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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16574521

>we can go into space with ease
>we can clone organisms
>we can bring species back from extinction
>we can build weapons that can wreck an entire city in seconds
>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldness

Why is this? I can't help but feel the reason there is no cure for baldness is because it is a male issue that does not affect women so people don't care. I bet if women were going bald they would be dumping trillions of dollars into finding a cure.

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Anonymous No. 16574532

Even weaksauce oxidizers like sodium bromide regrow hair. There is also very recent research in animals with nitrates. The schizo-tier oxidizers like chlorine dioxide and singlet oxygen are awful close to a cure. Red light therapy makes that second one, just not too much of it, and there are other methods to generate it...

Anonymous No. 16574566

Imagine you have a gorillion dollars to invest, but you are bald. You fuck a different supermodel prostitute every night and pay them an exorbitant amount of money that won't even show up as a rounding error over years of doing this compared to the returns on your investments. You are constantly surrounded by socially-validating yes-men that want you to invest your money into this or that. You have "friends" that are beyond loyal because their loyalty means access to the benefits you provide them. You are highly regarded in the social status of other gorillionaires.

Now, you are provided with a list of things to invest in. With the previous scenario in mind, go ahead and rank them according to the order you care about:

>space exploration
>reviving extinct species
>development of WMDs
>male pattern baldness

(hint: how much money has bezos given to male pattern baldness research groups?)

Anonymous No. 16574643

everything except the WMDs is stuck just above sci-fi tier rn, so I'd pick the balding.

Anonymous No. 16574864

Why the fuck should one care to find a cure? It's just cosmetic.

Anonymous No. 16574867

I don't want to go fuckin bald, simple ass, people do surgery or take medicine for comestic reason, why bald treated as such?

Anonymous No. 16574872

get a transplant and stfu

Anonymous No. 16574877

Get a hat or something. Nobody is going to pay money to make you feel happier when you look at a mirror, that's retarded.

Anonymous No. 16574959

but if women were affected by baldness this would have been cured by now

Anonymous No. 16574961

Too expansive

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Anonymous No. 16575014

it's just slightly rarer for them.

Anonymous No. 16575033

>slightly rarer

Women don't go bald anon. Baldness is a male issue, not a female issue. How many bald women have you seen IRL anon? Not bald from a hairstyle choice i mean balding

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Anonymous No. 16575036

Bald maybe not too often, but hair loss actually still very common.

Anonymous No. 16575037

"Baldness" in women is some slight thinning when they get old but they still maintain a full head of hair because they have estrogen to protect them. Meanwhile teenage boys and men in their 20s are going slick bald. It's not the same anon.

Anonymous No. 16575039

Only 25% of women of women have hair loss at age 50 which is just slight thinning. Meanwhile 85% percent of men have significant hair loss by age 50 and 96% of men experience hair loss

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16575095

I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to be so fucking weak that losing some hair would devastate me like it seems to be devastating you.

Anonymous No. 16575224

Idgi, why would singlet oxygen be useful to treat hairloss, let alone reverse it? And how would one go about administering it anyhow?

Anonymous No. 16575228

Embarrassing post

Anonymous No. 16575310

No one is buying your overpriced book Inaba, post clinical studies. You won't, because you don't have any.

Anonymous No. 16575338

Solving balding just like most vaccines is a one-time solution. It is just unprofitable if the optimal solution were to be found. Companies need recurrent revenues which polio vaccines and balding pills cannot provide.

Anonymous No. 16575340

Min and fin are generics that cost pennies plus they're not mainstream (if your grandpa haven't heard of it, it's not mainstream). No one is making money on this shit. There's more money to be made on patenting a cure.

Anonymous No. 16575408

>we can add 2 + 2 and have it equal 4
>we can do 2*3 and equal it six
>Still cant come up with 1+1 equals 7

What did OP mean by this?

Anonymous No. 16575429

Not every problem can be solved, or if it is it ends up exorbitantly priced and only accessible to rich people.

Anonymous No. 16575453

Its impossible until it isnt. Although hair loss is not the end of the world or smth

Anonymous No. 16575490

Singlet oxygen has indeed never been formally tested in humans for hair growth *except as a product of red light therapy* in a fuck-ton of trials. I make it with 1% bleach and 3% peroxide in spray bottles while wearing some swim goggles, keeping the reaction going a minute or two before showering.

Inaba used sodium bromide, which is sort of a weak-ass oxidizer by comparison.
>proptip: he still grew hair on bowl-ball ass heads in his trial.

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Anonymous No. 16575498

>no cure for baldness

Anonymous No. 16575547

$20k isn't that much for a middle class guy in his 30s

Anonymous No. 16576309

>Singlet oxygen has indeed never been formally tested in humans for hair growth
Thank you for being honest.
>he still grew hair on bowl-ball ass heads in his trial
Did he do an actula study or was it some n=1 illustration in his overpriced book?

Anonymous No. 16577439

Great another bolding thread

Anonymous No. 16577471

Its time to save money for those hair transplants, Tim.

Anonymous No. 16577483

Why people who say something doesn't exist, are always same people who don't do their due diligence?

Anonymous No. 16577533

bezos doesn't know real love and is a mindbroken retard forever chasing monetary gain

Anonymous No. 16577878

Every day until society learns an affordable cure exists

Anonymous No. 16578038

Bezos wants to be Lex Luthor so why would he?

Anonymous No. 16578083

what's stopping you from harvesting your clone's hair for yourself?

Anonymous No. 16578183

>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldness
There is a solution.
Purge all baldies from the gene pool.

Anonymous No. 16579136

the cure:

Anonymous No. 16579224

maybe bald is the next step in human evolution

Anonymous No. 16580049

just use minoxidil shampoo or whatever it is.
does this shit not work? they sell rogaine at costco

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Anonymous No. 16580063

>fed baby formula as an infant
>porridges and cereals as a child
>fast food, energy drinks and sodas as a teen (throw in alcohol, smoking and drugs there while you're at it)
>told to avoid the sun since it's "le bad"

"Yeah bro, it's like, totally my bad genetics dude, trust me bro".

Retard patrol No. 16580853

FFS this fucktard is on sci too

Anonymous No. 16580864

I can almost guarantee we're going to get an mRNA solution for this. It might cause you to have a stroke, but I don't think people will even give a shit. They'll line up for it.

Anonymous No. 16583416

Can I still get a wife if I became bald and have a gay alien skull?

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Anonymous No. 16583464

Depends who you ask. If it's autoimmune alopecia by chance, lol no.

Anonymous No. 16583520

probably cause it servers no purpose. We cured baldies hair issue so what?
You still have retard who tantrums over their bald head, you still insecure over your appearance you needed your hair back.

It contributes nothing for the betterment of humankind.

Anonymous No. 16583525

exactly, we need to put the effort where it matters, globohomo enforced blacked propaganda

Anonymous No. 16583526

It's because of high estrogen etiology involving poor metabolic health - DHT alone doesn't cause balding.
MPHL is the male homologue to PCOS, both triggered by the same underlying metabolic issues.
This is the red pill you guys don't want to swallow.
I keep posting it, but I get told I'm a retard every time.
Do the research. Or keep crying about your increasing ugliness on 4chan.
It's your choice.

Anonymous No. 16583530

No, it's not. But if you are balding, you have bigger problems.
That's because male fertility is massively lower for balding men.
Balding is a sign of sickness and age. Imagine it as male perimenopause.
You have a biological clock and so if your body is in a poor enough state, it's going to self-castrate in order to conserve energy and protect your own blood around you from being stuck with an incompetent mate (you.)
It's naturally only supposed to happen with advanced age, well after you've reproduced, which is how it could be passed on as a trait.

Anonymous No. 16583541

How do I go about combating it from the perspective of the metabolic thesis? Genuinely curious

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Anonymous No. 16583576

You have to relentlessly exercise and eat really well, cut out anything that might be laden with agrichemicals or cause you gastrointestinal distress, inflammation, poor sleep, etc.
The best way to do that would be to do an elimination diet, something like a carnivore diet for 1-2 months. It'll set the bar for your reintroduction of other foods and the lack of sugar should help your metabolism.
Fasting is also really powerful for triggering your bodies regenerative abilities and although relatively common in almost all cultures and religions, as well as in our prehistoric lifestyles, it's not practiced widely today.
Pic rel. has some supplements you could take.
There is a channel on YouTube called Pottenger's Human that has a lot of videos on various related health matters that you might find interesting.

Anonymous No. 16585214

Thanks for this, I'll look into it
that rules out basically all fruit and vegetables

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baldest countries.png

Anonymous No. 16585292

Why is it so prevalent in Europeans compared to everybody else? Europeans just have shitty genes? Maybe that's why they're removing themselves from the genepool by embracing antinatalism and adopting cats instead of breeding.

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Anonymous No. 16585337

If men only need baldness on one chromosome to go bald then why do over 80% of bald men have bald fathers

Anonymous No. 16586314

>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldness

Hair transplants

Anonymous No. 16587137

>we can go into space with ease
Can you?

>we can clone organisms
Can you really though? Or can you only make Frankensteinian copies that have all sorts of health issues?

>we can bring species back from extinction
No you can't.

>we can build weapons that can wreck an entire city in seconds
Literally the only one of these that is true and that's why you'll be extinct in 25 years.

Anonymous No. 16587139

Finasteride + SARMS

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Anonymous No. 16587169

Anonymous No. 16587573

>a band aid is a cure

Anonymous No. 16587603

baldness isn't a problem so there can't be a solution

Anonymous No. 16588146

>>we can go into space with ease
>>we can clone organisms
>>we can bring species back from extinction
>>we can build weapons that can wreck an entire city in seconds
>we are still caring about baldness

Anonymous No. 16588240

>Solving balding just like most vaccines is a one-time solution.
Why do pseuds believe that one time payments are unprofitable?
Would you rather receive 1 dollar a day forever or one lump payment of 1 million dollars?

Anonymous No. 16589757

Sedentary lifestyles, fast food, stress, etc.
If you have high cortisol, which you will get from insulin insensitivity, then you will deteriorate in all regards

Anonymous No. 16589758

Look up gardeners on facebook, they sometimes sell homegrown produce, heritage varieties and such
Also and projects like it seek to catalogue fruit trees

Anonymous No. 16591232

He wasn't full bald though, that is the ideal case for hair transplant.

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Anonymous No. 16593523

Bros what if we develop a vaccine against the DKK1 protein?