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🧵 /sumo/ - Off Basho Sumo General

Anonymous No. 126728

agent of chaos edition

Next banzuke announcement: December 26
Next basho: January 8-22
Current banzuke:
Current pastebin:

Previous thread:

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Anonymous No. 126730


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Anonymous No. 126731


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Anonymous No. 126732


Anonymous No. 126733

sweet reddit meltdown

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Anonymous No. 126734

>that haircut in the left

Anonymous No. 126735

I personally do not like abi because his style of sumo is ugly and he looks like a frog, but good on him for winning the yusho

Anonymous No. 126736

Yutakayama retired
his last bout ends with a smile:

Anonymous No. 126737

It really is.

It's just one hissyfit over the "validity" of the henka after another.

>I've never seen anyone ever pull a henka in good faith
What the fuck does that even mean? The only things you can do in the ring that aren't in good faith is throw the fight or cheat.

If we were to hypothetically get rid of the henka, why stop there? A slap-down isn't really "honest" sumo. And, sorry, Hoshoryu, but your leg trips aren't "honestly" pitting your strength against your opponents.
Ura, whatever the fuck you're doing, just stop all of it. It's "dishonest".
Takakeisho, you're good as soon as you stop "dishonestly" slapping people.

These people don't realize that if got their way, sumo would be entirely populated by clones of Ichinojo.

Anonymous No. 126747

Henka is a self-correcting problem, really. If you become known as 'the one who pulls henkas' what results is that people start pulling henkas on you.

Anonymous No. 126750

Additionally, it's actually a pretty risky maneuver. These nu-fans think it's an instant win trick.

In the playoff, had Takayasu not received a concussion and been able to keep fighting, Abi would have been at a considerable disadvantage since Takayasu didn't bite on the henka and go flying a la Hokutofuji did against Takakeisho in September.
His face was in contact with Abi's chest. As soon as Abi landed, Takayasu would have been driving him towards the bales.

The part that sucks is that Takayasu got injured, not that he lost.

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Anonymous No. 126758

This is a tricky banzuke to guess. There's too many guys who should be M1.

This is the best I could do.

Anonymous No. 126760

Wouldn’t an extra top division spot open with yutakayamas retirement

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Anonymous No. 126761

Third generation sanyaku

The baby faced assassin kotonowaka

Anonymous No. 126762

He was in Juryo.

Anonymous No. 126763

>Wouldn’t an extra top division spot open with yutakayamas retirement
There would be an extra spot in juryo, since he was j4 this tournament.
Chiyotairyu opened up a spot in makuuchi.
Anon has 42 guys on his makuuchi banzuke. That's the limit. No more no less.

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Anonymous No. 126766

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Anonymous No. 126768


Anonymous No. 126769

YDC has gathered and announced that if Takakeisho gets convincing yusho next basho they will recommend him up for a promotion. Zensho-yusho should do it

Anonymous No. 126770


Anonymous No. 126771

With how purple-faced he gets in bouts lasting longer than 7 seconds it'll be wild to see the first yokozuna to ever die while performing their first ring entrance ceremony

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Anonymous No. 126772

From SF

Anonymous No. 126774

Interesting. He's certainly been better the last few months compared to the past three years when he couldn't even manage to complete three tournaments in a row.
(Maybe he's getting a little smarter with his style and is focusing more on preserving his health?)

If he earns it, he earns it, but I personally can't see him as a yokozuna. No one on the banzuke today really looks the part, excluding a healthy Terunofuji.

Anonymous No. 126776


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Anonymous No. 126781


Anonymous No. 126782

If Keisho were to get the white rope, I imagine he'd be a yokozuna like Kakuryu: constantly injured and taking advantage of the yokozuna prerogative to skip tournaments. He wouldn't go anywhere until he hit mandatory retirement age.

I liked Kakuryu but as a yokozuna he was disappointing aside from that nice run in 2018.

Kisenosato at least had the dignity to not stick around. He realized he was injured, realized he wasn't going to be able to yokozuna-level competitiveness and retired.

Anonymous No. 126787

Well yeah, probably - but the freak occurrence of Hakuho and Asashoryu coming along in quick succession has given people an exaggerated vision of what constitutes a Yokozuna. There have only been like 5 of those true Dai Yokozuna in a century or so:

Then a few of guys, Wajima and Akebono and the like who are somwhere in between, and all the rest are just good Ozekis who got the nod.

Anonymous No. 126788

lol 6 in a century i mean, i forgot hakuho lel

Anonymous No. 126789

I wonder how many others were lost along the way to that path due to injury. Teru might have never become yokozuna if he didn't get a mindset reset from his year-plus off from injury, but how many more yusho could he have gotten once he made it back up if his knees were still at least holding on this past year or two and he was actively competing?
I guess it's still an ongoing conversation since he isn't retired yet but I'm not holding my breath

Anonymous No. 126790

I will fully admit that my perspective of what a yokozuna is has been warped.
I started watching when Asashoryu was in his prime, so it took me a while to come around to the idea that someone other than a yokozuna could possibly win at all.

I feel like a great rikishi gets to be ozeki. A yokozuna is supposed to be an all-time GOAT. I would be absolutely fine if we went a while without one, should Terunofuji decide he's never going to heal.

You forgot Futabayama too, from the 1930s and 1940s. Sure, only 12 titles, but for most of his career, there were only 2 tournaments per year.
(I don't know if you meant to limit yourself to only the modern 6-basho era)

Anonymous No. 126794

Ah, Futabayama, agreed.

Anonymous No. 126802

>if he zenshos next tournament he should get the rope
YDC spouting unhinged nonsense that will never happen as usual

Anonymous No. 126803

They say shit like that because the old bastards think it motivates the rikishi.
I remember when Mitakeumi was on his ozeki run in January and Isegahama said that Mita would need to go 15-0 to get a promotion (when 13 would have been enough for 33/3.)

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Anonymous No. 126811

who else was rooting for his perfect loss?
his 10th loss to Tochinoshin must've been so damn embarrassing. man gettin tossed around like a sack of potatoes

Anonymous No. 126812

For myself, I didn't care if he finished 0-15, 1-14, or 6-9 as long as he fell out of makuuchi. I'm sick of his bullshit ball of salt gimmick and his stupid leg picks.

He'll probably still try the leg picks in juryo, but at least he'll stop doing the salt ball act.

Anonymous No. 126814

>if Takakeisho gets convincing yusho next basho
Lame. I guess they're pretty desperate right about now though.

Anonymous No. 126815

You sound like a faggot.

Anonymous No. 126816

>he'll stop doing the salt ball act.
why? he was doing it in Juryo too:

maybe I'm wrong, but if he retires one day, someone else will start doing the salt thing; I'm sure there were other salt throwers in the past, I'm just doubtful that it was an uninterrupted tradition and I don't know where to find more info (other than random videos)

Anonymous No. 126817

oh, posture princess without the mask at the end of the video
>inb4 nekodamashi + ashitori
yeah, quintessential saltman

Anonymous No. 126818

Stop projecting, Frank

Anonymous No. 126819

>oh, posture princess without the mask at the end of the video
Nooo! Why would you do that?!

Anonymous No. 126820

I was under the impression that he would stop once he fell out makuuchi...or maybe I'm confused and he would stop when he fell to makushita.

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Anonymous No. 126821


Anonymous No. 126822

>Kisenosato at least had the dignity to not stick around
Were we watching the same Kisenosato? The one who sat out for nearly two years with a lukewarm comeback in between that made it abundantly clear that he was in no shape to do yokozuna sumo ever again, but still forced himself back a second time regardless?
Kakuryu, for all his time absent in the later years, did deliver good results whenever he was present, without even resorting to Hakuho-style acrobatics. I think he's a vastly overlooked wrestler. Always in the shadows of others, but he never lacked the strength, dignity, kindness, and composure that the rank ought to demand. Outside of his injuries, he was a textbook yokozuna to me.

Anonymous No. 126824

>posture princess without the mask

Anonymous No. 126825

How about a 14-1?

Anonymous No. 126826

It was devastating to discover that the Posture princess was one of the approximately 7 un-bangable females in japan.

Anonymous No. 126827

Kisenosato sat out 4 tournaments in 2 years as yokozuna. He got injured early on, tried to make a go of it and retired when it didn't work. It was hardly 2 years. He wasn't even at the rank for 2 years. He could have continued to rehab to try to come back.

Kakuryu (who I was a fan of, btw) still wasn't the model of consistency. He either missed all or part of 18 of 41 tournaments as yokozuna. That's close to half.
After completing a single tournament in 2017, he should have packed it in, but he chose to heal instead and came back to win 2 tournaments in 2018.

Compare them to the remarkably durable Asashoryu or Harumafuji (who knows if they would have broken down if they hadn't been forced to quit) or Hakuho's early career as yokozuna, before he realized they can't actually make him leave if he doesn't commit crimes.

Both of them received letters of encouragement from the YDC for their lack of participation.

Anonymous No. 126828

>the approximately 7 un-bangable females in japan.
She was probably pretty hot when she was younger, though, ngl

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Anonymous No. 126829

>Were we watching the same Kisenosato?
Considering how often he pulled out of tournaments, I don't think anyone watched yokozuna Kisenosato.

Anonymous No. 126830


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Anonymous No. 126831

>i forgot hakuho lel
2022... I am forgotten...

Anonymous No. 126832

That guy? Isn't he just the fat guy who works security at the Kokugikan?

Anonymous No. 126833

>After completing a single tournament in 2017, he should have packed it in
Should he have? He proved the very next year, and the one after, that he was still very much in the game. And there's the difference. He was injured an awful lot starting then, yes, but it was largely salvageable, given enough rest. In stark contrast to Kisenosato, who refused the one thing that might've saved him: a surgery. Instead, he did nothing more than drink snake oil and cling onto some sliver of cope when everybody with half a brain knew it was over. Even his first return wasn't a wakeup-call to him.
I do agree that Kakuryu dragged it out unbecomingly in the final year, though I can't fully blame him for that. He was waiting to get his citizenship approved before retirement.
And I think the YDC/NSK did the right thing. I think yokozuna should have the privilege to rest up to proper yokozuna form, within some reason and if at all possible. They should even be lenient towards injured lower-rankers. Maybe not freeze their ranks, but at least cushion their falls.

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Anonymous No. 126834

>There have only been like 5 of those true Dai Yokozuna in a century or so
>Kitanoumi, Taiho, Chiyonofuji, Takanohana, Asashoryu
And Tachiyama, Tochigiyama and Takanohana.

Anonymous No. 126837

>Should he have?
That's really an unanswerable question from our perspective.

Let's say, hypothetically, Takakeisho is promoted. The first thing he should do is have surgery to fix that neck issue that's been bugging him the last year.
He takes two basho off, comes back, wins. Immediately takes two more basho off to rest up. Comes back and wins again.

If the last few tournaments have taught us anything, it's that being able to skip a tournament is a huge advantage. Ichinojo, Abi, great performances from Takayasu several times.

Takakeisho would be stupid if he didn't take full advantage of that privilege.

Anonymous No. 126838

>Takakeisho would be stupid if he didn't take full advantage of that privilege.
That's what everyone is afraid of.

Anonymous No. 126839

Indeed hard to say for us. Where is the line between "use" and "abuse" of that privilege, when is it too much?
In the end, I think it should be down to fan sentiment. Would they rather watch a yokozuna that competes every two or three basho, or one that retires early? I'd gravitate towards the former, with some caveats.

Anonymous No. 126841

As the other guy suggesting Futabayama correctly surmised, I should have wrote "6 basho era" rather than the vague "a century or so".
I'd be happy to call Tachi and Tochi true Dia Yokozuna too, but unlike Futabayama, they are done or near done "around a century or so" ago.
Takanohana is already in there.

Anonymous No. 126842

If the system had some guarantee that everyone who had to skip a tournament with injury could save rank did so in good faith, then there'd be nothing wrong.
But you can never say that's the case. Even Hakuho. You can't blame him when he's got 15+ years of high level sumo in his knees, but he definitely started taking time off because he could.

Personally, that bugged me. A sometimes overlooked part of sumo is the endurance aspect. You train your body not just to be strong, but to be durable; to take a beating every day for two weeks, then do it again in six weeks. Time off? Sure, take as much as you like, but you'll lose rank.

Someone like Sadanoumi has put extra value on that durability. He'll never win (not at his age) but he's not a broken-down wreck either. Takakeisho has put all his points into strength which, given his size, is probably necessary; but at the cost of durability. He can barely make it through two weeks.
If he were given the chance to fully heal up and no one else got that chance, it would be unfair.

Anonymous No. 126843

>If the system had some guarantee that everyone who had to skip a tournament with injury could save rank did so in good faith
Which they used to up until 2004, when the retards in power decided people were abusing it.
Really the JSA and YDC has been one retarded decision after another since the late 80s and the current sumo is the result. They need to severely unfuck their shit.

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Anonymous No. 126845

>he never lacked the strength, dignity, kindness, and composure that the rank ought to demand.

Kakuryu absolutely lived up to the behavior and dignity standards they talk so much about imo.

Anonymous No. 126846

>Which they used to up until 2004, when the retards in power decided people were abusing it.
Retards WERE abusing it, though.

It was supposed to work such that if you got injured in the ring during a basho (not in training or on tour) you could skip the next tournament without losing rank.
It didn't take long before guys would get "injured" as soon as they hit their 8th loss.

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Anonymous No. 126847

>Takanohana is already in there.
Sorry, I meant to write Tamanoumi.

As I think about it, maybe he doesn't rise to that level, but I always try to give him his due because nobody remembers him.

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I am back bitches.png

Anonymous No. 126850

>Retards WERE abusing it, though.
Did the abuse cause greater harm then the time off helped the actually injured? Doubt it.

Anonymous No. 126852

>Retards WERE abusing it, though.
Who gives a shit? The alternative is guys having to drag their obviously injured broken down bodies onto the dohyo to give us one shitty uninspired bout after another because they can't even take off a single basho without being treated like they lost all 15 matches personally. Any system is going to be abused and exploited; the best system is the one that focuses on putting good sumo out for people to watch.
And besides that, the public injury system was first put in place in 1972. 32 years and suddenly only at the very end there was a problem with people abusing it? Bullshit, the real answer is some retards were huffing their own farts about fighting honour and made a retarded decision to scrap a good system.

Anonymous No. 126854

It made the banzuke a fucking mess. Remember after the covid basho?
That's harm.
It also hurt the competitors who stayed. If they got good records they didn't get the promotions they deserved because ranks were frozen by guys who ducked out.
It hurt the fans who did not get treated to a full card of matches.

The people who were actually injured were the minority.

The system was a good idea and the sumo association recognizes their wrestlers (their assets) are degraded when they are forced to fight hurt (and get more hurt as a result) but the implementation left too much room for abuse.

They should come up with a better system. Perhaps list a number of injuries that qualify as basho-skippable and have them verified by an independent physician not aligned with either the stable or the JSA.

Anonymous No. 126856

>won't someone think of the children, er... wrestlers?!
These sorts of posts always end up at "lower the dohyo"

They can skip any match they want. No one's forcing anyone to do anything. They just have to pay. If it's not that serious, maybe you can fight with that dislocated finger.

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Quit fucking arou....png

Anonymous No. 126857

>They should come up with a better system
I agree with that.

Anonymous No. 126858

Covid is a freak occurrence and should not be taken as a norm.
>The people who were actually injured were the minority.
I severely doubt that, maybe not "actually injured" by today's standards where guys are dragging broken barely-functional bodies on the clay to shit up the place because they're not allowed to heal but that's a stupid criteria for "actually injured."
>If it's not that serious, maybe you can fight with that dislocated finger.
That's exactly the type of stupid example that should fuck off. Injured finger means they can't perform their sumo properly, look like absolute dogshit, their matches are crap, they can't actually heal that finger so they can perform to proper standards, and have a higher chance to further injure the finger and/or injure other parts as they compensate for not having a functional finger. The point is to thing of the paying spectators whose money the JSA relies on to exist, and who have continuously declined to show up because they know half-assed crap between injured wrestlers isn't worth spending money on to watch.
I want to see healthy guys who can go full hog without worrying about protecting their existing injuries. I don't give a shit whether the guys who have missed the tournament are "legitimately hurt" or not because they're not the ones I'm watching either way.

Anonymous No. 126859

Spectators dont show up because 85% of the banzuke are either shit or jobbing faggots not because of injuries

Anonymous No. 126860

>85% of the banzuke are either shit or jobbing faggots
Huh I wonder why that could be certainly not the fact that they're forced to fight injured that obviously has nothing to do with it absolutely nothing at all no nope definitely unrelated

Anonymous No. 126863

>I want to see healthy guys who can go full hog without worrying about protecting their existing injuries.

Then we'll have to go back to 2-3 basho per year because a huge part of the 6-basho calendar is injury management.
You're getting all wrapped around the axle about injuries but you don't seem to want to realize that they're ALL injured, all the time. They get injured in training constantly.
You've never witnessed a match between two guys each at 100%.

Anonymous No. 126864

>Then we'll have to go back to 2-3 basho per year because a huge part of the 6-basho calendar is injury management.
6-basho calendar has been in existence since 1948. I wonder if we could look back and see what measures they took in the 55 years that we've had 6 bashos per year to help mitigate injuries and ensure that the spectators were getting the most for their money.
Oh yeah, they made one, it was called the public injury system.

Anonymous No. 126865

Things that could be improved in sumo:
- quality of TV coverage
- wrestler compensation, particularly for post-career wrestlers and their healthcare
- recruitment (this would improve naturally with compensation)
- fan engagement (fuck you Abi and WKM for killing everyone's social media)

Things that should be left alone:
- everything else

Anonymous No. 126866

What they did to mitigate injuries was FUCKING RETIRE. When they got too injured to keep fighting, they quit and went back home to their farms.
The Kosho Siedo was introduced to keep popular, profitable wrestlers fighting longer. It had zero to do with protecting the wrestlers health so much as it was maximizing the amount of money the JSA and stables could squeeze out of them.

>Why let them them walk away when they just have a limp when you could discard them after they can no longer walk at all?

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Anonymous No. 126869

Why are you this obsessed with the non-traditional injury demotion system? You realize that, until sumo was on radio and television, rikishi could miss any match they wanted without penalty? Ordinary sumo careers would look like this.

There's nothing special about random rules instituted in the 1920s singly motivated by profit. When the rule was formulated, there *were* only two basho per year. It's not tradition, it's not about injury management, or about rank decay, it was about the NSK getting paid for broadcast appearances by certain rikishi.

Anonymous No. 126870

That's literally what I said.

I could ask you why you're so obsessed with allowing wrestlers to only have to fight a few times per year.
Boxing's so popular, that must be the way to do it.
While we're at it, let's lower the dohyo, make the wrestlers wear helmets, ban the henka and the harite, and institute weight classes.

There. Nice and safe, just like the 'Murricans want it to be.

Anonymous No. 126871

>It had zero to do with protecting the wrestlers health so much as it was maximizing the amount of money the JSA and stables could squeeze out of them.
Then why would it be removed if the WRESTLERS were supposedly the ones "abusing" it?
And besides that, the latter is what I'm arguing should happen, because the JSA makes money by getting fans to pay tickets, and more entertaining bouts means more fans spending money. This is simply a case where allowing wrestlers to take a single basho off to get healthier is in the best interests for the fans and JSA because it results in more entertaining bouts since wrestlers are healthier and able to perform their sumo better. It's also why I ignored your retarded "muh dohyo height" whataboutism because it was retarded and I don't give a shit: the height of the dohyo should be whatever gives the paying audience and TV spectators the best view, as it always has been.
JSA decisions should be made based on what's best for the audience, not what's best for their jenkem-huffing otaku ideas of "honour."

Anonymous No. 126872

>There. Nice and safe, just like the 'Murricans want it to be.

Of course, it's a Burger. Make sure you have the least education of anyone in the room and declare
>I'mma tell you everything that's wrong and how fix it. Git 'er done...oh no, I just got shot.

Anonymous No. 126873

So now that you've had a good cry about it, what are you going to do?
Stop watching? No. You're going to keep watching. Then shut the fuck up, because you're nu-fan bullshit is tiresome.

I swear to fucking Christ, after every goddamn basho some nu-fan shows up with ideas about how to "improve" the sport.

Anonymous No. 126874

good job making up a bunch of shit I didn't say to get yourself worked up at, you could make a career of it

Anonymous No. 126875

>"The JSA should do this thing they already did previously that was better."

Anonymous No. 126876

oh I think I see where you misunderstood
no, kosho wasn't invented in the 1920s you moron - losing rank because of kyujo was

Anonymous No. 126877

How fucking slow are you?
They got rid of kosho seido for a reason. Does it matter if you, personally, agree with it? No, that's irrelevant. Does it matter if you, personally, want it to come back? No, equally irrelevant.

It's not coming back, just get it out of your head.

Anonymous No. 126878

>I swear to fucking Christ, after every goddamn basho some nu-fan shows up with ideas about how to "improve" the sport.
Fortunately they never last. This retard will probably get distracted by the latest TikTok trend in a couple days and we can all get back to talking about the reality of sumo instead of pretending what we'd do if we were in charge of the JSA.

Anonymous No. 126879

>They got rid of kosho seido for a reason
Yes, a stupid reason. They also CREATED it for a reason back in 1972 and kept it for the entirety of when sumo was at its peak popularity during the Taiho era, boom 80s, and Hawaiian/Hana Bros. era.

Anonymous No. 126881

You're getting madder and madder over something you can do literally nothing to change. That's unhealthy. Stop. For your own sake.

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Anonymous No. 126883

>It's not coming back, just get it out of your head.
look who doesn't know what he's talking about, while ranting and raving about "nu-fans" lmao

Anonymous No. 126884

>we can all get back to talking about the reality of sumo instead of pretending what we'd do if we were in charge of the JSA.

that's how you can tell a longtime fan from a new one. the old head wants to talk about asanoyama's prospects in juryo in january. the new fan discovered the henka and is furious that such a thing could be allowed.

do you remember the anti-harite referendum on /sp/ after takakeisho slapped the taste out of kotonowaka's mouth? some of those kids were getting so upset you imagine they were slapping themselves.

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Anonymous No. 126885


Anonymous No. 126888

A politician makes a statement four years ago.

Oh boy, I feel change is in the air...

Anonymous No. 126889


Anonymous No. 126890

>he old head wants to talk about asanoyama's prospects in juryo in january
I wish. But, Chairman Headcanon needs to blow off some steam, so whatever.

I think Asanoyama will do better in Juryo than in Makushita. Being among the sekitori might get him to focus a little better. He was out of the game for a year and that's a lot of time for ring-rust to develop. He has to re-learn how to get into the combat mindset.

I'm thinking he'll probably go about 10-5 from about J12-13. He'll probably have a week 2 fade since his 15 day stamina won't be 100%

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Anonymous No. 126891


Anonymous No. 126892

If you weren't an obvious nu-fan pretending to be a grizzled veteran on the Internet then you'd know the public injury system was instituted after pressure from the government after a series of high profile injuries and the death of Tamanoumi because he didn't take time off to get an appendectomy.

Anonymous No. 126893

You're the one who's still ignoring what >>126869 says because denying history provides greater utility to your personal feelings of what makes for "good" sumo organizational operation.

Anonymous No. 126894

Have they announced who's going up?

The only makushitters with promotable records are Shonanoumi and Asanoyama.
The juryo guys with demotable records are Tokushoryu, Tsushimanada and Ka isho.
Keisho got a 5-10 from j10 but I think he'll get lucky.

Wait, they're going to have to pull someone extra in to make up for Yutakayama's retirement, right? 5-2 ms5 Hakuyozan?

Anonymous No. 126895

>t. furiously googling sumo history

Anonymous No. 126896

>Wait, they're going to have to pull someone extra in to make up for Yutakayama's retirement, right?
With Chiyotairyu's intai, there's one extra sekitori that has to be pulled up.
Assuming Takarafuji doesn't survive his 3-12, Juryo will be sending four guys up and getting three back. Then Yutakayama's intai leaves another open slot.

Makushita is sending up 2 at the very least.

Tokushoryu should be gone. 4-11 from J12 is indefensible.
After that, there's just not enough promotable guys. 7-8 Tsushimanada should get a lifeline.

Shonanoumi, Asanoyama, and Hakuyozan go up, Tokushoryu goes down and quite possibly retires outright.

Anonymous No. 126897

Why the fuck would I acknowledge something that's historically wrong? Not only is he using data from before the JSA existed, but he's wrong about the injury system existing since the 20s when it was created in the early 70s in response to increased injuries caused by the gradual expansion of the calendar up to 6 basho a year starting in 1958.
Hilariously, "denying history in favour of personal feelings" is exactly what they did when they got rid of it in 2004.

Anonymous No. 126898

>Have they announced who's going up?
Not yet.
IIRC it's usually just a couple days after the end of the tournament. They announce the promotions to juuryo from makushita but nothing else about the banzuke.
I think it's to give the new sekitori some time to prep for salaried life and order a silk mawashi and all that.

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Anonymous No. 126901

>Tokushoryu goes down and quite possibly retires outright.

Say it ain't so. :'^(

Anonymous No. 126903

>he's wrong about the injury system existing since the 20s when it was created in the early 70s in response to increased injuries caused by the gradual expansion of the calendar up to 6 basho a year starting in 1958.
Oh, okay, so you can't read. I said KYUJO DEMOTIONS were invented in the 20s, you absolute daft retard

Anonymous No. 126904

Just kiss already!

Anonymous No. 126905

Kek nufans keep it interesting, honestly. Theyll either get bored and move on to another YouTube-core sport or theyll get jaded enough to realize their opinion is literal dogshit to the japs.

Anonymous No. 126907

Makushita is the wild west but so is lower juryo except instead of perennial bottlers it's up and comers and oldies

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Anonymous No. 126913

>their opinion is literal dogshit to the japs
imagine writing this with complete blind confidence in yourself
imagine thinking the shit Kyoukai officials say represents the average Japanese person's thoughts (sumo is NOT popular in Japan for multiple reasons)
skim the jp comments here

Anonymous No. 126921

So the comments in a reddit thread about culture or media or society is indicative of the general consciousness?

Anonymous No. 126924

Reddit? Why on earth are you talking about reddit?
This conversation has gone off the rails, and I'm guessing your next assertion is going to be something about the opinions of "real japs" versus the "softened jew lib westernized commie cuck japs", so I'm done

Anonymous No. 126926

enho would have to be banned too

Anonymous No. 126927

>Have they announced who's going up?
Makushita promotions should be out on Wednsday.

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Anonymous No. 126928

>Tokushoryu goes down and quite possibly retires outright.
I'm going to miss that fat bastard. His yusho was one of the best basho of the past 5 or so years imo.

Anonymous No. 126945

Not even Reddit. He's literally using a YouTube comments section as his "proof" of his deep understanding of the Japanese mindset. lmao

Anonymous No. 126946

>his "proof" of his deep understanding of the Japanese mindset
who are you quoting? I don't see any post like that

Anonymous No. 126947

>>126913. That's YT comments. aka "Proof"

Anonymous No. 126949

What are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 126951

>so I'm done
Cool. See ya.
When you learn to behave yourself, you’ll be welcomed back with open arms.

Anonymous No. 126952

It was definitely one of the weirdest. Lots of injuries.
Also the last time we saw Goeido.

Funny, we used to joke about Goeido being a disappointment but compared to today’s ozeki, he was the model of consistency. (And fighting in a harder era.)

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Anonymous No. 126953

I think the only way waka can finish the ozeki run is if he zen yusho, or goes 14-1 in the next tournament. Assuming the JSA will even promote him with the 8-7 from this basho. Maybe they'd be more lenient to, considering Shodai will be losing Ozeki. Then again Shodai himself is the last person to have been promoted to Ozeki with an 8-7 on their record, if I remember correctly. So Shodai gives just as much a reason to promote Waka as he does to not promote him. Just interesting, it would be a crazy basho if Waka got zen yusho, but that'd be a career first for him and not something I think he's got in the tank personally. The squeezing out a 14-1 is more likely if he does manage to pull it off.

Anonymous No. 126954

14-1 would net him 33/3 and ozeki runs with an 8-7 in then are not unheard of.

That would be 2 yusho, one jun-yusho, and 0 make-koshi for him in the 6 basho, all from sekiwake. That would be a good year.

I don’t know what to think about the JSA’s mindset. No one can ever know what they’re thinking. Even the 33/3 is not an actual rule. It’s something that the newspapers extrapolated years ago.

They have to be concerned about Teru and Keisho at the top and neither being the paragon of health but there’s no need to make rash decisions either.

WTK gets 14/15 wins, he’s earned it. 13? Hopefully those are quality losses, as they say in college football.

Anonymous No. 126957

Feelings on the last basho?
>Pleasant surprise
>Under the radar performance
>Most disappointing
Kotonowaka (he took some bad losses)

>January champion
Kotonowaka. He’s looking solid. A promotion to komusubi should give him confidence. He has solid records against the joi. His time might as well be now.

Anonymous No. 126958

Correction: Kotoshoho was my most disappointing. Koto actually autocorrects to Kotonowaka for me.

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Anonymous No. 126959

It’s over muscle sisters

Anonymous No. 126960

No, I'm staying here, I'm just not down syndrome enough to think I can convince one of your kind of any objective reality.
You, though, I am sure will leave as soon as FOOTBAAAAAAALLL starts again. So, I have no worries

Anonymous No. 126961

Ok, but just remember: behave.

Anonymous No. 126962

What happened? Injury news?

Anonymous No. 126963

hang yourself with wire

Anonymous No. 126967

Relax. He’s fine. He’s still only 27. He’s going to do some more roids and come back stronger.
He needs to learn how to start faster though. He’s like the anti-Oho. Poor in the first 5days.

Anonymous No. 126970

the person you are replying to does not truly love wakatakakage

Anonymous No. 126972

>Pleasant surprise
Kagayaki doing well and green not going MK
>Under the radar performance
Nishikifuji. I think the Nishiki pair has a collective mental staying power of one(1) rikishi.
>Most disappointing
Wakatakakage. He went from 6-3 to 8-7.

>January Champion
Daieisho's time has come. I refuse to elaborate

Anonymous No. 126974

Is Abi the new heel of sumo?

Anonymous No. 126977

He can retire having achieved what 95% of wrestlers can only dream of

Anonymous No. 126980

Always was. He’s the Eater of Dreams.

Anonymous No. 126982

Apparently rumors confirming terunofuji is definitely out until march

Anonymous No. 126983

too old
I'm told that Jd14e Otani is the new one but I didn't follow much

Anonymous No. 126986

No surprise. In other sports, the kind of surgery he gets is season ending.

Anonymous No. 126987

Chiyotairyu had some pretty sick sideburns

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Anonymous No. 126989

The Japanese nationalist inside me says GOOD but that’s our only Yokozuna dammit basho felt hallow with him.

Anonymous No. 126990


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Anonymous No. 126992

If kotonowaka gets the nod to get promoted to sanyaku that’ll be 3 generations of sanyaku kotozakura Y, kotonowaka S and Kotonowaka jr K.

Has this ever happened?

Anonymous No. 126993

I’m sure it’s happened before. Sumo is such a family business. So many of these guys are descendants of other wrestlers.

WTK’s grandfather was a komusubi. Obviously, Oho’s family is well known.

If Oho wins a yusho, I bet he, Takatoriki, and Taiho would be a first set of grandson father grandfather to do so (though Takatoriki is not Taiho’s son)

Anonymous No. 126995

Didn’t Takanohana come from some great sumo family?

Anonymous No. 126996

Agreed. That's a case of confidence issues if ever I've seen one.

When he first came up he was usually demolishing everyone up until the nerves kicked in each basho, but since his injury he's generally been a bag of nerves right from the get go.

I remember once before he had even made macuuchi watching a days training at Sadogatake where they were doing the "winner stays on" thing. Kotoshoho was so dominant that he had to volunteer to take breaks just to give others a chance to win one - just destroying everyone effortlessly, and that in the strongest stable in sumo. He should be crushing guys outside the joi.

I'd like to think that any minute now he'll remember that he''s a beast and stop fighting so anxiously and throwing away wins.

Anonymous No. 126998

He’s just a kid. Give him time. He rose a little too soon. 21 and in the joi, it doesn’t matter if he has the body of a monster, the guys up there know all the tricks. Even before his ankle injury he was probably getting a case of imposter syndrome.

Watching guys around him like Oho, Kotonowaka, Hoshoryu all make strides while he treads water must sap his confidence.

His sumo is suffering for it too. Just all over the place, no real plans, just hoping things work out.

Anonymous No. 126999

He was competing on the playoff and arguably there was a false start. I think that should count as equivalent.

Anonymous No. 127002

I honestly think he intentially didn't give it his all in the playoff due to Takayasu getting hurt beforehand. Can you imagine if he beat Abi and they had to drag Takayasu back up there for another bout.

Anonymous No. 127004

It is, that’s why the YDC said anything at all. But a weak jun-yusho plus a weak yusho might not cut it.

Not that win totals matter for yokozuna like they do for ozeki but ozeki are rarely promoted with less than 25 wins.

Since 1980, the only yokozuna promoted on a Y/J combination got at least 25 wins (and one of them was Onokuni, who was a bust)
Some 2000, the threshold has been 26 wins.

Anonymous No. 127005

This. 14-1, 15-0 and he’s earned the rope. 13-2 would be real iffy and I’d imagine his injury history would work against him.

Anonymous No. 127007


Anonymous No. 127008

I think a 13-2 and he is Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 127009

That’s the borderline case. 12-3 J + 13-2 Y didn’t work for him in 2020, or Kaio in 2004, for that matter.

If Terunofuji is out and Takakeisho is literally the only ozeki, 13-2 shouldn’t cut it.

Anonymous No. 127010

But iirc, the last time they said his jy wouldn't count as a yusho equivalent, while this time they said it does.
I think he is more proven now.

Anonymous No. 127012

We also have to think about Takakeisho’s health. He looked pretty bad at the end of this basho and he’s due for another kyujo. He’s been pushing pretty hard the last three basho.

Anonymous No. 127013

Yes, but he still needs a “good” result. 13-2 means he still lost to two guys beneath him and faced zero guys at or above him.

It wouldn’t surprise me, but I remain skeptical.

The cynic in me thinks that this is the way the JSA can ensure they have the mandatory 2 ozeki on the banzuke, even if Terunofuji never fights again and Takakeisho’s constantly injured

Anonymous No. 127015

On the other hand, who wouldn’t want to see the slowest, sweatiest dohyo-iri in history?

>squat, clap, rub hands
>take a breather
>walk to shikirisen, turn
>take another breather
>squat in unryu pose (brace yourself on your knee)
>(Christ this rope is heavy)
>Shuffle forward
>die of prolapsed mitral valve

🗑️ Anonymous No. 127027

Takakeisho yoko after he gets next tourney

🗑️ Anonymous No. 127028

Imagine him doing dohyo-iri

Anonymous No. 127031

Dubs and every retard hamster shill dies tonight

Anonymous No. 127034

My dubs say the hamster will smother while you sleep with his magnificent sideboobs.

Anonymous No. 127041


With two intai and Tokushoryu definitely either makushita or retiring himself, and not enough valid performances in makushita to promote, are they likely to just drop Kaisho and Tsushimanada to J14e/w respectively and only promote Asanoyama/Shonannoumi/Hakuyozan? Shiden, Tsukahara and Fujiseiun all dropped matches against demotion eligible Juryo rikishi and a 5-2 at Mk8 hasn't earned a promotion since the 30s

Anonymous No. 127044

See >126896
There were still some good posts made while anon was having a seizure about injuries or something.

Anonymous No. 127050

Ah, I missed it in the mess of injury talk. Looks like 5-10 is a coin toss for demotion at J10 as well, so that all tracks. Bit unfortunate, all the poor starts or late-basho chokes sewered a bunch of decent promotion chances to really shake up juryo

Anonymous No. 127051

It really did feel like a lot of rikishi just ran out of steam at the end of this basho.

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Anonymous No. 127052


Anonymous No. 127076

>These people don't realize that if got their way, sumo would be entirely populated by clones of Ichinojo
Kek man's spitting facts

Anonymous No. 127077

>learn to behave yourself, you’ll be welcomed back with open arms.
Not him but FUCK YOU and your stupid self righteous bullshit. Go back to >>>/reddit/ with your bitch ass.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 127080

Fuck off with your "sister" shit, faggot.

Anonymous No. 127084

Oh good, the schizo 16 year old who thinks everyone is a gay CIA spook and likes to pretend he's an oldfag is back

Anonymous No. 127088

been 25/26 posters for a while
if they're back they've been back

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Anonymous No. 127089

>Feelings on the last basho?
Hoshoryu - Strong performance. Still not Ozeki level, but I think he has shown consistent improvement over time.

Wakatakakage - This was a bad basho for him imo. However, he still managed a KK having a shitty basho, so he could be a legit contender for another Japanese Ozeki.

Kiribayama - He's been pretty consistent and could be another candidate for Ozeki imo. Nice to see.

Midorifuji - KK from the Joi and once again showed a combination of strength and technique. This dude is just fun to watch, and I'm thinking he'll make san'yaku at least once.

Takayasu - Tears, as usual.

Wakamotoharu - This dude just seems to get stronger and more consistent with each basho. I think he is another dude that is a legit contender for Ozeki. He seems to have really relaxed with his sumo and shows both strength and intelligence when he fights.

Ryuden - Slowly but surely working his way up the banzuke. A silent threat.

Abi - IMO he has demonstrated that he is a legitimate threat to everyone on the banzuke. If he stays healthy and motivated, we could see him rise to join the Ozeki ranks.

Oho - Looking strong, which is nice to see from new blood.

Hiradoumi - Another strong performance from new blood.

Sadness for the old guard: Salt man otw back to Juryo, Chiyotairyu and his sideburns go intai, Ura's injuries are finally catching up to him, Takarafuji seems to have reached his limits, Tochinoshin is holding on by threads, we will miss them all as they depart.

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Anonymous No. 127091

Abi miniposter status: ADDED

now waiting for the big one :D

Anonymous No. 127093

look at chiyoshoma, he's a henka machine but nowadays he often goes for the belt or a leg. Henka is hard to pull off if the opponent is expecting it, so really it should be used sparingly.

Anonymous No. 127110

>it should be used sparingly.
Use of the occasional henka allows a rikishi to remain somewhat unpredictable, which helps at the tachiai. Use it too often, and people will expect it, while if you never use it, than you become far too predictable.

Anonymous No. 127112

promotion to Juryo announced:
Hakuyozan, Asanoyama, Shonannoumi

Anonymous No. 127120

>we could see him rise to join the Ozeki ranks.
the people at the top know the flowchart. he won't make ozeki because of it

Anonymous No. 127122

>I'm told that Jd14e Otani is the new one
He is.
Dame-oshing worse than Shishi.
Refusing to bow properly, worse than Neph, when things are not going his way.
Dude's not content with this low div fucking around.

Anonymous No. 127123

Something went wrong with him, when he got injured at m3. Momentum was gone, and he went from imminent sanyaku to double digit MKing in juryo.

Anonymous No. 127124

Hopefully someone from his stable will slap some sense into him before he hurts someone

Anonymous No. 127128

>Hopefully someone from his stable will slap some sense
Miyagino oyakata, lel

Anonymous No. 127132

Yeah Hokuseiho might just stand up or Enho will leg pick...

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Anonymous No. 127138

I love this little man like you wouldn't believe

Anonymous No. 127142

He could use some colorful mawashi. Plain ol' black suits big guys like Keisho. He needs red or orange. Or neon green, since he's Midori.

Anonymous No. 127151

Watch him break his damn neck on sleepynojo again

Anonymous No. 127155
Hoshoryu theme song. When he reads uncle's angry twatter rants.

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Anonymous No. 127157

Each time I look at this and I can't believe my eyes. He's barely older than that touted new gen of sumo.

Anonymous No. 127163

Well, let's put it this way: of all the rikishi who had 10 or more yusho after 1909, only one (Musashimaru) was older than 26 when he was promoted to yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 127164

Pushers seem to peak and retire early. Hokutoumi was the last real oshizumo yokozuna, and he was done at 28. Tochiazuma, the last pure oshizumo ozeki, retired at 30.

Anonymous No. 127165

highlights are up, 5 bouts each for Takayasu, Hoshoryu and Abi:

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Anonymous No. 127166

Manlet sumo is good fun to watch when it goes right

Anonymous No. 127170

Sekitori promotions were announced.

As expected, it was just:
- Asanoyama
- Shonannoumi
- Hakuyozan

Demotions will be announced with the release of the banzuke next month.

Anonymous No. 127172

he's not on the intai list yet
ok, he can retire any day, but at least he's still on the banzuke, and it looks like he'll benefit from some banzuke luck and get a nice spot on top of makushita and be back in juryo in no time :)

Anonymous No. 127182

> He's barely older than that touted new gen of sumo.
His rise was tremendous, no doubt, but I also think that if he hadn’t made ozeki when he did, he never would have. He’s just so fragile. (He’s been kadoban 5 times already)

The run he’s on right now is really the first time he’s looked good over several tournaments in years.

For the last two years the pattern had been: good tournament, great tournament, kyujo…

Getting promoted to yokozuna would be the best thing for him since he could get his neck fixed and not worry about losing rank.

Anonymous No. 127183

>Getting promoted to yokozuna would be the best thing for him since he could get his neck fixed and not worry about losing rank.
he'll do a kisenosato and refuse to get surgery, then insist he has no regrets when he is forced to retire after a 4-6-50 yokozuna tenure

Anonymous No. 127188

>if he hadn’t made ozeki when he did, he never would have.
He did 33 wins the last 3 basho.
I think this year even Terunofuji didn't do that.

Anonymous No. 127193

I know, what I’m referring to is how hard it would have been for him to retain rank in the time period since he became ozeki.
I mean, he went kadoban immediately and was an ozekiwake. Imagine if he’d only gone 9-6 in that 2019 Aki basho.

He’d be bouncing up and down the banzuke.

He’s on a yokozuna push right now because he knows this is his best shot and he might not get another. The next back injury could see him fall out of ozeki.

Anonymous No. 127207

his next back injury might already be here, it's just being kept under wraps by a cocktail of painkillers and in-house remedy

see: It took Abi like three tournaments to get a preexisting elbow/ankle issue fixed, and he missed a tournament healing. If the back issue is serious, he might just be delaying the inevitable as long as he can

Anonymous No. 127215

Considering that he’s got more spots than a leopard by the end of the basho, it’s not that under wraps

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Anonymous No. 127219


🗑️ Anonymous No. 127223

Takakeisho patrolling the streets for Hamburglar

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Anonymous No. 127224

Takakeisho patrolling the streets for Hamburglar

Anonymous No. 127233

where is his hat
did he eat it

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Anonymous No. 127256

oh no he did the victory sign in the corridor, now they'll send him to a reeducation camp in North Korea

Anonymous No. 127297

he is going to look good as the next yokozuna

Anonymous No. 127313

Keisho haters how are y’all holding up knowing keisho is about to get the horizontal rope? I know muscle trannies are seething.

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Anonymous No. 127315

I just hope he can get healthy.

I miss the cannonball tachiai and those huge double-arm shoves. I know he's just trying to work around his injuries but his current style is just ugly.

Best case scenario, he ekes out a yusho, YDC is feeling generous, gives him the rope, and then he immediately goes kyujo to fix his neck, comes back and has a couple years of domination.

Anonymous No. 127316

He’s no closer now than he’s ever been. A 14-1 or zensho isn’t going to happen. Inb4

>B-b-but a 13-2 would get him the rope too!!!
No, that’s not what they said. Also we can extrapolate from past data to determine that a 13-2 wouldn’t be enough.

Anonymous No. 127317

Consider also the quality of the competition. A 13-2 with a healthy yokozuna and even a replacement-level ozeki is very different than what a 13-2 from Keisho would be in January.

He's the only guy on top now. Anything short of a yusho would be a disappointment.

>14-1 isn't going to happen
Stranger things have happened

Anonymous No. 127318

>stranger things have happened
I guess. We did just get through a third maegashitter yusho in a row.

>he’s the only guy on top now, anything short of a yusho would be a disappointment
Yeah, seeing him flop to the ground against remover or henkatakakage does not make me think “that’s our next yokozuna right there”. A convincing yusho in January, whatever that is, is his best chance though. I look forward to his incoming 10-5 and subsequent despair that comes with it

Anonymous No. 127323

>A convincing yusho in January, whatever that is, is his best chance though.
I haven't read the YDC's statement and I don't speak Japanese well enough to understand the context of what they mean by "good performance".

We can only go by historical precedent and, in this case, a 13-2 wouldn't make it, a 14-1 or 15-0 should.
(Although if you remember Takanohana's 14-1Y/13-2J in 1993 or Musashimaru's 12-3J/15-0Y in 1994, those weren't enough. That was a different time, though, and the YDC was being much stricter back then, it seems.)

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Anonymous No. 127324

>I look forward to his incoming 10-5 and subsequent despair that comes with it
I want to see something like his last tsunatori

Anonymous No. 127325

>I don't speak Japanese well enough to understand the context of what they mean by "good performance".
The YDC chairman actually quoted the Association instead of giving an opinion of his own.
The quote he provides phrases it as "it is possible we will request that [the YDC] consider the matter if he wins the yusho with an appropriately good record", which is comically hesitant language.

Anonymous No. 127326

tsuna is the rope
is 'tori' the same as in ashitori, leg grab?

tsunatori is 'rope grab'?

Anonymous No. 127328

>it is possible we will request that [the YDC] consider the matter if he wins the yusho with an appropriately good record
LMAO, what a fucking non-answer.

We promise that we will do the same thing we always do when an ozeki gets a yusho or jun-yusho.

Anonymous No. 127329

Yes, just means a chance at yokozuna promotion.

Anonymous No. 127330

It's what we call a yokozuna push or a yokozuna run.

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Anonymous No. 127331

I solved the Takayasu K/S dilemma

Anonymous No. 127332

Doesn't one of Takakeisho and Terunofuji have to be on the other side?

Anonymous No. 127333

I don't think so
it's a matter of millimeters on the printed banzuke
if they put Takakeisho on the right then Wakamotoharu is K3e

Anonymous No. 127334

Takakeisho has to be on the west side of the banzuke. The Yokozuna/Ozeki ranks have to be 'in balance', equal amounts on both sides of the banzuke.

Anonymous No. 127338

That's happened once and it was in 1945 (so not exactly a stable time)

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Anonymous No. 127339

and last time we had 1Y+1O was 125 years ago, so?
it'd be amazing if they do the haridashi thing once more for this very special occasion; the banzuke would be an high valuable collectible

Anonymous No. 127340

>and last time we had 1Y+1O was 125 years ago, so?
But those are two different circumstances. The lack of ozeki is something they cannot control. They couldn't force Shodai to win 8 matches.

They definitely can control how many extra komusubi slots they open.
You don't think Takayasu deserves sekiwake. That's fine, but historically (both all time and within the last 20 years) winning a jun-yusho from the upper maegashira ranks (1, 2, or 3) is as likely to be komusubi as sekiwake. There's no hard-and-fast rule.

Something like:
>O: Terunofuji - Takakeisho
>S: Hoshoryu - Wakatakakage
>S: Takayasu - Shodai
>K: Kiribayama - Kotonowaka
>K: Meisei - Wakamotoharu

Anonymous No. 127341

Haridashi is what having more than 2 of any rank is - we still have it, but it isn't called that anymore. It's K2, instead of K HD.

Anonymous No. 127343

>Japanese well enough to understand the context of what they mean by "good performance
you don't need to. its easy to understand if you think of it like
>13-2 with a lose to an 8-7 finishing m10 ranking ura (the meat mound is 11-3 against him), a 2-13 shitdai, and no sanyaku over 10 wins
>13-2 with a lose to 12-3 JY sekiwakatakakkage and still injured 11-4 redditnoreddit
basic sports shit

Anonymous No. 127344

Isn't an Yusho and an Yusho equivalent all it takes for an Ozeki to become Yokozuna.
If they considered last tournament a yusho equivalent, a 13-2 yusho should be enough.

Dunno why some people are so against Keisho being Yokozuna. He is clearly the 2nd best rikishi after Terunofuji and when healthy can compete with Terunofuji. No scandals.
And being Yokozuna would allow him to fix his neck.

Anonymous No. 127346

>I miss the cannonball tachiai and those huge double-arm shoves.
Was just rewatching
Man, that was intense.

Anonymous No. 127347

>Isn't an Yusho and an Yusho equivalent all it takes for an Ozeki to become Yokozuna.
Yes, but "yusho equivalent" is a relative term. It doesn't just mean jun-yusho. That's the problem. Along with all the other subjective factors that the YDC takes into consideration.

The classic example of a yusho equivalent would be Terunofuji's 14-1 from last year. The only loss was to a yokozuna who went 15-0.

see: >>127323 for examples of impressive performances that didn't make it.

Anonymous No. 127348

I think they considered Keisho's last tournament "yusho equivalent"

Anonymous No. 127349

it will be depending on how strong his next yusho is. a 12-3jy amd a 13-2y wasn't enough already.

Anonymous No. 127350

>I think they considered Keisho's last tournament "yusho equivalent"

"it is possible we will request that [the YDC] consider the matter if he wins the yusho with an appropriately good record"

They work backwards, not forwards.

If TKK wins in January with a dominant performance, then this past November will be a yusho equivalent. If he wins with a weaker performance (hypothetically, a 12-3 with a couple top rankers going out with injuries before they face him) then November will not be considered a yusho equivalent.

Anonymous No. 127351


The intent of the YDC statement was, I believe, to motivate Takakeisho.
>You control your own destiny. Don't half-ass it and rely on us to be generous. Crush everyone and take the decision out of our hands.

>We don't want to be put in a position where we have to make a controversial decision. We don't want to have to admit we recommended a bad candidate, we don't want people saying we screwed a worthy candidate.

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Anonymous No. 127355

must have been wild for him when he won

Anonymous No. 127357

Because second best is not good enough. What matters is the requirement and if he fulfills it. If teru retired and suddenly keisho is the best? Nothing. Because that's not how this works.

>can compete when healthy
yeah, that's also not good enough. An injury-prone takakeisho is what you have.

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Anonymous No. 127358

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Anonymous No. 127363


Anonymous No. 127364

I'd love to get inside the heads of Mita and Shodai. They're obviously not mentally strong, but how much of their shit was caused by classic Japanese culture would be interesting to know.

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Anonymous No. 127367

Anonymous No. 127368

With the case of Shodai, his health has probably contributed to it. He's a diabetic (many of them are) and he's admitted he's pretty bad about managing it. Diabetes can affect mood and energy levels.

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Anonymous No. 127378

Anonymous No. 127383

Hopefully that kid is good at sumo because otherwise his parents made him fat for nothing.

Anonymous No. 127385

At least that's not a life-ruining fatness like Takakeisho. That's standard white American build right there, he can recover

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Anonymous No. 127393

>life ruining

The only life he's ruining is yours, as you seethe at his relentless prospering in every facet of life.

Anonymous No. 127396

Have you seen his back sir. It’s not the back of a man having a good time

Anonymous No. 127397

>That's standard white American build right there, he can recover
If he was in the US, that would be fine, but he's in a country that has a near pathological hatred of fat people.

Anonymous No. 127398

>he needed to take a break after getting winded climbing into the car.

Anonymous No. 127400

The only rikishi whose success makes me seethe is Hokuseiho, I'm merely speaking the truth. Watching Keisho's face go eggplant-colored and like he's a fish dying on land when the bouts go longer than a couple seconds past the tachi-ai is proof enough

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Anonymous No. 127401

It looks like Aminishiki is resurrecting the Ajigawa-beya name.
The old Ajigawa was renamed Isegahama when ex-Asahifuji took it over.

Anonymous No. 127406

Hope he retires soon he had a good run but it’s time.

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Anonymous No. 127451

Every thread turns into a takakeisho thread he really is /ourguy/

Anonymous No. 127459

threads usually center around the top guy. there was a year of nonstop seething about terunofuji when he was based winning everything

Anonymous No. 127489

If you take redditnofuji's promotion, he went Y, Y (ozeki), and 14-1J vs. 15-0 Hakuho.
13-2 ain't gonna cut it.

Anonymous No. 127490

Hokuseiho is just fighting smart. Lean on opponents until they get tired, then walk them out

Anonymous No. 127491

When he starts using the other arm and demonstrating any technical skill whatsoever I'll change tack, but for right now it's the most visually unappealing sumo I've seen yet in salaried sumo and I've watched most of Terutsuyoshi's """bouts""" from this last basho. It just looks so fucking bad
I really hope Miyagino is just trying to get him to keep his cards close to his chest and save the technique for when he really needs it, because if this is actually close to how he intends to go for wins in makuuchi I'll be pissed that he'll occupy a 5 minute timeslot of my evenings for two weeks every couple months

Anonymous No. 127497

>the most visually unappealing sumo I've seen
Nothing worse than watching the big men puss out and just wait for their smaller opponents to do something so they can react rather than taking control of the match using their greater size and strength. Screams "pussy".

Anonymous No. 127501

Theyre terrified of their manlet opponents using their momentum against them. The thought of a sobrino-style leg trip is enough to keep them up at night

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manlet rage is real.webm

Anonymous No. 127503


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Anonymous No. 127508

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Anonymous No. 127525

Anonymous No. 127542

Tochigiyama's kanreki dohyouiri. This was the second ever kanreki dohyouiri - the first wasn't filmed.

Yokozuna Akinoumi is the tsuyuharai, and yokozuna Haguroyama is the tachimochi.

Anonymous No. 127544

I would give him the rope if he got 13-2. There was only one 13-2 champion this year 12-3 is a yusho equivalent these days.

Anonymous No. 127546

>There was only one 13-2 champion this year
If you look at the yusho history, you'll see that this year was historically anemic. 2022 has been the first year since 1999 without a single 14-1 or better performance.

Anonymous No. 127550

good thing your opinion doesn't matter then because you are a retard

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Anonymous No. 127552

Hakuhos newest recruit, Tetsuya Ochiai, who will be joining sumo at ms15TD next basho

Anonymous No. 127553

you would give him your mouth to lick his asshole clean as his bidet

Anonymous No. 127554

>Tetsuya Ochiai
He's had a strange path. Hasn't he been floating around amateur sumo for over a year?

Anonymous No. 127555

It happens more often than not that guys extend their amateur sumo careers in an effort to enter at makushita or sandanme directly and get fast-tracked to sekitori.

It doesn't always work. Oho (then Naya Konosuke) tried to win one of the big four amateur tournaments in order to enter tsukedashi.

Anonymous No. 127556

Dang, he's hogging them all. A lot of potential sekitori for Miyagino.
Kawazoe will reach makushita this year, likely.
Otani will be there, eventually.

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SUMO Kyushu Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 127567

>not a giant
>not a midget
come on hakuho give us some more freaks

Anonymous No. 127568

Why did Saltman fight if he was injured?
I remember when he forklifted Toshinoshin for a while.

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Anonymous No. 127570

one or two wins would possibly help him stay above j10. they may even reward his fighting spirit for continuing even know he had people like ichinojo on the last day with a rank or so. who knows

Anonymous No. 127576

>you will witness hakuho's kanreki dohyo-iri in your lifetime

Anonymous No. 127579

Well he might die before he turns 65

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true form of the ....jpg

Anonymous No. 127693

>That hair
He's grooming a zoomer

Anonymous No. 127695

60 not 65

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Anonymous No. 127746

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Anonymous No. 127771

>tfw you'll never flatten Takakeishos wife with your inhuman bulk

Anonymous No. 127775

How does one have sex with a man as fat as Takakeisho? Asking for a friend

Anonymous No. 127777

Lots of cowgirl/reverse cowgirl

Anonymous No. 127779

Quads of truth.

Anonymous No. 127788

takakeisho doesn't have sex. he is on permit no nutting to help form his ballsack body

Anonymous No. 127799

Is that what made his pre-injury tachiai so powerful, the cum surging through his veins?

Anonymous No. 127812

based boomer Jason called out Chris on his latest video lmao. Chris you a bitch.

Anonymous No. 127813

Isn't Jason the guy who, in 2022, still records his sumo footage by literally pointing a camera at his TV?

Anonymous No. 127818

peak boomery

Anonymous No. 127825

The video is an hour long, what’d he say?

Anonymous No. 127837

Yes, and this is what we call "soul". He really does remind me of early YouTube; no idea how to record, now idea to edit, and yet I'll still watch him ramble about sumo.

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Keisho training s....jpg

Anonymous No. 127893

...also the reason why he's such a good pusher/thruster.

Anonymous No. 127901

He says something offhand about "other guys" disabling comments whenever they want to criticize someone.

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Anonymous No. 127913


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Anonymous No. 127916

The US theocracy has such an harmful and suppressive influence on any other culture it gets in touch with, it's simply sad.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 127929

Whichever made up country is presently acting as the primary Jewish vehicle will always spew regressive puritanism painted as progressive innovation - whether its the United Provinces, United Kingdom or United States

Anonymous No. 127931

kill yourself tonight

🗑️ Anonymous No. 127936

NO U. You fucking kike worshiping slave.
Lol, seething at being presented with the mundane reality of the world you live in.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 127937

Whichever country is presently acting as the primary Jewish vehicle will always spew regressive puritanism painted as progressive innovation - whether the United Provinces, United Kingdom or the United States.

Repeated since apparently some mod targets only that which provides some elucidation for the little people of the world in which they live.

Anonymous No. 127963

Based Dark Knight Gould living rent-free in Jason's giant head

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Anonymous No. 127967


Anonymous No. 128016

Chris is literally terrified of any backlash from criticizing tochinoshin. All his other recent videos except that one have comments on. He's not even wrong but any opposition just lives rent free in his angloid head.

Anonymous No. 128023

Bro, you don't understand. Georgians are something else.

When their Georgian SHW weightlifter, a true gold medal contender, tested positive for roiding, they went nuts on the IWF Instagram account. Hundreds of thousands of abusive comments.

I'm not surprised that Chris is wary of allowing comments on any video where he says Tochi is ageing or weaker or anything. They take it personally. The only people more sensitive than Georgians are Iranians and Turks.

Anonymous No. 128025

Daiki nakamura is fucking massive I would be sliding his family massive stacks under the table to get him in my stable

Anonymous No. 128029

What does a stable get for having a successful wrestler?

Anonymous No. 128030

I imagine a slice out of everything. UFC fighters have to pay their coaches,cornermen, and gym fees.

Anonymous No. 128031

Think about a college football program (if you're American).
If a program gets a four star recruit, they'll do better on the field, which leads to better recruiting, sponsorships, etc, which leads to bowl game success, etc.
BUT, it also means that you'll attract more wealthy boosters who will donate to the program.

Stables are the same way. They have supporters clubs (which are a separate thing from a rikishi's supporters club) and those clubs will pass money and influence the stable's way.

Then, there's the direct way: straight cash. Every yen the rikishi makes, the stable gets a cut. (It's only fair, after all, since the stable is taking on a risk training you. They feed you, house you, etc. It's very hard to get rid of a wrestler, legally.)

All those envelopes after a match? Some of that goes straight into the oyakata's pocket. Same with prize money. Same with commercial sponsorships.

You can either do what Miyagino, Isegahama, Nishonoseki, etc do and establish recruiting pipelines of talent, or you can run a stable like Shikihide and live comfortably on JSA subsidies and do the absolute minimum.

Anonymous No. 128032

How do these succesful college wrestlers decide their stables or do they even have any control in it and they are just sold to the highest bidder by their coaches/schools?

Anonymous No. 128033

>I would be sliding his family massive stacks under the table to get him in my stable
I don't think we've touched on it much here, but oyakata do indeed do this to get guys. That is what surprises me about Hak's recent acquisition efforts. He's burning a lot of capital on blue-chip prospects, so I'd be curious to know what the stakes of their success/failure are, if anything.

Anonymous No. 128034

>How do these succesful college wrestlers decide their stables or do they even have any control in it and they are just sold to the highest bidder by their coaches/schools?

Just like college football. Coaches (or stablemasters) talk to the kid and his parents, detail how the can develop the kid's career. Show off the stable and its amenities. That huge stable that Kisenosato built in Ibaraki is a great recruiting tool.
And sometimes, the family gets some monetary compensation from the stablemaster in exchange for the kid signing on.

Other times, kids already know what stable they'll go to due to personal connections.
Oho, for example, was never going to go anywhere except his grandfather's stable. Abi had a relationship with Shikoroyama going back to high school. I can't imagine Kotonowaka could have imagined a scenario where he's not wrestling for his dad, etc.

Anonymous No. 128056

Lads, how much long does Tochinoshin have?

Anonymous No. 128057

Assuming he retires as soon as he drops out of juryo,
Assuming he doesn't get injured and just goes intai then and there,

Then assuming he goes 6-9 for the rest of his career, between 6 and 8 tournaments. A single 8-7, however, could extend his career by another 3 tournaments.

As much as I love watching the big guy, he's clearly in pain and the quality of his sumo is going downhill fast. He was always a brawler, but he's been looking particularly artless the last few months.

Anonymous No. 128063

4 tourments
1 more 8-7
1 more 7-8
1 5-10(hearken the collapse)
1 1-14 shimanoumi style(retires)

Anonymous No. 128065

>shimanoumi style
What the fuck happened to him? A year ago I thought it was a passing injury, but the man looks increasingly cooked.

Anonymous No. 128066

As you get older, you heal from injuries much slower.

Anonymous No. 128068

I think he's also got an eye towards retirement. In a combat sport, you can't be "thinking about it". You're either in or out.

He's married the daughter of the current Izutsu-oyakata and took her family name, so I'm guessing he's getting ready to take over that kabu, maybe even resurrect the stable. The Izutsu kabu is currently just being lent around but it's still held by Sakahoko's family.

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Anonymous No. 128125


Anonymous No. 128129

Anonymous No. 128136

New ugly bastard kino just dropped

Anonymous No. 128137

How far would he get in sumo?

Anonymous No. 128140

Chrissy G is a madlad for continuing this saga
Almost GenoSamual levels of Bullying-by-Documentary

Anonymous No. 128159

>more moriurara

Anonymous No. 128169

lmao at that leddit guy that spent hours to calculate the all-time Elo ratings just to end up putting Shodai ahead of Kaio and Akebono

Anonymous No. 128172

>That top 10
>Tochinoshin 11

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Anonymous No. 128179

>"Top 100 Elo Ratings since 1965"
>Tokushoryu is 6 ranks higher than Chiyonofuji
absolutely LEGENDARY retard

when he was starting I pointed out how garbage his methodology was, he didn't listen, and now here we are

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Anonymous No. 128200

>rating inflation didn’t seem to be a problem

Anonymous No. 128236

>That jumping henka in the first bout.

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Anonymous No. 128237

>>Tokushoryu is 6 ranks higher than Chiyonofuji

Anonymous No. 128238

the eight boat leap is no joke

Anonymous No. 128251

Pre-roids or post-roids Chiyonofuji?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 128288

Even that is contingent on when you assume Chiyonofuji started.

If Chiyonofuji started roiding in 1976 after he fell into makushita, his pre-roid sekitori record is:
>8 basho; 54 wins, 62 losses, 4 absences (46.55% win rate)
If Chiyonofuji started roiding in 1979 after he fell into juryo, his pre-roid sekitori record is:
>17 basho; 122 wins, 125 losses, 8 absences (49.39% win rate)

Tokushoryu's career sekitori record is:
>468-507, 0 absences (48.00% win rate)

Anonymous No. 128289

Even that is contingent on when you assume Chiyonofuji started.

If Chiyonofuji started roiding in 1976 after he fell into makushita, his pre-roid sekitori record is:
>8 basho; 54 wins, 62 losses, 4 absences (46.55% win rate)
If Chiyonofuji started roiding in 1979 after he fell into juryo, his pre-roid sekitori record is:
>25 basho; 176 wins, 187 losses, 12 absences (48.48% win rate)

Tokushoryu's career sekitori record is:
>468-507, 0 absences (48.00% win rate)

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Anonymous No. 128299

Terutsuyoshi breaking etiquette

Anonymous No. 128308

>all-time Elo ratings
Wtf qrd and sauce, please!

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Anonymous No. 128310

he's already been reamed out by sumoforum, dw

Anonymous No. 128323

>Harumafuji better than or even comparable with Asashoryu
>Kakuryu and Baruto are two of the greatest rikishi of all time
>Mitakeumi ahead of both Shodai AND Takakeisho
>Daieisho and Endo even in the fucking ballpark of anybody relevant
You could spend 20 minutes looking at this and keep finding more and more to laugh at

Anonymous No. 128337

reamed out is a bit much, but yeah. why this nerd want to force elo is beyond me

Anonymous No. 128358

>k-score of 35
>you can realistically gain 800 elo over the span of 3 or 4 good tournaments
At first I couldn’t figure out how he fucked it so badly, but this is probably why.

Anonymous No. 128398

Sumo genius giving some tough love for Atamifuji

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Anonymous No. 128414

But Taihou did this after 1965, and isn't on either version of the list.

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Anonymous No. 128423

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july 2016 banzuke....png

Anonymous No. 128439

more than half of the makuuchi rikishi appearing on the July 2016 banzuke are now retired
it's the most recent banzuke I could find with this little (sad) stat

Anonymous No. 128440

And quite a few aren't far behind, damn. It really was an old man's dohyo back then

Anonymous No. 128458

lmaoing @ Mitakeumi, he couldn't do shit back then and he still can't do shit now with the easiest banzuke in 20 years.

Anonymous No. 128459

He was a competent sekiwake for over a year from late 2017-18

Anonymous No. 128470

Makes me wonder what the most recent banzuke is where all listed wrestlers are now retired. I'm not sure if I really want to know, considering it still feels like Harumafuji retired a few months ago.

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Anonymous No. 128477

Looks like the most recent basho where all the makuuchi rikishi are now retired was March 2008. Tochinoshin hit makuuchi in May 2008, and either he or Tamawashi (or both) have been in makuuchi for each basho since then.

Anonymous No. 128478

for makuuchi is March 2008, before Tochi debut

Anonymous No. 128479

>the most recent banzuke is where all listed wrestlers are now retired
I checked. The answer is Natsu 1992. Sawaisamu, now 45 years old, began wrestling at age 15 in the next basho, Nagoya 1992. Aminishiki debuted four and a half years after Sawaisamu.
Runner-up mad-lads include Dairaidou, Yoshiazuma, and Tenichi.

Anonymous No. 128485

was checking too
Sawaisamu was Bg in May 1993 but that month is covered by the debuts of Terunosato and Tenichi

Anonymous No. 128541

>Asashoryu has been retired for almost 13 years
this can't be real

Anonymous No. 128557

if someone asks me which half+1 of the current makuuchi will be retired in 6 years I'd really struggle to find the answer; I can reach 17 names, but 22? no way

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Anonymous No. 128586

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Anonymous No. 128658

Its over. Sumo is finished

Anonymous No. 128662

You just found out about him, eh?

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Anonymous No. 128674

"The other wrestlers respect Moriurara."

Fucking Chris inserting his headcanon again. The other wrestlers openly make fun of guys like Moriurara. Even his stablemaster (Takatoriki) made fun of him, giving him a shikona that references a racehorse that never fucking won (Haru Urara)

Aside from being dogshit, the only interesting thing about Moriurara is that he's Taiho's last recruit. (Taiho's stable was fucking crap, though that may have been due to the fact he had a stroke when he was in his mid-30s.)

Motherfucker's only 35 too. JFC.

Anonymous No. 128684

2023 is kotonowaka’s year

Anonymous No. 128686

ohhhhh boy, another manlet to overhype to yokozuna, but will never make sanyaku and drops to juryo after being figured out

Anonymous No. 128689

Not even the first black person in the sport

Anonymous No. 128690

The first video showing him was cute. It was a "look at this weird retard who's complete fucking shit at the sport" feel but for some reason chris and his viewers/commenters try to brainwashing themselves into giving a shit about his performance. To give moriurara some credit he'd probably just laugh if he heard about his "fans" overseas.

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Anonymous No. 128702

remember the day

Anonymous No. 128703

>the only interesting thing about Moriurara is that he's Taiho's last recruit
I don't know, I think it's fine to look at him as a sumo everyman. That itself is interesting. Chris is a moron but that doesn't change things.

Anonymous No. 128705

>I think it's fine to look at him as a sumo everyman
He's not a sumo everyman, though. He's historically bad.
He should rightly be looked at as a freak who stays in the sport because he's afraid of life on the outside world.

Anonymous No. 128707

chris saw that videos performance and now will spam him till he retires for views
chris is shit scum

Anonymous No. 128713

>Fucking Chris inserting his headcanon again.
That's why I unsubbed as soon as I got a basic understanding of the sport

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Anonymous No. 128736

Jungyo in Miyako, c 1950.

Anonymous No. 128779

They respect Mori more than us backseat sumo fans because he does, at least, get up everyday and train.

They don't respect him very much, but that was Chris's point. And he's probably correct?

Anonymous No. 128781

>but that was Chris's point.
No, Chris, that was the narrative you wrote in your own head. Stick to facts. If you didn't insist on your fanfiction, you wouldn't have to constantly turn comments off.

Anonymous No. 128784

this. its plainly obviously Chris never played a sport or possibly ever did physical activity in his life. the dude is the crazy retard that you want to make quit because you can't boot him from the team

Anonymous No. 128787

Why would anybody want to train with him? What would he provide in training? Hanakaze was a beaten boomer but he at least was a good cook.
I recall Chris himself hinting that fellow stablemates are worse bullies when he recorded Kisenosato trying not to smirk at jonidan shitters when he was a ringside judge. More Chris lore probably but it at least made sense. Oho needs someone with at least some potential to wrestle against I highly doubt he'd give a fuck if moriurara quit one day.

Anonymous No. 128788

>Oho needs someone with at least some potential to wrestle against I highly doubt he'd give a fuck if moriurara quit one day.

I was just thinking the same thing. How is Oho ever going to develop skills when he's got literally no one at his stable to train with? Ordinarily, he'd be able to visit other stables, but that's only started up again recently. His entire professional career so far has been basically under coof-lockdown. The fact that he's made it as far as he has is impressive.

Oho's got high school connections at other stables and seems to be, by all accounts, a pretty well-liked kid. If he starts training more regularly at places like Tokiwayama (he was Takakeisho's high school tsukebito) or Sadogatake (he was classmates with Kotonowaka and Kotoshoho) he might actually be able to develop the skills to match his body.

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Anonymous No. 128791

>The fact that he's made it as far as he has is impressive.
Otake stable is dogshit. They can't recruit. The stable is run by the only guy in the JSA who never made it into makuuchi.
Under normal circumstances, they would have shuttered the stable after Takatoriki got booted. I'm guessing they didn't want to do that to Taiho's stable (certainly not while he was still alive)

Pic related. These are Oho's stablemates at the time he entered sumo. The only maegashira on that list, Osunaarashi, would be fired within a few weeks.

I actually feel bad for Oho. He's all the genetic gifts to be great. He's got all the pressure that comes with the name. He's getting no support. Grandpa's dead, father's a fuckup. Stable's shit. I hope he has people in his supporters club looking out for him.

Anonymous No. 128819

I'd like to highlight a reddit sumo moment from the other week they still haven't noticed
>Asahi headline reads 'It's Possible There Could Have Been A Life-Threatening Incident [had the tomoe-sen continued], And What The Association Needs To Do About It'
>machine translation spits out 'Takayasu's "Life-Threatening Accident," Doctor Says'
>posters engaged in panicked rhetoric about a coverup, claim Takayasu's mother is a liar in on a JSA conspiracy for writing that he's fine
peak comedy

Anonymous No. 128835

>not even once.

Did that Asahi News article come to any conclusions?

If this turns into a scandal (big 'if') then I could imagine the JSA could do something like American football where you'd have an independent neurologist examine the wrestlers if they've taken a knock on the head and give the doctor the authority to pull the wrestler.

Similar to how they created the independent YDC but for brain trauma.

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Anonymous No. 128852

>the big one

Anonymous No. 128855

Oho and Hoshoryu made the poster. That's cool for them.

Anonymous No. 128856


Anonymous No. 128857

lol. You're right. My memory has been reduced to mush.

Anonymous No. 128858

uncle Aminishiki is searching for talents to join his new stable; if you are younger than 23, and 167cm / 67kg or more, just go!!!

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Anonymous No. 128861

>Did that Asahi News article come to any conclusions?
Nope, just that 'there should be protocols for doctor stops to happen' in circumstances like this and for torinaoshi.

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Anonymous No. 128891

I’m guessing they aren’t going to pay my plane ticket to fly over there

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it begins.jpg

Anonymous No. 128935

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Baki Dou (2018) -....jpg

Anonymous No. 128948

>short and light
>likes baki
>wants to be strongest ever
we getting a based ja/ck/ arc

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第71回 全日本相撲選手権大会(予....webm

Anonymous No. 128953


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Anonymous No. 128954

Lucas-Kazuo Iima (183cm, 155kg, 23, rugby background) has joined new Ajigawa-beya (ex-Aminishiki) and will be starting sumo in january. He is brazilian who moved to Japan with his parents and got Japanese nationality in his third year of university.

Anonymous No. 128955

Since he's a Japanese national, he doesn't count towards the foreigner limit right?

Anonymous No. 128957

IIRC, if you're 1st or 2nd generation descendant from Japanese, the foreigner limit doesn't apply to you. I think this was the case with Kaisei. His grandparents were Japanese so he counted as Japanese even if his shusshin was Brazil. His stable had a Mongolian while he was still active.

This kid's got a Japanese name "Kazuo", so he's probably part of the Japanese diaspora. Probably explains how he got citizenship so quickly too.

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Anonymous No. 129065

Anonymous No. 129069

Konishiki will die young to pay for his crimes

Anonymous No. 129074

What, be foreign?

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Anonymous No. 129080


Anonymous No. 129086

>"Fool! You thought the vertical henka only existed in theory?"

Anonymous No. 129130

And also being too fat

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Anonymous No. 129134

The perfect sumo form

Anonymous No. 129147

is Musashimaru right? Is oshizumo harder than yotsuzumo?

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Anonymous No. 129149

maybe he said that because of how often he lost to yotsuzumo?

Anonymous No. 129207

>Is oshizumo harder than yotsuzumo?

Maybe it is harder to be successful at the highest levels as a pure pusher. It's so physical that any kind of injuries slow you down moreso than on the belt. Like, if you're a belt wrestler and your shoulder hurts, you can still work around that, avoid certain techniques or something; but if you're a pusher, anything that hampers the strength of your pushes completely fucks you.

Plus, at the highest levels, the other guys know how to better defend against pushing and you can't rely on simply being the biggest kid in the ring.

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Anonymous No. 129242

>at the highest levels, the other guys know how to better defend against pushing and you can't rely on simply being the biggest kid in the ring.
But the Pacific Islanders are the perfect example of doing exactly that.

Anonymous No. 129243

Even Akebono switched to being a belt wrestler later in his career when injuries started to hamper him. Plus, he was also extremely skilled. Also, that's a pretty small sample size.

Anonymous No. 129244

I agree, but my point was one can hardly support the notion of oshi being harder with that argument. Clearly, it has been possible for some rikishi to bowl guys over with little more than sheer mass.

Anonymous No. 129245

I think the first point in >>129207 is more important to the argument: it's not harder to be pusher-thruster, but it is harder to be more successful, which is why the style is proportionally under-represented historically at the yokozuna and ozeki ranks.

Anonymous No. 129249

But that's an entirely different point. On that, I would argue that oshi is easier but has a lower ceiling, yotsu is harder but has a higher ceiling.

Anonymous No. 129250

What do you mean? The ceiling is the ceiling: yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 129252

Yes, and oshi almost never actually reaches yokozuna. Implying the ceiling of the skill which is oshizumo is lower.

Anonymous No. 129253

which means that Musashimaru was right: oshizumo harder than yotsuzumo

Anonymous No. 129254

>I would argue that oshi is easier but has a lower ceiling, yotsu is harder but has a higher ceiling

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Anonymous No. 129321

Is this Chris in the room with us now?

Anonymous No. 129355

No he's following wrasslers around to hicktowns like a roadie

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Anonymous No. 129380

who did?

Anonymous No. 129399

That looks like Hakuho's pinky.
I don't know enough to say if it's legitimate.

Anonymous No. 129402

I think those characters in the top right spell it out. That bottom character is "yama" but I don't know any others.

Anonymous No. 129407

It says Hakuhou in clear kanji in the bottom left. If you can't be arsed with kanji, try to learn Japanese numbers, which is easier. Right above that it gives you the yokozuna number, and since Hakuhou is the 69th yok, you can google that and get the answer without having to ask anyone for help.

Anonymous No. 129409

Its hak's. Real deal
most people don't read moonrunes.

Anonymous No. 129410

>most people don't read moonrunes.
Yes, but it's not hard to learn their numbers 1-99. There are only ten characters used in that entire set.

Anonymous No. 129411

I can't even see where the numbers are in there.

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Anonymous No. 129418

>I can't even see where the numbers are in there.
thus I advised you to learn them

6->10->9 = 69
there is no character higher than 10, so they all work this way

Anonymous No. 129422

Oh, I can recognize the characters when printed out, but any kind of calligraphy throws me for a loop.

Anonymous No. 129425

Good, so that's all you need.

Anonymous No. 129469

The Mongolian invasion of sumo is over, asanoyama and takakeisho are the kamikaze that will lead the way for a new era of Japanese wrestlers!!!

Anonymous No. 129474

more like the divine winded

Anonymous No. 129475

>who are oshoma and hokuseiho
I hope your post is ironic. I don't really like mongols dominating the top of sumo either, but there seems to be a crop of them always bent on doing exactly that.

t. person who hates Hokuseiho but understands that being 6'8 is pretty great for being good at sumo

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Anonymous No. 129497

>The Mongol invasion of sumo is ov-ACK
Asanoyama'll be 29 before he even gets back to makuuchi and Keisho is basically praying his 12-3 was good enough for the first half of a yokozuna bid because his body is straining to stay functioning while doing light physical movement. I don't think the actual hopes for the next generation of top rikishi are any stronger for Japan than they are for Mongolia - a reasonably capable young guy or two near the top already, several strong prospects in or around juryo, and a few wait-and-follows with promising starts or backgrounds coming up from the shitter divs

Honestly if nephew's turned a corner I'd wager on him hitting yokozuna before Asa and Keisho

Anonymous No. 129499

those recent beasts seen in amazumo are quite impressive

Anonymous No. 129506
New Chris headcanon just dropped.

Anonymous No. 129517

this was retarded.

Anonymous No. 129519

jesus christ the lines about isegahama
what a fucking clown chris is

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Anonymous No. 129520

and, because chris gould does no research, unsurprisingly he's not even close to correct about it
an M15 surviving demotion with 6-9 has happened five times since 2018, three of which were before Isegahama was even on the banzuke committee - and one of them was Terutsuyoshi!

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Anonymous No. 129540

...but you gave him three clicks nevertheless and on top of that >>129506 promoted his vid for free.

Anonymous No. 129565

He gets 15+ thousand views per video and I'm supposed to care about 3 fewer?

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Anonymous No. 129756

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Aki Basho 2011, H....webm

Anonymous No. 129781

Anonymous No. 129783

Chris dementia aside, I had no idea saltman had diabetes. How is that even possible? He's skinny and looks healthier than the average 70% lard rikishi. Makes me wonder how many of them have diabetes considering the irregular performance.

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Sept 2012 - Day N....webm

Anonymous No. 129788

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2013 May - Day EI....webm

Anonymous No. 129800

Anonymous No. 129807

>How is that even possible?
Genetics. Some people are just fucked carrying any kind of weight, muscle or fat.

Anonymous No. 129813

>Makes me wonder how many of them have diabetes considering the irregular performance.
Diabetes is incredibly common among rikishi.

Shodai's erratic performance over the last year or so has been partially blamed on his poor management of his diabetes.

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Anonymous No. 129870

Anonymous No. 129879

Incredible the aesthetic he has with just a simple suit

Anonymous No. 129880

Can’t wait for asa to be back his style of sumo is pretty nice

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Anonymous No. 129972

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Hakuho Sumo 2007 ....webm

Anonymous No. 129976

Anonymous No. 129980

I barely got to see him before he was perma-injured and only saw him perform a full basho when he made his final zensho, and I still miss him so much, bros...

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img_news 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 129982


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Tochiazuma vs. As....webm

Anonymous No. 129983

Anonymous No. 129984

I miss the bird's eye camera view

Anonymous No. 129991

thank you as always for bringing these images from the past, I really like them.

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Anonymous No. 130007

I hope akebono can make it to 60 but I doubt they give him a red tsuna and a ceremony at the kokugikan. Does akebono still have supporters in Japan?

Anonymous No. 130015

>Does a traitor still have supporters in the land of honor?

Anonymous No. 130018

What did Chad do besides not marrying that news lady.

Anonymous No. 130038

hes not involved with the sumo association so def wouldnt be at the kokugikan. i dont see him living another 7 years or being able to do it

Anonymous No. 130040

>hes not involved with the sumo association so def wouldnt be at the kokugikan
Just so that everyone knows - the NSK has nothing to do with these kinds of events. Danpatsushiki and kanreki dohyouiri have always been private affairs funded and put on by the rikishi and his supporters. The ones you see take place at the Kokugikan are only there because the wrestler has literally rented the Kokugikan for the event, rather than NSK sanctioning.

Also, if anyone thinks that doing a kanreki after ditching the Association is a faux pas - Tachiyama, the inventor of the kanreki dohyouiri, had ditched the NSK a year after his intai. Even Akebono spent longer as an oyakata than he did.

He got tattoos and went into MMA, which made some people mad at the time. Has no bearing on any of this though, since he retained a massive following.

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Anonymous No. 130041

Miyaginobeya, May 1919.

Misugiiso trains with oozeki Chibagasaki. Asogatake watches in the background. Not one of the three is a Miyaginobeya rikishi.
At the time, not every heya had its own ring, so degeiko could be necessary to get in any training at all. However, because of the East-West battle rules, a rikishi couldn't simply go anywhere: he'd have to find a heya of his side to practice in. As such, Miyagino was one of a few hub heyas.

The gathered crowd in the heya watching the keiko is also worth acknowledging.

Anonymous No. 130086

Great stuff, I love watching Hak highlights. May we live to see his like again

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Anonymous No. 130125

Does anyone else just worry that Takakeisho will drop dead of a massive heart attack before he makes Yokozuna? Guy does not have long left to live all things considered.

Anonymous No. 130128

Worry? If he doesn't go 14-1Y or something in January, I frankly expect it

I don't see how his body could even pull off the yokozuna dohyoiri, Teru and Hak had no knees but they could roughly improvise with the worst parts of the stomping and crouching since the rest of their body was fine. Takakeisho's case really seems to me that doing that would put him on a ventilator at the best of times

Anonymous No. 130131

Is that Takakeisho's score or the guy he's with?

Anonymous No. 130158

i'm pretty sure people used to say the same things about Konishiki, yet he made it out alive.

Anonymous No. 130175

Didn’t he lose a ton of weight after leaving sumo
>Takakeisho will go the way of Konishiki

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Konishiki vs. Mai....webm

Anonymous No. 130176

But Konishiki put on most of that weight as an adult, while he was training. Takakeishou has been morbidly obese since he was in elementary school. And, from what I've seen, Konishiki had an easier time breathing.
It's very easy to imagine that the childhood abuse has left Takakeishou with unacknowledged underlying heart/respiratory problems.

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Anonymous No. 130196

January 1919.

Because of a ban on rikishi enjoying the nightlife, Dewanoumi oyakata (yokozuna Hitachiyama) had a gentlemen's club constructed outside of the heya for his rikishi - for "the betterment of their character". Naturally, this included a billiards table and "various other forms of entertainment". Sumo would see a billiards craze grow among the rikishi over the next decade.
Pictured from right to left are: Kunigaiwa, Utsunomiya, Shakagatake, Hitachiyama, Tatenoya (who is holding Hitachiyama's son), yokozuna Tochigiyama, and Tsushimanada.

Anonymous No. 130197

thanks history anon
if you open a tumblr to collect all these history bits it'll be a huge success; use this as a reference (notice the sources, the translations of post from twitter etc.):

Anonymous No. 130202

he could lose 300lbs and still be a fat fuck.

Anonymous No. 130206

Is there a reason why golf is popular among wrestlers, or is it just popular in general in Japan

Anonymous No. 130211
Hakuho discusses 2022/2023

Anonymous No. 130214

the latter

Anonymous No. 130252

Asians, particularly older businessmen, love golf because they see it as sophisticated.

Anonymous No. 130253

What's the best place to purchase a tegata? I know they're produced en masse, so it can't be too difficult.

Anonymous No. 130255

The prints they mass produce can probably be picked up on evay or a sumo reseller. I got my print from the 2019 Nagoya basho I went to for like 25 dollars. The one you replied to is a real print that I picked up from bigsumofan. Real prints are much harder to find

Anonymous No. 130258

Is he standing on his toes to make himself look taller?

Anonymous No. 130259

looks that way. you can see his calf flexed. It could be some fatty balancing thing too

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Anonymous No. 130304

1922. More complaining about muscle definition, but this time featuring hakujin!
The title reads "Look at these underdeveloped muscles".

The author says that the two rikishi on the right, yokozuna Oonishiki and M3 Kyuushuuzan, "make one think of the ancient rikishi you'd see in old woodblock prints" (meant as an insult). Men like this enjoy bumping each other with their fat, meaty bellies. Now compare how they look, he says, to the JACKED American wrestler, "Santel", the man on the right side of the left picture.

This appears to be a photograph of Ad Santel. The year prior, he had dunked on a number of prominent judo practitioners in Japan - that was still very much in the public memory, and had engendered something of an insecurity about Japan's martial arts.
Anyway, this is another addition to the 'times throughout history people got mad about rikishi looking fat' collection.

Anonymous No. 130346

Would Santel have beaten the Yokozuna of the time in a sumo match?

Anonymous No. 130355

Depends on the ruleset, I'd bet.

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Anonymous No. 130358

For me, it's Taka the bald

🗑️ Anonymous No. 130370

Merry Christmas, /sumo/! Banzuke soon.

Anonymous No. 130371

Merry Christmas, /sumo/! Banzuke soon.

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Anonymous No. 130374


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Anonymous No. 130375

retirement rope is complete

Anonymous No. 130376

Merry Christmas to all /sumo/ (shit)posters.

Anonymous No. 130396

No. Sumo was already a complete pursuit whereas judo was still being invented, which is why he'd managed to win at all.

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Anonymous No. 130397

merry merry

Anonymous No. 130398

Mad to imagine Hak rocking out to the Hu (like i do)

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universally loved.png

Anonymous No. 130410

get a load of kage love

Anonymous No. 130411

>Banzuke soon
midnight in Japan
it's banzuke day already!

Anonymous No. 130425

>Hokuseiho third-most popular Juryo rikishi
If the world is with Hokuseiho then I am against the world

Anonymous No. 130430

Damn that's re**ddit

Anonymous No. 130433

>Midorifuji in well liked
>Takakeisho controversial
>Okinoumi and Myogiryu in generally unfavorable
>Shodai disliked
Yep, its peak reddit

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Anonymous No. 130453

>hurrr ders No WaaAAaY takayasu fets sekiwake in JaNuAry.
Eat shit faggot, it's your favorite meal

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Anonymous No. 130454

Full banzuke

Anonymous No. 130457

Watamotoharu is unstoppable, holy shit. Another 9-6 and he'll be in Sekiwake. He'll probably take up Shodai's spot when his plan inevitably fails.
Also, Terutsuyoshi is J10w.

Anonymous No. 130458

>8 komusekis
Probably because they want to draw crowds because of a sole ozeki and absent yoko? Either way the traffic jam up top is ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 130459

might be maximizing the chance for new ozeki runs. it would be cool to see yasu make ozeki again. think they give it back to him with +10 in these next two basho

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Anonymous No. 130460

The baby faced assassin kotonowaka third generation sanyaku!!!!This is honestly long overdue but I hope this gives him a big mental boost

Kotonowaka has all the skills to make ozeki or better!

Anonymous No. 130461

>check kotonowaka’s old instagram
>check his last posted ig post
>it’s like by ALOT of jp cuties

I wish I was a sumo I bet a lot of wrestlers date cuties.

Anonymous No. 130476

Just look at Takakeishos

Anonymous No. 130478

I think it's more a matter of you had to do it. It was either that or start demoting people for winning records/leaving people in place for 9 or 10 win records. M1 was a logjam like I haven't seen in a long time.
We all know they don't like opening new sanyaku slots unless they are completely forced to.

Anonymous No. 130479

>think they give it back to him with +10 in these next two basho
Maaaybe they might, since he's a former ozeki, he might get the benefit of doubt. Starting an ozeki run from komusubi is fairly common. Starting one from M1 is an edge case. It's only happened twice in the modern era and not since 1985 (and it was Futahaguro).

One of those has to be a big one. If he goes 10-5, 10-5 in the next two basho, he'd be on 32 and the 12 would have come from M1. If he gets to 33, though, I think his former ozeki status might be enough to let the M1 thing slide.

Anonymous No. 130480

>Starting an ozeki run from M1 ... only happened twice in the modern era and not since 1985
Did you run a search for M1 only? Because Terunofuji and Tochinoshin both started a run from below M1. Possibly there are more examples, but those are the two I remember.

Anonymous No. 130481

Oh, yeah. I forgot about Terunofuji's 2015 run.
Tochinoshin I considered an outlier since his run started with a yusho (14-1 from M3) and Takayasu's never getting one of those.

Actually, Terunofuji's was pretty odd too. If I remember, he was like 8-7 from M2 or 3 but literally everyone ahead of him got an MK so he got promoted to S1 but then followed it up with a yokozuna-worthy performance.

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Anonymous No. 130482

query. picrel
It's definitely not normal, like >>130481 suggests, you need to have something really impressive for it to be considered. Given the state of the ozeki corps at the moment, the banzuke committee might be charitable.
We're probably getting ahead of ourselves, though. It's been a long time since 'Yasu has been able to put in back-to-back-to-back double digit performances, and there's a lot more wear and tear on his body now than in 2017.

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Anonymous No. 130484

>Takayasu's never getting one of those.
Here is Takakeisho to remind you that yuusho equivalence is all you need for that horizontal rope
>no, i won't win 2 in a row. i don't need to
-takakeisho dec 10 2022

Anonymous No. 130485

Sorry, there must be some mistake. We were talking about TakaYASU, not TakaKEISHO. Don't worry about it. So many Takas can get confusing.

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Anonymous No. 130486

you are the confused one.
found the guys who were fast tracked interesting. wonder why

Anonymous No. 130487

>found the guys who were fast tracked interesting. wonder why
Because it was a different era. Shit before then wasn't as formalized.

Stick to the 6-tournament era.

Anonymous No. 130488

Nothing before 1958 is relevant to the discussion.

For the record, I would also like to see Keisho's adorable, roly-poly dohyo-iri and so I hope he gets his white rope.

Anonymous No. 130489

no shit, i can figure that much. im talking about was there politics/family connections, was someone expected to do really well, etc.
the 1917 and up ones specifically
again, no shit. i never said it was relevant to a possible takayasu promotion.

Anonymous No. 130490

>>130489 just wanted to do a little keisho shitposting?

Anonymous No. 130491

Sumo did not have 6 basho a year until well after that, so promotions/demotions could be more radical, and would sometimes depend on the actual quality of sumo exhibited.

Anonymous No. 130495

>the 1917 and up ones
Chibagasaki was seen as a potential yokozuna at first, but never quite made it. Tachihikari was a personally recruited student of the big-time yokozuna Tachiyama, so there were probably sizable expectations on him, too. Futabayama and Maedayama both did make yokozuna, so presumably some degree of their potential was apparent by the time they were in makuuchi.

Anonymous No. 130497

>actual quality of sumo exhibited.
pretty much what i was wonder about.
no, of course not. zero shitposting about yusho equivalent and yokozuna promotions in march

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Anonymous No. 130510

>yusho equivalent
you do NOT want a J-J yokozuna

Anonymous No. 130514

>you do NOT want a J-J yokozuna
wrong. i want all the accompanying seethe that will come with a J-Y yokozuna takakeisho. the saltmine created wouldn't run dry for years

Anonymous No. 130515

>the saltmine created wouldn't run dry for years
True, but you'd probably have to go to reddit to find all that salt and, I don't know about you, but I have no interest in that site.

Anonymous No. 130516

do you not go to the sp threads. takakeisho hate is mooning

Anonymous No. 130517

There's one Dutch (?) poster who hates Keisho, but other than that, I don't see more or less hate for Keisho than any other top-level guy. /sp/ usually reflexively hates anyone at the top, unless posting that you like that guy makes everyone else mad.

Anonymous No. 130520

>Ichinojo banned from January

Anonymous No. 130521

Isegahama has stepped down from a riji position because of bullying in his stable. Two lower ranking wrestlers were bullying another and one of them is forced to retire while other is suspended for one basho

Anonymous No. 130522

>investigating his alleged beating of the Oyakata's wife
>see that he broke covid protocol two fucking years ago
>banned for a tournament
Absolutely retarded.

Anonymous No. 130524

>investigating his alleged beating of the Oyakata's wife
glad to know you don't know what you're talking about but will still pass judgment on it

Anonymous No. 130525

Enlighten me fag

Anonymous No. 130526

Wow. Closing the year out with a bang.

Anonymous No. 130527

The investigation was concerning Ichinojou being a degenerate alcoholic and missing training. That was why Minato reported him to the Kyoukai. The yellow press then dredged out the okamisan story, deliberately neglecting to mention that it happened once 5+ years ago and apparently was not malicious. In going over the case, the Kyoukai discovered that Ichinojou had been going out to drink during lockdowns, and has suspended him accordingly. Ignoring it would be to tell the rikishi that anything goes if you aren't caught. Seemingly they haven't resolved the matter of his training yet, or perhaps it's been settled quietly in which case we'll never hear about it again. The okamisan thing was tertiary from the start.

Anonymous No. 130528

Well I think now we can suss out how their covid protocol punishment system works lmao.

ozeki + hostess club = 6 basho
sekitori + hostess club = 3 basho
sekitori + the local pub = 1 basho

Those old Boomers at the JSA must really not like hostesses.

Anonymous No. 130529

Thank you, fag. That was a good explanation.

Anonymous No. 130532

Thanks fag

Anonymous No. 130533

Which, let's face it, is quite based. Whores.

Anonymous No. 130534

you're welcome

Anonymous No. 130536

>41 points on guess the banzuke

Hopefully a lot of people didn't also guess 4 sekiwake + 8 komusubi.

Anonymous No. 130540

Oh dang. Isegahama is cancelled. Wild.

Anonymous No. 130541

Where are people getting eight komusubi from? There are four komusubi and four sekiwake. I guess you can say that there are eight sanyaku minus Terunofuji and Takakeisho.

Anonymous No. 130542

komuseki is slang for the combined junior sanyaku ranks. There's four of each or eight in total.

When people were guessing how the rankings would shake out, most people were guessing there would be between six and eight. Historically speaking, eight must be among the highest total ever.

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Anonymous No. 130543

Harumafuji, Mongolia, present day, from Asashoryu's Twitter account.

My boy's looking pretty trim. He was never the heaviest guy when he fought, but he looks like he's dropped 30 kilos.

Anonymous No. 130544

Oh, I see. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 130545


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Anonymous No. 130546

I'm retarded, does this news mean that Isegahama will have to retire from everything i.e. his shimpan duties, being a stablemaster, etc.?

Anonymous No. 130547

No, he only resigned from the board of directors. It's effectively a demotion.

Anonymous No. 130551

No, he has (he had) a number of roles. He was a member of the board of directors, judging committee, etc.
He resigned his position as riji (director). When the board has its next meeting, he may or may not be reassigned to a different committee.

He more or less had to resign. If he stood his ground, then everyone would have looked bad. He looks bad because the wrestlers in his stable are out of control; and the board looks bad because they have to discipline one of their most respected members, which implies that they are not good at picking effective leaders.

On the other hand, by resigning, he can admit that his responsibilities as director were causing him to lose focus on his wrestlers and the board can look reasonable by issuing no further punishment. Everything is more harmonious this way.

The interesting part will happen next. Isegahama may have lost his directorship, but he's still very powerful politically within the JSA. If he gets an assignment from the prestigious judging committee and reassigned to the, say, regional tour organizing committee, then you'll know that one or more groups will be working against him to blunt Isegahama's influence within the JSA.

Anonymous No. 130553

Can he become a chairman in few years, with this kind of blemish on he reputation?

Anonymous No. 130554

Probably. I dunno if he'll really want it though. Hakkaku is younger and seems to be liked enough to be reelected.

Anonymous No. 130570

He can still regain his spot on the board of directors, but he's 62 and nearing the retirement age of 65 (not including those extra 5 years you can stay on as a consultant) so it's unlikely that he could get elected to a position that he would not spend much time in.
For that matter, it was unlikely that he would have been elected chairman even if this whole scandal had never occurred, again, simply due to his age.

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Anonymous No. 130607

All according to father’s plan

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Anonymous No. 130622

Watched the full day 15 of the last basho with my grandma yesterday, she really enjoyed it
When Takayasu lost she went "Poor fella, he's old as fuck, he's never going to win again"

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Anonymous No. 130628

the curse of the crone

Anonymous No. 130633

Kotonokaka 6-9 fall back into maegashira incoming

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Anonymous No. 130636

Anonymous No. 130637

hostess < host

Anonymous No. 130644

'Yasu is just 32. Still.. got... time...

Anonymous No. 130648

there have been 8 yokozuna to earn their promotion at 32 or older

Anonymous No. 130666

How many have been promoted after thirty? I don’t think Yasu has 32 tournaments like kotozakura to make Y.

Anonymous No. 130674

>How many have been promoted after thirty?
14. If we're counting guys who turned 30 during their debut basho at yokozuna, then I believe I counted 16.

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Anonymous No. 130688

Chokeyasu has been on a run lately despite his chokes. All the yusho winners this year had terrible second bashos after their yusho.

Anonymous No. 130692

I still think yasu has another playoff or two in him. I like to think this lose will harden him and make him even more angry and motivated to win.

Anonymous No. 130701

>these aren't the titties i want to see while drinking

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Anonymous No. 130709

Reading the replies about IDing the Hakuho tegata made me feel like mine might not be legit.
The characters in the corners of mine look like they're in some other kind of script compared to pics of others I'm seeing online, though the characters for "Yokozuna 69" themselves look roughly the same when compared individually.
Did I get scammed, or do they just come in different styles? Is mine old or something?

Anonymous No. 130722

Based grandma

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Anonymous No. 130724

I think you're fine. That's an old sumo script that they do sometimes use for tegata, but I don't know about why or how often: pic related is from the Kyoukai's website. My recollection is that the prints don't use the stamps at all(?) and I can see other Hak ones like yours on google, so it should be legit unless you can find other reasons to doubt it.

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Anonymous No. 130732

1921. The lads play baseball before a jungyo. The man making the toss in the middle photo is yokozuna Oonishiki. Note the "Wrestler" jerseys - they must have had those made.

Should mention a lot of these recent photos I've been pulling from this blog:

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Screenshot 2022-1....jpg

Anonymous No. 130736

"Winning is the only thing that matters, so I just want to win"

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Anonymous No. 130762

>"Winning is the only thing that matters, so I just want to win"
Genius mindset

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Anonymous No. 130774

>winning is the only thing that matters because I can’t expect to live that long after retirement

Anonymous No. 130777

>Winning is the only thing that matters,
Somewhere a McDonald's cook is asking, "He lied directly to my face!"

Anonymous No. 130784

>Wrestler jersey
this was in the 1920's when Japan saw a boom in baseball.

Anonymous No. 130796

Why are the subtitles on Sumo Prime Time such ass? I have a toddler's grasp of the language but even I can pick out lots of questionable word choices and omissions/errors.

Anonymous No. 130798

Because your ability to read/hear Japanese is probably stronger than their ability to write and translate into English. That or they're working off of the English equivalent of a Genki textbook for their translation skills. I'm not sure, I'm the guy who watches videos sped up so I can't make sense of almost anything being said lol

Anonymous No. 130818

They try to make the translations simple enough that new sumo viewers won't feel alienated by any of the content, but they always shave off more than they need to. So if a rikishi says 'My aims for Nagoya are a special prize and a kinboshi', it becomes something like:
>I hope to achieve a strong result in the coming tournament!
because they can't be bothered to explain it.

Anonymous No. 130820

Does anyone else think that Oho is getting tired of answering questions about his grandfather?

>I never knew him as a champion so he retired 30 years before I was born. He was just my grampy and he died when I was 11.

Anonymous No. 130821

They realized they had a choice. Keep the lingo as "authentic" as possible and expect viewers to learn and not get aliented, or simply translate all concepts into English.
>Rikishi, dohyo, gyoji, shimpan
>Wrestler, ring, referee, judge

They seem to have tried to split the difference so now it all sounds really awkward.
I'm not mad at them or anything, since I appreciate their doing anything for non-Japanese fans. I think their videos will get better as time goes on and they polish their style.

Anonymous No. 130822

They've recently had a lot of new viewership, foreign sumo attention has been surprisingly rising recently. For instance in their most recent video when they listed Takakeisho's winning techniques of the year, they had "frontal push out" as his most popular winning technique. They're just targeting a less informed audience, but also giving us the fan service for the more experienced viewer. Like seeing Keisho talk at all? That got me pretty excited. Same with that Ryogoku video with Keisei, that video is pretty much only made for the sweatier sumo fan. So they kind of produce content that can somewhat satisfy both sides of the aisle. Me personally? I love Sumo Prime Time I laugh like a fucking donkey whenever one of my favorite rikishi has to awkwardly go "s-samo palime dime!" and jut their finger in the air. I get more important sumo news from other sources, Hiro is just the fun sumo channel

Anonymous No. 130823

>Hiro is just the fun sumo channel
i love that little niqqa like you wouldn't belive, he always makes me smile

Anonymous No. 130826

I'm guessing that as the channel matures, the rikisihi will be more aware of it and do bits for it as an obligation to foreign fans. (I'd imagine that a lot of them don't even realize they have foreign fans, I mean, in English-speaking countries.)

>Sumo Plime Time!
>...can I put my finger down yet?

Anonymous No. 130832

You can never have too much Konishiki footage.

Anonymous No. 130836

konishiki v oozutsu

Anonymous No. 130843

We haven't heard anything about it in a while, but I believe Tobizaru mentioned last year he was trying to learn some English because he's aware he has English-speaking fans. If he knows about us, surely he isn't the only one that knows.

Anonymous No. 130852

Oh, undoubtedly. It's got to bug him. He's made it to the top division by age 22 coming from a rinky-dink stable and all anyone wants to talk about is his grandfather.
Also, no one asks him about his father. I wonder why, lol.

I mean, I know, Taiho is sumo's Babe Ruth and Oho hasn't really accomplished anything yet that would get people talking about his own prospects for greatness.

Do people pester Kotonowaka with questions about Kotozakura? Genuinely curious.

Anonymous No. 130854

>Taiho is sumo's Babe Ruth
That's Raiden. Competed long before anyone today was alive, little or no footage exists, lapped the field for 20 years, inexplicably did not put in much effort to do so, increasingly ignored in 'GOAT' discussions due to the perceived quality of competition in his era.

Anonymous No. 130856

>>130854 maybe Taiho is like sumo's Kareem, Wilt, or Russell.
Sumo's Babe Ruth is probably Futabayama. There's footage of him, but not a lot.
Raiden's largely legendary.

Anonymous No. 130857

>Sumo's Babe Ruth is probably Futabayama.
Yes. This.
Incidentally, Futabayama was renowned for his beautiful utchari. Very flexible lower body, very strong upper body, he'd make you wait until the very last second.

In American sports terms, perhaps Taiho would be like a Johnny Unitas. Certainly one of the all-timers, but he played in a different era so comparing him to Joe Montana or Tom Brady is pointless, but at the same time, he didn't play so far in the distant past that the game is unrecognizable, like Sammy Baugh.

Anonymous No. 130858

Raiden was after the legendary period. The first yokozuna verified to have historically existed was Raiden's mentor. We don't know how much credit he deserves for his wins, but the man and his numbers were both definitely real.

Anonymous No. 130859

>Do people pester Kotonowaka with questions about Kotozakura? Genuinely curious.
He's received a couple questions about it recently, now that he's 3rd generation sanyaku. He seems pretty sanguine about it. Granted, he's probably seen it coming for a while now. His grandfather (Kotozakura) died pretty early too, so it's not like they had too much time to bond over their shared profession.

And, there's a little difference between Kotozakura and Taiho. Kotozakura was a totally decent yokozuna. Taiho is still the Japanese GOAT.

>Also, no one asks him about his father. I wonder why, lol.
I'm sure you know why. For the sake of the thread, though, ex-Takatoriki got kicked out (he resigned) from the JSA because he's a degenerate gambler, then he divorced his wife (Taiho's daughter, Oho's mother). I don't know what relationship Oho has with his father. Divorces can be very weird for kids.
I'm pretty sure Takatoriki is proud of his son. I know Oho's brothers are proud of him.

Anonymous No. 130862

OK, perhaps "legendary" was a poor choice of wording. 2.58m, 340kg Shiganosuke is legendary, more like mythical. But with Raiden, there are so many unknowns, like the quality of opponents. Yeah, he was a real guy, but was he pummeling local scrubs?
One of the joys of sumo is just how insanely old it is. No other sport even comes close.

Regardless, I think we're both on the same page.

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Anonymous No. 130869

Gurowake posted this on SF, thought it was interesting

Anonymous No. 130871

It certainly feels like we've seen that age number drop quite a lot in the last 12 months, I'd be curious if the tail-end of that graph is up to date or if 2022 wasn't included in it

Anonymous No. 130873

Guys, we've already been through this, Raiden is sumo's Honus Wagner.

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Anonymous No. 130880

Father and son one step closer to achieving the Yokozuna dream!!!

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Anonymous No. 130913

The only thing that will be able to contain Abi in January basho

Anonymous No. 130916

Raiden was almost the same size as Baruto. ~1800 Japanese didn't have a chance.

Anonymous No. 130921

There were a handful of wrestlers who competed around the same time as Raiden who were just as tall or taller, and none were as good: Tamagaki II, Hiregatake II, Eshimagata, Kumonryu, Arauma III. On the other hand yokozuna Tanikaze, who was ~3 inches shorter than Raiden, put up career numbers almost identical to his.

Anonymous No. 130927

abi is ranked too high to get most of his wins against the guys floating between J&M. back to making kk or missing by one or two

Anonymous No. 130935

What are the oldest stables right now? Are there any around from pre ww2?

Anonymous No. 130937

Sort by "year opened".

Anonymous No. 130938

There's a couple that are over a century old. Dewanoumi is the oldest, IIRC.

Anonymous No. 130982

Any word on Ishiura? I feel sad for the little guy.

Anonymous No. 131000

He's Sandanme 30 now.
There's no news, but he's going to be 33 in two weeks. I don't think there's any way he comes back. I think he's just getting his post-sumo life squared-away (job, apartment, etc) before Miyagino submits his retirement papers.

But yeah, definitely feel bad for him. Career-high rank to out of the sport in no time flat, just another victim of the Baby-faced Assassin.

Anonymous No. 131006

Anonymous No. 131007

>article contains nothing new.
Would you like no-fries with your nothingburger?

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Anonymous No. 131013

>Any word on Ishiura?
He was seen in this photo the other week, where he appears to have lost a lot of mass.

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Anonymous No. 131033

>hapa lashing out against her culture
Who would’ve guessed this!

Anonymous No. 131043

the info of this video is like 20 years old, this also most likely is a repost from vice since they made a similar video a few years ago.
holy shit he does look more skinny, it's unironically over.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 131052

Oy vey, wait til reddit hears about this. Between this and the misogyny, I don't see how G-d could allow this "sport" to continue. Sorry sumos, your days are numbered.

Anonymous No. 131056

hang yourself tonight

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Anonymous No. 131057


Anonymous No. 131059

>Oy vey, wait til reddit hears about this.
Thank you for volunteering to go there as our agent-in-place. Remember, though, you can't post here anymore, it would blow your cover.

Anonymous No. 131096

Anyone watching this weird women's sumo tournament that MidnightSumo is restreaming off of YouTube? It's exactly what you'd expect.

Anonymous No. 131106

This is great, I love hearing an American ozeki talk about sumo

Anonymous No. 131111

Wtf it took me a couple of seconds to recognize him, I was like "where the fuck is my man Ishiura?"

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Anonymous No. 131120

2023... I am forgotten.

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Anonymous No. 131121

But his final bout is not

Anonymous No. 131145

there are highschool girls sumo page. sumunnie

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Anonymous No. 131159

Anonymous No. 131166

no matter what I came up with

Anonymous No. 131175

its true. Takayasu has the best sumo right now. he's just cursed to choke when it matters and make a critically bad decision that he can't recover from

Anonymous No. 131176

>posting a link to vice

What a faggot.

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Anonymous No. 131178

>no matter what I came up with, I couldn’t beat shodai
>proceeds to come up with something that beats shodai

Anonymous No. 131190

Peak Shodai mogs every rikishi currently active. Shodai has the sheer physicality to make Yokozuna.

When Shodai wants to, not Takayasu, or Wakatakakage or Terunofuji can stop him.

He just... Ahh... Doesn't for do that for 10 days out of 15.

Anonymous No. 131194

>Next year's recruits will be some of the best I've ever scouted.
>One is 210cm, another is 160cm, but I'm not just looking for rikishi of unusual height. I've also recruited a rikishi who has only one arm and another who is actually a shaved panda bear wearing a mawashi.

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Anonymous No. 131199

Peak [anyone who’s made sanyaku, ever] mogs basically everyone else in makuuchi. Every tournament is won by someone who’s currently experiencing that peak.

Unfortunately, slowdai just as legitimate shodai as Hakuho killer shodai, and what he manages at his peak strength is less important than what he is able to bring to every tournament. Which, as of recent, isn’t very much.

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Anonymous No. 131205

>Every tournament is won by someone who’s currently experiencing that peak
u wot mane?

Anonymous No. 131216

After WWII, the Association tried tinkering with the match schedule formats, and from 1949-1951 every division down to jonokuchi had 15 matches per basho. What do you think about that format? Would you bring it back?

My feeling is that the 7-day schedule for toriteki has long been due for a change.

Anonymous No. 131227

Cmon man, they're unpaid. You want them to work x2 for nothing.

Anonymous No. 131232

I don't think it would matter. Very few people watch those lower divisions, anyway. They happen at 8 in the morning and there's no one in the stands.

I can see, though, how it would help the guys who get into the sekitori ranks deal with the additional wear and tear of a full schedule.

Perhaps they can scale up? Jonidan and jonokuchi stay at 7. Sandanme goes to 9, and the makushita guys fight 11 matches.

Anonymous No. 131233

I just want to say: cute Christmas Neco-arc.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 131236

I've seen this exact sequence play out a few times on here now. Any allusion made to the tribe in any way and this particular mod deletes, bans and then shrieks at the poster to kill or hang themselves.
I get that not not all 4chan is /b/, but allowing a literal Jewish Zealot to abuse mod authority to violently destroy the evil doers, seems a bit much.

Anonymous No. 131237

a schizo makes the world a better place when it destroys itself, whether by hanging or shooting, self-immolation or overdose
that is yours to decide, but it must happen tonight

Anonymous No. 131238

I didn't say anything about their pay
they all deserve a lot more than they get

Anonymous No. 131239

I think 15 matches is way too much for the lower divisions. Maybe makushita could do 15 matches. But Sandanme and down? No way. We're not even gonna mention that in order to do that each day of the basho would be 12-15 hours long trying to get through allllllll the lower divisions every single day. I think a big reason we have the 8 bout lower division rule, is that it helps get through the hundreds of hundreds of wrestlers in those lower divisions in a timely fashion.

Anonymous No. 131243

Ty anon

Anonymous No. 131252

>Perhaps they can scale up? Jonidan and jonokuchi stay at 7. Sandanme goes to 9, and the makushita guys fight 11 matches.
I like that idea.
Actually, on top of that, I think it would be interesting to have jonokuchi treated like a real division. As it works right now, it's almost a second maezumo: you can get promoted with even a 2-5 record. If they took jonokuchi results seriously, you could justify putting jonidan at 9 matches, and then sandanme at 11 and makushita at 13.

Anonymous No. 131253

>We're not even gonna mention that in order to do that each day of the basho would be 12-15 hours long trying to get through allllllll the lower divisions every single day
Counterpoint: what if it were to mean that much less fucking shikiri between bouts?

Anonymous No. 131265

