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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16322564

Dragon demo 2 commemorative merchandise edition

previous >>16319623

Anonymous No. 16322567

Fuck Space
Fuck Elon
Fuck Trump

Anonymous No. 16322569

based and ESG pilled

Anonymous No. 16322570

1/3 correct

Anonymous No. 16322571

This thread starts amongst the best of circumstances, here comes the Starship domination

Anonymous No. 16322573

Cancel MSR

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Anonymous No. 16322574

Spaceports in Greenland

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Anonymous No. 16322576

musk needs to start talking about mars

Anonymous No. 16322577

>crane finally repaired and rigged
Took them long enough, on to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16322578

Sucks that the USA tried to purchase it a few years ago and they all had salty TDS and said no. I want to expand our borders! Greenland, the moon, Mars. Expand the empire now

Anonymous No. 16322579

That's the shit I'm waiting for, I want Elon to ramble for 5 minutes straight while Trump tries to keep up with the autism.

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Anonymous No. 16322580

Anonymous No. 16322581

SpaceX should design their own crane

Anonymous No. 16322585

The interesting thing about that is not even the first time the USA has inquired about purchasing Greenland but you wouldn't know it all because of TDS.

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Anonymous No. 16322586

non productive people

Anonymous No. 16322587

Earth mentioned it’s starting

Anonymous No. 16322588


Anonymous No. 16322589

he knows rough guys

Anonymous No. 16322590


Anonymous No. 16322594

Last one’s still page 9 stupid faggot.

Anonymous No. 16322600


Anonymous No. 16322601

they keep edging the space talk but then move on. COME ON MUSK RAMP UP THE MARS AUTISM LAY IT ON THICK

Anonymous No. 16322602

Starship launch base in North Korea?
I vote YES!

Anonymous No. 16322603

>nuclear warming

Anonymous No. 16322608


Anonymous No. 16322610

What is this rambling bullshit

Anonymous No. 16322613


Anonymous No. 16322614

Project 2025 SpaceX iron dome over the USA

Anonymous No. 16322615


Anonymous No. 16322617


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Anonymous No. 16322618

>twitter is down due to a spike in traffic

so this is the power of elon + trump

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16322621

remember when leftists would ddos right wing websites some years back? yeah... it became a big deal that lots of cloud providers dropped right wing websites due to the endless harassment. i wonder if its coming back.

Anonymous No. 16322622


Anonymous No. 16322624

elon really wants to talk about an efficiency commission

Anonymous No. 16322625

jfc elon’s stuck in a “government efficiency commission pls hire me” autism loop ugh

Anonymous No. 16322626

why is Elon so obsessed with his government efficiency commission idea?

Anonymous No. 16322627

because the economy is going to implode if the government keeps taking debt like this

Anonymous No. 16322628


Anonymous No. 16322629

He think there is still a political solution lol lmao

Anonymous No. 16322630

>taking debt
Fuck off retard that's not how it works and not what he's talking about

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Anonymous No. 16322631
>The new Long March 12 on the pad.

Anonymous No. 16322632

Actual autism

Anonymous No. 16322633


Anonymous No. 16322634

>no landing legs
we sleep

Anonymous No. 16322635

that is precisely what this is about, you run the budget at a deficit which means you need to take debt/print money which then causes inflation
if it gets bad enough you get hyperinflation and the economy implodes

Anonymous No. 16322636

He said it, he wants to be part of it. He probably has lots of stuff to cut down in mind, BEAD might be an obvious one if starlink is out

Anonymous No. 16322637

on a scale of 1-10 how better off am I if I continue not listening to the interview thing

Anonymous No. 16322638

Who raised the deficit with billionaire tax cuts I wonder

Anonymous No. 16322640

Fuck off retard

Anonymous No. 16322641

Fuck off retard that's not how that works

Anonymous No. 16322643


Anonymous No. 16322644

at this point if they do talk about space it will be less than two seconds before elon starts talking about this fucking efficiency commission again

Anonymous No. 16322645

It's a Chinese Zenit lookalike. It's not supposed to be reusable

Anonymous No. 16322647

completely irrelevant with respect to the amount of deficit that is happening
you could loot all billionaires and it wouldn't change anything, you would just destroy incentives to create companies and make the problem way, way worse

Anonymous No. 16322648

My question is why aren't you obsessed?

Anonymous No. 16322650

nta but i’m too busy being taxed out my ass to care about how it’s spent after. Nothing I can do. I’m demoralized

Anonymous No. 16322651

efficiency commission sounds an awful lot like a possible massive perverse incentive problem.

Anonymous No. 16322652

wait wasn't Musk apart of Trump's economic advisory council until he left because of the Paris Accords?

Anonymous No. 16322654

>one second apart

Anonymous No. 16322655

afuera nigga

Anonymous No. 16322656

>debt isnt debt bro

Anonymous No. 16322657

It isn't you stupid fucking faggot that's not how it works

Anonymous No. 16322658


Anonymous No. 16322659


Anonymous No. 16322660

show revenue reduction or fuck off

Anonymous No. 16322661


Anonymous No. 16322662

this is so epic

Anonymous No. 16322663

Bacon metric is through the roof it’s over thanks biden

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Anonymous No. 16322664

jannie cleansed the 'log of some shitposts after staging, this thread was launched from page 10

Anonymous No. 16322665


Anonymous No. 16322669

I own US treasury bonds, you telling me the government doesn't have to pay me or anyone else back with interest lmao. Yeah, maybe they can default and I should've bought ammunition instead

Anonymous No. 16322670

uhhhh here we go!

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Anonymous No. 16322671

Elon… talk about space I beg you

Anonymous No. 16322673

the yield can be negative

Anonymous No. 16322677

lmaooo he's nerding out over CO2 emmisions
imagine him talking about space...

Anonymous No. 16322678

I’m hoping he uses this as a transition topic to move onto space and Mars
maybe i’m delusional though kek

Anonymous No. 16322679

nooo why is he a solar shill???
nuclear is better

Anonymous No. 16322681

Nuclearchads it’s over this was our one chance and musk fucking blew it

Anonymous No. 16322682

>nuclear warming

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Anonymous No. 16322683

"This time for sure. Presto!"

Anonymous No. 16322684


Anonymous No. 16322686

Wait jk we’re so back

Anonymous No. 16322687


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Anonymous No. 16322689

Harris Administration putting the brakes on SpaveX. Again.

Anonymous No. 16322690

nigga you have no patience

Anonymous No. 16322691


Anonymous No. 16322692

Elon so cute when he flustered uwu

Anonymous No. 16322694

Trump is such an idiot

Anonymous No. 16322696

all they did was kick the date down the road. People have reached out and asked why and the FAA said they just want “more info from SpaceX”
I doubt it’s a big deal, really

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Anonymous No. 16322697

That makes one of you.

Anonymous No. 16322698


Anonymous No. 16322700

so what kind of science will fram2 be doing?

Anonymous No. 16322701

musk really checkmated himself on the global warming meme, most of his fortune is based on ripping off the rubes that were dumb enough to be tricked by the global warming hype so now musk has to pretend to believe in global warming himself or tesla will be destroyed

Anonymous No. 16322702

>your rockets are obsolete
its’ over

Anonymous No. 16322703


Anonymous No. 16322704


Anonymous No. 16322705

sex science

Anonymous No. 16322706

current starship is obselete

Anonymous No. 16322707

retard. musk literally believes everything he says at the moment he's saying it.
there is not a single counterexample

Anonymous No. 16322709

examine the jewish heads

Anonymous No. 16322710

aaand here comes the Israeli shilling

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Anonymous No. 16322711


"Eric, you ignorant slut."

Anonymous No. 16322712

>I own US treasury bonds
Thanks for confirming my assessment kek

Anonymous No. 16322715

alright this has been my first time actually choosing to listen to a politician for more than 5 seconds in the last 5 years.
i listened for about 15 minutes.
do all politicians talk like this all the time? how the fuck do we ever make decisions if everything is always someone else's fault and you're always the guy with the perfect golden solution. how does demonizing the other side while they demonize you help the country?

this has done nothing but make me even more confused as to why people like the trump OP newfag insist on worshipping these fucking people, as if the word of one politician is worth more than the other's, when they all fucking spout bullshit meaningless drivel like this?
i'm sure the trump side is going to call me a leftist or something even though i dispise biden and now that fucking half nigger whore for the same reasons.

i thought maybe if i stomach enough of this drivel elon would at least try to enlighten a large crowd of people about the struggles of space, but fucking nothing.

can someone tell me how it's even on topic at this point? is it just because we have nothing else to talk about? feels like /pol/ is seeping way too much into this place as of late.

Anonymous No. 16322718

Unironically though please. The fact we don’t know if conception, let alone gestation is possible for humans in microgravity is a massive failing of human spaceflight research.

Anonymous No. 16322719

i only have it on as background noise lel
im just waiting for any mention of space

Anonymous No. 16322720

Oh come on now you're telling me they haven't tested this with monkeys at least?

Anonymous No. 16322723

i volunteer to be the first sexer in space.

Anonymous No. 16322727

Oh shut the fuck up, this is refreshing. Every other politician is a scumbag—the equivalent of the middle school class president nominee who stands up and tells you they’ll make the vending machines free, because of course that will get them elected. Trump speaks his mind and actually acts on how he speak. Try a better AI post next time faggot

Anonymous No. 16322729

>mission control orders you to have sex

Anonymous No. 16322731

Anonymous No. 16322733

I’d skylab mutiny

Anonymous No. 16322735

just Two More Weeks of ground testing after 5 years of trying to fix an issue will be enough, please understand

Anonymous No. 16322736


Anonymous No. 16322737

sex is only for my beautiful wife krystal not some astrowhore

Anonymous No. 16322738


Anonymous No. 16322739


Anonymous No. 16322740

That’s all we’re getting isn’t it

Anonymous No. 16322742


Anonymous No. 16322743

he hates trains so fucking much
"high speed tunnels"
fucking car salesman

Anonymous No. 16322744

lmao of course they are talking about the Vegas tunnel
at least he is talking about trains

Anonymous No. 16322746

>every other politician is a scumbag
>trump speaks his mind
the only difference i detect is how he talks, he has a more casual, laid-back way of formulating himself and he mostly refrains from using overly big words, that's what you call "speaking his mind" i guess.
>and actually acts on how he speaks
he flipflops on issues like literally every other politician, usually in reaction to what the other side is doing because it's one big fucking polarized mess and the other side of the political aisle is the enemy and satan and you are not allowed to agree with them on fucking anything even if it was part of your campaign 2 seconds ago.
>insert disclaimer here because you're probably so neurotic you'll think i'm saying that only republicans are doing this
>try a better AI post next time.
this whole response sounds like someone upset that i'm not fellating the fuck out of trump, i'm not even anti-trump as far as politics go, i might even vote for him. despite the retarded lawfare against him and the unconstitutional attempts to lock him up, he's still no different from all these other scumbags in my eyes.

but jesus fuck man this shit has nothing to do with spaceflight in any way, is there nothing else at all that we can talk about?

Anonymous No. 16322748

>wanting to ride public transportation with minorities
you wouldn't get it

Anonymous No. 16322749

he mentioned spaceflight for 5 seconds

Anonymous No. 16322751


Anonymous No. 16322752


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16322754

hey retarded NIGGER
high speed rail connecting major cities is not something the browns will use
all of whom you should deport anyways and then it is never an issue
retarded carnigger

Anonymous No. 16322757

great, glad we used a quarter of this stage's fuel reserves waiting for it.

i'd even prefer mocking ESGhound retardation over this shit, i feel exhausted.
maybe starship launches have fried my reward system.

Anonymous No. 16322758

>let’s further deregulate medical testing with no consequences to the pharma companies

Anonymous No. 16322759

why did you write the n word in all caps?

Anonymous No. 16322760

You don't listen to politics for face value. It's about predicting what will happen with a given administration based on everything else besides what they promise. Easy example, a lot of elon's money is going to help trump, and his VP is picked by tech bros. I'm listening to this interview to see how much trump has switched to speaking elon's language. Also trump's base is hearing elon and will be more receptive to elon ideas which will wrap around to what trump does to some degree, even if its mostly money and alliances that determine what happens.

Anonymous No. 16322761

it doesn’t work like that in the south when the minority count of legal americans is very high and public transportation is filled with graffiti and actual shit (like literal stinky, smelly, brown turds because someone shit on the back of the bus or the subway)

Anonymous No. 16322762

nta but i'm assuming it's because he wanted to put empathis on the statement that you're a nigger.

Anonymous No. 16322763

because i can you stupid coon

Anonymous No. 16322765

SpaceX cost more because New Glenn and Vulcan won NSSL phase 1 development. Falcon Heavy lost that round, and received minimal external funding for its development. It kept a standard fairing size as a result. Vulcan received money for its extended fairing and vertical integration capability with that contract. SpaceX instead won NSSL phase 2, which includes money for an extended fairing and vertical integration facility, which naturally lends to SpaceX "costing more". Add up NSSL phase 1 and 2 for ULA and compare that to SpaceX winning phase 2 solo. What's cheaper now, Vulcan or Falcon Heavy?

Anonymous No. 16322766

here's an idea
make it require being net positive tax wise to use
the main argument for high speed rail is to kill short haul air

Anonymous No. 16322767

FH is cheaper and even if it’s not I’ll say it is to make tory and contrarianfags seethe

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Anonymous No. 16322768

the n word is racist

Anonymous No. 16322769

>we could talk about rockets
>doesn't talk about rockets
what did he mean by this?

Anonymous No. 16322770

Big pharma are the megacorps they are today because of regulation. They're what you get when you put "a merger of state and corporate power' into practice. Get rid of the regulation and you cut all of them off at the roots, all at once. Are you too stupid to understand this?

Anonymous No. 16322771


Anonymous No. 16322772

ur a nigger, nigger

Anonymous No. 16322773

he’s foaming at the mouth to talk about the damn government efficiency commission again lol

Anonymous No. 16322774

good, now what?

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Anonymous No. 16322775

I like it.

Anonymous No. 16322777

Vulcan is designed to be comparable with Atlas V ground systems. Its vertical integration facilities were built a quarter century ago.

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Anonymous No. 16322778

i know you're probably right but all the fucking strategic cloak and dagger of politics just makes me want to cook the earth's atmosphere with a lazer and watch everything turn to glass.
it's all a bunch of shitting animals being controlled by some slightly less retarded shitting animals, everyone wearing their little masks to be respected in their little fucking groups.

can't we just turn it all to ash?

Anonymous No. 16322779

not that anon but I'll cut you some slack because americans who haven't been abroad dont know this

High speed rail isnt anything like local public transit. The tickets are kind of expensive. They are for traveling long distances from one major city to another, and in europe go between countries. So the passengers are mainly business people or tourists where a car would be too slow despite being cheaper.

Anonymous No. 16322780

I guess 25 year old infrastructure doesn't have the same punch?
leveraging existing hardware isn't necessarily a bad thing you know.

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Anonymous No. 16322784

>cook the earth's atmosphere with a lazer
And you all called me crazy

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Anonymous No. 16322785

Anonymous No. 16322786

finally we have something else to talk about. a nice retarded idea that people can point out issues in.

what if we did actually completely remove the atmosphere, but only in a small part of it.
we build a box 100 km in height around an area and launch from there.

Anonymous No. 16322787

> Exciting MOONSHOT projects
like what?

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Anonymous No. 16322788

Reposting from last thread >>16322431
Considering something like the kola superborehole here on Earth (12.3 km maximum drill depth) which, granted, is an extreme case and you wouldn’t be able to really extract any resources from that deep…
Does the reduced gravity on Mars or other planetary bodies allow you to drill deeper? This is more of just a hypothetical, because I suppose it would be WAY easier to just tap surficial ice than drill this damn deep for water. Still cool nonetheless.

Anonymous No. 16322789

Why didn't they just keep it during WWII as punishment for Denmark?

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Anonymous No. 16322790

ULA won their 60% share of NSSL Phase 2 because of those facilities. SpaceX was making big plans to build a vertical integration building at LC-39A, but completely dropped the idea after the award was made and hasn't built any VI capability since then. I've always thought that was pretty conclusive evidence that launches SpaceX won were just the ones that could stand being horizontal part of the time and the bigger share ULA got was because they already had the building needed to mount more orientationally sensitive payloads onto a rocket.

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Anonymous No. 16322792

Anonymous No. 16322793

i assume it would be more economical to go for the less deeper reserves first, although if it's unfrozen water, there might be some benefit to that, if you create a tap in a reservoir and it can just run up water, you don't really need any of the heavy machinery needed to dig large portions of ice and then melt them.

Anonymous No. 16322794

Amundsen was an ASSHOLE to his men btw

Anonymous No. 16322795


Mars isn't a featureless orb. It has geological features that will bring that water table closer to the surface. Think springs on earth.

For that matter, Atlas Pro did a YouTube on a dark patch in a lowland canyon that looks like a seep. This report makes that more likely.

Anonymous No. 16322796

coming back to this after thinking about it a little bit, you might need heating elements to stop the flow of water freezing on it's way up as it reaches the colder upper part of the crust.

Anonymous No. 16322798

Cool. I find drilling so fascinating. Being a martian driller would be such a fun operation, from exploration geology to going out there with hardware and just being a space cowboy while your giant drill rig cuts through the regolith. The core samples you pull out would be fun to examine

Anonymous No. 16322800


It's more economical to just melt ice on the surface. The real interesting thing is the deep water on Earth has life far down, and a deep table on Mars becomes a possible refuge for Mars critters.

Anonymous No. 16322801

The box would need a dedicated VAB-scale airlock for inserting your launch vehicle, for starters. Can you make a tight airlock that tall?

Anonymous No. 16322802

Imagine a capsule landing in the arctic. Completely unnecessary but would look great.

Anonymous No. 16322805

>100km tall building

Erm, probably not

Anonymous No. 16322807

Insert it from the bottom, only needs to be 9m wide then

Anonymous No. 16322809

Chinese zenit, good way to put it

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Anonymous No. 16322811

Anchor it in orbit like a space elevator for stability.
Underground launch complex, I like it. 4ASS can overcome the engineering challenges.

Anonymous No. 16322812


Atlas Pro vid:

Anonymous No. 16322814

Who gives a shit about muh civilization or muh multiplanetary species with a backup option for safety
Mars is cool simply because its a fascinating geological laboratory and that alone warrants thousands of people living there and exploring it and building a self-sufficient microeconomy just as a side project for convenience

Anonymous No. 16322815

this but millions of people and then industry starts developing there

Anonymous No. 16322816

That guy has tiny arms and general basedcuck physiognomy
stopped watching immediately

Anonymous No. 16322817

>a backup option for safety
nigga, it's not a fucking backup, it's the start of an empire, you're thinking too small.

Anonymous No. 16322818

Sure but you can do both at the same time, put a seedbank up there while you're doing everything else. Can't hurt, right?

Anonymous No. 16322819

probably the only current politician that's worth listening to and that's actually acting according to what he says is bukele. sry fren, but you knew that, otherwise you wouldn't ignore them collectively

Anonymous No. 16322820

unfortunately there is no 10 trillion dollar demand for a geological laboratory.
that is what a thousand person colony will cost.

Anonymous No. 16322823

fake af, the idea that its real is predicted on the idea that seismometry on earth is interpreted correctly and there is mountains of evidence geologists here on earth have no idea what they're doing when it comes to accurately interpreting seismometry

Anonymous No. 16322824

i know, it's just depressing being reminded of it any time i bother making contact with politics.

Anonymous No. 16322828

yeah I sympathize. there's just been too many vacant lampposts for too long

Anonymous No. 16322829

Excellent OP, timely and topical

Anonymous No. 16322834

it's a pretty retarded OP and it has basically nothing to do with spaceflight other than maybe elon being in the frame.

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Anonymous No. 16322837

It's actually a lot closer of a match than I was expecting. The Zenit-2 lifts 14 tons LEO and 5 tons SSO vs 12 tons LEO and 6 tons SSO for the LM-12. The Zenit weighs 460 tons with a 3.9m diameter against the LM-12's 430 tons and 3.8m, and the LM-12 is only 2 meters taller. The only significant differences are that the YF-100K / YF-115 engines have 60% and 40% the thrust of the RD-171 and RD-120. And the LM-12 has a 5m hammerhead fairing, while the the Zenit-2 has a straight 3.9m one.

Anonymous No. 16322844

When a falcon booster makes its last one way flight and the landing legs get removed to save weight, are those legs stuck on another booster or do they just throw them away and make a new set?

Anonymous No. 16322849

I imagine they're bent slightly out of shape and would require too much fuck to get onto a fresh booster.

Anonymous No. 16322859

Wrong, ULA was awarded billions on infrastructure upgrades

Anonymous No. 16322863

nobody is going to do these solo flights once commercial space stations are available

Anonymous No. 16322869

The whole value of Mars is the void of space filtering retards from making the journey thus creating a ultra competent and proficient frontier civilization to become the next hegemon as earth rots.

Anonymous No. 16322870

>The whole value of America is the breadth of the ocean filtering retards from making the journey thus creating a ultra competent and proficient frontier civilization to become the next hegemon as the old world rots.

Anonymous No. 16322872

yep, and now we are far gone and onto the next one. And hopefully by the time Mars is in its last legs we have some generation ships carrying the torch.

Anonymous No. 16322873

Well that did work for a while. Hopefully long enough to get to Mars.
What was your point?

Anonymous No. 16322878

That just means more dragon flights to the stations.

Anonymous No. 16322879

This is exactly what happened.

Anonymous No. 16322881

The problem is that America didn't come back to save the old world. You can't run forever. Mars will have to save Earth one day.

Anonymous No. 16322883

>Mars will have to save Earth one day.
>Pls help us Martians
>"lol, lmao even"

Anonymous No. 16322885

On the contrary, the problem is precisely that America tried saving the old world. It thought it could help the crabs and ended up getting dragged down by them.

Anonymous No. 16322886

>America tried saving the old world

If you didn't arm the Russians it would have saved itself. Faggot nigger.

Anonymous No. 16322887

>smokes joint
>destroys the competition
how does he do it bros?

Anonymous No. 16322888

>Mars will have to save Earth one day.
X Musk:

Anonymous No. 16322889

Mars won't be able to save Earth from Lunar rocks and missiles

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Anonymous No. 16322897

Musk is playing ten dimensional Chess while Boeing is still trying to master Chutes & Ladders.

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Anonymous No. 16322899

We have a plan for Mars and part of it includes leaving behind certain groups on Earth. We will have the best phone sanitizers in the universe.

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Anonymous No. 16322906

When are they gonna make a decision about shartliner? blows my mind that it's been up there 2 months already

Anonymous No. 16322914

Next week allegedly

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Anonymous No. 16322915


Anonymous No. 16322925

As a unless country like Denmark, you don't get to say "no" if it's really important
just build the bases and don't even bother asking for permission (Iceland precedent)
or just have CIA legally coup the country and find the guy to sign the formal approval (Australia precedent)

Anonymous No. 16322934

I think because they have already put a 2025 date on the table there is no real reason to not keep stalling and hope for some miraculous solution

Anonymous No. 16322938

after the election, nasa doesn't want to give musk any publicity victories before then, see OP pic for more on that topic

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Anonymous No. 16322948

What's up with the Mars - Earth - Jupiter gravity assist trajectory of Europa Clipper, Falcon Heavy has a LEO payload of 63tons and the probe weighs 6.1 tons, they couldn't find a Xeon/Hall bus that would fit in the fairing or were they just lazy ? I understand JUICE taking 10 years to reach Jupiter because of Ariane's limited dV budget but an expandable Falcon Heavy could just about lift a Centaur upper stage in LEO so why the hell didn't they go for a third stage, it would've cut transfer time in half, reducing the risk of failure during deep space travel

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Anonymous No. 16322961


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a Fram2 Eric Phil....jpg

Anonymous No. 16322972


> sex science

That's why the crew has two PhDD.

Anonymous No. 16322977

10 billion people watched Elon Trump X spaces. Holy shit

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Anonymous No. 16323002


Anonymous No. 16323047

The efficie cy commision is an indirect threat to all bureucracies fucking with elon, he can just cut 70% them if it actually happens (which would peobably be warranted for many, get rod of the retards, raise pay if you need to and still get ahead)

Anonymous No. 16323055

0% chance it will ever happen. The system will never let an independent commission that has the sole purpose of smashing their feeding trough with the fist of god come in existence.

Anonymous No. 16323066
>CNBC sucks

Anonymous No. 16323082

Musk should invite Trump to starbase for IFT-5 to watch the booster land

Anonymous No. 16323084
>Later, we saw the emergence of the Polaris Program, which is essentially a new Gemini for our time, but this time entirely driven by an individual rather than a government.

>With Fram2, we aim to open this door even wider. This is the true allure of commercial spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16323091

You're probably correct about that but some form of it could still happen. During the Trump presidency he issued an order that any time a federal agency added a new regulation, they had to remove two old regulations.The result was that lots of old crap that was out dated but still had to be complied with got removed since agencies really want to be able to keep adding new regulations.
Critics said this was mostly useless since those mostly old regulations weren't really doing anything but you had ancient regulations like every train locomotive being required to have a coal tar scraper. When diesel and electric locomotives came into being, the coal tar scraper regulation was never updated so even those locomotives had to have a coal tar scraper included in with the tools. No one had a reason to go back and remove the requirement until suddenly they couldn't add new regulations without getting rid of old ones, of which there seems to be an endless accumulation. So the requirement to have a coal tar scraper was scrapped. Probably saved the railroads a couple thousand dollars per year, so not actually impactful, but still something that over time will be useful as more and more old regulations are removed because now there's a motivation for doing so.

Anonymous No. 16323106
Lunar rover

Anonymous No. 16323153

He got a new phone!
I thought he was Galaxy S3 for life?

Anonymous No. 16323155

Is this why Elon is so powerful? Autism while eschewing the pleasures of memorizing the serial numbers of trains?

Anonymous No. 16323156

Secret service makes you use the goyphone

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Anonymous No. 16323176

It was. We need to keep moving outward or the fire dies

Anonymous No. 16323177

Module 7 of 9 for tower 2 getting stacked today

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Anonymous No. 16323183

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Anonymous No. 16323194

Anonymous No. 16323196


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Anonymous No. 16323199



The crew plans to observe Earth’s polar regions at an altitude of 425–450 km. At this altitude, Dragon will fly from the North Pole to the South Pole in just 46 minutes and 40 seconds, exactly 30 times faster than the One More Orbit mission did in 2019, when crew member Jannicke Mikkelsen and her team circumnavigated the Earth in a Gulfstream G650ER and set the Guinness World Record.

>Throughout the 3-to-5-day mission, the crew plans to observe Earth’s polar wilderness through Dragon’s cupola, leveraging insights from space physicists and citizen scientists to study unusual light emissions resembling auroras.

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Anonymous No. 16323203

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Anonymous No. 16323204


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Anonymous No. 16323207


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Anonymous No. 16323208

>Fram2 crew in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 2024-07-05

Anonymous No. 16323211

>Note that this is closed, and the enforcement action stopped at initial screening.

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Anonymous No. 16323214

>point-to-point transportation here on Earth

Anonymous No. 16323215

space is cool
elon is doing cool things
Trump started no wars, best american president ever

why are you a like this? How much did they pay you?

Anonymous No. 16323216

I get that you didn't get many replies, but that doesn't mean you need to reply to yourself.

Anonymous No. 16323217

Woah walked outside and mars + jupiter are stacked right on top of eachother. Very bright and very beautiful!

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Anonymous No. 16323226

Anonymous No. 16323233

Starlink should permeate the entire inner solar system

Anonymous No. 16323234

It makes economic sense and seems to have been Gwynne's idea. Shorter trip, higher utilization, more money made, more money saved. However it doesn't make sense in reality at all. Imagine how quickly that would get shut down after the first sonic boom outside of Manhattan

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16323237

looks fun

Anonymous No. 16323238

you would have to have the launch/landing pad pretty far out, but that would still save you a lot of time if you went to the other side of the planet
if this tunnel/vacuum train thing works out then it might make sense to have a few of these things

Anonymous No. 16323241

>Boeing 747 25k usd per hour all up maintennance and shit included
>14 hour flight say, big run
>350k total

I'm a starship giga optimist but 350k seems really freaking low. That's like your average joe selling his house in bumfuck and being able to buy 100+ tonnes to orbit. Idk maybe but I don't see it.

Anonymous No. 16323246

you could put 1000 people on Starship and the utilization would be much higher compared to the airplane
maybe 4h between flight vs something like 16h for the plane

Anonymous No. 16323248

nobody who could afford a P2P starship ticket is going to willing to save 20 hours at most, in exchange for losing their first class facilities before, during, and after a regular flight. Best case is that starship P2P becomes cheap enough to do that people use it instead of high end private jets and are basically paying for the entire flight themselves

Anonymous No. 16323255

I agree the cost would be hard to justify but part of the “luxury experience” would certainly be landing on a (presumably offshore) platform and then taking the luxurious first class boat to shore.
Also I don’t know how this would work if your destination was some super-landlocked place like nebraska, switzerland, etc. like how tf are you ever going to logistically do P2P there without blowing out windows and needing acres and acres and acres of empty space for a cosmodrome landing zone

Anonymous No. 16323259

saving a lot of time is a luxury by itself and so would the suborbital flight itself for a while
why would people care about losing facilities during the flight for 30 minutes? Thats irrelevant
you could have lounges at the launch pads or adjacent to them for a first class experience

Anonymous No. 16323268

in a perfect world Earth would have strategic landing platforms all over the place, and then connect to everywhere else via boat and/or high speed rail
But alas, we live in a society

Anonymous No. 16323272

>you could put 1000 people on Starship

Imagine the accident headlines KEK

Anonymous No. 16323275

Yes of course we can make a tight airlock like that! We already have state of the art tight airlock systems such as Your mom's asshole™

These advanced systems will not let anything through and allow insertion to everyone that has the launch control. Imagine all the niggers controlling it.

Anonymous No. 16323278

It's purely a machine utilization idea. It works in a spreadsheet. That's why Gwynne talks about it all the time and Elon doesn't really

Anonymous No. 16323282

Gwynne is the make shit happen gal though. Not saying that’s proof it’s gonna happen, but more often than not Shotwell is the practical one and Elon is the WvB-tier “okay now here’s why this is epic XD” guy

Anonymous No. 16323283

Still seems a bit crazy to me that most of the time all of the other planets in the Solar System could fit in the space between Earth and the Moon.

Anonymous No. 16323286

it’s mostly just empty space out there.
That’s why everything we DO have is worth exploring. Missions like cassini are so based. But hell even missions like voyager that are seemingly in the “middle of nowhere” still find interesting things going on. Probe the entire universe

Anonymous No. 16323289

Always greatly amuses me that a place that calls itself enoughmuskspam does nothing but incessantly talk about elon musk.

Anonymous No. 16323292

There are similar "enough x spam" communities for other "alt right" personalities like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson. It's part of the personality of that particular site.
While I generally try to yield to people smarter and more knowledgeable than me on the subject, I can't help feeling that we'd be better off with more less capable probes instead of the current small number ones that try to do a lot. Maybe the cost to get out of the Earth's gravity well is so large that quality over quantity is more resource effective overall and maybe Starship will change that math.

Anonymous No. 16323298

I think historically the $/kg has just been insane. Your options were to launch on, what, an expensive ass Titan? A dinky ass Delta II?
Goes to show why we’ve only explored Neptune and Uranus one time and one time only. Hopefully in our lifetime the cost gets driven down enough (Starship obviously, but also New Glenn maybe) to justify spamming more missions
NASA, unfortunately though, has a competency crisis as highlighted by MSR. They can’t do shit for cheap and the problem is only growing larger. Personally, I think it’s going to take private companies willing to do standard exploration busses and hopefully NASA will have interest in “investing” in these private exploration companies. Though perhaps this is unrealistic

Anonymous No. 16323300

elon doesn't talk about it because its a sideshow to mars colonization
I doubt it would be a very big revenue or profit driver even if it worked, just something somewhat useful for the world

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Anonymous No. 16323301


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Anonymous No. 16323303


Anonymous No. 16323304

maybe I’m just a hater, but this things kind of lame. I suppose all it needs to do is get you from point A to point B though lol

Anonymous No. 16323305

Literally never heard of them, and /sfg/ doesn't care. We are now at the point where human spaceflight is as routine as the daily Starlink launch.

Anonymous No. 16323306

ngl this guy is kind of full of himself and cringe. Like bro all you did was win the proverbial lottery and now you’re going to orbit, something thousands of space autistic want to do. You’re not changing the world you’re going on a sightseeing adventure

Anonymous No. 16323314

>Industry revenues are expected to reach an historic high of $996 billion in 2024. Passenger revenues are expected to reach $744 billion in 2024, up 15.2% from $646 billion in 2023
>Net profits are expected to reach $30.5 billion in 2024 (3.1% net profit margin). That will be an improvement on 2023 net profits which are estimated to be $27.4 billion (3.0% net profit margin). It is also an improvement on the $25.7 billion (2.7% net profit margin) forecast for 2024 profits that IATA released in December 2023.

so in short about 1T in revenue, with ~3% 3 bil in net profit

>The global telecom services market size was valued at USD 1,805.61 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% from 2023 to 2030.

>The average trailing twelve months' net profit margin for companies in the telecommunications sector, as of Q2 2022, is approximately 12.5%,

the telecom industry has 1.8T revenue and something like ~12% net profit margin, so 216 bil profit

so the profits from telecom is something like 70x what it is from the airline industry, not to mention point-to-point rockets would only be used for the longest possible flights and used by people willing to pay first class prices
the market and potential profits are tiny compared to what starlink can do
would probably be a massive pain in the ass as a business otherwise too, you have people on board which might die, you have sonic booms, you have a lot of local bureucracy to go through with

Anonymous No. 16323316

so was the trump thing a nothing burger then? just musk sucking off trump in the hopes that he'll let him get rid of the faa or any other government agency that pisses him off?

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Anonymous No. 16323318

I'm sure something will come of it.

Anonymous No. 16323319

Not really, I think it was honestly just an open conversation. There was indeed bootlicking (example being ‘put me on a government efficiency commission pleeeeease’) but I think it came from a genuine place in Elon’s heart, i.e. he’s actually sick of the left moving more and more towards radical stupid ideas that he sees as slowly eroding the efficacy and integrity country.
Trump was pretty moderate and just said a few funny things, a few serious things, and expressed his gratitude towards Elon. Simple as. Yet somehow this made WaPo journos, EU commissioners, etc. seethe because they are very evil people with control problems.
It’ll be a net positive, I think. Trump will win and SpaceX will have lots of breathing room without crackpot politicians trying to stifle them for “wrongthink”

Anonymous No. 16323320

It was a turd, we are still trying to flush it but it wont go down
starting to panic. what if everything falls apart?

Anonymous No. 16323322

TDS sufferers on suicide watch lmao

Anonymous No. 16323323

God I wish they'd all just do it already.

Anonymous No. 16323324

they love themselves too much to die an hero kek

Anonymous No. 16323325

Legacy NASA providers aren’t set up to build several cheap things and struggle to adjust to doing so.
Perhaps newspace companies like intuitive machines and rocketlab can take up the mantle. SpaceX is clearly set up for building masses of cheap satellites but don’t seem interested in adapting them to a fleet of deep space probes.

Anonymous No. 16323327

NTA but this is how I see it. Even if Neutron were a huge failure it’s still worth it for NASA to seed RL with money to keep them alive; purely for the sake of satellite/probe production. Other providers like Maxar, intuitive machines, astrobotic, etc need to take up this mantle as well. NASA is always talking about “seeding a thriving LEO economy” and I’d argue that’s what they should be tasked with: handing out really big fixed-cost contracts to companies to get good products for reasonable prices, which would help keep a space economy going

Anonymous No. 16323329

Self reflection probably not your forte if you claim that the only reason to not like your glorious leader is a mental deficiency. Who has the derangement?

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Anonymous No. 16323330

>Yet somehow this made WaPo journos, EU commissioners, etc. seethe
Yeah and their seething is making them look pathetic which is ruining their efforts of the last few weeks. They come across as incredibly asshurt.

Anonymous No. 16323331

You aren't well.

Anonymous No. 16323332

>Our statement on... whatever that was
Lefties really can't envision having a conversation huh

Anonymous No. 16323334

This is so pathetic. Who is the intended audience of this cringe millennial clapback? Wine moms on SSRIs?!
Telecom is yuuuuuuge. Why did Starlink partner with T-mobile instead of just making their own telecommunications platform from scratch? Is it too much effort? Doesn’t make sense to me… not like Elon needs to invest in his own cell towers across the world. It’s direct from satellite to consumer’s hardware; why introduce a T-mobile middleman?

Anonymous No. 16323335

>saving a lot of time is a luxury by itself and so would the suborbital flight itself for a while
With the advent of starlink (ironically enough), the days where you're cut off from the world and aren't being productive or aren't entertained and comfortable during a flight are coming to an end.

>you could have lounges at the launch pads or adjacent to them for a first class experience
First class tier lounges aren't that big an expense ($20-40m), but when you have to build, staff and supply it becomes more of a logistical problem than a financial one. Plus VIP transport to and from the remote pads in private transport. It's all possible but it just seems like not a big upgrade from what's already available and several orders of magnitude safer

Anonymous No. 16323336

>Is it too much effort?
they don't have rights to the bandwidth for one and fighting these providers directly would be much more difficult than just joining them
doing it this way doesn't mean Starlink can't become a mobile provider in the future but this gives them the opportunity to start iterating on the tech quicker

Anonymous No. 16323338

starlink doesn’t nullify travelfags from wanting to go to Europe and be brat and post on instagram and VSCO. Yeah we’re more connected than ever but who the fuck is out here canceling plans because they can google pictures of Paris instead of flying there first class

Anonymous No. 16323339

That dumb cunt can't go the fuck away fast enough for my liking.

Anonymous No. 16323342

>Implying she was the one who make that statement and not some campaign employee

Anonymous No. 16323343


spectrum, not bandwidth

Anonymous No. 16323344

No buddy I mean they can still Instagram while on the plane where previously it wasn't really possible

Anonymous No. 16323347

>why did Starlink partner with
They are already disliked by the government. Imagine if $1.5T of lobbying power was afraid?

Anonymous No. 16323352

being 14h on a plane fucking sucks man

Anonymous No. 16323353

Ahh I see, apologies for the low reading comprehension on my part lol

Anonymous No. 16323354

In news I haven't seen reported here yet, the Chinese station crew rotated back home and landed a few days ago.

Anonymous No. 16323355

its one of those things people have just accepted, I think, and if you told a majority of people they could shave off hours even for just 50% more in price they’d still say no. International flights are already expensive and many people begrudgingly account for it as part of their total travel costs

Anonymous No. 16323356

Hmm thanks for the update I actually try to follow chinaspace but haven’t seen that mentioned anywhere

Anonymous No. 16323357

this is shaving something like 10h off
and some flights are like 20h, not 14h, in those cases you would save almost a whole day

Anonymous No. 16323361

I believe people would still say no. The cost of travel is already near its maximum allotted value for many consumers, I would think. And you’re not convincing a majority of people to switch off of an airbus or boeing into a rocket packed like sardines that gets caught in mid air by chopsticks, now way in hell. Not for a long time.
Maybe drive down the cost and drive up the reliability with thousands and thousands of cargo flights first. But even then it’s probably still a huge stretch for the average consumer

Anonymous No. 16323363

She really is fucking useless, what is she all about again? She does... what? and why is she doing exactly those things... publish a statement from your diverse team of publicists to explain this thoughtfully
You, Kamala, should be in charge of the world because... why? repeat it again because I forgot the reason, why its you? Why you? Can we review your merits and vision?

Anonymous No. 16323365

Would you fucking retards talk about spaceflight and NOT politics?? Also yknow how those japanese restaurants have the chefs do tricks for customers with the food while cooking it infront of them? How could that be improved with low gravity like on Mars or the Moon?

Anonymous No. 16323367

this is not about average consumers, this is about people willing to pay to shave off that extra time
being packed tightly is not such a big problem if you have to sit there for only like 30min-1h

Anonymous No. 16323368

Earth to Earth starship is not happening anyways.

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Anonymous No. 16323373

Or not, the Chang'e 6 return capsule looks a lot like the Shenzhou in miniature. The last crew rotation came back in May.

Anonymous No. 16323374

Her whole game plan is to just not say anything and bank on the fact that 50% the retarded states of america is going to vote for her anyways. Which is the truth lol. You don’t need a campaign when the MSM is doing the heavy lifting for you, calling the other side literally hitler and a Threat to Democracy™
Look I get what you’re saying but my point is, for 99% of people, the problem is cost not the fact that they have to sit in economy for 20 hours. People have learned to rawdog those flights. People have adapted to fill the time with movies, music, naps. I don’t think people give a shit to shave off time if the trade offer is even more expensive ticket prices. And there’s simply not enough people out there prioritizing time over price willing to make the switch that would ultimately drive costs down. A majority people would not opt in to P2P

Anonymous No. 16323376

Should've gone all the way and called them "rich WHITE guys"

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Anonymous No. 16323377

Anonymous No. 16323380

spacex has a contract with DoD to study it

Anonymous No. 16323382

people are paying like 200k for 5min hops with virgin galactic and BOs little hopper now
this would not only be transportation point to point, it would be a whole new experience for pretty much everyone
you could probably sell these initially as just carnival rides instead of transportation

Anonymous No. 16323383

Oh please kindly bug off, acting like rich suborbital tourists = a majority of people flying international. Your fringe cases don’t count as a case study for the entire travel industry, bozo

Anonymous No. 16323384

Give me a break anon seriously

Anonymous No. 16323387

When we're in a hot war you'll be proven wrong very very quickly

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spin ksp.gif

Anonymous No. 16323389

I bet you could get some neat spin on tossed food items in low or even zero gravity. What food could demonstrate the Dzhanibekov effect?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16323394

your mother’s dried ovaries after I crisp them up in the HLS air fryer hannibal lecter style

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Anonymous No. 16323396

why do you keep talking about the majority when I have said multiple times you don't need a majority
or the entire travel industry
if you take the two top buckets here, you have about long haul flights per day and a fast transport method like this might induce demand

Anonymous No. 16323401

Hmm you’re right, let’s go turn a profit with the 8 guys who decided it’s worth it

Anonymous No. 16323402

Chicken drumstick

Anonymous No. 16323407

Ooh yeah that would look cool, good idea.

Anonymous No. 16323411

500 flights per day, ~250 passengers per plane, lets say 50 are business class so you have 25000 business class passengers per day
Its not as unfeasible as you imply, especially if you take a few more buckets in and that 25k per day becomes a pool of 100k per day and then you have some induced demand
getting to the other side of the world in an hour would mean people could life one the other side of the world of their workplace in some situations and just commute

Anonymous No. 16323412

>Muh Project 2025
Wouldn't be surprised if the democrats paid for that shit.

Anonymous No. 16323415

Yeah no shit buddy

Anonymous No. 16323424

The market just isn’t there. You either need to sell one ticket for the price of a starship ride, which even in the most optimistic estimates is $2 million. 2 million to save 10 hours? Nobodies time is that valuable. Maybe billionaires in need of heart transplants. Good luck convincing those guys to get on your rocket. The other option is finding hundreds of people who are going to the same place at the same time, willing to pay charter jet prices but get packed in like sardines and are desperate to save the 10 hours. This is also not a group of people that exists.
You also aren’t factoring in that a lot of the time saves go away getting to and from places rockets can fly. I live half an hour from 3 airports and 10 hours from the nearest spaceport. No one will ever land rockets at Heathrow. Have fun driving 4 hours from wherever you land to downtown London for that business meeting that was worth 2 million dollars to get to.

Anonymous No. 16323432

5k (not unusual for a long haul business flight) for 1000 people is 5mil

Anonymous No. 16323433

It’s simply not going to work out. Or at the very least, it’s going to take a ton of upfront cost from SX and the DoD to set all the infrastructure up first. And even then, those are likely to just be strategic landing pads outside of durkastan and ukraine and other hot zones. I simply don’t see it being affordable, anon; I don’t know how else to phrase it. It’s expensive and logistically tricky. You couldn’t sell me a 10 minute ride to Europe at private jet prices. Not as the average consumer. And you’re not fucking turning a profit by crossing your fingers and hoping the top 1% are interested. PEOPLE DONT GIVE A SHIT TO SIT ON A PLANE FOR 20 HOURS IT IS NOT A TIME ISSUE

Anonymous No. 16323435

it’s not happening cope

Anonymous No. 16323436

how often do you travel for 20h?

Anonymous No. 16323438

Almost never and when I do I factor in the two days needed for back and forth travel because it doesn’t fucking matter

Anonymous No. 16323439

why do you keep bringing up the average consumer, they are not relevant in this instance
this isn't for average consumers
and business class customers aren't 1% of customers, they are like 20%

Anonymous No. 16323441

How much would you say the average international flight costs. Business class, aka 20% of the market as you claim. How much are these people paying?
Just throw out a number it doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly accurate.

Anonymous No. 16323442

exactly, you don't travel 20h because it sucks
you might not value your time at all, but there are people that do
with 1h hops people could have weekend trips on the other side of the world
this changes things drastically

Anonymous No. 16323443

business class 5k like I said >>16323432
the average is irrelevant once again, you keep bringing it up every fucking post for some curious reason but that is not the market this is targeting so it is completely irrelevant
and there are about 25k per day that fall into this pretty conservative bucket >>16323411

Anonymous No. 16323444

Retard I don’t travel because an international flight costs me like $2000. I wouldn’t give a FUCK to get to europe in under an hour if you’re going to charge me $5000+ and I’d have to land in the mediterranean and take a whole day by boat and train to get to Germany or Switzerland or whatever

Anonymous No. 16323445

A: you aren’t fitting 1,000 people on a starship. That’s 1 cubic meter per person with 0 overhead for cargo, life support, chairs, etc.
B: the people who pay 5k for a flight are not going to put up with sub economy comfort.
3: you still have to find a thousand of these people going to the same place at the same time who are desperate to save the flight time
Anon, remember that the concorde failed as a travel model. You are suggesting something with all the problems multiplied 10 fold. It’s never happening

Anonymous No. 16323448

the reason SpaceX is not prioritizing or talking much about point-to-point is not because its not feasible, its because its a relatively small market compared to the telecom market >>16323314

Anonymous No. 16323449

it’s also logistically fucking stupid for anything but cargo but that’s a moot point I guess

Anonymous No. 16323450

you wouldn't because you are poor, but there are plenty of people who do care and fly those flights

Anonymous No. 16323452

Send me your cranial measurements for science please, this is like trying to argue with a brick wall that has down syndrome

Anonymous No. 16323453

>logistically fucking stupid for anything but cargo
It's MY teemu order and I want it NOW
Not tomorrow, not in 2-3 weeks, NOW

Anonymous No. 16323458

The Pentagon has mentioned using it for rapidly deploying special forces anywhere in the world. That might work but you sure wouldn't be getting the element of surprise.

Anonymous No. 16323460

By cargo you mean bombs right? You don’t seriously think we’ll be shipping the burger king trailer to a base in Afghanistan via starship do you?

Anonymous No. 16323464

Yeah it’s not supposed to be an ODST drop pod bro. It’s supposed to be a logistical replacement for C-130s and other cargo airplanes.
You don’t fly your precious cargo/soldiers over hot air space, you fly it in wherever patriots are in control and you have a comfy airbase with a burger king and fun amenities

Anonymous No. 16323465

Yes I do, see the post right below yours (that would be my post)
Also lol for us both thinking of that burger king photo, that lives rent free in my head lmao

Anonymous No. 16323468

honestly, I've expected Musk to go after nuclear power at some point. There is so much room for improvement, but is very capital intensive to develop new techniques like LFTR.

Anonymous No. 16323470

Never gonna happen. Could you imagine leftist backlash against a musk owned nuke? It would make the environmental survey at starbase look like a parking ticket in comparison.

Anonymous No. 16323471

1-3 times a year because it's 20+ hours from here to Europe or the east coast
t. Ausfag

Anonymous No. 16323472

Well also the regulatory gatekeeping is so far off the chart it might as well be in another star system. Sucks because it would be nice for Musk to be able to do his own nuclear research, he’d certainly be able to advance it if he didn’t have to deal with the red tape.
I wonder if incorporating businesses on the Moon or Mars would override regulation.

Anonymous No. 16323480

All these anons talking about point to point Starship travel and not a single mention of what the USSF is asking for with Rocket Cargo.

Anonymous No. 16323482

Musk doesn't tend to get into industries just because, usually it seems to be if the industry has been stagnating for a long time or is very critical for other reasons (X with free speech, xAI with AI and its potential dangers)
nuclear fission and fusion seem to have a lot of interest and investment right now, so its not something he needs to do

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Anonymous No. 16323485

Anonymous No. 16323488

Are you sure? I’d argue fusion—and especially fission—have been running in fumes the same way oldpsace was before circa 2015. The eternal “10 years way bro” meme is a direct result of red tape, minimal efforts, and billions of dollars in grants going to 0.000001 second of fusion positive power generation and then everybody pats themselves on the back over it and feels satisfied for the next 5 years without any more advancement.
Add on the fact that the oil&gas sector actively hampers nuclear advancement wherever they can. And progressives hate it for free.

Anonymous No. 16323489

10,000 strong drone swarm

Anonymous No. 16323491

oops had that backwards, should have said
*fission—and especially fusion…
point still stands though!

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Anonymous No. 16323492


the update is at the end I think (pic related)

Anonymous No. 16323493

>space force has a huge culture problem
>they make things as difficult as possible
>if they dont then their job and entire existence is on the line
>this is the complete opposite to the other branches of the military
>the other branches make it so easy that a retard can do the job
so space force tries to justify its existence by obstruction and obfuscation because they'll get fucked otherwise. how do you salvage something like this?

Anonymous No. 16323494

you have plenty of fusion startups and plenty of new gen fission plants that have not been able to be built due to red tape
red tape is not engineering and Musk creating a fission or fusion company would not necessarily speed that up in any way
talking to Trump and people in general about nuclear power might though

Anonymous No. 16323497

where are you getting this?
the stories I've read is that space force has wanted to integrate commercial space stuff into their operations as fast and widely as possible which is perhaps not directly addressing your point but seems to generally go against the ethos

Anonymous No. 16323499

Easy you trim the fat and accept that space force just needs to be a very small operation, like one or two or three main hub centers period, who just monitor space. The answer is always “the government overspends on fucking everything”

Anonymous No. 16323500

>Literally never heard of them, and /sfg/ doesn't care.
its not just /sfg/ but the spaceflight community in general doesnt seem to care. to me this mission is an amazing thing that helps push spaceflight forward, but to most people its "meh another billionaire joy ride".

Anonymous No. 16323502

whats with the fag bag?

Anonymous No. 16323504

NTA but I would like to direct you to my earlier post here >>16323306
Like who the fuck cares it’s a vanity project. Space is cool, I’m glad they’re going, but there’s no need to act like this is some sort of Moon landing

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Anonymous No. 16323506
>Mikkelsen, who is Wang’s neighbor in the Svalbard town of Longyearbyen, said she was shocked when she went from friend to future astronaut.
>“I absolutely did not believe Chun when he just randomly texted me,” Mikkelsen told CNBC.

lol this dude just asked his neighbor to go to space

Anonymous No. 16323508

Mosquito netting

Anonymous No. 16323509

We are living in the future

Anonymous No. 16323510

he has a crush on her, cringe

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Anonymous No. 16323512

I wonder if the crypto dude is banging mikkelsen

Anonymous No. 16323514

fuck astronomers, get a space telescope

Anonymous No. 16323515

Wishes he was most definitely.

Anonymous No. 16323516

I think if Yusaku Maezawa actually gave a shit he would have transitioned to a Dragon flight by now.
He got the bug out of his system on Soyuz. And once SX said they weren’t really prioritizing his flight he decided the whole effort was for the birds and left his DearMoon crew in the dust kek

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Anonymous No. 16323517

Anonymous No. 16323520

>In news I haven't seen reported here yet, the Chinese station crew rotated back home and landed a few days ago.
china has to do something about their station, nobody cares about it in the west, not even spacefags

Anonymous No. 16323523

>where are you getting this?
on space force reddit

Anonymous No. 16323524

They need to do something no other station has been able to do before, then nobody could pretend not to notice them. Maybe cook food over an open (but contained) flame? I don't think anyone's done that yet, that'd be novel.
They should send up some animals and try to get them to fuck, that's something NASA has ignored for decades and would catch the attention of the average westerner.

Anonymous No. 16323525

Reminder that the totally-not-deep-state entrepreneur with martian aspirations has been caught selling starlink terminals to Zlenski's zog regime, and that they are being used in vehicles and drones that regularly attack vatnik lands beyond the border.

Anonymous No. 16323526

a manned polar mission is new and they're helping commercial/private spaceflight. its not like they're doing a repeat of a previous flight.

Anonymous No. 16323527

I believe their upcoming hubble equivalent is going in a weird orbit that periodically brings it back to the Station

Anonymous No. 16323528

>space force is staffed by trannies
i don't feel so good

Anonymous No. 16323530

it was reported on spacenews that she also didnt give a shit about the national space council, which she had command over. she did the bare minimum then dipped out. this bodes ominous for spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16323531

>people you don’t mind are destroying other people you don’t give a shit about!
I don’t care business is business and war is business and we need a revenue stream one way or another if we want to start colonies off-world. Sorry to be sadistic but it’s literally not my problem?

Anonymous No. 16323532

Station-based telescope maintenance? That'd be new. They should try grabbing bits of space debris in close orbits and bring them back to the station for recycling. They wouldn't get anything useful but it'd demonstrate the future of orbital cleanup techniques.

Anonymous No. 16323533

seems like she was in charge of a bunch of things and didn't do shit in any of them

Anonymous No. 16323534

>caring about space debris
hearty laugh

Anonymous No. 16323536

i think most USSF use facebook but i dont have a facebook account to check that shit

Anonymous No. 16323540

It'd make them look really good, which is a thing they like.

Anonymous No. 16323541

>Dzhanibekov effect
Um actually it's known as the tennis racket theorem. Zigger

Anonymous No. 16323545

they never look good they just look chinese

Anonymous No. 16323547

>Station-based telescope maintenance? That'd be new
Did skylab ever do maintenance on their telescope?

Anonymous No. 16323548

I'm not certain it's been done with insects, let alone vertebrates.

Anonymous No. 16323549

Blow it out your ass.
Maybe, but it was always attached to the station. It'd be quite another thing to bring a telescope TO your station for maintenance before sending it back out to a different orbit. Even demonstrating something like that would make orbital shipyards look less scifi and more inevitable, and I'd like that.

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Anonymous No. 16323553

they had to do EVAs to retrieve and reload physical film cartridges. Also arguably the EVAs done because of the Saturn V launch that fucked up skylab (e.g. solar panel EVA fixes) was a direct fix for telescope power consumption

Anonymous No. 16323554

OP can't bake edition

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Anonymous No. 16323556

Which CAD packages does SpaceX use to make Raptor rocket engines? Is it AutoCAD or Solidworks?

Anonymous No. 16323558

What sort of Secret Service issued phone is that?

Anonymous No. 16323562

iphone docked to some sort of wireless charger
I wonder if Musk is serious about making phone hardware one day. I’d buy it. I’m sick of bending the knee to Apple and the whole green text/blue text thing is scummy

Anonymous No. 16323563

source: I have no clue

Anonymous No. 16323571

Back in middle school I had an android and I could just hot swap the battery. Very clutch. We’re going backwards with hardware and software it feels like. Google is rapidly becoming unusable. iphone auto correct is getting worse. Is the problem that we’re outsourcing everything to India?

Anonymous No. 16323574

google in particular took a dive

Anonymous No. 16323577

The problem is we’re min-maxing for things that aren’t the things you specifically want.
Hot swappable batteries mean bulkier, less waterproof phones
Google makes more money by prioritizing ads and keeping you on their pages as long as possible.
Idk who wins with crappier auto correct, maybe that one is indian code.

Anonymous No. 16323579

>point to point
when is virgin doing this? surely its not that difficult for them to do a test flight from LA to New Mexico.

Anonymous No. 16323582

Branson is anything but a smart business man and truth be told the biggest mystery in the universe isn’t whether or not we’re alone; it’s how that retard was able to make a billion dollars

Anonymous No. 16323586

I was always under the impression that autocorrect is used to train some neural network. Otherwise it's garbage and everyone should disable it.

Anonymous No. 16323588

I don't even use it anymore, all it ever spits out are advertisements for online stores. Duckduckgo gives me more of what I'm after.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16323601

>"musk was deranged in this interview"
>"the man should be locked up"
>watch actual interview
>it's just musk being musk.


Anonymous No. 16323606

Yeah they’re off their rocker and the disconnect between reality and the propaganda headlines is, truth be told, as fascinating as it is scary. I don’t like to fancy myself as an authoritarian but I unironically believe these journos need the equivalent of a disbarment. A banishment from publishing. It’s insane the level of misinformation they are spewing out, altering reality itself to whatever the lugenpresse wants

Anonymous No. 16323613

The "You don't hate journalists enough. You think you do, but you don't." meme that is going around a lot lately is starting to speak to me.

Anonymous No. 16323629

i thought the tower 2 was supposed to be 30m taller for ver3 ship

Anonymous No. 16323630

>You don’t fly your precious cargo/soldiers over hot air space,
Lazer point defense
Simple as

Anonymous No. 16323635

What if they shoot at you with lasers?

Anonymous No. 16323637

>A banishment from publishing
In a professional capacity yeah, they need to stop doing this period. Just stop. Blog if you want to, but this can't be what "the news" is, it does not work and is making everything worse.

Anonymous No. 16323649

Railgun/coilgun >>> Laser

Anonymous No. 16323651

smart rocks

Anonymous No. 16323657
We could apparently warm mars up with aluminum glitter

Anonymous No. 16323663

Or project 2025 nuclear warming, trust the plan

Anonymous No. 16323665

>Just contaminate your water and soil with nuclear fallout bro
Actually nuking Mars’s ice caps is fucking retarded and I’m tired of pretending it’s not

Anonymous No. 16323669

I was joking and yes I’ve been told that nuking Mars wouldn’t really change much, but I don’t think spreading aerosolized aluminum and nanoparticles is a better alternative kek

Anonymous No. 16323670

We will warm mars by mass producing UV resistant CFCs. Unfortunately, for obvious political reasons research into this method of terraforming will not begin on earth.

Anonymous No. 16323672

drop phobos onto the ice cap. problem solved.

Anonymous No. 16323681

It would enough to start off the process and any colonization effort would benefit from an increased atmospheric pressure. Any insitu built habitat would be exposed to much less internal stress, radiation would decrease and would help with equipment cooling.
Most all these aluminum or carbon particles would be in the air for 30 years at most before eroding. It would be mostly likely worth it

Anonymous No. 16323683

No I like phobos
fuck deimos, we can drop that little turd

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16323686

If anything, Musk was pretty timid in comparison to Trump. And Trump was just being his usual self.

Anonymous No. 16323689

we will lose phobos anyway since she's spiraling in. give her a bombastic end.

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Anonymous No. 16323698

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Anonymous No. 16323703
>Doing the @realDonaldTrump Space at my friend’s ranch in Wyoming

Anonymous No. 16323713

Demoncrats and the rest of the deep state don't want musk to spearhead the creation of an independent state on mars. That's why they constantly block him with the faa.

Anonymous No. 16323715

It’s funnier when you consider there’s like an 80-90% chance Musk typed all that shit on the SpaceX account, so he’s just replying to himself here lol
A long time ago he used to not like using twitter but he mained the SX account haha

Anonymous No. 16323718

Off topic retards so many of you go back to >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16323721

If musk had a interview with kamila harris i bet you would be spamming that shit here.

Anonymous No. 16323723

More like 0% I know what his typing patters look like he can’t write a full essay of corporate speak like that.

Anonymous No. 16323728

Spaceflight is the concern of states whether you like it or not. Also the main goal of the largest company in spaceflight is to create a new state on a different planet. It is unfortunately relevant

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Anonymous No. 16323732

Tell me what this is quick

Anonymous No. 16323736

No it isn't. It's just an excuse to wank over retards saying things instead of launching things to space.

Anonymous No. 16323738

Actually that’s a really good point

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Anonymous No. 16323739


Anonymous No. 16323741

What do you think we should do against China polluting high LEO?

Anonymous No. 16323746

A rocket equation you will never use in your line of work.
Now shut the fuck up newfag, i know most of you reddit fags came here after falcon heavy&starman and started pushing your reddit rules.
But we told you back then, and we will tell you again, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16323749

Source? Also fucking nothing because orbital debris capture is a retarded endeavor that has no customers.

Anonymous No. 16323750

I would argue that /sfg/ is pretty self-correcting. It’s only when little bitches moan and whine when the problem starts to get exacerbated, I’ve noticed. Not that I disagree with your point but you link to /pol/ almost every fucking thread now. It’s like when we had anons egging on the anti-anime poster(s?) to the point where it just exploded. Just use the hide option to cleanse the thread at your discretion–it makes it very enjoyable when the general rails off temporarily!

Anonymous No. 16323751

Commandeer tiangong with space privateers and demand they clean up their act.

Anonymous No. 16323754

Lol, wannabe moderater gets his panties in a twist over the musk&trump interview but doesnt even know about CCP china blowing up a shitload of starlink clones.

Anonymous No. 16323755

>But muh meme syndrome
Literal nothing burger.

Anonymous No. 16323758

bait, hook line and sinker… come on
You should have said hop campaign not the FH demo

Anonymous No. 16323761

More like i hit right on target.

Anonymous No. 16323763

Source on what? That china generates space debris?

Anonymous No. 16323766

Why are you here if you have so little interest in what's happening in space? Go back to >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16323767

The source is in this or the last thread.
Look it up.
Or just google it, no more spoonfeeding.

Anonymous No. 16323769

Well excuse me for not giving two fuckw about whatever rinkydink shitty satellites another country puts up and their rockets that we dont ever get streams of.

Anonymous No. 16323771

What? I was asking him (you?) to clarify if he knew about china polluting space or not. I know they do. I don’t know if he (you?) knows that

Anonymous No. 16323773

With this evidence I'm legit convinced we'll find alien life in Mars' subsurface.

Anonymous No. 16323774

Sorry, thought you where the troll a post above you.

Anonymous No. 16323775

Sorry but you don’t have to keep up with china space to know that a) they historically litter LEO and b) that they just had a huge constellation launch failure breakup

Anonymous No. 16323781

Yeah, reduced gravity increases maximum achieveable drill depth, but the lower rock temperature actually matters more. On Earth drilling is limited by the temperature and pressure getting high enough to cause the borehole to close over time. On Mars the crust is way thicker, so drillinh can go way deeper, and reach higher pressures than we can get down to here.

Anonymous No. 16323782

All good
It’s only a matter of time. Unless of course, it really was just a fluke and God has deemed us to be alone in a comically oversized universe. Many fall Mars a frozen hellhole but when you dig deep enough (literally kek) it seems there has got to be conditions that would support even mild ‘extremophiles’ that could have easily existed back when Mars was a water world oasis—which all geological evidence point to it being at some point in the geological past

Anonymous No. 16323784

The second one literally requires you to keep up with chinese spaceflight you even admitted to it yourself by saying 'just' when describing it you absolute moron.

Anonymous No. 16323785

i’m not going to apologize and babysit you for not keeping up with the current news cycle when you’re on a general filled with autists who track space news constantly

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Anonymous No. 16323789

So.... Boeing, huh.

Anonymous No. 16323790

Interesting, thanks

Anonymous No. 16323793

not enough time or budget to develop the added hardware, and they can just do the gravity assists it's nbd.

Anonymous No. 16323795

dragon capsule names are so fucking uninspiring

Anonymous No. 16323796

they are named by the astronauts that first fly them

Anonymous No. 16323797

I know. And I actually like the crews that have christened them with otherwise stupid and boring names

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Anonymous No. 16323799

musk is creating enemies everywhere he goes just due to outcompeting legacy players

Anonymous No. 16323800

Can't fuckin believe they called it Calypso

Anonymous No. 16323804

The reason probes are expensive is because we keep reinventing them, and the reason we only launch one of each design is because they're too expensive.

Anonymous No. 16323805

I know kek
Superior products speak for themselves. That is, until the AUS government tells Musk he can no longer offer services haha

Anonymous No. 16323808

tempting fate. and they get what they want.

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Anonymous No. 16323809
>What if we teleported the oceans to Mars?

Anonymous No. 16323812

xkcd is a faggot don’t ever post his shit again

Anonymous No. 16323818

Anything to do with tossing food around will be much slower and less impressive due to the reduced falling acceleration.

Anonymous No. 16323822

I consume content indiscriminately

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Anonymous No. 16323824
>Starship Version 2 Nosecones Spotted | SpaceX Boca Chica

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Anonymous No. 16323825


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Anonymous No. 16323827


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Anonymous No. 16323830


Anonymous No. 16323831

Gwynne has mentioned that SpaceX would love to have a go at nuclear tech but the regulations make it impossible to be worthwhile.

Anonymous No. 16323832

Bezos is finished

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Anonymous No. 16323833


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Anonymous No. 16323835

preparing for a RUD or is a catch attempt going to put more stresses on the tower than simply lifting?

Anonymous No. 16323836

How likely they will try catching with 2nd tower instead?

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Anonymous No. 16323838



Anonymous No. 16323839

We need to put a portal on Venus and syphon its excess atmosphere to Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16323840


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Anonymous No. 16323842


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Anonymous No. 16323843

module 7 still waiting

Anonymous No. 16323845

But actually 0% like why would they

Anonymous No. 16323849


Anonymous No. 16323851

why would Lockheed Martin do this? DON’T COMBINE THE PLANETS SIR

Anonymous No. 16323861

Not that this would (or should) inform the final decision but I wonder if there are slimeballs within NASA arguing against a Crew-9 2025 rescue on the grounds that Trump could possibly be in power and that he’d give a political win to Elon, and thus they should just fly back on Starliner
Admittedly I am just strawmanning, but as we have seen there are many losers within NASA who were very upset at Red Mars, the SpaceX HLS pick, and the shifting of Europa Clipper to SpaceX!

Anonymous No. 16323864

if Starliner fucks up then that is going to be an even bigger political win to Elon

Anonymous No. 16323866

I’m worried they are going to force a comeback on Sleaseliner nonetheless, out of pure bitter hatred

Anonymous No. 16323867

*Red Dragon

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a Should Have Kep....jpg

Anonymous No. 16323868

"Well we're boned."

Anonymous No. 16323871

why does NBN refuse to collab with starlink? other organizations are doing collabs including reselling starlink services.

Anonymous No. 16323872

NASA should just cancel every program except SLS

Anonymous No. 16323873

Wait a minute, so you complain about people not discussing spaceflight, yet when pressed on the matter, you yourself didn't know about a very recent spaceflight related incident that has been discussed and ridiculed a thread or two ago, let alone made the news in the normalfag sphere. I think you are just suffering from TDS, and should keep your fucking mouth shut.

Anonymous No. 16323875


They tried to assassinate Trump. You think risking the lives of two astronauts is going to bother them?

Anonymous No. 16323877

Last I heard neo surveyor was still on track so we just have to ask the asteroids not to hit us until 2027.

Anonymous No. 16323878

I’m okay with this in the short term but NASA really deserves funding for a (flagship, really) mega network of planet killer hunters. We need to be looking, and we need more data on how much is out there / the real risks within our solar system. This is something NASA has wanted for a long time and they just can’t secure the funding because Congress considers it low priority. I guarantee you though if this planet ever has an incidental mega-strike on a city without warning it will quickly become a concern

Anonymous No. 16323879


But there was no stream! How could he know about it?

Anonymous No. 16323882

Damn, got his ass unironically

Anonymous No. 16323911

they are in the process of doing that

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🗑️ bodhi No. 16323936


Anonymous No. 16323938


Anonymous No. 16323943

could be worse, they could have called it icarus

Anonymous No. 16323947

WAY too on the nose for being a bad idea.
(which is why they will probably name the S2 capsule that lmaoooo)

Anonymous No. 16323950

"efficient government" is code for fascism, don't you know that? What did you think that whole "Mussolini made the trains run on time" meme is about?

Anonymous No. 16323954

it'll take a little reminder to divert resources to planetary protection. something tunguska sized taking out a city, or even just some farmland or forest would suddenly make this a very high priority mission. so best case, we get a little warning shot like that instead of something that takes out industrialized civilization.

Anonymous No. 16323958

>something tunguska sized taking out a city,
If tunguska happend above europe millions would be death.

Anonymous No. 16323967

sure, about 2000km2 flattened and a bit less incinerated. could be anything from taking out some ships and causing a tsunami to hitting a mayor population center with even tens of millions dead. it wouldn't be terribly bad outside of the immediate impact area though, so we'd still have the infrastructure to keep launching.

Anonymous No. 16323978

Didnt tunguska also create a year of really bad crops because of diminished sunlight?
Bad crop yields have ended nations, ask the french.

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Anonymous No. 16323980

It was shut down because it's orbit is decaying, currently 350km and dropping.

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Anonymous No. 16323988

Anonymous No. 16323993

They're finally starting on HLS

Anonymous No. 16323997

I don’t ask for much but please please please let one hit europe it would be so funny

Anonymous No. 16324004

I dont think there was enough dust in the atmosphere to significantly reduce crops. unless you can find a source for that.
but thats part why that would be a warning shot. if its much bigger, it can cause years or decades of impact winter and then its a civilization killer event.

Anonymous No. 16324021

Yeah space is fucking empty and not even interesting in between like oceans area, that's why we should accelerate literally accelerate as fast as fucking possible between the void, propulsion breakthroughs should be #1 priority damnit

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Studying the rock....jpg

Anonymous No. 16324026


Anonymous No. 16324047

NX, because Siemens has had an iron grip on the balls of the aerospace industry for decades.

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Anonymous No. 16324084

>people are paying like 200k for 5min hops
And Body Odor probably takes a a loss on every ride.
But you know they'll make it up in volume!

Anonymous No. 16324086

The market stopped being there when Concorde was retired.
After 9/11, people learned that they didn't really have to be on site after the innernuts got good enough to skype in.

Anonymous No. 16324088

>A long time ago he used to not like using twitter

>now has like 3 regular alt accounts


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Anonymous No. 16324099

don't mind me, just posting the telescope's Original Gangsta

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Anonymous No. 16324112

This. More atmosphere is a lot more important than some water that's just going to evaporate in the low pressure.
I've been pushing the portal meme here for a few years now.

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Anonymous No. 16324116

I gave up xkcd when he did a shill for killary and made it part of the main numbering series.

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Anonymous No. 16324121

It was a volcano that did that. I think one volcano in the 18xxs caused a whole year of winter in the US northeast.
Ass-teriods aren't the only humanity-limiting events.

Anonymous No. 16324128

Berger interviewed Nelson and the first thing he says is muh potatoes and sack, he's a looping record just like Elon and Trump jesus christ

Anonymous No. 16324129

Pointless without a magnetic field to retain the gases. Fix the magnetic field and Mars fixes itself.

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Anonymous No. 16324130

somehow looks less like a corpse than usual
is it the lighting or makeup?

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Anonymous No. 16324131

fuck that berger noise, here's a real story

Anonymous No. 16324133

Krakatoa 1883 eruption, also destroyed most of the island. More of an explosion than an eruption as the shockwave was felt for thousands of miles.

Anonymous No. 16324140

>So, NASA has become an element of soft power for the United States government.

Anonymous No. 16324148

No shit, kids and adults worldwide wear NASA gear

Anonymous No. 16324158

>The majority of the spending is usually not actual spending but transfers of funds to where they are more beneficial to society
>And it's wonderful
Ars Redditca comments insufferable as always

Anonymous No. 16324159

I was not aware this was a problem, seems trivial to me

Anonymous No. 16324166

>Fusion Mechanical? Colonel, what's a specialty welding company doing here?

>Watch out Snake. Fusion's commitment to safety is also next to none with a 0.0 TRIR. They perform all types of specialty welding of exotic metals on projects, fabrications, or turnarounds and outages.

Anonymous No. 16324170

launch from a space port that doesnt exi-

Anonymous No. 16324173

Could be worse, there could be a probe that did a close fly-by the sun and wasn't named icarus

Oh that actually happened

Anonymous No. 16324175

Hmmph. For a democrat I can’t say I necessarily hate Nelson. I hated Bolden, huge fag. But granted, Bolden had to be the face of Barack “the moon? we’ve been there” Obama and his cuts. But nonetheless bolden was spineless and stupid.
Nelson isn’t afraid to call a spade a spade say
>yeah MSR and Viper are pieces of shit right now
while still trying to rally support from Rs and Ds to find a way to get it done, even if commercially, to keep it alive for the sake of NASA.
I liked big jim. I think I’ll go down liking Nelson, even if he was a fag as an astronaut who got someone killed for his own political vanity (it’s not his fault the shuttle he bumped someone on to blew up, so unfortunately I give him a pass here)

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Anonymous No. 16324178

up the flight rate, shuttle was launching 7 times a year

Anonymous No. 16324180

even if you take 2 series of shuttle groundings for multiple years into account, you still get an average of >4 launches/yr out of Shuttle. Miraculous; they were pumping out those orange tanks like horny rabbits.
SLS is lucky to average one (1) launch a year. Shameful!

Anonymous No. 16324183

I don't think Nelson has been a problem at all for SpaceX which considering the rabid nature of the hill basically makes him a saint and he will probably keep his job if Trump wins. More importantly getting non-obstructionists in the FAA and elsewhere will be very important to hitting Moon/Mars testing targets.

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Anonymous No. 16324185

it reached normiefag-tier years ago.

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Anonymous No. 16324188

It's hard to launch more than one per year of something expendable if you can't build them that fast.

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Anonymous No. 16324195

Yeah but the Shuttle ETs were expendable and had to be made from scratch, and the SRBs required lots of man hours to refurb. And the heat shield was a mess.
The only thing NASA got good at turning around quickly was SSMEs (they actually got the refurb time down extremely low) but now they’re wasting that by just expending them for SLS hahah.
But my point is it shouldn’t be different. SLS was sold as “Shuttle but simpler” and that was lie #1 out of many

Anonymous No. 16324229

Quick give the actual number of years it would take for just 10% of the atmosphere to blow off without a magnetic field

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Anonymous No. 16324230

The tanks and SRBs were a lot simpler than Orange Rocket Bad, which is a twisted mimicry of them.

Anonymous No. 16324274

I asked chatGPT and it said millions to billions of years.

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Anonymous No. 16324279

Ahhhh I was just looking at this upcoming F-15 deal to Israel and it reminded me about this mack crawford post I saw yesterday [Ive had McDonnell Douglas on my mind]
Worth sharing, I think. Sorry it’s random I just think it’s good trivia for the sake of record keeping

Anonymous No. 16324286

Then once the portal's set up you can start trading atmosphere without worrying about it

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16324292

It's over.

Anonymous No. 16324293

Are there any low oxygen flowers? What will be the first flower to bpoom unshielded on mars?

Anonymous No. 16324296

Cancel SLS EUS, just replace it with Centaur V
Hell you can even throw ULA money to basically make ACES, i.e. a refuelable and reusable Centaur V
Not happening bro Mars is, for all intents and purposes, a complete vacuum

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Anonymous No. 16324302


Anonymous No. 16324306

Fuck off sam altman, don’t you have a pillow that needs biting?

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Anonymous No. 16324318

I'm sure ChatGPT's answer is extremely accurate.

Anonymous No. 16324325


Anonymous No. 16324341

This concept was already market-tested with supersonic commercial air travel, and it failed miserably, for exactly the same reasons commercial rocket transport will.

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Anonymous No. 16324350

clearly ChatGPT graduated from Cirno's math class

Anonymous No. 16324352

>I was uh wondering if uh maybe you'd want to come to space with me?
>Um no thank you.
In space no one can hear your rape alarm

Anonymous No. 16324386

I always wonder how people get them to be so wrong on basic questions. Of the obvious questions I replicate I can't manage the wrong answer without just asking it to be wrong.

Anonymous No. 16324630

Venus has enough atmosphere to resupply Mars for centuries.