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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135948

Help, I just graduated with a degree in an utterly useless soft science like linguistics because I'm retarded. I have no soft skills. I'm socially inept and very autistic. I have a gf but no friends. Even McDonald's doesn't want me. The one thing I have going for me is that I'm very good at being alone without socialising for long periods of time. I also taught myself Japanese and Chinese without any help from teachers. If I learn iOS dev or web dev or something will I become employable? Please, I feel so worthless. Everyone looks down on me when I tell them my major and my employment status.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135940

What exactly can I expect from combo of Amisulpride and Olanzapine? I didn't had dose for two weeks(haven't got it at pharmacy) and I changed password meanwhile... Now back on dose I almost entered my old password...

What other negative effects may I expect?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135938

-574 maybe?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135905

I heard hypothesis from what in stone age, actually females were providers for the tribe, while males simply ate all their mear by themself

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let me assist you....gif

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135901

>local library held nuclear power debate night last week
>expected maybe 10-20 people to show up
>place was packed with almost 100 people
>95% of them were at least 50 years old, not single person under 30
>two lecturers got down and dirty with hard facts
>nuclear btfo any other power source
>old people didn't care and got mad
you don't want to get poisoned by CO2? stop burning fossil fuels
you want to keep your standard of living? accept nuclear

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135841

Ive discovered something incredibly cool in applied physics.

The kicker is, i need a large mass of pure ions, a few moles without any electrons at least.

Anybody know the easiest way to make a dense cold pure ion plasma? I swear to reference you when i publish.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135812

Is there a theory of mind/brain physiology that accounts for the notion that, for an internal monologue to exist, the brain must simultaneously employ both a speaking and a listening component?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135774

With the competency crisis and the great filter (any event that prevents a host species from advancing to the galactic age) approaching are you at all worried that we're a lost civilization and our resource allocation from material science to group psychology has been a complete disaster?

Humans don't fear anymore. We've become so comfortable that people like Feynman are a thing of the past. The only hope I have is that we're in some real good possession of dark technology through the military and intelligence apparatus. Perhaps then, billions of years from the universe's infancy there will be humans.

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🧵 Would floating mills slow down the speed of a river

Anonymous No. 16135755

If a watermill like picrel floats on a river and creates energy by having absorbing the force of the current into its blades does that slow down the flow of the current?
If yes could you apply them to avoid fast flowing rivers washing through their beds?
If no could you put endless amounts of them into any river and have your power output limited only by the length of the river?
By that same thought could you place many dams behind one another as long as the water keeps flowing downhill and magnify the power output?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135750

Hello, cretins.

We’re going to perform another theoretical experiment today.

This is how to develop underground farming techniques, but we’re fuck it up, just for Fleur.

One: There needs to be a solar array.
We can do this by structuring the skeleton of the pit with a sequence of titanium rods, in a trapezoidal, pyramidal cage.
Next, we’re going to attach hyper-energetic fuel cells, to lighting rods, perforating the ceiling the pit, which are then connected to coolant tubes, coiled around the titanium rods.

What else?


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🧵 GM sperm

Anonymous No. 16135749

Would it be possible to genetically engineer an immortal cell line of human sperm cells capable of growing as large as the species Valonia ventricosa and have the giant sperm cells alive and fed in an aquarium? Having sperm cells been genetically modified so that they can grow to be two to three inches long or longer and can survive for several years outside of the human body so that they can be kept as pets in a tank? Perhaps farmed as food? Valonia ventricosa is a single-celled species that grows to be like two inches in diameter. Would it be possible to use radiation (or whatever) in order to cause the cells to mutate like HeLa cells?

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Musk says wikiped....jpg

🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135733

Elon Musk now says that wikipedia is 100% fake and gay and that it's just a propaganda tool.
Why do so many people on /sci/ still source their information from there? Why read lies? Will Musk's announcement get them to change their bad habits?

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🧵 Myopic focus on renewables

Anonymous No. 16135694

How are we going to construct and maintain renewable energy harvesters (wind turbines, solar panels, dams, etc.) without fossil fuels? It doesn't feel like the EU know what it's doing.

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🧵 best math proof

Anonymous No. 16135689

If someone, who doesnt understand math, asks you what is the theorem and what is the proof, what would be the best example to show?
In my case, i would show the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic - pretty nice proof and you dont need to have math master degree to understand it.

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🧵 champernowne canstant

Anonymous No. 16135685

python script to calculate the first accurance of asy digit sequence in the chawpernowne constant


why is this impressive?
because the champ constant is irrational, transcendental, and normal.

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🧵 /mg/ maths general

Anonymous No. 16135585

talk maths
old >>16113803

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images (27).jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135577

If heat is energy and energy is equivalent to mass and you bring a freezer to freezing temps, does it weigh less than at room temperature?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135573

I like the song, I saw it when it first came out and I was a wee little chud that loved reading about space and rockets. Yeah Hank Green is cringe and it is pretty onions, but it's nostalgic :)

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🧵 >local uni just axed the entire physics and engineering department

Anonymous No. 16135551

Bros what the fuck is happening I thought STEM was immune to this shit

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135532

Philosophy of science thread

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135444

What is the minimum IQ needed to become a statistician?

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moon and earth na....jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135357

>this is a legit photo of the moon and earth
Are we in a simulation?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16135345

Has science ever investigated why the Japanese are going extinct?
Science is always looking into why some obscure slug nobody cares about is going extinct and how to preserve them, does science consider the Japanese to be less worthy of preservation than a slug?

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🧵 Why does it matter whether if it is lab leak or not?

Anonymous No. 16135299

The solutions are clear:
1. Stop eating weird animals
2. Stop gain of function research