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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16624953

Dat Ass - edition

previous >>16622388

Anonymous No. 16624956

First for we should harness nuclear rocks to colonize the stars and it’s dumb that we aren’t

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Anonymous No. 16624958
>AstroForge is unbowed by the failure. The company says it spent just $3.5 million on Odin and is already working on its next spacecraft, Vestri, targeted for launch as a secondary on the IM-3 mission Intuitive Machines plans to launch as soon as early 2026. Vestri will be bigger with improved propulsion and avionics. The company also plans to hire “principal-level” engineers with spacecraft experience to augment a workforce that had more experience on launch vehicles.

Anonymous No. 16624962

>these dolphins just happened to be 300 miles off the coast

This shit is AI as fuck and if any of you had any scientific rigor you would acknowledge that.

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Anonymous No. 16624963

I don't get how a supposed "tech" guy like Elon Musk thinks sending people to mars is a good idea when he could build a whole colony of robots and machines there with the technology his companies already have (comms in low martian orbit from starlink, robots and cars from tesla, transport from spacex).

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Anonymous No. 16624964

European smallasat launcher launching in 3 days but apparently there won't be a stream

Anonymous No. 16624967

German launcher

Anonymous No. 16624970

If only the (current USA president since Obama) would give him more money then we can find out.

Anonymous No. 16624971

>It has been designed to achieve a price point of €10,000 ($11,700) per kg.

10 million dollars a small sat polar orbit only launcher....

truly the next spacex...

Anonymous No. 16624973


Anonymous No. 16624979

> “Rather than refuel the customer spacecraft, we refuel our own tow truck, which is a system that we control end-to-end,” he said. “Because we can refill our own spacecraft, it drastically reduces our internal cost for these kinds of missions.”
>He dismissed competition from other orbital transfer vehicles, including those that might take advantage of the low-cost launch promised by SpaceX’s Starship. “That would be true if cheap launch existed. There's no such thing,” he argued. “SpaceX does a great job marketing and then raises their prices by 10% every year, and has done that every year for the last decade.”


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Anonymous No. 16624980

Boy, I sure do love Elon Musk, and so does absolutely everyone else in this thread. He's your favorite!

Anonymous No. 16624981

>*launches everything they make on an F9*

Cheap launch is a myth

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Anonymous No. 16624982


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Anonymous No. 16624983

I'm sorry but even in 1972 + 53 humans are still an order of magnitude more efficient than robots

Anonymous No. 16624985

if Neutron, Terran R or some other partially reusable system actually starts launching then perhaps cheap launch will become a thing
the guy is right that SpaceX won't bring costs down for customers with Starship for a while, they have plenty of shit to launch themselves for a while
at some point they would probably start coming down the price curve just to maximize revenue and with it profits even if the margins were lower, but on the short term there is really not much point (I guess?)

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Anonymous No. 16624988

When are we getting a Moon colony, spacechads?

Anonymous No. 16624991

Stupid non-argument. It cost roughly four billion dollars to launch a Space Launch System Block 1B. It currently costs a fraction of that for SpaceX to launch Starship—and even with a hefty markup to customers to try and make some money it will still be cheaper than SLS.
The same goes for Falcon 9. For example, they marked up the cost of FH for europa clipper big time—but it was STILL a cheaper launch option for NASA

Anonymous No. 16624993

As much as I despise Elon, SpaceX is fucking killing it. They profited a great deal from the white flight at Boeing and Lockheed under Obama, but even with that fortuitous start they are doing far better than I ever expected. No matter what you think of the African immigrant welfare recipient Elon Musk, you have to admit SpaceX is impressive.

Anonymous No. 16624994

>It currently costs a fraction of that for SpaceX to launch Starship
You don't know that because there's no starship capable of carrying payload.
>they marked up the cost of FH for europa clipper big time—but it was STILL a cheaper launch option for NASA
It was cheaper, but also taking more time to get there.

Anonymous No. 16624995

I wasn't arguing that F9 wasn't the cheapest one around nor that Starship would also not be and I didn't mention the pork rogget in any way so I don't understand why you brought it up

my point was simply that SpaceX is charging what the market will bear because doing otherwise would just be leaving money on the table and in the short term to bring prices (not cost for SpaceX, but prices to customers) down would require competition

Anonymous No. 16624996

block 1b doesn't exist and will likely never exist. might as well say launching on FH is cheaper than teleporting it to the correct orbit.

Anonymous No. 16624999

Talking to you feels like trying to teach the special ed class how to read an analog clock
>my point was simply that SpaceX is charging what the market will bear because doing otherwise would just be leaving money on the table
Yes no shit welcome to business 101. They’re still cheaper than everyone else but mark up for profit. A competitor would help bring it down further. Which I see is what you were saying originally

Anonymous No. 16625004

Starship won't be carrying anything but starlinks for a while

Anonymous No. 16625005

spacex also came along at the right time when the Shuttle and other launchers were winding down
no COTS program anymore for prospective "new space", they have to jump right into the deep end of launch competition

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Anonymous No. 16625007

Australian Gilmour Space was also planning to launch this month with the first hybrid propellant rocket, but they've been delaying for years so who knows.
I don't think either company really expects to get even close to orbit.

Anonymous No. 16625009

its carrying a huge weight of expectations

Anonymous No. 16625011

Robots can't even drive on specially created infrastructure and you want them to do a series of complex tasks light minutes away from help?

Anonymous No. 16625014

We should build thorium reactors on Mars and seed with a few hundred kg of uranium from Earth. You can run high neutron flux if you use robotic maintenance crews and use SiC instead of metal in most of your structural materials. Nuclear beats solar by orders of magnitude in terms of mass-to-mars for equivalent power output and it would be easier to make on Mars than semiconductors.

Please tell me why I'm wrong. I already know I'm retarded, so it's not necessary to point it out.

Anonymous No. 16625015

The only jobs modern robots can do is doctor and lawyer.

Anonymous No. 16625016

He is sending robots first, retardkun

Anonymous No. 16625017

And it's heavy ass can barely leave the launchpad without payload

Anonymous No. 16625018

New data shows curiosity at 34 KM, and perseverance at 33 KM.

Anonymous No. 16625019

You're trying to be wrong. Just shut up.

Anonymous No. 16625020

you are orders of magnitude less retarded than the average earther

Anonymous No. 16625021

Doctors are useful thoughbeit

Anonymous No. 16625022

post your off the shelf, highly mass optimized fission reactors that are ready to go

Anonymous No. 16625023

ignore the elon dick suckers. You're completely correct.

Anonymous No. 16625024

>apparently there won't be a stream
yeah, no stream, no confidence. buying NO on polymarket. failure is anticipated.

Anonymous No. 16625025

let me know when a human has enough strength to move a lot of land without machines

>can't even drive
why would you want a robot to drive instead of having a specially designed car for that? and what is a self-driving car if not a robot anyway?

Anonymous No. 16625026

almost all modern robots are employed as factory workers

Anonymous No. 16625027

Is that why my new Jeep is so capable?

Anonymous No. 16625028

this has a disproportionate effect on women and people of color, you know that right?

Anonymous No. 16625029

What doesn't?

Anonymous No. 16625030

All in favor of eliminating women and people of color?
Going once? Going twice?

Anonymous No. 16625033

We should just put them into re education camps.

Anonymous No. 16625034

nooclear is obviously the way to go for any serious mars base.

thats not true.

Anonymous No. 16625037

>You don't know that because there's no starship capable of carrying payload.
Are you fucking retarded? The mass production and cheap materials alone means it will always be a fraction of the costs the produce even ignoring reusability.

Anonymous No. 16625038

Nuclear has far too much regulations, better to just mass optimize solar panels

Anonymous No. 16625039

>no coverage of NROL-57, including a boostback nebula and infrared landing footage
/sfg/ is dead

Anonymous No. 16625040

nobody is going to stay up late for a falcon 9 launch.

Anonymous No. 16625041

>on mars

This really is the dumbest board on 4chan. I might as well be on /mu/

Anonymous No. 16625042

How would you cool nuclear reactor on Mars?

Anonymous No. 16625043

when you start mining your uranium on mars this will be less of an issue. as it stands uoy have to acquire all your fissile material on earth.

Anonymous No. 16625045

Has to be shipped on Earth, developed and built on Earth, etc
Won't be major industries like that for a long time

Anonymous No. 16625048

I thought the current admin would decrease regulations? maybe nuclear becomes a bit more realistic after a few years of cutting regulations

Anonymous No. 16625049

I wonder if there is any uranium in Africa someone could buy for cheap?

The better science experiment is if this magical rock called uranium that just so happens to have the same half life as our planet's age does occur on mars. But of course the obvious energy solution would be solar.

Anonymous No. 16625052

>starship carries uranium to mars
>explodes in earth orbit
>takes out all starlinks

Anonymous No. 16625053

Just let it be hot if that's what it wants to do.

Anonymous No. 16625054

then change that shit. solar on mars is a dumb idea for anything but some tiny research station, and it can't power serious industry anyway.

Anonymous No. 16625055

Lots of radiators.

Anonymous No. 16625056

use all the heat. problem solved.

Anonymous No. 16625057

Tell that to Elon

Anonymous No. 16625058

just add more solar panels?

Anonymous No. 16625061

How well would heat dissipate in Mars?

Anonymous No. 16625062

Mars is pretty chilly so it should be fine

Anonymous No. 16625063

you need to engineering degree to ask that question

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Anonymous No. 16625065

elon knows and he doesn't give a shit. It's obvious to anyone who isn't a /pol/ tourist that he's been steadily losing interest in space. The energy is just not there if you compare current Elon to the one a decade or more ago. Maybe it's the age getting to him? Maybe he's too preoccupied with DOGE shit? who knows, but the "WE GAAAN" energy is so fucking gone now, even if it's supposed to be at it's peak.

Anonymous No. 16625066

solar is the only realistic option that doesn't rely on chaning peoples mind about nuclear
might be easier to change peoples mind as well after the first ships have landed on mars and you can actually tell them the development is bottlenecked by power

Anonymous No. 16625069

Ask Grok

Anonymous No. 16625070

I don't talk to nazis

Anonymous No. 16625071

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16625072


it'll have to happen. forget all those dumb dreams about faggy solar

Anonymous No. 16625073

you just did

Anonymous No. 16625074

This was definitely one of the more strange quarterly videos. The second half is just answering questions from random nigs like "how should a young person get into the stock market?" he also mentions hyperloop briefly. And I hope he actually uses the legion unit in terms of production numbers for Optimus.

Anonymous No. 16625077


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Anonymous No. 16625080

Anonymous No. 16625083

>billionaire is an opportunist
How shocking

Anonymous No. 16625085

Wtf I hate the Moon now! Cancel Artemis I want to see baldy mald and go under. Fair weather loser trying to readjust his sails with the wind. You’re in the doldrums now, amazon boy!

Anonymous No. 16625087

I didn't see Jeff Bezos on the DJ Trump campaign Trail
Guess he missed his chance

Anonymous No. 16625092

It's not like he's gonna talk about cars since Cybertruck was such a blunder and Robotaxi is still awaiting software and neither is the Roadster anywhere to be seen yet.

Anonymous No. 16625096

he was at the inauguration

Anonymous No. 16625099

>Cybertruck was such a blunder
best selling electric truck. best selling vehicle over $100k
you lost

Anonymous No. 16625101

When I was a child my father used to take me to flea markets on the weekend. He used to tell me "ten thousand Mexicans can't be wrong."

The best thing I ever bought was a switchblade.

Anonymous No. 16625102

Planned capacity 250k-500k annually. Selling under 50k. Massive blunder for a company which seemingly can't develop a new car models in parallel.

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Anonymous No. 16625110

>9 day booster turn around

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Anonymous No. 16625116

Anonymous No. 16625118

>didn't get any overtime pay
Isn't that NASA's fault?

Anonymous No. 16625119

Will they ever stop milking this lie?

Anonymous No. 16625120

What, is everyone involved in that pretending to be retarded or something?

Anonymous No. 16625121

nope, they will repeat it until every moron thinks it's the truth

Anonymous No. 16625123

Thats after the election

Anonymous No. 16625124

The offer to rescue was made (behind closed doors) and the Biden administration refused.
How is this a lie without any evidence? Its a he-said, she-said situation. So it comes down to reputation.
Who has a better reputation (fewer lies, more honest transparency)
Elon Musk / SpaceX
Joe Biden's handlers
We cant know the truth, so stop discounting it as a lie. It may have really happened, maybe not, but thanks so much for making your beliefs known. Any other things you can tell us without evidence?

Anonymous No. 16625127

Elon lies or twists the truth all the time

Anonymous No. 16625128

>"ten thousand Mexicans can't be wrong."
What the fuck does this even mean?

Anonymous No. 16625130

ok TSLAQ nigger

Anonymous No. 16625131

Europa Clipper on FH saved NASA several billion dollars, it is fine if it take a few more years to get there.

Anonymous No. 16625132

>The offer to rescue was made (behind closed doors) and the Biden administration refused.
Because it was retarded and wasteful. Why pay for a whole new mission when you can just move crew around on the regularly scheduled rotations?
It's so funny how elon simps flip between "We must cut government spending" and "We must pay elon musk as much money as possible for literally nothing of value"

Anonymous No. 16625135

cope and seethe
team 47 won

Anonymous No. 16625137

>cope and seethe
hard not to when space is being thrown down the shitter (somehow even more than it was previously)
>team 47 won
I know you may have missed it, but this is a spaceflight general, not /pol/. Your asylum is a few boards down.

Anonymous No. 16625138

lmao at first it was weird, then it was annoying, now it has horseshoed into being based.

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Anonymous No. 16625139

Trump LOVES Boeing. SLS is 100% safe.

Anonymous No. 16625140

In that case, China has already won

Anonymous No. 16625143

Imagine being supposedly smart and not understanding a basic analogy. What percentile did you get on your SAT? Ten thousand educators can't be wrong.

Anonymous No. 16625145

How did Trump help?

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Anonymous No. 16625146

>uhm Elon Musk never attempted to go to orbit with Starship

Anonymous No. 16625147

NTA but by he helped simply by virtue of not being a retarded biden admin cretin with anti-Elon* intentions
*the chief engineer of the company that could have gone and done something earlier

Anonymous No. 16625148

who are you quoting?

Anonymous No. 16625149

So he didn't pay to rush a mission either. Literally just waited for the scheduled one, right? He deserves a medal.

Anonymous No. 16625150

99% of /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16625151

Demand for outrage has far outpaced supply. People need to make their own.

Anonymous No. 16625152

You’re not wrong but I also don’t care
>a-a-a political guy is politicking?!?!
Water is wet btw

Anonymous No. 16625154

Yuri never made an orbit but attained orbital velocity. That metric counts

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Anonymous No. 16625155
>That was then. NASA’s landing page for the First Woman comic series, where young readers could download or listen to the comic, no longer exists. Callie and her crew survived the airless, radiation-bathed surface of the Moon, only to be wiped out by President Trump’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion executive order, signed two months ago.
>Another casualty is the "first woman" language within the Artemis Program. For years, NASA's main Artemis page, an archived version of which is linked here, included the following language: "With the Artemis campaign, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before."

Berger's malding hard about deistronauts getting pulled from Artemis

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Anonymous No. 16625156

Anonymous No. 16625157

Imagine linking an arstecnica article 5 years after COVID and thinking anyone trusts it n

Anonymous No. 16625159

>That would be true if cheap launch existed. There's no such thing
This is a classic "SLS is real" kind of quote. If only someone relevant were saying it.

Anonymous No. 16625160

It's not really possible to separate the two, anon. Go read Liftoff and Reentry for homework.

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Anonymous No. 16625162

>Zion Don can pull $20 billion out of his ass for Boing while he cuts funding for NASA
It's so joever

Anonymous No. 16625163

>Starship won't be carrying anything but cash printers for a while

Anonymous No. 16625166

>pay $320 million just to get a couple astronauts back a few months early
>focus on things that actually matter and let the ISS have a few extra hands to ease the burden on the other astronauts on the ISS

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A Photograph of R....jpg

Anonymous No. 16625167

Alright, /sfg/.

It's time we discuss Rhea.

Anonymous No. 16625168

Liquid CO2
Or water, since there's a lot of it

Anonymous No. 16625169

It's gay.

Discussion finished.

Anonymous No. 16625170

Mars has lots of cool air.

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Anonymous No. 16625171

>no launch stream
How very unkino.

Anonymous No. 16625172

That article is from today retard

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Anonymous No. 16625174

New Astrumkino about best planet dropped

Anonymous No. 16625175

If you never bring the astronauts back you'd save even more!

Anonymous No. 16625179

Executive order reinstating Pluto as the 9th planet, when?

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Anonymous No. 16625180

>9th planet
get in line

Anonymous No. 16625182

It's pretty cool how all these rounded balls of ice and rock can look so different and unique to eachother.

Anonymous No. 16625195

mercury should not be a planet

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PMO sizes true co....png

Anonymous No. 16625199

on the subject of looking different and unique I updated it so that Venus would be true color

Anonymous No. 16625200

If this new F-47 ends up sucking, a contract gets thrown out to SpaceX to develop a strategic bomber that can deliver a precision nuke to Boeing hq

Anonymous No. 16625204

>$320 million

I like how this figure keeps going up when it was never accurate in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16625205

Starship IS the strategic bomber

Anonymous No. 16625206

Oi vey $500 million for two measly astronauts, we had no choice but to say no!

Anonymous No. 16625208

>just hire spacex to do something wildly outside their expertise lol

Anonymous No. 16625209

>Government waste
>Government waste (On SpaceX)

Anonymous No. 16625213

ummmm sweaty, its good when its my side being hypocritical.
you lost btw lol am I right fellow froggers?

Anonymous No. 16625215

nice looking Rhea you have there anon

Anonymous No. 16625216

pluto is a planet. end of story.

Anonymous No. 16625221

>random ass rock in space #6755997739
waooooow sugoiiii

Anonymous No. 16625222

they will repeat the truth until everyone knows it. biden tried to kill our astronauts just for voting for trump

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Anonymous No. 16625228


Anonymous No. 16625233

Do you even realize how much of a loser professor you sound like? Nigger I don't have to read your gay takes, I'm living it. This is why no one respects you.

Anonymous No. 16625234

It’s not waste if it’s being spent on spacex
This but unironically

Anonymous No. 16625241

Ganymede high key a goated solar system body

Anonymous No. 16625242

more like gaymeds heh

Anonymous No. 16625245

he is such a fucking faggot holy shit
it just keeps getting worse

Anonymous No. 16625246

Is telling yourself that a SpaceX launch would have been Boeing priced the current cope?

Anonymous No. 16625247

anything larger than earth is a star or a failed star, anything smaller is a moon or a planetlet

Anonymous No. 16625250

anon, almost all of those celestial bodies are actually plain and boring gray, the universe is way less colorful than what nasa shows us with their 'pictures'.

Anonymous No. 16625251

where does earth fall on this scale?

Anonymous No. 16625252

Many don’t know this but your enemy cannot gain air superiority if you blow up like 5 starships uprange of contested airspace

Anonymous No. 16625253

earth is a planet

Anonymous No. 16625255

Geochemistry is the autistic study of this exact phenomenon. Minerals and organic processes, hydrological cycles, fluid interactions with rock. It’s all very fascinating and gets me excited

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Anonymous No. 16625259

Martian avalanche.

Anonymous No. 16625262

this photo is of a beach in santa monica with color correction

Anonymous No. 16625264

No tectonic plates yet still, time and gravity still working mysterious wonders.
I wonder if the wind lightly blowing for millions of years, ceaselessly sculpting the surface with weathering and erosion, was to blame for this

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Anonymous No. 16625272
>In the last rays of daylight at Jiuquan SLC, the 2nd Ceres-1 to launch in just over 4 days - 1 day more than the latest pair of launches by its nearest Western counterpart - successfully deployed another 6 Yunyao-1 LEO weather measurement satellites (#43-48) to SSO at 11:07 UTC.

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Anonymous No. 16625274

Anonymous No. 16625275

this happened in For All Mankind. it was that young junkie prick spacing out while on drilling duty. im glad they dumped him out in the desert, fucker. always hated that bastard.

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Anonymous No. 16625277

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Anonymous No. 16625278

wtf is he wearing

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Anonymous No. 16625279

Anonymous No. 16625281

he's thick

Anonymous No. 16625287

Well I just got spoiled. It's whatever though, retard had death flag written on his forehead. Thought he was going to schizo out like his father and actually remove his helmet tho, shame

Anonymous No. 16625292

>Well I just got spoiled.
sorry bud. figured most would have seen it by now. that was the last series the show was any good anyway. turned the entire 4th series into a commie union dispute load of crap.

Anonymous No. 16625295

Billions dead...

Anonymous No. 16625296

im glad the martian surface is completely sterile and lacking all life because many beetles and stuff would have been harmed by this and it would have been elons fault.

Anonymous No. 16625304

beautiful shot
the shockwave schlieren are very impressive

Anonymous No. 16625311

>he thinks dolphins have a particular affinity for coasts
land lubber mentality

Anonymous No. 16625312

He very publicly forbade the Washington Post (which he owns) from endorsing Kamala, pissing off all the WaPo's editors and staff as well as reddit/etc. It wasn't an endorsement of Trump, but at the same time it KIND OF was. After he did it, I don't think anybody was surprised to see him at the inauguration and getting cozy with Trump.

Anonymous No. 16625314

yea but there is a giant world of difference between Elon giving speeches at the rally vs some lukewarm middle ground at your personal news paper

Anonymous No. 16625315

Price was not discussed.

Anonymous No. 16625317


Anonymous No. 16625319

Nobody said that Bezos gave Trump an equivalent level of support as Elon.

Anonymous No. 16625323

Can they bring some beetles with the first attempts at landing Starship on Mars?

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Anonymous No. 16625326

Maybe it was just me, but I found the constant talk of the splashdown being "off the coast of Tallahassee" to be annoying.

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Anonymous No. 16625327

lots of cats to steal the warmness

Anonymous No. 16625332

So, i have been away from /sci/ for some time because of how every thread got derailed, but i just watched a video of sunni.
How much do you think her weight is now?
I really wonder about her health.
I hope in the future when the political bullshit is over we get a complete report on her decline in health and what they did to try and keep her from declining.
Because it's obvious that something went wrong with the high calorie intake&weight training.
Looks like her body was eating up itself to keep it alive, the grey hair, arms of auschwitz prisoner.
It's amazing she could even stand up to shake hands.

Anonymous No. 16625333

Do you think thats why the return was so rushed?

Anonymous No. 16625336

i imagine she was doing fine for most of her time up there, and thats why they decided on leaving them up there, but then she started declining fast and it also became a bigger political problem because of the election.

Anonymous No. 16625337

its lack of tan and hair dye

Anonymous No. 16625338

shes 60
and probably doesn't work out

Anonymous No. 16625342

>hair dye
that one at least is a decent answer to her grey hair.
Still doesnt explain the twig arms.

Anonymous No. 16625343

>relativity is also setting up shop in texas
at this point texas may become the number state for spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16625345

show me before and after

Anonymous No. 16625346

Yet Robert Zubrin, the globe’s leading strategist for landing humans on Mars,
One of the top aeronautical engineers in the U.S.
With his extraordinary series of books
Zubrin is widely considered the supreme conceptual creator of a future Eden-like New World on Mars.

jeezus the glazing is obnoxious

Anonymous No. 16625350

Any google search with the words "starliner" and "sunni"

Anonymous No. 16625352

NO. The Martian ecosystem must be preserved at all costs.

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Anonymous No. 16625353

YF-102 production line in Baoji (west of Xi'an) to have initial production capability by the end of March. To eventually have the capability to produce 300 engines per year.

Anonymous No. 16625354

no she enjoyed it 100% trust me bro
if it was her choice, she would have stayed there for 8 more months breathing CO2 rich farts

Anonymous No. 16625356

I'm she she would have gladly died up there too

Anonymous No. 16625360

When you say an SLS launch costs $4B, is that the marginal cost of an SLS launch, or is it including fixed costs divided by number of launches?

Anonymous No. 16625362

If the annual budget is 2 billion
And it launches once every 2 years
You are left with a 4 billion cost

It's likely a lot higher when you include other stuff that isn't lumped under its budget
Plus the Orion capsule which is just an insane money spending program

Anonymous No. 16625364

>Academy of Launch Vehicle Tech
This doesn't make sense

Anonymous No. 16625366

$2 billion of that figure is just for procuring a single SLS rocket

Anonymous No. 16625367

So it is including fixed costs?

Wouldn't the cost then dramatically drop if SLS launched more often? For example, if it launched each year, the cost would be $2B per launch. Would SLS not be capable of a launch per year?

Anonymous No. 16625368

So the rocket itself is just $2B including fixed costs? Procurement cost must always include fixed costs in some way, because contractors need to be paid for their fixed costs as well

Anonymous No. 16625369

They'd first have to be able to launch more often. Once a year isn't enough either.

Anonymous No. 16625371

>They'd first have to be able to launch more often.
So isn't then an obvious solution that can radically cut costs of SLS to simply increase its cadence and to get more payloads for it? Right now Artemis keeps getting delayed for non-SLS reasons. One potential payload was Europa Clipper, though I read it would've required major modifications to handle the vibrations of SLS SRBs

>Once a year isn't enough either.
No, but it would be dramatically cheaper. It seems disingenuous to say "we must avoid launching SLS because it costs $4B per launch" if the reason it costs $4B per launch is because you almost never launch it

Anonymous No. 16625372

>Elon Musk: This is insane

Anonymous No. 16625374

The jacket that the air force academy gave him like 4 years ago.

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Anonymous No. 16625378

Progress on Chinese F9 cloning project #9415

Anonymous No. 16625382

So how many vehicles does that add up to?

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Anonymous No. 16625384
>In case you missed it, NRO and SpaceX launched NROL-57 today from Vandenberg Space Force Base.

Anonymous No. 16625387

why don't the chinese have any F9 clone operational yet? They're really slacking.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16625388

About 230, assuming an average engine consumption of 1.3 engines per launch

Anonymous No. 16625389

They haven't had a suitable engine ready. I think CASC has also been a bit busy with the LM5-8 rollout. Space Pioneer's first Tianlong-3 was supposed to launch last year, however it suffered an accidental premature launch during testing

Anonymous No. 16625390

Fixed costs like ground systems are in additions to that $2 billion, as is the Orion capsule.

That $2 billion procurement cost grows to something like $2.4 billion once the EUS upper stage starts getting used.

Anonymous No. 16625391

A rocket also has fixed costs by itself, such as all the facilities and employees that are needed to build it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16625392

>employees that are needed to build it.
Although, of course, when the production line is so busy that every worker is at every stage of production is busy, employees become a marginal cost

Anonymous No. 16625393

>employees that are needed to build it.
Although, of course, when the production line is so busy that every worker at every stage of production is fully busy, employees become a marginal cost

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Anonymous No. 16625395

Awwwright, I am now ready to receive my weekend full of launches!

Anonymous No. 16625396

sponge anon, you've changed

Anonymous No. 16625402

The YF-102R variant is supposed to be reusable. So about 230 launches, assuming an average engine consumption of 1.3 engines per launch.

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Anonymous No. 16625404
>The LVM3-M5 / BlueBird #6 mission is now set to lift off in May! It will place the first satellite of AST SpaceMobile's BlueBird Block-2 constellation into Low Earth Orbit. The L110 and C25 stages of the LVM3-M5 vehicle have already reached ISRO-SHAR. NSIL is in talks with AST SpaceMobile to launch more of their satellites.

Anonymous No. 16625413

he realized who is the real cause of all these delays....

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Anonymous No. 16625415

Anonymous No. 16625417

Stainless steel tanks
Methane-oxygen propellant
Off-the-shelf engines from JZYJ
Capture arm recovery
First launch NET 2026 (I assume this would be without any recovery attempt)
Company founded in 2024 by Dr Tang Wen, a former CASC employee

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Anonymous No. 16625418

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Anonymous No. 16625419

Anonymous No. 16625420


"Titan" is Oceanus.

The Caelean moons are named after the Muses, rather than fictional fairies.

Anonymous No. 16625421

>spacex has spidermechs now
what happened to the robot dogs?

Anonymous No. 16625424

they got better

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Anonymous No. 16625427

They grow up so fast

Anonymous No. 16625428

hi beauty, are you single?

Anonymous No. 16625429

Titan colony when? Europa colony when?

Anonymous No. 16625432

Maybe if you had voted for Kamala, but alas, Trump.

Anonymous No. 16625434

i'm not american

Anonymous No. 16625436

ghost in the shell shit

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Anonymous No. 16625438
>28 former NASA Astronauts have signed a letter to members of the Senate in support of @rookisaacman for the position of NASA Administrator. Jared’s experience and spirit is what NASA needs right now as we face a critical fork in human lunar exploration.
>“We believe that Jared Isaacman is uniquely qualified to lead NASA at this critical juncture.”
>“We urge the Senate Commerce Committee to hold Mr. Isaacman's confirmation hearing as soon as practical.”

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Anonymous No. 16625441
>There is a *MASSIVE* arc of plasma on the sun right now. This is how it looked a moment ago, through a telescope I modified to see the sun's atmosphere. This arc is larger than Jupiter, and could fit dozens of Earths inside it.

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Anonymous No. 16625442
>B1088 lands after an insane 9 DAY turnaround since it's last flight.

Anonymous No. 16625444

>9 day turnaround
Still not reaching 24 hours like musk promised, what a fraud

Anonymous No. 16625446

the sun needs to calm the fuck down. enough of this all fusion all the time BS.

Anonymous No. 16625448

Not in your lifetime

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Anonymous No. 16625453

Crew swap is fun and based and I simply refuse to believe that decades and decades of camaraderie and companionship will simply disappear after ISS is deorbited. POCKOCMOC and NASA will cooperate, in some degree, with Artemis and ROS. What will it look like? Idk. But I really have a hard time believing we will just throw away all the years of cooperation in the trash

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apollo soyuz meal.jpg

Anonymous No. 16625454


Anonymous No. 16625460

based rusty

Anonymous No. 16625462

wtf he’s still alive??

Anonymous No. 16625477

dolphins attack that ass

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Anonymous No. 16625480

Holy shit the resemblance is uncanny

Anonymous No. 16625481

Russia has shown no interest so far in signing the Artemis Accords or joining the Artemis Program. Dmitry Rogozin, although a crazy human meme, officially stated that the Accords were "illegal and non in compliance with international law," and was not contradicted by Roscosmos or the Kremlin. ROS is going into a 400 km 98 degree orbit, which seems to be within the capabilities of Falcon 9 to get a Dragon to given that Fram2 is going to a higher polar orbit, but we don't know if the docking ports on ROS will be using the IDSS that Crew Dragon uses or the SSVP standard used by Soyuz and Progress. Orel uses an IDSS-compatible standard, but that's betting that Russia will be able to get both a new station and capsule operational by 2030.

It's not that we're throwing anything away, it's just that we're going in different directions.

Anonymous No. 16625482

that scripted scene in OF takes too long and ruins the flow. I set the host timescale to something fast during it

Anonymous No. 16625483

I say we kidnap a cosmonaut and smuggle him onto the Moon.

Anonymous No. 16625485

It was incredible the first time. Boring to sit through on the N-hundreth playthrough though.

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Anonymous No. 16625489

I want Artemis III to land one American astronaut and one astronaut from one of our international partners, just so we can troll China for being the third nation to land on the moon. Bonus points if the American we send is Kjell Lindgren, since he was born in Taiwan.

Anonymous No. 16625491

JAXA astronaut for the third country, to maximize PRC butthurt.

Anonymous No. 16625492

reddit the post

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 16625496

Surely they were paid?

Anonymous No. 16625499

did they work overtime?

Anonymous No. 16625500

starship is vibe rocketry

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Anonymous No. 16625501
>Aurora is out in Maine!

Might be getting a bit of a show tonight, everyone

Anonymous No. 16625502

they were paid in tang

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 16625504

Anonymous No. 16625505

Boeing tried this with the X-32

Anonymous No. 16625506

No, they worked over earth

Anonymous No. 16625507
>WARNING: Geomagnetic K-Index of 6 expected
>Minor (G1) storm conditions is currently being observed at higher latitudes and a watch for moderate (G2) storm conditions is in effect until 06:00 UTC (Mar 22). The strength of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is quite strong and the Bz component has been tipping sharply south as well. Aurora sky watchers should be alert once dark outside.

Anonymous No. 16625508

Sometimes I'll be chilling on my porch and see Tiangong fly over and laugh at the fact that there's this big ol' chink station up there but nobody really knows or cares

Anonymous No. 16625511

china will land a man on the moon before the US gets there and no western media will cover it

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Anonymous No. 16625517
>Red alert: aurora likely. Issued 2025-03-22 01:57 UTC by @aurorawatchuk

Anonymous No. 16625518

Perfect time to commit that murder and claim auroral insanity at trial. I mean, why WOULD you just kill a random someone you've never met before?

Anonymous No. 16625521

I don't think the file type is supported :-(

Also, we don't have any factories or habs or mining equipment ready to go either, so your standard might be a little too high

Anonymous No. 16625523

astronauts dont get paid if they go to the station. they all get the same salary whether they are in space or not

Anonymous No. 16625524

Radiators, since you can't air cool with no air. You have to keep them clean, though. (Robots with brooms?)

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Anonymous No. 16625525
>Nice, about 5 miles north of Topeka Kansas right now. Was a little brighter to the eye not long ago but I didn't have the camera set up. Nice clear moonless sky perfect for aurora photos!

Anonymous No. 16625527

Pretty well at night

Anonymous No. 16625528

>12 years after 2012
makes sense

Anonymous No. 16625530

So it's about 1000 miles less powerful than the big one last year

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Anonymous No. 16625538

I have a big block of thermal tile for shuttles, with the papers you see in the pic. This block would have been cut down to make over a dozen individual tiles.

This link has a video showing how this block is made. At 1:45 in the video, that's the same block as mine. Well not that exact one but it helps visualize it

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Anonymous No. 16625541

Anonymous No. 16625542

she cute

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Anonymous No. 16625543

Yeah, it's a relatively big one, but it's no where near being a BIG big one
>Warren, VT at 10:15!

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Anonymous No. 16625544
>Incredible night with the Northern Lights continue, visible with the naked eye in Southern Iowa rn…

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Anonymous No. 16625565
>Think I got it in Texas!


Anonymous No. 16625586

ISAR has a bad business model

Anonymous No. 16625589

i bow...

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 16625616

>The last time a liquid fueled rocket launched from continental Europe and crossed the Karman line was a V2 launched on March 27th 1945

If the launch slips 3 days it will be 80 years to the day lmao

Anonymous No. 16625620

I had a dog named rhea
She was a good dog

Anonymous No. 16625637

>AI nigger can't even read the AI's answer

Anonymous No. 16625640

it's not an analogy, dude

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Anonymous No. 16625655


Anonymous No. 16625657

Must be a US thing.

Anonymous No. 16625659
>A look at the sparks flying in the high bay tonight during removal of the roof with cutting torches.

Anonymous No. 16625667

Space is an uncaring and merciless place. It wants everything and gives nothing in return... If I could, I'd be the first to litter in space. A crushed beer can and cigarette butts, as an statement, that the universe deserves nothing but contempt from humanity

Anonymous No. 16625668

>both gigabays are supposed to be ready next year
its so far away but so close at the same time. i envy youngfags.

Anonymous No. 16625669

these legs almost failed to deploy

Anonymous No. 16625674

Why doesn't James Webb look at TNOs like Eris and Haumea?

Anonymous No. 16625675

its overbooked, there's no time available for people interested in that. we need more telescopes and probes instead.

Anonymous No. 16625677

If scientistniggers stopped caring about distant galaxies that we'll never visit and started looking at objects within our reach we might get more things done.

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Anonymous No. 16625681


Anonymous No. 16625683


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16625685

Ever see a girl so cute it hurts? I need a space mommy gf

Anonymous No. 16625690

space is hard
no, we can't just launch another one identical to it even though we have all the instructions of how to build it. it'll take 10 more years and another 10 usd billion, plus tip.

Anonymous No. 16625699

fuck you, brown scum.
It is the white Man's destiny to explore, it always was and it always will be, even if the current society/government tries to hinder that in every way possible.
The solution here isn't to stop looking, it's to send more telescopes up.

Anonymous No. 16625701

that looks like a dive mommy gf, actually

Anonymous No. 16625709

i would put her poop in my mouth gladly

Anonymous No. 16625710

unfortunately they aren't pretending

Anonymous No. 16625712

>Wake up another day.
>Still no orbital Starship.
>Still no Moon trips.
>Still no manned Mars missions.
Life is just suffering at this point, eternal edging.

Anonymous No. 16625715

what do they even use that thing for?

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Anonymous No. 16625717


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Anonymous No. 16625722

two weeks

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Anonymous No. 16625723

You said the same thing two weeks ago, you blue bitch.

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Anonymous No. 16625725

Anonymous No. 16625726

in two weeks the two weeks will begin

Anonymous No. 16625728

i would devour her shit too

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Anonymous No. 16625729

I'm just so tired. I wish I could be frozen and then woken up when we finally arrive on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16625731

thought this said
>two weeks
>one sun

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Anonymous No. 16625732

>painting grass

Anonymous No. 16625733

same, but don't bother waking me up

Anonymous No. 16625735


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Anonymous No. 16625736

On second thought, might as well be woken up when biological immortality is finally achieved, or when we become xAI's slaves, whatever happens first. Then I'll replay the 4K Mars landing footage while having another tab open with the sfg archive, somehow with live chat replay to avoid spoilers of course.

Anonymous No. 16625737

do texans really do that?
(or at least pay mexicans to do it for them)

Anonymous No. 16625744

It doesn't look like paint.

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Anonymous No. 16625746

one moon

Anonymous No. 16625747

That's not paint, it's a mix of grass seed and fertilizer to spray over dead grass. And okay, some paint, they add some paint to make it look green while the grass seed grows. And just in case it doesn't. Drought conditions, please understand y'all.

Anonymous No. 16625757

I love the man but his swag is unforgivable

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Anonymous No. 16625761

Hey /sci/, you will get 13 hecking nerd brownie points if you can answer it! [math]\unicode{x1F680}[/math][math]\unicode{x1F680}[/math][math]\unicode{x1F680}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16625762

How much does it weigh?

Anonymous No. 16625767

wow, thats crazy

Anonymous No. 16625769

Some russian piece of shit.
The guy who designed most likely died in a gulag.

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Anonymous No. 16625773

9 lbs 7 oz

Anonymous No. 16625775

thats insane

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Anonymous No. 16625777

holy shit that's the same as ten thousand and seven hundred plastic straws.

Anonymous No. 16625779

just stop

Anonymous No. 16625780

We will never have a Titan colony because it would be too difficult to insulate the habitats.

Refute this. You can't. It's over Titanbros.

Anonymous No. 16625782

I stood outside with my rocket out
That’s when I saw him
The Peenarmünde snipping guy

Anonymous No. 16625783

that's a lot of a material that barely weighs anything

Anonymous No. 16625797

doesn't time go by faster for old folx?

Anonymous No. 16625798

only when we're having fun

Anonymous No. 16625807

It's a master block that would have been cut down into individual tiles for the shuttle. Dimensions are: 11 5/8"L x 7 1/2" W x 14 7/8"H

Anonymous No. 16625809

Grass is lame, grow clover and wildflowers instead. Fuck lawns.

Anonymous No. 16625810

Shut up fag

Anonymous No. 16625811

lmao they really make scales in these retarded units?
what a joke of a country, no wonder it got conquered politically by jews

Anonymous No. 16625816

Your neighbors speak arabic

Anonymous No. 16625819

I will not.

Anonymous No. 16625820

Kys faggot, I bet you're the same tranny that posts xisters too.

Anonymous No. 16625821
Musk and shivon are so autistic. The secret service guy in the back is thinking about how strange he is kek

Anonymous No. 16625822

Are they even romantic or is she there as his secretary or something

Anonymous No. 16625823

Why is he so autistic?

On another note, is this good for Mars?

Anonymous No. 16625824

>getting mad at a letter
Sperg xisters...

Anonymous No. 16625825

they’re cute, also lmfao that ss officer with the big exhale and blank stare

Anonymous No. 16625826

your neighbour is an illegal criminal mutt from south america that your government paid to be there

Anonymous No. 16625829

Im not going to test janny's patience today and catch a 3-day. Your country does not have independent access to space and that is the most embarrassing thing

Anonymous No. 16625831

your country would only have oldspace access to space (very intermittent launches, very expensive, practically non-existent) if it wasn't for a certain nigga deciding to make rockets in the US and that's very embarrassing

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spacex IVA suit c....jpg

Anonymous No. 16625833

Lmao no. Even without SpaceX, the US still has SLS and Vulcan and New Glenn. Which are shitty, but still mog everyone else.
Sad state of affairs, I know. But the competition sucks. Ariane 6? Angara? H3? Chink and Indian shitcans? Nice try fag—US dominates the industry

Anonymous No. 16625835

>you'd be in bad shape if it weren't for that thing that happened
Wow yeah good point

Anonymous No. 16625838

>erm, well if we play make-believe and take away your biggest asset then you would have a worse state of affairs at access to space akshually!
Nice argument.

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Anonymous No. 16625853

Harem anime.

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a Musk Man Bad.jpg

Anonymous No. 16625855

> 'Atomic Scientists' consider infinity scrolling cartoons a valid argument:

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The Moon is a Har....jpg

Anonymous No. 16625856

Wrong highground

Anonymous No. 16625860

This is so so so so so fucking gay. Musk has been very open about his autism for Mars, being a backup of civilization. An extension of his obsession with technology and rocketry. It's the ultimate goal, and NASA has been peacefully setting its sights on Mars ever since the Apollo program. Elon is just saying
>hey I can help with this! This is something Im good at
These FAGGOTS love the word "colonization" and get horny as soon as they can compare something to 19th century imperialism and colonization.
Anyone who thinks the atomic clock is a real thing gets the fucking AIRLOCK, these people need to be shoved in a locker and have their PhDs nulled and voided

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Anonymous No. 16625862

not yet

Anonymous No. 16625863


Anonymous No. 16625864

>bulletin of atomic scientists
Communists. Always have been.

Anonymous No. 16625866

Put it under an electron microscope.

Anonymous No. 16625867

>These FAGGOTS love the word "colonization" and get horny as soon as they can compare something to 19th century imperialism and colonization.
It's crazy because so do I, but for exactly the opposite reason. Manifest Destiny is awesome, colonization is the human spirit in action, bringing civilization to virgin lands is what we're supposed to do. If anything we've got a cleaner mandate now than ever before, since Mars doesn't have natives we can decimate with smallpox and drink.

It's a free planet, you can just have it.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16625868

your government is literally under full israeli control

Anonymous No. 16625869

Yeah see but you're doing it the correct way. It's an entire planet welcoming whoever has the ambition to go there.
These people are so stupid though, they see "colonization" as a blanket term for wanting power and territory. They think any and all forms of territorial expansion = le evil. These people, for some reason, think the universal proverbial "map of the world" was decided after WW2 and that we should never ever change borders or add territory ever again for the rest of eternity.
They're communist swine.

Anonymous No. 16625872

holy keks

Anonymous No. 16625873

Not just government
Circumcisions' in the US is literally because jews are commanded to circumcize their slaves

Anonymous No. 16625875

meh, this makes some good points. Space colonialism will likely destabilize geopolitics on Earth.
But the authors make a fundamental mistake of overestimating the problem. Space claims are only a problem when there is someone to contest them... and as of now, there are exactly 0 countries on Earth other than USA which have any sort of Mars colony ambitions. China might have said something about that at one point but even they likely don't believe their own words.
OST was made when politicians assumed that the incredibly fast rate of technological advancement wouldn't pause like it eventually did. Surely I don't need to remind everyone that the only country which has landed humans on the Moon is struggling to repeat that achievement 50 years later...

Anonymous No. 16625876

i live in the region and have clovers in the yard. they die too in texas heat.

Anonymous No. 16625877


Anonymous No. 16625881

KEK I would if I could

Anonymous No. 16625883

Every day I learn to hate them a little more than I did the day before.

Anonymous No. 16625889

its only bad when non communists seek to expand.

Anonymous No. 16625901

>Will a very Musk-friendly Trump administration be willing to put the brakes on Musk’s Martian ambitions? If not, will the international community respond? Their main option for a response would likely be sanctions, either on the US or on Mr. Musk’s overseas business interests. But given the size of the American economy, and of Mr. Musk's wallet, it’s unclear how successful this might be against a determined US administration.

why would they? why does this fucking faggot want to?
I hate these people so much and it is precisely why Musk *had to* do this sidequest with the government
people like this made it impossible not to if he wanted to actually accomplish the goal set forth more than two decades ago

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Anonymous No. 16625903

actually making humans spacefaring? yes

Anonymous No. 16625904

communists would rather everyone live in poverty than everyone have much higher standard of living but some slightly higher than others and there is no lows they will go to get to that state of things and to keep them there

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Anonymous No. 16625905

Anonymous No. 16625908

>international space law

Anonymous No. 16625909

Starship is for Starlink

Anonymous No. 16625911

So it's like 2 years in Elon time?

Anonymous No. 16625912

the article starts and ends with it so I guess its about Musk possibly breaking it at some point and how that is horrible
in the comments there are communists whining how exploiting space for private profit is horrible

Anonymous No. 16625916

Until only a few years ago, communists earnestly believed that was was Too Hard (tm) to be mastered by anybody except for national governments, which would naturally preclude the existence of capitalism in space. To them, space was meant to be communism's big opportunity to have a space to grow without competition. This in turn was part of a larger progressive secular IFLS cult mentality about achieving the nirvana of "Star Trek future".

SpaceX proving them wrong has completely mind fucked them.

Anonymous No. 16625917

Yup good point

Anonymous No. 16625922

Are they giving up on V2 cause it keeps exploding?

Anonymous No. 16625937

if v2 exploded any more it'd be al qaeda's space force

Anonymous No. 16625939

who knows, maybe they are speeding up the introduction of v3

Anonymous No. 16625943

the exploding will continue until moral improves

Anonymous No. 16625946

V2 starships were already under construction
Their mission was to fly
They succeeded in their mission

Anonymous No. 16625948

they have like 2-3 lined up, might as well blow them up too

Anonymous No. 16625952

>100 tons
but i thought that v3 would be 200 tons to leo?

Anonymous No. 16625953

by the time they fix all the v3 problems it won't be carrying 100 tons either

Anonymous No. 16625955

the FAA might start throwing a fit if they have 5 failed launches in a row

Anonymous No. 16625964

sounds like it might be less

Anonymous No. 16625968

from what I understand, 200 tons is in semi reusable mode

Anonymous No. 16625984

why would they?

Anonymous No. 16625985

>this redditor asshurt because Elon reposted his infographic

you made a graphic about his rockets and he can't use it?

Anonymous No. 16625986


Anonymous No. 16625987

It's fertilizer or something. The dye is so they can tell where they've been

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Anonymous No. 16625990
>Large new electrical control building for the new tower 2 tank farm was delivered last night.

Anonymous No. 16625991

what is clear doing

Anonymous No. 16625992

Oh these are the people who write that pozz SMBC comic
They wrote an EDS book about how Mars colonisation can never succeed and if it did it's dangerous and must be stopped

Anonymous No. 16625993

looks cool

Anonymous No. 16625994

yeah the book is that its not going to happen and this cope article is that it shouldn't happen when its increasingly likely that Musk will at least try

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Anonymous No. 16625995

food, also does her voice sound different or is it just me

Anonymous No. 16625996

oh nevermind i should have read the title

Anonymous No. 16625999

clear is a man

Anonymous No. 16626001

if an empty beer can reentered would its low mass mean it could be slowed by the exosphere and reeneter without burning up? Would a sheet of paper float down from orbit or would it burn up? OK, then how about a mylar birthday balloon? It surely would not burn up reentering from orbital speed and altitude it would just slow down and then float down to the ground right?

Anonymous No. 16626005

because it shuts down air traffic in the gulf of america for an hour every time

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Anonymous No. 16626007

space sweets

Anonymous No. 16626010

so what

Anonymous No. 16626011

i wouyld marry clear if they were a man

Anonymous No. 16626012

settle down, Zubrin

Anonymous No. 16626013

I'm sure the deportation flights can be scheduled around that.

Anonymous No. 16626015

Why do they fly them on a plane instead of packing them 10k at a time on a train

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Anonymous No. 16626016

What did you say to me you little shit?

Anonymous No. 16626017

You can't put people into cattle cars because it reminds jewish people of that tragedy, the time they were made to do manual labor.

Anonymous No. 16626019

>Dat ass
>I am so clever
Non unified Standard model physics and the Cult of Einstein will keep humans trapped on earth for another 100 years.

Anonymous No. 16626020

>the time they were made to do manual labor.
Are those fuckers still mad at the egyptians?

Anonymous No. 16626021

Thank you for your input, schizokun

Anonymous No. 16626022

He's a grifter. He's looking to extract the maximum wealth possible from the tax payer. He can barely make it to orbit, H1Bs will never take us to mars.

Anonymous No. 16626023

Robots are already there. No Musk required: Retardkun.

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Anonymous No. 16626024

Anonymous No. 16626025

i'm guessing rd-119

Anonymous No. 16626026

Unironically yes. Rome too.

Anonymous No. 16626027

>Says somting stupid
>Gets called on it
>Seeths about it
Clearly you're that jewish guy that tries to crybully and just ends up sounded retarded.
Continue, it's funny as fuck.

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Anonymous No. 16626028


Anonymous No. 16626029

Those time stamps...
Bots or discord?

Anonymous No. 16626030

sfg is three people

Anonymous No. 16626031

says its 4 people on the bottom right

Anonymous No. 16626032

Nozzle reminds me of something Rocketdyne would knock out, but it's probably a Chinese copy of something.

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Anonymous No. 16626033

Actually they are all me.
It's just you and me here anon.

Anonymous No. 16626034


Anonymous No. 16626036

ahhh the San Pedro days
those were peak /sci/-space discussion

Anonymous No. 16626037

don't reply to me or my clearbros ever again

Anonymous No. 16626038

I said shoo joo

Anonymous No. 16626040

I miss the quiet times on /scI/ before starman.

Anonymous No. 16626041

this post...
paranoia or meds no longer effective?

Anonymous No. 16626043

now the whole of 4chan is slowly dying

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Anonymous No. 16626045

4chan has been dying for more then a decade now, and i will piss on it's grave for what it has done to me.

Anonymous No. 16626047

Lunar E-ZPass Final Reminder:
You have an outstanding lunar gateway toll.Your toll account balance is outstanding. If you fail to pay by March 28, 2025. You will be penalized or subject to legal action.

Anonymous No. 16626048

a certain group of chosen people want it to die so they shit up every thread on every board with their trolling and garbage name calling, it's to drive away users

Anonymous No. 16626049

Well, you thought wrong.

Anonymous No. 16626050

the end goal is to stretch starship so much it reaches mars on its own

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Anonymous No. 16626051

those clouds...

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Your going to car....webm

Anonymous No. 16626052

So a space elevator?

Anonymous No. 16626053

no a space escalator

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Anonymous No. 16626054

>That will yield ~100 tons to Starlink orbit
It's definitely less than 100 tons then.
Bros, this is bad...

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Your going to car....webm

Anonymous No. 16626055

The kind that grinds up chinese?

Anonymous No. 16626059

Why can't we have a space zipline, that'd be sick

Anonymous No. 16626060

it would be huge.

Anonymous No. 16626061

You should never go ziplining

Anonymous No. 16626065

zeplins in space would be awesome

Anonymous No. 16626066

yes its me and my bots (you)

Anonymous No. 16626067

probably largely due to being able to say much on X what was previously only possible in small niches (even 4chan /pol/ has had some rampaging jannies every now and then, most famously during 2015)

Anonymous No. 16626068

Vacuum airships

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Anonymous No. 16626075

The Saturday Space Movie has been decided
(same as last week because i didn't make it all the way through last time but if things get really spicy i might carry on to Apollo 11. what a great movie that is)

Anonymous No. 16626076

thats the only job i'll be qualified for but i'll still get to see the colors of Venus.

Anonymous No. 16626077

the real thing is better

Anonymous No. 16626085

i dont have all week here buddy

Anonymous No. 16626087

damn this is fucking cool

Anonymous No. 16626090

you can skip the sleep periods

the ~8 hours immediately after the bang are riveting.

Anonymous No. 16626092

i cant actually. my browser wont let me play it :-(

Anonymous No. 16626093

lol you on IE or something
works on Safari for me

Anonymous No. 16626094


Anonymous No. 16626096

ff on mint. what am i doing wrong?

Anonymous No. 16626098

what the hell is mint
t. zoomer

Anonymous No. 16626104

also watch curiousmarc's video:

when smoking was allowed indoors anything was possible

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Anonymous No. 16626105

Anonymous No. 16626108


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Anonymous No. 16626117

Are you ready for 5.2 kilotons payload to LEO per year?

Anonymous No. 16626120

it went from 150-200 T to “maybe 100”
It’s over

Anonymous No. 16626121

This guy oozes so much aura

Anonymous No. 16626122

and it's elon saying which means it's actually lower

Anonymous No. 16626126

We are not getting to Mars...

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Anonymous No. 16626127


Anonymous No. 16626131

>honing in on V3
>V2 doesn't even work as good as V1 after two flights

Anonymous No. 16626135

Exactly hahah

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Anonymous No. 16626139

We are reclining.

Anonymous No. 16626140

he's looking into it

Anonymous No. 16626142

everyone is on zyn now so its like smoking never left

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Anonymous No. 16626146

Interceptor bros.... it's over..... we can't save the lunar outpost from YR4..

Anonymous No. 16626153

We need to remove Titan's haze layer. We need to see those beautiful blue skies.

Anonymous No. 16626154

I think a paper airplane would survive but nobody's ever proven it

Anonymous No. 16626157

Just learned about the moon caves, when are we moving in

Anonymous No. 16626159

board culture, I assume you've never heard of it

Anonymous No. 16626160

I wonder if Musk could be persuaded to have one of his "civilian" missions release a box of paper airplanes over the US and anybody who found one on the ground could scan a code on it and win a t-shirt or something

Anonymous No. 16626161

Just as soon as we make farming on the moon economically viable, Heinlein

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Apollo 11.jpg

Anonymous No. 16626163

best space movie ever right here

Anonymous No. 16626164

littering. penalty: death

Anonymous No. 16626166

could you imagine how the FAA would react to that

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Anonymous No. 16626167
>The Fram2 crew completed training this week in California, and early this morning, the Dragon supporting their mission arrived at the hangar at pad 39A in Florida ahead of liftoff next Monday, March 31

Fram happening in less than two weeks

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Anonymous No. 16626168

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Anonymous No. 16626169

Anonymous No. 16626170

just around the corner from where that photo is taken there are homeless bums hanging out at the railroad track.

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Untitled (2).png

Anonymous No. 16626172


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apollo 18.jpg

Anonymous No. 16626176

How come they stopped making these arter 18?

Anonymous No. 16626177

>gray hairs and pregnant

Anonymous No. 16626179

>learn of V2 and V3 in the same announcement
>"durr why are they moving on from V2 to V3?"

Anonymous No. 16626180

Tasted a girl's pits exactly like hers

Anonymous No. 16626184

>first post i come back to is degeneracy about pitfags
see you in another 6 months

Anonymous No. 16626186

You can tell this guy is completely deranged from the way his hair is. Baldness denialism is a classic tell for derangement.

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Anonymous No. 16626192

Anonymous No. 16626193

what are those modules?

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Anonymous No. 16626194

Anonymous No. 16626195


Anonymous No. 16626196

Unless you're Killy, you don't have 10,000 years to ascend to the next level of it.

Anonymous No. 16626197

good if anyone can get congress critters moving it former astronuaghts

Anonymous No. 16626200

i mentioned that. its really the best thing ever committed to film

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Anonymous No. 16626202

imagine if one landed on an endangered beetle


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Anonymous No. 16626203

Kubrick died

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Anonymous No. 16626204

>be sure to like, comment, subscribe, and donate to my patreon!

Anonymous No. 16626210

only youtubers worth watching are eager, marcus house and that's wild.

Anonymous No. 16626211

labpadre is probably the best 'weekly starbase update' youtuber

Anonymous No. 16626213

Wait so not that I follow many of them, but regardless I always get the the spitter fags in my algorithm, apparently the dkis guy who is acquaintances with truthful got outed as a pedo and lost his job?

Anonymous No. 16626214

FUCK I forgot

Anonymous No. 16626215


Anonymous No. 16626216

I don't know about that but I did see DKIS had vtuber shit in one of his videos and it WASNT clear so fuck him

Anonymous No. 16626217

he's not a space youtuber, he's a rocket youtuber and a terminal californian

Anonymous No. 16626219

fuck that wojak posting piece of shit

Anonymous No. 16626220

He's gonna get to space, I believe in him.

Anonymous No. 16626221

it was discovered that several years ago dkis self published a book on Amazon that had a relationship between an adult male and teenage female and some of the members of space twitter took the opportunity to kneecap someone with a higher social status

Anonymous No. 16626222

we can have a ceremony and pin the 4ASS wings on him when he succeeds and until then he can be a flight youtuber

Anonymous No. 16626225


Anonymous No. 16626228

>no space youtuber who's on the level of Greg's Airplanes and Automobiles
step it up, eager. I know you're retired.

Anonymous No. 16626238

not to say there aren't many other problems, but ultimately it's the 2021 switch away from recaptcha that's killed the site. smallest boards worst hit. the 15-minute timer exacerbated the problem.

Anonymous No. 16626240

>due to being able to say much on X what was previously only possible in small niches
I find X difficult to use because I don't know whom to follow. Unlike here where there are boards and threads

Anonymous No. 16626243

twitter is laid out terribly. unintuitive and very millennial.

Anonymous No. 16626245

Can someone give me a QRD on what have been the development issues plaguing starship? I've been busy with school. Especially with V1/V2 and the planned upgrades for V3.
also why is the payload mass so shit

Anonymous No. 16626246

theres no issues

Anonymous No. 16626248

It takes a while to find an interesting following but just start following pwople who make interesting posts, mute people who come up a lot and make retarded posts

Anonymous No. 16626249

>give me a QRD for a question that requires a detailed explanation

You have already made it clear you don't pay attention.

Anonymous No. 16626250

I'll give it a try
It seems built for passive consumption rather than engagement. Of course you can make comments but it's not the same as an image board or forum

Anonymous No. 16626251

I blame the boss

Anonymous No. 16626252

Anonymous No. 16626253

Brah I thought for sure late late 30s or mid 40s [math]\unicode{x1F480}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16626254

It's working perfectly except for the part where the booster shakes starship harder than a newborn baby and causes the raptor vacs to explode

Anonymous No. 16626255

>33 Raptor engines
>33 degrees in freemasonry
its all connected or however the /x/ schizo speaks

Anonymous No. 16626268

>impregnate me elon

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Anonymous No. 16626272
>A strong geomagnetic storm may occur in the next 24 hours, bringing views of the aurora to places further towards the equator. Why is this happening, where will have the best chances, and what is the timing? Currently, the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a G1-G3 (Kp 5-7) geomagnetic storm watches for the next few days due to the forecasted arrival of an Earth-bound CME in the next 24 hours.
>On March 21 around 16 UT, an eruptive (produced a CME) M1.2 solar flare and filament both triggered CMEs that were Earth-directed. The source regions were near the center of the Sun's visible disk as seen from Earth, and partial halo signatures were seen in coronagraph imagery. NOAA thinks arrival may be closer to 03-23 0 UTC which is perfect for North America-based aurora chasers. Remember to convert your time zone from UTC to your local time. A CME model's impact time is within +/- 7 hours, so knowing this, we could expect the CME as soon as this evening or as late as midday tomorrow (UTC). An 80% chance of impact also means a 20% chance of miss... have high hopes, but low expectations for any space weather event. Geomagnetic conditions are still elevated, and Earth's magnetic shield has already been "pre-conditioned" for further activity should there be another disturbance (like the CME we are hoping will arrive soon). Here is the Kp index for the past day:

If you missed seeing the Aurora last night, you might have another chance

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Anonymous No. 16626273
Cloud cover might not be cooperative

Anonymous No. 16626274

no, fuck off and get banned you subhuman retard

Anonymous No. 16626284

he has a new alt where he reposts cunny memes or something
so basically half of /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16626285

are you gonna cry?

Anonymous No. 16626294

>from recaptcha that's killed the site
You're low IQ if it takes you longer than the previous captcha
>the 15-minute timer exacerbated the problem.
It only hits phone posters.

Anonymous No. 16626295

It doesn't require a detailed explanation aspie. The engines are poorly made for s2 and vibrate to shit and blow up.

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Anonymous No. 16626296

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Anonymous No. 16626298

Apollo 1965

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Anonymous No. 16626299

CMSA's Manned Lunar program 2025

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Anonymous No. 16626300

vgh, kino

Anonymous No. 16626303

Chef’s kiss to human (really american and german lol) ingenuity. This is what weaponized autism looks like

Anonymous No. 16626304

Surely this is just an engineering pathfinder right? Didn’t realize they made confident progress on Lanyue lander… last I checked the design was still in flux and they were having problems balancing the mass with the lift constraints. Drop tanks were on the table.
My jaw is on the floor if this is flight hardware, but I seriously doubt it is

Anonymous No. 16626316

its over
imagine the political fallout once trump realized that he sacrificed America's return to the moon as a part of his legacy for a mars mission that he likely won't live to see

Anonymous No. 16626325

"Prototype", absolutely not flight model, that's still at least 3 years away
AFAIK it's the drop test model of the "Block 2" of the capsule (drop test of the revised version happened last year), Mengzhou is quite weird since an earlier version did do an orbital flight in 2020, but since then the design has been improved (especially service module). There's supposed to be an orbital launch of this block 2 next year.
>CZ-10's S1
Partialy-engined Static fire model, very possibly also a "hopper" model as it was announced they'd do hop tests this year. Orbital launch supposedly next year.

They're not landing on the moon before 2029, but they're also probably not on bad track for that target and may even have a bit of margin for the unexpected (just like Chang'e and Tiangong had margins for the various problems of the early launches of the CZ-5).

Anonymous No. 16626327

The official date China's been talking about is 2030. That could slip, but I haven't seen anything so far to suggest that they're stalled out on any of their major components.

Anonymous No. 16626329

Yup, so it seems. I know they flew Mengzhou block 1 a while ago, but have since beefed it up and increased its size. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if its basically an entire new vehicle and needs a lot more research. And I agree -- they seem to be on a pretty good track all things considered. But they still have a lot of R&D left to do

Anonymous No. 16626331

They alternate between "before 2030" and "by 2030" in official announcements, the unnoficial target is October 2029, for the 80th anniversary of the PRC, they're not comitting yet to a particular date to avoid embarassment if they miss it.

That's something they usually do. Chang'e 5 (moon sample return) was simultaneously "2017" and "2020" for most of the early 2010s, until they comitted to 2020 around 2016, Tianwen 3 (MSR) was both "2028" and "2030-31 window" until they recently commited to 2028.

Anonymous No. 16626332

MSR is something I can see China realistically beating the USA at. Embarrassing, ugh

Anonymous No. 16626344

Ron Perlman, but with boobies.

Anonymous No. 16626350

>Mars, being a backup of civilization
when and why did 4chan become reddit?

Anonymous No. 16626352

I was literally just repeating what Musk has said

Anonymous No. 16626353

yeah, and most people ITT believe him and idolize him for that
it's literally scifi capeshit, aka, reddit crap

Anonymous No. 16626354

we need to leave earth so we can nuke the earthers

Anonymous No. 16626361

total phoneposter death

Anonymous No. 16626379

>You're low IQ if it takes you longer than the previous captcha
right, it filters for spergs and 4chan has become a spergier site with less posting thanks to it. i say this as a sperg who never got why everyone else had a problem with the new captchas, but the numbers don't lie.

Anonymous No. 16626395

Maybe she's dying of the Japanese cold.

Anonymous No. 16626411

i would suck her ass so fast

Anonymous No. 16626414


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XCQskdNX0S0yuq 7.webm

Anonymous No. 16626416

Anonymous No. 16626422

off the coast of taint's hell

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Anonymous No. 16626431

Anonymous No. 16626433

i want to cum in shivon's asshole

Anonymous No. 16626435

Anonymous No. 16626440

Calm down elon

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 16626454

boom aerospace ceo chopped his finger off

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Anonymous No. 16626471

it gets funnier every time

Anonymous No. 16626486

b-but think of all the beetles that would perish in the fallout!!!!

Anonymous No. 16626492


talking briefly about Relativity space as well

Anonymous No. 16626499

The very tip of finger can naturally "glue" back if you stick it just after it fell

Anonymous No. 16626500

>become astronaut
>volunteer multiple times to be on the ISS
>be able to stay some more month on the ISS

>btw i want to send people to Mars which is very cool and some people maybe die on the way to Mars lol

Anonymous No. 16626504

>some people maybe die on the way to Mars lol
he didn't say that which means it won't happen

Anonymous No. 16626508

I hope everyone is just pretending

Anonymous No. 16626510

Elon has replied hundreds of times to AutismCapital. There is no pretending.

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Anonymous No. 16626512

I hate these clinically depressed anti-human Redditors so much.

Go and fuck off and do your "science" then. We're out here trying to do get some real stuff done after your kind put a complete halt on space exploration.

Anonymous No. 16626513

Anyone else watching Barry-2's tracking and hoping it does something soon? I know it has 2 drives on it (an ion one and the qi thruster everyone is excited to see fail again) but at least if it's orbit changes it means that the satellite hasn't died like the last one did.

Anonymous No. 16626524

>mandolin slicer injury
many such cases.

Anonymous No. 16626527

everyone here knows that plebbit is the most rancid hellhole of retardation. So why the fuck are you visiting a space flight community on a website very much against space?
The faggots in your pic are dumb, sure, but you outshine even their lack of mental capabilities.
go back and stay there

Anonymous No. 16626529

>touch hot stove
>touch hot stove
>touch hot stove
that's my impression of you going to reddit.

Anonymous No. 16626530

most wealthy man in the world can even come close to nasa budget in 1969

Anonymous No. 16626532

Rage bait, rage bait, rage bait. You’re fishing for high blood pressure. Stop.

Anonymous No. 16626537

Nice bait

Anonymous No. 16626541

I hope they do. It might be what is needed to get Space Race II started.

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Anonymous No. 16626546

The size of the largest moons is mindblowing. Ganymede and Titan are basically Mars-sized.

Anonymous No. 16626556

it's not the moons that are big
it's the Mars that is small
food for though

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Anonymous No. 16626559

Anonymous No. 16626561

all that free real estate just sitting there.

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Anonymous No. 16626563

>you won't live to buy a house on a martian crater lake rim
Why even live?

Anonymous No. 16626564

Only two of those worlds are habitable.

Anonymous No. 16626566

looks like a nightmare for any sort of infrastructure

Anonymous No. 16626568

I see what you did there

Anonymous No. 16626569

There is a LOT of space is fake-ery on X right now, to the point where normal people are getting ratio'd. Is this brainrot taking over the world right now? How about instead of questioning space and Russia they start questioning the ZOG?

Anonymous No. 16626571

bots. Stop falling for bait.
You're embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous No. 16626573

>its all just a big fucking swamp
No thanks.

Anonymous No. 16626578

This. Deserts > Swamps.

Terraforming Mars is a meme and it would ruin the symmetry of the Solar System.

Anonymous No. 16626582

Import mosquitos from earth for authentic experience too

Anonymous No. 16626586

If you never posted these screencaps I'd never know what retards over there were saying.
I think I'd be happier and better off if that were the case.

Anonymous No. 16626589

interesting hypothesis

Anonymous No. 16626598

aren't those going to be salty like mini seas

Anonymous No. 16626600

You just know some faggot with a retard lizard pet will introduce fucking cockroaches and mosquitos everywhere

Anonymous No. 16626601

what the fuck is a mandolin slicer?

Anonymous No. 16626603

it slices mandolins idiot

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Anonymous No. 16626604


Anonymous No. 16626605

is this the one using all the recovered MGM documentary footage? is was a great movie, best enjoyed in a theater with a huge sound system

Anonymous No. 16626607


Anonymous No. 16626609


Anonymous No. 16626612

musical instrument
kitchen slicer

spelling matters!

Anonymous No. 16626613

context matters more. did you think he was cutting up musical instruments?

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Anonymous No. 16626614
>Comparison of Isar Aerospace's Spectrum with:
>CASC's Long March 6
>SpaceX's Falcon 1
>Boeing's LGM-30G Minuteman III
>SpaceOne's KAIROS
>Astra's Rocket 3.3
>IHI's SS-520

Anonymous No. 16626620

It's more or less comparable in size and performances to Firefly Alpha.

Anonymous No. 16626621

Mining uranium on Mars isn't the hard part, it's enrichment! Even then it's harder to mine because the isotope you want is significantly less abundant. But you still have to enrich it, so the total energy costs are 20-30 times higher than with thorium. It's a ridiculous waste of power infrastructure and mass to Mars that are likely to be limiting factors on colony growth.

Anonymous No. 16626622


Anonymous No. 16626623

>if SLS launched more often
What universe are you from?

Anonymous No. 16626624


Anonymous No. 16626625

it's from mandolia

Anonymous No. 16626626

>landing and reusing rockets? that is like old comics!

Anonymous No. 16626627

I kowtow

Anonymous No. 16626630

It actually wouldn't do much to change the price. The yearly ground support costs for SLS are currently about $500M. There's no way to tell how much of that is per-launch and how much is fixed, but even knocking $200-300M off the sticker price with two launches per year doesn't change it all that much. Besides, any EGS savings you get are going to be wiped out by having to use the more expensive EUS after Artermis III.

Anonymous No. 16626641

it's a 3D printer accessory
and don't ask about the womyndolin slicers

Anonymous No. 16626642

hey man, I don't question weird kinks, it never ends well

Anonymous No. 16626656

good advice actually

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Anonymous No. 16626672

How many of you also do this?

Anonymous No. 16626676


Anonymous No. 16626684

spacex is hiring

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roman rocket1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16626686

Mars, Rome, Rome, Mars, Martians in Rome, Romans on Mars, Rome on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16626691


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Anonymous No. 16626710
New Sloss

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Anonymous No. 16626713

Liu Baiqi says Ceres-2 is NET June, Pallas-1 is NET August, tricore Pallas is NET 2026H1. Galactic Energy's rockets will then cover the payload range from 300kg to 30,000kg

Anonymous No. 16626714

>play with a booster for like 8 years

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Anonymous No. 16626719


Anonymous No. 16626720

This is ridiculous

Anonymous No. 16626723

good news, faggot!

Anonymous No. 16626724

>a small handful of rovers specialized for a few very gay science missions is the same as thousands of general purpose humanoid robots
You're actually retarded. You belong in a prison for retards.

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Anonymous No. 16626727

>The first stage of Pallas-1 uses seven “CQ-50” liquid oxygen/kerosene engines, with a lift-off mass of 283 tons and a maximum payload capacity to low Earth orbit (LEO) of 8 tons. Using three Pallas-1 booster cores as its first stage, the rocket will be capable of putting a 17.5-tonne payload into low Earth orbit (LEO).

This is just a Chinese version of the old Falcon 9 Heavy

Anonymous No. 16626728

>what happened to yours hand it looks scalded
>industrial accident at the spacex factory

Anonymous No. 16626729

Convince me that there's a plausible alternative to thorium reactors on Mars (difficulty: impossible). Elon needs to get regulatory approval and get some uranium off earth before there's an unfriendly administration in the White House.

Anonymous No. 16626730

post one example of a working thorium reactor on earth

Anonymous No. 16626734

Shippingport Atomic Power Station

Anonymous No. 16626736

just launch it anyway. whathufucks a nigga gonna do?

Anonymous No. 16626739

I think Pallas diameter is less - 3.35m. Liu now apparently says the tricore can lift 30t to some orbit

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Anonymous No. 16626758

talk of another falcon clone made me want to read the falcon users guide again and I just saw there's an update.
Section on the extended fairing and payload adapters has been expanded but some values are withheld.

Anonymous No. 16626760

Pallas 1 is 3.35m tank with 3.8m engine bay with 7x50tf engines.
Pallas 2 used to be tricore Pallas 1 but now has 3.8m tank and uprated engines (~75tf), it's most certainly not launching in H1 2026

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Anonymous No. 16626763

Strut PAF first flew on the bluebird launch but AFAIK going forward it's only for FH Long fairing launches. Would technically enable F9 to launch its full capability to LEO tho.

Anonymous No. 16626767

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Anonymous No. 16626768

wtf lmao

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Anonymous No. 16626770

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Anonymous No. 16626789
>Spectrum under the aurora, stay tuned for tomorrow.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16626795

This is the first time I've heard that Galactic Energy is working on a 3.8m diameter rocket. Do you have a link where I can read more?

My interpretation of "捆绑式的运载能力30吨计划是明年的上半年要完成首飞" was that he meant a tricore version of Pallas, with a 30t payload capcaity, is planned to first launch in 2026H1

Anonymous No. 16626798

This is the first time I've heard that Galactic Energy is working on a 3.8m diameter rocket. Do you have a link where I can read more?

My interpretation of "捆绑式的运载能力30吨的火箭计划是明年的上半年要完成首飞" was that he meant a tricore version of Pallas, with a 30t payload capcaity, is planned to first launch in 2026H1

Anonymous No. 16626799

The normalfag mind could sooner convince itself of lizard men in the shadows than start questioning the ZOG

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 16626801

SpaceX, hire this girl immediately to fix your tile problem

Anonymous No. 16626807

probably browns

Anonymous No. 16626809


Anonymous No. 16626815

That's not what I get out of that screenshot. People are unaware of how the choice of NASA administrator affects its ability to conduct missions and set policy.

Astronauts endorse him because he has in fact actually been to space and even done an EVA, and the overview effect is irreversible. They think he gets it. That remains to be seen. But what is pretty plain to see is that NASA finds itself at a pivotal moment in its history where its existing methods aren't working. The current administration quite clearly believes private industry is where the solutions will be found. It will be extremely interesting to see if this leads to commercial astronauts being contracted to fly NASA missions flown on privately owned hardware. It may not work out the way these NASA astronauts intend...

Anonymous No. 16626819

>instead of questioning russia they start questioning the ZOG
russia is friends with israel and is ruled by putin (a jew) and his friends (all jews) so don't see how those two are different, russia is also ZOG.

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Anonymous No. 16626820


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Anonymous No. 16626824


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Anonymous No. 16626838

Casual reminder

Anonymous No. 16626841

Isaacman wants to be the first human to walk on mars
he is going to go for commercial space things 100% full bore, might even make sense to do commercial space at the expense of science if it comes down to it
after the costs are brought down then you should be able to do more science with less money or even more with the same money that is used now but balancing the budget seems to be one of the top priorities of this administration and NASA isn't exempt

Anonymous No. 16626857

when elon will make some desert, arctic, sea or underground self sufficient habitats

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Anonymous No. 16626858

They changed it last year, 17t is for the old 3.35m diameter design, 30t is for the new 3.8m one.
If you also look at the mass and thrust numbers you'll see that it's more than a "tripled" Pallas 1 (which is <300t)

And yes they do officialy aim for H1 2026 for Pallas 2, I'm just saying this is a completely unrealistic timeline. Launching and increasing cadence of their single core rocket will already be difficult enough for all these chinese private LSP

Anonymous No. 16626864

nice convergent evolution

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Anonymous No. 16626874

Anonymous No. 16626877

Me when I

Anonymous No. 16626885

It's a sort of kitchen gadget used by people who don't know how to use a knife.

Anonymous No. 16626890

but why

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Anonymous No. 16626908

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Anonymous No. 16626911

Guess how many horsepower this engine has.

Reward: (you)

Anonymous No. 16626921


Anonymous No. 16626923

Obvious scam.
>no no its real
The premise that it would ever be commercially viable to buy and install peizo flooring instead of spending that same money on more solar panels is the scam. This research will never be useful.

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Anonymous No. 16626925

Anonymous No. 16626932

please tell me this is AI

Anonymous No. 16626938

Of course it is he stops looking like himself very fast. But it's also delightfully autistic.

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Anonymous No. 16626943

Is this a genuine question?

Anonymous No. 16626948

It's a type, bigot

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Anonymous No. 16626951

I don't want the first person to walk on Mars to be a Jew.

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Anonymous No. 16626956

Anonymous No. 16626976

Fun fact.

Trees generate electricity.
Part of that is because they are tall.

Anonymous No. 16626978

yeah you're right. The rovers exist, function and do valuable work. They can't be compared even to thousands of tesla scambots

Anonymous No. 16626993

Don't worry, I'm not.

Anonymous No. 16626995

You're not worried or you're not a Jew?

Anonymous No. 16626997

I'm not a jew, silly.

Anonymous No. 16626998

Oh ok. Thanks, Jared.

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Anonymous No. 16627000

Trees also generate shade
Which is nice to sit under

Anonymous No. 16627002


Anonymous No. 16627006

they are best known for their ability to generate wood, a substance used in many ways. when you burn wood it generates heat so trees can rightly be said to generate heat and should all be felled to avert global warming and sea level rises.

Anonymous No. 16627013

>Now, 80 years to the week since the last V-2 launch of World War II, Germany again has a homegrown liquid-fueled rocket on the launch pad. This time, it's for a much different purpose.
lmao, Stephen Clark

Anonymous No. 16627019

When are we going to get a rocket which burns liquefied wood gas?

Anonymous No. 16627023

People are going to give them shit about WWII for another hundred years

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Anonymous No. 16627024

Uh oh muskrats

Anonymous No. 16627025

lol it will be a lot longer than that. the french are still getting shit for napoleon and that shows no signs of stopping. hell, christcuck and jewish normalfags still like to give Rome shit for numerous things.

Anonymous No. 16627026

the quintessential redditor

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Anonymous No. 16627027


Anonymous No. 16627029

>if you tell a lie enough times people will begin to believe it

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Anonymous No. 16627030

>17t is for the old 3.35m diameter design, 30t is for the new 3.8m one
Are you sure you're not mixing up Pallas-1B (智神星一号乙) and Pallas-2 (智神星二号)?

Considering Falcon Heavy has a nominal payload capacity of about 64 tonnes, it would make sense that a 3.35m Falcon Heavy would manage about 30 tonnes in expendable mode to the least demanding orbit

Anonymous No. 16627031

At this point I think it's safe to say that China does not have a plan that is intelligible to insiders, let along to outsiders on the far side of a language barrier and a social media firewall. They're just going to do almost everything, and the parts that work will retroactively become the plan.

Anonymous No. 16627032

are we gonna start seeing some 26-ton payloads thrown to GTO?

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Anonymous No. 16627035

And you see, when I hold the silverware like this, I've built a 3 dimensional X. It's don's favorite X, he say's its terrific, it's the best X he's seen, maybe anywhere

Anonymous No. 16627039

>China does not have a plan
I don't think that can be said categorically about China. This is one specific company, Galactic Energy, whose plan is confusing and changing

Anonymous No. 16627046

Everyone's plan is either changing or confusing or both. Some of them seem sensible when taken in isolation, but then you realize that the plan is always to build a Falcon 9 clone and then fight it out for market share against at least dozen equivilant competitors. That might make some kind of sense if it was just the commercial semi-independents but China's prime aerospace contractors are getting into the mix too, and are coming up against competing designs from other branches of their own organization.

Anonymous No. 16627051

How do I do a good job at my Blue Origin interview presentation? What can I say that is good about them that isn't better about spacex?

Anonymous No. 16627057


Anonymous No. 16627058

45 (each)
Apparently they were too slow to be very efficient

Anonymous No. 16627059

Tell them you hate space and work and that your hobbies include getting money and not going to orbit.

Anonymous No. 16627061

I’m so glad someone decided to video tape him doing this because it’s so autistic and funny to me lmao

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Anonymous No. 16627064

Elon musk just invented new physics that will take us to mars and beyond!

Anonymous No. 16627068

youre not going to get good replies here

Anonymous No. 16627069

secret service agent thinking:
>"THIS is the richest man in the world?"

Anonymous No. 16627070

not for long

Anonymous No. 16627072

he meant Mandalorian

Anonymous No. 16627073

Give me a bad answer then please, I'm not sure if I even want the job as it doesn't super align with my skillset and am unsure if I want to move to the PNW. My current plan is to talk autistically about space for 20 minutes then run through my work experience, but I'm stuck on why I want to work there specifically which per my research seems like a key thing to include. In a week bezos' wife is going up in a rocket with katy perry and apparently this is what I want to work on

Anonymous No. 16627074

By that point we will have created AI powered micro-nanobot drones that can hunt down pests and insects like that powered by some advanced nuclear-battery that can give it long loiter, operate sensors, operate independently and power some bug-zapping weapon too.

Anonymous No. 16627075

What position are you applying for?
What stage of the interview process are you on?
What is your background experience? relevant or not
>unsure if I want to move to the PNW
Washington is beautiful. Great place to live.

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Anonymous No. 16627076

Fuck, Enceladus is absolutely fucking tiny wtf, still wish we had such a tiny moon in addition to Earth, further out, would be cool

Anonymous No. 16627077


Anonymous No. 16627078

The role is specialized but non engineering, I'd rather not disclose more. I'm pretty confident I have strong relevant experience but less confident they know what exactly they want. It sounds interesting for sure, but I'm a bit worried based on my research (glassdoor/reddit) that I might just get shitcanned almost immediately for budget. I'm up to the panel. My real question is if any anon has advice on how to frame the panel presentation outside of the substantive stuff which I feel confident on.

Anonymous No. 16627079

Going into it, I thought I would do anything to work in space (especially as I don't have an engineering background) but now that I have gotten closer I am less confident I want to work at Blue Origin specifically. But it's not as though I could just go down the street to SpaceX easily, and I figure if I can make this work it would be an 'in' to stay in the space industry, so I am looking for things to be optimistic about to put my best face forward and land an offer. The risk of getting fired is definitely outweighed by the potential future prospects to me, but obviously I can't just say that.

Anonymous No. 16627080


Anonymous No. 16627081


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Anonymous No. 16627083


Anonymous No. 16627084

new Starship downcomer configuration

Anonymous No. 16627099

It's easier to breed uranium than it is for thorium

Anonymous No. 16627101

In the Mars air mattress environments how will the carbon cycle work? Will we need to regularly release CO2 some how to keep up with the trees?

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Anonymous No. 16627103

Anonymous No. 16627111

Just bee urself.

Anonymous No. 16627130

ah, he cut off his fingertip with a lightsaber. That I can fully understand.

Anonymous No. 16627137

>My job is my identity

Anonymous No. 16627138

>move to the PNW
were full. Stay in California.

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Anonymous No. 16627144

Anonymous No. 16627158

god I'm so lonely

Anonymous No. 16627160


Anonymous No. 16627163

i would want to
her in the

Anonymous No. 16627169

thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 16627173

They also wrote a looong comic strip about how open borders are the perfect solution to all our problems, and that western society only needs to be stable enough for credit cards to work.
I just thought that was interesting.
Posting from my desktop has actually become more obnoxious than posting from my phone. To the point that I'll switch to my phone if I want to reply to a thread that's on page 9.

Anonymous No. 16627176

np my fren!

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Anonymous No. 16627183

Anonymous No. 16627201

lmao this kid is just trans elon

Anonymous No. 16627210

>isar website is down half an hour before flight
I didn't think it'd get that much attention.

Anonymous No. 16627213

Silly little guy. It’s so weird how asteroids can have moons

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Anonymous No. 16627215


Anonymous No. 16627216

Where did this company come from? kinda just popped out of nowhere

Anonymous No. 16627218


Anonymous No. 16627219

Spontaneous re-emerging of Wernher von Braun

Anonymous No. 16627222

Not really. I’ve been pretty busy with work the last ~4 months but I still try to check the thread most days. Companies like abl and rfa, for example, force themselves in the news cycle for a long time it seems. I’ve only first heard of Isar like last week and now they’re trying to launch?
Could just be I missed the threads every time /sfg/ discussed them. But I’m also terminally online and plugged into twitter and haven’t seen any discussion of them there from berger or foust until extremely recently

Anonymous No. 16627224

If you know about rfa you should know about Isar considering the little rivalry they got going. Didn't estronaut make a video about it?

Anonymous No. 16627227

Wow.. There will be really no stream.

Anonymous No. 16627229

And the website is still down

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Anonymous No. 16627233


Anonymous No. 16627235

Updates being announced here since the website is down

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Anonymous No. 16627243

Iterative design wins again, they learned a lot of the scrub.

Anonymous No. 16627244

scrub > RUD

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Anonymous No. 16627246

>Strut PAF
I like struts.

Anonymous No. 16627248


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Anonymous No. 16627250

Anonymous No. 16627253

Which sub-Saharan African country will be the first that reaches orbit?

Anonymous No. 16627254


Anonymous No. 16627255

the new boer splinter state that comes out of south-africa, you could call it "The Cape"

Anonymous No. 16627258


Anonymous No. 16627260

I genuinely don't believe that will happen between now and a complete redrawing of the map after interplanetary/interstellar war or some unforseen technological disaster. Maybe if there's some insane geopolitical thing and a century from now an ethnically 80% Chinese nation gets to orbit. It just doesn't seem like something that can happen.

Anonymous No. 16627261

You mean in the sense that the technology is more mature? I think thorium is supposed to be significantly more abundant on Mars and you can add continuous reprocessing to your LFTR that yields useful side products like xenon.

Anonymous No. 16627262

lmao, europeans failed to colonize europe

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Anonymous No. 16627263

Anonymous No. 16627264

He fell for it

Anonymous No. 16627267

Depends on what you mean by "reach orbit." The only southern African country that has enough long range missile tech to be considered pre-launch vehicle would be South Africa, and they're too far into becoming Zimbabwe 2.0 to be able to maintain their own existing basic technical infrastructure, let alone develop a working satellite launcher. Algeria or Egypt is in a much better position for this, but they're not sub-Saharan.

If by reach orbit you mean launch a domestically constructed satellite, then a number of them already have. There are eighteen African countries that are currently operating payloads in orbit (mostly SA and Egypt) but most of those were commissioned jobs that were assembled in Russia or China. There have been a few domestically produced payloads, but they all seem to be in the cube-sat class.

if you mean having one of their citizens fly as an astronaut, we're probably a ways out. There have been a number of African-born astronauts, but they've all been Caucasian Elon-Africans, not Kill-the-Boer Africans. Nigeria, Rwanda, and Angola are all signatories to the Artemis Accords, and Egypt, South African, and Senegal are members of the IRLS, but I don't think getting one of their nationals to the moon is going to be a priority for either alliance.

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Anonymous No. 16627272

long post from the bankroller of Fram2

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Anonymous No. 16627273


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Anonymous No. 16627275


Anonymous No. 16627280

why is tim dodd on their car tv

Anonymous No. 16627283

>We spent the rest of the morning with Dragon engineers, reviewing some personal hygiene lessons we've learned from Crew-10
so that issue during the flight WAS because someone ate one too many tacos and clogged the shitter?

Anonymous No. 16627284


Anonymous No. 16627285

This is a quintessential Elon pic.

Anonymous No. 16627289

Please tell me why it's dumb and gay. I admit I know practically nothing.

Anonymous No. 16627290

More evidence supply for outrage is falling very short of demand.

Anonymous No. 16627300

The woman on the right looks like a fucking skin walker

Anonymous No. 16627307



Anonymous No. 16627313

What for?

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Screen Shot 2025-....png

Anonymous No. 16627352


Anonymous No. 16627356

All I see is a question mark where the pagecount should be, been that way for a few weeks now. Weird.

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Anonymous No. 16627359

It's basically India 2.0
They might be able to do it by just having enough mediocre people to share the costs around (and by buying some of foreign tech to start with).
Namibia, Rwanda, Botswana and Gabon have their shit together (to a point their GDP outpaces some of the garbage-tier European nations like Albania and Moldova), but are too small for a full space program.
Maybe east coast countries like Kenya or Ethiopia - if any Asian country begins to massively outsource their industry to Africa and they happen to have some competent dictator to whip them into shape like Lee Kuan Yew.

Westerners forgot that we build our nations back when you had like 2-3 universities in the entire empire, half of the people were illiterate and average IQ was around today's 80-90 due to chronic childhood malnutrition.
Don't get me wrong, Africans ARE less intelligent overall than Whites or Asian, but the gap isn't as huge enough to preclude them from maintaining a civilization - provided they get training and incentives to act like it.

Anonymous No. 16627382

sounds like a skill issue

Anonymous No. 16627468

Whichever one China colonizes the most

Anonymous No. 16627572
