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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16489819

>The 'Great Elon Musk'
- edition

previous >>16487736

Anonymous No. 16489839

You messed up the op nigger

Anonymous No. 16489866

thats how its supposed to be kind fellow.

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Anonymous No. 16489871


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Anonymous No. 16489872

>When I first came here, this was all swamp.
>Everyone said I was daft to build a starport on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them.
>It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp.
>So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp.
>But the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the largest starport in all of the USA.

Anonymous No. 16489873

It will filter out faggots

Anonymous No. 16489877

Musk literally draining the swamp in Starbase.
Now he's on to drain the swamp in DC

Anonymous No. 16489879

Please dont compare my monthy python reference to politics.

Anonymous No. 16489881

He should flood Israel with the water he drained.

Anonymous No. 16489882

>bumps all the shit threads at the bottom of the board just to push us to page 10
>stages with this OP

Anonymous No. 16489883

I think they should drain a lake on Titan just to see what's down there.
>inb4 send a sub
Too murky, drain lake instead

Anonymous No. 16489884

You're welcome

Anonymous No. 16489885

>The concern is elon musk building 60% of satellites
Governments can pay other people to build them then. What’s stopping them?

Anonymous No. 16489888


Anonymous No. 16489889

I like the edition name, but I think it should been more fitting like last week, when Trump called him like that. Anyways, all hail Musk.

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Anonymous No. 16489891

Anonymous No. 16489893

I love space related anime girls

Anonymous No. 16489894

paper-mache rocket

Anonymous No. 16489895

you need electric cars on mars
hyperloop works in ambient atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16489896

It's always awkward when someone draws you like that. What are you supposed to say to that?

Anonymous No. 16489897


Anonymous No. 16489899

This makes me want a starship with wood paneling. For old time’s sake.

Anonymous No. 16489900

>"I know you can do it better."

Anonymous No. 16489901

So howdoes the spaceshuttle land on the moonif there is no runway?

Anonymous No. 16489902


Anonymous No. 16489903

Literally the ugliest new space rocket. Even chinkshit looks better.
Either paint or do no not.

Anonymous No. 16489904

how much easier will it be to drill on the moon and will it be enough to enable geothermal power there? How about Mars as well?
grok is saying the mars one might be legit since it has a molten core

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Anonymous No. 16489906

The concern is nobody else caring to launch often enough to be competitive, also checked.
At least the chinks are sort of trying to, they just have to actually finish something first.

Anonymous No. 16489907

It would just be a train

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Anonymous No. 16489908

space shuttle doesn't need a runway

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cowboy bebop spac....png

Anonymous No. 16489912

It's a brick with wings, ofcourse it needs a runway.

Anonymous No. 16489913

just hire some KSP players to fly it. they'll figure it out.

Anonymous No. 16489914

you know vlc has a take screenshot button right?

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Anonymous No. 16489916


Anonymous No. 16489917

Joey Tribbiani wtf is this bro

Anonymous No. 16489921

yet, your mom still doesn't feel anything

Anonymous No. 16489924

just build solar panels over tall towers in the poles

Anonymous No. 16489925

electric cars are known for overheating
this issue is compounded on Mars, where it's obscenely thin atmosphere means that conduction and convection (normal way things cool down on Earth) through that medium is effectively non-existent

basically, not with the current technology

Anonymous No. 16489927

Can't you transfer the heat to keep the astronauts warm?

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sandwich 20170610.jpg

Anonymous No. 16489928

I'd rather have food replicators than space travel. Looks like a big waste of money to me.

Anonymous No. 16489930

you just need more of a heat sink then

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Anonymous No. 16489931

I'd rather have space travel than food replicators. Looks like a big waste of money to me.

Anonymous No. 16489932

Social Security and welfare to single mothers is also a waste of money, but I don't have a say in that as well.

Anonymous No. 16489934

Holy fucking shit, we have become so numb bros. This footage would have melted the brains of /sfg/ if we saw this only two years ago

Anonymous No. 16489936


Anonymous No. 16489937

infidelity is bad but should we really live in a society where if you die doing your job your child is going to die or become a prostitute?

Anonymous No. 16489938

that's a good fucking sandwich

Anonymous No. 16489941

I'd rather have space travel than Africa.

Anonymous No. 16489945

its fucking boring. land on the moon or mars and wake me up then.

Anonymous No. 16489946
BO tourists

Anonymous No. 16489950

you still need a vehicle though

Anonymous No. 16489951

We need a rocket that can do the same, but with 20 to 50 people.

Anonymous No. 16489952

>I'd rather have food replicators
It's called a woman, incel

Anonymous No. 16489953

this guy drinks milk

Anonymous No. 16489957


Anonymous No. 16489958

The only moment I felt something in the last flight was when Starship went through the clouds and the buoy view of the splashdown.
It's bizarre how fast it got boring, I'm barely even watching Falcon 9 launches now unless they got a cool payload.

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Anonymous No. 16489959

I do wonder if (when?) NASA will finally say
>fuck it, Starship is safe enough
And launch / land humans in it. I say this could maybe, perhaps, realistically happen in the next decade.

Anonymous No. 16489964

how do they get food?

Anonymous No. 16489965

SLS has to fail hard for it to happen. And even then it's not certain, oldspace wants the money.
A private moon landing will happen first, I bet Jared will want to do it.

Anonymous No. 16489967

I am still wildly entertained by each launch of Starship. I'll even watch the refueling launches when its time.

Anonymous No. 16489968

I guess its becuase everyone knew the score withthis flight. its an exact repeat of last flight with all the same problems, so nothign came as a surprise and we didnt expect a miracle. whilst nowhere near as exciting as ift4, I was still surprised that the ship made it this time

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Anonymous No. 16489972


still better than election tourists

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CSI Starbase-1859....webm

Anonymous No. 16489973

Yeah it snapped in half. Did anyone check if the break point was the same as where the steel was warping during reentry?

Anonymous No. 16489976

The moon rover worked in the 70s on the Moon when they barely knew how to make a functional battery. EVs will be fine.
Actually now that I think about it the reduced atmospheric pressure and gravity means that the motor will barely have to work for the car to move so you'd probably have LESS heat than on Earth

Anonymous No. 16489978

looks gross desu

Anonymous No. 16489979

Good luck eating like a medieval peasant.

Anonymous No. 16489981

Oh no, bread and meat and vegetables. How will we survive without pizza rolls and twinkies, /sfg/?

Anonymous No. 16489983

are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 16489986

>STS-3 was the only shuttle mission to land at White Sands Missile Range. The unexpectedly difficult landing and post flight conditions damaged the shuttle, requiring extensive repair at KSC. So much gypsum dust covered Columbia that Bolden recalled, "I flew it several flights later on my first flight, STS-61-C, and when we got on orbit, there was still gypsum coming out of everything! They thought they had cleaned it ... but it was just unreal what it had done!" Dust continued to be found in the spacecraft for the rest of its career.

Anonymous No. 16489988

>no chicken tendies on mars

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Anonymous No. 16489990

How are these things supposed to work? I'm not talking about structural integrity, I'm talking about resource transfer and pressure management. How would they create an airtight seal on a rotating structure attached to a non-rotating structure?

Anonymous No. 16489991

What an unlucky vehicle.
Hard times create strong Martians, please understand.

Anonymous No. 16489993

worlds most expensive slip ring

Anonymous No. 16489996

kek. this general is actually /pol/ 2 now. What could POSSIBLY go wrong with a closed economy the size of a small town...

Anonymous No. 16490000

they used thermal radiator units to convert heat into the infrared spectrum to radiate it away
there were less demands on the lunar rover than regular EVs, and there's no way an Earth designed EV without this modification could function normally

moreover, the Martian dust would pose the same problems to the radiator systems that were encountered on the moon
namely, dust accumulation negatively affects the efficiency of the thermal radiators

you probably have a point about that whole gravity thing though

Anonymous No. 16490002

Why is spaceflight concept artwork always "GIGA SIZED SPACE COLONY ON ALPHA CENTAURI THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE EARTH" while the serious proposals are always "maybe we can send 3 people to Mars 100 years into the future"?

Anonymous No. 16490003


The horticulture section is going to be very important for many reasons.

Not least because fermentation is more efficient in low G, also because their plants effectively produce oxygen, medicine, etc.

Anonymous No. 16490004

>nooo you can't just grow food for people!

Anonymous No. 16490006

Nobody wants to see your lazypost ai garbage nigger

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Anonymous No. 16490008

oldspace buck broken by decades of congress controlled spaceflight.
pic rel is also a serious proposal bee tea dubs

Anonymous No. 16490010

that thing looks like a complete fucking disaster, I would appreciate the opportunity to tell the chef directly what a wank he is

Anonymous No. 16490011

Wow. Did you just use the n-word? That's so rude.

Anonymous No. 16490012

I'm pretty sure the three are supposed to be on one of the lagrange points
>while the serious proposals are always "maybe we can send 3 people to Mars 100 years into the future"
Because government led space programs are filled with corruption and low thumos retards, thank God for the private sector and daring people with a lot of money

Anonymous No. 16490013

Not defending oldspace bullshit, but the ambitious pics never seen to be made thinking about the actual engineering and practicality of what is shown.

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Anonymous No. 16490015


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Anonymous No. 16490016

>guh- guuyysphhbt
>I um, I um, uh I talkuh...
>Askuh I talke uh ask-uh I said the robot to umm
>it sayed muh, um, for mars cus it uhhhhhhhhh...

Anonymous No. 16490017

Why do muskrats seethe so much when they see new glenn?

Anonymous No. 16490018

are those little yellow lights meant to be homesteads?

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Anonymous No. 16490019

>mogs moonship

Anonymous No. 16490020

We aren't ready for cows in space yet, though that is an endgame tier goal for humanity.
It should technically be possible to create a cow-powered (and potentially operated) generation ship using methane capture units to create fuel from their farts and from the oxygen produced by the plants they would be feeding on.
No I haven't done the math.

Basically what you'd be getting instead for the forseeable future are lab cultivated meat cultures.
Martian and Lunar dairy farms can maybe happen eventually, but we would need to send a cow into a loop around the moon like we did with Apollo 13 first to prove the concept.

Anonymous No. 16490021

they know its the falcon killer and even the starship killer if project jarvis works.
>first they ignore you
>then they laugh at you
>then they fight you (YOU ARE HERE)
>the Blue wins

Anonymous No. 16490022

the meat will mostly be tilapia and chickens

Anonymous No. 16490025

>uplifted cow starpilots

Anonymous No. 16490026

Tilapia is literally chicken shit, nutritionally speaking.

It would be easier to simply implement lab grown meat products.
That way you have more control over the product, and less chance of disease spreading among your stock of chickens (which would be a disaster, bird flu on steroids).

Anonymous No. 16490027

That would be one example of neuralink being useful.

Anonymous No. 16490029

>not living on processed shit is LE BAD actually
>closed economy
How is a space station any more closed than any island on Earth?

Anonymous No. 16490034

>it would be easier to do (thing that is a massive fucking meme and always will be) than raising chicken
no, also
>less chance of disease
LOL no, keeping lab grown meat free of pestilence is incredibly difficult, you are taking homeostasis and the immune system and trying to replicate it in a fucking vat

Anonymous No. 16490035

>How is a space station any more closed than any island on Earth?
Come on dude... It's more energy expensive to travel around space than to sail across the sea, so even in the limit where space travel becomes super cheap it will still be less feasible than living on a desert island by an order of 100x.
And even still, the people on isolated islands which dont have billionaires on them eat like shit and die young.

Anonymous No. 16490036

Do you know what the point of art is ?

Anonymous No. 16490038

Energy is not a real unit of expense. If it was we'd cry at wasted solar radiation nonstop. If it's cheap, which it will eventually be and will HAVE to be to build an O'Neill cylinder, then it's cheap, period
No one is suffering from eating fresh produce you fucking weirdo

Anonymous No. 16490039

>keeping lab grown meat free of pestilence is incredibly difficult
Cause I thought the controled environment you would need for that to work in the first place would already account for that. And looking this problem up, I'm recieving mixed reports on this issue.
For the record, keeping animals free of disease is also difficult.

Anyways, what makes cows such a great candidate for spaceflight is the fact that their dung is "cool" unlike say goat or human dung.
Which means it doesn't "burn" plants on contact like human and goat dung does, and is incredible fertilizer. Doesn't need intensive composting like those other examples.
All I'm thinking is, bull shit might literally be the secret ingredient to a free energy system.

Cows eat plants, produce CO2 and methane.
Cows breathe oxygen, produce shit.
Plants consume CO2 and cow shit, produce oxygen.

The methane and excess oxygen are captured to provide unlimited gas.
What exactly am I missing here.

Anonymous No. 16490040

i coulda done a falcon 9 if i had a billion dollars too

Anonymous No. 16490041

>Basically what you'd be getting instead for the forseeable future are lab cultivated meat cultures.
Why not chickens?

Anonymous No. 16490043


Anonymous No. 16490044

avian influenza

low G environments and cosmic radiation make the immune system shit itself, this is why quarantine chambers and strict medical protocols are going to be necessary until we develop the technology needed to mitigate both problems

Anonymous No. 16490045

I probably would have just done an electron.
maybe a firefly alpha with parachute recovery bolted on.

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Anonymous No. 16490046

Stupid question, is it public that Raptor 314 that flew on B12 flew again on B13?

Anonymous No. 16490048

Be careful not to violate ITAR. Bud.

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Anonymous No. 16490049


Anonymous No. 16490051

others anons have already said it, but I'll just expand on that point: the lack of ambition in these last 50 years was just gruesome. You can literally see by yourself how this feeling of adventure and conquest swindled throughout the years in the media, the general public, and literature. During the 60s, nobody could stop us. Everyone thought we would have a permanent Moon base by the 70s, Mars missions by the 80s, Jupiter by the 90s, Saturn and the exterior solar system by 2000s, alpha centauri next, literally unstoppable. Then, year after year, the sentiment ended. Look how many good works of space fiction came out in the 60s and 70s. By the 90s and later years, sci-fi just forgot about space travel, and robots/AI were the new fad. In this period if you talked about settling Mars, let alone the Moon, everyone would looked as though you were crazy. Quite the 180° change in our species' mindset.

Anonymous No. 16490052

We've been alternating between ignoring and laughing at Blue for years.
They're generally ignored, but every so often they do something laughable.

Anonymous No. 16490053

Freshwater eels will be the play

Anonymous No. 16490054

he didn't have a billion dollars

Anonymous No. 16490055

the moon is harsher because it has 15 days straight of cold with no sun

Anonymous No. 16490056

non issue

Anonymous No. 16490058

Also, look at the proposals and serious studies we had before Apollo was cancelled. NTP, NERVA, Apollo Applications Program, etc. We were supposed to build bigger, and more powerful rocket to land on Mars by 1980. There were talks for manned flybys around Venus, real spin-hab stations, and I'm sure many were suggesting the possibility of getting to Callisto. Unfortunately, we realized too late that governments and politicians do not care about space, so we had to wait half a century for an autistic billionaire to set us on the right path again.

Anonymous No. 16490059

I have never tried eel, but have heard it tastes okay.

You would want to ensure that any flukes (parisites) are eliminated from their tanks prior to launch.

Anonymous No. 16490061

OSINT is ipso facto unable to violate ITAR

Anonymous No. 16490062

lol, many people forget that musk became a billionaire due to spacex and tesla succeeding, not the other way around.

Anonymous No. 16490063

absolutely none of those proposals would at any point reduce $/lb to orbit
so in the end they were all junk

Anonymous No. 16490064

Just keep the batteries warm during lunar night, dummy
It's like having a block heater for your diesel

Anonymous No. 16490065

Normie get frustrated when the future they were sold into doesn't happen.
Plus, I just wanna see concepts that actually have a ground and aren't cucked at the same time.

Anonymous No. 16490066

Yes, it's in the gulf of mexico now, however
Maybe it'll be fished...

Anonymous No. 16490068

Well, there are some good arguments saying that the Apollo pace was just unsustainable in the long term, and eating away 4% of your national GDP every year is not a good prospect. However, I do think that they would've eventually found a way for the entire process to become simplified, and for everything to become mass-produced. Nonetheless, Wernher was no Musk, and as far as I know he wasn't as business savvy as Elon, so that was one of his weaknesses.

Anonymous No. 16490069

>However, I do think that they would've eventually found a way for the entire process to become simplified
They would not, unless it was in their contract to do so
Obviously they weren't chasing cost savings, they were just at the start of the whole thing and computers were piles of shit still

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Anonymous No. 16490072

I think it's a good thing to aim a bit high when it comes to concepts. It's cool and fun

Anonymous No. 16490073

least complex NASA umans to Mars design.

Anonymous No. 16490076

Lmao source: your ass

Anonymous No. 16490079

Emerald mine

Anonymous No. 16490080

The entire thing rotates.

Anonymous No. 16490082

>They would not
So, what do you think would've been the best-case scenario out all of this then? A Moon mission every now and then, till boing and locksneed would start with their decades-long grift? Or are you suggesting that no matter what, we would have to "wait" for computer tech to get better?

Anonymous No. 16490085

take the girder pill

Anonymous No. 16490086

>unless it was in their contract to do so

So fucking make it part of the contract???? Everything else of importance is mass produced. Open source all the gained knowledge from apollo and do a bunch of fixed price tenders with rewards for cost reduction and slowly taper down the fixed price rewards.

>they were just at the start of the whole thing and computers were piles of shit still

OK and? When you have government sized budgets you can just mass produce expendable steel methane vehicles for pennies while computers catch up in the 80s or so.

Anonymous No. 16490088

Also I'm sure booster reuse could have been achieved with ground based computation and radio controls.

Anonymous No. 16490090

I swear I'm seeing an anime girl in the thumbnail. sfg rotted my mind.

Anonymous No. 16490097

No, everything I said about microgravity and cosmic radiation negatively affecting your immune system is true and something I learned while studying the problem.

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Anonymous No. 16490098

Anonymous No. 16490101

it fell into the sun right at the end

Anonymous No. 16490103

all O'Neill Cylinder concepts have some sort of non-rotating connector between two cylinders to cancel momentum or a wet/dry dock for spacecraft that is not rotating with the habitat
The bishop ring/stanford torus is the one where the entire thing rotates at once

Anonymous No. 16490104

I wonder how many MIRVS you could fit in it.

Anonymous No. 16490105

100+. That's a nation-flattener in a single launch.
Starship is a potential WMD the likes of which the world has never seen.

Anonymous No. 16490106

Starship could support over 400 Mark 21 reentry vehicles by mass, not sure about space tho

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Anonymous No. 16490108


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Anonymous No. 16490109

oh god, just imagine

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nukes for everyone.webm

Anonymous No. 16490111

Yes, imagine

Anonymous No. 16490113

I don't care what other people say, Terminator 3 was a good movie. Loved all the explosions and shit.

Anonymous No. 16490120

I like space exploration as much as you do, but there wasn't any actual economical or practical return at the time besides Earth monitoring and telecom satellites. Arguably, the only new thing added now is space tourism for the very rich.
Underselling your ambitions can actually work well. See the mars rovers for examples.

Anonymous No. 16490122

loved it too, but it might just be nostalgia since I was still using diapers when I first watched it

Anonymous No. 16490124

Gen Alpha will be saying this for shit like the Star Wars sequels

Anonymous No. 16490130

That's not true, that's impossible!

Anonymous No. 16490135

>Arguably, the only new thing added now is space tourism for the very rich.
As close as the moon is already basically an infinite source of metals and rare earth material, there's definitely reasons to expand, we only lacked the will to do it for the last 50 years.
Granted, at the time to run a space program was so ridiculously expensive that everyone thought that only governments could do it, and that it was almost a given that they would try because of the USSR
No government to build that railroads. No expansion. That was the truth sice the 70's but now it will change, and we wont be at the mercy of corrupt useless bureaucrats (we'll be at the mercy of corrupt venture capitalists!).

Anonymous No. 16490136

Will asians be allowed on Mars? Beaners are a given as they are necessary to make repairs to Starships at scale.

Anonymous No. 16490137

I'm crossing my fingers really hard that there will be something very profitable (and more than on Earth) that can be done on the Moon or even just orbit.
Be it the Helium-3 meme, mining and industry that is somehow more economical there, a room-temperature superconductor or some other special material that can only be manufactured in microgravity.

Anonymous No. 16490139

Whoever can pay for it.

Anonymous No. 16490140

I swear, ever since I first watched as a kid that scene where Luke falls down through some tubes, which was right after having his arm severed, I've been terribly scared of heights and falling into a gas giant. life-long trauma lol

Anonymous No. 16490141

Sorry anons, not gaaaning with you to Jupiter and Saturn, they scare the shit out of me.

Anonymous No. 16490143

>falling into a gas giant

I bet it gets dark before the pressure crushes your rib cage

Anonymous No. 16490144

There's this guy AnthroFuturism on yt that dedicates his entire channel on why and how to colonize the moon and make a profit out of it.
I'm hopeful that once starship goes operational and the cost per kg goes <1000$ there will be a new wave of industrialists willing to make infrastructure to colonize the moon.
Maybe it will be the new fad for the Elon orbiting cryptobros and alike.

Anonymous No. 16490145

The Venera probes got a decent visibility of Venus's surface, but the pressure there is enough to crush you so I don't think it would be the case for a gas giant, unless the cloud coverage above you is really thick.

Anonymous No. 16490146

Oh so you can see the flying squids first, cool

Anonymous No. 16490150

Finally, sea dragon

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jupiter 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16490151

We urgently need pictures of how the clouds and sky look from the gas giants "surface". These planets do seem to have a sky like ours, but I'm not sure if there's like a big open space with clouds as surface (like picrel), and then all of sudden it's all dark from there, or it's all more gradual and it only gets dark after several kilometres down.

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jupiter 2.png

Anonymous No. 16490153

Conversely, sometimes we see Jupiter depicted as having no traditional sky whatsoever, just featuring a very thick cloud layer at the top and that's it, then all dark from there.

Anonymous No. 16490154

It’s called night time bro

Anonymous No. 16490156

>Underselling your ambitions can actually work well. See the mars rovers for examples.
yeah but that's not art. NASA and artists are disconnected

Anonymous No. 16490157

Weve already gone over why Jupiter cloud probes will never happen.

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jovian jello.jpg

Anonymous No. 16490159

they are really cute, I wish something like that could exist, would make the universe more interesting.
Cosmos fucked up and that artist rendition shows stars as if it were nighttime, but they were trying to depict Jupiter during the day.
I just want pics, don't care if the probe dies after some minutes.

Anonymous No. 16490161

Send a guy with a camera.

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man gets shot in ....mp4

Anonymous No. 16490166

me when somebody tries to steal my Starship

Anonymous No. 16490167

I'm very sure there was a Jupiter atmospheric probe early on, no camera unfortunately.
I think the most recent Neptune and Uranus orbiter proposals included atmospheric probes with cameras. Sadly, those won't happen any since the budget will all go to Artemis and more Mars stuff.
At the very least I hope someone will do a Venus balloon probe with a camera, I think ISRO is working on that.

Anonymous No. 16490211

sorry mate, that picture was BORN SECRET information

Anonymous No. 16490222


Anonymous No. 16490231

Put some cool lookin rads on it

Anonymous No. 16490236

>Low gravity wagyu steaks
Mars's first high dollar export. I can see it now

Anonymous No. 16490259

what kind of rocket is /sfg/ anyways? we've staged thousands of times and yet we seem to only ever reach new lows

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Anonymous No. 16490261


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Anonymous No. 16490264

Anonymous No. 16490265

trying to liftoff off a black hole

Anonymous No. 16490267


Anonymous No. 16490268

How are people still falling for hydromeme

Anonymous No. 16490277

>Just keep the batteries warm during lunar night
With what power? There's no solar power, unless you've got radio-thermal power, hope your batteries have enough to keep themselves warm for two weeks so they don't freeze up before the sun comes back.

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Anonymous No. 16490328

/sfg/ is so fucking gone

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Anonymous No. 16490337

Alleged characterstics of Zhuque 3 vs Zhuque-3 Improved (ZQ3 vs ZQ3G)

The previously advertised performances correspond to the ZQ3G, which will use the so far untested TQ-12B/TQ-15B engines.

The version that will be used on the first few launches next year (x doubt on timeline) will use slightly uprated versions of the current TQ-12A/TQ-12B engines.

Expended >= 11.8t
Downrange >= 8t

Expended >= 21.3t
Downrange >= 18.3t
RTLS >= 12.5t

Anonymous No. 16490341

I know that 387 being reflown is public.

Anonymous No. 16490370

It would take three million cows and 140 acres of aspen 1 entire year just to refill one Starship. There's a reason we use machines. Your proposal is beyond retarded

Anonymous No. 16490378

>moon is already basically an infinite source of metals and rare earth material
So is the Earth's crust and it's way closer

Anonymous No. 16490380

>Burk Khalifa
Yeah just build the SLS tower with slave labor to save money
Starship will get boring again, we'll be back

Anonymous No. 16490382


Anonymous No. 16490383

Elaborate or you're wrong

Anonymous No. 16490385

how do you think every other battery used in cold conditions keeps itself warm?

Anonymous No. 16490390

do you know what the biggest hindrance is when getting stuff into orbit? If you don't, you need to leave.

Anonymous No. 16490392

in 1/3 earth gravity theres probably going to be less problems with dust than there was on the moon.

Anonymous No. 16490394

>Maybe it will be the new fad for the Elon orbiting cryptobros and alike.
/sfg/ business consortium when

Anonymous No. 16490395

Claire Danes was hot

Anonymous No. 16490399

That would be cost. So the question is, is mining and refining on the moon going to be cheap enough to beat out the shipping cost from Earth? I'm betting no.

Anonymous No. 16490407

body heat

Anonymous No. 16490416

>virgin land
>no competition
>you don't really mine it you just scoop it out of the top 1m layer of regollith
>Don't even need to send to earth and make a profit selling to other space based companies
>no goverment (not for long)

also, yeah we have it here, but that point is that it's another source of resources.
When we get to mining the asteroid belt, then we'll have a more decisive reason to do so.

Anonymous No. 16490418

>no air
>no global supply chain
>no cheap workforce
>no market
Mars makes sense because it's 8 months away and the goal is self sustainability. The moon doesn't make sense.
>mining the asteroid belt

Anonymous No. 16490420

>the first planet in the history of the universe ruled by a single autist
>no tendies
you couldn't be more wrong

Anonymous No. 16490421

mass faggotry has ruined spaceflight for decades
the sorry state of affairs pushed escapists in the opposite direction

Anonymous No. 16490423

>no air
non issue
>no global supply chain
>no cheap workforce
ok you got me there, even in a future where space travel is ubiquitous you'll need highly trained people, so I wager that it'll be mostly automated.
>no market
maybe not for the next 50~100 years, but as long as we get a permanent presence on Mars, it's not that far fetched.

Anonymous No. 16490424

I think the experience we'd get from extracting the moon's natural resources would prove invaluable for a Mars mission, and is worth more than whatever money it would make. We should leave our profit-first mindset behind on Earth

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Anonymous No. 16490426

>stanford torus is the one where the entire thing rotates at once
there are counter rotating parts on the axis for docking

Anonymous No. 16490428

haha, wtf

Anonymous No. 16490429

I think its "not less than" yeah

Anonymous No. 16490431

well then, now I'm wondering about how 2 proposals are supposed to work

Anonymous No. 16490432

Experience with no regard for profit is why we've been stuck in LEO for half a century with nothing to show for it.
No air is an issue. Mars' tenuous atmosphere at least spreads the temperature around and shields some radiation.
>as long as we get a permanent presence on Mars, it's not that far fetched
It is far fetched. Mars also has more resources in it's crust than the entire asteroid belt. You still get killed on operations cost and dV. For asteroid mining to make sense you need scifi levels of automation and propulsion. It isn't worth seriously regarding or planning for

Anonymous No. 16490434

>It's more energy expensive to travel around space than to sail across the sea
It's actually substantially easier as long as you aren't starting from a gravity well.

Anonymous No. 16490438

It's a rocket composed entirely of staging rings.

Anonymous No. 16490439

>No air is an issue. Mars' tenuous atmosphere at least spreads the temperature around and shields some radiation.
We have about 70 years of experience dealing with heat and rads in a vacuum, it's not easy of course, but far from being more than a expected problem
Even then operations will have to run hot given the Moon's surface temperature, I'm still hopeful about lava tubes so that radiation becomes a non issue too
>It is far fetched.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see, admittedly, I'm on the more hopeful team

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Anonymous No. 16490441

At least they're smart enough to know that you can't dock anywhere on a rotating object except at the center of rotation.
But the center doesn't have to be counter-rotating if the ship that's docking can dock from the side while rotating. You could even have a cylindrical docking bay with very slight centrifugal force on the "floor", as long as the ships can carefully maneuver "up" and "down" to the axis area. (note that pic does not seem to work that way)

Anonymous No. 16490445

>no regard for profit
Being driven by profits is exactly the reason why we've stagnated for 50 years. SpaceX pushed past years of bleeding money to develop reusable boosters that have driven the cost per launch down, and developed Starlink as a business model to help pay for everything. They've basically monopolized space travel as a result and will go to Mars with or without NASA's help. Aside from being incredibly corrupt and bureaucratic, NASA being utterly terrified to lose a bit of money on developing new technology that drive the cost of space travel down drastically in the future is why we haven't done anything worth noting in space for half a century. Defense companies are incentivized to keep space travel expensive so they can keep getting their gibs via contracts on useless technology too

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Anonymous No. 16490448

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Anonymous No. 16490468

Anonymous No. 16490472

Bechtel is just blatantly stealing US citizens' money.

Anonymous No. 16490474

Bechtel is just one of many and the shit going on with SLS is probably just one example of what generally happens in government contracting

Anonymous No. 16490476

Why is Neil still getting TV appearances?
His opinion on this isn't worth more than the average person you grab off the street. Any random /sfg/ poster would have a much more informed and nuanced take than this "science communicator".
Death by a million cuts, maybe we could've been able to afford moon/Mars bases decades ago if it wasn't like this.

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Anonymous No. 16490479

>Comparison of the ship re-entry profiles on IFT-5 and IFT-6

Anonymous No. 16490480

why superheavy doesnt have water deluge at hotstaging? maybe in the future, with 9 raptor ships?

Anonymous No. 16490482

>His opinion on this isn't worth more than the average person you grab off the street. Any random /sfg/ poster would have a much more informed and nuanced take than this "science communicator".
He says what people want to hear. That's his job: "science man who agrees with me".

Anonymous No. 16490487

>I do wonder if (when?) A GOVERNMENT AGENCY will finally say
>lets cut back on red tape

Anonymous No. 16490491

Because there isn't money to be made in space. The things we can do by going to space can be done cost effectively on earth.

Anonymous No. 16490495

>Being driven by profits is exactly the reason why we've stagnated for 50 years.
>proceeds to state exactly why SpaceX being driven by profits has led to them revolutionizing spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16490497

Yes, otherwise known as greater than, unless 1) you're using numbers without a total order or 2) you're using e.g. constructive logic and don't have TND (the law of excluded middle)

Anonymous No. 16490500

"Where would Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, get money to fund the project that he is already funding? It’s physically impossible." - Retard Nigger Man

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Anonymous No. 16490514

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Anonymous No. 16490516

Anonymous No. 16490521


Anonymous No. 16490527

>A panel of comfortable societal leeches bitching and moaning about the greatest adventure attempted by mankind
They are absolutely giddy about how smart they perceive themselves.

Anonymous No. 16490532

Longhouse became a meme for a reason

Anonymous No. 16490542


Anonymous No. 16490545

Disappointed one didn't take off from one of that red farm silo

Anonymous No. 16490549

In history, it was a form of communal living, but nowadays it's usually used to refer to lack of agency and inability to do great things because it's dangerous or whatever yadda yadda.
The point is that these people have weak spirits and couldn't even fathom that someone might want to conquer space like we used to dream of in the 70's

Anonymous No. 16490553

I thought it referred to the overbearing old women that have basically taken control of society (and everything that comes with it), referring to the somewhat matriarchal situation going on in longhouses with old women yapping constantly
the 19th amendment may have been a mistake

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Anonymous No. 16490555

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Anonymous No. 16490559

>The Longhouse distrusts overt ambition

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Anonymous No. 16490562


Anonymous No. 16490567

Might be an error in here somewhere, but the short version is: the ruling classes (particularly matriarchal positions) in ancient tribal societies tended to captured their tribe's energies and potential for action in dedicated argument halls to make sure nothing actually happened to upset the status quo, ever.

Anonymous No. 16490572

Well to be fair, the Burj Khalimeme was built with literal slaves

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Anonymous No. 16490573

Elon goes into sex for a greater purpose.

Anonymous No. 16490574

now extrapolate that line of thinking to the mentality of these people and you get those who are anti-growth and anti-space settlement
I don't really like Elon, but just the fact that he rejects that line of thinking and is pushing for solar colonization is enough for me to be onboard with his shenanigans

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16490575

Anonymous No. 16490576

That's understandable. Still, the important thing to remember is that leadership isn't about being liked: when you're leading a nation, it's about exercising the position of authority to guide and direct the energies of the people you're in charge of to do what needs to be done. When you want to control the organization for the sake of controlling the organization, you see stupid petty infighting, sabotage, self-aggrandizement, and other such behaviors. The people who dominate the Long House see and care for nothing beyond the Long House.

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Anonymous No. 16490578


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Anonymous No. 16490581

>A floppy disk contained two photographs of Nowak riding in a bicycle race, and 15 images depicting an unidentified woman in different stages of undress. An evidence report dated March 15 indicated that nearly all of the photographs and drawings depicted scenes of bondage. Also found were $585.00 and £41.00 (GBP) in cash and four brown paper bags with 69 orange pills that were not publicly identified

Anonymous No. 16490586

I remember 2010-2016. a brutal time. watched all of the launches

Anonymous No. 16490587

elon never had sex

Anonymous No. 16490589

that's a lot of bad sectors, you should get a new drive

Anonymous No. 16490591

what RAID format do they use on the ISS's computers

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Anonymous No. 16490592

Anonymous No. 16490598


Anonymous No. 16490599

Does BO only have one New Glenn built right now?

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Anonymous No. 16490600

Anonymous No. 16490603

what a shitty way to present data

Anonymous No. 16490605

squeal some more paypiggy

Anonymous No. 16490606

needs defragging

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16490607

has SpaceX rocket Boeing yet?

Anonymous No. 16490608

Weirdest game of minesweeper I ever seen't

Anonymous No. 16490609

Would've never seen it if Kiko didn't think it was fun

Anonymous No. 16490610

has SpaceX rocked Boeing yet?

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Anonymous No. 16490611


Anonymous No. 16490613

Dark times, and every launch was a nail-biter. Amazing how far it's come since then, amazing that they actually managed to make it boring.

Anonymous No. 16490616

>it's about exercising the position of authority to guide and direct the energies of the people you're in charge of to do what needs to be done. When you want to control the organization for the sake of controlling the organization, you see stupid petty infighting, sabotage, self-aggrandizement, and other such behaviors.
this is the reason I alway chuckle when people say that Elon doesn't deserve recognition for the feats of his companies

Anonymous No. 16490622

thats... kinda hot

Anonymous No. 16490623

>leading is about leading

Anonymous No. 16490629

People have a remarkable capacity to fail at simple and blindingly obvious things.

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Anonymous No. 16490632

Anonymous No. 16490634

I want this bitch to eroticate me

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Anonymous No. 16490636

Anonymous No. 16490637

Apollo 17 was so cool

Anonymous No. 16490639

>Nowak and her husband Richard divorced in June 2008, and she was given full custody of their three children.
The courts in their wisdom know it's better to let children be raised by notorious lunatics than to let them see their fathers.

Longhouse indeed.

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Anonymous No. 16490640

looks kind of roughed up

Anonymous No. 16490642


Anonymous No. 16490648

>still lands with pinpoint accuracy
now we know why it won't have crew abort. it doesn't need it

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Anonymous No. 16490650

>The 2019 film Lucy in the Sky, starring Natalie Portman, was loosely based on Nowak's story.
Is Herslag diapered up in this?

Anonymous No. 16490651

You will be safer in Starship than you were driving to the starport.

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Anonymous No. 16490653

sadly, no

Anonymous No. 16490657

Scott Pace, Greg Autry, Jeff Greason, Lori Garver

Anonymous No. 16490658

[HIGH RISK REVOLUTION (Aizawa Hiroshi)] Zetsurin na Yatsura Kaettekita Elon Musk
and its sequel.

Anonymous No. 16490662

It wont need a abort system because itll never be manned

Anonymous No. 16490663

so why havent you been to starbase yet anon?

Anonymous No. 16490665

Im supposed to believe this can be rapidly reuse? LMAO

Anonymous No. 16490668

Not that one given it was deliberately flown in a more aggressive flight profile with an older generation TPS which had been stripped down.

An aluminum or carbon fiber spacecraft wouldn't have survived the reentry let alone the flip.

Anonymous No. 16490669

>itll never be manned
It will be even if I have to sneak aboard one of the test launches.

Anonymous No. 16490674

>come back after months absence
>first post delay is now 15 minutes
>begging me to verify an email
>captcha is even more fucked
what the fuck is this

Anonymous No. 16490679

Spam was getting exponentially worse, apparently.

Anonymous No. 16490680

>I'm supposed to believe this booster can be flown 10 times? LMAO

Anonymous No. 16490683

I'm europoor

Anonymous No. 16490685

Musk has already set out plans to totally gut and dismantle NASA and then replace it with SpaceX, as part of his new role in the "DOGE".
He's about to massively set back space exploration for his own highly corrupt personal profit.
Well done Yankees, you played yourselves and the entire world.

Anonymous No. 16490686

>/sfg/ will fall for this bait

Anonymous No. 16490688

Based Elon

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Anonymous No. 16490690

It's true, you can read the DOGE's plans to replace NASA with SpaceX yourself. Seethe on, Musk isn't going to suck your dick and you aren't a temporarily embarrassed billionaire.
Enjoy destroying science because you're in a cult and worship this freak.

Anonymous No. 16490691

>He's about to massively set back space exploration
>by gutting NASA
The only thing of worth NASA has done in the past 10 years is give SpaceX lots of money

Anonymous No. 16490692

>Boeing, along with other traditional contractors, including Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin, have essentially told NASA they will no longer bid for fixed-price contracts.
Good, killing oldspace was one of the goals

Anonymous No. 16490693

At least you're putting in effort, I'll give you that

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Anonymous No. 16490694

Sounds like a good plan

Anonymous No. 16490697

so uhhh, who's left?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16490699

This is why the entire world despises America, and you're even making enemies of Europe, the UK and Canada now.
You're a pariah state and your only ally is your master, Israel.
I will enjoy watching your society collapse over the next 4 years, maybe by then end of then you will have a degree of self awareness.

Anonymous No. 16490701


Anonymous No. 16490702

SpaceX, Blue Origin, Rocket Lab, Firefly, Relativity, Nanoracks/Voyager, Axiom, Astrobotic, Intuitive Machines, Masten, Planet, Capella, the list goes on and on. Some newspace companies will die before figuring it out and that's OK too
Weeping over the killing of Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman is retarded. Regardless of their "heritage" they have been unproductive money pits that will gladly suck up any and all federal space funding if given the chance

Anonymous No. 16490704

me, i'll do the contracts

Anonymous No. 16490705

do you have any idea how incompetent NASA is?

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Anonymous No. 16490707


Anonymous No. 16490708

its going to be a real religion soon
non-believers are put on the no-mars list

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Anonymous No. 16490710


Anonymous No. 16490712

>takes all of their policy decisions from American billionaires like Soros, Gates, Fink

Anonymous No. 16490713

You don't care about science, only about sucking Musk's cock, even if that means destroying space exploration

Anonymous No. 16490718

>Rocket Lab, Firefly, Relativity, Nanoracks/Voyager, Axiom, Astrobotic, Masten, Planet, Capella
dead companies walking

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Anonymous No. 16490720

Mars is American!
Yes and?

Anonymous No. 16490721

Are the spacesuits going to be ready for Mars?

Anonymous No. 16490723

Why should we care what the rest of the world thinks? They're irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 16490725

Why are you replying to yourself?

Anonymous No. 16490726

Lost their only launcher when pooty chimped out
Revoked their own space loiscence
Brown snow land only exists to turn tar sands into shitty oil
responsible 95% of Earth's upmass to orbit

Anonymous No. 16490730

All of these companies combined lose less money than Boeing's space unit

Anonymous No. 16490734

Horrific incoherent AI slop

Anonymous No. 16490736

doesn't need it.

Anonymous No. 16490742

>starbase, cape canaveral, vandy
where's the next big american spaceport going to be?

Anonymous No. 16490744

Greenland when trump buys it

Anonymous No. 16490745


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Anonymous No. 16490748

Bring long johns.

Anonymous No. 16490749

The report post feature of allows users to report trolling instead of replying and making the thread even worse.

Anonymous No. 16490751

Seems somewhat far north

Anonymous No. 16490755

If SpaceX is going to attempt a Ship catch on Flight 8 does that mean S34 is getting modified to add catch points or just skipped/scrapped altogether?

Anonymous No. 16490757

Somewhere in Australia, like how Rocket Lab operates in New Zealand.

Anonymous No. 16490758

Fact: Marcus House could beat the shit out of thunderfoot in a street fight.

Anonymous No. 16490760

wumao hands wrote this

Anonymous No. 16490761

If Flight 8 is getting caught, what about the booster?
I like to think that any of you anons probably could too.

Anonymous No. 16490763

It would be easy.

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Anonymous No. 16490766

Cape York bros, is it happening?

Anonymous No. 16490769


Anonymous No. 16490778

>If Flight 8 is getting caught, what about the booster?
catch the booster first and just move it away before you catch the ship
the ship needs to do a number of orbits anyway

Anonymous No. 16490779

>If Flight 8 is getting caught, what about the booster?

Ships will have to make several orbits to line back up with the tower due to Earth's rotation, SpaceX will have a day or so to get the Booster off the tower.

Anonymous No. 16490781

how many orbits

Anonymous No. 16490787

>booster catch followed by Starship catch at same tower
Good lord that would look incredible. It'd be interesting to see how they start investigating restack having both parts recovered and theoretically ready to go again. The top of Superheavy looked like it warped pretty severely when Starship staged during flight 6, at least it did in the webm anon posted last thread.

Anonymous No. 16490788

I think they even might use both of the towers for catching at first

Anonymous No. 16490802

fyi if they do attempt a ship catch we will see this maneuver being attempted on the ground before launch, as we saw with flight 5 booster catch. it will be pretty obvious too like before. keep your eyes peeled i guess

Anonymous No. 16490806

Diaper faggots are the absolute worst. Pretty sure it's mainly a Jewish fetish

Anonymous No. 16490818

It's called manifest destiny

Anonymous No. 16490826

Anonymous No. 16490829

Anonymous No. 16490830

Despite what many think government contracting is extremely regulated and blatantly giving a contract to a worse option will get em sued.

I personally think all western companies not spaceX need to start some serious mergers.

Anonymous No. 16490832

The longer SpaceX can put off NASA spec "Human Rating" the better. Remember to have to "freeze" the design after and before. Antithetical to both iterative design and longterm safety.

Anonymous No. 16490839

Not spaceflight fuck off

Anonymous No. 16490840

that's really a myth. dragon is changing all the time.
t. knower

Anonymous No. 16490844

Just jamming out to SpaceEngine's OST right now.

Anonymous No. 16490845

>not Krystal
fuck off

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Anonymous No. 16490848

Anonymous No. 16490849

So going back to that earlier discussion on bringing livestock to space, and that one anon worried about avian flu being really bad for Mars chickens, got me thinking. Wouldn't any sort of short term diseases (both in animals & humans) like the cold or flu simply not be able to get to Mars? The many month flight to Mars should mean any of those diseases will burn themselves out before getting to Mars. Only diseases with much longer infectious periods have a chance of making it Mars, and those can be screened for.

Anonymous No. 16490850

RocketLab is a New Zealand company...

Anonymous No. 16490851

Time to MERGE

Anonymous No. 16490854

>all the scam companies merge
>now you just have one big scam company

Anonymous No. 16490855

Good my source less freind what about falcon?

Anonymous No. 16490857


Anonymous No. 16490859

Lmao yeah....
Alas there isn't a chance in hell any of these second rate players get a worthwhile number of launches alone.

Does anyone think OneWeb, Kuiper, and Iridum, Sirius can meet sat # requirements let alone compete with SpaceX?

Anonymous No. 16490865


Anonymous No. 16490867

not this decade... that's why they will assassinate musk. Next guy in charge won't share his ambition and spacex will stagnate. It won't be murder, but slow poisoning that will take years to have effects. Don't be surprised when Musk starts cancer treatments in 2029.

Anonymous No. 16490869

Not anymore. After the stock thingie, they moved HQ to Long Beach.

Anonymous No. 16490872

Elon is definitely freezing himself like Walt Disney

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Anonymous No. 16490875

look at this deformed gridfin, cause no water deluge during hotstage

Anonymous No. 16490880

Just in case someone falls for this bait: the grid fins are warped because of thermal expansion.

Anonymous No. 16490884

and how do you stop thermal expansion? water deluge.

Anonymous No. 16490885

We need to invent a material that's unaffected by temperature.

Anonymous No. 16490887

You ignore it because it's a non-issue, and it mostly happens during the rapid descent through the upper atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16490888

well, then we wonder why the rest of the world is irrelevant in spaceflight. how can they even compete if their best assets are always assimilated into the US?

Anonymous No. 16490889

just flow propellant thru the fins

Anonymous No. 16490890

I want to flow my propellant over booster's fins if you know what I mean

Anonymous No. 16490893

make fins from raptors

Anonymous No. 16490894

many viruses survive forever on frozen corpses. you bring some frozen chicken to mars or some other livestock its still gonna have that virus in it.

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Anonymous No. 16490899

Anonymous No. 16490901

>he's pre-coping already
oh fuck

Anonymous No. 16490902

>even if we fail
nooooo, don't say that elon

Anonymous No. 16490903

there are so many benefits from colonizing mars but the detractors cant stand it because EDS or they hate spaceflight. there's all kinds of science and tech discoveries we can make there.

Anonymous No. 16490904

when melon starts doing this you know its over.

Anonymous No. 16490905

the haters are going to latch onto that tweet. they're going to have a death grip on it and whip it out every day.

Anonymous No. 16490906

How can you compete when your home country has retardation such as taxation of unrealized gains? My country has that, makes it impossible to do startups. Kills any innovation stone dead.
Of course they fuck off to the US.

Anonymous No. 16490907

elon is literally nearly at the door and is too scared to open it.

Anonymous No. 16490908

he's been saying that since the beginning. it's no big deal

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Anonymous No. 16490909

why are all space girls so hot and ready for anal?

Anonymous No. 16490910

does she need a boyfriend

Anonymous No. 16490914

because you're an incel

Anonymous No. 16490915

Why did you censor the tranny flag?

Anonymous No. 16490916

thats a man

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Anonymous No. 16490920

nasa's dilator

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Anonymous No. 16490925


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Anonymous No. 16490929

I had to do this after seeing the new renders.

Anonymous No. 16490930


Anonymous No. 16490932

instead of top kek we should start calling it top X

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Anonymous No. 16490935

this is true DESU
Name one good thing fakex has done which Nasa wouldnt have done cheaper and more efficiently. Shuttle was reusable IN THE 80S

Anonymous No. 16490936

>me one good thing fakex has done which Nasa wouldnt have done cheaper and more efficiently
Your mom

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Anonymous No. 16490937

Anonymous No. 16490938

Holy based
There are at least three /sfg/ posters I'm aware of that are also /vg/mmcg/ posters. Something about the Faustian spirit

Anonymous No. 16490939

How does that even get calculated? Instantaneous on tax day?

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Anonymous No. 16490942

A man.

Anonymous No. 16490943

Yup. Better sell that stock to afford your taxes.
Unless you have a foreign owner of course, which naturally avoids this whole thing.
It's the craziest fucking thing ever and why we're a gas station that also sells salmon.

Anonymous No. 16490947

so the noozles deform even before re-entry? is this a bad sign?

Anonymous No. 16490951


Anonymous No. 16490952

awesome. What mod is that? Only space mod I know is galaticraft from way back and I don't think it had elevators.

Anonymous No. 16490954


Anonymous No. 16490958

speaking of other generals, there must be some /dbs/ posters here, too.

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Anonymous No. 16490960

Create: Northstar, it works with the Create mod allowing you to build your own rockets from scratch.

Here's my autism world so far: (I added a propellant farm later which is not seen in the recording).

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Anonymous No. 16490962

When was this?

Anonymous No. 16490968

look at the filename

Anonymous No. 16490970

That's the auto-generated filename from the X video download browser add-on, anon.

Anonymous No. 16490975

why don't you ask on the shithole you found it nigger

Anonymous No. 16490978

awesome. Now I want to do it too...

Anonymous No. 16490981


Anonymous No. 16490982

nasa adminiatrator eric bergur

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Anonymous No. 16490984

Black science man fails to understand even the most basic knowledge of a topic before blabbing his fat nigger lips off #193629

Heres Felons response. Also strangely Ben Shapiro reposted this response?

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Anonymous No. 16490985


Anonymous No. 16490986

SN 10? SN 15? Something like that, few years back.

Anonymous No. 16490987

why can't NDT just move on and admit he was wrong, why does he always have to come out on top with his "akshuaally"

Anonymous No. 16490988

Blackman keeps spouting retarded takes over and over again. Maybe he always was such and I have merely given him the pass since he didnt interest me in the past

Anonymous No. 16490989

lol, retard can't read
here's hoping you forget how to breathe shortly

Anonymous No. 16490990

I dont know why they keep putting him on shows with how many times he has made himself look like a retard on every subject imaginable.

Anonymous No. 16490992

Heres that (You) you ordered.

Anonymous No. 16490995

I can't believe there was ever a time that I thought he was well informed about what he was presenting, what a fool I was.

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Anonymous No. 16490998

It's a great way to let out your autistic space visions in a game where you have total creative freedom, especially with Create which literally gives you complete freedom to do anything you can imagine.

I wrote out a plan to colonise the Solar System, and will be using this mod to realise it.

Anonymous No. 16491001

>vast spaceport

Anonymous No. 16491002

its still too expensive to do anything meaningful in space even if you have millions of dollars

Anonymous No. 16491003

two more IFTs trust da plan

Anonymous No. 16491004

Wrong, creating a space station is in the millions.

Anonymous No. 16491005

$900 million dollars is not normal

Anonymous No. 16491008

has anyone ever thought of launching tons of sand into a retrograde LEO orbit just for the lolz?

Anonymous No. 16491009

And whered you get that figure?

Anonymous No. 16491012

A pittance.

Anonymous No. 16491013

It's weird how Musk is under the impression that consciousness is something restricted to humans, rather than a part of reality itself.

I agree that colonizing the planets and affiliated bodies of our solar system is essential to the long term survival of humanity and their civilization culture, but pretending consciousness itself is at stake smacks of fanatical religiosity and is an exaggeration at best.

Anonymous No. 16491014

If /sfg/ is just X screenshots, why not just join X and comment there? You're now allowed to say all of the same things except for the word nigger

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Anonymous No. 16491015

Grains of sand in a 400km orbit (roughly ISS altitude) would deorbit in under a year

Anonymous No. 16491017

The current US national debt is somewhere around 35 TRILLION.
Most of that has been completely wasted on graft, corruption, and social programs that simple redirect resources instead of actually producing anything.

A billion dollars is literally a drop in the bucket compared to that monument of waste and depravity.

Anonymous No. 16491022

>satellite orbital decay prediction
I'm gonna play with this, thanks.

Anonymous No. 16491024

all satellites eventually turn into grains of sand

Anonymous No. 16491025

Have fun anon
I actually missed a 0 on the mass, real deorbit for sand is just about a month at 400km

Anonymous No. 16491029

>It's weird how Musk is under the impression that consciousness is something restricted to humans, rather than a part of reality itself.
yeah, definitely not familiar with animals unless he's frying their brains or blowing their eardrums out. humans will bring over tons of animals to help colonize mars and the rest of space.

Anonymous No. 16491030

"protecting the light of consciousness" sounds poetic, I like that

Anonymous No. 16491033

For how long has this mod existed? I was looking everywhere for a good space mod that wasn't stuck on 1.12 like Galacticraft.
>forge only
Oh, that's why.
I guess I should just try that The Expansion datapack.

Anonymous No. 16491035

grok is now also a search engine btw

Anonymous No. 16491036

It's quite obvious Musk means the continuity of sapience in the universe, not consciousness itself. "Protecting sapience" sounds like reddit speak and normoids wouldn't understand.

Anonymous No. 16491037

It's not just animals though.

I'm pretty sure rocks and plants, lichens, etc, enjoy some level of consciousness too, beyond that entire planetary bodies and stars.
Like, it's not a phenomenon you can neatly just lock down to a particular class of biological organism. It has to be more generalized, even if there are local hotspots.

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Anonymous No. 16491038

It's relatively new and in its early stages, but it looks very promising. Not only is it unique with its focus on rocket building, but the representation of each planet is the most true-to-life I have ever seen in a space mod, while also taking creative liberties that are semi-believable. The author is clearly someone who enjoys and appreciates space for what it is, which has me more excited than anything, because all the other space mods don't feel like they have any real care put into them.

Anonymous No. 16491039

anima spiritualism isnt real, but on some other planet it might be

Anonymous No. 16491040


Anonymous No. 16491041

also I noticed neither of you could answer the question better than my friend grok could

Anonymous No. 16491042

I find bizarre how little space mods there are compared to fantasy ones.
I think the old Galacticraft worldgen from the planets is lame, though the wip pics they shared for the new version look a lot better.
I want to give this create addon a shot if it comes out for fabric or if I get a better computer.

Anonymous No. 16491043

why not using chatgpt instead?

Anonymous No. 16491044

Sorry my kiwi friend but Rocket Lab started as a NZ company and then moved everything that wasn't directly tied to its launch pads in NZ to America.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16491045

bill maher destroyed him afterwards

he probably wont be back

Anonymous No. 16491046

This post explains a lot about /sfg/'s quality the last few days

Anonymous No. 16491047

>look at this deformed gridfin

Resolved by moving the gridfins lower on the V2 booster, which also integrates the hot stage into it.

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I&#039;m still al....jpg

Anonymous No. 16491048

Hello, remember me? I've been away for over a year now, but I just wanted to tell you guys that I never forgot about you, and I still think about /sfg/ now and then.
My interests moved to things beyond spaceflight, and into history, but I've followed space on the side, and I have to say that I never though we'd get to where we are today.
I won't be visiting regularly anymore, but I want you to think I'm never here. I'll be lurking. Sometimes.
t: Finnanon

Anonymous No. 16491050

I don't want to hear from you unless you can give me some dead Russians as a present

Anonymous No. 16491051

What are we supposed to be seeing?

Anonymous No. 16491053

yeah, there are reports and ancient stories that rocks indeed have some form of phenomenal experience or animating kami
how that works specifically is beyond my ability to explain, but since that phenomenon can be generalized to everything that exists it would not surprise me at all

Anonymous No. 16491057

RIP black science man

Anonymous No. 16491058

I supported Elon by getting a year of premium during the sale so it's grok 2 for me

Anonymous No. 16491060

I liked when you posted neat old space-related stuff, that was fun.

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SFG barrel section.png

Anonymous No. 16491065

I haev some bad news 4 u anon
My interests are beyond the current habbenings, history is in the past, and modern day politics are only a hinderence to said history.
Ultimately I feel that US detachment from the conflict would be better for funding for spaceflight. Some part of the defence and pentagon budget should put into funding spaceflight, God willinng
I've been thinking about it too. I don't know if I can get into stamps or translating articles again, or if I'm too detached to get exited over them again.
Also, has the ring section changed at all, or was that meme abandoned for new ones? This is the newest one I had saved

Anonymous No. 16491066

Ohh, so that's why I haven't heard from you ever since I got back to this general this year after a long hiatus. I still remember that stamp and newspaper archive at the beginning of every thread, good times. Godspeed, finnanon. Don't forget: we are gonna make it :)

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Anonymous No. 16491067

Honestly I'm happy for Bezos, I hope New Glenn succeeds. It would be good for the mission

Anonymous No. 16491069

that's still the latest ring

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sfg mood a.jpg

Anonymous No. 16491070

how would 1mm diameter steel ball bearings do?

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 16491071


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Bezos Shatner.webm

Anonymous No. 16491072

How much champagne does he waste

Anonymous No. 16491073

I think it's part of the package deal, the rich people "astronauts" paid for it on the bill

Anonymous No. 16491074

It hasn't changed since like september of last year, but here it is, incase it's been lost to time
Historic artifact :0 Any new /sfg/ memes, or has it dulled down since? I hope not, times seem to be more exciting than they were in 2020-2023

Anonymous No. 16491077

I'm not going to spoonfeed you

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не смешно не смея....png

Anonymous No. 16491078

ur a cheeky fuk I'll giv u that

Anonymous No. 16491079

feed me dead russians
for Karelia

Anonymous No. 16491080

musk was imprisoned by the congressional plover committee

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Anonymous No. 16491081

honestly most memes these days i cant tell if theyre oc or stolen from X

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Anonymous No. 16491083


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Anonymous No. 16491084

it's over, then?
pls lessen your expectations of le reddit finland warfare, reality is drastically different :(
Don't tell me my years here were the best times this general had in terms of memes

Anonymous No. 16491085

I warned you this place would go to shit quickly if you idiots made it a general

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this is my life now.png

Anonymous No. 16491087

It did last some two years, didn't it? btw what happened with that Anon who built a rocket engine? Did it work, or did it end up not being worth it? I remember that WebM of him testing the engine and stumbling after lighting it

Anonymous No. 16491089

that was the last we heard from him, presumably it blew up and killed him

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That&#039;s a roc....png

Anonymous No. 16491091

Damn. Old /sfg/ really going extinct... guess the hype was the only driving force left here
Oh well, some better times are coming, I hope.

Anonymous No. 16491092

now fuck off

Anonymous No. 16491094

>here it is
it's like a time capsule
>any new /sfg/ memes
I am going to spoonfeed you: I think that after things like "a starship flew over my house" and the cubic kilometer stuff, it's mostly ironic doomposting, joking about plovers instead of beetles, the Dutch, 50/50 anons, Krystal and Clear, more thunderf00t, total FAA death, brilliant pebbles, mars mattress, the "fuck you" posters, and the constant hate towards urfers, I'm sure I'm missing a lot more, but that's just off the top of my head.

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oc and on topic.png

Anonymous No. 16491095

So nothing has changed? Good to be back home, if only for a short while

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Anonymous No. 16491096

Where is she now? what is her instagram?

Anonymous No. 16491099

damn I remember reading about those suits in popsci back in the day

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Anonymous No. 16491100

She's still a meme? Is her crotch still unsniffable, or is the technology here now?

Anonymous No. 16491101

Neutron beam irradiation

Anonymous No. 16491104

Nooglin static fire wen?

Anonymous No. 16491106

Is this patent actually stopping people from working on these kinds of suits? Who is the actual individual or organization who holds the patent?

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mars bad.jpg

Anonymous No. 16491108

What separates ambition from mediocrity?


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Frog Badge.jpg

Anonymous No. 16491110

Man I wonder how much of my folder is still in use here

Anonymous No. 16491111

A single rapidly reusable superheavy stack (V3, aspirational numbers) can lift more in a day than the entire Earth lifts in an entire year right now (including F9), and they want to manufacture three ships per day for single digit millions. There is a paradigm shift coming, and no one, including you, understands the scale of it.

Anonymous No. 16491113

don't forget ye standard dolphin sex, seal torture, rocket gijinka, Charposting, uhhhhhhhhhhh
I miss Alpaca, she was cute

Anonymous No. 16491114

More in a fiscal quarter. Brycetech's charts (while they were publishing them) were quarterly.

Anonymous No. 16491116

2 weeks

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Mountain of Iron ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16491119

man, does anyone remember these

Anonymous No. 16491120

holy based

Anonymous No. 16491122

>it's weird that musk doesn't subscribe to my weird ass new age mumbo jumbo religious bullshit for which I have no empirical evidence
No, that isn't weird. You are weird.

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Anonymous No. 16491123

the most magnificent looking rocket ever.

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Paul Allen&#039;s....png

Anonymous No. 16491124

I beg to differ

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Anonymous No. 16491125

I commissioned some AIslop based on this

Anonymous No. 16491127

lets see paul allens rocket.

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you what.jpg

Anonymous No. 16491129

>mixing Martis and Ares

Anonymous No. 16491131

I believe the hoe in the picture is sitting on the patent for mechanical countermeasure suits yes.

Anonymous No. 16491132

Latin is Latin

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Mountain of Iron ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16491134

Damn that's neat. The original was some cringey LARP made from some audio mixing experiments I made back in 2021
>March of the Dwarves | Ares Royal Orchestra | 17.20.2067
I have to give props to my past self, the concept is kinda neat. Especially with the old 1x1 LP cover-esque image

Anonymous No. 16491140

When are you gonna make new videos

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Kemp shock.png

Anonymous No. 16491147

I don't know what to make. Maybe some music thing of a successful Starship launch, but I feel the thing that made vids like this ( special was that I was there when it happened. I remember laughing my ass off at this launch and all the memes made from it, and I feel fossilized when I see that I made this over three years ago, and I have nothing else to make those kinds of vids of anymore.
I can look back at some of them cringing at how ass my editing and how hurried it was back then, but it's still way better than I could come up with on my own now. My vids were mainly centered around /sfg/, so abandoning it depletes me of a creative source. Not that I have much use for my channel now, I can't come up with any videos nowadays.

Anonymous No. 16491150

KEK, I remember that video. I laughed so much that day with Astra's powerslide and the memes here lmao

Anonymous No. 16491154

Why doesn't Elon fight intellectual property?

Anonymous No. 16491158

That response answers neither question

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This better be good.jpg

Anonymous No. 16491159

My favorite video remains the one I spent the most effort in, Dis-Astra Strikes Again (
I had a friend in a call with me and we brainstormed some ideas for some dumb shit to include, mainly the "*CLANK* FUCK ME IN DA ASS-HOE "Nigga oh no!"" part from Brandon Rodger's vid, and the the "oh your launch is finished" bit

Anonymous No. 16491166

You werent here for Flight 1???

Anonymous No. 16491169

I liked the one about basket weaving forum malding, just seeing the live reactions of anons does it for me, a truly unique experience that sends your sides to orbit. Maybe you could do something like that again for your next video.
> friend in a call with me
The legendary sfg discord server? In all seriousness, must have been fun, I don't know anyone in real life who is aware of this general lol

Anonymous No. 16491173

Mars is a frozen shithole.

Anonymous No. 16491177

Because mechanical counterpressure suits are meme garbage

Anonymous No. 16491178


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He hop.png

Anonymous No. 16491179

I was, though I never made a vid of the original F1 hop. But I tell you, I was the guy who made the "he hop" bunny stack image when the stack first hopped.
looking back I can almost remember exactly what was going on in my life just by the references and shit going on in the videos, for example the SN8 vid ( has a song by Heavenly, a french power metal band which I was listening to around 2019.
Also that vid had a comment by Cost-Plus Content, which I'm sad to see that he never came back. Guess it was the other /sfg/ channel that died around the same time :(

Anonymous No. 16491180

Imagine if they stuck mass simulators on the flight test starships and doubled 2024’s upmass in 4 launches.

Anonymous No. 16491181

source for this claim?

Anonymous No. 16491183

Yes? Tell us something we don't know.

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Anonymous No. 16491184

Human embryos do not develop properly on the surfaces of Luna or Mars.

Anonymous No. 16491188

Wouldn't they add them to ship 33 first so they can see if the catch points would survive reentry?

Anonymous No. 16491189

Any report on their functionality

Anonymous No. 16491190

it's not like a copyright or a patent or anything, it's just she's the only one with any experience in it and those notes are her "intellectual property"
if you wanted to make your own you'd be starting from basically scratch, and nobody feels the need to do that
I don't actually think having her notes would help you make one that was good

Anonymous No. 16491191

It's as bad as Winnipeg

Anonymous No. 16491193

>chasers in /sfg/
oh my!

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Anonymous No. 16491194

I remember when it was called the 4ASS discord server

Anonymous No. 16491196

>new mc space mod
>check out the features
>no staging mechanics
aaand into the trash it goes

Anonymous No. 16491198

LMAO is that what spacesudoer looks like irl?????

Anonymous No. 16491199

You've convinced me, let's colonize Venus instead. I wanna see those Venusian amazonas women.

Anonymous No. 16491200

source for this claim?

Anonymous No. 16491202

How can you mention dolphin sex but not ASS2ASS?

Anonymous No. 16491206

You need to stop asking for sources all the time, it's not good for your mental health.

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Anonymous No. 16491208

it's dead
SpaceX killed it

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Anonymous No. 16491209


Anonymous No. 16491210

Get back to posting space themed post stamps

Anonymous No. 16491212


Anonymous No. 16491213

>still believes in the /sfg/ discord
do you also believe in santa? the joke is that it doesnt exist.

Anonymous No. 16491215

omg they are FUCKIN

Anonymous No. 16491216

they should touch fins when they do it

Anonymous No. 16491217


Anonymous No. 16491220

Is that like kissing

Anonymous No. 16491221

how many layers of irony are you on right now, anon? I'm little tired, so I'll assume between 0 and 1.

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Anonymous No. 16491222

the stars are aligning boys

Anonymous No. 16491223

If it doesn't exist then why is a link to the invite in the chatgpt 3.5 training data?

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Anonymous No. 16491224


Anonymous No. 16491225

>reddit nerd didn't get the invite


Anonymous No. 16491229

for anyone wondering, the link is also in the pastebin

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Anonymous No. 16491232

even worse, I think it's like holding hands

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Anonymous No. 16491234

stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16491235

But but but what about this image I found?

Anonymous No. 16491236

zero frogs, therefore good

Anonymous No. 16491237

cosmic ballet

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Anonymous No. 16491238

and this one?

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Anonymous No. 16491239

Now that LEO is solved, maybe /sfg/ should design an in-space only engine for shuttling cargo between gravity wells

Anonymous No. 16491250

that design has to be updated, an anti-plover system should be added

Anonymous No. 16491251

no. we need a clean sheet design

Anonymous No. 16491256

Looks like shit. This whole tile idea is retarded, the ship is clearly melting on each flight being saved purely by the stainless steel. The whole thermal protection system is gonna have to be redesigned or these things will never fly more than once.

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Anonymous No. 16491263


Anonymous No. 16491264


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Falcon 9 launch c....webm

Anonymous No. 16491267


Anonymous No. 16491268

It's fine. Much better shape than than F9 stage 2 after deorbit

Anonymous No. 16491270

elon's next venture should be affordable universal healthcare

Anonymous No. 16491274

We've got to solve the problems on mars first chud

Anonymous No. 16491275

heres a (You)

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Anonymous No. 16491276

A colosseum in every settlement on Mars.
Death sentence will be carried out by throwing the criminals off the Olympus Mons.

Anonymous No. 16491277

I really wish one of those podcast guys Elon occasionally talks to would try to convince him that building a giant space telescope is worthwhile
>we can find planets that could easily be colonized
>new discoveries in physics could unlock the secret to great spaceflight technologies, maybe even FTL
>hot ayy girls

Anonymous No. 16491278

they did some study, but dunno wtf happened to it

Anonymous No. 16491280

astrology has nothing to do with physics and going to other solar systems is just sci-fi crap

Anonymous No. 16491283

At least put forward a cheap single-piece telescope that uses the whole diameter for the lens
But imagine if we got a space-assembled mirror telescope with a ton of big hexagons

Anonymous No. 16491285

we need to focus on problems in the solar system first

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images (3).jpg

Anonymous No. 16491291

7 hexagons. maybe more

Anonymous No. 16491295

An Electron might be going up from Wallops in a few minutes, a suborbital HASTE launch. They've had one hold, but appear to be recycling for another attempt.

Anonymous No. 16491297

only one janky livestream that I've found:

Anonymous No. 16491300

why doesnt spacex launch from wallops?

Anonymous No. 16491304

Wallops launch facilities are tiny.

Anonymous No. 16491310

>a fucking tugboat
launch delayed at least another hour

Anonymous No. 16491313

Just a Starship that jettisons most of its nosecone to reveal the mirror. The whole thing is the telescope. If you like, you can send a team of astronauts to go convert the propellant section into living quarters.

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Anonymous No. 16491321
>Tonight's Starlink 9-13 mission is the 400th orbital launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 and the 100th Falcon 9 to fly from the company's West Coast launch pad at Vandenberg Space Force Base. It also appears to be the first Falcon 9 launch that will not be streamed live by SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16491324

>it wont be livestreamed
wtf why

Anonymous No. 16491325

It's live right now

Anonymous No. 16491327

Angle was bad tonight, I lost it behind a tree and couldn't see the separation.

Anonymous No. 16491328

There was a Falcon 9 launch and the most exciting thing about it was the brief thought that it wouldn't be streaming

Anonymous No. 16491330

>It also appears to be the first Falcon 9 launch that will not be streamed live by SpaceX
Amazing. It's actually happened. I was literally just talking about this a few threads ago.

Anonymous No. 16491331

its going to take forever to get a colony on one of jupiter's moons. we might not see one until next century.

Anonymous No. 16491339

Nothing ever happens

Anonymous No. 16491340

rocket lab launched

Anonymous No. 16491341

...maybe with some stability issues

Anonymous No. 16491342
what is she up to bros

Anonymous No. 16491344


Anonymous No. 16491346

A rocket quiz for a school class

Anonymous No. 16491351

Launch clearfags into GEO

Anonymous No. 16491352

oh wait not a school class it's an annual space event in Mitaka, a city right next to Tokyo

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Anonymous No. 16491354
>There are reports from ISS about toxic smell aboard the newly arrived Progress MS-29 cargo ship, which forced to urgently close the hatch into its cargo compartment

Anonymous No. 16491356

What video is this comment from? I just want to talk to him.

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 16491357

BREAKING: Booster 13 was SHOT and KILLED before it sank!

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CSI Starbase-1860....webm

Anonymous No. 16491359


Anonymous No. 16491361


Anonymous No. 16491362

Placating the ULA snipers

Anonymous No. 16491363

Thats crazy

Anonymous No. 16491369

casey is on spaces rn

Anonymous No. 16491372

It will get them soon. That's why I built a two-stage rocket.

Anonymous No. 16491379

Best day of that coast guard guy's life.

Anonymous No. 16491385

thank you based russia for making the iss slightly interesting

Anonymous No. 16491400

Probably .50cal because each 20mm round requires a $200 tax stamp. NFA delenda est.

t. /k/

Anonymous No. 16491402

doens't apply to uscg idiot

Anonymous No. 16491404

Are the rounds a DD or only if the are explosive?

Anonymous No. 16491406

stupid nigger, the coast guard unconstitutionally bans weapons on boats by civilians anyway
only if the rounds contain more than some small mass in ounces of explosive

Anonymous No. 16491410

big benis :DD

Anonymous No. 16491413

Imagine calling yourself a fucking scientist and saying that profit should be the only incentive towards scientific and technological progress

Anonymous No. 16491469

Wen hop?

Anonymous No. 16491471

After I fucking strangle you

Anonymous No. 16491472

two weeks

Anonymous No. 16491473
>Pad Inspections Ahead of Starship Flight 7 | SpaceX Boca Chica

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Anonymous No. 16491480

tfw Elon launches flight 7 on January 20th

Anonymous No. 16491486

He should launch on 6th January to honor American patriots.

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Anonymous No. 16491490

Black Science Guy is just an an astroonomer, just deal with it and move on.

Anonymous No. 16491492

that faggot that linked here from /pol/ multiple times was what really killed /sfg/, and the early-stager too

Anonymous No. 16491510

>somebody is getting PAID doing this
lucky bastard

Anonymous No. 16491512

It's only another 75 years. Same distance as 1950

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nonstop sex in 0G.jpg

Anonymous No. 16491532

>free trip to space
>with my wife
based. I don't even need to come back. We'll find out if jellobabies are real

Anonymous No. 16491533

>sharing a "wife" with thousands of other simps

Anonymous No. 16491537

It's a macropolycule

Anonymous No. 16491538

He likes to sit in the corner and watch from afar while Elon is out there piercing the heavens.

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kitn-underfoot sp....jpg

Anonymous No. 16491541

I'd rather have a macrocouple, thank you very much

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banana for scale.jpg

Anonymous No. 16491544

>all he can think about is cuck shit
SAD. Meanwhile I'll be in orbit taking Clear's virginity and getting myself a son

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Anonymous No. 16491549

well some people were just born with a heaven-piercing cock, and others, ehhhhh

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Anonymous No. 16491550

Zhuque-2E user guide

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Anonymous No. 16491551

and Zhuque-3 (continued from previous post)

Anonymous No. 16491553

In human history there will be someone who tried to fuck a Nebula

Anonymous No. 16491554

best of luck o7

Anonymous No. 16491557

Not a technology problem

Anonymous No. 16491559

>clear's virginity
should we tell him?
I'd hate to break the poor boys heart

Anonymous No. 16491562

You'll have to imagine the smell

Anonymous No. 16491564

You're thinking about it all wrong. Starship will be optimized to launch thin Starlink satellites out of that little door. You need a system of mirrors that can be stacked and then deployed with very little variation from Starlink. You definitely wouldn't throw away a Starship

Anonymous No. 16491565

Doing the work

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banana for scale1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16491567

Sorry anon, your lies won't affect me. I already checked her hymen is still intact. But keep seething buddy!

Anonymous No. 16491568

Mitaka is in Tokyo

Anonymous No. 16491585

maher put him in the chair and roasted him over scientific american. I think bill gets more hostile to tyson every time I wonder if appearances will continue

Anonymous No. 16491586

>It's weird how Musk is under the impression that consciousness is something restricted to humans, rather than a part of reality itself.

Does he? Also should we take the chance? Is it ok if we die because aliens are out there?

Anonymous No. 16491587


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Anonymous No. 16491591

Anonymous No. 16491597

I call the Elysium Mons peninsula

Anonymous No. 16491600

this geography sucks tbhdesu

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tharsis pavonis m....jpg

Anonymous No. 16491601

Reminder that Pavonis Mons, site of the future space elevator, is mine

Anonymous No. 16491607

is this real
why in gods name

Anonymous No. 16491608

>SpaceX forgot to stream the starlink launch last night

Anonymous No. 16491610

Why was the link to your personal twitter necessary?

Anonymous No. 16491611


Anonymous No. 16491612

personally im not seeing it. whats more likely - a rocket which just landed in the ocean ruptures fuel lines etc and explodes? Or that, for some reason, it gets shot up by a mysterious boat which just happens to be in the area?

Anonymous No. 16491613

>It's MA'AM

Anonymous No. 16491614

because its full of bangers

Anonymous No. 16491622

Latest rumors of CASC CZ12 series from the Zhuhai air show are nonsensical.

>SAST CZ12 4xYF100K 3.8m kerolox expendable
>SAST VTVL 3xLongyun 70 3.8m Methalox reusable demonstrator (2 flights)
>SAST One off 7xLongyun 70 3.8m Methalox reusable (one off reusable somehow???)
>SAST CZ12A 7xYF102R 3.8m Kerolox reusable
>SAST CZ12B 9xYF102R 4.2m Kerolox reusable

What a joke. Hope the private sector btfo them.

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Anonymous No. 16491629

Anonymous No. 16491645

I call one of the Hellas islands

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Anonymous No. 16491647

>Third batch of five satellites for the French Kinéis IoT constellation designed to operate with 25 nanosatellites of 30 kg each. The constellation will enable Kinéis, a company backed by private and public investors including the French government’s space agency CNES (Centre National d'Études Spatiales) and CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites) an international space-based solutions provider, to improve its global IoT connectivity.

What the hell is "IoT"? I know it stands for "internet of things", but just what does THAT mean?

Anonymous No. 16491649

Most people using internet of things to mean alexa or a smart fridge.
When companies say it, they mean things like monitoring automated farming equipment, livestock management, calculating crop yields, fleet tracking, energy usage etc. Much more big picture stuff.

Anonymous No. 16491652

>What the hell is "IoT"?
on the small scale consumer end of things it tends to be for stuff that only fags like, so it stands for Internet Of Twats. As anon said >>16491649 it does have other uses.

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Anonymous No. 16491653

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Kineis use.png

Anonymous No. 16491654


I see, that's cool

Anonymous No. 16491660

Nobody cares about yuro opinion pieces. Show me Berger, Foust or Davenport and I will listen.

Anonymous No. 16491661

>there's enough nitrogen on Mars to bubble in half the US as livable space
>plants can grow in normal Martian atmosphere, pressurized and warmed
>some industrial processes would work better with no oxygen around and few need nitrogen
We can bubble over the whole planet and support billions of people. Remind me why anyone ever talks about terraforming?

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Anonymous No. 16491664


Anonymous No. 16491667

Only thing worst than Elon cocksuckers is Berger's rimmers.

Anonymous No. 16491674

>there's no money to be made on mars
do they think that people are getting free rides to mars? no that shit cost millions of dollars for a ticket.

Anonymous No. 16491679

Musk said it wwill cost 100k incel, so either he is lying or you are....

Anonymous No. 16491680

>land men on Mars first
>claim it
>charge all other space agencies for samples
There I made Mars profitable.

Anonymous No. 16491681

Charging millions of dollars per person is incompatible with colonization, unless there's also a much less expensive option (or inflation gets a lot worse) because there wouldn't be enough people with the money and the desire to go.

Also, Elon has stated that he's not trying to make money on Mars colonization.

Anonymous No. 16491682

the price drops over time

Anonymous No. 16491684

>just happens to be in the area
You mean the area that's meant to be cleared of boats before the launch?

Anonymous No. 16491685

you will put your entire networth into the Elon Musk Martian Fund
and you will receive Martian Doge Coins

Anonymous No. 16491686

>free rides to mars
Labor on Mars will be valuable enough to offset the cost of the trip. Like miners in remote Alaska, do you think they pay for the flight out? Even with automation well beyond the level that makes economic sense on Earth, the road to self sufficiency is long and hard and will require many more humans than are currently there.

Anonymous No. 16491687

he said 200k in 2016, and somewhere else I saw 250k. but that was assuming 100 people on a flight. In reality it would be far fewer people, and probably 10X as expensive. expect at least 2 million

Anonymous No. 16491688

The company runs a whole fleet of recovery vessels for picking up stuff when it splashes down. They probably had one of theirs out in the area for ship landing too.

Anonymous No. 16491689

it's really not

Anonymous No. 16491690

>only profit is from selling tickets to individuals
nasa will spend alot on a mars colony with their own base connected to spacex's. they'll pay for marslink too.

Anonymous No. 16491692

They had video filmed from small inflatable dingies

i doubt they were out there without a larger ship somewhere nearby

Anonymous No. 16491695

the dutch will dig a canal around the southern edge of the tharsis region and turn it into an island continent.
we will finally have mountains.

Anonymous No. 16491696

>bubble in half the US as livable space
>We can bubble over the whole planet

Anonymous No. 16491697

Mars is smaller than the United States

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Anonymous No. 16491699

which one would you fuck?

Anonymous No. 16491700

Read the post goober. The pressurized volumes without atmospheric nitrogen can be used for farming and industry

Anonymous No. 16491701

How short is he lmao?

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Anonymous No. 16491702

if you choose tice she uses this

Anonymous No. 16491705

>kate has bigger arms than insprucker

Anonymous No. 16491710

Insprucker has been a skinnyfat desk nerd his entire life.

Anonymous No. 16491711

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16491712

when shes off the screen i see her for what she is: a 40 something mid woman.
But when tice is on the webcast i want to fuck her face so badly. Why is this phenomena happening bros?

Anonymous No. 16491713

If the first Jovian system colony fingerhold efforts occur after 2100, it will only be due to people focusing on the inner system, because the basic capability to attempt the effort will be available before the 2050s begin.

Anonymous No. 16491714

seems younger than 40s. surprised. must be her youthful exuberance about rockets shining through

Anonymous No. 16491715

the flight there would take years. your bones would break if you tried to walk on a moon.

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Anonymous No. 16491716

Have sex anon.

Anonymous No. 16491720

>ripped jeans
Does she think she's 16 years old. wtf?

Anonymous No. 16491722

I'll make her feel like she is

Anonymous No. 16491726


Anonymous No. 16491728

take her out on a date to a highschool

Anonymous No. 16491729

the martial economy will be a deregulated one allowing for many companies to be able to do research and buildouts that are simply infeasible to do on earth. ayn rand will somehow be entirely redeemed lol

Anonymous No. 16491730


Anonymous No. 16491732

trust me bro

Anonymous No. 16491737

will i be able to own neurolink implanted slaves on mars?

Anonymous No. 16491738

>maher put him in the chair and roasted him over scientific american
What did Black Science Man have to do with Scientific American going woke back in 2000 or so?
(I know that's when it started because I had a paper subscription then and dropped it when they suddenly went full global warmtard. Then the editor was on Charlie Rose back in '08 or so and admitted it.)

Anonymous No. 16491741

Remember, the "S" in "IoT" stands for security!

Anonymous No. 16491743

ToT uoooooooh cunny

Anonymous No. 16491745

>Thing of Things

Anonymous No. 16491746

NASA is only really obsolete in designing manned rockets. And that's mostly Congress's fault for forcing SLS down the throat of NASA's budget.

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Anonymous No. 16491747

next NASA administrator?

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Anonymous No. 16491750


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Anonymous No. 16491751

Tax is theft

Anonymous No. 16491753

I appreciate you Chinese space poster, and I hope we keep getting news fron you

Anonymous No. 16491755

You have noticed the effects of makeup, lighting and hairstyling (and in this case not showing arms and shoulders)

Anonymous No. 16491756

>random answer relating to sex
It this the cumbrain who keeps posting pictures of meh women in orbit?

Anonymous No. 16491758

>not spinmaxxxing your way out to the gas giants

Anonymous No. 16491760

Chinks make so many renders and rumors that I can't care until they actually re-launch something.

Anonymous No. 16491761

Government contracting rules are complicated for a reason, and that reason is because they are required to do business with the American people, i.e. morons. Every safety rule is written in blood and every contract rule is written in tears. That guy he mentions getting kicked out for helping Boeing deserved it.

Anonymous No. 16491763

get gud, just lift bro

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Anonymous No. 16491765

I decline

Anonymous No. 16491766

>he's still spincucking
lol just travel at light speed, pleb. Oh, what's that? You don't have enough energy? Sounds like a poorfag cope to me.

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Anonymous No. 16491767

I'm trustworthy

Anonymous No. 16491769

I have already seen your twitter account, you are known to me, I think you're dogshit

Anonymous No. 16491771


Anonymous No. 16491772

bro literally all you do is repost the Hawaiian furry and the fucking Canadian twink, get your shit together and make some original goddamn content if you want me to follow you

Anonymous No. 16491773

when people start posting bsky space news here we know x is kaput

Anonymous No. 16491774

happening next year btw.

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Anonymous No. 16491776
>[4K Slow-Mo] Starship Flight 6 Supercut

Anonymous No. 16491778

I fully expect that might be the right number, however I also expect that anyone willing to work on Mars will have contracts that pay a lot with a free return in 2 or 4 years (depending on the job) with any extra time after those transfer windows being pure profit for the worker.

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Anonymous No. 16491779

yeah, like that'll ever happen
literally the only space person on bsky is that one crazy NASA astrooonomer Johnathan McDowell

Anonymous No. 16491780

tickets to Mars: free
tickets back from Mars: $50 million

Anonymous No. 16491783

>I'm a retard
Ok, but that doesn't change the fact that spingravity is easy and will be a staple design feature of any crewed vehicle with one-way spaceflight durations of over 6 months by the year 2040.

Anonymous No. 16491786

>proposing we spin a vehicle with a wide radius tether so the centrifugal force imitates normal gravity to keep people healthy is exactly like proposing we go light speed
Spin gravity is so far within our capabilities that the fucking Gemini program demonstrated it.

Anonymous No. 16491787

so what's up with the smelly progress

Anonymous No. 16491789

huh, what now

Anonymous No. 16491790

Just the collapse of the rotting corpse that is "russian" spaceflight, nothing to worry about

Anonymous No. 16491791

just make an orbital telescope god damn its not that hard

Anonymous No. 16491792

please don't actually read their shitlib seething

Anonymous No. 16491794

omggg i love being parasocial to my favorite spitter ecelebs

Anonymous No. 16491795


Anonymous No. 16491797

if you make content you can be reciprocally parasocial, which in other words just means esocial
it's fun, I should make a KSP tutorial video for spaceplanes at some point
the Ziggers are collapsing
TZD soon

Anonymous No. 16491798

What's the nature of the smell? Something rotten? Or something leaking? Or did one of the cosmonauts shit himself during launch and that's been wafting through the Soyuz since?

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Anonymous No. 16491799


Anonymous No. 16491801

>Video compression artifacting
Yeah, it's truly over.

Anonymous No. 16491802

how? the thing with the cable was a frustration failure

Anonymous No. 16491803

actual flerf tier analysis by "expert" sfg anons

Anonymous No. 16491804

none of them are really very round and its no mystery why

Anonymous No. 16491805

Most likely outcome. Starship on Earth is cheap. Return Starship on Mars will be exorbitant

Anonymous No. 16491806

It's over, all raptors deformed during liftoff

Anonymous No. 16491808

>the ship is clearly melting on each flight being saved purely by the stainless steel
So it's not melting

Anonymous No. 16491810

>Hot exhaust causing mirages
>Shitty video compression
Actual low tier bait

Anonymous No. 16491811

reminds me of those people that use digital zoom on images of stars and say they're like blobs of religion goo or whatever

Anonymous No. 16491813

>twitter poster
>spaceplane appreciator
>off topic war spammer
why does everything I hate always end up being so consistent

Anonymous No. 16491814

But if it's just compression artefacts and mirages, why it's so consistent during the whole video?

Anonymous No. 16491815

when we meet in space we can fight to the death

Anonymous No. 16491817

You have neither the skills nor the funds to ever realistically join me in space

Anonymous No. 16491819

or the girl that took credit for some guys' code that made an image of black holes

Anonymous No. 16491823

yeah I can only pay for myself, not gonna waste money on losers like yourself

Anonymous No. 16491826

Simple, it wasn't a failure and you're lying when you call it one.

Anonymous No. 16491830

What? Are you ESL too? Are you the fucking nigger that's been misinterpreting every single post I make for like a week?

Anonymous No. 16491831

>poorfag is whining again
yawn. And no, I'm not giving you a loan. Get a job already

Anonymous No. 16491833

well, the way i remember reading about it was that they could never get the set up to stabilize because there was always some waves in the cable upsetting the balance. Its not that spin gravity doesnt work, just that using a flexible cable like that wasn't a great way to go about demonstrating it.

maybe im remember wrong but there it is.

Anonymous No. 16491835

is there a good post somewhere of how exactly the v2 starship is different? or are we on v3 now? anyway the one being launched next

Anonymous No. 16491837

This isn't your blog and it's not a mental illness counseling service. Fuck off and go be a gay retard somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 16491838

>focuses on not spending money
You can't evade my pattern recognition skills dutchfag

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Anonymous No. 16491842


Anonymous No. 16491843

>sees some light bantz
>immediately spergs out
why are you like this? You don't look cool anon. You're just embarrassing yourself. Why not leave for a bit?

Anonymous No. 16491845

Flaps are brought back above the centerline to solve the hinge burnthrough problem. Tanks are stretched for another 25% propellant mass (1200t->1500t). Other than that I think it's improved Raptors and internal systems.

Anonymous No. 16491846

next one is V2/block 2
its has one ring more, so its like 1.5m taller
the upper flaps are thinner and a bit different shape and they have been moved up a bit more and behind the ship, so they aren't at 90 degrees anymore, something more like 120 degrees so they won't be in the plasma stream anymore

Anonymous No. 16491847

i like engines that you can turn off

Anonymous No. 16491848

bait or retarded

Anonymous No. 16491849

Sometimes you have to commit, anon.

Anonymous No. 16491850

>Why is the digital camera at extreme zoom levels consistent with its encoding throughout the video?

Anonymous No. 16491855

It looks like he's the kind you have to ignore

Anonymous No. 16491857

>Not advocating for reusable F9 boosters on Superheavy

Anonymous No. 16491858

if a guy can't control his engine then what can he control?

Anonymous No. 16491859

>6 pad landings and one booster catch per launch

Anonymous No. 16491860

It's on par with the retards saying the three gorges dam will collapse because the satellite image is poorly projected over some low quality geometry

Anonymous No. 16491861

So yeah, lying when you say it didn't work. It did work, and because it was the jankiest possible first attempt, there were some minor and easily fixed issues.

Anonymous No. 16491862

ok anon, whatever. great talking with you.

Anonymous No. 16491863

so why weren't these le minor and easily fixed issues fixed?

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Anonymous No. 16491864


Anonymous No. 16491866

Why need SRB's when you have engineered liquid fueled rocket engines to have a similar TWR? (raptor)

Anonymous No. 16491867

The ghost of Shelby possessed him

Anonymous No. 16491868

Fuck you.
Because NASA wished upon a monkey's paw in order to pull off Apollo at the cost of tying up NASA into defense contractor politics so badly that it could never accomplish anything good again.

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Anonymous No. 16491871

His bowels, maybe

Anonymous No. 16491875

sounds like a lot of cope for denying that spingrav didn't work. I'm sure all the evil defense contractors made deals behind closed doors to assassinate everyone related to developing that technology because uhhhhhh They just did, okay?

Anonymous No. 16491877

Sounds like cope for denying everything we know about how politics ruined the space shuttle, ISS, constellation, and SLS/Orion. Fucking retard.
I'm done entertaining faggots like you. Spreading bullshit lies has turned your soul into a piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 16491879

>Fuck you.
is it really necessary to be like this? i said i could be remember wrong but having read quite a bit about it and the guys who carried it out, thats the impression i got. i didn't say spin gravity cant work...just that the particular experiment they did had a lot of issues and the guys grew frustrated trying to make it work.

if you have some links which differ from this impression than you are free to post them up.

Anonymous No. 16491882

doubt it

whats wrong anon? why so much vitriol?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16491888

sounds like someone's cranky! You should go rest anon, no reason to get mad on the internet unless you're a pathetic loser. And you're not a pathetic loser, are you? And no, I'm still not taking you to space with me.

Anonymous No. 16491889

fuck you.

Anonymous No. 16491890

ticket back to Urf LEO: free
ticket for dragon shuttle ride down: $50M
or you can take your chances going down on Starship, better strap in tight

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Anonymous No. 16491892

that'll buff right out

Anonymous No. 16491893

w-what is he doing with the tape?

Anonymous No. 16491894

SRBs are a cope for insisting on hydrolox

Anonymous No. 16491898

Exactly what I thought of.

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Anonymous No. 16491899

stop anon, I can't get any more erect

Anonymous No. 16491902

i think he needs his nap!

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Anonymous No. 16491903


Anonymous No. 16491904

sounds like the betting opportunities are getting more interesting

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Layered Ablative ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16491905

Applying silica-embedded LADS, the only flexible heat shield solution. Product of 4ASS.

Anonymous No. 16491910

Anonymous No. 16491915

>every other post is the same autist sperging out
I'll be back tomorrow

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Anonymous No. 16491926

protecting a sexy rocket. she needs it

Anonymous No. 16491930

please don't come back, we don't need more spergs here

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Anonymous No. 16491933

>Muskrats defend this

Anonymous No. 16491936

what are those? air mines?

Anonymous No. 16491939

why wouldnt anyone defend this?

Anonymous No. 16491940

Few thousands of drone swarms. That can become air mines, air grenade droppers, air snipers, air smart missiles, air smart bullets, etc.

The next war has no real answer other than to deploy their own counter drone swarms.

Anonymous No. 16491941

yeah, musky is kinda cringe here. Should be a reminder along with Nigger De GAY Faggot that experts can only be experts in their own fields.

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spacetime mine.png

Anonymous No. 16491945


Anonymous No. 16491946

The question is what's going faster right now, advancements in drone warfare or jammer technology?
Because at some point manual control of drones will not work anymore and then you need to give them AI to work on their own.
And then skynet becomes real.

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Anonymous No. 16491947

Not enough water.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16491948

anyone know what to do with a cat thats a bit of a bitch? she meows outside my bedroom door until I let her in, then only meows at the window for me to be let out. even though my mums rule is that the cats cant go out after dark so they dont get run over. I let her out anyway, and guess what, she comes round the catflap (enter only mode at night) and comes to meow at my door again. rince and repeat. what do I do?

Anonymous No. 16491949

kick it. it may take a few cycles but she'll get the idea. cats are smart like that. right now you have no respect from the cat.

Anonymous No. 16491951

>give them AI to work on their own
Allegedly(by a company with a clear interest in everyone "knowing") it already happened, someone lost control of their drone and the AI took over and autonomously went and destroyed the target.

Anonymous No. 16491953

dont let that fucker out and don't let it in your room, use ear plugs if it continues to whine

Anonymous No. 16491954

Just useless drone swarm aerial acrobatics. Sure they look cool, but tell me when they can carry bunker buster missiles.

Anonymous No. 16491955

musk is right, fighter jets are not cost effective against drones

Anonymous No. 16491956

why would they need to carry bunker busters? just use conventional missiles for that

Anonymous No. 16491957

just stick a DEW on the underside and then it will be

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Anonymous No. 16491959

How expensive would it be to move a city to mars?

Anonymous No. 16491961

the problem is the pilots
no getting around that

Anonymous No. 16491964

Because normal missiles won't do shit against bunkers?

Anonymous No. 16491965

If only 6th gen fighter were designed with the capability to be flown autonomously with CCA...
Oh wait.

Anonymous No. 16491966

Leave your bedroom door cracked so she can come and go as you please, mine loves me because I always give her scratches and attention so she just sleeps next to me. Dont let her out since yours apparantly leaves to cross the street, mine doesnt have that issue since we’re gated but I would say just keep her inside, and maybe leave a litterbox or something just in case its for that.

Anonymous No. 16491967

this is the dutchfag falseflagging btw

Anonymous No. 16491972


Anonymous No. 16491976

>hes still pushing the boogyman nobody believes in
Give up.

Anonymous No. 16491977

Bring back indentured servitude

Anonymous No. 16491979

The ships are coming back anyway. Elon said free return back, but he'll charge something. or work it into the depart fare

Anonymous No. 16491985

Reply with a screenshot or pay the tikkie

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Anonymous No. 16491986


Anonymous No. 16491989

I don't know why but life on a planet orbiting a red dwarf seems comfy. It's kinda like an eternal sunset. Just my experience from messing around in SpaceEngine.

Anonymous No. 16491990

Red dwarfs are uninhabitable doe?

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Anonymous No. 16491991

Russians really do have the shit midas touch

Anonymous No. 16491993

Not exactly true, but they wouldn't be very fun.

Anonymous No. 16491994

US propaganda.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16491997

Any more ukropium you want to share with the class /k/ike?

Anonymous No. 16491998

should rename themselves to New India after they get partitioned

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Anonymous No. 16491999

4chan mentioned in Berger's Reentry

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Anonymous No. 16492000

This is my fav OP in a while

Anonymous No. 16492001

spray bottle and mist her face every time she does it

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incapacitated, dr....jpg

Anonymous No. 16492002

Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror

Anonymous No. 16492003


Anonymous No. 16492004

Great way to make your cat hate you

Anonymous No. 16492005

>The ships are coming back anyway

They are not

Anonymous No. 16492006

probably the smell of the ukropigger dead body inside as a souvineer for our american friends.

Anonymous No. 16492007

>If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror
Pussy shit, I'll go kick space right in the balls and dare it to do something about it.

Anonymous No. 16492010

yes it's necessary, Fuck you.
If you met me in real life you'd kill yourself out of shame

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Anonymous No. 16492011

>false vacuum decays you in your path

Anonymous No. 16492012

Not the first decade obv

Anonymous No. 16492013

So how was your nap? It looks like you're still a bit angry, why not go play with your toys, sweaty?

Anonymous No. 16492014

pet her in your lap until she sleeps. repeat until she prefers your lap over going outside.

Anonymous No. 16492016

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16492018

Only for life sans tech.
Humans can and will colonize red dwarf systems.
try harder :^)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16492019

i think you need a longer nap. and a blanky. dont forget your blanky.

Anonymous No. 16492021

>spacecraft literally so shitty that they actually smell like noxious garbage
>instant damage control
lel, you know it wouldn't smell like shit if you acknowledged it and fixed it instead of blaming the rest of the world right?

Anonymous No. 16492022

False vacuum decay powered spacecraft when?

Anonymous No. 16492023

Obviously the cia did it

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16492024

more likely to be dead zigger, there's a lot more of those and zigs are known for not burying their dead.

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Anonymous No. 16492026

Is modern NASA that bad?

Anonymous No. 16492027

>muh kurzgesagt existential crisis doomsday pop sci slop thing

Anonymous No. 16492028

all they do is manage contractors
and if designated contractors can't do the job then their existence becomes irrelevant

Anonymous No. 16492035

>build a particle accelerator in space
>smash atoms together until you create a black hole
>smash higgs bosons together near the black hole while feeding it energy
>the surrounding vacuum starts decaying at the speed of light
>in a few nanoseconds the automated systems feed additional energy
>the vacuum decays into a new but lower metastable state in which the speed of light is quadrillion times faster and requires less energy to achieve
>throw the earth into the black hole
>false vacuum becomes stabilized due to gravity
>open the airlock behind your particle accelerator
>throw out a single(1) firecracker
>Accelerate to 99% of the (new) C
patented by anon. all rights reserved
this loser is going on the no JADES-GS-z14-0 list

Anonymous No. 16492036

as someone that works for a nasa contractor, yes it's a bit of a mess

Anonymous No. 16492039

based zubrin, finally talking about spaceflight again

Anonymous No. 16492041

so a big drone?

Anonymous No. 16492043

Homer is /ourguy/
Zubrin? Clocks do be broken

Anonymous No. 16492044

Man I miss when sfg was good. We peaked a while ago, didn't we.

Anyway do we have a currently accepted intuitively good strategy for how to implement large solar and/or nuclear powered electric spacecraft yet? Are people still worrying about solving technical problems that don't actually exist? Or are there some real ones to solve now

Anonymous No. 16492045

Yes, truly sad. It's time to leave this site forever.

Anonymous No. 16492046


Anonymous No. 16492047

haha, that's never going to happen.

Anonymous No. 16492048

/sfg/ discord is open again for new members now that the election is over

Anonymous No. 16492049

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16492050

>Man I miss when sfg was good.
Judging by the ammount of antromorphic anime girls posted around I would say it is still on the same average level of quality as usual.

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Anonymous No. 16492051

Anonymous No. 16492052

space is boring, its just rocks boeing rock only way do make space cool is by bringing humans.

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Anonymous No. 16492053

>look through the thread
>see 0 rocketgirls
wtf that anon has a point, we have fallen

Anonymous No. 16492055

thats is the main thing

Anonymous No. 16492057

dont be too hasty

Anonymous No. 16492060

As a network "engineer" I'd work on mars for basically free and I'm sure there's enough people like me that they won't be short on labour

Anonymous No. 16492065

we're getting closer to the colony

Anonymous No. 16492068

you say that now....

Anonymous No. 16492087

Homer the hick is a massive chud now.

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Anonymous No. 16492088


The only good thing anyone's made lately is GR Cop42, Glen Research can stay.

Anonymous No. 16492091

This is why monarchs are an awful idea

Anonymous No. 16492095

super expensive boondoggle equipment is completely obsolete in the modern world

Anonymous No. 16492096

Is Terra Invicta good

Anonymous No. 16492098

tech for fighter drones don't exist

Anonymous No. 16492099

Overhyped but it didnt land with players.

Anonymous No. 16492100

>tech for fighter drones
CCAs are a thing, and yes sometimes they work autonomously.

Anonymous No. 16492112

a fighter commanding a fleet of big drones yeah

Anonymous No. 16492115

It is still very early and it is good in the sense that it makes the x-com premise be far more grounded than just "I swear this supersekrit organization is stopping an alien invasion with massive massacres by itself" and gives you a progression from the Earth to orbit in a way that at the very least is sensible to how space warfare should unfold. For example: You actually tell countries how they have to manage their budgets to build nuclear weapons, armies or grow their economies and if you exclusively roleplay as your faction you might see things like Luxemburg fielding nukes, a navy and a worthwhile army with power projection but with the economy of Somalia, because by investing in that you actually contract the economy and weaken the country, so it is one of the things to balance.

Then research is done in a weird way. There are big projects in which everyone pool their resources, and these unlock the minor projects that advance your faction, invest in the big ones and you get to choose the next technology(i.e: Cockblocking others from space for example) invest in the minor ones and you unlock the juicy toys.

In terms of cloak and dagger there are interesting things, like at the early-mid game you unlock elite organizations that buff an agent so much that it lets you roleplay the idea of "oh well this situation is so bad that I have to pull out the secret elite glowies for this one"

But it was made by the long war people and sure it is a slog, and it is not just that, sometimes it is frustrating out of nowhere. Like you manage to finally, idk, control all of Germany or Israel and all of a sudden the politicians or the media turns to the aliens or some other organization out of nowhere, so you never feel actually in control just extinguishing fires around and dealing with events like for example: If you start killing rival agents, and you are not an extremist, you have to deal with your own agents having ethical problems.

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2024-11-25 01_00_....png

Anonymous No. 16492128

Also, if someone wants to point out "skill issue" I will say that I did try to get on the game, and at some point I event went with WeMod to see if even cheating I could make the grind more bearable... and either I am retarded, the game fails terribly at explaining its mechanics or all of the above but after losing my China-India war with a 3:1 advantage and several control points out of nowhere when they were even secured I simply dropped and have not even touched it again. I will see this christmas if they have patched the difficulty or something.
>PD: Also, I remember, the game starts with Russia and Ukraine at war with each other, and with both armies in a stalemate. I took control of Russia, sent reinforcements and somehow Ukrainian forces still managed to hold. It got to the point where it was far more easier to control both Russia and Ukraine and then make them allies and then let Russia annex Ukraine peacefully... which has so many layers of irony that is not even funny.

Anonymous No. 16492133

how is what he described a novel problem? doesnt the ozone do the same thingto earther heat shields?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16492134

Anonymous No. 16492135

Sounds like quite interesting. Might buy it when it leaves early access.

Anonymous No. 16492136

I've been making grilled sandwiches with eggs for the best few weeks.

Anonymous No. 16492138

I'm getting diabetes from watching that picture.

Anonymous No. 16492145

>spacex goes to mars
>europe chimps out
>demands access to their own starships or they'll sanction the US

Anonymous No. 16492146

Europe will never ever do anything

Anonymous No. 16492147

Yeah I can see at least some bureaucrat pulling that resulting in another embarrassing apology to the US.

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Anonymous No. 16492148

2025 - mars base(spacex), population 10000
2026 - phobos base(spacex), populaton 7000
2027 - ceres base(spacex), population 9000
2028 - jupiter orbital base(spacex), popilation 700
2029 - EVROPA base(spacex), population 12000
2030 - calisto base(spacex), population 8000
2031 - enceladus base(Spacex), population 15000
2032 - mars base(china), population ~1,6 billion
2033 - venus cloud base(spacex), population 7000
2034 - saturn ring base(spacex), population 4500
2035 - titan cuck base(spacex), population less than a dozen
2036 - uranus base(spacex), population 6900
2037 - neptune base(spacex), population 5500
2038 - first colony ship sent to proxima centauri b(spacex), population 150000
2039 - Pluto (spacex), population 13000
2040 - colony ship sent to ross 128b(spacex), population 370000
2041 - asteroid belt stations(china), population uncountable
2042 - colony ships sent to GJ 1061(spacex), population 1250000
2043 - mercury solar death ray (spacex), population classified
2044 - Eris cloning facility (spacex), population >100000000
2045 - agartha base(spacex), population 750000
2046 - Earth-X genocide wars
2047 - earth colony(X empire), population 0.7 billion
2048 - colony ships sent to andromeda galaxy via wormhole(X empire), population several billion
2049 - Sagittarius A* colony(X empire), population ~13 trillion
2050 - Mankind becomes a kardashev type 3 civilization(X empire), population ~70 quintillion
2051 - Moon base(NASA), population 0-10
2055 - ESA first man on orbit

Anonymous No. 16492150

Will be a good thing for Americans, Euroids, and Japs when Russia is jettisoned from their joint space efforts

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Anonymous No. 16492151

Succesful launch at 0739 Beijing time (2339 UTC) of Siwei Gaojing 2 03 and 04 (SuperView Neo 2 03/04) by a CZ-2C from Jiuquan

They are SAR satellites from the Siwei Gaojing constellation of mixed optical/SAR

Anonymous No. 16492152

yuros don't even have a launch vehicle right now

Anonymous No. 16492153

>Europe sanction US

Anonymous No. 16492154

>Flight 7 suborbital
it's ogre.

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Anonymous No. 16492157

Always good to bring frens along for the ride

Anonymous No. 16492158

The high thrust of SRB is great when your engines otherwise lack the thrust necessary for a first stage, this is especially evident with hydrolox sustainer core rockets. Otherwise they are heavy, can't throttle on demand and trying to reuse them with the Shuttle did not save money.

Anonymous No. 16492159

why did you post this bait again?

Anonymous No. 16492161

>The European Space Agency has announced that it will commission a study to detail the development of a reusable rocket capable of delivering 60 tonnes to low Earth orbit.
Just you wait until this commission considers the feasibility of whethershould a committee be formed to plan the sketch of the first reusable space rocket after proper deliberation and unanimous consent of all member countries that will have to vote if they want to shove a giant PROTEIN cylinder deep down their budgets.

Anonymous No. 16492163

Raptor didn't exist when LRB was an option for SLS, you either had to go with reinventing the F-1 or wait for Aerojet to finish making their Americanized RD-180.

Anonymous No. 16492165

Roscosmos really loves their coolant leaks.

Anonymous No. 16492168

Should we Terraform the Moon?

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Anonymous No. 16492169

forgot pic
but yeah, Flight 7 NET January 11th, will be suborbital on similar trajectory.

Anonymous No. 16492172

cheap Chinese quadcopters are not having the effect on the war in Ukraine that clickbait accounts would have you believe and are not a threat to 5th gen fighters

Anonymous No. 16492174

a cheap terrain hugging drone can hit them on the ground 800 miles away

Anonymous No. 16492175

Ariane 6 is flying now

Anonymous No. 16492176

technically hasn't had its first operational launch yet. And Vega C hasn't returned to flight.
Actually wonder if Isar spectrum launch 1 will happen before A6 launch 2 (A263)

Anonymous No. 16492177

If you are within 800 miles of an airbase (a distance your quadcopter swarm cannot fly) then there are other more prevalent issues the owner of that 5th gen fighter is facing.

Anonymous No. 16492178

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16492180

>cheap Chinese quadcopters are not ... a threat to 5th gen fighters
True, they have basically nothing to do with each other. If anything Ukraine is proof that all the drone advantage in the world still leaves you vulnerable to a fairly shitty conventional air force, in the same way that any ground advantage isn't a counter
>are not having the effect on the war in Ukraine that clickbait accounts would have you believe
Quads have literally become Ukraine's main armament over the last couple of years. They are vastly more important than the next most relevant weapon system (which would either be rocket arty, arty with drone correction, or... long range drones)

Anonymous No. 16492181

Rather pessimistic timeline, don’t you think?

Anonymous No. 16492183

literally just attach large deployable dragnets that furl out behind them and are weighted and one jet can down an entire swarm with one flyby

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Anonymous No. 16492184

>Quads have literally become Ukraine's main armament over the last couple of years

You are only aware of them due to the built in cameras.

Anonymous No. 16492185

its a bit much luv

Anonymous No. 16492186

terraform the ISS

Anonymous No. 16492191




Anonymous No. 16492192

i would into them if they could be safely jettisoned if/when things fuck up. without that option they are not cool for manned flight

Anonymous No. 16492193

it will recommend a new french institution with factories in france and germany buying parts from czech and austria using raw materials from poland and romania. avionics is coded in estonia and use of italian srb is mandatory. 50% of the headcount belongs to the legal department at belgian who menace the road riding their bicycle to office at 9, lobby for sanctions on spacex, 2 hours of lunch time, and finally clock out at 3 and off to fuck ukrainian whores.

Anonymous No. 16492194

'tis big bait

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Anonymous No. 16492195

>its real

Anonymous No. 16492197

I am aware of the fact that drones have been the main focus of Ukrainian procurement over that time frame which is more significant. Also if you apply that logic you will quickly run into the problem that you end up overestimating the total losses inflicted by non drones

Anonymous No. 16492200

fuck off ukropigger. the only reason oinkraine pigs procure drones is because they lack artillery and get slaugthered.

Anonymous No. 16492201

lunaform Terra

Anonymous No. 16492203

Russian drone efforts are only slightly behind but ok. I kneel to your impressive intellect both of them will disassemble all their drones tomorrow because they love lobbing ww2 artillery vaguely into fields.

Anonymous No. 16492204

son of a bitch, he's really rushing it, thank God

Anonymous No. 16492205

A reminder that Elon has already said the goal of Flight 7 is to reproduce an on target soft water landing by S33, which if successful would lead to Flight 8 being a catch attempt.

A catch attempt would have to make several orbits in order to come back to the tower.

Anonymous No. 16492206

they’re going to catch it on the first orbital flight.
it’s going to be a sight to behold.

Anonymous No. 16492208

>I am aware of the fact that drones have been the main focus of Ukrainian procurement over that time frame

They haven't, sorry to burst your bubble.

Anonymous No. 16492209

makes sense for a new ship version to be suborbital again. Test out the flap changes in as close to the same environment as possible, while also being able to touch down in an area you've already gotten approval for multiple times rather than having to file new documents with the FAA for a gulf touchdown of a ship many orbits after launch.

Anonymous No. 16492210

They've already done it with prior launches. So one more is just extra pudding

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Anonymous No. 16492213


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Anonymous No. 16492216

For God's sake, please test the door this time

Anonymous No. 16492217

As a euro, i hope musk&spaceX take away all the comercial contracts from ariana space so they finaly wake the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 16492218

The door works.
It opens.

Anonymous No. 16492221

im not convinced

Anonymous No. 16492223

sure. then it will orbit, then fire to deorbit. it is natural

Anonymous No. 16492224

>Suborbital again

Anonymous No. 16492233

This, its pathetic at this point

Anonymous No. 16492239


Anonymous No. 16492243

It didn't close.

Anonymous No. 16492249

reminder that the Space Shuttle, Saturn V, and SLS all achieved orbit in their first flight...

Anonymous No. 16492250

low effort b8

Anonymous No. 16492253

Good luck getting those to Mars and back.

Anonymous No. 16492254

good question, probably some coolant or fluid from leaky cargo. There were visible droplets as well as the stink, which is why they immediately closed the hatch again.
Apparently, the Russian cosmonauts were so embarrassed by this, that they didn't notify the other astronauts; they had to find out from ground control when they asked what was stinking up the place.

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Anonymous No. 16492257

>to Mars

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Anonymous No. 16492259

>Cislunar support flight

Anonymous No. 16492262

>flight 7 date announced
>meanwhile slav(e)s arguing about which made up country is worse
/sfg/ - Slavic Fighting General

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Anonymous No. 16492268

they ever gonna launch this thing?
It's only 4 years late

Anonymous No. 16492270

heh, I noticed the ESA addition (though far too optimistic)

Anonymous No. 16492272

buy an ad

Anonymous No. 16492275

SLS does not go to Mars in that mission concept

Anonymous No. 16492279


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Anonymous No. 16492281


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Anonymous No. 16492282

Launcher and Satellites patches

Anonymous No. 16492285

>Russia blames it on a woman in 3... 2... 1...

Anonymous No. 16492287


Anonymous No. 16492290

they did what now?

Anonymous No. 16492297

If the Russians were more embarrassed then concerned of their safety, that suggests they have some idea of what the fluid and stench could be.

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Anonymous No. 16492303

I think we should take all the money that is wasted on space and give it to the poor peoples of the world. We would end hunger and poverty overnight.

Anonymous No. 16492306

maybe a mouse or other rodent got stuck somewhere and died

Anonymous No. 16492311

literally 2 more weeks times 4

Anonymous No. 16492314

I wonder if Bezos and his team are gonna do the same fucking thing all over again: trying to "master" LEO for 25 years before moving on onto lunar and interplanetary flights. Gradatim feroticer.

Anonymous No. 16492321

they are going to attempt a landing on ship the first try
its going to be a disaster

Anonymous No. 16492323

will there be a livestream? does anyone know?

Anonymous No. 16492336

is IFT-7 a block 2 starship?

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Anonymous No. 16492337

>Gradatim feroticer.
Gradatim gradociter

Anonymous No. 16492342

Threadly reminder that we WILL bring turtles to Mars, and nobody will stop us.

Anonymous No. 16492345

a growler could make each and every single one of those explode from across the horizon

Anonymous No. 16492346

its FLIGHT 7
and yes

Anonymous No. 16492366

They smell so bad and everything on Mars will be enclosed. Please no

Anonymous No. 16492373

Halfway there.

Anonymous No. 16492376

If he goes after Boeing/LM/NG military money with DOGE right after destroying them in space, they will just kill him.

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Anonymous No. 16492382

He's so dumb outside of his wheel house

Anonymous No. 16492384
Electron launching in T-15:00

Anonymous No. 16492386

Neat, that's
this mission

Anonymous No. 16492394

What sort of performance could this give? The falcon 9 is already proven to handle side loading easy enough with falcon heavy. This shouldn't be much harder. I suppose the only use would be some sort of very heavy emergency payload.
The pad plumping spaghetti would be insane

Anonymous No. 16492396

its got some really high thrust to weight
should be much taller

Anonymous No. 16492400

>mars before the next transfer window opens
can you at least put some effort in next time?

Anonymous No. 16492402

i wanna touch their thighs and legs nowww

Anonymous No. 16492406

>congress says to build one SLS a year
>NASA gets a bunch of contractors for all the parts
>NASA tells them all to build enough parts for one SLS a year
>contractors arrange factories and order components to build one component a year

>sls is planned to launch 5 times in one decade

Anonymous No. 16492410

It's not that easy in spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16492411

turns out that contractors aren't actually producing SLS at a rate for a once a year cadence

Anonymous No. 16492414

then they shouldn't get paid until they catch up

Anonymous No. 16492416

then you get no parts and throw away the last decade of prep work :)

Anonymous No. 16492426

Good. NASA needs to go all in on Starship and abandon the joke of SLS

Anonymous No. 16492437

I mean, its getting to orbit and sending something to mars before starship

Anonymous No. 16492452

I think some executives should go to prison. And some NASA managers too

Anonymous No. 16492458

Andruid doing SRBs test for missiles.

Anonymous No. 16492467


Anonymous No. 16492468

mission success

Anonymous No. 16492475

That's why all the oldspace contractors are refusing to do fix price contracts now.

Anonymous No. 16492493

Refuse their services then. Why give a blank check for mediocrity or outright failure when newspace companies will deliver what you want, when you want it at a set price. How is this such a difficult concept for NASA to grasp?

Anonymous No. 16492495

To what end? Fucking shit ass range unless he intends for these to be attached to interceptors, like Sprint was.

Anonymous No. 16492499

Wait you think missile motors are burning the whole time they are in flight?

Anonymous No. 16492502

I hate to tell you guys this, but DOGE is never going to be a real thing. Trump can't create it, he needs Congress to do it. And Congress will only do it if they can define what DOGE is allowed to do; which will mean that it'll take like two years of going round and round on decision making in subcommittees before it is even considered for authorization. Elon doesn't actually have any power, and they aren't going to let him fuck with the FCC/FAA. The FCC because Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T are some of the biggest political donors, period. And the FAA because it would lead to them being primaries if planes started to fall out of the sky again. Trump couldn't even kill the DoE last time despite the DoE being one of the smallest governmental departments by any metric, and they really, sincerely made an attempt. Congress isn't going to give Elon carte blanche to just start annihilating anything he feels like. It's a ketamine fueled dream that he thinks he can meme into reality, and that just simply isn't the case. Even the red states have a vested interest in not cutting government jobs in their states. They'd absolutely want to do it to blue states if they could, but that won't be how this could ever play out.

Anonymous No. 16492503

>throwing the criminals off the Olympus Mons
slope is too shallow I fear

Anonymous No. 16492507

No, I'm not retarded. Unless my sense of scale is vastly wrong, this is fairly large engine. Much larger than, say, that of a Sidewinder's. And our most advanced missiles don't use SRBs. I could only see these being used for interceptor purposes since there isn't a missile gap in the areas that this could be applicable to. The Air Force and Navy wants to spam cheap missiles, yes, but not shitty missiles. An SRB that propels something to match fuck off would be good as an interceptor, especially if it's cheap. As it is the Air Force isn't looking for any new missiles, they've got everything they need or want. But a ground based interceptor that you could fire and not worry about the cost? That's quite appealing.

Anonymous No. 16492509

It means your light bulbs spy on you for the glow niggers.

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Anonymous No. 16492512

>And our most advanced missiles don't use SRBs

Missiles like the SM-6 and SM-3 use an SRB, it has a 21" motor and is called the Mk72.

Anonymous No. 16492514

tldr total bureaucrat death

Anonymous No. 16492516

Literally just disregard astronomers. They aren't good for anything. Pandering to them won't make shitlibtards happy with starlink because astroonermers aren't the real reason they're upset with starlink; EDS is.

Anonymous No. 16492518

I need you to look up what air breathing wave gliding is. They use an SRB initially and then switch over to an entirely different method of propulsion. And you just supported my argument. The Air Force isn't interested in acquiring a new family of missiles/rockets. They have everything they need, and all of them are based off decades old matured and refreshed systems. It makes much more sense if Palmer is shilling this as an engine for a ground based interceptor based upon his claim of how fast they can build the engines. Cheaper interceptors is an area that hasn't been tapped yet and could be quite lucrative given that we really only have a few options at the moment and they are all expensive and finite.

Anonymous No. 16492519

DOGE was never going to be anything more than an advisory / PR committee. Such a thing doesn't need an action from Congress to create, it's effectively a private think tank loosely affiliated with the president in an unofficial capacity.

Anonymous No. 16492520

If you listen to Elon and the Indian they seem pretty certain they're going to be cutting departmental oversight to the point of non-existence and firing as much as 75% of all government employees. Elon literally talked about that shit all day for the the last week. What both of them believe DOGE will be able to do, and what it will be is extremely different than what you are saying.

Anonymous No. 16492525

They'll be able to do as much or as little as Trump himself is able to do, since all of their actions will be routed as suggestions through Trump.

Anonymous No. 16492526

Trump will prorogue the senate and rule by executive order

Anonymous No. 16492528

You claimed "we" don't use SRB on our missiles and then after being given an example are trying to goalpost.

I get it, Anduril is very threatening to AJR(now L3Harris) but it is only a happening because AJR became fat and lazy and can't ramp up production.

Anonymous No. 16492539

I said our most advanced missiles, numbnuts. Those aren't.

Anonymous No. 16492550

SM-3 and SM-6 are two of "our" premier and most advanced missiles, and they are only two of many non ballistic American missiles that are multi stage.

Anonymous No. 16492593



Anonymous No. 16492638

dude what did ukrainians do to you to give you such PTSD?
you have a melty every time.

Anonymous No. 16492643


Anonymous No. 16492651

>will there be a livestream? does anyone know?
Given how secretive Bezos was with the development of NS, probably not. If it is livestreamed I bet it'll be on a 10 second delay so that it can conveniently experience "technical issues" and cut out if there are any incidents.

I don't think Jeffy's ego could take it if footage circulated the internet for all eternity of his expensive new rocket wiping out the ship named after his dear mother, assuming it even gets that far through the test flight and is actually on target, which is a big assumption. Bringing back an orbital booster is a bit different to his glorified vomit comet, an up-and-down suborbital carnival ride.

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Anonymous No. 16492674
