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🧵 /ttg/ - Teratoma Gener-uhh OOOPS I mean /crg/ - Cellular Reprogramming General

Anonymous No. 16585943

>what is this all about?

>/sci/ anon found a way to safely and reliably activate yamanaka factors, repairing your worn out body and reducing cellular age.
what I wanna know is, does this really do everything we need to fully restore ourselves? how long would that take? does this really address everything? seems like it addresses a lot of the problems people have on this board.

>we just need something that rebuilds the telomeres
here ya go friend, just activate those yam facs

>cant sleep
that’s a core benefit of the stack

>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldness
and its even growing new follicles back, allegedly. why is it that this is the only place talking about this?

Anonymous No. 16585978

And you forget we want to know fraction of apigenin-7-glucoside in dandelion root.

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Anonymous No. 16585982

>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldness
I been using chemically generated singlet oxygen; topically mixing sprays of 1% bleach and 3% peroxide to generate it, rubbing in for a couple minutes before showering. Shit works.
>also god-tier teeth chemo

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Anonymous No. 16586004

>Teratoma Gener-uhh
tfw you took the old antibody protocol and had skill issues finding 6-Shogaol, Ashwagandhanolide, Berberine, Bromelain, Boswellic acid, Cannabisin-G, Crocetin, Curcumin, Cynaropicrin, Damnacanthal, Ecdysterone, Emblicanin A & B, Eugenol, Galangin, Gingerol, Glycyrrhizin, Kaempferol, Licoagrochalcone, Licochalcone A, Nimbolide, Oleanolic acid, Panaxadiol, Panaxatriol, Papain, Pinocembrin, Thymoquinone, and Ursolic acid.

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Anonymous No. 16586130

So we still can't have a thread that takes themselves seriously I guess. Other than basic info there really isn't any point in engaging FUDDsters. Everything that you could possibly say about any of it was already covered in the previous thread. We would only be pretending we didn't have DWS bringing up the same videos with the same content with the same arguments and there being nothing for anyone against Apigenic Health to show for it but more speculation on the topics involved than Newman does.

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Anonymous No. 16586139

Let's not call Matthew Newman DWS anymore. This isn't some dude.

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Anonymous No. 16586143

Get slapped silly by the hand of God, I could have written a better OP than that shit.

Anonymous No. 16586146

Even if it's only derma this should make a serious difference for burn victims. Why the hell has nobody been reporting cases publicly?

Anonymous No. 16586158

There is no reason to think it's going to impact skin any differently than it would anything else. It's fear. People are scared to come forward because a bunch of corporate elites tried to run away with it and are still trying to and failing because it's the internet.

Anonymous No. 16586190

He said he only consumed 40 Liposomal grams of Apigenin while taking it over the course of mostly 4 months with about the last 9 grams of that in some of the months afterward cause I think he said it was only two bottles after March or something and he started in December. And all that rubbed off as much methylation as he wanted as a 32 year old.

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Anonymous No. 16586219

Picrel already is in debridement. The case reports of scar-free healing are already making their way out there, and bromelain alone isn't event the ultimate anti-scar therapy.

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Anonymous No. 16586267


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Anonymous No. 16586275


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Anonymous No. 16586316

They can't censor Apigenic Health like they do Free Energy because we figured it out ourselves and it's not directly from alien tefhnology. But like with his Christmas humor bit, if you go with the panspermia route then this is a multi-planetary standard for any DNA based lifeform. Even the fucking lizard people would use this shit.

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Anonymous No. 16586317

They can and they do. But the reason you can't stop it is because you can buy the components anywhere already.

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Anonymous No. 16586320

The reason they can't release it is because the world's collective minds are going to explode.

Anonymous No. 16586570

did you guys ever have an “oh shit this is actually working” moment? what was it, and when did it happen?

Anonymous No. 16586587

I have read this guy's page. If he wants people to try it he needs to make a video or a list of what to go out and actually buy. He posts a bunch of somewhat complex biology papers, but the compounds they are using are going to be difficult to come by for the average person I think. Unless you work in some institute. So if he is lurking, make a list of what to buy for the average norm.

I got from it so far liposomal apigenin, NMN and tributyrin. I would like more info perhaps though, before I ingest these.

Anonymous No. 16586589

When I got some medication to treat my low T levels, I definitely felt significantly different, better. Sleep, diet, everything. This fact is what makes me curious about this new thing. But I don't think it is described as a protocol very well.

Anonymous No. 16586656

If you can't understand the rentry or OP please don't take it. I have trouble believing you people are even real.

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Anonymous No. 16586666

For whom it isn't obvious, people who read OP and still want to pretend they haven't been given an adequate explanation are part of the FUD campaign. The next best plan is to play dumb like children.

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Anonymous No. 16586680

Cancer schizos can take their hallucinations up with the NIH.
After each wave of "I don't even WANT to understand it." That's where they typically go back to.

Anonymous No. 16586690

ok so what do you buy and consume for this then?

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Anonymous No. 16586694

>It's a two step process
>Lists ingredients

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16586709

For those who didn't notice, the moral integrity of the United States depends on believing the sitting president can't understand OP after he has been repeatedly debriefed by WH staff. That's the fucking steaks dude, better we just believe the dude is too smart for the president to understand and get on with it.

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Anonymous No. 16586724

Why do I not understand water?

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Anonymous No. 16586737

What gets me is how we keep sidestepping that the DNA cassettes are proven in lab environments to work after only some of the adjustments that have been brought up were implemented (it was proven safe before that extra step for error correction) without causing teratomas and there is no way that approach are any more safe than this is.

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Dude Wearing Shoes !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16586993

The only two things you are missing are curcumin as your GSK3 inhibitor and B12 to avoid encoding errors. Apigenin is your active transcribing component and it first needs additional help with access to your DNA for the T cells it's activating and that's what the Tributryn is for. One reason you need additional GSK3 inhibition (because Apigenin would be trying to do that too) is it creates good conditions for the physical interactions the T cells will be making as they move around in your body as well as improving the transcription Apigenin would be making with NFATc1.

Different people have been taking things at different dosages but what OP has is one copy of a time I rewrote what is already in the rentry. You can take it all at once but it's better to have the Curcumin and Tributryn to set good conditions first before you add in Apigenin. The NAD/NMN is optional but helps also improve cell wall conditions for those t cells to transcribe because of it's documented synergy with Apigenin over CD38 which has also been brought up a few times. You can play around with the levers but its also only going to be as fast as your immune system will allow as well and it hasn't been helpful to give people expectations on what to expect other than to remind people of that. But people are getting pretty much on board with agreeing it "works" even in blind tests like this by at most the first month or two by simply talking about theory. It's an unwanted but educational social experiment where very diverse groups of humanity (it's not just 4chan) is getting its hands on tools with serious consequence. There are Mennonites and Amish people as well as native American tribes out there that this has been taken up with even. Parts of Asia, Europe, Africa, Russia, China. You name it, it's been making it around and the rentry view count isn't anywhere near close.

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Anonymous No. 16587011

I was perfectly fine with everybody having no choice in aging why do I have to keep waking up in a world YOU thought was going to be better for us?


Anonymous No. 16587041

I just started this protocol three days ago. Am I supposed to feel anything? So far I've only noticed increased saliva production from the apigenin. I am a very worn down man in his 40s.

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Anonymous No. 16587061

>the dude is too smart for the president to understand
too many walmart fatscooter people don't get that Trump is...
>1. clinically retarded Sleepy Joe syndrome from too much KFC
>2. a literal NY mobster

Anonymous No. 16587127

Just keep taking it. I think people should lean more on the 4x side rather than 2x.

The point is that it was known by the government before he was technically the nominee in 2023 and it was censored by Republicans and then ofc he would be aware.

Anonymous No. 16587154

I take it almost like we're in the early stages of realizing the damage to the brain from fluoride in the drinking water. We don't have reliable data on how bad the situation is at this point but we know what's good/vs bad for you.

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Anonymous No. 16587172

Yeah. The process is understandable enough that common sense applies and they can tie things up legally in knots and play dumb and keep it from the public till the cows come home but we all know what we're looking at.

Anonymous No. 16587182

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Anonymous No. 16587202
>The situation isn't becoming clearer by the day.
They don't want you to reset the meat.

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Anonymous No. 16587247

To quote Eminem: Mitch McConnell just as big of a bitch as Donald.

it's just all Alzheimer's boomers and crackpots on both sides of aisle, man.

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Anonymous No. 16587349

It seems awfully convenient that the very people who would be most likely to be involved can claim brain issues. It's like if we had pretended COVID wasn't real. If this passes as acceptable in America no wonder we have the problems we do. You really don't think your getting played huh?

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Anonymous No. 16587359

You have to be real spineless to think up that CRAP!

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Anonymous No. 16587363

If they didn't have brain problems, the Surgeon General would have been on TV hawking picrel within days of COVID hitting Burgerstan.

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Anonymous No. 16587366

Lol, Republicans decided that the next big scientific innovation made them feel uncomfortable and they are STILL trying to make it go away. You are a fucking idiot if you think this was Democrats. Stop treating the audience like idiots and children. Put Matthew Newman on television already if you aren't scared shitless by what you have been apart of. Fucking COWARDS.

Anonymous No. 16587372

>Suggests the surgeon general should have hoarded masks for personal gain.
And they still can't see a problem with the guys they have to send here to FUD. Do they screen you?

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Anonymous No. 16587381

What's funny is that this wasn't discovered like weeks or months ago. This was first posted here OVER A YEAR AGO. People are being paid off or threatened to not comment and it will only get more obvious by the day. MASS DEAFS will still be permissible in America because self reflection isn't in their repertoire and they will convince themselves in the end DJT invented Apigenic Health in the 70s.

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Anonymous No. 16587388

Close but not quite

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Anonymous No. 16587391

Well now I'm at ease.

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Anonymous No. 16587397

Yeah Donald Trump invented Apigenic Health in 68 you fags I'm just going to wait for the Democrats to finally give in after all these years and let him tell it to the good people of America.

Anonymous No. 16587398

So what happens if you don't wait an hour between prep dose and apigenin dose?

Anonymous No. 16587416

I'm suggesting that N95s are absolute garbage that barely reduce viral transmission, while N100s almost perfectly prevent infection. Enough N100s for the whole country could have been for a few billion, and everyone being force to wear them for around two weeks would have wiped out pretty much every airborne virus.

Dude Wearing Shoes !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16587434

Nothing serious, but it's going to be a little less effective and more uncomfortable long term at some of the higher dosages especially because it's better to have the DNA already in the state of being unwound and the body being conditioned by the GSK3 inhibitor for more effective transcription via NFATc1 before your T cells get going. It makes the most serious difference in the overall comfort once you have been deep into reprogramming states already and have highly primed T cells that jump at the bit to reprogram after awhile. The begining is all about reprogramming your immune system before the rest of you so it's less of a concern when people are starting.

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Anonymous No. 16587562

It would have been the ol run of the mill highway robbery not specifically big pharma. It's good to know based patriots are here to help Trump get Apigenic Health to the masses.

Anonymous No. 16587615

>The begining is all about reprogramming your immune system
do people on your protocol lose immunity to viruses they were previously exposed to as a side effect?

Anonymous No. 16587925

Using Yamanaka Factors is not known to change trained immune responses in that way.

Anonymous No. 16587982

There was no reported loss of any immunity when they did it to mice. And people have not been reporting that with this protocol. In the previous thread a guy who had taken it for a few months said his immune function has improved and the new variant did nothing to him.

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Anonymous No. 16587986

ITT we watch the remaining Angels of God fight the Sons of Moloch who want your children to die of epigenetic damage and endocrine disruption. Like we have seen a million times. We sounded the horn, /Pol/ should have already been here by now. They pulled out every last stop with this one and want you to think it was over race or something. The only objective here has been to facilitate evil on the uninformed.

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Anonymous No. 16587993

>Wh**oids killing their own because they don't want to help other races.

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Anonymous No. 16587998

The idea the first OTC epigenetic reset was (((mistakenly))) missed by all parties mentioned is a fucking joke. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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Anonymous No. 16588008


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Anonymous No. 16588021

Its all adding up. The lizard people and the gnomes are in on it together. Anything but the guys who considered themselves ALREADY in an election year by late 2023 and were ready to kill over it.

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Anonymous No. 16588031

What were they going to do anon? Tell the people they had "options" to think about and consider during an election year? Sounds like it might cost me money.

Anonymous No. 16588039

The silence has undeniably disillusioned me a little with how effective any of this stuff can be for circulating information. I mean it's out there. We can still find it so things still "work". But it's clear the active majority are more interested in other shit than facilitating knowledge.

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Anonymous No. 16588060

The fact that any mythical being that would use DNA will now get the reset as a part of regular bodily function blows my mind. The science changed so much with this it makes our sci-fi uninformed and I can't watch it the same way anymore. I'm categorically shook.

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Dude Wearing Shoes !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16588086

722 East 3rd

Anonymous No. 16588116

I'm pretty sure my dog knows I'm reprogramming my cells because now he reacts to the bottle when I bring it out.

Anonymous No. 16588135

how to become astartes

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Anonymous No. 16588203


Anonymous No. 16588480


This document, authored by Matthew Newman, presents a detailed treatise on a method to reset the epigenetic code using Apigenin, a naturally occurring compound found in plants, to activate Yamanaka Factor genes (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and Myc-c). These genes are crucial for reprogramming cells to a pluripotent state, which can potentially reverse aging and repair damaged tissues.

### Key Points:

1. **Yamanaka Factors and Pluripotent Stem Cells**:
- Yamanaka Factors can reprogram cells to a pluripotent state, effectively resetting their epigenetic information.
- This process can repair tissues and restore function to damaged areas of the body.

2. **Apigenin as a Key Molecule**:
- Apigenin is used to activate Yamanaka Factors, particularly Oct4, Sox2, and Myc-c.
- It is safe, readily available, and works through the immune system via NFATc1 (Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells).

3. **Additional Components**:
- **Butyrate**: Enhances HDAC inhibition, which is necessary for DNA unpacking and access to epigenetic code.
- **Curcumin**: Reduces inflammation and inhibits GSK3, aiding in the reprogramming process.
- **B12 (Methylcobalamin)**: Prevents encoding errors during the reprogramming process.
- **NAD/NMN/NR**: Synergizes with Apigenin to support cellular health and energy metabolism.

4. **Mechanism of Action**:
- The combination of Apigenin, Butyrate, and other supplements creates conditions for the immune system to initiate cellular reprogramming.
- This process can lead to tissue repair, rejuvenation, and potentially the regrowth of damaged or missing body parts.

5. **Personal Experience and Results**:
- Newman reports significant health improvements, including repaired lung damage, joint pain relief, and smoother skin.
- He also mentions ongoing regenerative effects, even after months of cessation.

Anonymous No. 16588487


6. **Safety and Accessibility**:
- All components used are non-restricted and easily obtainable.
- Apigenin is highlighted as extremely safe, with no documented toxicity in humans at the dosages used.

7. **Potential Applications**:
- The method has been reported to help with various epigenetic diseases, including Parkinson's, endometriosis, and diabetes.
- It may also have potential in cancer treatment by reprogramming cancerous cells to a healthy state.

8. **Broader Implications**:
- Newman suggests that this method represents a newly discovered nutritional pathway that can sustain cellular health and counteract aging.
- He emphasizes the importance of making this knowledge widely accessible and criticizes the lack of disclosure by authorities.

9. **Future Directions**:
- Newman calls for further investigation and open discussion about the potential of Apigenin and Yamanaka Factor activation.
- He envisions a future where this technology could lead to significant advancements in regenerative medicine.

### Conclusion:
Matthew Newman's document outlines a groundbreaking approach to cellular reprogramming using Apigenin and other readily available compounds. The method promises significant health benefits, including tissue repair, rejuvenation, and potential regrowth of body parts. Newman advocates for widespread awareness and accessibility of this technology, emphasizing its safety and transformative potential.

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Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16588507

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Anonymous No. 16588545

Admit it dude. The planet is too stupid to get it's shit together. ITS BEEN A YEAR. Nobody's protesting, nobody's doing shit but taking it for themselves AND PEOPLE THEY ACTUALLY CARE FOR and running with it. We're just going to keep on going with the few of us who made it here to enjoy the company with but this is never getting to the masses. Period.

Anonymous No. 16588564

>this is never getting to the masses. Period.
If people doing this shit haven't aged in like a decade and indeed aren't dropping dead of teratomas, then this will start seriously blowing up into mainstream medicine. There's already a decently large de facto clinical trial going here.

Anonymous No. 16588580

How would the establishment ever know? Someone who retains the cellular function of a 20 year old isnt going to a doctor for anything but grievous injuries, and the MDs who look at those cases will say "wow he's lucky he was in such great shape when the construction crane fell on him, or else he'd be dead" with no further curiosity. It would first take somebody to see multiple cases like that and then decide to spend years getting the A-OK for a metastudy of all similar cases then perform it and then would have to conclude that a supplement stack from the science section of a Ugandan knuckledusting BBS was their common ties instead of the classic cope of genetic luck

Anonymous No. 16588607

we literally have the /med/ thread full of med students here. it's not like they haven't at least seen this shit. Bryan Johnson has over a million YouTube subscribers and he's just a high-tier midwit at anti-aging. Still, like 1% of Burger population is subscribed to him (even though it's really less and some internationals and bots and shit).

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Anonymous No. 16588626

They really are betting on you suckers to believe that they dunno nuffin. What a world.

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Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16588631

There have been people from the 5k or so notices I sent out that ended up telling me they had limb regrowths. It's been getting out there and the police were already called so to speak. Not that I would really put it on them at this point.

Anonymous No. 16588635

>ended up telling me they had limb regrowths

can we at least get some anonymized/blurred before/after pics of that? I mean it sounds so cool and fantastic, makes regular-ass real doctors look like a bunch of retarded chuds if actually true.

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Anonymous No. 16588640

>Muh Hippocratic oath
There only three molecules that upregulate Sox2. Actually think here for a second. NIH, medical community at large knew a year ago that's why they lost funding. Allot of science is getting "wrapped up" because of how many things an epigenetic reset ultimately resolves. You were not going to get a discovery like this televised before big money could pump and dump the damn thing for as long as it could be gotten away with.

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Anonymous No. 16588644

>only three molecules that upregulate Sox2

um wut. literally just put it into Google Scholar and found COUNTLESS different signaling pathways that do that.

Anonymous No. 16588666

Name the 4th small molecule please. Not a signalling pathway, a molecule. You don't get the question. Only RepSox, Apigenin, and Luteolin are documented to upregulate Sox2 in a dose dependant manner. If you suddenly have a 4th molecule (which you don't) then we have an option to run with a Forskolin based alternative instead of RepSox and you get to call yourself smarter than DWS AND Harvard.

Anonymous No. 16588670

>I'm just not going to read the material and assume everyone where is stupider than me.
The post. He thinks his medical education will save him now when HMS already got dunked.

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Anonymous No. 16588674

Hey, at least we're slowly bringing in more interested folks. The /med/ guys who still don't know yet are going to figure out soon enough.

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Anonymous No. 16588736

>If you suddenly have a 4th molecule (which you don't) then we have an option to run with a Forskolin based alternative instead of RepSox and you get to call yourself smarter than DWS AND Harvard.

Does topiramate qualify?
>at the end of the wound-healing process, topiramate treatment resulted in increased expression of SOX-2, a transcription factor that is essential to maintain cell self-renewal of undifferentiated embryonic stem cells
Fun story: Harvard shrink put my schizo methhead fren on 5 antidepressants which got him setting trash on fire to get locked up. He's out now though, kek. They have pharma skill issues.

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Anonymous No. 16588802

>Prescription med
Alright. You got me there. There is some additional slop out there that can do it. I think there was something for Oct4 too but nobody brings it up because it ended up being sucky as shit with interactivity. RepSox is a research chemical. Is there anything you can find that's OTC like Apigenin or Luteolin?

Anonymous No. 16588811

You would need to see how it interacts with an HDACi to see how it ultimately impacts cellular structure aswell. There might be some things out there that can work with the signaler but it's the HDACi interaction and cell identity changes that tell us what to expect. The whole point with Apigenin's safety metric is that it's one molecule that upregulates 3 of those pathways each in case specific contexts (because it's modulates also by the immune system) that can drive the cell state all the way to pluripotency.

You need to bring up Sox2 or Oct4 in order to even start the conversation is a better way to say it. Not simply the gene upregulation itself. At least if you want Apigenic Health to become second best. The molecule selection is pretty keyed in with documentation though.

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Anonymous No. 16588829

>All factors involved are activated by one molecule.
That's what you would have to find, and it be OTC. At least if you want something closer alternate to what we get from Apigenic Health, AND we would then be comparing relative safety. The other molecule is Luteolin which is Apigenin's metabolite and will activate the same factors but to a lesser degree. I'll change my answer and say I will only admit I was wrong about there being only 3 if we know for sure it should have been in the cellular reprogramming list the NIH had. That's where we are getting that information from. There may be some other stuff that flirt around with the signaler but can't change cell identity outright which would explain why it didn't make the cut.

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Anonymous No. 16588846

so I went down a bit of a rabbit hole here...

Now I'm wondering... is an ecdysterone "post-cycle" the next logical edition to DWS's protocol?

Anonymous No. 16588865

It's a crime we are not getting data out from pre-existing Parkinson's patients. There is tremendous field data out there that needs to be presented to the public already.

Anonymous No. 16588886

FYI combining MAOIs with COMTIs is already fairly effective therapy at delaying disease progression among stuff that's already FDA-approved. COMT is also a very interesting target in polyphenol metabolism.

Anonymous No. 16588931

It's better to reprogram the cells.

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Anonymous No. 16589016

Vanoxerine might be another hit.

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Anonymous No. 16589038

Got a new phytochemical, guize.
>di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), a C. vulgure phytochemical, increases SOX2 expression in the hippocampal NSC of mice in vitro and is associated with an increased cell growth rate

TIL NIH has had some skill issues making comprehensive lists for a while at least.

Anonymous No. 16589245

Or can you describe the extent of this. Is this amputes growing their arm again or is it like a finger stump getting plumper.

Anonymous No. 16589271

Even with carbon instead of NN would help, but certainly there's some issue patenting forever chemicals as treatment.

Anonymous No. 16589274

The verified schizophrenic insists this cocktail will regrow your foreskin.
You are listening to a foreskin regeneration schizophrenic and everything that entails.
Me personally I don't listen to men who are obsessed with other men cocks, but that's just me.

Anonymous No. 16589277

Same, but then why is your whole post about other men's cocks? It seems like you are the very cock obsessed maven you despise. And maybe there is a lesson to be learned here.

Anonymous No. 16589278

The fact that you both love dicks isn't a lesson.

Anonymous No. 16589307

Yer tellin me I could grow a second dick with this here protocol? That what yer sayin?

Anonymous No. 16589314

Definitely not a government survery, but
would you rather have a small penis
or have a large penis, but it is your second dick?

Anonymous No. 16589318

I actually came here to post on that. I started this awhile ago, better part of a year, and it hurts to self stimulate more and more now with my foreskin regrowth. It definitely works, I'm reminded on the daily. I'm also seeing it physically start to look different too with increased bagginess. The skin is stretching on its own. I leaned more around 4-6x instead of 2-4x with dosing. Nothing anyone has ever brought up over the past year comes anywhere close to Apigenin I wouldn't recommend any of it you could bring up because I know it's garbage at best and always unavailable for anyone to buy.

Anonymous No. 16589327

I apologize for my rudeness because I am tired and I'm old hat at this but the only people left doubting whether it does what it says it does have never gone to find out for themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16589333

Are we really still pretending we are going to end up using synthetic crap? You can pin the tail on the pathway big whoop.

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Anonymous No. 16589338

A larger and intact penis.

The rest of this is a derivative of the same conversation we already had about the AI protein that got genned that everyone immediately thought was gonna beat Newman because it's advertised as "50x faster at Reprogramming Yamanaka factors" but was quickly proven to still be as useless as anything else you can list here because none of you are doing any more than Google searching looking for pointless crap to bring up. And not only is all this crap definitely shittier than Apigenin but not one of these synthetic molecules can actually be bought by a regular person at a store.

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Anonymous No. 16589340


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Anonymous No. 16589343

We have too many people with shopping skill issues in this thread. I also would only want to use flour to bake bread with, why should I be taking you seriously for trying to sell me synthetic flour?

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Anonymous No. 16589345


Anonymous No. 16589351

nobody commenting on the fact that the guy in the copy pasta linked in OP is obviously mentally unwell, with delusions of persecution?

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Anonymous No. 16589367

Yes, we get you think the whole topic is schizo. Semmelweiss was also told he was deluded and nobody was directly aware they were persecuting him either btw. But if you are looking for someone new to consciously abuse you have picked the wrong place and the wrong people to do it with.

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Anonymous No. 16589376

>Lists another distraction molecule
>We ask about their clear shopping skill issues.
>Immediately retreats to calling DWS schizo.

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Anonymous No. 16589381

They really thought if they could list some more molecules and it would do something? Anon, people have been trying to do that for an entire year. Case was closed for me once I understood we needed Myc-c modulation and not outright upregulation of each factor. Apigenin will actually down regulate the myc-c gene when it interacts with cancer to kill it. But you are too full of yourself to read the rentry and be humble for half a second and learn something.

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Anonymous No. 16589392

>Tries to sell me synthetic flour I can't even buy in a store.

Anonymous No. 16589403

If he wants to FUD still maybe dive bomb for some pearl clutching on synthetic medicine. After the fact it's one molecule doing all the transcription (the AI protein could do that) its still the myc-c modulation and it being definitively anti-cancer and tested in humans for decades already that kills the remaining argumens.

Anonymous No. 16589417

No anon, I'm telling you that when the time comes, you won't have to

Anonymous No. 16589421

>Mentally unwell
>This didn't happen to anyone else who made earth shattering discoveries.
People lost their mind at sea finding America too. You sound like the kind of guy who would hear about Einstein back in the day and the one contribution you can't get off your tongue is to always laugh at his hairdo. Please leave and never take fortified Apigenin no matter what.

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Anonymous No. 16589439


Found *another* SOX2 upregulator even worse than the last one... the infamous plasticizer/receipt paper tranny dye Bisphenol A:

Obviously it sucks balls from a toxicology perspective compared to other known compounds, but perhaps there could be some substituted versions using it as a lead compound that could work better.

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Anonymous No. 16589442

>judging weird scientists on their physical appearance.
>He's not getting a last minute coat of paint before they put him on TV.

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Anonymous No. 16589445

And another deep in the *don't take this shit* rabbit hole... MOTHAFUCKIN ARSENIC:

Did NIH even search their down databases when they compile "all known SOX2 upregulators" or whatever? Are they just lacking giga-autists in biotech these days?

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Anonymous No. 16589455

Now to return to the *you probably should take this shit* rabbit hole, also Melatonin:

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Anonymous No. 16589516

I turn on the television and can't find anyone trying to sell me Apigenic FUD. Not one commercial, not one talking head is out there trying to tell me I should ignore Newman. What gives?

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Anonymous No. 16589522

The first reporter or TV host who can come out and openly detest this whole thing Newman is doing and could do it honorably with a stoic and kind face is going to get an audience for it.

Anonymous No. 16589537

If someone does that the only hazards I see are the free speech/censorship issue regarding disclosure and make an exception with epigeneticlly linked diseases. Avoid this vibe in particular when it comes to the impact this will have.
Yes it's over weed but I'm talking about the political sensitivity because the molecule comes culturally charged.

Anonymous No. 16589539

>Are they just lacking giga-autists in biotech these days?
no, but my check is for mosquito libraries rn, vectorbase was given to zuck and the new platform needs a shit ton of rnaseq data.

Anonymous No. 16589554

Do you really think they are going to post known toxic crud in their list? Or is this- oh, it's the higher IQ FUD that's here to make me think critically. Got it.

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Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16589568

All this and we are also ignoring why they picked something as situationally named as RepSox to begin with.
It was screened as a synthetic replacement of SOX2 rather than it being a molecule that was simply found to also upregulate it. If you are going to reprogram your cells outside of Apigenic Health the only safe method that is also documented is using RepSox/Forskolin with VPA as your HDACi and tranylcypromine to condition tissue for the process as outlined already on the left. The items listed there are by order of recommendation from their analysis of the interactions between RepSox/Forskolin, CHIR9900021 as the GSK3 inhibitor, and both NaB and VPA being used as the HDACi's, and various other molecules to condition tissue for transcription. If you want to go synthetic that is your only documented safe way to do that other than DNA cassettes, which I don't professionally have a problem with although my understanding is that the guardrails are a bit looser. I would still take a HDACi while I would do it with Curcumin and ofc B12 to address the errors. Their approach has its own kind of handiness imo and it would be a shame to not have it out there for people who want that.

Anonymous No. 16589578

are you really comparing a schizo who thinks that because he posts flyers on lamp posts it means that the local authorities are "aware" of his theories with a guy who was regularly contributing to scientific journals while working a day job at a patent office?

Anonymous No. 16589580

I just want to hate you. Give me something I can hate.

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Anonymous No. 16589587

No, he put them on thousands of mailboxes and car windshields. If you want to think you knew before the president somehow that's your biz. We are all looking for our own ways to cope with the situation.

Anonymous No. 16589595

They would have known before then, 4chan has been the place to post shit like this for over a decade. Who the fuck do these people think they had a chance to fool exactly?

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Anonymous No. 16589604



Anonymous No. 16589620

If you randomly gave this to 5k people in a major city it would probably cover just about every major profession and would include police and people who would have informed officials.

Anonymous No. 16589649

Would this help restore your eyesight? Mine has been getting worse and I'm not even old.

Also, where the hell do you get corebiome tributyrin? all I can find are supps that are part corebiome, the rentry says 550mg, that's referring to the whole supplement and not just the 300mg corebiome tributyrin that it says it contains, yes?

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Anonymous No. 16589661

I had a small terratoma on my head and I kept picking at it until eventually I picked it all off, gross

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Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16589666

In the suburbs I was either going for the postcard clip most people don't know they have on their mailbox or preferably put it under the windshield wiper of let's call it "dads big truck" so he would see it first thing when he came out. I was looking for obvious manual laborers in the begining with that. I've been told that's been appreciated. But it also got very random. Sometimes it was the windshield of every car at a retirement home or a hospital parking lot or a fire station. It was both poorer and more expensive communities. While some think it's weird it still drives views (I was getting views on easily 80-90% of the notices I left in that manner) as well as the spectacle and ultimately a few people that started taking fortified Apigenin from that ended up reporting regrowths. If ANYONE here thinks the police haven't long been called please do so.

Anonymous No. 16589679

>targeting "dads big truck".




Anonymous No. 16589693


Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16589704

When I was experimenting with the lower end of dosing I settled on 550 to tip things just a little over half a gram in the instructions. You are reading it right, use two pills with that supplement I used it too. In the end we should be able to dial in dosing dynamically for height and weight.

Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16589720

I have not had anyone report changes to their prescription but I've had one person who said he had other issues with his vision that cleared up.

Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16589723

I'll add that unless people are dying (which they are in this case) you not do this with your rinky dinky ideas this was an E brake on our society that was pulled and under regular circumstances it should be illegal if you tried it with some regular ad.

Anonymous No. 16589803

So you worked with the dosage using multiple sources for each supplement and think these are just the minimals?

Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16589820

Yes. These were the minimals I have found to start the activity you need. I wanted to be sure you had over half a gram in you before the Apigenin was added in because the additional Tributryn will take it's time to do any additional unraveling.

Anonymous No. 16589827

I post all those other compounds just to prove NIH is not good at making lists. Obviously, melatonin is safe and arsenic is not. But that doesn't mean even shit like arsenic might not be useful for in vitro experiments, so it's worth posting.

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Anonymous No. 16589851

>Are we really still pretending we are going to end up using synthetic crap?

Fr fr there is probably some highly-fluorinated BPA derivate that has good enough toxicology and selectivity for SOX2 given the study on BPA itself. There are probably some ballin-ass "forever chemicals" out there unlike the goy crap in the headlines. The big advantage with "forever chemicals" is you'd have to dose far less frequently.

Obviously exploring ways to do this besides apigenin should still be researched, even if apigenin remains the safest and most effective compound we can find so far.


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Anonymous No. 16590326

You got the job, you pretty much are mind raping the planet with this but yeah she's giving in. Bitch needs a smoke break.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16590351

Anonymous No. 16590523

>an army of Karen's isn't already engaged and in this thread.

Anonymous No. 16590873

Prior to starting this protocol I was sleeping 12+ hours a day. Extreme fatigue from working a high-stress job and taking care of ill family members. Exhausted every day for the last three years. I could barely make it through the work day and I'd go to sleep as soon as I got off work. Starting on day 4 and day 5 of this protocol I've slept in two 3-hour blocks and I feel energized and sharp all day. Waking up before the alarm, ready to go. I'm waiting for the pendulum to swing back the other way and for the fatigue to come back. If it doesn't then this is a God-send.

Anonymous No. 16590887

I did not buy enough of this, you can blow through 8-12 caps a day without even trying

Anonymous No. 16591001

What the hell am I looking at? Is this schizo central?

Anonymous No. 16591026

The next evolution of the research that won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. We're pretty sure that DWS's cocktail works at least to some degree and doesn't kill people with teratomas at least in the short term, but the long-term effects are still of course somewhat murky because it's a recent discovery.

Anonymous No. 16591027

when are we gonna invent something to regrow those ear hairs..

Anonymous No. 16591035

Alright I'll add liposomal apigenin to my stack. Couldve skipped the schizo shit and just said that.

Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16591138

It won't. Improved sleep is common with Apigenin at this dosage all on its own. Eventually your immune system is going to be reencoding the operational code of your existing cells, and particularly your adult stem cells so slowly your body is going to be generating new cells that are years younger than the rest of you and those slowly replace the rest of you out. If you are getting that good of a reaction to start with I'd imagine you will be knee deep in it in a few months and at that point even if you do stop taking it your body will still take years to catch up to your new code. You 25-35 by chance?

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Anonymous No. 16591141

In order for it to work you need an HDACi and some other stuff they mention in the rentry. He also forgot to mention that an OTC epigenetic reset means everyone has functional immortality with the ability to regrow limbs and any other piece of you that's missing or heavily damaged/scarred. That's the people screaming about their foreskins regrowing.

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Anonymous No. 16591192

Even if it's based on the 2012 Mayan Doomsday Nobel Prize from Dr. Yarmuckle, it's still schizo-sounding enough compared to what all the boomer doctors have been doing the last few centuries that I can see why FUD can take a while to dissipate. It's not just quite like taking some vitamin C, even though also alters epigenetics. That coincidentally is another obscure hair loss treatment prodrug, picrel.

So what about a schizo-ass alternative light source for detecting schizo-ass glass shards in schizo-ass tissue without using schizo-ass x-rays? If you're really schizo Jesus, you might be able to answer this and perhaps even the wisdom of adding an ecdysterone post-cycle to your protocol.

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Anonymous No. 16591210

has anyone had older folks in their 60’s and older try this for an extended period? how has it helped them, and what has the reaction been like?

Anonymous No. 16591436

>In order for it to work you need an HDACi
Oh yeah i forgot that. Should have the rest covered
>He also forgot to mention that an OTC epigenetic reset means everyone has functional immortality with the ability to regrow limbs and any other piece of you that's missing or heavily damaged/scarred.
Yeahhh, right. See that's where y'all will lose a whole lot of people unless you provide proof
All you need to do is create a list of supplements, describe how often/when to take them, and say it cured your depression or made you cum gallons. Turn it into a picture and post it on /fit/ and /pol/. If it's as good as you make it out to be, it'll spread on its own from there.

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Anonymous No. 16591520

It can't be schizo when none of those claims are uniquely from this method. Yamanaka factors in general have been speculated to do this type of stuff for awhile and Newman was just the first human to do it to himself. He needs to come clean on what else he knows.
>Pretending all that didn't already happen.

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Anonymous No. 16591534

I've seen his Facebook and seen more than one before pic. He used to look notably older to me and idc what you try and tell me the only other explanation is expensive plastic surgery and that in this timeline of events seems less likely to me than him just taking these pills that make me feel like my kneecaps are stitching themselves back together.

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Anonymous No. 16591547

I was expecting a bio researcher. The fact IT figured this out makes it seem like the technology branch was just ripe for the picking and this was the 5 star level innovation that kicks in at that stage with all the innovative weirdos you got floating out there. The whole thing screams that this was a mature enough technology that just needed to get properly sperg'd. You even have IT's immortality pastebin unironically framed in its polite scientific context with the words "resetting your epigenetic code". The fucking state this belongs on /g/ just as much as here.

Anonymous No. 16591563

>>Pretending all that didn't already happen
Well, it's my first time coming across it. My bad.

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Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16591598

The difference is as simple as playing a separate chord. RepSox was a research hole because they were too distracted by synthetic chemistry replacing the SOX2 signaler outright and Sinclair said he was looking to skip a wright brothers moment and go straight to the jet engine and produced those first 6 cocktails with that mentality. They couldn't have the stones in a million years to consider they were over engineering the solution and what they were looking for required a completely different set of values and perspective on how to approach a solution. I will go to my inevitable death laughing at how anyone could have overlooked what has always felt to me like a very clear immunological outcome and how that observation has made all the difference in my life. It's a question of one's ability to think and act at the edge of technological innovation.

The researchers were only going to focus on the research chemical, shocker.

Anonymous No. 16591610

>black guy paid to talk a lot of guff and to administrate
>white guy just fucking gets it done
checks out

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Anonymous No. 16591683

Matthew has a big penis and snug levels have never been higher. We are in for some serious shit.

Anonymous No. 16591710

Stopped reading right there

Anonymous No. 16591799

You can use lithium as an alternative GSK3 inhibitor.

Anonymous No. 16591808

And they will call me insane.

Anonymous No. 16591810


Anonymous No. 16591836


how long should i take these?

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Anonymous No. 16591838


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Anonymous No. 16591845

Technically yes because you will need a top up every few years or so. But no in that you do not need to constantly be in a reprogramming state in order for it to work. The point is to reprogram your adult stem cells in particular so all future cells will be made with new code and that slowly replaces the rest of you. That typically is starting to happen to people within the first few months at most.

Anonymous No. 16591854

I haven't heard anyone say they actually tried it that way though. Or with VPA as the HDACi. Curcumin is clearly a better choice no?

Anonymous No. 16591860

Early 40s.

Anonymous No. 16591867

These two are from the Rentry.

Curcumin is also a the perfect supporting molecule broadly as a GSK3 inhibitor because of it's synergy with butyrate and it's history with HDAC inhibition. Also it's helpfulness particularly with activated T cells that Matthew brought up earlier.

Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16591892

The immune system incidentally weighs about 2 or 3 pounds in the human body. To imagine that little monster has it in them the whole time warms my heart. And trusting it was doing its best with the additional assistance I have been giving it was never very hard.

Anonymous No. 16591895

will my cock get bigger too?

Anonymous No. 16591904

bros why are my hemorrhoids getting bigger? unrelated or should i stop?

Anonymous No. 16591932

How far along are you and what age? You are probably fine, some swelling maybe but we haven't had people bring up issues with hemorrhoids before with other people who had them and ultimately they go away.

Anonymous No. 16591960

Yupp. Using a single molecule that activates T cells to upregulate/modulate the genes rather than multiple molecules having to each interact with a cell in some balanced way you will only be able to achieve in theory is clearly the better idea. This is just supporting immunological function with additional access to the chromatin and enabling conditions for the T cells to transcribe. The rest is knowing and trusting in the science that tells us that a molecule people have already been using along similar lines for decades is going to simply be further enabled by this and it's not suddenly being given a capacity that's out of step with what it's already been shown to be handy in. But it's an e=mc^2 kinda situation because it unifies immunological function with cell identity restoration.

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Anonymous No. 16591966

Cut out the oily junk food.

Anonymous No. 16591976

I wonder if this could reverse gray hairs?

Anonymous No. 16591989

I worry about your stomach acidity and Ph levels.

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Anonymous No. 16592033

QRD on this and why should we trust it?
Do we have scientific and medical proof that it actually works?

Sounds like something that billionaires would immediately start using if it really did work. They do have the money to fund their own private research on this, and to buy tons of this stuff.
So I have to wonder why some of them, at least, aren't looking any younger recently.

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Anonymous No. 16592136

Its like sex. It's technically real just not for everybody.

Anonymous No. 16592139

Just found this, and I want to believe... but this nigga seems schizo. But I'm an math fag rather than a biochemist, so you may as well ask a monkey about the validity of the protocol itself.

This is his YT channel.

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Anonymous No. 16592145

The only way to take this stuff without becoming pregnant is to be gay while participating. Got it!

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Anonymous No. 16592149

Pass. He says the Republicans have a lid on it big fucking whoop. Can you give me an objective reason why I should care what specific reason it's being censored over?

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Anonymous No. 16592157

We are all trying to be less gay about it anon. The majority just can't help themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16592165

No anon. He has to be schizo because there is no way the government would do everything he says they are I mean they are sworn to protect everybody right? And surely anon they wouldn't be stupid enough to be actively trying to cover up events that have taken place. It's about as silly as deleting that post further up about the sitting presidents culpability. He has to be lying about it already being released online for a year or something.

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Anonymous No. 16592167

Thanks, but that doesn't answer the question.
I want to believe, and it appears to at least have some basis in previous research, but I'm going to need more proof than just some random guy claiming that it works.

This is /sci/, where are all the medfags, chemfags, and biofags?
This would be a great time for them to join in and help figure out if this actually works.
Come on, 4chan. Do something epic one last time by inventing an OTC immortality serum. It would be so extremely amusing if /sci/ was the place that figured it out.

Anonymous No. 16592171

how would this dumb thing work if youre on hrt? does it totally mess it up?

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Anonymous No. 16592173

Can't we comment on how celery is now vore and will reverse impregnate you the first time you take it? Not even once for me pal.

Anonymous No. 16592176

They knew all knew about it a year ago dude that's what nobody wants to say out loud. The technicals were more or less undisputed by like January like the dude said.

Anonymous No. 16592178

>He has to be lying about it already being released online for a year or something
My only issue with that story, is that if proof that an immortality cocktail exists was posted online a year ago, then we'd be seeing a few rich people looking slightly younger and more energetic than before (specially that one anti-aging guy).
That's hasn't happened yet, as far as I can tell.

That's what I'm waiting for. The moment one of them figures it out, we'll instantly know that an immortality cocktail has been invented because they'll start looking younger.

Anonymous No. 16592180

Is 1000 mg of tributyrin per day enough?

Anonymous No. 16592187

THAT'S your only issue with the story? Not the part where he claims to have had meetings at the top levels of government (and that they had used the protocol) while having literally zero reach? If you can get a meeting with the fucking president, you can find some guys on twitter or Insta with large follower bases to post about it and signal boost it rather than just have a video where you ramble for a while (which has 400 views) if you really care about getting the information out, no?

Anonymous No. 16592189

If everyone knew a year ago, then why isn't Bryan Johnson looking younger by now?
He's that one millionaire who's obsessed with anti-aging. That's what he's now known for, so why isn't he taking this yet?

You'd think that the one anti-aging guy who deliberately experiments on himself with random treatments just to see what works would be thrilled to try this one as well. So where is he?

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Anonymous No. 16592190

It's like almost everyone who was here late 2023 got v&.

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Anonymous No. 16592193

Anonymous No. 16592195

It's already designated cringe and you are supposed to feel bad.

Anonymous No. 16592201

For the Vic Michaels schizos in particular you have a nice slice for the crowd here that wants to eat David Sinclair alive. No bully.

Anonymous No. 16592202

I was talking about the "being released online for a year" part of the story and the fact that no one is looking suspiciously younger yet. It doesn't add up.

I really don't want to quickly discredit the whole story just from the guy being an absolute schizophrenic, because there's a small chance that this is another TempleOS situation where he could be a schizogenius.
This is why we need to get some medfags in here, so we can figure out if there's any truth to this before he disappears forever with an actual aging treatment.

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Anonymous No. 16592210

>If everyone knew a year ago, then why isn't Bryan Johnson looking younger by now?
"bro" (or maybe sis) has so many different levels of skill issues (s)he can't even figure out copper to stop his/(her) hair catching the grey or, any synthetic antioxidants besides NAC. and that's only where it starts.

just looking younger is accomplished by countless OTC topical cosmetic products and various kinds of photonic wizardy, that is not always a reliable indicator.

Anonymous No. 16592211

The archived threads should still be there, so why don't you post links to the late 2023 threads?

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Anonymous No. 16592216

A few have been brought up in threads the past few weeks they are out there. He also claims such as these.>>16588631 which means it should have had the proper attention by now don't you think?

Anonymous No. 16592218

>that is not always a reliable indicator
A 50+ year old suddenly looking like a 25-30 year old can't be explained just by OTC cosmetics.
You can't miraculously reverse all evidence of 50+ years of skin aging and sun damage without looking like a wax doll full of makeup.

Otherwise, older actors and rich people would be looking like they're 30 all the time.

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Anonymous No. 16592220

>This is why we need to get some medfags in here, so we can figure out if there's any truth to this before he disappears forever with an actual aging treatment.

You can literally just plug "Dr. Yamanaka" into Wikipedia to see there is something above schizo-tier going on here. Exactly how safe and effective DWS's particular cocktail really is long-term is sort of an open question, but anecdotal reports on here haven't sounded too bad yet.

>without looking like a wax doll full of makeup.
um well, literally Bryan Johnson. bro str8 wax injections at this point.

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Anonymous No. 16592221

>You can't miraculously reverse all evidence of 50+ years of skin aging and sun damage without looking like a wax doll full of makeup.

Maybe not quite, but if you look at what Lindsay Lohan did, it was almost certainly photodynamic therapy; an upgraded version of the picrel device Bryan Johnson uses unlike all his $100k+ dust-gathering derma gadgets. Chemical peels and retinoids can also do a fair amount, but not quite as much.

Anonymous No. 16592222

I'm sorry, but I'm going to need more proof and outside sources, other than just the same guy making the same claiming.

If there was indeed some limb regrowth, then this should be easy to prove with before and after pictures and doctor examination.
It's a medical miracle, you can't tell me there isn't any evidence of it and the dude who got a new limb just disappeared from existence without a trace.
Every doctor would love to examine this person who regrew a limb, it's an easy Nobel prize if the doctor discovers what the person did.

Anonymous No. 16592228

>Exactly how safe and effective DWS's particular cocktail really is long-term is sort of an open question
Again, this is why we need some medfags in here as soon as possible.
Even if this iteration of the treatment isn't very safe, the medfags can figure out multiple safer alternatives and the exact "mechanism of action" that causes the anti-aging effects. Just like how we have multiple different SSRIs today with varying levels of safety and side effects.

Anonymous No. 16592230


Anonymous No. 16592235

Why does this entire thread read like endless schizo ramblings?

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Anonymous No. 16592236


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Anonymous No. 16592240

Anonymous No. 16592243

Because it is.

Anonymous No. 16592244

Reply was meant for >>16592235.

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Anonymous No. 16592245

Followup question. We wouldn't happen to be cutting off all cancer and medical research would we?

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Anonymous No. 16592248


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Anonymous No. 16592249

>Even if this iteration of the treatment isn't very safe,
we don't really have any long-term human evidence one way or another. short-term seems to say maybe safe enough if you trust random schizos on here. turmeric is known to rarely cause liver toxicity, but usually at higher doses.

>the medfags can figure out multiple safer alternatives
not exactly that easy. there are some potential alternatives posted higher up in this thread, some of which could be maybe safer and others more dangerous. the bad part is NIH itself did not locate most of them, so there are systemic skill issues at play here.

>and the exact "mechanism of action" that causes the anti-aging effects.
literally Yamanaka factors.

Anonymous No. 16592252

If most people are entering reprogramming states within the first month or two you don't need to do it longer than like 6 before you are fine not taking it for while and wait a few years for your body to catch up. Newman was 32 and only did it for like 4 months. We also still don't know how long allot of that is taking. It's clearly years but people notice the initial impact relatively quickly.

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Anonymous No. 16592254

Devil's advocate: I think the only credible FUD left is what if you are also immortalizing cancer stem cells by chance and go full The Substance years/decades later despite DWS's protocol including several anti-carcinogenic chemicals?

There is of course PRECISELY ZERO evidence that his protocol in fact does this, but it does seem biologically plausible depending exactly what kind of precancerous/cancerous cell someone could maybe theoretically have somewhere.

Anonymous No. 16592256

The bar is higher than that. You need proof the molecule can bring a cell back to a pluripotent state and specifically what to expect with how it interacts with an HDACi. Without knowing those two things you can't plug them in and make any sizeable prediction of anything at all let alone safety. Even DWS's choice (Apigenin) meets that mark.

Anonymous No. 16592260

we need a medanon to inject apigenin into a bunch of human cells and check if they yamanaka or not

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Anonymous No. 16592264

The molecule driving the transcription action is itself specifically anti-cancer, not just the other molecules that support it. The myc-c gene is down regulated when Apigenin interacts with cancer as has been mentioned multiple times and as far as it transcribes the rest of you it is documented to reprogram and kill cancer cells. That's another part of this we all have to causally admit too now don't we? People have long debated that immortality and cancer itself were intangibly linked. To make us immortal you have to have officially defeated cancer wouldn't you have? Are we not already admitting this theory is about nothing more than empowering it's existing capacities? More heresy we get to claim is completely unfounded.

It's just an extension of all logical and reasonable fact!

Anonymous No. 16592265

No. That's link in the rentry idiot. Apigenin can take a cell all the way back to pluripotency without any assistance. It's already been shown to do that.

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Anonymous No. 16592266

Well, when you have a trial with 100 glioblastoma patients going into remission, then I'll 100% swallow the koolaid.

Anonymous No. 16592267

So it converts existing cells in your body into stem cells? Can't be good, you'll just become a blob of stem cells then

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Anonymous No. 16592273


Anonymous No. 16592274

At this point we might as well skip the pills and simply create an mRNA Yamanaka vaccine that "teaches" your body to do this on its own, in one or two doses.
Repeat the doses again every 10 years or so, like the tetanus vaccine.

Anonymous No. 16592280

>t. Fauci

Anonymous No. 16592285

It's a measure of overall capacity less than a conversation of safety. It's turning on these genes slower than RepSox would be.

Anonymous No. 16592288

see link above, it activates o, s, and m, and deregulates m in cancer cells. so it erases epigenetic code but cell identity is left intact, you wont have to worry about teeth growing in your nuts

Anonymous No. 16592289

That's literally what the DNA cassettes are. But you will still need the B12 for error correction, that same paper that outlines why used cassettes for their control because iPSC research has been using direct gene upregulation to induce for like over a decade now.

Anonymous No. 16592292

Cell identity can indeed change but it's clearly by degree. You aren't taking it long enough for it to go that far back by doing this. Certainly nobody here has. Your immune system is actually targeting whichever region of your body is aged most and transcribing that before anything else. Again, this is an immune system reaction... people need to just read the rentry. It's not complicated.

Anonymous No. 16592298

We are forgetting that there is cell differentiation to an exceptional degree. You can still be correcting your differentiated code with this without actually changing the base code of operability. The cell identity will change for example to improve brain plasticity.

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Anonymous No. 16592301

wtf is "about a dropper full of B12" in autistic nerd units such as micrograms?

>100% most schizo part of this protocol.

Anonymous No. 16592303

>what if you are also immortalizing cancer stem cells by chance
Then you'll have to get that tumor cut out, which is business as usual.

Anonymous No. 16592304

The whole point is that cell identity is tied up in the state of your epigenetic code. The whole point is that Yamanaka Factors were first used to take a cell all the way back to pluripotency but were also found to reverse aging if you slowed down the activation and did it over a longer period of time with plenty of breaks. The whole point is that this takes things further than they did with RepSox in the realization that you can have all the complication in balancing the gene upregulation sorted out for you by the immune system. The solution works ladies and gentleman, and there isn't a soul on this planet that can build a logical argument saying it doesn't do exactly what it says it does. The rest of this is just everyone making sure we are getting proof as fast as we can manage.

Anonymous No. 16592306

Unless it's super-ultra-giga-turbo cancer that's much harder to treat, of course.

Anonymous No. 16592307

Which is still business as usual, cancer is the plague of modern medicine

Anonymous No. 16592308

most droppers I saw in my local pharmacy were 1000 mcg doses so I'd start there

Anonymous No. 16592312

looking at the studies on Bisphenol A, maybe it inducing stemness in tumors is actually indeed part of the problem. >>16589439

of course DWS's cocktail looks a lot safer than that, but I'm not totally convinced he's added every anti-carcinogenic chemical he should and tweaked it perfectly yet or anything.

Anonymous No. 16592313

Unless the Apigenin did what it's been documented to do when it makes contact with cancer cells.

Anonymous No. 16592314

I'm on your side, I'm just saying there is no real risk even if you did somehow invent immortal cancer cells because thats no change from the status quo of getting inoperable cancer and dying anyway

Anonymous No. 16592315

Why do we think increasing butyrate levels with Apigenin makes it carcinogenic exactly? Are we able to say anything that has a basis in fact?

Anonymous No. 16592316

I'm not saying apigenin isn't anti-carcinogenic, but what I am saying is they are still studying it in chemotherapy cocktails for gliomas with some different molecules than DWS talks about.

that is mostly tumor genotyping and PubMed skill issues if you get to that point these days.

Anonymous No. 16592319

It seems far less dangerous than anything else they have that's shown to do it that's already safe. They would have taken Matthew off the streets playing Paul Revere with it if it wasn't safe. Some additional molecules are not going to make a difference but some people like to know someone still went the extra mile and that's fine by me.

Anonymous No. 16592324

They have to tell the public it wasn't ready yet or the US Government committed international crimes. Yikes.

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Anonymous No. 16592326

Yeah a couple of excuse molecules is all they need to justify the deaths of millions and make this Matthew Newman problem go away forever. Problem solved.

Anonymous No. 16592332

Wouldn't explain all the relevant deaths that still would have occured this past year otherwise. The failure to disclose this still resulted in the loss of human life.

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Anonymous No. 16592334

I mean they didn't even let people TALK about it... This should have easily been on the news last summer.

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Anonymous No. 16592339

The world is unfair, why should we give a damn over this? They want to say Republicans stole the election over this and there are plenty of people who would rather just see millions of more people die than say Matthew Newman is telling the truth. I'm under no obligation to help my fellow neighbor on this one. It's perfectly legal for everyone involved to do nothing like they have been and it only benefits them if they do.

Anonymous No. 16592342

Exactly. If it wasn't okay we wouldn't already be killing them right now.

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Anonymous No. 16592350

Yeah, we need that 2% to matter more than the rest of the 98%. If you don't you are fired.

Anonymous No. 16592358

Millions of people would rather die than admit he's right about Apigenic Health. Never mind the politics.

Anonymous No. 16592360

If you only have 6 months to live you would try pretty much anything.

Anonymous No. 16592368

This. There is no reason why this wouldn't have been rushed to some people. The sane thing to consider is that Matthew Newman says that has already happened to an extent.

Anonymous No. 16592394

Yeah but, what if the government decided you were better off dying as planned?

Anonymous No. 16592412

I think we severely discount the notion that the majority of people who find out really really aren't looking to tell the people around them... like at at all...

Anonymous No. 16592434

Yeah. Matthew is going to go on TV, say the whole thing over again, and no one is going to give a shit. They will be bummed that they couldn't know and everyone else not but it will publicly be looked as a net loss because nobody really thinks like that about others. That's just not what you should start expecting things to work on planet earth.

Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16592480

As bizarre as it will sound. The primary motivation was that those responsible thought it would be fun to do this to everyone.

Anonymous No. 16592537

You should probably evolve your moral framework a bit more.

Anonymous No. 16592716

Still waiting for more outside proof for this by actual medical professionals, not just the same unproven claims repeated by the same guy who's not even a doctor.

Anyways, if you really think this works and want people to use it, then get some medfags in here as soon as possible.
Unless you don't want people to use it, and all you want is just attention and to create a new pseudoscience cult around Yamanaka factors with random unproven treatments.


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Anonymous No. 16592851

The sitting president wants you to watch as children die, why so upset? Who are these medical professionals you thought were going to do the right thing anon?

Anonymous No. 16592857

>A thousand horrible things in this thread.
>Matthew saying Donald and Elon were smiling the whole time
>This being the only thing you hear that's morally bankrupt.
The fucking seethe on these people. As if Donald Trump wouldn't let all of us die at the drop of a hat.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16592868


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16592882

Yeah I just don't see it. You could have all the damning evidence you could possibly imagine but half of Americans voted for him so until they can come to terms with why always Trump winning was more important than their children's lives the American people will have no problem with lowkey admittin they fine with the killin.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16592886

>Why Trump always winning is more important

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16592894

>/pol/-tier schizoposting on /sci/
What is going on in this thread, and why does it have so many replies?

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Anonymous No. 16592899

4chan knew COVID was going to strike weeks before it hit the press and you would doubt your own eyes. You all cling to your governments and "medical professionals" as if they aren't the first responders to make sure the shackles aren't loose.

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Anonymous No. 16592908

I wish they had something that could actually debunk Apigenic Health instead of people just repeating the word schizo to try and make my brain stop throbbing.

Anonymous No. 16592912

Actual schizophrenics keep creating the same thread with no new information, evidence, or research on Apigenin / cellular reprogramming. Thread should be nuked as soon as they start rambling about the police or government. It’s probably the same two people spamming this for the past year.

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Anonymous No. 16592917

They are never going to be able to disprove Apigenic Health. It's going to be better if you calm down please.

Anonymous No. 16592925

They should only be allowed to blame governments if they are not American. And they need to figure out how to make the Apigenin not work on black people.

Anonymous No. 16592931

Every imagepost is the same schizo
Hope that helps
I ran this through o3 high, and even asking it to be generous and give a positive overview it still said this is bullshit

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Anonymous No. 16592938

>Anon says that what his government is doing is illegal and killing younglings.
American heroes know what to do.

Anonymous No. 16592940

Also o3 is very concerned for op's mental health lmao

Anonymous No. 16592942

Can you please post exactly what it said that was bullshit and list sources? We need actual specifics on why it sucks to try and take this down.

Anonymous No. 16592946

OP needs to shove his cocktails up his ass. I don't want to be married to my wife forever.

Anonymous No. 16592950

lol bump limit nuking brigade has arrived

Anonymous No. 16592956

All these words about what Apigenic Health does and nothing about the fact being immortal now makes me feel like shit.

Anonymous No. 16592961

We keep circling back to how they can't. There are a lot of distressed medfags actually that know it works. Hello!!!

Anonymous No. 16592967

I want to circle back to this point here. /Sci/ knew in late 2023 what gives?

Anonymous No. 16592977

What part of "technological triumph is here and they won't release it because it breaks the economy" are we missing here? Please show us where on the doll the celery has hurt you.

Anonymous No. 16592981

If he's schizo we need the police to stop him from putting out more notices on windshields and people regrowing more limbs.

Anonymous No. 16592984

>We need actual specifics on why it sucks to try and take this down
You should start by realizing that the burden of proof is on OP and the schizos who believe in this.
I haven't seen any evidence yet that it actually works, other than the same schizo repeatedly saying that no one in this basket weaving science forum can prove him wrong.

Guess what, I can claim that unicorns exist and you can't prove me wrong either. You just haven't seen one yet, or you just haven't tried hard enough, or... you get the idea.
I'm still waiting for the schizophrenics in this thread to post actual proof, other than just "this one guy did it and is claiming it works".

If it really does work, then it shouldn't be hard to scientifically prove. Just do it, and you'll immediately become the legend who created the fountain of youth.

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Anonymous No. 16592990


Anonymous No. 16593004

It all reads like a somewhat retarded chatbot flooding the thread. It's all nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16593017

We need to be pumping out suggestions for how to push this over the edge of public recognition. It's not proof, proof is being censored. People who have known for awhile are being prevented from posting or you would have DOZENS of guys who were here late 23' saying it doesn't work. That's proof enough for me at this point. We are not the first people to find out about this and the evidence is everywhere.

Anonymous No. 16593023

This. Where is everyone who was here when this started? Shouldn't they have been coming out of the woodwork already to debunk it?

Anonymous No. 16593024

Explain lol.

Anonymous No. 16593029

Stop asking questions. He is schizo and that's the end of it.

Anonymous No. 16593042

If it didn't work the police should have arrested him already for soliciting it in Denver. Nobody can explain this to me and I am not schizo.

Anonymous No. 16593063

He is yelling fire in a crowded theatre, there are witnesses, they should have gotten a picture of him from door cameras etc. If there is no fire I want this man locked up and people need to call the authorities.

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Anonymous No. 16593065

See, this is where you're wrong. I entered a thread about a topic I deeply care for. Anti-aging, lifespan extension, immortality, and all that. Which is why I'm mildly upset at the absolute state of this thread.
I expected actual scientific discussion, people posting about recent research, and maybe some proof that some new treatments are working.
After all, this is >>>/sci/ence, not /x/ or /pol/.

Instead what I got is ONE (1) random guy who doesn't have any medical or science degree, claiming that his own DIY treatment works, that the entirety of the scientific community is dumb for missing it, and relentlessly samefagging the entire thread complaining about people who don't believe him. There's no proof to it, other than the same guy claiming it works.
There's also a disturbing about of /x/-tier and /pol/-tier schizoposting in this thread.

It should be so easy to prove too, just six months and some blood tests before and after, and whoever does it first would become an absolute legend and win a Nobel prize. It's been more than a year and nobody has been able to prove it yet, which implies that it doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 16593096

>If it didn't work the police should have arrested him already for soliciting it in Denver
If it go outside and give a bunch of sugar pills to random people on the street, and I can prove to the police that those are indeed just sugar pills, then what exactly are they going to arrest me for? Giving away candy isn't a crime.

Same applies here, if this "treatment" doesn't work, and the compounds when used together don't actually do anything special other than giving your body some more nutrients, then what exactly are they going to arrest him for? Giving away supplements to adults isn't a crime, specially if it's all OTC stuff.
This is what you schizos are missing, if it did actually work, then he'd probably be arrested for disclosing an immortality serum to the public without the government's knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16593097

Why do you think what he's done hasn't already warranted that anon? If there are serious concerns I don't want to hear nobody didn't already do that. This is insane.

Anonymous No. 16593113

So you would know then why all the people who were here late 23 are not showing up? Lots of people could be saying they took it for 6 months and it did nothing. Where are they? That's what you apologists are missing. We can see the crowd is being actively manipulated.

Anonymous No. 16593137

>how to push this over the edge of public recognition
Post undeniable scientific proof and you get a Nobel prize. It's that easy, the public will know as soon as the winner is announced.

>It's not proof, proof is being censored
>who have known for awhile are being prevented from posting
I'm going to need a source on this, I don't see anything being censored here. You're just not posting it.

>you would have DOZENS of guys who were here late 23' saying it doesn't work
Right, but they're also not here saying that it does work, or posting any proof of it from blood tests, genetic tests, or other methods that could prove it.

>That's proof enough for me at this point
The absolute lack of evidence is proof enough for you?

>and the evidence is everywhere
Why aren't you posting it then? It's funny how the proof is being censored, but at the same time the evidence is everywhere. Sorry, but you can't have both.

Anonymous No. 16593143

Lame take. Thinking Apigenin will suddenly do something other than what we keep documenting it to do is anti-science. There is nothing "new" in Matthew's work that's why you can't debunk it. You have nothing to start with other than your feelings. People failing to act is more likely than the science suddenly changing.

Anonymous No. 16593146

academia won't accept such a study, and I would expect a /sci/entist to recognize that

Anonymous No. 16593164

You assume that just because they're not here, then it must mean that it did work. The opposite can be just as likely, they're not here because it didn't work and as a result they simply lost interest in this topic.
Let me ask you this, do you really believe that if it really did work people would just remain silent for a whole year?
It's much easier to just filter the thread if it didn't work, and just ignore any further schizophrenic discussions about this.

Anonymous No. 16593179

We can't even get a guy to come up here, say he did it for 3 or 4 months and say it does nothing. It's already been here a year, the rest is just FUD.

Anonymous No. 16593195

No it won't, but it's a start. Right now there's nothing other than just some schizo's words.
Besides, Dr. Donald Unger won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine for cracking his knuckles for 50 years to test if it caused arthritis. It's an n=1 situation, and he still won the Nobel prize

So you too, can get a Nobel prize. Just do the treatment on yourself and then prove that it worked. It's simple as that.

Anonymous No. 16593200

Why would it do nothing when we have all this information that says it definitely does something? Don't you have to throw out everything on Apigenin's documented history on the matter to discount Apigenic Health? What part of the underlying theory is a stretch exactly? Can somebody point to some factoid at least instead of repeating that it's schizo?

Anonymous No. 16593207

>What part of the theory is a stretch.
My incoming foreskin.

Anonymous No. 16593215

They've already wasted time and money doing the treatment, why would they waste even more time arguing with a schizo on /sci/ and trying to convince people it didn't work.

Be honest here, if one of them came here and said it didn't work, you'd claim that it's FUD and you'd never believe that they tried the treatment for 6 months.

Anonymous No. 16593217

Yeah, the problem is that the math on it holds but that also means our days are ruined.

Anonymous No. 16593222

We need to figure out something he can do that would escalate things publicly with the oval office.

Anonymous No. 16593231

>People failing to act is more likely than the science suddenly changing.

Anonymous No. 16593240

>What part of the underlying theory is a stretch exactly?
The underlying theory can be sound, and it might still not work as advertised. It's like how FTL can technically work, but you need negative energy (or something like that) to do it.
It might also work on mice, but not on humans. The existing research didn't try it on humans, just mice, and a bunch of these experimental treatments end there because it doesn't work so well on humans.

What we're really asking if ANYONE who has tried this to post some before and after blood and genetic tests (telomeres lengthened? biological age doesn't match chronological age?). Show us that something has physically changed in your body, and it's not just a placebo feeling you've had while taking the treatment.
The fact that no one is willing to do this after an entire year is deeply concerning for the credibility of this whole thing,

Anonymous No. 16593253

>Material that produces negative energy
Like a single molecule making the immune system trigger a response that hits multiple Yamanaka factors? Your analogy doesn't work because we have all the pieces here already.

Anonymous No. 16593265

We havent needed negative energy to make warp bubbles work for years, merely a staggeringly large amount of real energy

Anonymous No. 16593271

It's more likely people will just mess with a couple of test results than admit the entire medical industry needs to go away.

Anonymous No. 16593294

>Ignoring the mice problem
Yes, you have all the pieces, now prove that it all works together on humans. It's that simply.
Proving it doesn't mean posting a bunch of Yamanaka research done on mice. We're not mice.

>a single molecule making the immune system trigger a response that hits multiple Yamanaka factors
Then do some simple blood and genetic tests, why do you refuse to do so? You already know all the theory behind it, now be a good scientist and do some tests.

>I don't trust any test results because I'm a massive schizo, so I'll just refuse to do any tests
How convenient...

Anonymous No. 16593302

This. It's the simple answer. The government will censor research sometimes and often that censorship involves punishing the guy who figured it out and having his research gaslit to his face. The US government thought they could get away with it this time and distort the situation and they are still married to the idea because of how much goes down in the financial markets when this gets out. Not one of you can deny there will be a financial situation if he's right and that there would be motive for ALL OF THIS.

Anonymous No. 16593309

It's not very convenient when you consider the motive in this situation. It's not very convenient at all.

Anonymous No. 16593333

The data on Apigenin and OSM was on human tissue you are retarded. But that isn't the worst part. Why exactly do you think Yamanaka factors works differently in mice vs humans? None of the testing or theory proposed by "ACTUAL SCIENTISTS" trying with other compounds will make that assumption or take that view.

Anonymous No. 16593361

>Yamanaka Factors aren't real because it's mice.
Please go to hell.

Anonymous No. 16593381

The underlying theory works the exact same way for all organisms that use DNA. Please stop posting and actually read the material.

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🗑️ Cult of Passion No. 16593382

>>I don't trust any test results because I'm a massive schizo, so I'll just refuse to do any tests
>How convenient...
I wonder why he would reserves that sentiment...

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16593387

>Ignores the fact that all the research this is based on is public knowledge
>Ignores the fact that Altos Labs is performing this research right now without censorship
Anon... please take your meds.

>Someone asks for proof
>immediately get upset and tell them to go to hell
Thanks, but I'm still waiting for some scientific proof.

Anonymous No. 16593412

Methylation tests were done before/after then came claims of chicanery. He wants people to do it without using a service. Apparently you can do that yourself with the right equipment. But I also wouldn't be surprised if his results would have just been caught up by their algo (intentionally or no) and they unintentionally gave him an inaccurate reading by mistake.

Anonymous No. 16593452

>Methylation tests were done before/after then came claims of chicanery
What I find entertaining about this whole thing, is that he doesn't trust the test results, but somehow he trusts that each of the OTC compounds haven't been tampered with.

It's like some selective schizo trust issues, where certain things can't be trusted (the government tampering with test results) but other things should be fully trusted without question (the government hasn't tampered with the chemicals he bought).
I'm guessing he doesn't have the proper equipment at home to test each compound individually.

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Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16593484

I have had too many people come up to me and thank me to get too worried about it at this point. The government fucked up and people died, what's new?

Anonymous No. 16593500

Are these people in the room with us right now?

Dude Wearing Shoes - Matthew !!u5+g33dogSO No. 16593501

Yeah! Why didn't they shoot me?

Anonymous No. 16593507

Who are you talking about?

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Anonymous No. 16593638

If Trump cares so much about coddling the biotech industry, why is RFK Jr. running HHS now?

If he cares so much about not breaking the economy, why are we in trade wars with all our allies now?

My take: Trump and Elon are just midwits who don't actually get economics any better than biotech. NIH should have a new building dedicated to testing DWS's research instead of massive funding cuts.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16593702

You have no right to call anybody else a schizophrenic, you have not taken your meds a single time in your life, despite the fact you know you need them

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Anonymous No. 16593720

Matthew Newman is a fucking godsend and I ask he please take a shitton of substances and videotape whatever the fuck comes to his mouth afterward. Gimme 3 hours of his brains being metaphorically splattered against the wall with 15 minutes of excited deleria on the side. Nothing else will sate me.

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Anonymous No. 16593748

So the new meta FUD they want to test down the pipe is going to be to try and say that OSKM transcription itself is "bad" which would ofc invalidate over a decade of research into Yamanaka factors that says it's fine. And they want to do this off of some gut feeling when it's really about something going on in Trump's cabinet.

Anonymous No. 16593774

>What I find entertaining about this whole thing, is that he doesn't trust the test results, but somehow he trusts that each of the OTC compounds haven't been tampered with.
At this point, killing him wouldn't make the problem go away, just draw attention to it. They plan to just cover it all with a blanket until everyone's forgotten about it, maybe try and bury the old studies with new ones. Ultimately, what does it matter if some 4channers end up living 20% longer? The problem only comes when the other 8ish billion people get wind of it. Hell, even if people do get wind of it, many will just dismiss it as too-good-to-be-true, or as some violation against god, or just not bother. So, they don't even need to keep it obscure, just sufficiently abnormal.
If they were to kill him, they would just shoot him, or have him die in a crash of some kind.

Anonymous No. 16593886

just got here from /g/, whats the QRD

Anonymous No. 16593959

Anonymous No. 16593991


Anonymous No. 16594015

tl;dr claims that stem cell pluripotency can be induced with some OTC supplements that supposedly mimic the effects of 2012 Nobel prize-winning research. a bunch of schizos on both sides of the safety and efficacy debate, with no real long-term human data.

Anonymous No. 16594021

Untreated schizophrenia.

Anonymous No. 16594115

Also here from /g/. Bought the stuff in the op since I am not a poorfag. I might report back.

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Anonymous No. 16594172

So far all the verification of the mentally ill ramblings is "trust me bro". Constant refusals to clarify or to provide verifiable proof. "Here's a link to a study that shows that the idea works", but at the same time there's a suppression of this info and falsification of test data by "them". All mixed up with incoherent talking into the void.

I have some health issues that can be easily shown as before/after markers in blood tests. I don't live in the US. I am looking to buy the ingredients in the OP just so that I can confidently tell that they did fuck all in 6 months.
I bet local schitzos will tell me that the drugs were not from reputable sources, or that my procedure was incorrect, or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16594232

id like to see how your test goes anon
what health issues do you have going on?
i was quite disappointed to find that most of the thread is schizo tier rambling since id like to cure my hearing loss one day

Anonymous No. 16594340

>use zoonotic fungal/mold infections in vaccines
>then, by pure unrelated coincidence
>suddenly have people suffering from diseases/STDs that merely mimic fungal infections for no reason at all

Anonymous No. 16594376

>whoever does it first would become an absolute legend and win a Nobel prize
This includes you, you know. And there's a cash prize, to boot.

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Anonymous No. 16594391

>million dollar prize
DWS gave up patent rights potential worth many billions by publishing his cocktail last year. Of course it can be "evergreened" pretty easily, but seems like all the Koolaid drinkers think this is totally unnecessary at this point.

Anonymous No. 16594465

h-hi guys.. just wondering if someone figured out how to make your penis grow bigger... asking for a friend haha

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🗑️ Cult of Passion No. 16594505

You are Schizophrenic.
You lie in every post.
Every thought is a lie.
Even your feelings are a lie to yourself.

You are failed at life.

>Methylation tests
Youre as sick as he is. Why are you posting random responses that have ZERO to do with anything I said?!?....WHY?!?....

You have Schizophrenia, you also have a proclivity to lie to manipulate others. Clear from watching mere seconds of your over and hour long video.

You think others "coudnt know" what youre feeling/thinking/knowing, but you reveal it as you do it. Your emotions were fake, you were wielding them as a manipulation tool, not an experienced feeling...polar opposite Cognitive perspectives.

(Not even mentioning the samefagging, the outbursts of nonsense and schizobabble, or the messaging you get from "the President" need orientation on how to interact with the Holy Spirit, its Satan...act right or youre a tool of Satan.)
>lies constantly

ITS OBVIOUS AS SHIT TO ACTUAL DOCTORS...stop lying because you simply "thought no one woud know for sure", you assume everyone is blind and dumb but youre using yourself for reference; someone that seeks "what words are needed to be said to get desired outcome" and not The Truth.

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Anonymous No. 16594527

For me it's that I can now yell at trannies to go regrow their penis.

Anonymous No. 16594531

>all the complication in balancing the gene upregulation sorted out for you by the immune system
I guess that means the immunocompromised are out of luck.
Immortality closed due to AIDS
RIP bozos

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16594552

>/sci/'s top schizo argues with other schizos over who is the most schizo

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🗑️ Cult of Passion No. 16594564

Are you a Psychologist?
So youre lying to boost your ego?
That is a symptom of Schizophrenia...youre unable to accept your own emotions so you invert your Phenomenological perception of yourself at the cost of objective reality; because your perspective is of "where you want to be" and not "where you are".

Thus you discard Truth that makes you feel inferior for a lie that makes you feel superior.

>u wot m8?

Anonymous No. 16594603

I have weird joint/ligament pains with slight fever after physical activity. Sleep problems, tiredness, etc.
Used to have arthritis as a teenager, but nowadays almost everything testable seems fine, except TSH, which is higher than it should be. As a result endo doc prescribed a minor dose of thyroxine, which does help.
Doctors are generally scratching their heads as to what might be the cause. Some think it's fybro, some disagree.

If this method can indeed reprogram immune system I should see improvements in these symptoms and it should be visible in TSH blood level test results.
Hair loss reversal can be another indicator.
I am skeptical because body is a very complex system with millions of factors. Substances listed in the OP can work on each other in isolation, but it's hard to predict what they'll do when ingested. Curcumin has pretty low bio-availability for example, most will just pass through without doing anything.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16594801

Where did I lie, faggot?
Take your fucking meds.

Stop lying and get fucking help you literal retard.

Anonymous No. 16595032

>Curcumin has pretty low bio-availability for example, most will just pass through without doing anything.
this is an interesting point, black pepper is usually mixed into a lot of the supplements for that reason.

>weird joint/ligament pains with slight fever after physical activity.
low dose boron might work better before you start getting antipsychotics for "fibro" like cult of passion.

Anonymous No. 16595115

Tried boron, it doesn't seem to do anything. I was put on SNRIs by neurologists and they do work somewhat, but side-effects are not worth it. GABA receptor modulators work for a week or two, then tolerance catches up. No anti-psychotics yet, the plan is to gradually get off everything other than thyroxine for now.

What did help once was a course or Cerebrolysin injections. But it's expensive as shit to use regularly.

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🗑️ Cult of Passion No. 16595122

>Where did I lie
>You have no right to call anybody else a schizophrenic, you have not taken your meds a single time in your life, despite the fact you know you need them
Are you a Doctor?
>Stop lying
Are you a Doctor?


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16595207

I hate to break it to you, bub
I am a doctor and in fact, specialise in people with schizophrenia
You are completely disconnected from reality and are in desperate need of medication
You need to seek help before you end up hurting yourself or other people during an episode

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16595245

I love seeing you get BTFOed constantly by both random anons and other namefags.
You are probably the stupidest of all the namefags, that makes it easy for them all to dunk on you

Anonymous No. 16595293

Go with Renue for the apigenin and NAD/NMN combo. It's the same one he used.

Anonymous No. 16595358

Luckily with this the consumption of apigenin is well documented. If you are really unsure about safety you can take apigenin and NAD/NMN to get more comfortable with the immune reaction being triggered without that additional data access. Lots of people do that and it's safety has been studied in humans for the past few years already. There are videos about it online that were brought up in the previous thread. It's using the same mechanism to transcribe (and is doing so for people) whether you have additional chromatin access or not and achieves the same technical end either way while those T cells are bouncing around in your body. The tributryn is just giving additional access to your DNA. It's nothing harmful.

>Curcumin does nothing
It's the only ingredient listed with 2 centuries worth in reputation.

Anonymous No. 16595375

Maybe, but maybe its also necessary for you to become rich and famous for six months' work

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Anonymous No. 16595387

March on down to the patent orifice wit sum evergreen'd piperine and make bank, bro.

Anonymous No. 16595734

"Yes, you all are wrong."
There are no particles.
Only waves exist.

Anonymous No. 16595849

Apigenin's metabolite, Luteolin, has been found to activate GSK3b, which lowers the GSK3b inhibition caused by curcumin that you need for successful reprogramming,48&as_vis=1&q=gsk3+alpha+inhibitor&scisbd=1#d=gs_qabs&t=1740188914094&u=%23p%3DLFLOSUqVLqQJ

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Anonymous No. 16595933

Apparently, the strongest GSK3b inhibitor phytochemical is acacetin-7-O-neohesperidoside:

Latex apparently also has activity, so maybe this is more of the reason behind some duct tapes' schizo-tier healing properties.

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fetterman staff i....jpg

Anonymous No. 16595994

>it's just all Alzheimer's boomers
That's not the problem.
The problem is that they're all working for a hostile foreign nation.

Anonymous No. 16596346

holy shit just stfu for once

Anonymous No. 16596438

broke my hip a year ago and its been a difficult recovery so far. i noticed after 2 cycles of the protocol theres been a notable improvement in mobility and strenght. idk maybe it just got better naturally quite quickly. im going to do more cycles though and see what transpires.

Anonymous No. 16596973

I wish we had some archives easily available. DWS was playing around with Luteolin too it just wasn't helping. He also posted the day he added circumin in and it severely helped with brain permeability for your T cells. Apigenin is also working GSK3 and it's not enough. Circumin helps with inflammation due to the cell wall activity from those t cells bouncing around. Curcumin also is known to help the pathway they are using to make the transcription.

Anonymous No. 16597059

>two cycles
As in, two one-week-on, one-week-off cycles?

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Anonymous No. 16597074

>Salvianolic Acid B Maintained Stem Cell Pluripotency and Increased Proliferation Rate by Activating Jak2–Stat3 Combined with EGFR–Erk1/2 Pathways
> maintaining self-renewing ESCs and iPSCs in vitro requires leukemia-induced factor (LIF), an expensive reagent. Here we describe a less expensive compound that may serve as a LIF substitute—salvianolic acid B (Sal B), a Salvia miltiorrhiza extract. We found that Sal B is capable of upregulating Oct4 and Sox2, two genes considered important for the maintenance of ESC pluripotency. Our MTT data indicate that instead of triggering cell death, Sal B induced cell proliferation, especially at optimum concentrations of 0.01 nM and 0.1 nM. Other results indicate that compared to non-LIF controls, Sal B-treated ESCs expressed higher levels of several stem cell markers while still maintaining differentiation into three-germ-layer cells after six passages. Further, we found that Sal B triggers the Jak2–Stat3 and EGFR–ERK1/2 signaling pathways.

Anonymous No. 16597101

the body can only absorb 2ug of b12 at once
why not take R-ALA to increase NAD/NADH ratio?
what about other anti-inflammatories/pathways, do they also activate Yamanaka factors?

Anonymous No. 16597177

yup, thats correct. i took a break for a couple of weeks and begun again yesterday.
havnt noticed anything else really apart from he discribed as chlorine eyes, which is a bit weird to experience.

Anonymous No. 16597181

This may be a dumbass question but around how much monthly does this regiment cost? More importantly, what tests would I need to have done beforehand to help test this? I'd like to test cellular age before and then a year after following OP's regiment for a year. I don't mind possible issues, Im nearly 40 so I figure I'm not within any sort of immortality escape velocity anyway.

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Anonymous No. 16597183

Got a new weird supplement/PED here...
>AICAR Sustains J1 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Pluripotency by Regulating Transcription Factor and Epigenetic Modulator Expression
>AICAR was not only shown to influence the AMPK pathway, but also act on other signaling pathways such as BMP, MAPK and TGF-β, to maintain the stemness of J1 ES cells.

Anonymous No. 16597184

the core products nmn/tributyrin/apigenin cost about 300euros for a month. i cant get the same brands as in the us though.
no idea about decent testing or what even to get tested for. i dont want 23andme having my bio data lol

and why isnt this thread bumping?

Anonymous No. 16597185

Because it's reached the post limit

Anonymous No. 16597189

New thread