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🧵 /crg/ - Cellular Reprogramming General #2

Anonymous No. 16597188

>What is this all about?

>/sci/ anon found a way to safely and reliably activate Yamanaka factors, repairing your worn out body and reducing cellular age.
what I wanna know is, does this really do everything we need to fully restore ourselves? how long would that take? does this really address everything? seems like it addresses a lot of the problems people have on this board.

>We just need something that rebuilds the telomeres
Here ya go friend, just activate those Yamanaka factors

>Can't sleep
That’s a core benefit of the stack

>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldness
Allegedly its even growing new follicles back

It's a two step process, first

500mg Curcumin
500mg or so Tributryn
Take about a dropper full of B12.

Wait an hour.

Then, think of this as a balanced dose to start the reaction.
300mg Liposomal Apigenin
Another 500mg of Tributryn
About 500mg of either NAD or some combo of NAD and NMN.

And stack that combo of Apigenin, Tributryn, and NAD/NMN 2-4+ times in a day. One week on one week off to avoid T cells exhaustion. Ultimately this is your immune system first reprogramming itself and then going out to the rest of you. The T cells are able to identify cell wall markers where issues are the most severe and those will need to be targeted first before any specific issue. Give it a little wiggle room if you don't need as much NAD or Tributryn. NAC is a good add in as well while doing this if you have a history of smoking or lung problems.

Anonymous No. 16597191

alchemy is not a science

Anonymous No. 16597196

old thread: >>16585943

im interested in getting my own data and experience with this stack in regards to how effective it is with reversing aging. ive been on it about 3 weeks with no break weeks and its made my sleep effectiveness a lot better and improved my energy levels in day to day life but i can’t say one way or another whether its doing anything age related at this point. i’ll keep on for a few months and see. what are older people saying about this?

Anonymous No. 16597205

you know nuclear transmutation exists right?

Anonymous No. 16597210

this woman has some interesting videos on yamanaka factors

Anonymous No. 16597220

yeah chief, you might want to cycle that. the myc expression is problematic over extended periods.

Anonymous No. 16597249

Trying to find out what to actually buy, and how much it will cost in EU.
For example Renue Lipo Apigenin is recommended. It is possible to buy it here - (although it's out of stock currently), a bottle costs 60 EUR shipping excluded, there are 60 caps per, each capsule has only 35mg. To get recommended ~300mg of apigenin 9 caps need to be consumed, up to 4 times a day. Assuming a one-week-on, one-off regimen, that's 2+ bottles of stuff a month.
For a regular person it gets pretty expensive really fast considering that it's only one part of the stack.
The only other apigenin specifically marked as "lipo" available in the EU I could find is this - Which is much cheaper at 38 EUR per bottle, and has 200mg per cap. However I am concerned that it lists apigenin plus 10mg of lipo blend, so it's probably just two powders mixed together that will be absorbed separately.
There are also other apigenin supplements that have no liposomal additives. Would be cheaper, but most of contents probably just passes through the body without being absorbed. I wonder if it's possible to take it together with lecithin to get the same effect.

Anonymous No. 16597252

Is 1000 mg of tributyrin daily enough if you are 130 lbs? DWS is 200 lbs and reccomendeds a minimum of 1500 mg, but I'm wondering if I can scale it down by weight.

Anonymous No. 16597253

ive been using the mcs products
(nmn/apigenin), lipo blend is the chitosan tech that encapsulates the apigenin making it more bioavailable afaik. i just use 1 - 1/2 caps to get me at the 300mg. for tributyrin i used the taubiotic redoxbox but find swallowing the gel caps difficult so ill try another brand butifar.

you can diy liposomal vitamin c with lecithin but need a ultrasonificator to create liposomes. theres some youtube videos of how to do it. maybe its possible with agigenin too.

Anonymous No. 16597259

ive been using aureasalus 600mg liposomal apigenin, i got it for about 23ish euros a bottle off of amazon. the bottle says it’s made in the UK for the company, it may be worth looking in the UK for supplement shops that will ship to your country. good luck

will do, thanks

Anonymous No. 16597264

unsure but im a similar weight, i also eat lots of pastured grassfed butter with contains some butrate. i kept to the recommended dose in the stack for the suppliment and still consume as much butter as i can.

Anonymous No. 16597266

the sheekey womans videos broke down this topic down very nicely. it seems that over 20 days or so, myc expression can be cancerous, shorter timeframes with breaks do not.

Anonymous No. 16597295

For me I doubled the curcumin dose from the guide to 1000 mg because I felt like the inflammation was going out of hand, and it stabilized. I definitely feel like changes are happening but I'm wondering if I need to amp up the butyrate if that's now the rate limiting factor.

But then again this should work gradually and we don't need to rush it, but I'm wondering if it's enough..

I had chlorine eyes for like a 3 day window then it stopped, so maybe I was already pretty healthy going in.

Anonymous No. 16597296

I should mention that's regular curcuminoid extract with piperine, not phytosome curcumin, could be why I had to double it.

Anonymous No. 16597306

maybe the chlorine eye thing is a sign of inflammation? idk. some days its noticable others not. im using phytosome curcumin btw.
i also take astaxanthin semi regularly and 2000mg lipo vit c daily.
dont consooome goyslop but drink beer/wine most days in moderation.

Anonymous No. 16597380

i think the chlorine eyes is supposedly a sign of angiogenesis in the eyes

Anonymous No. 16597529

Any recommendations for budget tributiryn? It's 20+ eur for a bottle of 30x500mg. One needs 5 a day.

Anonymous No. 16597541

If this is really the "cure" for aging, why have mouse studies failed to extend lifespan past around 200% of baseline with similar technology?
>not saying it does or doesn't maybe grow any teratomas, just a little skeptical that we can just kick back now and say "durr aging cured!"

Anonymous No. 16597638

Dont think anyone is saying that, but if any of this is real then its a good starting point or maybe the first step of a much more complicated system.

Anonymous No. 16597645

Has anyone had hair regrowth or thickening while on this expensive regiment? Hairloss reversal takes a long time, so itd need to be some sort of 3+ month anedote to start to see some sort of improvement. I know the rentry says some report that but it has other outlandish claims.

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Anonymous No. 16597653

Some of the real "koolaid drinkers" who accuse everyone of FUD are saying that. But it's 100% real tech based on a 2012 Nobel prize that is all over peer-reviewed journals these days:

I think you're right that it's really just the starting point; DWS probably deserves a Nobel prize himself, but the research still has a long way to go before it gets fully perfected.

Anonymous No. 16597693

That rentry reads like it was typed out during a manic episode, but I'm interested enough to try it regardless. What's the worst that could happen, aside from wasting some money?

Anonymous No. 16597694

Your foreskin regrows and american girls will think your dick is weird.
Seriously though, there are some side-effects to high doses of the compounds. B12 can cause headaches, nausea, diarrhea in large doses.

Anonymous No. 16597835

turmeric also rarely causes (generally reversible) liver damage and parsley has been known to induce abortions, but the individual toxicology of all the components is confirmed as fairly good; it's really just the combination that is unstudied long-term.