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Anonymous No. 16441497

This is just fucking depressing

Anonymous No. 16441509


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6 No. 16441517

This is a symptom of language softing. When you try to make.people feel better about themselves and become non confrontational using soft language.

What you are doing is obfuscating reality through language.


Because words are so powerful they can shape your perception of reality.

Think about that.

All this lying and deceptive language has consequences. People no longer live in reality but instead in abstract delusions.

Why not tell people the truth? Because the truth is inconvenient and would make people lose money.

Anonymous No. 16441527

>Because words are so powerful they can shape your perception of reality.
People like Alan Moore agree. Words are literally magic. SPELLing. Art is magic. Religion. Humans are obsessed and dominated by storytelling.

Anonymous No. 16441566

>communist Jewish professor
>bewails the consequences of spreading Jewish communism
115 average IQ people btw

Anonymous No. 16441593

O'Brien doesn't sound Jewish to me, more Irish. Your jewdar is seriously broken.

Anonymous No. 16441597

>Parents demand lower standards
>Managers give in to the demands and institute lower standards instead of telling the parents to get fucked
>Herp derp this is because of abstract language

Anonymous No. 16441603

The hibernian conspiracy

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6 No. 16441607

I'm speaking generally midwhit.

Nobody including you lives in reality anymore

Anonymous No. 16441612

These institutions don't deserve taxpayer money

Anonymous No. 16441614

It's fair to assume that students don't care about Marxism anymore because they view it as a dated ideology which was wrong. They are disappointed in past generations for being caught up with "studying" old bullshit rather than simply making an honest effort to improve upon it and moving on.

Anonymous No. 16441617

How the fuck do you improve upon something without studying it first? Imagine someone disregards Newtonian mechanics and invents some crackpot theory. Is it going to be useful?

Anonymous No. 16441623

Well many people have already gone down the route of studying it, and from what I and the average student are aware of haven't produced the expected level of improvement, lending credence to the idea that this path is a dead end.

Anonymous No. 16441631

The OP says his students aren't willing to engage with the basics. I've encountered a similar problem on a much more subtle level in graduate school. Many people, professional researchers mind you, will disregard citing old publications and would rather cite a much newer publication which contains the old citation. This is done for the purpose of appearing up to date on research or something. But you can clearly see that this obfuscates bibliography and makes peer reviewing the paper a massive clusterfuck. So, for example, instead of citing a theorem from 1930 using the original publication, people will cite some fancy paper from 2007 that uses the theorem to do something completely unrelated to what the researcher citing it is doing. And if you point this out to them they will scoff at you and think they're smarter than you.

Ultimately, all this behavior is a consequence of brain libtardation. People shove the notion of progress at the front instead of giving a time-independent assessment of the material on its own. So don't be surprised when less rigorous fields like sociology end up with Laquifas who shout that they don't need no old white man paypas cus we gots them modern shit and modern = good, old = bad.

Anonymous No. 16441639

>Humans are obsessed and dominated by storytelling.

Only if they're untrained in logic and ignorant in scope of experience. Then sure, a story that seems true might as well be true as far as they're concerned (especially if they find reinforcement in others around them or online).

Like reading fairy tales to a baby. Without logic an untrained intellect is liable to believe anything is possible. People who are literally illogical will even tell you point blank, "Anything is possible".

Anonymous No. 16441643

some things are not direct derivatives / modifications of current leading theories
i.e. you don't have to understand communism in order to avoid making its mistakes, because its mistakes were not inevitable

Anonymous No. 16441646

>because they view it as a dated ideology which was wrong.
Marxism is so dated (early-mid 19th century, it's as old as German Idealistic Philosophy and older than Charles Dickens), that people have no actual conception of the ideology in the first place.
>They are disappointed in past generations...
No, I personally agree with the guy's conclusion here even if I consider his arguments flawed. For many people, the idea of being politically active has turned into pure mimicry, an attempt of passing themselves off as innovative, modern, progressive and hence as being positioned in opposition/contrarian to the perceived (white heterosexual christian) power structure.
There's a reason why white heterosexual Christians are rarely, if ever found, in such movements.
>And if you point this out to them they will scoff at you and think they're smarter than you.
Modern-day academia has degenerated to a game of catching citation points.
It's even worse with the peer review system put in place that actually encourages academic fraud and the issue that an reliance on citing sources does not prevent but rather stimulates the occurence of cascades or chains of wrong conclusions that all motivate each other.

Anonymous No. 16441656

Marx was full blown retard.
>Buy linen for $2
>Make shirts sell for $3
>Aha!! Workers must earn $1 from this process.
Meanwhile ending Israel just makes sense.

Anonymous No. 16441661

> will scoff at you and think they're smarter than you.

Ah well they're fucking nerds. They probably just have a tendency to come off that way. I'm sure in the back of their minds they're thrilled at the thought of somebody actually reading their paper to the degree of noticing something like that.

I think the truth is people just have many expectations. At least the disappointment is something that they have in common with one another. In the case of academia, I think academics are overburdened, and have difficulty producing quality work as a result. The hours don't work. There's a reason why in the past science was a rich man's game. I think there's still an element of truth to this in the modern day, although it's not as plain now to see.

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6 No. 16441677

>Marx is so dated.

Yet to study economics it's required to read Marx.

Ever hear of the rate and tendency for profit to fall?

Ever read Marx critique on capitalism? Not Marx revolutionary ideas.

Anonymous No. 16441681

>Yet to study economics it's required to read Marx.
Is it? I was under the impression that people studying economics generally did not get to learn Marxist approaches in their foundational studies. Reading Marx to understand economics is like reading Kant to understand philosophy. You can do without both, you're just missing a huge portion of it that just so happens to be ignored by modern-day academics.

Anonymous No. 16441695

>Only if they're untrained in logic and ignorant in scope of experience.
So the masses?

Anonymous No. 16441749

Yes. educational instruction should start with, not end with, logic

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6 No. 16441753

Economics is a political science. Not technical.

So yes you have to understand the political economy. Technical measurements are separate in systems sciences.

Economics is multidisciplinary.

But yes I had to read Marx. As well as Karl popper. And other political philosphy

Anonymous No. 16441821

With how popular Marxist content creators are I'm inclined to disagree.

I think they're just too lazy to read, few of the people you'll find studying sociology actually want to study sociology. They just want to study something because parents/peer pressure/party/collage football.

I despise Marx but he's considered very important in the field of sociology so they probably should read his work.

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Cult of Passion No. 16441841

>but he's considered very important in the field of sociology
This is why Psychology has changed since Peterson and why they hate him so much...Academia is a fucking joke.

This is why I can run laps around professors in so many fields...theyre stuck centurieSss in the past (1867!!!!!!!!).
This is all Systems Biology now, alllll that bullshit they read is downstream of Evolutionary Biology, Cognition and Physics.

Anonymous No. 16441845

Not science.

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Cult of Passion No. 16441858

Is when I lecture about it...but hey, this is an "Academia" board now, so yeah...lets flag this thread and go back to /b-sci/.

Look at this bullshit equation, completely skips over assyemetrical Biological systems...what a bunch of retards, eh?...

Anonymous No. 16441860

Before I finish reading I'm going to comment.

I read the communist manifesto. It's pretty important foundational text for post-modern thinking and understanding the conditions of "late-capital" society. I recommend Mark Fisher as well, who perfectly diagnosed our situation. Marx was brilliant.

My parents were shocked I would even READ Marx. This "don't read things you might not agree with" is stupid. If you want to do philosophy, you have to understand what the discussion is. People also find reading Nietzsche shocking or problematic.

Marx mostly bemoaned "abstraction," that is, the distancing of laborer from their product under "division of labor." Imagine:

>Artist is hired by company to make a marvel funkopop- everything in the commission is essentially driven by what advertisers assume the "market" wants.
>factory workers supervise machinery that produces the comissioned piece that the artist "made" as dictated by the marketing department.

This is the kind of state of art in the 21st century. Every "higher" art is either elitist or should be free. The consumer gets something so abstracted from art it's absurd. The printing press and then the internet contributed to this.

The other thing to understand is that MARX saw the world as DUALIST just like Christians and many others. There are good people (proletariat) and bad people (bourgeois) and "heaven" is when the bad people are gone by appearling to the rules of the "church" of communism.

It doesn't have to be rocket science for most people, so they didn't read Marx. Replace good people with LGBT people of color and bad people with facist and you get the current flavor. Same shit, different ass.

Anonymous No. 16441878

I read Marx. It wasn't just about "exploitation" but also abstraction and his contribution to post-modernism and understanding our "late-capitalist" times is important.

See example:

In 2022, FUNKOPOP decided to dump 93 million dollars worth of merchendise to the landfill to avoid oversaturating the market, to save on warehousing, etc.

ONLY in CAPITALISM, am I right?

Ok but hold on.Imagine an Artist is hired by the Funkopop company and comissioned to make a new piece of art- a Tony Stark licensed bobblehead. The artist works on a computer to make a 3d model based on the specifications for art style, shape, and licensed character design as dictated by what a board of market analysts determines most optimal, by analyzing consumer behavior.

The artist submits the proposal which is sent to a factory where the production of thousands of bobbleheads is performed by machines and supervised by workers. It's likely that a human never directly touched the product before it was boxed.

So the artist makes someone elses character, someone elses art style, the marketing department decides based on sales numbers, the workers have no input on what they are producing, and neither does the consumer, other than their willingness to spend.

This is significant to the abstraction from the product of labor Marx bemoaned. I also recommend to read Mark Fisher.

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Cult of Passion No. 16441881

>MARX saw the world as DUALIST
Just like Hitler and the like, this is the flaw of midwits. Dualistic imposes univision, balance (of the market) becomes impossible because it can only be balanced through dominance. Also, Communism mipulated the market throgh the product, not the monetary system. Capitalism and Communism was huemanity learning which was "more true", and his philosophy lost...hard. Also, Communism was defined as global, again...failed economic system.
>just like Christians
Are supposed to be Trinitarians. As are Muslims and Jews, but they denied this historically, but this was resolved in New World Order.

>good people & bad people
This is the shit Im talking about. The parasitic people, the ones Marx hated, LOVE dualistic societies, because they latch onto the "good flag side" and use it steal from the Neo-Judens.

Same feces, different orifice.

>Systems Biology
Cognition of NATURE (Huemans), Not Mathematics, Not Economics (Maths).

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Anonymous No. 16441893

>b-but w-why wouldn't they c-care about M-Marx like I do?
His ideas sucked, scientifically speaking, with the dataset being all the times his ideas were tried. It's not like even the former communist states or the USSR's satellite states have fully recovered. It wasn't that long ago that the Berlin wall fell. I am a jelly doughnut.

Weak leadership, "leaders" who are more afraid of offending than being a bad leader.

Anonymous No. 16441896

oops. i thought it failed to post. I think the other problem here is that there is entirely too much to read, and really the humility that comes from studying a discipline (notice that word?) comes later in life once you realize that what you're talking about is a century or more behind what's been already retread. The less you read, the less likely you are to understand your own naivete.


It's true though, the erasure of history and the use of terms like "old white man" is very anti-intellectual and not healthy for a society. Our axioms aught to be pragmatic, not based on what sounds like its going to make your life easier in the next 20 seconds. Sorry about the double post.
I'm talking about dualism as a black and white morality. It's interesting that the neomarxists we are whinging about claim to be moral relativists or pluralists, but cannot tolerate anything resembling "western" thought, attitude, skin color, etc.

It's ironic that this trojan academic horse of what we are calling "neomarxist" (and it goes by many names, but we know it when we see it) is destroying academia, western culture, etc.

The paranoid conservatives are correct that something is eating culture. The liberals call it "deteritorialization" or "appropriation" but it seems ironic that globalism and liber policy is usurped by the market to turn everything into a commodity. What can we do about this?

This stuff in the past IS going away. I'm a plant ecologist, so I have to accept that fact every single day. Is it naive to cling to anything? The only babies that make it out of the bathwater (and I'm talking about things like ideologies and attitudes) are the ones we rescue, and most of those aren't going to be able to compete in the environment of the distant future either.

Uh. Oh right.

Para-dime shift

Anonymous No. 16441914

Scrapping the redditpops is because they wouldn't be sold. China did the same thing with their bike and EV craze. Just fields of abandoned vehicles. Of course, their impetus was a little bit different form long-term supply mismanagement. Governments inevitably produce shit for the sake of production and its bad for everyone, except the manfuacturer getting paid and fleecing the goyim with his pet politicos.

Anonymous No. 16441921

>In 2022, FUNKOPOP decided to dump 93 million dollars worth of merchendise to the landfill to avoid oversaturating the market, to save on warehousing, etc.
Hmm i wonder what happened in 2022 that could've thrown a wrench into funko's projections. I think something important was going on in those days.
>ONLY in CAPITALISM, am I right?
Oh yeah, that was the year of Covid!
>Ok but hold on.Imagine an Artist is hired by the Funkopop company and comissioned to make a new piece of art- a Tony Stark licensed bobblehead. The artist works on a computer to make a 3d model based on the specifications for art style, shape, and licensed character design as dictated by what a board of market analysts determines most optimal, by analyzing consumer behavior.
You're vastly overestimating how much effort goes into those things. And calling them 'art' is a stretch. Art carries a message, funko pops don't have a message to carry.
>The artist submits the proposal which is sent to a factory where the production of thousands of bobbleheads is performed by machines and supervised by workers. It's likely that a human never directly touched the product before it was boxed.
Wouldn't that be a good thing in Marxist Eyes? No workers were oppressed and stolen from in the making of the bobble head.
>So the artist makes someone elses character, someone elses art style, the marketing department decides based on sales numbers, the workers have no input on what they are producing, and neither does the consumer, other than their willingness to spend.
The marketing department also employs workers though. It's their job to decide what will be made.
>This is significant to the abstraction from the product of labor Marx bemoaned. I also recommend to read Mark Fisher.
I won't thank you very much, I'm not interested In a new dietary plan.

Anonymous No. 16441934

If Marx existed today, he would be of those "champagne socialists" that live in affluent gated communities. He would see poor people as lesser animals and himself as a messiah who knows better than them and self-appoint himself as their spokesperson despite never having a conversation with a single one of them in his entire life.

Scientists explain reality through models. Models start off simple and become more complex as more data become available. However, that's not the case with people that practice pseudoscience like Marx. Even with so much data available, he still described people with a simple model, proletariat and bourgeoise, and saw everything in terms of value and labor. It's as if he thought people were just simple animals motivated by primal biological urges. It doesn't matter how many pages of text you write when your basic premise is wrong to begin with. He's either being intellectually dishonest or incredibly naive.

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Cult of Passion No. 16441943

>I'm talking about dualism as a black and white morality.
Im talking about Cognitive limitation of "dualism". He cannot see the world beyond that, his morality is downstream from that, his philosophy, politics, economics, all of it. The WORLD became polar (Dualism), East vs West/Communism vs Capiralism, and "they" tried again under Trump. Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Palestin, Black/White, its the failure of Cognition...ALL political discourse from them, all laws passed, will be corrupted by this "Dualism".
>This stuff in the past IS going away.
Is that why religion is on the rise and atheism has become a host for liberal Democrats?
>I'm a plant ecologist, so I have to accept that fact every single day.
You were supposed to take away some sort of Evolution...not all was wrong, figuring out which part was is the "Intelligent Design" part.
>Is it naive to cling to anything?
Cling of nostalgia or tools for tomorrow?
>[...] are the ones we rescue.
Like a Republic from the terminal disease of dualism? Left/right politics is done so for reasons too deep in other fields, but suffice to say one side evolved and the other resisted. The resisted side was dualistic, the left. Dualism has a place, but when its so adhered to it refuses to Evolve, its a death spiral.
>aren't going to be able to compete in the environment of the distant future
Mine's several thousand years old...its fine, there is a reason there is an ancient Egyptian pyramid on the back of US dollars.

A reason why people prepare sacrifical calfs thousands of years in the future, and why psuedo-religious pagans mimic them at the same time.

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6 No. 16441953

Marx was rich. Also you have no idea what your talking about.

Have you read Marx critique on capitalism? It's spot on. As a student of economics I admire Marx and his foresight.

And put Marx as one of the great intellectuals.

However I don't Ike that Marx was an athiest.

And his revolutionary ideas were kinda dumb. And incredibly naive

Anonymous No. 16441970

This ISSUE is a result of abstraction. The good is only "valuable" in "currency." The value that it would have to a person who could have the good isn't included in the calculation. Sharting on the earth by landfilling this material also doesn't count as a good reason to not do this.
A better example for this sort of product dump is if a farm overproduces a perishable good. It isn't worth the labor of sending it to a food bank. They sit on it until it rots. Hundreds of pounds of basil or kale when people are out there having to stop eating fresh greens because they are 5$ for a clam. If they can't get that 5$ it isn't worth it. I worked at a a farm. They are literally unable to do this and survive as a business. I'm not blaming the business necessarily. Read between the lines for the words "We Live In A Society."
You don't get it at all. Marx would consider the alienation of the worker from their product as exploitation. I read Marx, you sound like you didn't.
I agree that dualism is cognitively limiting. I think the reason that religion is on the rise is that people can finally sense the limitations of the "existentialist" attitudes as we have a society that cannot align itself with anything beyond serving a market. You can't steer that battleship. At least "God's Will" has an aspect of being able to adapt to encroaching brick walls. At least God's Will can advocate for things outside your immediate gratification.

I like Tools of Tomorrow. However, I'm saying some of this stuff isn't going to be able to survive. Some ideologies grow over others like mold on bread. This is what is happening.

Anonymous No. 16441975

Employment became about box ticking, so education became about box ticking. The result is lower quality everything, really.

Anonymous No. 16441979

I have become the joker, minus the butt stuff.

Anonymous No. 16441981

You mean you became a criminal?

Anonymous No. 16441992

Well Mr. Teacher, did you ever dedicate time in school, in the classroom, at the desks, during school hours, to reading the communist manifesto or whatever other texts you felt important for the students to read?


Well that’s odd, when would they be able to read it then?

After school?

You mean to tell me teenagers, after sitting through six and a half hours of study, are to ignore hanging out with a group of youths at the corner, ignore playing sports, ignore artistic extracurriculars, ignore digital media, and instead read academic texts?

You mean to tell me they are to do this during weekends and holidays also?

Okay, your right, that’s not entirely true. They can “time manage” to spend the rest of their evening doing your readings and assignments after they do an hour or two of organized extracurriculars.

Does this also apply to their other five classes they are taking, including the math and science ones as well?

It does? They have to drill math and science problems, and complete long winded essays and quirky projects, out side of school hours? They have to do all of this every night?

Well, it seems the students are having a hard time completing these readings and such, maybe we should do them during school hours instead?

There's not enough time?

But the school year is ten months out of the year, and fiver days a week, that is an absorbent amount of time to get good at something, even something as multifaceted as academics. Certainly your class should have enough time out of the year to complete a couple novels and other pieces, then discuss and write multiple essays on them?

Hmm, very strange.

Anonymous No. 16442019

>old commie boomers who haven't taught anything in fucking decades

facebook posting should be insta banned

What in gods name does jews and terrorists in the middle east have to do with marxism...

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Cult of Passion No. 16442029

This is the reason I'll never read his infantile, stubborn, childish garbage. He is a boy that demands a prize for the work he FEELS deserves it. He and everything he touched has nothing to do with objective reality, its all subjective feelings of externalized worth. I would give him the belt, and the buckle end at that.

We see that in today, everyone gets a prize...thats the results of "not being alienated from their work"...and everything is alienating to reality as a result. Doctors, government, law...antithetical to its original design.

Even the example here the thread, the worker FEELS unappreciated.

This is also related to "feeling needed/useful", to which he didnt, so even if he had food, a roof, the bits...he wasnt satisfied. He needed reverse polarity and destroy everything "just to have something to do" as Jordan Peterson would say.

>I'm saying some of this stuff isn't going to be able to survive
Youre not listening. Several thousand years is being generous to your HUEMAN ears. Evolitionary Biology, I can correlate this is billion year timescale with Genetic Hybridization and growth/decay cycles, thats why Communism is so broadly destructive, its Nature's "total system decaying mode" as a by-product of bad Eugenics practices (too deep for here, I have multiple thesis on these in multiple fields).


This is why students still love it, it will never go away because it never started, it only got a new name. "Fascism" at its basic for has been recorded for thousands of years, but it builds.

Communism decays, thus you wont find many "great halls" dedicated to it...except in painting of people toppling statues and the like.

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Cult of Passion No. 16442031

>What in gods name does jews and terrorists in the middle east have to do with marxism...
This guy....Marx was the Most Jewish man a Jewish man could be, rabbinacle lineages. Jew of jews.

>What does Ecology have to do with Economy, doe?
Systems Bi-...[sigh]...fucking particle physics mother fuckers!

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Cult of Passion No. 16442033

Until it isnt.
>particle physics

Anonymous No. 16442421

I think the point OP is making, is that none of you can sit still and read. You don't do the work. You don't think critically.

Anonymous No. 16442439

Cock gobbler.

Anonymous No. 16442447

Why would I do the work if it's stupid?

EBOK No. 16442448


You keep using this word, but I don't think you know what it means

Anonymous No. 16442454

Why wouldn't you do the work in a class you signed up for? Jesus Christ. You're supposed to go to university to weigh all angles, and come to conclusions yourself.

This sort of attitude is why the current generation is associated with a low IQ. They don't think, they FEEL, and it's why you have so many dumbasses under the age of thirty marching for terrorism.

EBOK No. 16442456

Don't think, feel and better thinking will come.

Way to misunderstand Bruce Lee's wisdom.

EBOK No. 16442458

It means there's more to thinking than using the gestalt effect of the word 'think' and starting from there. You have to work your way to good thinking, starting with a feeling. I knew you were retarded instantly however, and used the word retard alone here.

Anonymous No. 16442459

>dumb fuck samefag doesnt know how to remove his trip
L o l

EBOK No. 16442464

You cuck

Anonymous No. 16442469

This board is filled with angry sub-30 morons

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Cult of Passion No. 16442475

>but I don't think you know what it means
FEEL...You dont FEEEL your "art" is appreciated. YOU ARE HIM.

>"Both of his parents were Jewish, and descended from a long line of rabbis."
Why are you posting on /sci/? Go back to /pol/ or /b/.

>Don't think, feel
Your heart has betrayed you.
>You have to work your way to good thinking, starting with a feeling.
LMFAO....yeah, you started with angst and seething from your "garbage art-ideas" not selling for gold. You now FEEL youre owed "your Lot" but the market says "Mmmmno."

Hey, found one of them. He has a "reversed polarity" understanding of reality that makes Trinary impossible, and forced a dualistic retarded worldview, but since its negative led it crushes growth/positivity with pseudo-profit of consumption of destruction (sole purpose is destruction, like burning down your house in winter to feel warm for a night.)

You see this cult making in Uni-Versities, where "peace & love" becomes "F Donald Trump, F white people". Its Cognitive inversion, where evil becomes good, and good becomes evil...there is a Bible verse about that...and Woe to him who cannot see it.

Youre not a Psychologist or Cognitive assesser, youre using FEELINGS instead of objective reality (or definitions of words). Anti-Science, anti-Truth, anti-Life.

Never facing consequence for your beliefs has blinded you into belief you have not have defeated yourself by never being defeated and Evolving from loss is the only thing you cannot handle so you became Cognitively blind to its reality. An idiot too stupid to know he lost, a lobster that raises its claws after losing a battle, the pigeon that tips over chess pieces and struts after.

[shatters but says its full]

Anonymous No. 16442498

If bad, Jewish.
If bad and not Jewish, corrupted by Jewish zog
If good, not Jewish
If good and Jewish, ignore
That's the /pol/ mantra. You can never convince them otherwise

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Cult of Passion No. 16442651

>rabbinacle lineages
>particle physics
He attempted to turn a binary of positive and negative into nuetral (all suffer equally) but this was just another binary, he didnt solve it, he made it not uniary [by default] with the other side "killed off" instead of incorporated.

He attempted to "solve" Judaism's "both sides/neutral" position, thats exists because of trinary. Force a binary and uniary becomes the only [logical] solution. This related to Evolutionary Cognition and Genetic Hybridization, and why it becomes uniary.

Eco[nomics] eco[logy] eco[nophysics]...echo echo echo...words words words...

EBOK No. 16442655

I'm not a schizo. I'm a psychological parapeligic

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Cult of Passion No. 16442668

>I'm not a schizo.
I am the most Polyphrenic man in hueman history.
>psychological parapeligic
Correct, this is atrophied Physiology, directly correlated to Cognition and ability to perceive reality itself.

I can measure your soul to the cellular level if I had the patients to calculate its dimensions. Please be respectful, I died for this knowledge, hueman-mortal.

Anonymous No. 16442780

ngmi you are a brainlet retard

EBOK No. 16442812

Well no I don't mean it like that

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Cult of Passion No. 16442822

The patient doesnt give differential diagnosis...I have Wilson for that [the wall I talk to].

EBOK No. 16442824

How would a paraplegic psychologically, go about using wires and processing something such as a message with his mind?

I promise to change, I'm also experiencing what is a three body problem. Of paraplegic. If only I could send a message or do, not only would that make my time easier, I'd be able to seek contact out of my biosphere if this even makes sense.

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Cult of Passion No. 16442862

>I promise to change
Me too.
>I'd be able to seek contact out of my biosphere if this even makes sense.
Im trying to chop wood and carry water in an unknown land.

You have been heard, I will adjust procedures.

EBOK No. 16442873

>>16442824 #
>I promise to change
Me too.
>I'd be able to seek contact out of my biosphere if this even makes sense.
Im trying to chop wood and carry water in an unknown land.

You have been heard, I will adjust procedures.

EBOK No. 16442876

One who knows he has been heard is foolish to the endeavour. Speak

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Cult of Passion No. 16442893

Mirroring/baseless contrarian asshat, youre an avatar of the Holy Spirit, a blind and ignorant entity that knows only what erects its ego penis.
You god is a disabled and requires constant saving from its broken Ecology.

Your species, huemans, are being bred into death spirals constantly...this is why I have no desire to meet or speak with your kind, you act as agents of Satan.

Every. Single. One.

Stop guessing start learning No. 16442899

Your back i thought you died faggot

EBOK No. 16442901

Kys fag. Stop harassing cult of passion, our teacher

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Cult of Passion No. 16442902

Your number...missing 1.
[spits in your face]

Youre disabled and request.

Need implies lacking.

The lacking god seeks.

I find...and give freely...because I produce more, and more, and more...

It a you.

Anonymous No. 16442932


Anonymous No. 16443217

If Jews are the enemy, why does the stereotype of the self-hating Jew exist?

Stop guessing start learning No. 16443381

Alright man put the drugs down boomer.

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the case against ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16443432

Good. The education system is a waste.

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Cult of Passion No. 16443469

Shut your cock-hole.
Drop your pseudo-superiority, BOY.
At least youre talking up to up and not down to up, again...

Ever heard the phrase "Three Jews, Four Opinions"? Alternative perspective is also a revolutionary perspective. And if the standard is made Jew, then the alternative is counter Jew.

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Cult of Passion No. 16443471


My life is dope amd I do dope shit, driving through the countryside of France at the moment.

Anonymous No. 16443475

"Age of Unreason" would be a dope book title.

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Cult of Passion No. 16443492

>Stop guessing start learning
Also, when are you going to do what youre labeled as? Living out a LARP online?...thats Split Perception of Self.

Schismatic Phrenology.

Youre not different when you speak from the same perspective...merely altered lexicons.

Anonymous No. 16443498

Why are we talking about Marx in a science board? I've read Marx, Nietzsche, Kant, and Ayn Rand. I've read religious texts from all across the world. I don't understand what that has to do with science.

I was an English Major before I studied Geology. I graduated with both. Some of the most difficult classes I ever took were English classes. The students were informed and understanding.

Still again. Don't understand why this is on a science board.

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Cult of Passion No. 16443500

From the Greek, phrenic means both diaphragm and mind.

Head and heart, rebuffed by its own capitalistic desires.

Latin word meaning "head,".

The dead being eaten by the dying, being killed by the collective...Das Kapital, comrades...

Anonymous No. 16444041

Because not all Jews are sinister, and many are simply misguided and depressed people.

Anonymous No. 16444044

>It's fair to assume that students don't care about Marxism anymore because they view it as a dated ideology which was wrong.
People need to be able to read things they don't care about.

Anonymous No. 16444047

In this day and age? Impossible. The average zoomer just can't sit still. My own millennial brother, can't sit still. It's scary.

Anonymous No. 16444056

imagine typing all that out just to get 6 likes

Anonymous No. 16444065

go back

Anonymous No. 16444066

>Yet to study economics it's required to read Marx.
Checked, today's Marxists are cultural Marxists. When they critique capitalism, they aren't talking about LTV or surplus value,t hey critique cultural norms. Perhaps they are more Maoist than Marxist.

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We should run the....jpg

Anonymous No. 16444085

Old school communism: We must seize the means of production
New school communism: We must seize the fruits of production
Today's communist doesn't understand anything about communist theory, they just see the surface details of system that provides for their "needs" without requiring anything in return. To the extent they understand that someone needs to do the work, they bath themselves in all manner of labels to minimize their "ability".
It's so ridiculous that the /x/ part of my brain thinks crony corporate capitalist might be behind those lessons since they know most people think in dichotomies. As long as there are useful idiots out there pushing the adoption of the worst versions communism possible, the excesses and abuses of crony corporatism can be ignored.

Anonymous No. 16444292

It's only going to get worse - the shit I'm seeing discussed in college administration meetings nowadays is fucking terrifying: Gutting core curriculum requirements, reducing hours for degrees, cutting semesters to 14, 12, even 10 weeks; all of it being discussed and pushed through with little or no input from faculty.

A college education is going to be worth as much as a GED within 10-15 years, and all because trustees and administrators are more concerned with turning colleges into retention-driven cash cows than places of higher learning, research, and challenge.