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Anonymous No. 16592808

Scientifically, how do I cure my depression?

Anonymous No. 16592813

one way would be to make picrel real. Why can't we have cute blue elve gfs irl but instead dykes with warning hair colors? do we live just to suffer?

Anonymous No. 16592815

Its very simple, you mustn't overthink it all, we are simple creatures, we receive information/stimulus through our senses.
So you have to, through your actions/output, bring information into your brain/body that makes you feel less depressed.
Whether thats going for a nice relaxing walk in the countryside, or listening to some music you enjoy that calm, or eating some nice food.

Could be anything, that produces positive feeling.

Anonymous No. 16592844

consider the distance between you and the you of the ancestral environment
today you were supposed to sleep 9 hours, then spend 2 hours foraging for nuts and shit, then spend 4 hours chasing an elk until it fell over, an hour or so banging rocks together to sharpen that old spear, that sort of thing.
instead you sit at a desk all day eating hot chips.
most of the problems in your life are caused by insufficient water consumption. the rest are caused by the fact that you do not lift weights, and do not get enough sunlight.
Look at the happiest people in the world. What do they have in common? They are buff, but not super buff. What does this tell us? They lift, they run, but they do not do steroids. You are now enlightened. Marry and reproduce.

Anonymous No. 16592849

first you accept that depression is a natural state all lifeforms have.
anyone who looks happy is just acting, the world is full of frauds.

Anonymous No. 16592863

A good temporary fix is jerking off.
Had a girl tell me I was boring later I cried like a bitch, but once I jerked off it numbed the dispare and even stopped caring all together.

Anonymous No. 16592873

if you manage to turn crazy from this ill world you might feel constant genuine happiness caused by your body coping

Anonymous No. 16592884


Anonymous No. 16592902

WHY?! Clearly your mind has come to some conclusion that has dismantled one or more of the many grand fabrications of life and yet you choose to be SAD over it?! How is that dismantling not empowering???

Anonymous No. 16592920

Not a thing. Feeling tired and heavy is something. Lack of motivation is something. Burnout is something. Boredom is something. Learned helplessness is something. Sadness is something. Anger is something. Overwhelmed is something. Restlessness is something. Inertia is something. Cynicism is something. Despair is something.

There are many more somethings but depression is not a thing. It's nonsense. A phantom. Made up nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16593033

How exactly your depression affects you?

Anonymous No. 16593108

>Why can't we have cute blue elve gfs irl but instead dykes with warning hair colors?
Because you've been brainraped by science instead of investing stat points into sorcery and inorganic perception.

Anonymous No. 16593559

>one way would be to make picrel real.
people gloss over this idea when it's quite a possible reality within our life time. Unlike the greeks when they spoke of pygmalion and galatea, we can and do create custom creatures. The specific problem is feature selection, ensuring that the end result is a "blue elf", a furwaifu, whatever with prediposed compatibility. This is a problem that has a solution but to get there requires time, cost, and scale. If we want to achieve this within our life time, and within the time frame that we still have relative youthfulness to enjoy the product (what good is a catgirl if you're 80), then we need to solve for cost which when you look at the big picture, it all comes down to cost of electricity and compute. You get worry about specifics like biobag, refuting the vitalist hypothesis, simulating gene developmental biology models later when the cost of electricity and compute is negligible. You might get a big grant to finance studying alzheimer's disease or glioblastoma with the aging population pouring money into their last ditch dream of life extension but no one is going to finance the technology for custom flesh and blood creatures because you feel lonely and so cost must be brought down. The cost of electricity and compute, just those two things which you can help improve from just your bedroom

Anonymous No. 16593622

You don't cure depression. It's only a chemical imbalance for 30% of people that have actual clinical depression and not just people in a rut or having a hard time. For most people, it's the physical structure of the brain not working as intended and is fucked in so many ways that we have no idea how it even works. The most you can hope for is to find a drug that works for you. Dopamine producing drugs work for me. No matter the drug, it's a lifelong disease and you'll be using something your entire life.

You manage symptoms with therapy but at the end of the day you can't change the programming of the brain. If the program says 1+1=3 you can't just force it to be correct. So even if you have everything in life that should make you happy, your brain will still tell you that you're miserable.

If this wasn't the case then 40k+ people in the US wouldn't kill themselves. Even people that have everything, like Cobain and Robin Williams.

Most people do not have depression. They just might have a shit life, are sad from a breakup, or just stressed out. Those all give the same symptoms as depression but they go away when their environment changes for the positive. If you feel that way for long periods of time and everything is fine around you, then you have actual clinical depression.

Depression can be a lot of things. Being hopeless and not giving a shit about absolutely nothing is a terrible existence.

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Anonymous No. 16593630

Depression is a result of quantum mechanism(just like anything else) in which the hormone-activating particles got entangled with bad mood hormones' particles caused by a traumatic event. Imagine watching tv channel with beautiful nature doc, then suddenly something disturbed you and you changed to channel with bw war doc. Same with depression, something switched your mood from normal onto sad, and it won't switch back until you make an effort to leave the sad mood and stay in happy mood. You need to change the direction of the flow of hormones' particles, by sticking up with everything that's positive, happy, sunny, joyful, and you have to do it both in your thoughts and actions. Fake it till you make it.

Anonymous No. 16593663

You can't just will yourself to be happy you fucking retard. If what you said was true, then your will or actions have nothing at all with how you're feeling. The only way to fix it is to alter the mechanisms that cause emotions manually, changing the programming through chemical reactions. You can't just sit there and say "I'm going to be happy"and have the chemicals in your brain magically appear or get produced.

Your emotions are based on physical connections. What you're saying is basically telling a cripple in a wheel chair that if they believed hard enough that they could walk again.

Depression is one of those things that since you can't see it, and there are no physical symptoms, people just don't believe it exists and "its just in your head bro"without realizing that the brain is just like every other organ in your body and can get sick as well.

Anonymous No. 16593666

ask yourself "why am i depressed?"
then address that
if you are still depressed afterwards, go back to step one.

also, i'm not a religionfag, but the serenity prayer is good advice: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Anonymous No. 16593722

Every time you get an urge to open this god forsaken website, you go to the nearest social event instead.

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Anonymous No. 16594088

Those trips...

Anonymous No. 16594101

Settle down, Satan.

Anonymous No. 16594106

First do non-medical interventions:

Socialize with friends if you have them
Eat nutrient rich food
Go outside and get sun

If those don’t work, than try OTC stuff like ashwaganada, omega 3’s, herbal tea, St. John’s Wort etc.

If all else fails and you’re seriously in pit, than go to a therapist and see if they help. Only resort to Anti-depressants as a last resort and know beforehand that they fundamentally effect your brain chemistry in way that over a long period of time is irreversible. Take any medications with the understanding that the benefits may take time to appear.

Anonymous No. 16594111

Temporary depression is normal. It’s not normal to feel sad ALL the time to the point that it cripples you.

Anonymous No. 16594198

I have a very bad depression. I had tried all of them you recommended to get better, but nothing worked. Therapist, yes, of course, I've got some support from her. It seemed that I was clearly getting better.
But now, after getting distressed by studying(I become a high school student next month).
I don't even have the power to move my finger. The fastest medical support I can get is at least 2-3 months later. What can I do now? I have to study harder, but I can't even wake up and eat well. Please help anons. :(
(I'm not an English speaker, so there might be some grammatical errors or silly expressions)

Anonymous No. 16594215

Having a perfectly small-breasted night-elf wife like her would cure my depression. Until then I guess i'll just continue to cope with exercise and study.

Anonymous No. 16594259

Think about the things you do that make you suffer. Even porn and masturbation can cause you to suffer if you do it excessively and have an addiction, it's kinda like a hangover.

Now the next time you get the urge to do whatever it was that causes you to suffer, do something else. At first it doesn't have to be much, doing something else can be as simple as laying in the bed if you don't have energy for anything more than that, point is to avoid doing those things at all costs.

It's also important to really reflect on those things you did and understand how they affect you negatively.

Not very scientific, I guess, but I want to help people.

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Anonymous No. 16594325

you don't want to know the answer. That's how depressed people are. They have infinite excuses as to why nothing works

Anonymous No. 16594328

>They have infinite excuses as to why nothing works
list the top 10 reasons

Anonymous No. 16594332


Anonymous No. 16594333

A high dose of lead.

Anonymous No. 16594355

>you don't want to know the answer.
well you are a liar because I do want to know

Anonymous No. 16594358

not necessarily a cure, but too many doctors overlook...
>correct vitamin/mineral skill issues
>exercise equivalent to over 7,000 steps a day
>moderate sunlight exposure
I think lower doses of MAOIs are the only decent approved therapy. Most of the serotonergic stuff is pretty garbage overall. Ashwagandha has some evidence of efficacy, it's a COMT inhibitor among other things.

Anonymous No. 16594364

You say that but you will make excuses after you hear it. There have been some good replies itt but you haven't commented on them. The answers are mundane and that's what people don't like. I suggest all the things that helped me climb out of a crater. I think people want some fancy answer that will make all of their life experiences line up all at once but that's not realistic. I'll give you a few hints
>Physical health needs to be good
>Negative thoughts need to be consciously stopped
>social life needs to exist
>hobbies that you enjoy the process of and not necessarily the outcomes
That's really it. If you're going to reply how none of that works and make excuses I'm not going to reply.
To summarize even shorter: you live a shitty unhealthy boring dogshit life. Do the opposite of that

Anonymous No. 16594370

>You say that but you will make excuses after you hear it
there are no excuses because I'm not depressed, I'm merely interested in your observation hence why I do want to know "the" answer. As I understand it, you can only really prevent depression but if you lived certained events like listed here
there really isn't much an individual can do depending on the cause of said depression

Anonymous No. 16594402

>there really isn't much an individual can do depending on the cause of said depression
I don't really believe that. I'm sure it's hard but a few hundred years ago basically everyone went through something like that and they managed to live and reproduce

Anonymous No. 16594443

Sexy times with other people.

Anonymous No. 16594468

You won’t see immediate results. Sorry anon, your brain is fucked up and only time and God will tell if you get better. Do prayer/meditation if you really are super fucked yo enough to where you can’t even do basic tasks. Religion has proven positive clinical effects on people’s mental health

Anonymous No. 16594506

DESU I think depression isn't really *A* disease so much as a bunch of diseases in a trench coat. They all present similarly so we call them by the same name, but they can have different causes, and therefore different cures/treatments. Usually depression is just a positive feedback loop of sadness and a lack of agency. You feel bad/numb, so you don't exercise or work to improve your life, so you keep feeling bad, so you don't exercise... Something like that. Often stuff that breaks this feedback loop is helpful for ending a depressive episode.

Some people, like me, were just born with funky brain chemistry due to genetics. My Parents are depressed, grandparents are depressed, great grandparents, etc.. Nothing bad needs to happen to me for a depressive episode to start. I get occasional intramuscular ketamine injections at a clinic paired with and SSRI and they do wonders to pull me out. Others people aren't necessarily suffering from a malady of chemistry so much as one of topology. Some people like this get transcranial magnetic stimulation or electroconvulsive therapy and it rewires them. Some people just live in shitty circumstances and need to find themselves in better circumstances. Whatever you are, you just gotta keep trying stuff until you find what works for you. Good luck OP. Hope you get better and find yourself some sweet blue elf pussy.

Anonymous No. 16594511

ketamine is pretty effective. Among other things, it temporarily spike brain-derived neurotrophic factor, boosting neuroplasticity and letting you "rewire your own brain" with actions in the few days after an infusion.

Speaking from personal experience, for about a week after an infusion, bad habits are easier to break, and good habits are easier to form. And the habits that you practice during that week stick better afterwards. I think the main thing is it helps you break the feedback loop of "feel like shit-> do nothing to stop feeling like shit -> continue to feel like shit -> continue to do nothing"

I have also read some interesting things about the effectiveness of a single mega-dose of psilocybin.

Anonymous No. 16594529

Woaw! That's really informative. Perhaps you could say something about this as well
>Gut bacteria and mind control (timestamp @ 39:54)

Could poor diet (including poisoning with disinfectants) be a cause of lethargy, behavior disorders and murder-suicides as well? Since prescribed symptom handling often raises serotonin and dopamin levels.

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Anonymous No. 16594569

>Scientifically, how do I cure my depression?

Do what your biological body tells you to do... breed. Breeding cures depression