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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16591650

their jobs are saved edition

previous >>16587022

Anonymous No. 16591654

the black guy not giving a shit always makes me smile

Anonymous No. 16591659

If this is the future of the JPL its over. owari da. fin. es ist verloren

Anonymous No. 16591660

>one black dude
>a hundred white women and ""women""
who's more productive?

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Anonymous No. 16591661

Anonymous No. 16591662

Trick question. The black dude is obviously looking at his phone.

Anonymous No. 16591664

It can still be work related

Anonymous No. 16591665

probably the guy on his computer instead of waving to a camera

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Anonymous No. 16591667

Anonymous No. 16591670

they already had layoffs like 6 months ago

Yusef No. 16591673

It's true lol we have some crazy guys in here

Anonymous No. 16591680

>Yeah we could extended Cassini — but nah let’s just trash it. The extra time spent on the DSN would cost money and resources, goy!!

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Anonymous No. 16591682

I know, that's why I make them

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Anonymous No. 16591685

Uranus was pushing it but a centaur comet/asteroid mission was feasible

Anonymous No. 16591691

muh contaminations

Anonymous No. 16591694

We need to start deliberately contaminating planets.

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Anonymous No. 16591697

>This was a period of great permissiveness in matters of language, so even the President was saying shit and fuck and so on, without anybody’s feeling threatened or taking offense. It was perfectly OK. He called the Space Fuck a Space Fuck and so did everybody else. It was a rocket ship with eight-hundred pounds of freeze dried jizzum in its nose. It was going to fired at the Andromeda Galazy, two-million light years away. The ship was named the Arthur C. Clarke, in honor of a famous space pioneer.

Anonymous No. 16591712

>NASA's associate administrator Jim Free, a key figure who has defended the agency's moon program, is leaving NASA on Saturday, per two people familiar with his plans.





Anonymous No. 16591714

fucking epic

Anonymous No. 16591717

don’t let the door hit ya on the way out, FAGGOT

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mars flag.jpg

Anonymous No. 16591720

Red for Mars (known as the "red planet" because of its color)
Green for the verdant new pastures of space

Anonymous No. 16591721

why does bangladesh do an off-center circle

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Anonymous No. 16591725


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Anonymous No. 16591729

one job wasn't saved

Anonymous No. 16591732

I like it. At least its unique. no country would have red on green so thats a peculiar factor.

Anonymous No. 16591734

Anyway we could launch a gravity tug mission within the next year and bring that probability to 100%? Or is it too massive
I NEED this thing to hit Mumbai

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Anonymous No. 16591736


Anonymous No. 16591738

In before misplaced decimal point.

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Anonymous No. 16591739

I present to you, the Royal Moraccan flag. only used when the king is physically present, but aesthetically superior to the actual flag.

Anonymous No. 16591740

> The red circle is offset slightly toward the hoist so that it appears centred when the flag is flying.

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Anonymous No. 16591743

We've known each other a long time. You have never known me to impose myself on anyone or take a stance based on trivial or whimsical perceptions. DOGE must be forced to cut SpaceX's budget. Now, I've told you what you must do. You have only your trust in me to help you decide to do it.

Anonymous No. 16591744


Anonymous No. 16591749

Kek. Shame she’s such a retard. TNG is my /comfy/ show

sage No. 16591762

Lockeheed got a contract

Anonymous No. 16591765

about thyme

Anonymous No. 16591803

SpaceX second stage debris streaked over the Netherlands and Dresden, landing in Poland. Several COPVs have been recovered and damage noted to a freeway and a business warehouse yard. Awaiting news that Poland is declaring war on SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16591806

funny how well she played the part of the Wise Negro in that show but acts entirely the opposite in real life. what a great actress she was.

Anonymous No. 16591807

Why was it in a polar orbit?

Anonymous No. 16591813


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Anonymous No. 16591815

>Poland is declaring war on SpaceX.
uh oh

Anonymous No. 16591817

gop 1
nato 0

Anonymous No. 16591818

>South Texas environmental group drops lawsuit against SpaceX
>Save RGV board member Jim Chapman said they dropped the lawsuit because the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the state’s environmental agency, granted SpaceX a permit that “moots” their lawsuit.
>“We think we’re right,” Chapman said in a phone interview. “We just didn’t feel like [the lawsuit] was going to move in a positive direction for us.”

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Anonymous No. 16591820

Le Krautchan memes.

Anonymous No. 16591823


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Anonymous No. 16591824

>rockets hitting the Netherlands

Anonymous No. 16591825

Poland itself is the second strongest guarantor of article 5 sans nukes, and the US won't answer those calls under Trump.

Anonymous No. 16591829

it only hit poland actually.
also, while i don't recall V2's getting used ON the netherlands, they definetly did launch them from there.

Anonymous No. 16591830

the US doesn't really need to, europe has been building capacity pretty quickly the last 3 years, rheinmetall now produces more shells than all american industry combined.

Anonymous No. 16591839

what can we do about the space debris problem? all rockets must be fully re-usable?

Anonymous No. 16591840

Jim "I hate commercial fixed price contracts" Free

Anonymous No. 16591842

no way this is true lmao, but keep coping

Anonymous No. 16591843

elon "i am the law" musk

Anonymous No. 16591844

Scott “I only talk a out my plane now” Manley

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Anonymous No. 16591846

>More than 1,600 V-2s fell on the port city during a six-month period
you not knowing that outs your newfaggery tbqh

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Anonymous No. 16591849

>Jim Free
its not just jim free apparently, but other artemis higher ups too

>And in Huntsville, Alabama, three key officials at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center - one of the agency's 10 field centers and the epicenter of its Artemis moon program - had their retirements announced internally on Tuesday, according to a person familiar with the announcement.
Those roles at MSFC - chiefs of procurement, finance and information - were filled in an acting capacity by deputies and other NASA officials, the source said.

Anonymous No. 16591851

they included an update about isaacman too:
>Trump's nominee for NASA, private astronaut and billionaire entrepreneur Jared Isaacman, is in Washington this week to prepare for his confirmation hearing at the U.S. Senate.

Anonymous No. 16591853

they were really cranking those out, huh. How come we can’t launch 3200 falcon a year now?

Anonymous No. 16591856

it is true, but judging by your kneejerk response i think you might be angry about this truth

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Anonymous No. 16591857

Elon is building New Nordhausen as we speak

Anonymous No. 16591858

its happening
the only thing I'm afraid of is that SLS fans tend to be liberals and perhaps even NASA employees so they might already be past the anger and cope stage into simple despair
the salt mine might run dry

Anonymous No. 16591859

>not knowing everything about military history outs me as being a newfag on a spaceflight general
you're not very bright, are you?

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Anonymous No. 16591861

You should be very familiar with the A-4/V-2 rocket and its builders. Hit the books.

Anonymous No. 16591862

GCHQ is literally staffed by pedophiles.

Anonymous No. 16591864

>source: euroseethe

Anonymous No. 16591865

Wartime spending vs SpaceX spending only 0.01% of gdp (actual rough math)

Anonymous No. 16591866

how about instead i go cook dinner and completely forget about some weird retard barking orders at me online?

Anonymous No. 16591868

>no way American industry is falling behind
Huh? This is sort of an ongoing problem here. Our wealthy exported the entire industrial base

Anonymous No. 16591869

you'll definitely have dems wanting to go after him just because of the musk connections. but his hearings are gonna be before the commerce committee which has relatively less hysterical dems than some of the other nomination circuses. it may be relatively low-key.

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Anonymous No. 16591872

its no shame to be ignorant. proudly ignorant is another matter

Anonymous No. 16591873

sorry anon but they just got a bunch of new production lines online and now produce more shells per month than the U.S does in it's entirety.
calm down burgerlander, you have cool rockets, you don't have to win at everything, and you don't need to stomp your feet when you lose.
airbus is also kicking boeing's ass, do you need to have a melty about that as well or can you move on with your life?

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Anonymous No. 16591874

and their wealthy decided global warming was a bigger threat than a shrinking industrial base

Anonymous No. 16591875

sorry, didn't read, too busy with this garlic sauce.

Anonymous No. 16591876

Global warming is a polypsychosis expression, their hypothalamus is overactive.

Anonymous No. 16591877


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Anonymous No. 16591886

total FAA death, its happening
the memes have become reality

Anonymous No. 16591896

look at us, we're the chinese revolution now

Anonymous No. 16591900

Targeting Elon was the single biggest mistake the DNC ever made, possibly their final key mistake.
He watched that environmental assessment drag on for more than a year and decided "alright, that settles it, I'm taking over the government."

Anonymous No. 16591901

its ok
if they call him a nazi enough he'll go back to being apolitical right

Anonymous No. 16591903

SpaceX maybe has more breathing room, but starship won't move faster

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Anonymous No. 16591906

> Ceres synod every 1.28 years
fuck Mars, the Belt is where its at

Anonymous No. 16591907

What's the next step in the master plan? Hoping that no democratic executive/legislative majority capable of retaliation is voted in? Rigging elections so that doesn't happen? Betting on SpaceX continuing being so indispensable that you can't mess with it?

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Anonymous No. 16591908

>What's the next step in the master plan?
Crashing the post-1913 dispensation with no survivors

Anonymous No. 16591910

destroying the current democratic party (or letting them destroy themselves) and hoping that the reformed party is more rational and able to work with Musk

Anonymous No. 16591911

Kurt Vonnegut is a boring old boomer

Anonymous No. 16591914

2028-2036 is Republican secured.

Anonymous No. 16591916

do you know how i know that you don't know what boomer means?

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Anonymous No. 16591917


Anonymous No. 16591919

>uhm actually it means individuals born during the postwar baby boom
I have altered the meaning

Anonymous No. 16591920

boomer is everyone a few years older than me and who I don't like

Anonymous No. 16591921

Reminder, Biden admin demoted Kathy Leuders, removed her from HLS entirely for accepting SpaceX's proposal. It was entirely a political retribution that the Biden admin waged war against. They did this for all of Musk's companies and had all of Musk's companies investigated/harassed/targetted by the Biden admin.

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Anonymous No. 16591923


Anonymous No. 16591924

yep, it was a years long lawfare campaign

Anonymous No. 16591925

are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 16591926

There are several black women in that picture too. But of course the black man is more productive.

Anonymous No. 16591929

>America gives Europe free rocket souvenirs
You're welcome.

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Anonymous No. 16591930

>>What's the next step in the master plan?
"He who saves a nation, violates no law."

Anonymous No. 16591931

>>not knowing anything about military history outs me as being a newfag on the weapons board
Sure does.
Space programs came from ballistic missile programs, thus /sfg/ is and always will be /k/; we leased land from /sci/ a la Gitmo to hide it from the tourists.

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Anonymous No. 16591936


Anonymous No. 16591937

would be nice to have fags in charge who push for a better space future instead of pandering to whichever lobbyist is bribing them

Anonymous No. 16591942

>rocketman Elon is phobic of driving himself
>Braun divebombs close to supersonic

Anonymous No. 16591944

As another anon said, the next 12 years at least are guaranteed favorable, barring something genuinely wild. That's more than enough time for the DNC to finish eating itself.
I assume the goal is for the nation to be in such a good position at the end of those 12 years that fucking with the guy primarily responsible for it would be political suicide.
I suppose he could also amass enough pull to get a unified and coherent third party off the ground, drawing in the more sane DNC and GOP members who simply have no viable alternative, along with some independents and libertarians. If you got a third party off the ground which ran a moderate position and could pull supporting votes from either of the other two depending on the content of specific legislation, that third party could effectively control Congress.

Anonymous No. 16591945

At the time I thought many of you were just schizo. But yeah, in hindsight it was most definitely a coordinated effort to keep the gravy train rolling—and they wanted more. More cost+ contracts, more SpaceX restrictions. There was a faction within NASA that wanted to undo the HLS award selection.
Fuck Free and fuck the entire biden administration and fuck the old guards at NASA who are deserving of a second black plague

Anonymous No. 16591946


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that's YOUR ....png

Anonymous No. 16591949

It was a long few years there enduring anons screeching at us that we were crazy for noticing what was unmistakable and unhidden. Damn it feels good to be right. Get fucked, doubters.

Anonymous No. 16591955

I wonder if the same ones denying are further radicalized left or if they have seen the light of Musk. I think some have become unhinged radical commies over the years

Anonymous No. 16591959

Humility is a trait that's been bred out of them, so I doubt they've taken being proven wrong very well. A shocking number of people can't process being wrong in a healthy way that lets them learn and grow from it.

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Anonymous No. 16591969


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no conspiracy.gif

Anonymous No. 16591977


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Anonymous No. 16591985

Reminder that space is trump (musk) country

Anonymous No. 16591987

NASA and redditors got so upset over this too

Anonymous No. 16591988

Wait until he cancels Artemis for some vague kick the can down the road promise for something else, long after his 2nd term ends.

Anonymous No. 16591991

They'll just find another way to cope

Anonymous No. 16591992

a poland orbit

Anonymous No. 16591993

The whole Artemis mission architecture is a joke and needs to be cancelled asap
with everyone involved fired

Anonymous No. 16591994

that was the joke, I’m glad someone got it lmao

Anonymous No. 16591996

He'll cancel SLS after Artemis 5.

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Anonymous No. 16591998

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Anonymous No. 16592000

It’s not too late to repurpose them

Anonymous No. 16592002

Only fourteen more months until launch

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Anonymous No. 16592003

Honestly why not launch it?

Anonymous No. 16592004

Actually, we'd need to design a Liberty II. ArianeGroup isn't making A5 cores anymore, so we'd need to work out how to replace it with an Ariane 6 unit. Then we'd need to beg the Europeans to spare one since they can only build nine per year at the most and they've got a big backlog of payloads

Anonymous No. 16592005

>USA flag: bold, vibrant, draws the eye
>EU flag: minuscule, vapid, barely noticeable

Anonymous No. 16592006

Extended F9 upper stage or a GS2 stage or some shit

Anonymous No. 16592008

It'd look impressive in the rocket garden, but there's really no good reason not to launch it. Putting the program on hold while we go back to square one with a crew launch vehicle would be a disaster

Anonymous No. 16592011

the starship HLS will be the crew launch vehicle
And crew landing vehicle
And down the line, the crew return vehicle

Anonymous No. 16592018

Bro it can't even get to orbit

Anonymous No. 16592020

I get the fear behind being scared of starting from scratch, but honestly it’s worth it. China is still so far behind and if you have a factorio nazi like, for example, von Braun or Elon making sure funds and resources are being actually utilized for the goal instead of endless 20 years of constellation/SLS grift, there could be new architecture from scratch in a reasonable time.
Rip the bandaid off and just kill SLS/Orion entirely. People tend to forget just how fucking fast the jump from mercury-redstone to Apollo 11 was. 8 years; and that involved the USA brute forcing discoveries like rendezvous, docking, new engine types, everything. The USA could get revamped Artemis architecture online in 6 years easily. Could do it before Trump is out of office if they drive themselves like slaves (but this is a bit unrealistic and only likely to happen if the China threat were much closer to returning than it currently is)

Anonymous No. 16592021

It's nice that the rocket garden will get a full stack SLS. Stick it on its side next to a SV

Anonymous No. 16592022

Kek, first thing I thought of.

Anonymous No. 16592029

China's goal is to land crew on the moon in five years. Given the steady rate at which they're been openly posting hardware updates this doesn't seem like an unreasonable goal.

Anonymous No. 16592032

The "muh Biden has it out for Musk" because Elon can't take a swipe conspiracy is and will remain the most retarded thing Anons believe and frankly unworthy of the science board. Unfortunately we're overrun with retards that lack the critical thinking to see what actually happened (Biden being unionfag and a senile retard, Nelson throwing the SLS industrial base a bone to keep congress happy while openly and repeatedly shitting on cost-plus and supporting commercial, Elon and SpaceX making unforced errors that delay things and then complaining that things take the time they take, which they could've known beforehand and planned for).
Fuck you, Collagefag, I hope you're happy.

Anonymous No. 16592035

coal posting in this economy?

Anonymous No. 16592036

Elon jumped balls deep on the Donald Trump campaign trail for no reason huh
Or because he's a nazi maybe???

Anonymous No. 16592038

It's pretty amusing to watch Germans screetch about America 'abandoning' them as they themselves refuse to send peacekeepers to Ukraine.

Anonymous No. 16592039

>schizoposting about your personal boogeyman almost 2 years later
check yourself in bud

Anonymous No. 16592051

The Eurostronk anon doesn't actually know how many munitions are produced.

Anonymous No. 16592052

Wait sorry i’m late to the party but lmao I just found out Sheetz left journalism and is now some sort of head relations guy at Firefly

Anonymous No. 16592054

>Targeting Elon was the single biggest mistake the DNC ever made, possibly their final key mistake.

It started with his son getting trooned.

Anonymous No. 16592056

that was probably elon’s own damn fault. He said as late as 2022 he was still okay with puberty blockers and didn’t realize what it was doing. He was an out of touch leftist until very recently.
I don’t mean this in a rude way but I wouldn’t be surprised if more of his children end up fucked up in multiple ways. At least 4 or 5 of them are going to end up needing mental asylums to be dēsu

Anonymous No. 16592059

At least it was something. Not just another "let's let other politicians deal with it at a later date" like it's been since 1972.

Anonymous No. 16592062

You are fake news.

Anonymous No. 16592065

we're running out of space journalists

Anonymous No. 16592068

This entire general is just an asylum for crazy MAGA boomers. Space is not discussed here. Go ahead and prove it to me if Im wrong
>inb4 Elon is space
Wrong and we’ve discussed why before.

Anonymous No. 16592070

I am on the short list for the first mars mission

Anonymous No. 16592072

it's not boomers

Anonymous No. 16592073

how many different ways can we say boeing sucks and starliner should be cancelled before it becomes stale?

Anonymous No. 16592074

There's not much going on right now. All we've got coming up are Starlink launches until the 26th, and that's Intuitive Machines' next lunar lander launching on yet another Falcon 9. The next non-Falcon going up is a Soyuz launching on the 28th carrying Progress MS-30. Until then we'll all fall back on the old standard of pseudo-political shitposting.

Anonymous No. 16592076

Personally I'm looking forward to the next Starship failure which Musk won't even comment on or pay attention to.

Anonymous No. 16592077

So youre supposed to ruin the general with offtopic discussion in the meantime instead of discussing something other than current news? Maybe learn to keep things to yourself instead of posting garbage

Anonymous No. 16592078

Why do you niggers from reddit come here?

Anonymous No. 16592081

There's barely any off topic discussion in the first place itt you whining faggot.

Anonymous No. 16592082

and your answer to off topic discussion is meta discussion?

Anonymous No. 16592088

Get on board or get out of the way anon.

Anonymous No. 16592090

>Intuitive Machines' next lunar lander
Theirs was the tall one that tipped, right? I hope the next one doesn't the first one was almost perfect. There's a pair of landers arriving to the moon first week of March too, I'm eager to see them work.

Anonymous No. 16592092

Only one will land in early March, the Japanese one will take a few months longer because it can't do as direct a trajectory.

Anonymous No. 16592094

Blue Ghost and Micro Nova, March 3rd and 6th I thought?

Anonymous No. 16592097

that's the story he's told because it makes him more sympathetic, but at the time it was pretty clearly the lockdowns that started it. this was like april-may 2020 when he started calling them fascist and the whole media machine swooped in to accuse him of dangerous disinformation.

Anonymous No. 16592101

This, it spurred on the twitter purchase specifically.

Anonymous No. 16592106

I've been here longer than you have.
I don't Elon even remembers that Mars exists

Anonymous No. 16592107

Oh wait that one is gonna be that quick? I didn't realise they were gonna be so close lel. That's a funny coincidence.

Anonymous No. 16592108

Yes I recall him saying
>these covid tests seem pretty unreliable
and they started hitting him from all sides

Anonymous No. 16592111

He should be in jail

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Anonymous No. 16592148


Anonymous No. 16592166

Digits and Starship will fly this month.

Anonymous No. 16592169

idk how it came to be that he was in the shot, but it's perfectly hilarious. Maybe someone sensed the comedic potential, maybe even he did.

Anonymous No. 16592170

>Digits and Starship will fly this month.

Anonymous No. 16592174

You're not an old fag and are very dumb.

Anonymous No. 16592175

They circle jerk on Discord.
Your mental disorder is showing again.

Anonymous No. 16592177

>SpaceX is indispensable

Anonymous No. 16592181
>NEW: Elon Musk and SpaceX have taken control of part of Texas.

>In the town of Brownsville, one of the poorest communities in America, Musk sold hope.

>Instead, SpaceX caused earthquakes, workplace injuries, and displacement. And now they've built a company town to boot.

Anonymous No. 16592182

They love SpaceX in Brownsville, it's done more to uplift the economy there than anything in decades, and it was enough to turn Cameron County red for the first time since, what was it, the 1800s?

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Anonymous No. 16592184


Anonymous No. 16592191

i think that was more biden opening the border, same as all the other border counties in texas

Anonymous No. 16592192

That definitely didn't help among the populations that dislike illegal immigration but I don't think it pushed Cameron County (which is something like 90% hispanic) to vote Republican.

Anonymous No. 16592194

well, you're wrong. starr county is 97% hispanic and that flipped red for the first time since 1896 too.

Anonymous No. 16592203

>NASA's associate administrator Jim Free, a key figure who has defended the agency's moon program, is leaving NASA on Saturday, per two people familiar with his plans.

"Are You Free?" and More of Mr Humphries' Best Bits | Are You Being Served?

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Anonymous No. 16592208

SpaceX is bad. SpaceX will not survive the 2020s. SpaceX is worse than Blue Origin. You cannot refute me

Anonymous No. 16592209

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16592233

Elon killed my wife and fucked my dog.

Anonymous No. 16592259

My experience with Elon was completely the opposite

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Anonymous No. 16592275

You're wrong on that as nearly all the border counties flipped. Nonetheless SpaceX has greatly improved the economic situation in Cameron county which has historically been one of the poorest in the country.

Anonymous No. 16592286

This is good unironically if it helps us get to Mars

Anonymous No. 16592291

Anonymous No. 16592325

hispanics hate illegal immigrants though

Anonymous No. 16592329

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Anonymous No. 16592333

>And now they've built a company town to boot.
Isn't this a good thing??? Like saying "And now, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has cured cancer"

Anonymous No. 16592336

they hate illegal migrants who come from a different part of south america than them*

Anonymous No. 16592356

they are misanthropes

Anonymous No. 16592385

You're that tranny poster.

Anonymous No. 16592387

That's completely irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 16592389

I think we have established a strong 1:1 relation between trannyism and musk seething

Anonymous No. 16592392

Garbage communist propaganda

Anonymous No. 16592397

and its pretty logical too, Musk has been outspokenly anti-tranny for years now so it makes sense why they would seethe about him all the time

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Anonymous No. 16592406


Anonymous No. 16592414

>pigs can't fly
>dogs can't fly
>therefore all dogs are actually pigs
absolute state of /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16592416

You will never be a pig

Anonymous No. 16592417

Not anti-tranny, pro-humanity. Pro-creation. Pro-creation/humanity buds heads against anti-human/depopulation schemes.

Anonymous No. 16592418

sneed and seethe tranny

Anonymous No. 16592420

anti-tranny and pro-humanity overlap
enabling anti-natalist mental illness is anti-human

Anonymous No. 16592422

kek, projecting tranny absolutely mindbroken

Anonymous No. 16592425


Over lap is near 1:1

Anonymous No. 16592437

I hope he dies in a plane crash soon, I'm so sick of him talking about planes all the fucking time.

Anonymous No. 16592441

I have logs and timestamps of the progress of it all.

Anonymous No. 16592472


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Anonymous No. 16592483

spacex just cant stop growing

Anonymous No. 16592484

Look how productive they are when Elon isn't around to hold them back

Anonymous No. 16592489

This is literally holocaust, Elon is worse than Hitler

Anonymous No. 16592492

What are they going to do at this site?

Anonymous No. 16592495

not known, but maybe some public restauraunts, grocery shop, maybe some housing

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Anonymous No. 16592498

okay, so now that manifest destiny 2.0 is in full swing, we need to come up with new insults for earthers and each other. Any ideas?

Anonymous No. 16592503

buccees pls

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Anonymous No. 16592508

they will install neuralink into illegals caught by ICE straight at the source of fresh test subjects

Anonymous No. 16592515

Convert them into servitors and put them to work on the production line

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Anonymous No. 16592539

The flesh is weak.

Anonymous No. 16592547

It's a commercial/residential area.

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Anonymous No. 16592550


If everyone of them was fired, it would not make one iota of a difference to the 'performance' of NASA.
NASA latest 'thing' was putting DEI astronauts on the moon.

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Anonymous No. 16592559

By selling electric cars?

Anonymous No. 16592560

There were black astronauts in the Apollo program, one was killed during a training accident and the other later flew on STS after the program got cut IIRC. Instead of pointing this out we got this retardation.

Anonymous No. 16592571

Can someone give a QRD on what is being talked about in that video?

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Anonymous No. 16592577


No one is questioning the merits of Black Astronauts.
OLD NASA when going to the moon picked the best people they did NOT say we are send White men to the moon.
NEW NASA is OBSESSED with race and gender, they ARE saying we are sending women and minorities to the moon.
See the difference?
NEW NASA is sexist and racist.

Anonymous No. 16592579

If you remove the babysitting jobs, people will be more competent.

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Anonymous No. 16592666

>/sfg/ hates this

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Anonymous No. 16592673

Just imagine....

Anonymous No. 16592684
>2024 YR4 at 3.1% chance now

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Anonymous No. 16592695

chicks need a freefall haird0 that doesn't turn into a dandelion. this will eventually be a big market

Anonymous No. 16592697

huh? didn't it decrease yesterday? I can't handle the suspense...

Anonymous No. 16592698

Poocifer's Hammer is inevitable

Anonymous No. 16592701

>Another day....
>Another no starship launch
I'm starting to think this program was a massive waste of time and money.

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Anonymous No. 16592705

post space cringe

Anonymous No. 16592706


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Anonymous No. 16592713

"earther" isn't insult enough?

Anonymous No. 16592717

They misspelled EDS Hound.

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Anonymous No. 16592725

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Anonymous No. 16592726

>Never ask a woman her age
>Never ask a man his salary
>Never ask /sfg/ when starship is launching again

Anonymous No. 16592727

>move the headquarters to cape Canaveral
t: governor of Florida

Anonymous No. 16592728

Two more weeks, newfag frog poster.

Anonymous No. 16592730

variety is good though.

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Anonymous No. 16592737

Anyone else getting increasingly nervous that some retard is going to sabotage a starship launch or even just a Falcon launch?

Anonymous No. 16592738

Starship doesn't launch anymore anyways. I'd be worried about f9.

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Anonymous No. 16592742

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Anonymous No. 16592744


feb 26

Anonymous No. 16592745

Hold on, it's just a week away. They can't do that!

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Anonymous No. 16592748

>He believes this

Anonymous No. 16592749

>US warning europe that they'll remove troops from the continent soon
now i wonder if russia will eventually pivot away from short range nukes in favor of missile defense, particularly space-based since they would want to maintain some level of technological parity with the US

Anonymous No. 16592751

Russia is never completing a new space project again. They will just limp along on soyuz forever.

Anonymous No. 16592752

>orange man is actually a russian asset
And I used to laugh at such ideas

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Anonymous No. 16592754

yeah it's still at 1.5%

Anonymous No. 16592755

>Primary Date: Feb 26th
>Backup Dates: Feb 27th - March 6th
Damn, so much spread.

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Anonymous No. 16592757

We tried to warn you

Anonymous No. 16592759

>5:30PM - 19:09
and people complain about mixing metric and imperial measurements

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one flew over the....jpg

Anonymous No. 16592760

>retard can't link properly

Anonymous No. 16592761


Anonymous No. 16592762

>I don't know where NASA keeps the planetary defense data
beg for it
my price is one picture of either an O'Neil Cylinder or a dolphin sex shuttle

Anonymous No. 16592764

Here comes the airplane!

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Anonymous No. 16592770

What does that have do with
> we need to come up with new insults for earthers and each other. Any ideas?

Anonymous No. 16592772

oh did I link to the wrong post
damn, wow. I meant to link to these posts: >>16592697 >>16592684

man's stupid article is very out of date

Anonymous No. 16592774

i dont think he is, that's just a leftist conspiracy theory. instead this seems to align with that report from last month that trump's team has been interested in pivoting the military away from europe to focus on china:

>President Donald Trump’s team of defense advisers is taking shape, this week adding two high-level officials who have called for slashing the American armed presence in Europe and broadly restructuring the military to deal with China.
>Austin Dahmer and Alexander Velez-Green, known for their hawkish views on China, will serve in senior posts focused on developing military strategy, the Defense Department said Tuesday.
>In [a 2023] report, Dahmer does not take a position on how big the DOD budget should be. But without a big boost in expenditures, he wrote, the Pentagon would need to search for savings or “bill payers” to surge capabilities required to deter potential Chinese aggression against Taiwan, Okinawa or the Philippines.
>“One of the largest bill payers in resourcing the strategy of denial should be the Army,” the report said.
>Overall, Dahmer’s report recommends about $70 billion less annually for the Army, which along with other cuts would give about $40 billion more apiece to the Navy and Air Force.
>The realignment he calls for in the report would also exact a heavy toll on the security structures that Europe has been relying on for over a decade. For one thing, the U.S. European Command mission would be slashed.

Anonymous No. 16592776

>muh China
Nothing is going to happen over there.

Anonymous No. 16592777

Got one of the links wrong. Meant to link YR4 discussion but misclicked somewhere in there.

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Anonymous No. 16592779

I forgive you for those trips

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Anonymous No. 16592782

This is nuclear grade copium

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Anonymous No. 16592784

>Musk outright lies about the stranded astronauts
>Trump calls Zelensky a dictator and say Ukraine started the war
Why do they try to destroy their goodwill?

Anonymous No. 16592785

>rumors circulating that Ukraine will be denied access to Starlink starting March 1st

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Anonymous No. 16592789

What makes you think they care about goodwill? Only naked force matters. We Starship troopers now.

Anonymous No. 16592790

>Trump and Musk were Putin's lapdogs all along
I can't believe the leftists were right

Anonymous No. 16592791

it seems like it might be a part of a broader series of moves including cutting ukraine off from space-based SBIRS launch warnings. just goes to show how valuable space is despite most countries continual refusal to invest much into it.

Anonymous No. 16592792

Doesn't Artemis use distributed launch and in-space refueling...?

>Maybe right now, our thinking is two modules. You take them separately and dock
Is this not what Artemis plans to do?

Berger mentions "private industry", "rapid reuse" and "in-space refueling", however the thread he's replying to said nothing about those things

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Anonymous No. 16592795

Is we getting a CoDominium?

Anonymous No. 16592799

>Doesn't Artemis use distributed launch and in-space refueling...?
artemis is a huge program. are you just referring to sls/orion? cuz artemis includes gateway, the small robotic landers, starship, etc.

Anonymous No. 16592800

Ukrainians have been whining about Musk everyday after he gave them Starlink
they are extremely entitled

Anonymous No. 16592804

>are you just referring to sls/orion
I'm referring to the Artemis 3 mission, and subsequent manned landings

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Anonymous No. 16592805

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Anonymous No. 16592806


Anonymous No. 16592807

this post reeks of cheap vodka

Anonymous No. 16592810

>biden pushed the return past inauguration
Okay, but why? Why give a free PR win to trump?

Anonymous No. 16592811

if true then what was the possible political reason for it?

Anonymous No. 16592816

>picked the best people
>did not say we are sending white men to the moon
That's because white men were the only people that a pre-civil right movement NASA could've picked.
Mercury/Gemini/Apollo all relied on pilots from WW2 or Korea for flight experience and that a black man let alone a woman would've then been selected for further astronaut training is near to zero. Only Ed Dwight and Robert Lawrence Jr. could've been around for 'old NASA' missions (had the former actually made selection and the latter not die a few months after being accepted for MOL). That's why it was only in 83' that a black man or a woman flew into space on the shuttle.

Anonymous No. 16592817

He offered but surely not for free. So I'm supposed to believe the boohoo about trained professionals staying up for a year, and these are the same guys romanticizing about the right stuff. What a load of bs.

Anonymous No. 16592818

Maybe they thought that SpaceX actually returning the astronauts would have been worse PR and assuming Kamala won, it wouldn't matter for a PR standpoint after the election anymore

PR before the election is like 1000x more important than right after

Anonymous No. 16592820

Not giving a "win" to Musk and by extension to Trump who he was campaigning for

Anonymous No. 16592821


It was delayed because of construction issues at SpaceX.
>“It’s going through it’s final preparation. Right now, it’s slated for Crew-10 in February,” Stich said. “It’s exciting to have another brand new Dragon spacecraft for Crew-10. That’s the plan right now.”

>However, plans began to shift a bit when in December, NASA announced in a blog post the new Crew Dragon’s delivery was taking longer than anticipated and wouldn’t arrive in Florida until “early January” 2025. As a result the agency delayed the launch of Crew-10 to “late March 2025.”

>“Fabrication, assembly, testing, and final integration of a new spacecraft is a painstaking endeavor that requires great attention to detail,” Stich said in the post. “We appreciate the hard work by the SpaceX team to expand the Dragon fleet in support of our missions and the flexibility of the station program and expedition crews as we work together to complete the new capsule’s readiness for flight.”

I don't really see how this can be blamed on biden when the capsule just wasn't ready. Maybe he put some crazy safety requirements on the new capsule? But I don't see any evidence of that.

Anonymous No. 16592822

Elon is just posting bullshit on Twitter for months now.

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Anonymous No. 16592823

>Delay delivery of capsule
>After election, say it was biden's fault
>"Save" the astronauts 1 week earlier then planned
>Space retarded public laps it up

Anonymous No. 16592824

Jesus christ what a shit show

Anonymous No. 16592825

Give them a ticker parade too.

Anonymous No. 16592826

No one will actually dig for the real reason anyways, especially Trump's base that believes everything posted on X

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Anonymous No. 16592827


Anonymous No. 16592828

kek based

Anonymous No. 16592829

>NASA announced
so what was the reason for the construction delay? could have been something completely made up bullshit by NASA specifically to delay it

Anonymous No. 16592830

Yuzhmash will launch their very own ‘Personal Infantry Guidance’ constellation system, trust the plan

Anonymous No. 16592831

>Overall, Dahmer’s report recommends about $70 billion less annually for the Army, which along with other cuts would give about $40 billion more apiece to the Navy and Air Force.

>Trump orders $50 billion cut from 2026 defense budget
>Hegseth ordered the proposed cuts to be drawn up by Monday, according to the memo, which is dated Tuesday and includes a list of 17 categories that the Trump administration wants exempted. Among them: operations at the southern U.S. border, modernization of nuclear weapons and missile defense, and acquisition of submarines, one-way attack drones and other munitions.
>Robert G. Salesses, a senior Pentagon official, said in a statement that the money saved could be “realigned” to pay for new priorities in the Trump administration, including the “Iron Dome for America,” President Donald Trump’s catchphrase for an expansive missile defense system.


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16592832

Whether you use distributed launch, in-space refueling, or whatever tech, that's not what matters. What matters is that you spread fixed costs around and use as little as possible that is bespoke.

The SLS/Orion based lunar program is bad because SLS and Orion are very bespoke. The areas of application for SLS and Orion are very limited, as are the areas of application for their components and supply chains. Thus the fixed costs cannot be spread around on many units, so the fixed costs will be high relative to the production run size and so the unit cost will be high.

An example of an alternative and superior way of doing it is the the Chinese CZ-10/Mengzhou based approach:
1. Even though a new pad needs to be built, this is not so bad because CZ-10 will share this pad with CZ-10A
2. Mengzhou will have a LEO variant
3. CZ-10 will have a common tank diameter and thus can likely share a production line with CZ-5, 5B and 10A
4. CZ-10 cores and boosters will use YF-100K engines, which are also used by CZ-12 and similar to YF-100 engines
5. CZ-10 second stage will use YF-100M engines, which will also be used by CZ-10A and are similar to YF-100 engines
6. CZ-10 third stage will use YF-75E engines, which are similar to YF-75D used on CZ-5/5B and YF-75H used on CZ-8A

Anonymous No. 16592834

>“Iron Dome for America,” President Donald Trump’s catchphrase for an expansive missile defense system.

So, SpaceX entry into MIC coming up for real?

Anonymous No. 16592835

The capsule was delayed at the spaceX fabrication plant. It hadn't even made it to florida for certification until mid January.

Anonymous No. 16592836

Will they be defending against Mexicans? There's nothing that can defend against proper rockets anyways.

Anonymous No. 16592837

Yep. It's a savvy move by Elon, but it is dishonest at it's core. But only people like us will realize it or care.

Anonymous No. 16592838

Whether you use distributed launch, in-space refueling, or whatever tech, that's not really what matters. What really matters is that you spread fixed costs around and use as little as possible that is bespoke.

The SLS/Orion based lunar program is bad because SLS and Orion are very bespoke. The areas of application for SLS and Orion are very limited, as are the areas of application for their components and supply chains. Thus the fixed costs cannot be spread around on many units, so the fixed costs will be high relative to the production run size and so the unit cost will be high.

An example of an alternative and superior way of doing it is the the Chinese CZ-10/Mengzhou based approach:
1. Even though a new pad needs to be built, this is not so bad because CZ-10 will share this pad with CZ-10A
2. Mengzhou will have a LEO variant
3. CZ-10 will have a common tank diameter and thus can likely share a production line with CZ-5, 5B and 10A
4. CZ-10 cores and boosters will use YF-100K engines, which are also used by CZ-12 and are similar to YF-100 engines
5. CZ-10 second stage will use YF-100M engines, which will also be used by CZ-10A and are similar to YF-100 engines
6. CZ-10 third stage will use YF-75E engines, which are similar to YF-75D used on CZ-5 and YF-75H used on CZ-8A

Anonymous No. 16592839

maybe just the launch portion. i know starshield uses the starlink satellite bus but off of the top of my head i dont know if the SDA's satellites use the starlink bus too. it's those SDA satellites that are being incorporated into the iron dome system.

Anonymous No. 16592840

Starshield has existed for years already, they are fully MIC
or what do you mean? weapon systems?

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Anonymous No. 16592841

The capsule wouldn't have been needed if Starliner had been making regular crew runs like it was supposed to. But it hadn't been, because it was broken shit.

Anonymous No. 16592842

Solid rockets, getting into the interceptor business.

Anonymous No. 16592845

lol no

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16592847

>Iron Dome for America
What is this? A system analogous to the Iron Dome would be useless in CONUS. Higher-end American systems like GMD, THAAD and Patriot PAC-3 already exist, and as I understand it, they are not really considered economical for wide-scale deployment because ICBMs are very hard to intercept, and furthermore the US is so big that it would be ruinous to try to cover the country with such systems.

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Anonymous No. 16592848

>nasa gives boing a huge win
>boing somehow turns it into a huge loss

Anonymous No. 16592850

>Iron Dome for America
What is this? A system analogous to the Iron Dome would be useless in CONUS. Higher-end American systems like GMD, THAAD and Patriot PAC-3 already exist, and as I understand it, they are not really considered economical for wide-scale deployment because ICBMs are very hard to intercept, and furthermore the US is so big that it would be ruinously expensive to try to cover the country with such systems.

Anonymous No. 16592852

To be fair, the capsule returned fine. NASA was just being safety cucks.

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Anonymous No. 16592853

Boing: snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

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Anonymous No. 16592854

its brilliant pebbles, providing missile defense for US interests across the planet, not just the CONUS. think starlink but armed with anti-missile interceptors.

Anonymous No. 16592855

>safety cucks
The capsule had another unrelated thruster failure on the way back. NASA did everything right.

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Anonymous No. 16592856

The maneuvering thrusters could have failed at any time from overheating. Just the thing you want to lose when you're trying to re-enter the atmosphere.
And then after it landed, they found out that it was also broken in a whole new way that could have been just as dangerous.

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Anonymous No. 16592859

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Anonymous No. 16592860

Anonymous No. 16592861


Anonymous No. 16592864

yeah, and orion made it back even with the broken heat shield

Anonymous No. 16592866

And Shittle launched in cold weather so many times with nothing happening!
And helicopters fly by that airport in D.C. all the time with nothing happening!

Anonymous No. 16592867

Is that what it officially is, or is it just your interpretation of what it is, or is it what it isn't but you think it should be?

There doesn't seem to be much detail. There is a proposed $19.5B bill that the article refers to, which mostly funds existing interceptor programs. There is $900m for research into "space-based missile defense", which might refer mostly to sensors rather than interceptors.

>develop new capabilities, like space-based sensors and new intercept technologies

>Among other provisions, the IRON DOME Act would authorize:
>$12 billion to expand missile interceptor fields at Fort Greely in Alaska with new Next Generation Interceptors
>$1.4 billion for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system
>$1.5 billion for PAC-2 and PAC-3 munitions and MM-104 Patriot batteries
>$1 billion to build Aegis Ashore ballistic missile defense infrastructure in Alaska and on the East Coast
>$900 million to research and develop space-based missile defense
>$750 million to modernize terrestrial-based domain awareness radars
>$500 million to research and develop directed energy or missile interception capabilities across all military departments
>$250 million to complete and certify Hawaii’s Aegis Ashore system
>$100 million for the procurement and fielding of dirigibles
>$60 million to develop space-based satellite sensors
>$63.1 million to build a Missile Defense Complex and Fire Team Readiness Facility
>$25 million for Missile Defense Agency planning and design activities for an East Coast-based missile defense interceptor site at Fort Drum, New York

Anonymous No. 16592870

Even with hindsight they made the right choice. It’s almost functionally equivalent to saying STS-27 was perfectly safe because it didn’t explode. Even though it arguably came within seconds of a complete disaster during reentry and would have been better to find a way to bring the astronauts back not on that Shuttle

Anonymous No. 16592871

Meant for

Anonymous No. 16592872

>Is that what it officially is

>Development and deployment of proliferated space-based interceptors capable of boost-phase intercept;

though i am aware though that it can include other types of interceptors too like patriot and thaad

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Anonymous No. 16592874


Anonymous No. 16592877

Seems like Russia's decision years ago, to invest in Poseidon, Buresvestnik, T-160M restart and Zircon for SSGNs, was quite prescient and wise

Anonymous No. 16592879

yeah i think the missile shields will spur alot of missile and space R&D, which is good news for us

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Anonymous No. 16592881

As was China's decision to vastly expand their ICBM arsenal and SSGN fleet

Anonymous No. 16592890

I don't see how it would be a good thing. It can destabilize MAD, it will certainly lead to much more nuclear weapons being built, and will also lead to a massive arms race and associated cost spiral at a time when America is not even guaranteed to be on the winning side of that economic equation in the long run

Anonymous No. 16592892

The thing that annoys me about this rescue shit is that the argument was already fucking settled in september. SpaceX didn't need to be re-told to take the Astronauts home because it was already in the books back then.

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Anonymous No. 16592893

They are restarting the Tesla weapons program despite the eldritch risks involved

Anonymous No. 16592897

The Chinese are also said to be developing an intercontinental stealth bomber called H-20, similar to the American B-2

Anonymous No. 16592898

i skimmed through it and its mainly shit about how Musk is destroying the environment to get to mars or something

Anonymous No. 16592905



Anonymous No. 16592907

It's a good thing because I like rockets.

Anonymous No. 16592911

mishap investigation doe(ge)

Anonymous No. 16592914

>NEWS: Boeing is getting help from
@elonmusk to get through the requirements of the long-delayed Air Force One program, Boeing CEO Kelly Ortberg said today.
Musk helping out Boeing sort through issues regarding AirForce one plane delivery

Anonymous No. 16592916

boing should be broken up

Anonymous No. 16592922

how lucky, I wish elon would personally call me retarded...

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Anonymous No. 16592928

How likely is this to be true?

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Anonymous No. 16592929

26 feb reposted by Musk

Anonymous No. 16592930

huh, so that anon saying two weeks a week ago was right

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Anonymous No. 16592934


Anonymous No. 16592937

It will be delayed twice, launching on the 28th.

Anonymous No. 16592941

>SpaceX debris hits Poland
>China keeps dropping boosters onto their people
>media: ...

Anonymous No. 16592948

So SpaceX offered to return Butch and Suni early and the Biden admin turned them down.

They really were deliberately stranded then.

Anonymous No. 16592951

White people matter more than nonwhite people.

Anonymous No. 16592953

international relations vs domestic problems.

Anonymous No. 16592954


Anonymous No. 16592958

The new capsule exists because SpaceX had to pick up the slack for Starliner, the return of Butch and Suni was never tied to the new capsules existance.

Anonymous No. 16592959

Whiter than you, Pedro.

Anonymous No. 16592960

>WaPo lied about the 'cuts'

Imagine my shock.

Anonymous No. 16592963

Elon must be arrested for this

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Anonymous No. 16592964

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16592965


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Anonymous No. 16592968



Anonymous No. 16592969

whiter on average than america

Anonymous No. 16592970

fucking hell, I feel second hand embarrassment reading musk's spergout over this shit. Every day my faith in him dies just a little bit more. He better turn this shit around or I'll have a melty

Anonymous No. 16592973

seems like he is 100% correct

Anonymous No. 16592974

I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.
Although Musk's language is definitely out of line.

Anonymous No. 16592975

Elon must be arrested for this too

Anonymous No. 16592978

Trannies will be melty for ages again for telling the truth. "Musk is lying" nonsense doesnt fly.

Anonymous No. 16592979

huh, so elon's prediction was right

Anonymous No. 16592982

Finally putting astronauts in their place. Fucking passengers

Anonymous No. 16592983

Musk is probably not lying that he proposed that alternative, but everybody knows that it would have completely fucked up ISS scheduling worse than what eventually happened, and that political context mattered less than ISS schedule in that decision.

Anonymous No. 16592985

>ISS scheduling
The whole thing should be deorbited as soon as possible, wasteful shitbox.
>ooo we wont have enough ports to dock and do endless pee in jar experiments and replace more batteries

Anonymous No. 16592988

not only is he wrong (or purposefully lying), he now made himself look like an hysterical woman

Anonymous No. 16592989

Schedule wasn't considered. Money wasn't considered. Flat out denial is a purely political play. The only reason is because Biden admin did not want to hand out Musk a win. The same reason they revoked Starlink 4 years early into the contract for not meeting a goal that was scheduled to meet years later. The same reason they had all these nonsense investigations into all his companies. The same reason they hired a Tesla short seller to oversee Tesla. The same reason Biden's fundraiser is the biggest Tesla shortseller. The same reason they refused to invite Tesla for "American EV event." The same reason Biden admin was hostile to "SpaceX's moon rocket".

These are only a series of coincidences to those who have their brains castrated.

Anonymous No. 16592991


Anonymous No. 16592993

We know that you will never be a woman.

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Anonymous No. 16592994

Anonymous No. 16592995

Schedule is obvious anon and why it was flatly refused.

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Anonymous No. 16592996


Anonymous No. 16592997


They are trying to reject reality and not connect the dots.

Anonymous No. 16592998

"for no reasons" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there

Anonymous No. 16593000

>ISS scheduling
A bad joke

Anonymous No. 16593001


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Anonymous No. 16593005

>were not party to the discussions
mis-typing in his k-hole rage.

Anonymous No. 16593006

yes, the bailey comment is pretty ironic
do these people really, sincerely believe there was no ill will from the Biden admin towards Musk
like really?

Anonymous No. 16593007

>The only reason is because Biden admin did not want to hand out Musk a win.
okay, so what you're saying is, le evil bidet didn't want to give TrumpxMusk a political win so... he decided to give them a political win? what the fuck do you think he was planning to do, keep the astronauts in space for eternity? You do realize that the election has been won for many months now, biden was going to go no matter what he did.
Now I ask again, why would the old administration give trump a free political win by doing something as meaningless obstructive as this?
Correct. And we know that you will never be a man.

Anonymous No. 16593008

>zero understanding of the innerworkings of politics
>zero insider knowledge
>confidently claims the party involved are lying because it doesnt reflect his own incomplete world model

Anonymous No. 16593010

embarrassing, is he on drugs again

Anonymous No. 16593011

ESL retard detected

Anonymous No. 16593012

>he decided to give them a political win?
Its called being forced into reality. You can only delay reality so long before death becomes a reality.

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Anonymous No. 16593013


Anonymous No. 16593015

>world model
this is how you know you're talking to a midwit.

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Anonymous No. 16593016

you exposed yourself esl

Anonymous No. 16593018

This retard has no idea what he's talking about.

Anonymous No. 16593019

they are test pilots, not iss crewmembers. their mission was failed thanks to boeing. they are not slaves. nasa is really reprehensible to their astronauts

Anonymous No. 16593020

why doesnt nasa agree to be an anchor tenant for a spacex mars base like they are for commercial LEO stations?

Anonymous No. 16593021

see >>16592818
keeping them there for 6 months longer after they had already been there for 6 months is just the status quo, not really an event

actually bringing them back is an event and would bring positive press for SpaceX and Musk and as a consequence toward Trump due to Musk endorsing and campaigning for Trump

Anonymous No. 16593025

>Now I ask again, why would the old administration give trump a free political win by doing something as meaningless obstructive as this?
they expected to win the election of course, delaying was a part of trying to do that

Anonymous No. 16593026

get fucked nigger the fourth

Anonymous No. 16593027

victim mentality

Anonymous No. 16593030


Anonymous No. 16593031

The phrase is "privy to the conversation", no one has ever said "party to the conversation". Cope harder

Anonymous No. 16593034

what the fuck are you babbling about
this has nothing to do with that, just explaining why something happened
obviously Musk didn't have a victim mentality, he went out there and did something about the relentless attacks and bullshit

Anonymous No. 16593035

You're a retard.

Anonymous No. 16593037

party to the discussion

Anonymous No. 16593038

You're arguing with cultists.

Anonymous No. 16593039


Anonymous No. 16593040

retard or bait

Anonymous No. 16593041

>Using chatgpt and obscure website instead of just admit he got auto corrected
Next level cult behavior

Anonymous No. 16593043

>castrates themselves
>is convinced of the Biden admin is completely apolitical
>has zero knowledge
>insults the person with the highest level first hand knowledge as lying with no proof
Yeah lol

Anonymous No. 16593044

I literally cannot tell if this is based or cringe, but it’s definitely a happening that will be remembered for a long time

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Anonymous No. 16593045

Lololol go back to brazil

Anonymous No. 16593046

>poop and pee in my mouth please
dude wtf why would you write that? unhinged

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Anonymous No. 16593047

>Another day
>Another musk crash out

Anonymous No. 16593049

NASA needs to be gutted

Anonymous No. 16593050

then this whole affair is just some publicity stunt organized by Trump+Biden? Not sure what you're trying to say here
>You do realize that the election has been won for many months now
the election has nothing to do with this because the delays Musk is whining about happened afterwards. Note the part where he says "SpaceX could have brought them back several months ago" and "Biden pushed the return past the inauguration date". What's the point of doing something like that when you already lost? simple revenge? I can't come up with anything else.
everyone is just on edge as is typical during any sort of drama. And a few trolls too I guess.

Anonymous No. 16593051


Anonymous No. 16593052

NASA should stop trying to do rocketry and instead expand JPL so we get more deep space missions, and the rest of them should solely focus on Mars base infrastructure. I don't understand why Biosphere 3 hasn't been attempted.

Anonymous No. 16593053

>noooo it's a feminine penis I am womyn

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Anonymous No. 16593054

This is hilarious lmao

Anonymous No. 16593055

For fuck's sake what is this retarded faggot doing now? He really needs some handlers to babysit him and keep him away from the drugs. Just shut the fuck up retard and focus on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16593056

I want more deep space missions but can we find someone other than jpl to do it?

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Anonymous No. 16593057

>Adults tries to reasons with the drug addled toddler in the room
This is hilarious

Anonymous No. 16593058

The whole affairs is Musk calling out a political castrated decision, political. And the trannies malding at the prospect of Musk pointing out the reality of the negotiations and accusing Musk of lying without any knowledge, without any context, simply because Musk disagrees with their politics. The extreme reaction is just that, Musk triggered their politics for stating the truth.

Anonymous No. 16593059

I can see him gutting spacex in rage if there's another failure next flight

Anonymous No. 16593060

He’s in the trenches taking names right now, this is awesome

Anonymous No. 16593062

You trannies lost the election.

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Anonymous No. 16593064

>He’s in the trenches taking names right now, this is awesome

Anonymous No. 16593066

why dont they just shut the fuck up and leave elon alone? why do they keep inserting themselves into playground drama?

Anonymous No. 16593067

Maybe the real great filter is your most valuable guy going Leroy Jenkins into a k-hole

Anonymous No. 16593068

Elon should delete his account. Enough of this.

Anonymous No. 16593069

They still believe Elon can be reasoned with when he's like this

Anonymous No. 16593071

Unreasonable commies cannot be reasoned with. They need a kick in whatever balls they have left.

Anonymous No. 16593072

>You do realize that the election has been won for many months now
the election has nothing to do with this because the delays Musk is whining about happened afterwards. Note the part where he says "SpaceX could have brought them back several months ago" and "Biden pushed the return past the inauguration date". What's the point of doing something like that when you already lost? simple revenge? I can't come up with anything else.

why do you assume Musk offered it after the election? what a weird assumption to make
several could mean 3-4 months, it has been 3.5 months from the election
so this is something that could have been happening right around election (bringing them back), which would make the optics for Musk even better in that case and the politics even clearer
imagine the astronauts coming back a week before the election? pretty easy talking point and good PR for SpaceX and Musk
and the discussion or offer probably happened like half a year ago or more

Anonymous No. 16593073

Why couldn’t he have given this fervor to something like cancelling SLS?
Instead he’s dying on a hill of semantics. Not a good look

Anonymous No. 16593074

Anon... he was on Crew 7.

Anonymous No. 16593075

you dont have any clue what a k-hole is like

Anonymous No. 16593076

But there's no economic incentive to do so, and they are extremely costly long-term projects.

Anonymous No. 16593078

It was probably just to save money

Anonymous No. 16593079

boohoo fucking faggot
SLS is getting cancelled

Anonymous No. 16593080

whats that got to do with not entering a hornet's nest?

Anonymous No. 16593081

>why do you assume Musk offered it after the election? what a weird assumption to make
So they can ignore the earlier 7+ months of political delay.

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Anonymous No. 16593082


Anonymous No. 16593086

Made me audibly lol

Anonymous No. 16593087

As Musk stated, money was never considered in the discussion. Your programmed responses are looping now. Time to think harder.

Anonymous No. 16593088

He's right to call out musk's lies, he went through the process himself, and knows the people in the program. Why are you white knighting for elon when he's clearly in the wrong?

Anonymous No. 16593089

Ooh we got a hard partier here!! Doing drugs and knowing all the drug terminology is so cool right guys?

Anonymous No. 16593091

yes, actually, considering how many Tesla dealerships are getting shot up and vandalized due to E/TDS. Fortunately, security at launch sites is quite a bit better than at car dealerships.

Anonymous No. 16593092

>Why couldn’t he have given this fervor to something like cancelling SLS?
that is going to happen too

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Anonymous No. 16593093


Anonymous No. 16593095

none white hands wrote this

Anonymous No. 16593098

what no shivon for two weeks does to a mfer

Anonymous No. 16593099

>none white hands
Elon take some time to proof read your posts.

Anonymous No. 16593100

btw ken kirtland is a communist and has been whining about Musk on and off for forever

Anonymous No. 16593101

He will get there eventually, he's still trying to burn all bridges that are left

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Anonymous No. 16593102

This has to be posted. Regardless of what happens:

Anonymous No. 16593104

ISS deorbit 2 years, possible.

Anonymous No. 16593105

Grimes please make ze call

Anonymous No. 16593106

>elon schedule

Anonymous No. 16593107

>Why are you white knighting for elon when he's clearly in the wrong?
im not backing anyone, i just think its actual retarded to wade into something like this. your time is valuable but they waste it on something so stupid. go do something useful instead.

Anonymous No. 16593109

SLS is on the chopping blocks. SLS and ISS gutting would free up 50% of the budget for NASA.

Anonymous No. 16593110

>go do something useful instead
You should tell that to Elon, social media is clearly rotting his brain.

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Anonymous No. 16593111

>go do something useful instead.

Anonymous No. 16593112

knowledge is power

Anonymous No. 16593114

>musk's lies
>musk's wrong
He is the main source vs Biden admin's political appointee + status quo's acceptance. You are not part of the party that can verify the truth. Nor are random people outside the negotiation table.

Anonymous No. 16593115

>But there's no economic incentive to do so
anyone will do them if nasa offers a contract
>and they are extremely costly long-term projects
or perhaps they would be moderately costly long term projects if you gave them to someone more competitive.

Anonymous No. 16593118

inb4 jared says they will be keeping it online through Artemis 6

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Anonymous No. 16593119

So Elon was completely right and all the people who hung their hats on the "Butch and Suni were not stranded" line are having a crash out over being slapped in the face with the Biden admin stranding them rather than letting SpaceX (and Elon/Trump by proxy) score a massive PR victory during an election.

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james burke rocke....jpg

Anonymous No. 16593120

this anon gets it

Anonymous No. 16593121

Why not deorbit tomorrow?

Anonymous No. 16593122

Who wins?
>Musk telling Trump to deorbit ISS in 2027
>Putin wanting to end ISS participation in 2030
Tough call ngl

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Anonymous No. 16593123


Anonymous No. 16593124

that’s not how NASA budgets work dummy

Anonymous No. 16593125

I wouldn't mind keeping it through atleast the moon landing, just for the objectives of boots on the ground.

Anonymous No. 16593126

Andreas Mogensen is astronaut who flew on Crew 7 retard. He's not even from the US. He has nothing to do with biden admin, and has first hand experience with the crew rotation schedule.

Anonymous No. 16593127

I reccomend testing some ASAT missiles on ite

Anonymous No. 16593129

Holy shit Elon has completely fucking lost it, grim

Anonymous No. 16593130

1) Europe is a commie shithole. 2) European crews are not part of the discussion. The high level discussion stopped at just the negotiation offering. It didn't materialize further, thats what the truth is. If it had gotten deeper, then lower level parties might have gotten involved in crew rotation.

Anonymous No. 16593131

This, lmao
"you're cool with your 8 day stay being 9 months instead, right?"

Anonymous No. 16593132

He tweets over 100 times a day. And then spends the rest of his time playing video games. He's totally forgotten about mars.

Anonymous No. 16593133

yes but like Musk said, he doesn't negotiate how and when the crew rotations happens
a passenger
riding the bus doesn't make me an expert of how a bus companys routes are run

Anonymous No. 16593134

Is Berger making fun of Elon and he's not realizing it?

Anonymous No. 16593135

Does Elon REALLY think the money NASA is getting for ISS from Congress will be reassigned to his Mars missions? LOL

Anonymous No. 16593136

you're implying that musk is apolitical which is incredibly retarded. He is just as much a slave to politics as any of the trannies having a melty over him, thus his statements should be subject to exactly the same scrutiny. This affair is very obviously a ploy to get support for himself and Trump, spinning a technically correct fact(return delays) into one that supports the narrative("old government le bad/inefficient but I'm fixing it").
>as the guy who has a very big incentive to lie said...
you're either trolling or you lack the ability for rational thought.
I remember when bait used to be good.

Anonymous No. 16593138


Astronauts are kept up to date on any change of plans with their missions. You don't think they were paying attention to the crew-9/10 schedule? Retarded.

Anonymous No. 16593139

they haven’t finished building the deorbit vehicle

Anonymous No. 16593140

That's been happening more and more often, I'm getting concerned for SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16593141

>you're implying that musk is apolitical which is incredibly retarded
No one claimed such. Anyone who doesn't see this as Musk responding in kind is retarded. Musk's political game is because Democrats made it political. They targeted him first.

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Go outside and ta....png

Anonymous No. 16593142

I simply believe Elon, on grounds that all the people I hate get angry when he speaks, and that makes me laugh.

Anonymous No. 16593144

you may or may not know but Elon has the ear of the president and the president has said that they will be going to mars
who else is going to do mars missions if not spacex?

Anonymous No. 16593145

you can do it with an unmodified dragon

Anonymous No. 16593148

Irrelevant. He's not on the preliminary negotiation table. He would have been on mid/late stage negotiation if the initial offering were to be considered. It was never even considered.

Anonymous No. 16593149

Elon literally controls the president of the USA.

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Anonymous No. 16593151

>Elon told Trump to nominate Jared for Administrator so he could completely get his way, deorbit ISS early, cancel SLS, gut Artemis, probably tear up or ignore Artemis Accords all just so NASA is lockstep now in line with his singular Mars obsession

Not a fan of this development desu, we're just gonna fucking cede LEO and the Moon to China??

Anonymous No. 16593152


Anonymous No. 16593153

Exactly my thought lol

Anonymous No. 16593154

Uh sweaty this is actually a good thing, because it means elon gets more billions of dollars from the US tax payer!

Anonymous No. 16593155

Use your imagination. The world isn't this narrow.

Anonymous No. 16593156

Congress approves the spending. If ISS is deorbited, NASA doesnt get to keep budget item

Anonymous No. 16593157

You don’t see the vision

Anonymous No. 16593158

Yes. This is what winning looks like.

Anonymous No. 16593159

Go to Mars with what?

Anonymous No. 16593160

if I could I would stay there until it got deorbited

Anonymous No. 16593161


Anonymous No. 16593165

if you put some non-retards in charge in NASA then I have no doubt ISS could be deorbited safely within 2 years

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Anonymous No. 16593166

>Elon dick suckers vs Space enthusiasts
A battle for the soul of /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16593167

Missing in your world model is other players filling the roles. Vast/Varda/Blue Ring/etc taking the ISS role. Stepping up Moon game.

Anonymous No. 16593168

Not a peep, not a single fucking peep out of either Elon or Trump since the inauguration about returning to the moon and SpaceX's HLS, and a lot of mention of Mars, read between the lines.

Anonymous No. 16593170

It's called carving sphere of influences
Just like what Trump is doing with Russia and China, Taiwan to China, ukraine and baltics to Russia, Greenland and Panama and rest of NA to USA

Same thing in Space, china gets moon, usa gets mars

Having clearly defined sphere of influences prevent conflicts, limits ambiguity and is good for trade.

Anonymous No. 16593171

should I take the word of some SLS stan or Elon Musk?

Anonymous No. 16593172

And Congress controls the NASA budget

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Anonymous No. 16593173


Anonymous No. 16593175

NASA is too cowardly to let someone ride the ISS back into the atmosphere and parachute to safety after reentry. If they weren't they'd let me do it, pussies.

Anonymous No. 16593176

Congress does whatever trump (And therefore elon) says

Anonymous No. 16593177

I simply wanna see my great country dominate LEO, the Moon, cislunar, and Mars not just be so autistically focused on Mars just because one man who happens to be the senior advisor to the president is.


Anonymous No. 16593178

Lol. Lmao

Anonymous No. 16593180

More accurately, you want the slow and bloated government programs to do it. Not commercial space.

Anonymous No. 16593181

>we're just gonna fucking cede LEO and the Moon to China??
no, we're going to cede it to [spoiler]blue origin[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 16593182

yes, but it would be pretty easy to argue and then push through spending bills so that the total is about the same as it was before
if that is important for Trump, and as he mentioned going to mars in the inauguration speech then it probably is
Republicans have majority in congress, people that don't fall in line will be primaried

Anonymous No. 16593183

Have you not been paying attention the last 2 weeks?

Anonymous No. 16593184

>Same thing in Space, china gets moon, usa gets mars
See that came to my mind too briefly but I didn't post it, I very much worry that's what's happened now and of course China is fine with this because they care about maintaining and expanding their near-Earth resource dominance and are much farther from a human Mars program than we potentially are

Anonymous No. 16593186

Hey retard Musk has literally said he wants to skip the Moon and go straight to Mars if he could have his own way. No reading between the lines, straight from the horse’s mouth.

Anonymous No. 16593187

its absolutely fucking based

Anonymous No. 16593189

You just don't like how the sausage is made. Tough cookies

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Anonymous No. 16593190

Do you believe in our great space companies? Or do you hate them because they are supplanting the grift?

Anonymous No. 16593191

USA is going to go all in on starship, and be set back 10 years of sunk cost as it fails suborbital tests over and over and over.

Anonymous No. 16593192

>skip Moon and go straight for Mars
Just like my Terra Invicta run

Anonymous No. 16593193

Trannies malding again about Musk lol

Anonymous No. 16593194

>Explodes before reaching orbit
That will be another 2 billion tax payers!

Anonymous No. 16593196

he did the three fingers meme

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Anonymous No. 16593197

pics related

Anonymous No. 16593198

Skipping a return to the moon is dumb considering the lunar south pole only has so much land that is actually useful, in terms of ISRU and setting up permanent colonies.
Don’t cede it to the chinks Elon come on man.

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Anonymous No. 16593199

No I want SpaceX to do it too retard, like they've been contracted to and do all the other things they do best not just singularly obsessively focus on Mars to the detriment of our lunar return. Trump hasn't mentioned Artemis even once since his inauguration... grim

Anonymous No. 16593201

Isn't Artemis his thing too?

Anonymous No. 16593202

NASA's admin hasn't been confirmed yet. Moonbase Alpha is on the horizon.

Either you trust Musk or you trust Biden admin.

Anonymous No. 16593203

Compressed liquified taxpayers don't have the same boiloff issues as hydrogen.

Anonymous No. 16593204

>skip the moon
i hate the whole moon vs mars debate. we have the ability to do both + LEO + asteroids + whatever else AT THE SAME TIME. but nah, lets just fight each other and get nothing done instead. lol. bring back bridenstine. at least he knew how to manage things.

Anonymous No. 16593205

How many more years of failed starship launches will it take for /sfg/ to realize it's not happening?

Anonymous No. 16593206

It is but he's not mentioned it once and removed the moon rock from the oval office Biden kept there after he moved in.

So again reading between the lines

Anonymous No. 16593208

You're reading the communist lines?

Anonymous No. 16593210

dumbest post of the thread award

Anonymous No. 16593211

I think it depends on if next flight is failure

Anonymous No. 16593213

you are a faggot and you have the exact same mentality that BO has (or had)
nothing will get accomplished
Moon missions can happen during the windows between Mars missions but not on the expense of Mars

Anonymous No. 16593214

t. unproductive partisan

Anonymous No. 16593218

just one. If nothing of value has been done by the end of the year, then starship is very obviously a scam.

Anonymous No. 16593219

>makes retarded tranny post
>upset at being called retard

Anonymous No. 16593221

>want to see SpaceX tackle the moon and Mars ideally
>you have the exact same mentality that BO has


Anonymous No. 16593223

Blue Origin can play with the moon, they have said as much

Anonymous No. 16593224

>malding like a tranny
>claims to be a spacex fan

Anonymous No. 16593225

>/sfg/ still doesn't realize trump is just a figurehead for musk
It's so obvious. He literally made him sit in the corner with his 5 year old while he answered interview questions. He was talking over him and letting him just babble to himself in the latest interview.
Trump just wants to sit in the big chair. He'll do wahtever musk tells him to do.

Anonymous No. 16593226

Let BO have the mega moon contracts after SLS is cancelled. Only condition is that they MUST mog china

Anonymous No. 16593227

do everything simultaneously with no focus is not a good idea

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Anonymous No. 16593228

>it's completely fine to only focus on one single mission at a time and this should be normalized
/sfg/ retardation levels are off the charts

Anonymous No. 16593230

You're a kook lol

Anonymous No. 16593232

>intentionally castrating your brain like this
Do you actually enjoy it? Are you not able to come to a common sense?

Anonymous No. 16593234

I never said it's a bad thing. But it's undeniable that elon is the brains behind the operation, and trump is just there as the face of it. Trump is literally reading off elon tweets to reporters, it's so obvious.

Anonymous No. 16593235

/here/ since 2019 Texas tank watching so yes I am a SpaceX fan
>claims to be a spacex fan
>doesn't want to see them land on the moon
>doesn't think Starship can pull off both simultaneously
If anyone can do it it's SpaceX.

>Moon missions can happen during the windows between Mars missions but not on the expense of Mars
That's what I'm fucking hoping happens at least, you need to think about the big picture like anon mentioned here
We cannot cede this valuable regolith to China

Anonymous No. 16593236

Anon is fixated.

Anonymous No. 16593237

and to add to that, BOs upper stage is hydrogen based, their moon landing vehicle was hydrogen too I think?
and hydrogen + oxygen is relatively easy to get on the moon compared to methane
it just makes sense

maybe park a Starship on the south pole on the moon to claim some land and then let BO do most of the stuff there (and other companies) when they get up to speed

SpaceX can then focus on Mars and support LEO and Moon missions with their cheap launch but not participating much in it otherwise

Anonymous No. 16593238

>creating your own doomer fanfiction and claiming to be a spacex fan

Anonymous No. 16593239

you are the last person on this general to have any authority on "common sense"
Please update your world model before replying to me again.

Anonymous No. 16593241

is there anything lower iq than arguing over words?

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Anonymous No. 16593242

>We cannot cede this valuable regolith to China

Anonymous No. 16593243

I really really super hope that flight 8 is a success, flight 9 is orbital, and flight 10 starts doing real missions.

Anonymous No. 16593245

>denial of reality of China's rise
>yet at the same time, worried about China overtaking US
How do you people live?

Anonymous No. 16593246

No, schedule wouldn't have been affected at all. Crew Dragon Endurance was free with no upcoming planned flights for it at the time. They could have sent it up and gotten them back down within the next 3 days.

Anonymous No. 16593247

>creating your own doomer fanfiction
No but what that anon mentioned is plausible
If they're setting it up to happen on Earth then why not in space too, Trump doesn't care seemingly about returning to the moon or Artemis, he hasn't mentioned it once, Elon obsessively cares about Mars only, and for Trump it would be a bigger victory anyways since it would be the first time and not just a return

Given everything that's happening now with the change of attitude on Ukraine and Russia this is not that far-fetched, jesus christ you must have a dense thick skull if you can't stand back and see the bigger picture that might be at play here

Anonymous No. 16593248


Anonymous No. 16593249

>making up schizo fantasies
likewise, sperg

Anonymous No. 16593250

Many things are plausible.

Anonymous No. 16593251

You just wait till an actual appropriations bill is passed. It aint gonna be pretty

Anonymous No. 16593254

>Elon obsessively cares about Mars only
I would have agreed a year or even half a year ago. Starting to really doubt it now. Shit just doesn't add up.

Anonymous No. 16593256

>Weapons for isreal
+50 Billion
>NASA budget
-50 Billion

Anonymous No. 16593257

Someone on another board said elon/trump represent a different style of globalist. Not globohomo like soros and dems, but globalist in the sense that they want free trade with russia and china.
Does not seem impossible think that Musk would “give” the moon to china as a stupid art of the deal trade to get better deals in business and finance.
Could just be a schizo theory though. Musk also wants to deorbit ISS ASAP which would absolutely handicap Russian manned space and leave them without a Station as they wait to build their new dumb station—an extreme blow to their pride and almost a direct insult to Russia itself.
But again, Musk does seem to love China almost to an annoying degree. Eyebrows be raised—he should be barred from doing Tesla business over there imo

Anonymous No. 16593258

Do you go back to your elementary school to flex on the children, anon?

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Anonymous No. 16593259

another linear prediction for starship launches that differs slightly from the other one that has been posted a few times

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Anonymous No. 16593260

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Anonymous No. 16593261

Bringing back Butch and Suni on an extra-schedule flight
>$200M cost, whoever it is paid by
>messes up the busy ISS schedule that already has to deal with disruptions
>leaves the ISS understaffed, down to just one astronaut in the US section who would have to do full-time maintenance because the station is ageing hard
>extremely reduced science work because of the above
>leaves the station understaffed for up to half a year because no Crew Dragon is available for Crew-9 anymore, as Freedom is used for this mission, Endeavour is up there for Crew-8, Resilience is modified for Polaris Dawn, and Endurance is still in processing after Crew-7

Transferring Butch and Suni to Crew-9
>none of the above issues
>two astronauts have to sit out the mission
>Butch and Suni get to do a lot more work than planned
>suits for Butch and Suni need to be prepared and sent up with Crew-9

Surely, this is a political decision and not just a practical one. Elon needs to stop "fixing" Earth and start doing some actual engineering again.

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Anonymous No. 16593262

It's an undeniable FACT that elon is running the trump admin.

Denying this FACT is just EDS at this point.

Anonymous No. 16593264


Anonymous No. 16593266

>cope graphs have been updated
and so it begins...

Anonymous No. 16593267


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punished Elon.jpg

Anonymous No. 16593269

Anonymous No. 16593270

Good thing we have separation of powers that can hamstring him when any actual important decisions need to be made.

Anonymous No. 16593272

That doesnt make sense. If China is fake and fraud then they cant get to Moon even if we gave it to them. Are you saying, they're able to get to the moon and do fraud things? How is that possible in your view of reality? How can China not have any competency and still win?

Anonymous No. 16593273

Meanwhile 2024 YR4 just dropped to 0.28% of impact, nothing ever happens

Anonymous No. 16593274

All those facts are true, but I think the issue fundamentally lied with SpaceX being told a flat no and potentially no follow up on that no. Which is technically NASA's prerogative, but a dismissive no with no follow up is only ever used when there's politics involved. NASA and SpaceX are super tight. This would be the first crack in their relationship, arguably.

Anonymous No. 16593275

all of the shit you just said is why ISS needs to be scrapped ASAP, what a useless piece of shit

Anonymous No. 16593276

Your only real point is the cost, the schedule wouldn't be affected dramatically. They would have used a seperate dragon not scheduled for the crew rotations at the time.

Anonymous No. 16593277

Budget was never considered. $200M is nothing for rescuing 2 astronauts.

Anonymous No. 16593278

The house will never refuse a trump admin (elon) decision because elon will bankroll their opponents in the primary
Courts are too slow to stop anything.

Elon has full control of Trump, and by extension the entire USA.

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Anonymous No. 16593279

Woah wat happened

Anonymous No. 16593280

>But it's undeniable
I deny it, you're a kook

Anonymous No. 16593281

Go learn english and ask me your question in a more comprehensive way

Anonymous No. 16593282

Poocifer's Hammer is coming, Rajesh

Anonymous No. 16593283


Anonymous No. 16593284

I dont use reddit. What do you mean, sister?

Anonymous No. 16593285

Musk had another crashout, which is waking up some of his die hard fans. Others are coping that it's actually 4d chess.

Anonymous No. 16593286

Ok this fanfiction is delicious xD

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Anonymous No. 16593287

Anonymous No. 16593288

Trannies melty after Musk dropped truth bomb on them and said Biden admin was political.

Trannies are claiming its all a (((coincidence)))

Anonymous No. 16593289

Do you go on a field trip to a new island just to plant a flag and leave and let the next rival school claim it for themselves and all the resources on it?

Anonymous No. 16593290


Anonymous No. 16593291

good post and cool photo. I haven't even considered the staffing issues before. Musk really is wrong this time...
>the issue fundamentally lied with SpaceX being told a flat no and potentially no follow up on that no
>Budget was never considered.
according to Elon and exactly zero other people.

Anonymous No. 16593292

>language like this wont be tolerated by the space community
wow i did not know the space community is so low iq

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Anonymous No. 16593293


Anonymous No. 16593295


Anonymous No. 16593296

Felix is such a faggot lmfaoooo

Anonymous No. 16593299

its the same EDS trannies whining as usual

Anonymous No. 16593300

Extremely cogent arguments

>They would have used a seperate dragon not scheduled for the crew rotations at the time.
Read the post again, there was no other Crew Dragon available.

Anonymous No. 16593301

I forgot to add or realized it after I posted that, SpaceX has been overwhelmingly and beyond the call of duty, transparent with NASA about all things space. I imagine that Elon expected, at least out of mutual respect, that NASA would be honest with him on why they were denying any potential discussion on the matter. But in all likelihood, he got radio silence. It's basically the Saudis and the funding secured situation w/ Tesla all over again. He was given the impression that there was mutual trust and respect between parties, only to discover after the fact that it was only ever one way. Stuff like that seriously pisses him off. It's what landed him in immense hot water with the SEC over a decade ago, and I imagine that he felt the same with NASA after the Boeing Starliner debacle and SpaceX's position to assist being under utilized against it. This is all speculation of course, but these points are probable and in alignment with past events and Elon's behavior changing thereafter both vocally and politically.

>>16593274: Yes, see above

Anonymous No. 16593303

>I bet they aren't happy about being left there
They said during multiple interviews they are fine and enjoying the extra time. This is retarded.

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corey troon tracker.jpg

Anonymous No. 16593304

>Trannies are claiming its all a (((coincidence)))
we need detention camps for these subhuman perverts

Anonymous No. 16593305

Good summary to be deşu

Anonymous No. 16593306

Mars is his only goal as far as space is concerned, he does have other concerns too.

Anonymous No. 16593307

>I'd bet everything on the fact that Butch and Sunni are not happy about being left there.
>Nobody would be
what a colossal faggot.

Anonymous No. 16593308

isnt felix that cute little boy i want to fuck?

Anonymous No. 16593310

...are you also the poster who's constantly raging about trannies ITT? Trying to see something

Anonymous No. 16593311

I would shoot you if I could. That's a threat

Anonymous No. 16593312

yes fine sure
if they actually said "fuck this, I want to go home" they would be blacklisted from future flights
come on now

Anonymous No. 16593317

>Ass covering for boeing
But the plan was always for them to come back on a dragon capsule after starliner shit the bed?

>Unexpectedly abandoned
Did this retard JUST learn about this situation? The starliner coming home empty was after a month or more of "will they won't they" testing.

>They are humans with families
Ok this is retarded.

Anonymous No. 16593318

Oh please. They were test pilots on a dangerous experimental craft. They earned their astronaut title.

Anonymous No. 16593319

That requires that characterisation to be true. With everyone from every side saying no politics were involved at the time, Musk just now claiming they were rings rather hollow, especially considering how much he just likes to say shit all day. I don't doubt he offered the mission, but we have no idea why NASA said no, if they even did. I'm not inclined to just believe Elon on this anymore without any supporting evidence. And whatever the reason, the way it was done was still the absolutely sound and correct choice, just like sending Starliner back empty, and would still have been an easy win for Trump and Musk without saying anything because retards don't know better. Now retards still don't know better but everyone who does and isn't a 1 is extremely pissed off.

Anonymous No. 16593320

they said that in the sense of “no we aren’t trapped up here and suffering,” such as the outlandish and misleading headlines were reading at the time.
They left their families with the intention of a nominal flight lasting eight (8) days. Yes they had backup days and extra contentions planned. But they were expecting eight fucking days. This was in June of LAST YEAR. They’re still on the Station as we speak.

Anonymous No. 16593321

Who is this "space community" he speaks of?
What a faggot.

Anonymous No. 16593322

Anon you're fat ass can't even walk across the room without getting winded.

Anonymous No. 16593323

Trannies will be melty at this

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Anonymous No. 16593324

No I'm the anime poster

Anonymous No. 16593327


and he told him to STFU, lmao

holy shit this is entertaining, he's totally fucking losing it over this

Anonymous No. 16593328

whats so special about being a janitor on the ISS for a year, getting your brain damaged from high CO2 levels?
going there for a week or two would be cool, being there a year and having to do menial janitorial tasks would probably get old pretty fast (living on a modern non-shit space station with artificial gravity areas for sleeping etc would be very nice thouhg, but the ISS is a cramped shithole)

Anonymous No. 16593330

>I believe in Biden admin to be completely sound of judgement and nonpolitical inspite of mountain of political actions against Musk
You have zero credibility aside from you being part of the tranny cult

Anonymous No. 16593331

Yeah that's why I'm using a gun

Anonymous No. 16593334

To be a member of the Elon cult you have to believe despite all evidence to the contrary, despite the words and actions and attitudes of the astronauts themselves that they were stranded there by the Biden administration just to spite Elon and Trump.

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Anonymous No. 16593335

>What's so cool about being in space

Anonymous No. 16593336

Hello marsposter

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Anonymous No. 16593337

Elon about to get fucking ratio'd. And yep he deserves it. What a massive fool

Anonymous No. 16593338

>Did this retard JUST learn about this situation? The starliner coming home empty was after a month or more of "will they won't they" testing.
yes two months of faffing about, they should have jettisoned that piece of shit capsule immediately and contacted spacex to do an extra mission right away
they were effectively abandoned, with only some minor crew schedule changes done to get them home

Anonymous No. 16593339

Musk exposing all the tranny grifters is not what I had expected in 2025. I thought it would just expose the normie grifters, but he really triggers the commies

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Anonymous No. 16593341

I don't know why some anons have such a hard time saying when elon is being retarded. I still support him and spacex, but I don't need to white knight everything he ever says.

Anonymous No. 16593342

retard, how fucking blind can you be?

Anonymous No. 16593343

you should take a few deep breaths and calm down, the hormones are making you hysterical. High stress will make you go bald early, you know?

Anonymous No. 16593346

Please start using a trip so I can filter you

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Anonymous No. 16593347

You sure do like talking about girls with penises, like a lot

Anonymous No. 16593348

Elon burning bridges with all of spitter over this, showing himself to be a maniacal, egotistic, power obsessed

Anonymous No. 16593349

>my edit being posted
feels good man

Anonymous No. 16593350

*for a year in a cramped piece of shit obsolete station
very different

Anonymous No. 16593352

>Jeet intern typing style again

Anonymous No. 16593353

Elon about to get the Vivek treatment. Bye bye DOGGE!

Anonymous No. 16593354

It's like that twitter space all over again
>"The stack is bad"
>"What part of it?"
>"Uhhhhh..... all of it"
>"Can you explain how?"
>"Uhhh uhhh uhh... YOUR A JACKASS! WHO EVEN ARE YOU????"

Anonymous No. 16593356

burning bridges? what are you talking about?
this faggot has hated on Musk for years, there is no burning going on at all, Musk is just responding after years of shit talking

Anonymous No. 16593357

They never learned from wise African Americans about Brer Fox and the Tar Baby

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Anonymous No. 16593358

Do you think Biden even understood the situation? Everyone said that neither he nor Kamala intervened. Stop being an EDS. Your narrative is tired.

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Anonymous No. 16593360

Anon if you don't want to go to space regardless of the conditions you don't belong here.

Anonymous No. 16593362

this is like thailand cave rescue all over again but astronaut space rescue

Anonymous No. 16593363

Musk was right

Anonymous No. 16593365

>leddit spacing
That aside, I wonder what kinds of receipts are needed to convince these people.

Anonymous No. 16593366

Not those anons
Did either of them personally understand or care to understand? No. Most politicians don’t care about space.
Were there plenty of people in the administration who knew and who wanted to make politically-incentivized moves? Take a guess bozo

Anonymous No. 16593367

When everyone knows the boss's attitude towards Musk, when the boss has specifically given command to all his loyalist to go after him, when they know very well how they targetting Musk's companies. Biden's command was to go after Musk. NASA admin relayed that.

Anonymous No. 16593368

>Everyone said that neither he nor Kamala intervened
Crew-9 was sent up with two empty seats for them. The plan was for them to return after Crew-10 arrived, like a normal rotation. There was no need to panic and send another launch up. It would just be a waste of time and money.

Anonymous No. 16593370

the stack was shit and was overhauled little by little
Hotz wanted to rip it all out and rewrite everything right away but Musk said that they need to have the service running and a complete re-write with no new features for months would have been a bad idea
and Musk was correct

Anonymous No. 16593373

Time and money wasn't discussed. It was rejected outright early on.

Anonymous No. 16593374

>Who is this "space community" he speaks of?

Anonymous No. 16593375

passenger detected

Anonymous No. 16593376

>according to musk

Anonymous No. 16593378

He's the chief negotiator. Yes. Your distrust is because you're in the cult. You further reject the idea that Biden admin was political. That is your own political cult on display.

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Anonymous No. 16593379

>/sfg/ doesn't even want to go to space anymore

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Anonymous No. 16593380

Frame it

Anonymous No. 16593383

according to the president and richest man on Earth yes

Anonymous No. 16593384

The /pol/ takeover is complete. All hail president musk

Anonymous No. 16593385

Maybe they actually do detest their long stay despite this likely being their last mission of their career and ending up representing a big fraction of their time in orbit, and only reluctantly agreed to the Boeing test mission because the planned duration was so short.

Anonymous No. 16593386

Why does Elon want to save those astronauts from ISS

Anonymous No. 16593388

Yes, we need to be lockstep with Elon, we need to deorbit the ISS, cancel Artemis and HLS entirely. Wait for SpaceX to be ready to start going to Mars in 5-6 years after they finish developing Starship and everything.

That is what a true SpaceX fan would want, only what Elon wants.

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Anonymous No. 16593389

We never cared about space, it was always mars

Anonymous No. 16593390

going to space =/= staying in a cuckbox for a year while in space

Anonymous No. 16593391

every time I ask if they would take a free ride on new shepard I get a no. /sfg/ was never about going to space.

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Anonymous No. 16593393

So you would fly a ISRO mission with jeet crew?

Anonymous No. 16593394

/sfg/ - Musk Simp General

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Anonymous No. 16593395

You've proved my point.

Anonymous No. 16593396

Going to moon and mars is #1 priority. Second priority is to remove the political grifting to reduce the resistance.

Anonymous No. 16593397

That's what going to Mars would entail

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Anonymous No. 16593398


Anonymous No. 16593399

you would go for a Mars flyby mission in something Artemis sized?

Anonymous No. 16593400

Reddit tourists needs to be spaced

Anonymous No. 16593401

>made up nonsense
hi, schizo!
>according to the person who is very clearly biased on this matter
oh boy, do I have a bridge to sell you!

Anonymous No. 16593402

I would do a manned venus flyby in a cubic meter tin can if it was offered to me. I fucking love space

Anonymous No. 16593404

Of course. I want to go to space.

Anonymous No. 16593405

nope, Starship is pretty big

Anonymous No. 16593406


Anonymous No. 16593407

>only Biden admin and supporters are not biased
>you cant trust the new president and the spacex ceo
>you can only trust Biden

Anonymous No. 16593408

if elon musk is selling it i might buy

Anonymous No. 16593409

absolutely delusional

Anonymous No. 16593410

>Every single space reporter, astronaut and NASA employee is biden admin now

Anonymous No. 16593413

What part of everyone said no politics were involved and this was the obvious logical and practical solution do you not understand?

By everyone I mean not just NASA and the astronauts, but also all press and other observers. Do you not think Berger would've immediately blown the whistle if there was any sort of foul play involved? He clearly stated there were no politics involved.

Anonymous No. 16593414


Anonymous No. 16593415

the size of a greek woman? DAMN

Anonymous No. 16593416

Well Elon has been lying and telling half truths a lot recently

Anonymous No. 16593417

>laundering non-party credential
>ignore first hand and only relevant parties to the discussion

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Anonymous No. 16593418


Anonymous No. 16593419

Is there anything that could convince you musk is wrong about this?

Anonymous No. 16593420

you will never be a Man. You don't have the right stuff.
>more delusions
>no argument
that's all I need to know

Anonymous No. 16593421

Berger has shown himself to be somewhat biased lately

Anonymous No. 16593422

Berger has EDS and has expressed it multiple times. His own book has it. If berger was honest, he'd publish an article

Anonymous No. 16593424

like what?

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Anonymous No. 16593429

Anonymous No. 16593430

>wake up
>/sfg/ is alive

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Anonymous No. 16593431


Anonymous No. 16593433

>>$200M cost, whoever it is paid by
>messes up the busy ISS schedule that already has to deal with disruptions
>leaves the ISS understaffed, down to just one astronaut in the US section who would have to do full-time maintenance because the station is ageing hard
>extremely reduced science work because of the above
>leaves the station understaffed for up to half a year because no Crew Dragon is available for Crew-9 anymore, as Freedom is used for this mission, Endeavour is up there for Crew-8, Resilience is modified for Polaris Dawn, and Endurance is still in processing after Crew-7

None of these are true.

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Anonymous No. 16593434

>The announcement did not disclose why Free was leaving the agency now or his future plans. “I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the NASA family and contribute to the agency’s mission for the benefit of humanity,” he said in a statement.
>The White House did not explain why it chose Petro to be the agency’s interim leader. There is speculation, though, that it did so because they considered Free too much of an advocate of the current Artemis lunar exploration architecture, one that the administration is considering revising.

Anonymous No. 16593436

>spamming, seething and trolling
I'd rather it was dead, frankly.

Anonymous No. 16593437

>it almost certainly will be a copy of the plan for January's flight

Anonymous No. 16593438

>It blows up before orbit again
How will /sfg/ cope?

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Anonymous No. 16593439


Anonymous No. 16593440

>one that the administration is considering revising.
No Moon only Mars, so Elon Commands.

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Anonymous No. 16593441


Anonymous No. 16593442

Are you seriously going to tell me Berger would cover for the Biden admin when having sources saying things opposed to what everyone else was saying, abandoning his journalistic duty? He would jump on a scoop like that.
Berger has oldspace derangement syndrome, any chance to shit on Nelson he would've taken.

Anonymous No. 16593443

>abandoning his journalistic duty
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 16593445

I will embrace EDS, unironically. I can only be led around the nose for so long.

Anonymous No. 16593446

There's no point in arguing with them, anyone who doesn't suck Elon's cock has EDS

Anonymous No. 16593447

It must be so nice being an NPC with like 10 brain cells and one-dimensional thinking

Anonymous No. 16593448

His judgement is compromised and covers for Biden. Either through his politics or simply hanging onto status quo. He has shown that its compromised. So the question is whether Berger knows his own fault and tries to look over it or will it let him lead by his politics.

Anonymous No. 16593449

hi, newfag!

Anonymous No. 16593450

Berger said something mildly critical of musk. Therefore he is now, and always had been a biden paid shill. If you say otherwise you have EDS.

Anonymous No. 16593451

such a bizarre comment

Anonymous No. 16593453

Is it /pol/ tourists or something

Anonymous No. 16593455

I thrive off of the eds seethe of ars commenters like some kind of internet drama vampire

Anonymous No. 16593456

I'd rather it was 10X worse

Anonymous No. 16593457

I think Felix is still too young to post on 4chan.

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Anonymous No. 16593459

He's a huge champion for newspace. Why wouldn't he call out SpaceX getting shafted? And this still doesn't address that nobody else said anything about it being political. If Berger didn't leak it, someone else would've.

If only they were merely tourists

Anonymous No. 16593461

eds seething on /sfg/ is enough for me lmao, the reddit tourists are hilarious

Anonymous No. 16593462

ctrl+f "trannies" or "castrate" and you will see.

Anonymous No. 16593463

>make tweet
>/sci/ is now at 400% of its normal speed

Anonymous No. 16593464

Ehhh I think it’s just a little trolling for fun; and then some 2s and 3s expressing honest concerns and, in turn, the 1s are getting butt hurt

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Anonymous No. 16593466

Everything in the Elon, nothing outside the Elon, nothing against the Elon.

Anonymous No. 16593467

true, you are very entertaining. But enough is enough and it's time you head back

Anonymous No. 16593468

He is, but I'm just saying he's shown his EDS side before and after Trump won the election. So it is definitely influencing his mind.

Anonymous No. 16593469


Anonymous No. 16593470

Elon is right and the EDS members of "spitter" can't handle it.

Anonymous No. 16593471

it wouldn't really be SpaceX getting shafted, this astronaut thing is somewhat irrelevant for SpaceX
I've never seen Berger be critical of the Biden admin
being critical of Boeing or old space is very different

Anonymous No. 16593472

Wrong. Can't rescue who is not in danger.

Anonymous No. 16593473

Exactly. If you don't 100% suck someone's cock you are clearly delusional and are suffering from a mental illness.

Anonymous No. 16593475

Yes yes—but it’s not a real happening until Scott Manley provides a condescending, woman-like tweet disguised as a neutral take but obviously a seething critique

Anonymous No. 16593476


We will all wait for Starship and Starship alone, Starship is NASA, NASA is Starship, Starship is for Mars, NASA is for Mars. This is the sole purpose of NASA, to facilitate Starship to Mars, nothing else NASA does matters.


Anonymous No. 16593477

Suppose for a second that SpaceX didn’t exist, or that they simply couldn’t offer a Dragon for another 2 or 3 years because the Dragon 2 capsule was as problematic at Starliner
They weren’t in any danger because why? What mitigated the danger? Take a guess

Anonymous No. 16593479

Musk should personally go to spacefag5 and tell him he is fired

Anonymous No. 16593480

Make MSR a manned mission

Anonymous No. 16593481

but spacex does exist

Anonymous No. 16593483

JPL will be deleted, it doesn't serve the Mars goal. So says Elon

Anonymous No. 16593485

>suppose for a second that the conditions were completely different
smartest dick sucker

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Anonymous No. 16593487

>Let’s go to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16593488

I’ll put it this way—suppose the winners of ComCrew were Starliner and SNC Dream Chaser.
Butch and Suni would be fucked rn unless we put our tails between our legs and asked POCKOCMOC for a dedicated Soyuz lifeboat outta there

Anonymous No. 16593491


Anonymous No. 16593492

Commercial crew had 2 contracts for this exact reason not to mention astronauts are still going on Soyuz before and after Dragon.
You are dumb.

Anonymous No. 16593493

I’m not wrong

Anonymous No. 16593494


Anonymous No. 16593495


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Anonymous No. 16593496


Anonymous No. 16593497

yes, anon. If the launch provider that is providing this launch didn't exist, the two astronauts would be in a pickle. Is that the great revelation you wanted to share with us?
By your logic every flight to the ISS is a rescue. After all, if the flight didn't exist, the people there would be stranded !!11!!

Anonymous No. 16593499

>SNC Dream Chaser
They didn't win, so how the fuck can you even compare it? We don't know how dream chaser would be if they won.

Anonymous No. 16593502

it was him replying "Based" to the White House ASMR post

Anonymous No. 16593504

My logic is that anyone claiming Butch and Suni weren’t ever in any danger can only say so because Dragon 2 exists

Anonymous No. 16593506

>My logic
I don't think you have any

Anonymous No. 16593508

I'm sure no one here disagrees with that statement. At least no one arguing in good faith.

Anonymous No. 16593509

I’m getting dogpiled but I’m still correct. Go back to shilling for the biden administration

Anonymous No. 16593511

Launching a Starship to Mars might take as many as a dozen refueling flights, and 80% of Starship's propellant load is liquid oxygen. One Starship launch uses about one complete day's worth of liquid oxygen production in the United States. Rounding, lets say that you can probably launch one Starship to Mars every two weeks with our current liquid oxygen production infrastructure.

This is the part where I remind everyone that lunar regolith is about 41% Oxygen by mass, and people have been talking for years about the energy advantages of using the Moon as a refueling station.

Anonymous No. 16593513

I still don't think calling out some of Elon's absolute retardation amounts to EDS but whatever floats your boat.

Then why would he explicitly say there was no political meddling, like everyone else? The reason he wasn't very critical of the Biden admin is because they barely did anything to criticise in space, just like in this case, and he called out the NSC being essentially dead several times. They simply didn't do anything and let Nelson run the show, which should tell you all you need to know.

Anonymous No. 16593514

take deep breaths, anon, or you'll start another melty. We had plenty this thread already...

Anonymous No. 16593515

Try calling them trannies some more

Anonymous No. 16593517

Elon gave us the best melty today, nothing can top his temper tantrum

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Anonymous No. 16593518

Thank you Anon, I needed a chuckle.

Anonymous No. 16593519

"absolute retardation" is a matter of politics and IQ differences to me.

Anonymous No. 16593525

any astronaut talking shit about elon or even disagreeing with him is going to have to find another ride home

Anonymous No. 16593526

>getting a few more likes than Elon was worth being outed as a liar

Zoomer brainrot.

Anonymous No. 16593527

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you're getting the help you need.

Anonymous No. 16593528

But isn’t pulling oxygen out of lunar regolith way harder than chilling and filtering air?

Anonymous No. 16593530

Its okay. America won. Truth won. Musk won. Humanity won. If you are in denial of reality, you wont be happy.

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Anonymous No. 16593531


Anonymous No. 16593532

When your definition of "absolute retardation" is your inability to handle that the Biden admin chose to delay Butch and Suni's return for political reasons rather than pratical reasons.

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Anonymous No. 16593534


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Anonymous No. 16593535

>He's STILL going

Anonymous No. 16593537

Imagine if one of the actually good Trump picks doesn't get in because Elon is being retarded

Anonymous No. 16593538

>The space station has key supporters in Congress, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), in whose state the orbiting laboratory is managed. Cruz has long been an advocate of the space station. Ars reached out to Cruz for a comment on Thursday, but the senator did not immediately respond.
>However, a key source said Cruz was "furious" with the sentiment from Musk. The timing of Musk's tweet could make the confirmation of private astronaut Jared Isaacman to become NASA administrator more difficult. As part of the confirmation process, Isaacman is due to begin meetings with US senators in the coming week.

Anonymous No. 16593539

>Truth won
Whatever you need to tell yourself. I'm going to enjoy the spacekino but I'm not going to hold myself from calling out Musk's retardation.

lol, have one on the house.

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Anonymous No. 16593540

>Troon offering mental health care

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Anonymous No. 16593541

Anonymous No. 16593542

>Musk has likely told President Trump that NASA does not need to fund private space stations in low-Earth orbit. Rather, Musk could offer an alternative solution if NASA wants to maintain a presence there
Bad analysis. There are multiple private space stations that SpaceX is working with. So for Berger to state SpaceX is just overtly greedy is not a reasonable take.

Anonymous No. 16593544

>>>However, a key source said Cruz was "furious" with the sentiment from Musk. The timing of Musk's tweet could make the confirmation of private astronaut Jared Isaacman to become NASA administrator more difficult. As part of the confirmation process, Isaacman is due to begin meetings with US senators in the coming week.


Many such cases

Anonymous No. 16593546

>private space stations
Any day now

Anonymous No. 16593547

Musk really has such a one-track mind he cannot see the bigger picture or consider the consequences his untimely outburts will have on his own agenda, its really something.

Anonymous No. 16593548

I suspect whether his sources are reliable or if its just political drivel

Anonymous No. 16593549

anyone who advocates for deorbiting the iss before 2030 is getting canceled

Anonymous No. 16593550

>whose state the orbiting laboratory
What's the problem? They can build another lab for the next station.

Anonymous No. 16593551

>doubting his sources
When will you learn

Anonymous No. 16593552

People who are perpetually perplexed and make the wrong predictions perpetually need to expand their mind a bit.

Anonymous No. 16593556

> defending muh ISS shitbox
a new low from the eunuchoids

Anonymous No. 16593557

His analysis seems compromised, so I suspect it. He seems to have such a cynical view of Musk/SpaceX in this article by suggesting Musk is only doing it for himself/his company.

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Anonymous No. 16593558

Anonymous No. 16593560

Breaking down metal oxides is a bit more intensive, but the savings come in only needing to ship methane up from Earth. The initial infrastructure investments would be high but you'd only have to launch 20% of the tanker flights you needed previously. If we're serious about launching hundreds of starships to Mars at a time this is something to give serious consideration.

Anonymous No. 16593561

>Musk is only doing it for himself/his company
Why else would he do it, even the whole going to Mars is for himself

Anonymous No. 16593563

CLPS will be deleted too. Only Mars matters

Anonymous No. 16593564

kek elon said this to spite mogensen.
thats all theres to it.
he probably believed it before but him making a big deal of it is purely cause of that tweet

Anonymous No. 16593565

>Musk is uniquely evil
Yeah I dont buy it at all.

Anonymous No. 16593567

That's not evil, that's being normal.

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Anonymous No. 16593569

only 1.5 weeks until the landing attempt

Anonymous No. 16593573

What does it do

Anonymous No. 16593574

>Everyone is evil
I dont buy it at all. As I said, if Berger isn't able to fix his alignment to a more common sense, instead of pushing extremists views, he will lose it.

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Anonymous No. 16593576

IM-2 lander launching NET Feb 26

Anonymous No. 16593579

Anonymous No. 16593581

true. i also doubt spacex is that interested in running a station.
seems hard and seems like something elon wouldnt allow to take away from his mars budget.
berger seems to be reading this situation wrong

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Anonymous No. 16593582


Anonymous No. 16593584

Can we talk about space now?

>Ariane 6 and Starship aiming to launch on same day
>EuroClip Mars flyby on 1 March, should get some nice views hopefully
>Blue Ghost lunar landing attempt on 2 March

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Anonymous No. 16593586

full size pictures are over 4mb

Anonymous No. 16593587

How exactly will this help m- us get to Mars? Deleted

Anonymous No. 16593588

>Can we talk about space now?

Anonymous No. 16593589

what is the point of having fuck you money if you never say "fuck you"?

Anonymous No. 16593592

>why would one want to go to low earth orbit
elon quote. he just doesnt think its a good idea at all. the most he would let spacex do is sell a ship to someone else that turns it into a station

Anonymous No. 16593593


Anonymous No. 16593595

I fucking love moon landers.

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Anonymous No. 16593596

IM-2 might launch on Feb 27 as well >>16593576

Anonymous No. 16593599

whats that exo shit on it

Anonymous No. 16593601

Starship, IM2, and A6 on the same day. We’re spoiled.

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Anonymous No. 16593602

even fictional ones?

Anonymous No. 16593603

does a bunch of backflips before tipping over

Anonymous No. 16593604

now if only they worked instead of crashing due to retarded software bugs and QC/integration mistakes

Anonymous No. 16593605

was listening to TMRO ( and they said intuitive machines made a bunch of changes to improve the chances of landing, so im alot more hopeful this time. they said that last time it only failed because someone forgot to flip a switch before it launched.

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Anonymous No. 16593606

who has better boobs?

Anonymous No. 16593607

>Ariane 6
Wake me up when SpaceX try orbital relight, tower capture or respiratory cooling
>Mars flyby
Don't think it will tell us anything we don't already know
>Blue Ghost
Hopefully a successful landing. The track record of recent autonomous lunar landing is not great if you aren't chink.

Anonymous No. 16593608


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yes it is Loss.jpg

Anonymous No. 16593610

Sure, they're neat too
If one more lander tips I'm gonna flip

Anonymous No. 16593611

Imagine if Starship tips

Anonymous No. 16593612

DOGE should cancel the new $500M NASA building in DC

Anonymous No. 16593613

Why are you here if you hate spaceflight so much?

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Anonymous No. 16593615

Seen it

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Anonymous No. 16593616


some secondary payload I think, probably a bunch of cubesats

Anonymous No. 16593620

>someone forgot to flip a switch before it launched.
lol forgot about that

Anonymous No. 16593623

>You hate spaceflight if you don't support Ariane 6
Fuck off frog.

Anonymous No. 16593624

xe must have a great compulsion to express xer dog shit takes on every subject. It's important to be supportive of trans folks such as this fine gentlewoman(female(male)) when they are under the influence of hormones!

Anonymous No. 16593626

The Starship development ethos of test and fix as you fly depends on a quick iteration cycle.
Why is the backlog of Ships and Boosters so deep then?
The time from when the forward flap issue was talked about (before ift-1) to when it was actually flown was so fucking long.
Their production rate combined with unwillingness to skip already made vehicles seems to be shooting themselves in the foot.

Anonymous No. 16593628

there is a minihopper, a rover that has a micro-rover on top of it and some random wheel rover thing
and a drill
lots of cool stuff, not just some magnetometers and whatever

Anonymous No. 16593629

looks like a primitive version of blue ring

Anonymous No. 16593631

>rover that has a micro-rover on top of it
sounds retarded

Anonymous No. 16593632

they have skipped plenty of almost ready vehicles
theorizing about an issue and actually getting real world data to characterize it are two different things

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Anonymous No. 16593634


Anonymous No. 16593636


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Anonymous No. 16593637

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Anonymous No. 16593639

>a rover that has a micro-rover on top of it
>yo dawg I heard you like rovers so we put a rover on your rover so you can rove while you rove

Anonymous No. 16593640

hello, grandpa!

Anonymous No. 16593641

Backlog is not that deep is it? There's like 1 more pair almost ready.

Anonymous No. 16593642

Trannies are hilarious

Anonymous No. 16593643


Anonymous No. 16593644

>drive me closer, I want to hit them with my MASTCAM

Anonymous No. 16593645

the ISS is a russian plot and deorbiting it is the only way to own putin

Anonymous No. 16593646

Deorbiting the ISS isn't space? Huh.

Anonymous No. 16593647

you should have seen the car it came in

Anonymous No. 16593648

>a rover that has a micro-rover on top of it
please tell me it has a camera too, imagine the pics of the lander on top of a rover from a mini-rover LMAO at least something new in space

Anonymous No. 16593649

you're quite funny, yes.

Anonymous No. 16593651

>tranny this tranny that

trannies have broken your brain anon, go back to /pol/, they are the only ones that obsessed with trannies on 4chan

Anonymous No. 16593652

speaking of the american iron dome, some news dropped earlier:

>An 'Iron Dome' for North America? Talk heats up about Canada joining U.S. missile defence
>It came up last week at a U.S. Senate committee hearing, when the top-ranking Democrat reported he'd just gotten positive signals from Defence Minister Bill Blair that Canada could end decades of reluctance to join U.S. missile defence.
>"I met recently with the defence minister from Canada," Reed said, referring to Blair's visit to Washington this month.
>"They are very much interested in participating [in this initiative]. They have legal obstacles, but they assume they can jump over them."
>Guillot said the first step would be to ensure that Canada's next generation of sensors communicate with the U.S. system.
>Then, in the future, he said, should Canada ever install "defeat mechanisms" on its soil — technology capable of taking down a missile — it could operate under the binational NORAD command, as fighter jets already do.
>Blair himself spoke positively about tightening missile-defence co-operation after his trip to Washington. He told reporters that U.S. military planners hope their Iron Dome covers the Arctic.
>"An integrated missile defence system for all of North America is the thing that makes sense to everybody," he said.

Anonymous No. 16593653

Just ignore it

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Anonymous No. 16593654

Guys... I am scared... Elon Musk just posted this on 4chan.. He literally want to kill everyone on the ISS because his ego got hurt by an European who was at the ISS.....

Anonymous No. 16593657

That's not how post numbers work!!!! rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous No. 16593658

No tariffs on items manufactured in space. Taxes halved on domestic items manufactured in space.
Gotta foster this economy somehow

Anonymous No. 16593659


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Anonymous No. 16593660

Anonymous No. 16593662

At least make the subtitle Danish. But you got me to reply, so enjoy your (You).

Anonymous No. 16593665

Biden admin has uttered the word "billionaires" prejoratively so many times now. Its their ideology.

Anonymous No. 16593667

lmao what trashy show is this from?

Anonymous No. 16593668

>more hearsay from a literally who

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Anonymous No. 16593671


apparently astroforge is on this launch too

Anonymous No. 16593672

if i was president i'd make europe pay for the mars wall

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Anonymous No. 16593677

Running a test here, how many of this dude's replies can you see, it shows 8 but only displays 1 reply hbu? I wanna know how bad twitter is shitting the bed rn and truncating replies, either that or hiding spambots very well on the backend idk

Anonymous No. 16593680

2 now, but that's normal twitter not working properly

Anonymous No. 16593683

>I made a funny, tee hee

Anonymous No. 16593685

Manifest, I liked the concept.

Anonymous No. 16593687

astroforge said fuck, they must be really cool

Anonymous No. 16593688

someone else just replied since taking this screencap and making my post and now it shows 9 replies, so idk it really might just be efficiently hiding bots

all those pussy's in bio... unseen... tragic

Anonymous No. 16593689

2, is it bots getting filtered or real people or just some bug?

Anonymous No. 16593690

two, one of them was 5 minutes ago

Anonymous No. 16593692

ok yeah I'm more inclined now to believe its some automatic AI assisted purging of the most obvious bots that don't even get filtered into "show more replies"

twitter probably has some sort of tiered system for handling bots like that i guess

Anonymous No. 16593695

I cant think of a single non retarded reason to keep the ISS until 2030

Anonymous No. 16593698


Anonymous No. 16593701

okay, now imagine for every year the ISS is operational you receive one billion dollars. Can you think of any reasons now?

Anonymous No. 16593703

If you're gonna spend all that fuel to deorbit it, just accelerate the ISS instead so it never falls back.

Anonymous No. 16593705

weird normalfag statement but alright.

Anonymous No. 16593706

I don’t want there to be chinese in space when there aren’t americans.

Anonymous No. 16593708

Doesn't it costs like $4 billion per year to operate it? Thats a lot of grift. >>16593703, its a waste. Modern companies can do it cheaper and maintain it cheaper with more modern tech.

Anonymous No. 16593710

Normalfag won Trump the election. The ones making the statement are in the bottom 5-10% of the extremists

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clockwork suicide 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16593711

you want to send it into heliocentric orbit?

Anonymous No. 16593715

The 2030 timeline is predicated on (or hope) we by then have a station in LEO that replaces ISS. Having a gap in our presence is not politically attractive.

Anonymous No. 16593717

Beats the ocean.

Anonymous No. 16593718


Anonymous No. 16593719

If you dont burn the bridge, you always want to hang on to another. Once you burn the bridge, the others will be forced to accelerate to succeed.

Anonymous No. 16593721

5-10% of the population is still normalfags.

Anonymous No. 16593723

The shuttle literally burned up and we still had a gap in human space flight capability.
ISS is not going anywhere without a replacement in operation.

Anonymous No. 16593725

The congress refused to fund SpaceX crew dragon and delayed it by few years as retribution. There wasn't a replacement that was lined up for shuttle at the time, it was an "unexpected" scenario. We now have multiple companies doing private space stations that are lined up to come online around that time.

Anonymous No. 16593726

Do you make this lie?

Anonymous No. 16593727

It takes substantially more prop to push the ISS up to a graveyard orbit than it will to deorbit it, the hard part of deorbit is controlling where it goes.

Anonymous No. 16593731

is it worse to be subtarded or fully retarded? please help i'm behind on my autistic obscenities.

Anonymous No. 16593734


Anonymous No. 16593735

Can SpaceX launch 2 starship to land on Mars few weeks apart? Then depending on the first landing, if its successful or not, modify the second landing profile as well?

Anonymous No. 16593739

Wtf no

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Anonymous No. 16593740

here you go
hope this help

Anonymous No. 16593741

Starship can't even get to orbit right now.

Anonymous No. 16593742

Anyways what a cuck that Varda CEO is for calling elon "sir"

Anonymous No. 16593745

yes, this was literally the plan

Anonymous No. 16593746

well price not being discussed sounds normal
its not like government agencies know how to accept compromises for lower costs

Anonymous No. 16593749

>Calling people retarded on twitter

god bless

Anonymous No. 16593752

get in here before his account is suspended

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Anonymous No. 16593754

>shitter drama

Anonymous No. 16593755

>his account is suspended
? what would be the reason

Anonymous No. 16593757


Anonymous No. 16593758

Pride in being wrong

Anonymous No. 16593759

Why not let them deorbit themselves, why are we wasting money on this?

Anonymous No. 16593760

has anyone noticed that elon's tweeting style is identical to nassim taleb's when he gets mad?

Anonymous No. 16593761

You imbecile!

Anonymous No. 16593762

i literally don't use twitter

Anonymous No. 16593764

Anonymous No. 16593767

were they mocking Elon here and I didn't even realize it till now lmaoo

Anonymous No. 16593768

Is this Elon in the future?

Anonymous No. 16593769

I envy you

Anonymous No. 16593772

>8 years ago
Nope, too early.

Anonymous No. 16593773

>in spaceflight thread
>doesn't want to follow spaceflight news

Anonymous No. 16593775


Anonymous No. 16593776

So wait
there is a cargo dragon docked to the ISS right now? Why didn't they just come home on that?

Anonymous No. 16593777

Endless space 2 is good stuff

Anonymous No. 16593778

i get all my news from this general

Anonymous No. 16593783

Shitposts isn't news. you need first hand source, twitter is the source. from agencies, from CEOs, from investors, from reporters. Without mimddleman filters.

Anonymous No. 16593784

>We will all wait for Starship

We are certainly doing that

Anonymous No. 16593785

Not a manned spacecraft. Entirely different beast; just looks the same aesthetically

Anonymous No. 16593788

I refreshed and its back to 1 post only again not this dudes post, I went to this dudes profile and his reply still shows up there, so yeah twitter really shitting the bed, hiding replies, server load mitigation, its lame

Anonymous No. 16593789

This but unironically.

Anonymous No. 16593791

it happens from time to time, maybe once a week

Anonymous No. 16593792

no Artemis II, no Artemis III, Starship will hit developmental delays, no moon

Anonymous No. 16593795

Seems to be more frequent than that, EDA nooticed it too

Anonymous No. 16593796

Twitter does this all the time, it’s pretty par for the course. It’s either just a miscalculation of actual replies, or as others have said, it’s just the programming auto-blocking pussy in bio bots

Anonymous No. 16593798

seems like a mix of both here

Anonymous No. 16593800

People are just cargo
Cargo is more valuable than people most of the time anyways

Anonymous No. 16593801

sfg moment

Anonymous No. 16593802

elong is that yoou

Anonymous No. 16593803

Hello elon

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Anonymous No. 16593805

Maybe more of a Master thing.

Anonymous No. 16593809

Kek you frens later, anons

Anonymous No. 16593813


Anonymous No. 16593814

Idk but ellie definitely has the better feet
Takes a very small amount of propellant to deorbit from LEO, and there is no safe stable orbit for ISS within 36000 km of Earth.

Anonymous No. 16593817

its just such an elon thing to say lol, he really would pack as many people like sardines to go to mars in starship for 6 months, its just cargo that will only put itself to use on the surface

Anonymous No. 16593825

i meant to reply to you and this anon >>16593803, sfg is a hivemind

Anonymous No. 16593830

that's fine. at least 30% of the images here are twitter screenshots anyway.

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ISS at the moon.png

Anonymous No. 16593831

Hear me out

Anonymous No. 16593834

just land it there. No need for some fancy starships or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16593837

it could use the solar panels as legs to walk around

Anonymous No. 16593838

gateway bros, our response??!

Anonymous No. 16593841

Alternatively, and more pragmatically, just put Gateway in LEO

Anonymous No. 16593844

so I get to burn 1 billion dollar a year? sounds like I wouldn't miss it
let them enjoy their money pit
stupid arbitrary requirement. we dont NEED a useless money pit at all times to own the chinks

Anonymous No. 16593848

the Zoomer won, there is no going back after this. he has more numbers

Anonymous No. 16593849

>we dont NEED a useless money pit at all times to own the chinks
ok, then don't make it useless. give it some cannons and shit so everyone's gonna wanna make vidya and movies about it.

Anonymous No. 16593850

You can’t claim to be the leading superpower in space but also be like
>ummm yeah here’s the thing we don’t actually have a Station to send astronauts to right now
If you think this is retarded and simply a matter of optics, then you are correct. But optics are very important.

Anonymous No. 16593851

Congrats on learning politics is arbitrary.

Anonymous No. 16593852

im of the opinion that nasa should've provided a core module for a commercial station instead of relying entirely on commercial. build the module, then let the company / companies build onto it.

Anonymous No. 16593854


Anonymous No. 16593857

can we redirect the asteroid to hit the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16593859

can we redirect the asteroid to hit peking?

Anonymous No. 16593861

NASAs whole thing is that it’s tired of leading the charge on this and simply wants to be a paying customer without having to worry about logistics. Building a core module defeats the purpose.
I don’t necessarily disagree with what you said, but still. If NASA is doing the core module then they might as well add 2 or 3 more modules and call it the new station, against their own wishes

Anonymous No. 16593863

Anonymous No. 16593866

>DNC news

Anonymous No. 16593867

>legacy media
Who cares. They rushed this piece out the door 30 mins ago. Everyone already saw it and have since moved on. This is why MSM is dying

Anonymous No. 16593869

it gets better

Anonymous No. 16593870

Now you're closing in on a real answer
You can actually just do things
Congrats at not finding a non retarded reason to keep the ISS until 2030

Anonymous No. 16593872

both refuse to say retarded, so retarded.

Anonymous No. 16593873

Journos get the airlock

Anonymous No. 16593874

This is the best s-f-g thread in years, been here simce oft1

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Lucifer's Ha....jpg

Anonymous No. 16593876


Anonymous No. 16593877

thanks be to elon for reviving /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16593879

lurk moar, newfag

Anonymous No. 16593880

i credit myself and the snow days

Anonymous No. 16593881


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Anonymous No. 16593889

>derogatory term

Anonymous No. 16593892

>usaid large scale disinformation propaganda

Anonymous No. 16593893

that's Ms Typing to you. how dare you.

Anonymous No. 16593898

he didn't say anything to contradict elon though.

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bonestell mars 1949.jpg

Anonymous No. 16593899

thread might reach 2000 posts at this rate

Anonymous No. 16593900

Grimes now pulling a public ashley st claire, it’s fucking OVER
Mars never

Anonymous No. 16593901

the cadence has really increased lately

Anonymous No. 16593904

so much twitter drama im tired of it now

Anonymous No. 16593905

she's announcing that elon is xae a-12's father?

Anonymous No. 16593906

>a public ashley st claire

Anonymous No. 16593908

nobody cares, her genes have already been assimilated into the elon dynasty, her presence is not required.

Anonymous No. 16593909

Keeping up with the Musks

Anonymous No. 16593910

>he decided to give them a political win?
Biden didn't count on Trump winning

Anonymous No. 16593912

post THAT pic, you know the one

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Anonymous No. 16593913



Anonymous No. 16593916

Not giving any details though btw

Anonymous No. 16593918

5 years later and he still won't give her a dall

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Anonymous No. 16593919


the replies are getting scrambled somehow

Anonymous No. 16593922

The great filter is women

Anonymous No. 16593925

Why does Elon have to do fucking everything, just take the little shit to the doc yourself, YOU ARE FILTHY RICH YOU DUMB BITCH

Anonymous No. 16593927

sfg - Scandals about Felon and Grimes

Anonymous No. 16593929

She has all the access to everything Musk has, she's herself a millionaire. So its likely got nothing to do with it, but shes using the child as emotional blackmail.

Anonymous No. 16593931

we tried spaceflight, it wasn't working. time to pivot to a new content model.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16593935

she's a millionaire living in canada. she has access to universal healthcare, and if not then can pay for it in the US. how can she not get healthcare? maybe DOGE needs to investigate where all her money went.

Anonymous No. 16593938

there are procedures where you need both parents to sign off. she didn't say anything about wanting money.

Anonymous No. 16593941

my guess: puberty blockers

Anonymous No. 16593943


Anonymous No. 16593944

you can just get those on the internet pretty easy, it's not even worth going through a doctor

Anonymous No. 16593945

elon fatigue

Anonymous No. 16593946

save us bezos

Anonymous No. 16593947

For real it’s getting tiresome

Anonymous No. 16593948

the ride never ends

Anonymous No. 16593949
new zubrin

Anonymous No. 16593951


Anonymous No. 16593952

>January 31, 2025

Anonymous No. 16593955

Zubrin is going in to seethe overdrive over politics. Its so sad, taking so many of the good people in the space area including Elon.

Anonymous No. 16593956

it was never posted here so yeah, how bout that lil niggy

Anonymous No. 16593957

yeah maybe just don't obsessively spam positively or negatively about elon on the general that's about spaceflight and not political faggotry or drama on the ground.

Anonymous No. 16593958

Literally who cares what this washed out midget faggot thinks.

Anonymous No. 16593960

>it was never posted here
lurk better

Anonymous No. 16593961

/sfg/ does lil niggy

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Anonymous No. 16593963

dont know actually, but i like this one

Anonymous No. 16593964

Lurk more retard, the zubrin bridge was completely burned when he crashed out during the election cycle

Anonymous No. 16593969

>/sfg/ does
who is this slash ess eff gee slash you speaketh of? Is that a woman? Sounds like one.

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Anonymous No. 16593971

We are on track for at least 10 Starship launches this year

Anonymous No. 16593972

Zubrin is based, watch this

Anonymous No. 16593973

I’m sorry, but I don’t care anymore

Anonymous No. 16593974

>1002 replies
qrd? wtf happened

Anonymous No. 16593975

thats probably the minimum they need to get us back on track. its too close for me though, so i hope they get more.

Anonymous No. 16593976

it was never posted here lil niggy

Anonymous No. 16593977

pathetic. You can't get to mars with cadence like this. What about next year?

Anonymous No. 16593978

some regular shit then elon chimpout on twitterX

Anonymous No. 16593979

nothing, /sci/'s just deader than /sfg/ today

Anonymous No. 16593981

Yes yes we’ve all seen it. Doesn’t change the fact that his brain is fried and he crashed out and started foaming at the mouth about how Kamala could somehow get man to mars
He’s a faggot; I usually don’t speak collectively for /sfg/ but I’m confident in saying everyone here unequivocally thinks he’s a faggot

Anonymous No. 16593982

my guess is that we'll see 30 next year if flawda comes online, else we'll get up to 25

Anonymous No. 16593983

>lil niggy can't even lurk properly
not like we expected much from you anyway.

Anonymous No. 16593984

elon had a melty, /sfg/ had a melty, anon had a melty

Anonymous No. 16593985

Musk said Starliner delay was political. We all know this to be true. Space twitter lefties melting and cant handle the truth.

Anonymous No. 16593987

>anon had a melty
case in point >>16593985

Anonymous No. 16593988

The big FL ain’t gonna change much. Bezos and Tory already lodged complaints to NASA that SS testing would slow them down.

Anonymous No. 16593989

reddit tourist trannies melty as well

Anonymous No. 16593990

We found out that, because of the election, the Biden admin refused an offer by SpaceX to return Butch and Suni from the ISS early.

Anonymous No. 16593992

Zubrin is a perfect example to everyone willing to listen about how seemingly "based" people can quickly become deranged retards. /sfg/ would do well to remember this...

Anonymous No. 16593993

space twitter lefties like andreas mogensen

Anonymous No. 16593995

elon called an astronaut retarded

Anonymous No. 16593996

European are commies

News @ 11

Anonymous No. 16593999

astronaut called elon a liar
elon said he's retarded as he has no knowledge

Anonymous No. 16594000

>reddit trannies meltdown
>pol trannies meltdown
>sfg trannies meltdown
this general makes chernobyl look like a warm cup of coffee.

Anonymous No. 16594001

why did elon let a communist fly on crew dragon? could he be working for them too?

Anonymous No. 16594004

Yup same with companies. Remember when /sfg/ was hyperbullish on Momentus, claiming they would be the future and change the industry completely, only for them to be unveiled as smoke and mirrors? Remember how a sizeable portion of the general thought Relativity’s printing would be a cherished widget that would propel the company up with the big dawgs like SpaceX and BO?

Anonymous No. 16594005

lon Musk has thoroughly destroyed any desire I had to see the Starship achieve success as a program. Like there comes a certain point where someone is so bad that you wish to see a lot of stuff they’re associated with completely and utterly destroyed.

Anonymous No. 16594007

money is money

Anonymous No. 16594008

what commies? not all European are commies

Anonymous No. 16594009

Same. I castrated myself out of protest against Elon Musk and Trump. I cant live in this country anymore. I am moving to Sweden to escape from this hell.

Anonymous No. 16594010

well said

Anonymous No. 16594011


Anonymous No. 16594012

yeah i get it, i'm kinda the same way with the jews

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zubrin f u.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594013

fuck you goyboy!

Anonymous No. 16594014

Hahah aren’t we all

Anonymous No. 16594016

I stand with lelon let's do whatever he says

Anonymous No. 16594017

Zubrin posted a new article

Anonymous No. 16594018

lol what a faggot. ywnbaw

Anonymous No. 16594023

>astronaut called elon a liar

Anonymous No. 16594025

this is what happens when you crosspost about /sfg/ in /pol/
a bunch of literal reddit transplants from /pol/ will rush in thinking they're welcome and the general's culture dies with it.
i don't care what political affiliation you creatures have, just that you're not from here.

Anonymous No. 16594028

how wise is this? any science left that requires it? future projections?
what do if new science requires 0G experiments? can a minimal space station be deployed fast with Starship in the future?

Anonymous No. 16594029

Based trad values upholding Musk ghosting a whore!

Anonymous No. 16594032

no sane person here was optimistic about a company that sells orbital tugs to nobody, or about 3d printing memes

Anonymous No. 16594035

Twitter will never not work properly again anon. It's a platform to Elon to shit post and say whatever he wants. As long as it works decently for the rest of the people, 80/20 rule, he could give less a fuck about it. Twitter won't start taking site reliability seriously until they start doing banking. Until then, its just a personal vanity project for Elon, the same way that Blue Origin is a personal vanity project for Jeff.

Anonymous No. 16594036

what was Grimes appeal bros

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16594037

>America thinks they can into mars
>when they even can't affordable healthcare


Anonymous No. 16594044

SpaceX isn't a health care company.

Anonymous No. 16594045

launch something already jeff

Anonymous No. 16594048

you dont see it? >>16593963

Anonymous No. 16594049

I don't get sick, that's for losers.

Anonymous No. 16594050

unbleached eye brows are a no thanks

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Anonymous No. 16594052

uhhh our great elon musk has just spoken and nobody here is posting about it??? i am disappointed!!!!

Anonymous No. 16594053

Revisionist history. The entire general was gung ho about orbital tugs. To say otherwise is either lying or severely misremembering

Anonymous No. 16594055

new NFT?

Anonymous No. 16594057

He seems to be in a worse state than usual, I don't think he's living for very long.

Anonymous No. 16594058

a decent breeder to create more autistic geniuses with.

Anonymous No. 16594059

prolly paid shills and brown people

Anonymous No. 16594063

he bout to drop his debut album?

Anonymous No. 16594065

He’s so cringe he’s beginning to make Bezos and Zuckerberg look cool I’m not even trolling

Anonymous No. 16594066

t. chainsaw enjoyer

Anonymous No. 16594068

>ignore /sfg/ for a few weeks because of work&other stuff
>see the whole elon rescue mission shitthrowing battle in my newsfeed
>check /sfg/
>read this thread

I miss the days /sfg/ days before starman.

Anonymous No. 16594069

seeing... this, after seeing the melty he just had just makes it so much more terrible


Anonymous No. 16594070

>I'm upset that my ideology has lost the culture war, this was supposed to be a safe space.

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Anonymous No. 16594071

aren't most EPA regulations just stuff that EPA themselves have created and not explicitly from Congress?
a lot of that stuff might be getting deleted now
stuff like environmental assessments

Anonymous No. 16594072

so predictable
read >>16594025 again

Anonymous No. 16594073

this at least hopefully means SLC-37 construction can get started right away

Anonymous No. 16594074

the day that elon gets out of spaceflight will be a scary day for the industry. yeah it'll go on without him, but it may decline alot because he's gone.

Anonymous No. 16594075

back in the day companies used to just dump everything into the nearest river
and retards would poison themselves using used oil as a herbicide

Anonymous No. 16594077

>making it harder to respond to disasters
thats not what his picture says at all. why are we giving a voice to people who cant read?

Anonymous No. 16594078

>I'm against left and right wing politics in /sfg/ (but I would never criticize it if it was the left).

Anonymous No. 16594079

>post about flight 8 date: 45 updoots
>post about elon being a heckin racist nazi: 1.1k updoots
In the one sub that's supposed to pro-spaceflight and against EDS.

Anonymous No. 16594080

its called brigading, often with bots

Anonymous No. 16594081

I'd certainly miss the shitshow.

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Anonymous No. 16594082

Jesus Christ
I'll still pretend to like and agree with him because it makes libs seethe but come on

Anonymous No. 16594083

i'll cut u with that chainsaw

Anonymous No. 16594085

>i'm against left and right wing politics in /sfg/ but
>*insert my schizo fanfiction version of events here*
are you hearing yourself, lil' tourist? you just had a fucking short circuit because someone pointed out you're not welcome no matter what your political affiliation.

Anonymous No. 16594086

Jews will not be allowed on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16594091


Anonymous No. 16594093

What the fuck is this retarded nigger doing?

Anonymous No. 16594094

>tourist here because of Elon drama accuses others of being a tourist

Anonymous No. 16594095

Autists should be kept on a leash.

Anonymous No. 16594098

Someone pointed out that Elon Musk moved and acts like he intentionally wants to be turned into gifs and memes. When it’s supposed to be a process that happens organically.
In his mind he can force memes and he sees himself as some sort of meme king and it’s cringe to the max

Anonymous No. 16594099

autists will inherit the earth

Anonymous No. 16594100

irl shitposting

Anonymous No. 16594102

Not just the Earth, the Mars as well.

Anonymous No. 16594104

Reminder that Mars will be a white ethnoplanet.

Anonymous No. 16594105

>the Mars
It’s Muna

Anonymous No. 16594107

lil niggy cant prove it

Anonymous No. 16594108

we will need H1B engineers on mars though

Anonymous No. 16594110

howard fucking hughes

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Anonymous No. 16594112

>Yes it’s called breakthrough starshot. Yes, that’s right—proxima centauri b. We will use a giant death laser to spam thousands of microsats to the proxima system.

Anonymous No. 16594116

Starchips, one might call them

Anonymous No. 16594120

microsats that would ablate on interstellar dust during the journey

Anonymous No. 16594121

Yeah I can see that, I got transported way back to /b/ when I think of it like this.

Anonymous No. 16594122

what the fuck is this "starboat" retardation by zubrin and why does he write an article to propose fantasy nuclear power sources along with a fantasy reusable upper stage

I thought he wanted to get Directly to Mars, no ??

Anonymous No. 16594124

Nahh, he wants to sell himself as some sort of “idea guy,” sprinkling in juuuust enough ideas every few months which culminates in him writing a new book every few years for the grift. Worked great in the 90s and 00s. He’s fizzling out now. Sad!

Anonymous No. 16594125

This has been deboonked

Anonymous No. 16594126

Mars is an engineering problem now so there's not much point in speculating about it.

Anonymous No. 16594127

lead her to committing to a long term unbleached regrowth plan

i see that also. she has a certain....focused look to her, is how id put it.

Anonymous No. 16594128

Ah, I can see it now, somehow it makes it even more cringe

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Anonymous No. 16594130

>see this
>look at their accounts
>first one is trans or an ally and posts in trans and lgbtbbq subreddits
>second guy constantly posts about how much he hates tesla, probably has EDS
brigaded as fuck. im glad spacexlounge bans/deletes comments from people like these. they lurk elon subreddits all day and pounce at the slightest negative news. actual EDS.

Anonymous No. 16594131

Literally why post this here none of us care GO BACK NIGGER

Anonymous No. 16594133

Actually 100% willing to believe an astronaut is out-of-the-loop enough to be acting retarded about this. A guy who was at my helicopter school a few weeks ago works at JSC in some capacity (I think a former astronaut, now in some management role, didn't get his name but looking at headshots it may have been Linnehan), and he was boomer doomering about HLS starship but had zero clue that Spacex had done a fuel transfer test with the header tank or that NASA had corroborated the successful test.

Anonymous No. 16594134

someone posted about it earlier >>16594079

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Anonymous No. 16594135


Anonymous No. 16594141

Your samefag earlier post needs to go back too, nigger.

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Anonymous No. 16594143


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Anonymous No. 16594145

I don't care about him calling astronaut a retard, but this is too much.
What is this faggot even doing

Anonymous No. 16594147

the new face of conservatism in the USA
I send my heart out to you

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Anonymous No. 16594148

This. I'll walk the plank for ol Musky. Live by the Musk, die by the Musk. mfw

Anonymous No. 16594149

>Milei gives Elon a chainsaw
>Elon poses with it
>tourists lose their minds

many such cases

Anonymous No. 16594150

the shit cherry on top of the cringe sunday is all the pajeet twitter accounts like Autism Capital dickriding this, acting like it’s the funniest thing in the world
I’m sick of jews. I’m sick of indians. I’m growing sick of elon

Anonymous No. 16594151

Grew tired of spamming about H1b?

Anonymous No. 16594152

>I- i- it’s tourists!!!!
Your world view is crashing down. Hurts, doesn’t it?
Not all of us are 1s. You don’t have to conjure up some boogie man or pretend we’re getting raided

Anonymous No. 16594153

>How do you do fellow kids?

Anonymous No. 16594154

And there it is. You’re indian. I never even brought it up, rajesh

Anonymous No. 16594155

>having a big ket-trip during a republican conference and not being called out on it
Man is living the dream

Anonymous No. 16594156

Between you and I only one of us is having a melty about Elon calling out an astronaut for not knowing what he is talking about.

Anonymous No. 16594158

I hate that cremcucks account. Supposedly a troon too.

Anonymous No. 16594159

You actually admitted to being that anon.

Anonymous No. 16594160

im glad elon called that astronaut a douchebag or whatever. im sick of people treating astronauts like untouchable gods. they're just people like everyone else.

Anonymous No. 16594163

Hey faggot I wasn’t complaining about the retard astronaut thing. This is about the cringe self-proclaimed meme lord act he just put on.
You’re such an idiot lmao

Anonymous No. 16594166


Anonymous No. 16594167

But there is nothing conservative about him.

Anonymous No. 16594168

>act he just put on
If this was unexpected to you in any capacity then you really are a tourist

Anonymous No. 16594169

If you are a conservative, and things keep changing, eventually you become a reactionary

Anonymous No. 16594170

He's the ultimate forced meme, the self-unaware forced meme

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Anonymous No. 16594171

Anonymous No. 16594173

Haven’t brought it up before, but I see you sperg out about it all the time

Anonymous No. 16594176

3 american capacity, or 900 lbs
whichever is lower

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16594177

>1000+ posts
I want to believe ess eff gee is alive but i know it's just niggers from /pol/.

Anonymous No. 16594178

>300 lbs is 136 kg
No way, are burgers THAT fat?

Anonymous No. 16594180

please shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 16594181

no, we tend to average more around 320 - 350

Anonymous No. 16594182

They are currently testing towers arms, but who cares about that?

Anonymous No. 16594183

I feel this entire post to the point where I have nothing to add. I can't believe we've gotten to this point.

Anonymous No. 16594184

Well, Elon did call the ISS commander a retard.

I think he's been running a few too many 20 hours days trying to tear out all government corruption simultaneously. The man does have difficulty knowing how and when to moderate

Anonymous No. 16594186

He won
>/pol/fags even knowing this general exists
Elon is actively losing his marbles on ketamine, read the damn thread. When there's no launches it just becomes Keeping Up With The Musks

Anonymous No. 16594187

that's just all of 4chan since forever, stormfags ruined 4chan

Anonymous No. 16594189

The funniest part is that no one here was complaining about calling the eurofag a retard.
It just turned into a frenzied argument about skipping the moon & leaving it for china and the semantics of butch and suni being “stuck”

Anonymous No. 16594192

Discord melty and mass bans over Elon drama. People return here to discuss.
/sfg/ is healing

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Anonymous No. 16594195

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Anonymous No. 16594196

At least Starship is launching soon (to orbit, hopefully)

Anonymous No. 16594199

>It just turned into a frenzied argument about skipping the moon & leaving it for china
Who knows with this wack ass administration, people think Jared will be the moderate one but he might just do all of Elon's bidding and force through his Mars obsession goals to detriment of everything else NASA has planned, Artemis etc.

Anonymous No. 16594202

Ruined? You might want to rethink where you are, this site is one of the few places where you can freely call people niggers and faggots, its no surprise this has attracted like minded anons, and even changed the neutral anon into a nigger hating antifaggot. This nostalgic longing for the good old days is beyond retarded, this place only excels at a single thing and thats my ability to call you a full-flow turbonigger

Anonymous No. 16594203

>Elon did call the ISS commander a retard.
Well, is the commander a retard?

Anonymous No. 16594204

>full-flow turbonigger
That's a half-truth

Anonymous No. 16594205

why doesnt esa just pay for gateway themselves? its a tiny station.

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Anonymous No. 16594208

They're so happy in this photo. Why does Elon want the good times up there?

Anonymous No. 16594209

everyone looks a little bent out of shape

Anonymous No. 16594213

Fuck you nigger, it's your retarded nigger ass jew government that sided with the commies in ww2, should have helped us shoot them all

Anonymous No. 16594216

I don't know if I'd call him retarded as much as uninformed. There was a lot of more toxic politics going on than any of us had known about. A few weeks ago 99% of us would have all agreed with the retarded position.

He's European though so he's at least a bit retarded

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Anonymous No. 16594217

many are saying this

Anonymous No. 16594218

Yes there was

Anonymous No. 16594224

We should send her up a box of hair dye

Anonymous No. 16594225

Dok't come here, we already have enough shitskins as there is

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Anonymous No. 16594228


Anonymous No. 16594229

Space discrimination...


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Anonymous No. 16594230

I was promised 8 billion dollars in river rocks, wtf is this???

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Anonymous No. 16594231

>There are people who think we should keep spending billions just to keep this trash heap going

Anonymous No. 16594234

You are fully retarded.

SpaceX could have brought them back several months ago.

I OFFERED THIS DIRECTLY to the Biden administration and they refused.

Return WAS pushed back for political reasons.


Anonymous No. 16594236

hes saying the truth

Anonymous No. 16594240

then just kill yourself, retard
you're going to need to keep coping and seething for 4 more years and then another 4 years

Anonymous No. 16594242

He was so real for this

Anonymous No. 16594244

liberals get so fucking mad when people don't run their tweets through a lawyer

Anonymous No. 16594249

cant wait for this week's flame trench

Anonymous No. 16594253

>the guy who just fired 100,000 federal employees vs literal who #4
unfortunately elon is not very vindictive

Anonymous No. 16594255

kill yourself, retard

Anonymous No. 16594256


Anonymous No. 16594260

>some fag whose only claim to fame is visiting the ISS starts giving elon shit
>elon will personally fucking deorbit the ISS
I love this fucking timeline so fucking much

Anonymous No. 16594262

Who do think *controls* the congress? Hello.

Anonymous No. 16594263

kill yourself and also stop posting here
this is the best possible timeline

Anonymous No. 16594264

I just want to highlight, astronaut or not, it is NEVER the place of a dumb fucking European to question the politics of the situation. America built the Station. America built the vehicles. Elon is the head of the corporation and has intimate knowledge that this stupid euro fuck isn’t privy to. He’s lucky the entire continent of Europe wasn’t just blanket blacklisted from space today with one fell swoop of a pen due to his stupid arrogance to speak up out of turn on such a matter.
I hate Europeans so much it’s unreal.

Anonymous No. 16594265

don't worry
with the way this year is going we'll have anti-EDS missiles in space by June and your troubles will be all over

Anonymous No. 16594267

>won't be tolerated by the space community
who elected this guy king of the faggots?

Anonymous No. 16594268

Europeans won't have a manned space program after ISS is done and Gateway is cancelled

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Anonymous No. 16594269


Anonymous No. 16594270

ugh, my own father got the Tesla version of this for his car. It is the anti-vandalism equivalent of a BLM sticker.

Anonymous No. 16594271

He’s trying to be persuasive and appeal to the heart with pathos. An argument type historically reserved for women and towel boys, which in recent modern times is characteristic of low-testosterone european males. This lost at the ballot box though! Everyone is saying ‘gay’ and ‘retard’ again and even libtard space twitter accounts are making fun of him for trying to police vocabulary

Anonymous No. 16594272

Hey sorry to tell you but your father is a dork

Anonymous No. 16594273

that's a TLD for Mars

Anonymous No. 16594274

the apple clearly doesn't fall far from the second stage which jettisons it

Anonymous No. 16594275

>this makes my worm logo the BIG worm logo
that's it, I'm now officially going to call engine heat shielding "rocket pantsu"

Anonymous No. 16594276

the joke is that the ISS doesn't fly to the moon anymore

Anonymous No. 16594280


Anonymous No. 16594283

>Elon is the head of the corporation and has intimate knowledge that this stupid euro fuck isn’t privy to.
you mean party to?

Anonymous No. 16594284

the guy has a gift lets be honest

Anonymous No. 16594285

kek yeah

Anonymous No. 16594286

So you all think… the Elon chimp out today… was good…?

Anonymous No. 16594287

the joke is that it never did

Anonymous No. 16594289

I was embarrassed and watching it unfold in slow motion at first but now I see how all the people I hate such as kenneth faggot the 4th are seething with steam coming out of their ears so it was obviously a net positive event

Anonymous No. 16594290

Truthful acting like a smug little fence-sitting prick, I know he’s seething as well

Anonymous No. 16594291

when Elon takes a shit it's a bigger accomplishment that anything you'll ever do in your whole life
you have zero right to criticize him

Anonymous No. 16594292

I don't even care enough to watch it but I'm glad it makes you seethe

Anonymous No. 16594293

as if any of us wouldn't post shit like this given a sufficiently large influence and audience. ffs have some self awareness for once.

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Anonymous No. 16594294


Anonymous No. 16594297

If I were elon i’d be a public noticer and get on trump’s bad side within 24 hrs of naming ze jew

Anonymous No. 16594298

i dont care just get us the space future that we were promised

Anonymous No. 16594300

And then butch and suni return home and publicly announce they hate Starliner and that Elon was actually right

Anonymous No. 16594301

what if you really wanted to fly to mars?

Anonymous No. 16594302

He confirmed my thought eight months later so yeah.

Anonymous No. 16594303

I would hire a smart, probably jewish, PR chick and tell her anything I tweet has to go through her lest I get drunk and say something stupid

Anonymous No. 16594304

Thank you Elon Musk and Donald Trump for bringing us home

Anonymous No. 16594306

and then quarantine yourself from the internet because you're such a self aware autist, ok. i wouldn't, because i think im pretty smart and dont fucking care.

next level; all these tweets are coming through his PR agent.

Anonymous No. 16594308

Honestly side note but one of musks only fuckups is just assuming the masses would transition to saying “posting on X”
as if “twitter” “tweet” “retweet” weren’t part of the collective zeitgeist for like 15 years. He apparently met mr beast in person, asked if he and his friends called it X, and was consumed when he said no they didn’t call it that
Good example of his tism being a hinderance sometimes

Anonymous No. 16594310

Gwynne Shotwell herself drafted today’s fully retard tweet

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Anonymous No. 16594311


Anonymous No. 16594312

I wonder what Bill Nelson is thinking rn

Anonymous No. 16594314

I hope they don't find my phylactery

Anonymous No. 16594315

What if Butch and Sunni don't WANT to come back?

Anonymous No. 16594316

Looks like 5 CZ-3B for Q1, highest cadence every for an early year of the launcher, CALT was serious when they announced that 2025-2029 5 years plan would have higher cadence of CZ-3B launches,

That means there could be 400-500 side boosters left to be dropped on chinese villages at least

Suni wanted to ride starliner for return.

Anonymous No. 16594317

havent seen any retarded tweets so far

Anonymous No. 16594319

who would?

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Anonymous No. 16594321


Anonymous No. 16594323

ask for an image of Bill Nelson as a lich and you just get an image of Bill Nelson

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16594327

mommy is angryyy

Anonymous No. 16594348

Why are you surprised? This is Elon dicksucking general

Anonymous No. 16594351

Elon was so mad in this exchange I believe him, if he's caught in a gaff he'll say some cringe shit to try to cover for it.

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Anonymous No. 16594357

"Our Challenges and Goals
○ Challenge the high-altitude engine shutdown, secondary ignition, and sea-surface hovering of the entire rocket.
○ Validate soft landing and recovery at sea.
○ Adapt to the maritime environment and establish a recovery loop.
○ Lay a solid foundation for the "orbit insertion + recovery" of the Yuanxingzhe-1 carrier rocket."

Anonymous No. 16594359

elon sisters... when will he stop melting down?

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Anonymous No. 16594361

Space Epoch:
The Yuanxingzhe No. 1 verification rocket sea recovery test is ready to go!

The Yuanxingzhe No. 1 verification rocket-my country's first 4200 full-size stainless steel rocket sea soft landing recovery test is waiting to set sail!

The starry sky is boundless, the traveler has no boundaries, and the exploration is endless. On the road of innovation and challenge, we have never stopped, and always strive for higher goals!

The road to the starship, subverting innovation, pursuing the ultimate, the rocket life!

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Anonymous No. 16594362

Test 2 months ago

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Anonymous No. 16594363

>No control surfaces
>Planned mid trajectory shutdown of engine and restart
It's gonna tumble so hard, at least it's close to inhabited areas so we should see it.

Anonymous No. 16594367

I'm not going to sugarcoat it.

The mumbling incoherently with big sunglasses on indoors is not a good look.

Anonymous No. 16594372

This guy should be required to live at his workplace for a year

Anonymous No. 16594375

>Elon removed from SpaceX
>owns 40% of the company
>has 70%+ voting stake in the company
these low research people are truly retarded.

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its over.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594380

Anonymous No. 16594381

dafaq is up with those fins?

Anonymous No. 16594382

that's what all fins used to look like until americans discovered the arcane russian practice of grid fins

Anonymous No. 16594383

Are you familiar with cargo culting?

Anonymous No. 16594384

uhh, not all fins have ridges like a potato chip

Anonymous No. 16594387

those are corrugations, like cardboard. very strong, like china

Anonymous No. 16594389

So, what happened today? I missed the last 10 hours

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Anonymous No. 16594392

Alibaba funding this shit and expecting to use it for rapid parcel delivery gives me zero hope that this rocket can ever become viable.

Anonymous No. 16594394

it turns out legalizing comedy was a mistake

Anonymous No. 16594395

>he wasn't party to the discussions today

Anonymous No. 16594398


Anonymous No. 16594399

everybody crashed out, got melty, ultimately malding, coping, seething, until cooked, mogged, ratioed, and put on suicide watch. total diaperpilled spergout.

Anonymous No. 16594400

Probably hoping Trump and Musk don't rip up the Artemis Accords, he went to all those countries to sign them all up lmao

Anonymous No. 16594401

>where am i? who am i? who are you?

Anonymous No. 16594409

Everybody is mad

Anonymous No. 16594412

Starship 8 next week

Anonymous No. 16594417

Elon got called out on his lies, went full retard continuing to go against easily available facts, was dunked on for it, had a grade a melty and then went on stage visibly pumped full of whatever drugs he takes.

Anonymous No. 16594418

>This is literally Masonic NWO shit using a refurbished Apollo Mission scheme. Seems much more likely they fake an alien touchdown on Earth than trying to CGI a Mars outpost, then again maybe Project StarGate is going to use $600 billion to render a Mars outpost using AI

Daily reminder no matter how stupid you think they are, /pol/tards are 10x stupider than that. Really no point in trying to ever convince these people.

Anonymous No. 16594425

It occurred to me the other day that when there is a self sustaining city of a million people on Mars, there will still be a guy in a doublewide that thinks it's fake.

Anonymous No. 16594427

And a guy on Mars who thinks Earth is fake.

Anonymous No. 16594428

Yeah but that guy will be utterly unimportant to spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16594432


Anonymous No. 16594433

I think this and I'm on Earth

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Anonymous No. 16594440

Mommy is angry

Anonymous No. 16594442

this thread has 3k posts it lags my phone
make a new one

Anonymous No. 16594444

I don't get why Elon doesn't marry her

Anonymous No. 16594445

>all this talk about Elon in the 3rd person
You do know he reads this place, right? If you have something to say address him directly.

Anonymous No. 16594446

Elon why haven't you fucked Gwynne

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Anonymous No. 16594449


Anonymous No. 16594454

Because she isn't a whore

Anonymous No. 16594455

why doesn't elon hire someone who's actually good at tweeting the way he does for vidya

Anonymous No. 16594456

Tweeting is important
Video games are not

Anonymous No. 16594458

i feel like elon's gonna pop soon

im looking forward to it

Anonymous No. 16594459

this fucking passenger needs to learn his place

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Anonymous No. 16594469

>look up 'retarded'

Anonymous No. 16594470


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vb laughing.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594474


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Anonymous No. 16594475


Anonymous No. 16594476

quality pod racing

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16594478

Image captured from an on-board camera during the X-37's current mission

Anonymous No. 16594481

Anonymous No. 16594483

I think Flight 9 could be a ship catch if all goes well this time.

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Anonymous No. 16594485

Image captured from an on-board camera during the current X-37 mission

Anonymous No. 16594487

The ESA, and Europe as a whole, is perpetually 10-15 years behind the West.

Anonymous No. 16594490

>$200M cost, whoever it is paid by
Is that how much it always costs to launch a Dragon mission regardless of specific mission factors? For all we know, SpaceX was prepared to offer NASA a significant discount for this alleged rescue mission proposal, and it's possible Musk would have been willing to pay for it out of his own pocket if he really thought it would give a boost to Trump's election chances.

>leaves the station understaffed for up to half a year because no Crew Dragon is available for Crew-9 anymore, as Freedom is used for this mission, Endeavour is up there for Crew-8, Resilience is modified for Polaris Dawn, and Endurance is still in processing after Crew-7
Is there any good public info about how long it takes SpaceX to refurbish Dragons for the next mission? Keep in mind that they're preparing to launch Fram2 on Resilience as early as next month, which would be only six months after it got back from Polaris Dawn. If we're to assume that's a feasible Dragon refurb/prep time, then Endurance could have been ready to bring Butch & Suni back at least as early as September.

Anonymous No. 16594491

I love the ISS but it's time for her to go, and time for a shake-up at NASA headquarters.

Anonymous No. 16594492

Elon why haven't you picked up the Plasma Magnet Sail for a test you stupid double niggerfaggot

Anonymous No. 16594502

Elon, I am your biggest fan

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Anonymous No. 16594507

why is spacenews adding an industry jobs section to their site?

Anonymous No. 16594517

Can someone explain what happened today, I'm not on twitter

Anonymous No. 16594518

elon got mad

Anonymous No. 16594519

some eurodweeb making stupid comments

Anonymous No. 16594521

what did he get mad about?

Anonymous No. 16594523

well, tranny melty poopy and i ate the shit yummy tummy

Anonymous No. 16594524


Anonymous No. 16594525

spooky action at a distance

Anonymous No. 16594526

vile racism is not tolerated here

Anonymous No. 16594528

he says biden delayed bringing back the boeing astronauts for political reasons and nobody believes him.

Anonymous No. 16594558

Why is it "beyond the pale" to call someone a Retard but fine to call them a liar?
Or is it that elon can be called anything amd that is fine, but astronauts are somehow sacred
We are far beyond the days of apollo

Anonymous No. 16594566

It hurts retards feelings

Anonymous No. 16594567

Every time you whine about Musk, the ISS deoebit gets a day closer

Anonymous No. 16594576

nasa spent close to a billion dollars to develop a "deorbit" vehicle for the iss when it deorbits normally on its own?

Anonymous No. 16594577

That guy didn't call Elon retard did he? Elon was the one having a woman moment because someone disagreed with him.

Anonymous No. 16594580

you are fully an idiot and a retard

Anonymous No. 16594582

Stop posting, Elon

Anonymous No. 16594583

If F9 2nd stage managed to not burn up completely, imagine if ISS drops on a city

Anonymous No. 16594596

he called elon a liar and elon called him a retard
why is calling someone a retard like the worst thing ever, but calling someone liar (with limited information) is just fine?

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Anonymous No. 16594597

>calling someone a retard
sign of seething. Loss of ability to provide a counterargument and thus the need to resort to authority and decrying of another's character. Not relevant to a discussion and a sure indicator of low self-control.
>calling out a lie
observation of inconsistency in provided statements compared to known facts. Questioning any narrative is rational and adult behavior. Very relevant to the topic.
at the end of the day, Elon got butthurt mad that no one except a few indians believed him and lashed out at the astronaut. On the other hand, the astronaut was unnecessarily self confident. If he had any source other than dude trust me, then he sure as hell failed to provide it. Finally, he didn't call Elon a liar, he called his statements a lie. If you can't understand the difference between the two, then you really shouldn't be discussing this event.

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Anonymous No. 16594598

>Designed, built and tested. Pending regulatory approval, we are Go for flight.

Isar Aerospace finally left the basement

Pretty video in the post

Anonymous No. 16594601

Elon might be privy to a bit more information, that is the point

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Anonymous No. 16594604


Anonymous No. 16594606

How high does this fucker get? Thats at least MEO, maybe GEO

Anonymous No. 16594607

you mean party to?
information is worthless when the person is biased. Surely you understand how this applies to Elon?

Anonymous No. 16594608

Elon sisters we are done... It's so over...

Anonymous No. 16594609

The lifetime of the ISS just got a week shorter

Anonymous No. 16594610

also no, I didn't mean that because I was specificlly talking about the information itself, not the discussion where this information came to be
there is a lot of supporting evidence for what Musk said, the Biden admin has been extremely hostile towards Musk and his companies
delaying the return for a number of months is the least they (allegedly) did during the last few years

Anonymous No. 16594611

the ISS should become a test target for the Iron Dome

Anonymous No. 16594613

privy to (something) and being a party to (discussions) are two entirely different idioms/phrases, both used quite widely and correct

Anonymous No. 16594617

>delaying to a date when Biden is not a president anymore makes sense

Anonymous No. 16594619

you are fully retarded

Anonymous No. 16594622

No u
Please tell me why would it matter and don't tell me it's because they thought Kamala would be president which is retarded.

Anonymous No. 16594624

>Finally, he didn't call Elon a liar, he called his statements a lie
This sounds like an ESL thing
Calling someone's statement a "lie" implies that person is deliberately lying
That's very rude

Anonymous No. 16594626

Did they not already have one?

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elon retard.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594630

We need to take back the word "retard"
Thread theme for next thread:

Anonymous No. 16594632

retards assemble!

Anonymous No. 16594641

>also no, I didn't mean that because I was specificlly talking about the information itself, not the discussion where this information came to be
that was a joke. We had some guy earlier sperging out about which one is correct.
>the Biden admin has been extremely hostile towards Musk
that's true and I haven't seen anyone here deny that. However, in this particular case, evidence and common sense suggest Musk to be wrong or lying. see >>16593261 and (note the last three paragraphs and remember how risk averse nuNASA is)
If you can't even grasp the difference between attacking someone's statement and their character then you really need to get tested for aspergers. Look, if the guy had called Elon a liar then it would very much be an EDS tier insult and a poor one at that. The fact that he limited his objection merely to Elon's statement shows that the astronaut only had problems with that statement alone. Nuance matters in adult conversations. You only need to look at the following post( to know that I'm correct:
>Elon, I have long admired you and what you have accomplished, especially at SpaceX and Tesla.
>You know as well as I do, that Butch and Suni are returning with Crew-9, as has been the plan since last September. Even now, you are not sending up a rescue ship to bring them home. They are returning on the Dragon capsule that has been on ISS since last September.
in fact, even if we assume that Musk is correct and biden personally intervened to delay the return, it still doesn't make sense to call this a rescue. Even before crew 9 docked, there was the capsule from crew dragon 8 on the station which would have taken the everyone back to earth in case of an emergency.

Anonymous No. 16594642

its few months before the election, takes a month or something to prepare and launch the capsule, the return would happen right before election
this would give SpaceX good PR and by extension Musk and by extension help Trumps campaign as Musk was already campaigning for him at this point or at least had Musk had endorsed Trump

after the election it doesn't matter either way for this current election that is happening
the incentives seem very clear to me and there is clear and multiple precedents from the previous years of the Biden admin fucking with Musk as well

Anonymous No. 16594645

>(note the last three paragraphs and remember how risk averse nuNASA is)
I have no doubt the contigency plan or whatever else could have been set into motion months ago or even like two weeks after the Starliner disaster

Anonymous No. 16594647

if you say someone is lying, you are simultaneously calling them a liar i.e. saying that they are willfully saying something that is not true
that is, a liar
there is no difference in calling someone a liar or saying that they told a lie

Anonymous No. 16594656

>that's true and I haven't seen anyone here deny that
>clear and multiple precedents from the previous years of the Biden admin fucking with Musk as well
The Biden admin was largely indifferent about Musk. Biden disliked him for his anti-union stance, but overall most of the things people claim to be fucking with him are just Musk or his companies moving too fast or breaking things and rightfully getting dinged for it. Buttigieg even slapped the FAA for them once.
The one actual political move was denying the RDOF funding early.

Anonymous No. 16594658


Anonymous No. 16594661

>contingency plan
if I understand correctly, this isn't referencing the ""stranding"" but the issues with the OG crew dragon 10 capsule. The two astronauts were supposed to return this month but that got delayed because of spaceX(ironic). The contingency is swapping it with another capsule and that is precisely what is going to happen. Because if NASA waited for C213 to get fixed, the return would get delayed even more and the rations would approach depletion. There is currently only one capsule(+soyuz) docked, so it can only return in an emergency with every astronaut on the station.
you have autism and will never understand what I am talking about. There is nothing more for us to discuss.

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Anonymous No. 16594674


talking about stranded astronauts at the timestamp

Anonymous No. 16594678

that wasn't my point
something could have been arranged 6 months ago if they really wanted, pushing back some axiom flight or whatever the fuck for instance

Anonymous No. 16594691

sure they could have done that and fucked with every following mission/schedule. But what for? The astronauts weren't stranded without a way out so all it would achieve is give Trump a very minor political win. That's corruption and supposedly the very thing DOGE is fighting against. There's no logical reason to do it so naturally NASA didn't want to do it and instead incorporated the return into future flights. It would have been wasteful to do it any other way.

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Anonymous No. 16594696


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Anonymous No. 16594699

when is SpaceX getting an autonomous territory?

Anonymous No. 16594701

I'm looking forward to leftie meltie over this

Anonymous No. 16594702

how dare you

Anonymous No. 16594703

Devon Islanders!

Anonymous No. 16594705

some astronaut was acting retarded in the privy and elon called him out for being an idiot. absolute storm in a teamug as usual

Anonymous No. 16594708

aw so cute. what a nice ickle spaceportling, its even got a wickle boosterli

Anonymous No. 16594710

Elon took too much ketamine

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Anonymous No. 16594714

kanye's replacement

Anonymous No. 16594715

Switch solar and venus balloon cities.

Anonymous No. 16594716

He's so clearly tweaking out

Anonymous No. 16594717

man he hit the wall like a truck. Don't do drugs, kids. Or you will have to go up on stage with cringe sunglasses to hide your bloodshot eyes

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Lunar Surface Bal....jpg

Anonymous No. 16594726

image limit soon

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Ad Astra per Aspe....png

Anonymous No. 16594730

hello newfag
/sfg/ is the reason that /sci/ has a 350 image limit

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David Pelham rock....jpg

Anonymous No. 16594734

I thought it was 250? wtf

Anonymous No. 16594735

>Why is it "beyond the pale" to call someone a Retard
Euphemism treadmill.
The absolute most retarded human social tendency.

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rama asteroid space.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594737

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Anonymous No. 16594738

it's the same as whatever limit /a/ has

Anonymous No. 16594740

trannies melty day

Anonymous No. 16594742

now that the US is pulling out of europe in order to help reduce the deficit, will ESA get budget cuts because EU economies have to actually start funding a military now?

Anonymous No. 16594743

They're going to launch before RFA, aren't they?

Anonymous No. 16594746

possibly, they'd have to cut a lot of welfare and to pay for their defense, it may even break EU itself

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kal 007 a.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594749

EU states can no more remilitarize than you could turn yourself back to a child by wishing it really hard. The martial spirit has totally gone.

Anonymous No. 16594754

>How high does this fucker get?
I'm sorry, are you talking about the ISS or Elon?

Anonymous No. 16594755

I don't know if we ever pinned down the orbital elements after it did its maneuver test, but it's probably still close to being on a GTO equivilant trajectory.

Anonymous No. 16594760

russian cope: the post
rheinmetall alone produces more shells every year than your backwater excuse of a nation did since the start of 3 day SMO
Hell, this might even kick the politicans into gear and make them fund space shit more as USA is becoming increasingly unreliable in that aspect.

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STA-4 at 0052 Sec....jpg

Anonymous No. 16594763

This is the highest altitude achieved by a reusable vehicle, right?

Anonymous No. 16594764

back to your safe space /k/atamite

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Anonymous No. 16594765
>2nd flight of ArianeGroup 6 has been postponed. No new launch date has been shared yet.
>“Due to further operations needed on a ground means, the launch initially planned on February 26 from Kourou, French Guiana, is postponed.”

Anonymous No. 16594766

Fuck back off to /pol/, tankie

Anonymous No. 16594768

>immediate spergout
likewise, /pol/ nigger

Anonymous No. 16594769


Anonymous No. 16594770


Anonymous No. 16594779

Technically. Orion is supposed to be reusable, but the capsule from Artemis 1 is going to be used for ground training work instead of being reflown and there's a lot of arguing we could have on Orion's reusability vs. refurbishability.

Anonymous No. 16594780

kourou is what you get from eating human brains

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Anonymous No. 16594781

don't worry, they made up later

Anonymous No. 16594786

If you're going to count capsules, the Dragon series have already been reused quite a bit.

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NASA Spinoff 1984....jpg

Anonymous No. 16594788

I wonder what the TPS on the X-37 could take.
Lunar reentry?

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Anonymous No. 16594789

It's probably related to this. A downlink antenna up in Newfoundland got KO'ed by high winds
>Released recently in anticipation of the second launch of Ariane 6, the infrastructure has not resisted the gusts which reached up to 78 knots or 145 kilometers/hours.

Anonymous No. 16594793

but where do they shit?

Anonymous No. 16594796

>complex space launches that cost billions can easily be defeated by tipping over an antenna
wtf is europe doing

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ESA garage sale.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594803

This is the critical infrastructure that Europe depends on? What is that shit anyway, two guys and a pickup truck dropped an old satellite TV dish from the 80s?

Anonymous No. 16594804

It was actually me. I live in fortune and went to saint pierre and kicked the dish over myself using the wind as cover.
I'm currently on the ferry going back, those frogs won't suspect a thing.

Anonymous No. 16594806

>you can't just call someone a retard when they're being a retard
shut the fuck up, retard

Anonymous No. 16594808

>A downlink antenna up in Newfoundland
As if the French needed another reason to hate Quebec

Anonymous No. 16594810

>anons think st.pierre and miquelon are a part of canada
Boy the french would be seething hard to hear this.

Anonymous No. 16594813

They don't go to near-GTO

Anonymous No. 16594818

euro space aspirations foiled by failed BUD. i could probably hike out there and fix it for free before they pull their thumbs out of their asses and spend 9000 million leafbucks on the project.

Anonymous No. 16594819

I hate europe so much!

Anonymous No. 16594822

t: european

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Anonymous No. 16594833
>Interestingly there is actually a very small chance 2024YR4 hits the Moon!

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Anonymous No. 16594835

holy shit, spaceX was an european company all along???

Anonymous No. 16594837

This would be fucking awesome

Anonymous No. 16594838

is this why elon killed artemis?

Anonymous No. 16594839

>imagine having a imagine saved on your computer

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Anonymous No. 16594843

I'll let you try writing that one more time

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Anonymous No. 16594845

H1B complainer where are you? I have something funny
>Elon blows it all up over India

Anonymous No. 16594846

A glancing blow to the moon that showers earth with ejecta [math]\unicode{x1F91E}[/math]

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Anonymous No. 16594849

Handmer commenting on an article from Berger on the NASA layoffs (which were cancelled/postponed after the )

Anonymous No. 16594850

I’m one of them, but I keep quiet lest I rouse the pro H1B autist

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Anonymous No. 16594851


Anonymous No. 16594852

>one of them
you're the only one sperging out about this constantly though.

Anonymous No. 16594854


both are former NASA employees

Anonymous No. 16594856

It’s probably just for domestic production. In any case, Elon has his priorities straight: Mars, always Mars, only Mars

Anonymous No. 16594857

lefties don't want to engage on Biden delaying the return for political reasons so they are trying to scold Elon on language

Anonymous No. 16594858

the article is about musk slobering jeet cock though, not about mars
so the correct version is: India, always India, only India

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Anonymous No. 16594860

Does he mean orion?
He can't possibly believe orion is cutting edge right?

Anonymous No. 16594863

>I'm accusing you of lying but I'm not calling you a liar.

Weasel words.

Anonymous No. 16594864

no has explained to me yet how firing all government employees hired two years ago or sooner is supposed to help anything when the issues have already been present for a decade if not longer.

Anonymous No. 16594867

downsize then reform then perhaps build back up if that makes sense

Anonymous No. 16594871

Interesting. Kek if not Orion then who knows. He’s explicitly calling out commercial, so it isn’t adjacent to rocket lab’s or blue’s rumored crewed vehicles. And nothing else is in the pipeline, as far as I’m aware, unless NASA has a secret division (which they don’t) where they’re studying some manned X-37c or dreamchaser or something “—but those too would be more commercial than not
lol maybe Boeing is handing off Starliner to NASA and is just planning on transferring it to another company or something.
Anyways yeah I think he means Orion. Old guards at NASA consider it “cutting edge” despite being 20 years old lol

Anonymous No. 16594872

Well, for starters, your cunt lost.

Anonymous No. 16594874

>missing the point this badly
No no, he's right. You should try socializing more. And no, internet doesn't count.

Anonymous No. 16594876

lil niggy having a stroke over here

Anonymous No. 16594879

>he was roused anyway

Anonymous No. 16594880


Anonymous No. 16594883

If it meant that a permanent self-sufficient mars city was built 1 day earlier, I would fill the United States with 100 million Indians

Anonymous No. 16594884

Hello Elon

Anonymous No. 16594886

It doesn't though lol

Anonymous No. 16594887

The only alternative I could think of is that he means launch vehicle but that would be even worse for him.

Anonymous No. 16594889

Even if it meant delaying a Mars city by yet another decade I would ban all Indians from ever being able to visit or settle these united states

Anonymous No. 16594891

Cutting edge at NASA means it's running windows 7

Anonymous No. 16594892

8 minutes until the next Starlink launch

Anonymous No. 16594893

Yeah Elon can say all he wants about "consciousness" but if that consciousness is housed in a street shitter then I'm out

Anonymous No. 16594894

To be fair, windows 7 is unironically cutting edge compared to the slop microsoft is currently pushing out the door. I’m not even being hyperbolic. Shit is getting less functional and more annoying to use these days

Anonymous No. 16594896

clear status?

Anonymous No. 16594897


Anonymous No. 16594898

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Anonymous No. 16594899


Anonymous No. 16594900

unironically based ria
still, no clear no watch

Anonymous No. 16594903

Breaking news: japs discover that world-altering programs and cutting edge departments are intimately intertwined with politics.
The collective japanese psyche have forgotten this after the fall to their grandparents’ global empire

Anonymous No. 16594904


Anonymous No. 16594905

A Indian needs to be housed at every household in America

Anonymous No. 16594906

ohnonono falcon bros

Anonymous No. 16594907

it’s over

Anonymous No. 16594908

>3 programs
Minesweeper, Solitaire, AND Firefox?

Anonymous No. 16594910

I can't believe elon sharted on stream!

Anonymous No. 16594912

F9 boosters continue to mog the world.
Meanwhile, whoever is in charge of quality control for falcon second stages shall be skinned, quartered, and publicly displayed for all to see as a lesson in laziness

Anonymous No. 16594914

but seriously, I thought I saw a bright flash a few seconds before first stage shutdown. Engine anomaly or just gimbaling or a sun reflection?

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Anonymous No. 16594915

Anonymous No. 16594916

Another happy landing

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Anonymous No. 16594917


Anonymous No. 16594918

it's that easy in rocket land-ery

Anonymous No. 16594919

Merlin engines are the true workhorse of the world

Anonymous No. 16594920


Anonymous No. 16594921


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Anonymous No. 16594923


Anonymous No. 16594926

Don’t show RFK the ISS MRE meals, he’ll shut the entire station down

Anonymous No. 16594927

100 million Indians might decrease the standard of living of the US, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make (I don't live in the US)

Anonymous No. 16594928

probably some fundamental research that may or may not be useful in a few decades

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Pierre Mion Space....jpg

Anonymous No. 16594929

Anonymous No. 16594931

If you’re going through this much trouble, just build a nuclear orion ship

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dcx delta clipper....jpg

Anonymous No. 16594932

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Spacex ad 1970 a.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594933

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Anonymous No. 16594934

Anonymous No. 16594935

try posting an image now then dummy

Anonymous No. 16594936

/sfg/ - spaceflight general
fully retarded edition

Anonymous No. 16594937

nuclear powered cubesat carrier forward deployed to the jovian system

Anonymous No. 16594938

stage it

Anonymous No. 16594939

solar powered neptune explorer

Anonymous No. 16594940

Hopefully we will be soon able to do a Saturn direct and then a Earth direct from Saturn with such a huge payload

Anonymous No. 16594941

Astral projection centauri mission

Anonymous No. 16594943



Anonymous No. 16594945

delet, try again

Anonymous No. 16594947

Are you fucking serious

Anonymous No. 16594950

its a good thread sir

Anonymous No. 16594951

you cannot stage with a turd
elon said nah, trump said hell nah!
kai trump was lusted after, but after careful consideration, decided to NOT send bobs to Indians

Anonymous No. 16594953

>one day and 21 hours
jannies must have been busy pruning threads lately

Anonymous No. 16594954

>page 8

You retarded idiot.

Anonymous No. 16594955

image limit, newfriend

Anonymous No. 16594957

Jannies union when?
Organized labor is key to democracy

Anonymous No. 16594962

last post before it's archived

Anonymous No. 16594965


Anonymous No. 16594968


Anonymous No. 16594970

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16594974


Anonymous No. 16594977

elon just shat on scott kelly >>16594972

Anonymous No. 16594979


Anonymous No. 16594980


Anonymous No. 16594984

>dumping random images in order to bring the thread to image limit just to be OP of the next thread
absolutely desperate

Anonymous No. 16594989

>getting this shitter shattered that you didn't get OP

Anonymous No. 16594993

Oldspace boomers need to hang themselves NOW

Anonymous No. 16595004

Musk just won the internetz! Or should I say, XERNET LMFAO

Anonymous No. 16595178

win7 was probably the best thing they ever did. ive still got it on a partition.

Anonymous No. 16595329

Hell sell it to Europe / JAXA

Anonymous No. 16595340

asking the real questions

Anonymous No. 16595344

Amazed they let this photo out.

Anonymous No. 16595347

They did it on purpose to flex on the Chinese.
>apogee this high, WITH aerobraking for plane changes or return to LEO

Anonymous No. 16595380

threads should not end this quickly. we need to reuse threads and get them back into service faster. discarding threads after only a single use isn't right

Anonymous No. 16595733

new shepard is dumb and a waste of time
I'm not going to space until I have a credible chance of dropping rocks on earthnoids

Anonymous No. 16595938

Discord loves to circle jerk these threads into oblivion.