife inside and outside the base and to analyze the effects that sonic booms have on wildlife, such as southern sea otters, California red-legged frogs, western snowy plover and California least tern.

Anonymous No. 16319750

They just do whatever the Air Force Space Command used to do.

Anonymous No. 16319751

I think they integrated some functions from some other branches as well, centralized the space related stuff under one new, more specialized force
it makes sense

Anonymous No. 16319752

Incredibly cringe. The world is not ready for a dedicated space force. Reminder that USAF was only spun off from the Army after WW2.

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a toxic fanboys.jpg

Anonymous No. 16319771

Pronouns in Profile? You bet!

Anonymous No. 16319781

Space things

Anonymous No. 16319782

Trading one billionaire for another, what a rebell
At least pick rocketlab as the hill to die on

Anonymous No. 16319786

This! I hated it when we had no wars and we could still afford food and gasoline!

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Anonymous No. 16319787

Logo is snazzy though. I like their uniforms too.

Anonymous No. 16319792

no posting of literal whos

Anonymous No. 16319794

Why so long? I thought they're going to sign approvals faster

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Anonymous No. 16319796

> You make Building Services poke a hole in the acoustical ceiling so your moon rocket model will fit.

Alpha move.

Anonymous No. 16319797

Considering the gay political climate of the UK under Keir right now, I canā€™t really blame him for firing rockets into London kek

Anonymous No. 16319798

that was for the identical flight profile, spacex wants to catch a booster

Anonymous No. 16319799
>Rocket Lab - 'A Sky Full of SARs' Launch


Anonymous No. 16319802

*a small knoll to die on

Anonymous No. 16319806

Please continue posting these, they are so funny and I don't want to go on xwitter

Anonymous No. 16319807

It has nothing to do with India but every time I see this mission name this is my thought as well hahah
WvB was ahead of his time in many ways!

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Anonymous No. 16319808


Anonymous No. 16319823

I wonder what the theoretical factory max output of New Glennā€™s second stage is. Thatā€™s a giant, expendable stage thatā€™s basically a Saturn V S-IVB on steroids. And every flight of their reusable rocket needs a new one.
SX have gotten really good at making F9 second stages but thatā€™s a simple kerolox stage that only needs one Merlin, something very scalable. Itā€™s to be seen how fast BO can pump out giant second stages (I imagine not often because I imagine New Glenn will only fly as often as Vulcan-Centaur)

Anonymous No. 16319826

Because he is a scheming rat who seeks to install himself into power for perpetuity and was only thwarted because other people wouldn't go along with his rat schemes.
This makes him unsuitable for leadership even if he wasn't successful.
Error correction is necessary for long term success, and you can't have efficient error correction if you can't boot out the leadership.

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šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16319830

Anonymous No. 16319841

>seeks to install himself into power for perpetuity

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Anonymous No. 16319846

>Comically large spaceship obnoxiously extending out of the frame

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a Starliner Best ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16319848

How about:

Starliner bricks permanently while still attached to ISS. With only one US docking port left, US has to abandon the station.

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Anonymous No. 16319850

>not a heavy rocket
>not a super heavy rocket
>it's a super heavy mega-rocket
Fucking awesome

Anonymous No. 16319852
>OIG questions quality control, schedule management of EUS, SLS Block 1B production

Anonymous No. 16319853

what a laughable post

Anonymous No. 16319856

Yeah just like Obama's third term right? Americans are the same on both sides. This happens every president

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Anonymous No. 16319860

wtf is going on with his hat?
Anyway they should have copied the uniforms from LotGH.

Anonymous No. 16319861

>Starliner-1 flies in 2026
>You can laugh at me when I'm wrong
I'll laugh at him now and NASA later if they ever greenlight Starliner-1

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a explorer 1 mode....jpg

Anonymous No. 16319863

At least one of Von Braun's office models ended up at auction. Probably stolen by Housekeeping.

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Anonymous No. 16319864


Anonymous No. 16319873


Boeing only two flight capable Starliners. Even if they get the Death Ship back, are they really going to spend another billion trying to fix all the problems?

Which leaves a fleet of: One. How is that fulfilling their contract?

Anonymous No. 16319874

I hope it bricks the docking port. It would be the safest option for Burch and Suni (they can come back on Dragon), and it would be a permanent reminder for both NASA and the public at how fucked up Boing has become
Plus the ISS is really old and will be abandoned in the coming decade anyways. Losing a docking port sucks but it would be hilarious

Anonymous No. 16319876

Iā€™ve heard Axiom needs that extra docking port though

Anonymous No. 16319878

Which port is it connected too anyway? Not the one that SpaceX needs to deorbit the station right?

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Anonymous No. 16319886

I havenā€™t considered it but I think it is lmao

Anonymous No. 16319889

fucking kek

Anonymous No. 16319891

Uh oh stinkyyyyy

Anonymous No. 16319898

>Boeing's -200 IQ move to save the ISS

Anonymous No. 16319899

I really need to update my bootleg lego ISS

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Anonymous No. 16319908

She's been in since 2020, which is why I don't understand her campaign. Promising all those things and acting like she isn't the one in power.

Anonymous No. 16319912

>a sky full of SARs


Anonymous No. 16319915

Go kiwi go

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16319917

People who run for high office are, more often than not, narcissistic sociopaths. Itā€™s not about the people or making america better. Itā€™s about ā€œmy team winning!ā€. Itā€™s about consolidation of power. Normal people donā€™t run for congress or governor or POTUS. Only theater kids, sycophants, people who were bullied, etc. do it. This dumb bitch has been in charge for 3.5 years and then says
>on day one Iā€™ll lower your groceries!
They just want to gaslight you into gifting them more power and authority. Itā€™s sort of the ā€œchink in the armorā€ of a democracy, so to speak. But itā€™s arguably unavoidable because it really does take crazy people to lead nations, just as it takes crazy people to he CEOs of giant companiesā€”as itā€™s not a job fit for ā€œnormalā€ people. I digress though this isnā€™t on-topic and I donā€™t want to sit here and pretend to spin this into some Mars democracy discussion or whateverā€¦ I just wanted to give my two cents to your post

Anonymous No. 16319918

so I guess we just talk about politics here now? you guys know electron is currently in flight right?

Anonymous No. 16319921

What the fuck 4chan, stop fucking up so hard

Anonymous No. 16319924

I deleted it; now fuck you and fuck peter beck and fuck rocket lab. Hope his stock plummets to hades.

Anonymous No. 16319925

He won't fix shit

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Anonymous No. 16319934

>/sfg/ - Politically Incorrect

Anonymous No. 16319939

if he gives Musk power in the government bureaucracy reformation initiative then they might

Anonymous No. 16319945

A minor reprieve from regulatory bottlenecking would be of great benefit, too. I want to see the Starship fly 5+ tests in a year, not just one or two.

Anonymous No. 16319951
>MISSION SUCCESS for our 52nd Electron launch! Welcome to orbit (again), @capellaspace
oops. looks like an intern accidentally posted the thumbnail instead of the full image

Anonymous No. 16319957

Well tell Elon Musk that because right now the bottleneck is SX, not FAA regulation

Anonymous No. 16319960

We get it, you're mad, ease up bud

Anonymous No. 16319962

youā€™re easily identifiable because every time someone proves you wrong you reply with some third-grader tier clap back

Anonymous No. 16319964

>every time someone proves you wrong
What the fuck are you talking about retard stop seething about politics in the spaceflight thread. There's an entire board for this fuck off FUCK OFF

Anonymous No. 16319967

I like to imagine that Sloss is the one making these posts. If you are please keep up the great work.
The frequent videos always provide nice updates on SLS.

Anonymous No. 16319968

I want to go to Tau Ceti

Anonymous No. 16319969

Literally when did politics come into the mix here?? Youā€™re actually schizophrenic, it seems.

Anonymous No. 16319970

are you fucked in the head?

Anonymous No. 16319977

ease up bud

Anonymous No. 16319978
here's your biweekly starlink launch to skip

Anonymous No. 16319980

>Starlink launch live

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Anonymous No. 16319982

Clear Live!

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Anonymous No. 16319986

wtf hold???

Anonymous No. 16319987

aaaaand scrubbed

Anonymous No. 16319989


Anonymous No. 16319991

It's over for spacex

Anonymous No. 16319992

itsā€™ over

Anonymous No. 16319999

will starship be more resilient to random scrubs than falcon? I don't see them getting about 200 or so launches a year unless they can work these problems out.

Anonymous No. 16320006


Anonymous No. 16320010


Anonymous No. 16320011


Anonymous No. 16320012

Because he's not a man. A real man would have the courage to be able to fire someone by saying it to their face. Every single person he fired as president from 2016 to 2020, he did in the most unprofessional way possible. A real leader doesn't humiliate his subordinates, and Trump as president, did nothing but humiliate his subordinates. That's why he's undeserving of the presidency. Trust only exists if the workforce can believe that the guy at the top isn't petty and vindictive, and he's nothing but petty and vindictive. You can't do your best work under such failure of leadership.

The simplest qualification of success for Trump is to ask yourself the question: can SpaceX be SpaceX still if you swapped Elon out with Trump? If the answer to your question is no, that same answer also applies to being president.

Anonymous No. 16320014


Anonymous No. 16320017

50/50 it will either launch or scrub with each launch

Anonymous No. 16320022

Starship will be so powerful that the force of the first stage firing will be enough to push all the weather away from the rocket.

Anonymous No. 16320023

MUSK 2028

Anonymous No. 16320024

You know vice-presidents don't actually do anything right?

Anonymous No. 16320026

you were fired by trump? lmao

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Anonymous No. 16320031

Anonymous No. 16320033

Cool thing to say right after you scrub

Anonymous No. 16320035

There's no up or down in space though. They can dock the IDV where Crew-8 is docked, use the station's thruster's to flip the station so that IDV is pointed in the same direction as Starliner currently, and then it burns its engines until it encounters the atmosphere. That might work out even better, as the solar panels now become basically giant sails when the encounter the atmosphere, introducing even more drag during reentry, leading to disintegration and burn up quicker--and while the ISS won't crash into the exact graveyard point in the Pacific as planned, it would still fall within a few thousand kilometers of it, which is, given the sheer surface area of the Pacific Ocean, perfectly fine. There's no populated landmasses out there within that cone of all anyway.

Anonymous No. 16320038

You think anyone fired by Trump would spend their time here? Boy. I set the bar low for you, and you managed to dig beneath. Bravo.

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Anonymous No. 16320040

They wanted it to look both like the BSG uniforms and the trek movie uniforms. The diagonal flap closure is very distinctive and reminiscent of both.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16320041

NHK documentary on the H3.

>The H3 Rocket: Flight After Failure - Documentary 360

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šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16320044

Lol are you Mitt Romney? You type like him.

Anonymous No. 16320046

The problem isn't the stations orientation, it's that if they used the Crew-8 docking port the station would just spin around cause of the massively off center thrust.
Ok that's cool I guess, I'll let them off then.

Anonymous No. 16320047

The station will be missing half the mass (russian segment) and I figure youā€™d still want to fire into the center of mass. Itā€™s not a exactly
>bro just dock anywhere and fire those engines
You risk breaking the station apart if you canā€™t deorbit it correctly

Anonymous No. 16320054

Thereā€™s already a precedent for ā€œcoolest space uniformā€ and itā€™s either ENTā€™s flight suits or Picardā€™s red captain jacket

Anonymous No. 16320055

Screw it, just send a crew up there to rig the place with dynamite

Anonymous No. 16320056

t. Long March 6A engineer

Anonymous No. 16320059

Just gimbal your engines

Anonymous No. 16320061

That's not what he meant. Does Biden strike you as the one in charge?

Anonymous No. 16320063

>This rocket company ran by a billionaire makes me mad, I hope that the other rocket company ran by a billionaire defeats them
Baffling thought process. With this said, I hope to see New Glen fly someday. Competition is good.

Anonymous No. 16320065

I was waiting for someone to say this.

Anonymous No. 16320066

>Competition is good
Weird that youā€™re expecting it from blue origin

Anonymous No. 16320069

I'm not expecting it from Blue Origin, I'm pleading for it come from at least somewhere.

Anonymous No. 16320071

I'm not even American but you have severe TDS. You need to spend less time listening to political pundits that want you to believe this.

Anonymous No. 16320073

>into power for perpetuity
He is in his late 70's, is afraid of exercise and eats McDonalds all the time. Perpetuity is another decade tops.
Wouldn't surpirse me if he doesn't live out his term

Anonymous No. 16320075

Fair enough I want the same thing. I think we have a long time before we risk any SeX complacency though. SeX will be incentivized for a long time to keep Starship cheap, reliable, and fast at reuse simply for the sake of their own business model

Anonymous No. 16320076

He was president for 4 years and everything was amazing. Kamala has been president for nearly 4 years and everything is shit, and she expects to be re-elected?

Anonymous No. 16320079

I agree with most of Elon's recent takes on politics but he really needs to lay off it the sake of not putting his companies (SpaceX in particular) in the crosshairs of the people he is angering with his views. I don't think supporting SpaceX should be a partisan issue but it will be just due to the association with Elon now.

Anonymous No. 16320081

>I don't think supporting SpaceX should be a partisan issue
Doesn't have to be, retards can't separate one thing from another. I have all kinds of misgivings regarding neurallink and don't really trust that technology, yet I'm a fan of SpaceX and the progress done there. People are too "all or nothing" these days, if person X does/says ONE wrong thing they disassociate entirely and declare them an enemy. It's overkill, it's okay to disagree sometimes.

Anonymous No. 16320084

heā€™s fucked whether he pipes up on political matters or not, should these crabs win. Heā€™s just playing pascalā€™s wager here. Progressives hate him and they hate private spaceflight for God knows what reason (probably because SX doesnā€™t let them line their croniesā€™ pockets like they can do through boeing, LockMart, grumman, etc)

Anonymous No. 16320088

Why does it matter, I thought Elon has nothing to do with SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16320089

>Doesn't have to be, retards can't separate one thing from another
That's just an unfortunate reality of human psychology.
>heā€™s fucked whether he pipes up on political matters or not
If he was limiting himself a lot more with his political opinions i think it would be fine. The only people resentful of him would be online lefties that are mad that twitter doesn't censor conservatives anymore. My worry is that he's pissing off deep state Democrats by openly throwing his hat with the Trump side to the point where they will want to destroy him and his companies. I'm hoping this is a baseless worry though.

Anonymous No. 16320091

Some people claim that? Isn't he the CEO?

Anonymous No. 16320094

Chief engineer, sweaty

Anonymous No. 16320098

Given the huge ring of engines on the back of the IDV, you probably could compensate for this differential in realtime with asymmetric thrust vectoring. Basically what Stoke does with their fixed engine configuration, but playing around with throttling of individual engines to achieve an equivalence of gimbaling. Alternatively, couldn't you mount the IDV where Progress 87 is mounted: >>16319886, and flip the station so that IDV again points in the same direction as Starliner and then burn?

Anonymous No. 16320103

Elon owns 40% of SpaceX's shares and has 71% voting stake through his shares. He's basically SpaceX for all intents and purposes.

Anonymous No. 16320105

>fix NASA
Can't fix what's fundamentally broken, namely government bureaucracy.

Anonymous No. 16320106

They do

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Anonymous No. 16320108

>state Democrats by openly throwing his hat with the Trump side to the point where they will want to destroy him and his companies. I'm hoping this is a baseless worry though.
Honesty my biggest fear with the starship program with all the EDS going around is sabotage.

The sheer amount of cameras does help subside that fear as anything that happens will hopefully be seen for what it is, but the media will spin it immediately before knowing everything.

Anonymous No. 16320110

the entire russian segment will be gone, so no. You canā€™t dock to where progress currently is. That being said, I believe the Russian segment and the american segment are docked via a pressurized mating adapter (PMA) so you could probably just stick the debit vehicle on the other side even if Starliner was permabricked, I imagine?

Anonymous No. 16320115

>the entire russian segment will be gone

Anonymous No. 16320117

maybe the real deorbit vehicle was the boeing shitcan we let dock along the way

Anonymous No. 16320120

nigga I donā€™t know, POCKOCMOC is salty after their countryā€™s pathetic failed two day ā€˜special operationā€™ and theyā€™ve been claiming for like two years now that theyā€™re going to take their segment and move it somewhere else

Anonymous No. 16320127

you could do a bunch of shit, but if you have to start designing something new its going to cost

Anonymous No. 16320128

nauka and starliner start spinning in opposite directions resulting in a vector that brings ISS down slowly

Anonymous No. 16320129

kek, might have been an option had nauka not exhausted itā€™s entire fuel tank+reserves back when it took the Station for a speeeeeen

Anonymous No. 16320131

I can only remember that being brought up once and it might have been by Rogozin on a Twitter bender. The conclusion at the time was that you can't actually disconnect the Russia and American segments from each other. The power and data lines run between the two would require a lot of EVA work to untangle and the hard-bolting that connected the modules might not be reversible with any amount of EVA work. Even if you did you wouldn't want to keep it. Some of them were old enough to have been constructed by Soviet engineers and the leaks in them are main factor currently limiting ISS life span. On top of that, the Russian segment serves as the station's service module and you wouldn't be able to maneuver the station or control its orientation without it.

Anonymous No. 16320133

i wish that waa my head

Anonymous No. 16320137

Well I donā€™t know what else to tell you. Itā€™s currently Russiaā€™s plan to remove their segment after circa 2028. Take it up with Borisov if this bothers you

Anonymous No. 16320141

Uh, isn't the Russian segment basically welded or connected to the American/European sections in a way that makes decoupling the two without catastrophic damage to either basically impossible?

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Anonymous No. 16320142

It's not. Russia's current plan is to build a new station. Detaching the Russian segment was briefly discussed before Nauka's launch and everyone concluded it was impossible and a bad idea anyway.

Anonymous No. 16320147

There's also the issue that America owns half of the Russian segment since we paid the Russians to finish building those modules back in the 1990s when they were still fucking broke, so legally Russia can't just take them.

Anonymous No. 16320153

I know that the new station has nothing to do with the current russian segment, but is the US now doing an entire ISS deorbit? Russian segment and all?

Anonymous No. 16320154

It's obvious that Elon wants a more measured control on the border, given that he's moved all his companies into Texas now, and he wants someone to get rid of the pesky regulations that Democrats keep trying to rat fuck his companies exclusively over. In that sense, Trump is the logical choice. But a logical choice isn't always the best choice. But that is unfortunately the double edged sword of someone who thinks from first principles, logically, and has the tism that he does. His approach here is clinical and materially sound. But politics are inherently emotional, and his own struggles with empathy are clearly sending him down the wrong path. In that interview with Don Lemon, he accidentally slipped up and said something along the lines of him being starved for attention and implied that he's willing to do anything to have more of it. The whole situation with his son, now turned daughter, and Grimes, probably was a double tap to his worldview in a way that he hasn't found a way to work past--and that's poisoning his well, where he's no longer following his own philosophy of "everyone is wrong, but only by learning on what you're wrong about can you become less wrong over time to improve."

Anonymous No. 16320156

well said

Anonymous No. 16320158

Direct to Cell this in next month or so.

Anonymous No. 16320159

They're already in the cross hair.

Have you been blind over the last 4 years? LMAO. Every single one of his companies were put to trial and had been investigated by the admin.

Anonymous No. 16320162


> Thrust vector thru the center of mass? Whut dat?

Anonymous No. 16320163

Him being rich and successful is a threat to the left. He's a target by ideology. Communists dont like him for his existence, not for his hot takes.

Anonymous No. 16320164

Yup. The SpaceX deorbit vehicle pushes the whole thing down into Point Nemo

This is the kind of post a stupid person writes to make themselves feel smart

Anonymous No. 16320171

Tory still seething about people calling him a faggot for his shittake

Anonymous No. 16320172

Keep me posted.

Anonymous No. 16320174

If you give a shit about twitter drama check out kelly, heā€™s currently seething at Rogozin again kek

Anonymous No. 16320176

I know that, but my assumption for why they haven't succeeded yet is because they still see the value that SpaceX offers for the US military. What if his more recent vocalizations against anti-white idpol and his support for Trump makes them re-evaluate?

Anonymous No. 16320179

They havent succeeded yet because there is nothing there to their investigations other than some random technicalities to delay/harass/threaten. The garbage admin and the democrat party must be destroyed.

Anonymous No. 16320180

Russia is barely able to build paved roads and plumbed toilets

Anonymous No. 16320181


Anonymous No. 16320184

Rogozinā€™s original tweet is actually a banger. Calling it Macronā€™s ā€œgay olympicsā€ and making fun of him for kissing men on yachts lmfao

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Anonymous No. 16320187

Science and Power Module-1, currently under construction

Anonymous No. 16320192

Retarded post, the over socialized milieu of urbanite scum, which is a bunch of cosmopolitan banker favored social policies to create the ultimate global consumer class will result in a horrific dystopia on earth by the end of the century. There are no principles underpinning the middle-upper class ethos at moment it is peak decadent retardation, internally illogical, ethically indefensible, "well meaning" while leading to favelas and AI surveillence and pre crime and neofeudalism. The only way any person can support the global bureaucracy and academic monolith is illiteracy, stupidity, and malice.

Anonymous No. 16320193

the 1960s sent a telegraph, they want their technology back

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Anonymous No. 16320198

complain about X drama all you want tory's posts are a goldmine

Anonymous No. 16320199

I canā€™t make fun of this in good faith because Americaā€™s Gateway is, unfortunately, just as pathetic

Anonymous No. 16320201

Ah, the other Kelly.

>Look at the important look on the part of the jury of the "Olympics", which has surpassed Eurovision in terms of the number of freaks, as they watch the self-expression of an Australian cow at a "break dance" competition (this is now also an Olympic sport, and Olympic medals are now given for this fooling around)

It's nice to see that Rogozin hasn't lost his touch

Anonymous No. 16320207

Rogozin is a fag but heā€™s also the shitposter-in-chief and I unironically respect him for it lol

Anonymous No. 16320216

absolutely based

Anonymous No. 16320217

You saved me a lot of typing, thank you.

Anonymous No. 16320219


Anonymous No. 16320230

He's a snake, you're a fag.

Anonymous No. 16320235

1 spotted!

Anonymous No. 16320238

Why hasn't Elon flown yet?

Anonymous No. 16320240

It wont happen anywhere within the next 40 years

Anonymous No. 16320241

He's waiting until Mars is well along in settlement and he can take a seat in his Martian pent house while working on martian problems on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16320242

why hasn't Beck flown yet?

Anonymous No. 16320243

Because getting the job done is more important than going up on a carnival ride and spraying champagne everywhere a la jeffrey bezos

Anonymous No. 16320257

Leaving deathliner docked is retarded and only acceptable if the ISS was deorbiting in 6 months.
Any longer than that is a risk, since that capsule is not mature enough for long stays. Sooner or later it will decompress or even fire its thrusters by accident.
There is no reason not to equip it with a retro pack and deorbit it empty by remote control.

Anonymous No. 16320260

Why haven't I flown yet?

Anonymous No. 16320263

He will smuggle himself onto the ISS deorbit mission and then claim ownership of it using the martitime law of salvage as justification in a series of autistic tweets

Anonymous No. 16320270

For me it's price <= $100,000, orbital only.

Anonymous No. 16320273

too fat

Anonymous No. 16320276

1) how is this toryā€™s problem
2) speculation that itā€™ll just spontaneously combust

Anonymous No. 16320277

if 90 year old fat fuck shatner can go to space elon should have no problem

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Anonymous No. 16320285

SpaceX was already sued by the state department for not hiring refugees. They've already tried to screw with SpaceX EDS notwithstanding

Anonymous No. 16320288

*justice department

Anonymous No. 16320290

>state department
Will invoke ITAR if Elon ever wants an overseas lunch facility, don't count them out yet.

Anonymous No. 16320291

they're not doing that because it won't survive reentry, which would be bad publicity for boeing and nasa

Anonymous No. 16320295

what is the point?
ISS is small and smells like farts

Anonymous No. 16320305

>sending him down the wrong path
Not morally. But maybe from reputational wise. Its easy to be a coward and not speak up. But harder to do so when there is so much to lose if you speak up, but also alternative is possibly worse off gamble with the US turning into a leftist commie hellhole. No one can know for certain so he must choose between decline into woke society or speak up and suffer bit of consequences.

Anonymous No. 16320310

Nothing says you have to go to the ISS

Anonymous No. 16320312

Jared Isaacman is going to come back from the Van Allen belts with super powers.

Anonymous No. 16320324

He does not care about taking a fun trip. He cares about space.

Anonymous No. 16320329

What's up with the Polaris Dawn spinal tap by the way?
>TRISH ā€“ Expand Intra-Cranial Pressure:
>Spaceflight Associated Neuroocular Syndrome (SANS) is a set of symptoms affecting the vision of astronauts. Currently, it is believed that SANS symptoms are caused by increased pressure in the brain during spaceflight. One way to directly measure pressure in the brain is by performing a lumbar puncture. This procedure will be performed as close to landing as possible to determine if the crewmembersā€™ brain pressures increased during spaceflight.
40 fucking years in orbit and NASA never thought to check this?

Anonymous No. 16320332

I donā€™t know if you know this but NASA is full of eggheads who are critical over thinkers. It took them sixty years to figure out you need to do short rep, high resistance exercise to keep muscle and bone mass. Something a normal person from /fit/ could have told you and saved you billions of dollars and six decades of wasted research

Anonymous No. 16320334

NASA does barely nothing with the ISS

Anonymous No. 16320337

NASA famously asked sally ride if 100 tampons would be ā€œenoughā€ for a six day trip to orbit. Booksmart ā‰  common sense smart

Anonymous No. 16320340


Anonymous No. 16320342

Oof apparently the payout for that small piece of land at starbase was settled at $15 mil

Anonymous No. 16320344

That's like one third of a Trump payment.

Anonymous No. 16320347

that's crazy. just the size of it

Anonymous No. 16320351

>$15k piece of property sold for $15 million
remember to always HODL

Anonymous No. 16320354

seriously. SOMEONE got a payday. Honestly shame on SpaceX, at this point they should have just told them to go fuck themselves

Anonymous No. 16320355

Is Elon sending assassins after that guy now?

Anonymous No. 16320356

Banned from Mars

Anonymous No. 16320359

The entire bloodline will be documented and blacklisted from space hopefully

Anonymous No. 16320362

why would he care he's clearly an earther

Anonymous No. 16320363

Someone gambled and won bigly

Anonymous No. 16320365

Boomers once again performing real estate black magic. Many such cases.

Anonymous No. 16320369

with such a high potential payout i bet there were good lawyers lining up around the block.

Anonymous No. 16320373

Yessir I bet half (if not more) of that payout is going to a law firm heh

Anonymous No. 16320379

Why wouldn't it. If the CoM is correct the capsule will naturally orient itself shield first and this will do its job.

Boeing wouldn' look bad even if it burned though, Elon has burnt a few Starships. And this program is not going anywhere.

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Anonymous No. 16320380

a Mars cycler should provide .38g so when settlers arrive at Mars they are totally acclimated to Mars gravity, providing artificial 1g to anybody in space is stupid and will require you to build your ship/station/whatever with 2 or 3 times the structural strength that actually desirable, in other word just think if the ISS had to be built to withstand the same loads as an earth bridge and there you go, we don't need to be building the Brooklyn Bridge in space when a third the mass could provide a more suitable gravity environment (I think some of you think "artificial gravity" is some sort of magic gravity that allows you to ignore all normal engineering and loads factoring but it doesn't, a structure in space providing 1 g needs to be built to the same strength as a suspended earth surface structure or you risk catastrophic failure just like on earth when a bridge or balcony or whatever suddenly looses to the 1g stress)

Anonymous No. 16320386

capsules arenā€™t self-correcting. No attitude control and your capsule is toast. Also itā€™s not a good look regardless, look at how the media flames SS failures despite it openly being a test project with expected failures. ā€œBoeing badā€ sells like hotcakesā€”the media will jump on a fiery Boeing reentry story like piranhas in blood infested water

Anonymous No. 16320388

He's right tho

Anonymous No. 16320389

A cycler is very far future and the mass of the extra structural strength from .3 to 1 is negligible when compared to the shielding needed for long term stays in interplanetary space.
Anyway that isn't even the point I was making. I'm saying this would be advantageous:
Martian acclimated to Mars gravity gets on a cycler spinning at Mars gravity, and over the course of the journey the rate of spin goes up to Earth gravity. The point is for people going from the .3g to 1g well to have as few issues as possible

Anonymous No. 16320390

Itā€™s like saying 1+1=2. All heā€™s saying is that he simply delivers the payload, nothing more. Letā€™s not act like this is a brave or smart take from Tory here

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Anonymous No. 16320411

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Anonymous No. 16320413


Anonymous No. 16320415

That's going to feel sooo good when they pull that out.

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Anonymous No. 16320416


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Anonymous No. 16320419


Anonymous No. 16320420

Elon and him will talk tomorrow. Apparently will take place on a space hosted from Trump's account. I guess maybe he'll return to the platform after..
Imagine IFT5 goes beautifully and we get shots and video of the tower catch, and Trump is reposting them and going "The man who lead this achievement endorsed me!" Lol crazy timeline.

Anonymous No. 16320421

>a cycler is very far future
says who? you? are you the /sfg/ know it all?
>the extra structural strength from .3 to 1 is negligible
no, that doesn't even make logical sense and just because you say it doesn't make it so
>when compared to the shielding needed for long term stays in interplanetary space.
again, no. There is a real difference between structural strength and designing your ship so you are shielded by your own consumables and water etc and also using the right materials to miti

look, I was going to write a long rebuttal but as I can tell you're that bozo that just flippantly disregards and nay-says everything everybody else writes on here so I'm just going to say you're not near as smart as you think you are and you need to do more thinking about what others on here say and less instant dashed off counters to everything you read,
tl;dr: real things aren't imaginary just because you say they are
>muh point was
oh and yeah sure whatever those very few people coming back from a long stay on Mars could be spun up to 1g on their way back but yeah... you're gonna need a much structurally stronger cycler to do this little trick

Anonymous No. 16320422

Where is zubrin during this birth of mini-starship??

Anonymous No. 16320435

Busy figuring out the female orgasm.

Anonymous No. 16320439

So when the bongistan caliphate captures musk and stones him to death as dictated by sharia law, what will the US do?

Anonymous No. 16320445

Fuck that, theyā€™ll get blasted back to bermingham before those poofs try anything with an American soul.

Anonymous No. 16320446

Depends on the US president. Whether we are moving towards sharia law or not.

Anonymous No. 16320447

Musks bodyguards will just shoot the unarmed bong police that come for him

Anonymous No. 16320451

Musk will reveal himself as the true successor of the great Werner von Braun and send Falcon 9s screaming into London

Anonymous No. 16320454

No american is scared of british ā€œpeopleā€ or their pussy laws

Anonymous No. 16320456

>the blitz
>2024 toasty muslim edition

Anonymous No. 16320512

the english wear old timey wigs on their kangaroo courts like they are on a renaissance fair
their government and their laws are a complete farce
the king of england is less important than CEO of Burger King

Anonymous No. 16320523

Someone should try to get NPR to ask Kamala or Walz if they will extradite Musk to UK.

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buc-ee&#039;s man....jpg

Anonymous No. 16320530

>the king of england is less important than CEO of Burger King
The prime minister at least is less important than a random Buc-ee's manager

Anonymous No. 16320533

Pretty crazy that once you enter the vicinity of Starbase, cyberpunk music just starts blasting 24/7

Anonymous No. 16320538

Once you cross the border into Texas the vibe rapidly shifts to space cowboy

Anonymous No. 16320539


He doesn't know

Anonymous No. 16320542

That shot with Starship in the background looks 100% CGI, but its not. What a fucking time to be alive.

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16320574

You type like you're brown

Anonymous No. 16320583

>little trick
cyclers are a solution to a human forcing function in the first place, so getting martians acclimated to earth gravity on the long trip back would only make sense. how many kg of structural steel do you think you're talking about?
the rest of your post is deranged ranting

Anonymous No. 16320613

>starliner permanently stuck on docking port
>2030 arrives, SpaceX successfully de-orbits the ISS
>somehow starliner breaks free and lands successfully

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Anonymous No. 16320624

Anonymous No. 16320628

matthew dominick my photography king

Anonymous No. 16320643

How will starships refuel? Belly to belly? Tip to tip? No homo.

Anonymous No. 16320645

looks surreal

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Anonymous No. 16320647


Anonymous No. 16320649

Good find op

Anonymous No. 16320669

I hope to see New Glenn fly sometime soon....
As long as it's after the window to launch Escapade closes. >:)

Anonymous No. 16320673

Reminder that Felon Husk is finished and SpaceX will be nationalized

Anonymous No. 16320679

>Because he is a scheming rat who seeks to install himself into power for perpetuity and was only thwarted because other people wouldn't go along with his rat schemes.

Even if you wanted trump for some technocrat space dictatorship that will never happen. Trump just hates losing, thats the only reason he schemed. Who wants more than 8 years of pissing with the media and feeling underappreciated. Also he's far from the first person with rat schemes in washington, jesus

Kamala had a horrible staff turnover rate just like trump and you think she can run spacex lmao

Anonymous No. 16320682

this is why you dont push when you take a shit. get fiber

Anonymous No. 16320696

Thanks for reminding me I had forgotten.

Anonymous No. 16320703

Just watched it's good
I recommend skipping to 10 minutes in, the first part is just basic context for the H3 launch that we all know

Anonymous No. 16320775

how was this done? dont you need a solid time lapse to get the milky way into a pic? the iss zipping around the earth makes it seem like it would be impossible. unless its a composite from a pic taken on the ground?

Anonymous No. 16320777

iso to the max

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Anonymous No. 16320790
Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission launching from Vandenberg in T-26:00

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Anonymous No. 16320791


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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16320793

Anonymous No. 16320795

They should call it the Solar Guard.

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Anonymous No. 16320806

Clear Live!

Anonymous No. 16320807

I would've done the same and then invested every cent into Tesla.

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Anonymous No. 16320812

What would it take to send a 1:1 scale replica of this Lance of Longinus into stable lunar orbit?

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16320814


Anonymous No. 16320816

Goddamn Falcon 9 rising out of the fog is a kino sight

Anonymous No. 16320817


Anonymous No. 16320818

so true

Anonymous No. 16320821

woah look at that ice twist and turn

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Anonymous No. 16320822

Anonymous No. 16320823

Good landing, now letā€™s see New Glenn attempt that

Anonymous No. 16320825

This is what EDS havers look like

Anonymous No. 16320826

We aren't very good at launching anything large or assembling anything in space besides modules so you'd need to invent several things. This should be JAXA's main goal

Anonymous No. 16320827

a) not spaceflight
b) off topic
c) obviously ironic
d) engagement bait
e) youā€™re a faggot

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Anonymous No. 16320828

Very nice

Anonymous No. 16320829

There are 50 bankers that have done worse to this guy personally but because he doesn't know their names he doesn't get neurotic about it

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Anonymous No. 16320831


Anonymous No. 16320835

ksp stock music plays in my head as I watch this

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Anonymous No. 16320839

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Anonymous No. 16320840

What were they?

Anonymous No. 16320843

Even if it was unintentional, that was a really good transition at T+12

Anonymous No. 16320845


Anonymous No. 16320848

now that the boosters have had enough successful landings in a row to be crew rated, would you guys ride one? like the BO ride except it's an actual launch and you sit in a little pod in the first stage

Anonymous No. 16320852

completely unintentional but complete kinography. Looks like a denis villeneuve blade runner 2049 shot or something

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Anonymous No. 16320853

Go ask someone who has already evaded the "spaceflight in your lifetime" filter

Anonymous No. 16320855

Yup without a doubt. Safest chemical explosion stick to the edge of space there possibly is.
Fun little fact, NASA originally wanted fresh boosters for human missions but changed their mind after SX convinced them flight proven = safer. For the case of Crew 9, because of the delay, the booster is now getting one extra flight in before it carries up dragon capsule Freedom and NASA is fine with it as they see it as just more flight data to prove its reliability

Anonymous No. 16320856


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Anonymous No. 16320860

We have snow!

Anonymous No. 16320861

Looks like port covers, presumably off the fairing.

Anonymous No. 16320865

he has videos and twitter threads where he explains his setup and how he plays around with different settings for different effects. Really cool dude with that special kind of ā€˜tism thatā€™s needed in the astronaut corps

Anonymous No. 16321012

Page 4 and not bump limit? Disgusting.

Anonymous No. 16321014

how many Gs does the booster landing involve

Anonymous No. 16321063

Anonymous No. 16321065

Streaming test to load test for todays trump/elon spaces

Anonymous No. 16321067


Test 2

Anonymous No. 16321076

Shatner went on a glorified rollercoaster ride that barely goes to space.

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16321104

absolutely nothing here

nor here it seems, his kids shouting in the backround

Anonymous No. 16321106

absolutely nothing here

nor here it seems, his kids shouting in the backround

Anonymous No. 16321123

Starlink launch in~10mins!!!

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Anonymous No. 16321124


Anonymous No. 16321134

>That's just an unfortunate reality of human psychology.
It's not. This is a hallmark of narcissist psychology.
Legit, it's called splitting. The inability to have a balanced view of someone and always placing them on one extreme or the other. Most people aren't narcissists, it's only the twitterfags you see bitching that have this issue.

Anonymous No. 16321144


Anonymous No. 16321145

Stage one is transphobic!

Anonymous No. 16321150

The landing views from this launch were gorgeous.

Anonymous No. 16321152

No kidding. Early morning post-hurricane sky
iirc it's less than takeoff

Anonymous No. 16321154

He's such a fucking casual. Holy shit.

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Anonymous No. 16321159


Anonymous No. 16321162

what are the implications for mars colonization of POE being too complicated for Musk?

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Anonymous No. 16321169

1.5 x (two more weeks)

Anonymous No. 16321173

Probably nothing. When Starship is done and he finally points 10,000 engineers at Mars colonization and they tell him domes are retarded he'll probably go with it. SpaceX is too big to fail

Anonymous No. 16321181

about 3 weeks is 2.5-3.5 weeks assuming the estimate is correct
when SpaceX have announced they are ready to fly awaiting FAA license, it has been between 8 and 16 days I think
so last week of August perhaps

Anonymous No. 16321186

It was some nigger that bought it hoping to do this too
Dictatorships > "democracy"

Anonymous No. 16321188

I will say, only a few short years ago it felt like Elon had to really tiptoe around any shitflinging when it came to SLS, Starliner, Artemis, etc. Now that HLS moonship has been solidified, a bunch of contracts have been thrown SXā€™s way, and Starliner shit the bed, itā€™s funny seeing Musk openly be like
>yeah they suck
I think SpaceX are, arguably, finally in top dawg position and NASA loves them enough for Elon to now openly riff on everything. I suspect heā€™s going to ramp up anti-SLS posting as Artemis gets a little further along and a few astronauts have successfully landed. Heā€™ll call into question the existence of the rocket in the first place. He WILL name the orange turd directly to congressā€™ face ajkj2y

Anonymous No. 16321189

that would be based

Anonymous No. 16321190

Yup especially once China gets closer to an actual Moon landing. Itā€™s going to be great. Just give it 5-7 ish years and he will probably get really autistic about how fucked up space launch system is

Anonymous No. 16321194

/sfg/ will be watching, I'm prepared for a night full of shitposting. When is this supposed event, tonight on X? I wonder if they can stay on-script, or will they tell us what they really think? Please make Starship a national priority, and blow away the stupid bullshit obstacles, thats all I ask

Anonymous No. 16321198

this Musk/Trump thing is going to be hosted by Musk according to Trump but on Trumps account
i doubt there is going to be much about spaceflight but perhaps some snippets

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Anonymous No. 16321202

Anonymous No. 16321203

By "orange turd" he meant SLS not Trump kek

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Anonymous No. 16321204

Anonymous No. 16321205


Anonymous No. 16321208

Falcon 9 tries not to look like the absolute most kino piece of human engineering ever challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)

Anonymous No. 16321214

If Musk is leading the narrative, he just might use SpaceX as an example of being a lawfare victim, and facing headwinds from bullshit cases everywhere... just like Trump... elevate the moonshot to a military-level project, exempt from all the frivolous shit... this should be Musk's prime directive in this whole escapade isnt it? Both of these fuckers could cement up their legacy with the right partnership, and getting enough important people onboard with some kind of grand vision.
Also, I remember Trump spazzing out about the cost Boeing was charging for new Air Force One planes, probably ordered by Obama, and threatened to cancel the whole fucking thing because its a ripoff. So I'd say there is potential for certain players to get called out tonight, especially if they go on about merit-based rewards for those who perform well, yada yada

Anonymous No. 16321216

How is the photo so sharp? It's like wearing glasses

Anonymous No. 16321219

Photographers who know what theyā€™re doing can bring a moment in time to life

Anonymous No. 16321229

Musk has been pursuing that grand vision for like 20 years or more, this latest detour into politics is something he would rather not do but is basically forced to due to Democrats attacking him and in general the decline of western civilization
this shows in many ways, low birthrates, woke communism seeking equality of outcome (i.e. equity) instead of meritocracy with equal opportunity, massive amounts of legal and illegal immigration from 3rd world countries with populations that can't or aren't willing to integrate and instead create parallel societies
these trends could threaten the creation of a self sufficient independent mars colony in many different ways

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Anonymous No. 16321234

This guy is obviously doing more than what I am so I shouldn't be talking, but I feel like this space agency larping is kinda cringe.

Anonymous No. 16321235


Anonymous No. 16321236

Good to see the clovers in his patch have redundancy.

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Anonymous No. 16321237

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suggestion for ur....jpg

Anonymous No. 16321240

put tourists on it. FREE RIDES, (if you are black), back to Africa

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garfieldkart mexi....jpg

Anonymous No. 16321243

>migrant-thrower launch profile
I dig it

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Australian space ....webm

Anonymous No. 16321246


Anonymous No. 16321250

HDR with very different exposure settings perhaps? with the shots so close in time there wouldn't be noticeable motion blur.

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Anonymous No. 16321253

Seeing this just makes me surprised that no VCbros have tried getting money for something like the launcher from Soma (an underwater railgun iirc)
Oh no wait, turns out some company actually tried

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Anonymous No. 16321254

He launches water rockets from his backyard and gives after action reports.

Anonymous No. 16321255

Ahhh. I respect the autism

Anonymous No. 16321256


Anonymous No. 16321263

he makes 2 stage bottle rockets? kinda neat

Anonymous No. 16321271

>the english wear old timey wigs on their kangaroo courts like they are on a renaissance fair
>their government and their laws are a complete farce
>the king of england is less important than CEO of Burger King

Anonymous No. 16321312

>Also, I remember Trump spazzing out about the cost Boeing was charging for new Air Force One planes, probably ordered by Obama, and threatened to cancel the whole fucking thing because its a ripoff
Of course it's a ripoff
Airbus One would be unthinkable
although given the fact there's a Airbus factory in Alabama, it's no longer entirely out of question anymore

Anonymous No. 16321313

Reminder that this is the krystalnigger that split threads 5 times during IFT-2 and spammed his >>>/trash/ tier porn. Proof was found that it was him as he had tweets about /sfg/ which as soon as we started digging in to his account were immediatly deleted. There are two furfags in this general but this one is by far the worst, the other just likes AI and mostly keeps to himself.

Anonymous No. 16321325

(Theyre both still cancerous plagues on this general just one is skin cancer and the other is brain cancer)

Anonymous No. 16321331

he sounds cool and you sound like a fag

Anonymous No. 16321334

Couldnā€™t the gooberment just ask Lockheed Martin to make a one-off specialized plane (or a retrofitted military plane)? LM still seems to be somewhat competent

Anonymous No. 16321338

So heavy. Thats not viable for Mars. They will need to either ship in parts or create a miniature version.

Anonymous No. 16321340

>one-off specialized plane (or a retrofitted military plane)
Wouldn't that just end up being even more expensive?

Anonymous No. 16321344

the US government has unlimited money for all intents and purposes. If our ā€œleadersā€ are okay with spending $5.2 bil or whatever for a SINGLE launch of a Shit Launch System Block 1B, I figure they wouldnā€™t really give a fuck to spend $10 brazillion on a new airplane for the POTUS

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orbital launches ....png

Anonymous No. 16321351

What will be the first year with more launches than days?

Anonymous No. 16321357

PoE is everything D3 should have been and everything D4 wishes it was.

Anonymous No. 16321361

I thought it was going to be this year, but with SpaceX down a few and China also seeming slow (they claimed 100 this year) I think it will be next year.

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Anonymous No. 16321367

maezawa was right, space needs more artists

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Anonymous No. 16321391
>Flight 5 Vehicles Ready To Fly? (plus Raptor 3, Slap Testing & More) | Starbase Update

Anonymous No. 16321393

source? my info was that SpaceX forced the land vulture to settle for the more reasonable figure because they were violating an earlier contract from a previous land sale.

Anonymous No. 16321394

trust me

Anonymous No. 16321400

trump a shit

Anonymous No. 16321404

I'm bullish on virgin orbit

Anonymous No. 16321408

That knoll has a party tree and shit growing out of it!

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Anonymous No. 16321409

Weird question, but does Musk own a house? Where does he go after he's sent emails for 14 hours? I'm struggling to picture him just chilling in a home like a normal human

Anonymous No. 16321410

No, he is Diogenes of Boca Chica. He lives in some old starship rings on site.

Anonymous No. 16321411

He had several and sold them all a few years ago, idk where he stays now.

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Anonymous No. 16321413


Anonymous No. 16321417

no but he stays at his gfs (shivon zillis) house in austin and they have 2 or 3 children together
or at least I think its more than simply platonical, though it started that way

Anonymous No. 16321418

I think he now lives in a shed at Boca Chica. But not sure how often he stays there.

Anonymous No. 16321419

Supposedly Starbase but I think he purchased and secured the entire street around his house in California to keep media and crazies out

Anonymous No. 16321420

you can see it in some of the diablo streams, there is a big candle and the X kid comes in sometimes, you also see shivon zilis in some of them and shivon has posted videos about musk playing with the kids

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Anonymous No. 16321425

Are you team Melon Husk or team Baldy Bezos?

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Anonymous No. 16321426


Anonymous No. 16321427

I'm team spaceā„¢

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Anonymous No. 16321428


Anonymous No. 16321429

I'm team fuck conservative designs.

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Anonymous No. 16321432


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Von braun desk.jpg

Anonymous No. 16321436

If the rockets go up, who cares where they were made?
That's not my department in this escapade

Anonymous No. 16321439

Is that your cat? I love little voids eeeeee

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Anonymous No. 16321444

if this stuff keeps improving, there might not be any need to get actual animals to mars for meat production
maybe you wanted animals for some other reasons
martians would also have great incentives to create all kinds of cultured/lab grown meat

Anonymous No. 16321446

everyone knows the future is mass produced meat

Anonymous No. 16321448

>we don't need to keep salmon around at all
If I were a salmon this would make me nervous

Anonymous No. 16321449

we already mass produce meat
nice try with this "lab grown meat on mars" shit you can't talk me out of farming chickens on mars

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Anonymous No. 16321450
>RFA, Skyrora, HyImpulse, Orbex - Comparing Britain's Upcoming Rockets

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Anonymous No. 16321454

the same thing will happen to women some day

Anonymous No. 16321456

Yeah but I actually LIKE salmon

Anonymous No. 16321467

I hate BO but Iā€™m intrigued nonetheless by New Glenn. I will be watching its career with great interest
My biggest ā€œleft wingā€ position (?) is that lab grown meat is interesting and Iā€™d be fine eating it. I just donā€™t want to be *forced* to eat it, is all

Anonymous No. 16321469

why would it be left or right? thats retarded
as long as it tastes good and is cheaper than conventionally produced meat, I would be happy to buy it

Anonymous No. 16321474

I threw that in there because it seems to somewhat be a political talking point. ā€œyou must eat the bugs, you must eat lab grown meat to save the climateā€
Like Iā€™m fine eating bugs and lab meat but Iā€™m the exception, as a weirdo conservative who likes weird food and who unironically doesnā€™t care about living in ze hut because I happen to be a minimalist hermit lol. But stupid WEF overlords should not dictate how we live our lives here on Earth

Anonymous No. 16321475

>I just donā€™t want to be *forced* to eat it, is all
That's the basic libertarian argument, not against a thing but simply against having no other option.
If lab grown meat shares shelfspace at supermarkets with real meat that's fine, if manufacturers try to phase out real meat and leave us no option but to eat their lab grown shit then that IS a problem.
If a reduction of choice is not consented to, it constitutes a direct attack on the citizen and is an attempt at exerting control over him, which isn't acceptable.

Anonymous No. 16321479

I agree 100%. What if, for example though, your supermarkets on Mars only has lab grown meat for logistical reasons? i.e. you canā€™t really find a way to logistically get cows and chickens to the surface of Mars but we find a way to produce lab meat there. Would you accept that? Just asking out of curiosity

Anonymous No. 16321483

orbex and skyrora are using some meme garbage derived (and I mean literally from garbage) propane or methane to be "enviromentally friendly", not sure if they are serious or if this is some way to try to get money from EU or whatever
RFA is using RP-1/LOX
HyImpulse rocket is going to use hybrid rocket engines
the only interesting one here seems RFA

Anonymous No. 16321484

The whole point is to make "life" multi planetary so we're bringing cows, pigs and cats along for the ride.

Anonymous No. 16321488

if the real meat costs 10x more and almost nobody buys it, so they stop shelving it, is that an attack?
as long as its not banned or whatever

Anonymous No. 16321489

10x more as in ground beef goes to $30 a pound or as in lab grown ground beef costs $0.30 a pound? the former is an attack and the latter is not. NTA btdubs

Anonymous No. 16321491

As wildlife and pets, sure. But if lab grown meat was as good as regular mean and comparable in price, then I'd eat it instead even on Earth.

Anonymous No. 16321495

the illiterate think in terms of people
the average think in terms of events
the thinkers consider ideas.

this isnt about WHO is doing it anon

Anonymous No. 16321500

ehhh as long as you still have agland and local butchers and stuff as an option you could still get what you need. Granted this would put many in a geographic disadvantage i.e. Iā€™d be fine here in texas but someone in, say, jersey or delaware or whatever wouldnā€™t have that option.

Anonymous No. 16321501

In that scenario the bottleneck is logistical, not legislative. I'd be losing sleep trying to figure out a way to fill that hole in the market and get live animal husbandry going on Mars. If it ends up more expensive than lab meat as
anon states, I'd find that acceptable if the cost reflected the labor required to produce, as opposed to being artificially priced high to incentivise lab meat purchases instead. The former is normal, the latter would be legislative fuckery which I do not abide.

Anonymous No. 16321503

I appreciate your opinion, but personally there is no way on earth (or mars) I would eat that stuff even if it was cheaper and tasted better.

Anonymous No. 16321504


Anonymous No. 16321507

Gotcha. Yeah I agree. It goes back to the basic argument of ā€œis this the natural order of things (logistical or free market moved it that way) or am I being forced against my willā€
Similar situation in california with electric vehicles. People switched from horse drawn carriage to ICE automobiles naturally. Constants that now with the govt waiving its finger and saying ā€œno no no, you must buy an electric vehicleā€ despite it obviously being inferior at the moment. Theyā€™re trying to force the invisible hand of the market to move the consumer, which in my opinion represents the antithesis of freedom

Anonymous No. 16321510

For the sake of argument itā€™s basically the same thing as real meat down to the molecular level. So, to make an analogy, at this point youā€™re sort of just arguing that youā€™d prefer a real diamond over a synthetic one when it doesnā€™t really matter

Anonymous No. 16321511

no I mean cultured meat would be 1/10 the cost of animal grown meat
I don't think it even needs to go that much cheaper for it to outcompete regular meat for most people other than the occasional luxury

Anonymous No. 16321514

its also ineffective and anticapitalist, people end up paying more one way or another

Anonymous No. 16321522

or I should say anti free market, not really anticapitalist

Anonymous No. 16321523

>It goes back to the basic argument of ā€œis this the natural order of things (logistical or free market moved it that way) or am I being forced against my willā€
Exactly, well put. I don't like feeling like I'm being nudged one direction or another, no matter who the nudger is or what their motivation is.
>at this point youā€™re sort of just arguing that youā€™d prefer a real diamond over a synthetic one when it doesnā€™t really matter
It's a legitimate analogy, but at the same time real diamonds don't have the reputation of fake ones. Try buying your fiance' a cubic zirconium and see how that turns out, doesn't matter that they're really not different at all when people's feelings are involved. In order to overcome the unease of people like myself and other anon, your lab grown steak is going to need to be REALLY indistinguishable from the real thing. Which may happen in time, I think it will.

Anonymous No. 16321525

Yeah I got what you were going for
What do you mean

Anonymous No. 16321526

I think he means :smaller constrained designs:, which in that case he's right and I agree. Go big or go fuck yourself.

Anonymous No. 16321527

Call it religious reason. Its just un-natural. I hope we would be trying to recreate earth's eco system in someway so keeping cows wouldn't be a problem.

Anonymous No. 16321530

I see. In that case I would like to point out this post >>16321484 (not sure if itā€™s you or not)
Ultimately ā€œmulti-planetary speciesā€ should mean making other worlds Earth-like. In the long term though. For the short term, we might have to accept a lifetime of MREs for a few generations, and a lifetime of lab grown / imported meat for many, many generations

Anonymous No. 16321532

fuck nature I hope we never recreate earth's ecosystems on mars. I want cows on mars and I want them stored in commieblock factory farms

Anonymous No. 16321533

go live on an oā€™neill cylinder then, fag

Anonymous No. 16321535

This is how I think it'll go over the long term, an eventual endpoint of Mars emulating Earth with a functioning ecosystem, but the path to that endpoint is long and filled with synthetic food.
Also anons like
can fuck off to tubes and live that way forever if they want to.

Anonymous No. 16321536

Personally I'd prefer martian mammoths, maybe some mastodons too.

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Anonymous No. 16321537

Anonymous No. 16321542

>this isnt about WHO is doing it anon
It is when the guy who runs SpaceX is a threat to the United States

Anonymous No. 16321543

>NASA engineers voice concerns
>Boeing overrides them because political sway over NASAfags, muh shareholder value, etc
>Butch and Suni die anyways
Iā€™ll pop the popcorn for the shitshow!

Anonymous No. 16321546

Itā€™s different. This time Boeing will kill them instead of NASA. Cause of death: go-fever. Vaxxed??

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Anonymous No. 16321547

>If it does not precisely repeat itself, history certainly echoes. Two decades after Columbia, Starliner is presently docked to the International Space Station. As with foam strikes, issues with reaction-control system thrusters are not unique to this flight; they were also observed during the previous test flight in 2022. So once again, engineers at NASA are attempting to decide whether they can be comfortable with a "known" issue and all of its implications for a safe return to Earth.
>There are significant downsides to not flying Wilmore and Williams home on Starliner. It will be a significant blow to Boeing's efforts to develop Starliner, which is already $1.6 billion in the hole and rising, and it could harm NASA's aim of having two lifelines to the space station. It will also create a significant logistics mess on the space station. But the engineers at NASA cannot make their call based on these reasons. Rather, they have to make a determination based on crew safety. I believe they will do just this.

Anonymous No. 16321552

>nasa civil war
i've waited for this day

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Anonymous No. 16321559

Anonymous No. 16321560

I feel in my bones that they are going to ultimately decide to send them back on a half-crew Crew 9. Theyā€™re not going to take the risk. Not during an election year, not now when the MSM headlines are already buzzing around this, not when they have an option to bring them back safely. The thruster issues have pushed them too far into the uncertainty factor. How dumb would they have to be to risk it? Because thatā€™s what it would be: a huge risk. And NASA doesnā€™t do risks, not after two shuttle failures took out a total of 14 souls for a similar reason.

Anonymous No. 16321561

oneill cylinders, bernal spheres, stanford toruses, most depictions of large space habitats, have the same problem: low density, giant voids, and abundant greenspace.
real space habitats will have densities surpassing hong kong. and that's a good thing. more infrastructure on less budget. more power.

Anonymous No. 16321563

How long until the Trump stream?

Anonymous No. 16321564

This kills the Starliner.

Anonymous No. 16321567

The Don is back and Musk is spaceposting and youā€™re blackpilling? Weā€™ve never been so back. Trillions of dollars to SpaceX once we win. Moon to Mars with Starship, baby.

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Anonymous No. 16321569

about 7h 40min

Anonymous No. 16321570

twitter servers will crash and burn

Anonymous No. 16321572

Fuck you Mr. Musk, all times and ETAs must be administered in central time

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Anonymous No. 16321574


Anonymous No. 16321578

If we want cows we need grass, topsoil, worms, bacteria and fungi. We will still need an eco system even if we do keep them in commie blocks.

Anonymous No. 16321580

He said "tomorrow, so I was confused".

Anonymous No. 16321581

If you can design your rocket by putting numbers into an excel spreadsheet based on former rockets and their performance, you're team conservative designs and a fucking millstone around our necks.

Anonymous No. 16321582

sorry, they can only do right-coast times in today's political climate

Anonymous No. 16321584

Ohhh oh oh

Anonymous No. 16321589


Bill Nelson elbowed an astronaut off the shuttle so he could use a ride to space as a political stunt. That contemptible worm would gladly murder two more astronauts if it benefited him.

Anonymous No. 16321590

Not spaceflight kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16321591

Business idea: the US government should seize ownership of SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16321594

Or: perhaps he will be extra cautious to explicitly avoid a disaster here because he knows if they die, heā€™s getting slandered and thatā€™s going to be a part of the conversation

Anonymous No. 16321599


Anonymous No. 16321602

how would that bring about anything but a net negative, give me one (1) (one) example of something good coming of that

Anonymous No. 16321604

spacex jobs would be created in all 50 states (and puerto rico and guam)

Anonymous No. 16321607

cultured meat will never be competitive to the efficiency of real animals eating food and converting it to meat. All processes involved reach a point where scaling becomes difficult especially attaching the cells slurry to a scaffolding and growing some kind of tissue. You need very expensive equipment and facilities and everything needs to be kept sterile. This >>16321444 tray of smoked "salmon" probably costs mid 3 figures. I bet a ticket to mars that they can't push it below $50/kg, unless .gov eats the difference and pays $30, so you can buy it for $20.
On mars that might be a different matter. smaller scale and setting up some bioreactors is easier than creating a habitat for farm animals.

Anonymous No. 16321609

Their gut bacteria will be genetically altered to process starches from a chemical reactor. They will be lobotomized and surgically implanted with a genetically designed cancerous tumor that grows perfect cuts of meat, to be harvested every 15Ls. With nothing but electricity and our new home's hostile air we will produce wagyu filets that wouldn't be out of place in Kobe. The Earthers cry about ethics, but we are too far away to hear them.

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Anonymous No. 16321610

CZ-12 with 5.2m fairing.
Launch in about a month.

Anonymous No. 16321611

thats bad, retard

Anonymous No. 16321615

its at 30/pound or 66/kg already and this is without scaling and I would bet there is plenty of tech advances to go

Anonymous No. 16321618

Hope it blows up on the launch pad

Anonymous No. 16321619

it would be good for my chances of reelection

Anonymous No. 16321626

sauce for that price?

Anonymous No. 16321631


Anonymous No. 16321637

>but I might be wrong there
I haven't seen any production cost estimates under 3 figures yet. and thats before margin and taxes. also the cheaper it is, the harder it gets to shave of additional $ of the productions costs

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falcon launch.webm

Anonymous No. 16321638


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Anonymous No. 16321646

Comparable-ish to Falcon 9 in terms of diameter (F9 is 3.7m, this is I believe 3.8 m. And for another comparison the core stage of LM5 is 5m as itā€™s pretty thick)
But this rocket can only do 10 to 12 T to LEO. A reusable Falcon still gets you way more at ~17.5 T to LEO.
Not sure why theyā€™re even bothering when LM7 pretty much matches SSO capability and exceeds LEO capability. Maybe CASC is just bored right now, but donā€™t they have LM9 and LM10 to focus on? The chinese are just as schizo as the Russians when it comes to confusing rocket decisions

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Anonymous No. 16321649

The most likely outcome for beef on Mars is they'll send one female cow with genetically induced autism (they do it with mice) and ten thousand frozen cow egg cells. I'm just imagining the poor soul that'll spend months locked in a Starship with a machine working to turn two tons of hay into two tons of shit

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16321653

Isn't the reason obvious?

Anonymous No. 16321669

fish might be a better idea. they dont give a fuck.

Anonymous No. 16321672

Do you understand what sarcasm is

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Anonymous No. 16321675

I wonder kek

Anonymous No. 16321679

Wait what

Anonymous No. 16321681

Youd think Pierre would get treated like another thunderf00t on /sfg/ but it seems like most anons when presented with his posts take them seriously and dont blow off his concerns as EDS. Does /sfg/ think that way because he comes off less combative and more serious or what?

Anonymous No. 16321686

Iā€™m gonna be honest I donā€™t even know who he is nor do I care

Anonymous No. 16321687

>pajeet code&boeing bricked a entire docking port on the ISS and fucks up the program for years to come.
Lol, jesus christ, how can the US at the same time have such a succes story as spaceX and a total fuckup like boeing?

Anonymous No. 16321688

Ah see thats why

Anonymous No. 16321690

Yeah honestly if they import enough sauce I'd be happy with tilapia and hydroponics

Anonymous No. 16321695

Itā€™s called the united states of george washington. 1776, ever heard of it? Weā€™re the best at being the best and the best at being the worst. Thatā€™s why the stars and bars are on the Moon, itā€™s why we have multiple giant super heavy lift rockets some of them based some of them cringe; and no one else has even come close.

Anonymous No. 16321697

the us is big enough to have 2 things at the same time. often more.

Anonymous No. 16321700


Anonymous No. 16321705

the EDS is too mild to be entertaining

Anonymous No. 16321789

The fact that this happened twice is fucking stupid, I'm glad nasa isn't listening to middle managers anymore.

Anonymous No. 16321790

This is a simpler 2 stage design, compared to the LM7, which is 3 stages + side boosters. Probably cheaper for roughly the same capability.
It seems like the LM6/7/8 family in general haven't been very successful, never really supplanted the LM2/3/4. These newer Chinese rockets are copying Spacex in being simple 2 stage single stick designs as much as in reusability

Anonymous No. 16321793

Crazy how fast the NASA opinion went from
>SLS is great because it retains talent accrued under the Shuttle program!
>SLS is over budget and late because we simply donā€™t have enough technical talent at Michoud :(
Hmmm curiousā€”almost as if the whole program is a fucking scam

Anonymous No. 16321794

I think people are painfully missing the obvious when they look at elon and his companies' success and regard them as wonders. Also painfully unusual, elon doesn't waver in his promotion of meritocracy. The fact that this isn't everyone's first explanation shows whats wrong with society.

Anonymous No. 16321796

I kinda hope they don't talk about spaceflight, this general is already gonna be insufferable enough cause of this.

Anonymous No. 16321801

So was nobody concerned that the autonomous control software was removed from starliner?

Anonymous No. 16321806

to be fair (and Iā€™ll try to keep this apolitical) Donald has made it clear heā€™s impressed by ā€œthose rocketsā€ but, for example, he didnā€™t even know the boosters landed and were reusable until he was at the bob & doug launch. I think Donald is very happy with Elonā€™s ventures overall, and probably just sees SpaceX more as a tool that needs to be propped up to keep the American edge up over everyone else. Thatā€™s all to say I donā€™t think Trump gives it toooooo much thought and thus they probably wonā€™t talk about too much tonight. Really the only way you could get him to stay on the subject would be to frame it as ā€œchina is trying to catch up,ā€ but even then I doubt it would hold Donaldā€™s attention for more than a minute or two.

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Anonymous No. 16321810

>Currently, it is believed that SANS symptoms are caused by increased pressure in the brain during spaceflight
Trephination for all astronauts when?

Anonymous No. 16321815

>There are significant downsides to not flying Wilmore and Williams home on Starliner ... it could harm NASA's aim of having two lifelines to the space station.

This is the most backwards thing I've ever seen in a news article. The actual meaning of backwards, not just falsehoods and fallacy, but a reversal of logic. I always wondered what "wet roads cause rain" really meant in the gellman amnesia quote. Now I know

The point of having two lifelines to the space station is in the event something went wrong with one of them, you can stop using it because you have a second alternative. You don't keep using the broken lifeline just to keep two lifelines going to the space station.

Anonymous No. 16321816

Trump (and his base) are basically just like normies when it comes to spaceflight I guess, so you're probably right about them not talking about it too much.

Anonymous No. 16321818

Read between the lines anon. For fucks sake.

Anonymous No. 16321819

Trump would give it more thought if Musk impressed upon how important this is going to be in the future

Anonymous No. 16321820

Why would you perform a test that gives definitive verification or debunking of a theory when you can just continue to theorize instead? Wouldn't want to accidentally solve all the "mysteries" too quickly and miss out on a comfortable career!

Anonymous No. 16321823

Capsules are passively stable and can perform entry with no control input.

Anonymous No. 16321824

I doubt Trump would understand that though, most people barely think about what's gonna happen tomorrow let alone 5/10/20 years in the future.

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Anonymous No. 16321825

>Couldnā€™t the gooberment just ask Lockheed Martin to make a one-off specialized plane
Should get lock mart to get back on the CL 1201

Anonymous No. 16321827

Removed because its irrelevant. The point of two lifelines is for astronaut safety, not the solvency of the providers

Anonymous No. 16321829

Berger and some people are trying to argue for "competition" for the sake of competition and prop up an affirmative action choice that may get people killed and cost tax payers 3X what a reliable transport costs.

Anonymous No. 16321830

significant achievements would already happen during Trumps presidency, like a bunch of new private space stations, the start of a base on the moon, maybe even a cargo starship landing on mars

Anonymous No. 16321833

Reminder that both sides of the aisle by and large donā€™t know much about or care about space. Itā€™s a societal problem. Most people in the 70s were unaware Apollo 12 and onward happened after neil and buzz and collins dunked on the commies. Very sad state of affairsā€”right wingers think the earth is flat, left wingers think we need to dump our GDP into migrants and climate and that rockets just pollute the planet
Yeah and I hope Musk makes an effort to talk about Mars and space in general. Itā€™s very important to me (and to everyone on /sfg/, and obviously itā€™s important to Musk big time) and I hope he remembers to bring it up and pick Donā€™s brain about it

Anonymous No. 16321837

Damn f9 is going to get mogged

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Anonymous No. 16321849


Anonymous No. 16321858

A Mars version would be built from lighter materials. Building a Mars suitable version before getting a dominant Earth suited version would be stupid. SpaceX's first rockets were useless for Mars, too.

Anonymous No. 16321860

>Reminder that both sides of the aisle by and large donā€™t know much about or care about space.
Yeah that's why I said they're like normies, I know the left is no better when it comes to spaceflight knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16321864

Musk can stroke Trump's ego by contrasting DM-2's success with Trump watching the launch against CFT's failure with Biden absent while Kamala supposedly overseeing the space policy. Then they can talk about the efficiency of private space and how that is impossible under Dem's assault on capitalism and meritocracy.
But who am I kidding, they are going to talk about culture war.

Anonymous No. 16321867

Communists lost. SpaceX won

Anonymous No. 16321872

>animal grown

At least he isn't shy about outing himself as a shill.

Anonymous No. 16321878

Low density habitats in space are advantageous actually. Packing everyone & their machinery close to the exterior helps with removing waste heat. Also, when building in space, there's zero downside to going bigger & lower density.

Anonymous No. 16321880

Honestly if having a 5mm diameter hole drilled into my skull somewhere meant that I'd never experience weather related headaches again it'd be worth it, let alone if it solves potential spaceflight issues.

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Anonymous No. 16321881

Anonymous No. 16321894

Hell yeah

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Anonymous No. 16321895

Let's be very honest again. It's not easy to land a Starship booster and catch it with Mechazilla. Starship capture may someday come about. It's on the drawing board right now. Falcon 9 landings are real. You've seen it down at Cape Canaveral. We're landing boosters and recovering them. I don't see any Starship Booster catching, except that he's going to take the booster and put their mecha arms together and that catches the booster. It's not that easy in rocketry.

Anonymous No. 16321897

God bless Texas, lfg

Anonymous No. 16321900

Boldenā€™s pasta is unironically one of the funniest things ever kek

Anonymous No. 16321906

Why would you even need tunnels on Mars?

Anonymous No. 16321907

I forgot how much the Artemis program is an unholy bastardization of Shuttle and Apollo

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capsule of the da....jpg

Anonymous No. 16321909

we are forgotten...

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Anonymous No. 16321910

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Anonymous No. 16321911


Anonymous No. 16321912

>"Let's be very honest again," Bolden said in a 2014 interview. "We don't have a commercially available heavy lift vehicle. Falcon 9 Heavy may someday come about. It's on the drawing board right now. SLS is real. You've seen it down at Michoud. We're building the core stage. We have all the engines done, ready to be put on the test stand at Stennis... I don't see any hardware for a Falcon 9 Heavy, except that he's going to take three Falcon 9s and put them together and that becomes the Heavy. It's not that easy in rocketry."
I've been saying the last line for years without knowing the source wtf

Anonymous No. 16321913

Why tunnel on mars? Why choose this as our goal?
Why climb the highest mountain? Why, 100 years ago, fly the atlantic?
Why does Rice play Texas?
We choose to tunnel not because it is easy but because we have autism and itā€™s a challenge and because we can.

Anonymous No. 16321916

I really hope bezos has started actually giving a fuck about BO now and not just to sue SpaceX repeatedly
launch a fucking rocket, compete

Anonymous No. 16321917

why does dim todd have to get all the interviews? Is it too much to ask for someone more charismatic?

Anonymous No. 16321918

Yeah my low key fear is that Bezos is going to walk away from this actually looking based

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Anonymous No. 16321920

chinese bootleg day after tomorrow

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Anonymous No. 16321921

If this isnt cool then I dont know what is

Anonymous No. 16321922

You can come home on Valentine's day next year

Anonymous No. 16321924

>Try buying your fiance' a cubic zirconium and see how that turns out
If my potential wife complains that I didn't spend an extra $3000 or more on an imperceptible difference. I'm dropping that bitch right there.

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Anonymous No. 16321925

Not sure I can handle Estronaut THAT'S INSANE and the Bezos' cackle at the same time, lads.

Anonymous No. 16321927

I would to milk the 30ft tall Martian mammoths

Anonymous No. 16321930

I'd really like to hear Bezos talk about Blue Origin in the same or similar style that Elon talks about SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16321931

I wanna have a ludicrously huge mammoth steak delivered to my car window like I'm Fred Flintstone

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Anonymous No. 16321933

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Anonymous No. 16321934


Anonymous No. 16321936

Does Bezos actually know enough about New Glenn to be giving a tour? Never heard him speak about it before so kind of assumed he knows the very basics and is just the guy providing funding. But I guess there will be a team following along so maybe they'll fill in any gaps.

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Anonymous No. 16321937

probably refers to this

from lora kolodny unsurprisingly who writes constant hitpieces on Musk and his companies

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Anonymous No. 16321938

>it's 2030
>your one of the last astronauts to visit the ISS before deorbit
>on your arival you notice a docked vesel you never have seen before
>when inside you ask the other astronauts about it
>they all act as if they dont know what your talking about and nervously go on with their tasks
>so you decide to go to the vessel yourself
>you reach the part of the station where it's docked
>you notice the dock hatch is sealed
>and welded shut
>while you scratch your hair thinking about who did this you hear faint screams and scratching on the other side as if somebody, no two people are locked in there.
>suddenly you hear a much clearer sound
>a cosmonaut comes up to you and tells you "best to forget about this and concentrate on your tasks"
>"soon their suffering will be over" he murmured when leaving you.

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Anonymous No. 16321939

in fact that is basically the majority of the articles lol

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Anonymous No. 16321940

the article itself
>TCEQ said its agencyā€™s office in the South Texas city of Harlingen, near Starbase in Boca Chica, received a complaint on Aug. 6, 2023, alleging that SpaceX ā€œwas discharging deluge water without TCEQ authorization.ā€
>ā€œIn total, the Harlingen region received 14 complaints alleging environmental impacts from the Facilityā€™s deluge system,ā€ the regulator said in the document.

Anonymous No. 16321944

>Environmental engineer Eric Roesch, whose ESG Hound blog focuses on business and sustainability, predicted SpaceX would need a water deluge system at the launchpad even before the first test flight of Starship. He was also among the first to call out SpaceX for using such a system without proper permits.
>ā€œFurther wastewater discharges could trigger more investigations and criminal charges for the company or any of the people involved in authorizing the launches,ā€ he said.
>Roesch also pointed out that after receiving a notice of violation from the EPA, SpaceX was required to apply for a permit within 30 days. The company didnā€™t submit its application until July 1, about 110 days later, according to a copy of its application made available through the TCEQā€™s public records office.
>ā€œTheyā€™ve been violating wastewater regulations for years, and they continue to do so seemingly with the FAAā€™s blessing,ā€ Roesch said.

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Anonymous No. 16321945


Anonymous No. 16321946

>ESG Hound
Quelle Surprise, it's fucking TeslaQ again.

Anonymous No. 16321947


She hid her profile lmao. She can hit at Musk but apparently cant take the hit back

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Anonymous No. 16321949

>Environmental engineer Eric Roesch, whose ESG Hound blog focuses on business and sustainability, predicted SpaceX would need a water deluge system at the launchpad even before the first test flight of Starship. He was also among the first to call out SpaceX for using such a system without proper permits.

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Anonymous No. 16321955

I can see her posts, but she hasn't posted in like 10 months
a lot of these severe EDS sufferers are on threads now

Anonymous No. 16321957

And likely also suffering from commie ideology. So can be safely ignored

Anonymous No. 16321958

I wouldn't be surprised if she stayed on X but with an anon account

Anonymous No. 16321959

Imagine my shock. Why do Jews hate SpaceX so much?

Anonymous No. 16321962

this isn't about SpaceX per se, that is just an attack vector trying to harm Musk

Anonymous No. 16321963

halo 3 vibes

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Anonymous No. 16321966
>First Human Spaceflight to Fly Over Earthā€™s Polar Regions
>As early as this year, Falcon 9 will launch Dragonā€™s sixth commercial astronaut mission, Fram2, which will be the first human spaceflight mission to explore Earth from a polar orbit and fly over the Earthā€™s polar regions for the first time.
>Joining Wang on the mission is a crew of international adventurers: Norwayā€™s Jannicke Mikkelsen, vehicle commander; Australiaā€™s Eric Philips, vehicle pilot; and Germanyā€™s Rabea Rogge, mission specialist

Anonymous No. 16321969

lots of times the TCEQ just kicks it back to the county for permitting and stuff lol. If TCEQ didnā€™t have a problem 4 years ago theyā€™re not going to magically find one now, even with ESGfags putting in constant complaints
t. I have to coordinate with them a lot for my job

Anonymous No. 16321971

And the primary source is ESG Hound.

Anonymous No. 16321972

Roach and kolodny need to get a room already, they're like the EDS Power couple at this point, she literally depends on him to make these hit pieces

Anonymous No. 16321973

lol. He must feel like he's doing something by getting SpaceX to respond

Anonymous No. 16321983

flat earthers on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 16321987

CZ3B is dirt cheap for an expendable launcher: average contract is ~$38 million for 5.5t to GTO (comparison F9 is 70 million for 5.5-6t to gto), thereā€™s basically no way to beat that with expendable launchers. Thatā€™s why a 3B flew at the start of the month and another is expected by the end of the week while 7A launched twice to GTO these past 18 months.

CZ8 is weird, it seems CASC-CALT had big ambitions years ago especially by making it reusable but IMO them being contracted for the reusable lunar/crew launcher CZ-10 made them cancel that, now 8 and its moderate upgrade 8A just seems like a way for CALT to keep a foot in the SSO commercial Launch business and to take advantage of two of Wenchangā€™s launch pad (LC-2 and 1sr commercial pad), something important since launch pad are one of the largest constraint.
6 is awkward and seemingly on its way out already, latest launch of 6A had the Y21 serial number, a huge jump from the previous Y7, Itā€™s speculated it found success in a batch order for the Qianfan/G60 constellation, so maybe this one could get a decent launch rate in the next years, the upper stage debris problem doesnā€™t seem to delay their launches, and of course the 6 series launch from taiyuan so it doesnā€™t conflict with wenchang launches.

12 gives CASC-SAST a use for wenchang commercial pad #2, but theyā€™ll have to share it with other launchers.. but SAST is also building a methalox RLV of similar capabilities (NET 2025) and itā€™ll apparently also launch from the same pad, IMO CZ-12 will have a rather short Life, probably dedicated to supplement SASTā€™s Taiyuan CZ6A from Wenchang for the next few years until Various RLV launch regularly, If they can ramp it up next year itā€™ll be needed, since SAST will have to launch most of the 500 or so Qianfan sats planned for 2025, but I donā€™t expect 12 to be active by 2030.

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Anonymous No. 16321988

basically inspiration4 but with a different crew and going into a polar orbit instead?

Anonymous No. 16321989

Based SpaceX responds to baseless accusations

Anonymous No. 16321991

how's mars this time of year?

Anonymous No. 16321992

yes, what a joke of an article

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Anonymous No. 16321995


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Anonymous No. 16321997


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Anonymous No. 16321999

Sad day. A critical NASA supplier is likely going bankrupt.

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Anonymous No. 16322002
>Jannicke Mikkelsen, FNF is a Norwegian award-winning Film Director & Cinematographer specialised in movie productions using next-gen technology. Jannicke has developed a niche working in hazardous environments on film productions in the arctic, underwater, aviation and space.

Anonymous No. 16322003

makes you wonder what NASA has been up to if they can't send one mission over the poles in 60 years of human spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16322004

good PR
they should just do a lottery or something for a yearly crewed science mission

Anonymous No. 16322007

SpaceX can pick up the slack by offering Model X or Cybertruck

Anonymous No. 16322008

This has been know for like a year and a half now kek. They were ngmi ever

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Anonymous No. 16322009

>Eric is an Australian polar explorer, adventurer and guide. He has completed ski expeditions across icecaps on Greenland, Ellesmere Island, Iceland, Svalbard and Patagonia and was the first Australian, together with companion Jon Muir, to ski to both the North Pole and South Pole. He wrote Icetrek. The Bitter Journey to the South Pole and his expeditions have produced four internationally-screened documentary films, most notably, the Emmy Award-winning Greenland production, Chasing the Midnight Sun. He continues to guide commercial North and South Pole expeditions, including the North Pole to Canada leg of Pat Farmerā€™s Pole to Pole Run in 2011. Eric is co-founder and President of the International Polar Guides Association (IPGA).

Anonymous No. 16322013

That thing looks like it was designed for Jurassic Park.

Anonymous No. 16322016

I was just thinking I'd like to see those things stomped by a t-rex.

Anonymous No. 16322017

studying auroras from space sounds dangerous though... I'd be interested to hear about the mission planning to account for radiation exposure

Anonymous No. 16322019

this is the most white explorer phenotype there is holy moly

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Anonymous No. 16322020

these seem like more than just randomly picked people
crypto millionaire or billionaire and then a filmmaker that specializes working extreme enviroments, a polar explorer and guide and a phd thesis worker in I guess designing marine robots

Anonymous No. 16322023

should get some amazing footage over the poles

Anonymous No. 16322024

I meant a lottery for the mission, not the crew

Anonymous No. 16322026

nothing, they never do anything

Anonymous No. 16322027

Nah more like gay ass jurassic world. Those 90s jurassic park ford explorers and jeeps are peak americana

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Anonymous No. 16322029


Anonymous No. 16322030

radiation is a nothing burger. it is already know but watch polaris dawn really drive the nail home.

Anonymous No. 16322034

Well Jared already announced a polar mission by this time anyways so

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Anonymous No. 16322037

this guy wants to visit every country and territory, so I guess going to LEO is another box to check
but it doesn't really matter why they want to do it, more commercial space is good

Anonymous No. 16322041

it's funny how bitcoin happened and now a bunch of random weirdos are suddenly billionaires

Anonymous No. 16322044

Calm down Laios.

Anonymous No. 16322049

Bezos isn't a weird autist like musk and can actually talk to people though right?

Anonymous No. 16322054

*laughs very fucking loudly, awkwardly, baldly, and obnoxiously*

Anonymous No. 16322056

female jon brodkin

Anonymous No. 16322057

You need to do a lot of training to go into space though, it's not like those fairground rides that Virgin and BO do

Anonymous No. 16322058

William shatner, known alcohol refuser, came back from a life-changing suborbital hop and really wanted to deliver a prophetic somewhat pre-planned speech and was cut off by Bozos spraying him with champagne and screaming awkwardly. Iā€™m going to have to go with ā€œnoā€.

Anonymous No. 16322059

What does a polar mission even add though? Seems pretty pointless to me

Anonymous No. 16322060

And yet it still sucks ass and looks like shit

Anonymous No. 16322062

Itā€™s like a venus flyby. Mainly just bragging rights. Theyā€™ll come up with some thinly veiled justification as to why itā€™s ā€œadvancing science,ā€ but really itā€™s just vanity. Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that necessarilyā€¦

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Anonymous No. 16322064

in other news here's some neutron flight hardware

Anonymous No. 16322065

>sudden dragon flight out of nowhere
look at all of the business that boing is losing because they didnt care to try hard enough

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Bezos Shatner.webm

Anonymous No. 16322066


Anonymous No. 16322067

Man, what is it with billionaires being massive weirdos. I guess autism is a superpower after all.
Yeah I guess, it's a pretty good reason as to why nobody else has bothered doing it though.

Anonymous No. 16322068

Neutron might be more regarded than New Glenn phew

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Anonymous No. 16322069
>NASA concluded that the only commercial lander mission going to the lunar south pole that meets that thrust requirement from Blue Origin. While the thrust level that the lander provides is redacted in the document, the company has stated that the BE-7 engine it developed for the lander is capable of producing up to 10,000 pounds-force of thrust.
>ā€œBlue Origin is the only vendor conducting a commercial mission to the Lunar South Pole that meets NASAā€™s requirements with a thruster baseline level of [redacted] Ibf. This commercial mission is for Blue Originā€™s [redacted] Mark 1 Serial Number 1 lander,ā€ the NASA document states. While the document redacted the name of the lander, Blue Origin has publicized a ā€œPathfinderā€ mission for its initial robotic version of its Blue Moon lander, designated ā€œMK1-SN001ā€, it plans to fly as a demonstration mission.
>Besides the thrust level, NASA justified giving Blue Origin the task order, valued at $6.1 million, because the company plans to launch the mission in 2025. (The exact date of the launch is redacted.) ā€œTo inform Artemisā€™ first mission, and allow for any necessary changes, SCALPSS must be delivered to the Lunar surface by the end of calendar year 2025,ā€ the agency stated.

Anonymous No. 16322073

Honestly this is more cringe than even the worst Estronaut starbase moment. Read the room Jeff good God

Anonymous No. 16322074

>New Glenn will place Blue Moon into low Earth orbit, remaining there for three to four orbits to do initial checkouts. It will then raise its apogee for additional tests, including of its high-gain antenna system, before performing a translunar injection maneuver to go to the moon, entering a low lunar orbit five to seven days later. The spacecraft will conduct ā€œmultiple subsystem characterization activitiesā€ in lunar orbit before attempting a landing.
>ā€œBlue Moon MK1 Pathfinder will host a suite of sensors and cameras. The equipment will help hone space flight skills needed for the ambitious future Blue Origin is planning in the years to come by providing environmental data and imaging for future missions,ā€ the company said in its FCC filing, which did not mention specifically the NASA SCALPSS payload.
>The FCC filing also illustrates the size of Blue Moon, which even in its Mark 1 version is far larger than other commercial lunar landers. The spacecraft is 8.05 meters tall with a diameter of 3.08 meters. The spacecraft has a fully fueled, or wet, mass of up to 21,350 kilograms. The company previously said Blue Moon Mark 1 can deliver up to three tons of payload to the lunar surface.

Anonymous No. 16322078

>50 crewmembers
so many already? theres been like 600 or so astronauts total? so they are already close to 10%. a few more years and the majority of astronauts will have launched with spaceX.

Anonymous No. 16322079

this is the type of cringe that makes me physically recoil lmao

Anonymous No. 16322082

thats pretty big desu

Anonymous No. 16322083

>launching next march
Has bezos been trolling us and has somehow got several complete New Glen rockets hidden away?

Anonymous No. 16322084

itā€™s still a far cry from their first two launches being directly back-to-back, which was their original goal for a long time. Assuming escaPADE even makes it off the pad this October

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Anonymous No. 16322086

You called?

Anonymous No. 16322090

many dunk on the cuckliner van but honestly itā€™s not that bad

Anonymous No. 16322096

I think the van is too big for an eight day trip.

Anonymous No. 16322097

Good catch

Anonymous No. 16322099

What about an 8 month stay?

Anonymous No. 16322100

Cold and will make you explode instantly just like every other time of year

Anonymous No. 16322103

where is NASA going to get their electric vehicles from now

Anonymous No. 16322105

>flight over the poles
>bring a film maker
god dammit the flat earthers will talk about this forever

Anonymous No. 16322108

the leaders of the industry, GM and ford of course!

Anonymous No. 16322109

didn't Trump congratulate Musk after the Falcon heavy test flight?
remember that there's the schizo boomer side of his base that think rockets are fake

Anonymous No. 16322111

Suddenly took us back to the nobleman / gentleman scientist era. Gotta be honest I like it

Anonymous No. 16322114

Looks expensive

Anonymous No. 16322116

This like the ultimate flex for a polar explorer veteran godamn

Anonymous No. 16322117

>didn't Trump congratulate Musk after the Falcon heavy test flight?
I suppose he could have forgotten the boosters landed lol. My point is, itā€™s not in the forefront of his mind. Heā€™s been doing interviews recently and has been asked about Musk and his answers are usually along the lines of
>Oh I think heā€™s great, heā€™s fantastic. Have you seen these rockets? Bing. Boong. They go up quickly, very quickly. And then they come downā€”no one brings them down like he does. I was at the launch, you remember, I saw them come down I thought ā€˜wow this is amazing no one told me they would do thisā€™
Trump is impressed by SpaceX but heā€™s not studying what they do or why

Anonymous No. 16322121
>Ever wonder what Blue Origin is up to? Well, on Thursday August 15th, you won't have to wonder any more! Join me as I take you inside Blue Origin's New Glenn factory for the FIRST TIME EVER with Jeff Bezos as our tour guide! You will NOT want to miss this!!!
The might actually be insane

Anonymous No. 16322122

Hello venusposter

Anonymous No. 16322125

check out that pair of a20s holy shit

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Anonymous No. 16322140

Anonymous No. 16322141

>im making a bajillion dollars off the top of this
>this is cool
thank you Mr. Musk very insightful

Anonymous No. 16322143

especially since it goes to the poles

Anonymous No. 16322145

Isnā€™t that where Auschwitz is??

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Anonymous No. 16322146


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Anonymous No. 16322147

Anonymous No. 16322148

Another win, itā€™s simply that easy

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Anonymous No. 16322150


Anonymous No. 16322154

Genuinely excited for this, you guys are sleeping BO

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Anonymous No. 16322155


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Anonymous No. 16322158


Anonymous No. 16322159

fuck you faggot

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Anonymous No. 16322161


Anonymous No. 16322164

Cool idea, just wish they didn't feel the need to ride Roald Amundsens coat tails with that name.

Anonymous No. 16322165

>how did we miss following this random obscure literal who
Itā€™s a mystery. Do you have to critically fail an IQ test in order to post dumb shit on twitter?

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Anonymous No. 16322166


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Anonymous No. 16322172


its going to be another "thats insane" tour lol

Anonymous No. 16322178

ā€œI want to be the next walter cronkiteā€ says the biggest sĆøy fag who canā€™t even prepare a list of 10 important questions despite being gifted unprecedented access that thousands of other autists salivate at the mouth over
Estronaut is the augustus gloop of the space world. Won a golden ticket, but does it really matter?

Anonymous No. 16322181

>specialised in movie productions using next-gen technology
ah, so she makes ai generated videos

Anonymous No. 16322183

maybe that's why he gets the tours he just jacks you off and doesn't ask any hard questions while you wander around your rocket factory and then you get some free PR

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Anonymous No. 16322184


Anonymous No. 16322187

At least we get cool shots of the facilities

Anonymous No. 16322191

True hahah. And to Timā€™s credit, that last Starship update at Starbase was fucking dogshit and literally everyone given the privilege of the microphone for open questions asked dumb useless SHIT until Tim actually pressed elon on important Raptor questions. That single moment gave me an ounce of respect for him

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Anonymous No. 16322193


Anonymous No. 16322194

so much was still unknown about Starship and people were fucking asking about local parades, what Muskā€™s favorite color was, just useless shit. And musk was acting quirky and le funny the whole time and offered zero technical points until Tim made him lock in.

Anonymous No. 16322198

The last SS update was cancer

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Anonymous No. 16322201
>NASAā€™s Low-Earth Orbit Flight Test of an Inflatable Decelerator - LOFTID Post Flight Video

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Anonymous No. 16322209

the video has re-entry footage

Anonymous No. 16322214

>first polar mission
>highest mission outside of apollo
whats next for dragon?

Anonymous No. 16322216

rescue mission then docking with starship at some point

Anonymous No. 16322217

first space rescue mission kek

Anonymous No. 16322224

>so the fermi paradox, it's like, where are the aliens

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Anonymous No. 16322227
>NASA says its Starliner return decision will now come next week.

Anonymous No. 16322228

Holy shit that's actually true kek

Anonymous No. 16322230

Thereā€™s a rumour of a weird mission in 2025

Anonymous No. 16322233

Already happened with MS23 bringing the MS22 crew back home

Anonymous No. 16322234

They want as much time as possible until the quantitative test data comes back with what they *want* to see. Theyā€™re hungry for the tests to say ā€œyup shoooould be okay to fly back on this shitcan I guessā€

Anonymous No. 16322238

>Soyuz again
First movers advantage

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Anonymous No. 16322249

Anonymous No. 16322257

Space tourism, you love to see it

Anonymous No. 16322258

I think they are implying he is Satoshi

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Anonymous No. 16322263


Anonymous No. 16322269

It's a reminder of how many 'space twitter' members are too young to post on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 16322277

>he didnā€™t even know the boosters landed and were reusable until he was at the bob & doug launch
Trump was referencing the "rockets that come down and land on their engines" at least as far back as January 2020

Anonymous No. 16322279

Well legally most are over the age but mentally there are small chunk into communism and pronouns game, so they're still not fully developed

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Anonymous No. 16322282

this is BS

Anonymous No. 16322283

spacefags: oh fuck a polar mission
normies: oh fuck elon is polluting *ignores the fact that the article is lying*

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Anonymous No. 16322284


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Anonymous No. 16322287

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Anonymous No. 16322288


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Anonymous No. 16322292


pretty fucked if the FAA comment thing results in a delay to the 25 flights per year and happened due to a fradulent hitpiece where the sources are basically anti-Musk activists

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Anonymous No. 16322293


Anonymous No. 16322294

>you sound mad

Holy fuck someone just execute this nigger already

Anonymous No. 16322295

Looks like the iranian that shot up youtube hq

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Anonymous No. 16322296


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Anonymous No. 16322298

Anonymous No. 16322303

>pretty fucked if the FAA comment thing results in a delay to the 25 flights per year and happened due to a fradulent hitpiece where the sources are basically anti-Musk activists

Y'all Americans have guns right, can one of you do the needful

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Anonymous No. 16322304


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Anonymous No. 16322308


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Anonymous No. 16322310

Tory lying(?) again or perhaps being mistaken

Anonymous No. 16322312

>water that doesn't evaporate is hauled off
What a waste of time. You aren't going appease anyone so why bother

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Anonymous No. 16322314


Anonymous No. 16322315

>shielded by your own consumables and water
>he didn't consider galactic cosmic radiation

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Anonymous No. 16322317

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Anonymous No. 16322321

>Wang was born in China, and got in on the ground floor of bitcoin mining. "I first heard about bitcoin in 2011, and I almost immediately started mining it," he said. "I did that for two years and that's when I started a mining pool."
>He founded the first bitcoin mining pool in China in 2013, F2Pool. This kind of company allows miners with powerful computers to collectively "mine" bitcoin and share in the proceeds. Wang later led the decentralization of the company. He moved to Thailand in 2015, and later South Korea. He now holds a Maltese citizenship, and has more or less traveled the world since 2021. Wang said he likes to spend a lot of time in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago.
>In an interview, Wang said he became a billionaire in 2021 after the price of bitcoin, dogecoin, and other cryptocurrencies surged. He had long been interested in space, Wang added, and so he began talking to SpaceX about purchasing a seat on a private Dragon mission. In 2023 the discussions matured, and Wang realized that if he bought an entire mission he could set its parameters.

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Anonymous No. 16322322

>manipulating procedural outcomes
I kneel yarvinsama

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Anonymous No. 16322324


Anonymous No. 16322325

Just asking you to redeem saar

Anonymous No. 16322326

he's baiting lol

Anonymous No. 16322329

not sure Lynda Williams has accomplished much, seemed more like just a typical turbo Musk hater

Anonymous No. 16322330

That's a shame I actually liked the utilitarian design of those

Anonymous No. 16322332

>ULA had the lowest price
how much fucking money are they losing on this contract

Anonymous No. 16322334

The only thing more replaceable under gunfire than a political activist is an elected congressmen. They make creatures like this on an assembly line. Taking one out does nothing to slow or deter the movement.

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Anonymous No. 16322335

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Anonymous No. 16322337


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Anonymous No. 16322338


Anonymous No. 16322339

Nah heā€™s just a disingenuous faggot snake

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Anonymous No. 16322342


Anonymous No. 16322345

Why is he so proud of himself for witholding the entire program on a technicality, like he refuses to admit his goal is to stall or even shut everything down. He's concern trolling over water, it is absolutely ridiculous

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Anonymous No. 16322346

Anonymous No. 16322347

>Why is he so proud of himself for witholding the entire program on a technicality
What else does he have? Somebody should beat him up irl in minecraft.

Anonymous No. 16322349

Don't threaten someone with a good time

Anonymous No. 16322351

this is just an angle of attack he has found, previously it was about a powerplant in starbase (which spacex then took out of the enviromental assessment to speed it up)
I think ultimately it is simply very severe EDS, he hates Musk
he doesn't give a fuck about SpaceX or space and I remember reading some of his blogs sometimes and the lack of knowledge with respect to basic spaceflight shows
might be a TSLAQ person, don't remember exactly

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Anonymous No. 16322352

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Anonymous No. 16322354

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Anonymous No. 16322360

Felon Husk is finished!

Anonymous No. 16322363

How can one man be so unlikable
Did doctor x whip up a concoction to spawn a batch of humen, accidentally drop too much schizoid cream into the mix, and out comes ESG and Spaceguy5?

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Anonymous No. 16322365


the thread is longer

Anonymous No. 16322366

There must be some financial incentive for them to keep going, otherwise it's just a mania.

Anonymous No. 16322368

Why didn't he have his paypigs make a list he could have looked through? Maybe that list could have been shared here to add to like that excel sheet

Anonymous No. 16322369

have you seen places like r/enougmuskspam
its like a hobby to them, a bit like reading about spaceflight is somewhat of a hobby to people here

Anonymous No. 16322371

>so much was still unknown about Starship and people were fucking asking about local parades, what Muskā€™s favorite color was, just useless shit.
What? What are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 16322373

Can I get a QRD bro what are you talking about?

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Anonymous No. 16322374


45min now

Anonymous No. 16322375

>have you seen places like r/enougmuskspam
No but I believe you. What a cavalcade of faggots.

Anonymous No. 16322376

Stop posting this garbage you digusting faggot reddit nigger.
Funded by Sierra Club which mainly does anti nuclear which is funded by big oil.
Also it doesn't matter at all since the facts seem to not be on their side.
The test data is clear. It's not a pollution issue and negligible amount of runoff so they got the go ahead to operate until the other license comes through.

Anonymous No. 16322377

It's been what over a decade by now? Totally a religious experience at this point

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it&#039;s all real.jpg

Anonymous No. 16322378

b careful

Anonymous No. 16322379

>can we see these documents?

Anonymous No. 16322380

Go rewatch the last starship update, it was a year or two ago. Go to the q&a section. Not a single person asked a technical question, and this was back when there was still a ton of speculation about raptors, header tanks, plumbing, the landing burn, etc

Anonymous No. 16322383

probably refers to this update with Starship MK1 in the backround that happened in 2019

Tim had an interview after it

Anonymous No. 16322384

>Wang said he likes to spend a lot of time in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago.
Sounds like he's preparing for life on Mars

Anonymous No. 16322387

this is actually more hilarious and fascinating than any ESGhound cope. Tory just keeps saying shit and putting his foot in his mouth lmao.

Anonymous No. 16322389

ESGhound seems to think there is some technicality which is not acceptable and that all of these agencies are breaking the law, but he has been wrong in the past and is probably wrong now too
unfortunate that FAA reacted like this to the hitpiece though

Anonymous No. 16322393

Too bad heā€™s just one loser and fate has already decreed Starship to succeed. No one has ever struggled against the destiny of the indomitable human spirit and won.

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Anonymous No. 16322395

i am going to find this man

Anonymous No. 16322403

It would be interesting to know what initially started ESGhalfwit's wasted crusade against Elon. Was it simply because Elon tried to work with Trump at the beginning? Or was he one of the republican leaning detractors who lost their mind over EV subsidies during the obama years?

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Anonymous No. 16322405

Anonymous No. 16322407

Definitely got fucked by tesla shorting and then decided to dedicate his life to getting revenge. Many such cases

Anonymous No. 16322411

oh god this is gonna have the same tech issues just like the Desantis space isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16322412

this is going to break twitter. Servers are going to deep fry themselves. This week alone has been crazy; people are dunking with all these political takes and musk trolling and stuff and itā€™s all getting millions of views within minutes. Feels like the wild west

Anonymous No. 16322413

>Hi, Iā€™m Eric. Iā€™m a bit of an Environmental policy wonk, a cynical SOB and am highly curious about how societal, regulatory and economic systems interact in the fields of sustainability, resource consumption and capital deployment. Iā€™m a biochemist initially by training who ended up getting into environmental engineering, which I have a Masterā€™s of Science in.
>Iā€™ve done laboratory bench work, been an environmental regulator/public servant and have worked in industry and consulting for over a decade. My primary expertise is in the Clean Air Act, notably in implementation and compliance with Oil and Gas and Chemical industry Federal and State Standards. I do some Process Safety Management (PSM) work as well. Iā€™ve also done operational and ethics audits in industry. Iā€™ve done project management for projects large and small, typically those with a large environmental compliance risk.
so basically he does fucking nothing aside from endless paperwork which is why he thinks that's what engineering is >>16322354.
he's just obsessed with legal shit that has to do with the environment, that's it. he's probably going after spacex because they don't have pride parades unlike the environmentally compliant lockheed martin. what a faggot

Anonymous No. 16322414

Broken for anyone else?

Anonymous No. 16322415

spaces still have bugs where some speakers can't hear other speakers

Anonymous No. 16322416

i switched to the mobile app

Anonymous No. 16322417

I'm not listening in, but do post here if they talk about anything space related.

Anonymous No. 16322424

Youtube restream?

Anonymous No. 16322427

there are many, here is one (who can't get the stream to work either)

Anonymous No. 16322428


Anonymous No. 16322429

retards on /pol/ are linking ai deepfake qr code streams keeeek

Anonymous No. 16322430

>interview course

If there are classrooms that teach you how to interview people I know they are empty

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Anonymous No. 16322431

Considering something like the kola superborehole here on Earth (12.3 km maximum drill depth) which, granted, is an extreme case and you wouldnā€™t be able to really extract any resources from that deepā€¦
Does the reduced gravity on Mars or other planetary bodies allow you to drill deeper? This is more of just a hypothetical, because I suppose it would be WAY easier to just tap surficial ice than drill this damn deep for water. Still cool nonetheless.

Anonymous No. 16322432

Damn million views every 2 minutes

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Anonymous No. 16322436

>can't even get a live stream to work
It's over, force him to sell it to boeing so it can be done right

Anonymous No. 16322440

just like the DeSantis stream

Anonymous No. 16322442

Bro had all week to stress test this. Someoneā€™s getting fired tomorrow lel

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Anonymous No. 16322444

Did Twitter workers make this so they could free up server space for the stream?

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Anonymous No. 16322445

I got in just now only like 60k listening, how is it going to handle millions lmao

Anonymous No. 16322446

Another 20,000 people have started trying in the two minutes I've been trying. I'm not sure if there's any real way to stress test for something this size

Anonymous No. 16322447

i'm sure there are plenty of butthurt trannies trying to ddos as well

Anonymous No. 16322448

I think over 220k people trying to pile into the same space is going to do that all on its own

Anonymous No. 16322449

>Because he is a scheming rat who seeks to install himself into power for perpetuity
Thatā€™s right, which is why we should vote for the vice president of the vice president of the presidency from 2008 (-16 years ago)

Anonymous No. 16322450

EU threatened to block X if Musk didn't stop Trump from lying.

Anonymous No. 16322454

>if Musk didn't stop Trump from saying things they didn't like

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Anonymous No. 16322455

Anonymous No. 16322456


Anonymous No. 16322457

Seems delusional. Actual election interference. But very hard to care about

Anonymous No. 16322460



Anonymous No. 16322465

White house reporters were asking if it could be taken down to prevent the spread of misinformation. Tyrants of the world are hungry for power and authority.
I used to hand wave it away as false speculation but Iā€™m actually beginning to get worried they will seethe and try everything to block a Mars colony. It will be unacceptable to them. Especially the prospect of a government from scratch that has Muskā€™s (i.e. classical colonial American) ideals like free speech as the bedrock of society. They will claw and scream and try everything to stop it, Iā€™m telling you.

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no links just feels.jpg

Anonymous No. 16322468

and bioluminescent entities - but those employ a lot of transformers

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Anonymous No. 16322469

Anonymous No. 16322472

me when iā€™m schizo and my online webzone product isnā€™t working correctly

Anonymous No. 16322473

The pent-up shitposting here is creating a collective anxiety, those aren't bots, just liberals and foreign enemies
Thank God for 4chan, they're coming for us next

Anonymous No. 16322474

FAA blocking future mars supply launches over ESGhoundā€like minutia bullshit (water pollution lol) leading to total colony loss

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Anonymous No. 16322478

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Anonymous No. 16322480

Cope chuddy.

>With great audience comes greater responsibility #DSA
>As there is a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content in in connection with events with major audience around the world, I sent this letter to @elonmusk

Anonymous No. 16322483

this is actually psychotic. Muskā€™s response with the tom cruise meme was chefā€™s kiss though kek
Someone said he emerged from his reddit chrysalis into a chudderfly lmfao

Anonymous No. 16322484

History taught them the grave error of not crushing the colonies in America. They are not making the same mistake again.

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Anonymous No. 16322485

it's joever

Anonymous No. 16322486

Cope. Same shit happened with DeSantis

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Anonymous No. 16322488

meet kevin has the audio though

Anonymous No. 16322490

> there is a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content to the state
This is how you know the eurocrats are afraid

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roman news reader.jpg

Anonymous No. 16322493


Anonymous No. 16322494

I just got in, maybe they fixed it

Anonymous No. 16322495

Theyā€™re such fags itā€™s unreal

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Anonymous No. 16322496

It's afraid.

Anonymous No. 16322497


Anonymous No. 16322498


Anonymous No. 16322499

Ave! Hello newsposter.

Anonymous No. 16322501

same go go go

Anonymous No. 16322504

I'm in
>738k other listeners

Anonymous No. 16322507


Anonymous No. 16322508

Trump streaming some vibe music

Anonymous No. 16322510

this is the elevator music that plays before Tesla earnings calls start

Anonymous No. 16322516

This is the power of the worldā€™s most smartest technocrat?

Anonymous No. 16322518


Anonymous No. 16322525

Currently at 962k

Anonymous No. 16322528

started talking

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Anonymous No. 16322531

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Anonymous No. 16322533


Anonymous No. 16322534

2 minutes in and the autism levels are off the charts

Anonymous No. 16322535

Can't a few billion dollars get you some decent oratory skills training?

Anonymous No. 16322536

It is election interference of he didn't give Kamala equal chance for an interview.

Anonymous No. 16322538

lmao seething

Anonymous No. 16322539

geeg the way he says blood

Anonymous No. 16322541

I don't even think interfetterence is a word.

Anonymous No. 16322542

She wouldnā€™t do it but I think it would be cool. Musk is right, thereā€™s a difference between a formal ā€œinterviewā€ and just hearing what a person is actually like. But kamala is a politician, she will never show her normal side I donā€™t think. Trump thrives by just being himself, which I appreciate, even if there are things I donā€™t like about him

Anonymous No. 16322543

She won't even do an interview with friendly media, what makes you think she will accept anything like this?

Anonymous No. 16322545

Seeing you chuds lose again will be sweet.

Anonymous No. 16322547

Speech therapy too. Wonder why not.
>tremendous crowd
Man trump still a laugh

Anonymous No. 16322553

>secret service womantard is named kate
makes sense

Anonymous No. 16322554

why does donny have a lithp

Anonymous No. 16322556

sounds like me after a bottle of Scotch

Anonymous No. 16322565

next stage has begun

Anonymous No. 16322598

We already saw it with, ironically, South Africa.

Anonymous No. 16322747

SpaceX cost more because New Glenn and Vulcan won NSSL phase 1 development. Falcon Heavy lost that round, and received minimal external funding for its development. It kept a standard fairing size as a result. Vulcan received money for its extended fairing and vertical integration capability with that contract. SpaceX instead won NSSL phase 2, which includes money for an extended fairing and vertical integration facility, which naturally lends to SpaceX "costing more". Add up NSSL phase 1 and 2 for ULA and compare that to SpaceX winning phase 2 solo. What's cheaper now, Vulcan or Falcon Heavy?

Anonymous No. 16322894

>Norwegian state broadcaster this morning
>"Expert about Elon Musk - He seems to have become radicalized"
I just want to go back to bed and hope CERN unfucks shit soon.

Anonymous No. 16322929

Saddam Hussain graph

Anonymous No. 16322956

$20 says everything will be hidden or just crude mockups shown, the rest cut with "ITAR" censorship when Jeff never wants to show things in the first place.