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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16580054

its over edition

previous >>16576997

Anonymous No. 16580058

>lox dump while safing

A literal nothingburger.

Anonymous No. 16580061

the real payload was buckets of CUM.

Anonymous No. 16580065

Update on India's SpaDeX mission:

"Power generation in the two spacecraft is not matching the requirements, and the composite control of both is also taking time due to which the undocking cannot be done."

This comes days after their recent navigation satellite, NVS-02, was unable to reach its intended orbit due to a valve failure.

Anonymous No. 16580073

Designated shitting orbit

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Anonymous No. 16580076

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a no Vulcan Way.jpg

Anonymous No. 16580079

"The first Vulcan flight was flawless! We just decided to move the next payload to a different rocket because -- squirrel!"

Anonymous No. 16580080

lots of teething problems in spaceflight lately

Anonymous No. 16580165

>b-but the 2nd certification mission delivered it's tiny massed washboard payload to orbit, v-vulcan was supposed to be certified now!

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Anonymous No. 16580202

don't mind me, just droppin' a TRVTHNVKE

Anonymous No. 16580206

Indeed, indeed we should cut all welfare programs and assign that part of the budget to NASA

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Anonymous No. 16580221


Anonymous No. 16580223

to be fair, while the F35 program was a bit of a shitshow when it was spooling up production, there's over 1000 of the things now and the price per-piece is lower than a lot of 4th gen jets from other countries because of the sheer economy of scale.
ultimately, even though cockheed tried to siphon as much money as possible out of the project, they did deliver a pretty good jet, this thing makes shills around the world seethe.

Anonymous No. 16580226

I don't think the point of the graph is to shit on the jet, but to show the scale of the discrepancy. NASA's ENTIRE budget in the last 60+ years is less than a single military procurement project. I'm sure the planes are fine and will kick some chink teeth in when the time comes.

Anonymous No. 16580231

1.7tn lifecylce cost for ~2.5k F35's across the whole military till 2070 sounds pretty good, especially when a good chunk of that is recovered via sales to allies.

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clear banana.jpg

Anonymous No. 16580251

Anonymous No. 16580254

oh, I thought that was how much it has already cost for the 1k that has been produced so far. But knowing how DoD operates, I bet the figure will increase several times over the years.

Anonymous No. 16580292

>listen, half of one of your SRBs blew up, and we just find that a little bit concerning
That's crazy

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Anonymous No. 16580313

>Shartliner had ANOTHER thruster fault on the way back from the ISS, which was unrelated to the previous thruster faults
I don't remember hearing this before. Is this new information?

From the 2024 ASAP report, released a few days ago:

Anonymous No. 16580314

>Get twice the funding of the upstart pot smoker
>Still end up half a billion in the red

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16580319

Boeing's Shartliner:
>unclear about how the decision was made to waive the failure tolerance level requirement for the Crew Module RCS thrusters apparently without the appropriate flight or qualification data to justify this decision
>absent role clarity, risk management choices could unintentionally devolve to contractors, whose interests may not fully align with NASA's
In other words, Boeing wasn't sharing safety-relevant data with NASA and was assuming the responsibility for safety decisions, keeping NASA out of the loop.

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Anonymous No. 16580320

Boeing's Shartliner:
>unclear about how the decision was made to waive the failure tolerance level requirement for the Crew Module RCS thrusters apparently without the appropriate flight or qualification data to justify this decision
>absent role clarity, risk management choices could unintentionally devolve to contractors, whose interests may not fully align with NASA's
In other words, Boeing wasn't sharing safety-relevant data with NASA and was assuming the responsibility for safety decisions, keeping NASA out of the loop.

Anonymous No. 16580321

>keeping NASA out of the loop
Bold move, didn't really pay off.

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Anonymous No. 16580323

meanwhile at SpaceX:
>has been very thorough and open with NASA on all anomalies that could potntially impact future NASA operations
>is to be commended for their openness with NASA and willingnss to address each situation

Anonymous No. 16580344

those two have about 10x the enthusiasm and charisma of all other space launch presenters. Even their tech guy is better than those two dykes that did the Blorg launch show. Spacex must just be more fun to work at.

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drip god.jpg

Anonymous No. 16580354

Probably more exciting to watch a Starship launch when it does something cool instead of just flying up. Especially when you can actually see it with the power of Starlink and not just telemetry. Starship is the only thing that draws viewers that otherwise don't follow space stuff, nobody even knows what a New Glenn is

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Anonymous No. 16580357

Anonymous No. 16580359

they can also protec at night just have one parked on your street

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Kill yourself nigger No. 16580362


Anonymous No. 16580363

Wrong thread?

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vulcan cert.webm

Anonymous No. 16580364

It's okay to explode a little, as a treat.

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Anonymous No. 16580365

John Insprucker mogs all of them.

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Shinde No. 16580366


Anonymous No. 16580367

>namefag with an off-topic post
ignore schizos

Anonymous No. 16580369

well, he does look jolly at least

Mark Haffenwaffer SS No. 16580371

Le boot! It’s le commening!

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We knew all along.jpg

Anonymous No. 16580372

Yes, we knew all along sadly.

Satella and Subaru No. 16580380

Sorry we couldn’t help faster

Anonymous No. 16580388


> I don't remember hearing this before. Is this new information?

Nope. The spacewatchers were reporting the second independent thruster system failing as it happened. It was fun watching the Boeing fags in /sfg/ trying to hand wave the problem away.

Anonymous No. 16580393

>Boeing fags in /sfg/
may I see them?

Anonymous No. 16580394

Muskrat will convince Drumpf to scrap artemis all together and try to sell him a mars landing in 2028

Anonymous No. 16580395


Anonymous No. 16580396

yeah for sure.

Anonymous No. 16580402

They're never genuine Boeing fags, they're EDSers who wander in here from time to time.

Anonymous No. 16580403


Anonymous No. 16580406

GS2 status?

Anonymous No. 16580407

It’s not the kind of environment where you'd last long if you weren't a true believer, so I expect everyone is fully committed to the mission.

Anonymous No. 16580409

>Starships on Mars or, EVEN BETTER, stationed throughout the asteroid belt
Ceres bros, we gaaaaan

Anonymous No. 16580412

it shows and i like it. the Blue Origin launch was so low energyi thought they were using staff-sourced loosh for propellant.

Anonymous No. 16580416

missed the booster 15 static fire award

Anonymous No. 16580419

I also miss falcon launches what's your point?

Anonymous No. 16580420

>missing falcon launches

Anonymous No. 16580426

We will soon be tired of watching yet another Starship refueling flight. Not long after we'll be tired of more boring colony supply missions and just another day on the manned Mars flights.

And I can't wait!

Anonymous No. 16580428

thats a level of boredom im longing to attain.

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Anonymous No. 16580430


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Anonymous No. 16580431


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Anonymous No. 16580432

Anonymous No. 16580433

Because SpaceX is actively changing the future in the most exciting ways possible. If you are an employee there, it must be delightful seeing the differences you make.

Anonymous No. 16580434

hop damn you

Anonymous No. 16580439

definitely, and the pace of getting stuff tested and launching must help. Blue Origin is making a very nice rocket but seems like nothing much happens. i guess they have the suborbital hops going but the big stuff is sloooooow

Anonymous No. 16580446

>NASA's ENTIRE budget in the last 60+ years is less than a single military procurement project

Funny you mention time given the F-35 cost projections are lifetime costs for thousands of aircraft over 70 years.

Anonymous No. 16580447


Anonymous No. 16580450

now watch it double due to corruption/incompetence

Anonymous No. 16580452

one aircraft amongst many others, amongst ground and sea going vehicles across several other branches of the military. then look what NASA has done with less keeping in mind that Mercury, Gemini and Apollo are included, along with all the probes and rovers etc.

Apollo would have been an even better deal if they hadn't shut it down, because a LOT of the money was for initial design and testing. Once the system was working and the vehicles were on the production lines, the prices per launch just got better.

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Anonymous No. 16580453

Starship Go for Catch

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Anonymous No. 16580454

Reverse Tower catch

Anonymous No. 16580455

I’m pretty sure there was an American satellite on this launch lmao

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Anonymous No. 16580457

Belly flop star-tup

Anonymous No. 16580458

>bezos convinces trump to nationalize spacex and disband it in favor of blue origin

Anonymous No. 16580466

You're just jealous you don't have a glorious leader sharing the fruits of Chinese technology with the people.

Anonymous No. 16580470

blue bros... i don't feel so good today

Anonymous No. 16580472

i love how involved the People are with their own space program!

Anonymous No. 16580476

Yes the scale of what is being asked of the F-35 completely dwarfs NASA.

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Anonymous No. 16580477

59 launches! what a career!

Anonymous No. 16580479

just press "terminate object" at the bottom of the screen

Anonymous No. 16580485

Yep, I'm still requesting photograph's of Jesse's suckable toesies. @whoisheartbreak

Anonymous No. 16580487

>Number of booster landings by SpaceX: 408
>Rest of the world combined: 0

Anonymous No. 16580495

Nah, chinese spaceflight is fun to follow, it's at least as much of a mess as american spaceflight, except for Manned spaceflight, which is ridiculously stable.

Anonymous No. 16580511

vely implessive!

Anonymous No. 16580512

They do land back, is just that it requires building a new one each time.

Anonymous No. 16580515

Why does the state of the current spaceflight tech is so reminiscent of 1940s-1950s.
I mean besides orbital flight.
It's just crash after crash after crash, as if we're launching sounding missiles or V2s

Anonymous No. 16580516

because we have real international competition for the first time in a long time which incentivizes real risk-taking

Anonymous No. 16580517

Because we are so back baby

Anonymous No. 16580520

Not too shabby at all for a smallsat launcher.

Anonymous No. 16580522

shut up

Anonymous No. 16580525

Sophisticated rocketry is not easy

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Anonymous No. 16580528

if we actually have a push to shelve the moon program to go all-in on mars i think that'd be a mistake. the old zubrin argument for mars was that it could reawaken dormant interest in a then-moribund space program, but this has already happened without marsboots. more important right now should be the strategic concern that china could establish a permanent habitation on the moon before we do. i want mars really bad, but as of right now it doesn't make sense as the top priority for us space policy.

Anonymous No. 16580529

new shepard counts

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Anonymous No. 16580531

Intelsat 708

Anonymous No. 16580533

that outer ramp is so steep it's closer to a slide lmao

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Anonymous No. 16580535


Anonymous No. 16580537

how do you clean the tanks of any remaining fuel before taking a blowtorch to them?

Anonymous No. 16580539

you use a blowtorch

Anonymous No. 16580540

China will collapse any day now, they aren't a problem.

Anonymous No. 16580541

>"I want to get off Mr. Bones' Boneshaker!"

Anonymous No. 16580542


Anonymous No. 16580543

Remind me, what's the TOTAL capability of those 59 launches added together?

Anonymous No. 16580546


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Anonymous No. 16580547

Will we ever see an equivalent for Starship?

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Project Lyra.webm

Anonymous No. 16580549

Anyone know what software they use to calculate slingshots and redezvous opportunities? I remember a couple anons here playing around with it?

Anonymous No. 16580550

this animation is like those zoomer soapcutting videos but for spaceflight autists.

Anonymous No. 16580554

Propaganda spread by China to try and make other people stop taking them seriously.

Gaia No. 16580563

TVUTH oxygen bomb

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Gaia No. 16580564

(((Scientific community in shambles)))

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Gaia No. 16580565


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Gaia No. 16580566


Gaia No. 16580568

Come home to mommy

Anonymous No. 16580569


Gaia No. 16580571

“Me based, you gay” - Chudler

Anonymous No. 16580573


Gaia No. 16580575

“It’s here, the le flood” - Jew golem #61516

Gaia No. 16580579

“The more special someone is; the more special they are” - troll physics

Anonymous No. 16580585

>soapcutting video
im glad I have no idea what you are talking about

Anonymous No. 16580590

Nothing interesting happening.

Hurry up.

Anonymous No. 16580592

spaceflight is dead. Trump betrayed us. Elon has fried his brain. It's over.

Anonymous No. 16580593

CSI black guy on RGV said the new launch tower will be clad in stainless steel

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Anonymous No. 16580594


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fuckin magnets ho....jpg

Anonymous No. 16580625

why isn't it possible?

Anonymous No. 16580627

First and foremost, because magnets are a pain in the ass. Stainless steel is non-ferromagnetic unless it's fucked up, so you'd need to add ferromagnetic parts to the rocket to use a big magnet, and to hold down and secure something as big and heavy as superheavy, you'd need a lot of it, and that'd be a lot heavier than a couple of hanging pins.

Anonymous No. 16580631

flame trench is just another word for cuck trench

Anonymous No. 16580632

spambots have trouble being this pithy. more likely it's some 16-year-old impressed with his own ability to say silly things.

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Anonymous No. 16580633

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Anonymous No. 16580635

Anonymous No. 16580640

We talked about this, Ranjit.

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Anonymous No. 16580643

soap cutting videos are what zoomers watch while they watch new glenn launch

Anonymous No. 16580644

Weird way to spell H1B.

Anonymous No. 16580648

Both pissing away money to Banker Chronis.
The federal standing army shouldn't even exist and is in violation of article 1, section 8, clause 12 of the constitution. Not like any of the Indian's that post to /sfg/ have ever read it.

Anonymous No. 16580653

Getting ready to go again, hope hullo figures out his being a bitch problems.

Anonymous No. 16580662

holy aesthetics

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Anonymous No. 16580671


Anonymous No. 16580674

It's fine, you can orbit around Earth on ground too. No need to be a try hard.

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Anonymous No. 16580675

soon 2

Anonymous No. 16580677

agelets experience anything longer than 5 minutes as an eternity
I can blast through a year without even noticing

Anonymous No. 16580678

it's not marsboots
we're building a whole civilization there

Anonymous No. 16580679

flame diverters are a meme, you won't have one on mars

Anonymous No. 16580682

Don't need to launch the boosters from Mars though do we. I fully expect a terrestrial landing test for Starship to happen in Australia as part of the HLS testing.

Anonymous No. 16580683

Best launch stream I've ever watched

Anonymous No. 16580684

would need some significant flame which needs diverting

Anonymous No. 16580686

for me, it was the astra's drifting one. watching it live with you guys made it 1000x funnier.
*chef's kiss*

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Anonymous No. 16580689


Anonymous No. 16580697

and we're gonna build one on the moon too. one is going to be much quicker to get going than the other.

Anonymous No. 16580700

>dont start building the interceptor mission until it's almost about to hit the earth
yeah nah we need to start building that shit asap and make it double in case the first one fails

Anonymous No. 16580705

A few megatons isn't that much and it's not like it is gonna hit anywhere important.

Anonymous No. 16580706

he must mean F9 Heavy

Anonymous No. 16580709

whats the superbowl of spaceflight?

Anonymous No. 16580713

no, don't respond, let it fall on the earth.
either it hits nothing but people can see that a massive asteroid just impacted the earth, or it hits a civilian thirdie area and millions of thirdies get cleansed.
in either case normalfags will finally take notice and understand that space actually exists and it hurls rocks at you, instantly quadrupling investment in spaceflight globally.

Anonymous No. 16580714

it's only going to hit third world shit holes, who cares?

Anonymous No. 16580715

the thirdies will get shipped to a first world country by the tens of millions

Anonymous No. 16580716

>who cares?

Anonymous No. 16580717

Yeah. Earth can take a few megatons if it means funding for future planetary defense. Completely worth it even if a city gets wiped. Sadly Tel Aviv isn't on the line.

Anonymous No. 16580718

> Sadly Tel Aviv isn't on the line.
elon will fix that

Anonymous No. 16580720

In a vacuum? Open the door lmao

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apophis gif.gif

Anonymous No. 16580721

No, I am forgotten.

Anonymous No. 16580722

>only talking politics
>voice shaking
>constantly close to tears
Elon is so fucking fried man. I'm pretty sure SpaceX has the momentum either way but good God

Anonymous No. 16580725

>whoops we accidentally redirected it towards israel, i totally didn't mean to accidentally glass all israeli's and palestinians into oblivion teehee.

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Anonymous No. 16580726

>Kind of wild that this happened, but multiple people have told me Boeing took the step of meeting with employees about SLS layoffs without informing NASA.
>NASA HQ was caught completely unaware on Friday afternoon when the first stories started to appear. Boeing apparently did this to pressure lawmakers to 'save' SLS before the White House takes action. Interesting times ahead.

4D chess

Anonymous No. 16580729

>Keep charging the same
>Do zero actual work
That red hole Shartliner left ain't gonna fill itself.

Anonymous No. 16580732

Congress isn't saving SLS.

Anonymous No. 16580736

you are absolutely retarded
like seriously brain damaged

Anonymous No. 16580737

how did you figure that anon was elon?

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Anonymous No. 16580741

Imagine standing alone on Pluto with only 6 hours left of oxygen. You can send a message back to Earth, but you will not live to hear a response. What do you spend your last hours doing? Walking where no man has ever walked, and probably never will ever again. You are the loneliest man in the universe.

Anonymous No. 16580743

musk keeps accomplishing things one after another that people say are close to impossible, you retards keep the same retarded (non-)arguments droning on year after year

Anonymous No. 16580749

don't bet against elon

Anonymous No. 16580752

you're the type to fail the breakfast question, aren't you?

Anonymous No. 16580754

how would you have felt if you didn't seethe about elon this morning?

Anonymous No. 16580755

pretty bad, wouldn't have gotten to see you have another melty

Anonymous No. 16580756

I don't bet against Musk, but I do bet against his drug addiction. His ketamine problem will spiral out of control and he won't be able to remain as the face of SpaceX when he's busy influencing European politics and annoying everyone.

Anonymous No. 16580758

>activist left wing judges are blocking trump's executive orders and doge's budget cuts
chances of them blocking sls cancelation? how long can BOING! tie up the courts in litigation?

Anonymous No. 16580761

surely this time
he can't keep getting away with it

Anonymous No. 16580764

you're only going to see a melty if you look in the mirror right now.

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Anonymous No. 16580765

>millions of thirdies get cleansed
Bullshit, we both know that any area that would be affected would 100% be evacuated prior to impact and would be shipped to the west.
Better to practice now with something relatively safe than a potential ELE in the future, fuck what normalfags think, nothing would be done in science if the only measure for funding is how impressed a normie would be.

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Anonymous No. 16580767

>I don't bet against Elon but let me tell you about my EDS

Anonymous No. 16580768

Yeah, any day now

Anonymous No. 16580771

>Starlink commercial at the superb owl

Anonymous No. 16580773

He's saying set something up in advance and plan to launch but then just don't if it's not going to hit

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Anonymous No. 16580774

Anonymous No. 16580777

>any carrier
is it any or is it tmobile?

Anonymous No. 16580778

get the fuck out of my mirror dude

Anonymous No. 16580780


Anonymous No. 16580781

This shows why Elon doing that salute was so fucking stupid, needlessly gave these people ammo for their EDS

Anonymous No. 16580782

one year exclusivity iirc

Anonymous No. 16580783

>hundreds of millions of pajeets escape to America and Europe to avoid it

Anonymous No. 16580784

these people are irrelevant

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Anonymous No. 16580785

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Anonymous No. 16580787

today, I will remind them

Anonymous No. 16580788

why is there a nasa commercial?

Anonymous No. 16580790

they are lobbying for more gibs
need more money for dem SLS programmes

Anonymous No. 16580792

lmao it's literal abusive relationship behavior—self harm in response to indications of a breakup to try and manipulate the other party into staying

Anonymous No. 16580793

>no starship
>no sls

Anonymous No. 16580794


Anonymous No. 16580796

the guys replying to you haven't been close to drug addiction and it shows

Anonymous No. 16580799

this graphic was made by an alabama "science communicator" with oldspace connections

Anonymous No. 16580800

Fapping most probably.

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Anonymous No. 16580807


Anonymous No. 16580812

Jam out on my final walk.

Anonymous No. 16580815

Starshit hasn't even made LEO lol
Starshit is a shit design cutting corners and is never going to get man to mars lmao

Anonymous No. 16580818

>europe goes to sleep
>EDS hours begin
not what I expected

Anonymous No. 16580820

>Elon doing that salute

Attempted astroturfing, Elon did not do a nazi salute but this anon wants you to think of it from the perspective that he did.

Anonymous No. 16580821

I'm rooting for anyone, even China. We deserve the humiliation

Anonymous No. 16580822

>all steel imports coming into the US starting on monday will have a 25% tariff

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Anonymous No. 16580825

I wouldn't be surprised if this was the anon who used to go on about Raptor reliability.

Anonymous No. 16580827

SpaceX uses steel manufactured in America.

Anonymous No. 16580835

>intercept a rock the size of a sportsball field with a 3 ton vehicle
lol, doubt even nuking it would do much

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sun falls from th....webm

Anonymous No. 16580836

Blyat, we drive.

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Anonymous No. 16580840

>libtards threatening to boycott Apple (they won't) because of Starlink

Anonymous No. 16580841

so they can fire staff faster if it does get cancelled
NASA should make sure they deliver on anything they've already been paid for

Anonymous No. 16580842

He actually did the calculations to arrive at that number

Anonymous No. 16580845

damn, Boeing is really circling the toilet
I hope someone starts a replacement airliner company soon

Anonymous No. 16580846

He did the calculations to determine what could be gotten to the wrong on what kind of timetable, but did he do the calculations on whether that would actually be useful?

Suppose, for the sake of entertainment, that is a 100 meter chunk of nickel and iron. What would nuking it even do?

Anonymous No. 16580848

>You can send a message back to Earth, but you will not live to hear a response.

Anonymous No. 16580849

you are a brainlet
please stop posting until your iq increases

Anonymous No. 16580850

It's a beta test for Starlink direct to cell that you can get regardless of which carrier you have. It works out for T-Mobile if people like it and have to switch at the end of the beta period.

Anonymous No. 16580855

show your math, scott

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Anonymous No. 16580862

>"NASA reports stranded Pluto astronaut's last words were his wife's name."

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Anonymous No. 16580870

Try to climb the nearest mountain before the oxygen runs out.

Anonymous No. 16580875

>it's not TDS when I'm the one that's raging!

Anonymous No. 16580878


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Anonymous No. 16580880
>A Soyuz-2.1b rocket struck by lightning during launch.

Anonymous No. 16580881

the gods lent her their energy.

Anonymous No. 16580882

link? I love me some internet drama.

Anonymous No. 16580883


Anonymous No. 16580884

Set SCE to AUX!

Anonymous No. 16580885

Holy shit that looked cool

Anonymous No. 16580886


Anonymous No. 16580890

Beautiful. Imagine Starship getting touched by Thor.

Anonymous No. 16580893


Anonymous No. 16580894

>Hi! I’m Alex. I work as a senior data engineer currently here in Berlin, Germany. I’m in my mid 30s, married, and we’ve got two dogs: Ruger and Pippa.

>I’m half East Indian and half Yugoslavian. I call Portland, Oregon home – well I used to. I don’t know if we will ever leave the EU. More on this in a post in the future. Stay tuned. But anyway, I like computers, sci-fi, my dogs, traveling europe with my wife, and Taco Bell, Mountain Dew, and just eating good food.

brown hands typed that gigatexal post

Anonymous No. 16580895

soyuz is the only rocket that can survive a lightning strike

Anonymous No. 16580896

the fact that everything on Starship is controlled by electronics makes me a little worried about lightning strikes
I don't see how you can protect them well against lighting (feel free to explain why I'm retarded. I would love to know)

Anonymous No. 16580898

>what is price discovery
It will go up too

Anonymous No. 16580900

Saturn V was struck twice on Apollo 12.

Anonymous No. 16580901

worse, a Portlander

Anonymous No. 16580903

i dont see any saturn 5's flying anymore, do you?

Anonymous No. 16580904

I had a much longer explanation about why you're retarded but instead I'll just kindly remind you that planes get struck by lightning all the time and it's fine.

Anonymous No. 16580905

And? Soyuz is the only rocket that has been struck by lightning and is still in service, true. That does not mean no other rocket can do this. Sorry Ivan, this is not evidence of Russian exceptionalism.

Anonymous No. 16580906

rockets don't really care about lightning. it tickles them

Anonymous No. 16580908

>just use liquid cooling for the heatshield!
>*gets struck by lightning*
>fuel ignites

Anonymous No. 16580909


Anonymous No. 16580910

>a brown portlander with dogs as children surrogates who lives in europe and likes "good food" like taco bell and mountain dew
reads like parody

Anonymous No. 16580911

You got any recent ones you want to share?

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Anonymous No. 16580913

They do have Mountain Dew and Taco Bell in the UK. It's not quite the same, but they have it

Anonymous No. 16580914

Actually I block every account I see in my feed that posts random videos for clicks, I really recommend it.

Anonymous No. 16580916

I don't doubt that, but the premise of somebody living in europe and bragging about liking good food and the only food they mention is american junkfood is hilarious

Anonymous No. 16580917

ohshi- progress

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Anonymous No. 16580924

space money is back

Anonymous No. 16580925

thank you black man

Anonymous No. 16580930

do the girls want something from me?

Anonymous No. 16580934

hard to say

Anonymous No. 16580943

why don't they just fill the structure with water?

Anonymous No. 16580952


Anonymous No. 16580956

I have not considered this but it would be cool

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Anonymous No. 16580961

Cháng bā

Anonymous No. 16580962

love that they write "long march" in english on the sides of their rockets. total American cultural victory.
ain't no chink runes on starship

Anonymous No. 16580963

trump spoke about space briefly today, he said expect big things for military space, also that biden hated the space force and wanted to get rid of it but the pentagon fought back and won

Anonymous No. 16580970

>big thing for military space
>Barely 1 billion in the upcomng 20 billion "iron dome for america" dedicated to space based segment

Anonymous No. 16580974

there's also the unannounced weapon slated for reveal next year and space command moving to alabama. space national guard or something also gets fought over in congress, lets see if trump wants that too.

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[1920x1080] vtime....png

Anonymous No. 16580976

Anonymous No. 16580983

Sadly his wife recently died

>"During his stay at Fort Bliss, von Braun proposed marriage to Maria Luise von Quistorp, his maternal first cousin, in a letter to his father. He married her in a Lutheran church in Landshut, Bavaria, on 1 March 1947, having received permission to go back to Germany and return with his bride. He was 35, and his new bride was 18"

>HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WHNT) — The U.S. Space and Rocket Center has announced that Maria von Braun, the wife of Dr. Wernher von Braun, has passed away at 96.
>The rocket center said that Maria von Braun passed away on Jan. 20, 2025, at her home in Alexandria, VA.

Anonymous No. 16580984

>the unannounced weapon slated for reveal next year
That's pre-trump right.

Anonymous No. 16580986

yeah, from 2023

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Anonymous No. 16580993

we should do the other way around actually

Anonymous No. 16580994

The FY2026 budget request does not come out until March.

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Anonymous No. 16580995

>He was 35, and his new bride was 18

Anonymous No. 16580997

Could this guy get any more based if he tried?

Anonymous No. 16580998

>Pennies for the hungry
Was that not enough? Did the old marm eat all the children's shares?

Anonymous No. 16581001


Anonymous No. 16581021

I am attempting this currently

Anonymous No. 16581024

>Wernher von Braun was a cunnychad

Anonymous No. 16581032

I read this as his new bride was 18 inches

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Anonymous No. 16581034

What does Soyuz still use V-2 era gyroscopes and shit? Would be cool if it did desu

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Anonymous No. 16581053

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Anonymous No. 16581056

so based

Anonymous No. 16581086

/sfg/ is asleep :)

Anonymous No. 16581104

>nothing would be done in science if the only measure for funding is how impressed a normie would be
that's exactly how scientific funding works, dummy.

Anonymous No. 16581107

>today i will remind them about my extremely mentally debilitating form of EDS

Anonymous No. 16581115

it's not, russian exceptionalism is gay and lame compared to american exceptionalism.

Anonymous No. 16581123

A billion dollars is a thousand engineers for ten years, for comparison SLS only has a few hundred people total on it
They can make it happen

Anonymous No. 16581126

*the fentagon

Anonymous No. 16581127

i'm jealous of the cute little shark.

Anonymous No. 16581137

Prediction in this thread, the vibe shift is due to Musk being a "live player" and things are going to get wierd soon as Musk reaches and breks through the curting edge of contemporary political theory
Maybe laws with sunsetting? That is what he has talked about semi frequently with respect to the mars colony politics

Anonymous No. 16581173

> a billion dollars worth of Starship launches
That's a LOT of pebbles

Anonymous No. 16581203

What is “NRx”

Anonymous No. 16581205

don't worry about it

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Anonymous No. 16581212

The original is bonkers. I can't understand the mindset of someone who would believe this

Anonymous No. 16581214


Anonymous No. 16581215

>this was written by non-STEM hands
Grant bodies and grant advisors can be full of the most turbo-autists you can imagine. How can you expect them to decide if your research is original if there's no expertise on the panel.

Anonymous No. 16581236


Anonymous No. 16581254

I would have preferred the longer explanation, but thank you anyway

Anonymous No. 16581262

wheres that?

Anonymous No. 16581277

is avtomatic now when blyat of lightening strike

Anonymous No. 16581278

its such a shitty reference to their own shitty history; commie carry a fat manchild thousands of miles only to end up creating a cult while hiding in caves.

Anonymous No. 16581279

cousin and 18? im thinking NICE

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Anonymous No. 16581292

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Anonymous No. 16581296

>What is “NRx”

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Anonymous No. 16581298

>How did that work? It's actually well-known physics called Mach cutoff. When an aircraft breaks the sound barrier at a sufficiently high altitude, the boom refracts in the atmosphere and curls upward without reaching the ground. It makes a U-turn before anyone can hear it.

Anyone mind telling me that's the point of this thing then?

Anonymous No. 16581303

taking a physic phenomenon and exploiting that in a product, i.e. bringing back supersonic airliners and especially making it possible to use them above land
did you even read the thread?
are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 16581304

>did you even read the thread?
>are you retarded?

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Anonymous No. 16581305


Anonymous No. 16581307

"Sufficiently high" is doing the heavy lifting here. It can be higher than the aircraft can cruise.

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Anonymous No. 16581313

Anonymous No. 16581316

facebook ahhh artist fr

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Anonymous No. 16581327

why does this keep happening?

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Anonymous No. 16581329

Elon bros.... It's over....
I guess it's aimed at the boomers who can't imagine the federal government as anything but divine and benevolent. After four years I forgot how annoying this is. Trump making normal people defend the intelligence agencies operating without oversight? The party with class consciousness defending slavery at home and abroad? What the fuck

Anonymous No. 16581330

Spaceflight is hard. Wait until Starship really gets going.

Anonymous No. 16581333

It's also always a 2nd stage

Anonymous No. 16581338


Anonymous No. 16581339


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Anonymous No. 16581341


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Anonymous No. 16581342

Poo in the Loocifer's Hammer is unstoppable

Anonymous No. 16581343

To be fair they haven't brought back many to inspect

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Anonymous No. 16581344


Anonymous No. 16581348

>total American cultural victory
Why do they call it "English language" and "Latin script"?

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Anonymous No. 16581356

How far are we from the weaponization of space?

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Anonymous No. 16581368

Some other images show the construction progress on the new twin VAB

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Anonymous No. 16581370


Anonymous No. 16581372

Why do they park their rocket inside a commie block?

Anonymous No. 16581374

Their contractors know how to build one thing

Anonymous No. 16581376

Central Planning 101.

Anonymous No. 16581378

They are cutting corners where they can to accelerate cadence, and sometimes you cut a bit too much.

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Anonymous No. 16581386


Anonymous No. 16581387

reusable construction blueprints

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Anonymous No. 16581389

The "satellite megafactory" being built behind the rocket assembly buildings in HICAL's technical area

Anonymous No. 16581390

are they incapable of building nice looking buildings

Anonymous No. 16581391

>hainan spaceflight theme park

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Anonymous No. 16581395
I'm gonna use this thread to share my video of a lunar occultation of mars that happened last night. I drove 90km in order to capture it.
The video is a little dim but I couldn't be bothered to edit it. If you fast forward you can also see that Mars drifts to the right and then back to the left again and I'm 100% sure that's due to the mounts counterweights being incorrectly balanced (shame on me). It's too heavy on the western side of the mount and the backlash in the gear train makes the whole thing slip a little bit. Other than that I think it went pretty well.
In the attached image you can see my telescope and the bright dot in the background is Venus. Saturn is the one near the horizon right under the bottom of the telescope.

Anonymous No. 16581397

It does seem that the HICAL solid rocket launch site has been cancelled desu
There was only an announcement of groundbreaking in mid 2023 and no info since - no mention at all in any plans. It was previously refered as the "3rd launch site",but this now means the 3rd and 4th liquid launch pads south of HICAL

Anonymous No. 16581403

not the worst ive seen from the chinks. they do tend to like bright colors which is kinda of cute in some ways.

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Anonymous No. 16581404

You had to be north of the upper red line in order to witness the occultation which is why I had to take a little drive.
If you were right on the lower red line the moon would just touch mars upper disc.

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Anonymous No. 16581407

HICAL's pads 3 and 4

Anonymous No. 16581408

Anonymous No. 16581409


Anonymous No. 16581413

>60°24'43.0"N 17°35'46.0"E
Salaam alaikum!

Anonymous No. 16581417

9MB version

Anonymous No. 16581419

I see you speak my language.

Anonymous No. 16581420

the boosters are all flight proven, the second stages are not.

Anonymous No. 16581422


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Anonymous No. 16581424

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Anonymous No. 16581425

Anonymous No. 16581430

Imagine if we get to see space habitats so big we see entire rocket flights devoted solely to carrying air

Anonymous No. 16581433

>biden hated the space force
Glad he's dying, wish he'd hurry up.

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Anonymous No. 16581456

Oxygen will come from lunar rocks, nitrogen is tougher to source. You need a handy and suitable asteroid for N

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Anonymous No. 16581475

>be black
name a more classic duo

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a buy your ticket....png

Anonymous No. 16581476

Come inside, the show's about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart

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SLS core stacking.webm

Anonymous No. 16581482

Ladies and gentlemen good evening
you've seen, and seeing is believing

Anonymous No. 16581483

why does he have a lobster?

Anonymous No. 16581489


Anonymous No. 16581536

You don't really need nitrogen in your breathing air. Just use lower pressure oxygen, it's fine.
You night need some for plants, but you can transport that more easily as solid ammonia-based fertilizer.

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Anonymous No. 16581540

>You don't really need nitrogen in your breathing aCK!

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Anonymous No. 16581556


Anonymous No. 16581573

>saturn on a tilt
Do Titancucks really?

Anonymous No. 16581576

>Starship makes launch cheaper
>Starship makes launch more common
>decide to burn up rocks somewhere else instead of shipping cheap commoditized o2 from Earth

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Anonymous No. 16581577

Isolate your electronics properly, you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 16581578

>visible saturn
do titancucks really?

Anonymous No. 16581583

what stops them from just
rather than being paid a salary

Anonymous No. 16581587

Imagine how much easier Mars would be if the stupid planet had just kept its magnetic field. Radiation wouldn't be a problem at all, and it might have been dense and warm enough that all you'd need on the surface is an oxygen breather.

Anonymous No. 16581591

who says radiation is a problem

Anonymous No. 16581593

>whole ass space colony with thousands of inhabitants
>not allowed to have a single fire hazard
yeah sorry, ain't happening

Anonymous No. 16581595

>do laundry
>city explodes

Anonymous No. 16581597

pure oxygen in 2 bar pressure, what could possibly go wrong lol

Anonymous No. 16581604

Radiation is stopped by a brick
Someone here did the math and found that a 40 hour work week outdoors on Mars was within OHSA requirements for radiation exposure, which are set based on the first statistically noticable increase in cancer. It basically is not a problem.

Anonymous No. 16581606

It was a sacrifice to the Gods of Space to be allowed to leave Earth

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Anonymous No. 16581615

>Imagine how much easier Mars would be if the stupid planet had just kept its magnetic field

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Anonymous No. 16581617

You speak truer than you know

Anonymous No. 16581619

>spend the same amount of time outside as an average American (<1hr a day)
>take zinc supplements
>have no problem
No you don't understand, we NEED to replicate a natural process on the planetary scale before we do anything and we NEED have the magnetic field discussion every day

Anonymous No. 16581629

Anything to escape the microplastics

Anonymous No. 16581632

just dont run your O2 at 16psi and it'll be fine

Anonymous No. 16581638

i heard its about 0.6msv per 24 hours on the surface, half that of the moon. its probably not a big deal once you've got well protected living quarters and rovers to drive around in.

Anonymous No. 16581646

that factory doesn't look all that mega

Anonymous No. 16581661

I don't understand why all the radiation estimates assume you'll be sunbathing all day. If you do that on Earth you get cancer too!

Anonymous No. 16581668

>long chain hydrocarbons just siting around
The biosphere will adapt to eat them in an evolutionary blink of an eye

Anonymous No. 16581680

well yeah thats true lol. limiting exposure can only get better as a base develops and digs in. it'll be the first ones maybe living in an above surface prefabed habitat that might get more.

Anonymous No. 16581684

Anonymous No. 16581692

/afg/ - Atmospheric Flight General

Anonymous No. 16581693

you can build a super sonic jet in your backyard off ali-express turbines

Anonymous No. 16581696

Reminder that radiation on Mars is a complete non-issue and is only spouted by anti-space normies:,_Iran#Geography

Anonymous No. 16581697

These people will do anything to not say "great man theory"

Anonymous No. 16581703

This reminded me to make my biweekly purchase, now I have 321 shares

Anonymous No. 16581711

why didn't they just make the Concorde quiet?

Anonymous No. 16581712

it bewilders me that for hundred of million of years there were no bacteria that digested wood so dead trees just stacked one upon another

Anonymous No. 16581715

I am bored. When will be the next interesting rocket launch?

Anonymous No. 16581716

2 weeks

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Anonymous No. 16581718

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Anonymous No. 16581721

Anonymous No. 16581722

V2 booster when?

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Anonymous No. 16581723

Anonymous No. 16581724

when will they quit taking bits off the heatshield just for the luls?

Anonymous No. 16581725

When it becomes actually reusable

Anonymous No. 16581726

from feb 10 but didn't booster 15 just static fire?

and ship 34 rolling out now, static fire too?
after both of them have static fired then its just WDR and they should be ready to go?

Anonymous No. 16581729

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Anonymous No. 16581730


Anonymous No. 16581737

Reminder, SpaceX's entire budget for its entire history for every program they developed is less than single year's NASA"s budget

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Anonymous No. 16581739

Why don't modern men groom themselves?

Anonymous No. 16581740

Reminder, SpaceX hasn't sent a single person to the moon, hasn't built and sent a single probe to another planet and hasn't built a single space station

Anonymous No. 16581741

And what profit has NASA to show for after spending 500 billion dollars building & operating their "space station" ? Oh right time to de orbit it LOL

Anonymous No. 16581742

Reminder, NASA hasn't caught a single booster, hasn't reused a single fairing half and hasn't built a single satellite internet constellation

Anonymous No. 16581746

I'm in awe at the size of it every time I see it.

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Anonymous No. 16581750

>2.2 is smaller than 2.4
>2.1 is smaller than 2.2
This means the chance is getting smaller. ITS OVER HAPPENINGBURGERS NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

Anonymous No. 16581752

Those guys all just got back from a war

Anonymous No. 16581753

Ok, now what? When Flight 8?

Anonymous No. 16581757

This month. Elon Musk said so, so it will happen.

Anonymous No. 16581759

Feb. 28th is my bet. Sooner, I hope.

Anonymous No. 16581760

not a single bald man in this picture

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Anonymous No. 16581761

Isn't there somebody you forgot to ask?

Anonymous No. 16581763

I hope that fucker get’s too far away to measure before they definitively peg it at zero.
don’t want people getting too comfortable about planetary defense. Let’s have 3 years of stress.

Anonymous No. 16581768

Boom's mach cutoff only extends to lower mach numbers, after which it no longer cuts off. The X-59 is going to study boom suppression in higher mach number flight.

Anonymous No. 16581776

The licences will flow or the agency will be destroyed.

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Anonymous No. 16581777

Are you ready for Micro Nova? It will be launched this month and land on the moon next month. It will make the first pictures from the inside of a permanent shadowed crater.

Anonymous No. 16581781

There's at least three baldies there.

Anonymous No. 16581782

when it stops surviving re-entry I guess
>person to the moon
no one has since Apollo
>built and sent
built no, sent yes
>space station
Starship will become Skylab 2.0

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Anonymous No. 16581803

Where would be the best location for a hypothetical first Callistoan human colony?

Anonymous No. 16581808

Remember that NASA does not build anything.

Anonymous No. 16581810

Will 2025 be the breakout year for China's cryogenic rockets?

Anonymous No. 16581812

Neat, what's the landing date? Also wasn't something else on its way to the moon last month?

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Anonymous No. 16581814

>pictures from the inside of a permanent shadowed crate
moon landing believers be like
>look at these pictures of the moon

Anonymous No. 16581815

March 6, which is 4 days after Blue Ghost lands.

Anonymous No. 16581824

>no one has since Apollo
>built no, sent yes
thanks for agreeing with me
>Starship will become Skylab 2.0
sure, if I wanted to be pedantic I could say that spacex doesn't build anything either. They merely hire people to do it for them. But I'm not a retarded troglodyte so I don't do that. I recommend you follow my example.

Anonymous No. 16581825

Sweet, thanks for the update. I'm excited to see more stuff landing on the moon and more often.

Anonymous No. 16581838

I toss a chunk of water ice from the surface into the electrolysis unit and turn on the oxygen generator
Crazy how the orange rocket on the diagram makes up the majority of the total cost of everything on the diagram.

Anonymous No. 16581844

If it were a 100 ton chunk of iron-nickel asteroid, we'd still only need to change its velocity by 8mm/s, which could be done with a 10 ton impactor. Nukes not needed.

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Anonymous No. 16581848

Suborbital Fragmentation General - hop when?

Anonymous No. 16581851

Flight 9 wen? that's the only good one comin up

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Anonymous No. 16581853

Anonymous No. 16581856


Anonymous No. 16581860

Callisto orbit, inside the giant spinning habitat ship they used to get there, which was built and launched from the Moon.

Anonymous No. 16581864

My knowledge about Callisto topography is seriously lacking.

Anonymous No. 16581867

we must send a probe to uranus

Anonymous No. 16581870

I'm ready and willing.
For space.

Anonymous No. 16581872

we refer to it as Caelus here

Anonymous No. 16581875

more like gaelus

Anonymous No. 16581877

you're not funny.

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Anonymous No. 16581878


Anonymous No. 16581880

you're right. with a name that aligns with the rest of the roman names for the planets juvenile but jokes can no longer be made

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Anonymous No. 16581884

Martians and Earthmen facing off the Callistan scum...

Anonymous No. 16581887

The Lunar Industrial Federation will be the main political power of humanity for the next thousand years, with a peaceful but uneasy relationship with the independent and secretive Mercurians.

Anonymous No. 16581888

your obsession with telling this unfunny joke for internet attention is not funny.

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Anonymous No. 16581890
>Officially on the dumbest timeline now.
>It's evident there are a bunch of men who don't feel masculine enough unless NOTAM is changed back to include the word 'men'.

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Anonymous No. 16581892

There is reason to believe New Armstrong (30 BE-4s) will be better than Starship.

Anonymous No. 16581893

there isn't, because the BE-4 (while good) is a significantly worse engine than the raptor.

Anonymous No. 16581894

so this is how trump is fixing spaceflight huh

Anonymous No. 16581895

among other things

Anonymous No. 16581896


Anonymous No. 16581897

>come on man, it's just a little word change, turning everything gender neutral, how does this affect you PERSONALLY
>i want this to happen really really really badly but YOU'RE too invested in trying to stop it, i'm very aloof and couldn't care one way or the other, b-but we should still do it.
>seemingly unimportant and meaningless vocabulary change gets reversed

this is a tactic leftists use constantly, push for "progress" and say "why are you against it? this shouldn't matter to anyone" and the moment it goes the opposite direction, suddenly we have to do everything in our power to stop it.
they're doing the same thing with DEI, now that it's in place in so many ways, it's now "the norm" and boy, why would you ever change "the norm" right?

Anonymous No. 16581898

getting rid of a social parasite infecting society at large.
all these seemingly meaningless changes are driven by a cultlike fanaticism with erasing natural roles created by sexual dimorphism, because said cultists are freaks and don't feel at home in it because of their mental illness.
getting rid of this mindvirus in and of itself has knock-on effects for the effectiveness of NASA (in a good way), but that doesn't mean it's the only way in which trump is going to try and improve spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16581899


Anonymous No. 16581901

If it doesn't matter, why complain, why change it in the first place

Anonymous No. 16581902

Jared Isaacman becoming the adminstrator of NASA
I think there should be some more specific plan in March or something

Anonymous No. 16581903

its so tiresome, but fortunately things seem to be changing now

Anonymous No. 16581922

That's downrange from the Xichang launch center. It's what's left of the village that the rocket landed on

>The nature and extent of the damage remain a subject of dispute. The Chinese government, through its official Xinhua news agency, reported that six people were killed and 57 injured. Western media speculated that between a few dozen and 500 people might have been killed in the crash; "dozens, if not hundreds" of people were seen to gather outside the centre's main gate near the crash site the night before launch. When reporters were being taken away from the site, they found that most buildings had sustained serious damage or had been flattened completely. Some eyewitnesses were noted as having seen dozens of ambulances and many flatbed trucks, loaded with what could have been human remains, being taken to the local hospital. Bruce Campbell of Astrotech and other American eyewitnesses in Xichang reported that the satellite post-crash was surprisingly intact, along with the opinion that the official death toll only reflects those in the military who were caught by the disaster and not the civilian population. In the years to follow, the village that used to border the launch center (Mayelin Village) has vanished, with little trace it ever existed

Anonymous No. 16581924

How can a man working for Apple be such a dumb faggot?

Anonymous No. 16581932

don't like NOTAMs? don't get one.

Anonymous No. 16581936

i definitely prefer missions or airmen given how many fucking drones there are now. airmen makes it sound like they're pilots. you aint no pilot and dont deserve to get labeled as one.

Anonymous No. 16581938


Anonymous No. 16581939

i love how they dont give up on building launch sites close to populated areas. shows real commitment. thanks for the reply anon

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Anonymous No. 16581940

You said "anus"

Anonymous No. 16581943

anon please, we call it urine ass

Anonymous No. 16581944

It's nice to see awareness of this shit becoming more common, weasley cunts all need to be driven into the sea by the common man.

Anonymous No. 16581945


Anonymous No. 16581947

Scott Manley is such an obnoxious quisling.

Anonymous No. 16581949

Notice To Air Missions sounds cooler

Anonymous No. 16581951

They actually kinda did. Xichang is the 2nd newest launch center in China and it opened way back in 1984. Wenchang is the only one they've built recently and that launches out into the Pacific.

Anonymous No. 16581958

This still exists in the minds of some

Anonymous No. 16581960

>pakistan will put a rover on the moon on chang'e 8
jeets absolutely seething mad right now

Anonymous No. 16581966

I saw a vid showing something blowing up over a village near the launch site by Taiyuan recently too

Anonymous No. 16581968

Cancel Artemis 2 and go straight to Artemis 3 with SLS and then cancel SLS.

Anonymous No. 16581973

Is there a list of what stars Pandora will observe?

Also, what's so special about it that other telescopes can't already do?

Anonymous No. 16582039

nooo! saar do not redeem the rover! it is chinese propaganda mission sars. Indian rover wikram has already explored sar, it is wery wery good, state of the art software rover.

Anonymous No. 16582044

whys it so fucking dead today

Anonymous No. 16582045

Because you forgot your fidgit spinner to stimulate your ADHD.

Anonymous No. 16582047

god smiting the Russoids for their hubris

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Anonymous No. 16582048



Anonymous No. 16582055

this is spaceflight general not airflight general

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Anonymous No. 16582056

Haven't watched yet but figured to post here

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Anonymous No. 16582057

launch soon

Anonymous No. 16582058

boring starlink launch in a few minutes

Anonymous No. 16582059

>Flight 8
Soon, now that elon has disbanded the FAA and is looting the country we should see rockets flying every 2 weeks, fingers crossed

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Anonymous No. 16582061


Anonymous No. 16582063

nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh

Anonymous No. 16582064

it's a twilight launch, so there should be a very nice jellyfish seen from the ground

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Anonymous No. 16582068


Anonymous No. 16582069

Yup, it's still that easy.

Anonymous No. 16582071

you can see the plooome from second stage camera just before the stream ended

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Anonymous No. 16582073

ugh kino

Anonymous No. 16582074

Space Force is under the Air Force, so you're wrong yet again

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Anonymous No. 16582076
>SpaceX Falcon 9 from Colorado

Anonymous No. 16582077

its a space whale

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Anonymous No. 16582078


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Anonymous No. 16582080

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Anonymous No. 16582081

Anonymous No. 16582082

Sky sperm.

Anonymous No. 16582083

we need more launch sites, everyone on earth should be able to see launches from their street

Anonymous No. 16582085

Post sunset jellyfish looks way better, less trail more bright nebulae lighting but I think SpaceX have some restriction on launching too late or something in CA so we never see it anymore, sadge

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Anonymous No. 16582086

fucking clouds blocked my view

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Anonymous No. 16582088

Anonymous No. 16582089

cool to see it coming through an opening in the clouds though

Anonymous No. 16582099

Wait so earth’s ocean bottom is seriously unexplored?

Anonymous No. 16582103


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reaction moon.jpg

Anonymous No. 16582111

das it mane

Anonymous No. 16582119

Seesh, so many people completely fucking clueless, and some spitter autists replying to clueless normies with so much jargon "carrying starlink satellites for the satellite megaconstellation" that probably completely fries their brains lmao

Anonymous No. 16582122

im surprised normies still use twitter

Anonymous No. 16582127

I do love how people on the far left really convinced themselves they were the mainstream and it still hasn't clicked with them why Trump won the popular vote.

Anonymous No. 16582129

why would you lie like this?

Anonymous No. 16582131

They sure as hell aren't using bluesky

Anonymous No. 16582132

what else is there to use? don't say bluesky

Anonymous No. 16582135

instagram and snapchat or whatever

Anonymous No. 16582136

You're the biggest, fattest liar of them all

Anonymous No. 16582140

Instagram is a platform for foids, Snapchat is a platform for thots, and both of them are overrun by pajeets. No one serious uses either of those

Anonymous No. 16582141

So all you had to do was fly the plane higher and no one hears the boom? are you fucking kidding me?

Anonymous No. 16582142

normies aren't serious

Anonymous No. 16582143

Funny you mention this, I deleted both 1 week ago today. dont miss a thing.

Anonymous No. 16582145

it doesn't even fly that high though does it? the test today was at what, 35k feet? and concorde did like 60

Anonymous No. 16582147

There's nothing down there. Don't bother looking for alien spaceships under the coral.

Anonymous No. 16582149

>The Texas Space Commission announced Feb. 10 that it awarded $47.7 million in grants to five space companies to support projects like construction of facilities and development of spacecraft in the state.

>Blue Origin: $7 million for upgrades to its booster engine testing facility to enable higher thrust for those engines through densified propellants.
>Firefly Aerospace: $8.2 million for expanded capabilities at its spacecraft development center, as well expanded internship and student access programs.
>Intuitive Machines: $10 million for development of a commercial orbital return vehicle.
>SpaceX: $7.5 million for a new vertical integration facility at Starbase for the company’s Starship/Super Heavy vehicle.
>Starlab Space: $15 million for a systems integration lab that could be used by multiple entities in the commercial space station field.

space companies: we need mo money for dem programz

Anonymous No. 16582150

What’s up with texas and space? Even armadillo is from there

Anonymous No. 16582156

It requires specific atmospheric conditions as well.

This is a well understood phenomenon that Boom is using as investor bait.

Anonymous No. 16582157

>low wages
>few regulations
>lots of blue collar workers
>lots of land
>good location

Anonymous No. 16582159

something about texas and space both being big

Anonymous No. 16582160

This is Texas fighting with Florida and California for space industry.

Anonymous No. 16582164

texas = milky way galaxy
usa = solar system in the milky way

Anonymous No. 16582166

So thanks to Trump, the astronauts can return two weeks earlier, and they could have come back during the Biden admin. But Berger refuses to give any credit at all?

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Anonymous No. 16582175

>beck confirming that there is no money outside of launch / earth observation / telecommunications
surely some additional markets have to exist beyond this

Anonymous No. 16582177

it's not a big enough deal to be worth caring about. if you want an anti-berger line, it's that he spent all those years crusading against SLS and corrupt republican richard shelby, the man behind SLS. but then when ballast and co. are run out of town it's not even three weeks until boeing's basically announcing that SLS is dead. while this happens, berger's concerned with exposing an alleged morale crisis in nasa because employees are sad about the president being a republican.
and i still like berger. he's done a lot of good muckraking over the years and i expect he'll continue to. but he's being a little asshurt right now so he deserves a little shit over it.

Anonymous No. 16582179

He is saying that launch companies will do everything in space, unless they choose not to. Invest in launch!

Anonymous No. 16582180

even before starlink, i think navigation/communication/earth observation probably has to cover at least 95% of satellites ever launched. what else is there for a spacecraft to do that private customers will pay for?

Anonymous No. 16582184

i remain hopeful about satellite servicing

Anonymous No. 16582189

most satellites will be owned by launchers. launchers will build their own servicing system for themselves

Anonymous No. 16582190

i think thats also possible

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Anonymous No. 16582193

Holy shit did he really make a 50 minute video trying to rationalize how he wasn't actually wrong about the new launch mount being interchangeable?

Anonymous No. 16582195

mixed reality concept
>company sends a lander to the moon
>the lander has a virtual mining component
>upon landing it allows people to mine memecoins
>the memecoin transaction fees go towards funding future landers
>the mining ends when the lander dies
>the mining opens back up when another lander arrives

Anonymous No. 16582196

Brevity is the soul of wit. He's a retard thoughbeit

Anonymous No. 16582202

So cringe it's based again. I actually want to see it.

Anonymous No. 16582205

You have to go back

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16582207

I didn't know niggers could pass the captcha

Anonymous No. 16582208

i was just thinking of anything that could help. it could be something else like a video game, netflix show, album release, whatever. the money for a lander doesnt have to solely come from physical payloads funded by nasa or whatever. just explore some crazy ass ideas and maybe you'll end up with the next launch tower that catches rockets with arms: out there, but profitable.

Anonymous No. 16582212

i like your idea
but i think we can do something fun/interactive
rc cars on a track/jump tracks etc
drones in a dome
humanoid style rovers you can walk around
just make people pay per 10 minutes of use

Anonymous No. 16582215

Twitch Plays Pokemon, but on the Moon.

Anonymous No. 16582218

i think it needs a better value proposition, like re-create it as a lunar theme park builder set in the area where the lander is at. you can then share your theme park builds for others to play in. cuz who is going to pay to drive a rover on the moon if the rover moves at 1cm a minute? and a physical rover would break down quick.

Anonymous No. 16582232

I havent been tuned into space industry other than Vast news since IFT-7. Whatd I miss?

Anonymous No. 16582233

>starship 8 feb 24
>sls is canceled
>brilliant pebbles has returned
>berger has EDS
>vulcan is on indefinite hold

Anonymous No. 16582241

It's frankly impressive how you managed to get all of that wrong. Statistically improbable yet autistically guaranteed.

Anonymous No. 16582251

this is 100% true

Anonymous No. 16582255

cute projection

Anonymous No. 16582258

I know you are but what am I?

Anonymous No. 16582260

This is 0% true.
>starship 8 feb 24
This part especially.

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Anonymous No. 16582261

RIP tim's spacex access

Anonymous No. 16582262

Sources confirm: true, all of it

Anonymous No. 16582268

it's technically february 11 now. therefore IFT-8 launches on 11+2*7 = february 25th.

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Anonymous No. 16582270


Anonymous No. 16582272

But they ate going to audit the military too? Doing it right now I think

Anonymous No. 16582274

>100 billion offer for openAI instead of focusing on Mars

Elon has lost it.

Anonymous No. 16582275

>he only realized that now
you are not very smart.

Anonymous No. 16582276

the point of the offer wasn't for openai to agree to be sold, it was to fuck them over in their attempts to legally transition over to being a for-profit company.

Anonymous No. 16582277

he's probably spent so much time on mars that he's sick of it and would literally rather do anything else

Anonymous No. 16582278

11D chess. Elon is expecting OpenAI to reject the offer for Altman's lowball, proving Altman is only doing it to enrich himself, providing grounds for Elon to sue. Update your world model or remain perpetually perplexed

Anonymous No. 16582279

I'll give you 100 billion to shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 16582282

yes, anon, everyone is keenly aware of the why. And? How does fucking over some retarded millionaire CEO help the mars effort?

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a webb move.jpg

Anonymous No. 16582284


Earth is about to be destroyed.

Anonymous No. 16582286

How does the Mars effort solve all the problems of Earth? And now you know why you are morally bankrupt

Anonymous No. 16582287

whats the current probability?

Anonymous No. 16582288

cool I hope we get some good pics of it before it kills everyone

Anonymous No. 16582290

He can do multiple things
Aldo a rogue ASI would destroy humans kn Mars as well, its an existential risk that can't simply be escaped unlike other things mars would function as a safe haven for

Anonymous No. 16582293

the fuck are you on about you retarded nigger? Only reason anyone here gives a shit about musk is because he's the only person bringing us closer to space dominance. Yet he's slowly turning into any other wealth obsessed jew out there.

Anonymous No. 16582300

Confirmed mad

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Anonymous No. 16582301

>james webb will make observations in march and may to determine the true size of the asteroid since our current measurements cant get a good read

Anonymous No. 16582303

I know you are but what am I?

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Anonymous No. 16582307

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Anonymous No. 16582336

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playing asteroids....jpg

Anonymous No. 16582342


Example of a simulation of the encounter. Out of 100 tries, 3 hit the Earth, but 1 hit the Moon. So guess there's a 1% chance of that happening too.

Anonymous No. 16582343

looks like the moon will need an asteroid defense program too

Anonymous No. 16582346

it was posted earlier

Anonymous No. 16582349

>Exactly 20 years after Dec 21 2012
It's really happening isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16582352

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Anonymous No. 16582361

Anonymous No. 16582368

musk needs to die ASAP

Anonymous No. 16582371

when you build a city on mars you are free to name it

Anonymous No. 16582372

>great people can't make mistakes
I hope you never learn about the past 3 thousand years of human history.

Anonymous No. 16582373

incredibly cringe and gay name

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Anonymous No. 16582377

Succesful inaugural launch at 09:30 UTC of the CZ-8A from Wenchang carrying the second operational batch of Guoang satellites.

Anonymous No. 16582378

i think its more likely that it'll remain the name of spacex's martian spaceport. starbase in texas. terminus in mars.

Anonymous No. 16582382

W tim dodd wtf

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Anonymous No. 16582396

>philip sloss is the voice of reason in the artemis discord

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Anonymous No. 16582407

Anonymous No. 16582412

>adult man is the only sane person in a trooncord server

Anonymous No. 16582417

>NASA has selected SpaceX of Starbase, Texas, to provide the launch service for the agency’s Pandora mission, which will study at least 20 known exoplanets and their host stars to find out how changes in stars affect our observations of exoplanet atmospheres.

How come cargo Starship doesn't even exist yet, but it's already getting contracts?

Anonymous No. 16582418


Anonymous No. 16582420

>How come cargo Starship doesn't even exist yet, but it's already getting contracts?
Nasa must be confident in spacex's progress.

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Anonymous No. 16582435


Anonymous No. 16582441

I’m bullish on drug manufacture. We just need one company to make a meager profit on a microgravity exclusive drug and we’ll see a gold rush.

Anonymous No. 16582446

is this the one that gets caught by a wire gantry?

Anonymous No. 16582447

I don't know anything about drug manufacturing. What are the benefits of microgravity development/research and are they really worth it? Is there research on this?

Anonymous No. 16582451

Speaking of Jared, when is his hearing supposed to happen?

Anonymous No. 16582452

>What are the benefits of microgravity development/research
easy way to scam gullible investors or launder money
>are they really worth it?
depends on if you're planning to scam gullible investors or launder money.
>Is there research on this?
not any that's honest, no.

Anonymous No. 16582455

Gravity affects protein crystalization and the like. Novel structures can lead to completely new drugs that can't be replicated under 1g.

Anonymous No. 16582480

Whats about Jupiters gravity? Are there an advantages to manufacture on Jupiter?

Anonymous No. 16582494

>robbing the financial class to make something real

Anonymous No. 16582496

I can respect a journalist constantly poking at those in power regardless of who's in power. It's rare

Anonymous No. 16582503

SpaceX HQ is Starbase

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Supersonic Bi-Dir....jpg

Anonymous No. 16582516

>So all you had to do was fly the plane higher and no one hears the boom? are you fucking kidding me?
is supersonicflightery really that easy bros?

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dec 21 2012 teren....jpg

Anonymous No. 16582529

Plan Status: Trusted

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ssto mockingbird-1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16582532

ultracentrifuges can already reach 1000,000g, that's higher than a white dwarf

Anonymous No. 16582538

Anon do you not know where SpaceX's headquarters are?

Anonymous No. 16582541

pretty much anything that involves growing crystals benefits from lower gravity. heat transfer also works differently, it no longer “rises”, although the useful applications of that are less clear.

Anonymous No. 16582542

I forgot ;_;

Anonymous No. 16582543


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Anonymous No. 16582579

>Comments have been turned off for this video


Anonymous No. 16582585

ssto n1

Anonymous No. 16582587

peak SOVLiet engineering

Anonymous No. 16582592

Somebody is a little self conscious

Anonymous No. 16582595

>isaacman started draken, a company that gets paid by the military to act as an adversary force in military war games
why dont we have something like this for space force?

Anonymous No. 16582604

>wake up
>check /sfg/
>spaceguy5 is malding

today is a good day

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foundation mule a.jpg

Anonymous No. 16582610

> gay city full of nerds that gets btfo by a chad mutant
> only exists to draw attention away from its true masters

Anonymous No. 16582621

Nah thhats not how it works also not gonna happen

Anonymous No. 16582644

cutie girlie

Anonymous No. 16582648

I'd say it's more than 1/1000 of what people like to call a gigafactory

Anonymous No. 16582652

Reminder, NASA hasnt sent a person to the moon in over 50 years

Anonymous No. 16582653

No, that's Long March 10A, which is NET 2026

Anonymous No. 16582656

What do you honestly think his end goal is with the space stuff?

Anonymous No. 16582657

Harry bolz? lmfao holy shit. absolute troll! xD

Anonymous No. 16582658

first man on mars

Anonymous No. 16582661

By that metric I own half a mega factory
Not unlikely, but I think his actual goal is draken for space

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Anonymous No. 16582664

Anonymous No. 16582665

Elon Musk is Great Man Theory made manifest

Anonymous No. 16582667

Pliny the elder is Great Man Theory made manifest

Anonymous No. 16582672

not the own you think it is, pal

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Anonymous No. 16582676

The first city on Mars should be called Ultor. Terminus is an awful name. Genuinely AI tier.

Anonymous No. 16582688

over 20 years
SLS is constellation

Anonymous No. 16582693

good luck investigating every "single" black baby mama
or every 40+ with a "bad back"

Anonymous No. 16582718

It should be named after Zubrin

Anonymous No. 16582721

Just have an AI do it. Those types of people aren't smart enough to separate their online and offline personalities.

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Ford Mars Lander,....jpg

Anonymous No. 16582726

> Zubrinopolis
I like it

Anonymous No. 16582748

Terminus is okay, idk why anons are getting autistic about it. There's gonna be lots of cities and they're all gonna need names, chill.

Anonymous No. 16582780

high energy first stage flies all the way into orbit

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Anonymous No. 16582786

his attempt at inventing first-century katawa shoujo didn't go so well

Anonymous No. 16582798

Fuck planetary protection we need to send genetically modified extremophiles to every solar system body with an atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16582812

Yeah we know that, but musk probably thinks it's a bastion of knowledge that fled a dying empire.

Anonymous No. 16582826

thats not what terminus was. it was a backup to save civilization.

Anonymous No. 16582829

No, >>16582610 is actually right.
The Foundation series is kind of crap.

Anonymous No. 16582832

I'm sure a building at the university on Mars will be named after him, but he's been to hostile to the actual plan to be represented that much

Anonymous No. 16582844

don't dog it too much. science fiction in the 1940s was a completely ramshackle operation and serials like foundation, authors like asimov and editors like john w. campbell are the only reason it ever rose up to have some literary pretensions and occasionally become better than crap.

Anonymous No. 16582850

There wont be a university on Mars. Since everyone will have access to internet and infinite knowledge at the finger tip. No need to a specialzied building for that.

Anonymous No. 16582854

Zubrin Memorial Park Bench

Anonymous No. 16582856

Base Zubrin
Los Zubrinos
Zubrin Terminal

Anonymous No. 16582857

DOGE team on Mars wont fund any nonsensical anti-Mars memorial nonsense. Only those who promote Mars will be celebrated. Zubrin can go back to his Ukraine nonsense

Anonymous No. 16582861

Why are russians so obvious?

Anonymous No. 16582862

Don't start.

Anonymous No. 16582863

i really hope you are right

Anonymous No. 16582865

When you're talking about space, anything other than asteroid mining and military/internet satellites are absolutely worthless.
Probes are worthless.
Planetary exploration is worthless.
NASA is a soft-power agency on Capitol Hill.

Anonymous No. 16582866

perpetual perplexity is what they live on, they cant update their model that reflects reality, instead they choose to swallow their own propaganda that always conflict with reality

Anonymous No. 16582868

>asteroid mining
opinion discarded

Anonymous No. 16582869


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Anonymous No. 16582871

spacex droneship got quietly scrapped

Anonymous No. 16582875

Robert Zubrin Memorial (full size) Starship

Anonymous No. 16582880

you can just go to the moon or mars and get 1 million times the resources of any "asteroid mining" nonsense

Anonymous No. 16582881

>asteroid mining
Is this bait or does this thread really have a revolving door of newfags that don't know?

Anonymous No. 16582885

Start what?

Anonymous No. 16582886

mars is just a large asteroid

Anonymous No. 16582887

Sorry but I will never forgive him for wanting to kill SpaceX with his support of Biden.

Anonymous No. 16582888

>humanity has mined only about 0.0000014% of the Earth's crust by mass
Why go to the moon or Mars for rocks?

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Anonymous No. 16582891

A reminder that the second Vulcan launch would have outright failed had the intended payload (Dreamchaser) been ready.

Anonymous No. 16582894

It probably didn't like rockets crashing into it

Anonymous No. 16582895

that would've been so kino

Anonymous No. 16582896

too many liberals on Earth

Anonymous No. 16582897

>U.S. Defense Secretary Hegseth said that the US is reconsidering the number of troops currently deployed to Europe
this aligns with that news from the other day that said trump is looking to reduce the size of the army and move troops out of europe to focus on china. the news report also said that the US will boost a bunch of other stuff instead of the army, including space, possibly even with offensive space weapons.

Anonymous No. 16582902

Zero environmental concern on the Moon. It's going to be the industrial powerhouse of the solar system.

Anonymous No. 16582903

the fire

Anonymous No. 16582907

I actually went to the trouble of reading the fucking link.
Apparently it isn't the first one. The first one was simply returned to the barge company, and this is the current one from when it was in for repairs.

Anonymous No. 16582909

>missing the most obvious choice

Anonymous No. 16582924

Camp Zubrin (early stages)

Anonymous No. 16582927

asteroids are just tiny marses

Anonymous No. 16582931

The first city on Mars should be called Wernher

Anonymous No. 16582934


Anonymous No. 16582938

>had the intended payload (Dreamchaser) been ready
It probably was ready, but the Dreamfags knew the rocket wasn't.

Anonymous No. 16582957

>It probably was ready

Anonymous No. 16582963

Have you noticed how Sierra has gone quiet after promoting Dreamchaser so much and how the launch has been delayed more than a year? Odds are high something bad came up during testing.

Hell they might have butter fingers and dropped it.

Anonymous No. 16582985

Dreamchaser BUSTED video when

Anonymous No. 16583026

Yeah okay but what will the first sovlful mars city be named

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16583034

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Anonymous No. 16583038

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Anonymous No. 16583041

the second city on mars will be named Harry Balls

Anonymous No. 16583046


Anonymous No. 16583050

/SFG/ Space Flight General

Anonymous No. 16583065

Starship forgotten...

Anonymous No. 16583076

Time to sell all your Tesla shares. No one is steering the ship

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NASA concept art,....jpg

Anonymous No. 16583079

I'd call it Beachhead

Anonymous No. 16583082

Domes are so funny. like how tf were they planning on building that

Anonymous No. 16583086

its self driving

Anonymous No. 16583089


Anonymous No. 16583091


Anonymous No. 16583093

Mars? What Mars? This was never about Mars!

Anonymous No. 16583094

This is the smartest man in the freakin world. Tfoot must be seething

Anonymous No. 16583107


Anonymous No. 16583108

Why is that retard wearing a cap indoors?

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Anonymous No. 16583112


Anonymous No. 16583119

Cranes and shit probably. Same way they do on earth, ‘cept it’s easier because of the lower gravity.

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Anonymous No. 16583120

Anonymous No. 16583121


Anonymous No. 16583122

I do think it’s a pretty big ‘conflict of interest’ that Musk can wield this power, and continue to get DoD and NASA contracts for SpaceX
SpaceX is literally the best bang for the buck, best prices (or nearly the best if BO isn’t undercutting) and CERTAINLY the best products. So whatever, give Musk and SX trillions. They deserve it.

Anonymous No. 16583123

Retard. No offense

Anonymous No. 16583124

Alternatively, the same reasoning should be applied to other contracts where if the best value wasn't that awardee, then it should be scrapped and awarded to the best value.

Anonymous No. 16583125

Cancel SLS, Starliner, award Starliner contract to SpaceX. Break the SLS contract between Vulcan/New Glenn/Starship

Anonymous No. 16583129

City of X

Anonymous No. 16583132

New Peenemunde.

Anonymous No. 16583135

Reminder that NASA tried to cover up the Orion capsule heat shield not performing as predicted (it fucking came apart) and their new plan is to fly with astronauts next time because THIS TIME they are sure it will behave as they expect it to.

Anonymous No. 16583140

>because THIS TIME they are sure it will behave as they expect it to
yeah, because they changed the reentry angle. Not like you'd know that you baiting faglord

Anonymous No. 16583143

>doesn't act like you expect
>change something
>expect it to act like you expect

Anonymous No. 16583144

the universe is not locally real.

Anonymous No. 16583145

Make them out of small triangular pieces.

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SFG nutcase aa.jpg

Anonymous No. 16583146

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Anonymous No. 16583147

Anonymous No. 16583148

would you ride the capsule?

Anonymous No. 16583150

spacex is just better than everyone else.

Anonymous No. 16583152

My libtard relative seethed when I said I hope Musk gets unlimited power because it would mean Mars becomes a possibility this decade or the first half of the 2030s.

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Anonymous No. 16583154

Yes. Yes I would. And so would ever other self-respecting anon in this general.
fuck it, ditch the capsule, strap my body to the rocket and point it at mars. I am ready.

Anonymous No. 16583156

all these people used to love space travel and spacex lol

Anonymous No. 16583157

I wouldn't because I'm not retarded
no DEI grift capsule for me thanks

Anonymous No. 16583159

>yeah, because they changed the reentry angle.
And have they tested at that new angle? No.
>but their models say it will be fine
Their models said it would be fine last time, and it obviously wasn't.


Anonymous No. 16583160

How the fuck is Elon just walking around freely with his kid after all he's done this year? He has both the crazy leftists and the feds on his back now. Surely he understands that powerful people have been killed for much less. He will not get to see his dream become a reality at this rate if he doesn't go into hiding immediately until he can safely vacate to his empire on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16583161

>Starbase, TX
So they got their company town approved by voters?

Anonymous No. 16583164

SpaceX wouldn't do this. SpaceX extensively tests their flight hardware without people on board first. Old space is homicidally incompetent.

Anonymous No. 16583165

wait, does consciousness create our reality? i literally said "fly me to the mars" yesterday because i was singing fly me to the moon by frank sinatra by i replaced moon with mars. are you my subconscious? are you literally me? i'm not joking bro....what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16583166

Great Man Theory
>but Great Men often get killed in the end
Yes, but they cannot achieve greatness if they cower in fear. They know the risks and go forth boldly anyway. That's part of what makes them great.

Anonymous No. 16583167

Based single-issue voter
Let's just hope handing corporations unchecked executive power doesn't come back to haunt us like it did in the 1800s

Anonymous No. 16583170


Anonymous No. 16583171

There's a happy middle ground between neo feudalism and gridlock regulation

Anonymous No. 16583172

yeah but it's generally agreed upon that psychology is completely made up pseudoscience. for example, freud coined the concept of an ego, but the ego is nowhere to be found. humans are a natural function of the universe.

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Anonymous No. 16583177
>Haven-1 primary structure qualification article at Vast’s Mojave test site, with SpaceX’s Falcon 9 lighting up the evening sky—Haven-1’s future ride.

Anonymous No. 16583180

your entire universe is confined within your brain. There is no reality beyond what your brain can perceive. when you get old and senile, you will become like zubrin: confused, angry, manic, scared. the reality you knew will fall apart around you

Anonymous No. 16583183

bro believes in materialism. it's over.

Anonymous No. 16583187

guy who somehow doesn’t know that man landed on the moon, but is simply impressed and overjoyed upon finding this out

Anonymous No. 16583190

and also he's gay and chinese

Anonymous No. 16583191

>muh specific orbit

or just build a constellation on your 100 ton rocket and have 100% uptime for your particular location on Earth

Anonymous No. 16583192

kek or a nork

Anonymous No. 16583193

*subjective idealism

Anonymous No. 16583195

My assumption: any asteroid close enough to an Earth encounter (such as a >1% chance of impact) should be able to be redirected into LEO pretty easily. Right?

Anonymous No. 16583199

>we simply read the dates wrong

Anonymous No. 16583200

In the past maybe, but Bruce Willis is all demented and shit now.

Anonymous No. 16583206

I wonder how space development would change if we had a 100m rock in geo

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Anonymous No. 16583208

There is more to reality than simple materialism can explain. von Braun's Elon prophecy convinced me of this; sufficiently Great Men have an impact on the course of reality so strong that they can effect events before their arrival. Elon Musk is far from the only example of this, prophesy of Great Men has happened numerous times throughout history, in many different religions, cultures, etc. It's not a religious phenomena, it's a property of our reality that causality can be violated by sufficiently important people. Another manifestation of this, besides simple prophesy, is "false arrivals" of men who eerily embody numerous attributes of a Great Man to follow them.

>Be incredibly skilled general for the Roman Republic
>Conduct successful campaigns in foreign lands to accumulate wealth, fame and experience
>Feud with Senators due to this
>March on Rome, starting a civil war
>Justify this to the public as a necessary act of justice, forced by the Senate, claiming that he was merely doing his duty to the Republic
>Prevail against other Roman forces lead by your Senate opposition on the battlefield
>Subjugate the Senate and become Dictator
Everybody recognizes these as the acts of Julius Caesar. But actually, I am talking about Sulla, 40 years before Julius Caesar did it. Julius Caesar recognized his own parallels with Sulla while his own story was unfolding and deliberately tried to distance himself from Sulla, but everybody else saw the obvious parallels anyway. This isn't just a series of uncanny coincidences, Sulla was a living prophesy of Julius Caesar.

It stands to reason that other "spooky" effects may be real as well, people who share intense and relatively niche interests may have a form of limited telepathy. I haven't seen absolutely convincing evidence of this, but it's a possibility.

Anonymous No. 16583209

/SFG/ Spidget Finners General

Anonymous No. 16583210

whatever it takes for space

Anonymous No. 16583211

>it obviously wasn't.
but it didn't burn up. people would have been ok. relax the entry profile and it'll be more ok (probably)

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helly r unimpressed.jpg

Anonymous No. 16583212

>people who share intense and relatively niche interests may have a form of limited telepathy
>I haven't seen absolutely convincing evidence of this, but it's a possibility

Anonymous No. 16583213

>it-it would have been totally okay
Then why is NASA coping with a trajectory change?

Orion is an astronaut cooker.

Anonymous No. 16583214

chase me chase me!
cant catch meeeee!

Anonymous No. 16583215

Unless it's a function of time heated rather than total heat, then it explodes more

Anonymous No. 16583216

we would just let it hit retard

Anonymous No. 16583217

I can't say that it's definitely true, but I've seen enough to keep me from asserting that it's impossible.

Anonymous No. 16583218

JPL hasn't updated the CNEOS impact risk page for 2024 YR4 in three days. What's up?

Anonymous No. 16583219

Extension of this line of thought; it is possible that Elon Musk is a false arrival of the true Elon who has yet to appear. Probably not though, as he was prophesied by name. Still, it is a possibility we should be aware of. There may yet be a greater Elon than Elon Musk.

Anonymous No. 16583221

They're busy building bunkers, unrelated.

Anonymous No. 16583222

USA should redirect every near-impact rock into GEO. Build up a magazine of dozens of hundred-meter megaliths floating in the sky above everyone. “It’s for science,” but perhaps they could also be sent directly into enemy cities

Anonymous No. 16583225

A polar orbit would be better. You could hit anyone and everyone everywhere.

Anonymous No. 16583227

to make sure its even less likely to be an issue. i dont have any info on what the internal temps were like on the entry. perhaps they used a more aggressive profile than is absolutely necessary last time?

Anonymous No. 16583230

If an untested trajectory with astronauts on board is less risky than a trajectory they actually tested, then obviously the trajectory they tested was absolutely fucked and there's no sense in pretending it was fine.

Anonymous No. 16583233


If it was a nothingburger they would inform us all to stop any fearmongering, this total silence is very loud and telling

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energy asteroids ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16583234

Its not that easy in redirectery

Anonymous No. 16583237

they all got fired

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its all fine.jpg

Anonymous No. 16583241


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Anonymous No. 16583242

unironically explain this equation

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Anonymous No. 16583246

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Anonymous No. 16583248
>Just Dew It.

Anonymous No. 16583252


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studying the rock....jpg

Anonymous No. 16583253

It likely held religious significance and was used to perform ceremonial math.

Anonymous No. 16583254

why do trannies like SLS so much?

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SLS pasta.jpg

Anonymous No. 16583256

They identify with it.

Anonymous No. 16583258

Calling an appointed official Highly Regarded after they get fired has become a shibboleth for the deep state's affiliates and enablers.

Anonymous No. 16583260

wtf that loooks like the bogged spacex tranny, are we sure its not

Anonymous No. 16583264

Highly Regarded = Highly Retarded

Anonymous No. 16583266

NASA OIG is absolutely top tier. They've been pointing out all the ways SLS is a grift for years. Firing everyone who disagrees with you is another way to get Starliner-tier results. Especially when the OIG's job quite literally is to point out all the ways their agency is fucking up.

Anonymous No. 16583270

I think it might be, looks familiar
but could also be the result of boggening, maybe this look is some asymptote after doing the same procedures

Anonymous No. 16583275

no, I was going off of vibes

Anonymous No. 16583277

Also I typed “LEO” but I really just meant any vague earth orbit. Doesn’t have to be that close.

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The phone call.jpg

Anonymous No. 16583281

yeah it is

Anonymous No. 16583283

USAID IG != NASA IG. Either he couldn't do the job because of the way the agency functioned or he was complicit with the status quo.

Anonymous No. 16583288

lmao I was right, was surprised why she would defend the $L$ despite being SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16583291

because Superman needs his Lex Luthor. SLS is terrible, but makes F9 FH SS, hell even New Glenn, look good in comparison

Anonymous No. 16583297

Build one and then you can name it something gay.

Anonymous No. 16583298

Zubrin Memorial Pisslock
Zubrin Memorial Wall (painted with piss-based paint)

Anonymous No. 16583299

It's depressing

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Anonymous No. 16583300

what did we think of this?

Anonymous No. 16583301

If you're a future trillionaire and future emperor of the solar system, you can do what you want sometimes

Anonymous No. 16583302

MAGA caps are now considered formalwear

Anonymous No. 16583305

how come he has a euro accent

Anonymous No. 16583307

Looks like a really weird version of Elon.

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Anonymous No. 16583308

long static fire

Anonymous No. 16583309

~50 second duration static fire

Anonymous No. 16583311

worst post of the day

Anonymous No. 16583315

best post of the day, keep it up anon. remember what albert einstein once said:
>“Curiosity and creativity are intelligence having fun."

Anonymous No. 16583316


Anonymous No. 16583319

one of the shoutcasters said spacex has been aiming for minute-long duration static fires for awhile now but i forget if there was a reason given

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Anonymous No. 16583322

Anonymous No. 16583323

its all the same setup whether its a 10 second static fire or a full duration one
might as well test properly

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Anonymous No. 16583327

but unchecked executive power was a great thing back then. it got the panama canal built.

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Anonymous No. 16583330


Anonymous No. 16583332

we should get rid of mass autism NOW

Anonymous No. 16583334

She's getting...kinda hot

Anonymous No. 16583339

I've had some version of this conversation many times and it always ends up with me saying "yes, I'm an extremist" and the other person getting a mental logjam trying to respond

Anonymous No. 16583340


Anonymous No. 16583342


Anonymous No. 16583349

>countryballs... but le planets
gen alpha object show slop

Anonymous No. 16583353

It unironically has a better plot than Interstellar. The Moon Revolution saga is the best one, give it a try.

Anonymous No. 16583354

id rather watch BFDI

Anonymous No. 16583360

Well as this isn't a comic book that needs a compelling plot and is actually what gets allocated from a limited pool of funding, no, you really don't need that

Anonymous No. 16583363

>10 kg payload
stop das gay

Anonymous No. 16583364

and Baseddy

Anonymous No. 16583369

Ironically NASA had to learn iteratively in SpaceX's style, modeling did not show them the failure mode of outgassing getting trapped in the tiles.

Anonymous No. 16583372

What is this creature.

Anonymous No. 16583376

What the fuck is he wearing

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vulcan face sidew....png

Anonymous No. 16583379


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Anonymous No. 16583380


Anonymous No. 16583381

I had to go through 4 pictures of Ben Quadinaros before I found one Hiroshima would let me post.

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Anonymous No. 16583391

this was all to be expected. 10 years and still no orbit

Anonymous No. 16583393

we still dont know if the launch in 12 days is orbital or not

Anonymous No. 16583394

kek is that you Jeff

Anonymous No. 16583395

perhaps you forgot what happened to the last ship?

Anonymous No. 16583396

It's 8 years

Anonymous No. 16583398

hope core

Anonymous No. 16583399

We know it's not

Anonymous No. 16583419

Does anyone here have any experience past or present writing avionics software? If so what is the work like and what was your career path?

Anonymous No. 16583421

>If so what is the work like and what was your career path?
I don't know

Anonymous No. 16583422

good insight ty

Anonymous No. 16583434

>watch the vast interview
they're loaded. tons of employees, 3 large buildings, all kinds of expensive equipment. they're burning through cash hard. its crazy that the ceo kept saying that it all hinges on nasa awarding them the contract.

Anonymous No. 16583436

No u explain aerocapture.
>but muh safety
Don't care, we will have asteroids orbiting Earth.

Anonymous No. 16583449

Is there any market for writing new avionics software? Surely you can't just pull up a library somewhere and use that. There's only a finite number of permutations and scenarios that you need to actually code for. All the coding has already been done.

Anonymous No. 16583450


Anonymous No. 16583451

yes go to some place like anduril

Anonymous No. 16583463

So they can test it for leaks.

Anonymous No. 16583480

>highly regarded
>doesnt want to help trim the excess fat in the US gov and instead wants to grift
Good riddance. No wonder NASA got left with 40 billion dollar SLS program that will go well into 100+ billion by the end of this decade

Anonymous No. 16583481

Because Musk/SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16583482

Anonymous No. 16583485

split into 2 stages... woah

Anonymous No. 16583496

Wait, so Neutron is a rocket?

Anonymous No. 16583497

my le le staged?

Anonymous No. 16583503

>paper rocket
i sleep

Anonymous No. 16583504

>carbon fiber
there is no excuse when this thing fails. spacex already switched to steel before this shitcan was announced

Anonymous No. 16583506

Most ameriburgers don’t actually use much social media.
Per capita, as well as in absolute terms, it’s actually asianoids, particularly in the developing world, that use it the most.

Anonymous No. 16583553

Is Beck the ultimate hand-waver?

Anonymous No. 16583560

... am I missing something?

Anonymous No. 16583565

it was supposed to be a singular first stage with the second stage loaded in
now it seems like there are actually multiple parts
I guess that could be for easier transport and whatever and it would still function as a singular reusable first stage

Anonymous No. 16583568

Rocketlab poofs are claiming this means the rocket is more le modular and can be easily modified or upgraded with larger tank sections
Who knows, maybe they’re right. Instead of 8 T to orbit we can get a bigger tank and do 9.2!!

Anonymous No. 16583604

Just admit to yourself that you're retarded and stop posting

Anonymous No. 16583609

Real software projects have bugs and TODOs after decades. Yes, even the very best software. That's ignoring your massively incorrect assumption that you could make one-size-fits-all avionics software that is perfectly suited to every situation and never needs to be updated.

Anonymous No. 16583622

I never claimed to know; I said it was an assumption
gonna cry?

Anonymous No. 16583627

Why would I cry about you being a massive retard? That makes no sense.
This is you being a retard again.

Anonymous No. 16583652

Anonymous No. 16583662


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Anonymous No. 16583665

So, what is now the probability that the US will get people back to the moon before the Chinese get there?

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uncle sam chink.jpg

Anonymous No. 16583669


Anonymous No. 16583670


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Anonymous No. 16583672

Add the lunar pad to these images (the one being built in the middle)

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Anonymous No. 16583681

Galactic Energy plans 14 launches this year. Pallas-1 is planned to have first launch in August. Ceres-2 is also planned to have first launch this year.

Anonymous No. 16583686


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Anonymous No. 16583688

I had a dream about the VentureStar last night. Weird.

Anonymous No. 16583691

dont be so sure

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cz-9 v11.jpg

Anonymous No. 16583693

As long as we're not behind on industrialization of the moon then I'm not worried. China is currently facing some issues with making SHLVs so it will be a while before they can put meaningful cargo up there. Congress might be able to stomach Chinese astronauts landing on the moon by claiming 'US did it 50 years ago'

Anonymous No. 16583705

waste of a perfectly good dreamtime

Anonymous No. 16583709

>China is currently facing some issues with making SHLVs
What do you mean, exactly?

Afaik the YF-130 version of LM9 is cancelled and the YF-215-based variant is now the main track.

>so it will be a while before they can put meaningful cargo up there
The schedule was pulled forward and the LM9 inaugural flight is now planned to occur in 2030.

>According to the plan, the Long March 9 will achieve its first flight in a one-stage reusable configuration around 2030, and its first flight in a two-stage reusable configuration between 2033 and 2035.

Anonymous No. 16583710

I hope this happens. Nothing would get public support for space faster than competition. Really this is the only historical precedent for things actually happening in space.

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Anonymous No. 16583713


Anonymous No. 16583718

they won't be glass, you will need to make due with LEDs and maybe a couple of windows

all you need to bring is tools and the plastic airform (that conveniently makes it airtight by default)
concrete factory at site is pretty much necessary for any permanent construction you would do
rebar can be made from crashed (or sacrificial) starships or locally from basalt fibre

Anonymous No. 16583719

China landed a rover on Mars in 2021 and that didn't cause a sudden surge in excitement for Mars exploration among the American public

Anonymous No. 16583733

Mars is the new shiny thing for the current administration

Anonymous No. 16583735

>so what if china landed a man on the moon
>the space shuttle takes americans there all the time

Anonymous No. 16583736

Is that because you think the odds of SLS being canceled are 50/50, or because you think the odds of an SLS replacement solution being ready in time are 50/50?

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Anonymous No. 16583742

China's lunar rover has been named "Tansuo" (探索) and the lunar spacesuit has been named "Wangyu" (望宇)

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Fossils in Congress.png

Anonymous No. 16583743


Anonymous No. 16583744


gee I wonder why

Anonymous No. 16583745

it’s because I think it will either happen or it wont

Anonymous No. 16583748

I can't fault that kind of logic

Anonymous No. 16583750

China's new space station is crewed, and that didn't cause a surge in excitement in the US for the manned space program either

Anonymous No. 16583753


Anonymous No. 16583754

>They even stole the hunchback shoulders
Jesus, chinks.

Anonymous No. 16583887

They will be glass. Cope and seethe redditor.