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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16622388

Concrete edition

previous >>16619836

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Anonymous No. 16622390

Which one are you??

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Anonymous No. 16622394

second for my wife KURIA

Anonymous No. 16622395

I'm a simplistic guy (though stars should not be included)

Anonymous No. 16622402

Cross between simplistic and regolithic. asteroids aren’t planets but neither are gas giants. Only bigish round rocks count.

Anonymous No. 16622406

they loved it when it was CEO's and Republicans

Anonymous No. 16622410

I'm a massist, only the Sun and Jupiter are planets, since only Jupiter affects the solar system's barycenter.

Anonymous No. 16622413

Jupiter is a failed star
not a planet

Anonymous No. 16622417

I just like to watch 'em rockets go up, yassir

Anonymous No. 16622419

personally, I’m a big fan of the rockets coming back down.

Anonymous No. 16622423

I like rockets that DON'T crash and blow up.
I also like rockets that DO crash and blow up.

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Anonymous No. 16622432

for me? it's the ones that don't crash but do blow up

Anonymous No. 16622438

yessir yessir, youknowwhatimsayin youknowwhatimsayin

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Anonymous No. 16622445

>Starship Flight 9 NET April 7
Everything has been fixed!


Anonymous No. 16622446

its nice when they go around too dont you think? up, around, down again. simple as.

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Anonymous No. 16622447


Anonymous No. 16622448

two more weeks, I was right

Anonymous No. 16622449

spacex are at the point where they just have to push through difficult times and hope they stumble upon some progress

Anonymous No. 16622452

2 weeks
>erm why flight 8’s failure is a HUGE setback for SpaceX - berger
MFW this one goes fine and all the doomerposting from the last flight was meaningless

Anonymous No. 16622453

Kuriary a beautiful wife! Good catch

Anonymous No. 16622454

Has that not been the entire hop campaign?? People are just spoiled because the first few of flights of the full stack went very well. Remember when SN8 (or was it SN11) simply died an hero in the fog? Remember needing to brute force landing legs? Two full stack failures in a row and everyone wants to take the blackpill.
Starship is a super heavy rocket and it’s flown more times already than many operation small and medium lift rockets. They’ll figure it out

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SN11 landing.webm

Anonymous No. 16622455

>or was it SN11
Most baffling launch of the whole Starship progra

Anonymous No. 16622457

Couldn’t see shit and then it just obliterated and started raining hell lmfao

Anonymous No. 16622458

I think Elon was drunk and forced that launch

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Anonymous No. 16622460

>4th of July

Anonymous No. 16622461


Anonymous No. 16622463

its impressive how someone can come up with so many shit definitions for a planet. but i shouldnt be surprised. not even IAU managed to come up with a good definition

Anonymous No. 16622465

lts just say that it its round and orbits a sun its a planet. everything else is a moon or an asteroid or a comet etc. this seems reasonable

Anonymous No. 16622466

Thats because planet isn't a natural category. No one has come up with a satisfactory non-arbitrary definition of planet because planets as popularly conceived group together unalike things.

Anonymous No. 16622468

>the solar system have over 37 planets
okay simp

Anonymous No. 16622470

>ultratraditionalist missing the sun and moon

Anonymous No. 16622471

Planet Vesta.

Anonymous No. 16622473

ok lets just say that if its round and not small and orbits a sun its a planet?

Anonymous No. 16622474

define “small”

Anonymous No. 16622475

April 7, that's the freedom calendar.

Anonymous No. 16622476

Define not small

Anonymous No. 16622477

why should it have to orbit the sun?

Anonymous No. 16622480

6 feet

Anonymous No. 16622481

i think its pretty obviously because i say so

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Anonymous No. 16622482


Anonymous No. 16622484

if you cant get off it without something at least as powerful as the Apollo LM ascent stage, its small.
because planets orbit suns and moons orbit planets ok?

Anonymous No. 16622485

Moons are a type of planet

Anonymous No. 16622486

there are only big moons and small moons, but moons they be. if you can't get by in life without orbiting a bigger rock that yourself you dont even deserve the title of planet.

Anonymous No. 16622488

Anthropic: Anything with enough people believing it is a planet, is.

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Anonymous No. 16622489

>if you cant get off it without something at least as powerful as the Apollo LM ascent stage, its small.
>LM ascent stage deltav 2.2km/s
Titan is a planet

Anonymous No. 16622490

He absolutely did.
Remember all the rage when the FAA guy "missed his flight" or something, and blamed some petty ass excuses for the repeated bullshit regulatory delays. Elon was incandescent mad at that point, and already plotting revenge against the Biden administration.
Sweet revenge is now being dished out. And it will continue.

Anonymous No. 16622491

using an Apollo LM as your reference is retarded. Some solar or extrasolarsystem bodies could be less massive than the Moon, but way way bigger in size preventing you from reaching low orbit. Others could be way smaller than the Moon but extremely massive, once again preventing you from attaining orbit.
Too vague.

Anonymous No. 16622493


Anonymous No. 16622494

Planet Makemake.

Anonymous No. 16622496

I love all conglomerations of rocks and minerals and fluids, I don’t discriminate

Anonymous No. 16622497

You're correct. Can you explain more? What categories would you use?

Anonymous No. 16622498


Anonymous No. 16622499

>MFW MFW poster posts no FW

Anonymous No. 16622509

but it ALSO orbits a planet so it cant BE a planet.

Anonymous No. 16622511

I actually really like the object category system from universe sandbox, it's a very robust and descriptive system.

Anonymous No. 16622512

its the gold standard for moonicular launches and far less arbitrary (or retarded) than 1 meter being blahblah of the spedd of light or yaddayadda the distance between the equator and pole.

Anonymous No. 16622513

Says who?

Anonymous No. 16622514

we need to build our own artificial planets

Anonymous No. 16622517

They are called O'Neill cylinders, disgusting well-dweller.

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Anonymous No. 16622518

we need another one of these and it needs to have a camera this time.

Anonymous No. 16622519

Planet Haumau.

Anonymous No. 16622520

those are the rules previously ratified

Anonymous No. 16622521

oneill cylinders are just a stepping stone

Anonymous No. 16622524

Planet Halley’s Comet

Anonymous No. 16622526

To what, being a fag?

Anonymous No. 16622528

we’re going to build a death star just like in my hollywood star wars movies

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Anonymous No. 16622530

there's no point in arguing with you guys

Anonymous No. 16622532

We have a cool system but fuck me we got shafted by venus boiling away. Would have been such an awesome thing to have a second earth-like option

Anonymous No. 16622533

A solar system with 2 Earths would be insane, we'd be there already by this point in an alt timeline.

Anonymous No. 16622549

we would have understood orbital mechanics by the time of the ancient greeks if venus had a moon

Anonymous No. 16622555

The problem with making a definition is the autistic screenching when there are "too many".

The geophysical definition works perfectly btw.

Anonymous No. 16622562

b-b-but then theres too many planets for the shitlings to learn in school!

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Anonymous No. 16622569
Starlink's up again

Anonymous No. 16622588


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Anonymous No. 16622590
Stream goes live in T-60:00

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Anonymous No. 16622595

Anonymous No. 16622596

why starship isnt designed like a giant dragon capsule?

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Anonymous No. 16622598


Anonymous No. 16622600

Why should we care?

Anonymous No. 16622605

you are insane

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Anonymous No. 16622606


Anonymous No. 16622607


Anonymous No. 16622613

clear status?

Anonymous No. 16622615

she's got great legs :3

Anonymous No. 16622617

Doesn't look like she's streaming this one. Probably just taking some time before the Crew-9 reentry stream

Anonymous No. 16622620

>The broadcast will start tomorrow morning at around 6am! Dragon is coming back!! Let's see it land in the ocean!! I think that I can not see Starlink at 4 o'clock after this because there is work!

Anonymous No. 16622621

it crashed.

Anonymous No. 16622623

>confirmed she isn't a neet

Anonymous No. 16622624

>can not see Starlink at 4 o'clock after this because there is work
yeah, she's servicing me rn

Anonymous No. 16622626

It could also mean being JAXA mascot as a job

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Anonymous No. 16622633

Anonymous No. 16622646

Do you know that Elon Musk's father worked at SpaceX?

Anonymous No. 16622652

What'd he do?

Anonymous No. 16622654

Anonymous No. 16622656

Fixing stuff.

Anonymous No. 16622658

Boeing must be seething right now

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Anonymous No. 16622660

Saarliner status?

Anonymous No. 16622662

Imagine they fail with the de-orbit burn and stuck literally in space.

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Anonymous No. 16622664

imagine the absolute shitshow if it just blows up and burns during re-entry

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Anonymous No. 16622667

I think it should be a weighted sum of
>mass (high good)
>size (high good)
>absolute value of orbital eccentricity (low good)
>absolute value of orbital inclination (low good)
multiplied by inverse of distance from sun (further away, less planet-like)

Pluto is not a planet under my scale because it's
>far away, so overall penalty multiplier
>has a high eccentricity (oval-shaped orbit)
>has high inclination (high angle compared to Earth's)

So even though I have no idea how the modernist view is calculated I also think it's 8.

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Screenshot (1892).png

Anonymous No. 16622669


Anonymous No. 16622670

he is a pathological liar

Anonymous No. 16622671

are there any astronauts who browse /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16622673

yeah, me

Anonymous No. 16622674

well, sometimes I see anons posting opinions dumb enough that there's no way they aren't higher than the ISS. So I'd say there are several, yes.

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Anonymous No. 16622675


Anonymous No. 16622676

unironically over for musk, might as well kill myself right then and there

Anonymous No. 16622677

everything will be over

Anonymous No. 16622678

I'm a temporarily grounded astronaut.

Anonymous No. 16622683

I rode Mission: Space at Disney's Epcot so I'm something of an astronaut myself

Anonymous No. 16622684

what are these niggas even doing on the ISS anymore?

Anonymous No. 16622686

Pretty sure their biggest contribution to science is themselves, or rather, their own bodies after living in orbit for a while. They're the experiments.

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Anonymous No. 16622687

studying ayy lmao

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Anonymous No. 16622688

oh hi

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16622689

The book doesn't even mention that, however it does mention that Errol groomed his 15-year-old stepdaughter, Elon made him live on a boat away from the kids before making him go back to Africa in 2002, and then they didn't see each other until 2016

>cut a long story short, we decided to return to South Africa
Glancing over some things there kek. Errol also says he went down to the rocket site in Texas, you can see him trying to remember where they're located. Except SpaceX wasn't doing anything in Texas back in 2002. The book says Errol will just make up weird shit for no discernible reason, I'm inclined to believe he's doing it on that video as well

Anonymous No. 16622690

I remember that, the liftoff spin made my eyes water with the tears flying straight back, good times

Anonymous No. 16622693

how long till they actually splashdown

Anonymous No. 16622694

Like an hour

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Anonymous No. 16622700

the finest slampig

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Anonymous No. 16622704

oops wrong pic

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Anonymous No. 16622706

new death sentence, raptor exhaust kill

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Anonymous No. 16622709


Anonymous No. 16622712

she's too busy here with me ;)

Anonymous No. 16622715

well tell her to hurry up, there are still two anons to go before it's my turn

Anonymous No. 16622716

Lol what the fuck, guy asks a question and he just proceeds to talk for thirteen minutes straight

Anonymous No. 16622718

stupidly complicated and poorly designed system with literally no up sides

Anonymous No. 16622721

dockings and undockings should be an every day event by now

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Anonymous No. 16622723

Anonymous No. 16622724

kek. based boat

Anonymous No. 16622727

why they got two whores commentating
>well, I know why

Anonymous No. 16622728

That's what Errols do.

Anonymous No. 16622729

Must be nice to get paid to talk infront of a TV screen and repeat everything you've just said 10 minutes ago over and over again

Anonymous No. 16622730

Imagine how cool it'd be to be one of those dudes on a boat, floating a few yards away from a Dragon that just splashed down. You can wave at the astronauts through the little window.
Fucking rad.

Anonymous No. 16622731

is there an plausible point of failure in these splashdowns? or is it tight by now

Anonymous No. 16622733

Rocket engines are so loud it’s unreal. We’re used to seeing far-off camera views of rockets, but if you’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing a rocket static fire you’ll know the turbomachinery alone is fucking mental. Makes me wonder how loud SS will be when landing humans back on Earth, with basically no propellant to dampen the sound. It’ll be like throwing a jet fighter into afterburner

Anonymous No. 16622735

A capsule could sink and drown everybody onboard, presumably. I think that almost happened on Mercury or Gemini, one of those sank.

Anonymous No. 16622736


Anonymous No. 16622739

Tired of seeing this ugly hag's face

Anonymous No. 16622740

Turn your monitor on

Anonymous No. 16622741

Thanks, now I can see 2 qties

Anonymous No. 16622742

damn that's scary. i didn't even think that was possible

Anonymous No. 16622743

A pallet of complementary ear plugs will need to be sent for return trips

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Anonymous No. 16622745

print picrel and put it on your screen

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Anonymous No. 16622746

miss 3d ria

Anonymous No. 16622747

Mercury-Redstone 4, aka Liberty Bell 7 (the naming convention of this shit has always confused me)
It was a 15 min suborbital flight, but after splashdown there was some sequence error and before the capsule could be secured the hatch blew open prematurely and the mercury capsule started flooding with water. Gus Grissom was able to get out, somehow. Bet he shit his pants though lol

Anonymous No. 16622749

how deep could it go before getting crushed? there's only 1 atmosphere of difference between space and a pressurized environment...

Anonymous No. 16622751

I've never known a day where there hasn't been an astronut in space... VGH

Anonymous No. 16622752


Anonymous No. 16622753

Blonde sounds like she's trying to justify the space station

Anonymous No. 16622754


Anonymous No. 16622755

It was Grissom that I was half-remembering
Yeah this, fucking hell that must have been horrifying as his suit started getting heavier from taking on water too.
>how deep could it go before getting crushed?
Depends, is the door open or shut?

Anonymous No. 16622756

they raised it off the seabed a while back. was quit a job finding it but they did. the hatch was open so it was still in one piece.

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Screenshot 2025-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 16622758

what about the 0.000000001 chance it hits the recovery aircraft

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Anonymous No. 16622759

cool asf

Anonymous No. 16622760

Okay that's pretty cool

Anonymous No. 16622761


Anonymous No. 16622762

or a whale

Anonymous No. 16622763

>Two full stack failures
the booster landed in both cases didn't it

Anonymous No. 16622764

Holy shit

Anonymous No. 16622765

Still mad they wasted the Dragon name on this tiny thing

Anonymous No. 16622766


Anonymous No. 16622767



Anonymous No. 16622768

Leviathan sounds cooler

Anonymous No. 16622772

uh oh, that doesn't look good

Anonymous No. 16622773


Anonymous No. 16622775

>getting returned on "Freedom"

Anonymous No. 16622776


Anonymous No. 16622778

Reminder that SpaceX enabled a backup SuperDraco propulsive savior mode in the event of full parachute failure. Awesome ass company with the best capability

Anonymous No. 16622779

>just spent months in zero G
>first thing back on Earth, slam into ocean at 16mph

Anonymous No. 16622780


wth are you talking about

I was just listening, post a screencap NOW.

Anonymous No. 16622781

They dead

Anonymous No. 16622782

>shartliner was named Calypso
>their rescue vehicle is Freedom

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Anonymous No. 16622784

boing right now

Anonymous No. 16622785

welcome back bitches, thought you could escape?
t. Earth

Anonymous No. 16622786

quit posting thunderfag

Anonymous No. 16622787

Back in my day they had to land the whole thing on a runway

Anonymous No. 16622788


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Anonymous No. 16622789

Anonymous No. 16622790

>drone shot splashdown

Anonymous No. 16622791

False alarm, it was only a hypersonic capsule reentering the planet

Anonymous No. 16622792


Anonymous No. 16622794

Holy shit that's cool to get such a close shot seconds after splashdown

Anonymous No. 16622796

newb. back in my day they sent out carrier groups for the recovery

Anonymous No. 16622797

>Gulf of America

Anonymous No. 16622798

roasted marshmallow

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Anonymous No. 16622799


Anonymous No. 16622800

How many whales deafened... how many turtles killed with parachute scraps... how many fish scared out of their territory...

Anonymous No. 16622801

These shitty comms are embarrassing

Anonymous No. 16622802

When will they leave the spacecraft?

Anonymous No. 16622803


Anonymous No. 16622804

That's a lot of piss

Anonymous No. 16622805

why is dragon taking a piss

Anonymous No. 16622806

See that white dot in the distance? They have to wait for that ship to crane them up and open up the hatch.

Anonymous No. 16622807

The fuck is it leaking into the ocean?

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starliner telemetry.webm

Anonymous No. 16622808

Anonymous No. 16622810'd think they'd have entire fleets of boats within seconds of the splashdown ready to get them out

Anonymous No. 16622812

Well, they do

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Anonymous No. 16622813

>starliner mission control

Anonymous No. 16622815

uhhhhh... is the dragon leaking fuel into the ocean?

Anonymous No. 16622816

dude this is the first stop it's had in 100 miles

Anonymous No. 16622817

now they're stranded in the ocean. how is this an improvement?

Anonymous No. 16622818

Drones are a lot quicker than boats, and because they don't have people onboard you can be a lot less cautious with them

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Anonymous No. 16622819

Which Bionicle is inside?

Anonymous No. 16622820


Anonymous No. 16622821

how long do you think the PPO is going to keep them in quarantine
the two should be split into a control and experimental group, and one retained for another month to study in detail the effects of space exposure and low gravity for such a long time

you know, because that's what's going to happen to the Mars mission

Anonymous No. 16622822

or even a seaking

Anonymous No. 16622823


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Anonymous No. 16622825

>sniff tests

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Anonymous No. 16622826


Anonymous No. 16622827

SpaceX Boats Save Stranded Astronauts from Space Capsule Lost at Sea

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Anonymous No. 16622828


Anonymous No. 16622829

It's a bit warped isn't it

Anonymous No. 16622830

how does one even end up with the job of a rigger?

Anonymous No. 16622831

When supply for outrage doesn't meet demand, people will make their own

Anonymous No. 16622833

this is awesome
I didn't expect the stream to be this cool

Anonymous No. 16622834

high-tech lassoing

Anonymous No. 16622836

Why didn't they just land on the drone ship? Are they stupid?

Anonymous No. 16622837

It's more fun than watching NASA dunk Orion in a swimming pool.

Anonymous No. 16622839

spacex has made these missions look so cool. musk-sama i kneel...

Anonymous No. 16622840

One day we might even just catch it with the tower

Anonymous No. 16622841

boeing pajeets could never

Anonymous No. 16622843

Designated ocean

Anonymous No. 16622844

Did Rocketlab every try the helicopter catch thing again? They had that one test and it seemed like they had it but intentionally dropped it after a second, and that's the last I heard of any such attempt.

Anonymous No. 16622845

It's not that easy in seafaring

Anonymous No. 16622846

The entire thing just being able to be reused is just amazing desu

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Anonymous No. 16622847

Is this Elon Musk?

Anonymous No. 16622848

there is no way they're reusing that beat up thing

Anonymous No. 16622849

He's personally driving the boat

Anonymous No. 16622850

They already used it 4 times before

Anonymous No. 16622851

yeah that was my first thought too lol. whoever he is, he stood out immediately

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Anonymous No. 16622852

>Clear skies

Anonymous No. 16622853

>Fish gathering

Anonymous No. 16622854


Anonymous No. 16622855

Fish crave the dumped propellent

Anonymous No. 16622856

I really like spess

Anonymous No. 16622857

>Kamala sending paid fish to get sick

Anonymous No. 16622858


Anonymous No. 16622859

Would (you) be able climb the capsule?

Anonymous No. 16622860

>dolphins checking it out


Anonymous No. 16622861

wtf are these shots lmao
seems like something out of a movie or game

Anonymous No. 16622862


Anonymous No. 16622863

>The dolphins jumping
holy fucking kino

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Anonymous No. 16622864

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Anonymous No. 16622865

Blessed by dolphins

Anonymous No. 16622866

I don't think I've ever seen that before, that's awesome.

Anonymous No. 16622867

I bet those are trained military dolphins.

Anonymous No. 16622868


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[2560x1440] vtime....png

Anonymous No. 16622869

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Anonymous No. 16622870

Anonymous No. 16622871


Anonymous No. 16622872

bless spacex for this dolphin watching stream

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Anonymous No. 16622873

Anonymous No. 16622874


Anonymous No. 16622876

Is Robert Crippen (who flew on STS-1 with John Young of course) a hispanic? In some pictures he looks hispanic but in other pictures he doesn't.

Anonymous No. 16622877

They're jumping as an all clear signal for sure.

Anonymous No. 16622878

Even nature is dabbing on Shartliner

Anonymous No. 16622879

Thank you!
I tried to take a pic of my tv.

Anonymous No. 16622881

mah rigga

Anonymous No. 16622882

Planets are wandering stars, simple as.

Anonymous No. 16622883

>land on a planet
>a bunch of intelligent playful sea creatures start swimming around you
maybe earth isn't so bad bros..

Anonymous No. 16622884

Dolphins getting cancer from the hypergols fkn RIP

Anonymous No. 16622885

THE DOLPHINES JUST GOT POISONED BY THE HYPERGOLIC FUEL!!! cancel Elon Musk [math]\unicode{x1F44F}[/math] RIGHT[math]\unicode{x1F44F}[/math] NOW[math]\unicode{x1F44F}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16622886

the hell?

Anonymous No. 16622887


Anonymous No. 16622888


Anonymous No. 16622890

uplifted neuralink dolphins waiting for their turn

Anonymous No. 16622891

This planet is an unspeakably majestic miracle spinning through the void. The roughly 8bn e*rthers infesting it, on the other hand, are not.

Anonymous No. 16622893

the dolphins will mutate

Anonymous No. 16622894

Dolphins are silly creatures, I love them so much

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Uplifted Dolphin ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16622895

We'll take them with us into space, chimps too.
Earthclan stronk, other clans GAY.

Anonymous No. 16622897

The capsule could accidentally hit a dolphin since the Dragon capsule did splash down next to a pod of dolphins

Anonymous No. 16622898

The last time lesser beings ruled the planet, the retards got completely fucked up by an asteroid and went extinct. Next time we'll just deflect it.

Anonymous No. 16622899

what if the astronauts don't pass the vibe check and they just dump the dragon back into the ocean?

Anonymous No. 16622900

Dolphins show up, everyone cheers, sharks show up, everyone screams, end marine racism now

Anonymous No. 16622901

Skimming your post, I read e*rthers as niggers

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Anonymous No. 16622902

thats how this happens

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Anonymous No. 16622903

>heloo dolphin

Anonymous No. 16622904


Anonymous No. 16622905


Anonymous No. 16622906

you're telling me that can automatically dock this thing in space on first time but can't automatically place this thing on a surface?

Anonymous No. 16622908

content of character as been well a truly checked

Anonymous No. 16622909


Anonymous No. 16622910

Bruh just put the damn capsule down. I don't think we need a special pad for this shit

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Anonymous No. 16622911

Anonymous No. 16622912

Same thing.

Anonymous No. 16622913


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Anonymous No. 16622914

>Depress Response

Anonymous No. 16622915

So what did Sunny & Butch do all day? Jerk off?

Anonymous No. 16622916

ISS orgy

Anonymous No. 16622917

play with floating skittles

Anonymous No. 16622918

somewhere thunderf00t is having a tantrum that it didn't disintegrate in the atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16622919

>history eraser button
so you can just kill people and delete the record?

Anonymous No. 16622920

History earser button

Anonymous No. 16622921

>Accidentaly press emergency deorbit while riggers are attaching you to the ship

Anonymous No. 16622922

this feels so archaic

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16622923

They did [math]\unicode{x1F9EA}[/math]science[math]\unicode{x1F92F}[/math][math]\unicode{x1F52C}[/math] not like you Felon Husk fans would get it....[math]\unicode{x1F606}[/math]

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Anonymous No. 16622924

>Super Breakout
I love those games

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Anonymous No. 16622925

>history eraser button

Anonymous No. 16622926

It plays games too?

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Anonymous No. 16622928

i don't understand the technicalities behind space flight at all but i think it's cool

Anonymous No. 16622929

There's absolutely no way there isn't any form of entertainment on board

Anonymous No. 16622930

gas mask wtf

Anonymous No. 16622931

Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld

Anonymous No. 16622933

excellent taste

Anonymous No. 16622934

>Dwarf Fortress
fucking elephants

Anonymous No. 16622935

imagine not taking a shower for 9 months. how bad must those tqwo smell?

Anonymous No. 16622936

Oh fuck it's a jap, swim away little dolphins!

Anonymous No. 16622937

Pls post Hayabusa spess girl.

Anonymous No. 16622938


Anonymous No. 16622939

that's what the gasmasks are for
also it's 4 people in there, newfriend

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Anonymous No. 16622941


Anonymous No. 16622942

Can someone tell the sun to fuck off?

Anonymous No. 16622943


Anonymous No. 16622945

>all this just to open a door

Anonymous No. 16622946

What are they fumbling about redoing procedures. Did the guys who knew their shit quit?

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Anonymous No. 16622947


Anonymous No. 16622949

Just when you thought shitty glare footage was all you were going to get huh

Anonymous No. 16622950


Anonymous No. 16622951

kinda spacious in there

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Anonymous No. 16622952

>history eraser
>super breakout

Anonymous No. 16622953


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Anonymous No. 16622954

They woulda been just fine in their original ride, pussies.

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Anonymous No. 16622955


Anonymous No. 16622956

imagine the stench

Anonymous No. 16622957

PPO agents

Anonymous No. 16622958

Spaceflight is low key gay, why do we still have all the formalities
>take photos take photos
>hurry, install a side hatch temporary barrier thingee AAAAHHH ITS ALL PART OF THE MILLION PAGE PDF DETAILING RECOVERY OPS
Just open the door ffs

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Anonymous No. 16622960


Anonymous No. 16622961

that's why they have to do this far out at sea away from any major population centers

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Anonymous No. 16622962

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Anonymous No. 16622964

I cri every tiem

Anonymous No. 16622965

another happy landing!

Anonymous No. 16622966

pretty spacious ngl

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Anonymous No. 16622967

Boing stock status?

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Anonymous No. 16622968

How it started

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sad cosmonauts.webm

Anonymous No. 16622970

Compare to Soyuz

Anonymous No. 16622971

Thank you!
First time I came to this board I was so happy how welcoming you are.
I am not an anime fan but seeing launch pad gril and Hayabusa running with a broken wing was a loving moment.
Thank you/sci/

Anonymous No. 16622972

>individualized carbon fiber footrests
really nigga

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Anonymous No. 16622973


Anonymous No. 16622974

Glory to Elon Musk, rescuer of stranded astronauts!

Anonymous No. 16622975

magnificent. rendered or from a real probe?

Anonymous No. 16622976

they need Zuma and the Dekker version of Lunar Lander. addictive

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Anonymous No. 16622977

It is in pain :(

Anonymous No. 16622978

just noticed the dragon face lol

Anonymous No. 16622979

Those are the happiest slavs

Anonymous No. 16622980


Anonymous No. 16622981

under 100km diameter

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Anonymous No. 16622982


Anonymous No. 16622983


Anonymous No. 16622984


Anonymous No. 16622985

>dragon slide

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Anonymous No. 16622986

Anonymous No. 16622987


Anonymous No. 16622990


Anonymous No. 16622992

>being manhandled into a wheelchair after coming home from space
humiliation ritual

Anonymous No. 16622993

looks like Nanny Ogg came to help Granny Weatherwax out of the capsule today

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Anonymous No. 16622994


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Anonymous No. 16622995

rock and stone to the bone

Anonymous No. 16622996

imagine the smell

Anonymous No. 16622997

if it was me i would be able to walk

Anonymous No. 16622998

>When you arrive the depression hits
Don't need to be an astronaut for that, just Russian.

Anonymous No. 16622999

Imho this shit shouldnt be politicized but whatever

Anonymous No. 16623000

i would be doing push ups instead of lying in a gay bed

Anonymous No. 16623002

they have to go back to Russia, after all...

Anonymous No. 16623003

Are they still bloated from zero-g or why do they all look like Butch?

Anonymous No. 16623004

>not deadlifting then doing weighted chinups as soon as they unbuckle you

Anonymous No. 16623005

wtf is this from? juno flyby?

Anonymous No. 16623006

Imagine landing on a blue, warm ocean, dolphins welcome you, people smile at you... then you have to go back to a war-torn shithole

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Anonymous No. 16623007

its just happy to be home. it was QUITE teh ride.

Anonymous No. 16623008

>"Blyat, back in Russia"

Anonymous No. 16623009

that's not the problem. I would be okay with them rubbing it in if it actually happened. They're literally lying now, which is beyond pathetic.

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that's YOUR ....png

Anonymous No. 16623010

Lots of luck on your trip to the moon!

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Anonymous No. 16623011

How could you guys allow this? All your diabolical machinations were for naught, /sfg/! You promised that they were gonna die! You PROOOOMISSSSSSSED!

Anonymous No. 16623012


Anonymous No. 16623013

>Return to the US
>Immediately get put in a "mobility aid"

Anonymous No. 16623015


Anonymous No. 16623016

they've only been in america for a few minutes and they've already gained tons of weight. sad!

Anonymous No. 16623017

she seems strong. i woulda shed a tear

Anonymous No. 16623018

It must be disorientating being in free fall for nine months then suddenly feeling constant 1G.

Anonymous No. 16623019

We did, but we all had our fingers crossed so it doesn't count.
Get an IV set up and drip-feed HFCS, those astronauts have gone without it for months.

Anonymous No. 16623020

>republicans rescue a witch from certain death
weird timeline

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Anonymous No. 16623022

Anonymous No. 16623023


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Anonymous No. 16623024

Please don't go (please don't go)...

Anonymous No. 16623026

the press conference will be wild

Anonymous No. 16623027

bros, i'm starting to lose hope that we will colonise the stars... space is just incomprehensibly vast... normies truly cannot even begin to grasp it....

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Anonymous No. 16623029


Anonymous No. 16623030

I'd probably devour an entire roasted pig after being stuck up there with shit food and shit air

Anonymous No. 16623031

>space is just incomprehensibly vast
it's tiny. With even 1% of mankind's effort dedicated to it, we could colonize the solar system within the next few decades. Neighboring stars withing a hundred years. Just got to genocide all the minorities and lobotomize women.

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Anonymous No. 16623032

>took almost an hour from the point of Splashdown, to rigging it to the ship and getting the door open

Jesus. Feels like it doesn't need to be anywhere that complicated

Anonymous No. 16623033

Me and my gamer crew cutting in line to get the new red dew.

Anonymous No. 16623036

20 or so years ago my town's main street got a series of little plaques measuring out the relative distances of the planets from a little sun, it's a long walk from the sun all the way out to the plaque for Voyager. Also that last plaque should be another few blocks further out, now.

Anonymous No. 16623037

That's faster than getting my family into the car to go to mcdonalds

Anonymous No. 16623038

I liked the dolphins.

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Anonymous No. 16623039

buh bye my love
>I know where you jog

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Anonymous No. 16623040

most kino splashdown for sure

Anonymous No. 16623041

Just what I was looking for.
Thank you my friend.

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Anonymous No. 16623042

Everyone is wasting time on Mars when the best use of taxpayer money is to drill down to the inner core of the moon and see if we could create an underground city inside the moon

Underground City on the Moon, illustrated by Roy Scarfo, 1965.

Anonymous No. 16623043

>gommen gorboba-san
aieeeee too cute

Anonymous No. 16623045


Anonymous No. 16623048

Yeah this was kino. Loved the dolphins

Anonymous No. 16623050

Must have been a great relief to be unloaded from that vessel, almost a year of uncertainity, if you'll ever stand on Earth's surface again.

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Hayabusa comic re....jpg

Anonymous No. 16623051

Have another, anon. I never see this one posted anymore.

Anonymous No. 16623054

>Promise made, promise kept
okay, and the JFK files and Epstein list?

Anonymous No. 16623055

In the thumbnail it looks like a sad shark.

Anonymous No. 16623056

cool it with the antisemitism

Anonymous No. 16623058

bait post

Anonymous No. 16623059

So these butch and suni people were stuck in a dragon capsule for 200 days? Woah. Isn't that a Musk spaceship?

Anonymous No. 16623060

Most sovlful perfect East Coast sendoff, will the Pacific deliver us such fishy kino?

Anonymous No. 16623062


Anonymous No. 16623063

seems more reasonable that most other ideas although i dont think it will look like that

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Anonymous No. 16623064

>yfw an astronaut on the ISS is the one telling you you're a retard and to kys

Anonymous No. 16623065

sorry I meant
>passenger on ther ISS

Anonymous No. 16623067

The Pacific is full of sharks, not so nice. Nasty guys.

Anonymous No. 16623069

Ive been trying to find this clip for YEARS

Anonymous No. 16623070


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Anonymous No. 16623071

So what is it

Anonymous No. 16623073

Me too. She was very cute in 3d.

Anonymous No. 16623075

lmao he does not look like his profile pic

Anonymous No. 16623076

A CIA agent just over the horizon

Anonymous No. 16623079


Anonymous No. 16623080

I wouldn't worry about it.

Anonymous No. 16623081

They were happily living inside Boeing's Starliner but evil Felon Musk remotely tore the helium pipes and sent them a used capsule that was supposed to be scrapped so he could be framed as the hero and win America's presidency

Anonymous No. 16623082

Dark Aquatic Ritual

Anonymous No. 16623083

>there is work
yeah, sex work

Anonymous No. 16623084
3 mins

Anonymous No. 16623087


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[2560x1440] vtime....png

Anonymous No. 16623088

What are the barrels for?

Anonymous No. 16623089

spill prevention kit or some shit, who knows

Anonymous No. 16623090

dolphin bait

Anonymous No. 16623091

maybe for draining the emergency thrusters?

Anonymous No. 16623092

Just in case the astronauts arrive with some space virus and they need to get rid of the bodies

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Anonymous No. 16623099

Anonymous No. 16623101

God I miss the 90s

Anonymous No. 16623102

god this takes me back

Anonymous No. 16623105

god I'm indifferent to this

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Anonymous No. 16623107

Ceresbros how can we stay bulked up when they're gonna mine us for water?

Anonymous No. 16623108

>Proxima Centauri's diameter is about one-seventh (14%) the diameter of the Sun.
>uses the same golf ball

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Anonymous No. 16623109


Anonymous No. 16623110

venus balloon colonies or die

Anonymous No. 16623113

god I can't wait for the future

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Anonymous No. 16623117


Anonymous No. 16623119

>bringing people home on a boeing vehicle

Anonymous No. 16623123

It's good that the ISS prisoners have been rescued

The ISS needs to be deorbited so that we don't need to put hostages up there anymore

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me painting dolph....jpg

Anonymous No. 16623124

It needs to be de-orbited and replaced with a von Braun station ASAP.

Anonymous No. 16623125

try replacing all the highway signs from miles to kilometers in a way thats in any way efficient. DOGE should bring back the Imperial system

Anonymous No. 16623129


Anonymous No. 16623131

Elon I’m trapped on Earth I need to be saved

Anonymous No. 16623132

Those guys werent actually stranded and they enjoyed being in space. so what was the problem?

Anonymous No. 16623134

>its not rape if she enjoyed it

Anonymous No. 16623135

Biden imprisoned them in space

Anonymous No. 16623138

literally yes

Anonymous No. 16623140

Forget the expense of it, just try coming up with a rational reason to justify the effort of switching in the first place.

>it's just so much more LOGICAL and INTUITIVE if the unit of length is based off one ten millionth of the distance of the equator and the north pole, passing through paris
>noo you don't understand, I NEED to easily convert the distance from here to Chicago into centimeters by multiplying by 10s, because... um....
statements of the utterly deranged

Anonymous No. 16623142

>zoomers actually think like this

Anonymous No. 16623143

what if she doesn't enjoy it?

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Anonymous No. 16623146


Anonymous No. 16623150

Please compose yourselves. What is Suni going to think when she gets online after her long imprisonment in space, to check her favorite general, /sfg/, and all she finds is an argument about technical minutiae of rape?

Anonymous No. 16623158

Everyone be like
>Brooo Mars is so tiny
Meanwhile Mercuryfags are getting mogged by literals moons

Anonymous No. 16623160

fucking Venus cucking us out of a whole Earth-sized world surface to explore aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Anonymous No. 16623161
>BREAKING: NASA's Steve Stich says that NASA is looking into performing a 3rd Un-crewed Starliner Flight Test, as an option for the vehicle's next flight.
>He follows by saying that NASA wants a "crew-capable vehicle". "We'll look at the test data and make a decision whether to fly it crewed or un-crewed". He also mentions that Boeing Space wants to fly a new spacesuit eventually.
>Stich continues by reiterating the need to eliminate the helium leaks and the service module thruster issues observed during docking of Starliner CFT.

Anonymous No. 16623162

They did a spacewalk

Why are /pol/ tourists so confident when they clearly know nothing?

Anonymous No. 16623166

Okay but how funny would it be if a third mission failed

Anonymous No. 16623168

Can tiny SpaceX rock Boeing?

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Anonymous No. 16623169
>Can NASA remain nonpartisan when basic spaceflight truths are shredded?

Berger's losing it

Anonymous No. 16623173

They were PRISONERS Burger... Mr Trump and Elon FREED them

Anonymous No. 16623174

Oh my God they're doing it again

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Anonymous No. 16623175
>Isaacman is reviving a Tornado
uh oh

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16623177

>Engine runs in two weeks
Ahhh, thank you astronaut demonstrator Rook

Anonymous No. 16623178

>Engine runs in two weeks
Ahhh, thank you astronaut administrator Rook

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Anonymous No. 16623179


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Anonymous No. 16623185


Anonymous No. 16623188

>UTC -4

Anonymous No. 16623190

It's funny how those dolphins have no idea where that thing's actually been, sure they came to check out this weird clam but they do not and will never know that it was just orbiting the Earth a little bit earlier

Anonymous No. 16623191

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 16623194

Those particular dolphins have never been to space, even if their ancestors descended from there

Anonymous No. 16623197

they no know concept of space

they no know concept of orbit

nor of capsule, or reentry,

and they just fine with that

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Anonymous No. 16623198


Anonymous No. 16623199

I think we need to figure out how to explain orbital mechanics to dolphins

Anonymous No. 16623206


Anonymous No. 16623208

typical BR's

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Anonymous No. 16623214

Something from /g/

Anonymous No. 16623215

Quick, live in a half-flooded home with dolphins, do acid together and jerk them off. We'll crack the secrets of their language in 2 weeks.

Anonymous No. 16623218

can I have female dolphins instead?

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Anonymous No. 16623231

>Space is super boring
Thanks Trump.

Anonymous No. 16623232

who? they could come home any time.

Anonymous No. 16623236

I think he's got a point there honestly. Maybe I just have Trump fatigue after eight years, and it's only the first year of his term lol. Usually I try to just not pay attention to this stuff but then I come look at space stuff and there he is again like, me and Elon built the Dragon spaceship to go rescue them from Joe Biden

Anonymous No. 16623239

berger is right once again

Anonymous No. 16623245

The evil Vampire Lord Biden, residing in his Space Station Lair, enthralled these two poor Americans and trapped them in space and sapped their life force. Heroic warrior of Christ, Elon Musk, captured a dragon and rode it to space to personally conduct the rescue.

Anonymous No. 16623253

that sounds about right

Anonymous No. 16623256

why can't the cargo dragon be slightly modified so that in an EMERGENCY a half dozen seats can fold down from the walls and it take astronauts down automatically?

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Anonymous No. 16623261

the thrust asymmetry on this is really screwing with my autism

Anonymous No. 16623266


> Yet perverting that good news story into some tawdry political gain cheapens SpaceX, NASA, and Wilmore and Williams. In this case, the truth was beautiful. When one American space company had a problem, another stepped in, and the heroic astronauts made it home safely with a perfect backdrop. If only the story ended there.

"Abloo!" Guess Burger's book didn't sell and now he's trying to fleece the rubes on the Left.

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Anonymous No. 16623271

Why is Berger so ass blasted about the Gulf of America thing?
It's just a fun name

Anonymous No. 16623276

I think Berger caught a case of TDS that evolved into EDS when Elon went all in on endorsing him for the 2024 election.

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Anonymous No. 16623277

What's really wild is that the reusable version is supposed to use five cores and land all of them as a single block

Anonymous No. 16623278

berger confirmed for booty blasted

Anonymous No. 16623283

Trump subdued and tamed the Void Dragon, an ancient being from beyond the stars, and entrusted it to Commander Elon to ride it into orbit and free the brave spacemen from the clutches of wicked Lord Biden

Anonymous No. 16623284

>heroic astronauts
These people are doing mildly hazardous scientific work at this point. There isn't even anything groundbreaking going on, where's the "heroism"?

Anonymous No. 16623290

Get my wife's name out of your mother fucking mouth

Anonymous No. 16623294

>A throne of lies
oh my god GET OVER IT so dramatic

Anonymous No. 16623295

>"this is why we can't have nice things"
He's a faggot redditor who is obliged to hate America and seethe at pro-American things.

Anonymous No. 16623300

How does renaming a body of water help America?

Anonymous No. 16623302

Why does naming the Gulf after the continent instead of one of the nations it touches anger you?

Anonymous No. 16623304

Costs nothing and I like it better.

Anonymous No. 16623308

It's fun and more accurate this way
It also smokes out crypto-redditors

Anonymous No. 16623313

So.... it gets us nothing, but it owns the libs. Great. I will feed my family with owned libs.

Anonymous No. 16623314

It's loud in the media cycle while they surgically remove the corrupted arm of US soft power. There's a major restructuring going on right now and it's important to flood the news cycle so the normalfag is too fatigued to whip up
Food is literally free in the United States, get a grip

Anonymous No. 16623316

The ducks in the park are free. You can just eat them.

Anonymous No. 16623317

Biden autopenned a lot of highly restrictive regulation about drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. As the Gulf of Mexico no longer exists as a legal entity all of those regulations are null and void. No one on the Left thought to object because they couldn't see past the Gulf of America memes.

Anonymous No. 16623318

>but it owns the libs

This is the same level of understanding as the left wing pundits who couldn't understand why the right was making Vance memes.

Anonymous No. 16623319

Crazy how fast the autopen script got uploaded

Anonymous No. 16623320

Since I can't do anything to contribute to space flight should I just dedicate myself to making autistically realistic 3d renders?

Anonymous No. 16623323

How did renaming Mount McKinley to some pajeet-sounding name help America?

Anonymous No. 16623324

It got brown kids more interested in moutntainology

Anonymous No. 16623326

Brown kids have the Himalayas. If they didn't care about mountains already, they weren't about to start.

Anonymous No. 16623336

just curious, if you strapped 4 of those GEM solid rocket boosters to the first stage of a Falcon 9 how much more could it lift? as much as a Falcon Heavy? More?

Anonymous No. 16623337

We need more spaceflight games

Anonymous No. 16623345

I would do that if I knew a good programmer

Anonymous No. 16623346

It could just barely lift my ballsack into the air

Anonymous No. 16623350

way less

Anonymous No. 16623351

I bet dolphins could understand spacecraft if we explained it to them. I’m sure they already get boats. Probably seaplanes too if they’ve seen any.

Anonymous No. 16623357

Trump saved a Russian too?

Anonymous No. 16623358

It's not rated for nearly twice its take-off thrust

Anonymous No. 16623362

Titan is almost as big as Mars.

Anonymous No. 16623366

Titan is made of frozen farts so it has no mass or gravity

Anonymous No. 16623367

Could a nuclear bomb explosion thrust spaceplane work? Turbofan or sabre hybrid secondary engines to get it off the ground and for thrust attitude control, activate the nuclear bomb engine mid air

Anonymous No. 16623369

Does it even matter if the TWR stays the same

Anonymous No. 16623379

Better than being made of rust and poison.

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titan colonist.jpg

Anonymous No. 16623382

It's really not

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Anonymous No. 16623386


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Anonymous No. 16623403

a white hole

Anonymous No. 16623415

Titan colonists will be genetically engineered to naturally survive on Titan

Anonymous No. 16623417

You wouldn't be able to see Saturn anywhere that clearly if at all on Titan's surface. The atmosphere is constantly thick and opaque.

Anonymous No. 16623418

Simply remove Titan's atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16623420

You won't be allowed to do that.

Anonymous No. 16623451

Anonymous No. 16623454

now I can't post 'sfg is dead' >:(

Anonymous No. 16623473

i think you meant ensnared

Anonymous No. 16623479

it is dead, its just me posting around the clock

Anonymous No. 16623484

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Anonymous No. 16623487

Another insightful post from the thread.

Anonymous No. 16623488


> mildly hazardous

Astronauts have a 3% death rate -- thanks Shuttle -- or higher.

Anonymous No. 16623489

Literally what did he mean by this

Anonymous No. 16623490

AMERICA, FUCK YEAH is what he meant

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Anonymous No. 16623491

Anonymous No. 16623496

The actual reason why trump renamed it the gulf of america is so funny to.
It's all because biden banned drilling in the gulf of mexico.
So they just renamed it so the executive order would no longer apply lol

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Anonymous No. 16623500


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Boca Chica Villag....jpg

Anonymous No. 16623502

The real reason why Elon wants to change it to Starbase...

Anonymous No. 16623505

Forgetting SpaceShipOne also because it's useless.

Anonymous No. 16623506

Couldn't he just rescind Biden's order?

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Anonymous No. 16623507

>How many more Starship explosions in orbit which cost $100m each time
Midwit faggot seems to think they bill NASA for that. Apparently Boeing aren't the only morons who can't understand what the words "fixed price contract" mean.
>muh DC-X
midwit status confirmed

Anonymous No. 16623509

if its a law passed by congress then its more complicated and might require congress to overturn it

Anonymous No. 16623510


Anonymous No. 16623515

Funnier this way

Anonymous No. 16623519

I’m not even trolling, so did Biden (his administration, I guess) actually bar a flight to go get Butch and Suni back earlier??
And Musk is now thanking Donald Trump for “prioritizing” this mission… correct me if I’m wrong but crew-9 going up there and returning had NOTHING to do with the President’s orders…

Anonymous No. 16623520

it came back a few days earlier or something so technically he is correct

Anonymous No. 16623521

When Musk says
>and thanks to president trump for prioritizing this
he means “thanks for prioritizing it as a political thing,” not prioritizing it and ordering the mission

Anonymous No. 16623526

>did Biden (his administration, I guess) actually bar a flight to go get Butch and Suni back earlier??
Probably not. NASA didn't want to buy another flight for no practical reason since the astronauts weren't stranded.
it came back almost a month late, because of Dragon issues which caused delays in launching Crew-10. The passengers were supposed to be back last month...

Anonymous No. 16623528

saying spacex almost died is a wild exaggeration
they would have just needed another round of funding

Anonymous No. 16623529

>Biden admin sabotaged Dragon

Anonymous No. 16623539

Expansive, dwarf planets are planets

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Anonymous No. 16623543

I could never be coerced to include Ceres as a planet

Anonymous No. 16623544

You are correct. It's just blowing smoke for normies who don't know how anything works. The only real delay that happened for crew-10 was from issues at SpaceX getting it ready for launch, and then ground control issues scrubbing the launch.

Hypothetically NASA could have made an entire new mission to get them home ASAP, but it made more sense to just slot them into normal crew-9 -> crew-10 rotation.

Anyone telling you different is just lying to you.

Anonymous No. 16623550

I getmore of a 00s frutiger aero vibe from it

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Anonymous No. 16623552

Anything interesting schedulled for tomorrow?

Anonymous No. 16623555


Anonymous No. 16623557

it was a risk real enough to make Elon have constant nightmares.

Anonymous No. 16623559

I'll be making the stew in the usual place, bring your own plate.

Anonymous No. 16623561

I need to see some active cooling tiles in operation this time

Anonymous No. 16623563

You'll get to see fireworks once again

Anonymous No. 16623564

Uhm actually the Ship will explode a few minutes after launch, and that's a good thing, it's called iterative design sweetie. [math]\unicode{x1F618}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16623567

maybe having a monster for a father is the secret ingredient

Anonymous No. 16623570


Anonymous No. 16623572

then maybe the Biden admin shouldn't have politicized it

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Anonymous No. 16623576

You don't have to cool tiles that have already blown up.

Anonymous No. 16623577

>what about the thing that just happened today?!
>when will that happen?!
are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 16623578

venus: balloon colonies or die

Anonymous No. 16623579

She will just be happy to read all the compliments about her appearance

Anonymous No. 16623580

I am too lazy to do anything productive.

Anonymous No. 16623582

o i am laffin
u r one cheeky cunt

Anonymous No. 16623585

It gives us an occasion to laugh and reminds foreigners of their place in the universe

Anonymous No. 16623587

>ignores actual attempts to save the economy and direct taxes back to the betterment of American citizens
>complains bitterly about a change that costs nothing

Anonymous No. 16623589

>actually the people who DON'T simply regurgitate whatever is on the mainstream media are the NPCs
okay, retard

Anonymous No. 16623590

>attempts to save the economy
kek, may we see them?

Anonymous No. 16623593

From what I gathered, Elon was always a weird kid, on the spectrum probably, he wanted to have friends but didn't really know how to make any. But a bunch of people speculated that the rough upbringing also affected his empathy. Just this weird shit about how Errol would randomly just start talking shit about the kids for hours and they'd just have to stand there and listen, or they'd go to some scout camp where all the kids had to fight for food if they wanted to eat. From what I understand, an abusive childhood will affect your brain development, basically make you more of a sociopath, which is different from antisocial personality disorder that you're born with. Elon can be notoriously harsh and even mentions his lack of empathy as a positive in managing companies, since he can just switch it off and fire people just based on if they're worth keeping around or not or demand ridiculous work hours and borderline impossible deadlines. It's said that he's not always a dick and can be very caring and nice if he feels like it, but then with his companies he just treats workers as a resource pretty much. Kimbal is more normal but then he's been less successful in his ventures

But I'll say they have a very similar way of talking lol. Maybe Elon time is also a result of learning from his dad, Errol will just straight up make up stuff and lie about random things, Elon seems to just channel that into when he says like yeah the cars will be fully self-driving in a year, for six years straight. Probably doesn't believe it himself, but it's basically just a way to make people work faster so that even when it's late, it's still finished faster than with a normal work pace. If everything's going fine, he'll just come up with some nightmare scenario like guys we need to finish these engines in a month or we'll all die

Anonymous No. 16623595

>oh no! they're cutting all my heckin' valid aid programs
>they're doing literally nothing!
I strongly encourage you to kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16623598

Now the NPC switches to the "mainstream" media script

Anonymous No. 16623601

why are you quoting yourself, sperg?

Anonymous No. 16623603

oh its you
you lost

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Anonymous No. 16623605

I won actually. Cope and seethe, sperg.

Anonymous No. 16623606

You have been having these meltdowns shitting your pants basically every single thread
its amazing and hilarious

Anonymous No. 16623607

WTF happened to my general

Anonymous No. 16623608

The worst, unemployed autists.

Anonymous No. 16623609

cute projection. Who has been having schizo melties every thread about troons and leftists again?

Anonymous No. 16623610

/pol/nigger infestation. I'm afraid it's terminal.

Anonymous No. 16623614

Bruh is mad [math]\unicode{x1F480}[/math][math]\unicode{x1F480}[/math][math]\unicode{x1F480}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16623615

It's early morning on a Wednesday. There's no breaking space news and there aren't going to be any launches until at least tomorrow. People are elsewhere or doing other things, so the only ones posting are the turbo autists.

Anonymous No. 16623619

>Heroic warrior of Christ
>Elon Musk
Pick one

Anonymous No. 16623622

concrete is rolling over in its grave

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16623623


Anonymous No. 16623624

I'm posting from work but only because we've got some downtime at the moment.

Anonymous No. 16623627

yoo look at that mf, he thinks racism is funny[math]\unicode{x1F923}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16623629

starship current design is retarded

Anonymous No. 16623630

Because it is.

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Anonymous No. 16623633

>In Part 2 of our Verdict Exclusive from The White House, *Elon Musk discusses the future of space travel and his plans to colonize Mars*. He shares his inspirations and a story about trying to buy ICBM rockets from the Russians. Sen. Cruz and Ben Ferguson explore Musk's views on business, the journey from idea to execution, and why he believes sleep and social dining gatherings are highly overrated. All this and more on Verdict with Senator Ted Cruz.

Anonymous No. 16623634

Reminder that Boeing’s Starliner was awarded the bigger $$$ of the two ComCrew contracts

Anonymous No. 16623637

Also it would have screwed up the crew schedules for both the ISS and the crew dragon program

Anonymous No. 16623638

this wasn't the case a year ago, or at least it was way less prominent. What changed?

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Anonymous No. 16623640


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Anonymous No. 16623642

>Arcade Planitia might be one of the good options

upper left on this pic

Anonymous No. 16623643

the northern areas are probably the most likely

Anonymous No. 16623645

>almost on the north pole
lmao not happening

Anonymous No. 16623649

in the 2024 starship update
( where they unveiled v2 and v3 ships, Musk talked about low lying areas (higher pressure mean you can bleed of more energy when landing and also means you it should be easier to suck CO2 for processes) but I thought Utopia Planitia or Hellas Planitia would be the places
I tried to find the slide by scanning that but didnt find it

in the interview >>16623633 Cruz asked why Arcadia Planitia and Musk just ignored the question

Anonymous No. 16623652

that’s only about as far north as germany

Anonymous No. 16623655

and look what happened to germany!

Anonymous No. 16623658

Please re-read

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Anonymous No. 16623659

The landing sites were choses years ago

Anonymous No. 16623667

Nah I'll keep using your dead name, sorry.

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Anonymous No. 16623668


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Anonymous No. 16623670


Anonymous No. 16623677

Today was a terrible day so far.

Anonymous No. 16623679

tomorrow will be an even worse today.

Anonymous No. 16623680

The horrors persist, yet so do I

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Crew 9 recovery.jpg

Anonymous No. 16623694

>tfw no wetsuit recovery gf
Why even live?

Anonymous No. 16623700


Anonymous No. 16623703

Just buy a wetsuit for your girlfriend.

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Anonymous No. 16623711


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satellite image o....jpg

Anonymous No. 16623718

EUS is in production. SLS haters on suicide watch.

Anonymous No. 16623720

>heritage foundation talking points "aren't mainstream"
That's pretty convenient.
>The Heritage Foundation has had significant influence in U.S. public policy making, and has historically been ranked among the most influential public policy organizations in the United States.[5]

Anonymous No. 16623725

they make wetsuits for dogs?

Anonymous No. 16623726

Yeah and it has had hardware for like 2 years now, and additional composite tanks that Boeing is trying to grift NASA into switching over to.
Even if SLS isn’t killed soon, I believe EUS will be killed completely (and that’s a good thing)

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Anonymous No. 16623727

New Hullo
Buoyancychads, I've seen the light. Give me gas giant balloons and manned Venus blimps now

Anonymous No. 16623739

Also a new Eager kino.

Anonymous No. 16623740

Omw to explore uranus with a big rubber

Anonymous No. 16623753

Uranus isn't a gas giant tho

Anonymous No. 16623761

wonder if she saw the dolphins and seriously considered swimming with them at that time lmao

Anonymous No. 16623762

ur moms anus is a gas giant

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Anonymous No. 16623765

this is hilarious

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Anonymous No. 16623766

The problem with wild animals, you never really know if they're going to just chill or straight up murder you. Imagine running into an orangutan in a forest, it might seem laid back until it goes into some monke rage and eats your face

Anonymous No. 16623769

dolphins are playful!!~ come jump in the water, you'll be fine, w - they don't bite lool!

Anonymous No. 16623777

>they were never stranded in space, you dont know what you're talking about chuddie
why do they think they can talk down to spacefags who have been following spaceflight closely for 10+ years?

Anonymous No. 16623778

A pack of dolphins see a spacecraft land in the ocean. They wonder what it is, and a human starts explaining it was flown high into the air and even orbited around the world outside the atmosphere. They explain that one day humans hope to colonize other planets and maybe even travel to other solar systems to explore the galaxy. The universe is like an endless vast ocean, and with spacecraft you can float through the harsh vacuum of space to other celestial bodies. Jupiter's moon Europa has massive oceans under its icy surface, hundreds of kilometers deep. Some humans hope to explore these other worlds, such as Mars, Titan, maybe even Venus. A dolphin thinks about it for a second and replies "for what porpoise"

Anonymous No. 16623781

>Jupiter's moon Europa has massive oceans under its icy surface, hundreds of kilometers deep.
>"we know", the dolphin replies
>"we need to return"

Anonymous No. 16623782

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Anonymous No. 16623783

make next edition dolphin edition

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Anonymous No. 16623785


Anonymous No. 16623786

dolphins understand why white men climb mountains. they would too if they could.

Anonymous No. 16623787

Weird way to phrase all that

Anonymous No. 16623788

she did not come back like that at all

thats the Starliner suit

god I hate retards

Anonymous No. 16623790

Wait this is actually based lmao

Anonymous No. 16623793

Thread theme

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Anonymous No. 16623800

I've be been saying this for years but nobody pays attention. The unmanned version of this should be doable right now. Wondering if the trace amounts of sulfuric acid are low enough to go outside without a pressure suit. It'll be a bit toasty but you could trade some atmospheric pressure for lower temps. Just bring an O2 supply and don't fall overboard.

Anonymous No. 16623801

lets be real, the dolphins were there for that fat ass

Anonymous No. 16623802

This whole situation made me realize that average person has no idea about what's happening in space.

Anonymous No. 16623803

lots of stuff is doable. wished they done the manned fly by of venus after Apollo was shut down. would have been awesome

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Anonymous No. 16623804


Anonymous No. 16623805

>waah the ISS is fake and gay etc
just another dumb flat earther meme.

Anonymous No. 16623808

>find out why the jets were misfiring
do we know why the teflon deformed and have a remedy for it

Anonymous No. 16623810

Wasn’t it found that the vendors boeing was using weren’t making shit to spec?

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Anonymous No. 16623815

Teflon is not suited to the task and literally a prohibited material for the application. Boeing got into a lawsuit with Aerojet over it but ultimately swept it under the rug like they do with most of their problems.

Anonymous No. 16623816

I thought it was because it was a well known issue that teflon degrades when exposed to hypergolics and boeing just didn't know or ignored it.

Anonymous No. 16623819

ice giants, too

Anonymous No. 16623821


Anonymous No. 16623824

>Elon says a million people on Mars in 20 years

Anonymous No. 16623825

>do we know why the teflon deformed

Boeing put the engine nozzles IN the doghouse and never tested so they didn't realize the engines were cooking themselves.

Anonymous No. 16623827

>elon says
>in 20 years
So considering Elon time, it's never?

Anonymous No. 16623832

>dumps ashes of people who pay to have their loved ones rest on mars
>promises kept

Anonymous No. 16623833

note: a phone running grok counts as 10 people because it's 10x as smart as the dumbest person ever

Anonymous No. 16623835

im sure every business owner has nightmares at some point

Anonymous No. 16623836

There will be no grammar bolsheviks on Venus

Anonymous No. 16623837

Starting from this point even with a working rocket and infinite money it would be nearly impossible to get that many there in 20 years.

Anonymous No. 16623839

He said this four hours ago

Anonymous No. 16623840

Not if you land as many horny people as possible and tell them to fuck like rabbits

Anonymous No. 16623842

You don't get a Mars colony of any size by focusing on bootprints and flags.

Anonymous No. 16623843

population can double every 3 years naturally

Anonymous No. 16623845

no, you just need to ramp up Starship launches so you build thousands of them
start with a small colony that expands very rapidly with a new bigger wave of colonists every 26 months

Anonymous No. 16623846

>1 million in 20 years
lol, an optimistic timeline would probably have a few thousand by the end of the century

Anonymous No. 16623848

100 people in a starship is not a joke mate
you will live in the pod and eat the vat grown hard tack

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Anonymous No. 16623851

Anonymous No. 16623852

A million in 20 years is too high, a few thousand by the end of the century is too low.

Anonymous No. 16623854

1m in 30 years sounds technically feasible but politically and economically nonviable
100k in 30 years is my best case scenario

Anonymous No. 16623855

1 million people at 100 people per starship = 10,000 starships over 20 years
that's 500 starships launched per year on average, so more like 1000 per synod

spacex is already doing 100+ launches a year. to reach 500 avg per year they'd need alot more launch pads.

Anonymous No. 16623856

Now account for sex.

Anonymous No. 16623858

950k men
50k women (45k trans, 5k bio)

Anonymous No. 16623859

women on mars will be pregnant
every year

Anonymous No. 16623860

mars is probably going to be quite a sausage fest

Anonymous No. 16623862

nerve stapling and surgically implanted uteruses will be mandatory

Anonymous No. 16623863

> To hold spellbound; to bewitch, charm or captivate. To make subservient; to enslave or subjugate. Hold spellbound.
It's a thing vampires do.

Anonymous No. 16623864

they'll work the single men to death to build up the colony for the second wave of settlers: high birth rate religious fanatics. they'll then try to convert the children and grandchildren into a secular society.

Anonymous No. 16623865

You can also ignore the first few years that can't have any meaningful amount until there's a reasonable chance of surviving a Mars landing. It wouldn't be able to average that many with most happening at the later years. A small delay at the start would push a lot of that number past 20 years.

Anonymous No. 16623867

audibly kekked

Anonymous No. 16623868

When Elon says things, he means "if I could just make people work around the clock, nothing ever goes wrong and there were no laws or ethics". He has all these grand idealistic projects like I want to make sure human consciousness doesn't die out, I want to make less traffic accidents with self-driving cars, I want to make sure evil AI doesn't take over so I'm making an AI company, I want to free humans from working so we're making these autonomous robots, but then he treats his employees like absolute dirt. I think these idealistic save the world schemes are just a way to justify being a total psycho, for the greater good

Anonymous No. 16623869

>In-situ crew expansion

Anonymous No. 16623871

I believe him.

Anonymous No. 16623872


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Anonymous No. 16623873

While we're on topic... Found this /x/ gem

Anonymous No. 16623875

I make all my long term decisions based n numerology

Anonymous No. 16623876

I wish i was schizo

Anonymous No. 16623878

typical /x/ schizos, too focused on jewish mythology to see even more obvious connections literally right under their noses.
Calypso was a nymph who IMPRISONED Odysseus for seven years. As Shartliner imprisoned the astronaut who named it. An uncanny coincidence? Probably. But what isn't a coincidence is that Suni namd the capsule Calypso, which in the ancient Greek means to conceal or cover up, in response to Boeing being less than forthright about problems during the capsule's development and testing. She named the capsule Calypso as a subtle dig against Boeing, and it turned out to be an even more fitting name than she intended.

Anonymous No. 16623881

the original Schizo Frenzy General

Anonymous No. 16623882

I had a friend that thought that the ISS was gonna be abandoned after the shuttle program was closed down, he had no idea soyuz existed.

Anonymous No. 16623883

>100 people per starship
Are you fucking deranged?

Anonymous No. 16623885

>spaceflight fan census

Anonymous No. 16623887

I can't decide if being a shizo would make my life easier or harder.

Anonymous No. 16623890

>what has been gestated and is now about to be berthed?
But only Dragon 1 berthed to the station, Dragon 2 docks itself

Anonymous No. 16623891

Some people still think the Shuttle is flying.

Anonymous No. 16623894

Artificial wombs will be the way. If there will be ever a serious attempt to colonize Mars, it might be the push and motivation for artificial wombs that make it become reality.

Anonymous No. 16623895

so you expect trannies to literally shit out kids?

Anonymous No. 16623897

why not? At least there would be some use of them. Maybe humans won't even be necessary to gestate, just ship ovums from earth by the ton.

Anonymous No. 16623898

Brain dead pregnant women?

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Anonymous No. 16623900

only if we optimize them.

Anonymous No. 16623901

If I was a young woman that somehow managed to sleep with Elon Musk, what kinds of socio-economic benefits could I reap from such a situation?

Anonymous No. 16623903

This guy sees patterns where there aren't any

Anonymous No. 16623906

>is too low
I'd argue it really isn't. Mars poses a whole new set of problems (No oxygen, Lack of soil, Radiation, Low gravity, Low temperature) that permanent colonisation efforts on Earth have never had to deal with, pair that with a minimum 2x travel time than even the Jamestown colonists had to do Mars is going to be a research base for a very long time. I'd argue we'd be lucky to have 10's of people on a permanently occupied base by the end of the 2030's.

There would have to be some kind of massive pressure event on earth or a resource boom on mars to be able to draw enough people away from Earth to permanently settle Mars within the century at the same rate we did with the new world back in the 1600's.

Anonymous No. 16623907

Imagine using AI to change her face to the face of a female you want to harass, and then printing it out and throwing it in her mailbox.

Anonymous No. 16623915

Kek this is life ruining
Holy fuck that's funny

Anonymous No. 16623919


Anonymous No. 16623922

But, there's actually less holes to fuck now!

Anonymous No. 16623923

we'll have sexbots for that

Anonymous No. 16623931

I could see the draw to Mars being the conditions of the Martian economy itself. There's no pool of a billion subsistence farmers waiting to be turned into factory slaves, so it'll be extremely automated with individual humans being incredibly valuable and very difficult to devalue. What a great place to live, and an even better place to have children.

Anonymous No. 16623935

in that case it won't be the average Joe going to Mars like his European ancestors did during America's colonization. It will be experienced, capable and trained employees. And these sorts of people don't have any reason to go or stay there longer than necessary.
Sure ever anon here would kill for a chance to go to Mars. But at the end of the day, the people primarily wanting to do this are the ones who won't be chosen.

Anonymous No. 16623936

I dont know if you guys are baiting or /sfg/ is really this retarded

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Anonymous No. 16623939

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don't fall f....png

Anonymous No. 16623940

>posts no opinion or argument
oh you're baiting alright.

Anonymous No. 16623947

in space noone can hear you say nigger

Anonymous No. 16623948

>these sorts of people don't have any reason to go
We live in a world where people with four PhDs spend their entire career just to hang out in a 20yo stinking bus stop for year.

Anonymous No. 16623949

They can join the B ark together with "essay writers".

Anonymous No. 16623950

yeah, and they get payed mad cash for that, then go on and retire in their villa near some resort.

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Anonymous No. 16623952

any "diverse" colony quickly turns into a bantu rapefest, see picrel

thats why elon needs to get the civil rights act repealed before we can go to the stars

Anonymous No. 16623954

guarrentee that liberal white woman would call you a racist

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Anonymous No. 16623956

Pray for Geomarr

Anonymous No. 16623958

did this nigger just say astronauts take the job for the retirement benefits

Anonymous No. 16623960

clearly he thinks astronauts are paid like his favorite black celebrities or something
as if they aren't salaried government workers...

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Anonymous No. 16623962


Anonymous No. 16623964

probably dead soon

Anonymous No. 16623965


Anonymous No. 16623966

almost dead from 9 months of torture on the ISS

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sfg retarded 00.jpg

Anonymous No. 16623967

>a couple hundred or so passengers went to space for little pay
>this means that there will magically spawn a million of them for Mars

Anonymous No. 16623969


Anonymous No. 16623970

>payed mad cash
The fucking state of this general
The fucking state of this general

Anonymous No. 16623971

There are undoubtedly a million competent and willing people. Why would you even chose this hill?

Anonymous No. 16623972

That's how salaries work, yeah.

Anonymous No. 16623974

should they be paid a bonus for the suffering imposed on them by the Biden Regime?

Anonymous No. 16623975

imagine if we had tiktok thot astronauts instead of 60 year olds, there would be so much more press

Anonymous No. 16623976

>There are undoubtedly a million competent and willing people.

Anonymous No. 16623978

>twerking in space
the world aint ready

Anonymous No. 16623979

now this is a Science! I can get behind

Anonymous No. 16623983

>75 Celsius
wtf that's 167 F

Anonymous No. 16623985

Why? What's the issue? I really want to know what bothers so.

Anonymous No. 16623987


Anonymous No. 16623991

Probably the United States alone, though I guess you could source them from anywhere. With the US you only need 0.3% of the population to be willing and competent, with the whole Earth only 0.014%. It is difficult to imagine this not being met.

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Anonymous No. 16623996

elon is going to demand that the colony be built above ground, isnt he?

Anonymous No. 16624001

Not like it matters. If you need an O2 tank might as well wear a cooling vest

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Anonymous No. 16624003

>never looked into antartica stations, assumed they were all shabby villages of makeshift shacks
>turns out several of them are actually super fancy space colony larp bases
what the fuck do they actually do here, which could possibly justify the expense?

>uhh we do important snow research
>we look at weather which is thousands of miles away from our country but very important for some reason
>we drill into the ice because ????
make this make sense

Anonymous No. 16624006

they make youtube shorts with penguins

Anonymous No. 16624007

Yeah that's why he founded a tunnel company and exclusively talks about living in tunnels

Anonymous No. 16624008

They're far away from human activity which is good for some sensitive instruments. The quiet part is that continuous occupation is important for the tenuous claim governments have to the land. One trailer in the snow in exchange for 50 trillion dollars of oil in half a century? Easy math

Anonymous No. 16624010

okay so you have no source. Not only that, but you also wildly overestimate how much the average normie is interested in space. No, /sfg/ is not a good indicator on the general consensus as much as I'd like that. What many anons here are proposing and foolishly expecting involves abandoning everything on earth possibly forever, which is easy to imagine for the average virgin loner, not so much for a well adjusted(read competent) person. A willing person is unlikely to be capable of any meaningful work at the colony. A capable person is unlikely to want to be willing to leave behind everything he worked towards here on earth. American colonization doesn't work for comparison here, because any retard farmhand could have left, survived and prospered in the new world. So yes, it is difficult to imagine the quota being met.
A martian colony will undoubtedly be contract based, no different than the ISS, except with a longer period obviously.
>with the whole Earth only 0.014%
do you really want shitskins on mars?

Anonymous No. 16624014

fuck off newfag

Anonymous No. 16624020

Thanks for reminding me.

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Anonymous No. 16624022

booster 15 retired

Anonymous No. 16624023

>The quiet part is that continuous occupation is important for the tenuous claim governments have to the land. One trailer in the snow in exchange for 50 trillion dollars of oil in half a century? Easy math
When it actually comes to that, won't force projection be the deciding factor?

Anonymous No. 16624026

stay here newfag

Anonymous No. 16624027

or its waiting to be static fired

Anonymous No. 16624032

you mean the horrible sea rapists?

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Anonymous No. 16624033

CZ-12B upper stage test (YF-102V engine)

Anonymous No. 16624037

Now boomer 15

Anonymous No. 16624038

It sucks but honestly they’re making a good base salary and on top of that, get to be in space.
Plus any astronaut can go and write a book or do talks after retirement and make $$$ so.
Not trying to make excuses—just pointing out that I’d stay on the ISS for freeeee

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Anonymous No. 16624040

If the Starliner keeps failing, can they just put some seats in the Dream Chaser as a second manned vehicle?

Anonymous No. 16624044

Expand upon this

Anonymous No. 16624046

Irish twins for everybody

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Anonymous No. 16624051

why do we need starliner to strand astronauts when we could just as easily stick some seats in a cygnus and strand them with that?

Anonymous No. 16624055

lol no it’s even worse. Talk of the town is that Sierra has real problems and DC is a disaster right now

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Anonymous No. 16624057

because a launch escape system is a mandatory component of all manned space vehicles

Anonymous No. 16624058

Control over territory, everyone wants a presence in case the treaty expires

Anonymous No. 16624063

boosters for starship heavy

Anonymous No. 16624067

You go a bit higher and get it down to about 100F and ~0.7atm

Anonymous No. 16624068

With shipping people to Mars being as expensive as it is, it behooves you to create as many in situ as humanly possible.
With back-to-back pregnancies every 10.5 months and assuming she hits menopause around age 51, you could get around 43 births per woman.
Statistically some of those will be twins, with the rate generally increasing with age and height/weight. You'd get an average twinning rate of 44.1 per 1000 births. It would be on the low side initially, but as her body fat percentage rose from pregnancy it would even out. With those numbers you'd expect to get 2 sets of twins, but if she has a family history of twins that could rise to around 4-5.
If you gave her certain fertility drugs (specifically gonadotropins), that would increase the chances of multiple birth substantially to 3 in 10, with around 5% of those being triplets or more. In that case, you'd expect 13 sets of twins, with one of them potentially being triplets instead.
So you should have 45 children per woman if you do it naturally, and 57 children if you use fertility drugs.

Anonymous No. 16624069

Might as well just make Axotl tanks.

Anonymous No. 16624070

>create as many in situ as humanly possible
There's a decade and a half to two decade delay before you get any useful work out those homegrown colonists.

Anonymous No. 16624073

>sex with women in icky
>sci fi reference
Sure, you'll be at a subsistence level until your workforce suddenly multiplies by 50

Anonymous No. 16624076

nah, 5 to 10 years before they're useful labor. the children yearn for the mines.

Anonymous No. 16624081

They'll be working in their own home so child labor isn't an issue

Anonymous No. 16624086

>so child labor isn't an issue
Physical strength, cognitive ability, and skill acquisition will be though.

Anonymous No. 16624091

Bases should be designed around children without suits being able to take care of them

Anonymous No. 16624096

nonsense! those tiny hands fit into all the machines!

Anonymous No. 16624100

Helvetica is a powerful font

Anonymous No. 16624103

>Has a different diameter than the CZ-12, uses different engines than the CZ-12, may use a different propellant than the CZ-12, and has added in reusability tech which the CZ-12 doesn't have
>Just call it the CZ-12B

I think I've decided that I hate the people in China responsible for naming their rockets. They're actually worse than the ISRO

Anonymous No. 16624106

literally zero naming conventions, they just spin a wheel and attach random numbers and letters however they want lol

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Anonymous No. 16624114

so Musk plans to send a bunch of these to Mars in the first wave of Starships? How are they going to be powered? Are they going to each have a tether cable to the Starship that provides the juice? Are they all going to wear solar panels like a suit of armor? Will they all walk back to a base station and "plug in" when they get low on battery? And where will this power come from, solar panels on the Starship or some other source? (hey maybe a dune buggy with solar panels on the roof that the robots ride around in, would be so cool to see)

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Anonymous No. 16624115

>starship heavy
for newfags who don't know

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Anonymous No. 16624118

there's plenty of young and adventurous (and ambitious) couples who would be willing to go to start a new life for themselves and their lineage, doomer

Anonymous No. 16624135

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
printf("sfg is dead");
return 0;

Anonymous No. 16624138

Hard labor also builds camaraderie and teamwork, vital skills for Martian children

Anonymous No. 16624152

what else could they launch on superheavy?

Anonymous No. 16624153


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futura book font ....png

Anonymous No. 16624160

but Futura is kino

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Anonymous No. 16624164
>The thing people often forget is that the Moon has underground lava tubes kilometers wide and kilometers long, enough to fit entire cities.
>The surface regolith is rich in titanium and has enough oxygen to sustain 8 billion humans for 100,000 years.

Anonymous No. 16624165

Linking my inane spambot tier thread if youre interested

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Anonymous No. 16624166

Excavated habitats on lower gravity worlds like Mars, and especially the Moon, have the potential to be breathtakingly beautiful. Sculpted landscapes directly out of the human imagination, executed by fleets of nuclear tunneling machines.
Imagine picrel on Mars but 2 kilometers deep, with hab units lining the walls and an earthlike wilderness on the canyon floor.

Anonymous No. 16624192

>The surface regolith is rich in titanium and has enough oxygen to sustain 8 billion humans for 100,000 years.
That little, spread out over the entire surface?

Anonymous No. 16624197

Is that a black psychedelic thomas the tank engine?

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Anonymous No. 16624198


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Anonymous No. 16624199

>Laser Starcom's GC-01,02 have successfully established an inter-satellite laser communications link with a stable transmission rate of 400Gbps. The two satellites were 640km apart during the test, and were able to transmit 14.4 TB of data.
How do we stop technology leaking to China?
First EVs, now Starlink. This is unacceptable.

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Anonymous No. 16624201

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Anonymous No. 16624202


Anonymous No. 16624206

If China doesn't steal everything to challenge the West, then the West gets extremely lazy and does nothing further.
Keep stealing it China, ours will always be two steps ahead.

Anonymous No. 16624208

China was a preindustrial society 40 years ago..

Anonymous No. 16624211

>WWI & II clearly demonstrates the new paradigm of power extending from industry
>the US allows companies to shut down the entire industrial base and move it to China
>China passes the US in drones, EVs, and solar
>China passes the US as the EU's largest trading partner
I can't even be mad at the Chinese, or have some sort of patriotic cope. Like, what did you expect? It's just over. I've always said America's way to compete is innovation, but they're rapidly figuring out how to innovate and the weird psuedo communist thing they have has actually proven better for state influenced innovation.
My only hope now is going to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16624212

and so many retards believe china has cheap goods because of "slave labor" or something
like its still the 80's

Anonymous No. 16624213

>slave labor
As if you can become the world's largest manufacturing economy with low skilled farmers. Anyone that's traveled there for work knows how far ahead they are right now. The US basically just has rockets, and shit that is about to not matter at all like jets.

Anonymous No. 16624219

is your source the same as the other guy's? No, "it's obvious, retard" is not a source nor is it an argument.

Anonymous No. 16624226

Japan went from completely isolationist hermit nation to naval empire in one lifetime.

Anonymous No. 16624227

>weird psuedo communist thing they have has actually proven better for state influenced innovation.
It's fascism and that's a good thing

Anonymous No. 16624228

Hell, Japan went from peasant cities full of rice huts to mega 80s skyscraper super cities in forty years. And it wasn’t just fake ass dubai-tier tourism buildings. It was an actual shift in culture, hyper-modernization, the average jap went from pulling a cart with a straw hat to wearing a button down and tie and hating their western style wagie job lol

Anonymous No. 16624230

more like 25 to 30 years. It was rapid

Anonymous No. 16624234

>It's fascism and that's a good thing
We really chose wrong last century. I don't expect China to make the same mistake.

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Anonymous No. 16624238


Anonymous No. 16624241

I'm starting to like this timeline

Anonymous No. 16624243

and populate mars with a billion Elon Gholas

Anonymous No. 16624254

based sea bullies

Anonymous No. 16624256

When someone like Ballast Bill refers to the Lord does he mean Baal (literally lord), the ancient pagan deity who was the object of child sacrifice?

Anonymous No. 16624257

I thought it was moloch they sacrificed kids to?

Anonymous No. 16624258

They both accept the flesh of the innocent as payment.

Anonymous No. 16624259

Easier to find someone else to blame, harder to be productive, easier give yourself credit for inventing the toaster, harder to wash every day
Kind of a toss up

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Anonymous No. 16624260

>"The approximately 250-member squadron consists of Space Force Guardians, civilians and contractors. Eglin AFB Site C-6, Florida conducts 24/7/365 command and control operations of two weapon systems, the AN/FPS-85 phased array radar, which has been operational at Eglin since 1968, and the geographically separated AN/FSY-3 Space Fence located in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. 20th SPSS utilizes both phased array radars to conduct near-earth and deep-space tracking, space object identification, and characterization to provide targetable intelligence in support of the space domain awareness mission The 20th SPSS has the preponderance of Department of Defense space domain awareness assets and has the capability of finding, fixing, tracking, and targeting manmade objects in multiple orbital regimes, from golf ball sized objects 7,000 kilometers away with the Eglin radar to objects the size of a basketball 40,000 kilometers away with the more advanced Space Fence system. The 20th SPSS has a robust, in-garrison intelligence section that fuses multi-source data into operations, mission planning, and assessment for benign (e.g. space debris) and hostile targets in support of national security interests."

Why is the most sophisticated space technology literally NOT located in space?

Anonymous No. 16624261

Betteridge's Law of Headlines, named after British journalist Ian Betteridge, is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word 'no'."

Anonymous No. 16624262

>elon needs to invent electricity
going straight for the dumbest possible objection, I see

Anonymous No. 16624268

There's strong evidence they're the same thing.
They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin.
- Jeremiah 32:35

Anonymous No. 16624269

I don't think we have done enough selenology to know the makeup of the moon beyond the immediate surface. Presumably there are plenty of nice minerals deeper than the surface as well. Perhaps even water ice.

Anonymous No. 16624270

/sfg/: biblical exegesis general

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Anonymous No. 16624271


Anonymous No. 16624276

>We haven't nuked the moon yet

is life even worth living

Anonymous No. 16624277

Ehhh no strategic advantage. It just makes you look like an a-hole; using a nuke to try and be a scary tough guy. Everyone has nukes now.
What WOULD be cool would be doing an orbital assembly with Starship: maybe like 7 starship launches to LEO bringing giant fuckass pieces of Tungsten to orbit. Assemble them into a giant rod of comical size. Then do a full fuel up with a depot and send it to the Sun, as close as you can. Think Parker Solar Probe close. It’s Tungsten, it can survive. Send it around the Sun, have it basically skim the surface, build up insane speed, and slingshot it back into the Moon. It would probably be more powerful than the Tsar Bomba by an entire order of magnitude

Anonymous No. 16624280

>How will these robots maintain themselves and keep themselves functional?
way to miss the point, retard

Anonymous No. 16624281

>Source on that?
you can't be serious

Anonymous No. 16624285

so none of you geeks have any cool ideas on how an initial work crew of robots could be designed to operate? what they can do and how they could do it, nothing? You guys sure know how to keep this general turgid and boring.

Anonymous No. 16624286

It's nuclear or nothing, anon.

Anonymous No. 16624288

The Optimii will be dropped out the the payload bay onto the Martian surface with a hoist of some kind, and a few giant extension cords will also descend.
Starship will deploy its solar panels, the more the better. Without a reactor, power is going to be limited. Maybe some kind of fuel cells will be onboard, who knows. Anyway, those extension cords will be powered up, and its the responsibility of the Optimus to get the fuck back to base and plug its ass in to recharge before it dies. Each robot probably has only solar cells the size of a sheet of paper available for emergencies if it slumps over in a favorable place, it could wake up after some days. But mostly, it will just be a bunch of niggers roaming around within a km or two of the landing site, totally dependent on those power cables

Anonymous No. 16624292

I accept your concession and recommend interacting with real people. You will realize just how retarded and uninterested they are.

Anonymous No. 16624294

Sounds like you need to change your social group.

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Anonymous No. 16624295
>HB roof has been slowly disappearing today.

Anonymous No. 16624297

Can we see any evidence these lava tubes actually exist?

Anonymous No. 16624301

does your social group contain 1 million people? Or does it involve a dozen or so space obsessed autists?

Anonymous No. 16624303

Depends on when, I believe that starship has higher chance of flying to Mars in 2026 than Tesla bot being able to do anything useful next year.

Anonymous No. 16624314

Well my friend group is mostly other aerospace engineers and theres roughly about a million of us across the world.

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Anonymous No. 16624318


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Anonymous No. 16624320


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Anonymous No. 16624322


Anonymous No. 16624323

why upside down?

Anonymous No. 16624324

no such thing in space

Anonymous No. 16624326

but ship is bottom heavy, i dislike starship design a lot desu

Anonymous No. 16624327

A depression with an unknown source?

Anonymous No. 16624328

Just like me

Anonymous No. 16624329

>move into the uncollapsed segment

Anonymous No. 16624330

skill issue

Anonymous No. 16624332

That number will be 1/10th of the expectation, as the complexity and scope of the problem is of equal or likely greater scale than solving Level 5 autonomy. Elon said it would be achieved by 2018 roughly, and in 2025, it's basically a Level 3 system, inkling towards Level 4 and at least another 5 years away from Level 5 to be truly viable at societal scale. A million people by 2060 is more likely.

You need: 273.75kg of O2 per person per year to sustain them.
You then need another: 380.21 kg of Nitrogen and trace gases to support that individual.
You need: 766.5kg of water per person per year to sustain them
You need 2500 calories to sustain an average person on Earth with a moderately intense lifestyle. On Mars, each day will be grueling initially, even with assistance via robotics and machinery, so we'll bump that to 3500. That translates to roughly 1kg of food per person per day or 365kg of food per person per year.
A 5 minute shower that uses an efficient water head will use 9L of water per minute, which translates to 80kg of water per person per day for a shower. So you need 29,200kg of water per person per year.

That comes to: 30,985.46kg of perishables per person per year or 34.16T per person per year. You will need to send on average about 2x that in redundancy to account for injury, sickness, and other factors that makes the body consume much more perishables to recover. So 68.32T per person per year. That basically translates to 1 V1 Starship PER person worth of cargo to Mars for a full year. If you send 100 people to Mars in 2028, you would need to send 10,000 V1 Starships to support them. Each V1 Starship to Mars needs around 8-10 tanker ships of refueling for Mars landing. So you need 80,000-100,000 tankers to orbit to send 100 people to Mars for 1 year.

Which means you need teratons of fuel capacity on Earth to support that per month. No way this happens before 2050 earliest, closer to 2060-2075.

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Anonymous No. 16624334

>A team of international scientists, led by the University of Trento, Italy, has made a major discovery about the Moon. For the first time, they have confirmed the existence of a tunnel in the lunar subsurface, likely an empty lava tube. This significant research, published in Nature Astronomy, is the result of an international collaboration.
>Bruzzone detailed the process: "In 2010, as part of the ongoing LRO NASA mission, the Miniature Radio-Frequency (Mini-RF) instrument acquired data that included a pit in Mare Tranquilitatis. Years later we have reanalyzed these data with complex signal processing techniques we have recently developed, and have discovered radar reflections from the area of the pit that are best explained by an underground cave conduit. This discovery provides the first direct evidence of an accessible lava tube under the surface of the Moon."

Anonymous No. 16624337

>at least another 5 years away from Level 5 to be truly viable at societal scale
why? First robotaxis should be operational in Texas in about 10 weeks

Anonymous No. 16624339

congrats on your "most retarded post of the thread" award!

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Anonymous No. 16624340
>Targeting Thursday, March 20 for a Falcon 9 launch of the National Reconnaissance Office’s NROL-57 mission from California

Anonymous No. 16624343

>calling water a perishable
>using water exactly once and them throwing it out
>going based on v1 metrics when v1 isn’t even flying anymore
am I getting baited?

Anonymous No. 16624344

I just don't get this reusable water meme.

Anonymous No. 16624345

yes anon, yes you are. here's your "fell for it again" award.

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Anonymous No. 16624346

Anonymous No. 16624347

i dont know if its a tech thing. spacex is the only one that can figure it out in the US, despite other companies working closely with them for the military satellite laser links. its probably something only a few smart people around the world can solve. either your country has those people and they are working on the program or you're not getting laser links.

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Anonymous No. 16624348


Anonymous No. 16624349

why do they all have dumbo ears?

Anonymous No. 16624359

Do dogs even understand the concept of an elevator? Would dolphins? Chimps? Elephants? Octopus, plural?
You could put the ‘smartest’ animals on the lunar surface with the Earth on the horizon and they’d have no idea what is going on. Only humans have the ability to process the world well beyond immediate sensory inputs, to ask questions and conceptualize complex ideas, to pattern match and to infer patterns. It’s sad there isn’t another form of life that even comes close to this. Dolphins and chimps and bonobos are probably as close as we could ever hope to get.
I wonder if Neanderthals would have gotten the idea.

Anonymous No. 16624362

>Do dogs even understand the concept of an elevator?
yeah no shit, have you ever taken a dog in an elevator?

Anonymous No. 16624364

Many times. My dog is smart as hell but I’m pretty sure, as far as he’s concerned, we walk into a room and the doors close, open again, and we’re suddenly somewhere else. He probably doesn’t give a shit about the intricacies or the fact that the elevation was changing

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Anonymous No. 16624365

The trench really ended up being massive , could they even fit it near 1st tower?

Anonymous No. 16624367

They might just build a 3rd tower and leave the first as a back up catch tower

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Anonymous No. 16624368

Nope, they'd need to totally remove OLM-1 as well as dig up the current deluge piping/tanks as well as the runoff pond. That would likely change the footprint of the site requiring new permits and EIA's.

Anonymous No. 16624369

YOU are the one contending that out of billions of people not even a few hundred would go to Mars

Anonymous No. 16624370

It really looks like a terrible place to build

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Anonymous No. 16624378

Anonymous No. 16624384

>a few hundred
are you hallucinating? moving goalposts? or just retarded?
the discussion very clearly is about a mars colony, not a research outpost. And it very clearly isn't about visiting, but about colonization.

Anonymous No. 16624387

I misread that as AI Watson and was really confused for a second.

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Anonymous No. 16624388

smart frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16624390


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Anonymous No. 16624394

Upcoming Startup test launch from Norway

Anonymous No. 16624401

nothing has changed. You're asserting that out of billions of people nobody wants to go. That's clearly an absurd opinion to hold

Anonymous No. 16624408

no you illiterate nigger, that is not at all what I am asserting.
I'm saying that out of billions of people you won't find willing AND capable people to establish a colony on mars with 100k population, let alone a million.
>b-but it's le absurd
give me a solid argument or sit the fuck down, kid.

Anonymous No. 16624419

>kerbal scam program 2

Anonymous No. 16624421

Pisses me off to no end that they keep slapping it on sale when they have no interest in continuing development.

Anonymous No. 16624426

The kino EVA city

Anonymous No. 16624449

pretty cool!

Anonymous No. 16624453

Adding extra support may be a good idea.

Anonymous No. 16624464

>first wave of Starships
Yes, both useful robots and a working starship are equally likely in the near term.

Anonymous No. 16624466

Lmao there’s footage of Butch in the cupola just full-on preaching about jesus incurring the wrath of god and being worthy of taking up the cross and forgiving sin, with space and earth in the background. Based

Anonymous No. 16624476

half the atheistic western world is going to short circuit when Victor Glover busts out the Genesis readings during Artemis II

Anonymous No. 16624487

For pitch control

Anonymous No. 16624493

You might ask Ship the same thing

Anonymous No. 16624502

So you've interviewed all 8.2 billion people?

Anonymous No. 16624503

is eager biased towards rocket lab because of his stocks?

Anonymous No. 16624513

>astronauts go to space to better understand Gods work

atheists btfo

Anonymous No. 16624514

no, his autism is too powerful for "bias". he doesn't like rocketlab because he owns their stock, he owns their stock because he likes rocketlab.

Anonymous No. 16624515

post it

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Anonymous No. 16624519
>The first of several Starbase tower 2 flame trench wall sections that were delivered today.

refurbishable walls?

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Anonymous No. 16624526

Anonymous No. 16624531

photo taken seconds before she was brutally violated by dolphins

Anonymous No. 16624533

amazing that thing can be reflown. the reuse of the capsule is also impressive.

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Anonymous No. 16624535

I seriously wonder how they figure launch infrastructure now.
Is it all calculated with careful simulation and engineering for the most optimal use of materials with suitable margins?
Or is it just overbuilding everything?

I still can't believe they just said yolo to bare fondag in the beginning

Anonymous No. 16624537

The first Lunar Civil War will be fought between Christians and my Thoth revivalist technocult

Anonymous No. 16624538

Fondag was just fine. It was the damn sand that did them in

Anonymous No. 16624541

you dont need tiles, you just need to re-enter at a high enough altitude to land safely on a high altitude balloon landing pad

Anonymous No. 16624545

and just how high do you think those balons can be floating? do you think you can keep them right where you want them?

you're asking a lot here.

Anonymous No. 16624547

That'll buff right out.

Anonymous No. 16624548

she looks kinda buff yeah

Anonymous No. 16624555

Can’t find a youtube link; I was scrolling through insta reels and saw it. This is gaining hype with zoomers lol

Anonymous No. 16624560

>1/4 of the year already gone
How many launches left?

Anonymous No. 16624564

January felt like a lifetime and now the rest of the year is slipping by at light speed

Anonymous No. 16624569

we're aiming for at least 300 launches, but only have about 60 so far
so still have 240+ launches to go
yes we're far behind where we need to be

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16624574

very based

Anonymous No. 16624576

very based

Anonymous No. 16624578

icing on the cake is when he disses evolution and says that believing in it requires faith
not joking lmao

Anonymous No. 16624579

yikes, buzz 2.0. thank fuck nasa had some sense and made armstrong go first

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Anonymous No. 16624580


Anonymous No. 16624581

Buzz evangelizes too? For some reason I thought he was a redditor.

Anonymous No. 16624582

he took communion on the moon

Anonymous No. 16624584

Kino alert

Anonymous No. 16624585

Oh right, I forgot about that. But if I recall he did that quietly, didn't want to make a big deal out of it (because of the Apollo 8 thing?)

Anonymous No. 16624588

NASA would not want to take a particular point of view. Don you understand sweaty? Especially after the Apollo 8 bitch.

Anonymous No. 16624590

nasa was the one who made sure it was hush hush, not buzz

Anonymous No. 16624620

>preaching about jesus
Begone tourist, your religion has no place here.

Anonymous No. 16624628

read a book sometime, and lurk more

Anonymous No. 16624632

>he doesn't know what based is
To be based is to be true to yourself, particularly so when there is social pressure for you to behave otherwise. Whether you agree with him or not (personally, I am not religious), preaching the gospel on the ISS is definitively based.

Anonymous No. 16624635

space priest
>do not eat bugs
>have children
>colonize the universe

globohomo futurist
>you will eat the bugs
>you will not have children
>you will fix the problems on earth first

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Expedition 59 ble....png

Anonymous No. 16624638

Do I get to wear the jesus COHO3 jacket?

Anonymous No. 16624639




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Anonymous No. 16624641

Starship should have God is my copilot decals.
That way, it reaches heaven

Anonymous No. 16624643

>Jesus take the PID controller!

Anonymous No. 16624644

Threadly reminder that Musk himself is an atheist.

Anonymous No. 16624645

I just reinstalled Kerbal Space Program. What do?

Anonymous No. 16624646

sfg should be creating webms

Anonymous No. 16624647

Spanish is such a clumsy language

Anonymous No. 16624648

uninstall it again, then install juno: new origins.

Anonymous No. 16624649

Pirate Volumetric Clouds
Send aircraft to Jool

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KSP reentry over ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16624650

Make a comfy home on Laythe.

Anonymous No. 16624655

He lags internet trends by about 10 years. In a few years from now he'll be an Orthodox.

Anonymous No. 16624658

uninistall it
reinstall KSP2
uninstall KSP2
reinstall KSP1
uninstall KSP1
install Spaceflight Simulator

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Anonymous No. 16624659

Explain this

Anonymous No. 16624660

uninstall Spaceflight Simulator
wait patiently for Spaceflight Simulator 2

Anonymous No. 16624662


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Anonymous No. 16624666

Fuck yeah.

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this but without ....gif

Anonymous No. 16624668

Would 0 G stop someone from snoring? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 16624670

snoring is caused by a disfunction of the nervous system

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Anonymous No. 16624672

It is based.
Based on the Word of God.

Anonymous No. 16624674

that reminds me, I have to record myself at night to see if I snore, too. I've never slept with anyone, so I've got no one tell me if I I do it...

Anonymous No. 16624676

Surely at this point everyone would understand if you simply forced yourself on someone,

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Anonymous No. 16624677

Anonymous No. 16624682


Anonymous No. 16624683

>STRONGLY suggests

Anonymous No. 16624685

NASA planetary protection office: allow us to introduce ourselves

Anonymous No. 16624686

kek that's about right

Anonymous No. 16624699

they'll use batteries
wow, what an amazing line of discussion
fuck off

Anonymous No. 16624701

>smug hello world
>still has a bug
that's rough

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Anonymous No. 16624702


Anonymous No. 16624705

>i was born after the golden age of spaceflight
>all we have is falconslop and shartship shitting itself every launch

Anonymous No. 16624707

lol, retard
go play edgy atheist somewhere else
this is your daily reminder that

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Anonymous No. 16624710

inb4 this article is garbage too

Anonymous No. 16624711
>space is now hated by leftists because of musk
if democrats get back in power you can kiss space goodbye

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Anonymous No. 16624712


Anonymous No. 16624713

>New Evidence Suggests the Same Thing We've Been Talking About for 40 Years

Anonymous No. 16624716

>“There are five different objects in space maneuvering in and out around each other, in synchronicity and in control. That’s what we call dogfighting in space. They are practicing tactics, techniques and procedures to do on-orbit space operations from one satellite to another,” he explained.
>“Gen. Guetlein referenced Chinese satellite maneuvers observed in space. China conducted a series of proximity operations in 2024 involving three Shiyan-24C experimental satellites and two Chinese experimental space objects, the Shijian-6 05A/B. These maneuvers were observed in low Earth orbit.”
>A representative of Colorado-based space tracking firm LeoLabs confirmed that the company had observed the Chinese demonstration...“The Russians are right in the middle of a three-spacecraft RPO,” the LeoLabs rep added.

Anonymous No. 16624723

- Bikini Mars girls.
- Hmm? - Martian dune buggies.
- Hmm! Daredevil subterranean surfers.
Ordinarily this planet would be swarming with such missions, but not today.
Oh, no! They've all been cleared out to make way for painstaking rock sniffing.
That's right, Dick.
This year everyone's abuzz about one thing- the absence of Robert Zubrin.
Oh, wait.
There he is.

Anonymous No. 16624727

worshipping spooks is not good for you

Anonymous No. 16624728

Jool 5 with all the neat Parallax/Volumetric cloud/shader mods

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Anonymous No. 16624732


Anonymous No. 16624746

Once, Kimbal tried to make him come do some ayahuasca ritual but Elon declined. I almost want to see what kind of weird space mysticism he'd get into after that

Anonymous No. 16624755

I really need to start my weird space mysticism cult

Anonymous No. 16624793

program esefgee
print *, 'sfg is dead'
end program esefgee

Anonymous No. 16624795

Yeah they're getting fired promptly

Anonymous No. 16624812

5k Optimus being built this year (parts for 10-12k), first ones have rolled out of the pilot line

Anonymous No. 16624814

why wont they just build sea platform to launch rockets, sea would be a flame trench

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Anonymous No. 16624819

I didn't realize the one guy stuck on the ISS for so long was the guy from the meme

Anonymous No. 16624828

How new are you

Anonymous No. 16624829

Elon, hire this man

Anonymous No. 16624833

SpaceX is beating NASA

Anonymous No. 16624834

At what, shittiest super heavy lift rocket?

Anonymous No. 16624837

you lost

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Anonymous No. 16624842

We need mini Starship!

Anonymous No. 16624845

>“Our approach today has a very low probability to match the ‘before 2030’ milestone for landing humans on the Moon,” Daniel Dumbacher, who formerly served as Deputy Associate Administrator of NASA’s Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate, in charge of the Artemis lunar landings, testified at the hearing.

Anonymous No. 16624846

...a Dragon?

Anonymous No. 16624847

yep, you won.

Anonymous No. 16624852

Berger keeps saying that if bridenstack was aproved we would be on the moon right now. with what fucking lander?

Anonymous No. 16624854

>with what fucking lander?
The one they would design and build.

Anonymous No. 16624861

oh we are playinh fantasy now? ok. i want to be the king, and you can be my concubine

Anonymous No. 16624863

Why are you acting like a retard?

Anonymous No. 16624881

Lander can be developed much quicker than an entire rocket (starship)

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Anonymous No. 16624893

go home Zubrin, you're drunk

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Anonymous No. 16624899


Anonymous No. 16624904

by who? please

Anonymous No. 16624913

Your mom

Anonymous No. 16624918

US has a massive advantage here both in platform (Starlink bus) and launcher (Falcon and later Starship). I wouldn't worry about it unless their plan is to make LEO completely unusable for everyone.

Anonymous No. 16624926

is the girl just another boots and flag poles mission, or a sustained affordable permanent moon base that doesn't need a permanent 10 billion $'s a year to keep it going?

maybe they needed to approve the lunar dragon a decade ago! Maybe they need to not be fucking autistic about their "requirements" that blow up costs 10x

Anonymous No. 16624927

Why even pretend to care, when we have the technology right now to build pulsed nuclear fission ships to colonize the entire solar system out to neptune -- but choose not to because of some silly self-imposed global “rules”?
If we made first contact with sentient aliens they would think we are gay and lame!

Anonymous No. 16624929

earth launched NPP vehicles when

just launch them from cuba or some irrelevant shithole

Anonymous No. 16624931

you have to launch them from the poles so the radiation doesn't get trapped by Earth's magnetic field

Anonymous No. 16624932

Would the north or south pole be a more accessible launch site? Both seem pretty rough

Anonymous No. 16624933

radiation is a non-issue

Anonymous No. 16624937

FUCK earthers
trillions for pensions and pennies for Mars & Venus

Anonymous No. 16624939

I like Buran because I am contrarian

Anonymous No. 16624940

it would be unreasonable to assume it has no effect

Anonymous No. 16624942

just blame any negative effects on vaccines and obesity

Anonymous No. 16624943

I must not fear radiation.
Radiation is the mind-killer.
Radiation is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face the radiation.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the radiation has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

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Anonymous No. 16624945

Born too early to explore the solar system.
For now, we make our stand here. On the only home we know.

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Anonymous No. 16624950


Anonymous No. 16624954

He's not a smug internet atheist who considers being mad about not being able to play video games on Sunday mornings as the height of intellectual achievement, and it's pretty clear he does believe in epistemic humility, which is essentially the opposite of being a declared atheist.

Anonymous No. 16624955



Anonymous No. 16624957

thats such a rad pic bro

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Anonymous No. 16624960


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Anonymous No. 16624965

tried it once, it was ok

Anonymous No. 16624972

nobody needs that many insulated coffee cups

Anonymous No. 16624975

just launch them from under the surface.

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Anonymous No. 16624978


Anonymous No. 16625358

>He doesn't know about San Marco

Anonymous No. 16625549
