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🧵 Puzzle 4 (2 in one, Difficulty 2/7 for both )

John Puzzle No. 16593002

In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.

Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying.

Previous post:

Anonymous No. 16593263

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

John Puzzle No. 16593297

That joke doesn't refer to the 2 puzzles in any meaningful way if that's what you wanted to try.

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sci A.png

Anonymous No. 16593325

A) 3, 2
They are symmetrical, like those kids' paper toys. If you fold them, how many red squares are cut?
0 1 2 3 4 5
I'll have a look at B when I'm back from the store.

John Puzzle No. 16593392

Correct, but you could've just said that the symmetry line cuts through 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 black squares.
Good job

Anonymous No. 16593411

Fuck this nigga

He added the anime image to get more engagement

John Puzzle No. 16593425


No shit

Anonymous No. 16593458

lmfao wtf are these people smoking?

Anonymous No. 16593465

in his defense it's a relatively old meem

John Puzzle No. 16593489

check the previous puzzle. this one is easier.

Anonymous No. 16593522

Brah his first thread didnt work and so he added the meme

Do not respect this pandering

Anonymous No. 16593533

imo the square and triangle in absolutely random positions makes 0 sense, or does it?
could be worse

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John Puzzle No. 16593536

"You should be able to solve this"

John Puzzle No. 16593543

> imo the square and triangle in absolutely random positions makes 0 sense, or does it?

What are you even talking about?

Anonymous No. 16593553

11112006825558016? I'm an old man who forgot maths long time ago

John Puzzle No. 16593578

there are no squares and triangles. You are just misunderstanding what he did there. He just folded the panel across the symmetry line. There is no reason to do that in the first place.
The logic is simply that the symmetry line cuts through 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 black squares if you go from left panel to right most panel.

And for the 11112006825558016, idfk what that is, but if it is the answer to that question or even a lower bound, you clearly just googled it. I recall it took the combined effort of many autistic mathematicians to make progress on that problem.

Anonymous No. 16593585

aight aight, I think I get it now

Anonymous No. 16593590

I just 14^14 on wolfram's

John Puzzle No. 16593598

Ah, it's not that.
You misunderstood the task. I'll explain later. GTG

Anonymous No. 16593686

All I can see in B are the zig-zags created by white parts.
I'm going to sleep.

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Anonymous No. 16593697


John Puzzle No. 16593714

I've seen this answer before and it is inferior to the one I provided as it doesn't take into account the symmetry line pattern.
This is such a garbage answer that I would be embarrassed to post. The other guy is right.
The symmetry line cuts through an increasing number of black squares from 0 in the first panel to 5 in the last.

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John Puzzle No. 16593736

This is the logic, it's just that the other guy needlessly mentioned folding which may confuse people:

Anonymous No. 16593738

c'mon, don't be so bitter, dude's answer is cool, symmetry is cooler but still

Anonymous No. 16593743

I would be embarrassed to be "John Puzzle" and get my own puzzle wrong.
>doesn't take into account the symmetry line pattern
You have an inferior primate brain that needs to see symmetry to recognize its own kind. It is an arbitrary trait that does not need to be accounted for.
Also, your name is John.

John Puzzle No. 16593747

Fine. I just have PTSD from people posting weak solutions then relentlessly debating that they are more valid or that the problem is bad etc.
I guess it pissed me off how he said "Wrong" after he read symmetry solution. As if he is unable to tell which one is more full of intent, elegant and comprehensive.

Anonymous No. 16593750

I wasn't aware of this:
which is very interesting and adds another level of abstraction on top of just folding

John Puzzle No. 16593756

Lmao, see :>>16593738
He cannot grasp how garbage his answer is.

Somehow he thinks a combo of an arithmetic progression ans symmetry working together is a coincidence while his mediocre, counting square pattern is designed.

First of all, this isn't my own puzzle. I solved it. I saw both solutions and picked the one that made more sense.

Anonymous No. 16593780

John Puzzle doesn't even make his own puzzles. Disappointing, but not unexpected.
Especially from someone named John.

John Puzzle No. 16593793

I'm sharing puzzles I found cool, what's wrong with that?

Anonymous No. 16593804

any progress on b?

Anonymous No. 16593810

Is B 14? The black area in the third circle is the sum of the first two, plus an additional 1/4 for each step, until it maxes out to all black. Not sure if I like this solution though since limiting the black area instead of wrapping or something is unsatisfying, and the answer might just as easily be 41.

John Puzzle No. 16593811

Haven't seen anyone try B) yet.

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Anonymous No. 16593819

It's ironic to me how STEM bugmen never seem to think in motion only statically

John Puzzle No. 16593821

not exactly, but keep playing around with it.

Anonymous No. 16593828

nta, 2,3

John Puzzle No. 16593833

I already thought of that, it just doesn't work.
I'm so tired of you wanna be smartasses providing inferior solutions that I literally saw within the first minute of the problem. It is extremely cringe.
Go ahead and explain the big jump from 4 and 5.
There is no satisfying rotational solution to this problem.
For the record, most people think of this. I've shared this problem on reddit and discord and people see a rotational pattern with the line of symmetry, but can never complete it or just count all the squares.
Just look at the amount of rotations you do between adjacent panels:
1, 1, 4, 2, 2. There are many more combinations of clockwise and anticlockwise movement, but nothing really works at least not without making it extremely convoluted.
So shut your dumb ass. Muh motion thinking. Fking cretin.

John Puzzle No. 16593835

no, but write a logic...

Anonymous No. 16593864

1st square: sum of the two first circles is thrid
2nd square: sum of the two first circle plus an extra one of them
3rd square: sum of the two plus 2 extra
4th: +4 (here I realise it doesn't make sense)
4th: +3 extra => 1
5th: + 4 extra => 2

5th square: sum of the two plus 5 extra (of the little ones)

John Puzzle No. 16593882

Yeah that's it.
I thought of it this way:

1st circle is the offset
2nd circle is the unit
(3rd circle - 1st circle)/ 2nd circle give:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
But we practically have the same logic

Anonymous No. 16593883

ok I get it now, this unlocked it

The third circle is the sum of the first, and the second multiplied by the step. So the answer is 12.

Anonymous No. 16593884

2bh, I cheated, when I saw this:
I realized what was going on

John Puzzle No. 16593887

Eh, it's fine.

I'll post 2 more puzzles later.

I'm just annoyed that if some of them have weaker unintended solutions, people will point them out and act like smartasses.

Anonymous No. 16593891

>1st circle is the offset
>2nd circle is the unit
>(3rd circle - 1st circle)/ 2nd circle give:
I don't follow

John Puzzle No. 16593895

since the 2nd circle represents a unit, you look at how many units 1st circle is away from the 3rd circle.
it is really just that.

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Anonymous No. 16593902


Anonymous No. 16593907

I see

Anonymous No. 16593911

will yah post the link to the next one itt?

John Puzzle No. 16593921

Thanks, I just drew this and was about to post, but you were faster.

John Puzzle No. 16593924

sure, but I will post in a few hours.

I will add a link in the comments here for the next post.

Anonymous No. 16593928

aight thx pham, enjoying the fuck out of these, and glad I got one more right, even if someone else half-figured the logic behind it for me

John Puzzle No. 16593933

I'm trying to help you guys build some intuition for the harder puzzles. I intend to post at some point some puzzles I couldn't solve to see if we can crack them together, but it is going to take a while until we get there.

John Puzzle No. 16593936

All good, you're rolling.

Anonymous No. 16594027

weed nigga

A) 7
B) also 7
final answer

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Anonymous No. 16594420

Not OP, but I will give it a shot.
Initially, the first number that comes to mind is 14*14! (14! total sequences possible, 14 letters per sequence [episode numbers])

But, we can do better. Consider the smaller problem of 2, 3, 4 episodes (separation added by me)
2: 12 1 => 3
3: 12321 32132 => 10
4: 1234123 1324132 1243123 1423142 1432143 1342134 => 42

From this, we see that each time we add an episode, we have to build sequences of length (2N-1) which each provide N different sequences of episodes. Since there are N! total sequences we must cover, we need N!/N = (N-1)! of these (2N-1) sequences.
This leaves us with 168129561600 as the least number of Haruhi episodes you would have to watch in order to watch them in every order possible. Verifying against the naive case: [math]N\cdot N!=N^2\cdot (N-1)!\leq (2N-1)\cdot(N-1)![/math] for all positive N.
Or, I may just be retarded, which I probably already am for waiting 15 minutes to post this garbage

Anonymous No. 16594424

The reason the problem is hard is because you have a continuous chain of episodes. For example, for 2 episodes, the naive approach yields "12 21" or 4, whereas the most efficient answer is "121." N! is only a distant upper bound.

Anonymous No. 16594430

Yes, the challenge now is whether or not compressing N sequences into (2N-1) letters is the best you can do

John Puzzle No. 16594441


Continuing in this post with 2 more puzzles:


Anonymous No. 16594472

>I'm just annoyed that if some of them have weaker unintended solutions, people will point them out and act like smartasses.
Some people derive a lot of self-esteem from their supposed intelligence, so failing to solve a logic puzzle correctly is a threat to their identity and must be rationalized at any cost. The best thing to do is appease their fragile ego with a gentle tone and some light compliments while telling them they're wrong.

John Puzzle No. 16594484

Fair enough, but it is especially difficulty when they come in chat and condescendingly type something that clearly doesn't work, insulting everyone who probably saw that and moved past it like here:
> It's ironic to me how STEM bugmen never seem to think in motion only statically

Bro here thinks he got some next level abstraction when it is just something that is immediately obvious and after playing with it a bit you know it goes nowhere.

John Puzzle No. 16594489

Lmao I referenced accidentally the comment of a different thread. Let me correct that:

Fair enough, but it is especially difficulty when they come in chat and condescendingly type something that clearly doesn't work, insulting everyone who probably saw that and moved past it like here:
> It's ironic to me how STEM bugmen never seem to think in motion only statically

Bro here thinks he got some next level abstraction when it is just something that is immediately obvious and after playing with it a bit you know it goes nowhere.

Anonymous No. 16594646

Ayo this tiny dicked faggot John seethes whenever someone is smarter than him and reveals how dumb the puzzles are and how he's even dumber

John Puzzle No. 16594655

Why do you even say that? Just to piss me off or do you genuinely believe that these people raised good points?
Because it is very apparent to anyone with a working brain that they just posted low iq trash logics and are overconfident in them. If you are so sure, why not show me how their solutions are better?

Anonymous No. 16594659

You're so narrow-minded you're incapable of seeing an alternative. In your world, all that matters is these puzzles. I'm telling you that I'm not offering a counter solution. I'm instead saying the puzzle is retarded and so are you. Perhaps an analogy will help.

You ask people which animals poop tastes the best. Some anons say cow dung. You call them low IQ because obviously it's horses. I show up and say you're a shit-eating retard. Your rebut is to demand I say which animal has the best tasting poop. You're unironically failing the breakfast question rn champ.

John Puzzle No. 16594662

So you have nothing of value to say and like them you came here to throw your slop in some attempt at intellectual masturbation. That is such a vacuous analogy. Because it tires to equalize objectively differently ranked things.

It is not a matter of me failing to see alternatives, it is precisely because I saw them that I could tell how bad they are based on principles and a hierarchy of rarity and common sense.

For the record only one of them actually provided a working alternative solution even though it is inferior.
The other guy had absolutely nothing going one, he just noticed half of a pattern that went nowhere.
You are just the stereotypical midwitted shitposter that tries to reach some highground of wisdom and intellect through sheer sophistry.