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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16625711

Why is this smuggie so mean?

Anonymous No. 16625713

Leibniz said the same thing about Newton.

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Anonymous No. 16625714

I love leibniz but newton was the shit

Anonymous No. 16625716

He looks like a jewrat. That's probably why he's mean.

Anonymous No. 16625718


History will remember Professor Dave and Sabine "The Contrarian" Hossenfelder will be long forgotten.

Anonymous No. 16625781

That's what getting filtered by math does to a mf

Anonymous No. 16625784

I don't know who this is but he looks like a slobby youtube atheist

Anonymous No. 16625786

dave likes to shit on bottom of the barrel when it comes to debates - half of his channel is debates with some random 60 yo boomers who barely finished high school and believe earth is flat. I fucking guarantee if Sabine one day will decide to take his hate pieces seriously and ask him for a debate he will choke and make million excuses on why he can't do that, because he knows he can only rap-battle uneducated boomers and any real science will eat him alive in a debate

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Anonymous No. 16625800


Anonymous No. 16625808

This guy is the dictionary definition of a midwit lmao.

Anonymous No. 16625827

Not even a midwit, a high-end dimwit.

Anonymous No. 16625843

kek I was about to post about this fag and saw you already had done it, sir
Kindly check the news >>16625842

Anonymous No. 16625846

dave is literally, LITERALLY just your stereotypical dirtbag leftist.

Anonymous No. 16625847

Please, sir, don't put in the same level Newton, one of the greatest men ever, and this epistemically deregulated commie redditor

Anonymous No. 16625879

He's smug because he's right as you can see from the seethe he generates on this board among the various outcasts and failures who dwell in this website spending all their time seething about "mainstream science".

Anonymous No. 16625880

I fucking hate this twat even though I agree with basically everything he says. He's such a cocksucker in the way he treats his opponents. His attitude causes people to double down even harder on their positions.

Anonymous No. 16625882

No it's because he's an asshole who for some reason can't apply the principle of charity. Attitudes like his are not how you get people to see the truth about things.

Anonymous No. 16625884

You hate him because others are retarded? How stupid do you have to be to think like this? You're the type of scumbag who would justify Galileo's imprisonment by saying he was not nice enough to the deluded christtards.

Anonymous No. 16625886

How exactly has he not applied the "principle of charity"? He even bothered to debate flat earthers. How much more charity do you expect anyone to give?

Anonymous No. 16625890

spot on first impression

Anonymous No. 16626185

evil physiognomy.

Anonymous No. 16626393


i liked it when james tour demolished this idiot

Anonymous No. 16626408

Tour is a retard who only demolishes the few remaining braincells of his retarded fans (like you)

Anonymous No. 16626430

this nigga got pop art milhouse framed

Anonymous No. 16626501

>Tour is a retard
ok dave

Anonymous No. 16626520

Yes, tour, you are retarded

Anonymous No. 16626523

Both dave and Tour attempt to argue statistically about the probability of plausible origin of life theories

Anonymous No. 16626526

So? You (tour) are still retarded.

Anonymous No. 16626545

>No it's because he's an asshole who for some reason can't apply the principle of charity. Attitudes like his are not how you get people to see the truth about things.
Why give charity to garbage, you throw trash out.

Anonymous No. 16626550

I've barely seen any of his stuff but from the thumbnails it looks like most of it is "dunking" on flat earthers with mental illnesses or disabilities
I probably agree with him on most shit but why would anyone want to watch this?

Anonymous No. 16626572

>the obsessive tendency to repeatedly use word "retard"
hello dave, how is it going

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Anonymous No. 16626574

dave you are obsessed with this guy, just face it.
you have closer relationships with this guy than with any woman in your life

Anonymous No. 16626577

Hes Italian actually

And how many degrees do you have?

Anonymous No. 16626579

bachelors and masters and I'm working as a researcher

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Anonymous No. 16626583

YouTuber, I served with Sir Isaac Newton. I knew Sir Isaac Newton. Sir Isaac Newton was a friend of mine. YouTuber, you're no Sir Isaac Newton.

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Anonymous No. 16626587

Nah, the midwit range is 105-125, so he's likely in there. He's an over confident ass but he's not on the left side of the bell curve.
>And how many degrees do you have?
Legitimately retarded people now are able to earn college degrees. They're no longer a signal for intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16626602

Did Professor Dave fuck your gf or something?

Anonymous No. 16626615

dave we all know you don't like girls

Anonymous No. 16626628

bro why are you talking in 3rd person what happened

Anonymous No. 16626633

flat earthers are the psyoped low hanging fruit people like dave use to give themself legitimacy

Anonymous No. 16626653

Imagine being this obsessed with Professor Dave just because he fucked your gf.

Anonymous No. 16626657

Dave we all know you want to screw Sabine but try to maintain a litte decorum

Anonymous No. 16626669

Imagine repeating the same joke hoping it's gonna work this time, sad. Dave, just admit it, you are a slave of other people's opinion which is why you spend your time sitting in 4chan threads trying to defend your public image. You pick fights you can't win because you can't control you emotions, and then damage control the consequences. It's a vicious cycle. You will end up as a lonely angry old man if you won't go to a therapist and talk about why you hold so much spite towards the world.

Anonymous No. 16626675

Mindbroken by the Professor. How sad.

Anonymous No. 16626681

Are you some sort of bot?

Anonymous No. 16626690

If I pick up two dowsing rods and go walk across a field why am I able to find a spring?

Anonymous No. 16626765

maybe for his force-fed videos in the school system, but definitely not his election tourism.