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🧵 /sumo/ - Off Basho Sumo General

Anonymous No. 120153

Terao edition

Old thread: >>113606

Next basho: November 13 - November 27

Current Makuuchi banzuke:
Current Juryo banzuke:

Info on Sumo - Sumopedia:
Official Sumo site:
Sumo database:
Last basho highlights:

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Anonymous No. 120166

First for Hambaga

Anonymous No. 120168

chunky players

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Anonymous No. 120174

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Anonymous No. 120177


Anonymous No. 120201

>wins Juryo 5 times
>removed from public eye due to CTE

I miss this speccy legend

Anonymous No. 120241

damn, female rikishi look like THAT?

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千代の富士vs寺尾 (平成元年一月....webm

Anonymous No. 120302

Terao was based

>original iron man of sumo
>set a record for oldest guy to make it to makuuchi
>sexy symbol; still gets thirst comments from boomer women who learned to use the internet
>created the flowchart

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Anonymous No. 120312


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Anonymous No. 120313


Anonymous No. 120315

>Shodai succeeds and fails based on the release schedule of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime

I can literally feel my intelligence breaching the astral plane.

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lol kabu.jpg

Anonymous No. 120318

Once more we must venture into the kabu-hole, to point a finger at another new instance of rikishi brazenly, comically ignoring the rules against kabu loans.

Anonymous No. 120320

Aoiyama has bigger tits than them yet they are still forced to cover them up. We live in a society.

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shodai wine.gif

Anonymous No. 120325

I fear the day that Shodai reads Berserk

Anonymous No. 120326
>all that autistic female shuffling about
japanese women move like they're apologizing for their existence

Anonymous No. 120327

As they should.

Anonymous No. 120328

No one could handle such a power. 75 straight wins from January to November

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Anonymous No. 120330


Anonymous No. 120334

sounds like my type

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Anonymous No. 120339

Someone tried colorizing that 1902 Natsu basho footage with Hitachiyama and Umegatani. It's not the best job, but I think it helps make them visually feel more like real people.

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Anonymous No. 120357

>Humiliates Chris Gaijin in front of local fans

Unfathomably based

Anonymous No. 120358

>first sumofest in 17 years
Jesus Christ, what were they waiting for?

Anonymous No. 120359

I fucking love keisho

Anonymous No. 120375

in case you didn't notice, we have a new archiver that saved also the videos; last 2 threads:

basic search also working:

I manually changed the offset in the url to find the oldest posts (obviously in a month you will need a bigger offset):

the owner is probably still around if you need to ask anything:

Anonymous No. 120380

Makunouchi dohyo-iri when members of the imperial family are present

Anonymous No. 120400

What did he do? I don’t want to have to dig through Chris videos to find one moment where he gets made fun of.

Anonymous No. 120419

Tamawashi's piece starts at 5:11

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Anonymous No. 120421

Can shoma break through?

Anonymous No. 120464

>Chris, you haven't been aging well

Anonymous No. 120482

holy shit he looks fuckin horrible in hd

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Anonymous No. 120490

Anonymous No. 120497

Wow. Poor Chris.

Anonymous No. 120498

>First day at Henka Academy
>First period is "Ass Wiping lvl 1"

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Enho vs Yago ( Ma....webm

Anonymous No. 120504

Anonymous No. 120508

lmao, do we have any recent pictures of Chris? It can't be that bad...

Anonymous No. 120514

he was cute only for a couple of tournaments when Abema was psyched by his plop on the ringside cushions

Anonymous No. 120518

I don't agree on how this is calculated:

it should consider only the bouts against maegashira, not the total bouts

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Anonymous No. 120520

You are correct, that shouldn't be used. Whoever put that table together doesn't know what they're doing.

Anonymous No. 120549

What do they say, "There's lies, damned lies, and statistics?"

Neither table is incorrect as far as I know, but the interpretation of the wikipedia one can be misleading.
Definitely, one's kinboshi stats should be predicated on success rate, i.e. based on the number of opportunities.

Consider Hakuho's Aki 2018. He gave up no gold stars but only fought 6 matches where one could have been awarded.
By contrast, in Kyushu 2019, he coughed one up to Daieisho, but also fought in 9 matches where a gold star was on the line.

Anonymous No. 120566

The jp one is what you're asking for. The third column is number of matches facing hiramaku, and the fourth is number of basho at yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 120567

If Waka could get one with a henka then fuck it, Chiyoshoma for technique prize

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Anonymous No. 120570

return to the mythical origins of sumo, let it be matches for land, let a "daimyo"(corpo) sponsor a samurai(sumo wrestler). the league starts with an investment of, let's say 100 million from every team owner, they all get to have a stock of 10 fighters, then 80% of all up front investment is used to buy land, and the rest is used to host and moderate by a collectively agreed upon publisher. every fight is for a claim of land, but other agreements can be made if the winner doesn't want that piece or the loser doesn't want to give it up, such as patents or monetary compensation.

Anonymous No. 120573

why is his nipple so dark
that can't be healthy

Anonymous No. 120575

Brown people have dark nipples

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Anonymous No. 120644

Hakuho went to Mongolia to promote his danpatsu-shiki and invited the president to cut his hair

Anonymous No. 120657

The aura of the rightmost guy (who is a god of bökh) is incredible

Anonymous No. 120669

Hakuho status: MOGGED

Anonymous No. 120717

>hakuho is 6'4
>that dude has to be 6'7 or maybe slightly taller
what the fuck do they feed people over there holy shit is this achievable natty

Anonymous No. 120725

Mare milk
GOMAD but with mare milk

Anonymous No. 120727

pregnant mare milk is the original way people extracted estrogen for modern medicine. can't speak to non-pregnant but I'd be careful.

Anonymous No. 120728

actually nevermind misremembered, it was pregnant mare urine, premarin. I'd go with male horse milk instead though.

Anonymous No. 120775

>male horse

Based retard.

Anonymous No. 120778

you know what I mean, no one here is that innocent. besides, you can induce actual lactation in males

Anonymous No. 120802
Ric flair vs wajima dimes alert

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Taiho vs. Iwakaze....webm

Anonymous No. 120840

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Anonymous No. 120882

Have I ever told you the tale of yokozuna Tamanishiki, the chosen one?

Once upon a jungyo long past (1918), the yokozuna Tachiyama was restless with boredom. Following the day's matches, he uttered this whimsical challenge unto the vast audience: whosoever can take me upon his back and carry me once around the dohyou, I shall reward with a 60 kilogram bale of rice! (That, or just a 50-sen coin - history isn't clear on this point.)

The prize was enticing but the task daunting and, though a few bold men tried their hand, none could carry the 140+ kilogram man. It seemed the challenge would go uncompleted. Then stepped forth from the milling crowd a 14-year-old boy, a fresh sumo recruit who had yet to even set foot on the dohyou.

The boy asked for his chance, Tachiyama climbed aboard - and he began walking with the yokozuna on his back. Only a few steps short of finishing the trip around the dohyou, the boy fell. And then he got back up, and asked to try again from the start. Again, the massive yokozuna draped himself atop the boy's shoulders. On this second attempt, the boy kept his footing and made it all the way around the dohyou, winning the prize! This was an amazing feat, and it was immediately clear to everyone this boy could be something special.

It would only be a matter of months from that day until his hatsu-dohyou, and 15 years of sumo excellence until he was granted his yokozuna license.

But that story reads like bullshit. How do we know any of this really happened?

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Anonymous No. 120883

Because a photographer had happened to be there that day.

Anonymous No. 120887

Tachiyama is yolked as fuck

Anonymous No. 120930

His arms are twice the size of Tamanishiki's legs. 140kg seems like a low estimate.

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寺尾vs舞の海 (平成3年九月場所....webm

Anonymous No. 121003

Anonymous No. 121022


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Anonymous No. 121028

It's my translation of the figure Tachiyama himself gave in retelling the story. He said he weighed "more than 38 kan", which is an old Japanese metric - 38 kan equates to 142.5 kg. Knowing his given height and weight were almost identical to Asashouryuu, I think it could be a credible figure.

Anonymous No. 121029

I want the knee attacking meta to come back already
we have the mongolians for it

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121048

is it just me or are colourful mawashi becoming less popular

Anonymous No. 121061

Its just you

Anonymous No. 121072

/sumo/s thoughts on ssireum?

Anonymous No. 121073

the sport itself is as dignified and meaningful as sumo, the application of the sport in korean culture is disappointing

Anonymous No. 121075

>is it just me or are colourful mawashi becoming less popular
I don't think anyone keeps stats on Mawashi colors, but I don't think it's all black/dark blue.

Anonymous No. 121076

Extremely based
Damn son

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Anonymous No. 121102

A very honorable sport I wish it was held in the same regards of sumo but South Korea is the USA with a Asian skin.

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Anonymous No. 121104

I have a nephew that I would like to get into sumo this is his stats as of now
>190-220 pounds
>12 years young
>defensive lineman
He gives me takakeisho vibes you should see the size of his arms and arms it’s not all fat.

Anonymous No. 121105

Arms and legs*

Anonymous No. 121128

220lbs at 12 years old? That's pretty crazy.

He'd need a local sumo club with a junior league. Better he just did wrestling, in the US.

Anonymous No. 121136

He might have the body, but does he have the spirit for sumo?

Anonymous No. 121137

this anon >>121136 has the right question
how's your nephew attitude? is he a fighter? tell us more, please

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Anonymous No. 121187

He’s really around 200, but it’s spread out pretty well like atamamifuji
He can be pretty timid on the field but when he gets into it he pushes kids around. I’m sure a stable could toughen him up.

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Anonymous No. 121238

tell him that if he destroys his body, gets a rare foreigner spot in a stable, survives the hazing and arse wiping, and has top 0.7% skill and dedication, he can make $100,000 per year for maybe 8 years if he's really good. and if he fucks up at any point he'll probably end up as a wagie

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Anonymous No. 121256

You're looking at the salary number and ignoring the kouenkai and sponsor money. There's an absurd amount of hidden earnings.

Anonymous No. 121263

Doesn’t abi have a lambo

Anonymous No. 121266

You can learn Japanese language too.
If you lived in a stable for 5 years your speaking Japanese will be way better than n1 shitters

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Anonymous No. 121272

If he does, I haven't seen it.
Here's Harumafuji in an $85,000 keshomawashi. Three of them were made, the other two for his attendants to wear during his dohyo-iri.

Anonymous No. 121312

wife material

Anonymous No. 121329

Lads, can a foreigner get tickets to a Basho, how difficult is it, and how would one go about it?

Anonymous No. 121332

You can just buy them off the official English website or 3rd party

Anonymous No. 121333

just show up outside and try to enter the basho with various different costumes and fake facial hairs until they eventually sigh and let you in after all. Works for me every time

Anonymous No. 121334

Oh fuck, I do that too!

Anonymous No. 121407

When's banzuke?

Anonymous No. 121408

Banzuke always comes out on the Monday 13 days before start of the basho, except for the January basho whose banzuke is always released on December 24.

So for the upcoming basho, the banzuke will be released October 31.

Anonymous No. 121409

banzuke halloweeeennnn ooooooooo scarrrryyyyyyy

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sumo halloween.jpg

Anonymous No. 121410


Anonymous No. 121415

Thanks, g.

Anonymous No. 121416

Nice Keisho costume.

Anonymous No. 121453

Thanks for advice, sadly turns out plane tickets are ridiculously expensive right now so I'm gonna have to find some other holiday plans :(

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Anonymous No. 121456

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Anonymous No. 121463


Anonymous No. 121483

Natsu 1942. Ozeki Akinoumi henkas a hiramaku opponent in the basho that will result in his promotion to yokozuna.

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ichinojo fangirl.jpg

Anonymous No. 121509

Anybody sumobros going to be in Japan in January? I'm going to be visiting Tokyo during that time and was going to buy a ticket for the new year basho.

Tickets are relatively cheap for January/February

My ticket was $700 round trip. I saw them going as cheap as $500 if you leave on certain days.

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Anonymous No. 121525

this image is provided without comment

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Anonymous No. 121526


Anonymous No. 121528

he always looked like a breedable twink

Anonymous No. 121535

I'd love to breed Ura

Anonymous No. 121543

I'm a secondworlder, tickets for the round trip from here are around $1100 rn, from what I checked; my monthly pay is ~$750 after taxes...

Anonymous No. 121547

Damn, that sucks

Anonymous No. 121548

Winning smile

Anonymous No. 121549

>somebody on the production team gave this the green light

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Anonymous No. 121554

god I love japan

Anonymous No. 121557


Anonymous No. 121559

t. Chris

Anonymous No. 121565

guess to get inside access you've got give a little inside access

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Anonymous No. 121566

t. Hoshoryu

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Anonymous No. 121608

But seriously why can’t they toss zabuton anymore. Ura defeating terunofuji felt hallow.

Anonymous No. 121622

They may have finally been bolted down at the Kokugikan, because not a single soul threw one all basho. I know several of the other basho gymnasiums had it done years ago.

The reality is that zabuton throwing has never been allowed. For 15+ years, there have been signs posted about it, and more recently they've had the announcer telling fans to please not throw them because it could cause injuries. You can even find footage of Asashoryu, sumo's tough guy, trying to dodge incoming zabuton.

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Anonymous No. 121630

>kotonowaka training with takayasu
Yasu bout to put that dawg in kotozakura II

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Anonymous No. 121636


Anonymous No. 121639

Look at the bright side, at least it's not the Balcans

Anonymous No. 121655

>basic search also working:
Actually, the search is pretty much feature complete, except the page which explains how to use the search only showed up when you did a search that found no results.
I've just tacked a link to it onto the top of the screen now. Does it look goofy on mobile? Absolutely.
I'll think about how to sort this out later.

Anonymous No. 121666

is that what they call pillows in Japanese
makes sense I guess since it's what you put za butt on

Anonymous No. 121710

za = sitting
futon = futon
za + futon = zabuton

Anonymous No. 121727

yeah thats what i said, za butt on.

Anonymous No. 121751

Who is /ourmaegashira/

Anonymous No. 121767

for me it'd be wakamotoharu or terutsuyoshi. But I think the board would collectively vote hoshoryu or ura

Anonymous No. 121768

wait I just had a retard moment and forgot hoshoryu got promoted. Probably ura or tamawashi then. I personally can't fucking wait until hokuseiho is in makuuchi

Anonymous No. 121782

>the fuck do they feed people over there
Mongolians eat a very high protein diet that consists almost entirely of meats and dairy products with very little vegetables or starches.

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Anonymous No. 121783

>Terunofuji will miss the November basho

Yokozuna Terunofuji
The Japan Sumo Association announced that yokozuna Terunofuji will not participate in the fall tournaments, which will be held in Kofu City. He was absent from the autumn Grand Sumo Tournament in September due to worsening pain in both knees from an old injury. Although he had entered the ring during the four-day tourney that began, he did not participate in morning practice sessions and matches, which delayed his recovery.

During the fall tournament, Terunofuji was noticeably shielding his right knee, and his master, Isekehama Oyakata (former yokozuna Asahifuji), mentioned the possibility of surgery. Terunofuji said at his yokozuna promotion party on November 16, "I will consult with my teachers and stablemasters and see what I can do.

Anonymous No. 121786

>Terunofuji will not participate in the fall tournaments, which will be held in Kofu City
you dumbass, that's the jungyo

I'm guessing this was the article you saw, and a machine tl spat out "tournament" for "巡業"?

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Anonymous No. 121787

>this seething faggot

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i am disappoint.jpg

Anonymous No. 121788

>post bullshit
>get called out
>'I was merely trolling'

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 121803

>still seething like the pathetic giant faggot they are

Anonymous No. 121834

>5 weeks after withdrawing from basho
>still undecided about surgery

Why are rikishi so afraid of a little scalpel?

Anonymous No. 121837

He already did the surgery on 18th and is recovering right now

Anonymous No. 121856

Excellent news!

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Anonymous No. 121937

Anonymous No. 121964

>I personally can't fucking wait until hokuseiho is in makuuchi
I'm already sick of him. If you look up the word "boredom" in an online dictionary a video of one of his fights should pop up.

Anonymous No. 121993

t. Guy who never watched a hokuseiho bout

Anonymous No. 122006

He's a rising star who could be sanyaku some day. What's wrong with being excited for that?

Anonymous No. 122030

>most of his wins involve him standing there and letting his manlet opponents self destruct
>most of his losses involve him standing there and letting his manlet opponents walk him out

Anonymous No. 122035

Anonymous No. 122042


Anonymous No. 122051


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it's ogre.jpg

Anonymous No. 122089

>One of Hakuhos ex-tsukebito gambled 100 million yen of his money

Anonymous No. 122090

new 'kuho just dropped

Anonymous No. 122091

How the hell does this even happen? Why on earth would you give someone else access to taht amount of money?

Anonymous No. 122092

Otani is already a fucking hoss

Anonymous No. 122099


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Anonymous No. 122106

Chris is about to go postal

Anonymous No. 122108

Hiro BTFOing Chris once again

Anonymous No. 122110

>can't get interviews
>has to resort to mindreading
the JSA can't keep getting away with this

Anonymous No. 122143

Wtf? How?

Anonymous No. 122147


Anonymous No. 122208

So, the reporting is strange here because the sources are treating this as something it's not. Unless I'm reading it wrong, this is actually only tangential to Hakuho. The proper story is that Hak's manager swindled 1 billion yen out of various targets, of which 1/10th appears to have come from Miyaginobeya, before disappearing in early July and no one can find him. The tabloids are suggesting the possibility that the manager was a billion yen in debt due to gambling, then devolving into blind conspiracy about various things like Hakuho being in trouble or having to give up the heya because of this.

They seem to want this to say something about Hak, and I can't understand where they're coming from. It isn't as though he 'allowed this to happen' or any such, he's one of the victims.

Anonymous No. 122252

If anything it shows based Chris to be a mastermind
>Sources tell Chris that Hiro is filming in Miyagino-beya
>Chris puts out video showing that people still cling to Hakuho for relevance
>Hours later, Hiro puts out video, clinging to Hakuho for relevance

4D chess

Anonymous No. 122253

nah he's just a fat retard lmao

Anonymous No. 122284


Anonymous No. 122375

Don't listen to Chris, I didn't gamble Hakuho's money

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Anonymous No. 122384

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Anonymous No. 122415


Anonymous No. 122465

Rikishi with untied hair terrify me

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Anonymous No. 122532

What do you call this exercise?

Anonymous No. 122547

next Monday is banzuke day

Anonymous No. 122582

"Tama take the wheel."

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Anonymous No. 122585

Anonymous No. 122593

>based Chris
Fucking kys with this retarded trash. Faggot.

Anonymous No. 122595


Anonymous No. 122596

I didn't know it was possible to butcher katakana phonetics this hard

Anonymous No. 122597

Well know again, bucko

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Anonymous No. 122600


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Anonymous No. 122604

>POV: you are terunofuji

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Anonymous No. 122611

>The weak should fear the strong

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Anonymous No. 122617

Anonymous No. 122621

>asked Shodai, calmly

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Anonymous No. 122631

>almost 40
>does prison tier workouts with four teenagers
>destroys yokozhitters and wins bashos

Anonymous No. 122632

Must be because of his cookies

Anonymous No. 122676

what could the context possibly be

Anonymous No. 122692

The lack of high-impact training against sekitori is probably a large part of his unusual health and longevity. Injuries to his shoulders and knees actually heal between basho instead of constantly being re-aggravated.

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Anonymous No. 122725

Enho has been eating his rice finally

🗑️ Anonymous No. 122731

I see japan accepted some ukranian refugees

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Anonymous No. 122736


Anonymous No. 122740

...meanwhile, in Japan...

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Anonymous No. 122744


Anonymous No. 122802

>you will never pound chiyomaru's mochi

🗑️ Anonymous No. 122807

kys with that faggot trash.

Anonymous No. 122812

>thinking that was euphemism
project away retard

Anonymous No. 122851

why the dirty faces?

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Anonymous No. 122892

Anonymous No. 122921

banzuke up

Anonymous No. 122925

I wonder if the anon who flipped his shit at the end of last basho at the idea of 3 sekiwake and 4 komusubi has killed himself?

Anonymous No. 122928

>Tobizaru shin-sanyaku
>Kotonowaka highest rank
>Atamifuji shin-nyumaku

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Fall Tourney Day ....webm

Anonymous No. 122929

we sanyuka now

Anonymous No. 122931

M15 Atamifuji!
Autistic Tomato, let's fucking go!

On the other hand, how the fuck did they keep Terutsuyoshi? His tired ass needs to retire.

Anonymous No. 122933

When making mochi, rice dust gets everywhere.

Anonymous No. 122959

>Sekiwake Mita
Such is life.
Finally sanyaku. Boy's blooming. After so many years in Juryo, extreme ups and down in Makuuchi. So nice to see.
>m1e Takayasu
No more ez runs for the bear.
>m1w Kotonowaka
He should've been sanyaku already, robbed by the 'rona. But that's good for him, I think.
>m2e Meisei
He's getting back where he belongs. Shit does not sink, as they say. And he's the shit.
>m3e Ura
Come on boy. Just a lil' bit more.
>m9w Abi
Abi yusho, calling it now.
>m15w Atami
Watch him overtaking Oho in 1-2 basho
>J7e Tochimushashi
6.5 ranks for 11-4 yusho, huh. And I thought they punked Hokuseiho a basho ago.
>J11e Enho
Is it over for him? Not even #1 in Miyagino anymore. Imagine this stable without both Enho and Ishiura. Grim.
>J13w Roga
Took him long enuff.
>ms1 Shiden
Almost avenged his robbery.
>ms4 Asanoyama
Imagine performing worse than Abi and the Abortion Man. Not a good look.
>ms10 Yoshii
Guy got battered hard after that yusho, huh.
>ms13 Kawazoe
Sekitori in making. Or an Ura #2 (read as "cripple"). Don't know yet.
>ms18 Akiseyama
No news of his intai? Still my Mental Yokozuna.
>sd32 Tanji
Keep an eye on this zoomer.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Anonymous No. 122977

top of makushita looks weak this time; he'll have no problems

Anonymous No. 122982

Legitimately curious to see if Ryuden will keep it up and return to at least M1 or komusubi in one or two basho

Anonymous No. 122999

Anyone have a clue how to query the database for the last time that happened? I think this may be the first time.

At a quick scan the 90s, which were notable for this nonsense, had a few 4S-3K and 4S-2K and 2S-4K basho, but not a 3S-4K.

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Anonymous No. 123001

never mind, someone already figured it out

Anonymous No. 123003

I fucking hate seeing hoshitryu so fucking much he’s holding up sanyaku

Anonymous No. 123023

tell me anon, why do several consecutive 8-7s upset you?

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Anonymous No. 123024

it's bizarre that S2w vs K2w happened only 2 times in the last 60 years and both cases involved Oho dad

Anonymous No. 123026

At least he's consistent
The problem is that other young rikishi are just kinda shit and can't perform
Soon the clown show will be completed when the rest of ~30 yo old wrestlers retire

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Anonymous No. 123029

I think that the "wave" of retirements ended with Kaisei and Jokoryu, and we will have a normal pace from now on

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Anonymous No. 123031

Happy lad

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on my way to Maku....gif

Anonymous No. 123039

*enters the thread*

Anonymous No. 123040

>he’s holding up sanyaku
be honest, no one else is making a convincing Ozeki run, they're all bottle jobs

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Anonymous No. 123078

for me, it's him

🗑️ Anonymous No. 123087

why did they demote shodai?

Anonymous No. 123088

Why Shodai is still Ozeki?

Anonymous No. 123095

Because to get demoted from that specific rank you have to put up two losing records in a row.

Anonymous No. 123096

I thought he was kadoban last tournament, weird

Anonymous No. 123097

Perhaps you were confusing him with our other ozeki, who are also constantly in and out of kadoban.

Shodai's 2022:
Hatsu: 6-9
Haru (in kadoban): 9-6
Natsu: 5-10
Nagoya (in kadoban): 10-5
Aki: 4-11
Kyushu (in kadoban): TBD

As I understand, Shodai's issues may stem from poorly managing his diabetes. This is not uncommon.

Anonymous No. 123105

I see, thanks for clarification, going to cheer next basho for demotion then.

Anonymous No. 123111

One thing to bear in mind is that an ozeki who gets demoted has one last lifeline. If he gets demoted and then in the very next tournament is able to achieve at least 10 wins, then he is automatically re-promoted to ozeki.

This is the situation Mitakeumi finds himself in currently. Also, this is what happened to Takakeisho, who got injured in his very first tournament as ozeki, sat out the next tournament, and went 12-3 as sekiwake to regain his rank.

So even if Shodai shits his mawashi in Kyushu, he can bang out 10 wins in Hatsu and he'll be right back where he started.

Anonymous No. 123114

Oh yeah, I know that.
I think both of them are not fit to be ozeki.

Anonymous No. 123131

>Shodai's issues may stem from poorly managing his diabetes
Or his obvious massive depression
that one seems more likely to me

Anonymous No. 123135

So, from the pattern, we see that Shodai will get 11-4.

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you know it.jpg

Anonymous No. 123165

>Kiribayama goes 9-6 from Komosubi
>doesn't get promoted
>doesn't get to be the top Komosubi

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download (3).jpg

Anonymous No. 123194

Isegahama has terunofuji, takarafuji, midorifuji, nishikifuji, atamifuji, and terutsuyoshi all in makuuchi

Anonymous No. 123196

I like to see footage of the guys outside of the ring. You get to see their personalities.

Why is it whenever you see the rikishi hanging around and there's any kind of laughter, Abi will be in the middle of it, cackling.
Some guys like Hoshoryu or Wakamotoharu will laugh along, but the guys like Daieisho and Abi seem like the ones egging everyone on.

Anonymous No. 123206

hello, jsut a quick reminder that in a mnonth or so wakakakaka will be 2/3 of the way done with his oozeki run. Then yokozuna by july

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Anonymous No. 123212


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Meeting Sumo’s Ir....jpg

Anonymous No. 123217

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Anonymous No. 123235

How could this be?
One of the best Yokozuna ever forced to retire because of some unconfirmed broken nose?
I can only imagine how much butthurt Asashoryu made the yokozuna faggy council that they decided to throw him away like this
>never cared about japanese citizenship
>married mongol woman
>put money he earned into mongolia and not japan
>almost always disrespected his opponents by pushing them from dohyo
>got suspended because he played football with some mongolian kids while being injured

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Uncle Asa.jpg

Anonymous No. 123242

He always went against the grain, and that pissed off the Japs big time. Used to celebrate his wins and play to the crowd, too, which left the JSA seething.

Anonymous No. 123257

it was a convenient incident used to get rid of someone they already didn't like
same way with Harumafuji

Anonymous No. 123261

>How could this be?
>One of the best Yokozuna ever forced to retire because of some unconfirmed broken nose?
Because the person he supposedly hit was a gangster. It's not as simple a narrative as people like to think.

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Sumo Terao v Toyo....webm

Anonymous No. 123266

Anonymous No. 123280

>asashoryu was drunk as fuck and never admitted his guilt
>the guy he allegedly beat up was his close friend
>no blood in a car
>guy demanded compensation and instantly dropped the police case after
>council still decided to go with retirement because it was "too late"
I'm not reading your link but everything about it stinks

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Anonymous No. 123283

>I'm not reading your link
That is exactly what my point was when I wrote
>It's not as simple a narrative as people like to think
you fucking moron. Asashouryuu's manager tried to cover up who was involved by claiming that he had been hit. The YDC *and* the NSK said that they didn't really care about the incident and both gave him their warning. Days later, papers leaked that it hadn't been the manager who was punched but instead a leadership figure of a "hangure", one of the gangs unaffiliated with the major (yakuza) syndicates. That immediately changed their tune; they flipped their shit and demanded he retire. Neither sumo body gave a fuck when they thought he had 'just' slugged his manager.

None of this is conjecture or conspiracy or guesswork, it's literally on Asashouryuu's jp wikipedia page with plentiful citations.朝青龍明徳#2010年/不祥事による突如引退

By chance they turned out right to be worried, although not because of Asashouryuu himself - when the match fixing scandal broke it came out that some low-ranking yakuza and yakuza affiliates were directly connected with an unclear number of thrown bouts. Doesn't that make the reports that the victim was asking for "compensation" at least a little more concerning?

To be clear, I don't agree with the decision to kick him out of sumo. But the reality that the NSK wasn't out to get the poor foreign yokozuna needs to be more accepted.

Anonymous No. 123284

see, wasn't that hard to actually write a reply instead of posting shitty links

Anonymous No. 123285

kill yourself

🗑️ Anonymous No. 123286

why are you here If you don't want to talk about sumo and rather post shitty links? fuck off you retarded monkeynigger

Anonymous No. 123287

oh okay you're a phoneposter
shoot yourself

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Anonymous No. 123288

disarming stupidity aura

Anonymous No. 123296

but you can't say I don't know my sumo

Anonymous No. 123299

So what sort of record do we think Atamifuji will manage in his top division debut?

I think he'll manage a 6-9. He hasn't been dominant in upper juryo and kind of got lucky getting promoted this high.
I expect big things from the kid in the future but I think this is a little too soon for him.

Anonymous No. 123301



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Anonymous No. 123305

8-7 or 9-6 the bottom of the of the rank and filers arent that good but facing some of them should help refine his sumo
>big Dan

Anonymous No. 123306

Tomato has the same problem Oho has. He frequently fades in week 2. Oho's problem might be mental, though. Atami probably just lacks stamina. Atami is obviously better coached.
In his last basho, he started 6-2 and finished 8-7

The craftier veterans in makuuchi will probably take advantage of his fatigue to secure their own kachi-koshi.

Definitely, though, he looks like he's getting to that crossover point where juryo no longer really challenges him but makuuchi might be a little too much for him.

Anonymous No. 123312

The weak point I've noticed for Atamifuji is his balance. He seems to need to stop to re-set his feet a lot, even when he's in control. That feels like something that will naturally correct with experience, though.

Anonymous No. 123320

sumo...PRIME TIME!

Anonymous No. 123324

The young guys especially seem to have trouble adapting. They may have a plan coming into a bout but as soon as their opponent does something unexpected they take a split second longer to come up with a response.

It's natural, of course, and can only be corrected with experience. Young guys at this level have been simply overpowering their opponents and now they're facing guys who are just as strong but also more experienced.

Anonymous No. 123360

>seething faggot seethes

Anonymous No. 123361

You don't know shit...except for how to be a giant faggot.

Anonymous No. 123391

>Hoshoryu after failing to attain Ozeki after 13 div1 tournaments, forced to endure uncle's bullying

Anonymous No. 123396

good vid

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Anonymous No. 123436

>Yokozuna looking like he could be down for at least 2 tourneys
>shodai and mita in shambles
>regaining his strength and looking better these last couple tournaments
>asanoyama stuck in Lower divisions for a little longer
Takakeisho has a REAL chance at getting the horizontal rope and the only people standing is his way are wtk,sleepynojo, and tobi. /sumo/ Japanese nationalist we are getting our Yokozuna SOON.

Anonymous No. 123449

As much as he's got the talent for it, I just don't trust him to stay healthy. The current four tournament streak without a fusen loss is the longest he's ever been on since joining the sanyaku.
Plus, I don't think his neck is right, because his tachi-ai still isn't the cannon shot it used to be.

Anonymous No. 123453

I think he is still injured. He lost too much power.

Anonymous No. 123465

He’s gonna get stopped by wakakakakaka again

🗑️ Anonymous No. 123486

>his tachi-ai still isn't the cannon shot it used to be
Could be still injure, but could also be intentional to try and avoid injury.

Anonymous No. 123487

>his tachi-ai still isn't the cannon shot it used to be
Could be still injured, but could also be intentional to try and avoid yet another injury.

Anonymous No. 123528


Anonymous No. 123532

>Be me
>Do not speak Japanese
>Watch Isegahama's press conference with Atamifuji
>Guess what they're saying

>I will gambarize everyday and focus on my own brand of sumo. I will try my hardest, please cheer for me.
>This kid is in no way ready for top division. He needs to work harder. His skill level is shit. I am ashamed and sincerely apologize to you reporters for having wasted your time with this fat sack of crap next to me.

>Ask Japanese-speaking friend how close I am
>"You've got the gist of it."

Anonymous No. 123536

is it just me or chris is getting worse and worse?
damn his videos are really dog shit lately, even worse than usual

Anonymous No. 123545

there was a point in time where his videos were him sitting in a chair reading aloud his translations of japanese newspaper articles about sumo, so there's a very low bar for bad chris videos

Anonymous No. 123608

they never say anything surprising desu

Lmao any links to this?

Anonymous No. 123619

>getting worse
That's impossible. I managed to get through maybe 2 vids before turning his shit off as he is an insufferable beta pussy that has no business commenting on any combat sport.

Anonymous No. 123731

hes doing that now with this asanoyama vid

Anonymous No. 123732

It was actual footage of him in a chair in front of a camera, not this jungyo b-roll stuff

Anonymous No. 123740

Just one more week. Will this basho outclown the last

Anonymous No. 123754

I hope so

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takakeisho slappi....jpg

Anonymous No. 123767

can't wait for the keisho arc. this is his basho 100%

Anonymous No. 123778

Abi will return and crush the competition.

Anonymous No. 123781

>spotlight on keisho
>mita 10 win or nozeki
>kotozakura II (46) and Wakatakakage (49) competing for most wins in 2022
>The rise of atamamifuji
>wtk ozeki run 2nd edition
This basho is about to be tits

Anonymous No. 123783

>This basho is about to be tits

Anonymous No. 123786


Anonymous No. 123787

I prefer RION

Anonymous No. 123809

In Aki 2008, M15e Tamawashi lost to M10e Tochinoshin.

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Anonymous No. 123811

oh yeah we're gonna see some keisho action this basho. I hope waka keeps his ozeki run going too

Anonymous No. 123819

Given the absence of Teru and the lack of legitimate competition, plus seemingly being relatively healthy enough for a string of decent performances, might Keisho actually get the rope with say a 13-2Y? Assuming he's capable of it ofc
I imagine the YDC would really rather not give it to a guy who's straining to breathe after mounting the dohyo, but he'd have three 10+ win performances in a row, a yusho and a jun, and these are dire times where it seems like the thin state of yokozeki might compel them to hand out a more or less deserved promotion (esp with Asanopromo still all the way back in makushita + wktkkg and all the young 20-somethings not actually being yokozuna material any time soon)

Anonymous No. 123836

They won’t
A 13-2 Y following whatever his September and July performance isn’t even close to a yusho equivalent
Also Teru will likely be back by March or January so it’s not really dire

Anonymous No. 123840

If keisho can get a 13-2 Y and a 12-3 jy back to back he can get the horizontal rope. Maybe with a 13-2 y and a 11-4 jy.

Anonymous No. 123843

>y & jy
no way after how shit people they have promoted have been. if he loses it, mita would be the worst modern tournament era ozeki iirc, shodai shows up half the time, and takakeisho hasn't performed consistently. they aren't in any hurry

Anonymous No. 123848

This has only happened once since Futahaguro, and it was the Yokozuna Hokutoumi that immediately followed him, who got a 12-3 Y and a 13-2 JY. Kisenosato got by with a 14-1 and a 12-3. It’s unlikely keisho will be considered with a Y and JY unless he can manage 26 wins or more over two tournaments. This is based off of existing Yokozuna promotion records.
Curious also is Onokuni, who got a 15-0 Y followed by a 12-3 and 13-2, both JY before his promotion.

Anonymous No. 123912

Anyone used this site to buy tickets before?

I know I can buy tickets through the JSA, but the official ticket site is all in Nipponese. The site I linked seems reputable as far as resellers go.

Anonymous No. 123914

>it seems like the thin state of yokozeki might compel them to hand out a more or less deserved promotion
Neither the YDC or NSK care about whether there is a yokozuna. You may be conflating this with oozeki - there must always be two oozeki, but they will never ever promote to yokozuna because they feel someone has to be there.

Anonymous No. 123941

Stop using superfluous weeb terms

Things like mawashi, dohyo, gyoji have perfectly good English equivalents. They only acceptable Japanese words are the wrestlers (ring) names, and Yokozuna, Ozeki etc. Name the divisions if you absolutely must, but salaried wrestler, 3rd division etc. make for much easier reading. Also, no one here is impressed by weeb words, we already know them.

Thank you for listening.

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Anonymous No. 123942

>3rd division etc. make for much easier reading
三段目 (sandanme) - third step
oh, did you mean makushita? you must have meant to write 4th division then, easy mistake :)

>salaried wrestler
all rikishi receive salaries, it's only that toriteki can't live off of their salary

>dohyo, gyoji etc
with the new umpire set behind the mark, the two strongmen on deck take the mound...

Anonymous No. 123943

What is the English equivalent word for mawashi? A smart man like you obviously wouldn't say "loincloth" or "belt" like an uneducated ape, he would recognise that neither word accurately describes what a mawashi is.

Anonymous No. 123950

Nah I wasn't conflating it, I was thinking mostly at the time that they'd maybe want someone in the yokozuna role locked down for the near future so that between Shodai potentially dropping out of ozeki any given basho and Teru going into injury hell and retiring in the next year or so, even if Keisho started to shit the bed they'd at least still have one person guaranteed to be ozeki equivalent for a while before embarrassment might force him to retire from poor performances
The problem was sumodb was down at the time and I couldn't be bothered scrounging manually for information about equivalent performances (for Keisho's last two basho + the hypothetical 13-2Y I mentioned) that had led to yokozuna promotions, but as one anon said that's only happened once recently and even Hokutoumi's 13-2J was actually a yusho equivalent compared to Keisho's 11-4, so realistically the only way Keisho could MAYBE get the promo this month is a zensho yusho

Anonymous No. 123951

>What is the English equivalent word for mawashi?

Anonymous No. 123957

gomenasai anon-kun I will yamate from here onwards

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Anonymous No. 123958

>realistically the only way Keisho could MAYBE get the promo this month is a zensho yusho
So I looked for comps, and found the evidence to be fairly negative. Takakeishou's last basho was 10-5 and not 11-4 anyway.

Anonymous No. 123963

Right, but his jun from two basho ago (which would still be a part of a three-basho run of form right now for the rough criteria that seems to be in place, even if it's not strong enough of a performance) was 11-4J
My point was that there're somewhat exceptional circumstances given the dire state of sanyaku sumo where we actually could see fewer than two ozeki ranks in the near future and effectively locking someone else into yokozuna-ozeki would cover their bases, but I already accept that the only way Keisho'd get the rope is from starting a new run now and having two yusho now and in january

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Anonymous No. 123965

>a three-basho run of form right now for the rough criteria that seems to be in place
That's not a thing. Look at Harumafuji's promotion.

>effectively locking someone else into yokozuna-ozeki would cover their bases
No? They could just promote the next best sekiwake.

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Anonymous No. 123983

We are keeping a tradition alive anon we have to learn the history and the words. /sp/ /sumo/ is a little different from/ /xs/ /sumo/.

Anonymous No. 123990

WTK winning

Anonymous No. 123994

takakeisho getting the rope from a zensho is about as realistic a thought as takakeisho leaving sumo and becoming a professional downhill skier
>three-basho run
no idea how you came up with that as a thing.

Anonymous No. 123995

>no idea how you came up with that as a thing.
I've heard of that rumor bandied about before. I couldn't tell you where it came from though.
The idea is that a yusho, then a relatively weak performance like an 11-4/10-5, then another yusho would merit promotion.

Again, though, I have no idea where it came from, since no one since Futahaguro's tenure has been promoted after such a performance. Plus, the YDC is so renowned for being open and clear about their promotion criteria, so it was probably just some redditor thinking they understood the thinking of a room full of elderly Japanese.

Anonymous No. 124006

>三段目 (sandanme) - third step
An even better reason not to use transliterated Japanese. Thank you for reinforcing my point.

It's belt. There are many kinds of belt. Powerlifting belts don't hold your pants up

The fact that it also covers your genitals doesn't alter that it's a belt, and it's actually insignificant in the role it plays - it's vestigial, a hangover from when it was just a loincloth.

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Anonymous No. 124007

>I’m going to parrot this idea that is clearly wrong

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Tokushoryu gets t....jpg

Anonymous No. 124009

This is an Osumo thread, so Osumo terms will be used. If you want to change something, change yourself and learn the terms, because nobody is going to change to appease people like you.

Anonymous No. 124012

I'm not the anon in >>123963.
I was simply adding that I've heard that same nonsense before and that he did not make it up out of thin air.

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Anonymous No. 124057


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Cheers to the hoo....png

Anonymous No. 124067

That's exactly what it is. Nobody gives a fuck about the trash that is amateur or international sumo. Osumo, meaning NHK sumo, is what we always talk about in these threads.

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Anonymous No. 124068

>he doesn’t know it’s pronounced ozumo

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tfw yusho hopes d....png

Anonymous No. 124070

more of these edits is welcomed

Anonymous No. 124071

Sure I do, I was taught by the best.

Anonymous No. 124088

>Watch weeb sport
>Be surprised when people use weeb terms
Reddit is that way

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Anonymous No. 124111

Chiyonofuji and Kitanoumi, his superior

Anonymous No. 124117

There are indeed many kinds of belt, and we use different terminology for them to reflect those many kinds and differentiate them from each other. It is not uncommon to use foreign-language terms in such a way. Fencing uses many French words in a technical sense, polo games are divided into chukkas. Sumo is no different and it makes sense to use simple Japanese words to discuss sumo-specific concepts.

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Anonymous No. 124242

>Worldc Up in a few weeks
>basho in four days
>Waka and Keisho both healthy & forming bids for their next highest rank, openings at the top have never been more available for them
>Shodai kadoban, sure to put on a stronger performance to maintain ozeki as per the plan
>Atamifuji ready to ply his trade against top rankers
>it's already minus fucking 30 outside
Yep, I'm thinkin its gonna be a comfy fuckin month bros

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Chiyonoyama Masan....jpg

Anonymous No. 124246

I think Chiyonoyama was more aesthetic than Chiyonofuji. The latter had bigger muscles, but that isn't all there is to a look.

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Anonymous No. 124247


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Anonymous No. 124252

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The Wolf.jpg

Anonymous No. 124293

The steroids used by the Wolf give him a bonus....

Anonymous No. 124347

To the size of his muscles, but not the beauty of his shape.
For example, you wouldn't say Takarafuji looks better than Kotonowaka because Takarafuji is more muscular. It's only that Kotonowaka looks ridiculous.

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Anonymous No. 124356

Takakeisho has the most aesthetic sumo body. perfect spheremode

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 124376



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Anonymous No. 124379

Anonymous No. 124384

The waka henka was a poetic justice one.

Anonymous No. 124388

>finished my studies, got my degree
> now working full time
> evening shifts, come back home at midnight

Time to get comfy, and watch some sumo till 5 am, then sleep and off to work again. I really lucked out

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Anonymous No. 124393

I giggled at this final bit

Anonymous No. 124447

>Ichinojo is suspected of using physical violence against his own stables Okami-san
>Also has serious drinking problem

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Anonymous No. 124450


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Anonymous No. 124455

Ichi wasn't sleepy, he was just permanently hungover/tired from beating women

Anonymous No. 124470

Needs new Ichinojo in F tier

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Anonymous No. 124486

Anonymous No. 124493


Anonymous No. 124497

going swimmin

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Anonymous No. 124498


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Anonymous No. 124500


Anonymous No. 124515


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Anonymous No. 124521

Oh, we're doing the "Weird stuff with Ura" thing?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 124551

>using physical violence against his own stables Okami-san
From what I've seen those bitches treat the rikishi like dogs they can't beat without fear of consequence. If this is true, then I'm glad Nojo put the bitch in her fucking place.

Anonymous No. 124552

>beating women
Fuck off with your white knight faggotry.

Anonymous No. 124553

>based Ura
G'damn that motherfucker is entertaining as hell.

Anonymous No. 124554

It's a fact, m8
Beating women is exhausting

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I will show him w....webm

Anonymous No. 124555

Not really.

Anonymous No. 124558

Seems like he just shrugged her off when she tried to drag him home from the bar, and she got mildly hurt as a result. He'll probably get a new nickname in the power ranking chart but it doesn't look like he's going to be forcibly retired for brutalising women, seems like he just needs some kind of intervention for the drinking.

Anonymous No. 124559

The initial report about him physically hurting okami-san made it sound much worse than it really was

Anonymous No. 124566

Ishiura is still out:

Anonymous No. 124576

>Oshoryu and Daiseizan out

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Anonymous No. 124581

Do we think he's done? He's 32. A Terunofuji/Ura style comeback is hard to imagine at that age.
Why is he still hanging on otherwise, though?

Anonymous No. 124582

He's gotta be finished.

Anonymous No. 124583

So he'll be at or around Sd25 in January.

Anonymous No. 124585

Propably getting his future together before announcing his retirement and leaving stable life

Anonymous No. 124586

his dad runs one of the best high school sumo programs, and Ishiura jr will surely be taking over, and providing a pipeline to Miyagino

Anonymous No. 124608

few hours left!
it's time to update the pastebin I guess:

if you spot dead links please report asap

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sumo forum basho ....png

Anonymous No. 124625

the forum has very little hope for Mita 10 wins, but they trust the Shodai plan

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sumo live in engl....jpg

Anonymous No. 124627

damn I forgot that NHK-World added a day

Anonymous No. 124628

MidnightSumo is already streaming

Anonymous No. 124630

jonokuchi just makes me sad though

Anonymous No. 124631

time to migrate as usual:


Anonymous No. 124649

>production team
You mean the NSK intern with the iPhone rig?

Anonymous No. 124713

>you dumbass, that's the jungyo

Apology accepted.

Anonymous No. 124715

The article you were quoting from explicitly said that he was out from the Kofu city jungyo due to his knee injuries and, therefore, his entry into Kyushu was /in question/. I know this because there was only one article out on it at the time, and it used the exact language of your post in the same order as your post; Teru didn't confirm that he'd undergone surgery until 2 days later.

Anonymous No. 124717

I accept your apology.

Anonymous No. 124815

Where can I watch highlights from every tournament in the last 10-20 years?

Anonymous No. 125152

Youtube. Kintamayama has most of the last decade on his channel, the rest you can find by searching for ____ basho highlights

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sumo ankle heem.webm

Anonymous No. 125306

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 125428

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Anonymous No. 125430

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 125544

Good stuff. He seems determined, but we all know how that goes.

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Anonymous No. 125786

Anonymous No. 125787

damn you Argentina for killing our /sp/ thread
can't even open a new one as it gets archived in 8 minutes

and this thread is at bump limit but will get archived in 3 weeks ;_;
oh well, in case you need it, the latest pastebin is this one:

Anonymous No. 125790

Ah well. It’s not like it was unexpected.

Let’s instead bask in the glow of victory from Oho, who finally broke through the mental barrier.

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Anonymous No. 125793

Nephew vs. Grandson Day 15 showdown incoming

Anonymous No. 125797

We can only hope. Nieto has a challenging path. He’s going to get harder opponents and he’s generally pretty slow to learn.

He has Abi next

Anonymous No. 125801

Muh basho thread. Fuck foodball.

Anonymous No. 125803

It’s a good thing. Fewer people will witness Mitakeumi’s utter humiliation.

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Anonymous No. 125804

Poor Mita tho. At this rate he'll drop to maegashira.
Also, Oho's co-lead ends tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 125805

Seriously. 6 wins would not be enough to stay in the sanyaku for Mita. He has Sobrino next, who is extremely motivated right now.

Nieto, he looks calm to me. Even bored. No nerves, no panic. He looks like he’s in a good headspace.
Yes, obviously Abi should beat him, but former sanyaku Onosho and Aoiyama should have as well.

I think Oho’s goal is double digits and maybe a Sansho, if he even has a goal at all. Maybe he’s really just taking each match as it comes.

Anonymous No. 125824

Are we trying to get a thread running on >>>/sp/ again or will we stay on >>>/xs/ until that abomination of a WCS ends?

Anonymous No. 125825

>Mitakeumi’s utter humiliation.
this has been the best part of the badho for me after the slimy bastard preserved his rank with
>muh covid
which caused everyone else on the brink of mk to do it to, thus ruining the tournament and fucking a bunch of guys.
mita was never really good, and its showing through now. bastard gives up anytime its not an immediate win for him

Anonymous No. 125827

/sp/ is useless

Anonymous No. 125828

second attempt got archived. We might as well wait until the basho starts running today; we're just going to get archived rep2dnhweatedly until then

Anonymous No. 125829

Even his humiliation has kind of sucked. He doesn’t seem to care. I want to see him raging or panicking.

Look at Atamifuji against Kotoeko yesterday. He lost a match he knows he should have won and pounded the clay in frustration. There’s a guy who cares. And when that happens you don’t want him to lose.

Mitakeumi, on the other hand, has just gone all floppy and is looking forward to easy 8-7 basho against mid carders.

Anonymous No. 125830

We might as well stay here or create a new thread for the basho. We cannot post quickly enough to keep up with the World Cup and all the tourists that come with it.

Anonymous No. 125831

Don't think an /sp/ thread can survive until the WC matches are done for the day and the basho is at least at makushita so there's something people might actually discuss while bouts are ongoing. We'd get bumped off in 20-30 minutes as it stands

Anonymous No. 125832

>Look at Atamifuji against Kotoeko yesterday. He lost a match he knows he should have won and pounded the clay in frustration. There’s a guy who cares. And when that happens you don’t want him to lose.
And I guarantee Atamifuji got yelled at by his stablemaster and any other JSA elder who saw him before he apologized. I'm surprised he wasn't told to apologize in his next backstage interview. Muh stoic emotionless sumo, emotion not allowed.

Anonymous No. 125833

Lol, he was most definitely “talked to” for that. Then again, he’s still just a kid and he’s obviously autistic so he has difficulty regulating his emotions.

I’m happy to see someone who competes to win and who gets bothered by losing, unlike our ozeki (and former ozeki)

Anonymous No. 125834

Kotonowaka absolutely got that decision based on his family connections. There was an identical situation earlier this basho where the ruling went the other way. PATHETIC.

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Anonymous No. 125835

Fuck off

Anonymous No. 125836

Midorifuji has gotten an absolutely outrageous schedule so far this basho

Anonymous No. 125837

Yeah the exact same situation was ruled in favor of the rikshi driving the other out only a few days ago

Anonymous No. 125838

you don't know the rules and that's okay, but shut the fuck up until you do

🗑️ Anonymous No. 125839


Anonymous No. 125840


Anonymous No. 125841

Takarafuji was fully in air while outside of the ring when Nishikigi drove him out

Anonymous No. 125843

When the chief judge speaks after a mono-ii he explains their reasoning. If you’re unable to understand what he says, then you’re only guessing.

They don’t just say “yeah, we talked about it…so-and-so won. Next bout.”

Anonymous No. 125844


Anonymous No. 125845

Takarafuji will survive this basho if he even gets 2 wins.
No one in juryo is really standing out, while Terutsuyoshi is indefensible and Chiyotairyu’s retirement opening must be filled.
Atamifuji doesn’t look like he’s getting a KK either.

Anonymous No. 125846

Except Isegahama didn’t really explain it and if you watched or understood you would know that.
>"We talked it over, and concluded Daieisho's hand touched down first. Kotonowaka wins."

Anonymous No. 125847

What are we supposed to see? Kotonowaka is in mid air having just executed a throw on Daieisho, whose hand is touching the ground.
That’s a win for quadboobs.

Anonymous No. 125848

Now you’re just seething. Take the L. Find a better hill to die on.

Anonymous No. 125849

>Takarafuji was fully in air while outside of the ring when Nishikigi drove him out
Kotonowaka is fully in the air outside the ring after being driven out lol, he didn’t execute shit

Anonymous No. 125850

You’re coping now that your only argument has been shot to hell. I still like quatros tetas but this was a major nepotism babby incident. Would’ve preferred to see how he recovered from 5-5

Anonymous No. 125851

See >>125848

Anonymous No. 125852

I swear to fuck, 9 new posters come in and ask
>hey, I’m new, can someone explain why X won but Y lost?
And /sumo/ is super-supportive.

Then there’s 1 fuckstick who decides he’s and expert midway through his first basho. So tiresome.

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Anonymous No. 125853


Anonymous No. 125854

Read up on the dead body rule. Then read it again. Then read it a third time. Then stop posting here forever.

Anonymous No. 125855

Yes I’m familiar and Kotonowaka was a dead body. It was the exact same situation as Takarafuji lol

Anonymous No. 125856

Question: who gets madder? The guy who doesn’t understand the rules or the guy that assumes everything is racism/corruption?

Anonymous No. 125857

In our case, it’s the same guy, misinterpreting a rule to imply corruption.

I mean , if nepotism really came into play to the extent he believes it does then Kotonowaka would be komusubi right now.

Anonymous No. 125858

It’s still 4chan and guys still assume everyone is going to be a jerk so they show up super aggro . A shame, because this is probably the most comfy general otherwise.

Anonymous No. 125860

Takarafuji was just falling. Kotonowaka was executing a throw.

Anonymous No. 125861

I pointed out a flawed decision and a bunch of people came in seething lol I don’t know what you’re on about

Anonymous No. 125862

He wasn’t, but this is the most reasonable response so far

Anonymous No. 125863

>I pointed out a flawed decision
You pointed out a decision you didn’t understand and anons tried to help clarify it for you.

Anonymous No. 125864

You are intentionally misrepresenting my point, I said that he got a favorable call in a controversial situation because of his family even though the call went against Takarafuji in the same situation. He isn’t being promoted due to corruption but he absolutely benefitted there in a close situation from his connections.

Anonymous No. 125865

I understand the rules just fine brother, and I watched them be interpreted subjectively based on the wrestlers involved

Anonymous No. 125866

Ok so what’s your solution? Go to Japan? Write some angry letters? We’ll get Chris on the case to get an explanation directly from Isegahama?

Let’s be proactive instead of just whining.

Anonymous No. 125867

No, I’m not seeking any resolution. I’m making an observation about the basho. It’s not that deep.

Anonymous No. 125868

That doesn’t hold water though. Sadogatake is influential, yes, but Takarafuji’s oyakata is literally the chief judge. Why doesn’t Takarafuji get the rub?

Anonymous No. 125869

>It’s not that deep.
You don’t fucking say…

Anonymous No. 125870

Isegahama isn’t under any external pressure to make a call in favor of his wrestlers. It would be much more suspicious if he had done that. More beneficial to him to make a call in favor of the relative of an influential member of the community.

Anonymous No. 125871

>conspiracy BS
Okay, I get it now. You’re trying to LARP as Chris Sumo, right?

Anonymous No. 125872

Lmfao it’s not conspiracy BS it’s a basic understanding of social dynamics. I guess I shouldn’t have expected /xs/ autists to understand.

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Anonymous No. 125873

>Everybody is telling me I am wrong about something I am not well-informed on
>Could it be that I am actually wrong?
>No, everybody else must be

Anonymous No. 125874

>it’s not a conspiracy, you just gotta connect the dots, man
>I have unique insight into the minds of geriatric Japanese men!

Anonymous No. 125875

>The mind of a Japanese man works differently than that of any other person

Anonymous No. 125876

>Well-informed on the rules and culture of sumo
>Make a remark about how Kotonowaka got a questionable call in his favor
>Everybody is reacting hysterically to it as if I’m accusing the Sumo Association of widescale corruption

Anonymous No. 125877

>Well-informed on the rules and culture of sumo
Translation: this is my second basho but I’ve watched enough anime to be Japanese in spirit.

Anonymous No. 125878

I dunno. I think he’s funny.

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Anonymous No. 125879


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Anonymous No. 125883

what now planbros?

Anonymous No. 125884

win 4 more and keep rank

Anonymous No. 125903

Intentionally being demoted only to 9-5 in January, winning the last bout and regaining ozeki just to prove he can

Anonymous No. 125935

>I’ve watched enough anime to be Japanese in spirit.
This, but unironically. I know a bunch of rikishi are weebs, so I know what they're thinking.

Anonymous No. 125937

No, he's obnoxious and he ruins the comfy vibe. The sooner he accepts the fact that he will never be a woman (or Japanese) and hangs himself, the better.

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Anonymous No. 125947


🗑️ Anonymous No. 125953

last time I watched sumo (maybe a year or more ago) posture princess was a thing, is she still a thing?

Anonymous No. 125954

Asanoyama BTFO

Anonymous No. 125956

Does any of you guys practice sumo wrestling ?

Anonymous No. 125988

...another WC upset crushes our thread on /sp/.

Anonymous No. 125989

soccer henkaed us again on /sp/
see you guys there around 2am CET for the new daily thread

Anonymous No. 125990

Who /keepsrefreshingNikkanSportstoseeifMitakeumihaskilledhimself/ here?

Anonymous No. 125994

i hate divegrass

Anonymous No. 125997

dohyobros... this injury will send our guy plummeting down the banzuke....

Anonymous No. 125998

Yeah. Those threads are a good example that too many headers are seemingly not beneficial for your IQ.

Anonymous No. 125999

And it was, ironically enough, Japan who killed it.

Anonymous No. 126000

I think Oho has a better chance to beat Hoshoryu than he does against Abi.

Oho hasn't figured out the flowchart yet, but Hoshoryu might go want to go chest to chest and turn the bout into a contest of strength, which could favor Oho (or at least give him a fighter's chance.)

Anonymous No. 126001


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shodai lost his c....jpg

Anonymous No. 126006

/sp/ bros...

Anonymous No. 126010

What's the reason we migrate to /sp/ for the basho, anyway?

Anonymous No. 126011

introduce more people to sumo. xs has zero traffic

Anonymous No. 126012

Before there was an /xs/ that was just the spot sumo talk happened, so tradition holds

The threads usually die at or near bump limit on normal months, it's honestly just the world cup's fault. Idk if we should just keep making new threads in the evening NA time and accept that we'll have to make a new one every day, or just stay here for the last few

Anonymous No. 126013

I don't see the problem with daily threads, everyone here know already how it works and how much patience the situation requires
thank god it happens only every 4 years

Anonymous No. 126021

thread for day 12 is up:


Anonymous No. 126072


Anonymous No. 126082

imagine if he says "my brand of sumo" in the title interview

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Anonymous No. 126091

36th Kimura Shonosuke passed away yesterday at age 74 due to a lung cancer
Heres his last bout

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9 (11).jpg

Anonymous No. 126092


Anonymous No. 126097

>I cannot imagine an opponent scarier than 7 loss kadoban Shodai
"Fuck, look what you made me do. Now I have to use 10% of my power for the rest of the basho." —Shodai, probably.

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Anonymous No. 126106

>tfw pooped muh mawashi

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Anonymous No. 126107

Oho with the "are you not entertained?" post at the end.

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Anonymous No. 126108

All aboard the Kanazawa Express.
Next stop; Yusho.

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are you not enter....png

Anonymous No. 126109


Anonymous No. 126111

Fucking wild. I have no idea who will win this basho.

Anonymous No. 126112

>Fucking wild. I have no idea who will win this basho.
The boring answer is Takakeisho.
Takayasu will beat Oho and then choke against whomever.
Takakeisho will win out.

The most fun timeline would be the one where Sobrino and Nieto win out and face each other in a playoff.

Anonymous No. 126115

Possible future matchups between the top 6:

Keisho vs. Nephew
Keisho vs. Oho
Keisho vs. Abi
Keisho vs. Kagayaki

Yasu vs. Oho
Yasu vs. Abi
Yasu vs. Kagayaki

Nephew vs. Abi
Nephew vs. Kagayaki

Abi vs. Kagayaki

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Anonymous No. 126120

Is there any more beautiful word in the English language than "Hamsterzuna"?

I think not.

Anonymous No. 126121

I have my hopes set on Punished Wakatakakage frustrated about his record to stop the Bowling Ball on Day 14. Keisho has lost to Waka many times before. Waka will get the job done.
Unless Keisho decides to henka again like the bitch he is.

Anonymous No. 126123

save it for Sunday in case he will catch the leaders; oh wait, you want to jinx it right? :D

Anonymous No. 126143

Predictions for tomorrow

>Hoshoryu v Takakeisho
Hoshoryu still seething from loss to Nieto. Takakeisho henka + slapdown.
>Takayasu v Oho
Oho knocked out by Takayasu's forearm blast tachiai
>Abi v Kagayaki
Abi applies flowchart successfully

Takayasu finishes the day in sole possession of first place.
Abi, Keisho, Oho, Hoshoryu one win behind.

Day 14:
Takayasu v Abi
Keisho v Oho
Hoshoryu v Nishikifuji

Anonymous No. 126144

>Day 14
Oho in ER with concussion and broken jaw.
Hoshoryu also in ER having suffered a rage-induced stroke.

Anonymous No. 126147

Day 15:

Anonymous No. 126151

day 13 thread is up:


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TAMAWASHI vs URA ....webm

Anonymous No. 126194

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Anonymous No. 126203

Takayasu has been incredible this year. Hoshoryu stole his choke energy this time so he’s gonna get the yusho

Anonymous No. 126207

Pretty close, save for the predictions of tomorrow's matchups.

>Takakeisho vs Oho
Oho won't embarrass himself, but he will still lose.
>Abi vs Hoshoryu
Hoshoryu knows how to solve the flowchart
>Takayasu vs Kagayaki
Everyone predicting a Takayasu choke doesn't know how choking works. You have to be on the cusp of victory before choking. Takayasu will win on Day 14 so that he can lose TWICE on Day 15.

Takayasu retains the lead at 12-2 with Hoshoryu and Takakeisho trailing 11-3.

Takakeisho will beat Abi on Day 15.
Takayasu will lose to Kotonowaka (?) on Day 15.
Takakeisho beats Takayasu in the playoff.

If/when Oho loses, he'll probably be so mentally exhausted that he'll lose on Day 15 too to finish 10-5, regardless of who he faces. They'll probably try to motivate him on Day 15 with a "win gets you the Kanto-sho".

Anonymous No. 126208

>They'll probably try to motivate him on Day 15 with a "win gets you the Kanto-sho".

Hiradoumi is quietly having himself a nice little tournament. If he can beat Nishikifuji, I can see the schedulers having Oho and Hiradoumi fight and the winner gets the Fighting Spirit prize.

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Anonymous No. 126211

>implying you can grab my belt

Anonymous No. 126212

Even if he wins this tournament, they're not giving him the white rope with that 10-5 clunker in September.
A 13-2 in January with a win this week would probably be enough.

Anonymous No. 126214

nobody said he was making yokozuna. you are retarded for even thinking anon implied him making yokozuna

Anonymous No. 126215

I wasn't implying anything. I was expressing my own belief on Keisho's chances of making yokozuna and >>126211 had brought up Keisho in his post.

Relax. Not everything is a shitposting fight 100% of the time, even here.

Anonymous No. 126218

you don't make yokozuna with record. it is impossible for him to make it with a yusho win this basho. even talking about it like its a possibility is retarded

Anonymous No. 126219

>it is impossible for him to make it with a yusho win this basho.
Very good.

However, should he continue on his good run of form and achieve a 13-2 jun-yusho then that could be enough. (Obviously a yusho would be enough.)
In 2020, a 12-3 jun-yusho in Aki along with the yusho in Kyushu was considered insufficient for promotion when combined with a number of factors like youth and injury history.

Anonymous No. 126221

After a look at a dozen or so rikishi that I would consider to have been in comparable positions of health and career as Keisho is in right now, I predict that he has somewhere between 24 and 28 basho remaining, assuming about one sit out per year. Enough time to become a yokozuna, no doubt.

Anonymous No. 126226

what was it then?

Anonymous No. 126233

Waiting here until England V USA banter dies down. If it ever does
My money's on Abi. His time has come and Takayasu is still the biggest choker of all time

Anonymous No. 126235

>Shodai's plan fails and goes 4-11 in January
>Terunofuji's knees explode and he quits
What happens then? There's only one Yokozeki when there should be two.
I know this is hypothetical because Terunofuji can literally sit on his ass forever and keep his Yokozuna rank, but theoretically, what would happen?

Anonymous No. 126236

in the case that there's only one yokozeki on the banzuke one of the sekiwake ends up with a freebie promotion to ozeki

Anonymous No. 126237

>but theoretically, what would happen?
No one outside the JSA knows. Hell, even the JSA might not know. It's literally never come up.

The best guess, it seems, is that they would give a one-time-only, free-pass, promotion to the most qualified of the sekiwake, perhaps with some performance caveats.

Anonymous No. 126240


Anonymous No. 126241

probably a tokkurinage.

Anonymous No. 126258

They'd be forced to allow Terunofuji to sit on his ass getting paid and not retiring to keep him on the banzuke if that happened, but it won't. They're desperate enough for a competent wrestler they'd let him sit out until March without recourse.

Anonymous No. 126268

as the other guy said, tokkurinage. Who knows what the consultant is doing behind the scenes to decide kimarite now though

Anonymous No. 126271

thread for day 14 is up:


Anonymous No. 126419

>messi scarrs
>thread dies

Anonymous No. 126420

I hate divegrass so much

Anonymous No. 126422

Fuck abi please finally actually win chokeayusho

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Anonymous No. 126423

>ignoring historical precedent

Anonymous No. 126424

Keywords finally actually

Anonymous No. 126432

>Ishiura dies
>Enho starts bulking
There must always be balance in the manlet force

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Anonymous No. 126434

Anonymous No. 126436

Thoughts on promotions/demotions from juryo to makuuchi?

Chiyotairyu is obviously not coming back.
Atamifuji and Terutsuyoshi are indefensible.

Going up to take their place should be Chiyomaru, Tsurugisho, and Mitoryu.

Takarafuji...miiiiiiight be saved. The sanyaku will go down to 8 men, so that means the M17 rank is back. I think if he can win he might fall to M17.
The other thing to consider is Akua. He's sitting on 10 wins at J5. Historically, that's right at the borderline between going to low M or high J. If gets 11, though, he's certainly earned a promotion.

So my thinking is that if Takarafuji wins, he'll stay. If Akua also wins, he'll probably get fucked or he'll have to hope that Enho beats Chiyomaru, then the Millennium Boulder will be 8-7 and they'll just slide him over from J1w to J1e.

Anonymous No. 126444

Ichinojo - whom the JSA seems to have questioned yesterday - might also be a factor if he's forced to retire. But I honestly doubt it.

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Anonymous No. 126454

bring back this drip and make it five times wider. i'm talking angry bishop brennan width. sumo so traditional a quarter of the arena can't even see it

Anonymous No. 126457

If it were really something serious, he'd be gone already. It's probably like that thing they have with Abi where he submitted his retirement papers and they can choose to accept them whenever they want.

Anonymous No. 126465

Day 15 thread is up:


Anonymous No. 126484

I hear the jsa and everyone else who matters in his situation has expressed they don't want to separate ichinojo, everyone wants him to grow from it and rehabilitate. He obviously has a self control and alcohol problem and I personally (obviously I'm not someone close to him and in the know of the situation) I personally believe it's not too late for him to clean up his act, get some good mental health treatment, and keep wrestling. I think them letting him move out on his own was a big mistake

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Anonymous No. 126524

Anonymous No. 126525

We all guessed there'd be seething after the basho, but I never expected like this.

Abi's going to have a wicked hangover tomorrow morning after drinking way too many haters' tears.

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Anonymous No. 126532

>abi yusho
cut my fucking balls off and call me a tranny because im not living anymore

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Abi Yusho.webm

Anonymous No. 126533

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Anonymous No. 126535

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Anonymous No. 126536

His silence today says it all, quite frankly,

Anonymous No. 126541

He propably went to the yusho welcoming at the front of Shikoroyama-beya and is still editing the material

Anonymous No. 126543

I think he killed himself after Abi's henka

Anonymous No. 126544

More like getting an all exclusive interview with the highly sought after moriurara...

Anonymous No. 126550

Apparently, he was at Sadogatake stable's afterparty. I think he does know Kotoshoho's family personally.

Anonymous No. 126551

I'm happy Abi got a yusho. But seeing Yasu choke again is just depressing. It is not like he hasn't had a good career I just would like to see him once hold the damn cup.

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just boys being d....jpg

Anonymous No. 126552

Abi and Wakamotoharu getting in trouble for posting funny pictures on social media is the most wholesome thing I've ever heard.

Anonymous No. 126560

What went wrong with Ura this time?

Anonymous No. 126564

Nothing really, he's just not ever going to be at peak performance. He needs to be at a rank where he doesn't fight the full sanyaku. So he'll continue to oscillate around probably. He was 4-3 against Maegashira ranks. Watch his day 10 bout he was good.

Anonymous No. 126574

He's over-ranked and injured.

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Anonymous No. 126581

Banzuke prediction.
This time my wife and I decided to stop trying to do it scientifically and instead do it the way the banzuke does it: on a napkin, drinking beers.

Y/O: Terunofuji, Takakeisho
S1: Hoshoryu, Wakatakakage
S2: Takayasu, Shodai
K1: Kiribayama, Kotonowaka
K2: Abi, Meisei
M1: Tobizaru, Daieisho
M2: Wakamotoharu, Mitakeumi
M3: Midorifuji, Tamawashi
M4: Sadanoumi, Nishikifuji
M5: Ryuden, Nishikigi
M6: Hokutofuji, Ichinojo
M7: Myogiryu, Oho
M8: Ura, Onosho
M9: Endo, Takanosho
M10: Tochinoshin, Aoiyama
M11: Chiyoshoma, Hiradoumi
M12: Kotoshoho, Okinoumi
M13: Kotoeko, Kagayaki
M14: Tsurugisho, Ichiyamamoto
M15: Azumaryu, Chiyomaru
M16: Akua, Mitoryu

Demoted: Terutsuyoshi, Atamifuji, Takarafuji
Retired: Chiyotairyu

Anonymous No. 126583

He is over ranked, he's a solid m3/m4 wrestler but anything above is hit or miss. Also he gets into his own head a lot so he probably psyched himself out after day 5.

Anonymous No. 126585

I don't think they'll place Takayasu straight into Sekiwake.

Terunofuji Y
O Takakeisho
Hoshoryu S1 Wakatakakage
Shodai S2
Kiribayama K1 Takayasu
K2 Kotonowaka

Is a way more likely setup.

Anonymous No. 126586

Sounds like you had a fun time. Your handwriting gets worse as you go down the banzuke.

Kotonowaka, quad-boobs
>Nob Dog
Takanosho, it was on his ring apron
>Diet Abi
Ichiyamamoto, lel

What is "Fish" and what does it have to do with Kotoshoho?

Anonymous No. 126587

Meisei is the key log. He's the one clogging up the works. Promote him to komusubi and the rest is easy. If you don't promote him then you can't drop Tobizaru and Daieisho equally.

Or, just fuck Meisei, whatever. Leave him at M2 for a 9-6.

Anonymous No. 126588

My wife has nicknamed Kotonowaka "Fish Lips".
I'm not sure why.

Anonymous No. 126595

I just checked the database and M2 > S with 12 wins has only happened 3 times in history, last time in 1982.

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Anonymous No. 126596

Sorry, I'm retarded

M1 > S w/ 12 wins

Anonymous No. 126597

perhaps you should try your query with Takayasu's actual rank M1e.

It's only happened 9 times before now that an M1 got 12 wins but 7 times the wrestler was promoted to sekiwake. Yasu is the 10th.

Anonymous No. 126598

I feel bad for saltman, I don't know how common a 0-15 is but seems like something that would drag you back into Makushita

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Anonymous No. 126599

Extremely uncommon.

Anonymous No. 126600

It's really uncommon. It's only happened 3 times since WW2, but he should only fall to mid- to low-juryo.

I mean, if he got injured and went kyujo, we would not assume he'd end up in makushita, right?

Anonymous No. 126601

Only once in history has someone started a tournament in makuuchi and been in makushita the next. It simply doesn't happen.

Anonymous No. 126602

Kyujo from mid Juryo is a definite drop to Makushita.

Anonymous No. 126604

From juryo to makushita is common

From MAKUUCHI to makushita is unheard-of. No one skips an entire division.

Anonymous No. 126606

Yes, that's what I'm saying. Teretsuyoshi is gonna drop to lower-mid Juryo in one go, and if he's kyujo in January, he's definitely down in mid Makushita, if he's lucky.

Anonymous No. 126608

Oh, yeah, that's definitely the case.

That said, he wasn't so injured that he couldn't compete and he's only 27, so maybe he can rehab and come back to...being a low maegashira speedbump for young kids like Oho and Atamifuji.

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m1 or m2 with 10 ....png

Anonymous No. 126609

don't use such strict parameters when doing a query
>10 works

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Anonymous No. 126610

BBM Japan banzuke prediction:

Anonymous No. 126611

I don't read moonrune yet

Anonymous No. 126614

Y: Terunofuji
O: Takakeisho
S: Wakatakakage, Hoshoryu
S: Takayasu, Shodai
K: Kiribayama, Kotonowaka
K: Meisei, Wakamotoharu
M1: Tobizaru, Daieisho
M2: Abi, Mitakeumi
M3: Midorifuji, Tamawashi
M4: Nishikifuji, Sadanoumi
M5: Ryuden, Nishikigi
M6: Nishikifuji, Myogiryu
M7: Onosho, Oho
M8: Ichinojo, Ura
M9: Endo, Hiradoumi
M10: Takanosho, Tochinoshin
M11: Aoiyama, Chiyoshoma
M12: Kagayaki, Okinoumi
M13: Kotoshoho, Kotoeko
M14: Tsurugisho, Ichiyamamoto
M15: Azumaryu, Akua
M16: Mitoryu, Chiyomaru

Anonymous No. 126615

Shit. Beers anon and his wife weren't too far off. >>126581
They swapped Abi and Wakamotoharu, but that's the only real difference.

Maybe that really is what the banzuke committee does. Or that Japanese sports paper, at least.

Anonymous No. 126616

Are these people known for good, bad or middling predictions?

Anonymous No. 126617

those queries involving promotions to sanyaku always miss half the picture; was the total number of sanyaku enlarging, shrinking or remaining equal? was the sekiwake slot just vacant or were they forced to create a new slot? so many hidden factors to consider

Anonymous No. 126619

Fucking learn. It's not that hard.
Linguistically the language is actually extremely simple. (The cultural-context part of the language is ridiculous, though.)

Anonymous No. 126624

Make me

Anonymous No. 126625

You can lead a horse to water, but you can never make it smarter than a horse.

Anonymous No. 126626

Enho at J3w will need at least a 9-6 to hope to be back in Makuuchi
unfortunately that Juryo looks stacked

any hint from Tokushoryu about a possible retirement?

Anonymous No. 126627

Surely Kotoshoho is "fish lips"

Anonymous No. 126628

Yes, you're right. I got my Kotos mixed up. Kotonowaka (Kotozakura II) is quadboobs (or '4').

Anonymous No. 126630

Well that's an exclusive club

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Anonymous No. 126635

trophy for most wins (57) in the year

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Anonymous No. 126636

>those queries involving promotions to sanyaku always miss half the picture;
they do. i looked at daiesho's one beca some anon mentioned it and its much different than our current sanyaku. 4 people are falling out of sanyaku after this compared to none on that other. also two yokozuna and three ozeki

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Anonymous No. 126637


Anonymous No. 126638

>WTK is already bumming back to barely scrapping 8 wins in the softest sumo has been
This really is the highlight of his career. I'll be surprised if he can stay in named ranks by the end of the year

Anonymous No. 126641

archive here:

for the November banzuke they predicted Kiribayama to be Sekiwake, they had Ichinojo at M4w instead of M2w etc.; so yeah they do mistakes

Anonymous No. 126643

>so yeah they do mistakes
If they didn't, then Guess The Banzuke wouldn't exist. No one and no system is ever exactly right.

Anonymous No. 126650

Is there anywhere a listing of "most wins per year" by year? 57 seems very low. That's just 9,5 wins per hon-basho on average.

Anonymous No. 126656


Anonymous No. 126657

Sumoforum might have a list, but I doubt it. Here's the top five (6) for wins per year all time, Hak holds the record with 86.

1位 白鵬 翔

2位 朝青龍 明徳

3位 北の湖 敏満

4位 大鵬 幸喜

5位 千代の富士 貢

同5位 貴乃花 光司

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Anonymous No. 126658

it appears that my superiority has led to some controversy

Anonymous No. 126659

abi will be removed

Anonymous No. 126661

RIP yutakayama

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Anonymous No. 126662


Anonymous No. 126663

That seems abrupt, yoyoing between makuuchi and juryo at that age seems like a decent career. Spooked out of it by injuries to himself and others, perhaps?

Anonymous No. 126664

Maybe the sad face wasn't just his resting expression.

Anonymous No. 126668

Relatively new to sumo, can someone explain all the hate for chris? His vids make it really easy to fallow tournaments. Is he an asshole off camera or something?

Anonymous No. 126669

He adds a lot of his own conjecture into his "reporting" and passes it off as fact.

Anonymous No. 126670

He's a less comprehensive NattoSumo making less entertaining content than Sumo Prime Time. I watch him on x2 speed to make the sound of him sniffing his own farts less audible through his speech and I try to not watch his stuff at all during the basho

Anonymous No. 126671

He sperged out at other random sumo youtubers for uploading matches or something a long time ago, too. People who didnt give shit about him so he had no reason to. Also he just editorializes everything and doesnt disclose whats fact and whats not and since virtually nobody else around can read japanese newspapers you just have to take him at his word sometimes. He has good camera angles though and covers some lower ranked stuff.

Anonymous No. 126672

along with the other replies,
>Is he an asshole off camera or something?
Yes. He also seems stalkerish, and delusional about his own importance, which makes it that much harder to listen to him

Anonymous No. 126673

Apparently he has elbow pain, which does sorta fuck you out of both pushing and mawashi wrestling...

Anonymous No. 126675

Honestly when it comes to matches and recaps Chris is fine especially for a beginner. It's just his news and rumor "reporting" that you ignore.

Anonymous No. 126676

>He sperged out at other random sumo youtubers for uploading matches or something
I forgot all about that. Wasn't he taking unprompted shots at Jason, calling him lazy and not a real fan because Jason doesn't know Japanese?

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Anonymous No. 126679

Is he going to remove Abi in January?

Anonymous No. 126680

He may not be back for January. Or at least I think it would be a mistake, given the YDC chairman himself implied Teru has their approval to take his time coming back.

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Anonymous No. 126682

Chris is great it’s really just one shill that won’t stop sucking off sumo prime time

Anonymous No. 126683

Just don't believe certain things he says about wrestler comments and the weird conspiracies he endorses. His footage and match analysis is very good though.

Anonymous No. 126684

>Hello everyone,
>You may have noticed that the sumo association recently posted a fully subtitled video (even if the subtitles were sub-standard). I am sure this is partly connected to a conversation I had with them on February 28th (outside Wakatakakage's stable), in which I told them just how many people would likely appreciate such subtitles.
>At the time they were very frosty about it, and dismissed my offer of helping them with the project - simply staring me down in the street like in some kind of wild west standoff. The result? We have a video subtitled by a Japanese person not quite up to the job, because, in sumo association eyes, rather that than have any meaningful relationship with a native English speaker. This is actually a Japan-wide problem, as those of you who live here very likely know.
>Let me assure you that a central aim of this channel is to ensure that none of you who wish to be deeply involved in sumo get rebuffed, brushed off and disrespected in the same way - especially if you move all the way to Japan for this purpose. It is a crying shame association staff, to a man, behave like this; the wrestlers themselves, on the whole, are much more accommodating and less prejudiced in their views. Hats off to them.
>My channel will continue to fight the entrenched prejudice that non-Japanese can't possibly understand sumo deeply. Don't worry - I won't bang on about it in every video as that would spoil your entertainment, but just know that I am fighting your corner on this, day in and day out. Non-Japanese KNOWLEDGE of sumo WILL be recognized.

Anonymous No. 126685

>kotonowaka 55 wins
>wtk 57 wins
>kotonowaka also had to pull out of July early

Kotonowaka is the real winner and he just turned 25.

Anonymous No. 126689

The only thing kotonokaka will win is a third pair of tits

Anonymous No. 126690

I'm a fan of all three, Abi, Keisho, Yasu.
But for some reason I just can't enjoy that systematic destruction of Yasu's spirit. 4 fucking times since I started watching sumo, he was so close. The cup was within his grasp. And each time this shit happens. Humiliating loss to Aoiyama. Abi. Wakataka. Abi again, each time worse and worse. Shit's insane.
And he's prolly injured now, on top of all this.

As for Keisho. Man... maybe, horizontal rope is just not his destiny. Not gonna stop believing.

And Abi. Well, I was memeing about CHAOS BASHO, and memes turned into reality. But I'm so sad for Yasu, that I can't even enjoy it.
Though, this achievement is moumental. Three consecutive REMOVALS. The cup was deserved. It wasn't some gimmick random ass yusho. He fought for it, and he claimed it. Would love to see him as Ozeki one day, cuz why not. Everyone know about flowchart, but is it THAT easy to solve, when he's so precise and ruthless?

Anonymous No. 126692

all i want is an 11 or 12 win Shodai in January, get some fighting spirit award. Then have him immediately get some lousy 5 win March basho. Just to get the haters going again.

Anonymous No. 126693


Anonymous No. 126697

Apparently Abi said Terao is in the hospital during his speech.

Anybody have more details?

Anonymous No. 126698

He has heart problems

Anonymous No. 126700

OK, let me breakdown step by step why the Daieisho situation is relevant to the claim that Takayasu will most likely not be bumped straight to sekiwake

(1) Standard sanyaku slot is 2 S and 2 K. This does not change with the number of ozeki/yokozuna.
(2) Every time you see an S2 or K2, they are "forced" slots that are created due to special circumstances (what they are is what is being argued but generally ozekiwake demotion or 11+ wins at a rank directly below it)
(3) When a forced slot is vacated, it is not filled the same way as a regular slot does, it simply vanishes because the NSK is stingy and it costs them money
(4) The basho with Daieisho 13-2 Y had no extra S nor K slots and all sanyaku are KK. Any promotion that they have to make, they will have to force a sanyaku slot and they went with giving him K2. This was controversial when it came out because it was regarded as an unprecedented level of shafting that goes counter to many previous cases, but so far it has been adhered to in every following high M yusho case like Ichinojo and Tamawashi this year.
(5) The current basho has 1 forced S slot from Mitakeumi falling into sekiwake the past basho, and 2 extra K slots from Tobizaru getting a winning record at M1E and Daieisho falling from sekiwake 7-8 in the previous basho.
(6) The 4 people falling out of sanyaku from this basho came from 1 forced sekiwake slot, 1 regular komusubi spot, and 2 forced komusubi spot. We have 2 standard sekiwake spot and 1 standard komusubi spot filled from incumbent kachi koshi.
(7) That leaves Takayasu free to jump in to the regular empty komusubi spot. There is no need for them to make an extra sekiwake spot for him at all, he already has an empty regular sanyaku spot to go to and his claim to an extra S is weaker than Daieisho's (12-3 D vs 13-2 Y)

Anonymous No. 126703

He''s a Jew who is desperate to insert himself into the Sumo world to "open it up" and fight for justice by riling up westerners in true journo scum style. His goal is to cuck Sumo, and given half a chance he will destroy it.

Anonymous No. 126704

Ozeki Abi by the end of summer

Anonymous No. 126707

Wtf I hate chris now? I want LESS english speaking outreach because uhhhh, chris's standards are higher than filming his TV with an Ipad.
We should have every thread in entirely japanese and petition the /sp/ mods to ban all non jap balls who attempt to post in /sumo/ generals, to btfo the chris libs epic style.

Anonymous No. 126709

Name ONE sumo news channel better than Chris

Anonymous No. 126711

That World of Sumo one with the incomprehensible Scottish accented speaker.

Granted, they're just news aggregators, but that's all I want.

Anonymous No. 126713

>special circumstances (what they are is what is being argued but generally ozekiwake demotion
>ozeki demotion
so shodai them?
daiesho himself had another slot opened for him just last tournament from covid pull outs
2014 tochiozan is an example of someone getting it without any of your conditions
>tamawashi and ichinojo
m3 and m2w isn't m1e. they opened komosubi for tamawashi AND tobizaru in tom tournament and ichi got a normal slot with them opening a k slot fir Kirabayama, both theese without any special circumstances
to speculate to on positions, theyre diwn to one ozeki and questionable people to make it. the more at sanyaku, the easier it is to justify when an ozeki run could happen
face it Chris-chan. you don't know jack shit on what they'd do either

Anonymous No. 126714

Now you're getting it

Anonymous No. 126715

Chris has a long record of shit behind him, just look at the replies and even that's not enough, he's a fucking sperg.

Anonymous No. 126716

another one that surrenders against the subpar rikishi lifestyle of the 21st century. Not surprising.

Anonymous No. 126717

I'm a different anon. I liked chris when I first got into sumo because it helped introduce me to the sport. But I can't watch him anymore. My problem with him is he puts words in wrestlers mouths and infers things based on nonverbal ques "you can tell just how badly kiribayama wanted that one you can see the memories of last autumn in his eyes" no you can't chris stop dramatizing. He also states his opinions as if that's how every japenese sumo fan also feels. "old time fans including myself didn't like the henka" *can hear cheers in the crowd and see old jap men spitting out beer and laughing at the henka in footage* If he tried to be more impartial and not so self absorbed it would be a better channel. For me it's world of sumo, he might be scottish, but he's not chris

Anonymous No. 126718

They should try unionizing again. Who should be this generation's Tenryuu?

Anonymous No. 126719

Only a brainlet would take anything Chris says about what a wrestler feels as fact. You do realise you can listen to what he says as "Chris's opinion", and he usually brings more context to a bout than I can remember, such as what happened when they faced this opponent last time, and what school or uni they went to.

Truly, only a yank would hear a journalist speak and feel that they should believe exactly what they hear.

Anonymous No. 126720

>Truly, only a yank would hear a journalist speak and feel that they should believe exactly what they hear.
I mean, you're just meme'ing "hurr, Murricans" but you're also not wrong.
Americans are still conditioned to believe in an impartial media and are not taught media literacy in school.

Anonymous No. 126724

>Wtf I hate chris now?
lmao that dude was digging his own grave in the sumo community since forever; spamming his self-published books everywhere including Wikipedia; offending people in the forum, even Doreen Simmons; some of his post are still there, click on the dates to read them:

jesus f. christ why the yakuza didn't take care of this cancer yet? useless organization

Anonymous No. 126727

What are the odds that all the English-language sumo commentators who are currently malding over Abi's henka would be praising Takayasu if he'd henka'd to win in the playoffs?

It's not even like it's particularly unusual for Abi. He did the same thing against Wakatakakage on Day 12. (I'll leave it up to Abi to decide whether it's a henka or just a stick-and-move tachiai.)

Even my girlfriend, who's been watching sumo with me for less than a year asked
>Is Abi going to do that jump-to-the-side thing at the start?

Anonymous No. 126729

we reached the images 150 limit
it's time for the new thread:


Anonymous No. 126739

Shodai will get S2 next basho because of ozekiwake demotion.
Daieisho got K2 last basho because S going 7-8 never fall lower than K in like 50 years, it basically works the same way with ozekiwake demotion.
Tochiozan 2014 got S2 with 11+ wins at K. This is the only scenario where you can force S2 nowadays.
Kiribayama and Tobizaru got K2 for winning records at M1E. Those are the special conditions.
These are all reasoned historical precedent. "They will promote Takayasu to S because they're desperate for ozeki" is fanfic.

Anonymous No. 128054

he's got some fierce nipps, that's for sure